. ten the Committee on Resolutions,. sulitnit- 1 3 the following report, through their.chair ion' ~11fr. Chise V".' Resolved, , , That the• selection or witijAm li'mt.sa by the voice' of !this: ConVeution,..as tl c s tandard-bearer, of the•democraey in the xt gubernatorial contest, is pot lordy . in ac-, 4rdanee with the well established - liSages of e.party, but a' well-merited tribute.to his liiinent worth, , integrity and ability, ' His `tire administratidn has" been tharneterired r , aninselftsli devotion to the best intercsts, 'the peciple.;' The`, deniocracy will` bail rills , -nomination With delight, and will rattly c action- of . this coarenti9a by his tritim,' milt election., •. --, ': ,• - . • -, I .Resolved, Thatthe . iast ani ual ine , ksage:cf . Bigler is,a public docu vent of unusuel . rength • 4iiid ;ability-, ek-hib ting, ,with . the at - est-candor,"'and fidelity,..t me actual finair- . al condition of the'Commenwealth. In this ank and manly: ex . hibit,, we haVe assurance 1 tit The public interests of the.people' - are en-. rusted to a safe and competent Executive. Resolved, Thaf'Whilst4here is Much in the 6 s sage of Gov.. Riovea to •excite our adtni , tion and pride for the exhaustless _Wealth f the. State, and the higli deiree of .prosper i- -enjoyed by 'the 'people, 'we should not - be sensible to the, importance of - a rigid: 'econ uy in' every'department of, the . g6vernment.' is in this that we,have, the' v.gsuri - ince that he public money j.srpot iiiisaPplied, and a. ust foundation lor;the 09fldence.that public , ngageinienti will be - clieerfollir met' by - the leople. • . . , i 1 Resolved, Mutt'. input' . the' 4. bjeet of 'ill; rrcric.y.„ the..tiews i 'er Go s-., 13, Glitiii :are pe city sound and democrats:. i i That whilst i cily the r ains. 'ori in lof th emoe.ratic `party.,;„` to ‘'.uproOt, a .SyStem . 6 • ntint,;' -it is 'n q. less . .our 1- true' policy restrain the L . ,egate amlatint -of eapi, t invested in_ banking - to thet,deiiiands l of s ,il,iliv trade, and-the actual bilsiness wants lfthe ' ern ,; . : .. wunl ty, And ikot run . s the risk' of' rent comthercicommercial.cMnfrxssmen and distress y an undue exnsiOn-of Paper, circulation. hi amt . Solvent hanks shmild ii, - .: recl, - rtereil "ith great caution,' and only after ; -• nio , i liordugh. :examination of • their eon ition . ; 'hilst new Ones•ahould be -establisheWhen ~., - ' • v . '" )solutel3, - necessary, and demanded if , eacies of. trade. , . - Resolved, That the.'evils of omnibuS and. ---,- erable' for all tlie - fc:kitl cz'nseinences 0 1 Ppecial legislation: had I.mqonte" . intoltrable, so d igranf an - net. of injUstice. and the former especially calculated •to • pro -,i - ..k-...oireii,''lluit we iis . .sbrtliitta I 'nen ha:f uce. incalculable mischief and injury "to the,: liitherin,been willing to yield to the ssouth, mblic. We therefore - heartily commend •andil pprove the position assumedby Groc.BIGLEn,l . t r . ; 1 1 all. lier constittilionall.rii.lits :ttid. altliougli in:tii i v.o. the,T,ro.v.sorts ot_ the Comptcnnisl •. - 2;aint this species of legislation., _ Resolved, That in the adjustntent of .tli , iiieaure.s : of 1850 are i hi glily 'Obnoxious to liXordltern feelings, - vet , tlliklortir . has,,generi, . iffiCulties.at Erie, ;tad with the Prat-Alin ca- I ; illy. ptoilliesie l l' in ilk : Ili:4 in :the hope tlta, al company, Gor.• Btot.r.rt did slaved .great -ill, prudence and 'ability, ; at 4 that is I I ', they' were t(.. 1 .,,'; a fitial; . sottlemont of the ells p.ifei :all •agitatino.r, , :. ezig-ztions ilnbr:iced by j stir entitled to the praise of all for his 'con- ,I, ,tit, -.,,, , i tt iii tr a t ilt e •sO lite'as4r.Cs in connection" act throughout the' entire .etitroversy. . !I iWitls the. •Conipn.iiiiSe ritra:tures ii.f '82 . 0 were Reqolved, That tAis Convention prevents', .6_b, .regardet.l.as forever .13 . rin-iiig further agi 7 -ith entire confidence, the tiaine of .1 EIiEN . IIAII i 1 ,,,1, ' ' -', 1 1 . r ii . ,, 1 i iii,,,il - , t / i ;o f ,1. - 1%1 .. v . i n , , tn , n on. n. \ . (.• 0.• ~ • •• „ . . BLACK, as the gAn ( iitiate. of the 1./emiscjitt- ; : (. : , ,,;„,..,. c ,„,. • ~ . •i : .i ;', , i I ~ party for Judge Of the :supreme Court... i•, !/;...`csi,lce(l. That if :bite &cmproinise is to be he high character turd dis'-ingniihed a l lilltY..i . nbro , rated•wittiont :1 4 0Par,t . mt. soul cause, tin f ,Tudge. Black are too u:ell known to crerY i . ciotiutrV counot be held :i..) mgard . the other • itizen of the commonwealth to' requitezdn - 'I :ts i.f fill:' binditc*. •foice.l either in . lan -- or .cement by this convention. • The little lie fi 1t ,. : .,1,..- .- -' I, -.., •.',- - { • I '''. uns alr ,- ...znir occupied "that entinent •positiOn, 1 I ./.?e`?,irct•r, That.the rts:slirtion so Often made . ;k+-;en s;:ifs..cierit to leave, the. inipress of ft ' i i,,,j i ii ii . 4,„,, - , : . (. . - . ,•c (Ij,',,i: / "...-. 11, :i i 5 . 4,4,,,A.,..., aiiit , ''c'h mini upon the it 2 ri'Pra . dc-Ttc7 .1? the i stl.ren' to':Ft incli.genolislturr!soil - ;via 'climate; i,- -•• • country. and he has shown hint s:elf i l :t Ix or, h 3 - not , only ileinsl%e 1111 tilif , nino. ii, 8; 1 ,1 inten , -, t/( - n.•:•.-i..or -of the stron s , min•l; \rho !filled • the i deit a.S 7 a.-:;iallre to 4 le•,.tiriarde,l,' but it is a: . -...., - 1 4 . i .cuirii before. hint. ~ •. . d • ' .• sprees denial 0, too - itrutlis oi . fusion-- and of ~ , Resolved, That in .the selection p.f ITErly ; 11 41 I ' flit qtle eNiker ' ictice of ilitiiii;.iu(l.anu thatn from . Nov.,. as :our candidate for Capt. Co, antis- i i4° lACii I r . C.I Zen 4.11:F.Crt.:7 Of S i lliCTia and K:untek:Ltka •ioner, we Iteliere the, DemOcracv:, are peen- i 10 1, 11 - le.bliiiiing s:tudlo l l:4•ryt and , Alys. , ,ini: . i.; iarlv ' fortunate; recognizing in flint,' is; ‘“? ' s r a i. ery l i „ ev , :r. b c ,A ,il4, rot ~f in a hl i i i 4l, .o, a inan : Of the strictest integrity, great per- 4 . lrh t : , ni despotism _ lids twe!li. uncolitroled' b'yl: .oval popularity; and einineutly qualified to 1 legislatUre- . enactnteit 5,'..).,v pUlitical institrk ill the respionsible - tiliee for which he is nom- i tious or by:the instill( t atit'l • energiei of men: inatoi. • • • -.- . • • i '. 1 ?.e.soi,vid; 1 Thatwbi e. t,lie . Statth Its beep Resard. That the election of Gen,Ftt,tNx : - Us PIET:cr.. to-the .Presidency, was - a trit in- . phantyindieEttion .of the attachment. of he I )crnocn i ttic party to the Constitution and . he . ilio,ti ;