The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 05, 1854, Image 3

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. •.1 •i,
isubservitint to the interests of the people •• of
-I' l'einsylviiiiiti.- .The Subject was cOnsider4
but not finally disposed of. .- , .• .
;Its May last I . received-a communication]
Ifte)n thif,pre . sident of the company, covering 11
..„ t hJ i proceedings of a
meeting of the bo:ud : of
diteetoiS, in whielt after allusion to the.action '
• o f.:the Sliprenie .Court. and - the Legislature,, a,
iunnher of propositions were submitte.d, indi-
' egtiii.i . t le willitignessW the company to pay
o.:rtain sates of taxation for" the unrestrained
a ,J, I -; of the .road, until - after the coating session
• ot'''the LegiSlature, or until'that branch of g,ov,-
e minent should net on the subject.; Believ
inc;' that I It_tc,d' no right', to . • make- conditions
with dir e compfiv, . o\4 iwen •to receive the ma
i • to pav,
•-• nev.which they were Willing . . .
I de-4
, dined to entertain the propositii , n. The re
-14iens of the company u)ward the State,
therefore have undergone no c . liangesince the
v adjourninentof the lag Legislature, eicept
that tlit - . 1
measuresGelitiraf has recently - taken
i` to o bt a in Attorney
a final decree in the plea
O.Rn-injunction and by writ of quo -tram' silo
• to revoke the claimed by the..oni
. pir .. t ~
; Becelit occurrences at the city of Erie; evince
•A intensity of feeling amongst- the - people,
' se ldom eqpalled on.a qnestion -of t tliis- kind,
i n liCating not only the proptiety,.'hut neces-,
4. for prompt and 'decisive legislative action,
. s. . , ,
• .s..iito th rights of the company.
'• It must be clear to the impartial observer,
. that thel • the Legislature never intended', by
.auk pre tons act to,authorize . the construe
x' ti:.!rof a railroad between : tile city.tif Erie and
l• the 014 line., Inde e d, the :highest judi c i a l
tXbunal in the State has expressed the , opin
ion, that no 4clr aittliorits can' be found' in,
the charter of the Franklin canal company ; •
' ' and, in My. opinion, the grant should Ire.reaf- 1
ter be Made . .bn such conditions Only,. as will 1
pr'i l .tect•and allyance the interes Soe the peo7'
ple Of Pennsyliiinia, so far as t ley may be in-.
yelved in the subject. It. so happens_ that
-Tennsytvania holds the key to this important
:I • •
. link of connexion between the East - and the
West, and- I most unheSitatipAy say, that
. .
where no pnciple_of amity or
- ' ie!be vil)lated, it is the "fielit and the 'duty -.of
till: State'to turn her !natural ' advantages . -to
• the prootion °Oho- views and welfare. of her
in •i• .
on peop l e. . ~ . 5
slit may be said that - a restriction that Would
-- ire LI break oftililload' o•tri-te• at the li'li
*Nu . 1 .. •
~ . • „_ . t ., • •
b6r of Erie; wolfid be the uise 'of an 'illiberal
. • ,i • • .
. priuelple.. The answer is, _that'the ;necessity
• for a break of gunge between the Ohio line
and the seaboard exists, as a consequence_ of'
a ditlerietice in the width - of the New: York
ntid Ohio roads. The only question to ' set
tle, ther9fore, relates to the,pOi at . at which
should occur. ' I have' been able - to discover
ril)teasOns, founded in public policy, why the
break should be fixed ati3utlido, that do not
sply With equal force in favor of'Erie, fon
nage..and passengers can be as well tranship-'
pi?,l at the latter, as at the former city, . • .
:ISo__,lat as' concerns the benefits to either
city. incident to a transhipment, the idea 'is
unworthy of notice.'. But the. effects of a
• break of guage, - and consequent transhipment
. easf of Erie, upon 'time business : of that harbor
gust he paralyzing, if not fatal. It ' would
•t;irtually require shipments to be made.either
' atCleyeland or patfalo,. Scarcely leSs em Would this arrangement, be upon
• . 'the. interests - of the Sunbuit , and Erie , road; or
any other avenue that may hereafter connect
- th e .lAjs with the city of Philadelphia. .
. \,' 'lnlay be that.neighboring. St,ates posses
- r
sings - Millar advantages; would give them a-
Wat - ' for our benefit, but I lude notbeen able
' •• to eliscOver any fact in their former / policy, to
• justify such B:c:inclusion. I - shall await your
• itetion.witla anxiety: - . •-• • .... • . •.•
The subscriptions of the cities of-Phil:Wel-1
• I•Al'ut, and Pitttburgh to the stock -of the Penn-1
• ~•':,•ratui . 1i:ill-mai, and the prompt - payment of i
the ,-,
e interest on the same together ' with :the
tiatterii7 prospects of that iiiiprOi - einent, had
. 'the et:eel of extending -the belief that inunci
pal subscriptions ware in'truth, what:had b( - 4:9 :
.111egedi by soine : a mere loan of, the credit of
. the , respective municipal • corporations and
that neither principal nor interest wonld,cver
. '
be demanded. A. ' - .
.• ~
The consequences of this plausible and se-.
. . ,
-, uuctive doctrine were proMptly manife.sted in
. ;the forth of numerous. applications for legisla
tive„authority to municipal bodies to subscribe
Ito railroad -stocks in various parts of . the State.
- ; ll c,e applications were invariably - pressed on
. 4ber•plen of.pronniting public convenience and
',the geuarat prosperity, and a number of laws.
of this charactertere adopted. So far as these .
;•,11p11- tO cities and boroughs, theiropperation
has heen rather, successful ; but, when applied
• - ; :—ltL.-soimies it has certainly. -been much less so.
Failing in some instances, and itt others
, - •
' ;leading' to violent controversies :amongst. - the
;the' people, destructive to the value' of the
iuunicipal- bonds thus created. Viewed in
every aSix;ct, as a mere'queStion of expedien
ey, the Cxperinients already made would stir
to'weigh hetoily against' the policy of -such
subseriptioni; inileed,'l. hate no hesitation in
Saying that the aversion I' have alwas 'enter
. tained towards . this ptinciple and esecially
its extenon tn Counties, has been , -greatly
. itrenethened bythiselperience ; and vveshould
now; it Iseems to me,"
.as - it prudent People,'
. I profit -by this ..exeperience ; aud' avoid the
I practice in . the future:
,A 1 waysi ' doubting the
policy i,f such :-subscriptions, and declariae.
. my Nie!ws,freelyagainst them, I have not
- .1 felt rortuirgd to interpoee-the executive - firer' -
, :;Pg
afire siptinst the judgement of 'the people 'di
, , ;rectiv.interested in the question ;,or in , other
- ,
iwords, to judge for citizens of a - partieularlo
. (-ality on a subject relating merely to thii:r
- pecuni+y interests, or to resist' the wishes of
I , lileir immediate repres.entatiVes. • - . ' -
. -',. In a communication addressed to the' Gen- -
I erAl Assembly in March,l 852, on 'this sub
. 1 jitt,.l . rglitaried, -`.‘ that the power to subscribe
2t ,•-*-• i shon l d ilever be - exercised by municipal cor
poty.,jrons, unless the interests of the: - people
n. , prase4ted by such authority aredireetly and
certaitilY identified lyith the project On 'which
. the motley is to be expended. The operations
iof the Principle may be:equitable, ' when' ap-
Tlied't the people of a cit y or town , whose'
i l ,
1-, .. 'ilit , --• • •
. tres are identical, but when applied 'to
.....:. `the: peo le of. a county, it may' not be so.. On.
- the contra, ry; it may prove most - 'unjust and
-: oppressivc...---subjecting,• the people to . .burt ietis
, lethe shape of ?axes-for the.. construction of
4 `: publi c iniprovements,- from 'which they: ' rosy
• . never nialize benefit, 'direct or remote. The
. i. /'people pi one section of a_ county mac derive
••": . duahll: adVantages from the con:struction .of
• a public work, whilst tho-',se of another; equal
1Y taxed for'. the'payinent `o' I the . interest - and
1 pnuelp t tl of the debt, so . contracted, may'i)oi
, : 1 , 1)1 Y rttalize no behefit at air •It is to . these
i euects that may •
r , , ..., be attributed the viOlent eon
' j' " --4 '' "rat have groWn'aP in certain counties,
.1 1') In
' •
the. Imo ie liar been' extended..'
In he State "f Ohio,WAiere - this dangerous
... 1 1 ,1 . ) ; r i. a : ° ., t_ i iee . also iireVaileA, a 4 - onsVitUtionaT--pr0.,,..,•50u
. ,, .. , •sou h a , h. , , a
-• d•-eiritd necessary by the
i peopld, and. muin c i ' i ,
.110, be made,
eyen 1 ,,, , a .,
h sjubscriptions. cannot
the_ assent' of those
allecttJddov the measures. t
, th at Ek ate - . us .
. 1 - havo . k. ..'. Tikl: experience- of
Arnett, was alike:aainst
i l the pile
„ tic , e of.uukitig iinpruvei nen t s in this
1 \ way, anti that in the end, it becam e - luetrteiont
through the• dio.itiou of - eapitalists antl:l
()theism rely elope .111:K.ti Inuni , i '1 '
•tions for the, ate tt a s , o f ; - 114 e° l . - Pra -
ppovelieuts. 1 _
~_ e . onstru4in public jai,
that a s i_•, ,uni_neei . tietii,Y of the.opinion,
uailtrilecislon wo id
. I
made or . . i . - - . u and should b e
: the peoplf2 of ty , 6.
us ..a.te, . when the
•,1 P rc lpfl f)pry . -,i t t,, n i l , i , , . , . i .
Ii- t leresente. 4 I n the
;by proper,opportunitiee,
. . I
a time,
.this insidutaus:: , and ilingertuirs An.rroanded
dots should b e gus o e j grest,sCrvice to the cause of, could render
i.TIO) sittlity of establiahing an agricultinal t-til
mode of contracting
against with the utmost eigeianee. ',I I shall la
,. with ;a model farm attached, I wherein. the
&lige the hope, that alllfutUre applictiozs for * e g e
legislation of this.charaeter; may . be rejei r„ ted - principles tif a ecientific cultivation •oflthe sell
anti manunt haw in that pursuit wouldbe jein
the.Geheral Assembly. Il '',: •'; - ,
, . . i .ed to 'the. usual Academical studies , has been
- .
. It" is•my duty Wide= you that *528;3.51 turongly inred• upon my : attention. Such anin.
.of the relief issues of 111ny, 1841, are still in stinatiths ard4stem of education, it is believed,
Would at - tbe san4litne improve the physical and
existence, and continue 4¢ Pollute the Clime;
Mural condition of theprofessionai andinerean
nels of circulation: Under:' the pollute;
tile classea,' and promottic-the -motial andlintellec.,
the act of April last, $1 1,812 of ,these tintok,
tualatruineients of the, afticulturist,..-tnechanie
of a less denomination ban_ five dollars, have and hth,wer:.
. in addition to t'
been cancelled, and the - whole atnount Ceti. wouid confer upon tfi'e pursui
Under this law; be ulti Moly * extin . guished.— these' comoderations, • and
. . ,
• But the proeess has not been so , V apid *wits - doubtless lie • presented by th,
atiticipated,lpor is itsu cientiv
. I Se 'to' 'Meet Preposed institution; will col
the demands of the.pu is irtA..!
I respect-. to your favOreble consideniti,..
fully suggest,' therefore, that the, law be
so •.;'hat snots' an institution can ho siaccesaully or.
atke it he d
gani'xi-d under the 'inspires' of the State and coun•
nended as to duty a the State
iv pmcietiei
Tre'asUrer to retain fro .tirite tatime . , as leer ; ; - A highly useful institution has recently been
as p ractica b le, . the am nut, in 'relief notes, !ereanized at Philadelphia, under the auspices of
• i ,
necessary the -e tire dannuds, of, the liberal and'patrittlie citizens 'of that city and vi
sink-ing fund. I also on :tend. the rapeaV. vinity,:in pursuance of an act of the. last session,
I•of the act of April 10,1 49i autlittriiing" the named •!. The Polytechnic Cellege of Pentisylva:
• ~1 .
.itia,”. in which the edticatien of youth iM practi
re-issue of this currene . '. •
cal knovelStge of mining, and other studies. —•
Theoccunenees of t 0
.phst 'Year 'greatly '
Surely,-as much can be dune to impart a priteti.
strengthri the views i. xpressed .in ' my; ; last cal understanding or thepursuit of the farmer.
annual trimMge, on the subject of . the ettiren- . ° ' .
Within a ' tee years past Me. genefal govern 1 cy. !The dangers - of au intlated, paper system meat taus expended a large sum of money in. the
have' been most striking
ofithb•-surrounding ly . Manifested in the ,conetrectinn of a dry deck at the Philadelphia
navy yerd,lwith a railWayattaehed, to hwilitate
experience of a number
the openitiOn of, aising and repairing vessels. A
States, and nothing,injny:Opinion, 81W0four.
Surveyof the Delaware river has 'also been made
own metropolis, and possibly other . parts of
which justifies the opinion th 4 there is a sutft
the State, from the consequences of a savers ~
contraction of the. curreinev' but our' vast, ag: ,71 " , t ,: d e e it t g % fv :il t m e : i t , ` ,. ' i t t s y t ,: h t i 3 r 7, n „, ‘` L l l. B - 11 7 i 1 1: 1 1',. s ;
. "
rieultural and! mineral productions, and the cation of this yard. on the bank of the ' Helav% Delaware,
unustially high prices Which these , c,Matuan.- in the southern part -tit the county ;of Philadel
(led in foreign niarketS.L i. - i
.t , II .• 1 ' ' l' phia, accessible from all points, surrounded' by a
I.have ailwaytcheld the noctrine;that our %mu . Vigereus and flourishing populatiom and blessed .
P. ,
• try, like all others, moat' have .a . system of cur. 'with a healthy climate, gives to it advantages not-.
rency; and -whilst, therefere,"l have resisted the surpassed by these surrounding the navy yards
e - es•s of bankin e i- capital, I haye.not of any. other section of the Union.. 'Acre is,
s . uproot; entirely, the aystem - -we have; then,. n o reason why it „should not recieve a full
'That it is :l i e best that the-wit of man can devise, • share.of patronage from the government: Why
is net believed, ver. is it. prtitrible that the au.,. it has not 'been sti favored I shall, not at this'
• - them or this paper system, enjoying the experi.' -time attempt, tti - learn,,but that the factluas been
once of the presentage and 'posiessing the yam: the, cause ! o f regret and
,complaint among, the
ahuitint of coin exiatenceovoutd have en. People ; of Philadelphia and other parts or the
tailed this: evil upon .um. Bust we have - 1 4,,, a nd States, is a circumstance Which cannot be die:
the best we can dote mitigate tts eonsequeacea guiat.d. No considerations of public ;interclass,
ok.hait it endures, and threw it off by degrees. J which
.1 haYe. been able to discover, would seem
believe that the Pennsilyania system of paper to demand 'this policy. Nothing,, in my opinion, •
money, resting on a specie basis, small as I s , is gained by it in economy, alleiency or skill in
mind the individufil liability . of the Stockhtdders; the construction of vessels .
.The mnierials for
.is as safe as any other. I I'prefer it raptly to the this work . .ean' be as conveniently arid cheaply
loose plane existing in some ;of theineightetriter Proeuredat Philadelphia as at.any rithti. Point in
State* or tithe scheme of live 'Li:inking adekted the count-Y and her , mechanics stand atv high as
in . other sealer's of the Union. , • ,
, any Others In point of .skill anti efficiency..M :ill
That any'. system Of
. alnking thata
, uthoriies the '
the branches Of this business, and pre-eminentin
etn i, s i i , w • o f inine paper as a : in kli a i n o f al i e ' d i a . the construction of steam machinery. I fet•l juts,
. titled,-therefore, in 'eertaining . thepe that a. lo
_.,t.itin, musts ntail evil consequen(.es 'upon the koutt. nt
`try, has hen too cleat)y demonstrated byte our more equal distrilnition of •patronage: shall here
own experiepee to need elnadation by argurnent after distinguish the action of the department at
'-- . • ;
It is belieVed; therefere,lthatiit is the true. fii)liey: l Washington.
of this and of all. the Stets to restrict the Paper' The conSolidation of the city and c' (aunty . of
Philadelphia into one - municipal government, is a
circul -tierf tat the notes lot a Ilarge denominition.
Those.oit a small denotatnatitin should be grade- subject that will - be pressed upon your censidera-.
tion during the present. session. Wit
ally withdrawn from circulation, in.ordt.rtomake .
Mom for the..vast accesaionslof the'preeiouS,'Met. - ring to express an opinion tin the policy of,tbe
- ate frOm California and Australia; In' vain Shall- measure; ! may sat, • • 0130 regard it hsinvolt.
we seek to disseminate cities throughout! the ing vast considerations connected with the wel
pf,k,tht ye .. fare of our tuarepolis,• and•constapienily to, the
, country, :Ind endure chi sir elation at
State at large, and as.,suels it should, '
,as I have
elide from the Atlantic Cities Ail long as paper is
permitted to exist. It notesof the deurimination no doubtot will, •
conaideration. command prompt and nexiouit
of fi ve dellant were withdrawn frem the eh:Mardis
ctaf eireulationohe.vaeuni tiots created would be I have !jutg believed that the loans of the
rapiiity'supplied with e.,,1d and eilyer..and so al. State shoidd - be. consolidated into three or four
so with those of a - greater pominal value.!, But classes, acid be•under Atte direct control of the
paper m • treasury.dipartinent at Ilarrisbure.• The hooks
• so linoas.thtli edium . is permlttki ta%eir.:
col -its, it dill the impraeLticable t o i n d uce t he gm , are new kept at the Bank of Pennstivania, - where
pH difr os i t i o of co i n . Th e i ' pe ,-; p l e i nt: w r i t why the loans are-transferred, reissued 'and cut up
Enid eri.little i n t o any shape to suit the wishes' of CIL. holder;
it is, ,that whir the cast lnctease of'
_for.which item; ice that institution is'elaitnin,g a'
isi•seiat. The answer is; that bank notes alwave
iritereene. ° The trader. rt t terehant and othes t , re .• :heavy yt 'tidy compensation. -There 'Would. be
no difficulty whatever.l am confident excisin
lain the coin and !sae otit:the paper ; - ,road sin. . n n. g:
le remedy is to-he found . in the removal At-the ing tampen bonds for the certificates of loan now
.outstanding, without any average- exten4ion , of the
• lull[ ir: There is, perhas4t. ne prineiple anplieable maturity of the lean., at the cost 'of it',few thou.
kto this .question betters leettled, than th..t Whiels I
. Indeed, nn this Paint I atn,entirely
preVee th .t • two kinds lrif \ crirrence.'idifferina
inl sand dollars
certain that the est-harlot. can be nil& a source
yatee.. will not eircnlntelog.tither. The lenitt vat.
i of profit to Me State 'armee all expemars.. This
,table will contd.-trots , he . .Olormied.. whilst the 1
aectmplt-d, and iast an e
th P aid at the
more precions will he dierilaced. • Tho
cri314,0 ,
withdrawal of thsnutliOr dennminition of'orio&p. l Trea i sur ; te a nd the wh the ole tere busin c SS e o b f at depart.
nresenta to mv.mitni. the ereatest practical 'reform • ment rendered the more simple anti sale.
Re financi..l tear comnienees and doses on
float samba applied to tip, gra t;. m a aerre n e .. e .
1 1;;Ii.e . .last day of November, and the appropriation
The exehancre of rem *paper' system fir nfinthnri
year on the first of June. Tne' effeet
and the incorporation Of •restrfetiont. en title -nr,1 11 " 'Sill '' ,
:olivirmh . inften i of this :arrangement is to beget ceitfu4ien in the
th-'t . paint .of. the ; one We. hive,
ibusaness . of the. several departments of g,,vern
riqhf.nnd necessary. can never pre di c at e tlii. evil. ,
I wailo
ant, hoy, , orer.l,o,,Aeriitoori 0
.rtivor 4: i nent. lndeed, so cempletely is the case, that it
quite impossime fur a poison not fathilia - r w ith
ing'a very sudden alteratieraln our Qcsfem of elm e''
the subjeet to comprehend .
.their °pet-Minn. I
reney. regardine; Ms I dii. till violent change.% in ''.
01f , -
gnrernm,,,,,t sit
oppri.sl4. ' l o , ‘ !ug,g,est tbe propriety of cOmmencin:iithe fiscal
;sir for all purposes to! the first of Decembert,-- -
ive: 'All the tansieees arrarstret4enteof theeOhn...
i ii l his would bring the Canal, Trcasury„ , St . -hoof
try, are - hrest;dmrion our 'present plan , anti it is eh
I pd Anditing Departments in, hartumaiiins action
interwoven-with! tlip . rrprer4l sff i re of rep , sq t o I
lid render their operations concurrent and siniple.
forbid VS rapid' withdrawal.' Rd the'begienino,, ll
-Rhombi - be rhade.:*nd w 4 shaintifirePare trathrow,ll [hive
Jital law ehai r ged fix light or &Watt] reaatins,
aril ItVIIIIFIII Whlkth will !:111 the future, to a 'great.
I sincerely believe that %b i ll th e p'ro l ierAiine
er tertent4perharet. than in " the past. arriyes it it-0.1 be wise so to amend -111 d Cerestitu.
country ;tributary to h.d. rivals. and mike our;
. I tion as to require thateaehlawshall be passed ins
People " hewers of wend and drawers nrwatnr 1 '
s!Pvr"te bite, and receive nut less than a nilajority - ,
to other nations' No other reform in the :petit-II
of cotes of eaeli House on the fall of the yeas
heal palled of this natir;io ain'cereiy helieep.iennldi
and nays ;;to provide that all laws orul publi: :la
have such a direct tenderit;y to Ipromote A tillprathi:!fture.shall he general in their ch irsetet?atad apply
(Treat interestsf -the l Ainerican people. to• the entire State; thaC in anicip al - eOrporations„
tical, safe, and efficient Mode of earrying \ oat. this vested With all ; the power, the Legislature could
work, is to be found in the gradual extitiguish-
.cOnfer, should not . aye the right to bet:erne sub.
went of banknotes of a sinall'dennninatioh. • ' seribers to or holders of the stock tat let4r cot
- This reform, however..l.o be.complete; and tra porationsi to interdict the creation of dept for
rive the, people the full hene fi t of its salutbri of-, I
any purpose except war; to some other futiction
fecti uponWor commercial OPE-rations, ,with nth.'
ary with
.the Governor'in the exereise•Of the
er nations, must be common to the Whole ceun.r
pardening,i power.
try' The efforts of a single member of Ciin.: In compliance:with the previsions of the 55th
federacy, however , thorinigh' and well .'direeted,; .B . ection oflthe last general appropriationlaw dim i j i
• • .
can ach ieve bat partial sneers& Even in it local ting the Governor to "sell and• t . ...onvey the
poitat.of view they can ...scarcely exercise a can. !F e
,st.-tte arsenal ;,preperty sin:Juniper Street, in the
trolling influetice. For inStance, VailltDsin the city of Pailadelphia," 'eonditioned that the burn of
ehannele o f paper circultithm in one State'Sre tpo, thirty thousand dollars should be • obtained for
liable to be. suppli e d by.' ttie_issaes of others. in-, the sta_me,l caused notice to be given, through
terdieted, trough the eirtMlatitin of the !latter. the press; ths proposals t sealed would be re
may be, by positive law. These considerations-
,t 3 sieved fun the !saves, and naming the' minimnni
bid redeye's! was. that. of he PenilsVl:::ania mil.
'MVO A ig. , estrd- tbe importance of simultaneous
Price . and terms of,sale: - -The ' highest and only
action - 4 the . States en the;Subject and it has oc.j
currt•cl to ray, mind, that a conve tint' . ori ;fete.' ' company, naming the sum of 3000: There
I gates frOni each.':appointed by the respectiVe leg.' ' 7*
bei g an ether bidder , the property was accord
islatures,, might be a 000dsiodh of directing pub.: •
ing ,y eoneeyed to that rempany.
'lie attention to the subject,' - .114 s ec u r in g effiaent
, - , • The purchase ef another. suitable lOt and the
lion. • ,-H. • • .
ereetion of a new boilding, presented a service
- hi the mean time, Our
.State can take thelead of greaterlditficultv, tbe law„restr.tining the entire •
in this work, as taaheca,n - elk() carefully restrict, the ' cost to the price nattiined for the old property.. re
evil tendencies iaf the preheat system, bifrequi-' I deemed tit proper that military gentlemen o f• .
ring th e institutions how in existence to mike.
'Philadelphia should he consulted, as to the.toca
more frequent ektlements„ and render rotate ,efff- lio n of tfiti new building. • The general - wish ap.
dent her present system. by confining the ainounti -rmnp.ed r . .. 0 he the-Selection of a central ;mite, are Lat
of banking - capital, as a basis' of paper !napes , toi
the same t]imethe erection of a builditig of great- .
the loweat point coneititent with the demands of rdimenstents and cost than the act seemed too - 1
legitimate businesa: I belittre the - lantlant we . c
now have comes.up to thiti standard, and that the' contemplate :Recently, :however, 'negtitiationis
have been] started for the purehaie of a lot of
bent interest of 'the. people require that it 'Should ,
not be• Meta-tetra:l. ' ! . !
ground, which it isheiievel will answer thepur
pbse,nnd give' general satisfaction as to location
• . Efferls,. eXtensive„ enereetie, and .• highly coati
The Attorney . General, as required 'by an act
mendable unebeieg Made in all parts tit the coun- 1 -
approYed the 19th of April . last, has made-diligent
'try tO advince the interests Of agriculture,by the. eff lets to shale. the .claimit of the,Cotunsanwealth
dissemination Of cerreet -information ctiinterning
against delaulting affents and public "officers.—
this . great pursuit, and-in , this layer bestoiri upon' The-result of his labors will be communicated
the fanner, the•blettsing ilf a
,scientific, as well is.. .to you at anearly day.. ~
a greatly refined pratAical, titidenstaoding!td the . .1..
i in acco r d an ce
with the 35th - section of the ap
r i n s e e n n tr ' y iagr an d-
agrie • .' u
ittltai i
a prpriat b ioa . law of last session, I app 'lined Geo..
ttten erger, Esq.. to superintend the removal
State, and•therefore so d,;eply interested, cannot : • \ '
beitidifferent to the merits of 'this entertirize. of the
Obetrisetiode out or 'the " raft channel
in the Streauebanna riYer, at•Brubaker's island."
Her best energies may atisely be exercised, to sae- , Ile tit"' canard - the w;irk\ to be completed in a
cute its ettecesS.. Already much has been imom- .satisfactorY manner, at acost . of $'247.50, leaving
/dished id the way of - reinovitig prejudice; liere.! 8102 .50, Of the ,:ippropriation . unexpended, , in the
totore.extetislvely cherialted against any eystem t realist— • ' • ,
_ - ..
agricultural educutioU; and by the extipgush-,
meta of doubts unto th 4, titillty:.tor even r prac-;
ticobility..of•upplyieg thii principles of science toi
the Imaines4orlanning.
• Thr belief that; these' principles 'ein ber efr.
plied, Y am uratificd to percievris rapidly gaining ,
popular. tovor. loaced, the experitnents`whicit;
!lave been made in tills ; country and in Europe,l
clearly establbili the ntillty of - scientific limit:lir,'
sod -in both, - Lbe' necessity for such a s •stein is'
to..nifest. .;
erstandiii, or the constituent ele. l
intiukire of
. there' in the'
, egetablel, nuttier—the Means
eieMents in' their
gunk. of Atimulante for the aril,and '
rithe genlity of *weds, and tire'
n ike the main feature* (it
brae Kuliiseta , xilleonKtituto lan
A 'Kt rier
inents of the so
pioduetion of
maintaining • V,
nirength.--tlie n
their priper u.•
breed of unbind
this instetn.
tuivt, nO r doubt, a highly,advan
r the furpoing ouw►nunity,
tnessage_l suggested the
i,►inting an Agricultural. Chemist,
.sterste salary, and ishtise labora ,
Ito the State,and county sOcietivs:
tithe Opinion that such an"pfficer,
agreeable, nisi
ingenue study
In my last
propriety of ap
to be P.tid a 111*
l i
Ahltuld be given
I shall entertai n
1 iki•tn tt propir to, remark in this Connection
that there are ohl.taeles ih the.way of the descend
ing naval lion at %%whom points in . that strewn,
the removal of 4hich, by the State; would be
but On actlof jnstice to 'those interested in the
oar;'•ationt in. view of wh-,t, they have suffered in
PeiiOnat-eomfort:and pecuniary a eon
se tienee of the construction of the pu blic works.
The nurherons- accidents titit !Lave occurred
OD OM Mere:ids of the country ,durin l g the pint
destructio if hr
sea11)11-10e con*equeth oesl lint) ,utuati
life .And prilperty, the - difficulties that have sly.-
rotiOded efrorts to trace these easirtlities to
their ; true ian4e, and to impose upon:the
juit r 4 spnnsihilitirs, hive suezested the
neeeksitv tiointore sp •eifie laws upon the suhjret,
and IL r.p r etruily; . recommend . mesaure ti
voulJ, f , voroble notice. It i* believed that mgeli
ld be dee--
COIL tke ..„-eompliAed for the seenrjty 4.f, T til
roati; travel. by additional preeantionaty measures
in the direiliftn of pavienger trains. Our State,
it rap. balenot been .the spent, of so 1113611 of
these dlsasiteis as some others; but this m*y not
be the ease when speed shalt be greatly inereas.
ed, Is it is contemplated by some of our railroad
. E.: • ~. .
WhatOyer relates - to -the eau .: of education-4
to the milral - anti Aociatluihditios of the people or .
to the • eMeliorstion Of • ituinan !offering, shoukl_
command deliberate consideration.. All, our'edui.
entional;filenevalent, charitable and reformatory
instituthins are,• therefore, commended to yout;-
special 'ore. , : • i
Tha State Lur.atic Mylurn, pituate within g'
mile of Oto,i;apitol, is noiv in successful operstioli
•and inurniost ttiuishing:; condition, realizing to
the full* extent the sankuitie eipectations‘ot ite
amiable ited benevolent ' l =founder ; and it is . - bi 4,
just to its - accomplished, superintendent to isio
lb 4Mb Dix, regards its preilint organization
and to inegement a 4. eminentlyLproper and skil;
fel. Ufinn this institittinn the tate has already
bestowed the stun of 806 ; 40 and msinall l'lutii
niay stilllie required to place it,in a cOndition of
perfect 'eelf-relincee. :' = '
• ~
By the. net of April 7,1853, was, incorporated
the POinsylvania training school for idiotic and
feebleqttlndi.Ed eltildren.l, To \ his humane end
benevole t purpose the Legisleture, with the . .lih:
erality 4.,.11 1 has ever distingished the 'State,.
since thii tint if her illiiiitrious 1
end Pure minded •
foundeii,hair•ext ded,it i helpinh, hand. - .The oh
jest of this instituting ii 4 to Aiseiiv'er humanity iP
its loweet condition iitmental and physical weak',
nets and deformity, end :elevetei into the dignity
of intelligence, order and. tiWiliness. - Its disiti:
terested,'Und benevolent!foundiJr, s have merited
the ttiatilcs of the ehristain and 15irritit. sr
: T louse o Refuge, in Philadelphia, mlO
possibl,oe ' further' legislation. The 11,14
of manlier* -of that. truly eha itable institutirM
are n. erecting a spacious !an costly bkiildint:,
into which they. expect to Trans er the inmates of
the old :house,at an-earlyday.. f ell the schemes
for the ertielioration.of h.utnamlistress and stiffed
. _ • • • • •• 1 • • •
ing, or for the reelathatiniof
there ist‘..rto one. which mo re f
itself ti.i..ehristiad sympathy and
House (.:t Refuge. Haying for
reformation-rather than ,punishn
Whese . offenees are often the 1,4
rather tlfan'criminal intent ; wti
wealtne,air of moral pereeptioni,
assay:at:inns which so fatalii: atl
the yrifthg' and \ thoughtless;
earnestlY 'ecr,mtnend admi
your f.i:etering, care. - , I
TheZfeport t f thesoperinter
to yottjhe condition of the et
the ConimonWealth\ depru
ernmerk has greater"claims
Asiienibly than this, - anii`ftaffoi
est r,atßaction to be riblttp
floutisbiltg condition ofi the - ch.?:
tern, amid, of the unustf4l:„ int o•l,
every flart of the Commonwea l
education. 'We shoUld . look fii
interest .tho day •wlten ou
freed. tir some extent, fr . itts the
can, utfilhe doubtless will, cunt
sum tolthe !cause. ".; '
-MyAitiention has be en calk to the conditiiin
of the ',,;State Library by the o cer having char'ge•
of it at thin time.' It is AlleNed, with evidi. i ,nt
rcasort!tind truth, that the roof snow in use nitre
too stiiMl `tor. the . purimse; that many •of the
booksiire stowt4 away in bo ( es and also tkit' t
the lati„;ri pi;viding for security :and imPo..
sing' re4omobilities on:the Librarian,nre quitept trhi.s highly : •interesting and usetufin
stitutift: will doubtless : recieve your special care.
- It ii;Proper that I should mike. kn.uwn to v4dr•
the prOgtess that. has been made on the - subject
of thereieciihn of - a
monument, nt Independent :le
Hall Philadelphia.-i commemorative of the
Welaridinn Of Independence. J. • ;
In Ciiitriber, 1852, the councils of Philadelpitia
by uMiiiimods consetit,,,p issed en ordinancededi
eatineilie necessary :ground in Independence
Sqoa - r,!: to this patriotic and ;tiered natiomd
pose..add proposing to give possession of the
•premi+4 to -the representativ of nine or :mute
of theliiriginal.States. - • • ,
BrAti act of the • es Leirialatur of February. isit,
confirhting this Ordinance of the conneihiqhe
Goveriii,)r was -autherized. ton point a trustee: to:
netittliionjur!ction witit!the truptees of the lother
State T 4iir the erection if)f thermonument, ; I
eordinOv appointed ‘Vatertnan:, E4q:'
of Phibidelphia. the Artit , tee oti behalf of Prgan
sy !van ht. . • •;
!FtfeStates of N. Y, N.l, N. H., nnJOit
neetieiit have adopted laws sitnifir to. this SOd,
Land thistees hat been appointed in each. ' Udder
the iOtts of these laws, no action can bO ta4n
by the trustees, until at least nine of the thirteen
origindl,States shall 114 e sinnifi;sl their .willitlg
nessi:t4iparticirtte in the enterprize. Therc4 ire
stilt :roil!' States -wantittLA., andEvrith them the is
sue:, intiSt . for the, Oresent.; m• •
- 1 antfunwiliing to believe that - an objeet . so4n--
tireli Groper in itself.- mi congenial to the let I.
ingsAithe Autericanfiation—So significant in its
histOric unit-moral bearing and so. touchingly; in
,-teriiitlng to every AtOrican heart; can even •
longq4layed, much legs dePated It waste
magie)poWer of the Deetaration of Independrice
whiehlumnd tog,etherlltirteer,i spareely poliula
tax.ridden and. optiFessed colnnies, and ereet
eil their) into an inder4dent oath n.
..By it :was
first 41'ociainied to the World;the equality of all
rnen;fand their capacityfer, and•right of selfkOv
. eminent. Uhder the auspices of this great
strutdent our libertieS]:were achiev7ikl - , and the
thirteen feeble ecilonies; acting on its • benign
prinel'Oes, and guidotat every step by an tiv'er...
rulibg,7Providenee; have grown into thirtyldne
sovereign States—all teeming with the elements
of national- wealth—all ; prosperous and progrt,kas.
ice-4tietnbers, of one cenfederney,
boundaries are marked:by the Atlantic and Petit.
ic,'arirtmijoying n
_continerce co-extensive withco-extensivith
the eftfilized world. Honored, - feared, and
rOniied by all nations already sus'aining a.i)op
ulatidt:i of 25,000,000 of inh:ibitants,„rejoieing in
the blessings of civil arid:reli r ,ffieus liberty, turd in
bighWegree of mor4l and Socialhappiti+.— .
And shall we not havd. a modnaterit to perpetu
ate the events from to hich these :manifold 1.44,a_
ingsh:ave sprung! lahle metitnri.
al of I finr gratitude—ati everlafiting witness ollthe
't_Treat'Air4:s dine aniohe,st and for os—sorn4
ible,sizn to perpetit4e;the memory of the Di+la.
nitiotti,of Independence—the Revolution—t 4 he
roes who participated ip the !nighty Struggle#find
the Oinstitution that crowned and defintlithe
privifikes so nobly achieved. if these deserve tiot
a moritt went, then all others have been ereett l / 4 1 in
' .;
A:idructure commftsurate with the-moral
grandeur of the event,hits world-wide conseqtren.
.es 'ontelnplatd; but what can be, and
should he accomplishA,is theereetion,of a struc
ture alter the plod indicated by the committiio—
a beaiitiful sad - ever-enduring ..emboditrient of the
'NatiOrl's gratitude to the authors of the Decra.
tom ;an tinperishableVersonificaticin of our fide!.
itv.toits principles and their natural offsprit4,the
Constitution and the Union. 't • :
The, location' of this ilitical Mecca wil) be
" '
mose-to --
rtunate. Central to the ofiginal States e
to th© younger te W
,ffiembers of the co:e
ravY,ciind planted on dies:oil ipf the.old Keystone
who iiever, hJs, and bit' the blessing of God, be \ v.
er vriA falter in her fidelity t 4 the national com
pact,*) all its forms and` conditions--as . in times
past,r4o, will she in the fetal +, should the ticca-
Rion' tiithappily arise, flown upon the first dawn
\ of diScontent against the integrity of the
com63Whence it may, or by whomsoever insitga
ted. ;The weight of her vast moral dtrd political
Ifi I - terto power, y fete, be _
the tide of dissension tend diwiolution, and to keep
tha stmospheie artitt!nd the monuMent,
whcni - krected. purely 'national. •
Titri present is also nn auspicious time for this
work iif nations! felliiwship.l- The comproinise
measures, recently adiipted, and sanctified bjl the
apprev . al of, of and of IVebster, have
quieti'id the elements of Mitiiinal disc o rd; i,qd to
prolong this peace and quiet,] it is but necejsary
to, maintain these . rneiieures mid the requirements
of-tile;Constitution: to discotintenanee in future
the- Ugitation of questions; settled by the federal
corn paet, and-disdain r r the , actions of those who
iwouli hazard the rwmie of th l e country to gratify
prejUdire, or to accomplish' die ender of pinions!
stubitijm• - • j . WM. BIGLER.
; - ,fixEct:Tivz CHA4BER. •
Jlariisburg, Jii utimv• 0.1854 e
. •
!:1 . •. - - Agricult u ral Society. 'i
.• •
The mtual. meeting of tbe t3(iciety: will b e
hel&im the-third %VednesdaY, of January, • itAbe
CeurOlituse at? ~, , ..4,,k P. - .. I.i - .‘ • -
• Tlfe,' Reports on the crops Wilt be made al two
titne,:tind officers elected firittie ensuing, yeio.
•''.• • WLIT; .111'/E P/11
/' ' -
Donation Visit/ * A
- 1 4 4 friends of Efey.,H. Al Kwi
iley nro lted
to litttnd'n donation visit at liadlouse on Tiiuri
day !Jain. Lith 1854, aft
JEt4i.ia ernoon and evening.),
Wm, H. and others, COD,
Remaining` in the Post Office :at Montrose,
Dec..3l, 1853., • • •
Miss Charlotte McCollum, J. 11-3 • •
Aiey, Sarah M. • Morgan, Mr. JaMes.
Samuel Meerh, Jamea •
Bishop, Platt; . • mop, Orange, 1
Brown Bz,.RfaCkwell Mackeboyf Mary •
Bennet, Mrs:'Mary •JanellcParlan Elizabeth E.'-•
Runnel, Loring S. Mason, W. A.. 1
Buck wy, - Mr.,T110121.111 ' Mills, Henry .1 •
Beech, Miss Harriet - Notrisy, Margrfr4t, ,
Cornell, Mr. S. D. ' Osian; Norman—'2' •
Clemons,. MiliFranh Patrick, Albert; ;L. •
Crowfoot, Wm. •• • Pride, G. G. ; • •
CO4Oll, tVorthy 1. Ro l ach, Mins Martha •••
'ClUni,lienrY A. •• ' Reynolds, G. L. ,
Criins, Mt. IL G. . Rogers,Mr.
Crnwfoot, Miss •Reynols, Miss Lydia
Crirnir, Miss Mary ' Root, Mr. Daniel'
Dean; Wm. V. Savage, Mr. Richard
Phesintoh, Thomas. 'BMW!, Carry A.: ~
Fall 4, Michael • Saxton, Miss Knto .-
•Feisendin, Mr. EdwartiLicott,.Mrs.
Fdwler, Mn', Mary ' .Sampsen, Henry': .
Fessenden, Mr: E ; :lt. Smith, Miss -• •
Pfister; Mrs.M. Trowbridge ' A. T.
Prink, Geo , *. Thompson, A.
Hollenbeek,Margarct B.Tyrrell, A.' . . •
A. Tingley, Miss Francis 1
Hancock, Taylor, Dyer . •
Johison,.Benj. A, • Vandersort, C. • -
Johnson, Mrs. Almeda Weshburn, Joseph
-Kingsley. IL ' • • Wellinan, Miss Elect* •
Kirkuff, Mr. Matthias • 'Whaler, Miss Marie -,.,
.Leonard, Mr. Philip Widker,llr. Moore
klelbuish; Epliraitn Wheeler; We. Silas
- Wettenberg, .Mr, Chas.
,• • • A. N.L BULLARD P.M.
at 'Otee, l .slontrosed .. • •
Dec:3l . 1853. -5 i• •
. .
mrig hurmanitii,
Ireibly commends
support than the.
itg s ole u
e h aV:t n h r o:
tprk of misfOrtuoc,
jo•sin through tlie
or. from impuir
! tract and [nisi+
L• chorfully, nntl
le institution tO
•• •
• DiSSOLUTION. . •• " .• •
THE Co:partnep 6EIO ore existing be
tween the under,Aenekt Editing and pub.,
li.4hing the i;Aloatro i se • Etemodrat, under the firm .
and stylis of . S. IL& E. • ,Gram is this day.
dissolved by mutual Consent. The notes and
itecounts are for the present mo
hands of S.
Chase for collection.-In'order accommo
late our subscribers, arrankereents 1-ate been
made so . that payments may be made either - at
'the Law Office of S. B. CHASE, at Great Be,nd;
to: AIVIASA CHASE Esq„ of Itarford; or to AL*
'one of the present. ;proprietors • of • the
!' Democrat." - , SIMEON B. CIiASE-, .
. .
• .ItiontroS; Dec. 31, 1853.' e-
dent othiftit
mmon schools 'Of
intent of the.vir
kpon the Genail
rds me the.gretit
tsstire you Of , the
mon school 504.-
manifested sit
Ith in the eattscit4
iwArd with livaj
shackles Of dept,
ibute en adequ4te
• -
For,! Swiquehanna County.
Ti D. LATHROP & Co. would beg leave,
`k.) • return thanks to their friends for theirilib.
.eral gatroniige, for the *St year and betie they
will continue their favors, which. we hope to mer
it- by strict attention to buSiness, and low prices.
We have the most approved patterns of Fixevai
,;aver brought into this market., among which May .
be found • • •
.'STAROF TILE WEST (Zierated Oeen.)
CULTIVATOR, • " - "•
11 - WORLD, .
GLOBE . ; • '
THREE STATES, ull Air Tight, and ot,h.:
:ets too' numerous to mention., -
' We also have. on hand a large-:assortment of
.Tin Ware i)f a Wiry .quillity,.expressly for home
.trade, Cistern and ‘Velliiims of all descriptions.
lead Pipe of all sizes, reels for chain pumps, &C.-
Job' vi'orli done ,with neatness and despatch.
Ali 'kinds of produce ,t .ke,n, • or approved credit .
If given, •GiVe us a call if
,you please.. Shop
I- Main Rtreef i 'dirce9y opposite the I) -m: Office. -
1 : •• • . C. D. LATHROP;
Cash paid-for Furs - . L. &W.
- • Orphan ' s Court •Sale. :• .
‘ToTic* is hereby given thatin pursuance Of
ill an • Ohler of Sale iasM \ td from•the Orphan's •
Court of SUsquehanna_ county, there will be e*-
posed to sale at publie: vendne, on Saturday the
'2lst' day of Januarv, - . 104. at .1 o'clock t... lc, the
"following described lot, piece.or parCel of land,'
late the esi!ate of John , Chamberlin, dec'd, viz :'
i ' &certain messuage; faim, &a., situate in the
I. tewnshiP4 New Milford, and bounded as f3l
- Aewq, viz •. Beginning at a corner Lir the road on
I I .the fine of 'Charles Foal's. land; thence .by the
• .
Isatne.sontli 2 1. 2 degrees..
east 86 1.2 perches to
1 a"stone huip; thence south 87 3-4 deg. east, 32
ilrete,bes to ;a :stone heap near th e run thence by
l'.Dani4l Cro'wfut's lot south 2:1.2 deg. past 1 72
' perches to* post and Stones corner; thence south
1 deg. west 51 perches to' a corner on , Wm. Vac= _
housen's line ; thence by 'the same north 89 deg.
west,s pe4ehes; thence south 1 deg. west 13 1.2
10relies to:a stone heap;_ thence north 89 deg.
;:west 61 and 8 10 perches to a post* nn the high.'
ti c :ly; .thene ,by the same north. 1 deg . west 321
I,Plrehes to,i Corner ;thence north 88 deg east 3 1
1 - p+mh — es to :ft corner;
.thence i Ogi. west 121' 1.2
i ;perches toils chestnut stump;; thence south, 88
I deci--4—, 9p perches to a. stone heap; thence
rni t ;th, one deg..west partly. in; the Like te.a corn
er .thereen; about 86 :perches; thence north 88-
I:d4g. east 119 1 perches to the , place of beginning,
I.containiniTlio9,acres and .14-perches strict met\s
'tire, be trui.same more Orless.
• iSaleiti be held nt the , Co urt them; 'in Mtinz"
tibse, and 'a , roaa of paym4nt Made known on the,
'.'day of Sale.: ' - . Wm.-. 1. TURRELL, •
• D D. WARNER, - .
Il -
ae. 2, iB5-14. ' , 1 : - - Aden.- ..
- NEW GOODS • .•
4t the Upsonville Exchange':
PrrHE subscriber hereby informs his friends
(.11 - (comPrising the public
_generally).that he is
replenir , hing his stock of Goods, and is 01.
!ferititg superior inducements fur them to purchase
Of him , thereby keeping their capital, us welt as
doirg their tradng at •hinne, among his stock
)ma:4 found a &era! wesortment'of Dry Goods
.Grokeries,l Crockery,. 116rdware, Paints,, Oils,
tly(lt, Bolts and Shoes, flats and Caps; wall and
Lein ow paper, Clothing, Trunks, e notions
all of which he will be happy to ext. :Inge
for any kinds of farmer's iproduce at the hit* st
prices, 'casp, or good credit.
Also hg wants all who . lhal:e accounts of °MI - or
six montha W
standing eill and settle them on or
before theifirst of Feb: 1854, and all whe intend
to pay in grain are requeSfed to bring it abMgas
`soon as erinrenient. J.'
. VANTEI.) to hire 4 1 g Blacksmith, one
*ho understands all ,br ches f the trade; and
can come well recommended fir sobriety and in.
•dustry can obtain fair Rages y calling on the
subscriber, 80.0 n at Upsotiville,! Pa.
:‘ • Jostrn'L: 31EnnrmAn...
Jan. 2,• 1854. • • ...1 - •
.. . .
1 Mentrose . Depot .Ahead.
THE attention of .the Public is respectfully . in:
. vited l .tallie issorinignt of GoodS just_ re
ceived:it' I ' - ,- . ' : . .
4 Consisting of Drugs, Nailis, .Shirting, - Prjats,"
Delainee, Cassimeres, Jeans, Coinforters, iltvats,
Gloves,-Hose; Window Paper. Stationery. Yan
kee Notions, Fancy Goads,' lia \ rdware, Wood
ware, Tinho - vare &c. &c.,1 all ofi which will be
sold chead for cash or barter. Please call 'and
exarnine•-fir yourselves. 1 / •
Montrose Depot, lati. 2d.-
To the /kin. the Judges rf the Court of Quarter
Sessions of the Peace, Inand for the county of
, ,
rrillE,pirtition of ', IC Bullard of the Borough
_L d , of 'slontrober County, respectfully,reP
resents,. Iliat he is 'providiA with suitable cdnve
nienee to keep , a Groceryin the Borough afore.
said ; and !that itis his intention, to apply to die
Next geurt,of Quarter tisssions to bo holdes in
and . for sa'd county - on thO foUrth Monday of Jan..
Mir); for 's ; license to keep a grocery, and to sell
etropg sle. or citherimalt liquors, according,
to the act;of Assembly 0(.14th April A: D.. 1851.
Montroie, J.M. 4, 1854—1 w 4 .
• • \ Audifoei Notice.
In the metier of Ilettlenient of In the ()rebut's Court
the $ state df Lydia Thonipsoo, of Susquehenna Co -r
dee'd, Caleti Carman, E.Cr. . Exceptions iled, Ito,
111 E '4ndersigned hereby notifies the parties linterested in the above matter, that he will
attend to the hearing of the same on. Thumb!) ,
the sth day of January next at one e'elockP. M,
'at, his office in Montrose., - •
WM. J. TURRELL, Auditor.
..Montroto, Dee. 12, 1653.-50w4.
The ArUistli Greeting:':
Friend; Patrons, 'and greribody, an other mile
stone has been reached on the journey of !Re— . -
another4iegree bas' been tearked on the scale of
time—another link - haa :leenieiered from the
chain of the futureanother page halt been writ
ten in tho great *volumetof the past--and again
we wittiest! the bright opening of a New Year:
- And at its early daten we meet - you,
And with a "happy new year" greet you.
And now': as you 'review the year just departed,
and dwell upon .joys and sorrows—its privi.
leges enjoyed, and' its Iduties neglected; per
chance, some of you have! neglected to call on
the Artist and secure °lie of these - Faithful
i„ . 1
Which light'and art, w4h magic 4 spell,
By working together, n catch well !
Ilu3. you may yet redeem' he .past.; As you lay
. ,
your plans for the advaneing year, let this occupy,
an early and priimilient place on,the programtne
of your futiire intentions: - '
Would you leave a /14 ins impresson behin
you! Come to thepagu rresiti G Ilery! Would
you "see yourselves as ohers see ou 'I Como
to the Degnerrean Gellely. Wo 114 you make
an appropriate preSent to a clic ished friend!
Come to the Picture Roema! A d 'beside all
this, encourage art, andlrolike glad the
heart of the 'Artist .1 1
,Then let it appear 4 promisii
- That during' the year Fifty
• You will, one 1441 and all, be
At "Oda Fellows' Hall," Si
' 1 ,W
Muutrose, Jan. 2; 1854.
7o the Um. the Judgrs f the Cm
Seasioni .of the' Peace in aud f
Susquehanna: • ; I
rfMIE petition of Frederick
Borough Of Susquehanna, ii
respectfully, represents, that he.:is
suitable conveniences tol keep a
Borough . aforesaid; arid that it is 1
apply to the next Court of Quart'
be holden in and for said county
Monday of inn., 1854, for a Ike
Groceryand to sell strong beer
matt liquors, according to the act
of 14th April, A. D. 180 IL
• , ERED'K P
•Susquebnnnn, Jan. 4,1854 7 1 w
. ,
Assignee' i s Noti - co.
s• URLIC notice is hereby gireit that. Wm. J.
- \ Turrell and. Albert, Chamberlin, 'assignees
of S. . Lyons, and T:P. Badge'r, of the firm of
P. P. B:a er & Co., fur the benef tof their cred
iters, the PrOtho_ otaWs t . ffieu in and for
the coil - Fly of usqueharmii,at No . term of Court
'their accoun t as A sip : lees of stT..P. Badger
n \
& Co., and that tlio,anie \ will presented to
the Court cf . C,ontator leas of ; said 'county for
final confirmatiop And al l wancet January ten*,
at the. Court Hope, at wht tin e said account
will be Allowed'lkyl said CourK, tailless cause" be
shown Why said account shotthrUot be allowed.
F. A. WOO, Prot,lfy:'
Montrtise, Dec. 20, 11.53. ' 1 . .
Chaiterri Notice.
NOTICE is her'eby given thut lappiientfon tag
been made to, the Court of common ; Plea*
of Susquehanna county Ito grant t charter _of In
corporation to the "Alpha Epsilon. Society of
Ilarford UnirersitY," according to the Acrof As
sembly of the sth day of Oct. A. D. 1840.
- . ' F. A. W • I RD, Proth'y.
sfontrese, 1an.,2, 1853.
- -WANTED r .
tooosßushels of Bye, and 20,000 \ bushels
t of Onts, for whichflie highest 'price
will be paid in Cash byt . .1. IL SUTPIJIN.
le, 1an..2; 1854. I.:
Threcutui's Not ,
T J ETTERS testamentary have been granted to
I the 'sub.sriber on the estate of Cornelius E.
Low, decd, late of 'Auburn. township. . All per
sons indebted to said•eStatialll make immediate
payment,lanif persons having denumds_ will pre-
sent them to the undersigned.. attested • for
settlement. ANDREW S. COW, Ex l r.
Auburn; Jan. 2, 1 :11.54: 7 1w6. '
rirHERE will_be explpsed to p
hotAc of J. P. Flamlinqn
Satardayl the 14th day of ,Tan„' a
51.01 re 011 owing property, viz:
A quantity of \ pay, 2 cows, 2
1 lumber two hors* wagon,l t%
sleigh, one pair. Bobs, I one 'yea'
gether wits a large quantity of
too numerous to mentidn. '
TEints--All - sums under $5
$5 sixlnonths credit, over
approved security,
ForeSt Lake, Jan. 3,1854.-1%
• Fiesh 1,9
0.17 Causimerea,
Dry Goods; just arrived atl
- • L S'acerr, Jo
Also, a new-and ldrge assort
&c., - which will be abld . cheap
br pav Scimr, Jo .
Jan. 2, 1851:-
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testa
montary, upon the estate 41' DennisDrish-'
al, dec'd, late of Silier Lake 1 township. have
been granted to the sObscribetrirAll . persons in.
- debted to said estate are he r by requested to
make in mediate ! payment , ad those hiding
'claims n n said , estate to prvnt them dilly: :
attested r settletnerdi
'3IARY DRESHAL, Adair i x.
SilVer ake, Dec. 12, 1853H50w6.
I •
V "HE, , undersi g ned acing ffbeen appin y
11 the Orphans' Court ,of sa i d count , aryAu
ditor to audit the aceounts'of florae() Thayre .
one ()t i the adtniniatratOts of the; estnie •,of Eseck
Thayre, dec'd, on, excOtions filed , (tothe decree
of theißegister on said accoun t attend to
duties of his apphinttnent al/ his office in'
I. MontrOs , , on ‘Vedneaday thell,lih day of Jan
uary next, at 1 o'clocklin tile afternoon, at which
time and place all persons jut / crested may attend
if they think-proper. / • . •
December 13,110631-=-50w4. . .
. , yakni torltent.
.THAT large - and sup , erier arm in .Dimock'
township, owned by /kW* IN PAREIt, in for
rent - either' for a fixed- eltun or upon sharee—either
with or, without meek t ereou. Good terms will be
given/and good aecurit required -• •
res. terms and [untie lam inquire of the under.
sighed.. ' ' • 1 GEO. OATES, Agent.
/ Dirnock, Dec. 1, 18.53-49w4*1 -
i .
Gurdalan's sae.
WILL be sold, at public ston the premises
in the tdretialtip Of Great end; on
Friday the 13th . Of Jan. next, at 1 o'clock p. M.
as the estate orate minor • children of Nathan Ar- -
nold. deceased, by virtoe of an wider from , the Or
phan's- Court ~of . .iteritiehanna coniiti. . The un
divided two thirds, part lof the following described
piece.of land, bounded and described as follows, to
wit: On the berth, by jland of Elias Dayton. on
the east by the ,Susiinehannit river, on theaouth by
lands of David Atnol#, and on The west by land
of John Scolten. containing a b ut 50 acres. 'and
mostly Unproved, with the appu nances, a rimmed
dwelling house, barn, ;and wago' shed and urch;
aid. 1 1
Taus made known libe. day o sale.
•,- • - . ' Guardian,
Great Bend, Dee. 5 18.53-46 i n, 4
• v ,
To the lion. the Judges of the Court of Quarter
Sessions of the Peace in andfor the Calmly of
. Susquehanna :
rr HE petition 'of Janes Bell of the •Borough of
in said county, 'respectfully
represents, that he is provided with suitable cot
veniences to keep al Grocery ; in the Boron li
aforesaid ; 'and that' 4 is his Intention to appl.f.
to the next Court of Quarter Sessiims to be hot.,
den' in and for said county on the fourth MoSaday
of larMarv, 1854, far 'a license to keep a Grocery,
and to sell strong, beer, ale, or other malt liquors, .
according to the.act of Assembly, of 'l4th April
A. D. 1851, f - - •
Susquelisnaa, 4, 185411w4.
~*1• ''' • --
to call' • • ;
mond Floor. .
rt. of Quarter
the County of
keringH 9f the
said county,
provided with
,rOcery in the
his intention to
tpr Sessions to
bui the fourth
Ise to keep a
nle, or other
of • Assembly
blic sale at th e
orest Lake on
tea o'clock A.
Ives, I O sheep,
o horse lumber
old 'Miter, to
arming utensils
!lab .down; over
one sear witfi
d other Fiala
to & Co's.
ent of Iron, &c.
usual for• cash
:num & Co.
t . rlx 9 Notice.
. ,_• • .
-Ir IT Virtue of writs of Yen ! I:. honed Dill or , _
JLP tt Conti of_ ommon P an of; Saaqns..:
henna ountY, and - to trio directed, I' will expo ..
to public sale at the Court Ho'iustsiin Montrow. -
on Sat urdai, the 14th day of -J h a ts next,,at - :,.
o'clock P. . -,
AM that e, dein piece Of parcel . f Laid aftw- -. .
ate lying and'being is the. Tow t r usli p of, CI ..
Susquehanna County, bounded au describe d s* ,
followis; to I wit:—on the north 'by the Potblie
Highway; on the east by Th.( Calender - farm :
and on the isouth and west by lands.feetnerly fit
John Bakerl-contaiaing one %Alf, scre;l more or
lesi to gether with the appurtenanies one friss.;
eii libqse 41. Barn: - -' - • '-r
ALsO, one other- piece Or parcel of and site-.
ate in the Township and Count Y aforesaid, bout). '
ded .and described as follows to wit :L—onthenorth
east by lands of I. Knickabuker;' kin the. south
east by lands , of Chauncey ;Deeke4 on the north
west by - land 's of Drew Youngs
1 7d :M.' Cox ; and'
on' the !south west by lands- f John Wallace,
containing about Fifty Acres , ore{ or 'lest, to. --
netherwitli the appurtiinancei' ode
-. Bar n and
Lout hirty acres improved, Iwhicblande n4 l :
tenements {have- . been - condo:l44 4 Jury or
Inquest „ 1 .• '! , i . •" -•-
Tal4.n ini execution 'at - the suit lof Thomson
and C ritten den , agains A tLohn .. B , ike H r !, Or:: Thaeh. _
er and S. N. Baker. i - 1 •': ' N __.
All that ierthin piece or parcel of land situate.
lying ' and i • being in the -tows of, Lathrop,
county; of usquehanna, l and elate Of Pennsylva. •
nia, and to ended and deicribed" es follows, to .
wit:-4on tile North by land orWililam Squires ;
on the east by land belonging tolthe -.heirs .or
John Deoriuy and on the south and. west-14
lands' fof, Daniel Searle containing fifty acres,
with tike allosvince of era per lout; for Roads,
together with the 'appurtenances' - one framed
House and Barn, and about tiveny
, I five scree
improved, Which lands and ten e ments were con.
demned by a Jury of Inquest die. , • ,
Taken --in executi on at this milt of Daniel
Searle against Elisha L. Laths,* : ,
" I . ' ALSO, . 1 '- V
ride° of writs ;of :alias A Fa., alt this
pi4e ‘ or parcel of land, sittlate ; lying *MI
int a Town Ships of Brefiklyn . Harferd :
n , SUsquehinna iounty,' lbonoded and
led s follows Ito viit4—kon thei North by'
, 41
)f William Perkins and IDnnieliOakly. en
at y Lode of ErasteslßrEwatt,r, gibe.
lar nter and 10beiliah IJohnann. Ofi the
i l
sot - M
-r; hidiah Johnson 4z, S,srimel Wrightson
the vrebt by lands of! Wise Watt icontainirg
atCouti two hundred and sixteen , rep more or
less t4gethei With the appurtenatibis two framed'
dwelling- imuses one'• woad Howie, four Barns:
two shedS,; 'one eideri louse, grm i t i l s orchard and
about! one hundred and fi ft een* improved. . '
.Taken in execution at'the' Suit of Niles L
Carper' l ter l to the use ef other p a r t i es holders foe'
value !received against Amos lii•Merritt* 'ENDA . ,
W. Holly'. . ' - • 1 1 ; 1 :•-•
the •
II AUDITOIin3 ritofnca ,
~. , , ,
nrHE undersigned having tjeol o atipo . kted 11 -
.1 the ;Orphans' .Court of satd,e unty, au Aud
itor te . diStribute the assets banging to the es
tate of .14aes Oakley, in the handsof Milbourne
id .1; ..; A. Oakle - Adroit*,
.1 wifi + 'sod "
T"iundeisi g nklimin
court of Commoi
an A, ditUr to make distril
the handsi of James N. Creel
efit oterOitors of W. Ea
duties ofl his appointment
rose, Tuesday the 10th
at 1
.o'clOck- in the afterm
plaee alli 'persons interest
claims, Oi be forever barn
share orlsaid assets.
Deeialber 12; 1853.-50*4.1 • I
THE ,undersigned,, an Audit!) - appointed ty — '
101 , Court to distribute this assets in the
hones o r ;the AdMinistrators of the estate hint •
Simpso dee'd,will attend to the 'mine at hiroffies. -
on Sidurday the 7th day of Jandary next. All /
persons interested are invited tol appear, or for./
ever i be.debarred, &e. ' '
, • . l's 1: NV
f‘ 1 ontrose, DOC.- 10,, 1853.--)
Administratorlslfoticei, -/
NTOTCE is hereby given tOt tettirs Testa . :a: ' LI imetltary upon the estate Of Pali jWin / iTeoz,,
deed - , lsie\cif-Auburn township, to beentratit,
ed tt 3 ttip subseriber. All prap.lksjodebted to
said esta te ure\l!ereby requested tWrnake loam.,
dinti pdyment, 'and those *lei WHIM* nl'ontr
.said lestite to present thertn Our) ttested . for
settlemeht. " ' •,, 7A. ; . LOW, itdm'r.
ASbon, Dee. 12, 1853. w 6. . •
poi& G0144,41m011e COSIDI
TftIDE balance' )or my Good4.wiil be sold with-
: I out' regard/to fit, and hiving been bought,
when Gpoda / Wei • from 10 .td 15)pereent. lower
in New York' they,,novi Mail Offer onitatlal
inthaTeinkita all who iri h iol buy Gomhi
cheap. • Cul and see. , for y urselves and . you
will .nn you can buy almos 'at your own prt;.•
cei./ • 1 L ff. LITTLE,
,New !Word, Dec: 13, 18531
/ . / 1
L b. _
J. ,
NOTICE.. . 1 A '
annual' , THE election for i :Slanwers of ihs.
Leioland Harmony Tuittpille Road Cont.'
pane, will be held aillif,the hakse. of Joel Steen
haat, Gibson township, on the fiiet, Monday
in Janury, 1854, at 0- o clock
I •
Dee. 22, 1853.--3 w-. • '
_. • 1
I,IUBLIC notice is hereby given - to SR
concerned in the estate of kloel florae dikoin•
ed, that the AdMinlstrator S. 11. Morse has set,
(led his . ceount in the Register'sPifice in and
for • the County of Susqueluinnaoand that the
same w 11 be presented to the iudg*nf the Or
phan's Court of said County In , Montrose on
Wmineisiay the 18th day,of .fanuailnext for con.
fiquation and allowance.,
,_ .1. i
I • J. T. LANtIIOON, Register.- -
viator's Office, Montrose 1,/".
Pee. 19th,'18.53. . ' • . 2 . -
- . 1 ' .. NQT*Cliii ;
i x
'VILE lumual meeting of th I 's Otoek-HOlders is'
I. the - Great Eend and' C begton Turnpike
road con pang will be held at Carpenters Hotel,
in Great Bend 'on the. 2nd Wednesday idAarloa
ry neit,ist• to o'clock 4. M. "l or 041'A:dim of
offieets. snd the transaction - -o lip other business •
pertainini , to t4e annual meeting of said Boa*
-I; :' , HENRY l RINK-Eft, Pee,
D / -
ee. 2 th, 1853.1;,3w..
1 ,
i t -' ' NOTICE. , . -
I, te
fiefo l by. 'given_ to the -if k.Holders -- or Oii
reoldyn and Lenox Tarn Ito Road Co „ thta
anneal, - Election' of ea c ompany ixitil-t' lx -
pt the house of E. R.O w 411rothini4, on,
liday t h e 2d day of Jan.,skrattneelockA hi.
t • T .. ' E. ' -GROW, -I&te.
lonioini, oi: 12 ~ ‘.11116 3w. . '',,
- 1-
lENrCilla Ara lof OW' 6.44.41,4
Q 11.0. D. 1301,Yit • juat•ree4lehig_it vatrie
of New croodia l among'Whieli snaibtfollti4
taltieer r trid Moroi enty 2a. .6d. psi ?all, Reitti•
matte Clathing t colored carpet iYarn.Par Lain* Di'
Berge, Z.' Amen, French, - ektroitY -
all of which we wilt ea- sire*. -
if suit eht4tper than the cheapeet_
'forßeatty rtly.
montraaa, - N0i.,1853. •
1 ' Administrator* Notice.' - `
Nunes by hereby giveit‘'.. - 'Lefton Teats
. Inentarl aeon As, 'or-Laselleßryint
deed; late of Jackson lowa - lhotoe been iptut‘l
3 :
ted to the subscriber. All Orions indented to
sat estate are hereby requested to make hose,
din e patent to the subseriber, Id, Itirfont.aad
'th ha lig claims epos said Mile to Pelee*
the du y attested for settlement.' - - • -.
. : . CHAS. TWILEY, Artier.'
larfo , , 10, 2; tebt.-Iwl c , _ ..,.. ,
e Asiditor:( o 't
vrat. - . •/