The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 30, 1851, Image 4

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    ,r'itc!.P.,llo,_q 6 tPloczza - 4 -
TERIMpAri 00UMErt, 30; 1.14.
36• GE latfilkaM
ittaiiii6o of in s Ziiitorpor Apecoi.'
- - ections,of the',”Crabtown , Mar-,
The edrfF,b4e pm! ...rei‘xyped fro's . ' i tour.
petini *..ab,eviiee .4 ,:dr,unken 4Muliobitor
40..been,einyteyed,u..ludf 4 day : , .: .. • ~.
Seene,-- Sanctum ; Editor is - disoiered
ward ori iviv'tripoti in.ditii7, , it- - a political
-crusher." , '-
E,litoi (410..);--Tih'cvii . ..Teretniab Jones?.,
Ntigdyt MilieriPilioo4? 'NO liliere-T'Clotid
lei what I , ;Nothing I 4; -mere rtmg !-:tiii
.ar wiil4 r Tiliiiee 'eul,fr . ilieneit '.'ef ' heaven
li' '.1:111111'6" tleidlW, Y„ef..some - eakt-I.S.eata'.
I*.iitte SI itiorioutheno* , ;, rather too , mild,
rettrepe hutc , l Can hetgbten Om effect with
an exclamai inn. -%V iiiit's the iow,?
'Cr" .4kesi is, ituiiiiilPPOY 9Pet* a,lAran
fry: tis in: bearuni .to one hand a •copy
attitel Crai t lown, Varies, -and' in the'other
s 'hugs taptils, 4okhrella;s to' -battering
Straiget (teree 1
lonaly.)--You're the
fniitor oh ? .1, - -
Editor. (blandly.)—Sotnetimea, Sit
Tate "tt iest. ' ! •
Your oiOrtures. , air
yintron v o";Aen—Ta respectable, sir, Don't
theApullrollu m l en!tceingly,
win thin' MeTtiskiigli; ai4ihen
*iar acting bunself out an extra iach,jdepend
aunfide..tly; upon liflogging I. am just
married, sir:.—not a fostnight since—and on
+ha happy any (here2the umbrella quivered
oruphathet4lls,) I !Oman - led you a notice
iamei Though I have hitherto been
*.hovelootry-, thank " noafen, I added in a
=lama of weakness an humble verse of my
compoSition, fitting. I thought to
; the
, s.;4tssion. Hl'ere s the-co/rect• version; sir,
(epeats frOm memory.)
Feb. '2Btiv ; .
..,.. . ~ .
Clnkey, Ei.q... to,blipil E.ut:iiia lyiggins.
1 -i • ,
I.,.ve ; it_tbe...prikin,of t .9, luertriAriv7
eiii:•glottilifelle4,iii . 44 - ;1.i.;:;. i , :
Thrt t . with its tAtiget imparts : ,‘..'r k •
IT i bitter fusiiin:ip' its.eestacy, ~.. i ,
Nit mneb, still t liaitry,:
l'f•st week I got yeur.paper.- carried to My
uohltOi4 ; ' WI opened it and • turned tour
the Muriage lis. than
drr ! wiiat d we see? An- abusive. atrii
ei ni., d able—but mo air ; 1 rim
All 3. Chi op t lie ip everrriN lam Mal,
sir. Hare's your infernal sheet. Heir
w'mt it say'.. sir and tremble . —(Opens the
pc,lsr and readsl- i
Statinten.:=—At Goshen, Vgb. 4 2:V1. A.
D l skey, _ll4, .to._MISS:Eu Olinda Piggin;
is, in `Onion 4r two head; •
That beet is snit and mellowy ,
'. Time mith.its.eabbages in. carts,
Nei baiter feedin , to an-extra day.
What no yon thirgr of that, sir ?(nm
liras raised.) DOtiief: eli 7 . -Pigging, is it,?
poetry Leh?_4l ,unnerved,iee—:
driven me mad. I can't take take a walk but
that the smell boys, mere infants, sir, ring !
itg the hideous eltUrns in.. my ears. ' Some
se"trulrel has alteied the name oh my sign
14 suit your ourseidl orthography.. "Don't
wont listen to any thing. • 'My
hens° just painted, ii,setawled over by her
yid portraits and emblems; and all owing
1.. yen. Yinere.eatiervisir L doni-move on
y , ‘or tiro. . ',Y,;u, the destroyer of • my hap
piles*, my life my Papttemia—,
thatfond name, the last string of
xr snapped.; He advanced a step
--Erattt sit attitatiet and then the editor,'
vir Is'lmoet I _ said. -vin; just as the
farpiTy . umbrella' Wiiiinidway in the
. blow,
she olienOd, nea l some - visitnr entered.
The injured,' Man Ilieiitated. Here were
wiinesses..LlVrilionsof au action for assault
arid - _damages end:Costs,
rove in diiilmind, and, therumbrella dr9piied
harm!ess ao t3s3 ' , bor.'- The laiiyertriuro
idied, over Ithe inne r He" - ; turned his
nut of ilie room,mut
he,Went-,"4Failed this
sl feet4libellawi l catch it: '
41,af idithi;ieeitiiorned to such scene 3;
torin - eolteetic bjk • returned
with ;.*l . os l Y.o. l V;teittl" tivaiitkiittettot'OY
the littleirictidan't,,ti; the dissection of Hon.
Jerensiph .Jdnes,. wtose disjecti - ineiAra
ware. b - eforie,anotherlsnarise to be scattered
over three colstin, half !Ain.:
; -H)* to Bea,u6fid,
Velins;.the embodiment of female ',panty;
all Cleatly'ietireSented 'as s liaving .a.risen
fronal he sea.- Tide is another wayof
iCleanliness is necessary to beinty.
A hamt lert unwashed fora few diysk tie=
r. utetr . ugly and .repulsive • •can'i
rconetive,or a face unwashed for.a
we least iinagine : very far' from beautiful:l
A freshtivr.ished-faialooks inure handsome
I^3ao atmany other time. But is in vain to]
wa4t, stleare inches of sltioWe have),
in sieht, if ,the vaatlsr . larger area we cover:
with vorilres' si;l left. frvm slay to day, anal
week to, week,.uneleaned from its constapt-:
iv 43C- . umOst gw , n?p uritic a. The health(
a td co n sequently tke clearness and.
of the skin; require , that every:squilt!e,
itoth.nay eyery pore, should be in the best
Cooditi , in -that*nnOt be ;if,: a single;
I ,,,,re;is left , mitiloggd witli:the impure mat,
ter ii)tielt is ifFtntii 4 ally passiug' from :the
system. pot thi l action of water, .seents to
mire ha piiitan(even tliari ifs first eilsrer
etripisiOg it film) irepuriti,ca.`
baths the lively rose bush,' washes it from I
1 ;le thifit:' hut it also :refreshes sod eelieens
every teat:and' petal. So a cold bath
tly elean t eei the shin from its
/int gives it tone; Ctrength and smootfumas.
like a tose just washed by a shower, -
13atjtirie, in alt,iciountries where Aieauty
has }wen ps teemed, and health is the fano
4r, beauty, Opt- been Poniidered he' '
first necessity of Oa. I chave.knowo Ihdies;•
„isd.d:Liiisea4 m
d, Miserable, idl foOkimos
d I v. qa Aey. felv p lepdtTit.fro l l;: l , ll !a_rcigY,
I.r itfiPilt few Month's. of
and ivatreitiokoithe ins with aeon-
• a netiiin l dtuil - . .4!lt , Orgitsion. This is such a
rema..kiihVOS,et Otille,woter,otwot.: which
reseihotimeries of bathings, that, iadies
want(' refiiiif to of ,ke iMpriistenteut of
t I.mte if.pte l viiiterj
wet:. iiispgategsa3V
rneusurb;EVEßT', TitortioAkt montima.,sT
114 . E. B 'Chase,'
ASCU rainairtoski !
DoLtas *tip ,ittre: erFriver
stirmin", , tuift in advauee; et tivo di Mari i£ Uot paid
until the end Of the year;iar time oteubOrjraliou...,
No papeeiill be disaoatiaard arrearagea
are paid, except:at the option, of, the Pubtiatairc
.. ebinieualf.*ticaila. must be". Yln rill
ceiie atientiou,„ '
Mileuer* 'connected: with the offiee,,shotildle
directeritto S. B. +.t. goritr*se; Suit
Er Editors! ciffice.overll..dsTyler's Stere.i,!
(Me aqtrarri or 10115) 3 base rticitq 4.100
Etich'sullegequent ' 25
Due isqueive; 3 iticnititi, 2.5(1
tt • . 6 - mouths;;•-•• •r ' • • • :414)
FlUsineitt ar4l , , 4 Am.! or le#!,'= • •••
Yeaily Advep.l4inentis,:ricit
odt, column, nu. year., 30-0 o
th•iy: lire itig4e - (1.`• . •
rr . tt Ittiti'WentiWittieWt,
aSob INTateriithi;'aie kel,tlte.
all-kinds of .Ji)B WORN with meatieu said dos.
*** BLANKS or,,e.vtry_tio7pr,iptiott coustaot.y
co hand, or cir4r; - •
• • gale Vlear:VA-Z2T111Z,..- . •
• .
PhyfiCial) SurgrOpritit: tirule [ iii;, Attila.
Ilydicinct+~ Paiute Oils, O!.tirr
Church and Pius streets, opposite Col. F. Lusk's,
..._. _____ ___
-----.'-,* IA: 1 07 ,1 1 4.1 - FDIVReArkx ,-, 1 t L:; , 71"
1 7
fliinil it) . at' o.llr. iliallo On 'Curnpil4.otteA
one door at of the old' hegistcr Ptintinit Whet, - nip*
• -, • . - • 111. t. ,. Titer-strut...lL, ...
VlEViat Ottkeit; a tig. , •
ItAtlNCibern'appointia by t;nv•Flah.of Nrw york:na
Lt a Cniarritrahmer lor that t att. to takt , thoPra , tawl
aclmowledgemett of ,ltrrds an,l ottirr hist cutnetir; will
attend tdouriucps calls in that capacity athit , olliCaut
Great "Bend:Pa. 9tpt.'10,1850 •
- '
ATT 0, N SI.. Al. I+A.W
Tunkhannack, l'a. (Vice ihStinVs Bricl:Parr
M. . . •
D FSIDENCE in the .hnuse. futtuerly thcrridcnceof
IL Samuel 6 Ole, ,
flarfold, D0cem1n.T.2.5,e1550'
1 1 / 4 1` v i s
as* fie 4;4 . dr.
(OP.e over Tyler' StoYe.).
• Ci;kc_
iII'AVISIL IN 3141171 , 112 NiMci:3II:NTS, TeDID ,5T‘127115,'
HEW.; It:e. Between the Cunta Ilridge- and Court.
court:tow.. Court ot; ithishaoatc - n; ti -y.. =NI. 11.
Whitney Tritstiittk Agent. • atn
,GR - Ot.T.tilr.S,l:OOTS - ASD 5.110E8;
JeWblrr, Nations dcc
Great Bend, June 2.0th.1M1
01. 7 4.1::./Ml4 F:67,lt7wait .
Seitrie7rilluddin4 lieu door to tile Pom. Office,
Montrose,yn.'u l of -
1851 - LUSIt i10116E 1 . - - -. 1851
- .
- .Greu.t Bendi! Penn' • •
Bddi an rya t, rlopnetor...
STA6EZ. , 10IITV thin 11_ t. ity Tor.loe,re:nt . points,
on the arrival different Trains, oril;rit. Aiso, ,Lir
<Ty Teams ritrnsttel . bS.. Tzu e*iiell; at Wort unlace
and terns which c on it fail to nut.
..?..1:"11,...te0ver ,, d carriage milt coursy guests to - and
from the ears.—li, •
Dealer in Drugs, lledieines, Übtudea is,' paints, Oils,
Campldne, Fluid, Latcpsi.Dye stras,Grocetlrs.Dry goods
Hurawsrp„ateueware, Olnes,w.u-r; Cucks, Watch ei.
eiry;spoozie,, d ipectselee: . : l lniCust lustrumerits, - TIMRSCA,,
Me loaf SITITUUMItS,, Alimora,
tioaery, brits.bes; 'shoes, Vail/tic NOTIMIS, 4.c. .
Mouttoitc, l's. 34 /y ,
The People's 'friend
T T. PC. of /abaci:l.4 \.l. • '
from the shrub called Witch-hazel; and purely from ,
dart withthe exception of It little Aleut Otto " :
E S .
Itwilibnre all Meal pain and .indatuatlmce, old serer, C r aMAireduetion in the ratan of Lever. Lepine and
fresh woundsand bruises,- rdes,and all Afeeaser orthq . other Watches at ..; BING LUTON & CD ,
borte6 a chronic u Imre. tooth-ache, ear-ache aIII an, , Montrose, Oct 1,1851. • -
excellent 'rem forferna . jeg,,ke: . - .• • I
It is trulywhat it profeas eft° he . thePeorZe' e
rrovidenco hasscattercd along , the rugged Oaths
many things the tllirtit rib cdrkrea t the comfort end
himphiess of every I;edy : hence their rnierit rahrei 3 Ond
area may they bee:tiled etthaPeople,'
On e word be rettrz axed against ith poslt ion' - A man by
the name of.iparrocr, has manufactured and--offered tee
Cale a spurious article called did Caryl! Estrart...kbat
wonid be extract of the hazel•td:d:—the genuine:Usn
whitenad at- pure ae,watra.., while theipnrions ar ti eie is
i•colored,which enablrittlierrublicto distirruisb. !?t • .
Nonerenuine.b at Orme roarked trond'EPaboldestriver:
WM. K. IiATCLI, Slontrose. and itore-keepere an dmel
inc.dcalers generally-B,cent
T'IIERELII eertife that In the Sprint afigU). a rola:and
...z. emth rag:MAl:on we, which reguivai in r.hefouffe of I
Abe Samos? ataPilan in 'l"ttintotiary COnSurnotbsti, My 1
Physicians, mei of etulnenteand rUill.gas ,, The up man- I,
ratable. I t lien gent and tot.t.tht of Alai- Turrell. Drug.
Sint. he.. Montro4,•Pii:, a bottle - oe .. Ik:wit's pAritylur.,l
extract: , for 'which I paid ednidoilar7-4nd by' the ni , e a
ttis one bottle. I was restored to perfect bealtb.:: I now
enjoy good health. •.-, . • • , , , ' - - MAR T A. kmrni. , -
.. r ra ntnt,,,Etrr t ,ea. 8n...Pa.„ .1 olv 1: 0t1y,”51 .' :' ' ' ' ' '
• N,,8. The Shoe° 'ptrtifying , a tonet" and also , 'Brenti
, 1 Pah:lV:mars Balwon'',!ty,tll dnrivalled ln'tbe ru'r. of Put._
I monary diseases) foetal'. by' -' ' ABEL Tt.mitEtz ,
t lfontrose, Sept. 4, 1841. ' - , , ••'I•- I • . ,
,FUltlir - r4irtl;
iIALSH paid for 'Fox, Mink, Molzkrat, Mitrtin it nd
U Coon okinP. by -•-- • M.-C. T'itEli.'
' - Montrose - , Dec. 19,:1851).' '': ' I
SALT by-obbLiPi NO ' • I
u D. R. L. &CO
TOPOrgOplaSampTisforrilety. - '
BRA S kettfrot,. firritv
mackerel;:cAdfisli. andbats. fo - r r antr'r try
A GOO stock of Jiuots and shire at • •
•;• T •
r! - JAI,•X: a, d I,;laft , "ed Oil, i'aialtt, a, good Lar 7 .
sortmeat:at stud Co. •-
"VifitilED—Fil,ty totat good zoal4roicpangi
for plowp cartifigit. •,'" ' '
tnore . Meer Orange ce. tin pane and all
eilit.r-kituief in at :,-;,.;l7lrxmrs.
pet.clkart,lert rani le.t,rOinter,
i I • I - .
C' i rtODFISIr tlitilerciiti.
ijetiAirt2B. - 11•4'.. WEBB
Ltipetioiii to °tit nicotl `4 -ty.
0 4 yakr, ate ,reqiiested to eitt settle the.
:sante es it hest eatime, itee'etts?aty,tt! have '
all such;
:-. The Bookf aud,Noter. may* foliftVi wit4.lhe
‘iiithiteribef, itcal of Hay4crio4
". No Igilfe'rdMereh
ezahange far Clatlifpr,:9oer
40:000:LBW°43L-ww!tr4°4 ace,aa/•lt.'
Goods, with acme 'rniiedju
, Montrone;✓Pitii - 29,
AjficSiTg4) 20.00Q.ba5bef,41024 4 10itta bush I
I 11 ,t . 1. 01 , 1 ye, , 4 1 14:e0itk : , - o'r„w r iiieti
- pries' paid 141:Ciiell ; or triide by
' I
pus 11374 11 11 P. raPy MNIISItAti Ott : 15 . 4 47Reit* 4n.;
F . Windaw garb,olitrrtati ratty.. trtrib wary ;
!test, sartileap on band.
Nalice of Removal
•To •the inhobitants; of Susquehanna Co
. . .. pu pil , . , ,
' "7. A. 2 Siogistan Oita) o f Litherland‘Crstenteeot '
the hick info ,oscapintoulYedd detected' icrer 'reap; -
meutmakehltittiabett, Emd.ell of hes 4 .S.t'Llsirpoo', re
centlY'Avish xoests, /4 1 4 4 1 ~ i t,ltiad pf.,thls Risco, aud
'wall this atinOutcetnitnromopllos'a pert of Mr. Abel
'Turret`, Stet e:' 'Gruteful far the old o uhtled catfideriee .
reposed., Movi'bereby r giTk rolico that.: i:coliseriltellte
of Uwe firgesaid. Able Turtell'Acosiduct dm s 108 ../sts .old
'stand:um berm c, adiertited)abil at the gulthellijne /MM . (II
ble *cry MUM eillils Custourers'th at he'hes iv . connectloti
with. u elth et *ill he be tint4v crablo'for sox Watch,' jeNro,
mil iu ether 'PraPerid , ` delivered' tit Mr.... Abel T omens
'Store fon rqsint or othersire. ,„... . ' c
' ' Metitcase, MS hi it.. Opposite" Deniorret" offee. '' ,
is lio.iie nt, Lever W —oles
1-e. - - rill( E Subscriber has this day
-' , ..24 .' •:: • ; '' --.- 1. - reerlied fates the Slatistrfac:'
~,,- ' r'.' ••'- ' 9 tory.orlother lot of his superior
. -- ~ Apt, }), 0 1.1 1, - . L . , 7,1 ,- , j:int. ,e , a r il l e,- , , ,,,
-- ( : -; it: 4 , Zi n i,hl l ea ' Ses;fuli . Jeifeleii,;fid pinta
' ‘'ktl
3! 70' . 1 . - , Thtise 'persons' wishing 6 good
, ~ „, ,_l`. , time-keeper at liiiver pricss than
3s - ...• 6 '7,..;;;.' pl.''',?"7 they eau obtain them elsCitlierd,
- '--
' ^"' 'ere Incited to' canoed eitiuniati
them, es. the {subscriber , tad mith confidence marrihr
them tpiperior toupt Watches ever offered lorsalein tub
equotT .. , I, ~ ~,. • , , ALFRED J. EVANS.,
Ithirmlimtoa; And.'l2; • 6l: - ' -' Washington et.
Sil•VElt erara-A full ssititi tit Mat OrSileet Vorktc=poons
.. Ors'Smells liugar and Mdt shorels.- Dotter knives; 4 . c.
tor vile by _ 1 - -., „, , " , , . ~ A. J. ETANS...
- Adg:l4,: 1 851. ' ' "•-._ , . - , ',II'l. trio t
Spoons. . . .
ALARGE eAnck astre, One.itilsitintieble end test
'manna, .11rittssnii;wire.' ceira- - etetigthessetl table and
tea spoons, Isttir labia end ti.o:eptalres riliVere' 0 1.
roe pta tett, Uremori - eityeeeppone,.ete., etc., juet Te el feed
and AallingiaMtbr the qtialltY o sit ' • TunittLvs:
s. Mentroae:doly . 3, • ' .• ' '• •‘ ;
" I - Ai 'lt' it:Cr
. 1 have been enceurage . dliy the Piry liberal Patronage
i-reeelved, to fill up my shop with the largest and best
attottruentof.)foods ever - yet ,brought to this market—
In it maybe and overything, bet °aging to a Jew elry and I
fauepitore, - Wittches, orevory description:
Burnlng-Fluid.parlor.M.l. +mamba Lampe,whleli at. thin
time thfibsst thlng4ti km fa r good atd ehenpqight.
You cantina timinsonly'rtt, 1 ,
+idratime; N'oveinher2o:lßsotr, • '
TRI sithseriberhss this day received an assortment of
acrylic-h. goods, of last month's: imp.rr ._ from
Tanis. consisting of lino gold entunelled hunting ;Ayres*
and Leplntas. Perot and Garnet Breastpins. and Sor Rings
to match. Silk and Bead ttork 'hags. heauliful Fans for
Parties Iliamon.l. jtoby, a ndi rearl Finger Rings, Brace.
let+. Gold Sleeve Butionsomms'beautiful Cuff PIMP, *II.
re -Napkin Rings - , to which he would invite 'the at,
tent on of hinfriebds. . ' A. J. EVANS.
'Binghamton. Sent. 3, -
Watclies! Watches
'lTtqlver, Lever tleli 'LePines full Jeweled and
'IT plain:a large assortment at the very -lowest piece
and warranted . ' ' '
Binghamton. Oet:14.11450: , 1 1.. CANFIELD..
.WatchOl:: ,Jowelry •fte '
7 , 11 E iilisciiber hair . eceive ' 'eat addition to hi•
1 stock of TetVelry;conidatineof Geld,Fob and
Guord,Ch:niati:.Lbultelflajpil;r.Rilf6, Erk:RingF,
Bienst Pins. .ilyer..Chnins, c;old Thimbles, Gotd
Pencils and•Pcns, &c. to which he would in:
vile the attention of his.friends. A'.l. EVAN '•
'Woshinizton Ft
ggr7 D; n lak
~ ...Sliver Ware . 'plated; end German
+./V J.,U 3 9)7 Silver eon -Isting of-Table, Tea,
Desert. Cream and 'Must ardSpooni, Stilt andSmiar
Forks &e.,r.ngtaTed gratis; at.h.
ILVER Sige+Pf-Fo.flielind tnlVe,wartnpred the best
manufact gedivi America at TtillErß
THE wit ni the 6 tIoz:YOR -Clorka onor.but. more.
, thr .nmr sort t. on Or way to Tru e'r .Trw etrylhrp. •
el LOGICS, a yarioo.4 ,rtterus,. received, *hi
day, and-,for sale chi.ap 6v.
, BF,Nrion 81:1?1:7 .4 D.
FNGEIII iew.und splendid /floc
• sortment just received ind fur sal. chean,bi
• _ _ • • W.:1:!, TROWBRIDGE.
The _Richest—
ciEL Rings
ECTiOSLAiirCnFtpini,EnriiD F a nd Finger
i'evet'atTerettlit'llinhitAcrii, by - A:3;y:vAy3,
V,Wind ptiirrjcity!!7: in qua 11111
o , l4i:tier's by'
.Gold LoCketih
eINGLEand Double of every rize,lTy•
1 , !tinzhxliton. ' -I.C.J.;T;VAINTF;II'..I,In,f
Some• Very Fine
('IOI4I.WAITIIES perfect thee keeperi. Alsp. ellrc:
Watchee, all quantitter, py A. .1 . EV AN .
ptt ppiiiifitwElßY, a nit 11fizIcicei
Li.. at cost for cash, tit . TURRELVs. ,
• ian.l 1851
- •Zolit_Chams, - . 4-
T 0 CEETS, S peckF;q'cri and ten ell Ca PPP a
1.4 -ft fail ai3ortmett L. CANFIELD'S:
7 i . c . i.VEN'ltevolvere, doable and single shonters,Ther.
Inornetcre, Carpet Bags. t.mbrellar, and a greut va
riety of uotianejust received by BENTLEY A RENO.
"'tuft , PINS, breast rirdi, Ef9' riugei and finger rings
4.../ reed". 4. I: EVANS. '
• Aug.l3.
, .
A NEW let cf b teas t pins t.nce:is9.thi; j Ani by
yvAN ' s
tiingliatptnn, Jun 09,1851. ;G tf
salt . Spoons anitageneralaisortment of Jewelry
TUTS, and all sorts of Notidns at
e" . at
j E.`i Y 13 , Itar!!o opt:,.!1?{ L lat e! .. !
Pettoletiiii*J Rd* Oily
A 'NATURAL retitedj . pioedied from - a well in 'Alle
.ll.theny co inty, Purr hundred 'ter, deep, Put up - 1033
sold by 6, 81 81:; Curialll4M, 1 , 1461,1:10, - Pa." 'h is
put upip, it none from Abe well witpOilt
admixture of arty kind. Jill ye slot are alpated .- ' '
• IThermiatianiyieldi icithepOirer .ilre Petroleum.
oleo om Lu z Union tp., J uly gth, 1851.
Alr..Wer—Derr sir, allow me as .a stranger, to eon ,
gratulnteyciMas_the solo proprietor of an. insainable.
Irailed Petroleniu otrock 011, which is destined ere .long
to tsliethe.plicenf all great medicines. Many persontin
this neighboiliond hose tried the Petroleum in a number
of cures curing most of theta and ptoring highly beneficial
lin all —I-have testedAtin coughs. 'colds rheumatism,'
tetter. sprains, and swelling-, for. rheumatism l third: it
is certain cart."" Aly,•;wife has lieen ntilicted ,with the
Rheumatism dig conic yesieSsilimer,:ettild4et any
-thing torelleip her,, 'Ft factshe tried every thing, and 114
. goodtintilehe tried gofer, Petro
leum updit rellt;:red her entireTy, for, my part I thin
'lt is the greatest pain killet now in use. Yours' foe. .
.1. Jr.SrKloP.]
. .
.AbotlierietterfrOni Linerne co., recommehhlng the
'petroleum:.; ' . ,Bnamt ILtimw; July, ,
Mr. Etsn—DeAr - siir--i take great ples* Are in cern- .
Icing to tl{e'vtttues 'oryoUr great batural sactlidnecalled
the Petialeurd whleCf certainly a great
mistletoe. , I bought on'e dozen , id }}our agent alien' he
wasalting lien! last fall. I teste Pinanumberofeases,
nnmber of eases,
arid found It tn:prove, good. I also tested !tin lease of
tetter mid !build it very beneficial.' I .wouid like very
much Co barganother bog. of lt,lor I don't like lobe
wahontit:! Respectfully yours, .
- " .1. cANriltiz.
A Yoke front Snsinehaunacii.inertifiing,LW thregica
ey of the Petroleum. - -11rwriagr, Junettft. 1851.
blest!, M-. litew,Drar mg:to certlfytotbe
virttiggrifyour natural wedltinecalled Petroleuth tultoclu
Oil. I 1.44 been Afflicted with she Inummistirmfor some
time. I was Su Wilkesbarre last summer/Lod got a bot
tle from your Agmt when be seas 'Along !Lime, it • Lea.
puns" me perfeetty hatesluce seen is tested in differ
eat cases of rbeistaistisso, and found It glverelieflu all.
, • • very restiettfullyyours, ,
Toszniegnot,Julyl2tb Mil. •
0-• M . E ign — DJOr. so—Allow Inc to orally to the
wlrtuts, of your great, tt at total medicine called Petroleum
'o 11 °et Oil. which I believe Is a goal Inedicine. Ibave
Lem Afflicted itith Neuralgia; pain ktb nerves for lbe
last ten iests;and siever could iteCgoyilling,to_relieve
roe f - ir, fact I pied almost esprit-Mpg and nothing would
do Ate any good until I tti , ..d your Petroleum, which !has
- .hare also tested It In' burns,
bridsbalt given relief In every,
*bantling I thirdiftis th e .gt stein pain t o
use: . „ ITsrsteSpectru)ly ystwa,- ' ' '
Call and art!a elrandar (nab thaii.. , .ant, wldah r efea
fan dcarript4,n of St. :702'. sale by BENTLEY 4 READ.
.9 old ifbalef ale b7T'llaAass,l.l4kn;&
,Ea. r ?io. 201 market
etteet, 1.4 29 ly
gnf FOR PEIT—Mi. irlll toilet figu OA&
• .1 . (5 tlt NJ 'AUZ tit cunt aey rase °Mises ea , that reareonte
tindittle I
nate;no matter haw ions Standing or satiating.
Err-Ica - as; are . Invited to Xs Private no..xa? . . 3p, North
PC.,'P.llll4:i thent' 'Par. I n tette otten; b'y
othew pitleats4 6traor,ei s sad otbertaho havebeen '
fortunate In the seleetlonot 4ibytirisniaml asked. :to;
are alsobrrited. , - „_
R;s ti A 1111:13.1[PLCT —The aillteted would dowell to
iiell , Ot.befoto trusting.their health. bappinessotod, In
inanyeaties theirlivei, In thehandsor.pbystelatoh, bum.
rant.ofthiarlassornaalades• cestaßll.9.lmPussible
r e r otie in au to,ontlerstand all thrills the human .Punily
1 aresubleet Everi.respeesahlerphisiciap • hag 'dim,
oullirbronelart, which. be Is, more suecessful then W.
brotber,protesiunsp;sad "to that he "sletotes moet,ef his
Unman& sttiO. •-
Ya~neowttaarrOsi,exeluslvelideroteil tatha iEndy
sodliat*Atqrf disespiof the, iirsßaJorgtopri together
with 'ulcers uplp body, tb rO2 t, nose, c. , legs. pf4As
' .ihe heig ,honehnirreuriet ebetualit/sin. stneturt!s,
ttrielpg from TuuShrtil.wX. ,
ants frjcpp,o4tilliriftlioshlood, ahercbJ Cut eatuitltit,
„J.lntinhaabeerano-eaCWebledienables • , t.tte Doctor to o) er
waltrir emu? 'Wall !rho .1u 1 014, 1 1‘ *.b,19744"413414"
S TOM'. BAUD NV:4W &c.
George G Pride
IS now receiving ftout Troy, Utlett,arul: Albany, a jergis
n nsontrntnt.ot . ' • 1.1 • •
Con k. rlorp.riiitt ,'Stsity
for Wood or i4:4l4.emttating all thesietsfst End best pat=
terns wblettirlU be sold on dm robeflavorable-terine'.-
..,Tbellarnter'n Store", ' prob lily, all thing* eunaltt..
ered, tbe Itirge oven stove: :Watts made in America
tend wllltio sotOrt'tbe •
. .
Pcoiale'm Extbange ,
ea towns they can bibatight this edd.e or North llitcr.•
Wo.ato noyu.roeviving a fluty assortment - Of elovsfalif
ovens. In short. the most rukthltottt tati:bo sultsavals.l
an thing In the flue ofitores,-plyo, t or trimmings. ,; •
{tortoni. August' f', 1851:
• •
THE subscribcrt luring entered into entpnrinershtp
In the,Sto7eiTin,and sheet , Iron businctis are'. pre7.l
pored tai attend to any orders in their line .at the Mai-,
telt notice TheyllatterThemseleesTbathr
attention to business end low prices,lbettilefwill !have
a reasonable shSreotpublie (renege, Their assortment
otstores is good, haring the latest end most improved
pa t t erns; 'among which. are the Deresides or V ulcan—x,
store wddeli took the :first Premium at the State Fair tit'
SST:tense- ht 185 Q. ferret lzurett;.:Ds-0 y o regt
Queen enlarged; Key Rene Air Tight, Phoenix, 40.4 , 41
Premium' parlor stores. box stores--for coat or wood.
Ali kintle`or Mt ware. st ene zinc 'and tin tubes',kepten
bond—sold at pric , !? that reillault. *AIL Miura or preldui4
taken in payment and cash not refused.' Opposite the bid'.
atnre of 'Mills and Knapp.. Sa 4 , WEBSTKII.
and Pipe.
, .
rEY,Stone State Air Tight cooking stove, for
It-burning wood or coal, tlmbest ituuse. ; -
Rough endßeady double oven'cooking stove .
Elevated.`- . • . do. ~ do. • do , do
Premium _- . - de, do
Victoria -do do do 'do
.:Empire State • do do
• . Clinton Air 'right . do do
20 Sizes and kinds of Parlor Stoves for wood or
cent. '
. . .
• 4 Sizes of 6 plate Stoves. ;
Cool and Wood Stoves for shops, school houses'
the best in use. ,
~. • . - - ,
Copper, brass, tin and iron .stove ware. - ,
'lassie, English, and American Stove Pipe.
Stone, Tin, and .Zinc tubes,-4.c. , , for s t ile-h'y the
100, doz., or single, at the Eagle Foundry Depot.
Montrose, N0v.,26, '5O.
Ware . Room in. Lyaus 4 Chandler's
' • •'Long • Building. •• , •
A geti6rul assortmrat at
COqiintr,'Paiar., Shop and'''coql StoreS,
Stove pipe; 41bows,,Zine, Sheet
.Copper,Brass,Wire,• Bar Iron,: .
Nail Buds, round & square 1
• ' COSCSteel,all
• rO4lid 4- squ'are • • ;
Iron, all sizes,
• • Side ill
• •
Green, Sward, •
•E7cetsior, Gene See
Worsterilows:Stratu Cut- .
ters, Corn:Shellers,Saw Arbors,:
Morticing Machines, Mill 'Cranks,
Balance•U'keels, Pot's,' Dist: Kettles. 'Spi
* rs,;Tea`kCatlgs,,, Um-
brella Stands,Pinnpa, Lead, Pipe,
• Shingle Machines, ScraperS, - •
Sleigh Shoes: - Jack'Screws,4e; tip. •
itin'tio-4Casiiii,,'.4 Orihand 6r '6rrdr to ordeq—
altio, Coppej• u'ucl Siteet Iron Wort; on band,
ormitcle WILSON & co.
Sprout's Combined Carriage
• • • •Sprzugs,.
, . .•. .
TNOFFERIN.G, this mach celebrated Spring
to the public the Subscribers respectfully solicit
a candid examination as to its merits. As for its
superiority over all other ;springs, let; Ihosek
have tested.thein, bear witxess,,aud the subscri
bers are willing to abido,by the :decision.. It line
been carefully, examined J by men of science, mil
by them cheerfully recommended .to
A carriage can . bu built tvith . these Springs cheap.
er ; lighter,.yrore durable and for curie ills
um:equalled by. any wings now in use..
All Spriugs warranted. Manufactured by
SPROUT, BURROWS; Manufactured.
Elk Lake, Susifft. ,County,Pa:
Auvers— L. B. & A ' Smut%
• • '
Stove, lin - an Cop Ware.
. .
pu *
t suril.)era `..ace just pure!tiLi a .large
I stock of .Tie and Copper WuiT.
'they atrer te
~npnblue as cheap as . m ea
Meatiest., Pei.
_The best STOVE out t - •
pRJ Keyinotip State Aii-tightCooking , Stove",
manufactured and,for Bale by WfLMON:O CO.
, •
= , Nontrosa and Lanesboro%
BE now receiving a large, and eplendid assortment of
11. Goods, which trill bosold,chrap fat cash.
Sheath:lgs Shirting;Ticking, Batting, Wadding; Diff-
Ilras;'Colton and Woolen tern, Carpet' and ICrilt Hog
Tarn, Broadcloths and.klassinteres, Carpets and Carvt
Bags, Trunks,Blaek,Blue reen:Utuhr4las, Japnied
Ware, Crockeri and lass Wire, llordware,
Crashed, put retired and N S agars, Gotree,://olanes,
Black and Gre , .n. Teas, Pork,Alackerol,tklllsh; Candles,
, .
spices, ke. • • ,
We are ree'6iiing la , geasseittnient Lfall lifnclei
llooks4Engliih, Latin; French, Greek and German) bles,.llistories, Miscellaneous Idr.urks, Medical Itontte,
Canto, Tissue and Note Paper, Zte., Ztc. _Those 'n want
df Books and Statio'nery will please give us a 'call, as we
to sell cheap-
- - _ _ _
Cooking, Parlor.Shopand..Coal. Stoves. Pipe, I:lbows,.
Steve Wore, Iron Serape:l, Plow., Coro phellero, straw/
'irate 8, Plor ['Nuts, nte..,ntr Lariesboro'. . ,
by fliebbl s . or oifierwlEm:-Ciln . dllll4 thr.,b6x or I,b—also,
01Ic -
OM P forii4and'a, and Sand'Fgairik.,
paella —ll - centstiri'bnitle:' LYONS Sc CILANDLEft:
•; Slontrnse nesberro',Nor:l, l 6 so, -" • •
„ . . 'F10w5::....:-Blatehly's,
TSubscribrx wqui4 iutuFai ids. friends nod, sbiliinb.
.1.•-!lio. 6:ill's - is now manufacturing Alm celebrated
BLATCULV PLOWS sidle old:Stand 'or b. Side
till!, Mon, Wayne Co., Lirlimincicounty, and Skinners
Eddy p iors!su44.4otlnv.s on AlC4o!pn
'Mori notice : : flavinumfuto a arringerrieni,:arith a saa
ehirtlftt, nrgistfedt&tatikilindlit up moit alias of
niachinery lons/mil liott wilt ant4tutonable
....itontroul;Febrilvy 17,1g3 •••
• • - • •
goodieeciuditlindrookinietii* a geoll ,
tgr,for saje,cheop ay. ; „.,• , ,/, , 011711ACELifiar
7 so . 6ll,l:oLlNNA — Atill)Elltr
TaM,":."lrarotubvp:inti?,;art:Plge,l4.9; l nniel i l.!,
;ember, tat .onkler the Immediate soporrnion of
• • Ili . ;.
MAItYJ. 'ctiAltlortn, ,a
with eoinj)etent Atlalitonanstrua/rts: ! •!" !!.•••
The reputation of Mr,iiiftd, ; efficient-and ann
. g essfel Tcacher and Disqiplin orlon, furniablhe!frusteon
onth the assurance that the Tnotitution ionnoffoll in !is
PlginagemtnCto . theet tho highest Oz;iettatloria and 'Of oh.
ea ofitiP..trono. r. . •
• Arsamtnonts will be intsiffor,the comfortable ecosen- :
molation of . pn - pfla from sihreid.
T,12/ITl,O*, , „
Thisin;itesnrthePriniarybepatinenit *Pi peiieiha,
!The Common
,Branches of Amide:4la
I ''Defaitirteht,O. • •;", :: - .6;000;
The Maher .behnobeit, - pr:tha Academies 2.- 1 •-•
!• • department, . . - t 5 0 ,9„ ,
' The stalthes of,sheplosslitlT)qp4llll nt •
Latin areefi -sin' Wrench; with those
'.-* '
ofthokeadeusiceiDep(w_nnent s iForhgtw'.
part . . - . 7,00 .
blush. with use of Plana; • • ' 10,00; • • 40 ''
Drawfngand Pthrtingi - - - 5;00 - ' "
!German cd.'
!N' - nil Witt lie sdeiltitedlo-letighs”
it 'ys 4 ti n sie P od u i ltri a P ut i
tt a s,6 rro. ol4, t 4 ; l B l ;ni t il " d e ri in
t,,,. t l oa t tn: d 7 .o l . 7n d t _ f it .,,,vieek. i: e hl t, ' l,2 4- 10,1 13: 1 :1 1 su Pri n li n if i l i d o t i lli , ..ti ttib : o , f il e i.:; :. :l l
tirs.dt, : Elrle,Ca3figfac•&ne.,
..;q:uctiOßa trbpill,l4 °ads; Seneca
'allieutrfolitaiigapredgrrgi." l4ll4 r ° _ ll2. ,.
Swami°, Await, tiatarLa, Bergen, Itochestot,....oa . u'altda •
ins....ijnneva,Area lon,larkt4udigOunsiefirlareatimv Jet
cram:, tlavana MiSpnra,,Llotsehendav eurnum, : Eontra
FamnririlleintaiiitPottr Iteddeeei-Perett;Aurornfittus
ea; CanAnr x QSteaojill.4l9llißluahanttont Ptent Bend
lsticaboro'tileposit,finttp , cov, Wthcireek
(Sundays except.eil;Stit,ff lantalituoyith.regularitythroug
out theseason.. Thiiivicklattitind to forwarding the satue
trade Hdtv VOrk Sarnia' F,ll on; e reedy p arson
at attOnt i ronairoxpitrienacdstterneil;irlio 'witl'attiid to
theaelling ofthe saute, audretarn the proreetlein Itankt.
ob I e fit ails a t ett her otltititatipro *nil , ' tit-theft: ) krying
peratont: - - • ' '
IBiltaloPforetatuanofllanry Daw; Attien.Stereinaus•
Otllfl~cied; Bataria,Storeßouae ochueina A, SinttlEi
riargehl,Attiiehoustr.of Dania- lacPlierson'Otoateelitet,
Store oftValrbanka & Eldredge; Canandagua Office al
WalterCortioran ;.ocrieva, 0. Laairenceilirciden Store,
bootie of Whitney tr, Monell;] Ovid, Ferguson & Sprague,
Lodi; Storehouse of T: Tuthill & C 0.,,
Jefferson, mince .of N. 0. Norton,-on-the Pier, Havana.
office of J.,108;, Hillport, store oil. Stull I.llersol
Honda, Office or.l. A. Forrt•ll;oornlng, store of Wm:J.
*rehouse of iThurman & Inghratn,
FactOryvillE,„st ore or .01i inlets-IL ;Shepherd ; Redder',
Ferry rAurorilt;s Dare 'of H.& a: r.Morgan ; I t hacm,store
of H. Dake ;. Candor, a tore of S. It aragerf . .o wean of.
fire Nat haniel Ens; thilpu, -store of ON. Wheeler,
IBinghamten,olffoo of - J.234ex `Sisk; Great Bend,. office Of
F..Chnrchill; Lanesborn', Mee all' . A. Ward; Deposit )
afore of Ensign & Dean; Hancock, store of Allison is
Beater. • Binghamton,
Dutlalu, Ilenry.Dowl.A.ttlea, - Thomas Sy.
ford ;., Tlativis Ltielus.A. Smith; Dergen,DanltilMePher-
SOn; Rochester, - Fairbanks & Eldridge; Canandagiut,
IFalterCareoran; fleueyn;,o,Lawrenen; Ovid, Ferguson
/cl 4 pregue; Lodi ;- Dundee Landing, Tuthill& CO:; Jet.
If rs.on, E. Ijc;itoti; ljavana, F..Phelps;.Miliport, .1.
Stull; Ilorsehends, .7., A . Ferrell; corning, Wm. Ar
nold; Elmirs;Tharman /c Ingbram; Faetoryville,C
Shepherd; Aurors;lll. -P—llorgan Ithaes f P. U.
Drake; Oun tor, .S., Earsger; Union, 0. N; IV - heeler;
0 rent Tiond,.F. Chutehill; bitnetiboro',.Y. A. Ward; De
pbeltAnsigii &Dean; Ilatilock, Allison & Reeves.
- •
Capt. James Sisk;
Willsnperintend the huskies* tlitongliout tile
ne. and receive and fill all eiders for • •
• ,
Gruel% rf Irgit I Fish., Oysters, &c. ac , c•
'dire:l)l4lf be 'Naught.. at the lowest wholesale prices( in
New,York, and forwarded to .any of the above numed
beliefs. ..• • -
Tie W -Stage Arradgefli& st at Gitiat
mac two, Daily Lines of Stages from Greatitend of
J. Montrose wilt hereaftar leave Ihe , Railroad lit'tvior
C. Smith In the Immediate vicinity of the Depot. a.N.-
ow. ; At 4 S. M. and 0 P. M., on the arrival of the Itoll:
road trains from Now York, (wining through NewMilferd
to Montrose...whence a Dail • line-rnos norximi
therewithto Springville Tunkhannoelt and .Wilicesharre
another vin. N cholson, .Factoryrille.„Abington Centre,
Provideriee and'llvde Pert Serentonle, tame places
being alongthe line of the flemgets Gap. flatiron:Sl 'ltt4
turning, the stage leaves S . crantonia at 4A All., passing
throngh t he above places to , Mentroi,m, whence the lilies
leave intime t o reach the Groat Bend D epet fiefore the
trnins going East,: - •,,,, -
Also, a Daily lino leaves Smlth'sßaliwny Hotel .en the
I arrival rf the noon train from the West f.r.florhontlale
tin. StimmiriAlle,Newbfilford,llnrford.tenexand Dun.
dalL.' ' •' ''" TRUESDELL'S CO.
Great 'Rend; Jan. 22.1551: 5 tf
IG,}3.NERAtiliedoitnieptbf Boolis whole .
tiitale by
' 4. -
To Ontiyinen,oml Fair . n . kere, -tj•• •og ,ql. LYO) . I' CTIANDL:EIt:
. • ' "•, I
tosr. .
Valyab4 , property for Sale. • .
A YAlliroftDO acres situate in Ilridgewitiet.township;i.Vt - 00 0 reSSi
.ta. Susquehanna County and state of PearAvania
~331,7 un iva ivrry cloth 01 roan-lie' • -
150 acrew of which la urater goo'd linprovernett " • - • • •••• • -
I'he fermis el designeo orrt dairy.aud le capable of 11711 E inb.eriber Would 'atincioner to the pablic. that be
(Ceding 4u cows during summer and wlftter. mid trcryi i contlnties the abbre'busiwss nt hls s old - f [and in (Tr,'
partof' itls - Wrlrwatersd; ''The liutldinFs and laud are ord tewaship,:.ene•hallmile above Id cAlla's 111.1 3 '
to good condition
and rails are alrogned. There are two largelarns ut;oni. fijeadi 'and 'Oe , iutilie, 11 , 6 VIII re , eive and return,',
the preunises, besides a granary and : rt.u,,enitz,t 211M1 ClOth; nt 3leesrs. 'll - 01.4 & Co., and Ger;rge
for cattle.' Three oicharda prlucipaliy . ot gr i aft,d fruit, l couccsaares in'the boroc4h of Thi naafi, aridall *or* enj
and other fruit trees. f trusted to the subscriber shall vorkzaniiho
fiuldlarpa bass very Pleasant and -desirable locatitho , manner and raj. discount for cash. .., •.
about two miles from Montiore. the County.seatot ' ' •-; -; ' • . " " 'r:m:
3i . ,i - 0*1'. ,- .k&E - 011 - § ce :iiii'tii."l'iS - 3i 7 1 ;;-
quelmana county. and about P roller ft en: t
. I,eygetta
Onp Railroad; to Which tlherh iaa Plant: ItondiWprdeeta
or completion, and IF very c.onvenlent to tutetlogis and
Also:another Valuable Farm adjoing tho aboxe, eons
tattling tan acres of Which: 150 acres is under, , htgA
etate prettification. 'Upon if there Ina larite , frinne
dwetllne honee, and out buildingr to enrren.ond and -.
large ,orchard..,.lt In well watered and fenced and
rably adapted to dairy purposer.
Said property will be cold on remionnbletermn,
tionot the purchase money may remain upon 'Soudan&
31ortga4o to !Pit thy purchafer.
Apptlentloti'niapliyoiale,personally, or by letter to
tVocclesgun., or tiiron at Montrone. n said
county, and any rtirther paitico lir. that ratty equir•
ad will lie.eicen.—=23tr
TTAYDEN & LITTLE'S eiock of New Goods
hare orrived,-comprising n complete assort=
menf.of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,- Stove
Pipe ; Zinc, Ohms, - Sash Woodtgn %'are
• Drng? : ,aucl. Fib!), ktour
and Salt. .t
Also it first rate and good aseortment of
Ready Made Clothing, of almost aildricriptious.
Boots and Shoes,'Hats,, ape ittel Bonnets and
almost everything, usually 'found in a country
•Our Guoas must be iold,'aud shall be. at the
very lowest possible prices. Our frientle'itwp inci
ted to cup and look st,ourstock:-1
reduce 6f. most , allitinde, wanted in'exch ang le
for gobas by the subscribers;'i • •
Now I . l.i,tfeerd, May .
f ALT BUBBITT has now Inst.lre. a neteenti choice
JLJL sleetiotrof Dry .. 9oodai Including a_m•tret rerit r 3
Ladles' Dress.Goadsitratm and`' tabs Pundder Shawls,' ,
'Filkllantillas; Parasols, FranelrLaca, Vant.Y.Strin-Saml
Le,thnin ,Boangts; i bewilvdiarsartment. , of -Banat, '
Ribbon, Vi:itrars and TriinntinAs of new. styles, Black
'Erna And Lures:fox:Man tills's; Bannie tSA.. black Lace
Veils, Broad Cloth. Fancy Cassimeres f . VeStltigt and,
sammtm Bloths,t mint:Bags. Trate{ Nails, Beels and
Shoes adhited Wiiidow - 4hades, Carpeting. hats, Cane s ;
~ k.e.,wlth a large and general assortment offlaid Ware:, I,
f!raolmryi /ion ~(17r, , laitril!r, Pnitate,Mectinine,e,lnie,Et [den
all orwldeh will sold at the lower! price, anion-;
!:!be me!rt eertronabte eerme. N ,Newly all klndii of
iproducz isinitcd: Boa's lir partlehlary and the highest
price In Cali paid far Wool.. „I lout and Salt gonstahtly
on hand., • - . .
ti NtoitAiltard,itiy,27; r '
XC Q III I I i9, Cliftay 14sur4.Fe! aPPP`?"!/ —.
-Li The unde'rifigned Cdr this well known,.
Mid long established institution respectfolly infoi,the
the.publie that he will receivenmilications: foe in !
turanee against loss or damage by fire to Buildings
:Goods, - Furniture, dtc. '; prorrs, Ag' crst.
Montrose. A"pt. 9.' 1 51 . ; " - - -!- ' tf
• ,Tailoring
JoRN.,GROVES; the:Well:nuoion Tailor lilts
again mad« his appearnacee in 'Montrose to
Orate itothe , abovi.uarn'ed hdsiness at the old stand
directly over Ldthron'tF,Dry. *Goods''store,.nnil
would again tender his services to the public, and
elicits their patronage..
Making and cuttlagT.asine the - Ina:it approved
style of.the, ego,.and,done on the shortest notice es
• - Alonergee, }:"el) . . 12; ;; „
XilLfi r a to 40 Rtmr and PinlAhing Neils
Nlpritrons,4!tty,p, .LY9lttar. , CiFA:sm.& 11.,
Z .
A N TEI3 ,CVAULANTS," Camphor Own, PAripirrsance
slnstaid, Vetter Paper, Talue,lllnektowapa ,Dwbc,s
/to., for %nig by . '.l ,
- .
- NBlNyoi l ia.SOZ) . l;) , "; , . 7
'TtrST received a ar,wstgiptcoropiing aadstanmer dada
, at the olio? e of • .•,;11",1-WEDIf7
tiSiriceived . atiesh or
011 s. Varalith, Wareko. ah , , '
-A.. • N BIN :lot -of , Ladir 8 %Ai . .bber]; • • Buskins
Gaiters-- also , gantlemeda .Rubbersi Plush
cape, &c.• just received .
• ' • - •J ••• t BENTLEY & READ..
• cash 'for' Woo::' '
1006 lb wanted for Iv bleb the, 'bigbest mnrliet
OrtFitri Cash wiifhdpait by 11.11UriR1'FTI •
:-New Milford, June 13,1851.
LlOLD'Peiraild 'ekiennidg lin dcre 'p(lnzn,
LA and hestqualities for Bala' tiy ' • - •
. 4 . ,
-." •
TUFtTeetteieed by . t be elideerlber,qeear.Coffee.Tobseeo
j gait, nfeell gleth,:§beetin . R, , 1 114tlef; , IV; 1 0dIPgr." , a1
lell) be 2 , 4(114 law tbe tires wit/iv/nil/. '"
StentrosiioSept':l9l,2Bs: , - ciTYLETE:'
FLOUR andsalt 'fof ;alai
A • rt.v&r i c o :
TIBLIT'S Snlerofu pain article in pound'ere .
-, AbitiEfferresiluit - Comoundi for fablut , tad
and cake% without yeast. 't
Also—Sosu Powiler, by ttl • use ot wlitob mu'eb r a
labor Of sissblop la rared,;siluo irqurl , dir"- in
F. O .KLAN ~ , .
or lb.; for rolopy , 11. 1113RILITE:f
i<N:II:AIf the tolorictitor bi got tip'frofittlibrooTopOl
sitionct4m , Blfito lba re 'halt LbOttobat
'goer's,' en el LOAM' /4 signal oi I e ea
Borg 31' , 1 • t.
Writ Sept,
A ~ > .
WM, WHITNEY, Dresden,
NATHANIEL F.LLt . tiwaxo
110,vt Ggogs,
ctoTgiNG, - Boot000r.s,!&e.
Lldctite tO)Ahe 'Public; --
Nettr''Seusbiiiitat Fa rindt Witair-Goods at
Grtat'Ohe 4 3 M
l ore of
-1.. k. maztaita
BEUS leave to take - this ;opportunity of tendatin - ; his
„sincere thanks to Ids friends and t ustomtrs. CO the
g cn c r° '" f -P tP114"Iillt tiYe iXtepOed, to hinir.; - and
at the same time Inform them that tie has jnst rtlturned
from Now York with a very large and iboico selectfoti
. Yang and Staple !try (loads.'lsoAreali and exten•
sivellstStriMintofGrceerks,r,rarlitirti' r,
; UAW at id - Cap
51edielties,whislimillloStild for mill and'. t+tolutv ail
very small adrunee',-at pekes wbieh defy. allcontpetition.
Yinttri Pork, Fish, Natt,whoteeale alrd retail, ,, -lieitmtril
also remark tliittliortilierer strlr.tly,tu the systein:or di.
ways rt miing rite,iowest Resent Orst,therrhy. Om
came advintage to all , whe May or LIM With their, par
rouage., : ... .•
,Clothiti- Store.
- The largest, best,sneeheapest Itei 4 7
tie, in e; Mud Pa o :
elothe,pooSicintitinstinteres arid Vesting, et alknalitles
suit able for the and Winter trodO, which he offerhet
such priers ns to satisfy ;any owe thatthisis thenlare fir
them to cousequaceof the peat inereare
business Lo but tier r rialiietlt in krtntly snlargetiiss t ock,
which he now ',ottani io lilt fileuttt6nti thepubileryr ex= nTidcut } tiatl tiro doiug they . wilt find E.dne.
!ling to theit.mitrantage7:" Thesitheeriber has made ar
rangementsto manuPsettaire'clothing in ail Its various
branches, and tertiowlizillottd to eolltho goitteotuxtotit r
11 bdltin*Peakin -141ttAtini 'vatic dad, nOttlog dont
at the,intest style and shortest netice,—ailltinis.e(.. tail•
etetrimmings turnishe.l and for sale. - - De hot forget the
A ra, .Store n@a rly oppii4tc.the-Namicm
Greatileid eept,:,1850,, ';L. S. LIWIEIM.
• lrreo h .Stfick . -o r ;,ClothiEW -
italkana OapP, Oprio:g . taphtoo)Oentr, I.ndirfnod
Y. Boys Rootatiad Wien,ltiot, Cap ioorLet ter Paper,by .thf, Ream otqeSll quaatly,,lyAllAnd: VuOilltt Piper
nni Armlet., Inki,Tqcoites aro! Picettri , Vtantes."lteoto
E4oo3,::43tioneiY; FibbtoleTactle; lust reared g o ld
for sate at small proate for toady pay, and ready pay only
April 3.,1851. , 'GEO. rsLtr.l:.
New and popular
'COMPREIIENtiIYE SPI)Ntlt'Y oiuNivf . u .ki.- 7114
TORY, ta,totber with a ISLOGRAPfIY of DIRTY:OI-
I.IIRHED PERSONS, t which isappeadoilan epitome of
111 1"11101,0G NA'lll.-ItAt
Adopted and usid Publi4choola or Philadelphia
S. JONES. &.,C94.Publishers.
Teacher, arid school( Oin mitinOS •fiddrc'xiink'
us post paldirill bUfurotshed mith copies for esantioa
r_r• A full and 'complete assortnrontiirßOOaatindSto '
once y fn.tgale at the Lciwen, • :;
seats trod Caps,
tic* supply awl gong assortment.
• • Inooll.. _
, .
"-A griseril afsertatent or School Bonk, embracing 07.
try varirty used )n the Seb,oois and. A eallendes through,
out thisiegion: lairs,' a greet variety—Sunday schnnl
Books—lnapt, Acconnt.,.gooki—p. , o,S.: and Memoranda
80010. and a large elsortment of 11i4cetlarienus itorN,
WALL PAPER—a new!Yuptdy of neat patteins'jb , t re
ceived. Cap and Letter4Papar, of the:. first.. fi'vnlity. Ly
the Seam or
,Quire. Staple_ and Yantis Ptationcrv.
gnodwsortment . Pencils. !We
reef, 4rUille, Viii , 2;MatcheA r Coiebs, lishirigsTaaac; Ora.
vate,Avn.l4 Foeits. , goPpenders. iihirte. etc. -• , ;
$)11 3 ;;;t1r, coffee
. A arnnil atncii. but, fit ; ThosO who
o'rrl of' Hiner: Teti as wen a. Lipson perharf,
do wail to give par
'A - FeW , Treinlis
. For Sale. oiia door below Judge TYlrea.
Montrose, Jung 18;101: . ,
sesnooz 2:oons:
'thifforil.Augrat 21st , )E5l
GEGL gkiitlB7ADV.ER,rB
Corner of poutt and Washington Me...
TIRE Subscriber takes,pleasure in announcing to the
pnblie; that iii einfseluence or the ahem' t atronm:e,
bestowed upon this establishing nt the PaFt t year. he In a.
determined pritautientlyto eoutioudthebn 4ntsr in 'ling-
Wanton. The stach comprises every styleand quality of
t! r.,e eel in ~Perieral use, far Table and Toilet t% e,
and wiltbo sold iii`setts iir by the single article. Also, a
and Fagey ertirlespeueli as - Fruit Bast:els, Card-stands,
Col ognellottls, , Voses, O'c„ togeihernith nbirge stock - er .
!''.:l3'.ll , ft 7 t eimsisting of cur,, pressed Ad
plain Tumblers, Ciblets:Wities. Decanters: Fruit Dorris,
Nappies, Pitchers, Candlesticks, Lampe, Sperle-
Jars, Tincture Dottier, Lamp ()lobes and Chimneys 1?1 . all
size's, Zee. coniitantly hand,,an asearimant. of
Spirit, Lard,Solar, and Cainphene Lamps,,
titiiiA; and flonanterns "Also ilarge lot,of
Window Shaile,,Tea. Trays, Cestora, 'Table Matte; pla
ted, lick-man "Aver and Table and tea spoons,
Table Cuttlery, ee,all Or whlfdr will be sold very low ter
Cash. With in:Tea44l facilities far buAiiiess, end unre
mitting attention to the wants of Id,' ettglilllt+F. the 'un
aersiguml hopes to merit the continued patronage of the
community, .- P. 1..0 V ER A CLIO. g .
May 2 - reh', ISM. . 6th
A"r17.131.0GY--TlfEkrel'jhrated Pr. C. W. 'fit*: CR;
Ilr , ife"s , bor or .kg.rologY,',A;itiononly,llhreriolorj, find
Geoenancy„ combined with CONJUltfrilltW,'ltorulitte , ;-
denonlace, Nn. 71, LOtlliliT titreel,..ll:Wadephia, oilers
hie services to the „citizens of 31inttose.„11e,has been
consulted by.alT the citefo 4 ll licaole , Of turope. and' en
joys a higher Tepat hti on !a AAttofoger thih'any'One
living., Nattritim &lento ted• necorditig to „ticoninney- 7 '
Ladies $3, flcutloneri sfo , Pers,zs ut a distance con
have thoir nativities drawn_ byecpileg the date of the
day oft heir birth. All letters eantandrig the" alieih fee
Will receive immediate attention; N ativitiin, sent to any:
tart of the world writte,n on Anrahle raper; and he: is
prepited,to Ina ke use of his newer by conjuration on uny
of the followhig 'tpylps:.;--Vonrt shit, adilcogiven for the
inaeoettrulaceonipit<litnent of a wealthy tnitrriage; he has
the, power to:redeem Auch.oe ate given to th &use of the
bottle; and for all Casfekaf hazard, and for thoreeosery
oi lOst'propertY: and the purchasing of lottery.
tickets. Thou. end,. of the 1114.1'e named cases haie been
done in thlseitynnil lts vicinity ;and In the United States
to the fult sfalBll . etiOn Nntivitt m er - li ore..
cse pea hius• bevn cwt (luting 'the lust.four yearswldle
here.' I.ktersWillfinssier cv ny'borpose:anil wIl Lilo as
welbas to &uIl to fienuin; and the moilie DOW io:Atire Ith?it
f Persona need not feActo!trust money. through .r Peg.
Dabacli tect,yes fretu, fink tc, 1000 .lettcrel
monthly . and hi."B nr , veralllsell one. Alflettcrawllt
relielbuslYattetaleil toff Toe partici:lth FS' call
at tire Democrat otEce and get an Ahunnee
II Whitest. Now York.
1' I ti r"'
Ey- se part en fa- to ;non t e est- cr. n!y
i and State. • 11"13,
I , :ew Arran4ement.L. ~
4 , 4 : cnsir
.Chair ilia' I.4iricitare!. ,Estgb-''
, 'tient. :: ',. -, ~ .. . , ~,,........ .
IN r ' 1i,',.; gr'r'il,T,'[..' t - C O. o' :Iv :ng we t .. uf urinit . titndi . 1 1 it . e t c v
il 1 '
; Ingeonvtantly.on hand nil and ovary, kind pt,flongehpld
1 Furuiture, Ina nufactni;4 out Of the, best quern ;• etNa•
1 hognity; .13IaeR Woluut,, Maple; Ciilliy, iird Oiler. ltint.'
bey, and In thd tiestand most dniable rnanner.' Anions
the artlelet , which they intend to keep pu Lanai, or nankn
to otder,ato Mahog n ny. 11130: Vialtint,.Vberry ' and Ma.
Ale !tortoni, Side tiardi,'Seeritarld W;ltubk CaAil , ; - Cen;
tee, Carl. Pier, nod nth erTnblef , ; Stand* int' every va;."
fiet3ii Sofas, SdtiveFi•Diflinsiiittntrna , oar; Iledrteailt
Tall kinds and stylco„.nuid OA:,3.lahogatly,,,!..ilnek,l% - td..
nut; Cherry, and 3,laide, - - - . -. •
...: ALSO-' , .linlie,intiy.lllnA Walntit,Curi and `flirdsiiso
Manta, and Paritiriellairs; of everyvarletrand ,iviterlro.
41otkorldell they lOTO unwell hand:' and intend LO.lcee,n
.tiennFtnnt supply. ' Any article getfred wililiesupplird
on Voirdayi ontice: i.. -, ••• • --••-, • , i • •
AB the subgetiberShave 'often been imiteited to etilitrkel
their loiiiineas Anil to Ofan An eiitaldiEhraritt of tha hind
In .Ihmtrose which ,nould supply eeeryvaridty of house
' boldTtirniture s - ruld hit() tha 11'11111111: of rending' to the
ieitfrg for attifartrialini;fhty hire to 'faerr with liberal
patron mid oneouragemeUlo ..i. '
.1Allri: W-8311T11, .. • :
. A I:l*.X.'it S3IITII. • .
1 —,
~. . . .:
‘: .' ~.. . -nom: A.5111711, -. -
.1 ?dont note, Jiarie 411851.H23y1t 1 , :. It.F. 31IT il„ • , ,
1 ti'lllE firm o f Pot . 'it•Pittl,ba`a bi•on'illraolted by matu-,
r.a- al oousout,-: ; - .:; ', • . lt•St: )1: VOIIT. '
I; Nmtrote, July 25•.,1841,,,-
.. , - -
.I'.ll, PITTS.
C I . ;• -''.':'...' ,',DISS,OLUTiOIi - :,'? -. : - .','•
rratt':c . o4).ifotiiiiii lieroCifo o exiiillitti:ondri , thti .
ill nantO'atid'alyle attaxt ft•HaTort, It; thla day •liliktobr
ed brfuntual 'odium t.••• Alb Indebted will pleaseuottlo.
witlrout tialayi„ - =. :d• ', i• . -„. .., -. T. J , LAKE,
• •• •' •• • '. ••7'.. . - V. .1 11ATON.
- NPlif;-:-ThWriotra'ttndabeWutiti lat ItiO•tatei• Otto may •
bo found *fib 11.1'.;, tatOn; at the old; gaud; -wlstro- -Ito
Iwill ft ill coat In go to; carry orrthobusiuesa.audoeil goods
.6l greatly reauesd prices. ' , ~ • 11; I:. EATHii..,
- Hattori; ri3lk.,iiAth;l6s7 l .' :'' ' .'.' arir' , i -.-- -
~',,,,, .-,-Watet..Cgps
~-..- II - 'EF-i 7 i; - ..i,r if •, -i ~
'''MOUni Prospect II j. 174 4f.stavitsament, .
r '' - . ' -,11 . 401F0i,. : js9onte to., N. Y. , •
;jillquA establiehmenifirlelfghtfully Meaterf ailhe base
t . of the mountain from:which isialtes its name, and
enimands a tialightNl Vibe .tif-th - 4..elienango and Sue- 1
itch auna. riv ors pith their rich andhea u t ifut Yon/ e 2.• • r 1
The . 1 .. llute n hiptiw.operi for the reeeptlen end treat='
~,mentiof Patient 4'The liiititnte has beau sufreessful in'
I securing the'aid: WTI t . ciat.hltirrer.ti 1404 of ! Nnlv•N r 4th
i , cit, In ilydrapathY, lit 04 Malqnt k
, guarantUuto the patrons el this i
inttitittlon' thtft Wes'
r/11l be abundantly eared for.. . if. - . -.Hi , . i: ,
: .
,AilhAtera,,Ap.onttr,tpittssignalhu4nrres must be ad- !
' '4eessed toile; Ilarfefr hrthe' Cu ra; ' COMmutdericien,al
only trilkhoirt.ofited that are teltrialifiZ4eitir.. -
~..tapentitrie if
"i'' NiERVOUS,tIsEASES, • :
Ant i or thp,rerep7aseta.nrhielp ere iauied by a li i,
paiied; Welke:U . lA ur unhealthy tanditioe . o(tb e ",
ME' It:VOUS-8 T`g+ t . 311"." - ', ....4,
'hie beriititUrie4 — elin`selireUliiiiiiiiitGl f v _
terious,powert of LCALVA'Ntkg 0 . 41,10,, ,E - 4 . Z 4
I:4,i n ' pronotinciki by dritiugulabatl PhYldclaul,—Yott
Eueupe 411,1:;t he Vottektitateg, to be ;the mast tetec t
etidiquat claroviiv of tile .Ige.
1 -
ea eked ,
ith thintatist.perfect and certain eqectigh
i : „LoErrikit,At rEnivaTi,,.
stic4iiie:ceing tiip . iielkened- body, giving' itniA . t ifi ,
vi6:,6u s organs, er.d invigorating the entire system. 'l . 6
CIMONIC, GouT, : iwiLErsy, .1.11:1,113:100' elv,
the sun,: andcliE.ST, LIVER COMPLARiT, SPINsi,
alt NERyous IRSEASES, which consigaints true h i ,
- oils sithple cease =namely,
.1 ~..: t
A :Deramgement of the liervota'mth,
th e and Xif i ,
sncresse Me'distase, f)r they weaken the staler*
ries af the already - prostrated system ; while; saes y stlees th ening, life.givim vitalizingjirtmente Of ed
racism, es applied 'hy this beautiful end won:heal d ji .
ec,edry, the exhausted patient and weakened mina is
restored IS former . health, strength, elasticity 04 v i m
i s The n gieat pecallerity - and excellence of
1 , :
' T. tbiletlets Galvanic Carallrei,
unsiste iti the fact that they arrest and cola dju u I,
r eititelsrd application, in place or the nasal modest' d r ,;;„
xlne , ,, and physicking the patient till exhausted lis4
sinks hopelessly under the intlictiei. • ,
Ti.i . i i:rengtAni the whole detest equalize i+,l4 sit*.
tins "e/ •Me bloae, pi'braote the gentiferst - and 'nerer 1,.
flee ,hrant injury under any rirei_CtltCßUS.. Since ti t .
introduction in the United States, only three yetrisincs,
, ,
than " '
• •
75 b . o , o Persons'
7. • - '
Includiug . alt ogee, classes and ccaditioas.antorgaili
. were - a large numberof ladier, who are peculiailyna.*
to :fatuous Complaints, hare been
When all hope oi, teller bad been given tr e7
thing.elualecn tried in vain
illustrate the use of the GALVANIC Rat
suppose the ease el a' person eldicted with that hued
6,11 i-ration, DYSPEPSIA, or any other,Chronie orNer.
Otis Disorder.- In ordinary cases, stimulants aortal;
which. by their action on the nerves and muscles efts
etorngth, afford tempicary rebel, but 'which let , e
patient in a lower mete. and with Injured facultiwe r
the action thug welted has ceased. , Now, • compart Ci
srithlhe effect resulting frdm the applicationottheGß,
V ANI C , DELT. -'Takir,a Dyspeptic. sufferer: ere* lath
Worst 'symptoms of: : an attack, aril simply , rh, ge t
around the Drly,using the Idagnetic •Fluid u dire t t i t
In a ehivrt period the inserrible perspiration enll set ss
'the poultice elemental the Belt„thereby catuu.geW
cattle circulation which. gill pass on to the negoU,,
thence back again tothe positive', flax keeping apurw
Cocotte - Galvanic circulation throughout the lytiz,
Th ll4 ,thq most eeverii,cases-of DYSPF.PSIA.OI%7I.
of..thz most Undoubted Character,
Ma `all. Parts Of the' country could be given, ail
r MI acerx column in this paper: ,
1 -
.ritich . eonclusimly prows that .
" Tiuth is 'granger thaw MOW
- ... , .! 'CURE: OF;
1 • • ;
of Nen-Jai - ley, of dialla g uitLed attaiatentt mi ext 3
reputation :
r ST nxtr, New Jersey, July' IS, 11l
i - De. A. H. CHEIPTITt—Dear St?: You WWI to travel
me what Las been the result in my Own case, of thiip.
oc:stifle, of THP. GA,LYA-DsaC,BELT AND INECyd.iff.
Fily reply 4as folletvis:. ~ . s. , -,, -,-; -, ~ , ,
For about i tren!y years 2-had been Inlirelir4 E• 4
r Dy.sp t pli a. Every year tha.symphima became mak
nor could I obtainspennanenrrelief from, any serssif
'vvi r vile A- treatment whaitever - :..Ahoutteurtemymain,
pr *coagequente :of - frequent - exPestire to the astants.
the discharge of my pastoral duties, I became rape*
a severe Chronic ltheumatlstm vrluch -for yearatema
''caused use indeicalballe'anguhh.• Farther: iuttesna:
n 1 '45 and '46, in consequence of preaching a pea tot
~ ; ia -my own,andrvione over churches in this ttpnl
. Eras attacked: bt,'the Bronchitis; 'alias loon beanie
,eevere as to - venture nn immediate auSpensiozof type
,tot;al.- loan. ~ .Ifis-r.erreirs jibes was iseigy serval !irestraied, and aa my Bronchitis became wone,suliedil
'my Dyspepsia and• ftheumettie affechen—thus-wain(
, ithat these disorileii *ere - connected' sea 'each. cen
'through, the medium,ni c thc NervoimSystent. le to
, whole
,pharmacopebia 'there cremel So be no =lda
inert. which, tisuld: reach and . .decuperate MYNerreo
ay slam ,• every thing that I had tried fordhis Ragan bi
'completely failed. At last I was led by rey (nub too
• amine your inventions: and (though with , no very as
guine hopes of their ediciency,) I determined totrynt
er..k.t of the applicatilinotthe GALVANIC 8ELT.152
•I in
with the mAgNET,ic FLuit). mins
•Iln June, IXtti.. To aar nal.y . s.aroxisitstwir. IN ens tan
err Drin:Plif•-lf At/,GI 01Si rrt itioFll DiT34:ll/t/ maul
TO 191.91:V e, MY #AI2OIaL 14110411, 1 , 01 itaIIII44OCIPINI
?KZ , a ol:,l3Lxipti its - ON' iccorrn oi vochiso‘citmi,
TIOC/a.V. MC. Such ir ths wonderful and hauy nab
of the experiment •. ..-._'., .:.•• : , .
I have recommended-the BELT mad FMB slat
. , whistare 'beehlikessigo 'aillTering from Nem* as
'locos, Theylusicsr, tiled them, Malt: matte .Itinni I
•;111ELICY11, ri avEr, CASE. •
I i I act dear sir, yets respectfully yours
~ —', 1 ;RoPERT - w. Loot
Se used alleonfp iffectinethe Throat &A
such. as . .aiunchitit„indamniation et the Tbroaßlirrago
and Sink Hendaehe,.Diritneas , of tii3 Heid, Neartgz k
the Face, Ituazing or- Itoznag in' the Ears;,Drom
'arhtih is generally 'N'ervolis, ar4 that dict ces
jlaiat calladVe Dolorent. '
• „ PR. .OHRiplit'S:,
I Are Ydititi bf rat . ier:66) Itt Casei of Chnvablaas calk
Spasmodic Complaint; and general Ners'a I Alecto
of the Head and upper . a/trembles. Also in
,l'aralysis, and all diteueitauied by a dedaieney of Eau
°T :An alhfr coats et Lb
Tielieltireur and Nei al sL a..
Them dreadful and, agonleknif cemplain a A.
diafety fettered by the, applidation of the Gamey gat.
:61CIE,Acr. Belt.ditFuses (belittled ,
threigh the iv ate es Necklace hai a 'Zeal est e..)
the Fluid acts q directlyupon the allected nerves. int.le
• distressing allicticuis the application:NEVEß , FAIL&
'Thew* abiceihig. and tetitible ,covaptairdis :siesta! ,
caused -I;t . eclirengentini . 'of ths",Werver. . The Bo*
B • ACEIATA kfD, F,1.14.1". will Cure: Welly 'envy eastA
matt*: how
' 3:oung or ,old the patien or hew. ma s
i '
bitirhardui'atid astonishing'prooh in
possession of the proprietei. • '-
05.; Many hundred. Certificate* from itil.paus sib
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given, it required. a - 1
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may be worn br the most feeble 'arid delicate, wibt
feet case und.satety. In partycatei the sonatinas"
ing.theiriusels,Eicifyikarani dud sigrrille. Vol°
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direct-foal. Tarephlata with full, particular* Piro"'
of the authorized figent •' , •
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Illm.l for fifte fa..