TIM I 111 if 1100 OA —Vons In Killer—PHyou SEVIEV DAYS on the new matt. frontier where . hue' l ' Bouies INDIANS —lf the fllowing, , L lITEIt FROM EUROPE. Loony oned by they rbdy 01 troops, end from . extra of Ilse , avaneh Georg,. be t , ~, •1 1 . 1 1,, • ...ofTle t „,„,„ I 00. ma & Mialismi River ' ' ' ' .' "'"" " ''''''' '''. ' NEW GROCERY STORE I hok- Ir- . 21 1 .1211602 formed it Is said a body of In 000 men correct the 11 II 8 ben .re entertained that , , , , „,, ~,, ,, r ,r ---.-- I X rvaos —The recent °omen ns against the late Indio.) outbreak in Floi ida was tie fri I 11 , 1 I I /lunlettet au , 1 1 1.1, I Arrival of (`e Cambria. t ft a dt•perato fellows am mg ..' ,: ' `,..,', ' r . , ~ ......, ,"..,—,...., , w,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.., a° I ' ll 311 ° A ° 111 • • X entre ha. been dismnitinu, •I to cense net 0,001 1 setentursolat molt do tam Irmo au ful U. .1 elu• N. B sus x,+, I . Ol ituenco of the Intel prt,alenco , 1 beer and , them, will nut Le fulfilledo . i • •••• suit., My. twows o sr r.l otte The Steamshm eembc,,, uto mann., ei, knees Nat gal the Atodrean troops 1 A sly from the Savanah Georgian of ~,,, t 4.. , , „, % " ~, , „.. ..el r n . t . , 1 .. 1.1 . ..1 . r . t .. 1 , ID .= ~ ~,,,, I . 0 ( i . ,,,,,,, •.,.. lensed at Ilahlas . 3 o • el ,t,k tlitam ailing ,anaaa by the eßeeseive /met and bud work July I.7th, eays that there was further ent - it ' c nolullnor of Tn., floss, Molanw, I off. tolhadvo I j •SI I . it I A re She 5.8 56 061.6 3 5 reaft...er, and bring , Tut Revor.t. non m lltemant —ll break of the Indians at Charlotte ' s Harbor ...• .),nut : , ,utme, In 11,,n , ~,,, ~,,„,,,u , , „,,„„ ~,,, lOr on Me anival of du • tralp,rbleh leave 01,n European news seven days later. Turkish I.nbassador in Pans received aon the Gulf, nearly mmultaneous, with that • r , I . ...NM 11 rnyl .11 1 n 11.1sInnl,11 larn uu 1 wooer TUIII2II. Arr•IRSI I% ENO/,D —Parhament 0 flouncing on the 1915 met by co neran l on Indian River Them outbreaks were ' • to be prorogued on the bth Xni ti flouncing tint the PAM fren Item , had•to nearly simultaneous, that the express " X: •I • 11.; E. R. R. "1...!' lord 61.6 11 5 fin r est ' ' d ) ' 6..6 " a nlill debated the Russia. an d the con,- from ea. place met the other at Tann a , Rico A Vet ler IV Artei a E • PA OF IIMIN 111111/11N•. cm' net intention to make, as reference to .0,,,,1, f Leur, m Tran.lvania and that Falco, India. went inte Mr Ke.....r r , , „ , , ~,, , rr s , ~n, inns- I 'n r . .. , ''' ‘ ,. '" in ' ....";;;.....' a " ' 2, “ " 41 ' ... .' ,.. .... 4 the Freer', toi, ftda,,,,, ~, ital . , uau I 0 I up - th, Iltter had been ,Mlige,l t , take refuge store . Charlotte s Harbor Mr K beulg ~ „, , , on the MIA. , j peers ~,, I•r, lay I. rt st 1 M all, Ina nab a .tnall ronnant ot hi , absent the 1nd... , killed his °kris and b . o o , tot ore elt o . .`'...„ 1 ' ,.!.. r ~.' . .1 . .,' '', .....1 . .fr 1 , 7 r 1 1',..`1 r 11 .U.X..... ll elution embodied a wile i of ratige , f enbittau a,„,, another man besolts wounding se, cral oth •1 110, i•.l • m , , • •• ••• 0 1 , o ••.. • ~., L „ r, , mo,„„ ..., u.O , . ___,. t, and implied 5 d ar t et. e'''.'w. ~file sdxi g il N. I, ieefr in % unna, , f the lahofJu t er inen and •meral woman plun g . . ~. . . .. .. •. r... r... 1 _ _ ran ....... 1 ..., ~,.... policies of the gmtrinne, t and it ~ and„ r- 1, .rate that Ruda and Pest', had &wren Istore, and finally burning it. Military Election. trued tbath env., and a,nnts an North I, a t the f eu., in Itit 4 tion Into.. 4 .- 011. lon o matter) companies n loch wc re stet $ : ~ , l' ”' ' rt , r ..t. rirso n I 111. u endues 11.011,1 : t ‘'.,,,.‘ , ' ,, " ,t ;„',, ' „ '''' s ' ern Italy end in fried) will he full) n the nth ~,,,, , ~,,ha,a cout•tenco Win lamps to protect the frantic,. ohm, ‘ l, 1,::,;, ~ ii " ,,,,,,,, ~,,, .-1 . 11, in 11...,i ton imi hu .r " ' " tiecd Irin a report of ten 11a) nut whin. entirely deserted It is said that the Ind, 1 ~.. lo •in ti , m tn. e 0,00, h. t . mi. .111 1.. "' ' II .11.1. ' 1 4u . ' 1... rr s ' rII Tie cholera m still cagn, ~, ~,a,,, parts ~,1 t, t. Fintlemr . lustria it uppears atm are c catemplating another flee ,crate , ~, 11 I. of VII e Bantry t . a fret I 11 t skid that e itr, , 11[191 math t tmk a l u m t lA.If Or at alarm prom's amone the fr II In Ltver, J 'II is rap, 11, ~,, , ~, ,4 Ire n the I I tli h. re C anorti between the her detaltl,l Who/Mahan tunig tI err er i s . , . •, e , IVI VNIFII , un ,Lou . land, h o w. r r ollii.ooo ,t 1, r.. 11) ta,..., t nan it I ormi • and the Mac, nrs 11 e and lei n, l . , r safety. Th en Indian., fir,t .. front its mac. d l ililli Irian, f tight with fierce onto t.,, .it), It,llk I Ira, !Slip 111111 111,111 j I WWII 111, 1111.1.,11/—ltl 'f I 11, r z 4.1 — ll 1 I Lot 01 .lu-Iris,., tri in, claim the , ids r, e 1 rolol in, t tin wll I I,l,d‘utull• tr in r Llth, am, str, ne ii tt Is 0 , . %II tl r omit 1 r 1,a1,1 more r. hob". an 101, im, 01 ni I II ii 11 lu , tlf p• fl • party rf aimed Or inemn il t, I till, la- t end ft 6 a, I ail,• et it r that 1 , 0 1.,,, tl it th I an,ms I'sl I, I neat 1, in i near Cane Al illtn i the .1. t, .d' li r, ,elft n on., hr ettdtt into the le. I), fold The Grange early 1,1,m 4 , I h int I 0.. t i e Ibingarian• nod the Inns , LAt tined Ito I li oh, ',in , . %er Ii day it bons the a,,,,,,, ~,,, , 1 it . I oil II Inner in unlit, i ten ma, I 0 ~,,,,, • I latin r oil no ett II W.. r, , t . I t,l cif Anglo . . at 101 l ain'tt .1 Lin ~¢ nt.ll, in the lll 11111•111110 flit StSf. • fal 01 With, sII) in t 4.0 in ith ,t In bon • Illla , their man 'h . m wl ,I t i, m . a lid th, .1.1 t 11,1 t I, secured Metall) 1,, the in I'l , la I , The, attacked ~ Int SI Illt 111 , 1 - calka 1-) "Ily , l ' l L f ull li i 1, I 111 , ~, ,Lt „11 en isle, in I oil 1, N thing . 111,1 I t•lo on , hetoette I deo e Bat aal I tea I It• hid All the iamen mid en, mu ling lab, ~, , ,".,anti to 6,0, the atr , I the ~,,,,,i H„, I, ~r, ,„„, k r , ~, ~,,, „, ~,,, ~ p , wore 0 •0 1 0 e 1 by on I ' i. II `• " it " , I I It i It., X 1 1 ,0,171 aritn t in•kr Mt man 'I 'I •, l lir•lt 4 the,,, t t , 11111111 ft Itlt .1 Rornan CAth• le pr oe 1..1 ,II I irk, ,tl„I if, „ , „1a,. • a t tall Lack nt i a Raub ~ me bard • i Uhl, h lull warriors am tir aro ..... ...I 1,10,1,:y 0 ' a. - . 1 1at.... , , ~ , ,1,, I, I pufficr. • arc at ,rts ta ,101 t 1 A wing th, war ,shoot, al. daring II • oral masmtre 0• , It, in all „ d „al, i tin I, I Ilc I, ol trnnpa I et .4 11 e inniaa r, I ti, :suer The Pr t shalt, ",deal l• n , .4,11111111 L.,,1 111,, ll.t. ii I 01111 NO 10,11.11 1 1,,,,,, nu, ,Il II e1'1,13,1111d ' 1 ' Le k Irld, 11 °1. P "11 ' ...d mdlt ' l ') q° ll .1 11 their de Pr, 1 ur,l, Ifut I i the timely arrival of, bons art all r,.., rti.d The frontier towns Lime ; mid a made lln I t , tor 1' ttf ,ray II e Russams to e Ag•r Ins retreat, 11a,nan I al, lig the St John ' s and Lake Hoeroe through the grip aft ra •1 a strumee In and lis stuff would Intro been tat, 1, 'rhe ha, c hoe" i hoe, a under nnlitary discipline which 40 r iiii I.'" ''' a". cal 1 li'm 6i" ' li." ' "ies I.t. II d ' s.lndid by 5 'log to in r,,,,,,ri1l that ~they Indi ,ns Lott ar been kaki' or w 1011 I .. le il, site.,— t tr ee tl,, cam s • 11 01 Pt t, i card., t • ri, i I fr m XIII, tine 11 e I. Itrli r 1 much the greater pr i rti I, tea,,, I the . , , l . llet It It, ow It 1 r innate n 1 r n h,,c, Roman Coth li I irt, 'III„e nen 01 ILI 0 th, ,arl, li ~'plied.t milh r ttr 1, The war %ill be pro e lb , ter o fr 0 . 1, , II , , , I it c 0.1 I w sfl tn., lel I ete 11l t tot I o fg, . .1 , 3 palm,, tr 1 e) II If e h. 4 ei I err 1,1 11 I 11, ni r 1 I I 1 ril .1111 111 I m a few fitl I fl IL t lli I; 1 I 111/I I II 1,„, I, ~„ , „„ I L l ~ l „,,I, 1,, „i, , , r Mule el Vaal. rhi Mandirsk). It. is t 0 di) , • 11,, t a t , tt. e h i irl • 110 I, •10,t1 0 I 1., ih 1:11 t. , 11, .„ ''. ist • ..,, I) l' ,, • 1. 3 " 1 .1 ' l. l' i'' ~,t' I I m ,•, I di l:" • I. I I the ,e, 0 m I I 01.1. ,1, I , The st tt •Iti 0 , in 111 , tat • $1 i 1 litaall 110111 I-tut and P. ..,.:,..r ::l tan r o i t t .at it • . ,tll . Who,' 11“, t p 01.% a the I.lh .11 f ._'1,,1,„. artier, have Woe ont ~1 1, •.4 h ,„ 1,„„1„,, time u, tll , .11 a • ...,111.1 II 'l,l at „ „ 'lb, pr„. URere ": , L5." ,0 ." wt,ll.+lipplit.,l A healthy, ken le.t f. , r th. 1 . .:11 1111,1 , r to pre, all, wol a lamjesty ex. d.rh.g 05 r , ..,t I.en 1e...e all,, at lair prices it LIMA her r I • 0,55 0 , ,h0,!).,t ,I lineaelveneingi,,i al Lave h. 111 gra., 11.1 . .1..,.1ir1,..1 ~, awl rue. ~xtew he et, — The th. tez ain the Its lc, the B.,,,,muepti..n, latiee Ariett.l,ly, to ule..le thy 4,11,-ti,,t, pno:r the prorogatiwi noon itrerre , l, hw, euu t.,' Th. • herv. -t the wiallia..l r, ./11111e1711 ... g part. the riterl me that the .I,newohly sh oil 1,r ,, r..wie , 1 from •,.,,„ r „ g i„ 4 u „,l the I:itlt ~l 'Augast t, the l:,th or I J.:to!), Th, r, port, from The Itta,het et.• tire .tat. .4 . c..• r until attar ;Ise tst,tiog, the Annentbly i., ~„. plnpnu„l„l, de r October. The Nois • \ll th. mai 1,04 Canine, the n •e ~...r.0., awl a ,.. „,„1 n , ~„, „„_ eit•l'rerid..et 11 1.1 I . ~„ 1.n.1 1, rob. r 111. 1,3 order g ~•. I,i, r..ad ft , in egeagth o r Se. - Marseilles tolt, It n- ha, ion the lolulero -1110•Iraoriltv ael tint , ,t.,: ..„ d 14 , ( 1114110) . loot lit ail Ih. Tho haviag Iroot. nn do l'rittee it. . jiy the o,,,,dttet Id, r 8,, t' r , I. t , 0,...,11.01.... I oderot.•:, r. i• ", 4 " ' , id L . 44. Til 144 1144 W 11111,14111 r the h %%J ie., l /4 tatrii- h th o ot 4 , 3, o r, ho wilt be ,rcetl t , , ettal , atk '1'11.2 .11. lela ha, nraita nn L ilr ail. nr- America. . 11. It 1 , . 11. i. It. .1 a 111111111, id per,: ele.di I ::5 -1,- .li.• 'l'l, .11 !eta Legislatite tut,..l , .11 it., , r . , i,y mo . ro lavorahle to t: , :hi, t he: ......... _ l 'o who um: ta:•:: , 1 1 . I,,td :o, :. I, , 11 , A 'Cu 1.. I:u,, , .11111 nri I 111 .1,.. one : no, I, the hook de. :• 1 i .ohel, , 111 rap- ~,,,,,,. 1,,, 1, , ,1101„, 1., ~ h e , port the Geit as Iseg a• 111., iii ij it ir3 li-li iw ii ,l, hi, ,iiiii Our li' ,lifdrnia ...junto. uric tuffether. • zettiog aid:, oell rho ch.Nv..f mini-. ,, i , 4".1. 1 ' 1 ".1 nn Atwootl's drug sth, eon )lain mat re: t. na event inert eertliu to o,c,•111. V.ifliiii a 11,13 .1 ,irii iil 1,3 IV,. l'ii. In irliiii, vol.: ille, short time. It lif Sal , l Ole. 11,1,, k 1.. i he „,,,, ~,,,,,,,„1 ,1,„,„,„1 1,,,,y„1„ .„7„ ~,„,„, Pronident 111 the Coatteil, 'F.:, s t Mih . t•ter , , 0,„ „,,,,, ~„„, T; „ „1,,,, i,,,, „y, of the Interior; and Fall m,.i11, i•ter ol For- 5 ,,,, h tti tt,to to, align Affaire. By a decree of the Itith idst , lien La- S , leo ~ A, ti morale,cu has liedn iiiiiii,lllll,l 1:•,,.,, in , ' MI John Wire murdered 'fl,.- Dalt at Minister plenipotentiary :if France to Ileute, P.„„,,„, m„ ~ ,t,„ .g ,„,,, and heis said,. 1,, have lett Pm iii for 14:: t\-„, ~ ~,1 , , tote, 4,,,.,„. 0 „,1 „„ head quarters 01 the Entree or a Ca.-id pn,pe, nisi 3 lo.to cot his nits and I lat t,' Baron It It ,the'lilds is eh ,ut. to le lit 0 Iti , 1 1140 the hi kin of the Into der Paris en a trip to Italy We hate ace:mods front fort Kearney to The progress "I” 1 ...1 . ..gu11'. 11 1I.Olto the .2,141 ultatol up td that 'late :,,:tats' affairs of the lath of June, has h ee . mie ae- wi1., ,, 11 • hit , / pasost F. et Kearney with. tire, owing to some arrest reeentlt made, I ' ili,rhia Eliiigi.iiii- nii,l 1 1iiii 1,,,1 ~„,,,,,t and the diseuvery of iuiportant 00.1urpst. ~,, 0, 0 ,„ ~ , ~. „:„,„, ,• ~,, g“.„ . donee. The Elthloot has I,r A: 11,111 among the 1 The missing lontegrarol ,I .e.otatit e i Naze Indian, Lae swayed to lioglatul Thu rope Ilan! N• 1. b„,„ .„ ~;,„;,.,, 1„,„, , ,„ ~ A , 1, addremed a autograph letter to limn t hot. u 0 i,,, , I II,„, i n, i, in ,aging , n . 3 , x ,,,,,,,,_ not, on the occasion of ieceiciog the lays of l y , BMW. lain UAW°. t l "tlP"ttlays the .%t Alton, 111. there were Lett live deaths' Gemara on the triumph of order itt Rom, h.,,,,„ (.h.,,,,, 1,., „„, ~, Th, ep id„,,,i,, 1 ,,„ and espressos his hope that Divi ne proy,. pretty gem:rally le:: the wens on the Illi. donee will cease the dillicoltia that may ; u” ,e andmies,,,,„,,, hire r.. Mill exist. lb ad4ld, that he dee. to:t eenh• it „,,,,, ~,,„„ 1, ,„i idly ~,,,,thg. to direct his prayers to heaven ben lite t1:11- oral, the cit), awl the nenelt Oath,,,. The A HUI an In New Oraciann. th to, 1 11 letter was directed tLeto. Jol, ri earth- NEN” Open %hp, Jul, -29 1.. n....,. oho n, . , „,, „ ~,, ~„ note,. nal P' di, end the Manioid eat do t ti, ,„„. D r „,h„ 1,,,, ~,,,,,,g h e , i r ,,,,, ,d,,,, 1 ,% ,th. th , , th,. ,. , , ,. arrived in Rome from theta on the nth. Antonio, to take emontand of the Western . ' The latter is grand chamberlin of the Aron- I gv,,,„ of the nun, . in 0„,-, of the h„,,,,,, r . I 11 '''', 1 „..' s, . - .." 1 11 , 1 ::' ' 1 , LAO Palace. Proparati.ins are making rat „, ;;„„ Geh „,„ :,. d, :11,4:, us, sar e, , d,drs: has 11. ROM, which loads to the belief that Pius Captain • Bradlee, ;ill . was 0,0111,14.41 01. trii the 11. mon I.i in Ai& i• iir ii• ul ~.... Val le apooted to return to the Quirinal , toe word: rel l'atUte Vo tttt , has he en re- Ih e ha lii-. oln iiihi n•ur i , il it iiiiii me el, The Fraelt are doing all they can in di,. kn ., ' .„ new tri.d. 'Ho no,, „,,,,,,,„ d „„ el tee. and had Non 4,04:1 te o moss, and late, at tributing money freely to get up a cry in y„,„,„. d „ ) .. ilth ...eat of wan, ,ear awl named I.e g re en • the hr h. had been th oneelea, a, the e no.; his favor bet in vain. All the woundtd The relomner Maty Ellen, on whirl, tTai 'yi, went of thine a Ito knew timi illVoit her: and in have been removed from 1.110 l'alace. art the Spanish bar Day was rent to Ils- the ....Imam 01 .11.110 tom the -, k.a a. be in The Roman troops who had *grad In the lth,„, his returned ~, t hi„,„„, Th e f e t e her .. onset,- )hers :sneer:l t ar h &Mb. eminit lent Install., to do duty eonjoitttly with the al the boy is unknown. The I. l l.iitalo has r r ' n ,,= l % ' , ' , l l, , ' 27,,.. I"'".'' :leni b i . , i i. ii ' iiii " nriXl:3 ifkumoh, fits all kawMll; •"d "...huh , 1 " 1 “'"' been arrested and held to bail on the &large , .......ijth th ., ' n... " ' " ' '. reensinie now amounts to bee than 1000 o f ~f li o i r . t i .. th, i n i. „hg,„„g„.„ j Tins laxly wino minritii.il in the best manner of mama of thorn Inatii were ail:icon to leave, The clerk of the U. S. Quartermaster's hound, mstoirooth and theetned me eshibnee a 1 ".• Ch.- tharnel. ...Id n" Ow his •••• .dlico, has boon arrested, charged with meal- . 1 ." "h."' ""ai ." '"".."'"' rho ••" '""" mt. hhorany endowed 1, 1 teem, and her line tali Inv ing goods from the Government warehouse, „,,,,,, ~,,,,,, „ „,,,, ..,,,,,,,,,, „,d„., y , ee d th e Tito Pope's engineer. hating been inked valued at $40,01.10. , thnii.ll. of impenor a introit. and to the bran sa to make a dinsumatration In Lis favor, pre- - - - - - , lant of ninth.. ointment: means for the attainment of feel Mules tine smoke-30 out of 48 Tamers roe Ftootun, —The Weelibig- . elevated education. The oieeni of mei., in and the rank Rini die were dine ton Republic., else goverment raga n- , alai+ Ma IN-Itvwd. .1... r II" 1 .,... 1 d 'f°"t hhaammidsadd• nounces that the War Department hu e v." i.ff ; "i" .h. The... me t wit h Tb• ante muted in the artillery All made preparation to despatch • salllcient IN., t t tra y t o t ,. it. ,err elevated circle of a thwelheers having aligned with the neap- , three to the country to repel the Indians,lolely mat nim. %yam only Moe; for her es likm of Om Captain. and Sergeant. The if they contemplate other hostilltire, or to I alien. woe viahlo in t h e fna . ...iff . ,.,_ki_ n _ n Am , I.; ,Halt given is that the Rena refined to bring the murderer. to jostle, if thin 4 lig,,,2.m_timit.,!tri•••• o f pon e glee Am ay proem guaranty es to the merely the violence of a few stragglers. „...; ,-;;;„ , Z . ; ;4 did fie„ „..4,. all th e d.. i Will i 5.,,,,, preiWtim for the rights of the people. , Garibaldi has muccooded in making Ids , oar A Man named Webb was drowned ;„,t,,,,,,,,,, •4•41 th .,,"•=',” ••ed ..: 1 1,. 6 "",'" lif _t „,„;,..„,1 to .W0 .1. XLK . Lre , tLi0a d i.. ,.. ....d .d . , ,, y -, , .tea. w e ' o . o '. it?. amp. good from the Weal, pai ° , who In Rom Pond, in Lebanon township in this g. „.„.,,,,,,,,, e „,„,„„ „,,...,,,,...,„..„„. . 4%. h.,. 1,..... A.... 3,. .. g ig , pit u p.. frt g . ..m, , Lo g g o 1.. 0 . county on Friday hot. Go wont le to bathe, Wen upon 111. rabaainted Havrhaan .. Land G. E. I:ONAEIii Agent. in the mountains of Abbrussi. Previous and rating beymalld. depth , being ...Id. 7 th .,1 • „„„ k ,„„,,, , th ~..,,,,„ ".= tha , 0 ;N.& O. ~.,._ simagoies. • bis are from Rome, he had mum& l• "fit*, tom his Mk- ' O, ll • 4 7 1 tam Wilk h e lamaniansad and bun Nag, and nodal _.--!. ...114„.. , th g .fit uy m onth . , Lay Intl. in known of bina—Heno . 1 . • 10 Om the mama Rim ameance her is the en-1 NOT AND 11110E•MAKER A RE / AI NEIL Ameba amount Mhos that Garibaldi le ' B . 7 •N• anfineakaf Noon Marna," A 11•14itio,,Idiert en"?, %h. I 1)1k3 411,v all rt.ltt :”..1 L. g that i• in the extr“m• 1111.11i1111 Imv.• r all to the t1i.e.24, ..r M .1 fr..o. city. % timber of ph, •it huts who at c.l t from the iuteti.n, state that st, th.k tors and tint well , on their nay 11148in:it h in hop. of gising son.r roll. lew havo cr... on lore front . I`l,-tl,lllll It i atm , , st to tell ti t nun& r of which 01 . 1 . 111 . ore t*ry yontrntlietoty. The .rnh.ti,rllll3 , .beconio sr retlneerl that thew e but tow I, ft. S,ol nn , Ate, 1 ni_lkt told gh.oth two h oh.c e th.• eit. that .1. 1,. hitt obitziot , 't There h. AA , . IIAtAIA, arid %%aro ohseig.i uh, ling. 11.11 ht AA sill , ken le the hpolelnie, Iht‘, 11,41 from the eiti. roma, r :,,he Imr , t, ('I• no. eor ge-voloe frmn Ctoulop.nti nod u m %he nee ni.t nide ire n, enrute emaleh Oki death, that eaeire 4huils the I . CIIOVI , O w\l.o COI %Tv —A niavemeni lar laa.n ,:a halal I'lva,, *.‘leadow, Car caltah. lasar of .44 , Ittiriag a 'lea and •ri rwmtic., and Tanmeirm Notice to Mechanics. l'ithehrt, for I, nuattlettott of the 11.1truh1 It eh", if. nee at Ruh. k• Cnrotern xdl Int • th nt tyrant,. hr the modern:nov.l rano. ter. head rt.. lord t, the I hth 11, the prnehrells will Inrnitrirlentrt told the Jolt hr Ire et, 111.• Inua.t reopmehltle twitter. Th.. lintich, loth. fhttrhed 111 t. rhttet. , , hatth..l In inner, it for nea Wl,Oll 1 , 11 7i . phrttnet nf the xrtrk In be done I . 1111 . 5111 hlntin the .1 At. nre rettnahothl la r MI M Mint!, . near Itinnek.l.enntent. h oil r.t dot as the plan of Ow 'Hulot..., nth! enettple•, tt nt. I l' BAK ) M ' I,lll,llllol'Sr. 111 T1.Z.1. rlllllll%. Pa.. on the I d., Jo...en Woss. ••,ed 511 'ears Mr C. m fie....ri,rnalsin of Ilniha water. ,Inn come lo In sdl hoo 1111tII, relalives and f.,.,!.11,,.1 to Tinrit %lien that - T •ow saa. f. lon •.1 l• crust so. • also oas amt. o • and sh taw f e n. and hardships ohs h:•j o r a a have ieeris er . o.ole.f i"""". " . "'""r ' ; r."""" " r 1 .I"Plins"raVio=7.•=74"••••". •• ; .":•••:."‘" ;"" n• all Pit • •siit,•l•• hail Isestoo alentifo Toe Aa.•111..e1(0%. o ; pri . and hall o• Imo • shared tho ;:sia "... • Ali • s irlei Itodoon tit. Imo the last nor of • ohe lo nor SI.. rt lo lot .2.1.). ass; 11.. •os val.. thi• eine. o told •111 estintald• Iry a lat., . dem TWO GREAT EXHIBITIONS UNITED IN ONE! JUNE, TITUS & co.'s CIRCUS By MENAGRIIE COMBINED. Coder the Nonagemeht of Mr. G. C. hold. A R rn WHITE OR POLAR • - "" PERFORMING El ERRANT ROMEO. . . FAR-FAMED RIVERS FAMILY! THE 133113131 3lt ”3,31, 11:33E33: LTA 1,1)I \ , . . 1.141,n1r , r. t• .1; 7 1 1 / 1 111111aSON, 6. OLD POT." a 6. • ANTI.OI.If Mr..rn"" ' l7 . nr .1r1;:oal ma;riml •1•1111111 ft, ROW*/ "r 11* grow con • TrAnl ire. 1.1"Zr.a.. 1 ".. • prr* E l . ..••, -4 2 A. • NEW MILFORD STOVE DEIVT! 1%40. n~ ; Wyoming Institute, WYOMING, Lumen., County Penna. A r men!, eratinr.,•• terms de" elm be Well lIIY oilier of One • Applienterret fOr n1'4111.11111 In 11... 1.•Ile, J. 1/1:1.VILIAI MI Pourer/ed. Lambs Wool Wanted. Coml. Pahl for Shecp Prlla ;' N. Y. & I:. Railroad ! E 1 EBY 1:o1)1 's 11.1 LIN I. Owego, ISlnghninfoo, (areal Bend and Lanembara• Marna, C uplink. James Mrk, r. 1„... i(eicistar's otioe, '" '''''' •• . • it.. 0 .... .... Received,Juet Sasquettanna Academy. I , IT' C„,,,, Blacksmitbing =''' ,'.l-:.......„....,.... .„.......... , !.',;',.."..t!::' . :,..... 0........... ' ' '' "'" "' ".. ir.'gritrogein . .;, e H.......... ! r ~ C. BALDWIN ? : A UEL TERRELL, ""'" "" "' "'"'"'"" ". "1 " ' " ! '; " '" Is '4l . i i , 54.,„ ~ !:.17- k inv, . .. 1.1. .1 w•lrefellan 1•1' , 4,41.1en , 0rin... , 1 . ..1 , ..1w, ~, ,,,,1 , ,,,... ' 4. " '..""-' — l . l:t 0a... nn.l Mall /11..,..vev:•, ~, ,, , - ,...1 . •:, ,, , 1 0p. P 1, 1 ..., 1 , 1 :„ 1 .;:, : . ,r 0z. ,,,, ~ ~.; 1 ;;;;T:Vi.Z.7.7.:', .:.,..:1.........,..... JOHN 0110VES. 7 . 1;3E: :TA . = lm ~,177;.7.11;:7 MONT/111M 1.• . .. - . .., .....„. ~,,, ......„. , ~, „,, ... ~ .„, ~, „ „, 0... .., . :. 1 , ;•;' . :!; - ;'" i';''" - r"" - """'".; 7"''''"'"' - ""' i - .%:"..7t0 & 7:131333LL, 01....1....1 t.ii......1.: "Z"7'*" .. 7 17 7 2:"P"' '""' • "'" FASH lONA lILE TAILORS, ..... . , : 4.. . , ~, .....::. - ,,, •:;?'.1 , ..,, ,, ~".. ~,,,-.., 4 "A7,..1,";;;;;;;V•ra.e.1,1": - 'V" — , • , ABEL "nlitilll'• , 0.,,.....:i........,;..,,L,, ~.Z. . ., , ,Z!,!."4:`,.i p,',2!".1.VTfig::=1::;=::::?.?,:::r,i1'1::::',7".',7^"..,::;„,,T.,"7„,'..,' ",',7'4`,":13 - ,:,','::'""' ....1.T.7.w...-,.....”....*.... 74 , Nv•dr. , , 1 ~...,....;.'.... ;.a.... “.......rpm...,...Li.6 di. .::."."44="d;i.7,7.... • 0i.Zg, '...=, 1ig:,:•147,,',:2; . ;',;;,..TZ:1 , 71r," . .1=; ~. 'AMA,' lAnnom,Ae., tAr reedlum...... 1.......A10.P•A1AA INArI. Pup% PA , Pmenre, PA. I . suelnp. 11wAr..... , . J. IL DIIIIOCK. 1 II,1:1" . ",;.1.1%=1:7!.,'" . " 44 .. 41 ". 1.7: \ ' AZ= Apia. TotptAllne,AAA Palrt, larber, rA11t , ......, Pull ; ATTORNEY AT LAW ;..".", AI . A...AM AAA noir.. 414.1011111. At SIONTAOIIII, PA. 1 DrOAA illi•A Alleilelows. [ IlounAir.r , l4l4:3l,P•ll7.l . l;Ant 1.... aWI ...WM, Mni,lll. 11::=1.1.1 Tr r: Plv. Ir. ' w,,r...—.7.77.4:0:::',...1.-31:7=""=.1..wrivlbriZall.1:41puemer ma ' . .:4, PP. 1.1.14.... An. IPOILT. IL TISATIMIL r•••• 11.1., Rama... 4 eve.. lilml. All .1.• pops., !along Med 11•1••••. lIIITTNIC KO 111111111PATNIC PIVSICIAN, !4,,...,,,,,,„, ~, ' 0n......re5e...1.1*.me •111.1.11..., gil••••••••••••••/•••••41••• . ...he •••••••••.• a Own. al • istane., will boot , to, 00.1 . •••••'• On, ••••Is. WNW lna, Cal. NV., or me, ma x. •.,••• 'ltsa Ie lem_:,tmm _.... 1 o a rs.ha •..1.1 by.. 1.11. ••••• •••. I ...... ............= =7= xr, . .-.- 1. Lwow* ! ft., *en 1•••••,101/...11.111nr.1111...•.?•• ,111•11•••••••• from ole.,nr*er•11•••1•,•,. b .... r . ... ... wz, or. ••,Llfs Mom , ... 0.=%. T= . ll ra11a . ....•• Z 1 :1 . 7=•: m& A 11711111111111 . . I ens •••••••••• le 1•••1.. Paile Amt. prow, Pa. 81•011•0.••••••0•11•ryllue,AM•1•41...asia•••• 44, 1.••••••••.. M.,.. I ?Ur*. M l / 4 1•••10111 {0 NM MA ...1.. A......... 1 0. 111. COW EN Grocerler Ift••••••Welmf Mils tfort flo Cam " er, " ikr .. l l6, llN —C r o =i Bl7o t. ""4"" , Valuable Propert " U ' ()11, SALE. A Fresh Arrival I Executor's Notice. EfiliWN Administrator's Notice. ,1':::.'''.,...:-.....'::..!;!:'.,;;,'.'.!.,•:50::''`...:;.'',".' I " ~.,.;11V. : .:1' : ' ! ..t. """ "" '""“ " "". 1.!; 7 4`.. .1 1.10. T. NOW FOR ANOTHER RUM I MORE NEW GOODS J. wens WOOL WOOL ! e. VOYT A ALSO. DENTISTRY! Atmospheric Premiere, ►'' Crockery and Glass. IV''..:',".:.1•;;;I . :.',;!.;:' . t,r.!";;;;;,;:zr,, , x;; . ;;;;;;;; , , ALso, I Aim AGENCY 01 , Pr. EITCIII r..lrbratrel eons STOVES iCt", New Arrival LATHROP CSALNIURM Time Ranh 81111 GniWes. 11" 117.. Law, n.t.tuttrat .gle or Itihttlt:. and It:lttlerrs .11:1. ti. army. 11 7 nf NIWN iho ,ol• rrlikoi• • SAILISBUIIIf .111.1.0 rrrrr NI fv. the N.. ther 1.2 2000 " '"'''''"'"""'"""""*""Ate.. ss "114 um r Forls. /I TURIIIIII.. MAstetle -. Lelrenaml soma..., A. 11.11111111.11. Iry 1..,1 pu.l/1). , Thal,enrlol4aM y M. U. TYL.3I,- ‘. 5 ..T.';. - ...'X1T:..,"'" -7 •" . ••"• — • 2 •.....•••••• • , ••••• .Lrow. NOW FOR Ul' TOWN I rrt,lfteak le rrr 31 i• TIMM iry, waver Nara Poih- C. 0.. ..111,1 . 4E1f • NIL.. Cheap Goods. —'"Z"Va117,74,1.: Jewelry---At Turrelks. 11Vallelmelt, ing ttttt ttt Imetrumenle, Waukee NoHoes, Printed Lawns A !,' ' I 1 /ITS ac,oza, L 1.6101.311.. " /1.11314, ... iu~~f i.l'M =TINNI Z . • For LIVE aid krALTM ore Im Ike RIM .a1vin77i . u.7371==.1:2:7:mg: BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. 11.10 ..... nI. Mony prnparedfn. 1 4 / 4 41... Um,IY mug nn.onein.on• nAgennadlines Mamma et ehnnan sho. Iti r ; 11••• • •••• ingo..1.11 " :=1:71onl:Tan *" '! "". HUN ORWOW—THOU ..... 11.. e Pena nurrni . d . , .;,•: nod men. nem* ...•••• iiESaiEEM lbw web dbeeere tee ie neve by Peesepor., sr eayede• emetib Pat Wee w yve above w &ebbe. We MA When pea. pd.* ibe melt de We Ihot wow •141,11,1. •••• maatinode heawlodp Imlsi.l On imself eteary Pm. Anybo. h u nt/ "Flit WORST SCROFULA% .m 1 al Now er dr W.I. Dm* 1111,111.1 n, !Me*" &veal. Poingim g Me, F.. de MA. kW h 8..4= 'IMPORTANT TO TIIR AFFLICT/CD. CHUM AMP 1101? Yw— ,-. lan/Timms olt=ejlar . •••• =I; ". • et= • paw., le• • r am 6/00ff • loOtle,lnn. hay. 1..1 bow (war haw. " 1r beVV11.163.:71..111= navallinwe of Ws SY ohm DOLLAR'• WOPITI4. brie .ftila is Os elm v. 1.1,11 •••=r4 ,""" r r.r. =I - A= rr.rr rr. ===l MI awe by; rereditzlhe V M.I I Ismaili 1 / O rr ftit l:== . ll:l% . atenennk , s4 Ile lig bad ... rjrzra . = •• •mr—• see "4". kr,7 "— Eig mi • nom.. =Om YoNi•—• ow.= Tinty larp, Illeshuslag Wm, =4l Yu op ocror=1•111%1=1:4:1" bbb ONLY TWELVII WTTLQ '"" er47L.PI mel e• Mr* M: rm. ..ratArehTV.L..r.r: ' 1•••••••.,11mon• vonn.. • 11twaly, Mart. t %my. .11. Ihmen•n It rolwarary Lc., • • , l• 4161 gal.ll Prrlorrilu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers