The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 15, 1853, Image 1
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', '.. 4 , ..: ~ .. -, ' ; -. 1- - • . , ; 7 - '7' - . —l4 -' • •d, I . ‘ .1 , ..111 "• . ~-, ' , I . , • ,_ . . - • • I 1 - • . , • i . t . •'—' ' .7 f7 l ll • " ' '':' • ' s : •• ' .. . . ' - i" - ' - Villtirrag %ire - litarlcul4tave, , Zirgettitr4.-**o:. _:- arailltit• _r . _ ~.. ......:. _...: .., •• . . .. .• , • • ______ ___. __ _ _T' 8. B. &E. 11.(, C4ASE, TROPRIETORSt 4 E. - f i ' authorities ' 1 • THE PRESIDENT ' S MESSAG i , re eri t to, ber local no airs fur ' Considering the nit regions o . , . —, • ' ; inveetigatiori, ' and postliones an'answer - till _neat , and the number of States w . .. „, cii i t i ns o fih e seasse and, of the House . she has beir d from. those . anthoriti , "..; To ii...- he madeacecaasible-by the free n ft. re7 Representat i ng ; . _-, , , - - ~i veld, these-} • Ong. and vexatitiu idelays, a .the Aver Anuizotipartieular ettenti The interest With "which the people of the ; Pt.', o Positio s been made to pro vide for a given to this oubject. Brazil, 111, direct ep I r.endreas ito the Captain-Gen- territories It passes into the ocean, t e bI anticipate the assembling of. Cop ps IC d the fu lfillment , - on that occasion, of pro by 00,, e 1349), in behalf of °ter injured to persimted in a &Hay so restricts gr'ess, and is tfellnw;eitia,en ~ Hitherto ,: the Government of: to the use of thus river, as to oh i m po s ed upon, anew President, the duty best evidences of their capacit y to Spain has nechued 'to . enter into any inch at- nearly exclude, foreign commercial one of the d i - - on her part is Beep- " ith the States.whieh lie upon it. realize the hopes of e founders of a - polars ge . •,, /y regretted ?for, wit/rout some arrhngement nd upper branches. Our mini ' cal system, at once edinplex sad .syinmetricak . ,of thiskiml, the'goOd understandi between ountry to instructed to :obtain e. While the different. branches of the ,Govern ment-areito it . certain extent, independont of the , two enuntries may be "expose. to oica- 'Slott tinnily, and to use his effo • each ether, She duties ' of all, alike,. , biro di. .siOnalluterryptiou. :Our Ministet Mudrid the Brazilian Government to open ' :test reference to thesource.ef ';power:_ For- I ikiinstruete to renew the ItroPositiOn, ;and to use, under proper-safeguards., thi s tunntely, under this aystem, no man is so high; ' Preetv it again upon the eonsideraton of her rad highway for international t.nul and none so humble, in too stele of .public } CtitholiC Majesty's Government., ) ! ' of the South American States ar • station, askr escape from the scrittiny, or u!_l . :For several years Spain has been ~ !ling the- resealed In this attempt to secure t he exempt from the responsibility, Whieball attention of this. ' Government to . . , Ilaim f o r igation of the Amazon,-and it is r: Official unctions imply. _ . I to is es,' by some Of her - subjects, irfit Case of expect their_cooperation in the me • Veen the justice and intelligence of the . j.the schooner Atnietad. This claim ii believed the adyantages" of free commercial Misses, in , a government thus organized, 'is • l .to rest 'on the - obligations imposed - by cow ex- amonznations are better tinders • the sole reliance of the ConfederacY, and the biting treaty with that country: rts justice . liberal views are generally; enter' admitted, its our; diplomatic curreaPond only security forbonest and 'earnest devotion I WAS edt_n ' the common rights of all to the to its inte.resta, agai i nst the usurPtition * . and en- ience Uhth,the • Spanis ' Governmenti,as,.eerly ' thoae 'Means. u bleb nafure has pro croachments of _power :" on one hand, and-the las ':March rB7 ;. and, no-of - my proidecessors, ternittional:comniunication. To , n it s o f persona/ ambition on the other.. lin his. ; , annu a l-„ Mena e. of that yea,”. recent- i liberal and enlightened views, it i have spo k en , i s in- I Mended . thet previsi should be midelfor its r Brazil will coolortn her policy, an . The interest, of which "I sepershle -from the' inquiring , self-governing payment. In January last -it watt ; itgalp sub-1 unnecessary restrictions • •upon the Executive. At has , a river, which traverses so matiy community, but stimulated, doubtloas; at the mined to Congress by the, • present time, by the unsettled condition. of I received n favorable consideration liy Com- ;so large "a part I:4'th° continent. our relations with severalloreign powers; by 1 mittee of bath branches, but as yet pore has: to inform you diet the Republie,u, . the new obligations resulting from. .a sudden i been no finahlietton "apen: it. ? ..I Coneelee,that :,end the Argentine Confederation extension of -.the field'ef enterprise , ; b y th e geed faith 're ekes Is promp adjuaimentsind ;. to, the liberal:pelicy still reSisted b • spirit with which, that field'his been e n t ere d,:l I 'present itl. , yoitr_ Sri) , and voratfle Conaid- i regard to the navigable rivers with and th e amazing energy with which c hi re- rennion- i „vial sources for meeting the demands of humanity,' ;! Martin Ko szta, st!-Ilungarian by birth,,l'eame 1 subject aisiong. others have been Byre b ees z ere l op 7,d . , .., . •.. I this country in.:1850; and decla kl his in- with these GOvernuients, which Although disease, assuming, at one time the i t ittion, in-due form of taw, to 1:,4. l ima a chit.; mitred to the•Senato at the preset characteristics of ".a wide - spread ;and derasta- 1 z n'of , the I.J niteitStiates.' After',remaining 1 A new'br.ineli of commerce , ". ting pest il e n ce, h as lef t i ts, \ sa d trace u p on i.h re needy two ,years,: he ,villiteit f . urkey.-- i the agricultural interests'of thel, • , same portions of our countr y , we have %till I,While at Onivrna, he was fomitrlyi ' ized, ta- f.hai,' within a few yearS past,,bee t l • the most . abundant cacao for rev:efent thank- I ken on isia4aa - Austria' brig or , ily, r then I'. Peru. - Notwitlistandinit thole? I . fulness to God for an accumulation of 'signal • ing in thei'.habor - of that place, aafi r. 4,here von- 1 , posits of guano upon the Island If m e rcies • si t owered - -upon, 'us a Nation. -It is filled in ironq, with tbe'avowed dostln to take . ;•try,,considerable difficulties are - well that a'tenseioasnetut of rapid , advance- ; him into thildomains of Austria. O rr Consul : obtaining the reqoisite - 'ftoppl, meat and increasing strength be habitually es-: at Smyrna and Legation at ConstantinoPlein- I have been taken to 'remove the* iodated with an akitliktg sense of dependence teroos for• his releaie, but their ti orts Were land'to secure a more abundant ie . .upon Ulm v*o holds in-His hands the destiny ' • inetfeet al. i'Whitethua , inipriso 4d,''Com- 'I the article. ' Unfortunately, thcre of wee and , o f N at io ns . - ... . -, .-, monde bagrituan, with t -United teseahlr collision ! between citizens, , . Recognizing the'wisdere:Ot the broad prin. of war St. Louis , arrived at Smyri4nnel atter i sorted - te the Chinclia Islands f A Ciple of absolute religious toleration proclaim: inquiring into .the, eircumstances:on the use, l Peruvian authorities stationed th di e our , f un d amen t a l L aw , an d re j o i c i ng i n cause to the kern:linden- that. kosztalwas mini- I for the outrages, counnitteil by , t the benign influence whiclo it lass exerted.up. i tied to the, pietectianof this Government,and rpremptly demanded by our Mini near social and political condition, I should I took &mtge* and prompt measuoa for his This „subject; is now under consi -shrink from a clear duty, did I fail to express - release. U nder an arrangement between,thel there is reason tei believe .that P my deepest. conviction, that we can plaee n o i agouti ottho United Statesand of Austria, he ted to otter adequate indemnity . . . „, secure reliance upon any -apparent pro g ress, if . w . as "transfor med to theestody of the French l ed parties. • ~ . it he not sustained by, national integrity, rest,. Consui4eneyal, I t. Smyr n a, there lo .remain .We are thus•not only at peace ing aim the greit truths :• affirailed sod illes: until he should te,disf used of by , t e !nutle l . eiotries, but, in regar d . trated by Divine Revelation. ''.- . I agreement - oi* i . the 'Constrla of the respectrye i fat .ire exempt from any eau • In the midst of our:sorrow fortne sifilicted eriwernmentaist. that place."l.Pursuant tothat i disquietude in our - domestic rela and Suffering,it has been consoling te,see hole ag,reement h has been, released and t i!:3 itowjin The controversies, which bar promptly disaster niade true eeighbkirs of dis- the -United S les. The Emperor -O Austria' country heretofore, are passing t o triets and , cities separated' .widely from each i has made th, i °induct of our o ffi cers who tohk 'causes which produced - them' an other; and cheering to watch the strength of pert in this tsaction'a subject of Olive cow Which they.had awakened; or, if that common bond of brotherhood, which 0 .: plaint. - Reg , ~ inn' et Kosz as stilt Is v ls Suinnet theni remains., May be reas ~ cites sit fwarts,fin all parts of this Union,when and claiming , right. to aieze him ithin the - that it will only be 1 danger threatens' frets ahioad • or calamity bill limits of the c ; arkiah Empire, he. has demand- valry of all go citiz e ns to tea vends over na at home, - •'ed of this Go ernment its consent tir the sir- pees for. he rights of the States, Oar diplomat: relations with foreign pow,: , render of the',',. risoner, a disavowal ef the acts to the Union, and their common ors have undergone no essential thing° since. : of its agent4 , and'satisfaction for , tiee alleged;that each one of the States, its i the atnti.rnment of the last Congmes. With outrag e . .Aft er a car e ful consideratilon Of the welfare, and its domestic. peace some of them,"questions - of a disturbing char- " ear, I mime JP) thScotie.l o'Boa usion that- was alike secure under the sacred mg sae are still pending, but there are good res. i seized withoist - legal authority at !Smyrna: stitution. . sons to believe that these may all be amicably I that he was wrongfully detained - eel board of I,) This new league of .amity a , • adjusted. . - , . . . ~ - !the Anstriani brig of war ; that at the time of 'disnfidence and support. into whi For some . years, past, Great Britain haS so }hie seizure, he was clothed with the criatiorrali. 1 the Republic . h ave en t ere d, h construed the first article *of' the Convention i ty of the.Untted-States;.-and that the acts of . i ducement and opportunity for of the 20th of April, , 1,818. in rree the four officers; Itinder, - the circumstances of the f a more comprehensive, and '.a fisheries on the north:ertatern co sto ex, case, were jOStifiable, and..their conduct has line of policy and• action,' as to chide, our: citizens front some of the, fishing been fully approved by, me, and A entniiiisnee t rial interests . f the country, w I 1 , grounds, .to which they freely retorted for with the several demands of . the EMperor of, din themselves or (a eonnea ' nearly a quarter of a century subsequent to 1 Austria has been declined. 1 i powers of the civilized world. the date of that treaty. The United States I For,arnirrit, foil, account of this traniactlon The United States - have coati, i have never acquiesced in this ennstriejlon,but f and my iiew#l in regard to it, .1 r e fir itto the ly and steadily to expand, throng have always claimed for their fishermen all the I correspondence between the Charge;ar Affair- of territory. which, hoW - antich sr , rights which 4ey had so long enjoyed without i t ,fk of AustriV,tbe Secretary of Stiote,' which them malhave been questioned, molestation. With a vies's - to remove ill - diffi. ,ts herewith- ~ sositted. The primliples and; versally seen and aduiitted to h „ttilties on the 'subject; to extend the riihts of !policy; therei •maintained on the • ptlet of the in - policy, just in character,and a . our fishermen beyond the. limits ,fixed•by the , United Sla tewill, Whenever ill orrPer once- i in the advant.vment'Of our court . coaventi„„ oy 1818, and to reg ulate t ra d e b e : mien occurs ; applied awl enfi i reenl IL ; 1 1 it, of the humanrape, in free& I - teem the United States and the British' North " The condition of China, at this tridegenders ty; and in happiness. The Wile American Provinces, a negotiation has • 'been - iit Probable that some im rtalit chaegewill oc. - grown to - be thirty oee, with rela ' opened. with I fair prospect of 'a, favorable re- i cur in that- n ettlpire, ' Inch . will; ',lead to ato - Europe on the one aide, en th salt ,To protect ou r fishermen ia the ehjoy. I more unrer4ited inters unie with it.. The distrutt realms - of Asia: went of them rigtsts, and prevent Collision be.. I Commissioner •to that, country, l' whit N his i Lilts deeply se;rlsible- of the i • tireen theni and British fishermen, I deelOed• it t been recently aPpointed, vir instructed to avail ponsibility which the present -expedient to station-a naval for +in that Oar., J himself of - A occasions tin open and extend she Republic, and the diversity terdaring the fishing season. 3 . our commercial relations, not only, wit h the - ity grits interests, dewily-es two) Embarras s i ng questions have al t sp i arisen he.; Empire of Chinn i :but -svith, other Aidaticlna- • leviation of which, so - far as relal tureen the two uverntrients in 'Pegard to Cert.' lions.. •.' 4•'• -.. .) • -i 1 I mediate conduct of the public In , , oaf Ameri . rest' Britain has proposed to i In 1852; at expeditiiin was sent! I to itiMni in my ; reliant on . the wisdom `lttfle the by au itnicabla arrangethent,and !under the. Cuminand nilc°nu"dPq'iPeVri'lrnt of th • t ` v° /I":4e's of Congsess; by Or Yinistel at London iis instructed 'to enterj Th e Par Pose of opening beoreett43lf,Ofevicestrse -in the diree.tions afforded, me .by . ' him neginiations on that subject. . '1 with , That Nand. _lntelligence has brieri re- 'of public polity, 4lffirmed by our, A Coretnission for . iidjustinii the: claims, of i ceived of : hi) arrival there, and lif, his having epoch of 1198, sanctioned by loi our citizens against -Britain, and these of I made known to th e peror of J4pan, ther and consecrated anew by; the. Bjt,i B h-nubjects against the United States , or I object.of bit .visit ; bait is not ascertained voice ,of the people of the. U. 5: I mixed tinder the Convention of the Sib_ of i how far o.e Emperor i ll beat - to ainut. , l Recurring to • these prineples, which - cOnsti. ' February last, is n ow s itti ng i n. Loudon for , don his.restrictive pen l y,, . t',pope- 'tate the organic basis - of union we perceive • thetransaction of business. - - f „ ' ..: ' -:. . i louaLieniftfllto - -It rem nicht' intereP rag with - Abatcvset as are the inactions'. " d duties of , It is in many respects desirable , - that ,the I the I.J. S. :-.. . - 1 - . -. .. - - : , 1,- ', • i"the Federal Government, vested b, of entrust. tiautsda r y line between the United, 'States la, _ it has , YCil my eat , I desire to t:nintsitt• .ed 10, , its three eicat &porta:ten s, the *girths.' t_ta , British Provincea in the - trarth-Wreet, atilifrieudly - intioeurse mop the o ;)Vernfeeeta apr. tive„ executives end judicial. 3 74 the sehatin- i qetignated in the Conventieft of 'the . 15th *Of fon is 'Continent, and to, aid thern in presere- . five power; the popular d thelarge ti Jun ' , 1846 , and especially, that part whi c h s te p. I log ' ood.iniferstandi4 atnong:h'ordeeit'eit•—: capacities for social and maters development orates the Territory of Vireithiugton from' the - I Wit ' Itexied 'a dispute '.;Eats 'arisen l' as "to the - exist in the respective Slates. W ich, all • being British posilestsions on .the'north, should:be : true heitadao line '6tWeen otir:i territory of - of themselves well 'constituted publics, as tract e 3 and tOarked. .1 therefore present the i Nevi blexieWand, the 'Mexican A Star of Chihli.: they preceded, so they, alone , e capable, of ' ' aubjrat to your notice • IL ':: " '- i shoat former COmmlisioner o the United maintaining 'and-perpetuating, e American With France our rels,tionti' continue - an the Steties'ategOed in inning that litie l ptirsuisixt Uoion. - The Federal Govercm at his its. apt matt trieadly footle g. • , . Ty ) e , e x t g o e ifo cow ; I teltbe trestY,.,of Guadalupe Hidalgos; made. a propihno line of action in the specific and hat - ' metre between the - United %trams and that - t rte i fiututt mistake in determining the initial point iced poweraemsferred on it by 'the ,Censtite. I 2 1 ,°liutry," might, ft. I. ionietved, be releisedie tlie Rio, iGrande,", hut, inastnnett , ii., his de- Lion , chiefly AIS to . these things - in which the t "' roweMmecessaty mitriCtipos,' to ihoraii. ;claim) irallitearly.a departure. From Itbe direr. ' States.have E common interest, in their rel ax, t i tiais&antage oy.hoth. p as ti es ; With a v i ew itiCitlit for Itraerng the boundary contained in; lions to own/another, so to fo kw govern ' ° thi b ohi*, some progress has be e n .made' that ° P.reati, ind.*as not cotictirred 'n.bYirt :fur. mentie;while:the great class of . i tereits which iti ligotiriting a treaty of cethmeree mad niti.. r vey, ',ll:o:diittid. on! the .'part ell he United , belong to -.cultivated , num,. the . rditary b - IL4. gawp.. , - - • - ts ta t* w hop - i o n e u r i ence. .*as: esear ytO i s nests of life,-the'spriugs el.indueiry. all tb , '... cpendent 'of Our , valuable' trade- with' give nada:y . 4o - 'ost decision, this., tivernrnent :.versified,personal and domestic j affairs of so-, basin; e . h ave important political 'relations ' i nt nit co nc l u ded thereby ; but that of Nemec) mety, rest securely upon thegePend r eserved I fni h eT , gre ji v i n k .ourt . of li i ir _ neighbor h ood to tare a diff er e n t v i ew. o f th e B uhl is, . ~ . .-. '1 powbes or the 'people of thoserral States. im e,ii kaeda ..of Cnbannd . Perot , . Rico. '.;I am .1' Tftere ireialso 'Other tjuentione ' fleet:raider-117116re intbrt.effeetiess Demerara of the nation P 9) to tuoluice,, that, lollop . th e b a it c o p. I able; th agnitude petidirig•,tietweeA 1 two atikii aid there ,vitsl essence of ti being audits b g rease r iittettlita. have been made; by watt. i Publks. Onr•ginistlf ~ in,-Idexi, 1 hoe ntiplejigreateees. '-...- . • r- • - ~•. - ," ~ ~: t 7 . a ed exneditions within die United•StMes -teets f ilatiettai,to • 'iiitii ;Aim. ',- , iiiti P as .3 • ' Or 1116 Pr4et*lke"l"44er : which flow: ulrid either of these Colonies. Jilitiould aitt"*V .been" opened ;" ii :Sufficient Fes, alai :from die, patine Of the,,Federa SGOvernmeot, theanent be maigt e stod teithjp.ot t i Jjegts, aft jno n Wade therei ,to enable 4t 9 ',speak:the primartione - ja-the dui Or" nounietering ti l ooe MOUS at my 'commebd wi ll b e vjgoroa rt ri iof is Pritiible _remit --.. Imp' - s ` , With the,' with ititeglitYAnct,„fidetit the hiithintat: ter' exe r t e d •... . . ~ i ll vu repress tt. Aeve ra rp on oij et to y \ mapiiirtarrae of `maids aid; arnica, a setallene - Paled ukir,h,Y , th , -. 3 "" ti 'nuo esPertlaill in th r e r es kutE e.tahen Pisa sat Ibtrantwirr inkillei Abet Itepnblic; , . ~Itelding , I ,lihentfi- `./ the application;rd the Pe ix F . On, as drawn . . tinily Of the ishuid or Csiba, between our )4T . •all'heriant 411 7, es it is • ble le ex.: 'by taxation flora the .peu ei appropttisted . . - c er it g e "„, and ' the Spaoish authorities.: Consid. -- , that..sta i .. , • - .., , * 'mutual yi traria°. Ito iffftifit • Objpettllir 0 ~ , happily I ....1 Luc PrOximity of that island to our ehore itl - truth' , aotintrielvirisibei Co -; and a , ;hare Pope...l*pp to. Bugg* an 'radical chap tw4ioug as-it &lea; in ilietraekoriiidi le. ' 1 ] ''' : friendship betwecli. them • 441'4 ' 4 '-geti in the liPune*E F)tic til th GQ"n""ni. ' 1 w i l taipi e i lit " 44. (3 er - PrineiPar - cities--and the Pe ',.-; : .2'. .. , r ... -.s . 4,. - -\\ ~.. '.. 1 . - .1 .- - ' ' Oumis -1111tiostAttot; a 1 .41 ',the SOlitall . oil __ °!! 3 Vignanee: . with whjeh T o w n i nter A .egreisit(hasjiigimrviderdrol . ,:j: If' - ai l len, peter cdebilqtendOli having . , ,aurphts retie. c j ill is 11 : , Particulsrly Veit' with'the United 8-,,1it0 , - !tatiot:.+(sentricA ' ' ' "niiter nue. 4 1n,mlik immodiatelYlrein l PCP s !' imv ; m3 ‘ mellts rene es ! a f. tiftv &l. , :e,Tlon 'of SiCh oeetir.4Was t ,t4t',, r....tti1 114 .14 14. : Ai . • kiki tie bai l merXerand thereforwmeasured y thiippon* n ph,,,„,,, °II " il 'A il i valenda:' "Ain;a o 4- 733114 iu!! , :41 v .! 1 "-IPIY . *a ft-ibiee- ' ,atetteilv:PeOUll-.44.1ti .m11 1 0 0 ..444 •P lllO -. i.;•Progen&T•nr - Coluste i t ntem " r4 la nii!w2o4 . baileen: otii l .:( l ",tesiMit):l;luirn- he- - 1**11 4 044_ 'gce', the country; With each i)Pkihe4llWl ettettle•alf - - Cat4 t . tev ii "."*Ws!liAt... o 44iiii,oo,4mtot,;l 6o ß,ktne - . -- "lt ' 3s - -Itle:;hoPO4'khat9dri: riellitiareeWedicanta!efreinff 'iti/* Pflidal4w of pro,,D,,,ae94249*canAcitAkjnalks..,iti:lol64inif:'ol. ' "idlreen.:*.n , 64" bet9'illie eertb 4Odowia4oeirtietO,)itkenostitt4*_., . Wilteit 41' 4 ' 4bzWy)wimws,4lll4r7z..baims. ,rent to e-er . ' .. " , - 4 4r4eininiirlr - elt : Pre-1 414 , nwl YettYtiMlakil-4' ;1 41 00M. itetik...L, cuoPlulak-Ciathulis€lo4our eiti4i:Yail;,Unkrulf• )00440) r,444*0* rin\nereleWfOrskot-Neiltikiw"#4l9 pow, 4 inttutiZ i- # te r eeen tiffle 4 -MentlltelekS.444o:' . * * Ml** . ofiltstatele ' IWirt.-SlVatliit Air 4 1 f101/ 'i l e l o o #l4. '4 ivocsouiritxr#o - ' ~,,-___, ~,,,_ ~ .~ :~ i f . , Mil I,NTROSEr thin coati. kb would vigution of n has been G ogh whose trcluteacevite ib tern. • Thei Ttepprt ~ ry; Will exhibit !It. detail, the state of. the pub. Sic finances, an the eOndttion of tbe•vanolis _branches of thiPublieserirjail adminittereil by that department r of the Government:,, . ; _,- ,' The revennelof 'the ecentt3i, levied almost. insensibly, to , the tax;p4efi',. pee on from pier • - ' be ond either -th to year increasing- y er a interests or the prospective wants of the . Government. . At the close of die fiiicallear •ending Julie' 30, 1852,--tliera%retnidried , itt.Alie -Tie: usury a I balance of four een million six- hundred and; thirty.two thousand one bpodrcd and .thirty-1 six dollars. Int i m public revenue for the fiscal. *year ending 4tine 30,18'53, amounted te'fifty eight' million nine _hundred* Sod thirtf.elte.' thousand eight 'hundred and sisty-five dollars fram euttes, nd to two. mi ll ion, .four . hun dred an five; thou Sand seven hundred and'' ,eight dollars fr in public. Venda-and other cilia eellanecius sources, evacuating "together to sixty-one million three hundred and thirty sev- en thousand fiv' hundred and seventy-fouldor tars; while the publie'e;peyditures for the same period, exclusiv e , of payments onliccount 'of the public 'debt; amounted to' forty:three ' mlli= ion" five hundeedand' fitly-four thousand two hiindred and sixty-tw.o_dollitrs; leaving a bal. L. ahue of thirie4wo million four hundred elld dollars• of receipts above eipendi: tines. •• - i tins hither- e, in regard I 4ruet, and l intercoutne tabouirien ir 1 -to that • latatiotl of to induce to common great luaus. 1 .. Several deepty.-in e free nay. sirsklie to .asure:f :As. intereouse . s. m o r e , ined tut to ree uie of , ided for n- Jtese more hoped that remove all free'use Of ;States and I am, happy f Paraguay s.vev yielded TBnizil;lo In.their . . • - This fact, i of ncrtuerinit urplus i n t h e Tress: : urv, became the subjecta c r anxious onsiderri , .tion At A very early Period . Of ivy , Administra tion, thin., and :',the 'path '''o I duty in regard to it seem. ed - to me abviotra- anti ',Altar, namely:' first, - tri apply, the'surpins revenue to:the 'discharge 'of the Public Debt, so far as it could judiciously 'be'dOne: end; :seCondly;;.to dtil,..ise means for. the gradual 'of 'the revenue to - t be public .exig,eneles..% -- :-- . -- . - . -- - • r i . Of these objects, the fi ist his_ . --been: in the .Course of accomplishment, in . .a tiutimer,atittto' .a‘degree.highly satisfactory; '.The amoun tof the flpblic Debt, - ;of all• cl.ssies,' - was; on the. itth of Alirch..lsso,Sixt:i-nine million onehtin dred- and ;ninety ,-theith.sisnd ..and•-.thirty:seven dollars;. payments einac.eount . of.which beim been inade,..sinee that ' period,:to the amount of ' tWelve million • seven hundred. and. ,three khouSand three hendrettand lwetity - ;nine dol.. lirs,, ..leaving unpaid,' atid - in ithe continuous coorie of liquidation, the stn, of fifty-six-mill.:. ion fotir hundred and eighty•iik thAsauct set:: . en hundred vind . eight delftirti,.. , These - pay- Ments, although. made at thet price of therespective of,stecitte, have been ef fected .readily; and to: the. general'advantage:of the TreaSury, -- and- have at the same 'ling : pro: t•- ed ersigrnal 'utility in the t relief they -haye.ine Mentally afforded to the'stonei inerketand-to the industrial and cOmniercial intrimite 'of-the .6onritry; • . I .r . - • -- - . . - . . - • _ ~• 1 . The second Of the abo ve mentioned 'object* that of . the. - rednati ter otthe .Tariff,- itr Of great Int:porta bee, and .the plan - suggested hy the Sec, retary of, the . Treasury, whleh,iis to, reduce the dutha' on certain ..aklicles; kid to add lo the . free lista 'many articles now ' Iltured r - - , atileape. ially Such. as, enter. into ' tuanninettires,' and • itre net largely; or 'at ,a 11,.. produced in, : the tiountr , is commended . to ' your - candid and earefu 'consideration. . •-. . ' i . Yoe - will fincf in the report :Of the Seiretari 0! the Trenitui, also; abundant-proof -i,r:.tlie entire adequacy _of the 'present fi scal '..sySteM: to meet . - all the requirements of . the public-sm.- *ice, and that, ,while properly administered . , it Operates to: the advantage ; of_: the community Itrenitinsry.bu:sittess telstions.',. , .. t-. ..::::- : ..• . _ I respectfully ask 'your attention.. tit sundry , eeggestrons.of improvements in' thew_ ttlement of accounts; especially - as regardi I e large sums of ouistandingarreers due • to - he Goy- eretnentiand of other reforms - in . theradminis; trative 'action:Of his department, which:Fe . itt- divvied by 'the Secretary; as Alin ,to the. prog..: Tess made in -the construction of ~Bfririna.Hos, , pttals,Custain if - fOuttea,•isid /of anew Stint .in California and:Assay O ffi ce in the, City . of.fie.s. , .. York, heretofore provided for . by Congress.; s and also, to tlual,eininently auceessful .progrem: of the Coast S.' rvey, and of the. Light House, Beard.... ' . ' : ~. .. ' .. .'. . 2: . ~ ~i 'Waging this I,negotiated be sub. icsession. toportaot to citted States, opened with. hiustible-de. if that cotin- Terienced in' . Me4surea difficultie - s, portatidn of • has beep ho have re r r, it, and the re. Redress )e latter, was to at Lima, , eration, and .ra is dispos-, the aggriev- with all far- af e of serious ions. agitated the ay - With the the passions. .any. trace of viably hoped he. zeal on s • ify their res.. heir devotion eterraituition stitutions i tts hail .- he held s of the Con- of mutual . h the people' affpitis the r + embarrassed he.. e ire4 ma ether regard .on- with the' tied gitoint. acquisitions ver some of arenow ve been wise . • rest element I's 4 11 W with in prosper"- 'o States have ons'reac mg Other to the .. _ Among. the objects meriting ion: attention sidered uubject. to imehlobjectione_ns apply ,to the' latter,and such may now . ' be .: considered will be importziht recommendations from the satettled constracti4 of:the power 'of the Secretaries of War and Navy: lam fully the se - isfied thatt:the Navy of - the - United States is, Federal; Government upqn the shbjeCt.. , N w u t m ii e i rr i n c s on ap ti p p l u it e at io lt p . m bag ie w . r or e l i) gra , :ta u ' I . ? 1 :1 0 o ri hot - in u coedit on of strength and efficiency , , commensurate with the anignitude of our cotb- , l° o ° inercial arid ot 'er interest's and your capeciat, tuition thestrggestiona on-this; it is n ot Del .commend tel .. hutd . ,,linaA j o e r ved the;:c o Cin w itr io ne t t h io in h'q th r e l n it t yi et ly t ig rha , subject, made y. the , Sii.4etary 4 nr„mtiger the Cot(ati,thtiotw: that - the poWer of the N 4 1 . 1.t0 dispo se . . of the litiblicf, domain should-he 3/4: 1 rea'pec.tfully itulhnit that. the Army, .whi '.l ed otherwise then f reight-li6 expected from : a which' the volunteer forces Of nation g ath *l;h os ki . bi restr i ete 4 teleessoL where it With the 'unrhisgYhaelii:l'trn'intilko-resusit,asistwita.).nsuCtirseg-aromlunti P, t . ra i d ne en d f to P7 i p i t it t . " !t it h e il e L . he it te nle feje t i t 'e n the o i rt ai l iit : I Would er in the hour " danger,,requires augmenta- A , ~__, ,_, „ ma _ . . . 6. : s o i t 9 ai c. o o r t, n tri p n ti e u t te t r i n: , un d er . e like oi lion, or rnodi lion, to aciapt, it to the present i 7 for the . limi and frontier relations of the _I Pre" ;.extend ed eeunity, and e 'condition of the Indian tribeirtt u ! . t. l ,". ° S. , t- .. h 1t.,,,.,.... 4. °;(ti r 1u it„ th0 ' T r u a r i , l' h io ° 4 l v, ii i 4 6 i i i e n a g i lin 'the.intetior , f the continent .; the necessit y ;11';''Z' te lu re u s u te * *o"l."t"h:Pg'"tiftes-in which the works. of which will gq)ear in the coMmiinicationsefi "0" I ted and lit the 4anie thue;theiotheta re °co , 'Ate :Secratari Alf Wer and the Ihterior. . ,, - , i al interests , f all : the ?Aber States, -., in the edmi letreticei ef thires.°ffiee fie 'no. the•toue 'iturtilmit6tin;g.the ;1.10 . sale of ParLfeent re ` t e 4ell ' Yeei eeditigJ a ne,3C4l the p public domain, I refer you to' the iePort of 1853 i the fr expenditure r ils 2 , . sev e n _ i , thil l i°l 2l' e seeeetekt of thelkitetiorl •''A' ardor - ex- 'nine hundred' -eight-Y-I*o tnousaeolf4veml- i lla ti on , 40wev e r, wkitabow - that this - ex*'' , hundred 'and fty:six'Aoriars; and -thi. grosal receipts, the 'same . krled, ti e re ioj eß4 nee is the , result, - le -leliOhi4A " v "i d wi ll be far finuiiff,irding, encouragement 'nine hundred Ad' forty-two thousand _---..--- 4 . , ~. ___ Li ...,...... , - ,....l i pth e ifi e v n i t t e '4"i t i tutti k k ,...q. Ihundred and thirty-four driller's ;'shOiving - , that / th e lipi. reckless ...A ~...,,,,.; ,„ „.7., : :, .., ~-7. [the current reiehne failed to meet the eitnept Ileommend tO Year fitrontbie - -e oli e idetati‘x' expenses of_ the department !)y, the sum offi se - mp '' ; r te thei" ' Attoense reti 1 h aptitude of nd Multiple. - ), m ; the al- a es. -the. itn. r in , is, fi nd d htrietisto ; nd •ondly, e principles . athers of the • experience, verwheltning isio million [ forty,two thousand and thirq-two dollars. The causes' which, under the preti ! - 'ent postal system sad laws, led inevitibty 141 this result, arti explained bi 0141410,41 of the 'Poatutsster-Generul s' ;,011e. gresgreatcau i e being ,the'enortootta rate the "department h 4 I beetccoin • Wleil o say `t'orsir,yleilien:: tiered -by; R.al4oad.Lompanial. sxhibitlia`the Repdrt of the'.;Oetoir' ter fireieind inceon. hard *Fasqdit cire , by mill steal/Mr* will bti Cunt} , tereatio„.&am,d 'Ol a illarac -r. dig,lo4 tiotoodiateaption of Con • : Numerous nud., r frAuds...npon - th Behave - -ibrought t0'1.114- - 'Atkin, the mlest., some , teems merited 'pernaleetat bet.. aufte niter to -others -guilty partie,..baolheeeai not rough* vont,,9f saffiaetKe•svicketee: Warrant a roovietionenee the proeisiotek of limitation Fittlei. nature of these tehtitnielltiriv° l moteeees thi tribeeale to 41ecai eponl l 'sea theutodel in which the proof is, of al laity, 1=6134 teritithil*-tP of,ln?OavlV greittlY , ell otdeidHl 1 1 0 itaraktCli 4thilff ute'suliiistrare ' 41 00 1 .'oriuft 4#1113 DAY., :DE,6OlBERliklB6l' wisdom__of tbe prese4t, "ys f the Secrebtiy,of theVreass. z-^trz .01 lA4O - I.; BEM hundred -and elevesi.serits qf the; publla lands have been server3d; #ncl:Aen . Otte Noodled and siaty44epAbor -nd pight hu; _)npnta ...lug ' red and , ninety-oneacieti hrolight into nyrket. the: iatne 'tierioo rthe sales purchase and piaster:entry amounted to :Mai", million ..eightpthren thousands four, hundred amPninetpfive acres Ilocated tinder litilitary bounty land'warrittits, tit million one hundred' and '-forty.two 'thonarqul. three, htindird : :alid sixty, acres; located hdder other - certiffentek qine.,thousand four hundred and twenty-seven. aeres;.. ceded to the StAte as. WaRIP lands, six, te t en,ffiillion six and eighty-Tonithori T sand two hUndred and iitti-three acres; helee ; -• led for railroad and Other - 4:ll:dects, - tinder acts I of Congress, one-Milllortlt foui hundred and twenty-seven, thousand: four. hundred and fifty seven aeres. Total anitinnt of lande disposed 'of within the fiscal yeisr;',twenti:fine''inilltott three _hundred - and?•fOrty4ii thonsand - nine hundred-.amL ninety4vo. Acres-to/Thiel"; is' an increase in quantity scijd'.and 'heated ,under land' Warranta And grants, cf , twoprt! , trillion s , `two hundred And tbifty-oue thousand - eight hundred and zeightetirq Ores' over the' fiscal year. immediately . The ..quantity; of !and.sold during - the second: and,third quer- - .tern 0f.1852" - Was I three -hundreeind four thousa4fonhiadre'd and fifty-one acres, The *Mount received therefor, was' slitllan dyed - and twenty-three; thousand: six :hundred aud - eighty-ser:en Tito quantity sold the second and thiiiiq4risiS Of theyear 18.53;, Was one million itiindreCtindnine thou-- send nine hundred add.4ninote*ty acres; and the, amount receivki tlierefor,'two million two hundred and twenty -Sit 4 thousand eight bun : dred and seventY-six dollars. .- - . • .. The whole number hf'land warratits'isstted• under 'existinglawS;;ptier to - the 30th-of Sep- . tAnbeltast;', was iwo gliendied- • and sixty-six thousand and . forty-tWe iof which there were onistanding,.at that; date, sixty-six thonamid nine hundred and -.forty-Seven. The _quantity of land required to Satisfy-lhese - ortt:tsciding, • warrants is four, million]seven. hundred ; and seventy-eight "thousand' one: hundred and twen-1 ty acres. 4 • - . • Warrants have beef' Issued . ao . 30th s9p 7 tember last, under thcait. of ilth February, ' 1841, calling for twelve million eight hundred and seventy-nine• thohiland two f hundred and eighty acres; -tinder 'sets of ..September .28, 1850, and-March for twelve million fiie hundred and five thousand' three handfed and sixty ac making` a total-`'of liverity-fiv.ethri,•trhundredltind eighty four thousand six hundred an 4 forty sires. It is believed: that . Dxrterietieti has verified the wiedoin and kistice of the present system, with regard to.the doMain, in most es, Sential • ! -' • • You will,.perecive,, from the Report of the , Secretary ofthe leteril i ir, that, opinions, which have often beett "expressed in felatlon to I'M) .operation of the Vandsystim, as not-,:-being e source of , revenue to „ per Federld Trettent : Y, were eironeous.,; 7The net profits from the sale of the public - ta :June" 30,:1853 amounted to, the stira fifty-three "Million two hittidred end eigi(ty'-nine fttotiaand hundred and - sixtytfiv,e dollars. : T recommend the extension of.the-land sys tem 'over the 'Territories' of Utah NeW, Mexico"; with shelf moOifiCationtt ' their pe culiarities. may requirei: - .• - ;i • Regarding .our public domain as chiefly. vat. sable to provide hothei-fior.theindustrieitsend• enterprising, I am unt-imared to,,,rei °amend any essential change , in.the land system, - exc . eept modificetionevla far* , the actual Settler, and an extensiOn'or..the, pre-emption principle in certain cases ; for reasons : and oh groends.which -hef.Tully_ .devehipedin the 'reports to be laid before you. . Congress, representing, the - proprietors of the, pnblic•dotnainostiOharged especial ly with prver to dispirse'of tetritery belonging t 6 the United States, has, form tong course of •Years,i beginning with. the Adtiiiiiistratio6 of Mr. Id; ferson, exercised'the'po*er to construct Toads within the Territories and there are so.many -and obvious distidetionithetween this'exercise' of power And that of oinking roads within the . States, that thejormer. has never, been con . .. .. - -- i . (cc men of gcrqulh! ofb.o.mke VV. 4 47.$ -*/ ". 41 ?" 4eir inventions ind,d*ckiiiiii ti,,isciirico and an., bier° contribUted Inrgidy7 ,m l6 - ITio`hotiioic.: inenti!ot die agile Withtiot; in at* insti,nieee, necuringlor.:thcmcO*Aultift tiko , au ~ .ode.: gnats re-ward._ .' o.orruccyjotcrostiog 4l uPoi this itiwitaii ielKypifl4::oi9, app oi 7 ' ate repOrtk'andimiele!stly urte'uOu yo r ear- I,y attestoolbartappimintlylaiight, 4 ' bur- ally hopott4t, toodiuditioutOf.amistinkhi !la so t ilvf h gtetetl• ..,,, ' .: t : 4 ,i,, , 1.. , ,, - . r) .57, ....;,1 . -_„, ' • , .,: 'l:e e- ibiiii nerit i w, ten has lictlong47l 'PR> the netliin 'vireo* . to relation to .4iViii: *Act ottolinikbWwin 1 hivitlio!'', - 11 • ' roan;' Witt W.:be manifestect4 f: - ri , ', ..t4 Ili:: ,:" fl ,TbacrectiOi of . Jig olylimu ur - tbeciumm t i l - 0 tb!Ltititiiiti: of eiiiinploi . .. !.. Of ,ibe . A'r'my ,an Navy or the Vaal 'z' 4 .- lies *Aida& illat;tt Pt.*: I ' ' 1 tiilikAtitSr tor:a ttire` t , ' ieceptiot.afiatie'. !. . ma.: istim4if : turit: othetliviflifg*Jie: -tiontis4.944 , omoit;44* boil reason: ..I . lpvci ! Nu3.4ll l .lo,iiityillOAP_n; Arififit;gd !!!!f! ' glitte hie .n boa *de.! *media tii.qhlr'' '"' . CiiiriaW'fbil3llo4) luititidiba last!nowty - l a m et ia m i grth i t t .* will ,' 1, , a t ite rp 1 14 4 ,Pirtgl i , idiiii:ah4 - - Aa erniff, Esti is seitibliiiviiiutit*, ithae d innefithil l y k r= t,44Thowitherisibe ' 444100,4 1 J3l.4oll,l4sotNill* 1 g oo 'Pi: fhtit4CA't ...-._ Lc_ • ,',.: -.-,L—' • •it and idans:Of. t e etigineeitilltitihe:trahairge-. o • ittii'ili#46 - ys - ;:u*. eiihe " ;eat '2:fikiCtitinietiltk . e:'ht4t,''' it Iti*:ttle: iiii*:., , t44#:* - siMaritiit'o , , - ;‘i .' .,- ; a tOnnillititititke.4lloo . 44oll*4s:gii4: -vi Mit': con template Itaideg:tlielinteffileti(tlii ' eat :- .4ls : :of tlie Potomac, tind;eotOitittetif4: IV 4 --' 'l3 i . t . ,ok - ':#• iitiirnt;?.. - . - .y. - :1 .. '.:.-:;.::•.;:',.'!..,'• ifFOr' - e:Pf.tre - and; present - 'enttiltiott.'„of. 4 i , ti sittiportenr*O ;end. tm;'.'itsf dentende;[tio',.. ft 4. as „tipPftiptintitS'ire , .':',COneeftied;;A - .4.etei . :.. lett'io'..theiepertAt : the',',Bieretark 'et WaKI:: -i ---IThei,jireaentr.jutli.,44Sieteiri.-iifj the ';t7nites,k, tatit lien now beeitiii*peratiet ; ferjio:lo . 4 alpOiud..Of;tiidetintfhtiii in itti',:teneitlft iten , :.'. il'and - intielf:Of ifetetails,liet*ne-,ee' . :fatniYit(i.? to the country; arid' seinireL: so "' ent irety ..:0"#:: phhiia.eonfidenee,-71thet -if!trindikt.:,in,..ST4,7in; Siegtiit 4hOuld. 0* he in - thone'::,-paitielde* of ? hich':trini 'iidip-it". to the Inereittiedi'eitetit;- population, and legal 'btiSitienn 'of Ythollated . sqPites.:; - c4nthie'.,,(ltitionthe iitiniisittOri:' - : 4 _ she Courts i* - n'ovi , einifeetedlt;lnedetinktitti7.4 !t.her'autiee - te-le - ii:' iftititied' - •bi.ttiein.; Inren€4, l i eknence 7 of - iehie.,l*; the States :of VlCOitittAli.4 1 e i ,mtiliiittfa. , TeiteStititr'atifOriiiii;''ind.".:4il4. 1 tricts ot:other*Stiosi;.- are •fri;.efltiort . ".'ekeleded. from: th froe full ben efits-':"Of:the . ::generer isysfeiii„,_ tkihe:funCtiotie;tifi - - the.;.ciinuit7 - C o urt -being :deye k lied- 66-li*Dlstrict. 16dtpi 'iii;7.alf itios4 tsteverPartik'ofl§tatek '''s ''':-- •-•'-i:, .-.'' --,' - ;: 1: . : , .:.t 1116 - spirit'Otthi,,Constitittitin and ra'd tie r*.. aro , t.tilizatiee- require Volt all ' the'...Btiii - o - e ..q7 - . am. liti . ioikAlititild ' be.' niaceit•iin - th.e . :iatni . 166ti.i_ ' ihg . In ~; regardL . to - . -the'•.7. jiidiettil• It ribilnlis.',' ' 1 ' .ttiereftite" commit tii‘yonr eannideratitinithiS - inipor innt subjecto.whieh,' in 'thy 4 tdiale,tit::4;: tnands , theineedklactio r ri'infeengreSS:':•:Liiill., lireseht AU yon, , 91:10ec inett.desirable i yif - Plin; . . tyhiek - . 1-- nm... - iiipPated , Ao: , l:recintinteed; for 'the . / enlargement and modification .i of the ,pr eS en t . jidicill itnten: , : - :C'. 'J -1. ': . ; - 'l''''' -- L' ''• rTh97iop of Contrers establiiiiing.llealfth soiiatinatitatiitipievidet thstihO-ereßidet& of the . .. United .Statea,-.odlothr, iioione.thOie-- in-designated,,- should. constitute ' itit.€7 . 4.! estati:' Ifshinent". bk-that t;ititxtl i ' Undihat'Ahi..'.iiiethlitia: A1mad....11014 sitiu4'. - Od Speehil me e tings for, the . .-supervisipii•of Oeiffairkilf -.the Institittiott: , he organization not -. haiink taken '701i10,.. - It . .s en:led to :rne.tiinfier. that' it ebotild-: be .:effestL". ed., without: delay !:., Thin ihiti,:ztine' n-'43ofie.; ; An4. • ~eO, oecasion Avis - thereby - inteSeinted'fOiinstieet: • sag the conditiln bf 9Whistibision, and'Spiire ,ekatiegits:•:sueeestiful: - liiiigiess'.:lthuklar,'...*4 its high;protiiiati , :of - great i and 'gtnend Viefit . P. - , - -„lhaie`Olhitted ' 1.0' , .'113X -) . 4 . 4121 . = favorabl e , con'. .. era Lion . for thei'estitnateS-lit viorica.'ot:l , • . 1: character _ e- i*enty,iaev en - 9 thii. thirti;one ' i atea, ithounting, to , cineinillion - ;- Seven Jitn24. red, and. fifty-four- thousand 'fis4 handrett.dnr,:' 1 - rs,A beeattsei l iindenendently...Ofl'i th,e;krotiiid,' ithieh have . Bo', °flew- been: nrged-agatoet-- he :application of thei.Pederat geeeete';thr wo rks• oythii: . eluiraeter4ineiittaliti iiiith.eonsegierit injustice is' inherent hi:the. natal*: of•the'.orop: : tositinn; 4141liecansiii•the:. plaw,hia - -proVed- l 'eni,. 1 Ifrely.,l - naderiiiitte . 't6ths tieentrindidiaient cif the', reet....inntit.. - -::: :::-.1. '...,:i.„..-.-,.-;:, :, : ..: : 5 , ,..•.... ,. '.: , , , -,: ., ,;.• [.- The:subject', t tnterr4rinprovegients,elaini4 I:i g,-iliiitt thoihien*st anitigood*llt'et all.,tia4. *evert heiess. en. the basis .of .tnneti . ..poli'lleal] ~.iscuesion. , ;: t en , , -..hati,:itii 3 Od.fllii • A - deep graVen 1 1 neint airisin :between litateinierint etninent. .a . hility: and Spa "riniiiimme,..:.-The.itilt of strict ion.: - ' - - trotical..Pf42l - 1 3 l4er'a delegated i).Y:ol 3 -44en. . _. i the . .. ene ' - - .l3,o#rnnibiit. hieltifiiiketritielf.; I kept ,tiOdii'iti - iurli4Alg;airit Ihis' . .. - iiig,d . k iii ; 4t.eii. df,eipendituri* - from 'the lAtl'atidtuil •Tepasuri cin ': , e/Orki..- - . Of it't neat Charactei*ithin 1 he:stbtee:: Memorable as as 6pogb in: the histor`y:•of:thi s Ojecti,iikiha . /deSaiike:of.-Generat Japitatna;pf he ,27th . o f May, lA3o....whioh , tnet:_tkeTitystein - ', dr internal-_ improvements • in : Air' comparative ' . . :. *y1 111 1 .-- si c" j ' :.:ol 4 e. 4 . l p ul lijfte . 'A i o- 4 .':ta .i P p l p 4 t-4 4. pl d ijtion *:11' ; E i . ii i!.4 tia r t.73' w eit' ' th: T : E . . 14. tv,eihn; of this Charaotet..- : had . ; .4n3 . -:til. the '..4ar 4 Tttli s n' l4 , 7; *iiii-444 1 4 li.o l o: , ..hatltiie.d million of. doll: . ' '. '-- '-- - -.!-, :---- '' ~ ;.. -.,.;';_.' - .'l Iti„that.irieirge . thelrreitident l admitted-the; I n trimaitlty:eubilogiog -.:4:t0k..... the, -. .otieratiobs:o . f,' iiii;Groveii*Ot ,tof-tke int.a.4FßPti.6a::: of; 1 -_:tl4. UoiiiiiintiOn',-eet;lnp .ht.l7,9,B; , nedr.initr.ked tih adnionitkitit 'pivot of r the nette4ity. i .a. guero. Ag . that l i. instrument iith . iieeptpsit . .. t igilone e V. ,4genipt....,thit:tidtheiitk Of . fireeedentS, :Vvhich hed.' not the:l44l4n of : its iciest :Plitinly......4e6oed pptvem, ..,- ~.:.-. . -•-• --. ~.::, ,I' , . I ' ' - 'i ' ; 9nr,GOV - einnictit ',exist*" niid4t._:. tt ; ',tl.rritteti-, compact bete/eel] suiveif i ka.Btates, uniting f0f,... specific objects, and pnd. :')vitti. :i!050tte ,, 6444 1- : i.II, their,;genetal:.egent. - Af t then, in lithe;,m-o'grusa: ,or . it4;ellMlidetcetionithere 'hiitebeen. dept tit; , 'itiett 1 tionill4,;.." . i.vil and intent of the:cnitipitt4,? - ii. iii;tkioiopzir'e - i; be, popervii , ...tjeferlileli:-.1.0 .the - fiaeiKatitifiltird;":iiihich - ,..:putr,-flithera'AiiiV "t 4 . and Melteelite:in l efft . iri to nentorrni enr4tetion .ttt it.::- -..1t. tt7Ofig.seonithat.:,the.'liat - or--i::,pritt... 4pii.c.*iiiii:.. h'eeti -- iiiin'ted - fient.iti* ,firk . '.!iii', nianv l of the wisest meet 04464;1i - op \of : 1 1 4 .P.ePlOic;, iiiiita -l io 4o:liavO.e.‘ooFigea. ,:g9noatit'atit . i _ri'. , ..4o 6 Fit...atil*,tic ,, ,cppi:l4,. eitit which • entij i he iegi'a Med* aS . eattsfitctork: - t*, 'its: minsyniiitiest . iadvocates; ShOpid.;toiffest. the . lorittiri*lttidier ilietiaiiii tint,rbeiriC'pl.anAitte,;., jy. to hii - #4,..* . ned by. happieiiiiiiihi„ . -, Witheit) ~pc, atitylitzletty- goo ni ,dietittatien,:, .ciriet4Veg, ,c 1 iii,e, - ekit_ij?: pr*iptiy - iii... - rtiptitiiied'cii - itilor.-, teet!tfitilteiTigt•:•krei; the . protection ',et intent • . opintliekeei . 'iityikli!' does, „, na.i.. - ,Attalli:ietite.ll :-.i':-• itePtiiieitettht:Otioii:o4h4i4.fik the , .95 '' t i ii i i t n i f ti. '4-hr o 4fi' ; 'l: i ii : l y inl . 4 - ii .w *j o i r ..a t ii6thi P i:2 9 .4- 4 244 ;: t t te1.-. t... 11 ;i 11 : t f, i *; :b . 71 ; t::::::- : : . .Iwiattot:.oy=.oiii:VOterli. l -0 6' .; 'E''' ialpriovOiarbia:.!l4 the: i' ,', : fit loCaptiint'fiteitilling "ei p:' , . di.. t4',40441--.*o4:ritne - .•,-- .RC9ool.*lskt:ibe . 1 . e Atr.oitio.iiiiikl#o -: jr • . elf icittaio'.'..A,, : :'... -.1r.01,!;: - < - . ,--- '.: . ili•i - . . r m •**4 . .''..i.." -- .. . .. ..tiii ~.,4 i i;:il .*:1 paid:thiti. 41*- 4 '1 3 Pr,04. „aoient . tcii I . fkir: 41fit.:.(4-osiiiii t io;: Aditu, lej ilia,i'' . ...44l"Akk .: e1'ar1y.#00.46.,..04 . : 06 4 •34 4. 13 / 4 4 1 1';0:07'-• .4fett Yisiiitig i r:,,liittii,i*Vg 4 ,,tiiikh t ' trelcp frit ', r: . . 17 - r ': ,.,::, . : t. - : 11:NO:,1"egal:ditd ai:i !iiitm,',.*:l4. - .1 ..peri(tiov . of :inoi . - ow t . : . thit - ti`,, - : ORKir i ciTsoriti*Oed ll* figiblip),944 4 -. 4 t.#l 3 Tektl. l *:o4 l gpi l ttoi#t ;i! , ,•: . - iiettliti) 1 )I )o l '''' lktuk-rf:AAW - Vthaii*** iiiikilf' 1i&44.-*lltetii.iioii:4ll!:loo,*; Tiiiifetkiol ' latie‘,"iiiiialliitiVikit''''''' ' iiiiriteiii*l64:4l,r4W; .". *OW Isiiiiilkikento . iiiverilis*aiitig!vi,POWlH leiglifiNtittie,fttiiiiiTAiilik .. . . iel, - uillept,4s:o p*.,l* - 01 . ,., Atirile Atilt : flid;,*qtatraputh zTr,Witliliil*itiiiiiiiiiife"roY Offi t' i ! attny fir:tlt . . ' :.**ti*ii.,WM-• ir, 7 -; ' ...ii**4l l #t!fe4V! { : -,qi_jt . * . . jAiliiati!')',S,l4.ii.i 1 crakciiift6o.!* ! y 0414 41P ' .:: IF . ...- - • 00.**0 1 01:1.1,. i 72 ,, , 4::,ui*srilitiitre..: ilisii4tug . , : .i . xi'atur . ,m,, 141-g i;tt;p . (,• • ' - "" dp i _ *et VOLUME L i :NUMBER so. • ' - it ea : .in - relation to works for •the,tirePrelia Weer of haters, which .iii!li'ves question-as 46 'right ti soil , and ja&diction,- - anditave ,threitened. Conflict between, the authority.of the ',State Snd General Groverameqbs.l . no right`to coditruct a Ist'iiakwater, jetty, . or. daut;, would ` 'see ; AeeeeserilY, te_tPerri: with'. it , the power , to protect ; and preserve.sneb colt= istructlstes. This can only be effectuilly done. by having . juriadietka oyez the soil. Bat no - clause =of the Constitution is found, oft whirl' to resethe Clairriof the Iluited States b. : ilea- • cisejuriadietion over the= soil . of a State, All. tePt thet_ t'i e±eferred .lt k the e ighth !teeth) et ' 'the tilt it fele ef the, Certeitlaiee• ". -Wisp iheo, seism tted, whether, „in 01 easel* There ..:.- ' constructio n s are , to he-ereeted by -the'-Gener al iGoierri eat, the right of soil should set fait be obt teed, and legistattie provisinu be n i inideta co ver all Snob eases. ' . t- For the Progress mach/in:the :construction 1, of_ roads within the, telitories,l its - provided for - ' ,in 'the apprOpriations of .the Gut Co I refer ti le the Itilierr .01 the BettreterY Pt •War'. r ' • ' i _:-• ( , There is one subject . ofi a domestic Imbue. whiell, from 'lts intrinele huPartteees tea the - Many interesting questions of future ri:eilei, which. it involves ' cannot, fail to receive wye ,traty 'attention.. I allude to the meansofat- co ,•whieh different parted,' the i4ide expanse oft our Country are la be nlaced,in closer connexion for tbe purpose both of de - - - fenso and - ommercial' intercourse; and more . 1 espeeially- pact as appertain o,the coroutung: :cation of I isse great division of the ',Dien, which -lie withe opposite aid iof th e ,11, 0e hr Mopfitainst 'T , • .i i . That the Government has tot beee rib& fut of this heretofore, is apparent froth et aid it has afforded,through appropriations If* mail ... facilities aid other perposes.But the! eral subject will now present iis Ifendee a bs more imposing and more pu rel y l y= mitl4 ,by - 4 reason of the , surveys orde by Congress, end now' in the process of completion. for, communication ; by:railway across the Conti fleet, andW, holly within the liiniti of the fixa ted States.' - it - - The POV7ee to declare wnr. o lain end sup. let - port arm, toprovide i ry, ' ' and and VI call faith .: the milititl co ntain 4- lin to execute the . laws, suppress insarreetiona,ed repel inia., • eiere, WaS Conferred upon Co ngress, as Means, 'to providelfoi the eommo defense, and - to d protect a territory soda ulntion nes , wide spread and vastly multipli .1 AS s incidentat - , to , and indispensable for the jexercise -of this"- -. power, it Must sometimes be necessary tii . eol,.: street iniliMry roads, and prefect barbers of refuge. To appropriations by-Congress -10s soch objects, no sound objection can be raised.' ' Happily for our - country; itatipeaceftd 'policy;' " and rapidly increwsing population impose up. on nn no urgent necessity foe,prepanstion, and leaveLbut few trackless deserts between assail. ahlo points and a patriotic I,peoplel over reedy., and generally able to proteed them. These . necessary-1111-s, the enterprise and energy' of " : our people are;steadily and beldly, struggling .to sulißly. I :Ali experience afflrms that where. - • ever private enterprise will 'ayall, , it- is Meet wise fof die General Government to leave to that and. individual watchfulness the location i. nod, execution 'of all means of Communication. 4 '4 'Tito , surl i veys before allucled`to were desige k ..•; - ed to wsectain the most p tidible and ectoL nonsical route forAliailrondf rom 'the Minds- • sippi t4,thi, Pacific Ocean. - 'Parties=are now - - in diet field s making:explorationa, where pre= , vious i texarninations bad not gupplied sufficient dila, tie' Wlieite there was ie best, reason to hePe he object . sought : migh t tbefound. The, mesas and time being both I,rnitecT, it is not to be ex*ted that. all the stectus.tis knowledge ' desired will be obtained; butat is hoped,that 'innehland3r r mportsnt information : will be addedo. to th4stot previously possts4l, and that par tial,- if`not f ull , reports of the 'surveys ordered, - ' will be ree'elved, in time forltransmission to the two nausea of Congress, on or-before the firstlidondSy in Fc..heraty next, is 'required by% ttin. 4et of tiPPreArlatiew , The magnitude-Pr 't" the titerPriee contemidatad-hr aronned; and . will doubtless continue to ez its; n vetY l tgin- ' end 'interest - throughout th e nonatil. - n its political, iti commercial, and its military *xi. , ings; it , has varied, great,-and incr easing . elitiete to consideiation, „The heavY efPerkee,thelfruit deloY, ilod et tithes, fatality attending' travel by eithq i ,f,tho isthmus reutea,,heve,dettion strated the advantage., which. would Stilt •front. toter interde.eauic communication by suebaafi? , end ratitti means asa rail r oad would supply, , I. These difficulties, whi c h hive been eneoun;s .. , tered in 4 ieriod of peace, ifould be maipsieed' , .' ' and still (Other increased in tiMeA3f 1r . ,11f; EU,' ' ' ,While the entharrassments,alieidy eneounteri oi, au& °aim under new contingencies ;` to; be ~.' I kulle.iPated; tool' serve strikingly t°-"hitit the ituportanee.'ett_such„a wark, neither dingle nor , all connidcrviiOns ‘o l oizied. Can bine an VT ' pretiablo value, when weighed , against', tins i,I obligation_ strictly,;to adhere., to to_the 0311 0 1114, tion, andfaithfully .to execute ^ e Powers it confer& Within thle, liPit iini-te.the,eztee; pf, the' interest (lithe- tovernsient invoiced , ,it, - - ' l.- would t ie.emlboth..expedient' andproper, if....a1l . , econottruud. land rprooticable ronte Axil ' he .--, .foul4,tin - nid. by, aii.:noriat.itutionaiL meina, Ica `thon'onseruCtipp of a foad,"whinft Wlll UM* iieediltninsit , ti*PciPtilatio" °f ithe.t-triiii 0, ~.-:, l it `end 14teetie d S,tates. To.guard . ritaiestCei ' tonaePtT o 4; it ` shoul d be relnarke4 i lhat - it,- , Ploilb,,the Power to g ooo troet; 'orA skim • '' emuitenellett nf a read within tlienrillniiiip a . teritiirY le no embarrassed 4 that question '': of jurisdietieel whteittweeki. ariaa - ;,ial,thho'd*, ' litnita of iSt4 o .it i s, °°" lo oll* -1 41 1 4.te'he ~adOebt,i'll Owe'' , and Alin Um doaktiil piorriety-,,,eich wi"thileih)hiliie - , ItAitflitort s . , far lliti Mena W 4 .4 411 00 ' l,4 s : 11 n4 3 1 1 4 3- :6) - :-, administer the 'Wars tif a IhTilik i 'Oiel; ir 1.- i l n other - similar coetihtetYW, 4 theieriire "that, -' its cojinOlen With a ',,.worCof:Aia ihAtikafer , ab ,o 44 l ..4l l fieldenti, l lo . 3tW,lll . an 1 2 r/Pliti! , 1 ' i *i ir ani tt r s4; l iteteni!..l l -101 4 ;41 11" 441 ** ; 1-1`' On thP- 1 441fit gi tAlltb ' ' 41 +;" 1 0 1 09+ ''''., 11 ,!4 84 , "t 1 , O.A d ßtie ' *. , 4 _;* - ::-_. ) 1. 9 !I: 1 4 7 ' O . O -1040 1 1.ttigetkfif:olirilOc , , ; MP, Oiniion•fiifOnk an.wolt fit'o, '-'-' #Oll , , ; al, , ate,. it4ibeientii!: the ci. awk ' ' altpaliod,lo:firalk.Fl ictiiiiiii* .4. - :„. alit f9,.plioir - lfe 1411417,911#,Actoklitol is& 44 lidiAiilnt itli*Rgradlii'6o .-- '1" - 1 --- I 1 4 an. Wa.,,t(iidliTirattlinittiLniiigtiwthc4oo4„ 46v 'Of h itiirtwiteid 'Wilt 'iligthforthelMi . 4":' ett'apm, KivtaplO:, 4, ' t..,# l ol: l terklii*: *11;1 ,0 tilltAkn)* _ t!,., ,f;amiu 4 p1 4,,j il , e,e ` tligac •s titl:4, ,tif,4 =,, i r I - .1 ', tiii tovet . Nf i fe-4* .-' - • vi: -4, .A4Atikkair.A' A 4 1 ' 4 lf ki; , t calit , f ' - bi , t ) S '''' 4.1 ( " : Va C litk i 4 ' '''' ' 141 ' , ~.-. ' ... -. IA: to --. tvp- .01114Actil MEMM :, s :.. ~i~~'r. :.~;`~~;~~` o MiZZEPa .., 4 v i .4- ( -- -, 1 . ~. A.,;,......-,....:: - -V a