j nitro's( Pentottat THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN NORTHERN I'ENN'A. (";BASE•& ALVIN . PAY; Eiirione, Plontrose, Th triday, SOpt. 2•S; 1554. like-Isle and Star: BY GEORGE D. YRENTICE. In the tropical seas, There's a beautiful Isle, Where storms never darken" The sunlight's soft smile. There the hymn of the treeze• And the hymn of the stream Are \mingled in one, Like'sweet sound in a dream. There the song-birds at morn, From' the thick shadows start - Like musical thoughts - From the poet's full heart. There the'song E birds at moon v Sit in silenee.ynbroken,_ Like an exquiiitedieaiii 1 In the bosom unspoken. ' There the flowers hang like rainbows wildwood and lea— h.say, wilt thou dwell In that , sweet Isle with me ! ht.& depths of the sky There's a beautiful star, " Where no yew casts a shadow, The bright scenes to mar. • There the rainboNrs ne'er fade, And the dews are ne'er dry, And a chi: let of moons Ever'shines in the sky. . ,There the songs a the blest And the sonp- of the spheres Are unceasingly heard. • Through the infinite years, , .. • There the soft airs float down From the amaranth bowers, - All fresh with the perfume Of Eden's own flowers, • There truth, love and beauty. Immortal will be— ' - Oh say, wilt thou dWell • In that sweet star with mel gaithmit *ttertious. Bois Out at Night, Ihave. been an observer. as I am a sympa- thizing . lover oflboys. I like to 'see them hap py, cheerful. arid gleome. Indeed, I en. n hantly . uriderstandhow high toned usefi4 man can be the ripened Tr.uit. of a boy whb had not enjoyed a full.share of the glad privi r ileges due to youth. - ::. But while I watch with very jealous eye all rights and . customs whit+ entrench upon the proper rights ofboys„-I.any equally apprehensive lest parents who are not forethonghtful, and who have not babituated ..- themselves. to close observations upon this, subject, permit their sons indulgencies whiCh! are almost certain to result in their detuorall ization, if not in their total ruin , know of". 'none more - prominent than' that of s parentS permitting their sons to be in the street afteh nightfall. . 'lt is ruinous to their Mora* Isin all instane . - ' es. They acquireoilider the cover of nigh; 101 unhealthful istate, of .mind—,-bad, vulgar, immoral and profane language, obscene prac tices, criminal lien tirnents, and lawless and ri otous bearing. l Indeed, it is in the street of-.'. ter. nightfall that the boys principally pcgiiire . i the education o l f the bad, and capacity for becoming rowdy, dis criminal Parents should din this particular have a rigid and inflexible rule, that ,will not permit a son under any circumstane wrhatever,-- to go in the streets after nightfall with a view of en-' • I gaging iu out-of-door sports, or meet. otheil, boys fOr.sOcial Chane2..occupation. , A right rule of this kind, invariably adhered to, will soon deaden the desire for such dangerous, practicG.s.. Boys should be taught to have pleasures around the family centre table, in reading; in: conversation, and in quiet amusements. Boys, are seen in the streets after nightfall, behaving; in a manner entirely destructive of all good morals. Fathers and mothers, keep sour chil dren at home at night, and sec that you take pains to make your homes pleasant, attractive, and profitable to 'them ; and above all, with a view of their security, from future destruction, let them not become, for Ming their characters for life, so accustomed to disregard the moral sense of shame as to openly violate the Sabbath-day in street pastimes during its day or evening hours. Brevity In Prayer Sometimesueeef4 INITY. [From the Bay City -(Ohie Mirror, July 271 Au instance of the efficacy of ski - it prayer is'related in connection With the history of Wyoming Valley. An. American who had' strayed ititzthe woods beyond, the protection of the fort Was surprised by a body ofindians who had been living in. ambush. "A .6 - Image yell and a foot race resulted. 'ln his flight, the American discovered an aged man upon his knees, praying for protection from the Savage foe, and in passing pear cried out "Old feller, you'd better make that - d—ii short if yon want to save your scalp :" The old nuili profited by the suggestion by immediately pronoubeing. the "amen," and then jumping up, seized the extended hand. of his young friend; by which means they both barely escaped the tomahawk. • VASTNESS OF nn Usx.ivessc.—Prof. 'Etch cock, in one of his popular scientific works has aptly illustrated the vastness of the uni verse. Light, i although apparently visible instantaneously, really requires an apprc,;ia ble time to travel. A flash of lichtuing oc curing on earth would not be _visible on the moon till a second and a quarter afterwards,; on the sun till - eight minutes • and the planet Jupiter; when at its greatest distance from us, till fifty-two minutes ; on Uranus till two hours; on Neptune till four hours aid a quar ter; on the star of Vega, of the first Magni tude, till forty-five years •, on a star of the eight magnitude, till one hundred and eighty years; and stars of the twelth magnitude, till four; thousand years—and stars of this mag nitUde . are risible through telescopes.;.nur can we doubt that with better. instruments, stars of far less' magniincle Might be seen - so that we may confidently say that this flash of lightning Would not reach the remotest heavenly body till more than sis thousand ,yearsa period equal to that which has elapsed since man's creation. Here is iyast, ness beyond the capacity of tile - mind to" con template. • Cm incer THE STREET.—When three la dierare walling together, it is better for one to keep a little in advance of the' -other two ; than for all three to persist in maintaining an Unbroken - line. They cannot all join in conversation without talking across each oth er—a thing - that in-doors or out-of-doors, is awkward, Inconvenient, ungenteel, and should always be avoided:- Ladies .walking a breast .occuu too much of the pavement, and, there fore, Incommode the other passengers. Three young men sometimes lounge along the pave ment arrn in =v. Three - young gentlemen never do so. • "Is that the second bell I" invited a guest of a stable porter of a country tavern, - the. other day. "No tar I" exclauned the darkey, " dat am. de set.o - . nd ringin'of, de Just bell—we has but one , bell is dis house." a tilt 1115. t•, esickti,s, • ~ • - ••„. Nit*•- ,!.d'iingttle r ly 'succeinful rintiody for !he - cure .of all:Dili. diSeases"-Ctistiveneen, .Indiges- . ,J.atitidleei,Dropsy,Rheuniatisin, :era, Ghia, Ilninorn, Nervousness, s 'abilhy,lntlairmatitions,Readaelte,. in! the Breast, Side, Itack,!and .ea, iremrilei Complaints, ikc.,,i &e. icei,trery fYwtare the,disesses In Ids siiiPtugtttive bledleine Iv not siltri`n, ch Sickness and • trarring I Oarnticos but.effectual Cothgrtle I Nii iler.non can feel well While a Talifj beELIPS•it anon generate' .eaales i which 'might- haic , been .iihlic ouit lisp of a good nrge :Colds, Feverish symptoms,: and • They alt tend to becanrie or !pro. _. andlortublabla distempere_whichiload the liearsts all Oker the laud; Hew* a vetiable family ghs-s -lc is of thetirst tripoli nneu t 4 the. iiutaliii health, an t this Till has been , peh'ectlisl with consunitnate skill to meet:that demand: An extensive trial of Its 'Virtues by Phyeicians, Profrortibinhl Pallt'ute, bas ohttwo results surpassing. ' any hang ther: o known of shy tum.helna.,l, Cures have beerreffectt I btipld belief, !We're' they at Substantiated by persons of - atic I exalted 'positicin tanscharacter as to . forbid thesnaple on of w.truth I • - ' ' • ! •. Among the ma iv eminent gentlemen who have testified 'in fatorof then:, Pllll. we inliv mention : • :1 i- • . Dri A; llayea, fnalytical ilhemiat. of Boatel! and. Elate Assayer rifilitssa i ehusetta, whose high professiiinal diorite to IS endorned by the ilon. Edward Everett,henator ,:if the U.SI Robert C.'fitintbron,, Pg-Speaker of the House of • Repr .setitativesi Abbott Ls:Wrench. 31iniateryleu. to Eng land John llTitcpatrick, listh. Bishop of Boston. Also, s Dr. J I iß.ChilimS, Practical C hemist , ' of NeSt York Cite, endo . . A ed by Ilan. . 1,. ?thirty, Sod:iter, of tEate•, Win. B. A i tor, l th richest. man' Itt -1 merles.; S. Leland k Co., ! Proprietors Of the 'Metropolitan llotel, and others. ' - I ' Did space permit we coati ItiVe mMay htimirthl cortiflef. t 6, fromlall parte where the Pills have hems useat,but evith•nee evenimore convincing than the egprienee of eminent, Imb lie men to forma in their effeiits upnh trial. ••! These PHIS, the result of long inveritlgatiOn and.study, . are offered to the public I.a ;the beat and! Most complete which the present state 'of Medical Hence -can afford.— They' armeontpounded not of the drags theniselv, tut of I the medicinal virt uolonly of Vegetable zenteilielt, ext ete.l 1 by chemical Proecesin.a state ofpnvity. and ieombined to -1 gethnr in such a Tanner ais to insure the best results Thin . / system of composition for mtdi b cinea han.een funud in the CheriyPertoralitod Pitts,b4, to produce a ':tore efficient . remedy Own hail ititherti. be obtained by any prow-as.— I The Season is partectly obvions. While by .the old 'mode ( of consposition. every medicine Is !burdened with more cr lees id acrimonious and ihjOrions rinalities,, by, this etch iiniiiiillialsrittoe only that is desired ler the curative cfreet, inn:taint. -All the inert'and'ohnexione qualtticaof each substance embloyed are left:behind, the curative virtues onlylheing retained ! . Ilenep it la:self:es Ilene ;Lie effects . ehouddhrlr os they have pkoved•imere purely re:ill:d i / , and the Pi l's aure ' r more; pm:et:lnt antidote to dla an thanlany otherinediglne known to the world: - : Aait is frequent Pylespiraleht that any lacdicine'shimid be taken under the connsel of 40 atteitdinz Physician, and as I he could not Properly judge of a remedy Without knowing I Ito: corepositiow. I have imptilied the: accurate'FOnnute by 1. which both my Pectoral an Pills 'are made o the whole body. of. Practitioner- in the -United.; State. and British Ain rican W provinces., If hocrer there ahould be any one: who pas net received them . , they will tie proin tly ferward , ed b mall to 14s address. ; i, oalt the Patent Medibities that tire' odiced. how few I wo od he taken It their rroxiipek•itioii was 2,11i1V:I: "Thcii 1 lifegeoniiale in their kilysterst. I has e on no eterles, \ , I • Theemvpositiehroffiey preparation's is laid op rut! to all I meM;and all who avelcompeient tO judge on the subject • I ' free& o..owledza their PA Tiictioni. of their Intrinite Met; I It. prhe.,berryPictural wan. pronounc. 4by ecientlin men li to t. a iSonderfill nipoirin . fi b fhrs its effects' Were iiewiti f 1 -Man!,y enFinent Physicians ha k e deelared the sante t dog of , my +ll4 and even ;more e , l fidently, and are wiiliiig to 1 eert y that their antielpatio're4 were'niore than realized by Abet ellictearpontrial. i 1 if Tley op'erate ! by their powtninl Influence on'the internal 1 t vise. re totputify the blood arid stimulate it ihtO 'realty lie. ... 1 Sianremove the obstrnetions of the stomach, bowels. !le i er. col other organs •of the body . restoring their irregular i acti in,tolii . ialt t, and by correcting, wherever they exist: ,' inch ilt ravorx cuts AA Aria the nrac origin of diaease. i B in:: sinirar• rapped they' fro pier:sant to' take, and be: inn inrel# veg, .trble, no huStri can arise from their ace In. • any gminil .y. 1 • • , : ! F r mime. e i trectione. seelwrapfier on the Rog. i - P epared hyJANI-Illg C. AYER, Prnctlcal and Analytical l i : Clic ial,-ht,wc 1,. ...., Lh.E 3. Prlee 2.. opts per Ilmr. file Box eel' r 41.11 ' - i . Si , Lt. liT A :Torrell. Montrose- lit. T. tR. IL 'Thaton, . Dar ord : ;Cli s & dirliinutl.,. Ruhdtti; L. Scott, Great I Ben.. BY: ,i! ' 1 D , '.o , ts a;MI Dmilers in fthdicindocery- Iwh e. I : .• r1 llept.il:l--rtnte pi • . .. I I STS. Ai . l isuiiteuiii:AriNA icon .t tOIZ . AND TIN WARE DEPOT. 1 . 14 1 WEBSTEiIt if CO. would respectfully Le intomi the people of this .county. ands the ,itle in goaerai, that they have upened arVestab ,tnentlof "thelatioire hind iu Montrose, at-the old ad:of FSayrc cud° llabster, one door north of bx,aberat °rake' %Nl:ere: they intend to koep.en i,d a and abrorluient of Stoves Tin, Copper, les and Sheet Iron' Warei; all of Which 'they trill as elitmp ar-tlreY can be bought in this or any r eel:pity. Among our slot C 6 may be found the .txing be3ides elitists' lee numerous to mention: X. Y. 4. Ele,air-tiiht, for wood., ,-11fotlern Vr9y i \ " - " or coal. 111:16!o'ne State 1 1',"rtfran i ' " - . nay Stale, 1 . , ~“ • a .foret itlucCn, clerated Ocen.l.' Arn - !,,urk,': 1.. I .I ` . ' • . . Pallor; Office and hop Stoves ; Culver's Pat e lot- l air Furuncs for Itething Pablic Buildings, il t l 7 lsilClStoreTrin T '''Pipe7 t,edLead• iipe,Well. tnesterni...: l in Pups , Chaihs and Gesring. ' . • 11.1'411kifids of 7tistolo Work tione on,shortno, lice and most reasonable terms. Ou'r inotkois small ,procits,ri!ady pay, and quick returns. *4 4 A-iIk:DOE of Produce at ken 113 exchange fer Wares. if you don't believe it, call and see. ! • I ; • I "A.; L. WEBSTER JeCO. I .- 'Montrose Sept. 15,.1953. • , ; i• ''.; i. • ~ i-• -NowLtp . nng Goods. /1 ,- i l 13VRR1T17, is now receiving , his' usual st supplies (di Spring Goods, which will be' Pout dupusaally large 'apd. attractive, including a sup ri it assortment of 'Ladies Dress Guilds,, in . Silks, ,Berates, B...r i atre Delaues, Lawns, PoplinS, Cha i 'llie_s„ flinghauf &c.. &e. lltmtillits,• Silk Shalwls; Silk Strati. and French I..ace; Bonnets, Ronnet : Irbbons, "Plovers, Paraiols, 3&.0.,` .c:, togtither v. ith r lalge vari`etv of other Fahey and Staple ods, including - cloths. G,tsinieres, Boos hn Shoes, , iWall Paper, Carpetirm. Gro ern, Ci. I:ery, Hard' Ware, • Iron and ' Nails, Dru is, 0111,an& Paints, Cooking, and'; Parlor Sto%q , s, pt !o grind Stones; Pioughs &c*.e., all , of which i ll! be, sold on tecms s to snit the closest buy rs-for leash or approved ered4, ' \ N w M . . cord, Muy' Bth, 1i3,54. - ' : . ' ' 1 ' ' Alr cut 'tor she - Ch t ' A m NEW GOODS. .• ,- . MILAN & PARK return their grateful ciwledgm , ..Lits to the pablie - for pastla= vita attention toi the v,•ry :large stock .ring; land Surniner Goods they are now re. ng, arid offer fur sale at rery ,low pn'cei. In ibnitn their usual assortment of ,staple Dry i. Oroeeries,: Hardware Crockery,• Paints, Othr &e., they;areprepa;el to exhibit a large •rtmOnt of : '. • • , • • LADIES DRESS GOODS - ter}Aeseripticin, Figured, ,Pinid and Plain, Bon n,ets.Sha'svis, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery ; s a',un'. l 7,llissei shoes of all , kinds—also' a li St4s of • •;" ' , ' ... •READYHMADE CLOTHING, 1 \ L s, Cassimeres, Tweeds' leans, ! Summer Ls, VestingF4 Hats an Caps; Boots and '1 ••1 ey respectfully 'solicit n early call :from •t, who. wish 1.0, purchase GOOD GOOD/ AT PEICES. 1- , ' \ , . ' • i ,:yeAIILLAN & PARK. , ringville, Mai,- 2;4854. - _ 1 , • ± _ co -1 of S' cell, addi Gool and assn' of e Silk Lad larg Clot Clot Sho: ' . 10 W GOOpS .i I. 1 ' i t the ll,peonviliel Exchange. 86bscrrr heieby inforriii his friends (com Prism 'the pUblic g "nenilly) thsehe is now T- . i 1 / i _ F , replenishing his stock o Goods, and tis of fer i g superior iin4oceinents f r them to porebase of Win, tbn-eby keeping their apital, as well as delatheirtraCcing at home4 rn among his Stock May .he found a reneral assorEeut of DrYGOckda Gro eries, c roilli'ery,i Hard Ware, -Paints, 'Oils, lloyc • ; Boots-rind,' hoes,.l - latSr i and caps, wall Mid .). win ow . paper, Cl ' Othing - , Trunks, Yankee notions •SA::., all of which he w'ill be ..happy to exchange for ,ny kiodi of firmer ' s produce at the - .highest prieca, eash, or k,A;od credit. , , . Also he wimts all Who hapii accounts of , over' six \tinOntha standing to call and settle Ahem '013,04 before the first ofPebl 1,854,'1ind all whe intend 14 p r y in grain are requested-to'bring it aloe as, soo as convenient. 1 .!. _3. L. - MERRIMAX. .:1 ANTED toth a ire 'good Blac.listnifh; One wh'understands allbrMiChes of the , trado - .and .: can . come Well reihmMended for sobriety add in:, dnstry: can Obtain fair iwiges by 'calling r On'the 1 subscriber soon at Upsonville,Ta. 1 I I 1 YosErn L.,lllEnnnw4n. ‘. Ifn.'2, 1854 i ., f 0 •!‘i N • , . 1 . t I, I " lotiir Sash: , ,iL D. SA,Yitg tuning been appeitited ,l agents for au eiteU - siie Bash, Blioit sad r Manufactory'are Prepared to, fond* any ,lei in this line at f;aBrates than they have Aly been , sold: 4/Y 2tt• tßEArtt—' ~.~_ ~: i i articler . which'ry, utan'sitould try.\for le by & D.BAYRE. ! • uly 24. L i I I, New . Ypelfl, Fire Iwourant • OPT, 9 Wall Sired. CAPITAIL I Ori Cash ao 1 Approved • • - , • Insides against Loss or Damaqe y Fir". ntiiEtrroixs.—A. D.Stebblns,ll3 ItroadStre - et; ' Peter,O. liiiker,ll ; spruce street; Girard . Humber, I IS. Broadway;' Ttaonieti Andrews, 130 Cedar sheet; Samuel South Mald, 3::7 .%Vest - street ; Albert I‘. -Corti:tin ,810 Oreetswichstre.et ;Jaines, l- Orosby,n3 Broadway ;aeries Lent; Riot sbrid;e,N .Y.• LanibertV: nail, ehlcogo, ill.; t Sznitk Hobble,. Ittn.4. , Leland New .yo kr,[reter R. it n/geb otenank: street; Staates S r Dell, co . West and LrOght strbets ;John I...D•im. TS Filerstreet ; D. Van Wart,lllBoroadwayi; Horatio N. Onllap, maj.. West and. Barrow streets; II 'Peter .Poste lo r, ear. Car° rt and West;, Reuben Ross, :tr„ 4S RieS lAvenue, Sleph:enVromwell, Camden, ?6. J.; MIAs. WaJleleh, Philsdelphl?%; Dexter C. 1 Britten, Water 'street; Samuel Sinclair,Trbone Rolla- Imp; Sam pelf. Shaw, Clerelsod, Ohio I I ROYAL CHAMBER, CHARLES L. t.l4ltßp. sei.y. ClimiLts L. BROWN, Agent. Hentrosit, Sep t. 6, 1953 Milt Undersigned have. estiblishe I. the basetnencof Mr. Sayre's Sto trot, here they will at all times keg' i l i. Fo itirtand POMFSTIC MAnnr.E, and tr4l the ;mne into 'Monument% Tomb-etor to !, &ei, &e. 7 ., : I sil-T The patroltazeof the pnhlic is i so) o iled ; •. : -CONGDON & "' Montrose, Atli .25, I S.s3—tf: 'CARBONDALE STAGE S . .- 1.- ! ' . .c..Lice - - - i‘• lije . i 0 ,10 0 )1, V„,- -0. _ ...,,...,...•7pr- -•-:"_-t- --.-. - Subscribers are runuiti g . a t,t .tu,'"ges bet ! Carbombile and liopbottom po the Lackawanna and:Western Rail Distance 2O miles. Leave Carbondale in. arid connect with the cara I .•ltetuilning, leave on the arrival of the aiu fro tile, Great lidnd. The nearest ireetnnitcheapest route from Great Bend pcindatei ! PasSengers by this line nlWay3 Carboildale earlier in the evening, than ier reufei ieccipte4 in Carbondale at the Store of rb6cribe64 Main street, afew . blocks below rile BE NN & CO. importilA otii foliberi? of Fore;y . it used • • i • 7 1 / l eMiC. Il GOids. , • r •41 or).- STREET, NEW 'l .- ORK 7 1 - 1, 7 6111.. D iOlte the attention of mereha ils , ituti-inhna and' adjoining Count their stock whio will be foundlarge and d blo at all seasons of the year, eimsistiag ii of Cloth's, Casinneres and Vestings, Jenn i TweedO, with 01 the best and ell.knov. - ri Of fast - eoleredrints. • . Also,:,Dre's-sCoods, White and Linen t: Alsc4Breehk , ', lon l ,g l and square sliawbz, mere . nod Sitk'iShavtiiii, together ‘vith Fancy Goods.i 1 • • Prompt attention - it:-IrtittMZEn.c - HOVE 3J• . ._ „.,, (FOO L kERY 47 ' LUS iC I ' re eb F:,.) LT ra:AT RIND, p. 4.. • • • i - rtiE 'subseriber, having rented this . we kno.A.:l .1 hoitse, and Ire-fitted and re-furnishetrin. good style; hi:nosy prepared -to receive and. entertain i guests::' This house is delightfully situated (in I the.banks of the Susquehanna river,, on the line I of the.l 4 lew York and ,Firie, and the I/claw:l.-e,', Lacku4nna and Western Railroads: -overlooking- i a-mostiheatitiftll section lof -country. and is the • - panorm of Scenery unequalled anywhere. - i As' 41 , ummFit RESORT for the business man seeking quiet-And' freedom from the noise and din of c tv life,kmd for ladies and g,entleMen in., pursuit, of Ple4tire amid the rural scenery of the' i country this . kicatioir cannot be equalled. Here i the , keary travtiller - is secure-from' the Confusion 1 incident to the continual arrival and departuce of trains, 'rhieh, 4speciallY in the, night . time is - a , very great aneovance to those stopping at honse:s i very :near the g.epet. . . - . Ills ilocus at-o new, pleasant and well furnish- i ed.. hi - Tableiwith all the delieacies,'which betki country and city markets afford; and no pain'' will bei spared! to !flake - his : hou se a pleasant home ,r \ o all his guests. • /I ..,-..41, '1 , : ~ . ii,n,i , i vt. - gsrS:l.will lie conveyed to ane..,irezil tile ears, ',at . any hfitr . .11:y 'or night; in A good Om idi,Lo s i free etZ. : lial ge l I ~ ' . . ' 1 .. . ' MI A 12 - ...1 , #..5. SrAst. i s attached to tile 'HonSe, , . • , , , . CZE=3 I • .N. V. CAM'ENTER Gr , e4 BendOune 91111,185:37.2titf. Gn at Eicitement - .AVON-9 THE " E.SONV-NOTI.iING:S.7 !rf s '2 . til! SlegMrZ TAT r. 7 -19 do • 1 ‘ ) V* the I'4o that W. B. Deans has taken and . 1) still tiering soinvery beautiful and lire. lilre DiGUF.BAE`OTYPI::S, never was a secret and h6i,has•nci i desire - la mtilia it one now. , He has just Ipurdiased a splendid assortMent of Gidd"Lockts, Pins, Kes, Ste, and in his se= le'etiOri. of theitaleJt patterns of"pain and farrey styles cases] ho trusts there ,•I",s. nothing lack, lug. I He knoWsnlit what . he can say,• - or -what he need!frir say teen than has already ~been said, to lnduCtiyou to ! come to his Gallery, and bring your!V i iends With - you. You have all-eLperierrc, ed sOmething_ of the satisfaction afforded in gaz, ing rirr'the faithful -picture' of.aa_absent friend.; and iorne of y.rr have known.; the sad pl9sure • tieriJe from ',Possessing the likeness of- - some loved Erie who! has been laid beneath. the church yard Mound, abd felt that ,• -• • ilt o prk could lake from you . A m4mento so Cherish'ed, . • For hrio,.• sacred the shadow 'Since:Abe substance has perished. , But ydu, perehance have friends still •with.you •whoSeTicture4 you' have not secured. if so, make It the btsiness of to.day, to-morrow may he to late. IMprove the opportunity while it, is your'S-I—whilei the roses of health bipom on the cheeir,'ereyetithe mildew of diseaseshall blight .and blanch ybrir treasure, and death rob you of bOthit.and.itslinag,C. Picturei taken in clear or cloudy:weather. Prices, from 75. - ets. to $15,06. Odd Felluur.''s Hall, Montrose, ll'ay \24, 1854 • .!:Stores.: Stores StoviNs r i fIHE Siire and YellOw Lear seminds us • that the fast apptpach of the keen Frosts of Old Grey Winter, when one of these,uniur passable and highly approved Stoves from the most iextensisie 31anufactOries in the Union, hiessrs.'Sheal& Packard, become indispensable to every family. We would respectfully announce to the citizens of Stisquelutnna and adjoining counties that :tee have • just received and are re ceivitie and best assortment of Stoves ever i ntroduced into Eastern Pennsylvania; which will 'be soldrl.the very lowest cash figure. To tho;bl'who are: in want of Stoves they will find it to thOr irt4reWto call and examine our variety befoli purchaking elsewhere. They comprise in part as . • , Grafted Stat'es, oriental Parlor, Eartern Qiieen E. 0., 'Venetian, da Fivie Clipp..llr 'E. 0., Fancy . do. Nafionat Air,Tiglit E. o. s Irving do ISOning Star „ Cottage; • do FOmers' Air.- Tight,'• cte., - The above Stoves are too well ktMwri to se quira'any oriiinte description, being the 'most popular and approvM Stove in market. All who may Pivor us with v call will be shown through our' assortment 'with pleasure. "Ilteeolleet the number"—Ealves far famed "One Price Store." • Harford, Pad, 5ept.,1853.;--3,5 •I- , “SoinethOige Can be d9n•Sits . well = others.”, THE subsiribee having rented- the Chair - Manufactory of A. W.Greenwood,in HarfOrd; is preOred to manufacture ALL !lUDS OF CHAIRS, at redieedpriges, of good materials, and In en perintit3le ofi.Workmahohip. I keep - eNultlinlY on band, ar.will manufacture to, soler. &kcal /eotfier4 (intrroreil net kinds ' • Faka and _Windsor Chairs,, Fla* Seats, 'Seitces, &c. aT ill work warranted to give satisfaction for five yeari. * li b %Drell eatable _Po:alter, will , tie taken 4n ex ,chang4 fCtr work,but ,NO CREDIT'! JAMES JOHI4STON. Raiford ; Dee 2,18.53-1 y - - $5OO 000 7.fir AMAX SHOP. GROW & BROTHERS 1842.-tf. > orders. . . 4v1,1 chan-re.•i Nan ESTABIRMENT. • e Co. ecuritica.) • Ni - . -1* :The 0118 Price Store. ,GoOrk'S AT LOWS rnfcEs, AND; rog E EADi VAT.' IHE4ersi.4iert havirtgai4oriated themitelves s tegetlitrin - (he Mercantila busfness, arC now prerhircif: to otter to. the nablie, a very de6rabte i' sloe!: of goods ; lit.ing in taain. of • ' 1 Dry Goods,lant . Ready inaile Clothing, , f • Hats, Caps and' Straw Goods ' • t . i., , i. • . . Books taiahery, o . Bok and 8 . Diets and tilines, 1 - , '• Grecarie4;\ • • Yankee Notions, &.C•: all of 'which, 'li s ve been. Anticha: card, and we : are satisfied; lean those, who mayTaver.tis With a\ • t : tre Pry tioos de•partirient yeti complete o 4nsisting of 411 t' of 1 - , •i ' ' - IN, Pres ' LADIES DRESS:GOODS. Sill, rich brocadk, plaid and Striped, black,: dress and: idantila Silks, very rkh, ;high lustre, and at cheiip rates: • . ; . striped Detail; plaid Barage do.,..satmstnpe Chdllis, printed Lawns, Pelllilts, DeDago,, plaid and printed Jae nets, in great varieties, 'iwhielf we are bound WI sell at a loiti figure. .; (.17inghatits,-a;. hadsomo iissorttnent,LF-Prints,- all the leading : ;,styles, Alorrunack, Coctiecoes, Atkins, Sprague, SK., very, pretty styles.; Dress trimmitigs—of the !desirable styles" and shades-4 Black silk Lace, Dress, buttons', black VelVetßibbons, bilk and wori,sted Braids, in great varlet', • • ! ; White Gooils.;'i-,SWiO, - .1n4bet,.Nnu0 , ,:4 Cam- Bishops_Lawn, and Souk 31u`5.1;na 1 P1. , .id runbrick M 051413, dO4t.ql.!:stVizid 3111Siii13,i7 r ortled "skirt-q, Irish Ein4rt, Can:brick! Haadkerehie l fs„&e., &M, French. Needle Work,tSwiss and beonet Edgings, and Inliertingr., mitton, linen and ithread lace do. Flouncing, Indies fashionahl e,C. t. tes; Sleeves, Collars, Biumets &e., thel:rgest as sortment in Tudtt, and at t.ery •luw: prices. . - Barege tor 'ralls; inigretia, 17 blue; and brown, imp: Black lace Val:l.'s c. : - • pain 11111 . Glor--q.ntli . e§ and Gents, large al ft? assort- 'pent, of the: es. i • •- trt c) 11;1s. long aqd short, Blai:k; 2..folia!r arid slik. !ir;l:tek,' - wh4e and colors. ; Lisle %Still. thrpal, and eaCtlo• F t 111'4 tine assortinent for; adies; Gents 1.. and children. !: • Any,l .I , ?ibboiris,--L,:t tit , . t) assortment fur lionnets, also V1: 1' .1 satin and lutestring, in all, widths, and every col- tim on tii Domes6, , i) , ,,is.—Sheetinfzs, Mc:idled and oh bleitelied utusliriy, Tic:zing; 1 ra.h, Diapei-,C, Tabl e ~„,,„ Colers, and Nalikins, and iu fact, all the desirable (Xpartment. i •!- .Nhatris.s.-PriatedDi.dant. French pr Mud wool, p . 13,1. printed cashmere, Brodie, Black silk, tine stofdt of theta. Ladies :31W:4 e ' ' of every d6serli - pik.n, at on Ii c'(..s4 Boy's, 3ll4ses, and ehiidrens sloes, in great -. variety% • Gent_:; 'Boots, c(iarsti and finci. • - .• lIJTS CAPS A.D . STRAW GOOD.S. We, have'a very tine stock of Hats un.l Cap s , 11 -• Canada Straws .Pa nt 51 rlica lio, Bound CantOt, "Leghorn,. ;Cassituere. for t ee inthmer wear, which are very desirable, and se! - P ' ling Cheap.: -;; A gocd assOrtment of tidies Bonnets, hisses rep and childrcna Flats, Hats, &e. tile r • READY.M A DV; 'CI OTT ITN G. • ;unit In this branch of It-e . .c:inot fti! 11.1 z to Onr stock of Clothing is ter}' extensive. and well made up, in laid and .. th.ii..-ableistyles, would our fri'ends nay thing in - th!'s line, to, ffive . us a call. Gen- ni .tletiwas furnishing Geothi,jol. every desliption. • s„. \ large stock' of 1' Wall andi80rd....04.7,. • t h e Books, Stationery and Yntd:o:c Notions, in great pi l l ;variety. ;?. • ' • i Vitt Oroceries4-Teas, Orcenand Black - , very choice Sly and:fresh, at low priees. ; by e.!nti.Pq.—Superior St. Domingo. rind Rio. A relic lie:tatifulartiOb of Brown and- White Sugars, ing, CHEAP. 3fdla.sses, Spices, • S4ap, Lainp &c. &c. very Superiei e'lei of cavendiddi Tobiree6, ; at-2-3 eta: pct. lb. !. We are in the store formerly oecupiedby La; tin 2 p? SaliApry, and Wore recentl.y,'hy Geo. • Ifu:lier, kippusito ?....zaarie's Hotel. We wtitild be ‘'.e!!%. see our 'frlends,; at the . ONt: mica s-fortE, and hopti tit merit our sb r are of the public pri4nage, by g4iml attention, and low pritte::. • ! • !•• • •• 1 G. &LW. H. ;FULLER. Montrose. April 19, 185,4. . ;Qiin:7A! n'esid * 44„!pot, I • = 1 .1 •;- , rpliiS new nild bpac 4)11.4 situated but, Al a fey feet from the Deppt. at'Great Bbnd, is note oliened and furnishud! in a suitable style for 'limit), and will be...kept open. at all h.ours, - (both day and ni , .cht„) for the reception of travellers ; and 'espeCially ,for the aecommixtation ofkisseng,ers-travelling on; the' N. Y. &.„ aria & W. IL:ill-Oils, being tit the junction of these till> reads, and:the tao:.t chnveMent poirittotitep in and take refreshments and be Oltwith the-first train, as wen as the most Convenient house to ae eommodate the; public, it iS NEW CLEAN and WHOLESO3I:EI ;with roians enaugh to iiecom. mcidate ALL, being fitted up with : new . frirniture tcorrespond,drid-tables ways set, with w - .la - A . EIkLS . 4r)tt luxuries furni-dicli. at a moments warping : V - . Passengers desiring rest and • sleep, can, h Y icalling here, avoid the inconvenience-of taking anlomnibus to : tad an inn., as well as the delay, arid- uricertaiatqf returning-to the depot at the serLvai er:ilefe re of theyrains; as a poiter will boo tin wiiitingto conduct them with their bitggage t,3 the 'Bryant House, "Just across the w 4, 7, and conduct them batik again' without fee or reWard, taking-special dare to Wake them it desired at any hour of the night. •, , 1- The location; of the" Bryant - House, with the natural scenery about it, combine to make it a very desirabIe'SWIMERBESQRT for husideS.s 'Men and- bthers in the city . who may Wish to - "Cast 'oir earelfor a 'few Hays 'to recruit] in 'the Country. . .1 • A Large and Commrxlious . 11a111 tin Filed to lhis•beilding for the conr i onience yleasure.Paarrns, whip may always find' good accommodations here, without regard to;numbers with warm stables for their:teams, 'and reliable help to wait upon thew. • 'i. 4J For further particulars inituire ; at the Bryant Elons&Ofthe proprietor. i- ADDISON BRYANT t . I;eb. 1953-ritf. --its- :1 a shop in e,in Mon k) on hand fanniact,m7e 3es, Table ] lospectfully I its in cs i l l () esi part and ty I es 1 fitore4: Siovt4l: . : Stoves! !•1 , rrHE sUbsetiber Wishi.Sto call the att.?' ;" his frien4 and the: Public to hi 4 vei tisiiortment of; . • STOVES, nt his new Sthre Room in LOdetSiille Ineit, to S.,benheint.'S S . tore, 'and near the Great Rend I)ipot. He has in addition to his ,Tarincir large ti.ti;rletr of Coking and - Parlor. Stoves, miiey hew ! lltterns, soma of which I St, Nithacts • Pentfi ..71ratrlti ' fire Fly Atodcin Tror JP • 'ck, ,g, 3fohuick,.. Medaltiim, Brack Warrdr, Orient., Oak,hick •• • r; • Eg! .. l B . tove, : to,gether with his former stock !will' be irhaps the mast extenaiVe and haried - ass j ortMent r 'well selected Stoves hi the County. I . jr * * Clinton ;Stoves w Il_furnishedt r . prices. Irir All articles in his line Icept._On hand and fade to ordcwq 118 and orders received at his , id stared , in Great Bend. JOHN COLSi t i'EN. ILodersville.'& Great-Bend N0v.,•1853.1—tf. • Anstraliai:Califor*ia,l Or anyplace qn the Gloe,cannot present i greater induceriepts than i• KEEtER. 4. .BTODDARD'S 11300't AND kIOE StOit.E. 'HICH iii till*id with a new and esteu. IV V siye: assortment ;of articles in their eMbracing a general variety. l'or new !ill' elegant Ladi'es'and .Gentlemen's Rear among which are Ladies Freacii, Silk Laitkag. ud Pre. pi Gaiters f and peameled Polkas, tid Pfir !zit leather and ',bronzed' Jenny Linds, IBuskins and Ties; gentleriten's 'French and Philadelphia oak-tanned calf shin and` Boots C'ori*eis and * bitten GaitersrMOnterey and Washington Boots, toilet Slips, Meeace o , 'calf. and • Oawhiiie Bre: gine, &e. .434 s hip, calf and cowhide ItOots.and Brogans; all kinds of-Misses and Children's wear. Also, a generat assbitMent of Findingal, which con sist. in part ot hurts. pegs, sparablesi Hungarian nails,tacks, attend.. wax, Bristles; shoe binding, 'awls, rasps,. Sandstonels, shoe knives, T Stc: Also, oak and tsulloo tanned calf upper and soleleath er, Morocco sttine and, Work made to order and repairin g n . e a tty ( ki te . 1 REELER STODDARD. ;Montrose, j3ine I. 19.53. ._ . 7 . ~ ..- . 1 . . ~ ii. ~ 1 .{ " Illan,.,ll.notv.....Thyse . !. . 1 , API. nraltitablellook for 24 lernit—" - Every ft(mily..shiruld-: i haven corm!.. •S . '.. • . ; : 1 100.000 t3-QPIEi SOLD! IN N\•'.' • • t i i , , , . k •,,,,..• i n . ' ,h; y 4,5„ VESS TITAN A lili.fkit. A new k:' tol'ent.i.;-',,,'...; 4•lltitin, revised arid Improve-4, s' .- , thl!rsA,: just issues,. : ' .1 • /..,:',4 . 4..v —1 avvr,7 ..7 ) :,..• -.. I Di. 11untee's 3lreiteal manual .....7 .- /... - tflverwc,,,,_,A.V---. and hand Book f ort ie afflicted— ' - .??.'str,rz ; , /i , d'it s. : , -Z- ciontainiv, an:outline of the; oris - ... - ---r, .---ets , -- , .... -::-..,,, ;Kin, Progeratt,treatinent mule are - ''' 4 ~"/ , !,:i •,--• ' `s' s qf everv t !forl'n ef itireace eon ' ' •-, 'ill , :!,!:',.\\\l .- . -- trertud - by pt : rute t-uous realist. triteroime, , Li Self oblige 4uhfeez nal tr,:teetisi with advice for t tear prevention; written in a' familiar style, avebling all miles' t.4lriirallties,enet everything thatlwould offend the ar of .1,.e1 - ., - y; sett!, en outline-a con-pl!sints incident ri . I .: to I' quell eti,-. trout the , r.-sul . t. , of some twedtY 3;01 re , suebess ful t restive, exelitsivelr detoted to tips nitre of disease. of a` deli. ate et orb ate tot ute,l, .. • . 'I 'Oriel/ Is added rerelpts (nettle milt oft! e shove ells- east- ~ I and a treiitiseoidttlr . ettueee,symptom . end cure of tbA . , ever and AMP.: ' . ! . •r . 1 ili itimolty'n r . , he ,i , i .„„r, e ,;., r 0 ri)b.. Writ-a in I, , rtsn . erolir,- - -. i i Ph /'r rai;;,ift—'' 0 fi.: fie - NTT:ft 't-1 311tti fttA li I SlANllht,'' I —'II e hothoy o; ,hid work;, unlike tilt' , tir.4,3nt ~ city or th ,,, , who udyertb-e,to cur: the.elireasiveiT ufdel it ti•exttele'a grad unt" rt one of the hilt Collages ie.' the d i tndirdBttlfdl. i it-a onde inOpleat.itru. tori-eottinitlid hint tbithe rlnfortits nat ; or to the -c.irt-itn.Of molpr:ietic,e, as : a sitrees.t.ful,and ptienqad pract i thtner; in whose ,houor Ind itategrity th may place the greatest conlidenee. . - .1 , - s 'e.* ‘t\l i . • . , Jos? 8. LONGaliOlO3, l'il x), r,,:iii, : i li'ise Ewan ),AI.;D ~pjr Penn ,I.Tniti . ersity. d'biin- ileli4a.—lt gives me pleasure ty add my , testimony to, the I prof -ssionedability of the {culthdr of the , " fiErntr at. 14tAx- t;A I. " Numerous cases rf Dir,es sr of the Octitei•Org'eng, erme of them orlon; 'ateadilut, have row. I kfride:-_rey-, Wo.. tire, in whirls hisa!tlll be I been !roinites.t in re-toeing to i l ' perfect health, ir: itxr. c . ,-,121 , ,, tcht.re the TotietO I•as been • eon hjtered beyond ra:Alleaf ..:I'. in the irwitment fetfeni foal Avenktiess,' or disekhgrigetinclet of-tho ;inc.:ens pro duced by %elf chore or Eigeate :or veneo, I Ito not linty/ his iiies-t3r in Ilse prisfe. - .1 . 0.n. I htite„ Leoi arquainted I with' the Anditer some thirty yea re, • and' dretn It 'no :more .I thin. jugtiee 1.) him as welt tts Itindue.7.s to lint nnfortunate tlidi co rf early indiscretion, to reelnuni . ..tel dint 0.4 erne in who ; e. I - rote:gimlet rhilE and integrity.they may PINY' 6 0 ,,10,, c,,..1,,,,,. '.‘A ',Fit r, ti 17t..b01,'IVAII D, M.O. i a ,''. "(lii- .unseat: earepticn, the uto 't rid econpietisive I ndintelit,l-141 , -; work phidistted cu . the 'et t 4.1 of direaSe of i whiilii it treat..A .,,, o•Oin;r, eil teehnie.ll iterttA, it addrers"- 1 Cal:Telt to the reasoti of its readers ft ig.!frz , front all obj.tthinahle matter: anti,-no parent liervet'..er is - O I dious, can bldert to , p Iscinz it' in the hands of his sour. 'rip au- I thor has devoted ninny year.l to the treatment 'of the . 'ad- Out omplrints treated of,!and, with too little Ipmath • o 1\ puff and too' lltt le presungptiOn te, itapu,; , .. in has ottered toll et w 0.1.1, ut the itierely l uomiltat pritt orr., rerit...., thel fluiti‘of b nme t.... - -nt y'earr mn.t sure,'-Ssfu pral;tice.t , itcgt id. , "1;4 tear-het...or pai , ut should be s i Octant the k.4towteilge ,:- rted;r tkigiuraltishlii ircrk• • It IttitlFF; ...att.; :,. enrs of t sa. / .-- .rtifd-,ation etill-ker4.la, cu the youth UDT.I. their ' -1.1--,,P,capic i t Arirocule, - resity tea din eterzywan in Ohio, writing of 1 l'''' 11 " 01 nalill'll" , gake :.-"Thew4and npot; 'iii..l nor 'youth, by tvii ...tntnpin ,:tryi.' iniluend Otis; have beet, tel itito the hallit.':of self t y y et re..ii tin .; ciw sia - tii.o.l hiarft.i rOnstititene, isel 'r es .ind their posterity. The eon rtittitions, Iml,r, sre lis.nz faraiiii't have la..in enfeeble utt down..an I tiny do hot know thi. eatile or he u Ihint 1:lat. oho lie doiie 1 , 0 to ertii,;lii en and rillu c t.n r c e e tOilie mina_ v.; to eheek4lnd ultimo 6-Iy,ito me love this :Treed ',..111, - . , or fill Iliall eretellednessi wonid - roefer reatest ;.1.,-;4n , s,in4-::tiotiv. rolhsioti 01 '.1...,5117, Christ, if. pre.rent and eiiii3i oz. , treneratiea. 1 - Int.-nue-Iran ce Cur ':cis' tel iiio ii ,,, linz .Irfilo , ) though it lia ti s sla thou:- 11 I.r, , tt ~n ti.osan di , is not 0 AClC.t.t , r nrou.r.7” t i the It it -1 ::s., 'A..cl.pt my ilqnks on le-half dr th o i:li r o,d, ell. v.- time, yi.ar o".:worker in the 1;004 work you' are fvely r:tzt, - ... eol in.!! . ! ' , i' 1 , 'an." ( , -'U'lir , i l V,. P nvel , il ,,, l) will he foiymrded. free of, ::.‘. to ,'.. V Flirt rIttl:ol !init.,' stae o 's f0r.2.5 rootpii - , .or ',rise tor .-:,... I . A -14.44. (twist. PAid). CIiSDE.N &,.. CO., i , .11.1.. or Cox 1!1.1:1.1r...a1t-lphiii.. ' 1 D•i,,L'e eativagia.r.; au a . Doik.AILV•II t C st:pi.livil . I e run-t liberd t , 411L4'.1 i , _'4yl , rent edit. :and' ~•1~es, _ . Itrzalids i) flPenri . sylvi , riia ~- - . ,- , . our a•tention 'talus - gently invited to a careful. • and es; utlid perusel of something;tliat has just introduced into- four rich °ad.., time honored , . . _ . rlrr.ntaqter's hided illt:ctreci.'ulfi:lc chains. 1 new and no..sel mode o f applyitig a powerful -.dial agent. se, conStructed as to lici . t . worututder iarmen:s, net: to the skin prOdUeill a COLIFLIIIit terrupted cur ,eit Col Electro Magitotisns, effect- . thruediate rel 44 from the Most acnte pain t and a permanent flare of all Neiyous pisenses. . It pm lies failed to furnish almost instant "relief, la Dual, perm:Paeaten re, by lieinq used accord c; dirta.ltions;tt, the!.following diseases, --. Rheti ism', ktioat, 2:7.;ciati'k, Paralyeis,l Peinfsil and Liled.Joints, INettroc,c-ia of the race, DiSeaees of 1:-. pine.•Deafticl6 aid Iliindite.rai, Uterine pains, pitation of the qleart.,,Periodintl Headache, St. s Dance. General liebility, PaTini of the Chest, ter,cs, DyspePailt, ell diseasei.t4a are caused (deficient amount bf Neri - ons•Flairl,are.greatly I veil ii f not perammently cured. by simply wear. the chains a few hours; eapkday.i le it understoodtthat it is , not ;613 - tinted thtit It 6 all 11 iaeal-. , 5, hut Only those lot ivhidil it iii 1,,c -h, G , . , ened, and rubreovf rwe boldlylclaim and de hat no Ineclicinil agent of any kind hasPerform !co' MANY cares during; the last year, of those slaces just named l asl . . . 1 i i 1 ' P.ulrerniricheFs Electric Crain. • . - ; i • we I • • ! id to prove this aSsertion, defy any person to ounce so many; well ituthenticated pertificates of ientilicPhysicied:i aiid intel igent phtients as May a sund in a - pamphlet of 3G ages, th be had (gra li ac) 1 the al;rent in this; town. The glectric Chains vers.'first introtineed . in.France in 4 Z* 4 *l, and after llt;it SUlij6;:td lel the moot thoroughiand rigid trial, by t.....a ilr.lmedical 11161 in Paris;th .y were. found to pczsess st ra ti!!.e land n'tari•etlettf: . puy.-e4 for reliev; ittg, )ain, Wherever applied, aild by, their influence wat a in:redu.7.ed into the hospitals of ithatcity, and also seemed ktt r er t- e pat i ent by the I:reneh Govern met t. They art' ;kiln' introduced int l o almost every 1 flo,lital M - Eughtii , d. 9erinany, At/Atria,' Belgium, r and patented in those countries, whk.re they have 1 beconiethe most - ;,' t , , : . . , ' Pop' ular,Cdratire Agent in.op World. . 1 , , They were - first autrOunced into tit'c U. States a , one yearsince, and 'went throOgh the same trial as in Etir s ilm and tvere nt once fintroduced in to •e l . 1 / 4 -es y Hospital inkii. -- York,.wherei they are now iu„diilly use, electing even more Wonderful cares that had Sver before been awarded l i them. They *are , ttizttly reeetnrntriqtl by Prof. Valentine :Mott, Vat Buren, Past and / ethers, who ! l!,ave published th)elr views cf their4toiver and. valiie'. in several of the Medical jodruals in that city, arid are also in the duil r v practice 'of recoMmeniling 114eir use. to. pa-- . tteats. A, full.ancbW. of their opinjnn may also be foul in every paerlet, and,sent to the address of every person in thr:t Siate by appti . ing (post paid) In . SI-1,7 , 7,.U.RREc1A,{ Agent, ;Ifontrese, Pa. The with fill! descriptions Gh ins can be sent for Ise. Price of Phains, $3 . land G. Ilysicians are p;olit;ely.invited toiball and escam- Me theirl eonstructiol . and PrononOce upon their its. 'ONE WOliD 1 bassi:ins, 1;1)1 person. need that. they wit!( no; accomplish,ijitst what, it is tined they can.:do. l I • • ;i : • - 1 il B. One Cliaiit will last for yerits and losettone Icelectric powelr by use, and cad be applied to I :er adult or child. l 1 i 1 I :SEIt Ty' RRE . Li.,;AL , ent, Montreej 'Pa. .., . . IS. STEINEIiT t 'General Agent, 5:68, BroaAtyay, York. • : 1 • - 'i . . 60. orni fy t ed fq li 196 Do4toi Yourself POCKET 2EESCrLAPrq Or, Every .9nel hit own Phy.u . cian. , Edi.tion, containing • . One hundred..Pngravings; shoiving. -- Diseas4i and 31alformatIons of the iHu- man 4stern in every sbape and form. : 4 .: Wilreil is added a - .Treaties on! the tises of Females, being of thii . highest impor e to married people, or those coitemplating mar e. 13y I • Willoun Young .r .D. . • 731 et 'no father be ashamed to present a copy of AetiMilapius,io his child. It inlay .! save him! lan early grave. Let no - young man or , wo a enter in tothe seoret'obliiptioUs of marriedlife lout reading the Pocket Aescalapins. Let no one suff....ringfroni a hacknied cough, Pain in the side, restless nights, nervous feblings, and the whale train of I.))llipeptic „ sensation ' s, and given, up ! by-their physician,-be another mow nt'w ithout sultipg the AESOULAPIUS.: Have the Married, or ;hose about to be married any iMpediment, read thia!ruly useful brarki as it• has been the•means of Saviinff 7..houstimle i id unfortunate c(eaturesfrom the , very jaws of Gad'. • Ir. Any person sending twenty fire \ cetits en closed in a lettee r i receive ont3..'espr. of- this. woilk by mud, otc, five copies , will be sent for One; .Addreiis (ost paid,) I !! . ; . •DR NOV Isk:,••• N 0.,151.1 Spruce St. Philadeiphia. , • arch Bth, 18.5.1--10y1 • 1 . • the fro ma wit Valuable aim-fole Sale. 1 • Subserib l er 41Ters for stile • his vahmble farni in, Gibson townshiii; SttsquAann:t : cOnt!tiniii,r,*:ls7 te4, situated ih the {ern part of kitid town, baitof a mild from the ikhannock CrOek, and LI I.:2112111E1i froni ,can xaid na Depoti on _the Y. 4E. Railroad.farm a framed Ito;use, 3 Barns, a, e; shed, coral house, a youngilorchard of over trees, and is„. well . watered.- , • offers to sell for 10 per co 1t less thanihe Etrili,—.Tvro. thirds of thepurchase money dawn, and liatariee . seeurediq mortaage. 'ILIA M 1 TAYLOR.. q ion, -No v., 4 ,23; I 8,5—..-41 y ro Li Eas Turil gne4 0 hunt 1001 .t, NVAW I. GO a 1 Wte ..- , 'I UK essortrqnt new cotapr4es ahnostevory artiele, waOteill: and. • we !ifear . some, .that ot:wartted, whit we Will . i iseil at east and L' - articleW ak !els than, cos t 4n ,that same übt,!l U. U. BURROWS &Co, bseb Oct. 6 - 1 U. - . . 11 1 . • - ! 1 I , • . . j ..., . - ---- -- , . . , , . 1 . i -. Dr.. Halsey's .d .. , 1..- 'T' ~,, rill ,• “ - ...iv , ,r, r .,... '; .' rillif friutirieo' 4 IYUCXI,, ' 1, s-)d-t- ~ J.:: ' CI ,t \ .FO REST - WI NE I-. • PUDLISIIF.D"EVEIW TITUILSDAY MOKNIN •, II' li L T • . , . ~ Theitisenr4ry of the.Iq.II4:BT.WINE istheireatest bless- . , ing ql"theittge: Pat •usi in ttuartilattles t a . 4 Ingle bottle . ql . VilAtllt 6 xts 4 s t r t , :11 which do4s more good, unil got a further rn Ihi cure of D.'s- . - - - ease, !hunt tea bottles ry" ,any Sur sapaeillislin use, *tout i EDITORS AND PILOPRIETORS. • . worn:Mei/to cure without any unpleasant or weakening ans.-41,60, cash in advance $2,90, if ' r ho TE RM S.-$i metlioil by which :di Sarsaparillas, and Otherstmllar - medicines are prepared, is by belling the Ronts or Plants not paid within six months; and 82,50; at the end to obtain the eat facts. - Their medicinal virtues are thus `of the year. ,Na ruiperiliscontinued until arrears. • laineiPallTilTaperated and destroyed, • ; -•- '. • "est aro paid, except . at the option..of. the Pub. nneeted !with the_ .It is not te be wondered at thend hat ten Mid even twee- g— - ~. ty bottles of tho4se'Sarsaparillas . aresometiMes taken,with- fishers:: All commumeations d' O . out any perceptible benefit. Not so with the Parses! Wine: t oflicp, to insure attention, Mist by directed (post Ily the ineenrien of a wonderful ehemicil apparatusosper. feet wineliprOiluced without heating; retaining.' at the paid) to eII..ISE & Dar, Montrose; SUa(illeitatllla FOMO time,Alt Lisn primitive heitlimgpropertleo of the tare, Count , P a. -- • , : . '.. I i • tne,,acluar plants of which it Is composed, t ins rendering. i . the Pored !Pine the most elticientenedliine the world 'ever • produced, at the; sometime the mistmist og re ; 4,1 e., ria,tlotautlT=-;;Thlc is to entlfy that . I lave used Dr. lial , ry'arorest Winch' my fam il y with th most - entire ....1 r 131 , 33 PF. City wife war hadly Ifdleted with. N uralgia ogee-. tons of the 'ti pine and Kidneys, and general ebility. She rouud - ,yceilr rellefi and regained her healt by the 'use of the Forest•Wiitc. • : '•• • -."-• . From- Mil own knowledge of this excelle t medicine, I confltleutly recommend it for the:good of 'o hers whoi tea, be suffering from similar complAinti. • 'lt Is he best ,in,etlb vine with which r am acquainted. and t' a ti - lra are af= flicteifwlttethe.abore, or any similar tlite , ~ may safely rely on itiirirtneei.. Colitio , , !larch 8, ISrll): - FL IL. MESS EY . , ' ,. .i.5.1+14 re l'eutirtionty fronalrahoeit.. Dr. it W. !tauter :—Dear Sir, my wife last autumn was redueed to, ti low state of Debility. My' fehtily physician - 'adviscil her to take your Forest Wine. Aceerditmlyt went 1 . he 7tfr. Terty'e. year scent in this town, and procured a butt le of it, which rtsitored her ityt very short time to per feet lii_altii. ' • • - : - ; ' echoes, April 13,1850. - ' HENRY DDNALDSON.• DiTatifttl Colioh 'Debility,'ond Lose! of ,Appetite. o + ' Dn. llaLear: • • . ' ItemOstend,. t lice, 1,184 T. .. A bottle of your Forest Wine and boa of l'ille, - which I proeured Of Mr. James Carr, (your agent fer,thie place) has Voile 'venders for me I Lind been in a state of decline - for mon-thaw:6 year, afilict - ed. with 'a dreadful 'rough, pain In I the breis.q.general . debility and loss of nttpetlte. I her i cm ,4 4 ae ;0 1 a skeleton, and had been. unable to leave my I room for spore than two months; my frienilit. told. me! hail '.the tleasttinptlon.scad despalredmf my .t.eivsery. I could I - not. obtaid any relief from any medieinT I had takeu r or my Ipli ; ysician,lmatil your Wine and Fills were procured. The first dose of Pills broulitt up from • aty stomach, much phiew and greenish matter, nod my steols - were perfectly black. I then commenced taking you Forest Wino three t ddin es a day, my appetite , began to Totem Immediately, my tough left:me,and in less than tut:twee . s I,waettltriost well.. I nOn ‘ enjoy better health thau•lerce id before, hark:iglu . (.. ereasi 2:epo ands in seven weeks 4 , Your Forest Wine and ;'ills n0Z , 41-,ilt.• yalueil In this vicinity: and I ;owe my repor- . ery entire to their virtues. - Yours, respectfully, MARTI N, CALDWDLL. • . of ,e lion% of tlie ialdbieva. ' Mr. T. J.-, , : Gillii , a t a highly respected Merchant of No. :Jl5 lirosidwiy,; New Totit, cored of a severe affection of the Kidneys by the Fore 4. Wine and Pills. . , r Da. (. Wi; Us nsEY-- \ . New York, !larch 12. 1853. • Dear Sir. in the sunitiler and fall of last year I had a .1 sell coraplitint of the Kiel ethic!' tendered me quite unfit or tipsiness. i proem( your Fotest. Wine nod rills; ....idel .curi,l me in a few weeks tore, and j have since' en- i jorealbetter health than I. hare fOr ninny years previously. I FroirW,heii efficacy In my own ease :4 1 W front what I know your 'medicine to have dune for - rilla=r,s r tan ln,lure" to recommend them as the hest medleines"with which I am ne qu.iinte,.U. Yours, respectfully. • , V.. J. GILLI KS. II y•otkps.;:v..—There are thousands tatted every year ' of this disease by the Forest line and PIIIN " ,Costivenetts and Indigestion. ere kindred coma quently ekisting together, an.' the cure of one . the cure.df all. The Forest Wine and Pills abut I dies ale 04:eminent in the core it Dylnenoia, ' I Testimony of Mr. J. N. Termite, of New York ; July pt 105,52. , . ; DO.ll. I”,". lin I.SRY :—Dear -Sir, 'laving lice, _. ~.. Dyspep 41 by the use of your Forest Wine and ; Tills, I take 1 the liberty to offel yon my name, believing many who knee' , me may he beneOtted' by. your eicellent remedies. For many years . 1 have been afflicted with this malady so badly that nearly one-third of mytimehas been, lost from bad ness. The Forest Wine and Pills have restored me 'di', ex= cklent lienith. and I cheerfully recommend ,them, as I am convinced the discovery of these remedies are , a blessing to mankind:,' • - ' .. , , I thous , of the pi.at of O f fal. - if not New York, Jialy Dth, 1852. J:.N..TERNITLE, Dr.'G. ':) , l''. -11alseris Gum-Coatell, , Foiest Pills! The Out:: coated Forest Pills are glesigni4d e tn ' neeninpany the Forced \Vine in the turtrorbiScase their combined ac tion being mortc searching and effective. :They are infinlte-• ly heti et' than any other Pill or Cartliartlel,. pro4utiniz in all eases;irl t en this class of medicillPF . are ustiftibit most charm ing e ece;.. They are purely vegetaltieS'never gripe, may i . b e 1,,t ; r; it any tiny. without fear of taking cold, hindrance from I tisiness, or disagreeable. effects. and pant off. leaving the to we,s, Perfectly natural, ivhich is all import it for the perfloit rec.-rt.Ty and continuation of ..good health. Thou sands lean:testify to the great us:cellos ce f , f,the=e Pills above al otkiera. The FOl'Vzt Wine accompanied by•the Forest FN.S, hre 'Most efrectial in the cure of.all. Gie following com plaint's : ''! - " . ' Dyipepida, Habitual Costiveness ' Lice' 4omplalnt, Asth ma, Piletb I. hatinate Headache,Pimples,otches and In, - healthy cblor of the Skin',,,:laundice, Ague', and Fever Salt lthentn, brysipelas, Complaints incident only to fetnales.7- Langiadiing wealsmel, Night Sweats; Nervotis Dieorders, General ill health, and impaired state of the flon.titutinn. • 'The Forest Wine is pitt ,upiu largesputre , hot ties, with' Dr. I.(alser's name blown in the glass. 'One Dollar per fwd.: tie, or .dribot t los for Fire Dollars. oum 4.oated Forestrills '25 cents i•er box. For B,:le_ilty the. 'appOinted Agents, at Wholeealis and betail. General Dept, 1411 Duane street, one door from llndson. New York- - ' ' '. Appolited Agents la Mont rose, Abel Turret! i Great bend, Lucien Spit... • • . .34) - 1 ihanee gurteily. ' .-; ' AFFLICTED• READ. 13111L.thELPil SIEDICA '401: SE--Established . 20 yeara,agn b 9 Dr. KIN KEl.lN,eorner OVUM & Union ; eta. butevicultpruee7 and Pine, Philadelphia. Pd. ' n yea ids ail:apprised that Dr. lit-xdiltlLlN confines hlspract.lce to a pm titular branch of medicine, 'which en gageshitiluadivi let attention. Recautionelhennforturotre j against tl,e abuse of mercury ;1 thousands are annually 1 mercuriallsed out Of life: 'Recent affections are- proOlptly extingUifhed: • ' - ; • Terenly years of 13:r.ot;rience - in thetaqament of a classOf diieases hitherto neglected a tidi nip effect ty un-' ' derstoodOtas ernsbledDr. lilNKELl.N.(At.irston. OF A WORK ow.S Lt+! PWISSICR.VATIONOtOprOVe that nine terabit' of the causes nO:tervous debility, local and 'constitntional weak. 'less. mental and physical suffering, are traceable to: cer- t ,tain halks,forming the most secret yet; deadly and fatal I springs of 'domestic misery and premature mortality. ' .1 rakei'iatticniar 'Not ice—There i erilllnbit Fonietime'sievlut.4l:l in by boys, in solitude, often growing ! withthetu to manhood,:ind' which , itnot reformed In doe time, , ndt only begets serious obstacles to' matrimonial ! happinertS, eat gives !Ise to a es erproiracted,innhlious, I nod deva Stating affections. sea' of those who give way to this 10-rnielotts practice are aware of the cons quenees,. until they find the nervous system.shlitteted; fee strange and unaCcnun table feelinto., and cacti e fears in the nni. ; 'Thennfortutiate thus affected becoinesfeciil e,is unable t labor irith occustomed vigor,, or to apply! his mind to study step is tardy and weak,be is dell, irresolute, find engagus in his sport with less ener,iy. than usual,. If he einaneipate.himself before the PraCtice bai done Its worst. Bud euerr matrimony. his tti.i.triaige is unfruitfill.aritt his , .tise tells him that this is rinsed by his early nillres. These arc 'An iiderai7 o7l3 rhiCh ..110tad a tehkoi the attentiOn oflhosesirnitdrl,V satiated .. . . ~ .. .. Itirtrgitszi.. reit:tires the - fulfilment .of severnl condi tions. in Order that it may be really the mtutte of mutual happineis. Qonliithe veil which covers the origin .of do niestie wretch ,doess be raiied .andits true source in every instance disclosed—ha how many eouldit be traced to phys lealdimtialifidatiods and their attendant disappointments! Apply them while it is yet time, in order :o have your un strung cud relaxed organization' yebraced. reviritled and ttrengthened. : '-. . . it F 1 MilevillEß-;-lie whoplacess' hitnselc under Dr. KINKELANtS treatrudnt utay religiota sI7 'confide in his hon or as a gentleinan, and rely upon the asst ranee, that the 'secrets of Dr. Int. pat lents will never he distlesed. • Your l 4 .man—let tio'false - modesty deter you from mak'. ing yougcasekothern to one - who,front education and reM'eP tability,can certainly befriend you. ' . . • 'Too many think they will conceal the secret .in their' own hearts, and cure themselves. Alas! how often is this a fatal delusion,inti. how many :a - 'protntsing young man „who might have been an ornament te r ' society lias faded ftnin the earth .• ,• Strictures of the urethra are rapidly removed by the application of a new therapentical agent, :Used only. by Dr. X. Weakness and constitutional debility promptly cured, and lull vigor restored. . ' : . . Colttlltrti 1111'111 id% Can. hive (by stating their ease explicitly, together with all their FyMMOlilf, per let ter enclosing, a remittance).Dr. li's..inedicine, appropria ted accordingly. . .. , Forwarded to any parlor the United States,.and packed arcane tram_ DAMAO it or CURIOSITY. .. READ : ---Youth and Manhood. A liorOusLifesor a Premature Death, &cabala on Self., . Pieset ratian---:Only 25 Cent*: • It Is ajwork eminently required, as a means of Worm ing the them of the age in' - wh ich' we lice. Also, 21AT1IREbi GLIDE.• .• IVith rules far the Protougatioa ofLTejustisian the Pres . , A letfer with &remittance of 2S rents, nr : the value in post stamps, addressed to—Dr. K INK .t; Pa. will secure a ropy of either of- the -above books by return of mail; or 12 copies will be sent free of • postage for 81* Ilooksellers, CATIMIA.II, T Agents, &r . supplied wholesale at the publisher's priers, which admit 4f a. large profit. r•-.. 41 - Letters must be poit-poill. •• :1 ' Pfil.l l NT4. • • . One third cheaper than iiihite.Lead,altd.freefroin all poi:wiz-arts, qualitie s. s. T . uzNEw JERSki' TIN° COMPANY having greatly eularged.thelrtrorks, auditor roved the (tummy of their product*, are prepared to exernite ordeni for their Superi ot Paints. hry and ground in 'oil, in atiorted partniges of from 25 to rnifl pounds ; also, dry barrels, of-200 pourids• each., , . r Tlicir White Vile; which 4 cold dry• or M 11 141241 In oil, 1 4 Iltarrau trd puce ati.,l t4 unnicpaseed for body and'uniforin. whltenotx• , • . . A method of preparation bas ; recent II been discovered; ihich enables the tiomparry to,karrant their paloSatc; keep fresh and scat in the ,Iteps•fer; any reasonable ; ti me. In this respect their paints will be superior fo• anie other in the .market. ; . 1 ; - i ,; ThelebrawnZinc.Paint, ollih Is sol at silnsr.r,ilCC and t r, Z. • r 74 ' . i op Only be made from the Z.ric ons . tn . T. teg jersey,. , s nolt seep known t - o . ..iiittiruteetprequali , -le3 hen applied tolr, n ‘ or other metallic surfaces. . . - I Thu tent color , Paint pOsSesses, all the; properties et the IltoSitv t od le of an agre”able cob r ror-vkint.lng (dt• 'D tages,ep s, Ont-butldings, bridges, 'ka.,i, i • • . - . • Dealers Su ediell i on liberal terms by their:Actin - . • ' " olexale i r:Npn 4- nregAßDs. : . . IVh nt' Y ' t .Dealers and .- &porters, N. IV. 6rize, of 1 ili 4 Markel Slit, Philadelphia. I: ' • . :.- \ .13 - mil. • . :--' , .• iFarmOrs evlved• . 1 - 47 - };,11.1-1.1 Undersign having okt-red into V . V .- - j patinership in t4'rn reantile llusineas at. MontrbsC, take this method 'nfortn,Ourfrionda and thc publie,: that we jut - op.:cued sortmCnt of Dry Goods and Grocer aat the old Stand Of Mills 44:81ierriinn; where:oo' - 11.1 co hap. py to wait upon' nil who !nay' favor turtwlth wean. Oar Goods are 11 new' and Ikie . bebn - aelected with great care and ii•e flatter. ourselyeathat wo can snit the inwit Wtil - ro. - ite all to Call and. erarnine our stock., Our [Otto is, "Ready, Pay;EfonorableTrade,arid .steadfast 1 A:0. WARREN, , •R. TI - I.IYER._ • Moblitie; 1 • Rotes of Advertising. One square (12 lines or less) 3 insertions; $l,OO Hach subsequent iniertion, . a . . One'square three months, . . . 2;qt. One square six months , : . ... ~. 4,00 Itusinem cards, four lines or . . ..13,001 Yearly advertisements, not-over 4 squares, 17,00 1 One column one year, • • . 30,00 Yearly advertisers will be restricted to thci business in which they are engaged";and are con.l sidered as Wishing to continuo . advertisin'etinlesa they shall Ova - special direction:4 for uaneO of the same. • ... • 'JOB WORK: i - The publishers having added to their Job Printing" materials a large aild . soma,' - assort- meat of Job Type, ate now Prepared to . execute Job Work in a manner- unsurpassed this sec tion of eountryiand on the most.reasonable terms, Blank% ofvery descriptionk ept Constantly. , on hand , or prin ted to order, '' .1 puitos pirtritiq. - - JOHN GROVE'S, Fa htoa ►ble Tailor. Shop under Senrl.'s '.Hotel, Maio Street . , Bloattase, 'Pa. .1' IMMM BicIAN'T 110104E, - Great Hend Depot, Pa. ALm*os Br.r. ANT, Proprietor. _ 1 . . - L. H. SPROUTtAr...Co., 1 \ ! I Manufactureis 'of SPROUT:K . O3II3,I f IaII CIR., i RIAGE, SPRINGS, Ilughesville,tycbming Co., Pa. 1- Springs may be had of M. S. Wition, Montrose. • ,Win. W. SMITH et Co: '• Cabielet and Chaii'Manufaetaters, inot Main -Street, Montrose, I'a. G. it W..U. FULLER,; .• Dealers in Books, Ready-Mado Clothin, Dos and Cnik'Bootti and Shoes, Dry Gods, - -Fu,. Store: opposite Searle's Hot el,NontroSe; Pa. . , •-• Dr. C:. C. EDWARDS . -Plitician'and Surgeon, Harford, Pa. Office t ddb below• Eaton's Store. _ . . . \ --\ )Jr. 11. S.:14.11TII, . 1 . . . . Surgeon .ventik, Montrose, Pa.-, *ill •lio at ' Searle's .11oie s ti,:deodthys and Tuesda'ys of eheli . week. \\. \‘, , 1 . 15y1 ---- -- -- 2 , leliliLlA.N &PARK' Dealers in Dry onntli“; - roOrresi-ilardware., • CrfarlerlTtoots and\Shes, 4c., Springville, j. r ' l'a. \\ • , 18y1 LITTLE & ell)1114,E ' • \.- Attoriiii.* Law—Otlieejornily pied by Little & Pa. 31onfroseSnatilitt.. hanna County, Pa. • I . t.ittall. B. : ( . S ZItA B. eiLtix.. -CONGDON .4. szymn, -\:\ , Denjers in Marble Monntnenti,Tables, Tomb- \ Stones, &c. 'Corner of Court. and 'Exehanie i Streets, opposite Broome Couniy B ank, Bing-, harnton, N. Y. C. D. LATHROP lac CO. . . Dealers, 111 Stoves and 'Manufacturers of Copper, Tin, and Sleet-Icon . Ware:. "Shop west side Main Street, opposite -Demperat Of. flee, Montrose., Pa C. p. j..,‘ TI.IIIOI'. j •I E. ' 13. I,IOONEY, - t• • - 14.pairer of Clocks, JeweirrilClusieal Malin . • Ments, and Guns, &c., &C. • Electio plating of =Spoons, Watches, Jewelry, done .to order. He has*:in - appointment for S4aler of Weights and Siosures. Shop on Maid Street, first door_belOw:the Brick corner,Nontrose, Pp. %BEI, TURRELL9 . MOVITAE• PA • DOaler Drugs,Medicines, , • hemicals,Paints, Oils, Dyistuf&,•Groceries, Dry Goods; Bard ware„'Stone-ware,Glass-ware,,Campliene,Burn--• ing Fluid, Lamp Oils,Candles,Varnislies,Win: dow Glass;. Fancy and Toilet Articles, Pertu-1) inerY, Jewelry,. Spoons, Sketailes, Musical Instrunients, Trusses,. Medical: Instruments, •!Liituors, Mirrors„Stationery, ,Brushes, Shoes, ''Yankee Notions, S.c. PhySittiatin Prescrip tions earefally eompounded. • •. % , , H. FRANKLIN . FRASER' • Attorney and eounsell'or ay4Lawy goNTRoT, . ' - TAT ILL attend faithfully la all buei4ss anima ted tirhhn in the county, - of Susquehanna-' Conveyanc : ing and writing of kinds will be 4one neatly, and charge maderale:' - Ile witralso attend to the prosecution Ofelaims of soldiers, their widows; and heirs, against ted . States government, for Bounty, Lttnol, Yen. sinus, ' •-t May be found at all hours at the office formerly occupied by J.T T. Richards, d th of tkii Court. 1 - I,ouse • , I , 49y1 • • . SOHN COLS TEA,,` •. DEALER IN Stoves, .Tin, Copper i and Sheet - Iron • Ware, Lodersville, near Great ftendiDellot.-61f EH Interested, with I. E• Hunt, IMPORTER AND DEALER in Hardware and Cid; leri, Carriage Trimmin - gs, Springs,'&c. :No. •315 Pearl Street, N. Y. ' l :llere his Mercantile friends, in this and other Counties,' are .kitidly invited,. and eeirnistly solicit eti to call and purchase: '; , nOtt, - ' HENRY. S . KNAPP, OF MOitTROSE, PA • With Hoare, Woodr &':Catter, AVIVELRE:Ht4sE, ZR.og3RSwasiiilain I; j i , io il o 31 .. S trcet, sl between Cortland and Dey. Streets, 'New,- fork. -March 8,1854410tf. • • , • Medical: Card. ' 1 - - 11 — NRS.•E. - Patricit . , Jr: di - G: — '2l Piracy': have 1,.., this day formeda cm;partneiahip; for a more efficient 'and successflil prOseention of the' differ ent br4tchcs,of their professioii: . - All business entrusteco theni, will be atten ded to with. proinptnegatittit fidelity. r• • • Their Alice will by thc'One lately Occupied by, Dr. Dintoek-. „ • • E. PATRICK; 4.. . ;G. Dqtpoc Montrose;lfarchl2;l4s•C - ; . • - ,Dr. Merit If •• - DRUGGIST and ' Cr4:mtsT, and Dtialer in • Minas, liletileines,'Chemieils,Pye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, 'Platy, •Window Glass,[ Caruphips Platt, Perfumery, l'nnketi Nolotts,dzi., ecc. • - Lodi N.-10tf. •-• I . • • , • A. J. DAV IS, 1- b• ' - ,iTTORNEV AND _ C OtI_SE —L c LFt AT: _At 8 ptique. • hanna Dopoti ''Otßoo over t'est'y 'Store. - • 1 . • Ityl Medical Card: . , • D' T's. THAYER N CRADA..t.; having associated themselves in the practice' of . 'Medicine and Sitrgorv - wottlii . respectfully, invite all,te give th'cut it call that may , noedltheir pro fessional servik;. _They ;may be found at, the office, . formally! occupied; by .Docter I.Thiyer.--;• TheY will keep en hand pure eoncentrated and llO'nuniathic.Medleines. :r • '; Ri. TWAY4II. • 1. R. P. C_RANDALL. 'Montrose, May 8,1854 i . • • , . _ . . . . . .. - 1 -: -- „ Offirtla i llaobes.. 'I • - '. . ;tirg,hrit. o f. Ahem ehoiee whole Robes at ~ a very gmall . advanee-on the cost: • . ' .A' (ill's"' Nev. 1 . U ULIINZOIVS & et... A. V‘r.qonrttryr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers