Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, March 07, 1865, Image 3

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    the gaticpendent fepublican.
CorrYettonk—Nr. Fchror:—ln notice In your los
of amount raised in Gibson for the soldiers, etc.
y ,, nr type make me say, "Nut prim:NUT:"
%rote net proceeds."
Geo- Hasurodes Corps —An ndtertl•emcbt in
this paper offers liberal Inducements to those en
listing in Major-General Hancock's Corps of Veter
ans. Soldiers so enlisted may be credited to the
places Where they reside.
Alistake.—A paragraph is going the rounds, to
the eflimt that "since the let of Febroaryall receipts
of whatever amount must have on a two cent
stamp.. &e. This is Ineorrert alange has
been made in the law, and only receipts for r2O er
over need the stamp.
.4 Mattered Hendt.—We arc to bare a National
Bask in Susquehanna Depot, A partial ermaniza•
non was bad this week. Next week It is expected
that all the necessary arrangements will be perfected
for going into operation. We will give the names
of officers, etc., hereafter.— Northern iritrwrilearaicin.
U. S.'Seven-77strty Loan,—We desire to direst
the attention of our modern to the advertisement of
W. H. Cooper th Co., who are agents for the sale of
the 7-30 loan. It will be seen that they have already
effected sales to the amount of $lOO,OOO, and think
the whole loan may be
,dispo...d of by the tlrat of
April. The time fur procuring these bonds aid no
doubt soon be pat,
The London quarterfg Reviews—The first
'pninli.r of this valuable publication for the psesent
Tear has the following bade of contents: the Life
. of William Make, Aristotle's History of Animals,
Yon-lees biography of 81r John Elliot, Homer's Ili
ad. Memoirs of 81r Robert Wil•nn, Syriac Alsmu
s..ripta, Semis. Epigram., The United States as an
}.sample. Republished by Leonard Aeott Az CO.,
IS Walker Street, New-York, at e 4 a year.
Jeknowtedgraent.—Rev. R Tower and wife,
:.-nby return their sincere thanks to the members
ot the lemox Baptist Church, and other frlends,who
made them a visit, on the 4th of February, leaving
little over forty dollars as a donation. This ra
newel.' token of kindness we aceept as a mark of es
, em, and it shall prompt us to labor snore earnestly
to tbeir spiritual welfare. Vany thanks are also
due the committee, who contributed eo largely to
the interest of the occasion,
Pronkftn.-4 protracted meeting has been held
:11 the Avutist Church at the Forks for two weeks,
and is still in progress. It is-conducted by Rev.
Mr l'nfrer, of Broome County, New-York. Great
inter , st has been manifested, the house Ming
filled every evening, and sometimes more have
come than could b. nested. Some evenings as
many as forty-live and fifty of the youth, middle
and old men of this vicinity have been on 'he
1111N1 , 11us scat, and there have been many hoiwful
conversions JO (TItAN.
Arretrfag on Ntrta.We have sometimes known
nuts to be Maud so tight that no wrench would re
more them This was because they had been held
in the hand till they became warm, and being then
I:polio:I to very cold screen in Minter, they contract
ed ley cooling on, and thus held the screw with an
,nonorahle geaqt. Alwa3a avoid putting a warm
ant on a cold .crew; and to remove It, apply a large
heated iron In contact with the tint, ao as to heat
and rxpund ft, and It win' loosen at once—or a
et , t 6 wet with bulling water will accomplish the
sloe purpose.
Stamp Danes—All business men slioala have
fin ofn.lal schedule ol stamp duties ; bat for the
nrlit of (armors and others who have little
to use stamps, we append a dot of thoss most
commonly to•ed:
Affreenients or Apprakements, five cents, each
stl,l cl paper to 13.• ~t.umpect.
Lca.,,, five cents,for all rents not over three hnn•
dr.-d dollars.
N live ecntt, If not over one hundred dollars,
and tire cents for each additional one hundred dot
-1.,- or any fraction thereof.
trrchrs, for the payment of money, two cents, if
the ,am be over ten dollars.
ll , ceipts, for money reedved, if over twenty dol
rh, or for the delivers of any property, two cents.
Thompsoses Reporter.—'phis is one of the beat
known, most reliable_ and most s.xt.ssele circulated
of any of the Bank Note Reporters and Counterfeit
ifrtectors in the country. Perhaps we should not
tw..troing too fur in saying that its place among tld•
turn of publications is about where " Webster" is
uw ,ng dicttouaries—at the head, though are
scene aspiring Timis. Its circulation Is now 100,000.
Tar weekly edition is three dollars &year; the svmi
in mills, two dollars; the monthly, nne dollar.—
Addres- Charles Bloudell, Pnbli.her, No. 'lO Spruce
Street:Z . .' Y.
THE BANS. NOTE DEscrtlrrlvE LlST—Snpplemen
bay to the above and by the same publisher, eon
tams accurate descriptions of ail the geunine b an k
mak* ir.noi by the hanks of the tuited States and
Canada, and is pima to all subscribers who pay for
the Reporter one year In advance.
:Wu. One and Trro DORM' Matra.- -The with
drawal of the email note circulation of the State
bake, consequent upon their coming Into the Na
robal Bar.king System, bus occasioned a want which
the Comptroller of the Currency is taking measure,
to .apply by an issue of one and two-dollar notes.—
Tee contract fur the eneraeiug and printing has
been awarded to the " American" and " National "
Bank Note Companies of New-York. The design
and exerruilon of the plates which have been exhib
ited are very tine, and combine ull the recent im
provements to guard against fraudulent alterations
and counterfeits. The., plates will be prepared for
the banks. and the corrency furnished, In order of
their ori:anizations, so it will be doubtless SOUK,
months before the newer banks will be supplied--
To prevent un*Kewsive eiroblation of miter, of mall
detionlina , ion, the currency act provides "Twit not
more than one sixth part of the notes furnished to
at aeera Wtron shell be of a leas denomination that
fit e dullara "
Pennsylvania Insane Altylusn.L . -The aunts.' re
port of tbie instittition has just been issued. Since
ILi ois-ning of the hospital on the first day of Oct',-
her. 1.61, nearly 1,850 persons have participated in
its benefits. Of this number, ItfiO have been
" restored," capsble 01 again entering into
to. huskm as, discharging the duties and partaktng
of um enjoyments of fife. Between four hundred
and twenty and four hundred and thirty have been
:unproved, and their condition greatly ameliorated.
On the first of January, 1 , 64, the number of pa
tients in tyre hospital wet, two hundred nutt eighty.
one, viz • one hundred and furtj-eight Males and
sec hundred and thirty-turet ivrnales. Received
during the your, one hundred and thirty-five pa
tients., t a.: seventy-seven Dl/111 . 9 and fifty-eight fe
males. Discharged do : one hundred and thirty-five
atienta, seventy four males and sixty-one females.
Died do. twenty-nine patients, seventeen males and
twelve - females; amounting, December :;ht, 1%4, to
tau hundred and eighty-one patients, one hundred
and fifty-one mid= and one hundred and thirty fe
Pennell/rants Prtsons.—We hate before ns a
pamphlet entitled "Some Notice of the County
Prisons and ALms.houses of Pennsylvania. Respect
fully Addressed to ilia Excellency A. G. Curtin,
Governor of the Counnonateulth, by the Philadel
phia Society for Allevistbrie the Miseries of Public
- Prisot , s. Philadelphia, 1844." This Society has
been in existence for nearly seventy years, and It is
hebered that it has been successful to a considerable
e xtent in ameliorating the condition of the inmates
el prisons, bulb at some and abroad, and also in
lumbar public atteritton to the subject of pri,noll
or a means nt amending the life and im•
pm, 04: the character of those Who hate incurred
the penalties of the law for ethnics or vlees. sepa l ,
ate cottiee mutt is 011 101 , 'd as one of the means for
11 , ming the minibus!, as contrasted with the old
method of confining many, of rations grades of
clot, together, and Its adoption in the County Jails
recommend-d. Murk interesting Information has
6,11 gathered concerning the Pcnitereini v r, County
truth., 1100 Alimi-honNeak throughout the State, and
Liars for their reformation to certain particulars are
To 111 foot To UV:or-The following , from an
exchange, i 4 the mast logeolows newspaper dun that
has ever Intim to our minket
'Twas on a cold autumns% night ,
A dismal one to view;
Dark clouds obscured fair Velma' fight,
And not a cloud appoint in eight,
As the thick lomat through
11111=1ns-or blue.' ,
Beat hum-ward, "tacking" left and right;
Wham all at once he " brought up" right
Against an old dead yew; •
At which he rounded to," •
And "squaring off," as if to fight,
bald, with an oath I shatetindite, '
" -.lnfernal scoundrel you, ' ,
- _
Light-an' lick you, black or white!"
.lust then about him flew
An owL which on a brahcbslld
A few feet o'er the boozy Wight,
goad thee commenced "'Yu whim , - • -
In whoo-Itt whoo Itt-whool"
QtiotA hinggius-" Dan't you Wok to fright
A fellow of my weight and height
With your Ter wimo, ter who°,
You cursed bugaboo '
An' it you're Ilixlzebob, it's quite
Oniteeessary you should .
Fare ituggluS ithet your
F oney matters are all rlight _
The Printer's paid up-honor bright .
Thereat the owl withdrew ;
Aod Sitiztius mizzleditoo.
But Wrens: %NI etiAPs,4llo/ult=bL
taught Out late some dismal
Who haven't paid what's dtiel ' "•••
They 1 1 7101 P-40 li1tp.•10 001
,arissup pi .
, tc!stsr.—amtritutkWsihr,bie
qr Abrunry: •
Sheldon Meacham,.
Jermieh Meacham,
rietifge antes;
MIL Orlando rlt ,, nti.
:- • Iniarn Wb/tnei,•••-•
From Mite Society (two wettings)
Other sources •
$ 0.03.
E 01,63.
Cash receipts tor the month of F•brnary, 13{_tty
one donare and atzty4hree cent&
t Mss-WM.Vi'itsmons, .Ticaeurir.
&rimy—Whom there I
Fulunns—Frienda with coniforti for the Soldiers.
Saarnr—Let one; friend advance and give the
(nue Priced ode:feces and replies)—Jescip 801-
dims did!
fiaNTur-I'ass On4alleeCati to", Our cause.
The next meeting At Jessup -SON Society will be
held at the house Of hies Ilen C. Bertholf, on
Friday erening, March 10th, Itt
The older, as
well as the younger blends of the, Society, are res
peetfullyltivlted to attend. F. W. D.
SIM ere .ofd.—Since January 13th, 1881, the
lAwsville Centre Al 4 Society, had forwarded to the
W. P. Branch of the U. 8. Sanitary Commission at
Indindelohla_ the following articles: Nibs quilts,
eight napkins, fourfolther pillows , tix pillow eases,
four shirts, twenty six handkerchiefs. two hop pH
lowa. four pair of socks, two patrol slippers, three
towel, Seven &sealer gowns, nine pair of drawers,
two rolls of ( lirftn cloth, two quarts of dried cur
rant% four quarts of dried elderberries, fire quarts
or drkd rprberries, twenty-six quarts of dried
blarkbtrrlek two quart- of &hat sweet corn, three
and one-half pound. of apple leather, forty pounds
of dried apples, seven pounds of butter, fire calms of
honey, two cans of straw - bunk*, one can of raspber-
Hea r two cans of pickles, two cans of pickled trait,
six quarts of blackberry cordial, four quarts of
blackberry wine, one firkin of niekles, and one firk
in of souer kraut. Total $135,W.
The Society gratefully acknowledge the receipt of
811,01 fr , m Alias darah M. Walker, a faithful al
moner of the Giver prat gtfta. E. M. Cowtsx,
Fernrtary, pro tern
Treasurer's Report eonuneneing January 13th, '1864,
and radiny February 1 701, 1665 :
Monk* received,
Balance on hand,
E. AL COWLEY, Trrasuer.
N'terspaper Laws.—As there are certain defin
ite laws in relition to' the rights, of publishers of
newspapers which do not seem to be understood,
we will now endeavutto make a plain synop:is of
them, and solicit attention tirreto:
1., .1 Poetmastcr is reivired to give notice tly ict.
'ter, (returning the paper does not answer the law)
when a salwenber does not take his paper out bt the
office, and state the reaton for not bring taketi: and
a neglect to do so makes the postmaster respohsible
to the publisher for the pay.
'2. Any person who takes a paper from that post
°Mee, whether directed to hist:maw or another, or
whether he has subseritxst or not, Is responsible for
the pay,
S. If any persOn orders his paper discontinued, he
must pay all arreanums or the publisher may - con
t ill Ile to send it until payment is made, and caret
the whole amount, wpether It be taken from the
office or not. There ma be no kgal discominhance
nett! the payment Is made.
4. If the subsmilar orders his paper to be stopped
at a certain time and the publisher combines to
send, the subscriber is Round for it if he takes it out
of the post office. I below proceeds on the ground
that a man must pay for what he noes.
5. The courts have decided that refusing to take
.newspapen3 and other• periodicals from the post
oilier, or itITIOViIIC and-leaving them uncalled for, Is
pima facia evidence of i etebtional trend.
"Garrett roar I,Srars."—Soin. one who Is
doubtless ambitious to invent a new language, has
concocted the following curious paragraph, Which
we tied copied Into many of our exchanges:
" C, , nr.scT rout Ennona,—People say thdy shell
peas, when they nnshell them ; that they basic corn,
a hen they unhusk It ; that they dust the furniture
when they °midst it, or take the dust tram it; that
they skin a calf when they unskin It ; and that they
scale fishes when they unseale them. I have Imir-ri
many men say that they were going to weed their
gardens, when I thought their gardens were weedy
enough already."
It is generally admitted that Noah Webster was
tole/ably conversant with the English language;
and if the reader wilt take the pains to compare MS
definitions with the above, he will discover bow
well the two Instructors agree. Webster says;—
" &Was—To strip orbreak off the shell; or to take
out of the stulti ; as, to shell nuts or almonds."—
" Iluss.—To strip off the external int , gutuent or
covering of the fruits or seeds of plants; as. tu husk
maize' " Drsr.—To free from dust ; is brush,
wipe, or sw..ep away dust; as, to dust a table or
floor.'" " Sass —To strip off the skin or bide ; to
tiny; to peel." " tic.t.t.g —To strip or eltao oft
6 C- 81,5 11 - 4. . to scale a tish " "WEED.—To free front
noxious plaits; as, to weed cora or onions; to
sod gtailvn.•' It thus appears that, If Webster Is
right, this would-he instructor is, in every instance,
w tong.
.7sarmed A'arrurs.—For those who are interested
in literary matters, we have compiled the following
list of lending vrriters, with their assumed signa
tures. It would be to preserve It for future
reference. 'rho assumed signatures arc given in
quotation marks, the reel name being placed oppos
"Gail Hamilton,"
"Florence Pcroey,"
" Timothy Titcondi"
" W. Savage North.,`
Orpheus C. Kerr,'
" Mrs. Partingtou,"
" Artemns Ward,"
" Doesticks, P. 11,"
" K. N. Pepper,"
'• B. Dadd,"
" Mace Eloper,
"Josh Billings,'
" The Dialiand,d Volunteer,"
"Scd Buntline,"
'' Daisy Howard,"
" Cousin May Carlton,"
" Klmund Kiree,"
"Country Parson,"
'• Mary Clarers,"
Currer Bell,"
" Cißag Schoolmaster,"
"Owen Meredith„"
" Barry Cornwall, , '
Author of "John Halifax. Gentleman,"
Dr. J. G. DoMina.
• WO2 B. Newell
Robert D Newell.
P. B.
A. II K. Boyd_
Mrs. C. M. Kirkland.
Cnarluttu Brmde.
Charlca M. Divklni.on_
Wm. ProMor.
Miss Blalock.
" The Marvel," Donald G. Mitchell.
" Jennie Jl:lne," Mr.. Jennie Croly.
" Fanny Fern," Tiro of James Parton,
(the ITlAtorlan,) and 6 / a ter of N. P. Willie,
" Petroleum V. Nabby," : D. E. Lnelle.
"llowurd Glyndon," Illea Laura C. fteddan.
- Montrose Solettere ..litt.—Trazaurer'a Report for
Fettruanf, lE45:
Balance on bend, rebnlarj'
From eale or art lete..=,
Captain Day, of Busqueltauna,.:,.
Judge Tykr,
Mrs. Horace Brewster,
Miss Elle% Joianson, from her iellool at
Great Bend tillage,
Total, 2i
Exponaes of n. , month, 8 304
Balanee on hand, 9'30.77.—51Rt,79.
3ita. IL J. #Eno, Treasuter.
.. . .. . _ _ .
Sri-ref:of. Report for FitrrirorY :—Vorweriled to
the Sanitary Commission. numbers 69 ar.d 90—the
latter a cask of wine containing ten gallons rhubarb
wine. The former, a barrel of clothing containine
17 towels, Ttuuidkerchiels; 13 pair of woolen draw
ers, 15 Ilannel shirts, 1 canton flannel shirt, 4 pair of
mitten., 5 pair el elippers, 5 pair or socks, 3 pada,
30 pounds of dried berries, 2 book., old mnslins,and
reading matter. The Aid Rodeo , now occupy the
room of " Rough - & Ready Engine Company,"
where they meet ' Tlaprsday afternoon, and
where they will: bead id - welcome all toutribn
dons and recruits: Even the young Misses cap do a
great deal. Now proof of this was given lase week
by Miss Handal/ Drinker who broughtpatch
work bed-quilt, artitta tell of. scripture written in
the centre of each block the work of her owe
hands. Who tan tell :how Much warmth it may
bring to the shivering form or chilled heart of some
poor sick soldier. • •
We are also In receipt of a letter from Mimi Ellen
Mitchell, In :,whith she eayst "The Sanitary have
adopted a neW,plan of distributing their stores in
the hospltalstround Washingten. And with what
they are dptng for us at present. and the manner of
doing It, I atneatlificd : entirely."
M. s. H. C. T'run, &erdary.
State Ariyiti . sal Sehtiol.—Oar worthy County Su
perlidendent Of &bean sends ns the following:
IL IL Aniier, ay. t—rmelosed is a communica
tion from a teacher of our county in relation to the
Normal. Scheel for our- District. Those who had
the opportunity of listening to ,ProtAllen at the
last meeting of our - Ttsichers Assodation;will
ty believe that all this and math more Ulm.—
Doubtless [ the friends of Mimi Shove, as well as all
interested in school instruction; - will he gratified to
are its pubileation in the ft<publicatt. -
Trutyyoure, trzsroa.
Arr. E. lA. radon :--Bta :-11nowing your deep
snooty ufy..*t-thoirelfareund telttlietallet4 of , schools
an ooo l teschers everywhere, and especially' those
I ``""`° OtLr Own particular field of labor, I thought
It might not be uninteresting to ;011ie hear from
[ one o your number who is at present enjoying the
[ privilege of attending the State Normal School at
[ Mansfield, lam incompetent to epeak of . the
eetooi as ft ls, hut-atter remaining here as a student
for. several months,' feel no hesitancy in saying that
consider jt. tO ibe the school for:teat:hem • The
Prinelpsid—TroL V. A. Allen,. - hat been for so long a
-time actively.enceged is a teacher of teachers, WA
he is thoroughly acquainted with their deficiencies
and watlia. .[lfu Is assisted by n competent corps of
teachers, end the system of instruction throughout
la culcuirdatto produce the most bcneficlai mulls
land' to entirely, .do awayrwith the Practice which I.
nm sway to say, prevails - in some schools, of always
leandog . link ter* `Acid - doubtless no
parson' educationes to possess a thottaOr practical
busines can .do tiettertbarrto avail Urn—
Oaf 0 1. 11 / 9 afillltikri Usti IND liketitalonAtair4.!
Unladeld Is is pleasant little vßtage aitnated in the
Tinge valley, on the Blosbrun and Corning railroad,
thirty miles from the letter place, and sixteen miles
from Troy, Bradford County, with which It Is con
nected by daily dank The school tmlldingwldeh
to of brick is situated on an eminence overlooking
the borougit. Itlts- ono hundred and Olt, feet In
length, and fifty feet lu width; The mein part is
five stories and 4110' two wings each four stories,
high. It .containe eooms for the accommodation of
three hundred students, The class rooms, Idiom
tory, music, rooms, and library ere each (tarnished
with all necessary apperettes. The chapel which Is
filly feet square la supplied with the Improved Boa
ton furniture: About thirty of Prof. Allen's former
pupils are been from Chester and Delaware counties
WI Philadelphia; and I believe there era some from
each of the counties composing the Fifth Normal
School district; hut I hope that the time is not far
distant when Susquehanna. county will be largely
represented. 8. J. Sawa.
Mansfield, February 21st, 1565.
• Rh ftlin,—A 'Wonderful Bring.—A correspondent
sends us the following for publication in the Incie
pount Republican
The following is sold to bare been composed by a
lady sentenced to be hung, an otter being made to
her that If she would produce a riddle in a given
time that certain heads could not solve, alto should
be pardoned. She Instantly set her mind to work,
and to a short time had these lines before those
men, who not being able to give the name of the
wonderful being, alto wog, agrachly to promise, set
at liberty :
austrrise Soldiers' if/el.—Lettere. from Mr
Knapp, of Washington, and Mra. Grier, of Palladel-
Oita, in reply to the Inquiries of Susquehanna enun•
ty, as to the foundation for reports which have been
afloat derogatory to the Sanitary Commission :
WARRINGTON, D. C., February :Ph, 1‘865.
31rs. Maria 0 Orin, Wameti.x Itohn'a Broach, U.
S. Saa. DEAR :—1 a , -
knowledze the receipt of your letter enclosing the
communication from Miss Walker, concerning cer
tain reports prejudicial to the good name to tie S.
Comtutssion ; especially as connected with the re
work in the hospitals at Washington. And you
ask What our system of relief work 14, Ar.
In regard to the statements of the communication
coining through Miss Walker, I can say, that as a
whole, they are false.
At times, the supplies at our store-houses in
Washington have been very short, and some of the
demands for the hospitals could not be met; but as
a genEhl thing nineteen-twentieths of all the real
needs which come within their proper province to
supply, have been met.
A great many requisitions are made upon the
charity of the people, through the Sanitary Com
mission, for supplies that can and ought to be ob
tained from the Government, and It is made an es.
pedal duty of our hospital visitors to endeavor to
Insure to the patients snch supplies through that le-
eirimate channel, rather than by di.dributingof the
Sanitary stores. 1 enclose to you a lint furnished
tee direct from the books kept nt the sture-hon-e of
the Conuni.ton, of articles givon out by the agents
of the Commission In Judiciary Square Hospital
(where It Is stated that little or nothing was furbish*
ed) during the four months prior to December Ist.
1861. You will pmvelve that of wool ehirtS, there
are nearly 4fft; wool drawers,23o; socks, 2-M; towels
and handkerchlefa together. over 500; idnekb.frry
wine, 51.5 bottles. These were distributed In smell
quantities from week to week, to meet real needs,
although at times more would have been Issued and
wisely had the stock on hand been lamer.
Our hospital visitors endeavor, each one in his or
her own assigned hospitals, to go through alt the
wards at least once each week, and learn the needs,
and .o far as is right, supply them. These hospital
visitors are all, I believe, conscientious, earnest
minded men or women, doing their work with ther
roughness, and with to dainty hands—visiting the
bed-Ides of the men themselves and ministering to
them. None of the agents referred to keep house
in the city—hut all board, with one exception, at
the simplest tables with the ordinary accomrnoda
Dons. That one, for good reasons, boards at a ho
Mee Mary Dodge.
Eittabetit Aker&
Clutries F. Brown.
Mortimer ThOtupson.
James 31. Mortis.
J. Li Williams.
C. G. Island.
Jotima Swan.
With one exception, also, the vehicles used by
those agents in visiting, the hospitals, and conveying
the supplies, are simply covered wagons—one home
and wagon being assigned to a visitor who attends
to throe or lons hospitals. For that one person, ea•
cept, d for good reasons, (connected with the work
of visiting ph oth e r ho.tdtals, the post hospitals,
and the hospitals of various forts at long distances
from each other), two horses and a comfortable car
riAge are provided.
I have watched the work of the hospital visitors
with a jealous care, and I think that their service le
faithful, judicious, and can-led on with a true spirit
in this answer to your note f have entered Into
some particulars, which, except they had been spec.
tiled by you, would not have been spoken of in de
.Josrph BArber
E Z. C. Judson.
Myra 1.).1,1 MeCrum.
M. A. Earlie.
- J. R. Gilmore.
With kind regardr, Tam von? friend,
Sp vial Relief AO 0 s. .sar. Commission.
Extracts from Mrs. Grier's letter to Miss Walker:
"The Sanitary Commission In every city is com
posed of the very beet and wisest men who could he
selected for an important trust; such men as dying
fathers trust their children and fortunes to. In
Philadelphia we have no more honored names than
those who compose our Ex. Corn of vmtlemen.—
You know of them vonmelf. It le the same In New
York and Boston. The Committee itself ia composed
of men known for character and Intrilectall over the
country. I ask these doubters whether they think
It likely such men would lend themselves to eaten- ,
Ilsh a great ftaud, or even to cover it If it had crest
Into an institution without their knowledge? Why
their very honored names am at stake In the fair
tame of the Sanitary Commission. It is Impossible,
too., that anything really wrong should go long un
discovered if it were caused by minor officiala—
Titink 01 the constant system of cheeks and guards
kept upon the employees of the Commission.
For instance in our °Mee, I am certain it would be
utterly impossible for roguery to go undiseofered
for a week. I know the general work of the Corn. /6
an conineted. Then think ot the watching people
all the Unit on the lookout for mismanagement of
the trust they have rsposcd in the institution. The
Christian Commission is also a first-rate police forte
to see that the Sanitary does no wrong, which it
does not disclaim altogether. Is them not good log.
lent reason (apart from experience) for believing that
the San. Com. is probably an well, as wisely, and as
honestly conducted as any other benevolent scheme
in the world ? No doubt there have been bad and
dishonest agents connected witb'lt, for what human
institution can claim exerenttge ? Not even Christ's
church. But Il Is at least true that when they have
been proven guilty, they bare been discharged."
$1.53 41.
. 5,00.
. 5,1 V.
Deeds and .rlortgasys.—A new supply printed
aturfor sale at the Independent Republican of:dec.-it
notgrlly. awl Soldiers Chthise.—See
adverasement or 1. IL Barns. (4 w.)
To 411 Lovers of Good Pletio`es—A new
Plsatngraphic Gallery Is to bw opened on or about
the first of blarch'in the rooms now occupied by the
"Montrone Soldiers' Aid Society" over B. K Lyons
Co'a store. The roOtus are pleasant and spa
cious, centrally situatsd, easy of accosts, and are to
'be titled up with special' regard for the comfort and
'convenience of visitors. Primus reasonable. Artist
one of the Nast. Walt a few days. For further prr•
tieulars consult coming suiverUsement and small
bills or call when the rooms era opened. •
Trosperanee.fiedtags.—John Q. Detroiter, esq.,
of lowa, will speak upon the subject of Thnper
ance, la- Susquehanna County as follows: Brook
lyn, and 15th. New Milford, 16th and
Xacksoii - 18th and 19th, • finsqtlehants Depot,
Mb and WA, Friends V. 41, Great Seed, Wd.-
11r. Detroiter la a speaker of power, and a gentle
-man - whom I can commend to the public. _ Raving
drank deep of the dregs of intemperance himstir, he
can truthfully portray its miseries. I
ills compensation being' provided for by the Ex
ecativii Committee Of the "Gland Teloplars of this
State, no collections' will be taken Up. and all that
is 'asked of the friends of the amuse is to see that
place's are provided for the meetlartre, And the node.:
af extended as widely as possible. S. a Coen,
ammitAx for Saiguehannet Oxady.
Grad Bend, rebnzary 15th, lbfa.
Mustiat Caurention.--n. Musical Drill and Con.
Tention will be held at Munch, Susquehanna Coun
ty, l'esuva.i • consmenchur :Mara 14th, 11363,4 ind t 4
continue four days,closing irittts Grand Cannot op
Yftidiky Mb& taidNaaicutiß to by logo MO
God made Adam out of dust,
But thought It beat to mate me fist;
So I was made before the man,
To answer God's most holy plan.
lilt• body be did make complete,
Bat without legs, or arta% or feet;
Ily ways and actions did control,
And I was made without a soul.
A living being. I became;
'Twas Adam that gave um my name;
Then from hts presence I withdrew,
Nor more of Adam ever knew.
I did my Maker's laws obey—
From them I never went astray:
Thousands of miles I ran in fear,
Rut seldom on the earth appear.
But God did something in me see,
And put a living goal in me;
A son of me my God did claim ,
And took Imm me that soul a g ain .
And when from me that soul had lied,
I was the same se when first made ;
And without hand, or foot, or soul,
I travel now from pole lb pole.
I labor hard, both day and night ;
To fallen man I give great light ;
Thousands of people, both young and old,
Will by my death great light behold.
Nor fear of death (loth trouble me,
For happiness I cannot see ;
To heaven I shall never go,
Nor to the grave, nor bell below.
The scriptures I cannot believe ;
If right or wrong I can't conceive
Although my name therein is found,
They arc to me an empty sound.
And now, my friends, these lines you read,
And search the scriptures v. ith all speed,
And if my name you clon't find there,
I'll think it strange, I must declare.
print Notico.
m alted s
mo tcnt rin. of i
m Pro u l i T i . D E.Je tut r e ld . o th6eige s - 4 zw ifi
above Profe.ecr le acknowledged by all educated
musician') to be one of the boa In the country. .
We give a general Invitation to ail lover s of music
to come In awl make the Convention Interesting and
we trust -profitable. Clergymen invited
Booka furnished during convention gratis. , .
Bord can be procured at the lowest prices,
.11 , j Order of Cm Committal •
C. J. !Mumma,
LYNAM BLawasza.- .
I.lantxr. Baum"'
For farther partlealara inquire of C. B. Baldwin
and J. M. Crawford.
Our tailor gttoto.
DART.—Died at Andersonville. Sadder words
than these never were written. " Died a prisoner at
Andersonville." It La brave, glorious, to die on the
field of battle with the old stripes and stars gleaming
over the fallen heroes whose last look tams with
Messing towards them, herciee for whom it may be
the dear prayer, "Send - them home tenderly"
can avaNbut for our martyred ones who die in . rebel
prisons who shall tell us how They died? as day by
day strength, courage and all but the undying pa
Wog= in their hrave hearts left them, till at last
given starvation led them down to the grave, refus
ing the oath of allegiance to the traitors* government,
scorning all that would tandah their fame as eoldlent
of the Union, preferring death rather, In its worst
form. '
The subject of thie notice, Clmit. Reed Dart, of
Herrick, +Susquehanna Co. Ps., enlisted in Sept.
NO, In Capt. Alfred Dart". Co. of the 4th Pa. Caval
ry, wee taken prisoner at the battle of Sulphur
Springs, October 18th, Itra, and after an Imprison
ment of nine months. daring which time he terperi
attend the horrors of Richmond, Belie lale, and lartll
Anriersouvillo, Met; at Camp Sumter, Actp, - ust Sd,
Another victim of rebel barbarity, another price
feet' off ring nn the altar of our country, cone In
the glorious pmmiso of his manhood, but he knees
the memory of his cheerful, atrarde presence and to
the numerous friends, father, mother, brothers and
sisters whose love and hopes clustered around him,
he leaves the brave legacy of an untarnished name
and an unfaltering loyalty to the Quinn.
" Dead, and there where Treason's banner
Flaunts its scanty groups of stars.
Drawl without a stone to tell It
Nut a flower above his breast
Dead with none to whisper sadly
' Here a hero Iles at mat.'"
DUEL —ln New Milford, Feb. 19th, of consurnp.
tion, Nathan, non of Aerbaxed and Clasisso Duel,
age twenty-two years, Thus for the second time
within one mouth has death entered this homt-cle
cle, and another dear and only remaining Bon and
brother has left the earth home forever. The de
ceased was confined by sickness to the hospital fur
nine months previous to receiving his disrharge;
while there he was led to seek the Saviour, whom
he found and ever aiter.trusted as the true Bootee of
his redemption. During his long and painful Illness
no murmurings escaped him, and he cheerfully gave
up his life a sacrifice to the cause of his country.—
He was released from his earthly, and parsed upward
to his heavenly home to rejoin his angel brother in
that bright world of life, where the pangs of disease
and the sorrows of parting shall ix, known no more,
CORY.—In South Gibson, Mr. James H. Coq,
aged 27 years, 1 month, sod 1 day. Mr. Cory enlist
ed in Susquehanna Depot, March 3d, lbrst. and was
taken prisoner May 12th, 1868, at eporteyinutia, Va.
Shortly after lie was removed to Danville, Vs., from
there to Andersonvllle, and from there so Florence,
S. C. He was then sick, the first of September, with
liver and heart distaise, and lived Until February Sth,
when death relieved him of his su ff erings. Re died
for want of proper treatment, as he could get no
medical aid until was paroled. D.:comber th3th.—
tie also suffered for food, and had to lie in those
horrid prisons, with no shelter to protect him from
the scorching sun by day nr the damp dew by night,
He leaves a wife and one child and a large circle of
irtends to mourn his loss. He was aware he most
die and resigned himself to his fate like a true Chris
tian and martyr to his country.
deADDEN—V ANOVER.—In Jessup, /larch"
by Rev. J. F. Deane, Mr. Lawla Sadden, and Mos
Sarah E. Vanover, both of Warren Co., New Jersey.
lumeaucematts of Deaths we published watts:l sham
Lib.tusre Notion mast be pald foist the rate o( half s cent a word,
Jean five evatf a ams. gtrtaly to advance.
BREWSTEIL—In Raeford, of spotted fever, on
Feb. 1601, lS6t, etusrlm Sumner, eon of Tyler and
Marla L. Brewster, aged 7 years, 10 months and 1
GARDNEIL—In fAtbrop, Feb. WA, Roby 0.,
youngest child of Ellphalet and &Leine Gardner,
aced 3 years 22 days.
MEAD.—in Friendtraille, Feb. 3: 1 t h , Miss Clara,
daughter of James and Sarah Mead, aged 17 years.
Clare was an amiable young woman, patient In her
sickness, conscious of her death and prepared for the
erent. She rests in heaven.
BUSH.—In Omit Bend, of spotted fever, Bata E..
daughter of Addison G. and Satan A. Bush, srd 8
['wattle, and 8 days.
No more a Mother's watchful love
Bestows the fond caress;
No more her cherished bead Is laid
Upon that loving breast
Her murmuring aerente now are WU,
And huelual the cradle hymn,
Wtdle earmw fills our mourning hearts,
And team our eyes bedim.
CORWIN.—In Bridgewater Feb. I.d, of diphtheria
Jerome W., adopted eon of Alfred E. Corwin, aged
13 pairs.
CORWIN.—In Bridgewater Feb. 9th, Ann Amelia,
only daughter of A. E. Corwin, aged IS years and 4
In less than ten days death entered this household
twice; taking not the aged and enf. ebled, but the
youngest and the Wrest. Th - same terrible disease
I ook both their children, and silenced thejoyona
ux of youth In the home that was lately so cheerful.
Jerome was a boy of strong will and resolute
newt • never fesriug anything, nor submitting to
any dictation but that of stern duty. lint death
-ailed for Lim, and trnstingin Curie; he yielded with
,!heerful resignation.
Amelia war' taker down the day before her broth
er died; and then she began to exhibit tie patience,
ealrnnoa and Christian trust which two years of con
istent hely living would lead her friends to expeck
She Met the final summons like a true disciple and
follower of Christ 05 she was. Hat life, though
-port, was a success. She had secured imgnonality
and heaven; she has left behind her the clearly
traced way of meekness, patience, hope, faith and
tote, She " sleeps in Jesus."
"Sister, thou coast mild-and lovely
GenUe as the summer breeze,
Pleasant RA the air of evening,
When It floats among the trees.
Peaceful be thy silent slumber—
Peac.•fnl in the crave so low;
Thou no more wilt Join our number,
'Ton no more our song shalt know.
Dear Amelia! Dion bast left ns,
Here thy loss we deeply feel ;
But 'Us God that hath time* us ;
He can all our sorrows heal.
Tet again we hope to meet thee,
When the day of life is fled,
Then In heaven with joy to greet thee,
Where no farewell tear Is shed."
HICKCOX.—In Sprinesille on the 18th inst., Mn.
Eliza, wile of Spencer Mawr, aged 68 re. Some
IA yeses ago, while In the enJo)uteut of health and
prosperity, she became a member of the Episcopal
Church, of which she continued a consistent and
useful member, and when more than 5 years since,
disease and suffering came upon her, such as weak
unman nature Ls seldom called to endure, she bore
it with unmurmodug Flatten= and resignation, evi
dently remembering the source cd every blessing
Abe loud consolation in her Redeemer. To die tuts
been her inestimable gain. A purified saint has been
removed from earth, a Redeemed ephit hasgone to
FlCavelt. [COW.
Farber ,Titporto.
New York Wholesale Prices Ourreat of Produce.
Repotted for Me " lawn:3mM Illeroszaaas° t 7 JOSIAC
CARPENTER. Coen. iterclazd. 80. ell Washington 63.111 m
York, to whom shipments may be made. Two.46lnla of Me sanitet
video win be advanced on the mein! of the roods 11 &Idled, and a
quint anon cede for the balance. Ytll Oran.= and a wee l / 1 .-
meantime *eat bee of dame hr mail to Qom malt= datenenla
goo.. Me ' vi.!-• r, r Pci l Z, t ik 4 1 ra g l i n
Beans, 00111411 .500 6 250 Com. ° 1 684 I 00
P ears,
° $OO et 210 Vofileoen 111 bared. a pact no
6° V , II IIMbe.V .P 4 V: t ° sl/ 0 =137. " Vb., 1 341
' tti eche. ° 11 90 11 1 green. 13 411 111
'lupe . .sholea. " 10 11 , t '/4 "` ewn ' t l e ft . 4 - epee Si 00
=MOIL, : 1111 1. . ,lIM, ft . ~1
DrIVAPPle i t, .. II: 1 7 1 pc,t, P = o 112g:7M
o Plums. " 10 Cs 32i_ 13date. .. 5.50 ()woo
o Cho7les, ° 4692 60 Hama smoked, 21 . 10 SA to 26
: W calt. :: ga re l = 42s . ." • ° %I -11
g ek ehn! 41 1 44 :It i: ifgl 7 4 um : ; 5 4 15 1
17... wheatde bbl. 1 00 40 1 4 0 0 7.1001 1 1 . o 2l it laS
4 004 d a 24,1:Weee, . o `. .1 4 6 .2) 1
Corn *eat "hand, 400(4 4 201Dnetn o sag 58
110:t es row. 4 j ai 111yikoer Seed, o V 0 te
I.= -
•ftx Thr.cohy geed., rata S a n 12 0 3
/1110. S . .1 1 0 i " *lnal bad e
Beef lildea, .1 1 no v l4 l Igrallow• It?. UM 110
Kuttona n thee,,' ll 90 IS Wo4, embed, 00 911 11!64
yea. - .. 16 oe Is Wool. an *Wu* ° ' 600 03
Porta:rem& o 1690 17 Alkyo`ea., tonal. Snow 403
MAU., mule!, 140 la 2 60,1441drar. ' —4O •
Itoos—A. toll medal the New Tort Iliad ,—;bo en cal Ills
ozytGloot,yealltog al the" got/oblleue oolaltoctrom la
toliimjogrogt,bot Awed sad dtgboittoltlog Vbkir glom,
atolookulp ttOtteollotorealloßlOol co , allom
1111=20! f 6. l inoiWidaaj Ofilidionu dta twos
4atbr, or►tesatilld 111 cad ofecniry balz. villylesao Isad the and
leTtIOIS; s, caszion talmtber wi of Ws papeo.
Wow,. tritt. 1d66. fm
.F4lor qf Republican:
Dana Nn:—With pew penaledon 1 whh Witty Is the matt
of your met , that 1 wld end. by Wens mall, to all who slab II
(Rut a Bedew with full direct/mu far amain .d enng a Ample
Veritable Balm that will tato nth, trainee. In len d tya, Moo .
Blefeltew Tan, Fmk)* and all Immtettlea albs balm legible lbe
atulituft, gear. =moth 'awl Ileanntel. . .
I trill also mall tree to tam harloa , Bald heads. or flare' Fag"
ample dlrrainus aud Informatkro that will
Mil aroma of La:taloa flair. NI/Laken, or a llourtarb a. to Ism
lama thirty days.
All apptftaalwa annrered by mom mall without chute.
Resocetrully yours,
THUS. P.f ttA PllAN.Chemlit
/331 BroaAoray. Now York.
Febnln& r:th,
To Consumptives.
/wadi to a taw ameba by a ' , try simple ",. alter haelni
Ik:Rrrtl Kweral years *tab a • 'Veit lung agrxtfoa pad teat mead
dtaesele flonsuolpttoo—la anslotwto maga letwans to We
rom the tutu:. Of cute.
Tn all loth., dam it, he arlil •end a copy of the reesertptinh Wed.
free of ef.aue, with the climetkme for yrerneltur and to usc tbs ermq
which stew teal find a Fore tore 6ts Ceesemptlea, Asthma Btu,
atlas. dm. Tbeeely ekleht t the ow:Wilmer In eenolud the Pre-
Ntriteleo is In benefit fh. Millet O. and .p.tall hfiofro ohm which be
=peep to be iyeaVetell, e. and he hopes eerie rues ill try has
remedy, es It 10411 contheta nothing, and tow/ bleselht ,
l'iutles wishing the persetha e p eve ehtinsa
Roe EItWAND A. kV ILA. IN, WUllass.tmtc,
King, Cattuty„ Nes York.
Felauarrrith. M.-.1131-4neld,
Is the Dent In the World T
The only Runless, True, & Reliable Dye lr =WEL
.leadld Mgr DWI Perfeet—ehances Rid. Rusty, or Grey
Raft. alma/Idly to • GLOSSY BLACK or NATURAL Banwri,
without glories{ awl:lair or staining the skin. leaving the Wise*
and belettlh ilattailiftash vitality. frequently segodur Jo era
Ins wigs. and reclines the 111 riots of bad dyes The woos. Is
Willed WILLIAM A. BOTCIIILLOR, all others are mere Lmlla
look and should be alfohlad. Also Batchelor'. NEW TUILET
CREAM for Drassor the llair. Sold he all itrnggtNs . A c. fart.
are—Rl stiseiovoovivis Nov .awe Ifitt..t.
Renarm:dleng to tba street
b of the Clatbode adrch. I keep no
trAvel Anenbi, and calling at the Shop, If .nable all ens.
to opt. ...Mg at SO per dog. /. V ADABIN.
liontrosa,YebruarY a1b.1865.-tt
A Chance to Make Money.
SI KONTROSE NALOoR Is for malt. Bu.ldMit and OL
E. dim a Boom mad Lot on Plank Road.
Monfono, F& 13, ilia.
D RLltMtoalaßoolcs and s great mica of Falls=
Csurcb Psalmist, Viltrwa Hymns. I/13Am Albums.
sa4 Ovod Books lbr Resents, eke... Ire. but
opened and tbr .sla by
MontroSS, Der ember 19, 1664.-11
a, th HALL & CO,
31,Court Oreet, Bs agham ion. N. V.,
cave constantly on land a Lam stock of coo adapted to the FELL
Timm of tbelt lcaportatl,n.
lieretkota ortllk ottpolkd at Nes York Jo bhot plink
It. 11. BALL & CO
Blajtsectou,N. Y. Dotember Nth. 1811..—t1
Thema medkinteara warranted It us .41 acermlllre: Co dlreetlees.
Tn , them and It not •atte:actary return one WM, medic:be and
them 017 IBM to refunded. I hate sad thou:ma of bottles, but
none bey 'lMA:ed.
J. RS.
In i == l L e Ttor ed Puro. " XdUrarTe c :o l . l l, ca l u r s abre%
=al to tie
W s In:caber dam...DA prOnd ellbettlal. lull dtrettlost co each
betas. - i'vea 41:1 CErra.
• PILES, come, *O.
t ydt tofferceied of reolehlee end to entirely Wakes. PrSce
ameitre cans • Ixe.
Sterateret—We twre hid emote opportunity of telltoe the Or
toe of your Cerato for anny 513111. end dad it so yes rerernmeed
IL end ye hue so Metall°. In mornmeading o is thejubte.
L. W HINGII4 I 4. el. / NOV
CALVIN O. it aLnlef, M. D.. *rearm
- Wro. IL rile% IC V.. warabarte:
Vamtibetattalba,t3nA , Berntoe,l4l, end for eel by • -
I. N. BULLARD. eautroos.
. • W.O.
Doe. BON, New .
lenrii4 *
o 3 retort/1e
iplcsrea. &kph *spasm aletirlaust M int tor
a. op at
The Best Family Sewing Machine
But makes the Lock Stitch
The foci of there being miLe n of az .,„ A lseftleet lo:d THAN or
For !Latium pankulass can fpm the Amt., wham the dltrinent
a)Itl 01 matanei are as exablUon.
that have a+M other on called Alsadard Wachlui hap
thrm - xl Ulm ffdd• and gl • • thd• tea loony la
favor or theft.
For peveral MAWR, recommeadr Deelf above ►R other.
1. Resety end excellence of alltm h, alike anon bath mdclea. wpm.
Inn ea ally well MI otk. al, en and en ton tonic MOO=
fog. qoppog, got r-ri. a . berm. io.g I h g . kowlieg. and bralmtlba
went h mmf wans that will not rip oar •ovgi.
mm, The max el mph, In ometr Won of any two ttintaditt enchlm
nmm. m therefore lc. baba. wm aet no. of mpalr •
I Sew" mammon , , he LAP or 11•IPIrtl,„ Otter', doing away will
meal camber-new machine"), and the tr,mb:e of ergelallei
terummon um the encl." laread.
I. Rene al a manatee epeut than a ,bottle maebira rowsibly ben
Them) moo wth .I‘ll, new inm; , e vemeMs, warranted mu.,
tltlrmmeml le Slow mem .a Ihnef‘c mere pewee
tmv omit of floes ttememmuoza plea. r•Vor 002 lICIFDXIrD
mm le Ifoutrane and emmi..ity.
Montrose, Jan. 80.1643.-11
.ul .nu.
BY D. BRE. Virwrie.R. AUC T IONIeI&
On Friday, March 10,1865,
Ota of a
Superior Quality of
10 Cows 1 Bull and other
A Full Assortment of Farm-
And a varlet 7 of other article. of Pe•annal rroperty, no the lat.
Lerne Farm, in Dimock,
commenting at 10, k. N.
The valuable Grist Mill property at•El% Lake
Dt.mek. Pam. Co.. Py. at 1 r. r , of taw cone day.
This Is ane a th, very brat nr^pertl.l In the e - nary. The hi •I
being an ace lent re r, 'alai aa he Cal Pat tr.., Dnv r. vt
ahnto 11.1 a.r a at taut, with all the ham". C. r d.ana enatonl an ,
10. <Walt um*
Easy Lana made known on nay of sale, It .Ihrence,
A. La T1151...P.
nlmmek. 9 . 44. mar• 111.10.11 A .-11. •
International fire Insurance Compan)
Office, 113 Broadway.
CASII CAPITIL On MaLlOl 11011.111 S.
HAMILTON BRECE, Vice-President
OLIVER DRARE. Acting Secretary.
HI LLe ,li% eTtiot) I), Agent.
Idatitram. Jaumry 111.18 M—IT
111 End the 1 7el? P UPro tb oJ are nny of the .: named
at 4 . 1 .
bop In &Mee or o. n ga, a thei
Store In
Flax Wheels. WOol Wheels, Clod.
Reels and Wheel-Heads!
Wholesale and Retail.
Reat, Wheels and Meads that can potalblyAra r u dez i l b ri
tie]. if marreoted properly Weal C .
Notircee, January I, WS.
N. 11,—Repsirtna dOOOOO abort notice. C. N. 0.
afln4 t4'''arnintlid,ktV
klittthe...r. Ye . BIZ. &Lica • it:4 Laic:
all atha are Mom.
Repairing Promptly Done.
Tuanktul r r many farm frran kitui puhlte, ye Imp. to tate
lb tr fien-rms paw. gel to the future. we Ilte•shop to.
=rt., 0c.t. , -. 1 by W. L
w. L.. 'OX 1181.5k82.
liontztae. Jargary 9. Ift.q.
Tfitane /amuse far Hai KW.
Onst s spy
Gen Meat! tuea Pram s. 045.
The Pletet Slayer
Want:leaf:ea %lens. Pandoned by Ethand Sycrettj.... D.W.
Agent to receive sobeettptloos to the
Moran" Jan. Md. 180.
rian6oomn*slorAriof Sowinelluna flaunty hue axed al:oath.
■ following dos au. , Ow,. for LAMIng Appals fnma teal Srku
i*JAnuelawa....Alllll. 'a lOU
Ai Pastimes IWO. TGund.ty, Mandl 90.
At Smiths dotty, Ftff►y. M vett tote.
At Rallies lintel. A►tntes. Mrrch 11th.
At Bixuuwn now. Mosday. 4•ith lath.
Al thaComminducters' Wks, Wednenday, March =b. -
At the emetic' Evers' Oftlue. Thanday, Such 191.
By onfer °fen Ocaluntegoners.
W..' A. cues mart, Clerk.
nmeords•lmme Mink Mumma. San. dd. 144
A.A. PAlLLU%Parracrly of 134miatbaan County, Ps.. Lae
opened •
LAU ASEligr.
la Wertzvlito,tit. chattel County, )10. lie Noma 'wad, aod for
male. a mutter of •
Than ',Wag: to pOz;nawalll tads
putleolardeverieloo dna!
1 4= 1 =1 dariolf4rmlZrA t . 3 1 11 14 1 11 1 1:=Zre
WentninedLebarkll.oo.lo.,Teb. 6110111. 1 PR
'81411117• =UV
ing Tools,'
vtr:l K
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
, A‘
whence., am. of Hill dm*, Q.
,` • ;ter: Mereir=lzt . erreot
%is le rreutirl i ta rim. bleat I
11,:)4, F htss.4 h rarely inland by then
Cho .o e. from btraMmel am.
Shitok aut Mu age arded Wird&
, ••••
mom •Ildt the rout. 01101 111
) Is his, of trmasm nerrter to OA
- • rue. or am atria. Orates,
lb w cattdebdr this., mimed 1 , 111
d It ha. taroeter by ettreerlebruh
, msZI) ire Casts la be
100111 the Mlbmeitm Masohl, 42
PcadhLa..tcrarub. .alit ats and gore.. title Marx; rftgre.
Pustule.. Blocher, brut V. A.Mobtis 1117. 641110,
e etter ar -all Rheum Pe Id Gm!, togwartm ie.
livphills or Vvn. rlal 1,1. ae Is try.ted rn to t efirtmby the
punlye Ih. red eofWu be serataue and tteladad Is r le watt
rennet I themes bre curd by Fertatelebt the Weed, sedan cent
tmn ante by this2.4.m.c pest.eresu
DO tv.2 ml litrahleas undleibt termer you halm tea
Imp.* d upeo by eorocaleg scedlertjo hib imna4argia
it 4
*ben Pru tram turd ears'e—thrtt er4 tUI dec.
.111 re, teem tb. rime. or tierespertrla. Farr:Men • I erdeetmer
he dlrn RS It VW cum.. • 013 to ilytell A Maiett{ IMMO,
' 6 " M &a.O brtactrqued throhdi grads le all who call tacit .
AiLellUrrthilt IC PILL-% for the inire oft cakewalk Jaunt:llo.
D1D4.3 1.11Iy.F0111041 . 11311:1111cedrate. Pact,
P. P .Zrumateas. Iteertbunt tables from rtlseedurrel ma twit Petry
Liver Mabel thud. r the howtelet Ylebl rbrl
Liver tbdeplaut Dram, Wore., Gaut, Neeralgla, sad fors
They ene rum wetted. o tbm se
m ashtm nUI
o m One
ule r reastly, 0.1 they am the base whet la the irotid flt all We
arett of tmly a
tiKrTu I- uutra C.
osi, l it I l " : 1 1.
/doutrotio, Jauttery 1ff,4....21.m.
eal Estate Agency !
vasetidendirnednaTernmedioutnent4sad apearil dr
IL: tier for the parehaseoale. sad rental areal matrix we ttomw
or dattylettanna. Pa., and we elan try to make It Ow the (rawest
qr all who duete either to puttlusasot 11, or real trot alai=
'lO • Cal We &do to advestire arts:sive, in than
wth to New York and Now Jersey, from whence saw* moot of Us
.A.IIIOIIO Who 1107 lands% MA contiiy. us. muds to
cinaintedtbroneaouttteconnly and wills:lva tha =URI=
td tit bit erholenttenU n. We have '
Several Farms on Hand, .
-.Hama. &Aging pap... The Ismer part of the iettltheal
Wane) on run r a Lena of TOO. payable Ititainallemata_
o. 1.-8011 ter.• of 1.4 In P oyes Lake, 101 bnistositqt. 11084
lwelllng house, de terns, sell Intend, and will dapper!: heal ale
cuwa Conventent to meetings, schools, and medial= •
war part Nth. pinthatte money can mambo fora series re. rein.
No 8.-116 wires of land to Pra.kiln. PesonsilO ,) iO paaaglb.
toted, well catered, two dwelling haider, two befog' • Eltttelell6
...Witte. orb Ida and 11401 V. Well wilted tor dolor istrpcosso,...
•an 40e earthy. Mont may rem.% I. r a wt.* areal. - .
No. IL-191 anew el limo In IN..* ISO Improyed. mail wilteemod-'
.od mac.. gad dwelling borne , tame orchards, mash,!.;.. of dinner upon sufficient to tense the whole farm foe dill yew,.
- In. and. belt Mils trona Dimwit Comerh and O. wiles Mew
,:intact_ Two Olrds of the pores.e mooed can rentstalhe aM
a of )sown secured ny hod and mortgage
0 . 8_67 soos of laud In Bridgewater terirrahle, 14 Wilke Mei
foams .63 nem inpreneal. a good new dWallind ban*. barn,, 11
osy-feet Om* a good yelled ord.., well cob red. OW half of
be p p money CAL renatn for s numbed of ems, weaned upon
Vo. -led scree. Oast* In Brideowater. two miles frOnt
'ow Ito wave Impnned. goal new dwelUa,Bowe. tenit.itad ottl.
thtegbled n the Mamas* waxy dowo. sod the Wants Is
%SA, und 6 yews.
No. 7.-811nate In the township of Forest Like, dm take dad
enotwee. A dill) weer paws the boom. ISt wait flaw 100
non tweet, a load dwel lint nuanG, two bans awl attoibt. Cowl twee
rd, gas min In good miningeer. MI tilde; tall, chunibilf by
milk house, tree Tenos One.salf of the pureheas money
the Delo. In nee annual painnenta.
No. 8.-210 se ~s of land In d•nick ....whit.. 120 sows tondo , .
geed deeding boner, Iwo barn, warm booms, bee atattnitigi
•e I watered, and under good state of Improvement etaleenal3l
woo-de and mateln.rli, end On be cownnotiently dratted and aid*
own tarty Term*: One-half down. balance In issuortusenti.
No. b. $Lt nate lo the lowiwhip of Jessup. maven miles area Ilona
•nr, enatalllegetle annw, forty gee immarrd. a god hour, ham,
[ratted nretutt.and a yen floe tutu bush cousstriost to et.roas
holm, and Vine, Ore-half of the panda" moan down, dance Oh be paid in and Neal Popov
to Nn. In amable of SUM cOntaittag_l(o.
cne6-1.2 , aereo Pup, oed; two tulles f o o t ths 11 . rough to Row
. 1 dead, and at, out eighty rode nt,s. th e Lackeys.' and Wegieng,
101 l Bend: s - ell watered ssltn sort' ; pad Matlathp. and a One
wine 'octant-. grove or ebb. DOI UPVO MO Piccolos eta table far.
e. r poisa-o school none in the ,lemetpate wieinhp
tbrtodidownt tsureers witsto Iwo tulle, wore brow
en) wed be sold if the parchemer should tot want the whole:
N.. It.—ao4 nee la ottjthAng the of threptehants Dela a,
the N Y. de Zel, hellal, no .4 cto. MOO '..tee..
the vtetult tteen • hick ao • milk In the •Iltage Will keep 25• to ..,tk the hunt. The ean abut.% Mt' 4 , 5Va2a
lea ou the farm worth $l,OO cab. he Idn a qU . 4 0 1 t of Ruth la
•• and level within • nabs et the eV se; Ives ittnd a ...inn/
.0., fire s-ns ; ana ••• lbw usll. ihero.• W. OP lb. to m. eto
-of p MIS n load a patst. ml lln ened rueng order; 10 0 p. 41
eladda. Pin tnon mt....armee met. moll the deli
or an outeeprkeltg tnao too make moary therm La co of tbo mo
o.traLl to I e nootaternpoart af the !tau.
Addr43E...caetrcnt ODA . • • • ISBIC "RLES • '
ma w in "'
oaavarr Is 1914.--$.l . Mantran tirssanabstraseo..
?ire and Life Insurance I
EN d G i O n O u l e , CA MPa. NM tad st
i a . lf:77 teprasseia
ihawla, Balmoral Skirts, Cloak..
toga, Roods, Nubia?, &a &0.,
READ, WARTROUS & F 081121111.4
Domestic Goods, Prints, Flamela,Oloths,
eassimeras, Jeans, dm,
WIZ mblerlbert amtlnue their Lathes la tee 014 RAW ell
SIAle 'greet where dime whoidre as their pat,orage wtll tq
raft melee such treatment as wt/Imme them to call .gdo.. We
mse beeowed particular art.W Mu to aithts to oat
rtr fu m: dadradj i ==ALADlE3 and OZ*
n.eomm oar Ns ot edlblm CU be found oyeaorwellasna. Ma sat
w. Meet fleet Beef , ceek, kutt. Mom Gbh:teesla warp
rm hot ne cold. Pkiled Tongue. Lolatter, ftanm,, dip tad
-.treating the lowan affords
to the way of drink. lee Itel l e v lTl:eg eleeplephitoone or
Alone beverage. Our malt I nom are of the beet (panty RA
-mewled pore Also metric Do Older. liiimiparllia. Soft
:Mee. Small Beer. a In mazer.
We have enured the Widen of a Itrtelsis Cook alell erueltall
rerythlag amend to rail the cow divisffiedisaton.
We raison hand the Weems etoekof oardtetOMlTlMelbeliebb
40 County. We can I ranlsh. &litho:A=of or retell eb=
*bp Itnethat ottir bees/led krousa as chimp so= be b
Tobacco and Cigars:
Ow dock of Clonceries caret be beat In this part of the
` , venality .d lowoew of part,
_not ezeeollog tchiglowitterre,
furnish Plane iialt.Sogar, Itolwees.C.ottre.tvaalabAlbwise.
Wain. no. and everything 1 that nue of the belt quall3la. 1$
.ny quantity how one pound to a ton.
Ow caftanr win brio please all who way rimy with Ode
istronage. pledging ourselves o:animates In deal cad to the 011111:10
One Price System
Min And& DaAmbit V1.11U41,
viaoshle lumber and woad lot to Laibmg township. Mond
capity, Pa., contalub.g about and nen* vrtin • rant des•l4,B
ono c and taro thereat. r d 100 sere* to gram. Ito tbm pop.
ta 4 gq.dgmaill sat cc; able of tutting Kg 000 bat
4t ;amber net year. 1 . /.0 • bill..* .lNTl PM , vro Wits at hitbalson
,1 au Me D. L. A W Balite. id. A goal raid roes Omagh
It- mile bmterty There is aced and lambs tootle. pity, peg
b ivlte over. A ram dm Ae..wUi be .04 low, let b may t. ro d.
AMU the form 10c..° as tbe "N•qtdre Itobseem , ean•P lo Ob.
o is o, edfcming acuity. IN. tiotiluirur mi**l teConen%-.l.ig
rygr, buzl....t.ipp. ions aeilb• 1 unklumpott precis I swag
St sores tit list Leal ;the bal.., op land—• ter. Mrsirable paging.
*La°. a vivotble Mdl peoterty. out mile Min Iteat•Me st 2
*mil* ~ I Jo n,s Loge, eimaLtlog a , • gdsinoll and Nom
Maul in acre• land, mink the motiT ;Vat, Ib. Iminaillit'bOW
GAM •00 I tostom tencaorond aril! ado* , ed raetriertigintitailL
A 1.40. 'tillable farm ou• mile troto ilantrose,routaloitg=
lb. atres.l Plitt ammo of WM; tbe trance br
tam (sag 14 baud o tat pad mace veil *Wand. to
•hlatk gala of cublvai ion I. c hoot at greying tram tam. im
gm , annra—a very desirable impute:
LEin nocaa and lot to the IPTconb og Mottraskfrontlacas
the ?collo Nuare Toe lig coots*. scout IN gaol Of land,lna •
bins and choir. fraud Mods Pee*
Tbs attentive of those *titling to etrebsis i Watt ficifitd
Mims proscrum, at they me all so.d sod dostrable Iseetments St
itte prtniaalwl for Una. Liter.' terms stll be Men. Per Sync&
totem sod co het tan= aka., call on. iddratt ammo, &Asa.
Plosion, Xma-ran Co, Va. or R. S.I3SARLIC.Apst.
Mont*, &moths= Co., Pa, Jan. SOM . 1563.4 f
ILSON. GRIFFIS & WARN= Sat Witted lets • or
• • partnership Tor the Dame's! ft irides We Itooak n racehiet,
h. oriteryl Illereware, Wen std Keel. Hants sad aims. Mae pew
ac . the tlenerai kimono; more persionalyeempled el W.& w&
We respectfully solitil tea patsutave CUM
Y 7 i sndir.
MattrOse"Ttszniary 1963.
Din rio
00w nkm
each asJScpra. Wig s mA EMT; re;. (7a*EVOCP• 444, *lard
bIIIIIISOgy.V4th of Co Itl rinVadtj, Mimi Borough.
ZUW. W In=
cr,bipef work mu 2 trCulertiktag anted ml 6) • a. A. riALL.
re. lithford,ShOrtary li 2666...-hroos.
• -
Dry Goods and cncouig,
torlicarea.eaa banklebowVaibedess.
GOODS. IPALI4-1141-9-
L. ltitißT
C. eAmmf.