Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, September 12, 1865, Image 1

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H. EL FRAZIER, Publisher.
guonso gioctorg.
HYSICL lat MID SUEGEON. b located at Brodkin, 800.
pnell.llll C.:1 , 0, Pa. Wlll attend promptly to all a 1
ottott be may be tonged. Ofboost L. IL Bildortott.
Brooklna, Joty 10, 1865.—yt.
pirracasis &ND SINIMMOIe. Montrose, Pa. Mee on,
Webby Store. Boards at Bearle's Hotel.
aeoteosearote 3,1666.-tf
rSRIONARLE. TAELORS. Shop over obatitl2ll
t6re,Mk Avenue.
Ilentrose. .766,6 12, 1E65.
DIIYsICIAN Awl) sCROSMIIr, Imeinr located blamer at
liochardeille, Susquehanna County. Pa., 111 atteadto all the
1, co ernlel be may to navoredaeltle pecarmtummendattentlem.
09. at toe repldeace Chuillfotea, Too.
S. Co.. Po, y R 9. 166 a
v crooL CARMIR, Cloth Thmaer, and klanufketorer, is the old
IT smnd known as Sith's thurottag Machine. Terms made
wbrz the work Is broOesS.
/mar. Maroti 941865.
I rit:Toirt. appetite the Racrusthean Mat. Bosnia at
annual, February ell. 1668.-In
UTACTURICE of Llnen-wheels, Woolmbeds, Wheel.
beta. Cloctotcht, ac. de. Woodier dons coder, and
realral manner. Twang 13hop and Wbeel Faaa.• VII &TM'
January 80t.h, 1863.-13
MAKES Aallowledgment Of Doti* Mort ¢ a¢n, ar., for coy
j rttte to the United States. Pennon Vouchers and Pay Per.
dna, *eta,' irdard before him do not require the certgarite of the
thot of the Court. Montrose. Jan.% 1665.-41.
- • - - -
dooll eel-Aces the citizen or Fricadnflic and vicinity. Of.
pi,. roe ...Vs of Dr. last- Boards at .1. Hottarcrt
rrcus• nit 11.1144.41
rroans a VOITMILLOII. aT laW Ana Lhasa
Otiee over Lee. Drag stare.
Dot Janual7 113114.
DULM BUILVZ , C7 .00 042 .. erictkeryglaldollte.
LI LNI4 Oda. and meta, Boot+ sun b hoes, Rota
0“. Buto.lo bake:omits, Prnislank/LC.
APra /564.-11
vrefirraCTUlLlMl3 of 11111 Craning' of all kinds
Jl soon, Tha and Sheet iron Ware, Vaal Implements,
Dealers It Dr, Gooda,Choetfice, ry,/e,
Ilactr.e. P.., Pernazry 101.1604.
reOlteddlnyprost end of Brick Block. In Ids sbeezen
.at the on« win be transacted by O. L. Brown.
farrow_ Fchronry 1. 1814.—rj
nor tam' h TIIIC PEITS/OLLIA, Ivav penmulastly located
a himself In ldoatroee, pa, where he 'rill promptly attend V.
wall. in V proihnal- on with whim he may be favored. Om
tt: Seidner Wert of tb Court Home, nu Beetle? .t:Eltzteg.
lentos, Febnary I, Met -Oct.= IE6I.
A.ITOF.NKT AT 1..2.19,_1301TNTY. BACK PAT end PEA
MON CLAIM AOMY. T. All Pouliot Clutha. carefully-ore
;int. Ogre in room formerly occupied by Dr. Veil. to W. LI
below Searle. Hotel.
dn... Pa.. Feb. 1, IVA.— febl7yl MM3.
r IMP constantly on land a full supply of even mint) of
a, GROClLitani and comrscrionimm. BY strict utter
. to online= and fairneuin deal they hope to merit the liners
ptexesge ef ht,e public. An OTBTIB snd TAT7I7 0 SALOON le
vatind to the Grocery, arherelifvalves,in amon.„ Are served Incv
reapie that the testes of the publiedemantL Ilemombertle ism
,ss (Oa Mon Granny main% on Main Straits the P
Voetrolle, N0v.17, 1.983.—met,17,113—if
I GEON for PENSIONERS. O boe over the store of J. Lim ,
I Soo. Pmblie A MM.. Boards at yr. Etheridge!.
October. 1839.41
MRFEY AT LAW. and Puritan. Boaiq. and Bari Pa?
Meat, Great Mei, Pasqua.= County, Pa.
irtu !had. Aug= 10. 16L-1y
nit.A.Lrat Storm Stove Pipe, rrln, Copper, and anal
11 Lmri Ware; anio. Winse Path. Panel Door., WhadoTe
TiSLath. Me Lumbar sal hands of BollAlna Ilaterlal•
top sou th of Searlea Hotel. and Carpenter Shop near the
at;arnhn Ohara.
Stumm Pa., January 1. 186 L-17
61150L0.15 DEMIST. Mee over the Rankle"
11 a, ba t Co e . :r
.. bi. All . l . Opereja
Mll etyle ;fa
Remother, offfee formerly of IL amitt 3 -
llcetrooe. Jthuery I , LBO{.—t[ ,
traNI:Fac7PUTLYR of all deantptlone of - WAG.
11. ciNn. CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS. ex., to the
smile of Wninlarehip and of the best snatertila,
s . wo:1 mnwn stand of E. H. ROGERS. s few rods east
.' ~. .", r .) bate In Mcnarose, where be . 111 be happy to re.
catat callt al all who want anything in hie line.
non, mt. J tat 1 , 1563.4.1
:4161CLA.11 std SITICGEON. respectfully teeflent Ms services
tne or sosonettsnna County. He will irinfe Med. /
IR ntroo• to tilt ereel one medlesl
t ottrett= of Climes of the
trt Ker. wad tee be consulted really. eal operstlons nit off* mar W. J. 6 B.H. linifortra Blom
Rft.Cenot 11a;.1..reet. east of J. S. Terbelfl Hotel.
tot*, onto county, Pe, June =.lBl:lB.—tX
CLLEIrd4 rkoun, Set. Pork, nab, Lard. Grata, Feed
eardies. Glom sad Timothy.. See& Also onoosrams,
B ' 4 "L''• Yolsaa PYrup... Too and Coffee. Weft Bide of
iw roorr.r., ode door below J.Jaberidge.
Iztrage, Jsaaary 1, 11354.—G
Da. G. W. BELCH,
pIfIrsICIAN 6ND SIIIIGEOF. h 2 permanettly located
tgateLf at Brooklyn Centex. Past "I"l".Lfa P" 4 " 1 "C" "'
N. biked:l.9S of Boataneltanna County. cra tent. conameneras ne tan, Occuptea the once of the late Dr. B. alchard
nt, and :manta at Mra. Mal:ram:ea.
Ennt!yr. Cent., Pe.. /rote a. tB6l-t!
shoe, lacathes,ard Shoe RadlnA. EsSialtd_.; dtttoi
mine, and dispatch. Tana flooriabove Scarle's Hotel.
January I. 1864.41
TTOIINKTS AT LAW, Montrose, Pa. Practice In Buagnt
a urn, Bradford, Wayne. Wyoming tad Lawn's Cotelea.
Janos!, ist.
!vellum A TToftli Emu ATTORNEY AT LAW.—
LP , hhc, om the Ma occopted by Pan Bronx's.
'" , nox. Ps. January 1., 1850.
RELLENII IN DST QOODES, Groderkz.Crockemnardwaxa ,
11”,ar a &aria, Ildaiodcons. Plano% and all Irina of Mad
Sheet Halle. &a.
Mao r 7 on am Boot Bind
aOlita<SS to all Ma brlDebt6. 4. LTUIII.
nu r. January 1. Idt4. S. A. iron.
Net& OIL. Dyestuffs. Varctiebez, Window Wm..
Grocartca, Oraekup. Glsereere, Walk Paper, if:N
kl.Fracy Goods, P.TamerT, durecallosereateate.Troelg
Brunton, &cnd Agent fat all of the most- poem.
, *Duert Welchem 1101TISOSIG. January I. tea.
101_ C. O. FORDHAM,
AIitiIeACTURIEIC Of BOOM &SHOES, Montrose, Picotiop over DeWltts Store. AM kinds of stork roads
Itut repairing done neatly. Work done when gron.
Montrose, April « 236/•-tf
nteL6ll. to noon a SHOW. Leather sza •
tez. on Wain a. lard door baker Ma Hotel. L . Mt..
e*,..r: mede to osder, and repairlair Ilene =Way.
Wee:rose. r... Dco=ber
A ?TURRET AT LAW. Mao. WWI= J. TarnlL Req.
, roro.ltt smie. tiou.l Peoldna.d Boy ClalsraczraT/1-
Collectors reell4 o /7 Wade.
• 4.1. HOC— tt.
fl ELLens Inuar 000ns,GEoczarEs. noun. strum.
LaCate Oaken. Carpets. 011 Cloths. Welland Winnow pa.
etc, Stare on the end Ede of Patine .itynovx-
L •Cron , - . . . 1. D. LULU.
iumirtrc. Januar" 1, 1664.-tf
neeLEns Ilk DM , 11000111, Drake. Medicines. Palate. Ole
IP Grxrrien, nartorare, Crockery, Iron. (-Cock; Wiacnee, Jew.
~ sarrr spoons. Perromery, a r r.,, Brink Illork;Mentrone.
4 .•1111.0171 11. 0. roma
licntrcoe„ January I. / 86 4.
facturer. Seep eonstoney on rand an
kinds of 01.1111(37 F.ILTrtS.4 or far
can et rhort notice. Shop and Wore Roo= foot of math gt,
't. ,,,,, ,.r. P... Korth B.IIXB -if
P&X 14, 10:4 ABLE' TAILOR, Brick Block, oC , .P r Resell
, 441 tar rust'
at istrrnat .f Black glad Great Tarot Octal
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Once this soft turf, the '111 : plot's sands,
Were trampled by a harrying crowd,
And fiery heart and armed bands
Eneounteed In the battle-cloud.
Al I never shall the land 'forget
flow gushed the Ilfe-bloixl of her bravo—
° osh'd, warm with hope and courage yet—
Upon the soll they fought to save.
Now all le calm, and fresh, and BIM;
Alone the chirp of flitting bird,
And talk of children on the hill,
And bell of wandering. One are heard.
No solemn host goes trailing by
The black-mouth'd gun and staggering wain ;
31Pn start not at the battle -4 11i
01 be It never heard nada.
Soon rested those who fought; but thou
Who mhiglest In the hinder strife
For truths which men repeve not now,
Thy warfare only ends With life.
A friendless warfare l tinged:cm long
Through weary day and mean , year.
A wild and niany-weapou'd throng
Bang on tby front, and flank, and rear;
Yet, nerve thy aplrit to the proof,
And blench not at thy chosen lot.
The timid good may Grand aloof,
The sage may frown—yet fond thou not.
Nor heed the shaft so solely east,
The hissing, stinging holt of scorn ;
For with thy side shall dwell, at last,
The victory otenduranee born.
Truth ernsh'd to earth, stall rise again :
The eternal years of Gdd are hers ;
But error, wounded, writhes with pain,
And dies among his worshipper.
Yea,.though thou Ilea n the dad,
When they who helpthee flee In fear,
Die full of hope and manly trust,
Like theme who tell in battle hero
Another band thy swordehall wield,
Another hand thy stiuulard wave,
Till from the trumpet's month le peal'd
The blast of triumph o'er tby grave.
—llr. C. Bryant
OUR LI to A;
Scold, scold, thump, thump, scold, scold awry!
There's nocomfort In the house upon a washing-day
Nonsense 1 I only wish the writer of those lines
had been at our cottage by the old bridge on wash
ing day, It would have made him sing other words
to the earns lively air, or I em eadly mistaken.
Washing-day! why, it was the happiest twelve
hours of the week to "ns children." We could
scarcely sleep an the night before, from fervent an
ticipations of the frolic It brought. It was astonish
ing how our intellects were sharpened, and our In
genuity brought Into force to devise ways and means
for escaping school on that particular morning.—
How resolutely we compelled a healthy appetite to
reins° breakfast; what feverish cheeks we - borrowed
from the rude oak-leaves that lay concealed beneath
our pillows; what headaches we pleaded—and bow
very desperate all our symptoms were just before
the tones of that academy bell came sweeping down
from school hill It was a new bell, and the man
always rang it:uncommonly long and loud on 'Mon
day morning, to begin the week with • &wish, ho
said, but to :us it seemed an instance of cruel, per
sonal spite, toward three harocent little girls, that
had never done bim the least harm in the weed.
Though determined Invalids, we were always out
of bed immediately after daylight on a WM8111144/0 ;
and one face at least might always be seen peeping
eagerly through our low chamber window.. We had
secretly pushed back the old honeysuckle , vine just
far enough to leave a sile pane of glass uncover
ed, and that commanded a view of the foot-path
where our washerwoman was always first seen com
ing through the pine woods—a blcesing on per abort
scarlet chink, she always wore It, winter and sum
mer. It had been her grandmother's ; but in form
and material would be the height of fashion in
Broadway this very winter. Bless the old cardinal
once again 1 It has made my heart leap many a fine
summer morning to see ips first brilliant gleam
throngl the plus bong's. A nice tidy old washer
woman, one that an artist Would have skalthed in
spite of himself, had he seen her wending along that
shady path,ln - the . cool monaing,with a handkerchlet
of brilliant cotton passed neatly over her cap, and
tied beneath the chin- Gray or Page would have
takes a fancy to the old woman, even before her sad
mild lace came in view. There was something pie
urceque about ber rah:tient, and her movements were
in fine keeping with the dewy quietude reposing
among the dark green foliage through which she
was wholly revealed, or seen only by glimpses, as
she came toward the cottage.
But there was sometimes an other object which
almost every young man of. taste, even though not
an artist, would have fancied—tot Lida was possess
ed of-beauty so soft and delleate,:that it seemed nat
ural to the green woods, almost as the flowers that
spring to life and perish there. Llds—eweet, pretty
Lida—as we always called her, was a girl of some
ten years old, when I could remember her coming
to the house with her mother—and she la almost
the that object that I can remember—for be was
just the creature to fasten herself on the mind of a
child whose instinct It wastolove the beautiful, and
be grateful for kindness. Lids came with her moth
er every week for many a year : and it was to her
that our washing-day owed balfOf Its cheerfulness.
The woman brought her girl to " take care of - the
children," she said; and bath - tare as she took to
make us happy, was never so Stier• , ..r , oily exerted
by mortal being before or since.
First she would go to out mother with her sweet
coaxing smile, as leadfora day at home. "We
will tie no trouble,' she eald, "'none in the world."
She would keep us Out in the pine woods, or down.
by the river side, with her - mother, all day , long.,—
' We should certainly wear oar sun - bonnets, and keep
our !theca on; should never go, down to the, water
unless she were with us, new climb the rock to tear
our dresses, nor carry turf in oar aprons to darn up
Upset:hag, as we had; once: when company wall ex
pected- In abortene promiaed all aorta of good be
havior for us; and to do ourselves justice, we seldom
brought her into diagram. :by very glaring nilecon
duet. In truth, we foundthe young girl so much
more agreeable Pau mischlef—eo womanly in her
control over our wild aapirita, and yet so joyously
child-like, that:Yre had little desire to gobeyond bar
Lida usuallyraveled. and.altriye, as our mother
insisted, for th last tielle. The neztWcek we should
certainly go to
.school. No matter, we Were very
willing to let the MOtTOW provide for itself ; besides,
we had beard that aline old promise to atom before,
that consent would seem tmnalural.without it..
lief way between our house and 'the foils , which
Our readent will find - dose:Abed in the eery of
" Molina Gray," was a little green hallow; 6 brooks
let ran through it In the spring season, and even
when there was no water, a thousand blue-eyed
violets shed an azure tinge-along the moist and rich
grass which formed its bed ; while in -July and
August the upper curve of the batik was covered
with golden-cups ; and a few strawberries might be
fnunti - where the sunshine came moat freatiently,
embedded like rubles la the velvet grass. One ex
tremity of this hollow Wipped"gently down. to the
river's bank, while the upper end Wait flttarded by a
singular old: breimiwood - mtee. The rade trunk rose
upward fenrmr,fitfateet; Wharnit mullet -sadden
(e!i 4.1
Although I enter not,
Yet round about:the spot,
Ofttimm I hover;
And near the eaered gate,
With longing eyes I wait,
Expectant oat her.
The minster bell tolls out
Above the city's rout,
And noise and bumming bell;
Thebushed the minister bell;
The organ 'gins to swell;
She's coming, coming I
My lady comes at last,
'Timid and stepping fast,
And hastening hither,
With modest eyes, downcast.;
She comes—thres hero, she's pest—
May heaven go with her!
Kneel, undisturbed, fair saint!
Pour out your praise or plaint '
Meekly and duly;
I will not enter there,
To sully your pure prayer
With thoughts unruly.
But suffer me to pace
Round the forbidden place,
Lingering& minute.
Like outcast spirits wbo wait
And see through' Heaven's gate:
Angels within It.
" Freedom and Right against Slavery and Wrong."
bend, like the elbow of a man's Anna ran parallel
With the earth, perhaps three feet or more, and then
shot towards the sky, straight-es an arrow, and its
smooth, white stem, and the fantastic boughs, which
loomed high up in t he air, seemed more pletnresque
because it was the only tree of that species in that
neighborhood. It ,was beneath this old tree that
our washerwoman performed her duty, from the
first starting of the grass in the spring till the frost
of autumn rendered it crisp under her feet. In a tiny
hallow, just below the roots, site built her fire, au
Iron grapple secured her hook to that portion of
the trunk which formed a line above it, a huge brass.
kettle swung all day long over the cheerful blaze,
with the smoke curling round It and terming fan
tastic wreaths among the broad leaves and tassel-like
balls overhead.
The droll looking old tree would have formed a
scanty shadow to protect our kind old lady from the
sun; but just beyond It on the level ground, stood
a huge white pine and a hemlock, with the branches
Interlaced and covered with a foliage so thick that
it seemed impossible for the sunshine ever to reach
the grass which grew underneath. It was a pleasant
sight when that nice old woman stood at her stand
by the wash-tub, within the shadow flung from this
group of trees. The red cloak lay folded on the
moss near by; the sleeves of her striped short
gown were carefully rolled np; and the snow-white
border of her ra rose and fell with the motion of
her head, while her hands passed with a constant,
and sometimes feeble motion, up and down her
There the old woman was, in the quiet shade. all
day long herd at work, and with a tranquil melan
choly hanging about her which must have originated
In the morn tearful sorrow of her early life. How
kind and patient she was—always smiling indul
gently at our mischievous pranks, and thanking us
every time we brought her a stick of driftwood, or a
cop of water from th e spring, like a hroken-down
gentle-woman as she was, and how good naturedly
she prepared the smallest sized tub of the set that
weimight washout the pocket-handkerchiefs and mots-
line. She would smile to see how busy we became,
how earnestly we scattered the white foam about,
and with what desperate energy we wrung the bits
of muslin and tiny ruffles in Imitation of hermit
when she prepared a sheet or tablecloth for the
It was seldom that our industry outlived the
thousand tiny bubbles that rose and broke with a
rainbow tinge amid the snowy foam which filled our
tub; before we could get a fair view of the water
underneath some new freak always carried us off
into the woods in search of birds' nests, or young
wintergreen. We became very thirsty and wanted
drink, or had taken a divided fancy to search for
strawberries on the knoll, or gather peppermint
from the hollow. But the old woman did not scold
us, thongh we tired of usefulness ever so soon; etc
was always ready to Indulge us over again, and we
Insisted on spreading her clothes on the grass, to
ward sunset, she never made any objection, though it
always gave her additional trouble when she was
worn out with labor. But we loved the poor washer
woman, and would run to the house alter luncheon
half a dozen times a day. We always kept her tire
a-blaze from the driftwood which lodged on the
bank ; and when nightfal came, and her task was
done, there was always a spirited run from the gram
sy slope, where the clothes were dried, to the pine
shade ,• and she -who curried the washerwomen'
cloak bark. was a happy girl, Indeed. Then Came
the buttered muffins, and the strong ten, which was
provided for her comfort In the house. How e a
loved to climb np the back of her chair, and study
the tea grounds in the bottom of her cup. Such
castles, and serpents, and rings, to say nothing of
the Idols and wild animals we saw there, was a per
fect miracle. The fortune always came true; we
were always to get "credit marks" during the week ;
be very good child: en and not say a single angry
word for a long time; she saw-that in the cup—with
presents and all sorts of pretty things—and the
words wrought out their own p rophecy with us.
There was always a parce l, containing cadens
small papers of tea, sugar, and other groceries, laid
on the corner of the table just before the washer
woman went borne. ,And when our mother gave
her the money due for her work, andpointed to the
Parcel, the would drop a courtacy , told the gift 11 , 1-
der,ber cloak, and depart without speaking a word ;
bat sometime in the week Lida always came with a
basket of wild fruit, a been-et of flowers, or perhaea,
a quantity of young wintergreen and asesafras bark,
just enough to exhibit a grateful feeling, and au
honest desire to relieve hersell from obligation.
A change fell upon our washing days; the old
woman came as usual, but alas! Lida, dear Lida, no
longer helped us to gather sticks from the drift
heaps, or allowed her ringing laugh to set the birds
chirping, from sympathy, in the pine woods. Lida
was an apprentice now— learning a milliner's trade
on Falls MW. It was a sad loss to us. We went
down to the hollow two or three days after her de
sertion, with a desperate resolution to be happy in
spite of her absentia We laughed louder than ever;
ran races like greyhounds, frightened the plreflsle_a
with stones; and tried every expedient to make a
day seem natural ; bet it was like dancing without
mirk, or a green flower with the sunshine ex
it was a disappointment to us that Lida never
came through the pine woods, to her work. She
lived in a little one atory house close behind Castle
Rock. It was a solitary and beautiful spot., far from
rrnif highway ; and Lida went to Fall Hill through a
toetpath which ran across the pasture lots,spreadivg
away from the high banks which formed our valley.
But sometimes the young girl would start early, and
come with her mother for a few minutes Monday
mornings, but abs seemed more' thoughfal than
formerly, and there was eomething pecaliery sweet
in her smile, which was more beautiful than her
bird like laugh- Her complexion settled into that
clear pearly white which carries the idea of mental
purity with le while it indicates perfect health quite
as truly as the richest bloom.'Her eyes were very
changeable, and shaded by the longest and most
jetty lashes you ever saw; while her little month
was bright and red as a ripe strawberry. When sec
smiled much, a dimple settled on her cheek and
round her mouth, like the shadow of a honey bee,
when hovering around a lily; and when Lida was
seventeen and had b eg an her apprenticeship it was
pleasant to observe how lovely the child became as
she approached the threshold of womanhood.
The milliner's shop where Lida worked, was in
the second story of a dry goods store, near the Epis
copal church. There were two rooms in the front,
separated by a narrow entry; and as Miss Smith,
the milliner, always took a remarkable fancy for
fresh air whenever lawyer Gilbert was in the oppo
site room and Instated that the door should be If_ ft
open, Lida was sometimes hours together that she
could not lift her eyes without knowing that a
young man , rather handsome, and with singularly
fine eyes sat within the adjoining room ; though she
never looked directly at him, or could see the least
Indication that he took any advantage of Mies
Smith's liberality regarding the door.
Mires Smith was a to svn-bred ,dasking
es sociable, and ready to impart information regard
ing former conquests in town, even to her appren
tice girls, so long as they were content to adtnire
at a respectful distance; but amid all ber conde
scension she never allowed "our Lida" to forget
the Immeasurable distance between the bleach box
and the wash-tub. She sat before her two aren
tice girls, with one foot resting on a bonnet - b lock, p
twisting up little bows of ribbon, and admiring the
effect, like Calypso among bertivnieha—that is, sup
posing the goddess ever condescended to become
useful without the least shadow of necessity,
as Mies Smith affirmed was the case with her
self. Sometimes the lady would quietly steal a
glance through her dark ringlets to observe If the
lawyer was remarking the elegance of her position ;
and as the girls seldom lifted their eyes in that di
rection It was easy to Indicate the force of her
charms by exclamations of " Dear mel I wonder,
why Mr. Gilbert la always looking, Ms way! What "
can he find AO interesting! I really wish he would
not sit so exactly against thedoor!"
Had the girls looked toward the lawyer's office
at such times, they would have wen him tranquilly
poring over s new volume in paper Wading, with
his beck towards the door, his chair balanced. on ,
two legs, and his feet resting on the edge of a table
covered with law hooks is sheepskin backs, perfect
ly linters:dated, a pair of boxleg gloves, a flute,
-quantities of writing paper, and pens without num
ber- U Mr. Gilbert really was attracted by the bold,
Mack eyes which were so often beent upon him, or
we of a neck more than usull exe
when thether was affirm enough f ,
doors t pos o b e
lett open, be was enough of a lawyer to avoid the
observation of witnesses to his delinquenclea ; and
though Miss Smith's evidence passed very well be
fore her elder apprentice, and deal, unsophisticated
Lida. it was good for nothing In a court of law, and
no damages were likely to follow.
It would have been a very unprincipled thing In
the lawy_er r had the deep flounces and pretty caps
which Kiss Smith set for him, taken effect—for be
was already engaged to a young WV who had just
returned from boarding school in New Haven ; and
the fine old homestead, which stood a little back
from the church embowered in a grove of oaks, and
with an - old fashioned flower garden attached, was at
that very moment tumultuous with the noise of
Workmen who were preparing it for the receptive
'all hi/de—lawyer Gilbert's bride.
yes per
Once or twice Mr. Gilbert did actually Lift his
e from the pa bound volume, when Ks -s
tin admitted of the effort without too much troubpole,i
and looked earnestly into the milliner's room; but
as Mbssilmith leaned her bead and cast aide glances
through the inetertlee thus made between two of
her longest curls, she 6aWlitit his eyes were fixed,
not on her, but on the drooping lids and dark lashes
of Lids, the washerviontan's daughter.
He might well gaze on the innocent picture of
thatlrourmglrli. as_ sal- on a low. stool br oo lg ,
anther Wtoritirtierditris tuartwtsted In a
massive braid around her finely moulded head, her
tiny foot creeping out from beneath the folds of her
calico dress, and ber small hand fluttering about the
roserolored silk she was sowing, like a blrdcoqutt-
Una with a flower. And the milliner might, indeed.
experience an uncomfortable sensation as she turned
her kindling eyes on the unconacions possessor of
so much loveliness—especially 'aa lawyer Gilbert
never turned a page that afternoon, without stealing
a look at the gentle girl from over the top of his
The next morning Lida was banished to a • front.
Window directly out of range with the door, The
prettiest prospect hmiginable lay before it; and
the poor girl was delighted with the change. Bred
to the fields as she had bean, It was so pleasant to
look up from her work now and then, and rest her
aching ayes with a glance at tpe green trees, and
the cool blue sky beyond. She was very grateful for
the change in her position, and thanked the milliner
so sweetly again and again that the lady really be
gan to applaud herself for having done a kind action
—a sensation which front its extreme novelty,
must have been exceedingly agreeable.
[tiredly before Lida'. window was a closely
trampled greensward, divided by the highway as It
curved up from the valley. Opposite stood a, huge
willow tree, with a profasiOn of delicate foliage
drooping over its heavy branches to the ground.
Behind this tree was a two story house, while as a
snow drift, and surrounded by a rose thicket; a
light portico was over the front door, and around
one of its slender pillars a single honeysuckle sine
had twisted Itself like a wreath. The house was so
near that Lido could almost count the crimson
blossoms from her seat by the window and when a
young girl would come to the portico with a book,
which she never read, nr an embroidery frame,
which she never used, Lida would ply her needle
with great diligence, and blush to be so earnestly
regarded by the most accomplished end haughty
girl In the village. She knew that this young lady
was the Intended bride of Mr. Gtlbtrt, but never
dreamed that it was hispre.ence near window,
with his flute, that drew llbs Warner's attention
to the building. Poor Lida! In the innocence of
her heart she was beginning to think that the board
ing school graduate had taken a fancy to her and
was desirous of an acquaintance.
In order to interest Mr. Gilbert, MIAs Smith bad
. .
already exhausted all positive means of attack. Bile
had sent to Ms room tor a volume of Byron, she
doted on hla poetry it was .0 soft, and would he
so obliired if Mr. Gilbert favored her by the loan-of
Childe Harold, or Manfred, or any of lila comedies.
Mr. Gilbert returned answer duat his copy of By
roe wa9 lent to Mies Warns nerose the way
Mies Smith's compliments again—" Would Dl r.
Gilbert oblige her by playing that lovely air once
mores—Miss Smith was so delighted with it."
Mr. Gilbert unserevmd hie fiat% laid it on the tie.
ble, and then returned his moat respectitil comply
menta to NOM Smith, but the-physician had lot ,
bidden him to practice more then fifteen minutes at
a time under any drew - natal - Ss.
The milliner could bit no other device, em she cave
an additional flounce to her dress, let down a ringlet
or more subduing length from her hair, moved hn•r
work table decidedly opposite the door, and had re
aolvad on a siege the success of which moat depend
on her own personal attractions, when Lida became
an apprentice, and was banished to the front win
During the four days that followed the punishment
Intended for Lida, Niles Smith was In tine spirits.
Mr. Gilbert not only looked toward her more than
twenty times a day, but on ono Instance ha paused
In the entry passage, end took a step towards the
door, us if tempted to enter. Bat be change& hiS
mind, and In a few minutes Lida eaw him cross the
highway, enter the white portico oppo"ite, and alt
down by the young Indy who was loitering away the
morning in the •bade
The next day It rained, and everything looked
dull and miserable. The water drops pattered cease
lessly against the windows, and the old willow
stood on the green with its brunches drooping to
the earth, like the plumage of a bird that could tird
no shelter. The work room was cold and cheerless.
Miss Smith eat by the tahe, disappointed and cross.
The moist air which swept in (rota the entry, took
the stiffening from her silks. and U she closed the
door all hopes of seeing the Isweer were at an end for
the day. She would have submitted to tha faded
luster of her goods, but when the damp had tak•n
her ringlets out of curl, and began to chill her neck,
the flung a shawl over her shoulders, tore up a
bonnet pattern to roll up her hair In, and putting on
the worst of tempers with her altered looks, odered
the door Closed, and determined to make a miscra-
ble day of it
A knock at the door.•
"Come in," mid Miss Smith; "Lida, go and get
the black crape bonnet you altered yesterday, the
boy has come alter It, I suppose."
Lida had scarcely time to lay down her work,
when the door epened and Mr. Gilbert walked
quietly into the room.
Miss Smith blushed erimson, dropped her shawl,
and seemed tempted to commence depredations on
the curl papers forthwith—Lida took up her work
again, and Mr. Gilbert sat down amid a torrent of
compliments from Miss Smith and began to turn
over a volume of Byron, which he had brought in
his band.
He bad done himself the pleasure of bringing the
book which MIAs Smith had desired.
Miss Smith was delighted—would Mr. Gilbert
oblige her by reading a few passages, if he was not
too much enzaged—she had been informed that he
read beautifully.
Mr. Gilbert would be too happy but the light was
so dim that be must sit by the window--so moving
his chair with the self-possession of a man accustom
ed to have his own way—he eat down within a few
paces ofLida. She did not look up, but the most de;l
- of all blushes broke over her cheek, and the
young man saw that, her fingers were a Fitt le trem
ulous, as she bent diligently . over her work. lie
seemed busy searching fora favorite poem, and Miss
Smith took" advantage of the opportunity to 1,1
down a quantity of black hair, width the nantilatul
pattern bad tailed to render more than wavy, and
giving her flounces a light shake, she drew her chair
to the window, ordered Lida to place a bonnet
block for her feet, and folding her hands with a
graceful leegour, composed herself to listen.
It would be quits superfluous to say how many
times the sensitive Miss Smith lifted her hands and
exclaimed—" beat Hui I exquisite! oh! hove sweet!"
while the reading of Cbilde Harold went on; or to
give any description of the color which glowed and
deepened in the cheek of our Lida, and the pleasure
which filled those soft eyes till they sparkled like
gems beneath her drooping lashes. But It is quite
necessary to inform the reader that after this rainy
day Mr. Gilbert was a constant visitor at the mil
liner's shop—that he read Childe Harold quit..
through, and when Miss Smith solicited some of the
shorter poems, ho looked at Lida and answered no—
he would, but not there. Miss Smith was delighted
with this indication that her neighbor desired a
tete-a-tete, and Lida, who had heard Byron for the
first time—though she had read more than most
girls of her age—was quite unconscious of the com
pliment paid to bee purity of character in the de
nial. The lawyer bad a large library, and there was
no lack of books for perusal. Lids seldom spoke
while he was reading, but it was pleasant for au in
dolent and refined man like Gilbert to study the
changes of her sweet face. It was like a volume of
" unwritten poetry," which no one could read bat
himself. in less than a wtwit his easy chair was
wheeled tut° the milliner's room every day, and he
was galtyrdomestleated among the straw trimmings,
scraps cd satin, and paste-board chips, that littered
the actor.
fiamd. se of aristocratic distinction is a remarka
ble Icasant feeling, but in order to enjoy it perfect
-1 ern must be some companionship. It was very
fessant and agreeable for Miss Warner to be the
richest and most accomplished belle of a country
village. It was pleasant to be engaged to a wealthy
and handsaws young man like Gilbert, but as she
did not cars for hooka, had no one but a widowed
mother to bestow the flattery which schoolmates
barter one with the other, as she detested all useful
employment, it was to be expected that her time
must pass somewhat heavily, especially after the
first objects that presented themselves when she
went to lounge away her mornings In the portico,
where the sweetfaco of Lida, bent over her work, by
the opposite window,andjust beyond,the dark locks
and White forehead of her own affianced husband.
Miss Warner was not absolutely Jealous but she
was very Idle, and so, naturally enough, Jealous` to
think it just possible that the country m Weer
might have received something worth looking; at
from town. One mOrnhigtsho was crossing the high
way elaborately firmed, with delicate peach blos
som gloves on her hands, and a deeply imaged par
,asol guarding her face from the sun. There was a
great deal of artificial grace in her step as alie glided
: over the greensward. and the little affected tap
• which she gave to the milliner's door was eloquent
'of high breeding. Then . there was the patronizing.
bend to Mine Smith, the gracefully extended hand
to Gilbert, and the quiet stare at poor Lida, who sat
,blushing like a guilty thing before the window..
Gilbert touched his lips to the peach blossom glove,
but when he .m 7 - the supercilious look . fixed on.
Lids, be dropped it again, and a dash of color swept
over btu forehead. Miss Smith was full of delight,
examined all her finery, and distilled more flattery
into a conversation of -fifteen minutes, about the
leghorn flats, than was ever bestowed in the same
time on those ladles who purchase it by the year,
In the form of a 4. bumble companion."
Miss Warner's dignity was not of an order to
withstand the Nanny, and even It `me affianced
husband bad not been a constant srh . ,It Is doubt
ful it the honeysuckle portico would . at soon have
been abandonedlor the milliner's room and its gas•
sip freedom.
than a fortnight, the peach bloesom-glovis
were soiled bpi Constant du; and tt Gilbett wag a
feature In the milliner's shop, his lady love haunted
It almost as regularly intim did. She thought Mira
Smith such a nice creature—so capable of appre
ciating true elegance o 1 manners—so very tasteful in
her bonnets and fancy caps! It was beautiful to see
bow condescending the sated Miss became, how
useful she made herself in snipping up little bits of
satin, and how prettily she would ask Gilbert It be
did not think she would make a good milliner if she
did not learn the trade, and other like Important
questions which would have diversified the pages of
Milton and Young, which he was reading, with an
agreeable variety.
The jealousy which springs from affection painful
ly aroused, cannot be diveaied of generosity; hat
that which arises from mortitled vanity is bitter and
implacable. It was not long before Miss Smith be
came convinced that the gentle girl who sat lbt.Cl:l
- wills such intense Interest to every word that
dropped from the eloquent lips of lawyer Gilbert
was his sole attraction to the room, and a few adroit
words of his affianced bride were enough to arouse
her attention to the damask coinr that came. and
went in the poor girl's cheek whenever young Gil- .
bert addressed her.
"Artful wretch !" muttered the future Ipide, set
ting her pearl white teeth passionately together es
she spoke; ".he think of attracting him I" and with
a slight scornful laugh, in which the milliner joined,
she began practising her atupa in a distant corner of
the room.
Gilbert went home that night with his affianced
bride, and the next day he s..nt in a book for Lida,
but avoided tho milliner's room altogether. Thu
young apprentice only saw him as he crossed the
green toward the building. lila countenance watt
very serittits, and he seemed to avoid looking toward
the wind Ow.
Just at' night Miss Warner came In. She took the
milliner Into a distant part of the room, and as they
conversed in low voices a scornful laugh now and
then reached the apurentice, who had become Derv , -
ous and sensitive, she scarcely know why. Miss
Smith followed her visitor into tho entry.
" It is well I mentioned it in time," she said, in a
confidential whisper.
Miss Warner tore her glove as eho attempted to
draw it on.
"A pretty speculationfor a washerwoman's daugh
ter," she paid, with a curling lip.
" But he cared nothing about her," rejoined Miss
Smith, a little anxiously.
" No, indeed ; he was quite angry at the charMs
and consented to stay from your room forever, if I
desired it."
"She would have made a splendid mistress for
the homestead up yonder," rejoined .ML's Smith,
with another low, disagreeable laugh ; " It is almost
a pity she failed ha her aim upon it."
'Splendid!" exclaimed the bride, with a light
mocking laugh; " but no,no—l should not so much
regard seeing him the son-in-law of a washerwoinan,
but It would break my heart to know that any one
but myself was mistress of the homestead and prop
ert ' '
" Hark - did you not hear some one moving in
his office?" said the milliner, listening apprehen
Miss Warner listened a moment, and then an
swered, in a faint voice—
" No—it cannot be. I sew him going towards
the horse just as I came in."
" Let us move towards the door—there can be no
harm In that," whispered Miss Smith, and they ,
walked down the entry conversing together. After
a little, the sound of their half-sapprossed laugh
ter tilled the little apartment
"It would be a capital joke!" said the milliner.
"Just the punishment she deserves, presumptu
ous creature !" was the reply.
" But can you persuade him to join us ?" was the
next question.
" Ile slaafl ft ,
Gilbert was standing that night in the little porti
co of his bride's dwelling. It was a delightful eve
ring—every thing was deluged with a flood of pear
ly moonlightand the dew lay like rain-drops among
the crimson flowers which shed a rich fragrance
from the honeysuckle vine tide was by his side,
his area had been around her waist. and but u few
moments before his eyes bad been bent with tender
and affectionate earnestness on her face, but noir
his arms were folded and ho looked almost sternly
upon her.
"Do you really desire this, Loutaa ?" be said, In a
deep, constrained voice ; " would you ever respect
me again, it I could do so cruel, so unmanly en
"l will never love you again, if you do not!"
the petulant reply.
An expression airrwo4 of disgust swept over the
young man's face,and his lips trembled as he spoke.
"Tell me, have you been to Miss Smith's to-day ?"
he Inquired.
"Yes—l was there just at sunset. But why do
yon ask ?"
"No matter! Have you thought all this over;
are you resolute to deceive this pour girl I"
"itesolute I"
"Are you willing that I devote myself to win her
"They are already given, without the trouble of
Gilbert's, brow contracted in the moonlight, and
the word "Unwomanly!" was smothered between
his compressed lips."
."And you will assist me—will tell her that you
resign all claims on my hand—on the homestead
and property !" he added, with a slight and bitter
emphasis on the last words.
'Yes—yes; I will dp my part to perfection—hove
mortifying the truth will be when she thinks her
self Mrs. Gilbert and finds that it is a joke."
"But think of the shock It will give her pride and
"Add refinement—pray, add refinement!" said
the young girl, scornfully; "pride, delicacy, and re
finement are such common attributes to the daugh
ters of our washerwomen !"
"You are only doing this to annoy me ;" said the
young man : "so go ,, d night, you will throw o ff the
foolkil wish before morning.' '
Shill I.'" replied the girl, with a slow hr,nd of
the head.
Gilbert turned away, and taking rip his fiat-was
about to leave the house, but she laid her hand on
his arm, and looked smilingly In his
"They tell me the house is finished—will you take
me to look at It in the morning 7"
"If you desire it," was the cold and abstracted
I shall be ready at ten. Good night !"
and pally kissing her hand, the young creature glid
ed Into the house.
"It was her voice, and she was planning this de
sign with that infambus milliner. I would not be
lieve my own senses till she confirmed them. But
she will not persist In cup thing so cruel—it is ab
surd to suppose so. If she does—lf she does—l will
obey her."
As he muttered these words, the young man walk
ed slowly from the house.
How melancholy poor Lida had been all the pre
vie us day—how many strange conjectures had pas,
ed through her brain regarding the remarkable ab
sence of Mr. Gilbert. They haunted her all night., and
In the morning, when she came along the foot-path
through the fields, tears stood in her eyes more
than half the way. She had cast many a sad, ear
nest gaze through the shop-window, before she saw
Gilbert and Miss Warner coming through the oppo.
site portico. The sight made the heart struggle
with a throb of pain in Llda's bosom, and a TWA,
came over her ayes till they could scarcely discern
the needle with which she seemed occupied. They
were coming towards the shop, and the sound of
their footsteps In the entry made the young girl
tremble in her seat. "Come," said Miss W arn e r ,
addressing the milliner, "put on your bonnet.. We
are going up to the house, and want your opinion."
Miss Smith ran for her bonnet, and for the fart
time in her life, the young lady addressed the ap
"Get your arm.bonnet," said she ;
with os."
The blood rushed over Lida's face, and she would
have refused ; but Miss Warner whispered a word
to her lover, and he pressed Lida to go with such
respectful earnestness, that she arose, tied on her
little straw cottage, and was ready to attend them
long before Miss Smith made her appearance.
The homestead was a large and superior old man
skin for a country village. The material was heavy,
and. touched with the brown tinge of-age; the trees
around It were majestic, and the shrubbery luxuri
ant ; its furniture was that of another country, old
fashioned and teassive, bat Gilbert bad interspersed
it with chairs and tables of lighter and more recent
model; and the gloom which low ceilings gave to
an apartment was relieved by tall mirrors and' mod
em windows, which were cut inlet ceiling to deer.
Altogether, it was a dwelling which a domes
tic and studious person would have preferred above
all others.
Lida had never seen any thing half so splendid be
fore, but there was a heavy feeling at her heart
which mere novelty could not dispel . She followed
her conductors up the broad Stairs, beard thena ad
mire the balusters of dark mahogany, and walked
through the chambers like one In a dream. She
was pale, bewildered, and sick at heart, almeit for
the first me in her life.
There. was one room on the first floor which Gil
bert had fitted - up exclasive/y kir his beide. It had
but one bay window, which.laPenekuPee hetteed
verdant nook of the old fashioned garden an this
window required no drapers, for nu immense white
rose-true was trained along the esaement, till a pro
fusion of thick green leaves and snowy blossoms
drooped like a curtain over the upper, part, and
When the sub was open a storm ot fragrant letivea
fell like snow Baker, all over the rich old easy
chairs and moss like carpet which decorated the
room. On a curious little tallio with legs curved
, auad,twiated, together,llkei a Opt et serpenthlayalt
guitar. With' an *sore ribbon just IttacUd, Sadie
yet unused; a superb old book•caao, filled with
neatly bound volumes, stand opposite the bay win
dow, and a little French work-table, perfectly new,
occupied a'corner close by.
Miss Watner flung herself on a scat, and taking
up the guitar, began to trifle with the strings, as she
turned with an unpleas-mt look toward Lida.
"Bow would you like this room for your own ?"
she said.
"Me 1" said Lida faintly ; "I have never thought
of living in such a place as this."
"Bat you can live here if you like," replied the
"My mother was well off once, and she world
not let me live out for any thi." said the appren
tice, for she could only imagi ne that Miss Warner
wished to engage her for "help," when abo should
take possession of the homestead ; "besides lam
not strong enough for very hard work."
"Oh, we don't mean that," replied the milliner;
"Mr. Gilbert wante a wife, and risible lady here has
taken a fancy that be likes you rather better than
he does her, this Is quite willing that he makes you
mistress or the homestead, instead of herself"
"Don't say so—it is ernel to joke in this manner,"
said the bewildered girl turning very pale; "I am
sure, quite sure, that Mr. Gilbert never thought of
me f" Lida spoke hastily, but in a faint voice, and
she had a load of troubled doubt in her eyes, as U
she almost hoped they would contradict her.
"But he does think of yon—ho told me so last
night I" said Mu; Warner, "and it lam willing to
give him up, what harm can come of It ?"
"And eoutd on give him up P" said Lida, clasping
her small bands with an energy which bespoke her
astonishment that any one could resign, of her own
free will, a being 40 perfect
"Oh, Mr. Gilbert is not the only agreeable gentle
man on earth," replied the young lady, removing
the azure ribbon from her ruck and laying down the
guitar: "1 am perfectly willing to resign him at
any moment—so prepare for the wedding to-mor
row if you like!"
As she spoke Miss Werner and her companion
glided from the room. Lida had no power to fol
low, she was confused and strengthiess, a mist came
over her eight, and sinking to a seat she covered her
tree with both hands, and remained in a state of be
wilderment almost unconscious of the solitude which
surrounded her.
Miss Warner and the milliner met Gilbert in the
hall, and both were laughing as they moved toward
" We have broken the ice for you," aald Miss
Warner ; "she is in the little room yonder, quite
prepared for a;proposal."
"And you are really determined to awry Usti=
to an end ?" inquired the young lawyer, gravely.
"Oh, by all means," was the reply; "It really is
ridiculous the idea of her believing as. I wish you
had seen her clasp those bands, end wonder how I
could give you up. Go—go before she takes it into
her head to follow us. But say, Gilbert, do remove
that horrid little table with the twisted legs—it is
such a fright."
"It was my mother's," replied the lawyer, quietly.
" Well—well; It can he pot in the garret, andkept
quite safe. But go along—your lady-love is wait
Mr. Gilbert stood motionless in the hall till Ills
affianced bride and her companion disappeared
amid the oaks; he then turned with a calm face and
resolute step toward the little room where Lida had
been left She was still sitting In the easy chair;
sobbing like a child, and tears were breaking, like
halt confined jewels, through the slender fingers
that concealed her face.
Gilbert approached with a coh3less tread, and gently
taking one of the hands from her face, presied It to
his lips. She started up and tried to conceal her
tears with the remaining hand, while her brow and
face and neck were deluged with crimson.
His voice was strangely tender and musical for the
cruel plot ho was acting.
"They hare told you no falsehood, Lida," hesaid,
"I do Indeed love you very, very much. Will you
conic nod live with me here in this pleasant old
house where my parents were so happy ? Call you
love me, and study for my sake when we are mar
rind ? For Hyatt can answer yes, to what I have
aald, with your whole heart, in three days yea shall
be my own - sweet wife!"
The poor girl could not answee—she was perfectly
overcome by the sensation of exquisite happiness
that thrilled every nerve. •• -
• Why do you weep so, Lida? Am I annoying
you by thee° questions?"
" No—no," said the young girl, half lifting her
eyes to lils face, "it is not that! lam so surprised,
so shocked—so very, very happy, because"
She broke off in confusion, turned her bead away
an instant, and then looked him earnestly in the
"You are sincere with Inc I" said she; "I half sus
pected that Miss Warner guessed how much—l
mean how well I thought of you—and so was trying
to punish me with false thoughts; but you, Mr. Gil
bert, you could not have the heart to Uhl° With me
so dreadfully—lt would kill me, It would indeed!"
Gilbert tried to look in the soft eyes, lifted so lull
of eloquence to his face, but he felt the- hot blood
rush to his forehead, and answered hurriedly that
he was most sincere, most earnest to make her his
wife. Ile kissed her forehead as the words were ut
tered, when suddenly conselous that they were
alone in the house she wished to leave it, Ile drew
her arm respectfully through his, and conducting
her to the hall and went in search of MLA Warner
and her companion. They were in the girder, chat
ling In high spirits, and lull of laughter at the suc
cess of the scheme.
" And how did you succeed ? Did she suspect ?
How did she act?" they exclaimed, together, run
ning eagerly toward him.
As you predicted," replied the lawyer, with a
gine.. smile; "your pleasant little hoax will be
carried out three evenings from this."
" But I have Just been thinking—who can we find
that will play the mhilster?" exelalmed 3ilss War
" Here is a dilemma!" chimed In the milliner.
" Not in the least," replied Gilbert ; "I have
thought of that already. My friend Morris, who
graduated with me at Yale last summer, is just the
man. He looks as much like a Parson as if bred to
the cloth—l will ride to town in the morning, and
let hint into our frolic."
" There—now all is arranged. We must give her
a wedding dress, Gilbert, and that will console her
for your loss," said Miss Warner.
They walked towards the house, and found Llda
standing In the ball She advanced to the milliner
as she came in.
" I am not well enough to work this afternoon—
Carl Ihome r
oh, go
certainly ! We cannot expect you to think
of a trade now; said the milliner, casting a glance
of sly ridicule at Miss Warner. "Mr. Gilbert or
course will see you home."
The blood burned in Lida's cheeks, but she an
swered, with gniet dignity, that she wished to see
her mother alone.
"Then she is not out washing today?" impaired
the milliner, with another covert look at Gilbert and
his companion.
Lida could not understand the low malice of the
question, so she answered quietly that her mother
was at borne, and left the party, when they went
toward the milliner's work room.
The next morning the washerwoman was at our
house very early—she wished to consult with those
who bad been kind friends to her, regarding the
strange proposal which her daughter had received.
Mr. Gilbert bad been at her house the night before,
she said, and everything settled for a wedding on
the next evening but one. Of course, no opinion
could be given after affairs had gone so far; so con
senting that "the children " might come to
da on her wedding day, oar mother allowed the
kind woman to depart without expressing any of
the mirdivinga that beget her own mind.
Mr. Gilbert drove by the house in the afternoon,
and took the New Haven road. The second day
from that we were permitted to visit the washer•
woman's house, behind Castle Bock.
It was a bright day, and the little house looked
neat and cheerful as wo approached it, through a
foot-path cnt across a meadow, golden with butter
cups and mottled lilies. Lida was gathering little
flowers from a yard which surrounded the only door
in her dwelling, and In a few moments we were
busy as herself gathering daisies from the meadow
and wild honeysuckle from the rocks, which we
brought down in armfuls and heaped on the door
step, ready for use.
Before sunset the widow's house might have been
mistaken for a sylvan lodge,. it was so fragrant with
blossoms. The whole dwelling Contained but three
apartments, a kitchen and two entail sleeping rooms ;
but these were as neat as human hands' could make
them. The pine floor and splint chelrewore Bemir
ed as white as it wan possible for wood to become ;
Vie Little old-fashioned looking alkalies were crown
ed with asparagus branches. Where the red berries
hung thick and bright as coral dropa along the del
icate green spray; the scant Window curtains, of
coarse hat snow white muslin, were.festooned with
wild blossoms and ground pine woven together—
while that in - "the spare bed room" was looped no.
by a elogle - Winath of wild roses and sweet briar
which Wietp-10-140dOW With delicione flagrance:.
On the little - table, In this apartment, stoodeyspan
waiter with a decanter Of wine in the middle. gar*
rounded by slender wineglasses '; and a duo napkin
was spiead over that of cake close by. A ,dress of 1
the purest muslin lay upon a counterpane 'of old
, fashioned dimity, that covered the bed like a sheet
of snow.. , , , . .
'We steed by 'while the wonderedan arrayed her
child for the bridal. rind why her hands
.ehould tremble op, and why the tears should flll'one
Lida's:eye so, constantly, when she Observed 'her
Mother's aBilatlPrl., . .
It was scarcely dark when we caw a party of two
ladif and-4044)anY..gelitletden., eopilas along the,
400l:Vallt4.awsz4 hOusol wluillatwontan
"you can go
02.00 per annum, in advance.
closed ties bed-room door, and went out to receive
her guests, leaving us with the bride. VOW bail:M
ita and pure she looked in the simple dross, that had
exhausted all the money which Ter mother bad
boarded for winter in the purchase. The black bait
which she usually wore in one heavy woof over her
bead, was now divided into three rich' braids, and
knotted together on one side, keit back of the ear,
by a single white rose. Another bud; with the blest;
leaves jest bursar* asunder, ley Witbkathe adds of
sheer muslin that covered her bosom:' When mkt)
placed it there, Lida's cheek grow pale, and her
hands began to tremble, for that moment she beard
Glibert'a step in the next room.
Ile kind to my child," said the wytterwoman,
gently ; " when I was married to her father he
„prosperous, happy, and proud ea you are. Me died,
died left me In poverty. His child has never
a rash word beneath this gentle roof—be gentle to
her as I have been."
The old woman eat down, and bending her head,
began to smooth the folds of her Aided •Me dress, "
and then she tried to conceal the tears that her own
words had unlocked.
Gilbert did not answer, but his cheek turned .*
shade pater, and be bent his eyes almoit sternly On
the two females who had nrged him to his present
embarrassing position.
The young student arose. Re had been
chosen by the plotters, for never was clerical
ty more thoroughly put on. He looked serious and
earnest enough to have deceived more suspicious
persons than Lida and her honest hearted mother.—
Me pronounced the ceremony with Impressive so
lemnity—to Impressive that SUM Werner and her
companion could hardly euppress their laughter at
his successful acting.
The young couple sat down, Lida, confused, and
trembling—bat Gilbert elm motionless, and with
bin eyes bent steadfastly on the two females who
were a little nearer the door. They were whisper
ing together. Miss Warner seemed striving to sup
press her inclination to mirth until the proper time,
and a slight giggle now and then broke from the
milliner, at the exquisite success of their joke.
The washerwoman arose and brought forth the tray
of cake and wine Lids could not taste a drop, but
eh" touched her lips to the glass, while Gilbert-drain
ed his to the bottom. The milliner was compelled
to set her wino on a table, to conceal the laughter
which shook her band—while 3iitsis Warner graceful
ly drank to the bride.
" And now," seldthe young lady setting down
the glass, and dusting the crumbs of cake from her
white gloves, "as our amusement Is over- for the
evening, we will return home, if you are ready, Mr.
Lida lifted her eyes almost in terror to the man
whom she believed to be her husband, while the
seasherwoman arose from her seat and looked Miss
Warner keenlyen the teen.
" You need not look at me so voraelettall„ my
good woman," eald the unfeeling girl; "if I have
lent Mr. Gilbert to Miss Lida here, it was for, our
mutual amusement; but play cannot last forever,
and as it le getting dark, we must go home aga
" Very much delighted with our little pal
chimed in Mite Smith ; "If you get up a wed
in earnest, this would be a delicate pattern- I
the bride will not feel so exalted that she cannot
come to her work in the morning."
The washerwoman was deadly pale—she lifted her
hand as if to enforce silence on the flippant mockery
with which she was insulted, and stepping a ww
forward, was about to address the man who bad vi
olated the peace of her home—hut Lida bad risen to
her feet, and in trying to reach her mother stagger
ed, and would have fallen, but Gilberemehed forth
his arm, and drawing her to his bosom, kissed her
forehead and pale lips, while he trembled from hand
to foot,
" What means this?" exclaimed Mtge Warner,
grasping his arm in passionate amazementj "what
means this In my presence, sir
"It means," said Gilbert, who lifted ihiS bead and
looked firmly around, "that she is my wife before
God and in the eight of maul 'Weak...tile-tell Meth
did you believe me so base—soutterly , devoid of all
manhood.; that I could lend myself to ii plot so atro
cious? I.loved von, Louisa—et least I thoughtso—
and when I was flung into the dangerous socletyof
a creature so lovely as tale young girl, who is my
wife, I felt that your fears wend well Attended that
my allegiance to yonrself was In dem*. consent
ed, as an honorable man should; to letibir Me more.
Yon were not satisfied with this submission to a
jest demand—hut would Mice made me a villain—
, and after that, would have married the dastard for
the sake of his property and the homestead I"
Before the last words were fairly uttered, Miss
Warner had-fallen to the floor le violent hysterics,and
• ...
some two hours after, she undertook rather an un
pleasant walk home through the damp grass, be
tween the crest fallen milliner and the youngelergy
The next day she bad the satisfaction of seeing
Gilbert drive toward the homestead in a baronehe
which had been purchased for another occasion, and
In the back seat .was the washerwoman, In a new
strw bonnet and that identical red cloak—by her
tide sat our Lida, lboking an pretty as a snow-drop,
a sight which made the village aristocrat rather out
of conceit with the " mock marriage;" but we were
perfectly satisfied—trne, we were obliged to look
out for new help—but the homestead -galtLed a cap
ital housekeeper in the washerwoman, and the most
lovely, joyous, and warm-hearted little mistress you
ever saw, when It received "our Lida,"
1. Blessed la ho who does not make axent, for ha
will have no Income tax to pay.
2. Blessed Is the bald-headed man, for his wilco:tan
not pull his hair.
3. Blessed is the Digger Indian, for unto him no
man presenteth a subscription paper.
4. Blessed la the man that to alwata flat broke, for
no man mitt) unto him, " Lend me flea dollars.°
h Blessed Is the man who giveth many and costly
presents to young ladles, for great shall be his re
w.rd—ln a horn.
.6. Blessed Is the man who bath no brains, but
brass In abundance, lot he shall be the ladles' favor
ite. Belah !
7. Blessed is the homely man, for the girls shall
not him : yea, thrice blessed is he, tot when
he asketh a lady to dance, she shall answer
saying, " I am engaged for the next set."
& Blessed is he who pollshof h his boots and not
his morals, who maketh the outside of his bead to
shine, but neglecteth the inside thereof, for all the
girls shall rise up with smiles at his coming, and
call him beantlfal.
9. Blessed is the Chinaman,for when he is asked to
contribute to a "good cense," he answereth,saytng,
" Me no sabre," and straightway the phiJant j h=it
leaveth him, and John goeth on his way re
DRESS ♦ND DISZ/811.—There Is no truth more
firmly established among medical men, than that dis
ease follows fashion as much as bonnets do. When
thin shoes prevail, consumption is the prevailing
epidemic with females in every fashionable com
munity In the country. When low-necked dresses
are In the ascendant, sore throat and enbasey are the
raging maladies, When "bishops" made their ap
pearance. spinal affeations became the • ton." The
reign of corsets is denoted-by collapsed lungs, d,ye.
perils, and a general deratttatigtat of the dila s ho:
organs. Indeed, so intimately are dress and
connected, tbat a doctor says all that he- needs to
determine what a majority of 'woman are dying of
Is, to have an Inventory of their !wardrobe banded to
hits . ..
or A country editor is an individual who reads
newspapers, writes articles on any subject, seta type,
reads proof. works at press , folds and nails papers,
prints jobs, runs on errands ' sags wood , ;works In
the garden, talks to all whocall, !aimless Minis for
a hundred things that are no one's business but his
own, works from 5 A. hi. to 10 P. M., and freqttent
ly gets cheated out of belt of his earnings. Who
wouldn't be a country editor?
Pomona') Rm.—Fanner. Windsor, Using at am.'
dolph, took a pretty " with him to the circus.
Straightway walked his wife to the druggist, of
whom she bought some arsenic. This sheft.t. ed
Into a plo of which'her husband was vg fond.' He
ate it next day for dinner, and that t was pest
the region of flirtation. Mrs. Winds s address la
at Madison jail. -,.
tar An pins:lnt preacher, who ?ambled in his
that ober' requested to Stick to his tent; re
aming Slot would bit the most
lay• A contemporary 44 The first printers
wcce Them" There aro too many "tight una"
• .
among them still. - • . . • •
aflf exercise promoted health, those who ma*
le tt old bills the editors ishoeld - be the longest Wired
'people's:d-earth. s • •-'
NY' Ann Marla Story wail Married to Bob Wit.
43 very pleasant tray or making a " Story Malt"
riga rathreiy awaking, a woman may be said
to - 1C L when she to tarty.
Air Thoßoaton.Rot cots Itwitetaall" , aralkna
o' ead.