'l,? MI H. EL FRAZIER, Publisher. VOLUME 11. guonso gioctorg. DR E. L. BLAKESLEE, HYSICL lat MID SUEGEON. b located at Brodkin, 800. P pnell.llll C.:1 , 0, Pa. Wlll attend promptly to all a 1 ottott be may be tonged. Ofboost L. IL Bildortott. Brooklna, Joty 10, 1865.—yt. Ds. E. L GARDNER, pirracasis &ND SINIMMOIe. Montrose, Pa. Mee on, Webby Store. Boards at Bearle's Hotel. aeoteosearote 3,1666.-tf GROVES Br, REYNOLDS, rSRIONARLE. TAELORS. Shop over obatitl2ll t6re,Mk Avenue. Ilentrose. .766,6 12, 1E65. Da. CHARLES DECKER, DIIYsICIAN Awl) sCROSMIIr, Imeinr located blamer at liochardeille, Susquehanna County. Pa., 111 atteadto all the 1, co ernlel be may to navoredaeltle pecarmtummendattentlem. 09. at toe repldeace Chuillfotea, Too. Bllclardrille, S. Co.. Po, y R 9. 166 a JOHN REA.IIMONT, v crooL CARMIR, Cloth Thmaer, and klanufketorer, is the old IT smnd known as Sith's thurottag Machine. Terms made wbrz the work Is broOesS. /mar. Maroti 941865. DR. G. Z. DIMOCK, DESYSICIAN and SURGEON, MONTROSE. Pa. Office ea I rit:Toirt. appetite the Racrusthean Mat. Bosnia at annual, February ell. 1668.-In C. N. CRANDALL, UTACTURICE of Llnen-wheels, Woolmbeds, Wheel. beta. Cloctotcht, ac. de. Woodier dons coder, and realral manner. Twang 13hop and Wbeel Faaa.• VII &TM' r.rarr January 80t.h, 1863.-13 B. S. BENTLEY, JR., NOTARY PUBLIC, MONTROSE. PA., MAKES Aallowledgment Of Doti* Mort ¢ a¢n, ar., for coy j rttte to the United States. Pennon Vouchers and Pay Per. dna, *eta,' irdard before him do not require the certgarite of the thot of the Court. Montrose. Jan.% 1665.-41. - • - - - lls E. L. HANDRICK, ad,SICIA Lod SIIIIOSON, dooll eel-Aces the citizen or Fricadnflic and vicinity. Of. pi,. roe ...Vs of Dr. last- Boards at .1. Hottarcrt rrcus• nit 11.1144.41 B. W. SMITH, rroans a VOITMILLOII. aT laW Ana Lhasa Otiee over Lee. Drag stare. typez.s2ll% Dot Janual7 113114. EL BURRITT, DULM BUILVZ , C7 .00 042 .. erictkeryglaldollte. LI LNI4 Oda. and meta, Boot+ sun b hoes, Rota 0“. Buto.lo bake:omits, Prnislank/LC. APra /564.-11 S. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS, vrefirraCTUlLlMl3 of 11111 Craning' of all kinds Jl soon, Tha and Sheet iron Ware, Vaal Implements, Dealers It Dr, Gooda,Choetfice, ry,/e, Ilactr.e. P.., Pernazry 101.1604. 4 . ILT.TNGB STROLTD, IRE AND LIFE INBOB.A.NOE LOENT. Once In Loa reOlteddlnyprost end of Brick Block. In Ids sbeezen .at the on« win be transacted by O. L. Brown. farrow_ Fchronry 1. 1814.—rj J. D. VAIL AL D nor tam' h TIIIC PEITS/OLLIA, Ivav penmulastly located a himself In ldoatroee, pa, where he 'rill promptly attend V. wall. in V proihnal- on with whim he may be favored. Om tt: Seidner Wert of tb Court Home, nu Beetle? .t:Eltzteg. lentos, Febnary I, Met -Oct.= IE6I. A. 0. WARREN, A.ITOF.NKT AT 1..2.19,_1301TNTY. BACK PAT end PEA MON CLAIM AOMY. T. All Pouliot Clutha. carefully-ore ;int. Ogre in room formerly occupied by Dr. Veil. to W. LI below Searle. Hotel. dn... Pa.. Feb. 1, IVA.— febl7yl MM3. LEWIS KERBY & a BACON, r IMP constantly on land a full supply of even mint) of a, GROClLitani and comrscrionimm. BY strict utter . to online= and fairneuin deal they hope to merit the liners ptexesge ef ht,e public. An OTBTIB snd TAT7I7 0 SALOON le vatind to the Grocery, arherelifvalves,in amon.„ Are served Incv reapie that the testes of the publiedemantL Ilemombertle ism ,ss (Oa Mon Granny main% on Main Straits the P Voetrolle, N0v.17, 1.983.—met,17,113—if Da. CALVIN C. HALSEY, nOUTSICIAN AND SrHOEON AND EXAMINING SI?R I GEON for PENSIONERS. O boe over the store of J. Lim , I Soo. Pmblie A MM.. Boards at yr. Etheridge!. October. 1839.41 D. A. BAIIIWIN, MRFEY AT LAW. and Puritan. Boaiq. and Bari Pa? Meat, Great Mei, Pasqua.= County, Pa. irtu !had. Aug= 10. 16L-1y BOYD & WEBSTER, nit.A.Lrat Storm Stove Pipe, rrln, Copper, and anal 11 Lmri Ware; anio. Winse Path. Panel Door., WhadoTe TiSLath. Me Lumbar sal hands of BollAlna Ilaterlal• top sou th of Searlea Hotel. and Carpenter Shop near the at;arnhn Ohara. Stumm Pa., January 1. 186 L-17 Da. WILLIAM W. SMITH, 61150L0.15 DEMIST. Mee over the Rankle" 11 a, ba t Co e . :r .41 to .. bi. All . l . Opereja Mll etyle ;fa Remother, offfee formerly of IL amitt 3 - 80111. llcetrooe. Jthuery I , LBO{.—t[ , E. J. ROGERS, traNI:Fac7PUTLYR of all deantptlone of - WAG. 11. ciNn. CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS. ex., to the smile of Wninlarehip and of the best snatertila, s . wo:1 mnwn stand of E. H. ROGERS. s few rods east .' ~. .", r .) bate In Mcnarose, where be . 111 be happy to re. catat callt al all who want anything in hie line. non, mt. J tat 1 , 1563.4.1 DR. JOHN W. COBB, :4161CLA.11 std SITICGEON. respectfully teeflent Ms services tne or sosonettsnna County. He will irinfe Med. / IR ntroo• to tilt ereel one medlesl t ottrett= of Climes of the trt Ker. wad tee be consulted really. eal operstlons -.now nit off* mar W. J. 6 B.H. linifortra Blom Rft.Cenot 11a;.1..reet. east of J. S. Terbelfl Hotel. tot*, onto county, Pe, June =.lBl:lB.—tX BALDWIN 4t, ALLEN, CLLEIrd4 rkoun, Set. Pork, nab, Lard. Grata, Feed eardies. Glom sad Timothy.. See& Also onoosrams, B ' 4 "L''• Yolsaa PYrup... Too and Coffee. Weft Bide of iw roorr.r., ode door below J.Jaberidge. Iztrage, Jsaaary 1, 11354.—G Da. G. W. BELCH, pIfIrsICIAN 6ND SIIIIGEOF. h 2 permanettly located tgateLf at Brooklyn Centex. Past "I"l".Lfa P" 4 " 1 "C" "' N. biked:l.9S of Boataneltanna County. cra tent. conameneras ...tt ne tan, Occuptea the once of the late Dr. B. alchard nt, and :manta at Mra. Mal:ram:ea. Ennt!yr. Cent., Pe.. /rote a. tB6l-t! F. B. WEEKS, ICILIC,TICLL BOOT can ISHOE eso Dealer In shoe, lacathes,ard Shoe RadlnA. EsSialtd_.; dtttoi mine, and dispatch. Tana flooriabove Scarle's Hotel. January I. 1864.41 WM. & WM. H. JESSITP, TTOIINKTS AT LAW, Montrose, Pa. Practice In Buagnt a urn, Bradford, Wayne. Wyoming tad Lawn's Cotelea. Janos!, ist. ALBERT CELLMBERLEN, !vellum A TToftli Emu ATTORNEY AT LAW.— LP , hhc, om the Ma occopted by Pan Bronx's. '" , nox. Ps. January 1., 1850. I LYONS Lt SON, RELLENII IN DST QOODES, Groderkz.Crockemnardwaxa , 11”,ar a &aria, Ildaiodcons. Plano% and all Irina of Mad Sheet Halle. &a. Mao r 7 on am Boot Bind aOlita