NW! .1).E3,10CR AT. P. 1 4' N - rilo sr, ItrAr 6, isae. Teiegraarkie. ..Two i.,Vdt from the interior, apparently mar. l l 'e-tra, IM tea at the corner of our alley last riveniug i 'rind listened attentively a few motri.! ants to L a clinking of our press. • .1 - ,1 .: i. ••Wliat_;en earth ift that "rattling machine,?" A . • titruTred . ine of the other. - ' 1 [ -11`nett• answered the roostioned party,' 4 0 .indimi`'hinioly, at the same time, to, boat a re. • ti , et: if iq-,, noisy 'varmint' should'. make a Bud ' efen App_vonce-, 'Mao what the thunder it ; is," ' . I{ , it it kOdini on a tremendous racket—it Lutist .4.- - li.k. a re?..g.r4f. Ike.' - --: 7 . ' , Ge0e.4 , 2 . 1.s wheat,'by, grary, 'tie the telegraf, ' , PAN! enu7 Saul," replied Ike ; "I heerd tha *or_ . ;ettin itSsed up yur in St. Lduis. ',.E po , ee' n . vi:e take 1. - 5& - ftniat at the; flo.shin* thing while its .!!, :P ll , ,t - ' i • '.- Tkeybantiously approached the window ef :.. 'l , `.spreSi,raom and'peeped in; Thcyqirstoyed the machine, then 'the tie. q. % ' r: • r '4t ivi icl.eel then the pressman, and 6EI- '' " , iir . 4' . r.I . I . ii, Old . epO . d down to look beneath for the ~ .i . t . gNtaqi , /,.. , r . - - -rh 4 -it, ahuro cued," says Ike, "and that tf!re- 'S` , :t 'in' down ea them sheets what , • 1 . ASS& • s ': • tam- sa y r' In New York. Well. if these times den't beit hocin' tatera, then rm`a sinner,— li ' iviiat 4t airth's goin' , .to cum of these poor 1 . 'printer. p'iellara When! the gits this telegraf I tears getriMul- , ...,1'1l shear. if tha don't drive them 1 - all to rqn'tin,eorn." ' ' , }4 '6 , ~„•... .. - ,•,,,, ,•,,,, .- , • v., • • ! :_, % . 43u!,irhar is the . n r .,ftinzn Ike.. Inquired ij 'l,a3,'C'- - Id.orit. see nuthins but black streeks 1 - road tiO thing? ", i F :1h - : " lr . r tiro °n the i' f w elTer r s ed pu u tt p ire in on tha sh t ee li ts:-- e°l . ',". f:sn 5'..41 1v it kaaps' them other things in a F it'eatinctijerit, just as,. it might be expected ', that t'aq)der'and lightnin would 'do." ! .. - .v "%iri.47 - A in the yearth are tha doin' with that : ; r;riggcr ten T'--what's he holdin on to nne oft . the avhkals: fc.‘r ?” inquired Sam. - r , =;K •!Nr.v.'iterstuufp Me," says Ike; "for r cuss ~,,, line, e£ :I, eon see what he is doin' thar,"cept Faoldie : the thing to k"cep it from Lakin' a gen-1 -;eral rip,l . i - , ~_ . ';'; •,I.ueter knew 'd,' s'ayi Sill), 'that a nigger , kunldii;i,l,l the fldid that-away afore; and now I , irre fn d. it ou'ust give my nig-ger Jake . •-,; <- •<2 t, l l'll ' • ila-sfecq'srael when I git . home, for letinl the ;fttilll4ill them steers of mine-last July.— i The irt4ger-soid hel touidn't help it , but I r . ; .1 rtinciv* the Could .if lic'd a mod to. Trist see e hit vOyble. boy th•lr how he colds on to the Euia lig. , i ~szip-r shouted tie pressman to the negio J_ ~ ,„ to ay e 11...neet. 1 ‘ - 1 1 i. ," L_ n, Sam," cried Ike, 'she's going Ito rip i4rtin,. l ,tlind I'd rather her two shakes i of agir :tti .1 mie of Aghtnin'' any time.'• . ' I ' Sati,•iied that they had seen the telegiaph in ti.xl , -,tiot , •';' Ike and Sim' leaned.— St, Louis; lieri: . i : k ' r ; • ' ------..t,.-... : -!..!--:------- i ~. : r 6,, : , Pigeon; Plucking. oiiifpf . our eastern exchanges gives n ; bit of 'Pi tz.--ablingexperiance;Aielywls,tht-f-tl , , 1.: ~... ...I.flsgfib' a5.... - corttitei Illf wid en-cittga -.,, "A - , 1•.• be 4, , , • ,,imir0v011." .!.- - - -..-• 2,_- . ~,,,,, it T• r ib b t 0rv .,......4,6X: . — A s very raw looking sigiia3, lounged. into a drinking saloon in Coat way, in the seining, and made his wonder-, 1 ing . .aqty - slimly in the bat. He enquired of 1 tl . :e. 154 keeper if he'kept "licker I" "Yes," says ; t:m i. - 4er v eyeing, the green one with a mirth_ fol- eijiosity.; "Whit:'will Yon have ?'"-Wall, [; I„"ll . tea;what I, tiso,Ny drink, when l' to hum, r..lw .ii•li*w_ England rum -with triel..s^ • ses in IL" E.,,TV hlr-kceper,. - shaking with: ill cobeeTaled t s ';%N. , *.r, preittrod him-the2d, - ;se f and Jonathan 0. coo 14, drank it. Placing. the tumbler on the 1 1, - Lars W drew oat" id: his'pdiket .:a large pocket .‘ ...!" ..Iflit t4 a P4 - ?.amt s . sqtne . -eltan'ge therefrom, expos- ing,lbArelier, eareleSsly a thick' "layer of 'pink F bilk rithemiddle. ' Tina ; _exposure instal - el • • m ;- , .I. - , • 1 r t .i.:^4,ei.the, eye,oftal? proprlotor of the saloon ',' whoiVppened lo be. 'standing near,i and h• 2 rm. 4;34i1.-st;ain cd 4onathan..tig4inst :tposing I, f *"Ltriji: /,: iiitikeet money in such a: 'porde:, i I n•anrier.- " 'You mita! look mat - for pickpok.. '..,ts•-•::h•Ati.;r4.;be earetul my'frieed," '&e..&e. ' •qt - 4ln't licioni , to e," " s aid Jonathan, "Pah l', ,ii Ait to me' to: ' 1 buy some swine. Two henriir'' . d there:* poi tingtn the sum Of tonner 1 1 . • 16,:04. - . 4woryo. i'd - better . be carful - "' LI ' "4,, • • , , 1 1 .. i s '.. jaiat:non paid k Iris glass; and Might hovel .r . • lou t id 4:t iiith siloOri, but the watchful and S . . •fri - nIY proprietor imvingnow broken the ice( ;- - 4 ,l 4e ii t u. rintn r nieshipinsked our Yankc r e iwheth. 6;r h'iiotEiiot's p lx. • : te the prenises,— I is . 4 ,7 41 -ttairi'dip l rkinent efthe fine Saloon.- 1 . S r;:tt,L:lti, qreribitO f with 'the politeness of his' . ; tirAraridideinavaitt...-4cherous curiosity, was • :ile.44:74,tap‘ Atost4,A4d after a liitie while tillOW . ll , .L' ' fnte.fi tine room, vhcre:aset ,i rg attOers were I - - tv• 4 , Ti'iiif 4U-1 art. Ile was introduced i , • pr.,. in. ...le. I E. _ • I .:- SO I•4_..ii.iiiii. dttelPhteness;. dotibtless with 1 , x 4,4 e , f i i y.a. T• 4 0 14 41,1,1te part of.- ; the. proprietur.l t,. - " T.,tTtoollseati - ; anti, e a AntLitl tilo :game,• 1 ort'tilf: intitttions givers Jonathan in: due time. ' - ,i 'The' - Manii• OiliiiNdhn,iid:!*PiurPX , -. and . 1 4 I -..':vire'efience:inil 'ln• such abundance,": that '. Jr‘mithart iamalcitt. in , all '..ttiatiner . orl reveries.l Ile Ony hire liadltrk reminiscences of good 1 , Irttimes futst'itiihe'unty ltave feared a .i,.., r *,,cf a rtuire. , .S.tid: the ptudent ;Jonathan , 4 :ii 2 Uvlettliiii;nfiern..tyli'de,!_` : Wald J:don't 1 t-i - ` 4 ' .- li :;. ; I Hint used to=ttever- seed .-04-,,t Iti,..r a . . ' nap! it ; r100.0110, 1 :: ThiilainlAets! honyver tiSaiiititiatiii ItiOiiht: paying . any 'more partin x*4%4' tation,With l eir : Natiken:obaery er, who ai. ifiv44•sTsxiii, iltS 40:and , t. for : the game. - 11-c - V.tlitt fZelnoney ilti , Mge . 4,,bi#ls by mere . , e b an ,i, A ppeared about as I . , ) , e'44ilia.mieln2n4tli- -- t ad . 1. ) any ad f - goetld . anther's. til,,, liti , look:, was mat tss 1 . , Atiiit ' t6' , ir tal Yl-1,,, tr . • ' "., "' ' - n 11, else:' ;, - - . ..1 •' W -.4 -? .4111 Y P • e 't, believe in fuslucL 4 t .... ~,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,„,,,,d.._ 0 _, Avetokq, — , --",„,zunctetutely r "course, Ile - 0 -Setatf4 to x ~ .„: ~ , .1 4. arse :to- min, a t firs!. „..... f uovra 4 , .e 0 't . .„ ~:, , iii ., __- ...4 n .,,,i,i t t i cb u t ins nkcir .., , m. i i n” : , T 4 fL'P'-l•FFY , '"rX i i, - " , 'lcitf Aka PAN: hull -.1y,444atz4 jt) , 21 ' ,, - ----,-- noconnt. _. •• -• ' .61;4'4.D:x1' ili e inethin g 44l- ` '-' :last_ "i/rt4 ge•,...„,„,,..,.,•-lifijil4o,44!_vert •-* *lit t h O P err g i `'.7=,:7l , le t iiiiiio; 44 gbanged , •,-4iidi&afiin'i; 1111.1111ur th onblen;ind r.w.._, I# , . *oitt. il iu m- 4 f ~ e, . 3 . - -111*'1'41.7.12 - 1 ' I'vrathns in 'the wi-t.ng •• - d 3 - t. l. la N ., -2 ' .7 ' - l r ,'"'' - i .- - --. ----- ', i''' - 741 •7: , -.•,--4- -• • --,': • , ~ mak ira-g- - ,‘ scale, g ailing back. his two' hundred dollars, and eight hundred more with them, to the ut ter amazonient and confusion of the gamblers theinsSlres. At this Point, Jonathan prudent. y concluded to stop, rose, put one his,`roat, and said she guessed'twas 'bout time to quit. Thkgannblera honoier.were now areused, and i desperate. It was they who had Insttheir_all. i TOey.rose in a bedy, - with hut one'follow-teel.' lint, and one settled pnrpose. 7 "YOU ebili not go- - -after winning this much, you- ought, to 1 you must, give us a chanceto - win' sinnetbing I back." Such a temptation of the &tile - Was altogether unospected po_ thorn. , If _Jonathan could only be seated again, they would surely pluck their pigeon, who was now toing off mitt li s eigin Onologe, and theiri t 00.:., It coidd'nt be thought of for a moment. Jonathan--must pr., - ); naip;:ankieeing,:hi:watcabout 4(.int in cariest,they ,proeeeded. to lay their - hands , on I - him in a very serious persuasion. Thia.misis revealed, lioever, t►te. inherent energy and charnet et of -the . . man.- - lic -had evidently been greeri and aimpie' to this Point. He iaaw exhibited such a truth and as were altogether unexpected and Wei.. istible. Putting his hands up Co 'Jr's face, he pulled drama Noe 'whieliors, and drawing from beneath his : coat a couple of leaded pistols with great coolness said it wouldbe death to any one of them to prevent hie 'exit.' '"fheY were ovei.prosuaded and he left iheni petrified with mortification and astonishment, and a lit tle wiser. - amat gozZ Mac= Tas Phiss.L—The mother and guardian of all. progress. , Ceantince.—The locomotive of liberal pineiples. • • • nr In the flashing of a moment the future becomes present. • , • 'Life abounds in eases a brilliant re sultslo generous policy. -M'A hard ba7gain is ever a bad bargain for the apparent gainer. ' • . gTho body, which is .physiclal, is ob. liged to obey the dictates of the spirit. LV:"Profligney is not in spending time, but in spendingit off the line of your career. ar'Unjust riehei cure the owner in,get ting, in keeping, end in transmitting. They curse his children in their father's memory. May no nation on earth have reason once to repeat words only. beaanas it was I who said them. •• • M" 7'o - guard elreetnany , yonr own inter. ests,39n must inthe firat,place attend to the interests ,ofottuirs. A man may bo so mean as to prevent him troin venturing upon porfeotly safe enter prises. , • Mv"Vnatever yen undertake, go into it all over, unless it be divillz.into-the sea ef . trouble. - Vgf".A. isdy being ached hor ---.,---,•,.---.nnvea,"l . ;-stlvii) - rgi - let my fac against ' • The editor OrillaSomerset, Pa., "Vit itor," has lost his breastpin. What business has an editor with a breastoin ? The United States has gionnd enough to lie cut up into 03 States, each as large as Great Britain proper. , It has been benetifally said, that . " the veil which covers the face.i.)-f futurity is woven by the hand of mercy:". Whig editor out tveskasserts,"iiith "out fear of contradiction." that the principles of hisparty are es progressive as the eternal melt of Giberaltiir. Nrs..Swissheltn declares that." the 'eon - of an anaconda would make a : better gir dle fora young woman's waist the arm of a draukmt husband." '- • , CouTortrant.i.—"lt cunafortabie,", says Henry, "to .reelect upon 'an- affliction borne patiently, an enemy forgiven - heartily, and a Sabbath'sanctifi . ed uprightly." ." , Ssperienee," says Coleridge„ "is like the stern-lights of a ship, revealing dang,ers only after we . have pissed through them,. and shin ing on , bars. and, breakers after we • have -be , eomeiniperriiled among them." • • Mr' A eertainoJd lady • wis once . "nrgaing strongly fOr:womian's .- right to , preach,' when . 1 some one attempted to pat her down with al text from St. NW,. "Ah !"- said she, - "there: is where Patti and I differ!" , To Bou Enasilian.—Never boil eggs for! salads; sauccis;or and other purposes; more than ten !ninnies, and when done place them, in :Amain' of cold water for five minutes to, • i cool ; take off their shells and - use them when, required. = , - • . • J arils that has never known sdversity, - is l , hut half acquainted with others of himselrv--1 Constant success shows 12S but one sidek:uf the!' , World: • -For'-as it , isnrreunda us with friends',. who will tell us Only our merits;4lo it ailenees' those enemies from whom alone we.canleurni our defects. . - Ose viz, Dors.--A little sharer, lusralyl . .kile r e high to a - grasshopper, who may be seen: runningr.bOut our streets, wss seaosted.thei othei 'day by . igehtleinart;rivith, . ..• • "My Ind, what's ; yuttr name r *Tub," replied ths 4 Whe.ie doyou . - Ter hunk "What's yourratheeinamer - •Cntnnnt;vanes,-4 wet:n24 may be i . great assistant to, her, hpsband, in, bealticia,by.weaf=, ing a cheerfal smile continwOly, upon her.eoun termer, , man's piiplexities-andgioetaitiesa is increased all'undred fold when -- - betel; haffeeres4boat with - 4 atiatittiiiiiikakiiltifree' ber brow. A pleaeint, - .elieeiful wife is ne g. rai'nlio v: •Teefin:the-'elty' When and diaa'atafiiiiina twa),,Atife -In, the hour ktf trtruVe:lB,ll:lo , '-iio. of got* fiends ?Ph? . delight torture Inti.ap!rita- i - ItrallESS CARDS. - ' - • Lt MMOCk M.TBICIAN AND BOW ON, Montrose, Pa., sill at... P tend to ;all busman tbot may be entrusted to W shim, with promptness and rut:atty.-. °Mee at tits old residence on "rucupthe' street; ' hoidens% Welt Build nil, toot of Piit , ll.:...Mrenoe.-'„ ;•-• ~ • • ; ni.tielt - TN TiflB,Rea4p.toada 01411 1 0 Si MIN & .L4 r Caps ; Boots it Eh osotco , atom two doors below hatch's Hatt!, Monty se. • bk.ALItIt IN ARV 6,0 0 litt, GI rooortes.droetteri, Mud. ,siaao, Viairare, FiAb, nits, Fluid, r .. i,.„...k.e.i atio paps caala for an tia.la of Shipping F a., Store gra below.theCourt Mom. .. - . ... ... ~...,. . -..— . - Charles T 1 Ikea , • QII.ATING.AND.,IIAMDWEESING SA OON. Searto'l 13 lluildlog, tiost door to the Pooto.lllc Mont roie, Pa. - • S. S. -Winchestdr, • 'A itOrtNEY AT LA W. - Tuitldian - no4Ta ctiteitu . 4'Vecark's Br' Row. ' • • D D. Hmds• L i M,w t '',ViNt i lfar, 1 1,7,7; t 4T4 °lnce 3 4e'lri . . _ A-rrorclEy.4_ AT LAW, Montrose. :p owe. - over , ry. ler's sten. ••• .r.. D. Carom: 8.8. CnAer. • . . '*---!Congdon . :44 DE E. ais tiLitstist,s , 3tosunclTlK ToneStotilts, I etitiieri the ,Canal arldge and. Court bons., Court at'' Muth-antrum; N. Y. V. 2.1. B..Whlthey Tilts sling Agent. ' • ' 27-ly • • 0: Tl, Simmons; •fIoOT AND .5110 . 8 RARER AND REPAIRER. Shop oret,Ratdirlu d• Cox's Saddlery Shop, Montrose. -Di• C. C, - Edwards, • 1111111TaLCIAN AND EMIG EON, Ariz:llnd, Pa. Offleo 2 J. •`dodirt below G. J. Friae's ttore.' Dr. James Brooks, ItYrSjCIAN 4ND SURGEON, and dealer in Drugs, P Medlefuee, Plints, OUR, Gras, d:e. Carrier !It Chards art4,-Pfau st recta, oppot Ira CoI.F. Lusk'', Great Revd. , - Sohn R. Dimock,*; • ..- VTTORNEY AT LA M% °Vice Turnpitit strit4t, 1 dr , nr welt ilt ttio Old liegititer Printing party ittrint rose, ... M. L:triiosdell. A rrenr.N.ET. AT LIR% Great Bead, Pa: office with .41. Cot. V. Lug:. - CICRGEO% TIENTIST, Mostaoas;Pi °flee in Old 17 ,rellowe corner of Turnpike and Chestnut Meats. Operations upon the teeth performed the most dir.fcilly and tender y. Plate 'work .done with the best Material and in the mist Improved style. Charges low. 7'lllll EullE,DaitYT .tVETLY 71113.8113 AT MOANING UT $,lB/. E, B. Chase, EDITORS LED PROPRIETORS. . tlne dollxi and fifty eente per annuli, cash in advance, or two dollars if not paid until the en.: of the year, or timO of subscription. No paper will Le discontiou d Until all arreara gee are pra, except at the option of tho Publiehers: All conunuotcatiotes Joust be post paid to receive attention. All lett era connected with the office should be 'directed t $. B. &E. B. Chute, Siontrose, SuSquebanna county, Pa.: • • • C:Ze'EditUrs' office orer C: 'Tyler's store. RATES OF AIIyEUTISING. Ono square'(l2 lines or lets,) th: ec insertions, ei 00 ! • Each scasserinett insert z ion,- - 25 One. Square three months, ;. - • 250 One square six nsimtbs, .; - • 4OD ;linsluess Cants, tour - lines or teas, -3 00 ~ Yearly adrerticements, not ore: four &quarts, 7 00 One column one year, - 30 00 I Yearly adrertisersulll restrieted to the basiaeas +s a titch they are engaged. , • "JOU WORK. %pilaf Priblitharr: haling a tarie aitortsaiut or Job ;Printing Mat trials. ore t loPered to execute all •khiclaof itob sverX with ileltllo3l and . despatch. • 'wanks oteFesy detteripttou constantly nu band or Ipeluted to order. . - - - I ~.., , : riti subscriber is nowrieelsing ! i ax....": - 1 ' bli spring stoCk of geedsoy4r4i. ,• =sir= •' i thEettivr withtltvilirifilte.c so. , r 1. ~-,,, ' .... -..": aftiFilima - ev.r offered to the da l: .1 . . -- ' " few- of Etro.nmeeonnty; hisstock " _., " eam'Frltes a LABOT, LOT OP FINI2 t4. - A : _ WATCHES; both Gold end Sil- . ).. I, . , -tt, . ,-. ver, in-bunting:and plain eases, L • - ---:"'"'t . ; from $6 to $1.20.1% part of which ere of hie own importation, trade to order, and conceded by all who bars tested therm to be the beet tier offered for sale to this section of country; also a large asso rt mant of SILVEIIt WARR, warranted as good ea coin: An '.erttatathe variety of new pattenas of Earrier,s, - Breast ' pins, and other Jewelry of the best unality.-alsn, Plstld COads, Combs, he. r ' &e. &0., to which be would:call the attention °faith / me wishing to purchase, as beta deter. rained to spare no iiainir so merit a continuance:if-their liberal patronage. ALFRED .1. EVANS; • i • Marc Washington at.. • Binghamton, ch 17, 1552. TO eEDLARLAND DEALERS. A' LAG} lest of Sprat Plated and German Bitter Table and Tea Si-catua by. the groat ardozen verylow by &LIMED' J. "EVANS. , . . • - — Washington st , Binghamton. §IIELL COMBS. A NM aaanrtmeni 'o"'Ehall and Back Combs of differ • cat stylei,patterga aztd nriccaby A..). EVANS. EARRINGS *ND BREASTPINS. SOAIE very rich new Spring patterns this day received : fro mihe Erianun4ttx!s by A. J. EVANS. ~. . . . ... , . The . . tz.o.. - e to Buy.. - ..,-, CANFIELD would 11.0 F' - .LEI. 'to his ntanarnus friends and 1• ' -‘,„ zi t ~.., . ... ' l't4y7l.trarbeinhlia°ftnrusteeraetneriathicedia ~, ' , - - '' .. ..vf.., '''t frout.New York with . alarge ad. t' ' ,• .. —7, - , dition to kis extenalrearsorttnent i ' . " Iti of AV I ; ‘.. ' ' .-4- VI ' . .a i d g s ._. lere t . l I d! e ial r i C 1 .. il 1 ..4 ,4 0 - 4 fail fe d welledaad plig u gold ;lard ...., . - - - vest and fob chaina,Locketa,thim- Weis, specks, Wigs, braceieli, Jr:tiger and ear' rings, cull pins, broaches, - arrolett,. peatrand /hell card cases, pen and pencil .easta,choral beads, cutlery, Perfumery, Sil verly, Itrittann fa' and plated Ware,A ccordeuns, 'flutes tuning forks: violin strings, encl.'s, wallets, port Ronne, -.Needles, and Platy gaols, Watch gimes, toots rod au t. tunas for the trade by the quantity. The, above alit be sold at the lowest - prices. Dzy-Watiles and Je*elry, of all kludsrepairedon shod notice at the old stied near :ly apaosito thaPhcetalz, Court st. Binghanitow: , ' , - - - 0ct19.1851. . dCloclv for $l,OO andoap. -. 31 hours and ft dayaarol A- ' arns New style nud waranted at - lo C.3.N.F.1.E1.D.. 1 i. . .. . . Revolution — in Harlord! -. ...1111POIXTAiNfr TO FARMERS. rpHE underaigied 'having: recently pnrebaeed the well X known" HILS.FORD 'MLLE," are now:prepared to do all kindi ofirlouring, in the . be4t manner and with priaaptneee: Partici:Liar attention will be paid to cask' tom work', and no paina apayed to reliant to unr eastern era full BatistaCam'. The high reputaHoti "cideb the "Hayford 31.111a7 ; have prevloalyhad, ere intend shall be I ofly auxin mad; and, even more. ira Thou pay rash for Wheal, five, Corn turd Barka:heal; and 'keep on band' for sale, at all timea. and at fair prices., , lloi s r, Fied, k.m. all of the bet! qualities.. We - hope, b an earnest endeavor, to merit the eottticience and patmage ,of she public, to ray -dive it in full,and tberefoee moat reepeetfully and cordially invite a trial. - •• • S. IL GUIE lot -; • ; ' • • C. 11 _MILL L R. Bnoineas -Notice, s-WlLSUS.ircini4 rerov'etfullj , req nett all hat:- tug nusettledaecounts with him; to call 'tititrad.- juin the amno. - ' : •. The Isfercantilelmsines. frill bo continued at his old 'find; under the firm of • Y. 41. Son. They Intend to keep a general ririety.4md will everbe ready and thanktol accommOdate thy.. :who:favor:them with s cup: They-will keep on h nnd a large stock of DTrlGOO,ltisig Groceries; Crockery And • -, 7lllurdWiarg. , ristlitslaratte.ntbm will be - giren':to tklTlorattnb. of the baldness',. to keep -A full ageertment. , Carpehtele fthickesitthratuzgees, CanisTO,Boat andZimemakera: Will all Oovi the articles they want. .• . • roots; Shoes ' and theAmterhes to mike them or kept Otrhatodbri • • ff:iriLSON it SON; Athatroie,,Tan..l, ••• „, "lyldf MEE -- - ---11ORBIBLEI ; •- 4 Al Man 'with - his'Throat Cut t -I, he did it Wins.% the Barbel' had nothing to do B,with - trait' ever beard of such a thing , Ming dcrsl 0 AtTille :Barber, while the :.(ewspapers are fall instanitee of men doing it themselves. Amor is itdan gevoua thing and , DOW` but tut kaperhaieed wtatnian should-be alsowectto handle it.- Everyman shonid think" of thisi and not.trust to bimselt i foraoan«can teU what May happen to Itlia:llNoivir you never touch a razor yisa will never out your tlr oat with it, .ito just cation .CIUTILES TlLllAl4l . iiarhei& Botr.Urtrscr. In S'earle's ;bagging, next - dant' fashitilee,vrho wig ithaveyan as amhgth AS ttgarlairithabo4:,. , QUARLES TILIKOT. , ..' trose,Deth. le t ;85-1:1 - .- • , • ~. • , . AND popumßiesnipiiiet , ter the Piano, to 1117: 6 4,0 .Reissa .4'.7, Ittityrarir :,.lq, r 4-.; lo!:eali!sr,th!ittcße . 9# : : =ME 11'~.11r ; 0. D 4 Virgil, Trams. I littn. .114,131 zAD . orb , ossa.tg Farms fo ry a Subscribers • will act' • sate of Baal ]'state—Farm tml in Susquehanna county,. Pi Mei:property rot sale can glee their Parma or Lots as follows.: many improyerloind how water grafted or common fruit; oat' trees; herrfar from Sioutroso,lt ndrlmt on tho New York lemma payment.' xti whe ; Estate, willt• telex prompt at Addressing TIS at Mon t roee, Su •Contejancefions Monts charge °Mee on Turnpike street,4 ;corner. '- • ' Tho.follow lug rani dLo No.l, 40 acres,39 improve No. 2, 80. do 50- do No. 8,100 , do. 8O do N 0.4, 100 "do-. 80 do , No. 5, TIT' do, - 40 • • do -N0. : 6.98 do 85' -- do , • No. 7; Store; Warehouse a No.B, 145 acres 73 Improve - No. 9. 52,1 i do 35 do s No.lo, -do . • No.ll, - eold N 0.12.500 foragr° ppro 0.13, do 250.d0 • N 0.14, 66 do SO do so .No. 15, 10k.do 60 do .'N0.16, - 120.- do 35 -do so N 0.17, 100 ,do 75' do - do 80.:(2 do No• 10, 200 tlo 150 do N0.20,-145: do 100 do No. 21;190 .do 120 do, N 0.22, DO X: do 46 do N0".•23, 45 do 30 do !"N0.•24;292• do 225 de N 0.25, 125 do 100 - 30 .- 140 — : No. 97; SO do '43 ' • eol ...N0.28,1.1 acres good SAW - ',N.).:lo,J34ftcree;9o ImPro • No. 30,17 5 do ...106 • No. 31,185 do 05 4 N0..32, 180 do .135 • No. 33;160 do 60 " • NO: 34. 150 do . 100 'No. 35,150 80 " N 0.36, 300 do 170 " 'No. 47, 190 do 140 • No: 39; 170 do 100 • No. 39 175 do 90 do No. 40 = 50" do 45 do No. 41. 212 do 160 do no 42 92 do 60 No. 43, 4 sold No. 44 133 do 65 do N0.•45 800 do 200 do N 0.40,120 acres 89 impror and grist mill. :No, 47 200 do 170 do No. 4? 103 do do N 0.49 SO 'do 60 do No. 50 63 do 63" de NO. 51 92 Ca N .11.—Versons desiring to 1 byglring the number can obti Itontroge,Pft. October,lBs Liver Co JATADICE, DYSPEPSIA, DEBILITY; DISEASES AND au .cilscases arising stomach, snob AS const 'less or blood to the head, aci lea, heart-burn; disgust for the stomach; sour eructation the ph of the stomach, eats i difacnit breathing, Auttetin auflocatiog sensations when of vision. dots - or webs biter pain in the koad;deticioncy of the skin and eyes, pain In the., sudden Rushes of heat, stout imaginings of evil, and can be effectually cured by lloofland's telebr ungpi D,R C. JACKSON, AT T - 120 AR'CLI ST Their power over tiro ahoy equalled, by any other prrpa as thoeures attest, its many had failed. These Bitters are worth, t e attention of Invalids.— Possessing great virl awl forth rectification of diseases of the Ltier and lesser glands, terching the meat search ing Powers In weeklies! and a tections of the th.g.estive Or op one, they are, withal, safe, c alp and pleasant. READ AND PE CoNVINCED. _ . The ediior of the llostod B c l3 said, li. , celTher 224 De. Iforblanda. Celebrated armon Bitter), for theatre of Liver Complaint, daondiee, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nerimas Debility, is deserved y our, of the most popular medicines of the day. These Bitters have been used by thousands, and a friend atone elbow svelte has himself received an efteitual and permanent mire of Liver Com plaint ft-UM - the Use of this reinctly. •We are convinced that.!:, Shellac of these Sitters; rho patient constantly , gams etre-nu-Ca awl viget-.41 - 4, -- ....- *OS iby of great consid eration. They a:opt:mutat taste and smell. and eau be use.t.hum.y, s ,,, ttit.t. the delicate stomachs with I:iiiii r'l . 7e, a es. um. 1 re e vakickg tram ~,fccitt's WcultlyOne of the beat literary papers AV . haled, vald. August 2.slkt—, ' • "Dr. Hoojtanda'Germun B item manufactured by Dr. Jackson,faro now ; recommen ed ,by some of the moot prominent Members of the medical faculty as an article of much einem in cases of female weaknesa. As such is the case, we would 'adviseti r lmoill era to obtain a bot tle; and thus sate themselves, nab sickness,. Persons or drbilitated conatituttona will gait thaws Bitters adenine ' genus to their health, as we know from experience the salutary effect they have ups weak systems." storm EV BENCE. . . , -', The Philadelphia Saturda Gazette, the best family news , aper bublialted in the salted States, says of Dr, llooflatureCerman Bitten— `:'lt is seldom that we r rotti— ' Patent Neditines;te the cent] I readeilWand therefore when v lands German Bitters we wish p that we are not speaking of I that are noised - about for ibr( g e -ten after they have run their 1 of a metlicuolon,g_ eatabfushoL which has inetthe hearty, app • Look melted the 'darks of t *linen signature of C.ll. JA indhisnanne ',blown in the bo It spurious. l, Per fate whoterale and retap 'at the Germaa Medicine Store. No. 120 Arch street, one door below sixth, Phila. derphl • •' - and ,'l3yreaketehle ilealm generally through the rouutry. ! Prices Rezilieed —To :th saaabl i r enjoy the advantage" of their .., :fIKOLi BOTTL ailllCifor,sateiby ABEL T. 12121 Penn's.. ~ i , - Fiw Arr Eztensivelehair and rnen.t. i UTM. W. S*ll7l !A Co. their arrangeractitsfor ingtonstantlY on band all an Furniture, 131 qnufa aimed on hogany, }Mack Thilnut,3lapt her, audio the bestand most the articles which they inten to order,are Mahogany, Mac ;dell uterine, Addelloardr, Se tre, Card, Pie and other •Fa riety; Soras,,getteet,Dicans; I °fall hinds and styles, made nut. Cherry, and Maple. ALSO—Mahogany. Black Maple, and Fancy Chalts, of tionorhich they hare now on a constant sn'pply.. Any arti in a few days notice. As the anbscribersbaye oft their bruin ess and to open as 1 in Montrose which could sup bold Furniture, and sure Abe ' Cities for such nrOcle if, they patrids and encouragement. • , I. re now fully completed nnfactnting and keep every kind of Household of the best quality Cheiry, and other Inus durahle manner. Among to keep on hand, ormake Walnut, Cherry, end Mu taries, Book Cases; Cen. Iles; Stands of every va.- Ottomans, Ice. Bedst-eads fltabogany, Black Wal- alnnt, Curl and liirdseye et* variety and draerly. I d. 'an d intend to keep e desired will beim:ll4llnd n been pallefted to enlarge establishment of the kind .• Iy Avery irsridty ofliouse trouble of rending to the °pet° meet alt 4 liberal 11r. I ALliVit .ROlll% yl LI, • , . 31 ontrose,7une4{ILWI.-2 . . . ~.• . - - • LAFATETTE BURR - Milt, gTONE AMFY:- •._ , , .... •:. • • T G,T. • :.' .' . ' f. rpm: 1711DERSTOR ED; fornaerty , Yorimin 'for ninny ..I. years of theLalayette 'lute 1 1 1111stbhe Manufactory, 240 Wathingt on 5t.,11. Y.;(il i Tyliek,Agen t,) would In. fora ittofriends slut tho pub c teL general, that be has established a BURR MILL. ; STeIN • 3IANUFACTORY Bingham Leroy Ito ilifAnen . - Aad solicits a sha -Ile sill hare constantly o Barr ones, as also a Knlzeatoiiesc, , also Preach screen wire and Plaster Pa • The tradersloed 'assure that -h, will faithfully ere his care, not only is qualft ulthed; and solicits their ki • Orders by letter will be • and•as cheaply. as siciap 3.lillens and Illiterrights are lag his stock and worlitn bin4balatou,July,lBsl ' Danish Searle, itordro bulldog; Cold., Qum*it 12.1dgeweiei. PING Di;, vEßYozzerceire osso 4.) ilut oud, Pvarl, earn! btone,alsorcry hatvy , Chured do, tut; a :zesty of ent of huger Tins t,Eirteraid, te,x,sjgnet and do.; IS and 20 .earrkt sufr her, styles by • • • ~lt~hamWn, December 4 . • MAIM • ' nati : TVALIELL * Itiehes to give every fa sgondAlmnite.e tut the . berebyjavited;o tome or ace.- ioragmhit.lfiriertrose, .. 11 71nSemethebannifcounty ,r 1852. Rhey ere therefore 'lola tetonegratuitotiale . , nea,l44 eteffs;Peitagt. , ts and Pot Et, a herb Wean., agents for tho private Ilouseaand Lots—loos vho wish to otter a udnuto description of rPamber of acres, how di,ndildings; Orchard; r trot:trees, and shady d the nearest point to tie Railroad; peal and to sell orpurchase heal ention by calling On or quebanna county , •se to the prendserft cc of . . j ..2.lnother .. SciOttfic ltr,oneler 1- ji . ~ _ -j - Great Cure for ilyipepsta; s,. inl. J. B. ROODUTON'S IPIEPSIN,VITE TRUE DI.. GESTIVE WILUID,. OR Gnitric ..if 'kite, kdoore . west of theitrtek mono.' offend for sale: I . Frame House and Bin) .Id Jo do •' ' do cold do do. gold do do du do .• - , Prepaled-froM RENNET' or the.fontth Stomich , Of the Oa, after directiuus of Baron liebig, Abe great Physic.. logical Chemist, by 1,8. 1101.1011.TAIN, 51. IL, Phlladel- Thi phis. s is a truly wonAerful remedy for INDIGESTION," DYSPEPSIA ' JAUNDICE, LIVER COMPLAINT, VON ' bTIPATION and DEBILITY,' curing after Nature's own motto's], by Nature's own agent, the Gastric Juice. 03' Uelf a teaspeontul of Pepsin, Infused In water, rail digest or dissolve, tire pounds of Besotted Beet in. about two bourn, out of the stomach.- Pepsin Is the chief clement or great Digestive prltack - plc of the Gaatriclulce—th,e Solvent of the Food. this 'Purifying; 'Preserving, and Stimulating Agent: of the Stomach and lute•tines. It Is extract...l from the 'Di gestive StomiudA of -the Om, thus forming an ARTIFI CIAL DIGESTIVE FLUID, precisely like the natural Gastric Juice In its Chemical rowers, and furnishing complete Imo Felled substitute for it. -By the aid of this preparation the pains and evils olndigestion and Dys pepsia are removed, just as thoy w ould be by healthy stomach. It to doing wonders for dyspeptics, curing ca. sea of Debility, Emaciation, Nervous Decline, and Dia peptic Consumption', supposed to be on the verge of the grave. The sac:Aide evidence upon which It Is: based, Is in the highest degree cations and remarkable. Sciendfic Ebidelice. Baron Licht% In his celebrated work on Animal Chem stry, says 'An Arldclal Digestive Flntd, anplagous to the Gastric Jules. may be readllyprepared from the mucous membrane of the stomach - of the Calf, in which' various articles of food, as meat and eggs, will he soft ened, changsd, and digested,yust In the same manner as the , would be in the human stomach." pqe- Call on the agent and get a Descriptive circular; grata, airing n large amount of scientitte arldencetsimi lar to the above, towether with reports of remarkable cures, from all parts of the United States. DR. BOUGHTON'S PEPSIN Is now sold by nearly all the dealers in tine ¨aut" pop ularmedicines,through out the United States. It Is prepared lu Powder and In Fluid form, and In Prescriptive vials for the use of phy sicians. PRIVATE CIRCULARS for the use of PliFtlelansonay be obtained of Dr. Boughton or his agents,describing the whole process of prtparlitlOU, and airing thit'anthor hies upon which the claims of rhis new remedy' are ba sed. As It is not a secret remedy, no objection can be raised again: its nee by Physicians In-respectable stand ing and- regular practice. Price, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. ! d Lot. ! . trained bonito and '.1 4 1 do do - • do do .do- do 'd tt ,- &frame i house and barn I do. do d 'do "do do ,do do 'do • , d do do do .. ..-do . .do .• do' -- . do ..'_ ..do '. do do do do• ' -do do do -,.: .do . do ,- do old:do. do -do '46 do do do do do do • do do ' do do do do' do do II and dwellinz. ed,franseboisc =earn .. .• u- do do • do do do do told do do do do do do • do do do do do do do do do • ed,frame house and barn do do do do do do -, do do do do do do Improved nrchese any of the sheer inn fundeseriptlon. 'ALFRED BALDWIN. E. G. BABCOCK. ferOIISERVE THIS H.... Every bcdtle of the gennino PEPSIN bears the written signature of J. S. TON, M. D., sore proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. ' Cepy rigbt and Trade Mark secured. frr-Sold by all Drngaiste and Dealers in Medicines. D'..rFor sole by ABU TIIERELL, Druggist,ltuntrove, Pa., Agent for Susquehanna county. ' Sly plaint;_ !IRONIC OR IYERVOES OF TIIE KIDNEYS,' em a disorderdd Beer or patios, Inward piles,, full. ; ity of the stomach. nun ood, fuilnes, iar weight In , ednklng or muttering at , tug of the head, hurried or at the heart, choking or a lying posture, dimness , the , sight, fever and dull r perspiration, yellowness be side, back, chest, limbs 1 , outing In the flesh, con .rest depression of spirits, WHAT is there that guaranteei to us a competency more purely, n our decline of life, than health, 'and rigor of youth, nothing.. Thin the question is,lituar shall that be obtained and secured. - If we have a Cough, Cold, Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Pleurisy, Influenza, or Roartericss, or any other affliction of the Lunge or Chest, you will find in Dr: Throupla COMPOUND .1!RI P of BLOOD ROOT, a mire andsafo remedy, or if your children are afflicted with Croup or Moping Congo, no better remedy can be found. Thou gOIDDI have been relieved with It, and certificates of its curative powers, now In my possereinn, pluceelt beyond doubt, the greatest remedy of the age, for any affection of the Lunge. The powers of Blood Root as a remedy has long been known, out its harsh action alone has kept it somewhat out of general favor, Mat, I flatter myself that the above combination is perfect. and that its use, will secure friends wherever it is offered to an enlightened A WOOD TO Mortrists.-1 wish 40 ameliorate your eOrlditioll, to lessen your cares, perplexities, and angle ties, which I do by providing far your tender offspring, a remedy for their Ms that is adapted to their Intirmi ties, without the fear of consequences from remedies charged with Opiates. Po destructile and detrimental to so many thousands ofoor race. Who amongst yonbut feels for the suffering Infant, where cries are the only indication of its suffering,arrithing with paßis from oho!. Ic, emaciated from diorama or dysen tory, suffering great nervous iritatlon c otton tu P.t33 from teething— often brought to death's door from cholera, Infantum; and every ill arising from but •nouriehment or 'nursing, I have peen all of these cured in a .day, almost, by a remedy that tutva been for years' in perfecting, In en extensivepractiee of pearly twenty Yaws and now offer it to you under 'the true mama of ' , lily. Th4mniipts INFANT itI;S:eORATI7E and 1101'11EIV8 itELJEF.". When Ms remedy has been nsed„lthati met ,tirith un bounded favor, and, as on values 013 r ohn comfort-of ted Berman Bitters, Ito DT , • OEMIAN 3rEpreiNE aiSCI6.I IS not excelled. If tien in the Unit...l - States, . es after slant physicians "Mother's Relief." • - {Foams are also productive, of great torture to dren of riper years, :he symptom* of which every. pa 'rent 'ls aware. anal where suspected, it is thele,duty to exterminate them at speedily as possible, which . can be done only with a few doses of Dr Throtip'slVOß3l PCII - SON, whieh is beyond COnti arisen; with any Vermifuge of the day.. It will destro-. them ; and the .very small dose,makei it acceptable to the children that dislike medicines of any kind. It is 'a happy Compound of hammier,' vegetable medicines, that in their combine tion;produce wonderful effects upon those filthy intro. dors of the human system. If yea are suffering from derangement of the atom. itch, Liver, or Bowels, you have Fever, head-ache, eour stet:oath., or • heart-burn, flatulency,' costivenevs,' and many other unpleasant symptoins, for their entire relief you have only to take a few doaes of "Dr. Throop•a IncLious PILLS," and you have a cure, They act upon disease by removing the taus°, restoring- the-se cretions, of all the organs of the body and health's, theconsequence. To those afflicted's/Ith sore, weak, or Inflamed eyes, I furnish you also a remedy that has stool the test, of Years of experience, and - restored the most eases when every other remedy known bad fail eiLDr. 111;01 :T 41 EYE IFATEII: These annprise the lin of Dr. 7/troop's Do mestic Medleines,that should be in the hands of every house keeper, as a good remedy always ready, and which • only requires a trial to insure them a place. Agents , plumes-ollentley t Read, Montrose; N. Granger et Co., Rush ; H. 3I Sonthwoll. Ruth; 0.-0. Wright, Middletown; B. Glidden. Friendmille; P. 31. Barber, Jessup; - Breekney & Monfort, Brarkcey; •$ S. Grover, Dlniock • Scott & Root, Springville: 'Dr Lam bert, Auburn; James Tompkins,• Tompkinsville; Ray -den -&- Little. New Milford; Dr. Brooks. Great Bend; .30septi L. Merriman, Upsetiville; Dr. 3. Barney. Little Meadows; Jasper Stanley, Chocanut; E. Tiffany - , Brook- i• lin Centre. H. A. Witham, Clifford, Dr. J. C. Olmstead, D undaff ; Johnson & Fery,lterr o e t t„ . • J. S. htLASDELL, General Agent, Forest Inkre. Zan. S, 1332r-13'1. , .vend what. are termed !nee and patron-,-e of our ere recommend Dr. II oof lobe diebnctly understood he .nostrunee of the day, of Period and then forgot ;ailty race of mischief, but I, universally -proved, and ovalof the faculty Well:" e eennine. , They have the EdON neon the wrapper, tie, without Which they are all .classes or invalids to peat restorative power& CiTITS. ELL, Druggist, 3101:arose. 13 , 1 COW gement Furniiare Estab- ..Ayer i a Cherry Pectoral, For the cure of Coughs, .Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis. Whooping-Cough, Croup, Asa • • ma, and Consumption. Among the numerous discoveries Silence has made In this generation to facilitatb the 4usinestof Iffe-4actease Its enjoyment, and even rhino; the term nf human ex bathe°, none can be named of more real value to man kind, then this contribution of Chemistry' to the foaling Art. A fast trial of Its virtue!, throughout. this broad country, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or combine , ion .of medicines yet icemen, can 40 surely control and care the numerous varieties et pulmonary disease which have hitherto swept from ourmidst thou sands and thousands every year.. _lndeed, there is now abundentressm to believe a Remedy I at length been found which can berelled VII to cure the most dangerous I affeetuns of the lungs. , Our space here will not permit as to publish any proportion of the cures effected by its use, but we would present-the rotten hag opinlonsofcmi tient men,and refer further inquiry to the-circular which the Agents below named, will always be pleased to fur nish free; wherein are hall particulars, and indisputable proof oftheseDutts. -• • • From the President of Amherst Coilege, the celebrated Proferworflitchcock, - . • • . . . . .. "James C. Ayers-Mr: I. have need your Cherry Pee• torn! in my•own_case ofdeep-sented Bronchitis, and am satlvil•dfroni Its chondcal const tution, that it is an ad nirabis compound torthe relief ollaryngial and bronch ial difficulties- If my opinion of its superloraharactor can. be deny service, you are at liberty to use It sayou think proper. tDWARD HITCIWOOK, L. L - D.. From the widely.-celebrated Professor Stillman, MIS., L. L. Professor of Chemistry, Sllneralogy; Sta., Yale College, Member of the Lit. IDA. died . Phil . and ficlendf lc Societies of America and Europe- • - • • "i I deem thelJnerry Pectoral an admirable pompoal .tion from some of the best articles in the Materia Medics, and a very effective remedy for tho class ()ramose* it is intended to cure." . ' • - • • • .. ..• . P. 'Phenix Hotel, their patronage,' alurge stock ofrtencb e rupply 61E8w:4RM! 'Plonks; bolting cloth, -Not limn, Ct., Not.l, 1849. • . • MO. •Posident of the 8. C. Senate, tastes Drat be bemused tips Cherry Pecternlyttir uonderfuisue. cess, to cure an intionetion of the lungs. • *Fremont of the Brit Physicfanf.fin . , •• ~ , • Paco, 31e.,Aprl fitl,lBl9, Dr. J . Q. Ayer, Lievell—Dear diet I manor constant. • y usingyent potty Pectoral inlay practice, and prefer it to any othermedlone for pulmon dry complehats..Frotti iobsenatlonof many/cetera cases. I•nus convinced it will curecongba, colds, and diseases of the lungs, that have put to defiance all other. teniedles. linvariably.recommend its use in cases. of consump. Den and; confider It much the' beet remedy, known-for Thaedifease. flespectfally - yours, . Pretested and sold byrJames C. Ayer, Practical 'Chem Ist;-Lowell, Mass. • . • • • ' . Sold by A. Turrlll, .161ontrore4 Luelerrteottiareat :pea ,iusdtry Druggists everystere.--Oyi e , friends and theinbile *ll orders entrustedto sin prices ofartkiespr trrnage. •ted with as,tnueh "tare sera Sr. on the spot.-- rated tonsil. aadesam• OIN svizve-mg 'inns P. Valney. Em.; rOsTillre I. R. Drake, , , ...•• . • . • . To ••all w4ourit. may TY.47l47l•lnfigarl.e7 , Stitel,A 9 VALltmerit Boad,Loudoxi. bearing Arrived In Untrue, b reedy pre pered to eat garments Hall andflpring fashions, French and Englith net (*et tin; Ainerieen. Call and tee, at Mr. dinidetweepriente residence; nest door to , Squire ease", 118413 et.,lltenzeee.. - Tellon.leoght • the recent iurpreved tat of Cuttint. f Terms Moral - • , :_Zit. - ••• . •,, - • wm.p:vciTATi: ,, , „ . . . _ , • • . IDXTRACT,I3 ofjt .ed,Lemon f and VantHa, for f4r#l4. last.Cream f aogerr, . ' tr: BEAD. ' Entered according to Act I:4'om:reset In the year up., by 3. 9. IDIUTON, Al. U., ititlio'Clorlessoinoe of the District Court for att.-Dolan - District of Peunertionla. - DA:aouplitws,' • • •-• PE ps • THE ROAD TO WEALTH, l i pT - '.l.6.li)V.Eat._ - :ioyEstt.' ,-- ' - :* Tuganbecrlbera buying entered lute ctiSperteershlti In the Stove, Tin awl sheet Iron' bushiest ate Pre pared tUatteud' to any orders In thdellue at the attar ; teat notiCe They hatter thettiselsea•thathy giving strict attention to buel peas and low pr le ee, that they wilt , have reitaoniible share ofpublic patronage. TlieirniSOrttrictit efatoreala good; tuning the latest end-most improved patterriti, amonveldcb sae the Iron-sides Ur Vulcan—a store whleti took the drat Premium et the State Falrat Pit-sense In 1850. Ds-0 'Forest Queen; E—O Forest Queen enlarged ;'Jliey Ftone Ale Tight; Phoenix' do do, Pxentlutn; Tarlor stores, box stoves—for enaler; woo, . All kinds, of Tin Mare, et ene zinc and tin tithes, kept on hew:l=44l4 . st priees that will snit. Ail kinds of produce taken In haymentandeasb not refused. t)pp oaf te the old store of ;Mills and Knapp. SAYRE & WEIISTEE. llontresei J uly4o, '5l, , '4IIFIrLICTE'D RE,AID; 'Philadelphia Medical House. EstabOsEed fifteen years 4,0,14 DR. RINKE LIN, North West Corner fl , drui • Milo; 'Streets, between Spruce. and • 'l. ; Pine` Streets, Philladelphiv. FimEN - NEARS of• extensive and uninterrupted liritctiOn spent in 9116 city, hat e rendered Dr: li.the most expert and successful yractitlent rice and near, in tho treatment of nil diseases of a privete• nature. Per ilous afflioted with ulcers en the body, thrust . or legs, pains fer',.,the head or bones; mercureal rheuinatlim atria turesigravel, diseases arising from youthful excesser or impurities of the blood, oshercby the constitution has emu e :exifeeble cl are treated wahine,- (es, lie wbe places himself under the care of Dr. If may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, andcon gutty ref y upon hie skill as a physician. R TAR PA RTICOLAR. NollC 3..-10111 Jg TOCO' who bare injured itheinselves by a certain practice indulged in•-- 1 a habit frequently learned from evil 'Companions or at school—the effects Cl which are nightly felt. even when asleep, and destroy both mind and body, should apply immediately. tVeakness and. censtittitionni debility, loss of inuscular energy, physical lassitude and genera, prostration, irritability and all nervous affections, indl-• .gestlonotluggishness of the liver, and every disease In' spy way connected with the procreatire functions, cured and fail vigor restored. Read !I Youth and .Manhood. A 'Vigorous Lifd.or Premature Death.. Kinkelin on self.preserreicion. Only 25 ccut s. Tills peat just p üblisbed la filled - with u Pent inforrna- j lion, oq the infirmities-and diseases of the genctatit e I organii., It addresses itself alike to Yorth, and ON Age, and should be read by all The valuable advice dud.- Iropreseine warning Jt gives, will prevent years of miser, and suffering, and save annually thou. sands Olives. Parents, by rending It, will learn hoW to Prevent , the deilruct ion albeit. children. ••*, remittance CI '2B cents, enclosed In a letter, ad. dresse,Dto Dr. KIND.E.I.IN,N. W. Corner of Third and Union Streets, between i'pruee end Pine; PhilaiDlphie, will ensure a book, under envelope, per return mail Persons at & distance may address Dr. 8. by letter, enclosing a fee. and be cured at home. Packages ofiledicines, Directions. 4 - c., forwarded, by sendiugia remittance, and put up iscOntO from Damage or Cariosity. Book.ttellets, News Agents. Pedlars, Cattrotvers, end all nthets supplied with the above work at -very low rates. 4,7-ly. • TO Dairymen and Farmers, Iraluable property for Sale. AYAitli of2oo acres situate I u Bridgewatei township Susquehanna County and state of Peunelvanla ISO acres of which is under good improvement The farm Is we II designed for a dairy,and is capable of feeding 40 eon's during summer and winter. and every part of :it Is welt watered. The buildings and land aro in goodlcontlition and the fences, %thieb are of stone and rafls are also gord. There aro two large barns upon the premises, besides a granary and cent orient shed fortattle. Three - orchards principally of graftedfruits and other fruit trees. • Sald farm-his a very pleasant and desirable location about Cita miles from Montrose, the County seat eines , onchanna county, arid about 0 miler (rem the Leggetis Gap Itallaeted, to which, therein a Plank Bandit' proems of completion, and is very convenient to meetings turd schools, and mechanics. - , Also another V alunble Parm adjolag the atitiver COD. taming 200 acres, of whfilfl6o acres Is under a high state of cultivation. - 'Upon it there Is ,a large frame houxe, entrant buildings to correspond end large`iirchard. „It ialtell watered and fenced and adrul- XSIOSPAapt .• • • • purposes. , • IV - talSold on rent•onabletentis, a Par tfe • • ,",t . , sin:Galli upon florid and Laser. ' •P Lea on•• • •r i : t •Silit personally or by lettrir to ITon. Jessttreor `;.f. Niren at •31.ontrose. 'n :said 'ea unty,'and any further particulars that may be requir ed vita lie giren.--115tf . . • 'Kb ties , to 'the .Public: ..; New Seaeonable,Fall and Winter Goode al the • • • Great One Price Store of r L. St. LEIII.IIIEI3i. threat lefeird. BEGS leave to take this opportunity of tenderimt his sincere thankito hißfriends and customers. fok cbs generous patronage they hare extended in. him ; and at tbe same time Inform them thSt he has just rettirped from NeW York with a:very iargeand-clioice selectieh of Farmland Staple Dry Goods. Also a fresh and, extent siveaasortment OfOreceries,Provisions; Boots andb bots, hats and Caps ' hardware, Crockery,' tt a., Drugs I and Medicines, which with be Fold for cash and pro.inee at a Ferysraall advance, at prices which defy iill'conpetition. F !earl Pork, Fish, Salt, wholesale and r leonht also remark that he ailheret strictly to the system of al ways n..pilag .the lowest priceat tirstithereby inp..the Fame advantage to all who may favor him with their pat ronage., Slore. - Thal aigest,, best and cheapest ,turstrrtment o' II eady Made Clothing in the Slilage of Great Band, Pa., Broad -Cloths,Boo Skinactlasslteeres and Cestlnesofall qualities suitablefor the Fall and 'lrinter Trade, which he offersat such priers as to satl sfy any one that thlsrs the place for them to'deal. in consequence of the gre4t increase of his businese he has been obliged to greatly enlargehlsstock, 'which he now offers to hie fermis ..nrl the public for ex. amination,couthleat that In so doing they will dna some• thingtOthelr advantage. The subscriber has made ars rangements to manufacture clothing in all its ration. branches, and Is uqw prepared to sell the same, warrant. ed to bearinspectlen. Custom work and cuAing dont at thelatest style and abort est nett ce,r—al I kinds of tail ors' trimMingsfurnlshod and for sale. .p omit forget the snot. Store nearlyCippocfte the Mansion Ilmx re . Great Bend, Septr,l6so. L. S. LENUEIM. The People's , :Friend T. Ir. ratirirs, oY Ilthaius N, Ye AiN DY3STabYart AND Ris.ttax.o kisTaact.-7-An from the shrub.calied Witch-hazel, and purely from that with the exception of ellttle Alcbhollo preserve it. It willeura all local pain and infiamations, old sons, frestrworindsandbruises, Pilre, and. all diseases of the bowels of a chronic tie t ure, tooth-ache,'ear.ache and an excellent rem..dyforremales, fee. • . • • It lEr tiply what, it proles:mato be, , thePeoplen Friend! Providence hasseattered along the iugged paths of life manythhige thateontribate greatly to the comfort and haapincie of every: hodji. i hence their great-value, and well nutY they be called ‘frientla of the People., Otte ward here tognard againstimposltlon. men.by the name offlpeneer, has mann recta:red and - offered for sale &spurious article called the. Coryl . l E,e•trect,-,,that • wonldbe . extract of the ha z el-nut f—the . genuine leas whiteanil as pure as water, while the spurious article is colored,which enables thepublieto distinguish. - Nonagennine.but thosemarked.Pond's Pain Destroyer WU. K. uxrca,Montroie and iitore=liee - pets and me. Ine-dealersgenetully,Agetits. , . rrnE.„:OPARTNERSEUP beretafeio existing snider - 1. the,natne and Arm of Sisk& Throng, In the Express r .businesa on the T.. $ W.,11.1.t., la tbig.day dlssalsed by mettnalennsent. ' „ JA:CP.SSISIC. 1, Jam:1;1851. ' '• • -11. - n..Turtc.OP P. S.-. The bnsitteas kerenfles bo,carilcd en by Throop do Co rniveitifeanestb. TAR - r)S this teethed of.inforraing hla frl elide and the public generally, that he has just received front - New acralisorment of Goods,' consisting Ile part) of Staple and Fancy Pry _Goods,. Groceries, Crock . ery,- Flardw_are,tlye Stain, ern., which. ho will dispose of, for Cathi Produce, or approved credit, on es faverabliterma and at vi low prices as at any other eatablishmeof tho ' cornett% ' , And he would bent say, td thoia who aro in the Lila of gedog out ot - town to :purchase - geode:. that he trilthe happy to have the privilege of convincing them that hneati do as well by there an thotethat - inalie more' shcWarld greeter pretenelinis; • Please' call at Ida 'Fiore In Upaonville nod misty youreepres on that Stibject: • WANTED--Poultry, Game, Ilutter c nodpicep.,-Polta, for which, pail Cash will be hall, - . - • • Llpsonville,lfiovi 5, lga.6—titr. , ;::: • Coll 3 - -! GAILY 'Lackawanna - it' West - env Maltreat]. .Passeniey Trains with Special Meseengere for Sh• fittearatinrefifterchiszeitsce an& Packages of • !every descrlptiois,Ritecie, Bank Notes, fie. ATOTTS. Drafts; an 4 )11115 collected, all orders attend., e 4 to with jiromptneaa and at re,nionable ratra• The'Agente: at tlto Lackawanna St:Weatern Railroad Company will acknaagenta for the gtbovoCaptcas nue. •• Expteseewagona bo to rowdiness upon the arrival bt caeli train at %Scranton, to forward -with dispatch, kierchanditek ecc..wpittoou,',Aquiesfame,aa.-, • Ltwoaastlicarloot 310phi:omit& anthaclunl to receive and Alward Express - lilulght' front that place to the BlantroreStatfon, and front eahl Station toliontroatt: .N. C. Martin otatioatomoock, will receive and for. ward 'Napalms Trelght Annifthat placo', to ,Tunkhanuock Otatlaniindltont that - StatlentoTankhanuock • TIIROOP ! lc , 9(V. .2ki,embet.lssl.—f:2ll' WYOMING S 1 Kingston, Luzerne county, 1410 mina institution inns ono of the meet desirable tome, %L. Cone in Northern Y 4 rauriminla. 'Mauston la a quiet, plc:tient atid salubrious" utige, metope w il d of iplikri,. burro, and accessible by daily etegm from all parte of the country:; dim school nes now been in operation tares years, doting which its patronage hat! been Mama and collate:10y Increasing. Through tfie matittleence of Wm. Swettand, air. , aldittonal S miner, building 40 by 49 feet, undies Ito oleo high, has just been completed, and by the atuality of lion. Zibe Bennett, the school la now franlehed with" a valuable and extols! ve library. entirely Wow. The Chemical, Phllorophicai end astronomical 'Apparatu of the•lnetitution is regarded, by all who hare brawl edge of:O. ee of a high order, and ample for full menu in Natural Science Th•Boant et Instruct!" for them:lsiah:lg yeiti Ls u Tot. , - Her. Reuben Nelson, A. My • ' PRINCIPAL,. Her. Young V. Stniths A. Viae r - Teacher of Ancient Langunes. Phltip 9 l". veva. A. U., • -- • - . • . - Teacher of Mathematic*. new. C. 11. Harvey,„. . mi • . , Teacher of Natural gier. Janresi 1 1V. Westlake, - - Arentant Pura. . • ; . 11112* Dinky Dietz, . Teacher of Modern Lactose' Nils* Esibci liasrlek;• • Assistant Teacher of lidodeirt Lartiptatirt , . Sllrs...Trtrin 'S. IN c lambs . . . ... Teacher of Drawing anti Painting. -.-, /Urn. S. A: Gregory, . , „ . . ... .. Teacher of !Susie. : - .- - -. , All of the above teachers are employed in.the' edits)t theehole of each day except the Teaches , of Drawing and .11r..Westitike. • The former devotte such a.patiha of each day t • her-class as may be necessary; and the:lst tenches one heir of each day. The public( win tierce's , . that by this arrangement the school is under the leper vi-lost and Instruction of a very roll ,beard of tesskstrs end the Trui tees confidently - believe that no pains:wit be spared to promote the most 'thorough Imptterement 'nilthe pupils. - • • •. • ' The necessary expenses °fiat Institution are modes, ate. Tuition exclusive of ors nruental branches, from $3 ' to $5,60 per quarter:'board $l,BO per week s washing 37,i4 per dozen, and fuel $2,50 per annum. - • The 'discipline of the Institution combines mildness with - Mune es, 'lnculcating sound; moral and religious principles, peteevering industry, Stitt order and (*nett deportment. The present term of this school Trill enutinne till the 23d of Dec. next. Students ern admitted at and but the most suitable time for entering is the beginning, or the middle of each term. Tbore *be may wish. to at• tend the school through the retunintler of the Fall awl' throughout the Winter, would do well to enter as moon as the 20th or 23d. inst. There-will be a vaeationnf.two 'week:sat the close of the presen t term. .The next term consists of thirteen weeks commencing January 7th clos ing April Orb 1852. , • , . . Coutlnguys of the " eralnary and any Information rela. tire to It can 1...1bad by addresPlng the Principia,efeloAr 'IA the undenigued. , D. A. SLIEPADD, Pres,. N. ROONDS..Ecey. - . . . . Kingston, Oct 4, I 861-42-tt. . ' -• • • Petroleum or Rook „Oil, NATURAL remedy procured from la well in Alle gheny county, four hundred eel dreg Put yip and sold by S. M. If lElt, Canal Desk!, Pictsburch, Pa. - It is put outer bottles just as it flows from the well without admixture of any kind: All ye dist ore afflicted READ ! 'READ!! Itheurna . tism yields to tho power of the Petroleums A r Meek OM LurerneCo., Union tp.,Julyflth, Mr. nier—Dear lir; allow me as a stranger to ? Con• gratulate yours the sole proprietor of au harellaable, called Petroletim or flock Oil, which is destined ere king r °lake the plate of all great medicines'. iMaby persons in this neighborhood bare tried. the Petrol, um in a number of ChISCE miring most of them and prorlogkighly beneficial in all. I havo tested it in- coughs, colds rheumatism, totter, sprains, and swelling; for a - ileum:4lM I think It lea certain cure. hi y wife has been afflicted ;with', the Rheumatism :for some years rind never could' get any. thing to relieve her, in fact she tried everything, and no- thing would,do her any good untikeho tried. yoUr Petro leuna and It has relieved her entirely, for 'my part I think it is the greatest pain killer now iu use: - Yours J. JESSOP. A with nl letter from LtiFrne co., I ecbminenning the Pc•rolcum:' Beck Munn, July 7tti,11351. ?lr. Et rat-Dear sir:—l take great pleasnre_ in pert'. ing to the virtues of your great natural niedicinceafied the Petroleum or Rock 00. xbien Sc certainly a great medicine. I bought one dozen pf your agent shen he va, , dlong here last fall. I tested dt In a numberof mem, and fdrind it to preen good. T aloe tested it In a case of tetter and found it'very beneficial. • I You'd like very mod, to have another box of it, for ..f duet. 11l eto be tithoutit. Respgctf:ally:younr • - J. CAMPBELL. A•voice from Susquehanna co., certifying to the vibes ay of the Petrolerun: " dune m.h. lam S' Et sa—Bear sir:--41:ow roc to ectlifyto the etrtuas of.Y our natural utedicineealled P etreleum or Rork fail.•l bad been atilleted with the Rheumatism forsotar think,' Twain Wilkesbarie Las; summer rad got a bet tie from 'your Agent when be was along there,has cured me perfectiy. I have !linen seen is t. tied •In differ ent cases of rheumatism, and fond it giverelferiti ant. •• ' • Very respectfullyyou ••- • •:.'i • ;. • ' ! -IitSIESII.A3I/1403• • • • leigii.--;aciveifr—Allem she tei•milfite the VirtAlo. of your great natural medicine entice . PetroWrias .0 , hock Oilorhieb I believ,e is goad medicine :' I have been alit rted with Neuralgia, pain in the nerves Ter the Met ten - years, and never conid get anything to relieve, me: in fact I tried almost everything end nothing would do me any good until I tried your Petroleum; which fibs relieved me cry much; 1 bare also tested it •In lapao, scalds, and bruises, it has cigar , given rebut ba shorttium 'I think it is the gr ;sitest pain killertMw fa use. Very respect:ally yours,. • • • T 11175. ELLIS.' Cell.ftud get, a circular from the agent; which gives a fall description ofit. •For rale by BENTLEY & EEAD. Sold wholesale by MB 0.19, LE, Co,Na.2olaragitst tree t, Philadelphia. • - • • 2fily ......"--,...- .. „...._. N . ...... ' -.. , FIRST IN IittRICET."T: . - , E W G.O 0 D. , ..5. . H..,..T.:VVE138 II AS just returned fiom NEW YORK', with • duo sto'cic of Fall ;goat:, which be otters for tato. to those who WILL PAT for them,.ttt u low rates as ettl.bdTeSSGl24.• VI. timed.. Not forget-hut due thou& to eutb aids friends, es baeihotetotoreht light goods othistOto; Odd for them, he incites them to "c 133 . 1 EAGAL5.',!%... , Itrontrose;Sek; I.otti, 18;t1. , ' ' NE W 'AR R EVA BanTortrharrenhtaosiust rece..ved . sieisard StiS:rfor ••. rail and - 11“ater Gevocts - ncludinr, an elegaut variety otLad les Ri bbo ns ,, uds.:{rn cr Long Shauls, , tins! style' Bonnet muter Caps,Staple Goods &c., of the most desirable Itykli Willeh, bating been purchased at She late pOtell ' . will be sold unusually low. - New Miran!, Sept.2o, 1851. 1 . • ' •• • • • New ordStove Depot. • - " %51. LT. hats now t n store a - now int i time las. LI• s ° l llnel:it of Cooking ,yarior, and Slbnp 43torasi for ivoottand eoni.inelutling the new and tnosa_Lonttnireal kinds of Air Tight, Large Oven, eoinwon:andiretatad oveii , &e.,withStove pin e,Sheet• Iron; arid - Zine,, - Stions Tubes,te 0., ;031c/the nilltreit.very low.for ointkor:.)!lt. provedaedit.: - - Septetnber;lasi. • . - 3 - Tim Last . - Wondeki_.;:. 10 'I% BARNI:131, tbegrvat htunbugger.ir about Intro . duelng into thls'eo the'eelebrated Vire Ant& hilattor,•a"maeldne not larger than ti codes mill ' worked by a thumb-screw,. - Schist% will putout this largest eruln. stantly. thle has net fog, to.'do With the faet_tbit Jon N 3rtorES, Taller hal , just tec'dliss • - • • RAWL Sr; WINTER 11PASIIIONS,, and to tiosipiropared to wait or. Ida Woad, isltti bla usual olnerity.skill and tom' humor. ; • Loft:Call in Ii you want capl Was, it the shop aver Lathrop 'store. N. a. c wane dope as amt. thentrose'oet. 80851, . -adel Turrelli . Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Cbemicsils,palnteitils, Camplkine, Fluid, Lamps, Dye atuffs,G rocerica,Dry goods Ifcgrdware,stonetrare, ato slily:aft, Clockt, t ohm Jew. elry, spoono; Epoctaeles,• Musical Instruments; ;Trusses, Mrdical InsttumenDS, " liquors, perfumery; 331 4 1 441. Sta. tfotuery,lir!b.heik,shuev, .XankFc, Sitiono;iiq• - Blontrotiv;Pa. - ' '34 ly Seed. AFr qtrautity ofElix Oced,waio.k.d r* Cho nitei for Geo corlemq• Cagt by DQLLARD. L_Oct. 23. • • 5p00n5.;..:.:.,. ALARGE stook.or extra linelttbatt table and tea spoons, Drlawns:wars,. wiie,stengtbened table and -tun spoons, buff tablliand ten spoons. Alroi Wier. 'lOl - vespleted, Germ an Silver spoons, tic 4 0154 Jut retsina end setting low for the quality, at' , - TVERELLAI. liont.toeiJnly 3,1P,1. _ . - COall Coil T.AOIiALVANNTA' COAL; ioar and Bala ',Wotan 1,4 or retail at .New Milford 001)04 by.' t 1; Deeembor,l4s.l. . , • • • .• . -. ' •-- • • Gold Chaing • OCRET,I4.Iinh44I,BI F e4, 174 U and Ptiaell Cases 11 afa Ilassortment at • - L:'crAIIPIELTA, .11ble j Trea, 567 Pie6es 14 1 ,1 Deaartotirattaa arta nustaraSaaana,Batiataßuliarq,7! eli.Farks a. Eogravadvillt, At CAlirlipLD QILYER Spooaa, Forks and Kntyea atedtheheal Elue aa - maanfacturedin Amariea, at t , tan An vrETtood-IlemlOci Lani , er,l tO ag4 dylJvcial 44 ,64 101 1, linttrose -• • !TR'S orPost & hasb9 ea altsolrea by Mul'. opient, WU. Id; POST ' • Orrate, July 25,1851. ' -• '' ,-',•R rR:=PISTB:, /Pantaat ot the 6 deksi 20i Winkel' gone but more et 11 *ante iorthron the way tr 9 Tr ate 4 . gooa attcrnlq. Wald. 1110T11410,1501 , 10011 new JI: eut.cr ; tor Pal e : etoar t —ausunt vo aourranovzs
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers