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' 4 : : •: . - :7 1:: : i . ' 4: 4 '. -:::: '.4 ,-.- ,•.'." . 0 i.. ,-., ~,•• • • , -,,. ~ = , -, - •,..g7.' ' k\ 9 4 4 . • ' 7 ' • -' I. ' 1!....j ..,- - '..- : ' i - 4. 4 % -.-... .- 0' ' r ' . 21A,.; --- 4- - ..,,` - - A 4 1 - ( itt . i0 , _'',,.... ; , ~ ::•'' ..'.;.... -....°..- ,-.'•'::.'-i,:'"': -•'•-•::::::!- iii i 1 Ae'..i :.,'.-- -,, ,4 i;;: ', T -4 • , .....}- • .",..-;• p •,. :. _,..; :. , a -1 ,,, --1 ...„:......::,, .1.: , :..,,',i; -,:••:,,,",, .0.. _ ..... -,...- •-.k.:,:.•,. : -, ~,.. ,•.:::::-....: 4. 4 .-,---;;,,,,,-.:.!.:,_ ''.. ' '.., _ •:. ,:::,,::,,::: : 4 : ::::- '• :: ''' :!: '''' „ i''l:' e ' ; - ; . . ''- .. 1.': '/"! .: " I'l r ''''': l- -'':.:'''''''''''. I .' ' .!'''' ..!:- . '; % : .. -17 ; i ;4 ''. ''' '471."' I t ' ' 17',1':"): " .: I':l, C , 4" . .. 1 :' ,li -. ;; 1 7.* • :,.: ; . : . :1 :. 1 . ; :r. ' HI: :: i ',4.''':7-_- r . . . . • •,!.: ~.-..i i '',.l' - : . ....;- ''...;; -.",":-:.'.?,,'-',.''': - :::,• ,- -',"•: .. 1. , 4!:': ',.. , '"'' - '" 1- '' . . '"'.';'''..'; l .zw - .3 . 1.,.. , .' - ::',-....-: - 14.2 : 1..,;;'0[<,'•....• , :.,ii ;;,;',!.,:.';::- ,'t • : ' ; ' ! ' n. ; l-- •::... ,. ;"1 , ' " 1h-•;;;-; - , -.- i.;.. f - . ' '''--. ' I '''''. . .. , „.. -; .. -- 1- • -- .. •.: , :1-,, z.. , ,1,4-.1 . _ • '. ' , -.,.•'- " - • • ••••i... 4• 1 !_ t .' , .. I , .. ;_a 1i, v , 4 ,. .,,.. i 4:. - , - ..;.;•, , •i..-::.',..• - -; , :-. , ;'•i. , j-,i0 ~-"-'-''• • I • ' • ciii - ilistaiavisiafrieCibarit.' , « ,:(.- , ' P eugliertotis:thmight that matieltshaitheen ein - - - 021M/1. ~1 1) pm: is y:Ps ll2 .-:;....." .., , , a' rid iliAread. Niir - ../. ji' ii 'i.iliS : " . .'&'" ll "'' ' 'tied too far • and ladies declared that it .wa.4 old I, h. * lret.l l ,ll4 g' eitiiig,:ta, !;9.;'C4ni , :rl4l. '-' Dr li firs . •'rimMl; l3l o3E . lt sitYlle: '. ' J . atilltinittilie ever ready:Sine cuP,WaW'gliding 'The, ei , h)ei;43,i,t2i,..'liin l jki..iiii. e .mc;',4i,' 'back into Many a cirblik - "risif.thi aribePsecirna Were strehMing thrinigh,:tha 'i . , iiiti . ' i,r,i, , ,Pg.pght-tho, c_ontmunity, WAstVNlVicted that it I quiet apartment, - wkere. everything irpa din pie- f•Sytts 4, foend , on j usti Y,Alelie4 , ".- ': ' "v. ..."-` l. l tore cif orderly repose.:: _Gent lyand 9 . i4s6fpssly ;ii,,There:iB tie . Point YL:tho histerY- Pf..lefergi , it grlides,'gilding the,,gToSsy . oltt iltiurslvolish. Anther in.commtinities,er,inaividnal so 4sukor r: ea by.years o feare.fluttermg:vVithfliegering (luecls 1 1 14%49re-danger seems gleamePtirerY.ll.illit on thehookcases; y.9 fire d an P . I . . - -1 • •- • --' - -- ' -i . -- . li ' tii` . l' • ' • - cl "'t As long'as a.m.= thinks his ' health failing, he sae China"va.ses, on An - mantek and .ee,n",ea-. jP4t.elr,l, hoidjpts, And wkll...undergo ;the,- alas - quetting With sparkles ef..fanelftd_ galety.Over h'efoic'iself denial,; but, leirltimance set:himself the, face of the-perpendicular som b re old clock ~ 10, We!fto,cliicd,, ind,how ; readily, does', lie,fall which' t hengh• at ti int 43 apkarposoe c i a ,*. back to . onO•oort uidutgeot habit atter !Mother, to the verge of a"intile; stilt =thin n ed:hal:l6-- a ll tend ing .4 0 ,ruill everything illa,t , be.ha".4 o !le itnb!e tick its for a sentyry: before- - ; ";'',"" ,'""' r • .lier9Te.i,,it'd •, '3 . - ' 4 .:.:,, r ;.,- , ,%-,', :. :' - ',, On the heartk nighty ",euitafifetelted Seteat, : - . So M communi t ies ; , i ,- let,:.Mte.. lll PeraPP9 :rage ' lazy, Maltese cat evidently_enjoving the golden -Min young, men go" toi.rnhl 1 1.r..ttezens andtho beanithet fell• upon liiii.; , selier"iiiiesMid Sleep- ,-r:. evil I that. jilsl'ires.the renledl'; 1)14 whOi ily opening and shutting.his great green eye s ( the trnmPet - lnci been, sounded:, and thebillo4 as if lost in luxuriant. contemplation:- t •-••••,,. ',sot in.arMY, the victory, only. said and.aiing hi ' But .tho most :characteristic= figure is:theOrt'lirO ananewsPaPer paragraphs,. and.temi whole picture, was thatan Lived woman,. who „Perim, ce o des' APaIPrC • es iPtll then. 0 2eil . e e' t 4lsatquietly'rockinglo and fro, ina-great chair return, rare; p eople Cr)Pleuglr'-t , e Peret ,bytheSside of a large round table covered with TOY , TAsOY•atisfed;lie cPATta,siiepon its l "books. -,There .W 33 4:1:1111041e4lItit ini that lila: laurels: and . .Then:comes tin- hour. Of . d.,lnger.,. cid face-that silvery lair . brintherinentlynnder ..:,.7 Silt lot . ? 10 t. - *ilt- 111 4fit :o4)O ki,' the' snowy border of: Ahe'cap, .tver j yllinel in Swept down ike stream of intemper*ex,cite.: s- puce been, that fur Towed face,. told some tale of sorren.- Went almost ,tr) the verge. of iiin,areamOtrativ . long assuagedrand passionslhushed to rest ;as LnolOt-Of.aeentity ilk him. , ,Ila is;like one n:h.o, on.the calm ocean shore the golden furronredibits - aut4k . aed 0 ,t li Q riPids Of Niagaru,and• With sand show traces. of storms and iiiletations long $4 - aining,eariniii'm9 prayers to' PPrelli;fcrc4 , ', • . t.' " ' _ .., •', ed hiS,boat uPward into • smeotber water Where . ~7 • On.the round greentriveretitablo beside her the drft-of the current seelns to ceass, all; the lay the : quiet coitmanion of her age, the'larp;i3 banks `sMileand'all'loOks beautiful, and Weary ' bible, ivhose pages like_ the gates; of the cotes- from rowing,, . lays ; by his ' . aarp to !eat.; mid' till city,. were not shut: all day; ti few old stab= dreani.; he knoWs no t Alia liniler44t, sinOpthe dard,books,.and the , pletiantripplingiknittink, Water. Still ', glides .a, ent..?-enti ..thht...,,Whily,.llo whose dreainily:krespmisiblirmonotony•isthe a.linmi, is twerecunily:lmiti,inro4!:ity,4lßg best MilSie.ol, age., . ..; '',.. -1.• •'. • A fair girlish. form was seated; by; theAable ::"'rnal.73 r w44 ."M , thiS:Peilrfoii 4 i'!' ) "!t'; I .i? :YY''T''' -the dress helmet ' had Tallert , lack on her ed.-danger iis•tArig tast;hisself-centhlence,tims, shoulders.- the soft cheeks were suffused and • fnllY,restored, and in hls'OelliitTi, he btuin"(o earnest;the long. lashes and -veiled eves were neglect .those . lighter , nut-works . of caut io n eloquent of subdued feelings as she read.aloud which be, must s'till guaill.Who, deci net...mean, from the letter in her ,It was from-our at last to Surrender the citddel.. •, j - v Harry'-,..-a name to koth :of theinaomprising 1 7,. , ~.. ~••=. -: . • . I, . all that was dear.and valued on earth, for, he .7 1 ,2. - was . ..I, was *the only son of his mo th er, and sho,wa,s .., ow girls; and boys:, said Mrs..G. to !liar a widow7.--yet he had not.been always. nit only I . sons:and duughters;,iho were • sitting. round;,a one; flower after flower on the tree.43f.her,liie center tilde covered.. , with notes of- invitation , , ' had-bloomed and died, and,gradmilly!as . the ail the preliminary etcetera a party---'what 1, ' vraters'eut.frommany, channels, thestreamSrif ;shall wo.lcive .011.1 Friday ' night; lea; colfeiq I love bad centered deeper, in this last andionkr lemona d e, wine.„!--Of'courseMet2 .r; I.i :. ~ I 4 one: ~° . - _,:. .. ° . -,,.. •°, , -, °,.: • • ~.;,;,°` . ~ .And why_not manimar.saitt.the .young la-1 -• 'And truth lit. marrylsergeant was all that a die 5,...... the; peoplerirerbeiiimilng'• IQ havO it•To- I mother might desire et. be proud oE: . Genor- th e y h a d wine et Nrs, ..it'tc, and Mrs. Mai. •• I on., high - minded, witty and talented, and With .. .'s , veit,7.y ou r papa thinks it .won't , ..do!--thd I a strong tied noble physical development, '!he i bora are members 4. the: tempepaeft viCi?Xy; seczaed born-to commaud.the love.of womint. and I don't think, girlsit ,will do myself.!- ~ ~ ; rho only trouble with him • was in :common There are v i ew d many persons .- by the 111 4 parlance that he waste() clever a fellow-the who always - i moral questions in this style was too impressible,. too versatile, toa , attrtiet- or phntseoloor.,-notwhat -is right, ut what ire, and too much in demand:for his own gobd. , w iii,4 d m ? . '''. ~., .. , , ... ;,. . b ..., • • , , .He always drew - company around him as hen- The girls made an. tippropriate.reply to tbis ey does flies, and MS indisponsibleevervwherd 'view of the subject, by:showing tbat,Mrs,,,and . and to everybody; and.t needs 4 steady head Mrs. R had donethe th ingand nobodyagem i ed and firrnmerves,for,such i a;cute. to , _csenPc - ru/n, .to Make, ant- talk. . . !.. „ _ ' Harry's course in college, though brilliantin . , 'The„bori wbo thus.far. in, the "conver,satioti scholarship had been critical and poiitou.s. Ale hadheen thoughtfully_mppingtheir bm4S with i was .a decided favorite.: with the , faculty and .their canes; now interpoacd.arld said that thoti students, yet it required a great -fi epl of,itaiti would, Tathefpot have Wine if it.wonfda-'t Nal; working and adroit management on the part, of ,shabby. , ...., ~ , .-: •,1, , -. ~_ his instructors to bringlam through without • But it Will look she,. yf said . Miss *away: . any infringeMent of college laws and proprie- . 4 'L emons on Jolow -are scarce lc, got fora ties, not that he ever:meant ; • theleaSt. kern) in a tt y . mice,and ns forlemonade of'syrup,its pos.: -I' i l his life. but .that.some extra generonsimpulse, ..itiyely,vnliar, and ,ifeteatable..... It ; tastes j list i some Quixotic g enerosit y : w as alWaYs tutnl't late .creain, oftartir rind. spirits of .tarpeptine.' 1 ling 'him • neck - . end heels into; somebodY:s ''".i ~ For, My pall,' said : grape, A - rtiiv•-•r 411 4:0 6 ' i w•-•"-,---*-'s- ""---'"`-‘""'-";':` scrapes; an 'oinking waking. Parcel in ,every the balm of-Wine; 90ii , ,YhP/1 people Were nut' 1 That has African Coloniz . ation piecn of mischief that:was goinglon., - • ... c, ,hirt:g tha,mgass shoat : it,- to ~ b . e ,sure. runt I already Achieved ?,• - . With all this premised. there .is no. need to aid biat!dy - mid, alttjtst, *,l*(L'but.-Wilie":7l. . - say that. Harry was a speciar , favorite with. thli, ,i vAna_So Convenient to. get: said 'Fanni,..' and This caestion is briefly but electively att. "1311 i.. • ii, ......t..q was P;Con es-Qedfact:amont inn decreot to , * the fonowing extract from the report, h . '-''' '"';'''"" • 1 is atluamtances, that Aile its &sensor, creel- yOunir coon kver . its ,drialk "at par ties,:se ,U extra. du Nal; liesideS'One Must. ha ve Inf skint Stlet , f Committee of the Contlect. ,ible, respectable, _well tOdo oinig.men, m i g ht - 4;imetlan t i, -ad `nit I said - er,..;4o;jr, - Noir lok i Lk! Legislature at its s cent session - besiege female heart; Withall Propertiiintali-i s habb y not to,have IV ~, - ~...° ''' 1 , !ethos tololintion has exterminated the tr. weiti i i _ ~ g at the gates; and -watching at-the tv t•nly• there is:110' itnintatien.that "yoring men 1 , sire eadeen th e WC'S:ern Coast of Africa for I - ' doors' ram, pests of the i t before him all - • ' - h'af'' Ist and - . Ares° MIX ,Ml,l , 0 , c.M peon A, • r,0,0,. 11M r. extent of at least BOD miles, and it has been i • i gates and passarres seenied - fiy.opert of theit • f if y o a a i, fi l die,i,'i ls that of nhafibi l ie "as eliallv reted to the British Government, t - d' ' rt h I''h' d iiv - 1' i " ''' ' • - ' ••• ' ' "1 ' ' • i 01513 SeCor ; neve e ess I re was in ILS nu, l i t i m p- en F ed in . this case as:most, others t tat Ca it is s up ti n 9 miles ' rased n orer-,800 of the he !t wo r ili ng , one - gri l‘t, ii 1 2 .14 iii.V. oho 'only holfl t ----- i the:vounrt 'ladies' Were` the moat elliclitt4 tall tart, a result which armed .squadrons alone lin her hand the key flint could tmlock his lieati 'C. ' 'the, . uestien Was ficittlif:Carried . 'brithe,ir mid never hart obbined. This fact is admit- , • I m return, and carried- silently,in her7heart side' e . ~ , , tel on all hands. . spellib.itcould fetter that hrilliant.- i•Ostimei '3.f rs , G„' .n7f , s' raetherly #Oto;fri, Pak the one 1 Apia : African colonization has estalifish- , . t spirit ; and she it was. efi the I th oughtful. brow; t6tted te inipire ,y.oling ;men wadi eetinfidence 'ed on that heathen shore . civil and Christian - r, and donif cast Oye:sWhoin we Batt I,ti our prF 4 :and that,liorneteoing tchielf all' toottdeS:lie to r Institutions - where 11118 (Mariefl had labored i -- ture'bending-orer the letter With hie mOthiv. fi n d. seraewkere„ Her, leause woi ft free:and for r cerztrin to plant missions witimut suCcess. 1 That mother Harry loved to idolatry. ,She ea l4y kiTiiiind," so eial Torimost iii,' het "aCquaint-, A,d whatinus e influence of those Chris- w.„ to. hi etu t u it aa imperlopigeation Of all that ; v i c e s U ta ,d Miry was - a, favorite -dettiestieated fain colonies upon the hundreds of. milli ons , '' : - womanhood bll ana . - zit visitor:-- ''''-' . ..- i'VMS - cosec}', top a owe , , a saint <; • :‘,,_... . , .. ~. . . ~ .. who inhabit those colonies ? . . ed by by is is orn, hy sorron, , d.hts tote Dun n the temperance rc tom), fathtra 'mid A• , tir.: TVA• • t . .. scheme rg t „A trig . the world ' f or her wa s n. heantif Amnion Of piroteetive ten- brothel:had given, it their open and - decided thacita 11 , -r . ... II ir ... , connected With a pure and i derness,,with vetieratiot4 l :,and th " , hisEllen it support;itnd lilrs..G: always enlisted 'for any epoenrffier c o ocChriotianitr, is Sit necessarily 1,, seemed - the best and most sacred evidencti! of ge4d . tnoyetnezit. 'syrt,patbfied warralS; in their ft i ~,I n nt the Anglo Saxon ri P n -t - arn ; tint i the nobleness-of3darmittre,and of h er. oh, ,endeiv'ors," The great fault: vi 4.4 thrit‘to6 tlft. n d lobe possessed tad enjoyed even l o f th e h ear t -i t f e h,b a , had pledth44.tO- -.- On ftichient,inihe gentlenesstOf tromen; . a want hr the h . ' , t,e 0, ,c : . ren.of Ham ; that they are caps- i NeVertheless, - therowas . daugtle - orgrhanging - o f iielf. rt ild4 t4itje l iiiii.,,- Her virtue Wa4 too ~.r ii n 12 / a lall ilfing B elflovernment, and 01 ) th e h ea di of the three; a littleiciOnd,,no,big- innelfthei - res'ult'of a, mere .sYnaPathy,"toe little . g fur themselves a respeetAt scan-.i ger then a, man's head; haing in'tthe Innlion of 14 1iiV,.;43 - itt crntriction. - Renee when'tlniSe She 4tli man& the i ndependent „ nations of the I their,ho t destined-'f6binit upon Mein -' ' ' ..4,' - cold iotrardli - a - gO6Ccattie' they ma,. ,pes, ye . ~ , , ~ ...,,.. „ • toyed at,- ..., , i ' . - Idal . lennoiArendfra, ,in "'. 1.11113 , ,re ,'" , d4'7.' -,• - 'toad pi - Y,:ii.stsjilug power to . bor,•, and those piahas o ned the d f iteandvaloabl. PG e °I.PL °r an exten. ' In ' ' fini-ie eenc's' °f " c°llelle 7!nrd ll .ttiri 11 .4 d , Who ivere'relj - ing - on' her r jugennOntirild; npin••_ moat . !amp ere; The exports a t been so' andiSpertsable;. th ; bright Poitie . it; me i'letis itisiapitz eontridied them '''lsltitiiithstalfd-, Steels a , it a said, t ab ou t h a lf a•tnikl Dl2ol* freely eitettlatedatid oflen aniathe ' bit; she Wia' a is'elitatr that tilwnys a/moire& zi to of dollars perannum, - and' are ' i 4ll ' - '*•'d. h " ". 'al - le . 't ' ''' ' ' thus `'''' i .1.- --• "• " find ' d th e rite of fifty I. increastng l fl as h of eohterfatfion an n t e n gem mei glen, great in nenee ~ov r. young men, _, Harry' .24n t .t. _ per gent. -' • „ ~,, 'of the hour, he find -iiliink ' freer' " Ind . 4,e'Per hadloviid'arid'ret red" he r with' aciniething'of , a. jo i nte f i t lll ill Mthhinlai tall UM Iltta unriii- i than was best,,:: '::'•:' -: , .; . r : - ,'-'; 7 . -` . 2 . : ..... - 'the inane setitideiit,Alatlin' 'clierliated, toward', 7 , 41 0. , r , i r ills exilin g aad 'oppressed chit }Li 'Said; ft iti'llstie, - tii'at he eared "nothing for. big iseth e i.:!: ~".; .-",-.' ; '..•'`.!!'' : ---, . '' - . ".- '.'t l l'Ar ea in all landg:. Thousands hare- t th • ' nothing: to hint : that it never al, • It • • - 'di - inciit inilliiiii piiit..r -- Of"tha's4- . Ltd; pne !nick Cu 1.1 • f ' it' "-It was ' - ' - th t - ' . ' 1‘..1 " - . ' "" '". ' " ' ' .. ' 1 taliontry Lem atherland front-, feeted. hint; and nil those - things ' a y.ouctg, , sbii. ... -•'-' • - - -". •I''-- - • - : ' ~ tar.e .. tunny of whom were freed by -1 mmytairt ' "' ' '' - i ' tas a , l'a say, when the to Circe is iii. • 4•verythittg . Yrni . got uP with fan tless t I f 41 . ,157 1 0 7 that they might go. , Ti les , has'i ginning „its 'work -. with them. - Friends "Were i add Nri.° (4.••ivas in the verisPirit bf; s it.:: Tho 1 f 4.trouidemaneipation been . kept open !annoyed,' beentini.nailousi oicidustipwd,bilt le,l'il,& wi 4 e,fookiitgheintifulfy,th'erdota4-Pire t Tin.,: Th othersis e have Teta ained closed.' littelesintaiitriefenis;'-ind'iniiste.d:o4 khovi NPerilendid,"there'ives 'etOngli - end Aid: fp n o'rlitieh ~,,,,'"x: 0 die history and the present hhaself hest v . A;t laitis'itti'asitdOir start 404 ofilightilid,Wariatkand Overr bOdyiviti:iliiir)g • 1 7 . , ;. 4 .. r e e:.mse afrord most encourage- shiver, fof thrtitat ii•itureOni 'lttvokts - Ifi a" 'tlibir beht,in pleaimaiur tO - tie ebeerfill/HaTIT, E.untens of its futu e ' latr ftr h as be , r Prosperity. The dreadful PreceptidS of his . dangeri and reettlr- tips inoie'btilliaapthad, ningtl;and 'in feet ant tpreied , ed en mn iirr manY recPectu, of ed on decided ayddbtetiMtiate re5,1!5t.." 1 , )1 . 1 ; t henintielf;'Wit 'attill'lnintr;werertho •sidrit . 'ari en, StlereB3. . ' ring this: period" became to Cincinna•ti CO es.' hinif.'''' ''' -.' "- , I -- &. - .- - • 1-: tablistr,biroftlf in busmess, and astst, t ailnma - -quilt taste this tokay, stud ono 0 , 1 e tos r thetentperanee reformation Was,in thefull lido tem le him,' it. has jtistbieksent nar trona Ett:. cif suicesa 'there, lie' feund.evert:thing - :to i''oe;',atid is bald fa be'a i entiine -article.' 7- 11 !strength6l:lo's ieaolution.;:temperanee Meet. ; .-7 fy,so!itho' w . - 7 , • t Er i- b ott n t h a tii ne j - n od R atr yi !fags miduipeeches' were' all ilia iiii)datilning 14tiihrhi r °',dhd•p5t e i s hik : ,:• • : °.,:•f ~-,, i° !:°, .....J., , mein-of the first Stailding':Wetle its - pat totta ilna4. : %.I ) ,llliy_titi4sisitld! rinethiryoing lady tak , ingrt. suPPorters'; whiii"iiih -- qUitiali the ' vocative ; 1,i,,„;:i:. _ ,:,,,:. F,,,,,..-:, ,„ ~,-,( ~, „, ~„t, ..„,, and seemed - redllYiranitganf being no ted out ',,," Oh the'lentfenirich pledge, Yo m;yOnlittatt , aranaiiitYP•• liilateir tv r tdrifor - itfrnin l o -04 seiro one of 'flietfrillent Vrtheopler,a.verrapostle, Ia - tempeta pledge r and jcoip.it,:tideame an ig ,i,in - fi e vE- 1 444 f 6,, ~,,, 6 ;1.- , .), , ,r,. htl ~,,„ • !eisv•thinkitimPtAtieltHinOloob Presented br ';'f- 3 ‘Piiiti*i . ', Theia 7"temparanes.:= pledges are I :felt', he was offered thogiiiklUJnoiircle; met •liketherprei'arb,_4eobiethlnglintsty,'Jtaid the,' 'its attractioli.,notiher4,"ao &tared :himself daylori.- .7 14:,", , , , ,: ~, ; - . 1 ; 4 , .! •-; : .-..,,, .„ 7 ...t, L . t . that he camped "solgreat„ty aakir-ed&i, ~, --! , it t litell r lant, ytaketed • you luul a - lieodae the, and 'aci•Coimitotely.- --j:- i -.' •• '-' ''''''''''' ''." '` ° lie ing titltio`kaiiingl land: 3fiitt iihlkir 10k. . - -•His. mina! fortune of social 'Tapiluritr - fair n.rei.:„„u c c - a witoclitine;ll,4 d f lowed' hini,and Ads sisitingpirclelectitiefullas 1ifi0 n ,,...,!4.1:11 lea ve if,, , tol e g e s u ji: j a id s he / ere , large, and importuriste.as a yrinng :Man isiith canto. ',B*o;:whcil`si*i ',,gailY #ntertaiMillif i it. ranythinreelse to-dcr need ilfairei:•l , Ho 'aka deesli ~ g realLolybinklpaopfd.:.', ' '''''" --:,"'"''. ',': ! lighted in - his applicatiaP 40 basinesai r ,_ l 4l2: is .. s, Nchibli f , „ 6ii. l3 'iik o 47:ii i iii i i . 04 i gittir r , be mentioned Iriths'iPlirto4-117n.."'13-Y4nu."F4::''h kitni"" .. .oulookpiaeia gias4.or Vlllo'4ll/ mites as sitising.young roan, annadfireiPects- I s P. ; 17- 7/: 7- •, • Y- 7 , : ' :'-'-, -.-, ' 7 '.'" ,daily nearing of.comkietenerit and IMMaiand•lill ~• 9 - 3 '.9,u.••g'''..- 1 !,,,,,,... - ,7, i - ,; f.. ~' 1,...... isc to ha - 're. • fi n d ars G. known 'of 'all,llAny , s h.. his. that:mut desdres; vasums, alpsi'xit'v--: -..- -I 4 lizeii.'" ' ' .;',•,-.-•'+ "':-.; 1:'r!'",.: 7 ) . 1:E:!'• .:7 - 1 - ffii . •:! - -,tpry,a.nft tegistfitiOry44m. h ~s..mksfo,t; .. n in , For if** whge4he lideatitei f t'rkei:sa ixts.t.tlP. 4 0 4444rnt. toite;Akat -YR•u r a aft : li t •• bigtkbegun,inwraptlblyclfai''-4114ine,-,lfrrr I l ieA 44 11 A YI D " gel 4 D . t° . '" 44nrAtt i t i A , W i l i b lila hia. - -".mitkeloquesateLspaeches Ottletioper,,f ; .44;4420r 4v.e!,.,44FfiNte.0.411'.;er.,--!49.1 • 4.!T, to Icaetwilichar•otb,er thirtsAcilbOtto.;lsitidli have ti1ir..9 1 540 1 * 14711erfAtigek 11 0?-N9-!.• 4 1 1 ,t ' • :. - • -+l, -.,.„, ~ ,, . ,:,, , •,'„- „ a,,,:.., t--,,•• ::- ..i , -,--;,;- --,:, a,-,, , ,i; ;.:--) ' ... Cann'. Demaeritici Retie!. IWt,tedl* Azigels. 13T =Li E. CFBEUCK. gother hai the dove that' nestled ," Lovingly upon thy breast,' , Folded up its little pinien,. , And in darkness gone to N s y, the grave is dark and dreary, Pat, the lost MO is not there; • ' !foist thou not the gentle whisper, - Floating on the ambient air! It is near thee, gentle mother, ICear thee at the evening hour; It's soft kiss is in the zephyr, h looks up from every flower ;. _ And when, Night's dark _ shadows fleeing, Low thou bendest thee in prayer, And thy heart feearest heaven; Then thy angel babls nearest e ja there. Maiden, has thy noble brother, •• - On whose manly form thine eye Loa full oft in pride to linger. On whose heart thou could'st rely,,_ Though al) other hearts deceived thee, ; . All proved hollow, earth grew drear; Whose protection ever o'er thee, • Hid thee from the cold world's sneer, Has he left thee hereto struggle, , , All unaided on the aray 7 tiny; H e still can guide and guard thee, Still thy faltering steps can stay; ~ Still when . danger hovers o'er thee, He than danger is more near; When in griet thou'stnone to.pity, He, the sainted, marks each tear. Lorer, is the light extinguished, Of the gem that in thy heart Hidden deeply,-to thy being -. Xi its eunshinc could impart! look abate: !Tie burning brighter, Than the very stars in heaven; lndtolight thy dangerous pathway, All its new-found glwzy's given. With the son's of earth commingling, Thou the lov'd one may'st. forget,. Eight eves flashing. tresses waving; . bare passer to win the yet; Pet e'en then that guardian _spirit , Oft will whisper in thine ear, And is silence, end in midnight, Thou wilt know she hovers'near. &May thou most sorely. stricken Of the mourner's thronging esrth Cioii half veil thy brightest sunshine, &duns mingles with thy mirth. let nano' that gentle bosom, • Wnich 'has pill-owed eft thy bead, Now is cold. thy mother's spirit - . Cant rest - among the dead. &ill her watchful eye is o'er then, • Through the day, and still nt - night, • !lee the eye that guards thyslumber,: Ikking thy young dreuns so briiziit. 0: the triends,the friends we'recherialfd, Flow• weweep to see them 411 unthinking they're the angels That will guide us to the sky! i nriZlTs EMTZt4Z. . . litort in li snxn.—The ie Indiandn reryb tinily eP;ed arrosiing, at. the present time I .:i:' mod. is ',lnner the to burn MI theglass:and then *Ms, roastd, grashoppers anti, , 14 rimlect wh4h may hare been left by the 4 g' . Thef e' they Pack a way for winter, 211.111 ) kf' Din Zdri ko ged 24 ttl yvether this,. rea d y ionßondos or not ked prorioion undergoes another culinary— . B "At Whig ineeeing RaynwncLirnsLf Haley asked for LI letter of die- e4on, lwn:h be -contemplated joiningthe Dent / 4r 4 tt: zit fur Piero and Pk , and Lie baeney is soon partedo7-4/- . : , That hareyou been betying—Buf "eapres. I.beofaref Greeley's "Life of Gen Scott".:—Ex'? L... tots act.as wind to propel Otiiri* 6,l'gp,ur:•ea.ion thO pilot. that steers Ike. lli wind. We could ot tnovo' P-Itive should be losnt. ' '.;" ' •,` . . . -1„ - .:- . :•in - !m: . ,Is' , .; ~i . ,; . ,1 :,, ,,- -! :;....:i.,f iii , ‘-'. , i' • ill Pli , ' :. -..,' - - - .' 1 . . _ .. . • • . .. •__ - . _ ,Y,so:atttlar,-,:to,0611116m .. 114 'v hm4 • , M4telcselaimAstrlT,a4 l l4wit t - acaTtairir i =la ciKei‘gnita . „,,r 5 . *..7_ , ;,...,..ii-; „,, - , --, --., , ~..- - -,.- 7 " • ' ' . '' ' i r i" :' ' . ~ 5 .~ t .. !tf:: x.'7'.113 . t ,, -~ ~ .~a : 1.:.. .. ~ ,- if ~:x ii r :.:~ i'x~.i ~i_:i ~ ~'. f T .~?lI ~~,1 ~~ f~~• F j Gi ' ,-I'. K(:I:,C;%J~f I x .:2i• .^): ~.ii', }.~~~~~ AUGUSTI9, 1 4, • ..... ..._... . --- but she did,iand -, „they 'lturned.th _halancv for: hitni'‘ ., :i.-5!. , .... ; , , !..„-,, i .'.,,•,,i.- 1,1; ,''l 5 'f- 5 :•:7! i .. :. :Ton.silall be, My; doctorv't horsilid:langhing; ,and colorifig e hodrank the glass, ~-snit, •where',' was.thwharm 'l , sotfe.: trash:of:Wine killed ae-10 0 ,, , 5 ,;,,,,• „,_„ 1 , '.botly, - .nnii-vt.tif a mattfalls.fand taows,thatlai ' -- '"*"'Y'' e " !, ' , "e d 'iliCt-4.. 1 0 , PA 3 a;'wherv. by, - . . , , s her ..mttage gate% I that glass to sacrifices.4trlncipl a. and.-epti: elat :age . Nvattsotrheibroiv, its idilmicas isciiitcl4lweirdrep bay-be:pelf:ion to.the'sonl- 4,-n.eg:elli... ,1119,m-,=-P7'9,-.-111";!!!..14,14',Iiilili',"41,1ii•t'- ' and-body. im;:..,5 , .... , 4:, -:!,': , 5 ':'.5 5 4'l! '''''''''''''''' - Th - Test' of ' ' - • :: -Harry, feltilt,the time tlutta''. great Internal e r her hent:flgure,trt.:and fro.,roek,ed all, un-. harrier.hadr,,iven awak,.nor: was that glasst•the in her °Ye' . ••only:ione Pat evening, , another and another-and r"- - he .. rbat of age - wai"On het liii,P,V;`'yetgairti :finellter,followed,lfe; spirit rose with Alia . vita it - . -- 1 - F - ' 1 1.°,4 1 X.i '. ~ : i, • . .., „ , I and feverish gaiety inrifirmr to his;: excitable As she compared . flee-doings . now witlrithose lima' her i toukut: i . 5' : 5 "':' i l' 4 '-' I' t steituremnieitt;',' and . .what..legnOirt 'ilte'l,'s3N . MeV of ladies. was:completed:a4Aiig,lit T ia l the ~'ountletnan'it.saloon: ~.:, '3 ' . '.". ''l. 'i r ..- 'kf r . ; ,When • i64 "'-'0"01 4 1 ./?U 7 KT? '.*, ? :? ;i. lq.: Nolsady'eker,kneW that-.One.perty•luninn: 4. was P Un g'Y" U nggais wor ln,ek apd And, when they were compelled to •speali,they, looked round, kind of idly,' - - : - • - ''sl: I f done 'this youngannmead yetso• it was: From , 1 that: ight his strliggle of Moral. r7istenee was . !.fatally..impaired,mot., that he ~ yiel ed.- at. once .-, , • ,• . s and•owithout; desperate ,efforts:•and,. titruggig, I ;They staid at home, and iiid - the work, ',made did so modestly; .::. - . 4i444,, :.4 i oe m eic o , - , !And only went to'. singing schtiel,'.end-storne- Indian bread and, wheaten, ~' .' ' :'' : but gradnallY - ,each struggle grew;wealteranteli I's reftirm shorter, each resolution. tnori, Anittdtildrett.Were übddient'llien,„.thek, had no' ' yet :at thoclose of Pe eveniug,*llthru frieads, r , • times to o!ght , ./ne"iti''.. '' ' ' l ' . ' ' mother,brother, and sister; flattered hernselves minded: ~yhut, theirtnothel74,., : elid, .ltad that eVcrjr thing. Mul.gonettitt.se• well - that the '''''''' ."- 8a ni."-Y airs;,;;:..,; :'5 1 -,.:,..., .:`,--- 3 . f next:week AIts.AIL: thought -Petit i'venlidAii Blur, But notradays 'they linilvi. ennigli;',liefore'they lto give ,:wine at a. party betausdUis., G.l.hiad , 11 7: , ,; .. /tii l m l t " !' . l - their PF',iver,4.• . • r..: (done ',it.last.Week - ...m&n0 harm htull4eonte from' it. ' 1:5',.. In about a Veer, after; s the.Ws -,11 -egan'to: no: ... i, , ~,I ~ - . know their 'letters, . I.‘ ,-,/..::: (-,.. :And:youtig , ..ones that !elm- Hardly- wiil4,!vilt • 7,..,contradjet their betters. , ,; ,:„ . ridw, go - ihrtino. retiiid and 'lice. anit7 lanaj.nt::: the -.habits; of , their:-;Young ',.,:'. , -,, , _el, , 1., n or bums, , ~ frientl; geld consciously to 'wonder ItOw,snqh I: 44) PPg . ' ' Y'!' ne !' ---" i 'Pin '-o' tf '' .' -''' D .., ~ ,‘•:":, :4 • atitieyoutonnian , shottld be .led astrayvf:littr;.l :. ,And stareely' one hi ten is retied,- who - m akes' .ry. was of :desperate and. decided , natare,. -his ~ :1, . : .:- , affections and 116:moral- sease'.wa'red A fierce if -- •=,- or mends tier clothes c. . .7 war with the terrible. tyrant... :.: -.• -q .• : - - . • • Doi . the'ie !. I 'id/ In V, ill fighter, '•:' •• '; - -.:r. The rualin esS had possessed.him,i and when !,... :,F,olks dotOt do ,asthey:d . !um:l/ter, . ..,' at last all lhoPe 14 had died :0114 5 he determined ., l'hey hati t. n ouglater do.as. 7 they de— . ' fife at'oid. theanguish 'and shame Ord drualtrud's l" - '''''‘trify tleiti they do; as'lliei'd oughteit • , 1 life:,by trguicide'edeatli, , •:-.. • • : ....'l',-..; • .... 7 , 1 Then.eamo to the .tremblinvheart-strickett I WhePli.T4 sl Yollag,if u.man has failed; he shut mother.ttod bbleved one; ti wild incoherent let ter of:farewell end he disappeared.frem among And never -Ventured Out - illi 'night, if he lieu. the.living,', ,• . , J,..... ;.„ -„. , I. • _,•l - : - '''''t*d'Out *all, - •'•• • • • - • • ' -'- '•• s' ' I • 1 :.‘ l l !,IPt l . B ° and_- 11 4i1, ~, .., ... -.. . ... In; the satno quiet parlor. where :tlic sunshine f -And his Wife sold all-her - shltiey•Plates, and still streams through flickering Icarus, it now I his son Caine home from college, .• • ' reited' ott_the • polished : sides., end glitteringl And- his,',,,, , mbleft sehool, end •lezirned. ta • wash plate:of- a collie; there at last lay the - weary i, . "Hurl . ' yake, and suChlike kndwiedge.. , :at rest-the seft; : ehinin.,., grey . hair-1 was. , .still 5 They gaVottp"eake, and pumpkin pies and had gicrunitig as , befures‘but7deeper,furroWs oft -tbe . l' >'''' " • ''tlio!Plainest eatiflgi`''; • '' • .!•:',,:',, - ,, ' , z ..werite h eek , an d 4:'weary , ,heavy, ; innguoi hang- I Anddieveratokert fo i kit It owe: to. tea,iDin d scare°. 1 lag over the pale peaceful thee told that,those I ly iirent to, meeting,_ - /, • ' 1, gre v ht.it si h a d . b een . brought_dd wo 10. sorr o w 1 The men that was a' bankrupt, called WAS kin- • .1 I 4o.ilicr gra" eei.. ,- Satider,still .waS:.thoT:!stoty son' ~' ilex Shunned liy then, ' " ' they cloudiers:,theek s:and lips ,of .11L , yinittg fAlict-Ilifidiy Jilared 'l6. iiti‘i Alin '--lietal,- 'among ereatuns bonding in'iptiet. despair OVer . her— 1 . his ,town folks .then. : - ......5,i,. •-:: ....' peer Elleml .herlifeiS thr.eadwoVenutith those! But nolradalis., 'Whey a merchant fails, they say beloved ones was broken. he tnakes'a penny; -t: -_ .. :And - may:not allthis: happen ? i nay does it --Ills'wifedun't have a. gown' the - les4• and his ' not happen to young.men among as eVery-day?- /_', ! -.daughters just as many...-. and do.they not.lead in:a .thou Sand • i nsstys to liis.soffs they_Autoke their. choice., cigars,. and l'sorrows: Just like. thisel- : . - ~: , 1. . • ..... . . ~ :drink their', costly wine:, , • I -. And is-,therg not a xesponsibility on all that Aiid She i-;!. , :." tii the - Opera !. :and' he has folks •to 1 a.y theY„pught .to„be7gitertliatia , of the : safety -5' •:-. dine! ~: ' 1 - :,•• ~• - i and,Krity _of f6e.othsr :sex,. te,aveid, Setting :He .wallos the streetsile drires,lii- gig, men ;before Ocm.the tereptation•to Which' se often :: - _ •,, alMw• !MU all. Oki/I/les, -. i-_..,,, , ~..j , • . and . so fatally' manhood has ,yielded! ',l _What And ,what in..ray-days Viere„ galled -debts:, are' lis a:paltry cortside,ratiOn or fdiTtifin,lConiPared • ' - ' noic'crille.,l"fiabiiiitel:, I to the safety _of sons, brothers - 4ml husbands: . •They call the';' melt iinfOttaiiale•ish . o rum- hlf -..., ; The.greateat 'limit of 'werrtan la _slitverY to.. - ..... -,:‘' the eity.........! ',--.. i - i. , ,,.-.. ' custi.at,:,ittld-'yet Whii:bilt a womaii.Makes ens: tb.;:iii4ays!tWasltis creditors-to-whom he guru! 't , ont.La!iknot,all i tlie'jtiSai'vei itidYfeipiOns :oil I i the pity, polite tmcieVrifore her . work theithat i ottnaii ? and let every mother and,' sister thinli. ' of the ~ ~ ; 13 ,, u , t. ,, ,t4 ., er,.! .1, , t0 . ,n 2 y , d., u ~!,;. er. _ ;!, , mothers anci'sistdrs'otitlinse - whe, eerie ivilhin :1.5 • '-:',,•°, '"ApT I, " i '?."-*,' 1 . 1 9% . , 4 . 1 . 91 . 1 0tei, - •••,• , .the,range -of 'their inflnence f 'and say t 6: them- - ,'-' ''''!Y ''''' rin ' eeg lt e r s •• 4•l ' the). ' 411 " , '-- ' I :, . ~'lt,y dOnt, they do ',they'd imghNo„ . selves when in:thoughtlessness as theY disc uss -•- ' - questions atrectingtheir ieterests, ii behold : thy When I was, '.i.kirtg,:eriine,was,:criniirli4tr'lntd. brother r .. .heheltl thy' l goa.' - ' i •,' re-: - nolother; tiante,-‘!. •-• -': .5 : .:::'; ._ 5 ..,. 4 ' And . ,wheti•lwaspriii.lagain t it a Mn, hi Inid ." ' ..44.................. 6 . • : -I' to hear=th, blaine..! .. ••••:'''''''''.`-''' • '-• Theteatred.' a' - Man , -that stole`-it thief, -they;l - ... - ,.1 - ' w:igto 'no fine -feelin - g, , , - . f' '; •- ' - i' ,' j What•felki•ealtpety hire:tiny; in."'nly day Was ' - - ' , .1 5 ,*-ClilliA-stealing. , •'- - ''.' - •:: ';' , .5 -, :, - , They did normake a reprobate the theme •Of l ' - -;:. -.-• '.'song 'add story;:: -.-- ' , ''-' r . r • '''..-.• 1 As if the bloodier Was his hands, the brighter '• - '.• ,r,'*ittehiStlery.. ••, - - - .. . :Andiiviten 4 ' merder' - had been - done, could "." ' : they the murderer find, . ' - - '- .-' • - ' ' ' Tiltylifing .hiur ne' they Would a crow; a; terror •- ''ti., hia kind." , - -••- -, ~ '5•, -- '. ~,,-. '..1 . ' But; , 'Mill:at/q.v . , 'it 'seems to' ine;' wliettet4i blood is spilt, ' •`", : '' - •'• ' !The,niiirciereeliati'dur sympathy,propertiOned I ' .'"- --- - .tie 'his guilt': -- LAnd-Whert;the laW has' proved a than -to be -a ' • ': itecond Cain;- A deien: jurors will be'foutid tie liring - Aint'' in And pen petitions . will' be sighed; and . textsi - -' 'of Sdriptert; tiristel,' ' ~ 1-- " Iliitil l tfie' than' wi.o's' yinve'd tol be as blood -''''•-" liiirstY)ta'Nero, ' ''• • ( •Wilrivallt 'abroad ;like" other Imen--4514 a greater hero, r '' • • ~,But ,166 re ! I tell my daughter, . i .V.elks don't do as they,'d oughter, -4 ' ; :11)4.1:4}d pot pa ghter do as they db, -- ' , Whyden't they .do - as-they'd OLIO/ter.' A hitit-fOr the Boys.' - , , Beys, truth is one of the richest jetveli;you can , eveP find; and one , von -should „eh nisli as of priceless valtie,, l ,Nany of. your . class ,have been lost 'to henor and gre atness bidiSregnrd. ingits disintspicepts and 'have 'failed to he. come What they Plight have-btien, limn: of re. nown, by foolishly casting it uway tiepin their bosoms. All have-this gem in the. beginning, ,Thlyi; bni it May he lest bye wickedness and ' ta'relesnnesk; if YOn'have not lost leand" - We hope youUve not; let nothing, cheat You eat , of it: for its equal isqinully to .be found when. ' 'Profane langnage; boys, is to ante Joao, of a . Wicked heart undlow breeding. ' flu_ you know a man or a boy who conimands, respect front' his. neighbors . 1.,' ' Yon never hear.'thetn , swear - -'-no oath ever trembles on their" lips emnlide their bright example:, _Will von read ." the,catalng,ne' df sin and crime? You. will find the disgratied actor. to have been Profane., ' Reflect on this' boys, and 'let no word of pro.; • fanitv - escape yourlips. :, . I Beware of the compant .„ of such mil !taunt , the,Tat'eirli they - may induce, over-persuade; i yen to par take ',of the cup of shame. and poi. I son ; beware of'theiti *,,the teMptinglvinexup I shun'—it will lead', you in''every 'Sin, 'and dis. !grace you" foiVer: `Our "word fer i', boys; two 'arc dealing fir fiefs - with ',You:: 'Tench not! .1 a , drop, fur you may:become n - drutiliard is the end, and Yon !mow , how i)ltiful au,. object the poor drunliardls, ,- :...., f . . . .,, . 2 Be - honeht; be geteidn4, be frank, 1,6 soter, `be 'virtudits;abbunding'in truth my"liys;- and i 1 irtiur , ntsed• hot fear-tho 'corik , e.,',luenci? ''-',: 'Life ,i is just ; opening her litfpl Path before - . You,. but ' i • armed with these blessed traitiyouinay.rush 1 fearleisly to th e battle of life and fear; no evil. l'YOu'inny be orphans'. batlf Yap hain• tics(! as I your jewels, you Will meet with:. friends and eneouragementchtVell:-JaaO of Jed:. Ilion of t;ii .inesaand-wealth hive. their 'yes upon.you ...4watchirig.,yout they mant,plerks,prytheir, Mures and apprenticeso/ . loor iWerlis ops-,-if , you,livethe virtues, m we have en tioned•the3r] I will not' ask a better'reconinfeitdatiOn hut will ; lehoese you at once, tatting Yoh i , to their Ceti& ' 1 dence and make. men-of you„mhd when -.they , ;WV in their grnVest as all mu s t, you may ;fill I their places withironer and...renown,' as they' rato•passeitawaY t :,, ,po,vpi l tY)ll you-tbink.! dri vytutt,y,T.haiip beep saym ,, , andthirtkirg, ler t 4tibtr"astL - 'ijik rg t ,' .- 4-Ati T lrlisli' kvg4rjiist i lintuirttl&frOni IWisitite i.' Ishii:took to: is' dm.; yloyei indCilmarnockthe.mther daY, le, first' , cloth lie had woven, since his arrivaL, 4fisetn.; lyloyer detected,in the 'cloth two hole within; t 1. , 1 if amine! - of eaeli ether 'and 'told ; fella he i 'thitsf Parri'llne, oraShirruiktoi'eiteirhore;. , i. , 1 :-, 4 And plaie lie," retained `Pat,'" is it Bi, - th 61 rie,Mber Of hidiefiorlik ' ihe Size of ,thnnf that ye put ilte',finettmini.',', .'7 -'. ; •'.,} ' -- - 1 , , Psi the Intraberiof holes;' to be Sure."--' , -'-' .I . i ot,Andl, big bele Mid' tv,;sniall' one,:is - . the'. sitligittrien'' ?" ' ""''..„ i'''''''''' "'-' -m ~ ~. ./ -J -- -'a Tvw mining ,tdrilkery holecidg'Or little,"„'' '.glentiviime if:IIMM of the pieco,=replied' Tidetly; and getting ilteilettilpfo his' hauds,he 'tnikitiviviim or Ithliti fad One; Mid,OicJititned,, • 0 ny r flicylAll'illo*li; and. .. Vanes pio ono shiltri• pi* fic t ivr z.' -1 i-I, ~., , ,1 •.ri f , r.,/ LOVOWbutizzeivif OShoh aloOkiiindattend tolittrione:, - f • I • . :;{ ' VI I :•.; 7 1 S: ).:fj • IM=Ja y •i;;JI -;1- Y1NP.,;=,74,!4,,,.!,,0jpg,- "sJkli), TO; ilEn - Tta t.. - I ,illon Art esty-Little ..Things. ,; . There:eis ti4llunble moral lesson conveyed in the following paragraph front the Verniorit ram:idle. :'l'oo little importance is; tiuttimbt t-edlv Itttaclied'hr many , Uxcelletit , Peopte:,to L " little thingst!: ', • - ' ''. Is ' ""i ' : - - .-N "A' brother in the ministry took-oceasion to 'preach on-thelnisSage in Lake t vi. 10:' , Ile (that is , Unjust 'in - I.lio least, is..urijust also. in tutiCh.' ' The th - eine waS, ' tiinVimni wlitv.take ndvabtage.in stall titings of, , others havc- the ;eery:element - of - character to +Wrong , the.c oin: 4 away:and individual* in great things,-where "the prospectoreseapind detectionor -censure ; ievas , littld.dreacied.T'' , .The preachr espinined 1. theltarions Ways , by .schich peoPlttwrong oth. I 'wilt., stmlins' borrowing; by in iota ke in.nisk int,* I clumge t ' , bp:errors bri• accounts ; *ty_esea ph ig, Ilexes Mid:custom. honse.duties ; bk. managing' f t - Ckeape'peStage*; by finding articles :old ney.l ter seeking- Ownerts:.and":by -injuring: nyicica l'boriowed, , and never makini:thellict known to, the. - .43inrer.:mthen , returimd.' ..Ority :huiy! 'the, nest: syilnet her 'pastor; and:said,: .' I have l'lmenrop initills to•rectily en error lie -riindOilit:gicing mos:kande by teAr. week& ago, t•foi'l Oitelycler reproof ..yesterday,. ,Anether trinditidual wentloDoston to payffer =article -nut in- - - her , bill.' which . - Wie t . noticed: With • , 1 ii) G 'Anted %limit-she - Paid it; ; - ,A; , two; doing borne from:theeting, , esid.. to hist.iletap t tr,t oni , , 6 . j , f 1 ,3 - •niktlYtilievethereitraiitiman -in "thei 'house to day that did not feel condemned. l',After tip- . plying!" the sermon 7 U3 tr:seortpar mnre , ofi. his 4 e qu t a n 41061, : heo conti n tied :- ', Did -, not ,the the pliStar - utter 'something about; firkling Oak I'Of wheelST :',l['believe , not;:neightuf; A. • - iille epoiteof keeping; things wli Felt had iiii fa und.', ~.4,..,,htiught At4ttkot throe ti !fie;:said l adinitthlng abbot' tinding - ti Oale.iff) Wheels,: end italtrtitippoil hemmint me.rl' tf ,fe'dnd a, pliji diown•iiiiiiyi-lot-itwhile: ego) - .' Doiyou,'Jutid his. ,conpanion, 'know: whern . ther . belong Irtol'••;.birit . Ind ltiein glib ort tiitio-ego.' ' ; The ianise iiiiriabetilit:goistesierk-alliti44lents," ^, r.:.,f,t t.:-.fL c, :-t:!,dr -,'Ll t:.,;.!, , ILLi•zi.l,,` I • ' ' 111 , . . . . . . 1 Washington's `Farewell to his .' - Turning to this'otlicereli6:thii4l•l44roBool"pl:- ~ , , ..,2; ~ i • I, • .4 - tfly., ; ~. ) _ • '' 4 With : :I',heart full'dfdove.tind :gratitude - I niusu •,• •• : " can-treaFtts iat.by,cosque.r e 4ty s ,' a r s be; ,- lia* take My leave of You:. .f trio'st - deVently • • -, Ana freetlom find nor e4drupluif antrnc child • 'wish that you r latter'd'ayi may be' as prosper.- _ Such ac 00Iutithla taw:ErlSet Wben Ate ~ aDDV as yonrfortner ones hovel:Merl Sprnaglorth a Canal., arm'a and utelitlect , - ~. sus an o.", •- - -, - ; .- . Cr iriptso e hl Wade be nov6 , 110(1111 the wad, :,.._ ' - glorious mad honorable.", • He' thenrnsed tits .:'' 2! Peeiln 00;anplunco.pre,9 tnidstahe may, ',,,,'. i glass to hialipsi'dtatik ithitaddmi. ~- . ~ - %can ti r i : Vii 7 . ll,7 4 l" .. " TVl ' m a t,°,7,ll, e4 .. r « I -- -I einnet come t„oesOl'itf-youl, tO take 'MY Such aced Ilty.o her breaat,tc Eurakanu suet' Choir:" i leave,•buti•Shill be. obliged 'to yOttflf .esieh: ;Of ..!' '' 01131 ° 3 - •.1 yeti will takeme.by:the 4 band.,•. - l': ''• `-'-- ': The Ttetiolnt ion Was oviii.,The'eight were • Gen. •Knoi, Whill was neareit; huilit -r qntO conflict bid ceriSekond•theivarriorSwe re now j tears, and;advanced,'lneapable'oflntterande:-77, to separate. forever, turning their .. weapons inr jWashington'grasped!ht by the hand Mad 'Sin to ploughSharci4, 'and 'their camps. into:Work- •braecd'hini..! Theeifficeistente iiirauceessiter'.... shops, ~The:spechiele though .a: subliine one, I ly and took an aifeetionate leave,' : NO . *Ords }vas yet attended. with; sorrowful feelings; for . were spoken, butall ,Wasthe."ailenteloquertcto. alas! iti,tho'reOutins of the:gallant arinv :id i-Of tears. • :What WeiVinsere Words at, such a patriot:soldiers; now about to disband without i'acene ns this? . Nothing..: It.ivii.tit§:.feeling pay, without! support; stalked poverty, - ,;Want lof the hearthrillitir,=.,-thnitgliutispehom r!!: t and cli:Ose--' 7 lbe' country had 'aot:thetieans I :!When the last of the officers - had •ebnbrac.ed I tube grateftil. j , .: - ... -'' .ihiln,Washingtoti left - the'rrilnn, - 61141ied- by jThe details of the condition of many of the. 1 his comrades, - and pased . through thellines'Of I officers and soldiers a t h atus peried, , acct g. the , light . infantry.' - - His: iitep .- wa.s"'s ow; 'and tehiatOry'alik Oral - tradition, were theleneholy !IneaSured; his , hend tinet,tvered; end, Si' tears in theAttreme..! Possessing no me..ina - or pat- . 1 flowing'thiek and fast,'ns he loOked'f on( nide , rimonial'inheritniicO to, fallback epee—thrown ito side - at the' veterans" he iiilty 2 laude I out of even the perilous support of the soldier,'lfsrewell 'foreveic..."!Shortly - tur event I et, the commencement orivinter, and hartpy tit r more topehin„,m;then'all the:rest. ,:-. ' 1i . .• Irantie I liirithy other 'dotk - than' that of th'C:'Citittp—r 'soldier Who'had 'steed by:his faideat rentOM theirsituation can be-asvell imag i ne d di '0,3- stepped forth from the ranks-and -eite;dixkliis 4 cribecl, :.Th,., - ..:_„.,,,,': 1:-. •... ',. , '.. : . band.':: *•-._,'",-.. ,' ' •:''' !;. • :':lf' 1 --, 7 . n iri 1 .A. single .ffistanee, as a, sample of:the situa= .`-, , Faro Well, mytelOved 'getierali•fartaiell'!" tion of many' 6riho ollieerS, as related of the 'tishington rasped his handln Colintlsiie conduct ofßarmi!Stettben may not be antis*: e mot ion in both of hiS, -:..A11 'diticiPluut"Was [When. the main body of the. army i was disban= I now at an end. The . officers`: could not re ded at Newburgh, : and-,•the veteran .suldierslstrain the :nen'ae*they rtished, forward te. take were bidding. 4 parting farewell to- e ach other,;.Washington by•the•band, ! and 'the Sobs end .Lieut. Col: Cochran, am , aged 'soldier tears l tears of the :soldiers , told how.deeply eagravcit Nee' Hampshire line, remarked With tears in 1 , upon their affeetiotts :wasi:the -love'Of- their his eyes, as he shook hands with-.the. Baron—' commander,' "For myself, .I could stand.it ;!, but my !wife r • Atiength Washington.reached, the barge at and daughters are in the garret of that wretch. !Whitehall, and entered it.-• 'At the first 'stroke ed tavern,. and I have no means - of removing I of the oars he roam and: tdiliing 'to7:the vela them." ! .. • „ " Come, collie, sanl'the-Baron, "don't give 1 them a . silent adieu: . T heir ' answer was only way thus, I will pay my -respects to Mrs. C. I in tears; and o ffi cers and men with - glistening and her daughters. •, .:-- ; . '•, ~ • eyes, . watched - the -reeedine:boat,- until! the When the good old soldier ;left ; them; their ' form .of their; noble commander • was • lost 'in countenances were :warm with' gratitude;': for the.distance..- . . • .:, : :- , he tell' them all he had. ''' ' ' ''' Contrast the'farewell of •Wrishington I with In-one ol' the Rhode Island ,reg,iments were 1 his army at Whitehall, in 1783, and the: adieu t several companies of black troops, who ;hak; of Napoleon .to his army at • Fontanbletin,in t served, throughout the: whole ;war,.and and, I, 18141 - The one had accomplished.evetfwish j hra% - eryand discipline were unstirpassed, The i of his. heart. , ais•lible,eikrtions had achiev..• Iruarim..(ibseivea one ,of theSe Poor mounded !ed the independence -o f :his country, and =ho - negioeS On The wharf at NeWburgli, apparent= I longed. to retire to the bosonilof his - hoine.:-L 1 ' , Lit great distress. '"'-r -• ' ',• . • :-;.' illis ambition was satisfied,'" -, Ha - - fought • for ", , What's the matter, brother soldier?" ! '..1 tuierown or sceptre, but for equality and: mti •• "Why, Master Baron. I want a dollar to : tans tualshappitiess of his fellow-beings. Ne taint get ionic with,! now the Congress has no fur: of tyranny,"no breath ',of slander. • no • whisper tier use' for - me." • . of duplicity, Marred the. fair preportiona of his 'rho Baron waSabsent for a few moments, private life ;. but. •: - !, • -.. •t. • :.. • .-,....., ... and them returned with a silver; dollar; - - which -:i a its was . a:romr. take him f.:r:. all In - all,. '. - - • .he had lhirrowed. I. " There, it is all I could get. Take it." ! : ~ The.other.great soldier •Was. - the disciplOit The negro reeeii:ed it with hailed. a ~selfish-ambitioa. •He raised theirou weeper sloop which was passim* dawn the - river tolN; lof war-to crash,. only that" he might .rule:-:- 1 York, and as ho reached the deck took off his f. What to him were .ther cries, of widoWa'and hat and -said— . z ~ .. ~. . -._ . ; I. orphans ? -.• Ho:passed:to a:throne:by making •- [ 4 God bless Master Baron r ~. , '.. I the dutd bodies of their :proteeteis 1. his -sitep.. 1 1 . 1 . T1i - ee . are' ', MO . aingie illuStrations - of the 'ping stones. Ambition; .self, were- tbo.gh4 f condition of they artily' rat the . eloici of the it'ar. ! of•his idolatry, and to them ha r sicrificek," her. Indeed, Washing,ton . had this in view at the : atembs of his tello;'men for the aggrandise close of his .farewell ;address to! the .army; at, went of personal glory. : Enthusiasm _points Rocky Hill,. in, November, 1783: . ,.. -, I with .fearful:wonder to the nattitiorNapplean; • i "AO being new te.p•Conelude these, his last I,while.instiee, ;benevolence, freedOm, and -all' pnblie orders; to tifice'his . ultintatoleave hi A 1 the concomitants Whielf:Censtitute the true (short time of the military character, and to bid i haPpinets: of man, spied almost: a .diiine halo [ajfinal, adieu to the armies he had so long had i around the and, theieharacter ,of 'Wash, I thin honor to command,- he can only vita of:. !, ington.„! . .. ~ ...; .., ~ ,„ 1,, , • • - , l'fi;r, in . .their• helilf, - his' recommendation :to :. , ttheir 'country, and hisPraYer to the God of nr- IlLiies7'• _!: •-i' .. . ~.'. ' .. .- • !,....j ., ,`.',lfity ample justice bei done them here, and. Mac', the, eft nicest of ffeavo ' n's favo ' rs, both heroa'u , hereafter, attend those w 'aitsphk , S, hitio secured ittommirabie blessings ________. „ as slie,was receiving hilf.a citizen, bottle; frOm to:iolicri. -,'- i - T i ll . ' the tntuPtcho ustuillY brought the coniforting, ~ With therse,ivislies, . d this . .benedietion, I beverage, shecpercetied (0 ',horrid!) two of tthe corninander.imeldef is l about to retire from 1 ha grAve elders:of, the *ehufelf apppiimehing service. . The Curtain of separation will soon ! the door. Site an "the man put the back door' Abe drawn; and the - military scene ; to him vrill ' and-put the bottles under the, bed. Th 6 Weath ibe closed forever!" ' I '• - -' -. i i.er was_ hot, and whde_Conversing with her mge _ 1 - The closing of ; his "military. seener'l Ain ; friends, por.went iinctif the Corks! - . /41tout to relate. i, . . 1 , - I .• .. , ..i. ~ 1 Dear nie,",excluinicd the old''.lady, ' there melt York had lxenpectipied : by AVashing,. !goes the bed, cord; it - snapped-Yesterday just ton on the ?sth hf November. A'few days ; the same, way, 4 . must have a nest one 'priiii. after he notified the President of CengreSsz.- ileil.','; :,, -, ---.- ;—--- " ' L -_!, ,' - i •,' which body was then. in sZssion at' Anapolis, i . In a few , minutes -Pop ! went another, tic. t in 3 laryland—that as the I., r Var,,was now elcised ; coral/aided bv;the pettiliar hiss of' the escaping Iho 'should consider it his, duty „to proceed i-liquer. ''' gore." wouldn't - do this: . I :but ; thence; and - surreal:l(T -to that body the emit- I the good lady Ives not nt a 10A5.:,..--:. -.-- - '1...'„: mission which he hail received fronilheni more ; ' . ',.. Dperuer, said ,she, ," that. black tap (;f i than seven years before. i . '' •-. twine must be nt some:mischief there; 'Veit.' ... Tho morning of the 4th of Decembor_l7B3,l :Another bottle. popped off, and the .Porter was a sad and heavy' one, to the ', , remnant of', came stealing Out from under the bed Ciltainit. the Anieriean drniy to the . city of - New York. I •,6 4 011 dearme r 'cried she, ".I.hati forgot— The noon of that ,diiy was to witness the fare.' Pts the yeast,: ; Bare l i rudence; come =mita* s,ell of NVashfngito'n--Ife , was to bid adieu 'M ., away these bottles ofyeast:"..s, - , 1 ; the military military comrades forever. ;;The oliicers r i , ';•; ~—..,.....___-' who had been ,wit h ,him in Solemn counsel,thel - privates' who had 'fought Mid: bled 'in' the 'head tight. under his order Were 'io hear "his cons. mands.no loirgeKl'Tlie - ilitiiilfffirin and dig; nified countenane(ihf the :" great captain" . was' a br mnu ily imtheir eifies. lie lr l is teel t b h r e th ho tc :ir li o v f noonomproached. the - wholel garrison at the request of Washin;gton himself,l was put hi Motion and ' tn tin . 11 ea. dOwn Broad strebt toTram:is' taierif,' his - head 'quarters:L . - - ;Ile wished. to, take leave: , of 'private • seldiers alike_with officers 'and bid Ahern: all-edict,.--= 'llk favorite light, infantry wermdrawn up in 'lino f,deirig, inWards, throne! Pearl street - to the foot,of Whitehall; Where ti . bar:m - whe in, ,readifiesWto entlyey him.triPowels'Hook. ' ~ „ Witiiih.thp cliquy,' roompf the tavern were `withered the gebeTl anddeld _Obi ., cenito tok o' their:; fail:well. i '-' _-' ~ . . . - - ASsenibleil thereovere Kno c ,s; . Gken, - Sten:, hem ir Gates, Clintoand others, whe had serv: ed with him faithfully and truly. in.the. 6' tent .cd.field;" alas! wbere were, others that Lad: entered the - war, with hiin seven years before?! Their bonts - eruinbled in'the soil frem Canada ', to Georgia t • 3fontgothery 'had ,Yielded'up his 1 14 .at goehee,',Wooster .felt: st,:•.,Donbury, . Woodikull had...heo, barbarously,'; ; murdered 1 while' a prisoner.M; 1. 01 .17,1814114,,1111 - d Meteor 1 fell`liViiiiilti. - *olill'&1 ht Princeton Oho h.ial - ' 6 l and; chivalric In'uttis, - after - displaying'•thii most.hemie cotitag iii thetrenches at York towm.died in a tritliagskirmish in, South (* r m.- ' 6 1'004 the: binve but eccentrie_Lee Was_no lend 'ger livitig;and,l'ittnatri, like"a •Inilplesifehild,l was - Stretched upon # bed of sieliness.'' Indeed,' the battle field and time had - thinned• thOrankel i whieltbad. entered:with him, into:the conflict. ,Washington eptercdthe r.oontT r the houritfj 'separation bad coine..' . Ai . 'hil . ritised his - eye i 'rent klaileed'oil the fu6cli of tliiisit risiettibled,u , tear coursed down : 1111s 'amok, an& Ibis :Voiee-; was-tre,mulous;as,be saluted:-them.;:.-Nor:was ,1 he alone.' Men " albeit. unused. to the melting moetl,"t stood around:lllin,, whose „uplifted hands; to`cover their beclw4teldthat'the tears; which'. they,iii-vain :ittetoptedi-te conceal; bc.€ spokmthemiguish ullich they, timid not hide.' :4kfter,4 utotUent'a donyetliatioNWashiutz 'e,llecttor,A.Oasiof ',Witte.; It 'wile tool ' ' ..... , ...',....i„, , .....4-... „yo'4:ol'klz''.:•*yiiiiii.g - : , * - ; . pi r.• very. good widow who was looked up -to by tho!cougregation. to which • she - le. longed as an exanipla orpiety ; contrived to bring herconscience:to terms for ono little in. duhrence.., Slie.loved porter, and OM) &Irian Si?'" RATH ER RE iIANGED 'rjruttr '..llsunrErk,-.4t ~was forinerly - a - 714Wiii Germany ; that a female -conderri nerLto ; mililt4Puhightherit , ..shauld be saved if any;man would marry 'yang girl ; or vienxt was on the` Point' Of' being Zse. cuted, when her, , •youta and:beauty: undo: a great impression upomtheheart of one of the . spectators; who;,. was i'a , :bapolitan i a , :middle aged man, but qxcessively ugly—Struck with her charms, ho determined..-to .saro • her. and running immediately to the place of execution deelared.his ' intention to:Mant the girl, and demanded her mrdon, °according., to -the- cus tom or the country:,. •- • • • ' The pardon : as granted on coralitiihjihat • the, girl was 'not 'averse to "the Match.-INeapO: :litart.then gallantly . told. the female: that.: ha . was a gentleman of seine property,. and that ho might OfFer her,a stronger phi:me of his in. tachment.• • • .; - Alas I- sir !?.. replied the girl, "Liam frilly. sensible of yetirtiffection and generosity, but lam not. Mistress over my own ; heart; and' I - cannot belie my sentiments:.; Unfortunate] y thercontrol my fate; and I, prefeethe • death with :which lan) threatened to •marrying such an ugly fellow. as }cote.' • • The • NenPolitrin rbtiratimeiintusion,- and . the iiNnalan " ' ,Ids . "-; tknow-nutt.itt bunagi , gontleutor4,ttin Independent:, -wgapott; but h Wohpoirtii defe-g-trutkuuti4mitiore,-anti t , not, to'ofrozut;, lsh it...la itoißOiagn: to..hip,:no;Rnot ligh4 but. 4.totch - .lit. at the' firo'Or. twubiitality, of . 2 . B't l enliq ~eVP • mute soul, to provetto ot-, '' vini 0 413 - ;- torch whichyou ;Nyiold• and Ir4h 'to iiprealight, , with it, tOi the, thug, • cottnge, Mit &.• palace, nor in riches, nor . in potetty, jeantinthmor Ignoretteiviior. fi t olwrolut o ; but in. doing right,;POWright,tnotives.`,- - • .----,- • • ,-- ThatATher, 4 , num be . i►3il;a, viorshlpfr of ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers