- 1 ^ BAL, Treat Fire In New work. Nrs YORK, April 11. At bout one o'clock this morning the st e o. 180 Broadway occupied by Ilud: --n szlltobertson was discovered to he . on f ire the flames spred rapidly and thebail ding ins entirely destroyed. Cooper's gun a , (l i) stol shop. adjoining then took fire,` 1 49 not destroyed. Ad tho gunpowder but is i t bad fortunately been removed. How. ar t s pc! was in great peril, and a_panie „ ros e saran, the inmates who .pitched bam pga and furniture into the street in great onfpion. At about two o'clock the housel ad j o i l ina nest the- earner of John-street whieDlid taken fire fell with a tremendous; crash i creating great consternation and alarm ; Thp prop • erty destroyed was the store in vrhicli the fire originated the next house, 00- ( .31)0 by J. D. Chovalier as a- cutlery es tabliihment, and the house ad,Fining that o 3r. Chevalier on the corner of- John stree, and Broadway and No 4 John street ocehpied by Mr. Gambrido, engraver. MCssni. Hudson & Robertion saved. their books papers and money. Their loss is es timated at $120;000. Insured fur $lOO - len stock rnd $20,000 on the buildinss, Fifty rooms in Howard House were snore or ldss damaged. Insured for $20,000. Ira Toll hatter was insnr ed for $lOOO irt the Equitable and Cooper Ganner, $5OOO in the North firer. Boderhas 3liliincrystorcin John street was' insured for $7,500. • Extraordinary Religions Excite , went 1t Milwanteee. Last Sunday evening, the Rev. Mr. Lea. hey the Monk of Latrappe Ives advertised to Lecture at the Methodist Church. A very large crowd assembled, about a third of them feinales. He had not spoken five minutes ak i n there was a rush at the door and a, gang of men came in armed with clubs and they tare off the rails from . -the pews and, hid about them with great vieler.ce several persons were struck on the head and badly injured—the scene was one of the tvildest tonfusion—pews were torn down chandeliers smashed, and the shouts of the rioters and •s2re'ams of the women were fearful. Thp audience gradually got out of the windows and doors, some few persons stood -around the speaker and protected him. The Maynt; tomtnanded peace and promised that Mr. linhey should leave the town in the mor ning. The crowd did not disperse till late hour and many persons followed the prote'ler and his escort to a hotel hreakinz I with brickbats settle of the windows. The city is in a state of great excitement. canting has been held. The Catholic priest plbliihe.l a notice caii it ea the it people to keep away fen.. the meeting. Important Decision In the Phidadelpha Court of Quarter Sq sinns on Saturday, the following 'decision was rendered by Judge Parsons : lie Eir,it-of an axupation of a House t.) Compri • Persons to ...Lea:T Me Ground in Front of it. 0.1 Saturday -David -Vonders•mith was before the Court on a writ of habeas corpus. Iletras charged with an assault and battery on Andrew Km, the keeper of a hackney carriage. The facts arc that Kee was Stan din', in front of the United States Hotel, when be was ordered to leave by Mr Sol der. The latter called the defentla nt to arrest him which he did and took him to the M'iiyor's office. It was for this thatthe prosoptioa was brought. Kee alleged that he went to the. hotel to look for a. gentle man who owed him money, and that he was iusitk of the hotel. Judge Parsons said he would decide the question presented upon first principles so that the lights of parties Should he clearly understold. Ev ery man owns the ground in front of his hoop. He has given to the public a right to pass and repass over it but in, all other respects it is as much his property a. 4 any other part of the premises. No one has a right to stand or carry on any businc s. iniront of any man's house and if he is thus' annoyed and notifies the party- to leave awl he don,t, he has a perfect right •to Ilse 'sufficient force to compel the offender to go. If such was nut the law a person . might set up a fib stand under another's -parlor win dsp or any other obtraleus business. A - man keeps a public house to eat - eltato . strngere and travellers, and no ono has a right to come about his premises to inter fere with his customers or guests. : It: has been held by the Court that men - and boys have no right to collect at the corners of streets. At the last term of the Court, in a ease siere arrests were made by an offi cer of persons who had collected around a Lease where an unfortunate female who • mains noise resided it was laid down that the police had a right to disperse Ahem. When Kee was told to leave the place by' the proprietor he ought to have done so. His refusal to go gave the proprietor a right to take him by the collar and put Min (dr the pavement or calla public officer to 6 it which was the wiser course. Vondersmitla, oaring done nothing but his clay he was accordingly discharged from custody. 1 LET WELL Esouon ALox.E.—This was. perhaps, one of the wisest sayings ever re corden from human lips„not excepting those even df Plato, S crates, Solon, or Lycurgus; it was the saving of a modern French state roan, who, having observed the restless :de sire Of the people of that country for change and novelty, and noted the pernieious conse quences that so often resulted from it,.ad dressed to them this celebrated sentiment-- "Lit well enough alone." Fur, when tlic man who wanted to be better, when he was is health, took pbysic- r hc died I This is too, often the case with communities. We are Now commercially and financially speaking. I in 'good health." Every house is oceu pied--every store has o tenant--money is cheap and plenty, and industry enjoys itsl reward. Let our - political " doctors" :at Harrisburg, therefure,think of this, - before 1 they treat a sound body as if it was dying I of " the plague." Think more than once I before you - pa.. 43 lasts to tax industry„or be-" sptow a bonus on trade, which thrives most under free competition when capital. 'can teak the most productive investment,. lode-, pendent of the . .idittelties of Trade,to be prosperous, only asks to" dot gen!' - • • Lawyers in the Vim ted Stetted. °tlt! PetTle . most be-veryfimd- of. laiv, notwithstanding it is soexpensive for we see by LiVingstonla-Law Magesine that 'there are tut - arty-one thousand nine hundred and seeeniy•lring lawyers in the country, ,or :about one to every eleven hundred inhabi tants nale:nnd female, old and young. black :arid white, Jew and Gam de, bond and free. Philadelpha county has faur..bundred and forty-seven lawyers or nearly : one to every nine hundred persons.. Pennsylvania has over,Seventeen hundred. Irony own State is favored with a large amount, New Fo r k is more than doubly blessed for it his lover four thousand three hundred lawyeii. Mr. Livingston estimates ihat each Lawyers' practice has an average income of ;$l5OO. This would make the aggregate cosi-of law in the United States reaelt the.enormous sum of nearly thirty- three millions of dol lats If thii is not paying too • dear for the whistle generally all, the client'-gets utter the fees are fobbed we know. riot .svhat,,,is. A year's could scarcely eostf more anon y, and probalily,not prove Mere: ous to private fortune: .:A few years' hack and the eapens:ea the General ~sith - all its various - officers' and retainers was not so great „iii . this _ .11E-vaettxaTtes.- 7 - Medieal men_ 'a r e very often asked Vane vaccination, is sulE eient to protect ,thelaystetn.' - . through life frcim small pos--.7.0r - llow often.it . is nee*, ary have it operated:, The lote.Dr - . Fish er of Biston, fur a long time gave attention to the subject; and in - January - last. - pub.. lished 'With others, the following-.proposi tions : . , 1. That, ono single and . Perfect meats: ions does not, for nil tiros, in 411 cases; det privithe system- of its suseeptiiiility of va riolons diseases.-- .2. Thai,,ane,nr_ npre.fe-riecinatiens do ; and that, consecpiently, a physician shat ld recommend re-vaccination, when questioned is to its necessity• • : 3. The system is protected from vari"plons contagion ashen it is no longer susegitible of vaeciue influence as tested' by re-raccia- Every person, therefore, who would be fully protected from small pox, 'should be not only once yacciauted,•bUt should hare the operation repeted ono or more times, or until the system ceases to br affected by the rims. Ol' CE. The firatUniversalist Society_ of — Aro:Arose ant Bridges ~ter are hereby notified that a so elety meeting will be held id the Church in the Borough 'of 'Montrose, on Saturday, May 31. at 4 o'clock P. M. 1 1 general attendance of ail the Members is &sired, Sis business 'Of portanee is expected to come before them. Thy order of the_Trustees. • ` 'l' Montrose, April 14. 1851. .1 . '2,1 4- ZCA. , 4 , 64 , tgi * On Sunday, I:.3th.inst, by Elder 11. 11. Gra,y. Mr. NicnoL.ts Silovilm,:erk end Miss Plum:- ma 1. HEwnsr, all of Rush. • , In Great Dead, on the Sill insi.,hy Pefor Deck er, Esci..., ?Jr. Jr.no.w. Wrt.roa of ,VeAli. N. Y. and Miss Amanda Spearbeck of Great Be mi. - 5t;.:Z. In this borough, on TueSdaytireninrr,SlL-In.' st., 7 .1115§ FA:N - SY 87. daughter 1)121f. S. Wilson, aged 23 years. In Montrose, IGth,.Saartr.t. -L. Srnorr, youngest son 'of Charles and Juno Sprout, aged eight months and seven; days. lz , To. Z• itaL-rzgraliAs. ODD r.p..virws HALL ASSOCIAIrION :11/;ET;INC. A In3eting, of the Stockholders of the above association be held nt thoOdd_rellow's lull on Friday evening, the 25th , inst., nt '6 oclock P. M. A 7,ener.ilettendancO is request viols bailness of importance is to be tranne.t. ed. C. P. RmiD, Seey. April 1851. , , Eta Zit sal intriatince or the Act of Assernbli• *lam. th 3 Springville and TuulthannockCreek 'tstmitihe and Plank Road Company,' the Banks foi Ftbscription to the capital stock of said cam pany' willtl2 opened at the public lionsenr&lliek con: in on Friday the 9th day (II May nest, Rini remain open-until the capital stock shall be enbscribed as required by law. DAVID WASZLEE, - LATIICOP, , A.....MC.3 WILLIAMS, ' S. S. GEOVEE, BE.krapk.r.. - L, -- S. 1.-Eckaa. • . IILA SCOTT,- 0. B. IficKc s o:s, TFIO'S NICTIOLS.ON, L SEMIIE, .• • 8..-S.'SEAT.t,E. Coimtkissoners. ittontrose, April 17, IS3I. ! Water Cure. .i€r•nt Prospect Waicr oure Estalgisizment, Bihgluamitm, Broome N Y. . , 1115 cotablishment is delightfully located at the base T of the mount:dm gram which It taker Its name, and comirtands a dellrhtf,il view or the Chenangn 'and Scut, 4.4ehanna fleas with their rich and beautiful vallica.. The "'Caro" is now open for the reception and treat ment of Patients. The:institute Las been EXLCMPfuI In securing the aid .ofDr C. D. llaizett, late of New York city, 'Mute liSreg experience in Ilydropithy is sualclent raarantee to the patrons of this institutiOn" that they *lithe aloamlantly cared for: 11111etters, e.. on professional buiincrs, must 'be ad dressed to Dr: Darren at the Core. Communications only will be ?recited that are port pal d.-1(Itt. New Goods _AI tA r held of Navigation—for court .meek. . ALL kinds or goods asttally'kept. Is a country' Fiore, expected on Monday next-mending, Oranges-Lem ons, Figs. Beisins,Fresit Teas. dress sands Ece,whicit sliU 'wagered very low for the ready..—calland see. ' Montrose; Ar1117,18Z4 - . M. C. TT,LEII. Last Call. THE neenttnts of the latifirm .of Eldred ;lc Nei:rota): 1 mast be settled. time indebted ten settle with the '7ubseribtr nnttl . t he feret dnynt ?day next, ate: they may be found with a ;Inltiee Montrole r Ajwil 15,18J1 - q2W , 11 50 . TiST riecieed a new ...oak of ?phi; and summer *nods .13 at the siora of • . 11,7 WEBB, • -Ili erfilDll4 q . TS lie , cby given to thownliseribeis