--. ______ A band of lawieu thieving, demei.dome _ Diiiiiiiiiiii - ` prey., we ore Wrongly indoced to believe the rep. Ither pommel worth or Oficial meat ; neither 1itm ,. ...1 The Wklif Creed. I ...the Wanda... newer. I coal. I don't Want your Coal; you have • Outbreak la ....... THE DroluunA .i. . :b. °more tru th than poetry" Mi ff Judging, my talent adding lustre to oar national cheroot The North American avow. its creed as Th.. 0. 3, . ir small TbOlib let my cow run away, and I'll have you be- , rantigell, 111. So& 1. from tho v.ov mbar OWw which be boa whited,. in peace • nor potwoun minima wreathing it with follow.: 1 Oat eltilibun, you should newer let fore the melded, for tretemn, (see ball'. ex- I 1, 000 ~...0.101,1,,.. d u .„, Minh Deumentm will glor) I. war; neitherOd agent he want , nor woman • ...,.. Your angry pallnill.ll owe, 'motors .guinea Dem.'. xthtthe"Dxl". — With the unenviable . titian of Flat 7'-- -_-, ,-_,.. _ - - ' ~7 h, e ,r;,,,7, ..,..... __________ ... 1.—h... IPli"'''—' I. fof ........ rfi " I " - 1 the rrienTa n or wh popularIrb: 1 ;;;I: IZI`I':';; V l i'.l ;Vll . : vh.17.6.17Il e ": ) " : "1 "' i ! ". llil ' irt ' o l' irrt ' lloe "" 7 i a n " ' k i he" ' "'a I" "me "" P'"" ""“."184 apoll the honest portion of the population •To the Demount. at lerthert ktoinsyl main. "g".." ea.. I'M eMY eomicmoenott taw ceno _, t _,.. ,ee. the irid.ot . m.o. b i p „,, rob. .. 11 . ! L a Purnoglort, how do ,e n !Wok I look to . ). II e .i i • Ml• •r. . ' l 'l l. ' mom of the most outrageous depredation. ' t " rt " b ' et " im "l t t eea ' reet7: ' o " l n! L ' a i ll g Et ' ' ' ' ' ld ”l ' .. "l ... t t' el' '• el the Southern undo( Mined.. This band It ~., Jon b , di „.„ eig nmattee, oa , g „, p„„ temp, To this position no hold ite advocate.- k . m . the friends of domeatie industry, the friends egh " • ege.egonfn. kick,. they nmy of thieve. number about three buodred. osseese, ea OW Pernacratic 'wooden, the North, i •". ' l. .' 4. " of internal impr tvements,and, like Omer- ioe ' e "l". 2 . 7:' ' ZVI ° ,T r I "-""" 1 " ' ' : thst th, ,, th , th , ~ eery .... ,„„„ poo ,„ be reiterated. They shall hear of WO. 0410104 ,_, , r,: , , ~_ ‘ ~..,___ , ,__ .„, ~ ,,,,., f. ." 11 • ... e ne in ),fits 1 1 ...11 - settled at a meeting or the kitchen cabinet. 'they, ans heart.orck of the band they have pram edd . ' ood ibl r Z d m .. fri end_ cwo r , 7 ,1 . 1 7 0 7 Z .. .I . „ „, bOOO , „„ood. oho , do ‘oo koow oho., Nutmeg, ovg's /ilia and New England ruin, For thp „,,,, of li fe and ......, ......... to connternet the Inm...a about to be made by v or, ,• Th .„ .a .,,,,„,, triumphed 41 al. that going off, wiaa ... ~,,, .1, 0 , 1 , 6, 0 h p ,,p,,d or 6. . 0 .,^7.;,, ''''--- d... whip,. the mete deem. toe cense commie. bet Merit it wemfdinneehY Wbehed. mid mi far L. ateadily and firmly suppmtiog the riht, "" r ,wee. The fact that ram 74. Fuller, or Lat. P.m...P..4 by th e. `M..... ire. 1.. 00 v. bereeer it may l e ad, end vitinivatinghe Mi cro th e s ky. o f rigeoieei and Milipa- .4:-',;of to f, 7 f - bru i .,k,firt,th , ... io the eteretekl• city, ble inhabitants of that State t h e dloftoneally scanned. and shamefully abased, •• t .•, . , b.l r i b ,. , rho p , oben g gb „.. „b ob Th om ., , g , .t. t ..1-• . • great Lure; ".themaelves into . immolation, adied the oi.lo county, u. morally mutant a receiving the I t ornittptes amen no mien "vowed, or elOl l , or 1,1“703111.01111.1000. Whi.llolllil.ololl, is n proelof the mean. shoot to ' At the wow lima, aline thotwande ope. then - they be called Whig, Democratic or Repub. rhumb, Esq.„ flourishes in all the glories . eis • fumy fumbling, toimilief-neaking, egg- R,,,,, hp , Necklets, !melt -bitting, troweer-teariog sea - , fl: ogg; e.,,ions perpetrated by the Le wonted to to defeat John A.Gamble, the Dem. ... J. M . II." h o e. b........a .1 M. °M. ' linen, or all of 111001 together " of manhood, 24 inches high, we have looked' , son. it is like a Ilea Imo- .0 .0 .°""'g Flatheads becoming so insupportable • the -- OLIMOC/11fl•TIC f'OC ITT mastic canchdate. Federsliem olawye avetde e t LT Wa n d, we ',re!, for the credn of the party ., Now, l et. us lutek at this creed f o r a o tio. :Tr 7 1l ie t t e t e e t t i l l ' l. r e e e ett e he e t me t i :: , ..,: - . ; tu t the el...melee., though the bite. ale R,,gphtto, determined , p , t i p , ~,',,,t, Atiles diontrel Wein main 0.0., became et every melt r w h.h Pi..d them h, P .. ' I ' M .. h. ' Ir . , , ffmona h'i i Imo. of h." .P. 1.01.0 1111.1811Ies to brio the col tits to 'us- Thee aecordin I mewed writs for lemmata it te overthrown. ft le eerier an ........ ""Y mt.."'" marrow wele tet..meig Voce. I."' The W'ige 1.. °l.``'. their lever- e ',mall Imo I, a wail month, and (in a ova- „. 0 10,, o ion to ° liberty " ley o tiain nib ,. ut i . b l,l , b . .- , d ee d ed dote, LL halo to ben t i, rove_by taking ad...., .r ...uu i.tnnorare en. W e ht .''' . " 1 "" " I " "'"" g " . .i..... • i popular • PP g l'• '') ' '' atoll ' t ''''• 't" NY& atoe I It IIf drunk h alf i cruel • ' • 8Y P C CONVENTION , ~,,,,,-,,,. by memoir end steady r,i e ; who, 'atwitter mite" itt i universal ma i ., in Rhode Island, nod Ittve t. write s small hood, end t, I tem ll e °' . drat , .• ' the tomtit of ten or twelve of the Net ....... _. 1 1 . ..-- - head eat., ands ummoned' the °Meer. to Ti - D•inueraeke esitem or the COYILI, of Sm.' . •••••• M • if U. fn. ! . . i. i. fffurn.• serer • r.. encouoter, or mittopned i, flood and treach. I, , • . . ....., „ d. „ ,,00p00th.0 , d ,„„ lon , db ...„,„ , . i . „ „ „,,, „,..„,„. Tbbo „ , . i . .3 trying to pot down tlte noti•wity . - ,r . : - ". :"-"• when .* ~0 , " , ~ ~ , t hin preen,) t , ,* m , 5" ,,,,,,,,,, 1y 0 . , c ,,,, ~1 , ,,,,, I••r aid el •m in the execution or rho hew . r h " e ' em t ' P '''' ' ' .. 'n."' t Iyid nix urn -' I • t kef el •ie .1 unde '",' ''''' th " ••"...: fiif . ." . Y. . i r iithe ; Peonsylvanis with buck,lied Ithel bail; t i lt :"" '"' r e "" ."'""'' lemma Maine. al the place o mg 10 •to mem turn. it en advantage to . n ..a , In if. kilovolt . . told du Liao wn twain... without T h ," -• • •° • U:: ainee Zuehlke yWe iitigton has ermined no ri i . ,',. t .„. po . „ ho - hen. ',..1- sealed himear cattotg for the pardon ur the doctor. • Hotheads, lemon. this annonee ,,,l +.11..,,, on Milord, the loth day of Donna g„..,,,,,,,, oust , more 0,,...„4„. jeer and elect t woll.l.mmos in each Mania t u fi. • Anteeieoneff,,,,...e.„., , .d.,,,,, " :,:•,,,, N %t ' ee l'' , me . '4 0,7-te ‘ e ' n ' e h ,e '..' ed .*:;', l" P" .• .'"c e . e . n ." 71 - S l e ..' - 41 . e veti " . h' " ...D"." 1 l'n'fir".." l'Y app.- Thee war r upon the mute reputation tont , eld, the most determined of them, to the eu mot y Po ti venoon to lie hold.. et Om t 00. ..,,,, „,. ~. ..; ..k. ht ,„ „.„.. .r. 1,, . ere , 0. ~ er e .. w t h,, sing th e ineream of oor territories, mei the totem the steal • of power e null .Ling .. . l' • • I ( rtie • nuMber of about seventy Aire, assembled Mem. he Ilefiemow• we too.. ee°""eit OH' "kb " " re m'''' --e '''' ' et ' " Pe. " ''. e e 1 • • tic hat d • the i .oute will ' • mt tit f tree I rad •• tl e'r tt •I mood. ...tinge e about.. thiel .1. leaves ill %hat., neleroa."— i :,' , ."'"^' ?" "'"• P""' ",' "" ^.. " " "1. log litutuo, ie here arena to the teeth, of Aught, fur ih. mop.. of nomininiememelidmes wAlter. It dolthe maw ill regent to General Mr- v. " ... x X '• xx . ' - x • ,%, ... , , . .."'''' l'''''' " It . "P"'" , " ""''' ' . l P."' , mid on/king a 141 of the log house, they tow moported by the Democracy a tho coo., ~.... Tip . „ h , ~,,, p, mr. p„ b „ b .., g „, that lo One nay, no repeal. nowt ..f the pro. instil d, 0 o i 1 um ,.,.1, i,al ~,,,y" I, y e d v ,,,.„. t•'nt 'l'm'. w"I'l me Imo . km' , •bm Lei ond 1.1 a y 111 r 11 11 1 , I 111,10-101- • 1 for the van.. entree to ter filled at tito mtsumg ..,....r Whie g ly, We from 1,,, inure r,,kr.h..,, .'"... 1 . 0-, " ii'lee emMoeimi • IlteY heed vem0,..1 .: . . and fume ta, ked her hal, tio.er ..• . a • ... , n' •., .. -, .. ... „ del,. mime. to Mend their ground, and give . . (bound Efeetion. to wooodoeme with the e.g. a of the Demo. in Om fort, not he in Weston...l in permant end pe. m emiiid ____ _ eta. , party the ...dont Cennottlee here ^PI military mimes:. as well hem Ittirmodeam. in Teo .. ilea In California. ll's. f ed ''"•"th'd C . ""g" -. .."" "te r" - 'erne, .101 Ito North Iftram.ll Celia! North.... We lo erd numb foim orthodox WI., •tetherati,,, mieeted melee tempt. m their respective townsip.. , tho dob . d „.„„„„,„„, ,‘„,.., b ,„ ~ „, ~ Dlmen. are expert, dto for g et ell them r olitteol demon Ilb. pre, , toion .4 the uar Will. 11,,itm, of wave oath, Board for dm .I. etme mD. kg.... 110,111 y to lii• rri id mid lee pat t s , nod to ime fur the uoirpatietie ot Mr. Polk mo I' ~,,,,1 ,"I.tt, 6 1.11.1 nu Ilm groom! dom.. They will be told thot molder> I.IIIA, ill the 'nom..., en ~,I true Mr. 1.0. W. In hoot& to their Louth.. impulse. Mel <memo). Doi . stAl.e/ ..... at of orthr viol leo mem ; Lot Div aOl In:" eltellow felvelevel. 11, lu manor, authority In IS. w 11, t 0 ,., no e d.. I . ......., mi,,,, tte of De name, d us int to lof il, vpotwo, r, i e....a milt 0 r.”, I.OITIII-01M PA , TIPMNIaj, AuWM IL IR MK Per Mutat Omsoaissienar, JOHN A. GAM•OLE, Asbara—lll , orge lioshory, John 'rooksWiry, John Ederhog. Apolaroo—Rouben FdSward Hatton, Jdo. McMahon. Nrldron,ier—llogh WCollunl,Elal , l, SlottTo, Marvin M.A. Do .oL ym—Joo. Stroud Jr, Ando' Staling, (kir. don Ely. C gi —Poet. , Alt odoclor Burnes, Nelson E. Wright. I! Anrount —Edward Wake. F. land., Arrhi Ntnulel. Dimon/L-600. W. Ido ru, Odom wu sling, Joloi rdwter. Fr,4/den- P. en. , F.l .41 1.11,- , '... 1,11k B. llntll4, Turr...ll. I . Faaotaella--Th.. !wet, T. HIM... T.H11..,Jn0 Sind are. B tl— 1,, H. 1111. enlium.• t... !thaw. /mows 1,11111.. bawd 'Montag. Mummy—W.llmm I' 1,411‘1.0, 11. y . lunes Comfort . . Mai ~ 111 n', 1 , 1,1. , of r. uo. mire...a nod in. - t „ emr „, u , r it„. p., ~.,i, „t m t r„, p ., „ no , ~, ~ tol .1.......... r, runt cr,iiiiti I be r0e.... d iti any ~,,, r oh.. that lest) oould not d yd—be own . maim r. .it a1e..... VIS II tilla, 01..1' lIIP . 1 . ,1-1101 of ....h -i W• . .......• thes . Am ...he m Pres ... for ..." P. , i aim —um by airrtie ~ Clte )tor n..,, Co, vh. 1,...,0 of warm. our fritridis in the Norm ngILIIIIK otate ..f war bed ceased not I, v., of any con he ....due. of the W 1 . ,.• Place no re.... 9 . 1 .a. ,. strititional grant, Morel or implied --no melt grant . 1... Wlua 1......... D. , n. Ycart C ahille-, to mite...led: but, be has mon, ti a1i0..., and, .o.c.ora roe me Yo f• e , Igoe . trot., Cl., ~, sole rawer on die srornmit of n .. lieu—.Y , •- .Table ti. I .L.nl . polo, a Nnrli nr,,,,,A wh, "do the Cana/ /moil f:i d. ' I lloard. .ml family to the Democratic ...Ad..' I i nor Cm... Coulon...me, andpm Iva never regret; Glorious tirrlion Knolls, I the reoult Refine to lor inflinineed by the decry- Tayfor Eserywherot Repoulatsidt units of tbe ...111n11.1,C men . ' of Whiggery, and. Th., following are the returns fro.h the cleenotts, .I. the entiortiteneea win he most fornmate John A. hell chiefly ot. Monday week, t, r,. ed al this. Iliallll.ll, I. lam who will nese, Mamma. your using( . inesibty I. 11 ) Tlit, are certainly Fie- 1 : J.! r31,11,1111i011P. Ilv not milikylby the. 6.1.eh0w1. no. and may well cause Tailorient to tremble m , I and prollilt. of decisive 6 der:Mani, and the fn.' rts ohm.. i tom will shoo i. , .,V . roe ion w. re. IN 1.1 1N A —N ,. . Albany, Ana. I 6.—Joec ph Tailor'. Proomeription. k. Wright, itenmeratic candidate br tiovenior, .1 T h .., .., go r „,,, o r p. „,,,,,, rr . n „..,,,,„, p , p .,, , and Janney 11. IlAne, IPenevratic candidate for , i p . pp p. ,, p , p ,.., th ,. ... pr ., ..,,, poad ,....rlXor GO.Witel, am 1.1. elected by an memo., i r wait which the lowntionoting proacroemr, I ....miotitYr The •-1 , ....... .. ........... .., . , which has eo far been the char manuestation of , n al ...d m '' , T. torten., I. removed by the public. Every de- I _, Th ',,,..! ..".. ar.". lbw maul.." . he ' -.ea g me H The Cagiest Eleetion.. ,ice that human ingenuity can conceive of hem ; --'.... 5 '...‘ ... a. "" In. ".... . lel DralN. Albertson, lien...nal, elected over l The read , et the Angara e i e enwro, m fa, .0 I, Igen TC.rted le, with the rant hope of temp....go . r Elide End., Fed, late member-l Am. gala. um been annonneed. 1. M the IlemocrarY Ma nu". at Mast, the seventy of that current of indigo.. I M whole to Taylonsm it is indeed mil- Wfiaili no power erat turn brach. The most no 1...!dd D IA.I —C. L.. Denham, Demortal, elected. ort•—halm In Robason, Item., re.eleett d. herniating and appalling. .steely four month* anent reml of popes and pole... Mite. compelled by . ' . . . have elapsed once, M.. .0 n rtetory and 'ugh 1 rms... undertake th e es t enno t t o„ o r u p . pm . i 11 . 1 D..--t ~ • -1.... en Free Soil, elected by hop., Tartan.n win orneated Into power o ith scription, (and more think of eng..4.ing m math a ' '..... 2 " mal a n . Y e y''' ... mania' Fed. ea... Water ; mach PomP and eelat, and already do we to hold 1 mak •ho con at 00l it, or to hold op, nth the de- End. fort. Won supported . b, fr e „,„„ m i s . „ ft .. . pp ,. slat . , ~,,,...I . l l. ..l,..g , „o rtt ownr y li 1,..,.,„ p op . g ir igr aig g „t ro p, t wo , of p ....„.., ~p pi r , Ath flat —Wm. J. Blown. (late 2d Arms...ll ~ ..... ph ~, rippp .„.„. pp , irop ,,, m . p . ) ., mo . r.r 11 ... deppp . ppre ~,,,. whit .., ~.,, r,,pi lot P. 91.1:emerald elerted by alio. 1600 inajority. the Democratic lino, and offenng II battle. Na. recite with Cl,, opelmetie sir of e.0.m.. mull, i Gil Di./.—W. A. 00411101, Dellleefal elecled. heels ha. yet been hold once Taylorim. Gres. the terms of approval th , n need by demperatic or- i 1 ' .. 2!‘ o.—. beg., to exhibit intelf, Ots thipttedy, frond and in - ' mon and teems 111 regent to mob removals- 1 .11' flat — E. 'hieGondlwY , Fed...kart , . I capecity) which has not oust emphatically repro 'They find mse, a cloud of dot re prevent Mit, i S.' D.Mr — J. l ; M0n...01d. Dem elect./ dieted M Comae.. nobly led the way, choosing , o p p one nt. r ron , w .., gg , an g th e ., ....„.pw r i e r, p. p ., , 9th Dial —O. N. Fitch, Dem., elected by alwel three Dentert.. to metipy Whig ern. in Con- ~...1 mirk their !wads tut the mud, forgetfid that in ' ' h.. ..........Y. myna; ma maw we have Tennessee, srlinm gave gm om..., t i re d,. will nor.,, „.„1 r j p. ,,,,, i ~,,,, lOth P.a.—A./. Iliad.. Dem. elected. Taylora longer majonty than she ever gam nay guilt will remain reposed . view nn all its defog-. Thor. Cm , net. Dem. in,,,, ii—red... L., 3 . other man, Kenturky, Cl,, home of Drury Clay, ~, p mt d por.r.npri„.„ , 0 EN'1134 , 11 We vrerip in error , la. week in lodates and North Carolina, alb/grin) in; them. If it wer ..,, ,0 1t0cart0n .,..... w 5„.,. „, mying that there were no Congrowmen chosen at ..la.. ander the Democratte banner. and imart..- or If the paint hod the alightrtit beating upon the' thie ei.e ' ........ lag the bits cop at overwhelming dearaction to ~ti. o r Tw o w s „, wg ..,,,,, ~,,,, ~,w 11,1,1 for 81. D , ..1.11. Boyd, Item.. re-elected. the Taylor party. 1 extent to o hich removals have hem made In demi i 'd D.l. — /. S. /sloselon, Fed.. elected over That In devotees Mould be borrinoil and twat-. erratic. Administration., mem far Mort of that I Pe) ton, De — S. Thi.dietrict pre Tay led by mach a epecteele .le . um vorpn.ing . siMA. hoe imarkeddhe adal.nt of T,,,lorion. We .°' 2 . 921 moiart.Y. With it all here of ever being enact 'd to expert- i might Molter Mow that the corieurrence op the , hal 0.81.—.Fe11. candidata elected—so 414.1.100. , pan lie change the exhales institutions of , .I...trines of rite ilmoncrailic may or the great man' .111 Dral.-41. A. Caldwell, Dem., elected over the canary are fled, and the due necemty of • of Mom Maud in odic, by lien. Taylor on the 40. i Ihtahnee, late F"....emhmr Dem. Ifni.. 7'h.. I/eta...ratio Comte., in balk branches, In block of March Ina, win oamg m the gent ...Per of rt.. gam 2,446 majority for Taylor. op the stay of then ...bald EMII.I/1 • • . b. longer r appointment. from its own reeks, that Ike den.. i 5M ...4 sf.' Dug. .lamely red. and Rd , . 4 mastiewable. II may be, and dearth. Is, morti- erotic party was enableA to make Martell the long 1 memo reliant Frdenal members to Congress, .in 4 ,0 11 M art rm.. &gm , M Yield oP alp-1e he Iron it was kept in poser by the dawned matt- r 11 ' 47. me suddenly overturned after their armee...in Na. Jenne of the emote, n. caws in whorl. the removal ' nib nie4 :1 ` ... .." 1 ..... e. Dein• l r ah.maM cd vember-41. dam will 11.... to submit to it. The of the incumbent was an neceseary for one r ,,,lias . &falter by the Fed. prem.) is elected by 95 ....ber .....d thought" it. agahe returning to lies porultuent. Dot . them counderation. have 110....4.thY arm M....hen ' lM.. Fed ......1..... 1k.... ' poople and airy kayo done this Taylor's... ha. pertinency to the pant .pan which the people '0,.. Tim diarist pre Taylor 1,390 majority. bons tried MA. enable, MOM aPiam. and Rood are holding Taylonsm le a anal atimantslility, ill pie ' N m ehee d .ered•• ...he". rleann—trm "bye, weighed In a balance and hand ...hall P. WM to into whether democratises- 9th 1.4.1. J. C ' M..... . Dem aa mt. elm" ever sweating." It ha.betne fully tested ia every State. morals eon.. by ten., hundred. or theneanda ' H '' . ' . VA * Na ,hang..T • trh" ....1...., Cooloty and . rowe, when electianha. beanies., No, in the days of democratic ameudoncy we 11.91 smiths wonleof Dasial Webase,.teresidoubliem, held that it we. the mart of wim palm, based open , 1014 Die ' . 0. 11. 8....... . 'M. - . "1 e " ....1 ....'' is all ancerity. that" the nowdeation of Taylor, send principle, and approval by the best mates- 'f1....i. j. P. ' l.. "' IM.. End .... d... ' . Dm. R . .. 4. was not lit .10 nods, eh...dandy earrobetated.l men of .r country, fora party is power, mat can- l 1 1 .... C°^ ll ` ...i ona delegetion am.] I 11 ... , , a echoed ad nnerheed. Let m new hear no nrotelmitted to a contrary coons, to adroinnte“hc Da, r F ' d * T.I. r"' 5 1 '' .... .....1 5 l'''d. ' (mood for IVlug boostiseaf the popolluity of their weak, Ine. , marmot by its friends rather thanlt. oppments 'OW Kentnek ty . NORTII CAROLINA.—Tho Congreadonal beetle 1.1“40111L The p.ae have get their eittipl Rut there ale many moderate men. .aWrtotly ' male apes bine, hi.w.d, hie sets. Ws adeitairt, and . belonging to either party, who ...demo this doe. ! L1°1 "..... i1". I. : . ''......... Sl ' , w.ll el _" .. ' .... K lvea I.° al. end their Tara. will Mend as Immutable m. Di.- To them, removal. from ellles, for wish illffentacell:" ... ... ~....."` .."",, 1fie " . ..... "11 " ... ,„ I '. r".• who 6 as. etental bilis Is( palliest watiments, ars .trenwl ed. • and ,°. `" 1 ` ....Y.. "'' ' ''' .... '" ..r. '' * " ..r. . .. . . . I=ll Jacobi.) OW Jdrke.ft--luit'l 31 13trr.r, 3los, II 33 .loseap---1 , . S. 113.. b., .Ir. Walden. Ltberly- -Newlon Hawk,. 11n..J II Tu rr a, C0...t00k. W . F.Ltnalti. 1111tolba PIA N. Tevelothory. Ithmirese--Grorge I'llll.a, Walter 1341.1. Joh.. 11. %Valuer. 113= .Vlddirtnerx-- ganturlTaggarl. Nrm NJ/rd —John Slophin, P. I'. 11.,111xer, Puler MeWO... Grouger, Henry IL 1:16,.. I I/ Sim Spron pl of gni/lc—Sant...l Quick Jr., I. 11. I.nthrop, liyhreetce flolton. &lee, Lokr--Imeidi 11ng.., ILty Jr, Thomas Engl , oh. Wrighter, I;lnnera.\l.,l,ll• smr, Tor, WWI., Per 0r.1.r of dm Wman... Iran.. Count, C0n0... J. II M I So y. OM. Tellllees ■ortern 'her. The lees eeetl Preeltleatial vleit t. 1.. lk.th hr been enelettakee, and Om Taylor, wet .netee, le new le Peemylvaole, eenteiebere be times NerrlAeq seek Maw'. Ile left Wadi. hew ow 'floitvi./..Owdoblowkol by aa avow, brwiod by Ow. yd rte, of Ws WWI, ai Withrow lam Ito war wwW4, with paw/4 h....., as wide a wail dwells Toward L....m. oa F d. 7, stai Harridan w lionday. al WY of width Fb . be woe wool *La with ibo brow la so hie mak. Flea Har din be W ba mewl w Tnitoorg, nova ha Is atiword M wigs as liatawlay wilt. Timm We an walker bia avow Mtn to WOW arson owl Abater, aad thaw w Dootw, how which aity Ivo will Wan via Now Yak sal ThiltaWybik win ha dela wady... IN nor wordh whom Mr par saiialod with Ilto torwhaiory a( parasites OM aftwingan who rrill wan la hi owns as tbo Ow hi Mod. Ilay ha haw. • pin. oat oad hoaltity.iwwwwy of it. a./ a wio wow ay lb. way. II la WO ihal bla Wit to Now. at OW Wu la Id a philloal dulpad Yampa tho OWINve aintioh, If pooribio, wal by Iho wawa. Ha edam la M.tld by Iho Whip North Praneh Canal,nd oil Ire- o reel, mine , ',naafi& r samt Isit Ida miiw raiment smart,. of it to aI, lamas.. board, th. 10ut.,., lota, prat. plaierhiat, argued ,hoot Ii MI) WI., could to, who ii II hum but raw cute ales.. was fairly within the moue of the %%we out of three. The 11ea... of Northern 1 . 1.1111- rower. eterfulely, when the stew of w. ceased, rylvoesnuot forget how riciatly the lhanueratiy :the Gore 55555 telablithed, terinamtedi and of the In., legediiiire supported this ammeter, aud ecru Mr. row could find so grant of power in the him 1,1.a...ra11y they were treated en thew ine tttt Whim to govern the Territories. . tows. I, flovernor Johnelow the Iwamoto' and It w.neerved for e Milt; Ada. ttt i t trutiothrth p.m.% friettil of 31, Fuller. Indeed, tho (wet is freeing unlimited detutiott to Law, intlethtle la'and drub, now that the pan, Mee )eurs ream, to the path marked ma by Ili.. I . ..tot., mit often in the lanytaly thinerylvaitia, is to d.. ,w a we' Inc the estublailittiod of 1 . 1‘.1 gm. .thy in favor of it, and will rot heretota to fulfil rent m, Terntoricr, without ~d from the ',g all the reasonable est. latioes of friends at the mirth e Power. It remit. now, Ilia. ilia Senate, neat Sr.iol. of the legmlmtire, the rrnult be whew it adopted a i.visitai whoeli it endeavored to ar fasordhle to the Downcruey n na" I. craw fume upon the lloare. to Ve. 111 the I'rtmild,ll . l the fide., expected. 3lr. belongs to that potterer athorrittatg a glom 'nor tor Callirna. with will eta in unarm mid, aimii ail mice- ,Jitila. s uud other din, n, „no w a... mum .11 .111 the eleng pltrheeti with wldeh the pokey Imo pod a ibis huge MY,. Tayholm omen wlth e 0.,; meal yob. Too ...k a( 11. f. OM a vielmy, although its @phonon. ohm &Mad, Is the vim el that ela. it ohm 1. tehimph. By deb haamph It Mmd plodgml, by omaidoestiano a beam bikh grool men mob not dimwit, net as &Weft . pets.. WI. N emaamposoo W Ib.( pinlikal *Ars nevi lo whore Ow Ohm phiaboo Taylonana mum mg. room by kmiumodeon ehmobs. lionoof plemolgaba. e 4 rod NMI mum orgy Immallnion ao an .font Win ..booms. It la on. Mood tur mogio. ammo Its prosibb OW amnia. okaional that In mond be "w ft... U. P.M. Wr a • pen, ood that Yu bad leo N.M. to posiebomi no Mom. send Immo. Ids h. lemdfas Mao. ..g.wege.mnbee—hletumumboomm—.oblion. Me eel Clayton—bean lb. Womble.. sem 14 animmoon morals he oyiniabbake, • ammo ammo mpeong, mo is nal ow. Mem. a.m. Mao Mom, onnl wa krty in Weir pram. ONION e• langiehiliab of ma. lubunb *bah ona w4l mg N..; sod Women *boy orb rw ano ebtle nelblanuom Made mum xi- -- but two IDemeentio so.l.Cosramoso t=l oandidais Mlr Gwonme conslaly eked. lOWA hr grim anogly Dowsoulk. QA lowl•lk Symms* Itst ,story mewl WYY istsp wIYY Imm Se aim Wt. *erica by Mrs W. lbyti .(N. Yea. is Harm sad Ilsglith. Q" Whet! WWI weethwe C 1..,.," thalathes O. noir W thee med.. Ay., arum them% e• 11n. Yee nay mewl the wile thew WI, if the Ni., mil thee de es p.l Seen Meat WNW*, either et um pethmeethe. U . NW* V. Soma. /nth Vaaname Won 1.. Many, ..4D. INeklana an &awaken the Use aUsint" Oatveatint whin an yenenlay. The Boston Ohreeetype, sapling le • ' ' meat death esp.. he vas every way ea hawk (redid, self-Poleed, feed rut Wee n Time hasdnd MVII wan rf- I e•A r asteeMmi OIL 1161 7 miss. • at la ( = k ibiy oubseit 114 .1.11 11104 N. H. met 1,11114 e V 11.4111111, no, 111.11, . . 11 ,,, hi, t „,i t r „„ I ~,,,,,,, , 55 „.), $ 5„, ti,,, And it . ~,,,,„ ~,, 1,,.., _, ~ . 1,, itig to idler, i xi,. to 0,000 the traitors." 1 ,„„„ ~f wldelt Lelia Capital, awl the lest oi „„ I 5_....„ thin'. ,' • ' ".'l, ''II e sme the gethem...tl.o , itte"mda"""e, During the charge two of th e 'NOM. which plumb r• Labor ; tlo, it sup,mot tot ~ ,; ,.",=7:53 [earl y e n ' ~,,,,„„ ~ , . , ,r i ,, , ,t sf_r " ,e, e , . ..ee to ifies nt 1,111• Y owner, i ollieg en thoLltall ' „ or , kc)l4 and three 'rounded. Throe 1111 ll -of wrath to ertolt sme tooor el. tk who, hen" - internal ion.. enamt s." 1, Ity rig t. el ~,.. ... i ' ~ ..... . i tall" •• t arm i n•o tt I in,. 411 ore in, 1., or e -- ,r Ilegtllution ate Nab] to bave keen, Lathe different ...ton ~I' tlo s , ,•otsity mWI Jetted 10 In, a it,lll 4,111. Iltid spoke Ilk!. a „„„.„ 10 , wn „„, kd Mrs Pertinent,. - what strange things a I esti:mg:ssd a n .. prim; okt m loih• their de- 1 ,„ 0 . 1 , a in ,„ ~,„ ;„,,,, ~ , i ,„ nr„ ,...„ ft °,11,3n. This is a Itl, I/111.'1111,., 1 . 1 1.1. Th e ,dol e toeighlworhood is in the great s,. de-pi , e, mot in le end m "", fmttg ," est emit.... The liegulaten, nested ",..'". I" " e'"'d I'''''''' 6 "'N'''''''''''' i " , rrra Jen., , thl'a a t, mars 4, I. tr.: drive 'their advoeur, of the Itaido tops lam, l'ei- - " edia:" e the in. re.'" . the h.se. l l4' m ''' by the euthotities, determined to run this 01t OW * Val. ill.oo 111:1; 1 ' .11.1 . '' ants ,• to! States' 11, 5 ,,k, ti od i dt t e.• schemes id , ~, ~ •I • • 5 .'' .' ' ''' ,' ' ''' 1mr..... , ; 1 .5 e "he" .'"' ;"wel` ere '''' h" Ink, Wool out of the country, ne porn '''"e."'' 1 "' "' ''''''' l''' "'"' sue"- ortd.' the y mill t0t.1.3, 110,1mhet A,mad • N . m.ooder that 1111.11 11111111111211 11 ' ~„ b • I I . I , . s s ., s ' I" 11.11 ill Slll.lll t Ili s , 1 11... • iit, C. 1111, , Illg ilictit in eio y direction. h"t h.l'' The Regulators hash% di...end the r...d, that awe love the treason, s''' em. '' '5. ' m , . ; to,•,•iitoos, end ititioh hard sweating, mi. non 0„, truism I t i k•tl • one, of 5.11 who 'emirs, 'm e'" I" I ''' '' eee r, '"'"d "Y I '''''' derstaicd, te make the Warden of tbe Pen- At .. d 1 1 ca l l a d D. retreat, came and summoned, the Flatheads oink in 411ing long "-Prong xe" er , wem m ,7 ."7 , .. ,7 q ,7,- to surrender, which request. bake refused, henibesf ..d the d aisC'em l , Publ.' es asked him what he routd be de for hint. the Ro o a d - 1. ut eters t mine to a erne oho • Nourit BRANCH (I 10 \L.-We learn from Iluildimot ; and when question $4 bring- ,5. Noih i„ g. b. , and out "f el ....Mee' .1-,g house, and invited every limiest man Ilarrieburgh that the balance remaining in ing on Old Wintry nt the expellee of the' said the old king hater, end no say we to „ to . , „oo wonted into i t , to l oon ., the Treasury after pnyiog the August in- contingent. fund I.t tho ILne Deportment the $OOOll.l IVaiddimtton-stand out of our .. , bn „,, iw ,„,,,, g i g ,„;„ g A., the .idii (tercet exceeds the anat.. a sirm,ooo, Was under disc sign, we understand ono sunshine, and •411 to thunder with ‘..e.' .5 1,1 'tf iu tin was the strongest, left their emu ' fixed by the law Is authorise the commence- member of the ea.,. m oke the Serotel '• Illatt lII' .‘ii I" " '.. '' • ' [ I:1111.P. to the hog-honse. Inca a the Smolt Breath Canal. This Washington trout his satly nil,, be dolor-' i tit st ess tl • t foortiti.os and propitious state of things Mg, in n side° . ter rill,: 51 s t 15 ~ la ketch. , Tarte trtleie. The Reolation thee charged upon the p retesinder el the Flatheads, and soon put ouloodtiol .. and almost onloopd f , Iby the the o/d ` lies,, en d th e ~1.1 it man were T. lion isburg Krolllte b. the lo edy- , . r , ~ , , , • them to precept a e Gig,, t. I 5 intodistels. interested in this ;would you bili eve ii. i 11,111'11R. A frietitt ing remarks upon the Thrift' remount. poop e 111010 • ~ - --- . .- great emorovement. we t nisi mill lead to its or out.. who n sentonsed to I, iip to In el- adopted at the l'lttslowg Co n ventio n , is Itieli, For litMt N eliffl.t.lol As CCOOTIL-Ther 1,,,,. 0 k r , ... op tion If suet, remettiotion bows ht the r. erns of tl5O pea-green, al. i t ~,,,,,,, h a - I), u „,,,Illeil 11 MMus' 4,111.ttel Ilielono.l 11 public., it. commenting upon: do not tal.e lilice, me enll ...no oi to, net, ha" hint , ' to .. '''''''''" l : l .,"''' ' l "'',""' •• II we ure /10t gt o tot, mistalo to, a e s .- t , ,,. I. hie, ornalks ilea et least live j us tifi ej m et 'hit, th e t,lltecoi of I!,' Goi- hen ts not reif fos4hk ro oil V. , n'' ,, n' ,,, f. ~,.,, /01,, op i e i on , n ot ~i tl y of oteee- lola. 1, oi doe to ~toe white, on account of their ernment Pall . ffer the 1 , . 1 ,10 Th, 111.111, 11l WY 1101110 ; that at Ihe cabin, t meetings , t wentietlis 'Si thtttlensoo idle patty, but o f 5 has tong less ...tool of their apetites, in ad is thoe n• the natiegeney peso ithd iot the Ie• ini.sli.obly lie- :ill . 1.1 $4,. `Atm, otroott.l large 11)111111111 o fties .liti no le their belief that .• a man's time imintored, nekthot is moil, omougit - Ins . 1.1 , t0k ken, ing hi, .1...1 ....r tont, awl T „ „,,i,, 1 ,,„d„, 1,,,„ 6_,„ d r i v ,,, m the t y ti me r It r e in s , th e f o ll o wi n g ann. It will otot, do t,, eloitot preeedenee fm milt. It at Ing lonnell at tho h. :i 1 ot the mean . 0 „,„ a T,,,,„„1„„;.„,,,„,t only to "„,,,,,. ~...___ er .'prom' in iot •s, we .1.5 not. ktiow that any t•MI , " . ..e.e. ' 11 " M 1 . 1.1. a"" "W ""k le"' their iiilll, ,51,11i11., the tarill mt . 1 , 1.2 bet •• What i.. antesieg, even in eo serious a s'salt ilisposithou exists, we confidently trust cigar, of a kit. 11 1.i..11 e .six mot far front a to, den that thei ate in lei. of 1.11 too- 1.111111•1 as an attach of the cholera, is the ' none does nit could not. nO.l woold not ceot a grab, hod ihot g.... 0 to sloet. math 0 ,,,,, „i„ ~,, ~,,,,, 'b t y of tioeir lenoling nod 0. on 15: •1 ' wry ',aid' whoth We colored Len ~m t e d on au apeologs f,or reloosist rto the 1...t0u i'luttction iot. lois hies: " Go.- , t h, N :,.. v.,,1, m od ., fool I.' muter- -0,,, ,ts mill .1 , ny to their medical attend , earr y e t , th e I,e of the not. Let the tklllt'll, 1 0 .”..e 0 . 0 . 1 00 0 1 I"at PAN'', ! o lt 6,1 .Clt 0 ,1, 0 ,. a 0 00_11.0 111 my ..tmet -, toil- not- 1 hat t•...., bo l e eaten any thing which I work be Imp,. ot ow , , woo l in .'coot Init., wake m e op w k., y 55 .1 f. 0.0., 1,. 1111 N lillll, 1 , 0 , se ., „„...1, 1 • s, 1. 1 1 i si, li,. 0+ the c elt I, she 1111111 •ii.l. An cinema phy . nod let there ha do holding book 0,1,• ot aimed war"lli, hors 01 mlsa el 0r, ,'.,- Sloe 1 .,,,,., „,, , 1 ,,,,„ „,„,,,,, i, ;., „ „,,,,, ~,,..„ ~, „ SO , „,,, i ,,,,,,,„,,,,, „ that, on Laing i h ere aft er . Th o Clllllll oteminsst k the nn- f , 1f.... 1, 1 , 11 , fl. , ffn, , d ht .“ , I and 1., , .- „ 0 „..,, 0 „ 050 .„ ...1„,,,„, t„..1 tt..,t a s., , lo ~ ~.1.. It. „ /,....“ . oldvid ) .heeled with .;octant matter, us we here horn. that the der--,of ,h a til i n , w h ea nod etioleitr'd set- i, g oing on m. it 1., lit .$1•51.• I• It loot 1' ,1.1 a, 1..• ...I hint whether he hadlmen, Commonmeal, Is mill put her looted 111 the Li.. No w h e „maws down, like i; t• .t sm.- 0 ,,, m og eta,, t mot mitere It nano -i..i., ...to„, ..i tut .a. s. ~. Lila.... " No, sir." woo 1 .1 ~ 11 • 1,,,.1- -1114 r,foal, Ittr- cite of ohl.oPuu 11.0. , ...1. , .d . 5.1,.. , '10•1f1f : ~,,a „,,q; ~,,, ~,„„„,,,,.:,,, ~,,,.,. „et to tI. t 1... Is e l2s ,•• 11,11i1. , ilf ale kind '' .. What.. ...I now he , elem.. with ,e'''' e' l'.• te. 5.: L. ,511,5 ~ppotte,, t ~ lop iI, . m soloon ~." ila. it :. • y ,mt eat it n•. fipples lir ellen-les?' - , 11 „.„ ‘ „,,, ww.. ..,,,,,,, t0g ,,, 00 , a o Vista ; t:ow . grasps too ohl 1,1ofd: 1,..,1 lo , 1 ,., , f L . I , 1,. y „10. i, 1,„. I „ .410. ad mrth 5. N , ...,-- .. ,h., .vgro. .5 I never : eats Indiana. , mhh' , s el. In" the !'rewire like 3 '- .''' pt onto,. and haion r mit, that donom its 'ont sale time in the year." 'flie idlystrian 1 This veteran s Udicr, iipp ointeil Govern- ','`''', 1 ",." I . ivi "g eeh i .4 ." l " l e?......'' 11,,, ,, 5h,..151 se,sl, to ili•tert , ,it..lr, odl rit a1..44., : Moon. d... 11 a I..mit ; the result of which or a 0:..g , ... by Preelmtt Polk, and mum. , teem If ha le hell, Gentian tton,'• It i s oolonitmsd i '...t the tat... .is 10, e ~, I , , I , to .., .4 :dom. it ,niatt of apples intuit sly confirmed by the Senate, has been , .1 . and now he tretcheg rho Tea. XII Ilan, is it , f „„ . „, 1 i„ A If , ,1, [soda, -no 1... 0,. i:, - 1,51, seeot.. and all -It 1•11," Said tllO I removed by I leaeral TnyloV, and a 315. lemt.l.Y , . whlel. e 01 .. Ty ~,,I 1 5'o olio. micro:[. of 1.e.0s 1,111,1, 11, is, II , it .1.0,', '.1111. , Ile ..., sot angles I'. .. Yes, sir, and whit h tools silk the smeller clause-. 1 Marshall, et bodien, appdeted in hie plan., might t but is it toe 1,,c om to I.:elt ', 1 i Os y t... 5 11.411 li lilt, ' • Well, how (lido r . ver w eel t '' ". '"e er ei" eetmld in, 1,01- Peimmliamott 1.... a 'II i.ll 10 11 1100110 0 . i' ' I h., get into $ oil if itoo did not eat thenif' TI " e " :15::: : 1 1:'. 1 ,l ' iti n tl7aTly 11 ; ' l ' i r e n" s7a . rssl ( lo ''' or tit! ' ,l „ - , , , , 't' the ten in ot 1,0-lo'tis she , tie 1.1 ... It ts,s • PI, .I,e I loil, 11l 1..a11, I don't know, but I. I nu," and oameelY lees dintiogeltod 11 °1'. ''''''' r''''" 'Y.. 0 " ".'.. , ..... , ° , 1........00 done, sloe torglot have hail mono,: Istlec ,e no ion 1 eat ny thiry, ot the kind " ; Taylor himaelf. What II impanel,' 1 While; f e e ewo ~. .n.der ". 1 10 moan n .rs ; nod tealllallag I. 4. tail, 1.. io. de-pee ot re t t the traitor Cellulite., who v o ted f or t h e rot.' if me we undersmed. tl on w e r , made the ~,,, „ 1 „, .„ 0 ,„„,- 5 , 1 ,„„ ..1„, , 5 „1,1 5 .,,,A, ~,t. ~, 4 : 1 ,artlahlt, the leader oft. Feriae.- . . , . t , metro. tun. nougat en cover our rola with ...b:1°O• "I cold. I . I .reus"ins. me thin: the 0 , I k t ~ in ~, „5 Is L. 2„ an net. mho , ~ m, 5 • li slii-, lit II •..... „.a..01.,.., it I• buld by 1 dir ,„.„„ , by recalling „„ 10 ,„,„„ 1„, f ,„„ tr i„, 110%011 getalernen ads raers should en, 1 km, ,„t„,„, „, „„„,, m i,,, i , , , t i ,h.„ „, ~ it ~, l ie 1 1.11,, all 4...J11'1111'10, 111 C I, ..per ot 11. ware was over, is lolai.. a ph., at ths h. I.'" .. 1 5 1 n "non. m le , . i. i hey emoted , t , ; „; 1 .„ ; ,,,1.11.. IL , - • 51. Gat i to, tool is iv, 11 re - 1 right heed o 4 Geoc.rtd 'r:; . 1... -.1„1„ I Id- von tor' lIT Pte-ideney, . tn. torero': iloo. Po. Ito, ti ~. lomo. o uti Molt of the i... m , tn. to 10, et i 1. , ..5 11 my , t0t0tt,...1 the nun [Will, the J mithoor mf that remoltiti :o$ hoot moll , t 0..• for ...ion tool utt , :row ...un- 1 ,,,,i. d„, L ,,, A., p,,,,,,,,,, to o., me . I ....,,,Illiii, 10. 1..1t 1..1 If toe 1.. Me id sus°, , „ rrn ~ I „ , „ .. „ o , n, I _ in „ 1 ,,,,,,,, i ,„ ~,.. ...a., ~1 t.ilk :,,II th.• 155. AV 11. • Lend „,,„1, 1 „,,,,, t „ , : „1,,,,,,,. ~,,,, a• .hiti, s on .115.1 e 11.., i . 1,i , , he .15•,eil op . is Mimi , lice, also - c,alterved 10., oleoosend Tuf I•ir- the ''' "'we" ''i Mr''''" . 1 . 5 . 5' 1 5 1 . , me 1 his mita if th em ,cad I, 5.1.,i5t, 4,, oth• to,. -, um,. 5. seei 1.1.5 Into, the proome.d -5 brave and weather-beaten Lane. in Or. kir- helm" , o'. l- 1 e.`" ' el" 11 . 1 . in S''' "11.., no , 1 5 0 . e t 4,„ , at , ,; ‘ ,• l it s , , 1 het to ...; .„ s 5 4, Imo- , I \lllllll I , ', 1, ,' il illlllO N111,1111111'1,0 toff wilds of Oregon, is renmoreika.o.l 1.1.15.- tle oom mg hey m at. - -0,. l e t the In tol .4 .L .1 •16t0I0 :,p r o ssymatiag the explool, ,I tool at the leer Ile ii said to have r..markeill ll with the brand of this ittfatinous mind, L:-1,..p who tdrenti.. , , 1 t o read e ;.." ..1'.... 5 re p'u h a m .1 art ot 1. ll' oleo ly 0, r 11,, 1 .. t. .. 11,. o ~...-iou, "B. fors long there will he Gateatioll! ""” !",'!” ''''' : ... I 1 1 1-if 1 am , nhY -.oh , t o 9 • of ,•Imiroolog the ,lay on, if ~o, I, mar. .5 teoolottion itt Europe, atel I. wish to have Why. dhl General Taylor omit to ne. sonm oi one oal grelmie, Who are .05. 11 e ad valorem to. a e.., ilk one, is limn thitit a lend ito it." es ;ennui, this detestablo set until the lodine wt." i" ...Wt.' well °' i" ' l "."' , '"nd ... 100 11011 t•Ni .14 41. ielection had taken ,lace '! Ile 11110W011 lit .- " t '. !. bon help the man of olestin • iot onsm I . y llonekt Toni l•iwing, Tayier's Bee ; i f a ' - A'" t" '''' '" `"''''',' "I . " a " l s , "" .•' l . mt- retary of the Iloine Deparmen is one et Ile of the soldier by thins timid and shrink- el i 'l'lTl L 's r e"fth t,,"" ' ~.....1 t 1.e... " 1 ;sone.. has dam test' omit it dm mot man. the great, st remulators ,of t. age. There ling delay. As it is, he may console 1' - 4 ,' eer '' e , '',e e .' 3 .'5 Pm'eml.mo . Theo int% end eimmoupiiim of dodnestie .done ems on file in Om Pension °Moe sell that Indian has $1 ono leer duty to the ne deer "et ~ . .y ...nr.0......., on n hue oe. o „,o , „ re 4 ,„. „„ i „,,,,,, n ,, ng in „ r , r. ,„ , „ nr,,rst , . . t. , ~.. . ;country, by rebuking his administratio, casiom is milling to take the blessed seals toot a greeter lath, sine,. the .t of 1 s 16, :‘ , t ,„ ..„ '', e ,''' . ll -, I I"; eh , "' w .„ '„:l he ,ehtll. oho wen without being instigated to it by the remit- upon her,.provided the Second WeMington i i,,,, i .m oy did 1,,,,, w i d i o 11, mmidit, i m - .', '',.": t ": i"'''',! . ...ii: i ."',., 1 .'N',,T,„' ii ,.,.: I ,_ !nal of her most cherished s .11. General will permit her to wear petticoats and ride „„ met t, h os ea 1,,,,, ~,..1: es i t , 5,,,y 4,,, re ''t'i'Y'' " „' • to 7 ' . --, „,...-rn..n , : Lane will be s illicated in go:ool inn by eideweYe to meeting Bk.. Cheletien w".• to disturb and demoicc prk to. The •44i la, s ~,' ;"-7,., ',,`'.,',' I', . ~ It, ' 41:! .. !:":',.. , .;;l i.i. ' i r: thom who scorn the ingratitiele tof the pre,- tot, and won't . let theVof a the Home ;„ i s is , ;„ 0 5 ;y t eistme , w hn..l. me r e f a t ee . Oen:tame. sit next to rat table, for Lc .a5-sti ;Ulu obtained from 'OA'. ' 1 5 4. Dank, itt out contemptiblo• regent.r. "Luis pig -tail, and thrown his legs about They ore Not Wet nellelled. like all pussesard, and is death on white Although thousands of Democrats, among stockings and satin times. ly attributed to the taiga iu the tarift, '4,',. dance entirelv owing to the tullv eel) hive- s t .. .d. 111. , t0 i any man to become ono dance 4.1 are •t. 1 4. 1•114 n , d,. 4 It'Sl"f " ('olio l ' . !num in t lA.° so_ . n ; 1 big their busi n ess tee erolit, to 015 00t111410, .0,011111•11 1 . 01.101 1 1.100.--.111 Indiana, whom aro 00010 of the best that ever Tim Sontid Washington carries his hde an d „ 0 „1„..i i , twee eo n th an was r to p t i t ed the C.V1.98 for floveruer was conducted in breathed a breath of life, ham beet, nth- of small things down to the brute creation to -apply the market. Of this they hare a manner that dekrves to be remembered. . leanly three forth from ollice, to make room Sono time since, we aro ittformol, he In. 15e,antio s „,,ill .. nod lino taken means to Th. Itrookyille American nye: Mason and f u r taco tuned 11110i01011t, unecruputoue por- torMieed to pit:chase some fine inilob cows, „ relent , if „ ~.do t e , e s imila r nectiranee.-..; W. i..1.t are convening the Soto Very then., tho leadem or Federeli`m are not t'3. end nfnl , f , his own batter and elm's, fuller w e c. 0,111.1, 11,0 lopiui,m, that then] canon plearantly takether. They ride, en deep satisfied, nor will they be, un til e ve ry moo, or no Gelder. AntirilinglY, anted with me' let a 1..111 a 4,,, et ..4 ititelligent and respect- tmgether, Inching personal tr unplehans who cares any thing for thy glorious truth. friend Trim's book moot. enwn-t Frolic!. able oper.itmvs foetid in Slicuylkill county, °venting to mar their nod feelings for each on which the constiettion of our government work of great yahoo, translated lb, Abr. Trim. who would now risk their ri•putatien, by at- other. They are both profnaers of relig is based, ie decapitated. Their motto a : before his immortal treaty of Ifundalonite Whining the disastms in the local 111111i1101111. bon, and memliera of the sumo church. This 'on touch for • Demeerat-off with hie -and accompanied by dm Anietant A j.. in 184 7, to tic o, ange i o oho tar iff, is the first instonee In the history or our head.' The Political cormorant who holds Genera/ of thin army, he proceeoled to the What i• it din, that the pr./ .:liI,L, tar- State when belle candidates travel and the helm of the " Republic,' the admittis- pasture, Will spent a busy hour in entitle- iffites 114111, Certeitili it is tint tor Meek., speak together Tlitir arrangements aro Cation organ at Whhington, is out ede t ug th,, tnno ,. „d o of lion hind l eg o f f l, hood for , ,me,, elite .55,1t..n1 factories are beieg for 'melt to speak one boll, and then in morning in an article urging upon the od- for curly hair, it bring a fixed fart in Free.. „ ree l e d all o ver the e mu m s , n orth, 0 ,alb, c lose with a half-hoer spe ech from each. ministration the necessity of expelling fr .nil among cows that no curl no milk, and rier. east amid west, under the operation of the inking in all three hours ' onion every MAR who spoke, wrote or voted versa. It so b I I Fene'- , -'"Wee". the". Wilt .4' 1 s In, and without any ielialoce up• Wang ClllllOlll.l. 'bpi toned Zachary Taylor-the man who said enw most prised, and who exhibited the n ,. i meree s e d duties , and ,Shen ma n y of the toned omot ho the candidate ol any par- signs of the milky way to the greatest per- mo st e speri en eed in noulactuters declare Since the claim put forth by the North ty, nor anbjea him,elf to patty, schemes:" feetion, turned out to have a ton.fiek, and 1 1.4 ore not „ ee s sews . American for State Treasurer, Bab, or by who ''bibbed to the world Om •• 1.,. h o d ro t h, ,”.1 ,1",,,„1 w ith the ~,,,,in g hair. 'P o what..ver C• 11130 it may he attributed, tile suerfur himself, of being entitled ILO friends to reward nor enemies to punish," The Stroud %Vashingtn, indignant at ha , we aver, that in the course or our ohserva- the "tell, of papal 'b. RI". Interest, and twenty other things'] a naile ar toature. inn paid a high prim for the now, and hav- lion for a ' amid of mom than thirty years without a tetteporety lon, in specie funds, causing the people to believe that he would ing 1 of he following con enured that she -would give a „r..0„, 0 d . wo b arn never k nown o h o ~„„„_ it is expected that elem. _ " proecribe prneerletloo," and make Ifititil- boned of milk a day, determined epee try-Wiry enjoy . anon of higher and more tub. eharacter will prune, be urged Mb by the.. ity, honesty soda pacity" tin; only non-' log the animal to her full bent, sign or no m.. 0.1 pmpedty, 11,00 if, has fur lb. lam dietingulabed Whig sot *id. shoe for o d e.. With th ese truth s elating sign. Actoordingly, etetied • sully Mad. three or four on. The neoeseerke of life' That Colleens was sew with its •mld mime broad ben eall maysilleen the world in the (see, the editor of the Re- and a large tin pail, be proorde# to ex - ' aro . gonara g y l o w, e gg low, while tabards- _, , Whig nut,„ ninni pubile ends upon the Cabinet, with all tin tract the vital Wad from I. home made I moray, in non tine Oh. depatimente , eieen , e'ke ht ""' y ny'etta ~y, rem of contemptible ingenuity, to turn on' Durham." whilehis aid looked on with mr-11". ~,.....din g goo d po l o ., moj improve - the only oppowente soquieltion the AM Dentearets who yet rennin in ogee tai curiosity. never having MIMI a sow sine° moot . an , l o pion,m in i1...1 ~,,,y di. war t 0 ,... . . the. exhibiting to the people of this eon .-' ho left Lebanon. Jostle this moment-. „ al i o ., & tu t o r" , „ha 000 h a mato o f That the i ens , widen r n in the FOB. try the ant reckless disregard for pledges, oh, Pinkie! who prosidem oiler the morn- 1 shit,. &unman might tote trontented. It has prevented speouktle . Ind •.. . and pe one. ever regarded. These prom- ' leg and goons the rusty panne. of the o h ea ld hi IA s o tin s Mma to emplinu vt , tord".. P • Maltby ente er Ism nod *dna were not Med for, nor suds state oesalu-s amotrywan, with it , atu g g a wa t d o t a the Wend bestowed ~r , • th ing. In he aunineraisi world, is • • Whig were the enr believed by a large major- cart load of thereon for the White Roan, I then by an d ul . In inn ‘,. 1 ...awe. end wee repented by the 'kno tty of the Demonsee petty. The an ow.' assail ersoking his whip and urging on his i w ,, o t o . an lh.lr. Mt& , onto in 1841. and restored by no Whip ly elided le by um to thew theat the URN 1111/11110111. 71 twin Imo.. A. the tort tined Ik. •Or- I Tim have not, since the elletenoe of our , f , ~, „_.,__ ben Railroad, Caked of tkoe. In power, and to keep fresh In the nor suddenly, it came upon the &mond governmeot, either ante or national, Wee' B„,„:,ennon`l7,l Blot w __ 0 . h.i...7 sleds of those who have been decoked, in' Wasidogton jut as he was finding hie milk, , o hh, to , a .m.,. o Am or y, bet by the erg of ..„,... _, r. ,_._ E ., r .,_._ e.'l'„,.__,,__ _ nserupolons sondem of Taylor and kb' and the patient now, wearied with bag ' min and diem... and making/promises they e,._ , ,, h "_',___, ,„_. 7 , ..r.,.....77! 7 party-so that when the day of reekonlng : elating. tad startled by the approaching i knew they mad nut fold. The vomit has reWeemil . ..17.4. -- .... - = . soma the nudity nee may be Waroptiater ant, kicked em AO yet tumbled the 11-' berm they bum mar been able to natal.'. Burden ut sbe lon ly nererdell-freekingtote Onion. Illustrious milker into the duet, and nukie I power mon then one tem. Thu federal` [ 000 manure% advocated reneninly b n bade Thadd - El - ' tn ' al f*. Ihml. 111 Nl ' nh °"l'lles theleliblearty the party erbleh triumphed last fall, hem " I.e. Joseph ••• nem.% MT A lady In Cheater wee asked to the p t. and the as man h a d hp ap ... i n kn ' o oa., do months f„,„, the a0t0a ,,, a ,.. I Nichols. Biddle, Joseph Rime, and Wm. }en • dividen of the Daughterm of Temps-' 1i.... w „ i , ~,,wmphe f the. eounknem, met of its silisiohtrotloo, le literally de-' F. dolmen • and OM the I 'tited to the " rd f I LI rasa. 861 " it in IMMOldflin ...! need aghast, the old looked unutterubil &oat, and the people are only waiting the Ithreleelt .. t 2 , ..:4 1 el !,.. NI. 0 , , J le to Me en of We am thin" and the neat - lltwo, tidy le Ids ••n•dintionsi potioa„ to any their selleente T . 770 7. 7.?' having 7r... • .7" , 77 . woo.' wrath, approaehed the sal ONO, and net of on ngsenntkuu Into olhat, by ecpolling ( clam es , erew t c . e . n • way of preserving If pie don't want to fall In len with •se • We= equalled by Whit. - ,thhefreepower, obtained and,. pretences the RUM faith by , stleadeless ahead girl, tWiteemmeneetilines with her. t "Deem refloat. •••• away Pm' and filer promises. ,rd the loco foie speculateruherileww.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers