The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 16, 1854, Image 3

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ten the Committee on Resolutions,. sulitnit- 1
3 the following report, through their.chair
ion' ~11fr. Chise V".'
Resolved, , , That the• selection or witijAm
li' by the voice' of !this: ConVeution,
tl c s tandard-bearer, of the•democraey in the
xt gubernatorial contest, is pot lordy . in ac-,
4rdanee with the well established - liSages of, but a' well-merited his
liiinent worth, , integrity and ability, ' His
`tire administratidn has" been tharneterired
r , aninselftsli devotion to the best intercsts,
'the peciple.;' The`, deniocracy will` bail rills ,
-nomination With delight, and will rattly
c action- of . this coarenti9a by his tritim,'
milt election., •. --, ': ,• - . • -, I
.Resolved, Thatthe . iast ani ual ine , ksage:cf
. Bigler is,a public docu vent of unusuel .
rength • 4iiid ;ability-, ek-hib ting, ,with . the
at - est-candor,"'and fidelity,..t me actual finair- .
al condition of the'Commenwealth. In this
ank and manly: ex . hibit,, we haVe assurance 1
tit The public interests of the.people' - are en-.
rusted to a safe and competent Executive.
Resolved, Thaf'Whilst4here is Much in the
6 s sage of Gov.. Riovea to •excite our adtni ,
tion and pride for the exhaustless _Wealth
f the. State, and the higli deiree of .prosper i- -enjoyed by 'the 'people, 'we should not - be
sensible to the, importance of - a rigid: 'econ
uy in' every'department of, the . g6vernment.'
is in this that we,have, the' v.gsuri - ince that
he public money j.srpot iiiisaPplied, and a.
ust foundation lor;the 09fldence.that public ,
ngageinienti will be - clieerfollir met' by - the
leople. • . . ,
i 1
Resolved, Mutt'. input' . the' 4. bjeet of 'ill;
rrcric.y.„ the..tiews i 'er Go s-., 13, Glitiii :are pe
city sound and democrats:. i i
That whilst
i cily
the r ains. 'ori in lof th
emoe.ratic `party.,;„` to ‘'.uproOt, a .SyStem . 6 •
ntint,;' -it is 'n q. less . .our 1- true' policy
restrain the L . ,egate amlatint -of eapi,
t invested in_ banking - to thet,deiiiands l of s
,il,iliv trade, and-the actual bilsiness wants
lfthe ' ern ,; . : .. wunl ty, And ikot run . s the risk' of'
rent comthercicommercial.cMnfrxssmen and distress
y an undue exnsiOn-of Paper, circulation.
amt . Solvent hanks shmild ii, - .: recl, - rtereil
"ith great caution,' and only after ; -• nio , i
liordugh. :examination of • their eon ition . ;
'hilst new Ones•ahould be -establisheWhen
- ' • v . '"
)solutel3, - necessary, and demanded
if , eacies of. trade.
, .
- Resolved, That the.'evils of omnibuS and. ---,- erable' for all tlie - fc:kitl cz'nseinences 0 1
Ppecial legislation: had I.mqonte" . intoltrable, so d igranf an - net. of injUstice.
and the former especially calculated •to • pro -,i - ..k-...oireii,''lluit we iis . .sbrtliitta I 'nen ha:f
uce. incalculable mischief and injury "to the,: liitherin,been willing to yield to the ssouth,
mblic. We therefore - heartily commend •andil
pprove the position assumedby Groc.BIGLEn,l . t r . ;
1 1
all. lier constittilionall.rii.lits :ttid. altliougli
in:tii i v.o. the,T,ro.v.sorts ot_ the Comptcnnisl
•. - 2;aint this species of legislation.,
_ Resolved, That in the adjustntent of .tli , iiieaure.s
: of 1850 are i hi glily 'Obnoxious to
liXordltern feelings, - vet , tlliklortir . has,,generi,
. Erie, ;tad with the Prat-Alin ca- I ; illy. ptoilliesie l l' in ilk : Ili:4 in :the hope tlta,
al company, Gor.• Btot.r.rt did slaved .great
-ill, prudence and 'ability, ; at 4 that is I I
', they' were t(.. 1 .,,'; a fitial; . sottlemont of the ells
p.ifei :all •agitatino.r, , :. ezig-ztions ilnbr:iced by
j stir entitled to the praise of all for his 'con-
,tit, -.,,, , i tt iii tr a t ilt e •sO lite'as4r.Cs in connection"
act throughout the' entire .etitroversy. . !I iWitls the. •Conipn.iiiiSe ritra:tures ii.f '82 . 0 were
Reqolved, That tAis Convention prevents', .6_b, forever .13 . rin-iiig further agi 7
-ith entire confidence, the tiaine of .1 EIiEN . IIAII i 1 ,,,1, ' ' -', 1 1 . r ii . ,, 1 i iii,,,il - , t / i ;o f ,1. - 1%1 .. v . i n ,
, tn , n on. n. \ . (.• 0.•
~ • •• „ .
. BLACK, as the gAn ( iitiate. of the 1./emiscjitt- ; : (. : , ,,;„,..,. c ,„,. • ~ . •i : .i ;', , i I
~ party for Judge Of the :supreme Court... i•, !/;...`csi,lce(l. That if :bite &cmproinise is to be
he high character turd dis'-ingniihed a l lilltY..i . nbro , rated•wittiont :1 4 0Par,t . mt. soul cause, tin
f ,Tudge. Black are too u:ell known to crerY i . ciotiutrV counot be held :i..) mgard . the other
• itizen of the commonwealth to' requitezdn - 'I
:ts i.f fill:' binditc*. •foice.l either in . lan -- or
.cement by this convention. • The little lie fi 1t ,. : .,1,..- .- -' I, -.., •.',-
- { • I
uns alr ,- ...znir occupied "that entinent •positiOn, 1 I ./.?e`?,irct•r, That.the rts:slirtion so Often made
. ;k+-;en s;:ifs..cierit to leave, the. inipress of ft ' i i,,,j i ii ii . 4,„,, - , : . (. . - . ,•c (Ij,',,i: / "...-. 11, :i i 5 . 4,4,,,A.,..., aiiit ,
''c'h mini upon the it 2 ri'Pra . dc-Ttc7 .1? the i' to':Ft incli.genolislturr!soil - ;via 'climate; i,-
-•• •
country. and he has shown hint s:elf i l :t Ix or, h 3
- not , only ileinsl%e 1111 tilif , nino. ii, 8; 1 ,1 inten , -,
t/( - n.•:•.-i..or -of the stron s , min•l; \rho !filled • the i deit a.S 7 a.-:;iallre to 4 le•,.tiriarde,l,' but it is a:
. -...., - 1
4 . i
.cuirii before. hint. ~ •. . d • ' .•
sprees denial 0, too - itrutlis oi . fusion-- and of
Resolved, That in .the selection p.f ITErly ; 11 41
I ' flit qtle eNiker ' ictice of ilitiiii;.iu(l.anu thatn from
. Nov.,. as :our candidate for Capt. Co, antis- i i4°
lACii I r . C.I Zen 4.11:F.Crt.:7 Of S i lliCTia and K:untek:Ltka
•ioner, we Iteliere the, DemOcracv:, are peen- i 10 1, 11 - le.bliiiiing s:tudlo l l:4•ryt and , Alys. , ,ini: . i.;
iarlv ' fortunate; recognizing in flint,' is; ‘“? ' s r a i. ery l i „ ev , :r. b c ,A ,il4, rot ~f in a hl i i i 4l,
.o, a inan : Of the strictest integrity, great per- 4 . lrh t : , ni despotism _ lids twe!li.
uncolitroled' b'yl:
.oval popularity; and einineutly qualified to 1 legislatUre- . enactnteit 5,'..).,v pUlitical institrk
ill the respionsible - tiliee for which he is nom- i tious or by:the instill( t atit'l • energiei of men:
inatoi. • • • -.- . • • i '. 1 ?.e.soi,vid; 1 Thatwbi e. t,lie . Statth Its beep
Resard. That the election of Gen,Ftt,tNx : -
Us PIET:cr.. to-the .Presidency, was - a trit in- .
.of the attachment. of he
I )crnocn i ttic party to the Constitution and . he .
ilio,ti ; <and that-so far his adminiiiration las,
displayed' great ability, been eniiFatly jti i
the prin :iples u on
clots and consistent with .
which he was elected,. and the trines con i 4
tained in his innughral address.. . ' 77 - . .
Pbe.iolved,' That the public arvic set thellon.
Jaynes Campbell, Wand the -ability fidelity •and
isi.:zrity with which he. has • d . harged the
duties of Postmaster General, e title him to
the tharik.s.c.f the peel 3 ole of / the iced States,.
anti that he posSesses the confidence andlner
its the support of the democracy of Pennsyl--
'rani 4 :.- •
.- . '
_;9/ved, That' the demoeraerP' f I"efinqyll.
lania are in favor pf . a.liberallciispOsition ofl
the public lands by the - general 'government,
and of the Principles of .a well - devised liome-
-Lead Law, which would enconrUge .agricul
an'e, commerce, manufactures, and all: other 1
Jraiie h es of industry; hy' granting to . eyery
1- pe White male citizen of the United Stitt.ef 7 ., I
" . -.1 is the head of niamilv -a. homestead lof 1
.. , ..
one 'undred and sixty. acres of.) land - Out :jot' 1
I• 11 '' 1 )1 1Iic doinain;ttpon condition of ' QC,i / 1!-
P "a cj rP4 cultivation of the Same for a cer- i
,F.uir, specitua . i - , - e - r i o d.. - . - - 1
. i?esolved,7that ilie'tlemr)tra - cx of Pet v - i
yania a.dheres . Nith Unshaken fiaelity, to• the I
Constitution nnat n io n of the; State.S l ; - and
relies. upon the corhoromi se of 18:59'asIthe fi
nal adjustment of tilt vexed . a i 3 d. dangerous,
question which then , i'6taied the cOtintry,
Illia tap:wed the existenet: of - the . 13aion.—
, Upon this rational principle.i;oy„ Bigler en
' tered upon the contest of 1851, :and liiih .ri.
diitiiiet avriwal Mills adliesiOn, was . triumph-- 1
•\ elected:. Adherence. to its proVisiods.j
.was ofpted, in
.1852, as a - distinctive feat ti l re
In the national viaffi,n, - ......a p..) r ....:,1,,,...i 1 1,,,,,,i
-, L4 ., ele_eted' by an unparalleled; majority, thus.
in:tnifeStiug the popularas.sent tO the terins . and
conditions of the pomprornise.-1 Reitliditg,t;
as Wedo as a solemn and deliberate. - settle
of ;he . controversy, consefilrated by theef-
ffortand.energies of the ablest and, best of both
treat political parties at the titne of tidop , -
tton, and since, twice ratified by the peoOle lot'
this State, we therefore ratify and . adopt '.tbe •
principles laid down in , the Baltimore plat, '
form of 145'2. ..
•Ille, t rosolutions were adopted unanimously,
•On mptiio, the;Convention adloarued. 4 Billl3
' . I
_ . .
. • ~
At'a meetino-of the Citizens,of Stt..pielifl'P-'
4 ,,
~ 1 .
.. .;4
nii . Countv held at" the Court Ilou,e in INion
trits.e, an Wednesday :the Bth day; 'of -Match, .
1i....454, to protest ngainst the intrOdue ion.of
1 4 , •'.ery'irit4.) tli territ(iry' of 'Nebrasf4 . illi,
lion:, GEQRGE FULLER was called upento
• .
i'v , •sicle, and the Oliowing personS chosen !asl
I I, I
vv. ,, '• .1 " - ..u:sielkits, .vi,z . :,••• . ' - i• ' 1 •i] • -
. . 1 •
lion. 1)..1). Wainer of BridgeN'ater, Hon..
M. C. TY l,, r of Montrose, : Wm: • ~P otlof
H i
.J °al) Tvler..of liarford, it.. - 11orace
smith' of lesJess' , i , ,i,ll.Sinith of .. e,To
othy Grifflu 'of 'Af ,, , , iay, ti , John..;lniptOn
"of Brooklyn, Ariel (2, arr.of • Fore'st ..ake, . C,; .J,
Lathrop of I.)iutock, P,.. (3 1 .1'.1 , .it m of Frien,4s'.
vine, Sannel Sherer of i r ,- .,k, David . L D.
Brown of.Choconut, A Enos:Willin u i 3 ~...f
..;' Swillg- .
vale, Da.niel 'Picket of- Rush ; Ifei:t r
kaiaiii' . ix
'of Gibs,n4,F. 'Whipple of trookl! , , , b-,ard - Ci.
il c
liempstead,' Franklin. Fraser, and SqrAzi4i F,'
ra re, Secretaries, .
• - 1.• I
- The object,',of the meeting . . was phly!nd
' ..l fltinetly stated - •by the Chairman !as inten
tocpr.otest'clearly and distinctly. (With- 1 '
" °4 : rt'er;:ace to) against the measure
. . .
which hasjust. passed. the; Senate! of the giii
.tcd States to introduce:: slavery into the ter
ritories. of Nebraska and
. ').Cansiii;,.which had
been i 'deelared fieoteriiiM'y by the Islissizinri !
Compromise of 1620. ~:, . - ! !
Qll-motiOn :of ,Wiliiiit4 - J: Ttftiell Esq. a
canutrittee Of tot:011'1 wem' appointed, hy . .the
rreioent to draft -! reSollitiotis! •expressive - Of,
. then.s.'a of the'!tueetitti, viz 't Wtn.' j. Tui
reit,. ilydi i 3 Crocker; I liarvny ' .Tyler, Is4ialt. A.
Mititi, ilsaae L.. VOst,'lloaleb -tiartnalt 'and
• Thenias Xicholion'' -- - I . :- •
1 • • • ~_
1 Dipug tli. I:)sciielr, 0 the Committee; the
• I.loni Win. Jessup addresiied the meeting, in
. his uSual•felieitous style, portraying in vivid
colors: the . cnontrity of therwNng which would
be Fi . rpetrated by a i rep al of the ,:ilissouri
Coinpromise.' •• .! ': '- • - -
-. The committee, ! _appoi . ed for, that purpose,
repOted a series Of • rOo utions
,which were
takea, up Separateln, dike,. ssed, s ' lthtlY amen
ded,l and then paise(t!iii ollows t : 1 4- - - -
..igsollrelit, That we` linv;e . i nsseirdiled. as citi
zens lof the ‘ ltepublie,l to papress - our - feeli ngs,
• opitions,• and , convictions; upon 'it great Dili
! lie measure, in the .perfOrninneo of this . d duty
to - o . rselVe-s and to .0, ur . laildreit,.we clisefaiin
rink all i factious inotti4 all' party objects,
isottal cOnsideratiOns;. and !we, 'shall- d i,sl-1
reo• rd' 'alike the feais 'Of, the. .timid; the or ; -!..
an :
rm . ') ens Of the 'venal; the; sedUctions and the
_fi - ot% 46 of 'power:. • ..• -...- I ..I!i ' - •.';! .:. • , - .
! 40/trd„ 'That we-vielt witlifapprehension
and :liar& the . p•roposition now pending be
fore the Congress of the Vnite States to re-
IP&Il I , or aanulftlie Miss — OM:4 . ,Compromise, which
!has eel sacredly. Tegardeil as a solemn coni
pae ' both by the' Noitlii.'itnd,the South! foi.
! mot' thmi a. third of ti' eil l tituryi', -. • -I
I.: esolved,'!That we eaO:holdit!nothingless
titan a pall) . ble andAagrantk yiolation of
pliglitedfait , to annul how all! that .Bart of
".: 1 !
rhati compae • which - ten-mins to !'be , fulfilled .
' for Vie benefi of freedOni and -the free States,
Whie a ll tea . part. ;whichwasl intended for
the enefit. o! Slavery•and the-Slave States, i.s.-
rigi ly Ingi • uponl owl has:been fully exc.;
Cltit i
• :j: • - I' : ' ••'! II
.' ii:
.. esot i rc:ii , That - we;: - ,s_incerelV:.' deplore the
introduction of this' nie4tiro as a proposition
calelila4d to disturb which has been al=
ready* * . !Ittled ; 'and' if: we7a•re to - ;iivitneSs .fresli
-' - - -ttopal - iiniinOsitv .and contention
ca .
p • ,h
- .thoiami supporters Inns
er . a '• - Ibefir 'the land be lrel
as 1.1
I , the
1 '
..,...,.... : .,,,1 . 1. ,
. .,,tu r . 1 . ,t.,,,. ._,c.•ell
holding - conventioni„l. , arratiging her_ for4..ti , s
cOlubinng her ip . Owei'• td'-1 the in
'sti titiOn and.iuterests !of ; slavery, the; North
.liabeen.gultv of- ,\ SWlAnetiess, negligence and
inactivity, anasre suggest to the Croi-' ern-
Ments and inliabitantS•ofith. free States , the
necessity for e i onventiOn of iliek-•
'. gates .to meet at ;somee eentralT•position, to
Onfer upon measurcis 'that will . •proteet! free
, institu . tions frOm the! inroads ; of slavery. i ~.N
1 1 . 1, Resolved,. That having full confidenv •in
the political•iittegTitV as well as the ability of
otir Itepre.sentative, the rton. G. A. Gro , we .
I hereby ..pledge- ourselVesl• to sustain him in
' very mcm'cinent htt may think it, ai.lvi'sabl
to• maize to carry:out the views of •his con-1
sii titents, - .and we 'ask hitti to resort .to - lillY
ntean, 'the rules of the, louse of .I%p
in resent:i!,
tives will - 'allow to . arrest and defeat this eas•H'
_, - - • ,1J
J. ReSOZZIeft,I That - We Call upon our Senators,
and : Refiresentativesi in the ,State. Legislature ; 1
l'?y. their action to . discoufage in every propcir
Manner, • ,this: grOsS Violation - of - Northern
Einlith' L..' .. ~1 • . ' . -,:
7 i.+Urin,fr i thed • . ' - 4 thesere - ‘
J . pen cne,3 , re-
../ .. 7,
the.rn c-eting-wits
. addrc4d ,by
,11'. Th. Little,l
Wm. J. Turrell, Albert II Post and others 41 1
shork, but ';•frective speOhes, all. bearing. 043
i miist unbending 11ostilititi to. this theasure.H-
On Motion:of AVtii. Ili .ICs.sup, the following 1
lvasladopted ' i
..' -. . I. ,
Resolved,: Thatale tong net of those. North-1
ern . 4 enatbi..s,' whOvoted for this odious, bill 1
Or evaded the expiession Of their Opinion upon
it,,desen-es !the hearty 'condemnation 'of.,every 1
freeman, aid 'Mt motieu,Of llonN:x. Toe - r.,
it was
. .. . . . ...
• .4 1.
tso/,. That we areconstiained t 6 warn
every Representative in Congress, North - and.
. South, ;East and . West, I,efore; he casts • his 1
vote,. ai he leves nce, he J] yes li, saexe,d .
eetn,paet,,.t6 look m the lace tne most terrible',
•agitaticn, as w(Ill• as . ilie'Jnost[deadly deter ;
mmation of . thelPeoplfi of the ..1 (Oh now and
" wit, to re r ,t;;slitiuld! that nefarious bill
pis - until it shall be '' , .rit,,Un.,;9cd • trot,•
onlithatiwould - have disgraced. .
_.,, , i
• Intmedi rely after ili&a,d Nil
option e last .
resolution it ; was anitoun ,
t\ i,
'eed to ;th meeting 1
- thatl Judge ' Wilmot; had , : arrived in town,
whereupon- he was re - _•tie
ci . address the
~ . , .
...4td to,
meeting i Which he . sooit al* proceeded to do,
'repr i esenfting in a plain 'ati.d 'distinct manner,
the early principles-of outgoveatunent in re
lation, to the question Of I,:lilavery ',extension at
the time of the formation! of the governMent ;
and followitig,. it up Withi,a' history, of all the
enacJihents upon'the...Stihjeet up to the prest
elitfirbe,'Mid then presenting in strong and.
eloquelint teris, the injustice and enormity of
. :4teuip .;;;,,fr. to IVPetti! that portion. of the
•t:tprot4i.e of t 1820 1 which guaranteed • a
tiortion ofith •LOuisianaVrritory. to the free
ilistittitions otaur conntry. . -, I : - - • ..
At - .larli. - 'llie meeting ailjourned to meet at
1 .7.1-2 :o'clock at : the. Sante place : at which
time judge Wittiot prOeceded with his speech
calling upon North , ern men; lbc'ers of the free
institutions of their country to nnite, without
reference to their forine \ rsolitical ditTerence4.,
ill earnest aitd cletbicuitiOi llotilit- to this.
tsmiall other fluorres.sionsibf the 'Slave powers: .
1 ,.. m• • , .
I . During the deliy,el -- oftlris address he -wati
i freqUently inteiTup.te ',:'hyl!lottd and' long-con;
\t cued applause..‘ . .., • b '' s
.--, -I . -
iOn motion '.of...Doct. ,13 ..Pttriek it was' 1
i -
I .Resolved, That - tllo, ProCeedinfis 'of thi 1
Meeting lie publishetll itv'thej newspapers of
tit County, and that copiesbe sent to nur
8 natora .and.Reprc44tetiyes in co - egre -, .:_t, and
i u, thi State Legtstatare.
.. ~ ; Silgried by. the Officent: \ -
ASK A..4i
The pring thi yea r-bas' - corne
; 1;1
- Ifebraatka Meeting.
4(a ;ine§iing held* the citizens ofjtynn
and ;vieittity on the evening of Fehl, 25th,
1854t0 show their disapprobation of tlie Ne
braska bill ','Which repeals the comprondse of
1820ithe . following officers were clio
• .
sem • • ,
Intdon Fisk, Pre.sdeat. S. S. Green, J.
Philips, C k .IA. Palmer and G. Rogers' Vice
Presidents. Philli SOr - •
PnllmetiOts C. 11.: qavis stated the object of
the 4,14;4 folloW4 by 9. C. Lynial and
otheiS, 4flk - 1":', which the following rt . :Solutions.
were Ittlitptiaa.' • . •
;Rt4o/e,4 I That the compromise 'of 11850
was not a repeal of'the comproutiSe 00 . 820.
:12eijqd,IThat we. will not s;uppcirt 1;y our
votes any 'nth ri;who Totes for aiNebrasl;,a - bill
which rtpeals the compromise of. 1820.
: Rekt;cd;, Mr. -Douglas has basely he
trayed. tbeinterests of the North. .
Re o(,41, That . the . Proceedings of this
meeting' be' published hi both of the ebunty
l'al)ei• I.
rl4LipA, see:y.l
• . ; A, CARD:
%un,dci;raigne'd desire to expre.v.,s r their
heartlfelt gratitudennd tbanks,te . the Very ma...
ny kind friends,:who,generously n.,,gisted
in saving their property; when 'destruction
seenr6d:. ineitable—and 'especially to, .the
members the Fire :Company., through
whose - Willing and indomitable 'efforts the de
souring elementwas stayed, awl conquered,
and. the -moStof our 'effects saved. .
, Smned !
F. 13, Cn•tNDLER, w:J.&, , 5.11: Mu 'own,y
li. J.AVEnn!, B. 11. LYONS, J. lixoss • SUS.
, 1
• RCV. ' - A.• Warren will preach at New
Milford next Sunday evening at early Candle.
licildaithe-friends. may appoint. :Also, in
Lathropi ! in.! the SchOof - Ifeuse near . .•:llfred
Pratt;s obi the eve of the 24th at early Candle
. .
' 1 ' t
! -In l'
• 1i, t y of Columbus, Ohio, 4)ti . MUndav,
• the '..iii,h of tfeb.1..24. by the Rev. Davi Ditn .
oelr, O f -R. I„Arnnor Es - 4., of Montrose Pa., tO
i lllSS':4ytAli ihNIOCIi, niece of the lIon.IA. (;;
[ DinOet.., R.
l A r :' ' • i , . •1 • - !
1 In,llarfo,rd, on . the 12tkinst. by A. ,C/mst,
l Esq., iMr. JEREMIAH B. CAIIPENTEE 3114 MiE,l
1 PF.taJNr.4. A. Intr.E - f 'both
. of Lenox. 1
4 1IniMuntrOse, on.tlie 9tlr inst. by El,l; A. L.-
i Post - , Mr. O. S. Tuner and Miss D. FJ: NVII.
-so ,N Faith of Sprinnwille Pa. ,'l . •:
1 Vln!the same place, by the f , strie, on the 3th
1 inst, - Mr. JOHN 'DiciaNs'on.i: of • - lyayne
Co. Pa.,-awl Mrs. Raelunl Putter-of I )nitOc i k
, 1
Sttsei ,:o. pu.' . - .
• '- • NOTICE.. -
• :
regular annual meeting of the Fel.
_L. .)(i‘rs' tlal AlizAwi,4tititi" will be held k.t,
theirl-41144h the first. Monthly .< - ,T April next
tWo P. N 1.,; for the election of UlTiticcs
and otnt r m
1.011. 11,1‘.1k.•
1 . D.l - 111.EWSTER, Ste'y. ~
nse,;T.T.rcli 8, 1831-11w3 ; .
• 1
:' i • i • ' Auction. i.
.' 1. i
ril4 emh47l : iber will offer at Pul)lie 1 . endue
42 . 4 n 'ridny. Marc!! 31st, 1 yoke of dxeu, 13-
eoWs'3 two . year.; o!d, n few sheep, p',,,1‘..1;(1.1%,giz,
wa 4 o, rakes, - i4telt for - k% -(• - t11. AnathFl3. - lusi....
11.11,1 fUrniturx i,toves," be,l,tend , y. chairs, I table! , .
&c., I,'.ario,,,uti :articles of; farming- utensils ii.nd
household furnitnre ton. numeroirs to mention.+.
I Coma find C. !Sate to c'oMMence . at 9 AL M. on
:'the prOlses.
1 Tinms.—All,fiums over $5 nine months credit
' .with.jipproved security, under ...$5 cai.ll dokvtl.
: •I', - - ' " ..T I ONATIIAN‘Y ' EST.
• Forest Lake, March 14, 1804-1 . 1% - t2. * 17 -
. .
' 'Public Venduo• •
be gold at public vendue, on Saturday
T. jOie of March, at the residence of.the*
subscriber 2,and a half miles north of 'Montrose,
(sate fo commence at 10 o'clock A. y.) the fol.
lowitiu. property, vi'
I ist, rate pair matched horses, 3 cows, 5 two
year : old's, 1 yearlin, it shoats, 1 lumber 4:igon,
pairibobs, 1 double harnesq, I saddle and bri
,l !threshing machine, 3 fanning mills. 1 ,eciok
jug stove, a quantity of hay and household furni
'ture,)forming utensils, &e.
Tgums.—All sums under 85 cash doWn, over
85 six months-credit with good security land in
, .
tcrest; L. J. SMML
Bridgewater, March 13, 1854-11w2* I
.Public Vondue.
erit subscriber will offer for sale.oti Satyr
4-day the 25th of March, at 10 o'clock A. 14.
the following property, namely :
• I tWo horse lumber wagon, I two Horse light
simitild wagon, 1 two horse lumber sTgh, 1 cut
-1 ' ; 'cow,2 sheep; 3 hogs, 1 bay tn.' re, ! 1 roan
Fwrsb;,l two horse haqcss, 1 single harness,' a
tilt Of f'arming utensils; a:so a quantity.or house
hold' finnitu re. . . ••
.!4 The above property will he sold at the'resi
4lenS,e'.:of the subscriber in, Bridgewater.
sums over 85, six months credit
wit fiecu rity: • JEIIENLUI DIPSDOW.
: 11 March 13, 1851-11w2* .
, . • . ..._..
I , l. ! • ..'. Dissolution. . • ' .- . . ,
NOTICE is hereby given that the copartner,
1\ ' ship heretofore existing between N. Gran,
' ger - dind Z. L Cooley, is this .day dissoßed. by
mutual consent: The Note and accounts - are
deft ‘iilti N. Granger forcollection, who Will con
finite 'bitsiness ou the Ready Pay system.- '
. . ~
. , •
11 • .
• . -Z. L. COO I LEY.
!t o o,. Mara 13, 1854-11w3* • .
1 ;1 1
• 0 - ' Public Sale.
ril i The subscriber, will sell - at Mlle 'cache;
ij ..1. iOn his premises, in Great Bend, O e mile
north of Summersyille,
._ .
-'. ! On Satnrday, April 1, 1854, [: - • ,
The4olloWing property, to wit: - . ! •
I • pan. of Mares, 4 years old ; 1 odd 01, 5 years
.old;} 106 Sheep, 1 sett of (double harness, 2 setts
1 of single liarn6s,-1 buggy .wagon nearly new,, 1
il sprin;.i. botird wagon, 1 Sulkcy nearly now, 1 ox
1.- yok0;11 cooking stove, i largp churn, and other
article's too numernus to mention. i.Salo to coin,
me* at. 10 o'clock A. 3T. • - 1 . -
7pitms.—All SUMS under $5, cash down ; over
$5, six months credit with notes on interest, and
goof! approved security. ' JOHN H. PADDOCK'.
lireat Bend, March 13, 1854-11 wl . 1 '
• I
'N • I
3 . Insolvent's Notice. •I-
TOTicE is hereby given that the, subscriber
.111 hus applied to the Court olCoinnion Pleas
of B*i - quit:mina CoUnty for the benefit of the In:
EolvOit laws7of this Commonwealth and the said
Court; have Sppointed,Monday the 17th-day of
April .n'ext for. a hearing
. upon the facts contained
in hiS petiti9n or application. 1 •
31n' reit 6, 1154-11w3. AMOS BAKER.
, 1
I .
Administrators' Sale.
'UV' 41.1. besold on the-premises of John. Bard;
1 V 1 deceased, in Ditneek township; on Tues.
day the 4th day of April next. Sale to cont.
MC* at 9 o'clock A. M. i
1 , , 5 Cows, 3" two year, old
Steeils, 2 - one ,year old Steers, 2 Hogs, I r l, sheep,
1 oX Cart, ',l buggy Wagon, 1 one korse,Wagon,
1 two'horse and 1 one horse Sleigh, 2 setts Har
ness; 2 Buffalo Robes,. Pleughs, — Drags, with n
variety 'of-Farming Tools, and some Household
artiOes. ,
' The Stock; is all good and desirable.
The terms of payment will be, under five dol.
larstash, over that eix Ancinths with interest and
good isecurity. PEAR IN W.4IS, Admire
S. WILsoN, 5
Match 13 1864-11.r,1 .
1 utttElAs, tho - 110D: DAVID W fl; moT,Vres.
. Meat of the Court loi Oyer and'Terrainer,
nd Geneial Jail Delivery; Court of QUarteiSes
ionis of the Pence and Court of. Conarnon Pleas .
and Ortilutos'-Court in thil XITIth. Judicial', Dii
tiict4 etimposjd of the Colmties of Susquehanna,
Bradfoed land Sullivan ;4and- the lions. int
Boy fi.a E N D. WAnNek, Associate. Judges in
Susquehanna County, have issued their precept,
bearit4 date the 25th day td* Jan'y in the year
of 0hr1,014 one-thousand eight hundred and 'flf
ty-Dittr ' and to tat) direct d, for holding atourt
of Oyer and Terminer an General Jail Delivery,
in the 001'01101 of Moult se, County of SuNue
hanna, pn'.the'-.third Mond y of ;April aext, cit be..
ing, the filth day.) .. ; . -
N ofice Jai herebye
ivn to th r otoutmro,
Jusrmis DrTVE PEACE, and Q,D3StARLD4 Or said
Coantyi•of Sti: qdehannri, Ithatthey be then and
there, in theirow'n propettpersone,attwoi i o'cloch,
in the afternobn of said day, with their ltedords,
inqqh itjons, and other rentemkances, to o those
thins Which to their otlic'ps appertain to elione.
And' those Who aro ;bound.- by' reco r , izances
agaihsfithe Nisoners.that aro or shall be in the
Jail I oti said :County of Susquehanna, are to be
then end there, to prosr
Dated at .
aaainst theni as' will
be Just,l . '.
' at Montrose, thelthe 14th day' , o
in the year of our Lord one-thonsand eil
dreri and fiftyifour. I
liwq 1 -G.l)
..,.... ~ ..
Susquehanna County,
Alr.ina IStnitWhy her qexts
friend .6. IT.. Trowbridge
Charles C. Smith. j
To -011/is.C. SMITH Whereas, a subpoena In
Divtireii was issued lo' Nov. Term, 1853, which
v.-(islduls.retUrned non c 4 inreritui, and 'th'ereon
an dip Subinena was issued in said eauSe re
turnable to Jan. Term, 1854, upon the return of
i'as made th - the said Court that
ssidlCVarles C. Smith could not be fotino Jo my
' This notice is therefore to require yo to ap
pear Wok the - JUdges of said Court on lifitilird
;Stolid:4' of April next, tmanswer said .
G. 8.. ELDRED, Sheriff.
'Montrose,' Oarchl3,. 054. •1 I
i• • ,
4eza.4 nehannu County, ` - ss., ••.1 1 , .
Margaiet:Anij Norris by her 162, Auff. !Term
nexi, friend Ji: H. Reynolds. 1853, ali4 to Jan.
1. vs , ' ' Tenn, 1834., ,
‘144 r tn.,11. Norris
_Ulu \Aril. IP;Nonnis:‘ !Wherens, n Subpoena
in 14ivqrce •was issued to August Te ni, 1853.
which ,Was dilly -- returned no 4; est inr n 0, and.
thereoq nn glitz tosaid
cauie,!rctiwnable, to Jan. Trerm, 1854,1 t pop_ the
retnirm!of whiehproof was made to Oleg, id Court
thrX the said NVril. H. NOrris could not )e 'found
lu•ray pnitiwick.. 1 1
7111 i ;10004 is :therefore to require You to ikpf
peati, befoie the Judges lot; said Court' oil the
third IfolidaY of April nevt. to answer shill corn
piaihti4Le. ;. G.t. ELDRED, khelift
Moritrese, hatch 13; 154-IIwG. . I ,
. .. .
•l- - ;si liegistet'ii Notice...
xl - herebrgien to all prrs
I ;. qrneLl to the follolring estates, to
•Fiatte;f George Starlis, deed, L: S.
Adrik'r; ; ',' • i ,
gstae of Jared . Beardsley, deceased,
Peet:, :Adnfri • ,' , • .
Estate '.,t• B. IL Foot; deceased, Nor
Ad mints4atcir:
E t state of Fateick Carl; deceased, Jam
Tii 4l the t:ccountants ! have settled
rpunti: - ity Ili) liegister l 4 office in an
Lotpty of z•n5t i 0en.),,0...,,,0u that the s
he preiented;lo the ludges,of the Qrpha
d i.
of q.,litt County, in, Montrose, on Wedne.
19111 041 y pt.-Midi next, for confirmation
lokyanee. : -.) .- . -; • • • -1
J. T. .LANGDON, Rogi4ter.
lieg;sl4's 011 . 147t5, ,, 31nic1i 13, 1854.
•.i- :liizardiaits' Sale. -
" I \ - 10110Els hereby
. given that in . ,
pursuance of
I. tird6r Of sale issued from the- Or'phans'.
Court !c.f. Snsqueltarma";Countv the Undivided
three Mirth phrt of one half of tie - folloWing de
scribed pieces of parcelsof iand late '.the :estate
of\Clqrlos tiCteaSed, situate in't,hel town .
of flefrick said eounty, will be 80W .pt public
salt; 14 vent. The at the public House of ift'4Cole
loan it) . the village of Dandaff crn Wedndsdhy4he
"igth dityA,Ofwit next secne o'clock Pi 31., de-
Y . cribed• as fidlowis-,-(116 . (hit
curpeof Wm. Churchips lands, thence N. E.
101.perc1es to a stake and stones, - thenceisouth r ,
ml .!west 80 perches ty .n• stake and• stones;
the rice west il2tl perches' to 11. stake, thence north
.wek foW perches to the place of begitinng, eon
taitiini 40 atres more (4-less, mostly improved,
and 011 which there is' a.lrging house for 4 pow
privilege &c. • •
Thq second piece beginning at the north-west
corheii ollatidS formerlyjn.possesiion of Chaun
ey IW.66lintf,thence south 32 1-2 deg.wdsi along,
said 14n(1!2.0, perches to a stake & stones, thence
nooh fS deg. west seven perches to a stakeind
stonci, thence 23 deg east,. 15 lierches to: stake
and stOnes, thence.North"72.deg. east. 12 Orates
t6ll634orksuf theroad,l 'thence south t 1 perches .
to the. place of beginning, containing one sere or
therealtOnts ylth the npurtenances, one framed
dwelling hodie - out*Vouso &c. • .
Te!',lns of .. ttle easy and tiande•knewn - on`day of
salb. JOAN
• 7 1:, Guard s • SARAH G.i\WELLS. .
,Pupdaff, Starch 15, 1554-11w4. •
'oiphan's -Octurt Sal©. •
vrptic. is hereby riven thatin purstunce of
order of sale issued from the Qphari's
Court' of §ii!squeltund; Clounty, the fol lowing des
edited propnrt7, the esttite of William Baker, late
of Arkrat township, in iiaid county, dedeased :
WWII b)e'Sold at public 'Bile by yendue, on!Satur
day the eig,lit day of Apfil next, at one o'clock P.
31.--situate In said township of / Ararat, bounded
as ifollowstO wit : BeTnning at a Inapte tree
the niiitit west corner heteof, and the:norih east
corner of, land, of Horati H a thaway; thence north
461 degrees east 94 1. - 2 petches to a post, thence
sokth44-dekrees east 93 1-10 perches to ri post,
thence south 46 degrees east 94 1-2 perch - es to'n
stOndsor'nei thence north 44 degrees west 93 7-
10!perchis (o- i the place of ieginning, containing
55;neres. or there aboutS, mostly iMproyadand on
which therelsl a framed Id wrlling house, barn, or
chirdi ;Sale to' belhell upon the p4mises,
and terms Male known the day sale.
- r.
; _
• 'eft. 27, 185 1 1. 11 w 4. k '
- istritors' Sale-
NTOTickt is berebigiven that in pursuance of
of sale issued from the Orphan's
Cdurt, pfiSuSquehanna County, the following des-,
crihed pr r ap4rty, late 4)4 estate 'pf Pliny Bikchard,
in DlMuck tOwnship in said county, deceased, will
be olTered at public sale by renclue, on Sriturday
Ott 14 day Of April nett, at one; o'clock, M.
sit'utqc ift the township , of Jessup and: bounty
atiirellaidJiohnded 'on tliO lands of Wae.
'man Hcr(drick, on this east by lands o Isaac
'l,,CanNsauth by land44af A. B. Latina 'and,l.
E.l.Birehard, s rand•on the West by lands oti Fred
containinol acres ur thereabouts,
with the, apPu rtehances,' mostly iniproved'
Salo 'to be held upon the pee rsises, and terms
m4dii : 'knowtt an the day ; of sale'. • .
A ID 13
;• 7
lirth;; 1; 1854. 11W3'. • •
id" ' • i
miraptr4ors Notice. •
thadersigned having been appointed Ad
: inini.:stintors to the estateof John Bard ? do.
eeks(lll, of p.imoek township; request .those iil
debtid to. said estate to snake payment Muriel:ll
at4l4 end those having claims againSt said eskate,
pOsent nein for payment.
PtnniN Wuxi,
. 1 1. M. S. WILL -ON,
Mint: March 13, 11354-:-11w6. Adaint
1 ' flew gpriim Goods. i•,
rrijE subscriber is how receiving . hi 4, neural
-A- upply 9f Spring and Summer srooaq, and
offori their for bale iIS cheap as the CHEAPEST.
' H. J. wr,n, B.
gantr.iso s .March 15,1854. ;
11AGS-cianted at ' •
P ,
1 slo, l euu WANTED: -• .
oIIIROPOSALB will be received at the Cominis
• sionerg Office; at . Montrose for taking aloaa
Ten thousand dollar? authorized by act: 0 as.
seinbly to be borrorivd bv the County . of Susque.
h4nna for the- pulps° of building anew Coixrt
House end Public Offices for!isaid County,: , until
t 6 wholo 'animist ;tf said . loan shall have , lpen
t. ken,. , a ,
. Tho said loan till be italien,l'or. tbe whole
afnount or in small& sums as May ..auit
timeto invest !nanny therein and for, such
as may suit th'e lender at:the rate .of six per
cent per annum, for whiCh County Bonds will be
ilsued in conformity` with Ihe ;sot of Assembly.
. ,• . ' , . HANCOCX,
, • A. WILLIASIS, '• Com.
ttest, Wm. A. CnOssitai, Clerk. • -. . ,
'1 Commissonors Oltott, Z! l, ..
MontrOSO March 3,1854 ~$ • . -
ht hula-
48, Nov. T. 1853,
Mists to Jan, T. '1854.
le n 4 .3 con-
an Foot.
S Loman,
1 .
hair oc-
far 'ila
4anb will
sday the
:tad al-
TS: is -
Silk flats, Spring Style, just
. ' GEO. , „FULLER.!,
1' received by
1 31dreh 15 1854.1
. ,
tANTED--106, 6ptoot rime Posts, ei
ther split pr itait'od. ;A. ITIARELL,
LOVER SEEM of the LARGE land nod
Timothy l seed just reeeli•ed tind selling low
ly I • - 11. BURRITT.
New Wilfoid, L atc h 7th, 18.44-101.
„ .
•i CALL No: 1.
0"11 two moin / hs hive elapsed since our firm
'. was dissolved, and yet,but a small fraction
or what is duo us has been paid. P rhose . we Owe
pro calling upon usjor . their pay, And is . , right
they should have it. • Will 'not our !umerous
friends who are inifebted to as hoed
,this Call,Jand
elie'e our-necessities! ' . I
;CI Replica, pliymentsimay lae' made other
o ALVIN - I)AT at this office s itolAMASlt CtrAsE Bsq.
at his office in Harford Village, or to S. B. C4AsE
t his office in the tillage of Groat Bend:
I 1.-
I , S. B. &E. B: Chasie.
Montrose . March 19,18.54.• -I 1
OF tdovre.cpsE„ rA. • •
With Rowe Woedruff, & Carter,
liTtioLEsAtz pr.oEߧ. and Co ON
V MEr.citaati ? No. 173 Washington Street,
between6Cortland and Dey Streets, New York.
March 8, 1854,410tf. ,
i noo..ts su suckles
QF an qualities.and ekes. alsn a good assortment of Rub.
bit Over sh6Cs, &nil Bdskins, call and we cali.sult you
in quality and prices. ' • 1 ' •
Dec i,,mber-311`. ! 8., J. ScZo.
1 ' • ' A , l'resh ..of
.r Cissimeree,iGingharns, di! other Fancy
Ol.Dry Goods, jhst, arrived, raj ' •
.1 1 Snarl'', 40n.ti4rtoi &ces.
. Also, a new andllarge assortnient of Iron, &c.
&e., l whieh.will - besold cheaP a. 4 uenal for cash
'or pay down. „ I SCOTTi SoHiSTON & CO.
• Springville, Jan.l2, 1854. 1 I
raim' for
• I
r lIE- silbscriher '.offers ler stile 'at ,auction it
I. v:111141)10 carp .‘tuated in Dridioviater,
township' tivo and, it quarter, Miles north of Mon.,
„trcise; on the Stage road loading to Kirkwood,
On , ifrelizirs(lay the 22(1 inst.
The said Tarn Contains about 65 acres with
40 acres improved, no fram6d house, two trained
barns, ono orchard; and a goOd site fur, a mill or
any kind of inachirterY. i _
ALSO, at the sane time the following proper
tv, to wit :-1 Itotse, 3 cows, 12 sheep, and
.shoats, wagon and sleighs, farming ` utensils and
household. fornitute. A
,muantity of hay and
strair in tholvtrn, and caw. iwrahor, with a VAPiO- ,
ty of miscellaneonA articles to numerous to mea
tion. Sale to Icirninenee at 10 o'clock A. M.
Terms madeknetwn,on day of solo:
o fsi. S. SHIPMAN.
. Bridgewater, May•ch 8, 8.51---10‘.v2.
Lodersvilte Itoo d: Drug Store.
MITE, subscriber wonld inform the inhabitentr , Lo
-1 der:. elite and .cui4undlnO, eountry, hint ho hal great
ly enlarged and improcred Store, mot filled up with
forge and complete agaortinent, of Paiute, Olt., Try.-
woode, Dye-stuffs, Whid - otr Glass, Saab, Patty, Val:ash
end nrurrhex. Aka,
Patent Medicinel , , Chet:drab, Ght.ll,,u4re,Perromery, Tan.
kee ,Confectleaery. Tollel articles. and all art clot
Usually kept in any oltabusbroviit or the kind. Aln on
hand a larl e assortment of
• 47
PUDE/ nap it e., %Tacit ei .`111:cp arra t o sell en
as reaabliab7e terms' as any stare to the country.
. . .
Also keeps i n Fame poem a general assortment of the
CHOICEST Msbtc•mtcs i'aterally selected . , prepared and an
perintended by himself, foran 01r1180ZOMMOdItti011Elld the
benefit of the pittilie. . • •
noilders, Painters, Physictans, School Tea . cliors,twleed.
all classes and profe=sidno pitrihasa are invited
toczilan3'seefor themselves. i•
31 , •
'1 L. Scott, . .
Would inform MI former:tiatr_ons that he has in
connection with his other e business a full assortment
'of foots and Shoes;some Of Which he \ cart,warrant
and gel as reasonable as can be bought at any ottv
er plaCe in the bountry.
: L. SCOTT..
.. Directly ()Teri°litn Meßinni.y's Store nn •
the R . R., Lodersville.
March itb, 11354.—e1i
•• • • NEW GOODS. • -
T IT. SUTPHIN . ; 'Writes atecittlen to the unusuaily
large and complete arsoiliabht of
New Gods . for Fall &ales, I
he Isnot. receiving. •In addition to Ids. usual supply of
Staple Dry Goods, Groceries Hardirare,, Stotes &c.,he
also offers to ' the Ladiie a ri ch of
:Fall and Winter'. Dress Goods,
-; •
Satin - Velvet 'Bonnets,. Shale's, Ribber's. Gloves and
Itoslery,'Veils ; Tablei.preads & '.Cloths,_ Satchels,Ladles
and Iftlises fine Boots kn d Shoes : &c., &c. TO theG oath
men he offer's a large stock of boat quality .
.Readyl-111ade Clothing.,
Clotho, Cass' meres,' T , seed s and Jeans, Vesting's, Rate and
Caps, Mots & shoes; 4c . .'
• Ms stook embraces a more extensive and varied assort
ment than.huretofore, l and be Is prepared to'holdogit •
• guperior incliccements
tb CAST T purchasers.;
Ile respectfully aolicits an early call. froin Ida friends
and all others ;desirlag good goods that are worth the
prieg as!: etl for them. . '
,Summert villa ,Sent. /2th 1453.. , ~
2000 l l l e c a c t es a ;t s iX i i n a t f e e r ;er all stylcs and p rices,the
offered In this county just
tete/sod at ' '' ' 1 ' - 3. 11. BUTPIIINS.
ill OLD Spec;a4es—A Ingo . assortment 'of
Vr - Gold Speetadles of all! ave. ' J 1
Silver NapkinAtng,s, Fruit k.nivev, Cupg and
,Chains, Thimbles, Butter knives, &c. -
To , the Ladies-4-Agate andiKComelian Dress
Buttons. Shell. H' jr Phis, it very nice article.
' PLATED WA RE—Some very handsOruo Cas
tors, Cake Baikal Candle Sticks,SaulTers and
Trays, &e. . ,
LOCKETS—AI I good assortme nt of Double
and Single, both G )Id and Plated. - .
. SILVER PL., ED KNIVES superior
ticle made to ma th silver Forks.
SHELL. COMB Juit received,- anew lot_of
Shell Back Comb i also Ivory do.
GOLD CHAINS in every variety—also, Gold
Keys and Seals. lAll of the above aiticles.aro
for sale miExe by 1
March 1,
1854 ---S T A
' PLk.GO O
Ehsjlst,ee"vtd; n nddld° for our
co„sistinr of L. M. Pittsfield
Shectin2s,. Batting/ Watlding, Wicking, Cotton
Yarn'nnd Carpetlyarp, Canton Flannels, Ken
tucky leans, Twe Os, Satinetts. & liersaymeres,
De Lanes Alpacas, Caticoci, - Groceries of cv.
cry description, &d. &e., alt of which, we desire
to' dispose of ()mink the present mont, to make
room for a new stpck, and we. invite our ens 7
tomers, nnd.tho. pipe generally, to give us a
• 50 - 33IISIIELS •
just receiv,ediland will be sold right by_
• .00+. Baskets'. •
One wdgon In just received, : atid now is
yclur•timo to buy ihem.
_; - -
• , , . BENTLEY & READ.
A newsupply of Dr. 117,Jayne's.:01-eip•at,ed
Family' . Meilicihes, .
Just received. _ i\-othirig will put a stop to a
cough so ciTectually as a bottle of Dr. Jayne's
Expectorant. We speak frOta exPerienee. ' -
. .
• nowt
. By the Barrel or Ssiek_, fbr sale by
. .
gSosiae things sanbedosei,se we
• . • ne
T otlier
A . 9 t • . , 118: isubicriber having, rented the Chai r
elactory A. 11'. CreenWOod ,in .garford
a preOartid la manufacture I , • ,
. -
AIL Ki g C 11AlkS,
at reduced pikes; of g ood Materials, and in a sat
parlor strfp workinanship..,• _I keep canstantls
on hand, kir Will manufac!tureto 'order, •
`• Nos! ocX crs, ( tatrror e )91e, it kinds
of Fa n d'y and. Windsor Chairs,
i nag B edts, -
K7ellees,, 44.i&r. • ,
4 . .tEr Alt 'work warranted ,to' give satisfaction "fo r
Yctirf ; •
Merchantable Produce will e Oilcan is et
change for ivork,bat NO ClIPDl'l‘ !
Itarford, Dee. 2,-1853--Iy •
11. & CO.:
linporters and .robbers of 'Foreign and Do;
..• • swlic Dry Goods. ' . • 1 1 ,
. , 41-DST STItE.FT, TOOC,
AXTOULD invite the attention ofimerChants i
Susquehanna and adjoining Counties ta
their stock which will be found large and desirai
tile 'at idl'seaions of tho . .year, consisting, in part
df Clethi; Ca.isireeres and .Vestin.,as, Jeans and
Tweeds, With all tho heat and welt know.n stylesof fast colored prints.• - '
Also, Dress Goods, White !and Linen Goodit,
Also, troche long and square shawls' Caili; ,
mere and; Silk Shads, together with Hosiery, and
Paney'Crciods. .
Prompt attention paid to briars.• li , 4yl-1 e,hange.
Woe. Susqueltitu l in Count y. f'
+0 -D; Co, Would beg leave t;. l
• return thanks to their, friends
for their li
eral patOnage for the i lastl'renr-and hope, the
will continuo their. favors, which we hope to me
it by :strlh.nitention to business, nnd. low price ;i :
We havelhe most npproVed patterns of f3urvg, l
ever. brought into this market, among which
too found - ' • •
STAR OP THE WEST (Elevated Oren.) ;I
• PARAGON, • • •' • •'
N.II•W WORLD, ! • - •
• I
• • THREE STATES,aIIAir and' oth
ers too.iinmerons to m i tntiori. • , :
• We also,lavo on Zia
.d a large assortment of
Tin Wriro of a heavy qenlity',-expresely forlhome
trade, Cistern - and Well Penis of all deseriPtionel,
lead. Pipe of all sizes, reels" for chain pump's, &&
&c,.. Job work dene with ;neatness and desatelil.'
Allitrinda of produce takon, or Ipprpved , redit
given. , Give us a call if you please. MO •on
Main •street;directly oppe4te the Dem. Office.
C.l). LATHROP, •ii
• ; "• • B. lA. WOODRUFF,
Cash Paid for Fors by ' ; ;IL. & W.
THE Co-partnership herCtOfore existing hd
tAttnen-the.untlersigned, in Editing and pub
lishing the Montrose Demurral, Under, the ftrM
and Style of S. B. & E. B. CHASE, is this dijr
dissolved hy"mutual consent. - The notes and
accounts are for the preSent in the hands of S.
Ti. Chain for collection. 'l6 order to accommO
eate our subscribers, arrangemepts haf:e been
made so that - payments. may he made either ri' i t
the I..ttimCcffice of S. B. CnAsvrat Gieat
to AAIA,,SA CIIASF, Esq., of Hartord; or to Ar.vl);
DAY, one of the present propriet4rs of thb
I' Democidt." • ' SIMEON B. CHASE,
3ronti 4 ose, Dee. 31, 1853.1.. -
' _;7.. 1 - limy,- 060 D 3 - - i
At t the Upsonvillb Exchangq.( J h
THE 'i l subscriber hereby' informs his Mends,
1 (cOMprising, the - public b rtenerally) that he is .
~, Jooeph L. Merrhalang •
now repiehishincr his stdck of Goods, and 'is of; -
coring; superior inducements for them to purchtte i?ESPEUTPULLY informs hts frienda that - htt
of him, thbreby keeping their capital, as. well Ps AA , is dow receiving a pile of chairs G l iodi from
doing. their trading at honte,, atnong his stock the great .. Eriporind4" which toothosarith his
may be found a ,rreneral asset ttnent of Dry Goods old stock makes his assortraentqaye Adinfiefe, sad
Groceries, Crockery, liardwUre, Paints, Oils - will enable himto saceessfully compete with his
Dyes, Bbots and Shoes, Hats andiCaps, wall anti neighl4rs. .Among his stock may be TOtila It good
window 'paper, Clothing, Trunks, yaiikee notions supplyef Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockitry, Hama I
; die., all of.
.which he will be happy„to exchAnge 'ire' and wmden welle ' Nftik r . Inis.Druldsise)- '.
- Dyes, Paints and coils', Booti !tad Strees,'(a superior
for any kinds of farmer's produce at the highet lot) /bits and Caps, Ladies Winter ttonnets,satchl
prices, caSh, or good credit. ' " ' - I. ells, Carpet Bags, Trunks,lßea - dy Maditiptiap irs
Also he wants all who hare accounts of ov er se l ecte d xpl• , and 4100a:obit - ethic
ssly for service ' ' •
six months, standing to call and settle them on "cis 'useful article s ee not necessary here - to . mehinsn' .AM of
before ,the first of Peb. 1851, and All whe inte . nd: which he w,ill sell at theltotsest l ining piajit rot
to pay in grain are reqUested to bring it along, . Cash. Produce, or approved credit:
soonas eonVenient., i 'J, L. MERRLIIAN. It UpsOnville, Sept. 24 1853-
WANTED to- hire n gaod Blacksmith, one
whe understands all branches of 'the trade, and:
ean l eonis well recommended for sobriety and i' -
dustry On obtain fair wages 'by calling ,on t 'e
subcriber Soon at lipsenviile, Pa.
Jim 2,1854.
D. 4. & Co.
Ai RE selling oil their isteek of Goods eheaper
than,ever In Order to make rooth for thZ r
Spring purelinse. Call and Seehr yourselves.
Jan. 13 • '
FLAK Do Lanes only is 6d at • ,
D. fti LATHROP & Co.'si
BAlC;State Shawls cheaper than ever at, i•
- ,1 ;D.R. L. & Co.'s
SOME moro of thati•Cd Sugar lett at
1 D. It. L. & Co ‘ 's",
. Montrose, Jan. 16, 1854.
P-.Biown's Es . :•OnOe ,of laniiticit
~ '•Gi get, • .11
, .. . • ..
r rlllSitiseneo is I - prepa_ tiott of unusual excellence .=.
1 In Ordinary diarrhoea , incipient cholera,in 'then. ia
, all ettes Of prnstraWanf t 'e dliestiVe flinctions, it Islet'
1: 1
inesthnible value., Duri 'the ',prevalence of epidemle
cholera and summer comp aints of children, It is peculiar
ly efficacious; no family or 'flinching' or. tmeeller should
be withent it. As it enables the system to resist the
infittene'C l of insiplentdiscase which lurk' in a changing elk
mate, i t . -
,Cacricirt.—De sure to get '
the gougine esseenc whickls
Treparekonly by 1. DROWN, at ' t his Drug andi Chemical
Sto r e; N.E., Corner of Elfthind Chestnut ettrets, Phila.
delphiai and for sale by all the respectable ~Am:ithecaries
in the United States, and at Monttese,Pa by I
CMyl.); . . • ! BEL TUIfiREL . L.l .
;Administrator's Notice.
NT, 01110 E is hereby givettthat Letters TestAL
111 mentary upon the estate of Lafayette
marth, dee'd, late of Jackson township, have been-.
granted` to the subscriber. All persons indebted'
to said; estate are hereby rbquested to make int , .
mediati Payrnent i and those, having any claiths
upon said estate, to ptesent thent• duly attesld'
for settlement. -
' JOHN, GUNNISON, Adm i t.
helison, Feb. 15, 1854—1 a 6 -
. . .
. ,r . --Poik, Flour an Salt. i
~ .
AYEW barrels of Flour, extra Michi,ganbrai o s
`Also Mess Pork and Salt,bv the barrel 1 , r
load. !'_ L A. BALDWIN:I
Montrose, Feb. It . , 183. ; " -! •
iollatint Level'. Watch6e.'',
~.. r HE snbscriber takes plea.s
-.401. - JL nra ~,. th informing Ifts
• , -. .4,4 friends thal he has this day
f° - ',, received direct from Liverpeol
si . ' 1.,... another invoice of his
C. epleb-
9 , 4-' ' '..t ted English, Lever Watch e s,
tti-.-.. - - ' Cased in various styles, plant
and flitntlng, Full Jeweled, and warranted Per
fectlinie keepers, ALFRED J. EVENS.I
: . No. 2„, Odd. Fellows' Hall. - ,
Binghamton, Feb. 14, 1554. ' ,I
Plagfer Mill at
TXT4 are now prepared to supply a stiperipr
. quality-of LL
at all times and in any quantities. , •
Believing that the farmers of OusqUehitmlaqo.
will moult their own interests, anti add to the
value and r produbtiveneta of their farms 4.lifii;pg
this valuable fertilizer more freely than they
have geretofore done, we take pleasure . in
int them increased facllitieifor,obtainhig it, awl
respectfully ask them tomnitain us by their pit
-renege. , DAVID BUMMERSi
' ' 0 •L.N. SUTPHIN. -
Sunimeraville, Feb:.2o, 1854-Bw4.
.NEw supply just received. Also; TONN'S
Vareti 1, - GEO. FUJ.INR
(10411, - - Satiforialitit - •,l lls 3. •
: .• •
Ne 131004078 , No t a ,
fl R. HAVVILEY would, respectfully infonit
hisfriende and customers, and'citizens in
this vicinity generally that lie 38 DOW; receiving n
tier) , large sad * desirable sTocK-!of ofigc*
OOPDSlselected with grialarehl,eh hiaddition
to 14stformer stock, mikes his TIP TOP. •
_ . Sheetings afti Elkirtinets;
Brown and Bleached . from 1.44. to 12 '-
Cantina flannels, Doinestit. Gingbinns from I2c.
to 114 3-4 c. • - •
- Cloths ! -Capaintietes,-Over Contlng, Biltnsetts,'
tilWieeds, Kentwky Jearqooke., 26 percent shell).
er than ever., • • •
• .
Ladies Dress-Chxds.
A splet2did lot: of ifertnOs,4ll - iorral•Delaines
Csshmeres, Par:Mathis, Thibet Cloth*, Coburg',"
i'ersian;Hs, dr& Prlbts, req .,. urge lot
from G 1--t t l4l - 21 ;-• - -• •
- Cheap litelaines,-
A fie lot to sell, at .14e. as gorid,., quality
And pattein ss heretofore, sold at 200.,
Bleak' Robes ,
• I 13als Wholo Skins. .
• Cr - 00 Sots :
By, Sack at/ Bosh&
bibntrose y 11054; -
.S°" SOAP by the eallou er barreli , at
. THE.O4 - ei to buy materials-for LIGHTS Le at
• , TURRg.I.I:O:
.binenry,f 1854.
ore .New
tr- Immo'? tmw receiving an- -
itther Penni sftdr of
IA • Fall and {Pinter Goods,, by: Welt- his
will be fully tePlettislied, In troy .tepthicrent and .1111i2/11-
ally inviting! and eomplete." particularly.* new atyleof
Ladies Deese Gocda, itieh- NW rigiey,_D•usi,
Cashmere, Taramettai, French Iderhati,,Ge ttalte•
Lustre, Embroidered Robee,Silks, Bontiets Rich ROM**
Ribbons, a large and -new .assortmeet, Of. 'Winter Slcirelh
Ladies Fur Cuffs, Victorines and Miffs. Ladles - Rubber
Boots, Slippers and trvm Shoes, Clocks of elegen4 add i new
styles, and a neirassortment 'of Shop, Parlor and (Stroll!' 2.
Stoves, with a great variety of WILT Yam, and , Staple.
Goods which will be' sold on , Ow most favorable Imago ,
offering especial Inducements to cash'err.tisne buys*:
New Milford, Nov, 2 . 4, 18d3 4 • 1;
- ~ ' • ~ , New 'Stoves. - , I --- :1 : •
TT . BUIIIIITiIs now receiving • ciiiir and tug mirk-
AL. moot of Cooking Parlor and shop Stoves:tot Woid
or Coal, and In connection with his pravioni stock! Will
make, a select , and complete maintmene ed the tiara mil
Jar and improved kinds of . 1 .' • I
Air . Tight, . Elevatq :' Oven. ,ienaiiim ati
Plate ,Stov e s./, : - j
• ... ..,
~- 1 A
L I .
Also, stove P pot steel , Iron, Zinc, Etna T ea ara.b
which horalisellat the lowest pficisfok clash 'Orsippeirr
ed credit.. : ' .
New 3111foril,Sept.itth;185e4i - ' • - ' -
I INES itsitEYNOIXIS; halt° rosetpvemi
I-2 Tailoring establishment let this foosn'oieili;
R. Rawl& Store, / near the I'
where the are prepared to attend protoPtlY;to, all ,
tannin th ir profession. pledginsr entire satisrant; ion
to every - 4a•sonahle hitt°. 'Latest NeliToris 'and
Paris fashions just reexi'ved.!
Montrose, 5ept.15,18534 , • ;
- -CASH 'PAID FOlt:• ;
A LL iamb of GRAIN by i
Grooeries-0. 1 olesale Rotall4
N great satiety,. 'considerable *entity, shpe
lor slnality„'sandlcheap for caso on an
- 4 eh.
far mosekinda of Merchantable toduce, on: g
terms. His stockl of Sugars; Teas, Tobasco,
c is, ize•, being so numerous,,he deems it only nab:
essary to say, that almost anything in the
eery line used by families, can be foundiupon ingt f•
ry and
.consequently enumeration is chnsldirini
stmenfluous. In particular, be 'would aak 4n exua.
inatian of his 6d Sugar, 2s. Tobacco, and • 4.1 Tea,
A deduction marth saViug, made to these ibtam,
in largequantilles. , _
, • • . I. N., BITIttiARD;
illontfoce, Pa.
. :Valuable Farm for *ill& .
- lrf I' - lir " . -
rrHE subscriber oe a or Vile o vativarbA
1., farm in Gibson ' townshiP, '' Sesttleluirmra
county., Pa., containing 1•57 acres, sitinited in the
Eastern part of.siiid town, half of a mile from the
Tuhannock Creek and 12.1-21 miles from Sus ,
.qtr banns, Depot, on . the N.Y . & E. Railroad.
( ilk
a said farm is a framed -IMuse, 3. Barns, a
lorso shed, corn house , a'yohng orchard of over
100 trees, and is well watered. ; - ''' i
' Ho dfers to sell forlOper - cent. ielo than' th 4
real value. '' ••-, -
Titrams.—Two-A thirds of thetorebsuni money
cash down, and b r alance seraured j , mortgage. -
- : . • , WILLIAIIii TAYLOR(
Gibson, Nov., 23; I• 85-.. ' • 7yl . • • '
T_ EWERS Testameu • hake , beelt glinted
J to the subscribers cis die estateref Jabot.
Gardner, late of Gibson tp - itinabip, dee't All .
petsons indebted to said eateterithil make lnme.-
diate payment.; and Ormuz bash* delimit% will
*sent them to tbs. u_ndMi4ned, 'duty-attested
for settlement .' ELECTA GARDNER I
- a ENOS "OlditINER,
Gibson,. Feb. 20, 54-Bw6; - tzecutoiv.
A CIMICE lotjuet repaired, and offered lOW sj
Springville, Dee. N,1853.
- .
- •
• - Brio Eike*.
A. Choice lot, and will be sold low, by
• U. sp
Frew 11filforly.Oet.15,1853.
ATE ALMAPIAC ji r RA 4 T for o l vir41;:M1 1 .1
kJ is Susquehanna- Co. ' TeltitlßT'
.Whadow Shades.,
ALargo ;
lot of iiandsorne4stin' ted, shades,- at
Gibson. Nov. I. ' 00.
Pert timery, y getteial a*itiaent of :elsoice Pis
funteryt at. -
faEO.. Fut '
AS ju4t received his ran rurd,-Virinter stook
XL of Men and Boys' " ,
Reao-ittade Clothing,
t -
Embracing bvet-coats of a variety of grades...l
Frock; Sack, ,and Dress Co'als—Nraits-r-Pantro
Welolen Under Shit is and Drawers—Fine White
Shirts, Farley. do—Collars-i-Overalls---Stockings
—Gloves, .tic. &c.
A good assortment . . of fashionable. Mons, Vtg.
mean, Misses ,' Boys; and Cbildrens BOOTS Sr
SHOES. India Rubber-Boots, Shoes and San
A new supply of WALL PAPER, Cartaki pp:
per, Border, &c. BoOksOnd Stationery. -
Also, Trunks, Guns, Travelling Bags, Macker
el, Codfish, Sugar, toa,CoffeeAc . ., and a variety,
of Fancy. articles. '
His motto is READY PAT and ONE krabl—Cash
or Produce. . • =
• 11807 Store oPposite Searle's Iltiteli
Mcintrose, Oct. 4, 1853.
. _ .Dissovarriot.
xrurfcE is hereby given thit the,Copluttme..
jv - ship heretofore existing between the sub.
scribers, tindeethe firm and style of Comm & hi -this day: dissolved try I mutual
consent. j . • •
The book& of the firm will Itte to this h.rds of .
tie°. L. Coi4itiuntil -the firl of April for battle*
_meat. • I Gill, L. Cottirm,
- ' litt.t.artuna.
• todersville, Feb. 28,11,884::—.4w3.*
*Writ it C. Vail-
DUGGIIitT and Canner, and Dealer . in
Dane% lifedlcinee,.o Wad&t alma.
Paints, Oils, I Patty, Window Glass, lopidne,
Plaid, Perfumery, Yankee N iinilAen .
Lodersrille, Pa.---10tt, • \ ,