The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 17, 1851, Image 3

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1 ^
Treat Fire In New work.
Nrs YORK, April 11.
At bout one o'clock this morning the
st e o. 180 Broadway occupied by Ilud:
szlltobertson was discovered to he . on
f ire the flames spred rapidly and thebail
ding ins entirely destroyed. Cooper's gun
a , (l i) stol shop. adjoining then took fire,`
1 49 not destroyed. Ad tho gunpowder
is i t bad fortunately been removed. How.
ar t s pc! was in great peril, and a_panie
„ ros e saran, the inmates who .pitched bam
pga and furniture into the street in great
onfpion. At about two o'clock the housel
ad j o i l ina nest the- earner of John-street
whieDlid taken fire fell with a tremendous;
crash i creating great consternation and
alarm ;
Thp prop •
erty destroyed was the store in
vrhicli the fire originated the next house, 00-
( .31)0 by J. D. Chovalier as a- cutlery es
tabliihment, and the house ad,Fining that
o 3r. Chevalier on the corner of- John
stree, and Broadway and No 4 John street
ocehpied by Mr. Gambrido, engraver.
MCssni. Hudson & Robertion saved. their
books papers and money. Their loss is es
timated at $120;000. Insured fur $lOO
- len stock rnd $20,000 on the buildinss,
Fifty rooms in Howard House were snore
or ldss damaged. Insured for $20,000.
Ira Toll hatter was insnr ed for $lOOO
irt the Equitable and Cooper Ganner, $5OOO
in the North firer.
Boderhas 3liliincrystorcin John street
was' insured for $7,500.
Extraordinary Religions Excite
went 1t Milwanteee.
Last Sunday evening, the Rev. Mr. Lea.
hey the Monk of Latrappe Ives advertised
to Lecture at the Methodist Church. A very
large crowd assembled, about a third of them
feinales. He had not spoken five minutes
ak i n there was a rush at the door and a,
gang of men came in armed with clubs
and they tare off the rails from . -the pews and,
hid about them with great vieler.ce several
were struck on the head and badly
injured—the scene was one of the tvildest
tonfusion—pews were torn down chandeliers
smashed, and the shouts of the rioters and
•s2re'ams of the women were fearful. Thp
audience gradually got out of the windows
and doors, some few persons stood -around
the speaker and protected him. The Maynt;
tomtnanded peace and promised that Mr.
linhey should leave the town in the mor
ning. The crowd did not disperse till
late hour and many persons followed the
prote'ler and his escort to a hotel hreakinz I
with brickbats settle of the windows. The
city is in a state of great excitement.
canting has been held. The Catholic priest
plbliihe.l a notice caii it ea the it people to
keep away fen.. the meeting.
Important Decision
In the Phidadelpha Court of Quarter Sq
sinns on Saturday, the following 'decision
was rendered by Judge Parsons :
lie Eir,it-of an axupation of a House
t.) Compri • Persons to ...Lea:T Me
Ground in Front of it.
0.1 Saturday -David -Vonders•mith was
before the Court on a writ of habeas corpus.
Iletras charged with an assault and battery
on Andrew Km, the keeper of a hackney
carriage. The facts arc that Kee was Stan
din', in front of the United States Hotel,
when be was ordered to leave by Mr Sol
der. The latter called the defentla nt to
arrest him which he did and took him to
the M'iiyor's office. It was for this thatthe
prosoptioa was brought. Kee alleged that
he went to the. hotel to look for a. gentle
man who owed him money, and that he was
iusitk of the hotel. Judge Parsons
said he would decide the question presented
upon first principles so that the lights of
parties Should he clearly understold. Ev
ery man owns the ground in front of his
hoop. He has given to the public a right
to pass and repass over it but in, all other
respects it is as much his property a. 4 any
other part of the premises. No one has
a right to stand or carry on any businc s.
iniront of any man's house and if he is thus'
annoyed and notifies the party- to leave
awl he don,t, he has a perfect right •to Ilse
'sufficient force to compel the offender to go.
If such was nut the law a person . might set
up a fib stand under another's -parlor win
or any other obtraleus business. A
- man keeps a public house to eat - eltato .
strngere and travellers, and no ono has a
right to come about his premises to inter
fere with his customers or guests. : It: has
been held by the Court that men - and boys
have no right to collect at the corners of
streets. At the last term of the Court, in
a ease siere arrests were made by an offi
cer of persons who had collected around a
Lease where an unfortunate female who
mains noise resided it was laid down that
the police had a right to disperse Ahem.
When Kee was told to leave the place by'
the proprietor he ought to have done so.
His refusal to go gave the proprietor a right
to take him by the collar and put Min (dr
the pavement or calla public officer to 6
it which was the wiser course. Vondersmitla,
oaring done nothing but his clay he was
accordingly discharged from custody.
LET WELL Esouon ALox.E.—This was.
perhaps, one of the wisest sayings ever re
corden from human lips„not excepting those
even df Plato, S crates, Solon, or Lycurgus;
it was the saving of a modern French state
roan, who, having observed the restless :de
sire Of the people of that country for change
and novelty, and noted the pernieious conse
quences that so often resulted from it,.ad
dressed to them this celebrated sentiment--
"Lit well enough alone." Fur, when tlic
man who wanted to be better, when he was
is health, took pbysic- r hc died I This is too,
often the case with communities. We are
Now commercially and financially speaking. I
in 'good health." Every house is oceu
pied--every store has o tenant--money is
cheap and plenty, and industry enjoys itsl
reward. Let our - political " doctors" :at
Harrisburg, therefure,think of this, - before 1
they treat a sound body as if it was dying I
of " the plague." Think more than once I
before you - pa.. 43 lasts to tax industry„or be-"
sptow a bonus on trade, which thrives most
under free competition when capital. 'can
teak the most productive investment,. lode-,
pendent of the . .idittelties of
Trade,to be prosperous, only asks to" dot
gen!' - • •
Lawyers in the Vim ted Stetted.
°tlt! PetTle . most be-veryfimd- of. laiv,
notwithstanding it is soexpensive for we see
by LiVingstonla-Law Magesine that 'there
are tut - arty-one thousand nine hundred and
seeeniy•lring lawyers in the country, ,or
:about one to every eleven hundred inhabi
tants nale:nnd female, old and young. black
:arid white, Jew and Gam de, bond and free.
Philadelpha county has faur..bundred and
forty-seven lawyers or nearly : one to every
nine hundred persons.. Pennsylvania has
over,Seventeen hundred. Irony own State
is favored with a large amount, New Fo r k
is more than doubly blessed for it his lover
four thousand three hundred lawyeii. Mr.
Livingston estimates ihat each Lawyers'
practice has an average income of ;$l5OO.
This would make the aggregate cosi-of law
in the United States reaelt the.enormous
sum of nearly thirty- three millions of dol
lats If thii is not paying too • dear for the
whistle generally all, the client'-gets utter
the fees are fobbed we know. riot .svhat,,,is.
A year's could scarcely eostf more
anon y, and probalily,not prove Mere:
ous to private fortune: .:A few years' hack
and the eapens:ea the General
~sith - all its various - officers' and retainers
was not so great „iii . this _
.11E-vaettxaTtes.- 7 - Medieal men_ 'a r e
very often asked Vane vaccination, is sulE
eient to protect ,thelaystetn.' - . through life
frcim small pos--.7.0r - llow . is nee*,
ary have it operated:, The lote.Dr - . Fish
er of Biston, fur a long time gave attention
to the subject; and in - January - last. - pub..
lished 'With others, the following-.proposi
tions : . ,
1. That, ono single and . Perfect meats:
ions does not, for nil tiros, in 411 cases; det
privithe system- of its suseeptiiiility of va
riolons diseases.--
.2. Thai,,ane,nr_ npre.fe-riecinatiens do ;
and that, consecpiently, a physician shat ld
recommend re-vaccination, when questioned
is to its necessity• • :
3. The system is protected from vari"plons
contagion ashen it is no longer susegitible
of vaeciue influence as tested' by re-raccia-
Every person, therefore, who would be
fully protected from small pox, 'should be
not only once yacciauted,•bUt should hare
the operation repeted ono or more times, or
until the system ceases to br affected by
the rims.
Ol' CE.
The firatUniversalist Society_ of — Aro:Arose
ant Bridges ~ter are hereby notified that a so
elety meeting will be held id the Church in the
Borough 'of 'Montrose, on Saturday, May 31.
at 4 o'clock P. M. 1 1 general attendance of
ail the Members is &sired, Sis business 'Of
portanee is expected to come before them.
Thy order of the_Trustees. • ` 'l'
Montrose, April 14. 1851. .1 .
'2,1 4- ZCA. , 4 , 64 , tgi *
On Sunday, I:.3th.inst, by Elder 11. 11. Gra,y.
Mr. NicnoL.ts Silovilm,:erk end Miss Plum:-
ma 1. HEwnsr, all of Rush. •
In Great Dead, on the Sill insi.,hy Pefor Deck
er, Esci..., ?Jr. Wrt.roa of ,VeAli. N.
Y. and Miss Amanda Spearbeck of Great
Be mi. -
In this borough, on TueSdaytireninrr,SlL-In.' st.,
7 .1115§ FA:N - SY 87. daughter 1)121f. S. Wilson,
aged 23 years.
In Montrose, IGth,.Saartr.t. -L. Srnorr,
youngest son 'of Charles and Juno Sprout,
aged eight months and seven; days.
lz , To. Z• itaL-rzgraliAs.
A In3eting, of the Stockholders of the above
association be held nt thoOdd_rellow's
lull on Friday evening, the 25th , inst., nt '6
oclock P. M. A 7,ener.ilettendancO is request
viols bailness of importance is to be tranne.t.
ed. C. P. RmiD, Seey.
April 1851.
, ,
Eta Zit sal
intriatince or the Act of Assernbli•
*lam. th 3 Springville and TuulthannockCreek
'tstmitihe and Plank Road Company,' the Banks
foi Ftbscription to the capital stock of said cam
pany' willtl2 opened at the public lionsenr&lliek
con: in on Friday the 9th day (II May
nest, Rini remain open-until the capital stock shall
be enbscribed as required by law.
BE.krapk.r.. - L, -- S. 1.-Eckaa. •
. IILA SCOTT,- 0. B. IficKc s
• 8..-S.'SEAT.t,E. Coimtkissoners.
ittontrose, April 17, IS3I. !
Water Cure.
.i€r•nt Prospect Waicr oure Estalgisizment,
Bihgluamitm, Broome N Y.
. ,
1115 cotablishment is delightfully located at the base
T of the mount:dm gram which It taker Its name, and
comirtands a dellrhtf,il view or the Chenangn 'and Scut,
4.4ehanna fleas with their rich and beautiful vallica..
The "'Caro" is now open for the reception and treat
ment of Patients. The:institute Las been EXLCMPfuI In
securing the aid .ofDr C. D. llaizett, late of New York
city, 'Mute liSreg experience in Ilydropithy is sualclent
raarantee to the patrons of this institutiOn" that they
*lithe aloamlantly cared for:
11111etters, e.. on professional buiincrs, must 'be ad
dressed to Dr: Darren at the Core. Communications
only will be ?recited that are port pal d.-1(Itt.
New Goods
_AI tA r held of Navigation—for court .meek. .
ALL kinds or goods asttally'kept. Is a country' Fiore,
expected on Monday next-mending, Oranges-Lem
ons, Figs. Beisins,Fresit Teas. dress sands Ece,whicit sliU
'wagered very low for the ready..—calland see. '
Montrose; Ar1117,18Z4 - . M. C. TT,LEII.
Last Call.
THE neenttnts of the latifirm .of Eldred ;lc Nei:rota):
1 mast be settled. time indebted ten settle with the
'7ubseribtr nnttl . t he feret dnynt ?day next, ate: they may
be found with a ;Inltiee
Montrole r Ajwil 15,18J1
- q2W , 11 50 .
TiST riecieed a new ...oak of ?phi; and summer *nods
.13 at the siora of • . 11,7 WEBB,
• -Ili erfilDll4 q .
TS lie , cby given to thownliseribeis <Tato , * In the
trase do Burford Plants Beadt'ompany that an .addi
tional instalment of tire dollars pernharl will be inquired
on the lOth of :May. - -, J. B BALISBUItT, Treasurer.
.100 tenoLinley's, 110 to ss CA3v3a. lor sale te,t rent
DcndDepot.-16:a. By W . ," EACZR.
, --7 11 7 & DRESS. WAKING, I
%VIE rutmcriberr bore romoroct to liarford vit.iaga,crrer
10. Foymnur's gtore . • . E. SWEET.
Ilartord, . 11. F. BRUNDAGE.-
WAlLUANTlialfuri tand, for gale by
.• . .
C.....,. . .
- -
T. L. Peel &;,t'o.',itreiiolvrelicirtug thuri' Ner.Terk e
.1.. tine assortment of New Goods' suited to the 'tenni/
which they oger tor vale au tertniA - :No 1:: VILA of - part
nest 'week. , ittegitreere, Apr1110;101: ..-. - • t
. .
YCO.4IIING .County-Ingurclue' Opmpon — y-«
The undersigned agent for this well Anowti
and long cetithlialied histitotion respectfully infeirtmt
. publicthat:ha wilt receive applications for
Barone rigitinit leite or damage Ir, to:Bitildingii
Griods,Turnitare,itc. •. 2 B.& -Lyon;
- Montose, 'sl.= s i ' ' ti t•
%ONT.!: aptl IlmolitylieleVeltherteal ttigetilgjacat re•i!
eatalred anti llbr tale by • ••• AL. ItEU•
April 19, ran. __
~•'2 ;
* " OT I VOn
To liehntesn'e Dealer& and, D:ntern /Item/mit.
dinntaithin thncannty Saeger/lan/M. -
N putnlanco of the nct of ; Assembly :or this.
- Cotainctiveratth,..viz. . the act of.;the 4th day
of May,pilt, emitted "An act to
_Provide 'rou
tine to Ideet tit4.(l.munds upon the Treasury, and
for otho.-p..trp040," au Act the 16th
1845, entitl'd 4 . an ACt to:Marquee revenuo
and, diminish the legislative expenses or the Com-,
Itionwetthh," au net passed the 12d day:of -April;
1846, cntitien "a s Act•to provide Or the settee.
tion of the public debt,": and ati-,adt :passed . the
111th daylof April,ll4% eMitled "an. Act to cre-,
ate a sinking fund, and to- provide for the gradual
and certain atingtilshment -of the, debt of the;
Cominonwealth,'.' the undersigned,. , Appraiser of
mercantile taxes for Snmnehanna county, has
prepared a list of all merchants ..tradnig within
said County, and placed each of the said-mer
chants-in that class which' to
.hintseems. right and.
jest - accordingto the ; provisions of said act of
eetnbly, as .
nishlctree. Proprietors.
Auburn. Henry A Bloch,
A O. Eldridge, .
d 0 ..,". E S Kent, .
do S Asidy, . r 13 Lhi,
. - -J-Baker & co.,
Checomit, Francis Quin, :.14
Dundati, C R Wells&Chilenden,l2..
. do — 13 -
. do George Cone, ' 13
do P 11
LAngdort •13
Dimocki • liiram ialicslee, 14
do JAI --14
do Litlirop - 4% - Sherman I
Campbell. 4 , 'reggart, 13
- do Wichant 01 , , Stour, 13'
Gibson, BinTon.s & co., - 12
do ;t1 E Kennedy.... . 14
Great- Bend, ; :3. Slenheiro,'
- do I
-," Wm DTrowbridte, - - 14
do ' .Win Dayton, 11 Liq.
. do; :Young& Bronmsou;. 13 I.lq.
..'do' • : .161 m Megianiy,
do . Tinkhaara: Belcher,
do William Edmei 14
Pormony.• T P Badgir a:oo; . )3
do WLyoni co.;' "'l3
do • . I) A Lyons& ilrother,l3
- .AO' • A J
.Srgmonr, 14
do . J 31;Ward, • •12 I,i g ,
ifortord, • Ls'' e & Eaton,' 14 .
do • sSoymonr 13
do Johnoton h Yerry 13
do - G G Pride.,l
-. do ' • Asltly - .t Kingsley, 11
Wriek, I ; John - 14 '
14n0x., E R.Grinv & Brothers. 1:1
do . behottz Ent'on & co., 13
do Niles LCari)enter ' 14 Lig.
4tont., : cise, C Tyler, 13
&I it &Wilson,
do 1) 11 Lathrop & co., 11
S S Medford & Sou, 12
do Bentley & Read, It 'L:q.- 4
do Abel Turret', 14 L'q. 4
do 1 L. Post a to., 11
do , Lyons & -Chandler, 13
do 3 Lyon% & Son, 13
do - I 11 J-Webh 13 .
do It SLII Sayre co, II
11,o! ' G . 13 Eldred, 14 '
-its -
4 - Pins,
• do - 3 Ethridge,
do B;Searle & co.,
do G ' citlrge Fuller
do- Wut W Trne,
do Genrge.Little, -
Niiddletown. , C C ‘.'right,
New Milford, C S Bennett,
; do - Hoyden ic
'. Henry Eurriu,
r E do
' do A Moss 4 . Sens
do • S Marie,
do 1,1 L - Sutphin,.
Rutt,h, N Gragerfi c0., c0
;do it Chrunplon,
, Ado NVm P also
SPrinT,V . ll:le, S S Grover
I do Ira Scott, -
do . Johnston Dean.f .13-
Sikler Lake, Brae:lel-Monfort
'do F C - Wardle 4' co; it .
lid of Groccries, Mc?
• 1 Patent
• ; Class. Mod.
Brooklyn, itichardHalstend 8 Liq.
• de James Liddy,
Dundalk_ John .1 Weaver, - 8 Liq.. _
do L rock Chambers, • 8 Liq.
Friendsyille,lsaic P. t , - •• : 8 I.
Gibson, -- Nicholas Low, 8 Liq.'
GFeatend,John Comstock, 8 Liq. ,
do E A Gwen, • - 8 . Liq.
46 F Churchill.
dO ! Luezan Scott, 13
do Lewis B Buell, 8
ilarmOny, WhiteoA&Newinan,6 Liq,
do . jlenry lierine &Son, 8 , Ll 4,
do Elliot Beiisan, 7 Lig.
do Nathaniel IEII, 6
do 71`. Weeks, • 7 I-41
Jessup, - P3l Barber, - 8
Jackson,.• ..ocorgeArtison, • 8
do Hill Hollis • • • ` 4
Abrabein ChUrchill 8
:Vollmer, A Merriman, .. : 6
do • ~ IN Bullard,, 7 .
do' 'D F Anstin.& J P
Warner 8
, -
ll* • M Southwell, 8 ,
Silver.Late,Bouoni T GiOe • 8 . •
Distillery. -`
Clifford, ; John MeAlla, of Ulla'
- key. No.:ofgallons, 1800. - =
And the J, of the. Court of Common Pleas
of said county will hold a court-of .appeal at
the Court House in Montrose in and for the
CO: of Siis4uehimna on 3londay the ' 12th day .
of May next' t 2 o'clock P. Mat which tittle
and place any of the, men4iatits defined, de
scribed midi elissed as' aforesaid ortheir agents
or attorney] may appthir and appeal from said
assessment 'if they think proper::•
J..1.44THR0P, Mer. Appraiser.
• April 14;1851.-18w4. f; • _ •
Pula' Auction. -
/V Atictitutwill be held at the late dwelling of
Alerandif McCully:li jr• deed, in the town-
ship of. Ncw Illilford, on Saturday the
.1.91.11 day;
lof April, corntnenciu,T% at ten . o'clock . r A Id, all
which will be offered for• sale one valuable horse,
5 years old, one paw, - twevearlinge,One twe horse
wagon, one btu, one sleigh, datildp and single
harness, lOrffido robe, a quantity'of Plaster, farm
ing utensils of Various kinds, stove, clock; bureau, t
chairs; - bedsteads, looking glosses ; and many oth-t
er articleslof household furuitrae r and other pro.
miscuous articles, late the goods. and thattles of
,the said 25.1evander McCollum jr, dec'd.
Terms Oreafe,--All Baths under Sda i lant cast',
over..s dollars and less than /Cap notes at - three
months with interest and, approved security, over'
ten dollars/aridless twenty. 6 months and as
aforesaid, Over 20 dellani,l 9 months and as afore
' -• :MARTHA. 8 1 41VOLLUNi.
lAtlrrix of A McCollurn jr, deceased:
New 31.ilforif, 4pril 9, '.51. - -
' Notitwpf Itaiad-1111111deall.
HE f.ontrose Raiford Plank Road Comma. :
AL, - ny i l receive pMpoSals for Grubbing, GM
tling, conitructing sluices culcerte; - -;bndgcs, nud
planking:raid-road thci,frist four .mileslrorn Mint
tole; until Saturday the 26th instant: The Onus,
pip6let, Mapil and speCificidions will bit Madylor
examination on Monday Mo.:twenty-Arit instant.
Six miles mokof - the Road will be leudy:fer
letting= as soon as the kinitiOri can, be made, - of
which dug iWitics,Will be. riven:
- • -.J. B. s_tuts.tpur,..gtipetl*erailLt. I
.Montrose, April 8, '',s ; • •
nRANGEs & LemOns:—.A. - friso Jo: JULi to:
toTbillizil:•tho:hundaditiozerr;- or
'Atiokuoras ‘Va
Teo o'Volf Lave Bocrteifor title by: •
-Ik:I'I . ..BULLARD. :
_ _
TlfAS',EllswiTiniolEy t Seed foe tltsleby : ?-. A Nl4:v-risvpliorgoods.
1•$ Liq.
13.. .
- Carifs . , 13
- .1 A Williams, -13
12 big
13 lA.
14 Lig 4
14 -
12 'l,Tq.
t 2
12 - 4
13 '4
bheriffs sales, -
1)1" virtue of a writ of Fi Fa. issued out or .tito.
court, or. ciarraia.-0 0 0- :.:-.3a, l aattaaa
.County, and to the directed and delivmd, L will
expose to public atileAst the Court llonii; in Moil
: troseyon naday pril %hi, 1851, at
o-atocit, M.; ail that vertain piece or.parcel of
.land,aitpare,lying, rind in • . township of
Auburn; in the roomy:of Susquehanna! beuuded
`and cleectitird as foltows, to wit*: angle north by
(Aida of. William. shoemalteet . east- by. lands of
David. Case •
'• south by lands enamel Conadainud
omit by lands of Samos! Sweatt - remitter l contniii- -
lug 9O acres, together with tho aPtittr.tearmceit,one
1 loft lronse = asmall arehard and.obout 30 .acres
I improved, late the estateof David Struckhaminer.
.-. -Taken in.execotion at the.saitotAxut Lathrop
int. David Swackhaminer. ,
I .• ,- •AfO. .. •
, All that certain piece or parcel - eland, "'Mate.
lying and being in,the township ; of Neer 7tlilford,
county of SusquelitinumliontsfetVand 4-Seethed as
follows; to itl( .begilltsifig lat n itiint in the Middle
of the Corse road; and iuthe-North warrantee line
of olonit ) it Findlayi-thinco -aluoglthe Middle of
said road, south 32 degrees, cost 25 5-11) perches:
thence . sunlit 441 degrees east - 20 perches;
thetec Sontli _2.l} degrees past, 10 •perehea to *
point in •the niiddk of the aforesaid road; thence,
south 46 degrees west 119 perches tii a perch and
stoura in.the*wurranteti fine or Solomon Findley;
Iheutiii Wong said tiue North 4p degrees, rain 190
perches - to the Once of beginning, containing 50
acres Mid 16 perches be the , sante more tees, loge.
•ther with the appitri . enencesiMiefrante Itouse and
about 12 -acres impre'vdi _tale the estate of Ho::
illia bud-Noah Ilttcsimati. • '
Taken in •eitecution at the suit et Wright . Si;
Bennett lineman:lp mud Noah
A 9 that - certain piece or parcel of land . sititatei
lying Sad being in the township:of Bridgwriter iu
ibo county -of Surrmeltainta, • bounded end de.
scribed as follows, to
.wit :.I„teginning at a post and
otonee. the 'south .atest corner'of lands foraierly
owned by-John Bard; 14k - the west along- lands
ftutnerly ot-Phineas Anne*, jr.,.10 pereherato a
post and'stotirs a corner Of 'land fdimetly owned
by „tanieslicK.une ; thencetuith 40
pdst arid, stones, being the north-west corner of
lads formerly ofßobert Eldredge f..tin.nee east .
tO percher' 'nectar/in.-to the old measure roar cur - .
ttjr ; thence north 4J perches to a past and stories
ial the south line of said Ilard's land ; -theuce W. 141
ttt penehesto the place' of - beginning, ioutniuitrr
48 acres ho the same mom or less, together with.
the appartenucces, one framed hens': and shed,
ono frothed barn an-orahard and about 40 acres
impixwed late the estate of Henry Osterbont; • -
Taken in the suit of 'Lathrop &
galisbuny vs. Henry Oster taut. . .
• .. _ ALSO;
By virtue or a writ of Lev. - Fe all that certain
tract of landeiteate in the townships of Jessup
and Forest Lake in-the county of_ ;Susquehanna
and stateof Pennsylvania, and batted, bounded,
end destritsedne follow*, to wit t.lll;•ginnieg of
coiner of a: forMerly conveyed to Jonathan
Steinbargli ; thence by said lot south fifty'perches
to a hemlock, a corner of a Nubia day conveyed
to Henry Tupper; thence by last mentioned lot;
west one hundred atirl'exty„ perches to a beech ;
thence North fifty perches to a beech, a corner of
lot crnveyed to Jesse Bilthßra; thence by said
lot by the land by Stembargh's -lot, east onebun-
Jred and sixty perches to the - placo of beginning,
containing fifty acres, together with the appurten
ances, 1 fainted house, 1-frnmb buin, an orchard
and about 49 acres improved. ' •
one otitir tot, butted, bounded and described as
follows, to wit: beginning at a post a corner of a
lot conveyed to Jesse Birchard thence by said lot
south one hundred perches_ to a stone heap ; thence
east forty five perches to a post,. a corner of... Jon
athan Stienbargh's tot ; thence north partlyby said
Steintiargli!s land, one hundred percher; to lt POs; ;
thence west forty .five perches io place-of be
ginning.' containing twenty-eight titres and one
tenth of an acre, all improved, (hi the, township of''
Forest Lake. • .
Taken in execution at the suit of Jobs{ L.lledge
executor of Balk:WU. Ileac deceased,. ve. !ferny
Cole. ALd
• All that certain piece or pared of land situate in
the townships of Gibson and Jackson, and butted
bounded and deathbed as follows, to wit : begin
ning; at a maple tre - e„the south corner of laud sold
to William A. Whitney ; thence fly- the same
north 44/ degrees, 12.7.percheit to atones, the said
Whitney's east corner, the south corner of lauds
Sold to James Cook, and aid the west corner of lauds
sold to George Gelitt, • Junier; thence by £hi. last
.land-soinit 45/ degrees enst 159' per;
cites to a beech sapling, in the said Gelatt,lartior's
south corner, in the line of land sold to Georg/
Gelatt senior; thence by the land last mentioned
south 44/ degrees. west 127 perches to n 'beech
'tree, the said George Gelatt seniors west censer,
in the line of lauds conveyed to AntrSkYrans,trns
tees, and thence by thelast Mentioned land, north
145/ 11.4rees" West 159 .. perches to the beginning ;
containing tl9 acres -and .10 Perches, null allow
, :ince of 6 acresper cent. for roads, Ste, - be: the
earns more or less,: together with the heredta
' Meals and appartetiancee, one
_trained house( one
framed barn, one framed Waggon Iniuse, one or
chard and a'tant S 3 acres improved. • •
Taken in execution at the suit of Nathan liite
and Thornai Williamson ( Twisters, &o. vs. Josiah
B. Bill and Itlioda Chandlerexes. of the last :
of Robert Chatidler„ d•ceased with notice to Ileury
Chat:diet torte tenant.
All that...certain tract or parcel of land, situate'
inthe township butted, bounded and
described as folloani;lowit: beginding at a black
birch tree in the line of Wheaton Caprou's land:
thence by the same and by other lands, north 451
degrees, west 106 perches - to a bireh
thence partly by lead of Noah Aldrich north 44/
degrees east 123'perches to 'a birch 'tree ; thence
by the said Aldrich land and other lands 45/ ' de
grees east
,106 perches to a dead 'hemlock tree ;
and thence south 44/ degrees west i,1,23 perches to
tu Deg - Inning, containing by - a emery thereof
made by Jason Torrey, 75 acres acidallowanee o
six acresper tent-for roads, &c., be .t'te same more
criers {hieing the'eanie tract of hind 'and .
I which William Drinker, Henry S. Orinker,Jacol.
Dottiling..Herny - Dritiker, and ThomasStewartl
, sen;executors named in the last tvill.and teSta
, merit of lleury Drinker the elder, late of the city
• of Philadelphia, dec'd.(conveyed by indentureola
ted May-11th, 1816, to Noah- -
pie, together with the. bereditaments add amine.
tenances One frained !levee and bare and about 53
acres improved,. . . _ •
Taken; in execution. at the suit of Joseph, D.
Drinker and Israel P Pheasants, administrators de
bottle non 61:c:;.of Henry - Driuker, 'deed; vii:,Ly-1
Lopreslet'.Fuller, Abel W-
Noah W. Faller, Harlow ttirnlone t and Betsey 61.1
mone his wife; late Betsey , Fuller,• and
- Fuller, heirs of Noah Fuller, dec'd. • ".
. C. M. C:Elit, Sheriff:
Sheiifl'e Office, 'Alt:Meese, • - 31W4.
11l arch 2:1,.A_ U.. 1851.
DY- virtneOf ti writ of Vend Ex. issued 'ant, of
, the - Court of Cornmen' Pleas of Susquehanna
' County, nun' to rite directed and delivered, I will
expose to public:Safe tit the Court` !Louse in Mont
rose, en Monday the it lsi day. of April, A.D. 1851.
at I o'clock that Certain piece or parcel tifl
land lying and being
,in the township of Rush.
County of Sttsguthanna- end Slate ;of Pennsylva
nia, houn i kl e t an,d . :aescrilied as follo*a, to Wit...l.
On the north _by hind of Ilenry J. Champion;` on ,
the east by lands. f said Champion ;. an the south/
by the publie.higitiVay 1 and ,on the west by the ;
Wytilusiug creek ; I coutaluinineatiy one-half acre',
bei the name more or lesit.- together with the int
provetnente = told 'lttppnetittancei, lone two story
waggon and blacksmith shop, and all improved.
Taken in execution, - Oti the suit Of Blind W.
Durgy 'va: I. 1). Bimpsbn. ' 1 •
• •- GE'RE, Sketif.
'Riterifre °Mee; 341ciOtrese,
'1: - March 311851
= 1 Atifen —
THE tnenibers of tI4I "Socksou Tioop of cay.
- are hereby notified to Meet at the house,
of N W,Widdion,: in, ilerford, 0n . ,, 'Monday. 'the
6th day of May next at. 9 o'clock M, armed
and equipped as the law directs for, - . parade l and
drill: IerrEPIIEN F. - CARPENTER, Copt,:
' flatfoot:Mini
DUR,LIC:NPTICE iti'hernhrOven to)iTilmr
-1 ions ftillowiti. ,
t4o, lo wit r"
51min:1in, dee'd4
J 04311111; . -
Estatc_of 4:irausiott, deol;:•l99eph 8.
Scott, A..lner.-. _
&aide or James Sherman, dedd., R. T.
Stephens: Adler. •-•• '
Estate'or Woieen den's:L. - sq. W.
Lung tind" Abel Adin rs. _
Estate of • JonathiaTreadwell,dee,d.,
'A. Ward, Adtter: - • - • -
• Eitato •of David • Welch;..deeik-Elijili
Baratini;Eer. • -
Estate - of Cornelius Rjnearson;
llalsted,.Atitnir. :.• • -•:- -
Estate' . Aarcn Greenwood,-
Daniel Qatriey,', •.` '
Estate of John - P.nbinfien, dec'd Braton
Richardson and Daniel Torrey adm'rs.,.
- Thut the accountants have. soiled their- - TlC
cßunts in .the Registry's ofticein and for, the -coun
ty td Sostinebnotto,und that .the wan will-be pre
sented to the-Judges of Ilse Otpitans' Ccatrt of •eald
county, Montrose; oh'. the tat' day of April,
neat, for ctinfirmatian and Whits/oleo.
- 111rAuLE.5r... - DROWN, Register. -
Ilr.gister's °flier, .Ninutrose,
" -March 9.5; 1851. • •
FTIIII2 undersTLined Clerk or the Orphan's Conti
':l_ in oinifor.theMinfity of tiusquelin lino tia nhoul
the the' littiitiet of John IVilliaina Esq..
administrator of the estate of l'itinnas Deinmy,
th7ed. haie been referred for- d:stritiution to uud
ainatig tifo: - reported creditors of said : detieetird
hereby 'gives
,notice that ha , will att e nd to that
duty ttt his office in Lftintiose, on Stintitlay the
nineteenth day of ; pril o'ctnck. )IL;
when and whore rd! pasont. inuy uueud, if, they
ithay - kink proper,
linntrage6„ March .9.2. 1851. • -
• Admimstrator's Notice.
L E Rof Admin'stration Of th,...stoiO-of
John. GreAt. foie- Of Franklin t ownship.
deo:fatal!, !mein: !own punted to the un.l..reigttetl,
notice is, hereby given to oll_hlebhal to the rAnte
ta6all..nud vritltutie,inine AvJtiout 41)(1.
persona haviii eletpandsagalust - . the estote
please preseut the m -4.110 ,,
ror 14.4 I IPIIIVnie
Wu. GREEN, .4ctir. '
1.8.1r 1 514 P2anto
I\TOTIC.I.: is Iterelfy;iven Mil litter,‘ of Adonfiptration
II .upon tho estate of Al 31e0f;ilunt,jr., tato of
Ilridre, watef Towadat!), deceit:tea, -11w,e born' grunted .o
the rub•crilwri All pevons !whiffed to Paid erfate wilt
please settle the Nam , without dehiy! awl avow having
demands - azainAt !Ott emote are requested to preaeut the
.ante, they uctrateil. Tor aniticrieut, . •
31 tlttll 4 . 1 1 .t1a•,.15t1,1;31„
Bridgewater, March 11th, . 11 Gw
AdsulnlstratorN Sale.
MOTICE hersby given, thet-by an order of the 01.-
1 , 1 Court or the County of, Sualuchanna, there
trill be eiposed to rale by nubile s, endue et the Court
Itutt_min Jloarime, tato the, pryerty of Nathaniel OH
: here, tleantled.; in Via town of Norwich. 8 ate of COnn'et ,
tieut, on . SatuVl;iy toe 14th day of April next, at':
all thu carton inessnage piece or earl of land,
. situate in the twaship of Gibson raid Coo .ty of Sineine
, hanna, aindod as' follows: Ile , •ihulent at a pe , t and
stone-in newest lino of Peleg 1.11111 lot and the northeast
corner of lands of Nek.olllll Lowe. thence north 82!‘ de.
grces west by sat , Lowe's Int DI perches to a:once, thence
north degrees .eat Inc, rods tortures. them:elm:oh
92,1 degrees curt 15 nerthta to 'stereo'. theore nor It SY
degrees vast 810 !torches to 4tonra,
_thence by land of
ltrlakees heirs sough 31 1 i degrees must f 9 rreLes to pe.t,
and atones, the notthw, at coiner of the salt Peeeg
lot, thence. by the same south Bog dm-errs w, toy
Follett totbe place.d . beginning—contalning 55 aersw.
mostly nadir im:lrovement, a fronts doelllng hone. and
barn Tenon made known on day of rale,
• It ..I..NiVE.N.
, .
• Mner of Nathaniel Glibett, deed.
Montrose. February 25,
!• • I. aNSperm,
I Remaining in the Post Office - ctt Montrose,
Suiluelianna county,Pa.; :April 1, 1851.
'Amerman. Immo Jones, -Satauel-2 • •
Brooks, Nancy A. 3. Jenkti, - Peity
Bullock; S Lindsey,,,Naney N •
I Bern,
.Frank Leas, Lucy Anti
Brown, ll.Mry Mills; Henn
Marsh, N V& Co-2
!Brooks; John H Milt ari, P C -
j Burhite Ann .Morrill, A B
IBissell;Lydia & SaraliMart in, A .1
Barry, Richard Miller, D P
Baker, Henry' _ Meecy, Lydii
t, Connell, Mary. Mills, Miss lane
;Clark, John ' McKeehy, Mathew
!Cheever, Cyrus Mehan,
ICheeVer, Mrs.l.ydii • (Mike, llchry-2
Osburn, %CM H.
;Chmnberlin, Wm. Onell, Michael •
!Conron, Frederica Otis, Benimnin
Cornwell,:George; - Powers, Mich tel
Corah, Eliza J - Perkins, Miss Ann ,
; Cheesekorough, SJ. Parks; Miss F L
•C ampbelL-Lewis Root; G Wells
;Dilly, Butl..r: Robinson. Mrs Ellen
Dorsey, Allen - .Ryan, Timothy,
Davison, 0 S-2 •- Reynolds, Sitnitel
Dunning. John Salisbury. Mrs Eeleeta
Everett, Esther D . bimpson, J C-3 • '
Esiek, James: • Smitkißielvird - -
Flytiri; - ,llary ' .
Foster, I P Str.tnge,
Fitz Gerald, Mieit tel; - Sterling, Henry A
Fitz,Miehael I. J I
Flynt, Abel Mark -
Field. , s;-David 14eratiton, Oliver 4 (
Fuller, IV A -Teed,'JOlM
Foster, Lin A • Turner. Elder J P
Green, Allen S: Taylor, Charles' _
Galloway, Aaron 'Terry. Ira W.
B Tyler,Moses
Goods'tl, Nati:in Virgil,-. Amon .
Galligher, James Van Winkle, Miss J-2
Gate:tiller, Miss Ann N . V . Bll:er,.Elijah - __ , ,
llagans, Isade, Roseth
H2331:1, Genrc, , e. IVares, Jolm .
Harding, Amos !Ward, - R6- , -T S
Holbrook, Beniainin ;Wartrous; Aaron
Johnson & .- AVrisley,'Benjantia
PersonS calling for. above letters will:please
say. - adVertised. 14%9.;
: . BENJ. CASE. Post Mister.
. .
•• . Take notice; -
persons indebted to the subscriber. es
pecially by [moll aceonot ore ietpiested to at.
trod to the settlement orate s:atite. tyithat farther
time sufiicieut has been-riven and more
knits: not herexpreti..ll.. - BENT, SAYRE. -
• • Murch.2slll; 1851. . •• 'lf
. .
subscriber wishing to leave. Town. offers
sale his entire stook of Hats, Caper - ate.,
to with rho -nseessary. tools Sod fixturrofor
carrying'on businrrs: person
wishing taeatiage.ia btisaress a rood Opportunity
is now prisentPd. G B EILDRBO..
TT is noiv over six Months- shine I disposed of
4:rny interest in the Detrieerat office:and yet . bot
tithe of My tteceiuutit nave been settled, 1, there-
fore - give notice once for all, - that they may
ilinind mita after April Coon! frith -:1.1 4 1. Bullard.
l in. llontmee ; but that ifriot settled the expira
tion of . ttiat period, they, will be - banded - over: to tt,
Iterson.dtii : appointeil to Settle imeh inatiers;rna
1301EDIA10 "(01,LECTION.:: •
1 1 ,14 . re1l ,fB.-1851;;
persons iedebtici-to phi fine of
• • Haydrni um. requestO fo aed eittie thP
sees 'a Os it; hkslisece:l, iieoolll7 to,hetie: oil such'
ctairris ariangedirainSilimitely.. .
Etoolts cud Notes be.foend
Euhr;eriber. et the eters of, Itayderi ¢¢ Little.
- •
latiielf9A 4 51-430: - - '
ivAvr. by
ReFhterN; Nottait.,
I Mean it
Take i►oOce: . ':
Yarmsfor Zalf4
un subsorlber, lat•t .aa-airon4 row- tbri.pchmte
• ~L= 'ame of Aral Hatatw...fanna. Bo W. in and Loa _tom.
tedln Sas tnehanna county. En., - 1,:or
their pmperty Ibt sato din lyre, ntatr.wto - desertfilhot 'ot
th v ir i4rMI or Lot . ..ALF rallowa Numbor of aerea, Lee
manyiniprorol, and how w.dored l bu
vatted or common' &Mt tcothet knit trete. and' Wilde
Imo; how far from Montrose, and law „neorrot point to
adopt 013 ;lie & Uri* thiltroad price laud
',Manor payment: ." Ni who arlatito orpurobase Real
_„.Eit, I , tetra prompt attention by mdling on or
'-' , .r 11 . 1 00 meat Stootro.e,Saskjuths. o^ Pa
rll 113f!earwayancefrum Illantroas tains pteraltenfras of
0 ea On TWinplkit ritentt;4 Micro Winfor. tho uric&
th e r° ll4lol3 6Parritiri Lot aro now 6ffeird for sale:
:Ito. 1,40 emu, '3O improved, Warn" Ifoomiiind Earn.
' No 2,35 do 60 -do - . - do' , do •
• N 0.3.100,19 00 ; do - 'do
No. 5.70 =dm ' 40. deg, - : -
N 0.6.04 . tin 35 do - do ===
No. 7, Sumo, WarehoosOand Lid.
No.& 145 aeres7s MoMwrod, , framed bolsi ixnabarn.
• ' Nrt.9 .. tag do - 55 do t - ; do
, No. 10.2.. do' do.. " do • =
' NO.ll. _ • . r -* do do 'rind iot•
100 acrai7o imPro 4 rdiraMedtmourond. bun .
- No. 13,340 do 200 d' do do. 'do
ti 0.14, 56 do -50 do-
160. 15, 165 do CO dal dn. 'do. • , do
No. 16. 120 acres 55 Improred.om4oWhoug° nod
-N0.17.100 do 75 do •
• rto • - • - do
19,112 no . do do
No:10,200 do 10
~do - "do fo .
~ N 0.20. 145 do 100 do' : do;_do •
No. 21. 109.. do 129 do do do . do ,
N 0.22. 90 3 c do , 45 do . ;do do
N 0.23. 45 do 30 -do .\ . do do -
'No. 24. 232, do 1.'5. do •do do .
, No. 25.125 d,‘, ,10O=. 'do •do •do
h 0.215,400 .20, 140 .do _ . do : != do •
No. 27. RO do 45 dit : do do.
20,11 'arm, d .air mill nod •
N • 20, 1340rr,•, , ,,43 doktuard, from; Loam, and tiara
. No. 20. 175 , do 160 44- " =":
N 0.31.13 5 do 4J t"
Ino do . 135 • -••
No. 33. 160 .1 , 60
No. 114. 150 100 -
rqn.asnia. SO
:111: , rto' 110
An. Tr'.'llXl 410 140 • 1 ".
No. SS, 179 do
No. MI 175 'do SKI r . I . 40 do "dam
No. 40 89 dn. 4! qo • do- dcr .
Xi , : it :?12 - Ir 4 • do .
No 42 72 fi d 6 ' ' d o ,
I' l / 4 0 43 4 - .lo 4do do • do .'• -
tn. 44 134 .1, r. do do ''.do
No. 4;. fl•til ::.•14.0 ~ .f
11.—PerXONto ;Oa 1.6 puretinsr eityot - ibete
I...yitviug the nu/Mort Vati Otot;111:1 a fulklastniptiou• •
• • • • . , AL.I?ItED - BALDWIN. . •
- 11entrole. Pm. Oet•Ther. . • ' • .
freeman,*odges &Co.
5S Llbert): itteet, N. T.
(Between Broad Wail and I,la.esipi)
A sr re:miring. a rich itria . i
are. f, ' iiient Of ,
.ia.Vaney ens, Rita .tllllinery (Joods, to which - We wow!)
partienieely Incite the etteutleo of all Carla • Putehosera,
soul will mike it an obilet or Caen: sire us a ca3l, as
detPrinfned tn anti our mono intinCtor Cash, !awry
than ever offered In tira market. : .
New. Fl . rni and' NeW. goads
/11111 E aubscribers, - (having enter ed-into copse,-
.L nenthip/ beg leave to announce to their (needs
and actreintnuepa, that they maybe &audit the
store, formerly .oCcoPied by T. &
New Milford, where they have now jut received.
and will - be - constautlyteuewing,: a -good anon.
tnent of -,. ,
Fancy. 4. Staple' Dr-Ooodo, •Git•perier',
PlOViek llB ..gatdtriare, 'Croeker*. Tin
. Stare 4 Sited Iron Ware, Medicines.
Paints, Oilerftye Stufe i -Nails
:Stove Pipe, 2ine; 4v, - ,
which we will sell it the ieivaieeit poteible price.
• •We arererw receivirtra good awortment of :
Ready made Clothingi3Of all hinds.
Boos, Silcas Nos, and Caps , all af-arhichwee
will sell very low : • ,
.N. 0. Vicar (by the lack laurel) end' S'alt,
alWais on hand. - •
Please ear naiWitments Ita we
- • - ',hail be happy to. show. our goods at_ any &intr.
itelittVar unit CZ...terra/ Senate Rita flare vh thee yap intend purchasing r not: t• t
ft e,. , a By. Great 1 3 ind, Pa. • aitrotior) to' budqqoo, and making the best tndeav
UN Cs • C VONVlrrilt• loran. pleas w. We hope to meth; sod receive a lib
rttgg proprietor ilaTirg r'irrntly fitted byr house, sits ;end ithare 4 PatiimegeN • " "••
ideal withiii alew yards of the Dopd; Ina style nal , . TRACT RAIMEN.
se set, is now prepared 10 receive. and eat-resin tda, •
Nita Jiitrar lisrA A.c B d. Jemmy lat. 1850.-: urns
friends. Guests will be conveyed to and front the ears
tree otchsete; and every' attention given for. tneir point , t , _ _
(attend convenience. The established stages now start wan ed
from his house, wideleleare upon the anival of. the dif- AN y quantity Of SU kin& of Prode. ncluding
forent trains. fr".r I.ttselvel LiV6ZeTei ANY
rain, Pork P.otatoeri.-Butter; L a
rd,, Tallo
Brenta by Mr. Truesdell, ahrre horses and Carrie' tr. Slides
and trembick _ bark
& c. e.
ran be had at all tinter, re tamable tenni.
1 W t "hilti f good ado
C. 8311,T e pay . iggp „ go 01 ,
4y3, 11 „ . fetch them ohms se (astas possible.
Live and let Lived •
. . , .
. •
eau supp'y thenisrlves With every arlelo
thrlillue. at about the of Imp* tution or Auction
pricer. 31any of ar gooda aro manufactured expressly
for our own sale. nod,ednoo; be surpalied (,)r - beatify of
low prlees •
Rich Gat and cap-fabbrrov, a kris. iiariViy: •
:akin. and Sltios for Roourts..- - - • ,
Crap. Crape Liss.s, T•rletr.s and:faivdon tapes:
- Trimmings for Gars, Capl itnd Drecges.:-. - • -
Jewry , I.lod Caps, Pirty lOd 0, era Hoyt f!tessee.
Embroidered Cape .: eolleir,'Cults;vnti Mont:was: -
}kobraldered Ed g in g s sod Inserting*, Swiss and Molars.-
Thread, Dru.octs,- VuUmerme. Silk and Lido Thread
Embroidered, Rer'eire and; Insiri Linen Cambric 'MD.
Gloves Mid Mitts' nid Ldrie Thread and .seraing
. .
Seat*, Cravats Tia Dr...Print*. , .., ' ' •
Sot , los. Jlount•tt. ItOtt% !ttotOrt.f.ioti Bishop Lawns..
Embroidered. Damask on I: Nato Canton CrapStawlat.
A 15211 asportnent 01 Strnli lloodr ' ' -
Frenelt and Atnerican,ArtsPial Co.rers: t : t..., '- - : '
Aran a larkeratioty 1. , t tultattn.tett titt,toro.• . ' ...-
• , All wishing to Weohlpavl , 9; tong, trot% vtiU - malt.' mot.
ney by eating an t aitittryttitz thmo.,q,, ._ t ~,3 , . -.
{held Bend. JanAT.
• ' , At tit.- Nee
A poi supply of choice Tea*, EoTee,EttgaX,'Molitases,
1 - 1. Spice, repwr. States. Saleratua, Soaps. TOtiaroo,
cianra. Pepper-eauee, IluAtarl, Riau, emir-lure, 'Drogit.
In.lreta:a Pain Miler. Po nri Extract, Larn- OH, Omni,
Shora, at, Carpet Ilits,iiatchela, Setniot
itoolia.St.stionery, Powier,Sh9t,Ultion venn...meamires,
Tnas. arri a general a.aiOrtnient of IVilDnr %Yam Pail-,
Hromna, Bru-h flaskete. t!onfectionery.' Yankt4 No.
tinna r an 641- ptnsable nrtiele with-' frandker , blef
Pin*. Finr,er Ring+. IVatehtli, Gehl Pena. anu Peneim
804 in (me: ere.y
s tleseention of Fancy- •Goade, fFually
kept in any place. for 'ale hp, W. D. Taos - unwois.
Great fiend. Jan. 'IS. 15,51. •
elagnerreotSite Itotrum
(oil,l Fellows Ifslk corner of Turnpike and
• Chrßtaui Ali-fete:)
UtIATI NO juFt returbo.l trona Ilia city with a new 116;
11 I..atiaa a plite. tate,-A.!ela•micals, .le.; the under;
OK ted Tc.eia :Lamm! can 7.lce sutiafac ion to All
alio wish a .•e.rreet aii ion.!' Among my new carietieo
or eaming m .y be !bond JeuaT Lind, P4ivr.ilatho.'and
Vanry kook ats. a. rt.-on tali and
,exasoino specimen
litctores, among orttblitm a tlrayml 7+cotspr taken
ra.o loot'* o,lebratod itAzuettrotypeot 3kamy-I,ltal. •
Ynars'-artia:kal:•si. • W.D. pEANs.
tf mtrart.„ 3-m, 15. I .
Split: and bhaved bhingles,
A r
leaterikts tat the shop nit he subscriber,
iig,rniire north of 31thitrett., - on itl-e Illrnithgn 'armlike
Oat-David ranchero.. 1du0n1.1059.1
•Sole Leataer.
are y;a- rinparinl to ?nrif!.ll Pnle
tonibi-r in any qn,nlity of t & Co.'s- manntrie
nun at thy , p , irrl. Those who ore in wont
of a flint rat, nriiele s at low i.•rinc.•.. triitioted in call
an Let', 'IC,. 4:lr Ktrltk. HAYDEN
" • -•-
Is new in oinvntion. korlrrrlbeew rotodrenl nod the-setn.
I: %leen or Mr. A. Fpot.neelhonl. l'hot ',ohne may ho
r.nnurril thit the work will fte:4one at thin mill in a supe
rior onannernii to the natisfielion eantonierk
N. B. Au ea Celt tr Mtn erurl:Pr
for tilt. seerstunodutiou of ,thoir m , shing 'prepare
444 fling." --
Felt. 11 1451.—qt'. •1 *:!...11.^1.wrr
WOOD CITOPPEPthe rtbe . e 'nton bet
of itien - rhnt.4l to chop wood biiite - e - erd...
Price Sfly cents per cord.'phoppiri t i gond and eou.
eenient to the Dept* of the , N.Y. - 4 t , R. Iturhere
geed baa'rrlitin be ebtaiurd. either of the
subscriber r e. . • ,
Depot:74/Imb 1;111:0 . 1851. : l2 3ur-
Watches u
iSubscriber has addition to his
- X. stock of . ..I..weliy; - conuiotitig of Gold Fob and
Guard Chaise. Lockers, Fuller RittgltiEar Hinge,
Breait Gota.lll4nbli , g. Gatti,
Peqcils aid PenN,,kc., to wilic:ll.lto•wpithi hi
Vito the, ntteution nlb o frinflit. AJ.
Biazhnnilant . March 3. 'Fa. • wiiihi64iin it
Fatmer's :Emporium!
IL PECK, would lufnrin
,his mends that'
shaving already recri clef; n auPp!y rairn _
Rye. he.wents :nor. good IVheat - anil'Oote. for
which hg will pay (li. ye?: highesupri6es in -Cosh,
Erßring•it 00, nuY, qu Laity of it. itydu . want
the red 434 ; ,
liartord ;%Tillit, inn. 1, Ifni..
Patent avers.
/Mg nbaeriber han tide day rateifrd annther inrol re
1 of his superior Patent beeer WATCIIM 4 , made ex
pretialytor him by the celebrated Joseph Jobvion."Urer
pool: The 01Am:fiber Ail mowed twenty .the:itbcyvt
Watches ill any pattern. or onality untold, as Mut - diners .
may *all, If those on hand elionid not met. - Also jug'
revived - n'terge lot of iiitYer A ellen; einit tirpineo: all of
which .will he sold at the toneet Carts ptseor,; and wattage
tad to give sattstae•lon; - ! ALVlteb J EVAN,';
;i:Sin,thaintott..Marek27.:'sl.': - : --- `;Warhineteor It.
LOOOIIa mid - pus ios ,ea,r try ••• • •
s for Fide Ay
I.loNg 1E crtANiittn.
. 4AP" 5 r '.fin e r
ItctIIND Rock Bale far tee by ' - . ••• -
Do. Chinn castings for ode
Montrose; '.'•r ' WtoOrtc
• - it Froth Stock-.Of Clothing'.
nlf flits andnaPtatinintrfushion)goutor Lk" SW
%Jr BOYS Boots and Bides, shin. Cap and Letter:Paper
-by the !Lamm towquantity,: Wall and Cumin rffe;
and Wader, Inks; PleturOlaud - Picture Vratnee;lteolu ,
Pane, Stationary. Vadat Tleatteokajuetraudred and
for pate* sins pratite forsaadly - pay, andraaiypov onl y
.'" • APAN4B4I.
The awed ;mug:46lr mee t t uitentimt ' cualpelee no
irundgi oil -• olon;•Inn Alois* aimegeli
Board of inotruction Otnt Nth* refoluteni WIMP
~a m mo n the no,apeetei ititeeseperthe tendert Wonal
the'Vauatarkeart...ttlt tartneeed r ouftdenef_geoteke t ndf
the tnedlitoismtollel Offend= et the Mods and porous
or' a Metal. sr intend. and a thorough *antalkali. It .113
b. eontitterdinubrr trot immediate Wreath:a of
lieron WateitS•
. maptr is.
wm. TI Jeosnp.
A in Agury'4.vimrteirdi.'
Mhos Caroline homely,
Mhe Etrdlyßtauttutt Tritebtridltuder.:
Mr Gustav 14 Walter - Gessoes. , • •
• There botbrett aradeinter Wins btthe . eta. " ,
Snit tommrueink an the 10th day eg ger, 4o g c& aw b,„_,
Tlo2tlca the TtbrdayorJert. at 14 Nett*, eiadateadtdori
29ihday of April of 14 treeks. ,
••• • PttlITS TOItiON:
The readies orthe Prtruerj.Departzneue, et,sop•rjaut
Thlt Captopflraneb ea otthulleedentleal
Denortment • 13.00 vv
libo atudlostit ibe gleam branebin. 28,00
oftheClatsteal Department,
AIMS: (Fmk * Trench, •- '
with theturettike Academie ,
Made:oth sof of •
fa whole orpart 27,01
Plane, • • f .20.111
Drivoing and Patatrog,eaoh •••
N' K 111 the deilreana toirpolie ether Truatere by,
senterriate 'Vitt:dine, Try the manse of ataxy prannitt.
by the therotio!lnestiot the inetruotion hnPartal the ill
the facitittes furnished tO reentolor this gender: Blot
atandl t raiong tha Literary !tpititallocit et pie UAW Fs
earia -N. 11., PitPila trent *Newt, teiatirdttnididtifo Nordin),
receive di, tette. en plicet Byttoplytiaittortatito Chia
tiler or Wm. J.tialfetd, cotonditeef " • -
• ," itt .IbEti rrateidteal.
itouttr tiztoetlion W :i. Eng . .
, WiltONTreraturic r • ' •
ontrtor,Sept 6,1830. - • ,
F amoeba one Cannit,*ll( be..,pearn
the reeeatbm of stu lean on Wedneeday,Btb et.en.LBST.
make thedenmedlata anpertateadeneent Rey. Aninbell
Moat and Lady In wbeerability Ikaaperlenestbr moo la
idiecte , .nddenee mar be tepoied. She fine balthy lama.
ny d Pale prospects of this inantaUon imam ben be a .
preeialed,byanerhosah a tharangb,edneation for tl
least is Male expenee and tenable. ?be Academie ye. e
will be divided lain four quareent, ti ebre weeks earl,. ni
*station n inn* week Immalletely,neeeedingeraeb quer. •
aier. Arne:seeming; bare been feeder°, sindentseatab g
nem n dire are to &VW 14 prlsatabkmlllea.oe. etbeawbe
Um least poestbleetpente. .
PILICES - i6ttiOX;"
..• Andesoical. - ;
31trilaitth two of ' . •
DrawSnqpthl painting., ,
The suitfina onetuelf . paiiblehs outvinei..
New:. ',Firm d ,G4iods.
yriussubsailai aotteei thateirybove
J. entered into co - mtnerrldp, under, the name and
styltrof POST ft PITTS;and havejnet sea:WM frem N.
:Volt en extewire and intend worts:lent ofDty poode,
Groceries, Crockery Hardware, Boole and . Eboer; Aer
which being bought lucidly - for-cub, sad 'oeraato the
lateness or the reason, at greatly . reduced price,. are id
thud for able. roi ready pay only, on melt terror a,. rep
net ludo ea tato purchase mho Nth Oro at& call.
nt the old stand of Hills &Knapp. - -
kind of - prolate takerea& the bighesi arkclirira.
Woia. .POFT.
Pan ft. PITTS.
Latest •Arrlval of BitsrL.G — ii .
WE are iteritiog a tiew ad metal Ada Of goods
U.- width we 'write the &Diction - of the pollee. , Th....
'rh o wish a buy goode &dap for the Itesdpnoill do well
to WI and Pee. _ DR LATRROD & CO.
October 15,1100 - - • - ,
WANT Co—socks, stoeilagar. trades Tani, Fianna:-
White titans, Flaxseed and all kinds oftoodoto. - •
• • - .-D R LATHROP' I CO.
- - Few Establishment
RE.setrat '6l sttecessln bukinetii; eettudetli In • ii""
IlleaStlfe in keeping the publltrapPrigedSsf, one's Mberlwe..
bouts l and or th e klndergoods endways' lithium band:
—4 . l osisegueatly,kbe uadrm queer Pried,. Se "Sate.;
that, having Mays up • mar !mutt , opribsite
sr...pp - sold tend,: and ptirebased anhoferd issartsusst
In Nei TAAL for eailu, Of.. Tris, Pigsty Molls.:
ees , Curet . ,'Tobatett,temoklng anti ebeetimillitte,
Bpien,-Starelhelores,Salerstu.gingre. Itutrietir. aro»
-Pines.Bnntr; Bolan - , Candles, - Codesi,
itaisins,oround ltoek Exalt's' sults: ter 7,0 7 anae'
elso,aVariely at Basal* lkledlein emit . Kr i
m ! _
poritlan, an invaluable remedy for Colds; (o. 6 Net
Drops; Wild Merry lAtttre. /lautg Weirt„ Otugh
Neutralising output, Grouse Slippithe ..1010-*e ale- All
of which ire altnir4 to the public at art ressonstle 'peen,
ores:4dr p0.,;. - eitlierist we Osaka,' Seater, Cheese.,
.tggs,ace.. as. can. be obtained' sdleubsyy ; Atlee,Tarlilk
Pain littler . ' ' . 3 : 11 . 17 7.1411D. •
. .
: • - L* — A-:Card
TRE.iinlipaibi4itiike 'this apperlasittriof
zdering their sincere thinks to their ensumwre.
generally‘ net only for the - very liberal piturnage
hollowed upon them daring the pasteis year", but_
aim far the pramptneuaf.their paisnrott,--ante.
beg leave to 'sly they hattiiiintinanceid the:year
, 118'611;
with a determination fo hems gerreTrallidfirlY me—
ferment at-good-GOODS. 'cold oa,
fix favorable mitts foelCash4:Prodnee at ipprnvedt
credit, se can .be bought 'ituany other. establish—
ment this side or the Orr. ' - • „ •
- aIIPIgirRY34,I4.6.
' - 'Matiirase, Jan. 8, _
1 7 : IN; MORGAN,
. _
LETA B " 1 10 ' MOD'
T 141! Post &Pius ate: itatenainvt - to 'apt*
_to the Reidy 'peg system evd tome..
gtnitly - eanisiford to sell their mala.efforaer
12.$ than those" who Inuit' itettetip' foFbii#4,4l°P.
and they rue band:U.4k eint am for
.yeureelr t e. it the. olat pf Mille Yaw; i
• elm' Antral r.
porria.l Sugar
V 6d(Saletaltip , 7 i- eliks.oandic• / 2 4 elM: llia
• I rnipius . lo i . c e rp , justlymird,.and:fer
m okid mite and.-Ebetilders
Tnosm trit o hove lipoid totoiett beat tout thboldert tot
appals tri will de 'AU to kin* tat at to thttirebtest
btr4,ll.slr) re, lifittklacto plrolutto VW° Ills trunedittalr
.;"Armst a twat
klAttlat% Emit: Elutlier'ti IpiOutxtii Orrin' Wiedojtt.
%Xi optoed and toisatolty:: , • i ;J. 140113 ;411 SQL
CODP:ll.t,l4tsb ow7i
A111.107:12: P" ' ar. f.tro
IgEwlitoorpiaire egiblieni; Beskincar.
234 thiterr-also.-geintlriatiew 114106,1";P"11
eppti r AF;;,:itp!t rece . iyod by - :
b and shirtin/dui:Mr Xto 2ityards a..
V yd. farms EON.
IpEttlit reiriveliiked , feristir . •
- •
A How ruppy of fAciotifitlit fiteiveda l
11/40w.. t 1.1 . 18.
just otiiiani, at4.l-3'riga s
A " a iry prices - win •
. . eltiOlDfin
DRY GOODS. •01. • 1 9
Montrose 1irii..25,1850
4 ra
- 11 , ,,, )
4401 f,