,r'itc!.P.,llo,_q 6 tPloczza - 4 - TERIMpAri 00UMErt, 30; 1.14. 36• GE latfilkaM ittaiiii6o of in s Ziiitorpor Apecoi.' - - ections,of the',”Crabtown , Mar-, The edrfF,b4e pm! ...rei‘xyped fro's . ' i tour. petini *..ab,eviiee .4 ,:dr,unken 4Muliobitor t 40..been,einyteyed,u..ludf 4 day : , .: .. • ~. Seene,-- Sanctum ; Editor is - disoiered ward ori iviv'tripoti in.ditii7, , it- - a political -crusher." , '- E,litoi (410..);--Tih'cvii . ..Teretniab Jones?., Ntigdyt MilieriPilioo4? 'NO liliere-T'Clotid lei what I , ;Nothing I 4; -mere rtmg !-:tiii .ar wiil4 r Tiliiiee 'eul,fr . ilieneit '.'ef ' heaven li' '.1:111111'6" tleidlW, Y„ef..some - eakt-I.S.eata'. I*.iitte SI itiorioutheno* , ;, rather too , mild, rettrepe hutc , l Can hetgbten Om effect with an exclamai inn. -%V iiiit's the iow,? 'Cr" .4kesi is, ituiiiiilPPOY 9Pet* a,lAran fry: tis in: bearuni .to one hand a •copy attitel Crai t lown, Varies, -and' in the'other s 'hugs taptils, 4okhrella;s to' -battering , Straiget (teree 1 lonaly.)--You're the fniitor oh ? .1, - - Editor. (blandly.)—Sotnetimea, Sit Tate "tt iest. ' ! • Your oiOrtures. , air yintron v o";Aen—Ta respectable, sir, Don't theApullrollu m l en!tceingly, win thin' MeTtiskiigli; ai4ihen *iar acting bunself out an extra iach,jdepend aunfide..tly; upon liflogging I. am just married, sir:.—not a fostnight since—and on +ha happy any (here2the umbrella quivered oruphathet4lls,) I !Oman - led you a notice iamei Though I have hitherto been *.hovelootry-, thank " noafen, I added in a =lama of weakness an humble verse of my compoSition, fitting. I thought to ; the , s.;4tssion. Hl'ere s the-co/rect• version; sir, (epeats frOm memory.) Feb. '2Btiv ; . ..,.. . ~ . Clnkey, Ei.q... to,blipil E.ut:iiia lyiggins. 1 -i • , I.,.ve ; it_tbe...prikin,of t .9, luertriAriv7 eiii:•glottilifelle4,iii . 44 - ;1.i.;:;. i , : Thrt t . with its tAtiget imparts : ,‘..'r k • IT i bitter fusiiin:ip' its.eestacy, ~.. i , Nit mneb, still t liaitry,: l'f•st week I got yeur.paper.- carried to My uohltOi4 ; ' WI opened it and • turned tour the Muriage lis. than drr ! wiiat d we see? An- abusive. atrii ei ni., d able—but mo air ; 1 rim All 3. Chi op t lie ip everrriN lam Mal, sir. Hare's your infernal sheet. Heir w'mt it say'.. sir and tremble . —(Opens the pc,lsr and readsl- i Statinten.:=—At Goshen, Vgb. 4 2:V1. A. D l skey, _ll4, .to._MISS:Eu Olinda Piggin; is, in `Onion 4r two head; • That beet is snit and mellowy , '. Time mith.its.eabbages in. carts, Nei baiter feedin , to an-extra day. What no yon thirgr of that, sir ?(nm liras raised.) DOtiief: eli 7 . -Pigging, is it,? poetry Leh?_4l ,unnerved,iee—: driven me mad. I can't take take a walk but that the smell boys, mere infants, sir, ring ! itg the hideous eltUrns in.. my ears. ' Some se"trulrel has alteied the name oh my sign 14 suit your ourseidl orthography.. "Don't wont listen to any thing. • 'My hens° just painted, ii,setawled over by her yid portraits and emblems; and all owing 1.. yen. Yinere.eatiervisir L doni-move on y , ‘or tiro. . ',Y,;u, the destroyer of • my hap piles*, my life my Papttemia—, thatfond name, the last string of xr snapped.; He advanced a step --Erattt sit attitatiet and then the editor,' vir Is'lmoet I _ said. -vin; just as the farpiTy . umbrella' Wiiiinidway in the . blow, she olienOd, nea l some - visitnr entered. The injured,' Man Ilieiitated. Here were wiinesses..LlVrilionsof au action for assault arid - _damages end:Costs, rove in diiilmind, and, therumbrella dr9piied harm!ess ao t3s3 ' , bor.'- The laiiyertriuro idied, over Ithe inne r He" - ; turned his nut of ilie room,mut he,Went-,"4Failed this at sl feet4libellawi l catch it: ' 41,af idithi;ieeitiiorned to such scene 3; torin - eolteetic bjk • returned with ;.*l . os l Y.o. l V;teittl" tivaiitkiittettot'OY the littleirictidan't,,ti; the dissection of Hon. Jerensiph .Jdnes,. wtose disjecti - ineiAra ware. b - eforie,anotherlsnarise to be scattered over three colstin, half !Ain.: P.aindeal~r.; ; -H)* to Bea,u6fid, Velins;.the embodiment of female ',panty; all Cleatly'ietireSented 'as s liaving .a.risen fronal he sea.- Tide is another wayof iCleanliness is necessary to beinty. A hamt lert unwashed fora few diysk tie= r. utetr . ugly and .repulsive • •can'i rconetive,or a face unwashed for.a we least iinagine : very far' from beautiful:l A freshtivr.ished-faialooks inure handsome I^3ao atmany other time. But is in vain to] wa4t, stleare inches of sltioWe have), in sieht, if ,the vaatlsr . larger area we cover: with vorilres' si;l left. frvm slay to day, anal week to, week,.uneleaned from its constapt-: iv 43C- . umOst gw , n?p uritic a. The health( a td co n sequently tke clearness and. of the skin; require , that every:squilt!e, itoth.nay eyery pore, should be in the best Cooditi , in -that*nnOt be ;if,: a single; I ,,,,re;is left , mitiloggd witli:the impure mat, ter ii)tielt is ifFtntii 4 ally passiug' from :the system. pot thi l action of water, .seents to mire ha piiitan(even tliari ifs first eilsrer etripisiOg it film) irepuriti,ca.` baths the lively rose bush,' washes it from I 1 ;le thifit:' hut it also :refreshes sod eelieens every teat:and' petal. So a cold bath tly elean t eei the shin from its /int gives it tone; Ctrength and smootfumas. like a tose just washed by a shower, - 13atjtirie, in alt,iciountries where Aieauty has }wen ps teemed, and health is the fano 4r, beauty, Opt- been Poniidered he' ' first necessity of Oa. I chave.knowo Ihdies;• „isd.d:Liiisea4 m d, Miserable, idl foOkimos d I v. qa Aey. felv p lepdtTit.fro l l;: l , ll !a_rcigY, I.r itfiPilt few Month's. of and ivatreitiokoithe ins with aeon- Pl):vi~itgthoe • a netiiin l dtuil - . .4!lt , Orgitsion. This is such a rema..kiihVOS,et Otille,woter,otwot.: which • reseihotimeries of bathings, that, iadies want(' refiiiif to of ,ke iMpriistenteut of t I.mte if.pte l viiiterj wet:. iiispgategsa3V rneusurb;EVEßT', TitortioAkt montima.,sT 114 . E. B 'Chase,' ASCU rainairtoski ! DoLtas *tip ,ittre: erFriver stirmin", , tuift in advauee; et tivo di Mari i£ Uot paid until the end Of the year;iar time oteubOrjraliou..., No papeeiill be disaoatiaard arrearagea are paid, except:at the option, of, the Pubtiatairc .. ebinieualf.*ticaila. must be". Yln rill ceiie atientiou,„ ' ZEE . Mileuer* 'connected: with the offiee,,shotildle directeritto S. B. +.t. goritr*se; Suit Er Editors! ciffice.overll..dsTyler's Stere.i,! ISATES (Me aqtrarri or 10115) 3 base rticitq 4.100 Etich'sullegequent ' 25 Due isqueive; 3 iticnititi, 2.5(1 tt • . 6 - mouths;;•-•• •r ' • • • :414) FlUsineitt ar4l , , 4 Am.! or le#!,'= • ••• Yeaily Advep.l4inentis,:ricit odt, column, nu. year., 30-0 o th•iy: lire itig4e - (1.`• . • rr . tt Ittiti'WentiWittieWt, aSob INTateriithi;'aie kel,tlte. all-kinds of .Ji)B WORN with meatieu said dos. *** BLANKS or,,e.vtry_tio7pr,iptiott coustaot.y co hand, or cir4r; - • • • gale Vlear:VA-Z2T111Z,..- . • • . DR. J.A.3.IDS'DIIO9.ICS PhyfiCial) SurgrOpritit: tirule [ iii;, Attila. Ilydicinct+~ Paiute Oils, O!.tirr Church and Pius streets, opposite Col. F. Lusk's, Greiii-4endatti ..._. _____ ___ -----.'-,* IA: 1 07 ,1 1 4.1 - FDIVReArkx ,-, 1 t L:; , 71" 1 7 fliinil it) . at' o.llr. iliallo On 'Curnpil4.otteA one door at of the old' hegistcr Ptintinit Whet, - nip* • -, • . - • 111. t. ,. Titer-strut...lL, ... ... ATTOIINEY'At;LAW; . : = . /kw!. VlEViat Ottkeit; a tig. , • ItAtlNCibern'appointia by t;nv•Flah.of Nrw york:na Lt a Cniarritrahmer lor that t att. to takt , thoPra , tawl aclmowledgemett of ,ltrrds an,l ottirr hist cutnetir; will attend tdouriucps calls in that capacity athit , olliCaut Great "Bend:Pa. 9tpt.'10,1850 • - ' ATT 0, N SI.. Al. I+A.W Tunkhannack, l'a. (Vice ihStinVs Bricl:Parr M. . . • • D FSIDENCE in the .hnuse. futtuerly thcrridcnceof IL Samuel 6 Ole, , flarfold, D0cem1n.T.2.5,e1550' LIVERY AND EXCITANGRS74I3LE ftlontrose...P4llllo4: 1 1 / 4 1` v i s as* fie 4;4 . dr. MONTROSE' , .‘ (OP.e over Tyler' StoYe.). • Ci;kc_ - -JOB TN, .CONGDON • iII'AVISIL IN 3141171 , 112 NiMci:3II:NTS, TeDID ,5T‘127115,' HEW.; It:e. Between the Cunta Ilridge- and Court. court:tow.. Court ot; ithishaoatc - n; ti -y.. =NI. 11. Whitney Tritstiittk Agent. • atn 0.1;17.2--r-efD DEALER ,GR - Ot.T.tilr.S,l:OOTS - ASD 5.110E8; JeWblrr, Nations dcc Great Bend, June 2.0th.1M1 C.L.lWaYard.olllls, BOOT; AND .S HOE MAKER. & REPAIRER' 01. 7 4.1::./Ml4 F:67,lt7wait . SHAVING.. HAIR DRESSING SAIGON Seitrie7rilluddin4 lieu door to tile Pom. Office, Montrose,yn.'u l of - 1851 - LUSIt i10116E 1 . - - -. 1851 - . - .Greu.t Bendi! Penn' • • Bddi an rya t, rlopnetor... STA6EZ. , 10IITV thin 11_ t. ity Tor.loe,re:nt . points, on the arrival different Trains, oril;rit. Aiso, ,Lir . WM, WHITNEY, Dresden, OHO. P. MONELL, do. NATHANIEL F.LLt . tiwaxo 110,vt Ggogs, ctoTgiNG, - Boot000r.s,!&e. Lldctite tO)Ahe 'Public; -- Nettr''Seusbiiiitat Fa rindt Witair-Goods at . Grtat'Ohe 4 3 M l ore of -1.. k. maztaita BEUS leave to take - this ;opportunity of tendatin - ; his „sincere thanks to Ids friends and t ustomtrs. CO the g cn c r° '" f -P tP114"Iillt tiYe iXtepOed, to hinir.; - and at the same time Inform them that tie has jnst rtlturned from Now York with a very large and iboico selectfoti . Yang and Staple !try (loads.'lsoAreali and exten• sivellstStriMintofGrceerks,r,rarlitirti' r, ; UAW at id - Cap 51edielties,whislimillloStild for mill and'. t+tolutv ail very small adrunee',-at pekes wbieh defy. allcontpetition. Yinttri Pork, Fish, Natt,whoteeale alrd retail, ,, -lieitmtril also remark tliittliortilierer strlr.tly,tu the systein:or di. ways rt miing rite,iowest Resent Orst,therrhy. Om came advintage to all , whe May f.sy or LIM With their, par rouage., : ... .• Send ,Clothiti- Store. bierit - The largest, best,sneeheapest Itei 4 7 tie,Clothi.ne in e; Mud Pa o : elothe,pooSicintitinstinteres arid Vesting, et alknalitles suit able for the and Winter trodO, which he offerhet such priers ns to satisfy ;any owe thatthisis thenlare fir them to deal.to cousequaceof the peat inereare business Lo but tier r rialiietlt in krtntly snlargetiiss t ock, which he now ',ottani io lilt fileuttt6nti thepubileryr ex= amleatinu.ec nTidcut } tiatl tiro doiug they . wilt find E.dne. !ling to theit.mitrantage7:" Thesitheeriber has made ar rangementsto manuPsettaire'clothing in ail Its various branches, and tertiowlizillottd to eolltho goitteotuxtotit r 11 bdltin*Peakin -141ttAtini 'vatic dad, nOttlog dont at the,intest style and shortest netice,—ailltinis.e(.. tail• etetrimmings turnishe.l and for sale. - - De hot forget the A ra, .Store n@a rly oppii4tc.the-Namicm Greatileid eept,:,1850,, ';L. S. LIWIEIM. A • lrreo h .Stfick . -o r ;,ClothiEW - italkana OapP, Oprio:g . taphtoo)Oentr, I.ndirfnod Y. Boys Rootatiad Wien,ltiot, Cap ioorLet ter Paper,by .thf, Ream otqeSll quaatly,,lyAllAnd: VuOilltt Piper nni Armlet., Inki,Tqcoites aro! Picettri , Vtantes."lteoto E4oo3,::43tioneiY; FibbtoleTactle;..to lust reared g o ld for sate at small proate for toady pay, and ready pay only April 3.,1851. , 'GEO. rsLtr.l:. New and popular 'COMPREIIENtiIYE SPI)Ntlt'Y oiuNivf . u .ki.- 7114 TORY, ta,totber with a ISLOGRAPfIY of DIRTY:OI- I.IIRHED PERSONS, t which isappeadoilan epitome of 111 1"11101,0G NA'lll.-ItAt PillibSOPllY, WS . RALASTRON - OIiY land IPINSIOLOGY. Adopted and usid Publi4choola or Philadelphia ,13. S. JONES. &.,C94.Publishers. Knd, Teacher, arid school( Oin mitinOS •fiddrc'xiink' ti.rs us post paldirill bUfurotshed mith copies for esantioa don. r_r• A full and 'complete assortnrontiirßOOaatindSto ' once y fn.tgale at the Lciwen, • :; seats trod Caps, tic* supply awl gong assortment. • • Inooll.. _ , . "-A griseril afsertatent or School Bonk, embracing 07. try varirty used )n the Seb,oois and. A eallendes through, out thisiegion: lairs,' a greet variety—Sunday schnnl Books—lnapt, Acconnt.,.gooki—p. , o,S.: and Memoranda 80010. and a large elsortment of 11i4cetlarienus itorN, WALL PAPER—a new!Yuptdy of neat patteins'jb , t re ceived. Cap and Letter4Papar, of the:. first.. fi'vnlity. Ly the Seam or ,Quire. Staple_ and Yantis Ptationcrv. gnodwsortment . Pencils. !We reef, 4rUille, Viii , 2;MatcheA r Coiebs, lishirigsTaaac; Ora. vate,Avn.l4 Foeits. , goPpenders. iihirte. etc. -• , ; $)11 3 ;;;t1r, coffee . A arnnil atncii. but, fit ; ThosO who o'rrl of' Hiner: Teti as wen a. Lipson perharf, do wail to give par 'A - FeW , Treinlis . For Sale. oiia door below Judge TYlrea. Montrose, Jung 18;101: . , sesnooz 2:oons: 'thifforil.Augrat 21st , )E5l GEGL gkiitlB7ADV.ER,rB Corner of poutt and Washington Me... TIRE Subscriber takes,pleasure in announcing to the pnblie; that iii einfseluence or the ahem' t atronm:e, bestowed upon this establishing nt the PaFt t year. he In a. determined pritautientlyto eoutioudthebn 4ntsr in 'ling- Wanton. The stach comprises every styleand quality of . t! r.,e eel in ~Perieral use, far Table and Toilet t% e, and wiltbo sold iii`setts iir by the single article. Also, a OHINA TEA SETT6'7 . , DINNER , WARE; and Fagey ertirlespeueli as - Fruit Bast:els, Card-stands, Col ognellottls, , Voses, O'c„ togeihernith nbirge stock - er . !''.:l3'.ll , ft 7 t eimsisting of cur,, pressed Ad plain Tumblers, Ciblets:Wities. Decanters: Fruit Dorris, Nappies, Pitchers, Candlesticks, Lampe, Sperle- Jars, Tincture Dottier, Lamp ()lobes and Chimneys 1?1 . all size's, Zee. coniitantly hand,,an asearimant. of Spirit, Lard,Solar, and Cainphene Lamps,, titiiiA; and flonanterns "Also ilarge lot,of . ' LOOKING-GLASSES, • Window Shaile,,Tea. Trays, Cestora, 'Table Matte; pla ted, lick-man "Aver and Table and tea spoons, Table Cuttlery, ee,all Or whlfdr will be sold very low ter Cash. With in:Tea44l facilities far buAiiiess, end unre mitting attention to the wants of Id,' ettglilllt+F. the 'un aersiguml hopes to merit the continued patronage of the community, .- P. 1..0 V ER A CLIO. g . May 2 - reh', ISM. . 6th A"r17.131.0GY--TlfEkrel'jhrated Pr. C. W. 'fit*: CR; Ilr , ife"s , bor or .kg.rologY,',A;itiononly,llhreriolorj, find Geoenancy„ combined with CONJUltfrilltW,'ltorulitte , ;- denonlace, Nn. 71, LOtlliliT titreel,..ll:Wadephia, oilers hie services to the „citizens of 31inttose.„11e,has been consulted by.alT the citefo 4 ll licaole , Of turope. and' en joys a higher Tepat hti on !a AAttofoger thih'any'One living., Nattritim &lento ted• necorditig to „ticoninney- 7 ' Ladies $3, flcutloneri sfo , Pers,zs ut a distance con have thoir nativities drawn_ byecpileg the date of the day oft heir birth. All letters eantandrig the" alieih fee Will receive immediate attention; N ativitiin, sent to any: tart of the world writte,n on Anrahle raper; and he: is prepited,to Ina ke use of his newer by conjuration on uny of the followhig 'tpylps:.;--Vonrt shit, adilcogiven for the inaeoettrulaceonipit