From Mexico 1 Tax ExusarrioN LAW. I nun% 1 rower 4 era MUTED rmn NICOL The New Orleans Crowent of the 9th haa aPI .ter to exempt property to WM milne of to ow-vie sis to l pub Ind .WY Many barb WAS -11. of Mexican papery to the 24th March,' Meer hundred dollar. from key and, lii:=.le2) . 7:ss is";:=1"`"1::;"" 0 I I 4 1 9,„,5, bat the news is of slight interest. • , sale on execution, and distress fur rent. ' . n . ii ~....., Mr. w....,........._,,..i. • , :::_ - .7 , 4"-.1., . Tbe Mexican Congress. by • large ma- ; Snevion I. Ito 0 faii"ea 4- f. Thar' in , • week before her death alto or. aellvoly employed . ......S.' ' - . V. ktele m red an not authorising the goy- lion of the property new exemp . t, by the law l a her demesne punwits-aa hallow... estanolood 'for her life until three ob • la. la h ern to negotiate (dia.. of ) $1,500, of levy and sale on execution weed T n - - ',..„ ...... 000 of the alumna to be paid by the United judgment obtained upon contract. and la- , p ad ' P"' .0. ....• phy May next. The Monitor of the' teem for rank property to the value of her frined: r h . nn•e n 'n""....."1 ' .fight Y ''''...""".. '--• ''''') ' ' -..- -. :....4 .:1 ''- 'l9tb says, -that large numbers of persona three hundred dollars, exclusive retell wear- I -.--- ' 'a4Th a... hoe 'h.', aue, and dm be yet lager owed to bar fatally. 1 r,„„, the maw S taten .. T uring ab eang b ing apperel of the defendant and his family, , . 01 ~,,,,,.. , -iv Proardeara had ethamiso ordered Melloo en their way to California in march and all bibles and eehool books in use in '._,,, ........ , of gold. On the Tuesday provioue the edi. , the family, (which shill remain exempt as , ea aaa we " ,at-aaa aa the ninth da y ": • .., . ".',. for h a d a ,,,,,„ a ~,,p.ny of sixty h ome ., heretofore.) and no more, owned by or in I hoe """""",_ '" "I''' Intl " d. l n, .... en . to j 1 4 _ -,-- --, shall bo ~.e . ,,, ~,,... aa h we ._ rbly wow, the redeemed and . loved ~ • - --- •-,, - --: ,..,. well armed and "apparently decent," on possemiun of any debtor, their journey. The partial... of Santa An- , from levy and sale on execution or by alas-,. "'" ' " "'" v . ' l ''" . " her. th. " ll h. i nter , -I. , the exhibited great patience and fortitude. end that nth are still busily . employed in efforts to tress for root onst l, i ,,, , l , constaiii regard for the carafort of thew mood her, ' ' T u a rertre" . ""rre e t , eerr n e e .....h r . ' “ n. t„,..1........Zi--'7.... make • revolution in his favor, but they arc ' Secriom 2 That the eheriff, so diligently watched b y the gomniment ,or other officer charged with the execution t ar ".". the h" weer In'. .h.mntnrihed. in rar:" . "" .. " . "`' ..e...• wt •enhirel WC .. lassies wen. ,b •bY whey In Mb ebottb . we that they have aa yet boon able tooment, effect , of any werreet issued by competent author- I"' eO6 " . ' L. " ... 4 W.f., Mother, paned , ' `'.... 11 ^ but little, and have net 'entered on any ity, furthe levying upon and oelling-lhe I" d F ri end , oh. won .ve . .. tnilarfah Wad ad Of.- I Arles , Audi& by In a Isa overt acts since the great battle In Tema - property, either reel or personal, of ny . 'are. H. Orals kn.,. an whin' clad le the ,The t"... twee , la ile aware. 1b...... 0 . 1 ,......„... tepee, in which no one ores killed and one debtor , shall, if requested by Mc debtor, I h ' ... .. a her Family ..I they ' , Mon/ more her, a.a ` aaa 4 aa 'm a ''" .o .". , drunken mrgeatik taken prisoner. summon three disinterested and empetent 1 " . wi th ." th e hnWe er .Pnnthnn. to her th e 'r, GOLDEN CHARIOT I yaws by YO emu ewer. ii The Mexican journals are discussing the persons, who shall be morn or affirmed, to Poem , the .ek h. , * dal ..IY k" .race and ra• n., •r *n, roirtr a a it.T= a 4l . ltr " Proteeel," out of which the make ae lit- , appraise the property which the said debtor "nno foetid, tut the whole cattortuaily have been ~ ,Th.....l 7. l:l:l.2natterreenter tareaw,ei e l e te l.. ' he ag m g ., 8.A.., si eve .* Co., ge' clay elect to retain under the provisions of vOied to mime. One who 6 .. 4 her rail who had ,_.....1rr, ..,;L:re4=741,...11 .- . hop. !thie act, for which service the said •appeals- , oftee been the week.. ef her Wean.. ed.* ihn. ' .. - 4;;;;;I a r eeiliZai.n.,...."" aaaaa ' a ".... a aa a 4 . ". Don Mariano Ayllim him undertaken to •en shall be entitled to receive Afty cent.' tribute of grateful Obeli. to her memory and .......... ...IN - -"'"*.""" ".."• r mar. ow e . m om ) nav i ga bl e f o r st e a m .' each, to be charged as part of the wets of d hessoirsemerithe o her *Mated relelieea ea lie/ ,t,.. .. 41.71.1 . ... ,10 .V° 0,.. , 3 , 7 (13 . r l t . it ' , y , ..Y ,,... 1.. . beats of a light draft, and the project the proceedings , sod property thus ehomii I wid issresvonnet. ...............Y sob meet with great favor in the city of Me x. ' and appraised, to the value of three hue- Hi ILICIIIAND lIIVaRs" I lee: and the 0 rrrrr or of Vera Clue has' dyed dollars, shall be exempt from levy and ' I Vb. we eneapet a a a e ...-- - -.. ,---- made a reeonnoiunee of the Rio Manch°, solo on the mid ex...Oen or warrant. ca. , a R 1120121.11.•, Ow ilefebleyb 2 eibillraiiell'arerAti bOM reau. ms wasesom nom. m e mo IwwW. 1 and has diebovered the practicability of , welting warrants for the collection of taxes., ~. u • ex.. tbeareet anat.. a Melba, . tritasporting inerehandive, by means of : Soren:ix. A. That in ally ease where the . MOM.. 1.1111.11R1A, On Morbnited•l, ball"" 1 , zr 1.01... Ma bedval. ebiabet= ; MAR /0. , • teamboats, from the men of Setavento to property levied upon 'as aforesaid shall con-; I neLtVettrl r 2"ii! rl at itsig I Tie' e ss e . A. """P"" - r I)assieslca, within Ave leagues of Cordova, nisi of real estate of greater calve than , Iww,newsi I r arrait 1 end this, too, is to be attempted. Who will I three hundred dollars, and the defending& , +MM.. bed Illblill, tint Are Gym.. 'AM othey; brarkbableb t . Web.. tibbros.bodeparabeho TM my that the Mes are net making pre- in euch shall elect to retain weal estate. , Pbblett woad*. may b p. goo ? The st eamsngine will work Won- in value to the whole sum of ! ol vae sminsir .es am. ao :Am I I Maj0 ..... r Little Fuser,. den when ones fairly introduced. We per- , thews hundred dollars , or an less sum , the mire, too , that they have since the war I appraisers aforesaid shall determine wheth. ts.t.ii,oxisr. rose. ma Ws ewer Liewseit.l4l.Wile• I been patronising steam of another, win& ; bed n their opinion, the said real e eeeee can • 1111174•20.11, nos IS CY•b. •MI YE* peeves that they are rapidly adopting tbe ,be ivided without injury to or epoiling the bby• half yr.. theme yea mei ma I. PeaatL eae ' .... '":i pmulieritim of Saxon civilization-the Pb- I whole , and if the mid appmitima 0.11 do- deb, tax mid .I%i Taro 1:0- The bum Mil be eybibile.l —__ .._ . MN, tea r Ow Mb. Oda journals complain that in alined every I ermine that th i s said rind estate ware be di strait and lane in the city, and particularly I vided as sforenaid than they shall proc e ed . on Sundays and Rut days, crowds of teen, to set apart so much thereof as in their! and women may be mot with-drunk i en opinon shall be of suffeient value to answer; lord.. Mare is advanceinent, the requirement of the defendant in such It is said there are three thlmsand Indians I ca•e, deoignating the came by proper motes. in the south of Mexico, proper.' to rise , and bounds, all of which proceedings shalb against the government. !be certified in writing by the said appraia- Congress had pa.rd a bill airing she, ors, or a majority of them, under thew prop-, Pope or Reno a donation of $25,009. , er hands and seels,to the sheriff. under usher- The II S Ship .titenny was at St Jar( iff, or coroner, charged with the axe tai de Cuba on the 21 , 0 31.irch-all well. I of the writ in 31.01 caw who shell make re- The insurgent Mattis in the south of turn of the same to the proper court from Mexico hare been routed by Gen Alvarez, whit& the writ Masse 1, in connection with according to his town accoonte, but it was, the mid' writ : Prorided. That thio arctic" j believed they could not entirely put Jnwo, shell not be aotaarard to affect , or impair without large reinforcement. to tie govern- the liens of bonds, mortgagee, or other con. moot forces. moan, for the purclisse money of the real On the 20 nit, hop."ing funeral ecreten. estate of insolvent debtors. sties were performed in Vera Crux over the Sermon 4. That upon return made of remain, or the Mexieano who lost their. she writ, aforesaid, with the proceedier line during the bombardment of that city thereon, the plaintiff In the ewe shall be by the American fore. under Gen. Scott. , entitled to hare hie writ of venditioul cc The Legielature of the State of Mexico pones as in other oases, to sell the, residue bad elected flannel Psna y Pena Governor, , of the real otate included in the levy of Mariano .briaenrceta Lieutenant O sse . acid, if the appraisers aforesaid .611 have eraor. Pena is also Chief Juetiee of Men- determined upon • division of the said reel. estate but if the said ipprainers shall de- It seems Sergeant Quintero, who was ar- , ternsine against a division of said real es reated for permitting the insurgent, C o l. late the plaintiff may have a writ of rem. Murree, to eseape, has himself also es- (Mild ex p.n.s to cell the whole of the reel estate included in such levy, and it , shall and may be lawful in the Interroe, FR°M I ' AL/F°Rl—or 7 for the defendant in the execution to re- ' li mr r a" , Atmil 1111th,, F. M. rein from the alleriff or other officer, of the A letter has beets renewed by Mensrell. recce& of said sale so much as he would N. Hooper & Cm, of this city, dated S an riave rwired at the appraised value had Frasseion, February .Nth. The letter en,l roo; eta L oco cams via 31autlest. The Steamship Cali- , S., lON 5. That the twenty-sixth oee f"nt• from New Fmk . I. " .rri.e4 " S." th e or the act, "aided " An act relating to! ? . „,,, ra , I ,'ensurer F. .'tint 0, 1• 11ti.1110. " paoed 10111 June, 1030, end •no. smile on ban with d. The writer sots, " ihooos.ooLh and or e es s, acotioneo no a n ti he Icalamdal' jihad one lamdrml aml , entitled "An act in regard ',min e twenty lbs of gold, and that it was nee „ i n kiLier, in ' h i , „ r mnmou thing to cart gal dust from one , L „,; odo;;„g to the publishing of alteritrs store to another. Beal notate wo rapidly i.nlci and fir otter p it advancing, and commanded twenty .I " ila m I April, 1840; and all ot passed 22d her acts per square ,Lprd. Fl.sur was selling at Of- I - - tsp. dollar. per barrel; bread toblve Idea, and l'ork thirty dollars. Lumber nos, worth four hundred dolor. per thousand', feet. The ...Oleo room in the place rents, readily for ono hundred dollen per month.' Ile advises hie friends to send any quanti ty of lumber and small houses really to put up s which, he state., will bring AO per neut. advance for the next two years.— Cook, wages $lOO per month; Egg. $3 per dozen, &kraus $8 per Ib; Butter $1- i 80, Cheese 75 emits, Beef 12 onto, Pork 25 cents, Fowls $3 50, Firewood $3O per' , cord; milk 111 per bottle; board $lO p e el week ; laborers .10 per day, sod Carpenters' $B. Our sales for the last 4 month.' amount to flies quarter. of • million of dol bus." L CALI/O.IA MARX ors. —INF] Franaiseo, 31arch 1, I±4o—The supply of: boor is good, [arms from Chili, but the de. nand is seam, and few male. an made at 015•16 per bid ; Corn Meal 07a7 59 per! bbl, sad some; white Beans are to goodl dolma at Vag per bushel; Rice la salea ble at $l.l 10 per lb, and notplenty; white sugar is saleable at 04.5 per lb, and itt „ food supply. Lumber is very ay.. meth its weight in common gold climt,.; mid now selliag $lOO to 0120 per 1000 that boort on;mam dimensions of 1 inch am very malb wanted, and would bring aster-1 meat pies. Provision. are moriplenty, but still emsnand extravagant prim. ' Plat 1111104114 pm bbl for mem; 1129421 4 far rhea; Hoof than Is but little pkb. led bent, emd Oen are medeal, say $ll4 he non; oinked haul 144 $2 50a120a: 102 peelb Lord, mme berm Butter mil.; at II 4041 40 pr lb. Sewn wanted at' 11444 60 par lb. Bahrain nano at ST*I IS per W. Point $1143 50 each. MBb von wane and ammo from 01a1 25 per bottle. Bind I. ? . 274 . 8. 1 rad 41110a16 per bbl. If from Sat d. Fan bring MS 50 por - dossa. Good neol waated °lnn. log SIGS pie day. Cowan bun*. In Wl* sad nabs oblala very MA Wow awl whin isr nipldlifmadvamig; kiss awls onwronowly ; Ina nem, 10 by IS hot rad he $ 190 par moan. Lang-41 P. 111.—A hwor dead be. Fob. 144 sap now& Goon , ownt a 4 g am ...llonew sunnow win 4 llownary Olnaleur nsposOlin the whintion of lb. maa—all &Wm an paid vain" proton— The Int Nary, bow Oalw anind at 84 lhasolon an no 1111 h. agri• The Noma& of the alty of kg melte SIM their ammilithe her liver wit both the Mk sad Ilhos ea..rWet by tesiteituef 917 vette ie low I Ow Ida• ligis earlf. with this wet, he end tho same are hereby repealed. 1., Sarriett It. That the r ovisinna of this act algal' not take effect until the 4th day of July next, and .Call apply only to debts contracted tat and after that date. • Approved the ninth day of April one thousand tight I lred and frrty.nine, W3l. F. JOHNSTON. Tile Stasi. AT Tile Semi—The recent I sterns which was very severe at the South, las proved most disastrous to the crops, and the Charleston papera announce the Oland entire destruction of the cotton ern • in South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, frnm !row, and that the wheat crap has !ffered with that of cotton and Wt.— Snow roll to the dogth or soveeil behest in Char Wren and iisvannah. At Chariest in on Monday last, the thermometer fell from '7O to 40, being a change of 20 deg. in 24 boon. A dcapot,•h from Viokaburgh say@ the crops in that •idnity were not off by frog on the 15th. CONSPIRACY Cult AT PIIII,IIII4PIA. —A week or two sines we I üblish d • sin ,' seed C i a ft linalc u a: t fk o rn f l!, ' nmed ui ;l " ineriarn, who Hoed near Philadelphia, and whose Matte.. seised and confined his in the lunatic ass- lam. He Ms seized white in the eity with a load of produce. it is said that hi. tarns was sold and bin whole establishment bre , ken op. Alter a year or two eonlimmiet, 'fleabane *seeped, sod then brought a. suit against an the parties tor wades* imprisoning him under proem. that he was intone. The didendaete, chamed with the tronspiraey were Serval and Edward MLA. te,Hamlett. E. Shoemaker, Joe M. Whi tt, Elkinton, John Lippincott, and Jobs L. Kite. Thole aequilded were. Reeptain H. Warden, Dr. John HALM. eon, Aiwa W. Ilineisman, Phillip Garret, Jeelps• H. Weeihingten, Clarks Edam, Wm. Elddy, cod Tided er. TM Jay hand dem ideendly Re Wid pt!, melded the jerk is tee *Guest *Win gm. egad If it Is tree Shut Illselden wee set may !be inenglee are to melt by ba— nally Derpsieli. MAY. , PAIN ■166.. w M mod ow IM A. No no. pout U. the my le la, Ws .1 am& dully•M 1.. PM Yu M lump. Dgelle7 /I MI, A.M. .AANcirreleitt : 11•11,14 pea, lb, D. ../. 6 1.0.•• • •., Igo •••••• C. liar=lne 11111.7111.1"1"" abbe Ow 1.11111411 T • MID. On Sunday evening. the 811, la.. at the reskace of C. L. Wand, Eau, in this borough, Tuomi•• Warms, E. aged ran 70 yea [We know but little of the earlier ham of the deeeastd, hut ham rustily teemed that he ores • j native of Glagenbary, ha Cartago. r—thel he graduated .7 Yale College nab credit. ad watered J upon the sense theatre id life with bollirlat paw pug Early in the wag century, he went to rade at Wilkaflarre—was admitted to the bas end Nom after appointed Falteutary Lesentej county. Elated by oars with high oensibili. no•—ane early misfortune or disappointment, clouded hie ague of the fase, sod bonny, pese ta...l the more enerptie ud waggons falliesof hie ad. He otioUsed for many yea, and to he. lue AGO, la indulge in • jade! bast mead mehmehely, which mated ameba the ordmory degrease of baleen hfe--without in the ldegree affecting Me powers of his flue la teness'...lldr apeeta. HIM. for literary pur ..., which hie early echOlerehip had created, he weaned lemdulge, but witheut method, or any I other practical result except to eta hi. own mind wth tat varsou•iufarmalwo. During the at years he hoe Men an inmate . of the faly where he died ; end there, for the a...fee -1 an mi oda Jaen, friend. earl counection, we take J the liberty of saying he hoe uniformly been treated !with sill that unquelefied kende... and attention which hie minty ond ororth No amply darted.— f:t err attention and mire wm tendered to ha up Ito the leta moment. lie dud In the full. In , . I faun of Ike chap.'s hope ; respected by ell who Yuen hie many mama, Unmet.... I fe. I Tarte Wm.., the deceseed, wee a haul dewendont of l'honee Welles the funit colonial Governer et Cmhecticut ;—who during, hie j ty yenta of public ages minced the potation g large poda .8 the cheromeristio triftnes el our eeriest Privateers Having been Dena (inventor Janos the dace of Gene. Hopkins i fun the colony—be eneseeded the latter In 1655. 11ns win the ma yen" Creenerelf• fleet weltiad .1 (min England to reduce the Datch in their glumness about New Netherlands—sum New York. Yom the some meastor, descended, woth ahem. Hon. Samuel Welles, ma 61 hi. Majesty's Connell for Mantachnsetts, and member .4 the Como., of B.Plolll—ene or whom (Arnold) onanied the daugh ter of Gen. Women, who fell at Dunker lien Henry Welles, formally of Athens 6. thle ...My: and thdaota Wellonown Waohladkno My. Rowell Welles. of Wilkewllanen well korown , to tha earlier br ed mio OM ecolaty—o••• an .Her ' ðer of tho deceas Thema Welleo He ha. ab. many Menem in I loam/mien. The parlor. nal tonne of the (moody es lamenbary. it is a Oa • rola, fact. how never lea the fondly. woes the Mee W the f ;mentor t—oed,. new, WY behoved, mew- L 'd rlh rh e toeM ' en .e or Were " Mdrohtlte ( P .' l:n cy of rarmincea tho Illalloastalle el New Londosto I I the hole ChiefJetortiee Pooll o(New York, and the Mermaids of alooduo—am all found aleaely nailed in Nis.• warm emealegocal eatemry of mend Pontoon ancestry.l— anodised Reporter. TUE 11 ,111,11 • needled7km weak to gin , Oder fer ihe find Weida, mama. which war as handed id mad our ^ fame' Iru nearly made aw ICst.ralCiaratfzzaU NEW GOODS. I •Mr h. pee. .• I .1 41.7. 1 W 4.-*...-.. I ...Pew, Ape. 911, n.. 1 woo. NEW GOODS. ralwreeirizragarenza,' Ida. Ir• ••61 a* • •••,.•••11,414. Rs 0* we LlV•tr ••••• •••••• ye. lo• soMi el.••• •• Obr o ur be %V %taro, I. P 0.... Po. IFtridn-o.:= .7.71.n.trz -. ... ANA . PO. Notioe--1 e- '" - ",.......T.„`Frr. IN 14.4114444d4 1.141141. sod 4 ma.. •minems, 11. iCM 11 =7=1 " . " •7;?,174 * .7 °"" "" 71 t V 1 ITZ II . - - Regimental Orders, No. 4th, I r. 11. 111:rna et 14 •144•144444.= . 11.1•••• 114•1=4 . N. W.141=114 414•1144•411; *la VIZA=7 I 4?:orpenVIIII I IIre= 1 1 4i4e4.144.1.0 4. e, Lam at .4 04414.4••••••44441 .1 4 4•444,41.4111 a. AU 11.104, C. 1 1 4 4. 41 1.A1 44 4., .... N. II 11.• 11.4•1••••. 441•••••...a...4 8.(1.1•41•4 .1141....4144.11 ea mid .6.; and Ow •••••••••11•2.4.41.m. N. WWII' amens. lieeNi. at t.. ...k allaro— Wemals HiMory of Faegfami, Wells... RAW Dietimmy. lekeeeiroge &mks% u,rl horp . • New, eerffehipsird Ihrfaueiker a ON Mos, Forth Mr* Lw. .. Timm • LIM, &MAW Mho Illuirrh Ds ham Mohr. math rho ark Lehr Pap, nn. Cap h. Wilke Law Itreigen. Calh f A o onk Mo marifiuni. I Eh Iw o f Nl•Prf• Monroe A Fab'''. Mrr. A Pm orrhers et AO lielfly maw lad fro hued,* phrasal hr hfr hum pprehrh sall he MP& himphrlor nerhal ha l il %•• An eau per war I • rfrora. ExtboutareSkit A167.7..=,•.tat..1:=T-1,2 1t...7:=11,:m119=ir "" AMISS. I. _WW2 gram, &imam. WYNN*. Or ed. Mood A &ed. WWII.* 1••••ip "" atr . --101141.18111. OWEGO FEMALE SEMINARY, flatle MINI/ raltimieh t Mawr %Nat, Me SIMrIII IT lily L CHASE, k HENEIETTE P. FELLOWS. rives "?,'"7.t1"="77,irZzy"','"V"....„7•11 I .N...ten, e t • wee tbi•••••Ne Nu healthful 0.- .101 tottpatry. effete wee then etatel ottratiluas to pm rlte"4ltr=ll to to./ OM. the lade/N. whit% tbeettl proem • well or.nlCleletles hem.. Nail l; Neroun•eliantroetimi dr... totem,. Norte*. yen•to•tiv.,..tiont la all the. brae.. IN.. teed the lw xml tight Nectieserta.t. vin two nt tee mouth.. iitNtei ...Z. ....A., 111; 1 11..1•111111.. rem to .. the lb. Mond, ...est, awl eon.. MI the 111.1, NM MIN. Teo ••••tiont is iletabet end the INN het l van ro t Mare en e i All MN Natal Le ItereNee..r [M=y LTV. tit; t '''', ...rlt;te -r Ter. patill viii ret=7ll%.'rerr •I=erelreptTe.trarttl: n 6 itteh ye.ll lady l• tette.. le post. lot hetrit• Me, an ...el. tuel imere..... 4.1 te Mn the n•••• ...Nil .1 ev, •ftitle et rt.., .41V1,1;1..,,r.: ;" W ...A 1 i . • • • /, ...,.....r M., Pluo VI, ~,,... ~:a„.... fm .4.47:1.4 .."I:7a.Z.t.' jeKl '.. •• D'. rbr ...1•17.. '',.. • .. i 4. 1.61•1 '4,7 .....1::?...1".A. .....nt...••:......t.... es. .F.,";:t":1.:".fit7;:i."'...7. 1::::L"'"rit;".‘1164" " ' , 11., 21.00 ~,, Jo. ~ .. '' . ." t"'"•=1:"..... 1.,,,, tT Reference may be made, by porminkin, re the follow*, lb. Re, Alenso Potter, D.D.B.d. Penns, beanie. Rev Kineren Deddanl. Philadelphia. Rev. Philip Mindere., D.D. New York Rev. Cortland Venßenewilaer, Bareington..N. J. Rm. Edward Madder. SawaregaNpa. Mew Merkel. Daaa, Thy. Me. E. Johnon, Mr. &mil M. Fellows. Rowland G. llessard. remade/a, R. I. • John Meade, Petersburg, V.. James Cram, Blimbethlown, N. J. a /elm Farnam. Philudelphia. a Chad. Chauncey, Chad. Oblwrq Thomas Dunlap, • Renjessia Erna, Roe. I'. U. Freemen, Natalie, Mweimppi. Mr. & Mee Jahn II Willard. Trey - Female Dansisary. The Mimes L.. W, Philadephia. • &Wm I. C.., M. D. New Ifeels Mr Leak W. Fellow., a a` John P. Fellow., Jr. &chard R. Fellow* • a Owego. April, 1.349. & L SUTPHIN & CO. lay• Junk nueduida a.n lui SPRING GOODS, PAM, °Won, 14.0 ed sad stkor Prue Oa, . . Spring Style Bonnets, 1100.0, Itraterty re., 1.. M.o. Plaavy .1.• NO*, Ha. abel 11100 . 215 & =OEM Ike. 0.. 0 P r o/ f4/1.• afti psibltr al law. Cosh orMir my ob as. .1. M. IT, Imo. THOSE OF JUDGMENT, BAC fide *Woof lAA* lo t•O . 2lc=ot oßit= ww = . l. OWIRIIRRY of hoar . * 47:M . Cr1000 4. Cm of*, &Sid blISt OW! C.ofof 1000 ano•Amd co wor A T. RM. Coo.. Coq, • •w.foff of Romeo Mad. Rey.. DANELL CLARK. ac. • •11, HITCH BY TIE BEM UV TOWN.' Next to Warner% Tavern 1 NEW GOODS, 4..0n wok. poops M lamas Mr rsM Mgr, Mmes. N. 1 00-PARTlMmussum. 1 T114 . = .bl 4 1..,w 2•l=, ILT=4"44 .... '7l, ~ •.% ":1; 141 ar t a e" r " " "Mitlanint. 40 11 A 11 . 14=M1 . 11 es ~.Tyloimoglii. V.71173M6. BONNETS. BONNET RIBBONS, old• lorking *ma. 111141111 T". *MY. a;;;Z=ternd. EM=ESM Degainireotyps Likenesses. a... GROW, SPR4G GOODS. • Idea.. • Seetber . ATTORNEY AT LAW. J. IWO 4•••• lobso the 1.11••••• °atine. airliame• At 01.1. e 11••••••wip p Veal ; • Ptlmy of r .:4 I DRESS GOODS, C. S. COTTION 1111)......type u"'" ttrrtr ktt ISHAWtS, BO" 1. " •n. t•••••.• • tin. • ike14,11..114/, cojeco - • Mb. *re a1p...4e lbw, Menet.. ere wen., Wove Ow CUB. VOIR C. odn. [. l. or aye bp P. WY. abd (lentleore V .." 0" IRESEFRRIVAL NEW GOODS, Via N. York di Erie ,Railroad. T":41.7.1=:::.7.2:14Vra tgz.Vr 1.477' wan. 919 514:412. 1649. 1".."71:' IDINTI.XIf • ,4%",71W - 4" - ""''" - "1=art.'irr' :774:71271====== w! y for lIENTLEY • AK. , 400 ktrZtnr . ""l,ll4ll,l",,',:lg'. For suld ku / 171.".21 ' :' ".." /Ip. 11. MILLS k K • WI. P 1.0113 GUS . hug.. 71V14:17; " I Brigade Orden' awl Ow Volume. Bt I lona. et Iflelgla.o. Omar "' • 0 000 "1171" T NEW ARRANGEMENT ! Batting Business, ' ri l l I) 1? I I • n 'arV t Far LIFE and DEILTII are ill lie BLOOD. IEMIZZ Administrator's Notice. .. V.:1 ; 41 M - L"I.V! 1 "=:•" 1 :""""nn.`"-V: AYarr•—t,t4.l,==..°7l,l=l,T=Z:.: 'G RANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. itao"'"• — • -- - - :ran7t4 Farm for 174 1 rer tun. tourltemlee• *nee te a w VN X. Montrose Select School. IFT-1201211g1c,«L'era Ve";',72:: Jrneriet.ll bto eyelet t4t J... M y th 1 1 . X. Wei. r 1 .:= 1 7 1 111. 1 . 1111 .. 1111 .1.1telet1 e Wham tt. ..1•13.3.. 83 .. 1 . WZ:Za y, ftri leit , ll..t , ic, , ~,,,,, 3 ..1... .1 An Latin ..I henelt, t0....11111.11. 2 lie roe nor Mao. ' .. Dn.. orl 11 . 101 11.11. g : .. Music Soho& I.FIleLe.411L,41:1011:::yeetVolly arms n.. itat"pr"..... l : l :;rl: hr Pp'. —Far geno ne 11 polo, no T.I PPP. amf I Pip poh, pop PPP. 9 1T2 Fne woo Daphne of Popp I h •IPP Pap. phi *ow ,P 1.••• InP YZI Ptoment re.p.l =PPP,. Popp, ONTROBE BOOK STORE. New Arrangement. vomm. I Mr Mau. 2mtri,"LratiOng;;l. ••••••1 ...ant N 11 , 11001. Rr OCR—R4 figflCVlr:W=l" m•—"". Vlll:rtgr4 errrroxx.r. • v.. 27." =C2== Wail, Certain & Ber&er Paper. b A amei n. 14 WV. mei mull 1=Mr"1", TM t=tply the liteni• tx:ro :11rIte ' re4gjet ". • 741 1. entmenth. Me' Itton• Ran. rt. mMerilm Ma""ifTT MkVit'lLl'"l:l.l:o4"=”l..M=ll4/744•""; r "" 1 1r41 h•••• etteaLV•Vrts that It Anth *Mit .14 • untre ' ehm at Mix. tarn ..I at tea... hot re. OM able r .11 or.. I he, to WO Mow 01.. an• tttlllm TH. Pet. tart nt nt. 11l • ••••• .11.0. W.,.0.1 dd. In ' P. Wt.., On. 111 t. hl.ltl. 4.111 1..41 - - Execrators' Notice. MN.. Ma. VI.. —A oe,mvilvatle.r, N. Y. & Erie Railroad FREIGHT LINE •T HM & TIIIIO3IIPOONMI FORWARDING LINE FROM GREAT BEND, (CAPT. .11 W. raosinaL) istr WM. It 'lmmo* 13111rnallylheloillolMermOnnat FM awl lb , . TM." n. Watwat. maw Wawa .. O. art .1.1.1 a I*. awars. to I. 111.1.= .. W. T... Ow.. ansal aitaw. 6a swo WY. == . 3 •WWwwt ...... • jr. Whet I.w♦Ow.nOtrzel. ant W. to Tra.l6 th.ted AWL ..1.111.4111, Ilw.lWe Are. 1. ow., a. w. tnounew. m art -- vim` :A .-. Int Omplafirmer• _ l ••••l3..filirriOmea*fr•or U..a•=4=1014. we= 11. MA moon owl As . IL RILLIA P.4leL. &ilk TOR We 10,111.5. ff oftlembei Metwerekrea.—aN.llll ra= . l . 111. r . aslldin mid Or. ilimprolVs Clanspam• Bzlhml zertanalirw :-y~1..- _. BARGAEK . OF SPRING & SUMMER GOODS FOR GREAT . 6 1.1i4111. l• Y.., • latoblimn... 0.1 . etc . ma, of LII, as owl, lu ' A'.tr,t::=".. "..: . 4,. - 1,7.1",gztr,,'"'" 1 ... .. u. manows a. co. :11.1..74171%;"=-7t;?::2•17.70....,1 '''''''''''"" .-- . ' " .:11" ...,4. 1 / 4 ' '' l ' ''' . .:" 1:;"''. " 4Z; ;; :::" I F ' 77::. ' 7:: '" ;":s;j:' ' : " I NEIL` ARRANGEMENT. v....... la, TA , l,..lllt•ns An..l V.,lttre Prilut, 1 Z.Z.z.%.x. :";.=7.."= - :;1..r -. ~,.717,, , ~ , T, , i, ,, , - •., - •—•---,.••• 1.11.,..1.1pen ANKI MA Put. lI.V. .1•11 Cr. at, 11111.1.19 b. ILNAPir, 1i!..... ^..... ............' e t'.7...,' -;";•• and ....Untie Imo,. Al me ....w aWU • Mee t =i:rmiti: 7. itZ4.77l,l47.k7 . ~". . : r.: 2ti '.=`,..,.......0,7.7,7417::................ nasvmsers, 1n.., swl P,1,..11,1u1,1,11iTa, 14 . i,,„. a. 0 ., ...,.,... I ari," WV., which will .4 im Own, M. Yolins saul ..... VlZ:gals, 'Stif i allbw,. I AIIOTST 0011 ST ...:7VZ7PLZ,tr.....,717"3.1r111:::7:7:... r...i;rat2,.',..:=',`,:;,-'°4-I=='l" Unel .• ,2=r0....72.4711.:7,2.::::.. Itttr,''''"'''"'- $.•••••.1.1. 31•116,1 M... A . A. A.1......... • . . ... 11An1•kg4..., it. 1,, 111...ti•J awl Square oar, Thy ribin,ol mod brAt Teu In Tal.A. , 11,•of .4 , ..' n , AD. •• . 9 . .•••• .... •• • 1,44, Tollen. %Mal n. Mt.. 1"............ ,,.. .. , .. ,,, .. , ,r, .••••• AA , ! To Fanners At Dairymen I ::::::.1....1trz.V. :::"`"-••"'•°"" r..-----.,Tr..-.! .1....-zr 0, .., .... • b......i ........1............,...t............0rgt,v01t.:4„..?„„mv,2. a 11.,..,. ..3........... , A, ,1.0f...",....^... . ~ • ,,, i, ,,,,,e r, ,, ,Ji0.1. , .•11.. b.. onus ever ban. t. Moor • MAI.I.IL Ilk ~...,.„...,,,, r,.,,,,,,m, . --,. - —.--- ."..::::.14;: • • • ...."..41.7 ,. .1::..Z.:,:,, - .:%:".14::::?..! , ~.. -7 : ' . • ' , Z=7,;.;, :I.: V.: . .V ;,.i4 ,- . T n: .. • --- -., ..-„n,,,, -,..4:*2.;tttit'2,V,..i.(7,.=4....t BRANT'S PULIANIARY SAI•A• r... . =• 1 : 1 = 1 := 1 :::::14117:r . r. • 4... - di i girt. i.-74:E".;:5=,:ii.:Er:E.':.r.izyi::::-:.: IN I 1 NIIIII . iz`iri.,4,FS,li."." :ia , t,",.?..1.1-'...." 1 1:„+- -- . 1,1=i..g- ~.?: , •.. I v= .a1.:=1.44 ~... •,. -- - • - . , we., I,.re 4.....nueli'dolue 1, 1•• ,•• •••••• ~ 1 ~.'...... 7 , 11. - .1.1;;;; . .:;==."-, .V_ - - --- ~ ................nt tne4 to imbue ta.• Th.y....,•,,• tV:l.o!:::=Xtrr'..7l Zror,;l4: ". iVT,rm " ..:st v . 1,1 1.11411131. now &re ri.o. mud row I* . ..lOW. ay... MUNDREDS—THOU•AND• 14 : 74 7.7 2 •VirrftrZertre , '• yr km• Vour ?hien Le.itu.lll7, Maur Tim. 111.. Coot. 10.:5 Mr••• es. 14 0w.," fia.•••••••Orber NIA NT THOUSA NOS MN so Now r• or/ nAlAyhog ow. . Ado se YN. ertfla r ;Nl . :• •• p.r;r . 4.1? . tr.; Aunt THE WORST /ORO .. .... , saNI AN ...A MANNA of doe WNW. dri• esd, ANNANAN•a„ Med• Ye Nom VANNN. Iliem••••1 Dlue•••• i . rao Orr. NA RAN • ANT TO TIM Ana . cticro... t mreaT • CIIIIPINT al. MnT CIIIITITIL 0•Ilsr.oneMoloa am okawb eea e l let 7 as me hi. of No,sopootllo. sol Orb we *w Pa... ....... 1.111.1. soross. ihoo •ano.milt o moomayargla he subl mot O N. mo. s o . • 1•11. ou . sh. los nay aos tW On beat Yansommaillso moo 5ba11....• *of boss so. Mo. b. lon ea. ■Y ONE. DOLLAR.• WORTH. TY 1.1 or we 11.11.011. COM MA. some.. Is No*, Iloo z =s V. e a 1: 43 •11 . . 7 .14=yor sol Ne r slL nue aVolf Omo rw MOM Horrid Scrofula, 7,.r=t7.7.711.7,7...:1 J loss Cloy, *X.. • now 4J j as owl hop* or ...I by T. rm. as moo Om.. Y011="" . 71:74=71' earW b. 1. Om. sol .a amo otapromml h. ..e✓. Oa,. 0.. Or ....a was s roes off In. ow • or. 11.1 Inn g A • Orea4., —*me ,01.1, Mom Twealy Lune, Dep t Ilsrliarylog 50 r...4 1.1 ..t 0 .r ... f . 1, . /.,...., h0s Sms. omml.l You oo m oo i ts r You tbe ./1 .14 .11.1 b. In sm. ONLY VIN•LNE •OTTLES. VsZr n :•:•=l " 4 " Xtt MN, down. 141. X 4 a . a "" a 7 by fibra .4 114••••••••••••,.. mot EN.r .". ll7:ti tr4V:•• Le-r;.= 44 • ',own,. 0....6N nr! an... NO by in; ,. ..774,41 /a 7 41iwn . ....1 m.. 1. of MA 50 ::: , "Z:1,12:74::i11t.',114.7,"7 1 "'" "'"" Z ornem Nod 70•111 141..:4M1TZ'37. Fuhioni, Fashions. OILS , /1. her re. od .414.1 of 14.0 oft, .4.0 • NY. •••t., """'. Allll. 1 . ••1 roux I, „„ T11.11ft!"! NNE 1 PRE 1 WASNINITON CO. MU - 11AL INSURANCE Pogrom?, At IlAresnalle, N.Y. Cam! ====! .. 4: . 1.17 et 0::40112 to 'a. Nmernme ~..pory knee ...114 . 1 . ••••• = Pro ar Ow bed.- 1=800.074.)..1 Od.• lieluraAill " 44: =•••••••••••11•MINCINY jrlza• . 2 ==.•••=tsownet 749.111=4=2 11.40=1•••••••••••••••11 parbd•lll... hen MINIM. •••••••••4 11111111 s, Mom Inagkporif, E.* .___ haso.Wel sr. Mw Imo le. r 1.....14* i.e. nee Mul MN; MM. Yong • arilleleg of our Monk .0 et.. MONTROSE SALOON. - • • .• thy 111 := 1 .7141 . 7 i. 814 . i..... • •II kr,17.7.7. • tr..77g.".'"" Feu __ • • COW.WiI Otto. New Clock and Watch REPAIRING ENTAIILINIIMENT I •:1174.4.1:41:4Ltgri=1:rte9.4.7112.. and reonivod WOrwolos now oi low•• Awe.. no 4:ll: " :o.TrantoMort.= :t.'Tt4 •rat• ••a: 11r. , ..^77.ff5r.41 . "-- - 711' ifl Y. New Goods—at Turrell's. Or now wino: OG:orb:oOtilui ntylon. :11T:Oonot7 : 11 .=.: 4 4ttnttntrrot4,41:7 1 4 MI """' ".""' "". "`"""' wod yaw Woln 111V.I . IIKPI, WWW rn VW Wow n Crum. owwWwW Mow. Wdidloro. YAW. nOr oil low g ItlLtroren .4;1 WWown. Noo N IMO "A Susquehanna Academy. j he 1, V Wri.lll, on Wrolny We lOW day L rih:7 t :ool./. 61166, anol.nolle and ...1.1.z..,!:?:ERZ:61:::::":1".17.16:47".. 66. ..16.166aLl To thr !grillers of the Eslole of IL M. lon dereoorel. " "" "*".- 1.066.6, .116••••••••6 V. 6.1116.6,171/Orin J.61,7".4:66t7).:. Cll,ll.ltS. c1r.;T:r1trz2=,:"T:7,!",741,%"• P. I 11.0 LP • fo. Clover Beet ...MINA et Jael nwlM nA I 1 • role ke 14.01, X— f1r 47...731=1: h1iM !'0,0 •"- "mu". ) - B. COTTEN, ICSVIIANZLICAI*I.II:7,:m. N. T.. to am lala a., ear. .7= k; %•*IL pAroa.i I ruompetaelm* I.****** aaraaa faaa Ilago et al/ . h. Is amaad ell Was **;•••• r ***No gleam Oma. pavan MN Ema I. ..._....*1 1110 Nam l lra Raihns (.aw 00 an Tees, embnaeln...ll the fli&ma earktle• of On. 100 doauk 111.. WON*. Pima , Thb. 260.. Nod. M aw& sad Tower. t 1011 & R.. 1 slid 2 111 H .MagTh k4" , 20 & • *.&& & Ali A. & NA I & Palo Amp. awn AIWA, 50 11. lemma sod (hong, 50 de elf Am, All =Am masted. - Adakasumunit — Haw. tz 74571-74VM.75iir'7,;•
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