1 re.". ".••• 3 ...... 01 'wt.' ..'" ' dent with such iefluenees as the, think will Latent Mime by Tollisgraplie. meet commercial in aud extend tbe I Debate followed, many of the Senators' Mr. Weseott. of Florida, spoke in °rims! tieWseaseediedvedMetee,".... !ridiculing the whole affair. se' I eition to the bill. He believed diet much I Anival of the America. Movements of Ike eltra lebles-altrrnplrd control him-just in the same way an they! /Bo nu OLE Pam. facilities of trade. Revise' of Old hairs. 1 ,,,. ~,,,,.„ ~t , „lt e i e opposition . Ile • • The subject teas informal l y laid over *regularity had p revailed. When he had The te.,..1 ....... t .....,..k.e„...... ,did with Genoa] Harrison, teen they kill-' , CsNeINNATI, Jan. 1 Ith. 16. further e , ee ,e. e t,,,,, o r the , yr/3 at Bowe° 3e ,11 . 16 1'..1eu Pe', brinding' Accerditig . the indications given f o rth ea him in the effort. . Ti e Hon. A. II Dodge has been re-elects theng s ht the inlet... ages of the bill to be at 31, 1 . 04, , rtt,0ti introduced resoled°. 'concluded, inetruetieg the judidery eonstniteeete in- bill wee postmoted. eleven .I.D: slater tieweale , m all Pert. al.- on the Boor or c.grees, and the aymptomi 'l'lle same maneetvreing dieide3e D e af, ' etellAToSleh:::to,clr„.,,,,:it.:o::::irv.e:uyrtotil•:(l,l.:y.yeGia:m....f.rrsoaint:it.....bro.. goltike.nsiadehoLhColesaidas.,mm pr.,,,. 1,, j,,,ii. ri‘,i,,.4 ow ri,i,, ~,,,,ey for rf tib e ,,, 1ue,..; order Niles o a f Councedewl mor , il t te go n.ake mr. ]loot opfuee d the bill a. being unc- .I , tite int.: ti.. e ' witetiotielitY . k .- -41.'.... tin k il l F. : the red. . .... I . e . the rope These...4..l.dt Liverpool t 6 mil, weeeineelle eppeering in eertein jeureels also, by the exei boos made in several ilea, 4th of March next, frw m the stele eel". Dec. 11l T,a, graph we have the fullowing th r gliout th e mandiy, (lure ran be an t e es to get Mr. Clay of Ashland twin into - er nt the a 3 fot Monday text Ile .„,„,„..) , doubt but a portion or the whig part y-.• the Senate. the appearance of diet ans Mal sea very unfavorable to the tweetasli , p weenie.. I ir e , neg .,. „,,, dy /mid that D etes high time the Senate should less.: tee -We ...grid . elate that the generally It in thfflr opinions, awl ktiowa Milt t Malvern. in his bane, adios woulol ring lutereats.New llaween, J. 10 Mr. Niles suptewted the bill. 31r. Deylon eppomed the resolution e trroutaet s,•nte Pub". b ll3 lt".er h was cholera still beret, over the teetrepolie •le as elite Whi g " t i e d, the We Presidential be the sigeal fora general revit al or all Eame l•ii Week. dine. (\Mgr.. had °ens th e ' , no i„..,.. it has „0 toe d. ~,,,,,,,t eh l,_ eatneies-stre making errang. meats for the those vetted pie..tions end Imitation. that w oe ,. i t h e , ee ,,, e d t o b e ~g . r d, -.... 111 r Phelps ar,,,...1 an amendment to in- wme length ...tees... but hi S ' slam! D .scums la revival of all the 4,111 i,tues alrieh a g itated contributed to turn the Idtimpl. of leer'epidemic si .. A.• eluda . all manufacturers of rod., leather Mr Uteleteteel was willing to hear both retied. alla up to the present. lime nothing ~o h .tee e Otto Instant, when the ' ' • si•l,. •,l' nip impotence had been neetonidishea e , m e ~ , , , I xt i a.al emir, 1..1 t... the couldry and di, Wed the eeople into lose a lit and atrial poor llarthral toe death. had d • dl II down to 20 o e 04 and woo!. Mr. Wreced expressed Lie intention to 31, Metcalf spoke at some length it. fa- The ...ow , ene tlraX:arg 10 0 c 1,..., tea the It centimes a eety lemadeble feature two portico , between the period t het *]s h oed prtdoet er e erne* - that tortured reptant Inc. The anniversary ord.. battle of T ow datmer Ith. that verems eM4esde sd if ~f th e 11,,,,k „( F oe h. A n e r e „., .1.,,, the from the first ridden of deeedd also I. e• T3l , tto •,,, I. at. odeda .10 c mist him IPi 1,... wa. e.l7.leadel en the .01 with , r or the r. solutions vote in the affirmitive. . . . Atter sone. debate. th e rwolutione wed natioeal impstielice wwild lie neglected ' stoek of h u ll o ., u .,,, on Wee asing 111 1440'110W. 1 0 that of (4 , ..etta ibt.itt , lo i• 1 ,, to :a.:‘ , ..ht , ti...• , '.ip , all •ir tie, la. • he 1111.,••1 p. m t . i t ml splendor. Th. pie., file Dow. said that thecond Dude. en ir...leflailely et..str ,, , , i, In motion of 3lr. Ile enesiderol that tW 101 l woe one of great ,d the steady denial , ' front the e•rolineat On a eimPle re"' 4l .ll.t. l' re4°al..4l l'' the l ' d-I ' lli '' Mr Ii""'-t"r"ee. ' " ...e.. - ea.: om .., huge r. rev joined performance of equal duties ...101l mum ID :lea et mot its constdoadon I,„ „ii ~,,. , e „, 1 , „t niece „hid, e „,,,., House .d Itepte...tatives en Wednes.lay` ht/rtio own -and , Ips or to, the 'l,•edlovos, Ag t end ball e t , Oven in the et to w., the States . 'IW practleM op, ratio. ef ads Deddas it. • Ihe ...... thee went hag. executive to eel. co. sm. • day or_eye. „ ills , Th„ p ro ,o,.„„, et„,,,,,, we .. „.„1 h ere We prom•ittg to refer the l'r.-i et's e bee and hag, ig, so it... 1 soil I. cgs" a tt e r.d,d by tea Taylor, the Presi d e bat would prove the reverse of tla,lnetrine . amen...new aim to imam upon the earl, wit, gr ,,, ~,,,„,t , ~r t eo te .,l, o,m 1 ,,, r . message t....ttor the Oandied eeminetwe, h tom all tit , -..• a pps mem, B :ma indica- vi d e, and • large concourse of distinguish- Crider it trade would be no.lo fine at the et." 1"" Imel eiterwm de adj. 11 , .. sr.-The ' , raker Ballooned I the a, to." ~I the efenate in deerenee de it The ~,,, o f it ..,1,,,1„ g 1., th e ph.] ~,c, Celif o rnia. • debate on e tariff ham tdready spree, ' lions, thm. fore, we legit. te fear that the e a et ti eene and e t reneere . north, while die same de le would le t .se , l , . • ~ rte , ,„,,. t h e test busines. i s t il er to be the moll et to medal was adopted. • .„, e _,,,..,,,,... ~ ,,,e ~,,,,e . e up, end premisee to be the entree of as wlttes are dede tttttt ml to pursue the eater et the soutu de wou , . a„.. - bill. k ~„.-i.li, th • • sass pes•ieg, llr. Dotes .111110111.1111 n 11r. Atherton, the St rade ELIA r. great all ma , d words, .II ornate seeded- pokey 00.3 aid at the exile , 1',11.11 in 1 , 4; , . resMetiens liltreesing the eleye trade took up the Deficiency seppropriatiett Bill re ,... p ee 5 ,,,,,,._ Th . ~,,,n , ,,,y o f tienti. and speculation, as any tunable die- f when etding owl, OP 11..1vi. e ..1 Mr. Cher Mr. Metcalf ma the bill we. petted anti Vali ate emembeente were Uffered . auil ~,,,,.,,,,ing the 1, , ,, ,, , i n , 1,,,,, this' c 11... for the last twenty) eare Even 'at that perioD Ti e special ft iellob , Of llr local in ifs character Ile Wili opposed to ia t ., 11.• Died. 11 tftlitteltia .al ~,,t, 14,h1i,,,,, ..0 m 0,,, ,, m ed i co la, ~ pppp ~ t,,, .1 ~,,t, ~,,,,..a ter a call of the aisoussed. S, tne egreed to and uthela •,. y. .. ~,, ~..,,.. ;,,,,, ~,,,,,,,, m m ,,,,._ the obi tt.pie of anger feeling end wetional , Play thretighout themandre. mitt. ,ont.• ..f le.u.e, whedt, afar te.me delay Wad di.,- rit•gatis ed. . I I anintosl3, Ir. which the ataiodavoy agile- deed , oill Weleeee-rodtrii tt u 110. Mlle ..„Mis table. Att ametta...t.tki ,, g , tottiptopti.tiott k r° t lA • h iu r 's " 1 11 r " lrr ' ' b t', 1 : r 1 1r ,1 ' " 1 . , ° ,,„ 1 ,, ” , •• • • „ •• time gave rise, weals to give way in acri- wing putd-nia3 prides Wed ,odor 0 e ... 31r. Dix withe 1 for ae ..pport unity to au- l'..".ed wit'. ••••• .Mr IlloDw. rte meted to lay the mu- o f six . thew edl dolled ler pwehaeing sun- . .S ''" l '''''. 'l'."4°'.' Louis n ttttt Y and excitement to thM on to biters 'aelusiont tens by reliving, :41 their old i , ever the °Wedelns tea le to th e bill, e 1. ., il Pres. eat of the lleptibbe, IP. ait a eat -many IllidellinellrB to 1101.111110 "1,111 astro- bk. f . o , t h e „.,,,o 0 ;„„o ey o f teinable stiliject of 'tariff dude. atelyrotew I sew, end udeptittg a .ilioler plan o f ,I,..ra was do informally pesedd wee. when . th- t:. " 11 _ett I.e. table t a 3lr etee wt. of 3lielt.ote•rea an an.. ea. noinival .4 ~.,,t.t0,.., eve ,ie to , msider- „ ie . ,. tern to manufactuder. The quiet and tr.. t.,...d, ti..... tel e,,, 1, r i,,y or uninarrlaat hosiliess nes tel.. lip es - rd. I pi e a the mew Pd .: leer After p a Mort, limo speed i i 1:xv...... ee et th:1 1 0 e , t't..tst" P 'we' e be eu'l'esr• el I. aebet , .elder .... i..lt a vote was teken on the •1 i .b e , 11 ,„ do , ~„,,,,,e„,„, ` represent,. a ration of th e intelligent pee- they mill Lair a erred, r rhino e tr. .IA .. Seddon the Senn. adjourned ~ c o ne. terwald tied take tW oa th s rn- unpretenditm as and Fourierite who aid itt 1 , 10 towards 6.er,, I l ed i.,,... Herr... _ Tho 1t.0 ,„,, ~,,,,4 ~ soy,. „,, m, I.; ~. I , roter. aOn anienameM 1., eitem.iment an I de. kh a tit the Mfineative ,' f. „.. Nepot, ;, yd, ~,,,,, to ti ,,, ~,, ple of this city, c... 1.1 ~,,, re.* die coda- erre, and twodliee eoltdent , to 1 tey I .1,,,, ~.. ~,,,, •, u, s , o , t, , ~,m , ,,,,, 0 .,•,0, h , to gin. prod.:eel . by il rr,i, la of th is never ,shoulel rotweile r, boxedt the , the to the rides t o . oh o . Mr 'de pie t , eff. r a le- the .......litesot, pi, esi•e; to ble rate. elf -.... fp; .0. 3 . 111 OlUtion inedrarrting the italici tr: e...annitt, 11 . e -1.1 ,, •• In the 11,11 i. t after I eM. Th. '1 he hill as alilellded then 1 • II "' Ir• - the Berm. Ode. toM f. ewara 118 inter,. ...".d t"Pn'' " 1 d.,..'...". ' Prem.1.4.1. i., mark . f 3.1: . ....r -t„0 mil to report a bill fel. ter sap's tde ,•dellappe• ges • . em , Id t ' Pur" -te '' e Pewee, :Liss. efeeet•-• in all rt•sp. e t a II,• then r e nd the fellow- 'rhea newspapers , also., eonnerted with the tougher it. eerie', both 11111111.111,k . , wt ~1 he....,,, , del .. , ;,,.; 0 , ~.C . ,•,,, 03 ,, e 1,,, 0e : t i t i l i r ..111a11.113. • The Slates !I 1 le. i rite set th• tides and claim to ~, g ~,,,t st to 00 „ .. ,, ,, k, „. ~, . tie ,. ultra wie. 110111011111 tin idqoaation, who , ply .ma .1.1 , idler of 0.•• , alter s ir-tior• , Mars:a.l.l awl I keine, to. he secined et laThls In Cahtereia sled New Mexico, and . I.nte made temerel Tel., rheid,o, urel- • Howral Ilan istai er Ca, thin II- Cope from utte State to ..t11,4 VOleei 1,,ii,,, s ,i,„. per -Illiftiell right., was next taker up. „ ci,,, n ,_, . 1 „ I . l i„ : „,,,_Th e ,„ ff ," ge . full of tW same inditeatens-leekine 1411111 Tho old tabs ...ago rtr.• 31.31. oar is g .II The if alluded to tW • •tato of the stheir 1 teht .r. cluing their 3lr Benton rot:donned the ...sten. en, , , , . , , II i . preparing if a revivM .4 these aetiquated Idle edge ol de,e3al imp .rail mr.vi lat r 1... Vote on rho Pa••lieco bill tali. on Setheley Pie! 11.". , tied e , •!tes Ilfe said two errors were made br the PWII ' lr Iw. " l '' 'l . '" °I k u g ll. ft " .1 in . 1 .. , .. ,, 1 in .he I•al ^". 1 .u" . m... ,,, i I.h intro- •_"' ."' '"'"". .'" t '" "" ' "" " j".' '' and speculative plejeete for the sewed pro- whieh 00. y Ilatt. r tWnisel. es eid ...,..q.letes Kett, traee out to me tit 3 tni ure wodeet. very ,thle mate. in /rapport of the reed..., tom tn make a full •expoeition of it s r eel s. ly *sorer the illmte t i ttt te man seniwtowleae in counting the vote, whick Ind been nor- 'i the it h oe, e di t , . 0 , ~,,,,,,,e. h r , „,,,. i ],all teed. of the rich neinufaattritig Armee ! Ile had prepared • countee-pw.pueidoe .. d . e ... . et of too ~,,,..,,.), . 11 diode ibis ei.utitry, at the expenee of all tbey are directed, end realize for tWins reeled. :The true ,de was jees .9, nays,] e . ememied , 3lr. elef.a. opened' tide retooled.. 'which had been sent to the Clerk's desk, 89, m e _ other interest. in the comounity. selves the eteneummition they ao elvenal3 Mr /'deb IS Sllllll believed Congnee. (hawed to be printed, and the subject, I Inl•4l':r° w n h ' n ' shall attempt to change, by N . ow, we would ask any man or business'. wish; but if eke do net effmt a more di, Mr. Farrelly, of Pa , said he had voted t II F I LI I . n t. , , .. e ..,.. to . , thet, his e ,,,,, I, o t „,,, I. el 0..• 1. wet to almeish slavery. but pre- on moose , was postponed. F a mew, what el ranee me rata is led. . Bette ..., .., ~,,, „,,,,,,, Repreeente . n the ...ID 7 -0, eeehe“, tic maw, erect and predeet pt ditty, they envy find Loco ~.,..„,,,t d. n o , t . 1,,,,, e .,,, t h og e„,„., . 'erred t ,lea d the opiestion caul the pee -, The broad* then went into Executive ,.__,.. 1 ,. J ....... .. k • ~;” 0 0 ,,, d d i fference „ f facturer, the fn me or the arti•1111-1 , h•t thenneh em, not willmanding MI6. it . md , to teeor , t .. eote The t „ te . o ,„,„ ‘,.. ple ,ft he .1141 ice It spoke et some session After sit tine with chlscd doors for benefit ean be gaited to the I.loioll, of to ,ed ler..a apparent nundwre , in the sante lohutli hi its f t.or " Tion-our wishes KIRI . desires are the • some time, r Dr, and a.ljournea over mail ''P . . • the aggregate misreads Of ihe people, be unentiable predicament trovenls IleuerM ad stand., . eas eft, na3. 90 ! same. I WlBll, 'lke 3011. Le Mao o society on Cotillisthig motion. woe het , . ta . lef and Mr' See3or .1, e ke agaitto wasting time Motide3. 1.. ~,,,, t i e h ,, the ednatant rea l e st of theee'tomes or die- Te3l,,r that 411 e eolually wily Santa \rola,' a true 1,..ri 1,, ..lreirgl aye ma a a...eh exeitentent fellowol . et the. :11.e..•-i .: . 11., 4E -Mr ]]pliant, of Alaimo.. gars ~, • ' ''' ' i and d. a t t seam , the pert' under similar Medea, foetid ililllFidf one al. 0. m i t t ems, and to. alleviate the miseties of re. r "...P .." e 11 '. ''' ve.. 5 e ,,,,, , „f Obi ic ~,,i i .' tar ...,„.. 'no• t-ti . t t.... eider was et le'd;t l, to: ti , e fled he ...Id inirsduse eerteitt 1.... It t ' p ~ ,I ' ,h • , p , ‘ ,.hio, ormanufneturers and speuulators to itterease I term.. ie the rugged past of Buena e tsta :al .o d -4.3 e. 110,11..” el. on t llondav itext, one authorizing the cal- 1 '" .g . " . ` ur, " I" tru 4:rn i P• el . ti,,, value , their stuck, mod egge „,,,k e reeh,,,,, .sole Miler, and 3D Cdllanter, of Vt , ......e , l t , s est den ...eh strdeee proofs of tte • .3 /moths. of puiposed ...s mere salmat- doo of Cali odd:. tO frame • a Government . ! g . • - • • de ir on n antedate, through sin eial laws el ' deb.tte the Tend o I ~,„ _ ,„. ~ tor , , • 0, •to ~ •„,, the re e ,, coiffaenee. 1 majw i t I Imre obtained ,1 Conlrildittio..... Mr 11Wte of S. I' a.4Mr To tof,s , r ' , ..1 : ~ -0, ,,. q. d • It iil. Ww. cur we" , I I. . 1 . " 13 . . 1 . '" '• ' --"' '- .. nly i °notate., me with o... tie d,. he , ; toupees, and •at the expenau and t nee ' r 4 ... 1 ., . ",,..,) mitt t h e 5.,,,,, 0. cats.. llltel, c mei-me .ail. d througl.7..t. the :,. a Stet, alla an this for establishing the ". 11 ' ..i. i ' d. II new .. • nt tit Olt Mr- Pre jedice of the Other cheeses of the corns; Il evento r dolieston, ot Pentie)haeht. and', decide! that 3lr Sawyer. in diet. d....d.1 11. .. 11- eiun ' # , iilinlOary Hess of . of and etot” , aiog three of tore.. t „.j,;,,171 ‘ ; ' ,, 1 ,. ' , , e , „ 0 e • „ t i o ° ,,i. ffittnity 3 3lr tifeeley, the learned Follli- ilov. Young, awittg (we to.pie se i ...der a 11. , 0.: adjout ne.l •orr the Territor. of New 'Mexico. trite triter from Ow rid. rages that pito...sense .e duty ill IV giver of all u• , ..a. ' die over, and as this ea t red private 101 l T h „ r e ,0.„.„ „ LI ., ~„„ „... e .,,,,i o e . ity. With peat, re.. 1111.1. r, oar country ene el Plkllseme•d tl .1 ' , h I will orator. kerb) their .r. clamatlons for Jays ot any, should dos, till the wet ideate 1,11 -- . gab...T.:we, o ff s .000 its mounds. mod - r " 11 ° ' ' . .1-• • , . . I , ./....ter3 11. lake n el , . at. , l some rental k n , ..1, en tee .-.- and le.islators of entleuvering , by a pars th eitestevittg Ihe annexed extrar•ro.loon dav. ring he. li the mutt that hate been int-letl, . B • . IMr. Nerledroffered a th,led di dear the • -Irt . t F.-se metther of petitions 0010 mete 0.1 the goosliral by lir Sd•wert of , b„.l re l. o„„., ~ ~., , e „,,,„, t „;„.,,,i dollar epeves of leg/islet...le to. ovate snobs ieeople s e obligati ll x to give tbeeks . - 'foal I to•idine. for the est ablis'iteent or a *nasal., J, ree , l , end referred , praying f , .., Theldge°. Mr "'us . ' er ' 11: VW. M' Cu.." ,' • . ' -'••' ; I• • • i t :. nristoeracy in thin ebutar3. The idalome Hat JOlllirtilll 11111311: i , de a see ere-gore t f 101111113111111, 1.110 1 - • I dal l,,,thcr !eduction . the pr, sent rat,. ..I 11, irla. Ile Burt tied 11111 e, pled thinks thus of the tiMietnient wiled, I -We et.j... tie doliglar of-peeve, am] itraledi Mint in Noa: Y.,:k 1.0 t ie spu id I untold twee oda° and pat...pat • teen, order or the day 1d th e 15th ildt. 11.. "f Ps•tage. 31r.. Turner, of Illiwie areted tie gee.- ' 4l e' I. . .e• • he olds, , her twee preferred by the Perla- reap in profited. , the blessings it distill.. he in spite ot the lb, ermly rrf their Imliti 31r Bre,. reported a bill in favor n' tioo .4 the Pat•ll.•cor elaira, but 1•1111fe,...4 dent tigitad th e tariff do.-tt inaires, aml be ,des Plenty erolvan th e labor of the field reseed to susp end the tides i t . orbs* to e in- ' d . ..• reedy to de. Me OicilOelre. did, the res..httiota, and called for the 3easje•s l g.tee. M military land W.11,111t, Brat net he knew but little ebota it. tied ens ca l , '"e tt ' , ... r e ' , .„ 0 , the c „„,,,,,,_ wants a oemmitteeed Pottered to male • and from the rich return of our haryt D the be „ seeaweltat at a loss uhieh may to ..... ,u''" ll'. .1 the , 11 . 1. , all:. ' rol l id amp l e**(Mail . on . f the War .e • tleetitette td . died.. lambi Wee brad fed.- and ...aye. Ye. 121, tutes '7 , 1 So the I. , el the laws and the ," 1 ' . ' . k • •, • ' T W Indian e epropt lad. bill, in it pew.: 'Mr Pillfiry f ,, totte , h , ee . e .. 000t .ti., the Imprevenient , Sow,l lOkin • t th i s ue t .1. lo on et ' fhrougheut our extended tweedy, nestled ..than wns I.t. 1 11.1 i. • As a .Reenblicalt The 11.1.: res loe I itself into a eon l. , e 1 the low , rII :use, eras read t t rioe by it.,,',,gslast. the rlaint, he contended that there fe 1 ,,",?e,. ° , f ,t 1•° Ik• • •' ' '. e 10.170114.0 t pointer view; imeonneded with 'the Weriners of diecoetod, nor Mr ruder ,y mat,' or the .-1,,1,,, ~,, it , k tip t Ito 1.01 , title , wes Ito property itt slave, recognized by the •• • ' '"" I ' .*"""F '"'" l'''''' w. "‘" MI ladies Reedier l olitical, financial or murmuring nor the orb., ot iNnili are heard. • P.l Beet m s reuatalon for a continua- Cot...tiled at , debt of , b ea k " to its produces:sods, whet.. I • Ile Cm sottketent ~r 1 . ireo .11i111.1 ag li :st e deposit of it, aulholity le L oo t e d over manefacturing, we must say, that in our !hut our ea,. s are ways of plestsaidiss, afid „ h. , ~,....., The to n „. to ra 3 ~„„. ti ~, of t he S,ltopti ...1 Index Of the law. a . yip Ch. gm.. o f North rateable, i nter- I intact • • I ' • ; and in , elder, I ~ w e it b. . . "pinion, the brat. nide °I the argnanott. ',a- our patio. ere peace." eiJetel, when the t0m...D.0 row. , treaties of the Celled States, w. called up, ; 1...0.a, mid as k e d if the conetitutiou ally- I '"' . if" ~,i,,,..0 v o , ha w eep e ri o eee w o h e , 1 0 .4 I doe Yorteg says: lien Cat-townie taev, f la t his renduct. 1.. The hill ail emended:ht. wee. thea re- and after a boot dismission was adopted where or in :my point teknoeholg , a reap-! . WOW., era. .• r sity t • , Wen . . . pole 11 .of his el,az al.- oureelves, ne well . the experienee derivedl •• Plenty htet crowned our harvest- 1..\- 31* 11 .0 1,-: wool to netke the 101 ert. it. plettults, nudes or hoteee ? front foreign dice, is decidedly with the 11011 II IS BE 1'.31 .11 . ST IS II leW.ell D. (erred to the judi d try .• demote , and that emilancat ..r de, whin, i., ,i,, The House swat. wont hit.. a e memo. • fu1".".. 11 r e''''''"lu f.". 'I. If as ° Mr I. ' ffre Y ' 6 ' l " r '" l ' dy " M • ""' I 'hen err. ' President and ;ignited. the leawietite look, o KR and MI around us . eidetic., it hodthe fitet ,oat's of ..I a ..tall...m.ut i ll.•ar .Irear ) .11 . the tel seal to 3; up the app ,,,,„„,,,,„, Stato, eph the eepeld of the eteliaiery proceeded tu his remark, "lien s ' tat the inetionse mannfartering establish., and EN N i Pllt ISPKIIITY \Ver .:, "tom tttt ittuv on tW sante the .. 0•01.4 ordo ot elle Cal„ II interrupted awl , eouitioncil We hwe '"i".. , Wer.-e1itat.,....... to bill for earr3ing into .41'..et the 1 :fen Brit 1.• . . . . I .. .I , e e, e e,„ to if 111. w,, ~,,,,,, ~„ ,-,,„„d . 1,,,. .rot. .t. 1 41 alai the ether towns id, with all its at:teed:pit 1, de has pas.. d ef the treaty with Meeieo for indemnity ,t" dee for 31.0. y ~,,,,k . r e mod. elm • . , hu e •„ „hid, t h e i„,,,,,,, ~ f ail „1..11 h e New England, and the effects of these over- I way, and pew, . Ideedithfc as weavoine. • - was mecca to. .e , leetrited 1 Mr. Hilliard rose and propemeled dem ,P ' • ' t enure and festered cstAlishments 1.1. so- lias , been restoted " Without any final anti et the committee ro,c n , guarded by 0 just and firm goern...et „ Hut e o -The Speaker announced as th e legends:, tot him and the ether industrious temple of Noe FOR roe CoNTIt Sllll-FIONS -At l i ,and the Houma adj"ure"d I Which shall be minus...a by a eineere desires first thing in order, rho r•wautine from the eD. Palfrey answered and went on. He , , Teo eoutary ! The grim th 10( Immense the Vet). period the mph: were th us called - at prove, without beidg either rem li.nary • j,,,,,,,ry 9 Nanimitt. eon Printing in flyer of printing maintaihril that " Gem .J e ss u p had no right i nt ..... :moneyed or menuractering eorpotatioes, b. Ile by Ih. it high. st stew throttenerie sto ; I. plan. !At tis b.• them en of the SENATE.-- )lr 1-71111e/011. d 1 , 1 , scat. 4 a two tho ne a.M extra wpies ot the Seeretery to mend tW slave Linde t Arkati... , w,,,,,,,,,ty. ant then e. or . t ,,,,..„a w i th spedul law, of Conte., whine duty Dis lo 'yield to 801 l their Cheeks for the lWsed .. k ... f„.... ~,, , ,, ,p, ,, .„ pp „ d p .11f War's rdp rt eel . ..ye to lieffaho Harbor wen to I :, g him Low... hew ill V1011111.,' the eid of fled, we will al bast - an g o od , i f look after the taints and prosperit3 of and I pen , . ....edition of tee c..utar) P .t. " .. ' ' ' ~ ... . . g tie elltdo wintinteity, and tee uf favored the annex. a relDilllll Wel e iti OF...dation, '1 the gay enda , Id. 11111•lIl dl • te arr • • .t achieve gi eat things." pet , ~ ~, . ~ ~,,,. 0 ,,,_ d id Ponenr. of New Yolk, in laver of, aud pay fur lam, even admitting slaves to be C rr .t r k ,r •I j l' elOESOS,llll,lo.hioaly erro4cs •an aristocrat, ,and men Mail. g too be honest, asking their colored Imptilatlon t. e. mt., r. P •r t•• 're out W eon. eludedt , _. , ,,,, ~,,, Lei 1, „ „ ~, t h o t - T ...ode., d' t; eorgia, neait,D and i•aelinDes pr.:met,. •,, e e, 1 -end an erbioeraey, ton, of the etdt Idol praying, teettesgiring• bit:deo. to deo Mr Cahell aelool her if General Jessup' hilrf le.. it. Le salvoes teen'. •e .g . --- !. G. ~s t . f. 1., we ai,d ta ...Wed hint his Wed This move- - "` r " "'fr..' °IA e l ".. emdene'dhle ll .....["hen" . S. and na oved its to Mr. title moved to lay it •••• the table •I••• II ome mods ing it'd.' veil. Commit- lout the mesaofrillegall, ; plink' the env- ---e' -"- -" - - ment snot prised the tlemonl hoot dcliglote. ~,t o. bof the el, 1.% 44)44, lip 1410 4:kit ol d Ili- ernineid pr, sent a plea Pout its oollieer had Yeas In, nay s •.••:,. the ass, nobly. (km:Logone shortly ielootool 31r. lt-tylon mnve.l I 1 p .itp am the ...or , Pi '''''in ' l':'. 'Priiill"ii bill- i acted i ll ega ll y, anti there:ore refon.ml in- Mr ,:wane ailmeated Ids' aineoiden lit demon,. Mr Palfrey replied. that tie '''' '''' l '''' '' ldl '"'" l ' ' ''' '''' il ` "' lit 6,- Ire ject till to•iisorrew. Combo!. hie 11 ,,,,, , leered ;; ,40 0 ,.0.1 00 1i , o , r,,, r. obi i-g and vo l ualizioog th e noo k age ‘,O "wove= •d• Me slave moist gad red, s no '' " ''''''' ''''' ' ''CA:' '''' '''' ''''`'l n '''' eni the appoilitincat of a go. .I..gt I. y tio- •.t.- '''';iii''..f , nab , t' e I" eaeiti xy•tent of Gen .1,1••• 1 , 31, Morse, .1 . 14 , 611 .wed, ''''''''',-';',''''',' !r'''" "II -- - tiny ot the terrif vie, to' C.tlifor..i. O wl 11, 444114 au., thirty n o m i.,. t on 0., ~,,,uo , ~..„1 d, f o ,h o l th„oodot of. g;,„ 3, 0 ,, 01 ,. 4 441111.01 MI lof ea = mop mewl to form .egos, nail th , •, , hi. .., ar.c tw be ~, 5 0 0, ,,,,,, ...told olra o from the tr, a.ory at the lute of as• agent f. r the g•ovorinnent, el a- snob. ' l .^. "7 1 l'"i''r'•- , 'r' I . ' • ' .. " . . 1- a '..' 1.4 0114) -el 4 4 .4. 1111111, a Jac, countio, their the on/nets •T the elate mood look to the h t•• " - "l''t . " l . 1 ' ''", i.' eel no , ' et 'ITI.' per annum. It n., anti ~,ic,„ ~,,,i ~.1„ , ,,,,d in the ~y a .,,t oiloWel4eo lor mil whit; thirty novel-note. tor remuneration. Ile ii, !we, I, Oh • .11, I . tl,, 1,. w •-• gone oilers woodel .41. loot Moo, delkore a day in„. •„1..i.• l on- tile', bid aside for Mn . 311••nooehole floe, lith• • , f ,le •• , hoxi committee. on public land.. &trine- Yoe o sso It T1.e,.., 1.,...ah1, w err ex-. Fri., of I thio, to make a rer ,it from the , d'•"'• M -'-'"l'' l• '''' lit ^ln'' , b. 1 ...• de hlr. Atlicrtio, Bina this content teirlY r I o ranee, repiirtoil Lack t.. tro II use tile 111 "em , 'at- , bet tit"Y w"re re'''''''''' to far Cel,.el e.'"nehtee to try Mr Nedill, corn- l'ateloo•ol to lit us-lee. the 1 hogne xeel It t0r.„.„,...., r.„. „,...., . 0. . h. d. ,, :, ~ ~,,, , 1 , ;; ;fic „,, ,0, - pope •et sip.. ilia Coat t he, e a.“ oroi..Yiener •of 'Alan Claim s ~11 ..I.nr,e+ pr.- 1b. .. 4 ' . l''''' "im' iiii"i'lf the ii'' ilt , t ti .. ,t o ot h., u ..,,,, ~, t .., .. ) ,,...,_Nt whale ferreol iteahot him by /dr. Clio goon, fet soon oi the new Po o shield, oLood tio• alli. With amendment q „.. ~„; c • 4 .,„ „f c.,. r „ ; „,i t o,.. 4 •ilot• no.ooloo 1 . d o o . , t-o • iono;•11, otheo . 1..,•,.. North I 'online. mool olf Ted n r... , illiti..ii f.r •''''• 4 , 1 ,.'"i" NI ' 1.4.• L. Ili e too.. lope "1 nit the Judiciary: to whom 10.t4. 1..4 .. 14,1 01 ''.. Ig'i . • -il• Pi-ot it la . I ...''' ' l • W . g " ' 51,4,10 et .krnoo to, take into elostoels ''"e of "'- r''" l -t""` "hit '''o' of Pt , . neigh boriom Immo, of Itex..iA, will imvit the way wood I hen, . 0 44 ...h..., y to ti ,p t . t i t zti the pay. David '1 . 1,, a miter., who load refused bill for admittinu the territory of Gill . mho v „ o h', U t C i oe a Niegate, pro o a great no- too answ•er questioi k pool-smelled to him. 1 for the favorable reception oof Lis ambassa into the Union as a State, try a I •lI4Z 0, I . . r ,,, m ,i, ice , pe ,,,,„,,, m ,,,,, excitement dors at tip Cement and Itono.holo enurts able adverse report. ' Mr Mason of Ya . twoved I okonto esti a ' l ' • V ' '''''''• ' '' h ' sred ' "' I ''''''''''''" d au' , "im waled,- olioookool lo Mr.-Parris., A6l el Keller las wi loco tit the Perri b•, olio lice, to tho Ir. 11 hove., mileage ptob - of Ge.mi:i Woodward, of South ',Carolina, Jest ''''' kin4 h it '''''''''''' egiiel of the'saine to be printed.. ' l'he committee's report makes the, oh I' a' '" ." lie' X' w York n'''..,, which Brady. iit Coons, hania, l egeos r o g, o f j o ,' - 4 r 4 , :r•—'111.• Cope ettll reinail, at pence. The provisional goveroment of Rome, loy a he peon ...need a very mnttll bmitovs• trout Cotob, oof Georgia, rebel!, rot Florida, and jections to the bill : 1. Tt is unOreetlente3. • the begiowing to the mod. others. . ;yAu in the Vpioo.r4'llionober, has exhiloited a 310 II rooley tobtahocob s the floor for the M r Cr i bb moved t o , cen „na nt .' t h e tote lurtie r disposition to mode,,vy- to bring a '2. Uneons4tutienal. It, In m spedient to admit q Territory as a 1"wl"we a .1. 1 ...... i .1.• it. said Ileft the -.topping the &lout. , o n th e civil till, t h e , boot the l'opu's rotor. Ile, however, re- State, halo ,. antic pro , i onc l y ~,„„in , .,t poiblieati .. ill reroronee to di, mileage of motion W O, r e eon a id,...o w h eth it, !k w , - Nair, exeript oriel condition that the Chem , 111,1111,41, aloblo load appeared in the New nolielorerd bon abe dissolved, the National guard ilia government caiste.l. It would be one institotional to divide e Volk Tri'wnr,a,:d wloicla had been to finely • [banded, alai the journals auppresseol. state eith, it, h. , 0n,e1.0. .a.uhied „„,, 4a It ,„,„,,,,,1 a , „„, i„ trim -' T its number of the New Orleans nut -, A t arms —Accounts from Vienna in re- • Wh o . it, licence a State, its ditixion wx,nl I llon-e. n a-. f l ap oi...es far different front 10". lona e Latch of news tram Californie, gard to the civil se, in M on .,- are e„,, 0 „,„ „ inch a d hee „ „..b„rtio t, b e „, r•o-eimd via Mexico It states that more imperfect and one-sided. Illongary, it us ho 3 b i e r yn i n to d n t . b r e . c i ' u m ,, ,, , e ,, i i. e ., , ,,,i 1 - 7 ,,, w.:1f e r v e , 7- i . tie 11. It, Lod ;;,,, , „ ; ,,,,i, „I o w i,,c„ of i mi r„, iii ~,,.,, ..0.1.1 hoe let en disc 'vet trk nod that !haunt, sputa certain mutt yield. The Imptwialieta. „,,.,,,.,..,,,, io „ r „..„„ I.l , , o ia w lit r e , rol . le in:J . ha mvt ildr. .%I•out tote,- leave taken the frontier tow., and are still,, committee, ii.tendmi to maim a eoutiter m- ;'•', :tad s, e' , • 1 anY gait. Inc , I desire t • nolLt. any ; political capital for ''' , . 1 . g 1-I - t f r l daily; Let !limo to laying waste to the country, destroying fro Me. Douglass spoke at length in rt ; :p1:. ti,' lion .1t t- the trot saelt..n. into It stain 'noon.] sit ering at the olsagulge rage and hue habnetions, and railing as the . the nc ,,,,,,, en , ur tho ~,1 „ ,,. it,.„..,, Ile b, li,col that it the matter of mileage from want of alinthe 1110,14SEAllee of life.— Meader. adsintee. wccnic ; cc , ' cncedit) . curn i c ~Mr„,,j0 „ ,,,,,,. —, hie!. load grown intro all the authority l o t Two barrels of brandy were lately sold at; Cl r,llO, an II Baron Can flatten loas re +dation to jnstify the itoplicittioi”dCalifor- nu tt ed —o great wrong had been coin. the mines for fourteen tlionsiond dollars in awned the reins of Government, at Prank- I e far ... h ..... g r .. ; li e o e f en o r o nutted-- Cmt t o was an abuse which could Pdil dmil l , lort in lieu of L. 31 Seliemerling The; Parliament, • it in said, has determined too. the hill against the objections raised to the t /1 1 1 : : hi pli, ,t, i i o n ,,r k r ly rrr e rt o d re t ti. ,. l w l . is . t o o bj . =l , n , 1..... 31,,,,,,..,.._An ....i.r.,,,..ii mived b., ~,. him loner fi , ,k,.., d A admission. at litioneil Inure. My- Getman ; 011. 110, Kr. Butler replied. Facility had been thirs t u se itini thereby sore thousands an- li• . 6 ). b.'. Ih• ; trio, finding quite enough to do to conciliate" Afforded the bleeds of the bill, and others nually to the emu Ha would oak if 13talt flake, bringing hitelligenee that the her nmo T a witow ea without ...big further,' ... de o in its ....; to b e Lord. . any member stood charged In the publiea- Merman •"1""Y it l" a Pr"Perono eendkienn the tide has now turned the other any, and' po.. Fonts n„.l be man in inv.. of print. tine which had error to mad . 0 ,...... h . having a at. of several thousand Walt. I p row . le in the amends.. l leg a larger monitor of entry antics of the taking • larger amount thaw be had mtn. l - 14 ' IP" " 4 ell ' •• • ••• • ••• 1• • or lir. — Br u n.-The Queen of l ain opened rmt. ly received / money wail plmty, obtained from the gold th C o mm thelet regions in California. Orders wore sent,'... p . wea d e n hopethet h the ft frierld h. ly re m liti " oo iti e p et re. Berrien, Westeett and Dayton The remainder of the seesion wee man ...sin., whnn the amid, cooes for the ao of who with the o Mileage" ah we ..j on in which' amompanied with the dust, to Bt. Joseph's, w i t h g eo l ae o fi e ...t a blithed se soon ae the Senate wen ordinal printed, and the l . Greeley, Turner, Ilaralenn, Drown, 1 for •••••h•"• • • — Sti Lind* fhb !the nets and Instructions after Government farther eoesidinstios of the sebleiat mu ' were fully approeiated. Nerves bag had seedier °fide, from which he has emerged "lirst—...ln the Iloiseethe hiPetablish-' with Milieus' strength. The enlist war fare 00111timpf. 11:11140.411-11111 prildll77l7oo 41:a The Cour.' of Nation', lie WO* the midis of the Iseretary of War. report, . Italian *fairs, willshortly meet at Bro.- thawed Mtention of the Roam I Ni. ; bet little pogrom, however, ean be 'made until it leknoWn who gowns Ger many. When the. feeling of Russia as to the Intl dispodtion of the Pope's pitmen ie ' know., the time of meeting no be no los pr delayed. • January 10. ' Saw tta.—Mr. Thohlaeoa preentea the free Now York. Motive to the elotbits fundeliall tM Volastows daring tho Wotan tart shoo to raw.. tho Foot Mt. Fltopstriolt. sobodttad a relidatioa to pershses 2000 oopios of Oollonio Nap of itto root* to Osilibrsis. Barrow, McKay, Root, .4 others partke- Knot /IRON To. 11.1:11LIC or Lino pate& dminewhieh nothing new or worth' ~,,_Thi pb ,„„mb, 'Adj.. of . high md. chronicling woo brawled to light. ' I mow to be opening between • repoliiie in . Ahem,. and the Un i*amnat of the Unit•d _. Jr 44. Stat... The Rev. Mr. McLain has been Nations memorial. am masons wens appointed b 7 eb. &Immo of Liberia, Min rren", ~__,„,m^llildlittil w.......,,_ ft. l .l_ l " toter Plehipotentiary , with intantetiona to TM the ...... 'Llla ...... a I. l*". of Om redaction of P 1 re th• reergnition of his Govornment, astaza Mr. ja, Th,,f, d mi .... .' aad ton gate au :heat, of eammeree with' rogation of inquiry as to the. es of extending the Rosie% Laws a... Alien , Two Psniding (Minn.) Marion. nap, who may hare been dimbarged from UR that Leta n o. emigrants , printdpally ranks on ointment of asaideats and email. limn Mahone, and Gen* er...ty 4.y hammed dosing the lets wen, witioh was Laming we:e t :bray\ tha . %We rat . la isb i: " C d' ign I. seas ef the aura of ....7. It Is net wasenwm;• he ens ragtag ll= howl; bode was on watts lam sp. waideallo ions ha • day. The United Itlista has 600 ships eappd I. the whaling banineas. Ragland hap ow. lj 17. llosoklys putlonse I. Sevin 100 boons Inge ror upsitasiss is Osiilhasis. sstuill of pyk.tro.tive Julia oud tavoritim Rep, eqi-ntatit ex in Co, re.sx ti; neci,.,ill beg. to a nione)ed ist,rsis -- i Tlw n .oler.ignol innsloronta ari•t• ri ary— all Mannfacturers and Farmer. with. lit .I , te either natnsal ot I.la. beg leave t.s state, that the .1,11 nenuirtil: awl energies are emn.tu.t. the 'farilr 41 , 12 and the ellactim.t.t of t diLeetill e, transi.reni the legiidatnies n. Turin have •t. t e. 111.11, nlwrerer II ry 001.1 , han the ou4y . lir 0 'l . lw) have o-tronteot. of llu it ouo agzraudiremeot Goole.' tip etolotty u /111 1 no igii g , 041, t..e u hile at tlit. same Owe, holding ..ist ti e pr, glum. , f ! ,, r. i, bkh , .t; ho.to'ht I h.' km15r...h....1.4,1,i.. sr...h....1.4,1,i.. that il.cir e.d.. ~h i, x t: is , re or Ira.,. he..ilk amt . . st IS \ilistuilt• the 1.4•., , lit of the lab ring ell.ses ...1 the money market; orpre , m.ol ie labor :11w I„,,,„, far " r , tp ~11 this ~,,,,,, L a ,. ..1, aloi meehnoire of our eomitr) for the 1,c,0 i,tabli,h, .1 and ',Lee ;mere A:4 dm , mivm , tatte or ~ , h ee , atioim: ioiured the far, b'reause one people nor: holost nulls, in. croioun, prospenus prudent so :tfetien ti: \ Ve 1..' an extrusive and inexlnotsill:l• ' soil, whielo furnishes the raw on aerial, i : them, arid enables our pe::ple, noun the t,•- soUrees whirls it give them, te create a routmued Itemand lor the l oes oute rump• I tier of Inn ton facto: ed at twice. All the high tariff legislation over onadiell. Iron been, in comparison with the great (eater° of ow l destiny, like a drop of octet to the ocean,' _in eneotoragiog and stimulating this branch • of native industry. The only effect of seek I' legislation in merely to advance, for the, time being, the mantifacttoring atogas of certain speculators, who trade on the sae heals as the brokers in 11'811 street—one I day raising the market, and the next day ~depressing it, by reacting to the moninon • treks and manses:ere' no well known in trim d ightful avenue. ir he tariff laws, if arranged on proper and; ound national principles, should be revs ' laud on the revenue standard alone, ant I with reference to the wants of the governs !merit. The experience of the leer Wrri. yeas tends s to show that this constant ef-. !fort to gef, up an excitement on the tariff is !a mere trick of politicians, its league with .4., manufacturing speculators—the tone oing: it for party purposes, and the tailor f 1 r the 'profit that womb/ accrue in inCreasi the value of their manufacturing amok. - , dor the prawn( tariff, which ..... of them orators are already beginning to denature% the ...rutty bu motored as well as it ev er did undo any tariff dear the ointment. went of the government. Why, then, di.- hub the remelt state of Wimp 1 Why derange eonstsetly our ememerebl relstions with tither trountrias, and saws an 'trea sont fleatestbe of the rake which guide the ceremonial slams of the eommunity t This movement in revive the old Wee of the tariff, Is, *sore have Joel rid, a mere polideal trick of • certain portion of the ul tra whip party, who, ever eines the resi dential eleetion terodnahed in favor of the caodidate whom, from their belpleas coed'. tie., they were at last footed to support, hare bas eighties for Womanises alone, the whole mat of the triumph,. sad under this Impedes' pretest have bore &rising way. sad means, sad liming plasm of it trunallstice, to 'wood fie wow Pond lour of the Pooltlitown unegregation, in Itiooke cniumithul anicide by lotiming himech, an Thormlut lest. The per oils they hove reached on or, it• loth Aboutrix wceks sic! Mr. White 'emoted t.. Dr. 31eMilten's congre gation, over Camodmhurg Soon after rcteral members of his family took ill, end one of lii• childhm hut the nee Inf nt'hu cu.. He o. of, Invents ilissatier fled with his clistige of residenee. andop peered to think that he hod June wrong In leaving the Coglitown congregation. T6 na ',Motions dish. bud I.im mind very - much,. od he wet induced to return to his old to nlneu mar I.lll,Zilt,Mll. 011 Thursday about lld, l. ck, A M he rode to Ptightown, ;..Ind ord. Ito Moe, and wished to par- I. 16,11 of arm nie,elating that he uo.tml t.. mt. it in destrnying rats. The tor. kneeing the slate of fats mind, de clined selling him the poison. Mr. W. re turned Immo, and it him Immr in the Sta ble; but as hr did ...Leo to his house, Mre. Wino cupposed that be started one ea whet.: some men outing hie whaler'. Oils Willie!. wood. Irr Han, wure trailtil that all was not Telegraphic deapeteltes fretn Col mhos right, enllyd i..eda•to.r, an Mr. WMM'II announce rewtwed diutension the login- limit, end related to Mon. W what none. lature of 01,10. Orr Monday the to,, Hun., rod et bin osf a He then locket' in lb. met fu couventi iiii i w pen and count the, etable—hdind the horse pot safely away,„ colon for Governor. A committee wan ap- mol immediately walked out ts ,warn 1M p o w,' to o.amino tbo re t u rn, no d ! v. ! t choppers ware at Work. Net indt Mr regmrd to alleged errors. /hr Tuceday there, he became alarmed, anti re otg tin ro .,,,,,i tter turned torwith,„ with several or the men , to reported in favor of rejecting the vote of make a thorough examinetinn of thepremi- Lorain county, on, the ground of informality, around the 1410 , 1. The' at length and they the. declared Col %feller alerted round Mr. White fu the hay. mow, long jlovernor. The Speaker declared the 10.. hy Mn neck! Aher he was taken down port out Ti- order, but golly permitted it it is raid that he breathed but.usletgl• toile read, on condition that the sulject , breath—hie spirit had departetillina INS should he submitted to • new joint roc. I leunched into internity by bin own bond I mkt.: The Speaker then, as ijteoh:ketch This heart rending eeennowe Mn wys, dachas' Seabury Ford the Governor 'thrown a deep gloom• aver the neighbor - ele.t. Thigeloposition to appoint a joint, hood about Pughtowo. Mr. White, we ow untittete io examine the Governor's vete, demand, ha. butt..ll. 4 ed orekhle wgs atterw•rda rejected, and the Speaker 'mut god man. and woo monk llama by again deolarcd Ford elected. This Is the Ms omgregation. subetcoos elite *tort' told by telegraph, bat DirOPULATION or New °lmmo. v i r o lle a. th t... er twain t e.. 11 ke .r paria tim w m... e are i. una .t. b w le ; that minus welcomer*, would probably ; loom Nor oop ia so , f . 0 .,„ 1 Mina before • mettlemect, which we do not ' of heliee.—Psnaryleentem • The 111K1 — ,000 -- etolen — ftwa — the Annuls 71°"""'"*"° allowto raelb " Il y fr .. ". " l " Nowthel:h7"lll4 Bank Imo pearly all beau reeovend. A l enbjeet th. . " l ". "tM q" . " 4 " . " I** . yeeng man awned inmate, of Glorketown„ 'Mk"' at SM. " bland ' Naas, wan the robber, and &slow! the Potatteaaar soreoce wog kle Ourwhen M aosma l ll, •• • P.M.. *Keenest bum Oven M the late VK nay' of see thowend dollars, and a Neap !or at tile %lofted Staten BMA. he should Not be prorated:—Rearm Ths mat& Drench. delesits-11 Ws ow = Frame* and completely 110101/1144 'dm" h.our market for glsh. ; mid burr lit “light russ upo' wit. 1%1. , I t tom.- r. W. , 01 , e oer 15 , oplatolt , h t , . 1.., 'h.. 1 • II; ,1,11,1,1. ar Tata ..I. ;t4 son) he dcrumd ..Ce't , ,ry • I f.mr , 4l ...tn. a all pal .li-o 'mat :oe t 1....101,!t by Ow altt.v.,tatemelits. As tl,r.cehum, 1, e. tonlrodirti ~,, s roma fro 9 persons or the I mi creed, their frlellgts ttttt Title me the reap...11,114.y to 'soil thetti.elver mg- TM amber of mdgnala arrived at Damon during t►e lam ims was 25,627. •""- Tim ...bar arriving at N. York 101,909, TM duties salMised at Mrs NOM at abort...m and a half tin., as Mus 7 m lam How" darlaglo yeas 10411. arrleed at &Mon M a►Mt 06,000,000. liFirnihg of the Steamer Empire State. BOSTON, Jan. PI. The steamboet Empire State, lyingtt tIO. oltarf at Fall River, took fire laet even t,. at halt past ten o'clock, and none COM. pl.t It th,tto)etl—ltest, tartish.. and ull. The ce of the fire is not known, 1,11 it k attribu ens ted to the earelosinest of the eah•ldnett op beard BALTIMORE. Jan. 14. A in-, ••I' elielete, the first yet reprirld t,. arts reported at the Relay • r-i• pis ;Inlay Let froni Coalllbrml. Ilorr Stop tlin¢ bpholsr--Thr rul ntn baits ill this city hae rts reil letters Inao California, via Chsgre and the Itritish.Wet lollies, probably by the RAW conveyaneo which brought the remit dispatches for government. • a The tenor of these advice iv, 'that lane deposites of gold wow discovered in lbw hills, nod that people Iron) Oregon, Santo Fe and Acs ien were tiering into the noun thlossands nae.the ecareity of coin that - gold dug had fallen at the mines to al: dollars an Immo, being I to th.ny one-third its real tto Foiled States ?hot' The amottt gathered ttae about thine Capt. William 11 Murry, the 1,11 of the U.S'Sceryttity itt War, was dittposing of , err> t' log in tt e shaped soil hex at his rump, to extthat'ne for gob! lent Ile had vollorted firma horrrls of geld ore, and having nomenus of protecting C 1,,, treasure, he had buried it, until a sod of war alit odsnorrive hi c xta thu coast, w re h was daily oxityytt Poo isiteta ued Peet of every kind ware very ,111 . 1,, nod daily' grotiitig Pork at. 1,41 barrel, loan 'WO plc barrel, bread sixty 01.1/14 per pound. beam Slit per (mallet, !triply $l5 per gallon, and : other io prof Orton,. Thew oat molt angering at the ]lines, anti even nettelytoxittex el fatality, in can xtoptottyy of the multitudes lirtrlting from all Tauter.. The loth...being able to en ohne tutor fatigue and poorer fare than the whites, axle natloriog nets, of the gold. Sooty Imre ten boil commene/x1 killing horses Ana nini, for rood. Tl,e in .I.lc. warn in hopes of getting • supply of f4r4l 181. Metier.. Yee sit Still iron, ire., which had been obamloora orll r... 1. erne once store in " -' • - • pr., rol tlir owlet for foofil, ho Latt r having 1.., me no.re volusblo 11.1 k ocre Foiling off ti,dr auifitt Mani, sal, at MI 1 . 0101.14 podit —V. V B,ert --tSe are pained to ru that tim Itev. 3lr White, late as-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers