the gaticpendent fepublican. R LOCAL MATTERS. CorrYettonk—Nr. Fchror:—ln notice In your los of amount raised in Gibson for the soldiers, etc. y ,, nr type make me say, "Nut prim:NUT:" %rote net proceeds." Geo- Hasurodes Corps —An ndtertl•emcbt in this paper offers liberal Inducements to those en listing in Major-General Hancock's Corps of Veter ans. Soldiers so enlisted may be credited to the places Where they reside. Alistake.—A paragraph is going the rounds, to the eflimt that "since the let of Febroaryall receipts of whatever amount must have on a two cent stamp.. &e. This is Ineorrert alange has been made in the law, and only receipts for r2O er over need the stamp. .4 Mattered Hendt.—We arc to bare a National Bask in Susquehanna Depot, A partial ermaniza• non was bad this week. Next week It is expected that all the necessary arrangements will be perfected for going into operation. We will give the names of officers, etc., hereafter.— Northern iritrwrilearaicin. U. S.'Seven-77strty Loan,—We desire to direst the attention of our modern to the advertisement of W. H. Cooper th Co., who are agents for the sale of the 7-30 loan. It will be seen that they have already effected sales to the amount of $lOO,OOO, and think the whole loan may be ,dispo...d of by the tlrat of April. The time fur procuring these bonds aid no doubt soon be pat, The London quarterfg Reviews—The first 'pninli.r of this valuable publication for the psesent Tear has the following bade of contents: the Life . of William Make, Aristotle's History of Animals, Yon-lees biography of 81r John Elliot, Homer's Ili ad. Memoirs of 81r Robert Wil•nn, Syriac Alsmu s..ripta, Semis. Epigram., The United States as an }.sample. Republished by Leonard Aeott Az CO., IS Walker Street, New-York, at e 4 a year. Jeknowtedgraent.—Rev. R Tower and wife, :.-nby return their sincere thanks to the members ot the lemox Baptist Church, and other frlends,who made them a visit, on the 4th of February, leaving little over forty dollars as a donation. This ra newel.' token of kindness we aceept as a mark of es , em, and it shall prompt us to labor snore earnestly to tbeir spiritual welfare. Vany thanks are also due the committee, who contributed eo largely to the interest of the occasion, Pronkftn.-4 protracted meeting has been held :11 the Avutist Church at the Forks for two weeks, and is still in progress. It is-conducted by Rev. Mr l'nfrer, of Broome County, New-York. Great inter , st has been manifested, the house Ming filled every evening, and sometimes more have come than could b. nested. Some evenings as many as forty-live and fifty of the youth, middle and old men of this vicinity have been on 'he 1111N1 , 11us scat, and there have been many hoiwful conversions JO (TItAN. Arretrfag on Ntrta.We have sometimes known nuts to be Maud so tight that no wrench would re more them This was because they had been held in the hand till they became warm, and being then I:polio:I to very cold screen in Minter, they contract ed ley cooling on, and thus held the screw with an ,nonorahle geaqt. Alwa3a avoid putting a warm ant on a cold .crew; and to remove It, apply a large heated iron In contact with the tint, ao as to heat and rxpund ft, and It win' loosen at once—or a et , t 6 wet with bulling water will accomplish the sloe purpose. Stamp Danes—All business men slioala have fin ofn.lal schedule ol stamp duties ; bat for the nrlit of (armors and others who have little to use stamps, we append a dot of thoss most commonly to•ed: Affreenients or Apprakements, five cents, each stl,l cl paper to 13.• ~t.umpect. Lca.,,, five cents,for all rents not over three hnn• dr.-d dollars. N live ecntt, If not over one hundred dollars, and tire cents for each additional one hundred dot -1.,- or any fraction thereof. trrchrs, for the payment of money, two cents, if the ,am be over ten dollars. ll , ceipts, for money reedved, if over twenty dol rh, or for the delivers of any property, two cents. Thompsoses Reporter.—'phis is one of the beat known, most reliable_ and most s.xt.ssele circulated of any of the Bank Note Reporters and Counterfeit ifrtectors in the country. Perhaps we should not tw..troing too fur in saying that its place among tld• turn of publications is about where " Webster" is uw ,ng dicttouaries—at the head, though are scene aspiring Timis. Its circulation Is now 100,000. Tar weekly edition is three dollars &year; the svmi in mills, two dollars; the monthly, nne dollar.— Addres- Charles Bloudell, Pnbli.her, No. 'lO Spruce Street:Z . .' Y. THE BANS. NOTE DEscrtlrrlvE LlST—Snpplemen bay to the above and by the same publisher, eon tams accurate descriptions of ail the geunine b an k mak* ir.noi by the hanks of the tuited States and Canada, and is pima to all subscribers who pay for the Reporter one year In advance. :Wu. One and Trro DORM' Matra.- -The with drawal of the email note circulation of the State bake, consequent upon their coming Into the Na robal Bar.king System, bus occasioned a want which the Comptroller of the Currency is taking measure, to .apply by an issue of one and two-dollar notes.— Tee contract fur the eneraeiug and printing has been awarded to the " American" and " National " Bank Note Companies of New-York. The design and exerruilon of the plates which have been exhib ited are very tine, and combine ull the recent im provements to guard against fraudulent alterations and counterfeits. The., plates will be prepared for the banks. and the corrency furnished, In order of their ori:anizations, so it will be doubtless SOUK, months before the newer banks will be supplied-- To prevent un*Kewsive eiroblation of miter, of mall detionlina , ion, the currency act provides "Twit not more than one sixth part of the notes furnished to at aeera Wtron shell be of a leas denomination that fit e dullara " Pennsylvania Insane Altylusn.L . -The aunts.' re port of tbie instittition has just been issued. Since ILi ois-ning of the hospital on the first day of Oct',- her. 1.61, nearly 1,850 persons have participated in its benefits. Of this number, ItfiO have been " restored," capsble 01 again entering into to. huskm as, discharging the duties and partaktng of um enjoyments of fife. Between four hundred and twenty and four hundred and thirty have been :unproved, and their condition greatly ameliorated. On the first of January, 1 , 64, the number of pa tients in tyre hospital wet, two hundred nutt eighty. one, viz • one hundred and furtj-eight Males and sec hundred and thirty-turet ivrnales. Received during the your, one hundred and thirty-five pa tients., t a.: seventy-seven Dl/111 . 9 and fifty-eight fe males. Discharged do : one hundred and thirty-five atienta, seventy four males and sixty-one females. Died do. twenty-nine patients, seventeen males and twelve - females; amounting, December :;ht, 1%4, to tau hundred and eighty-one patients, one hundred and fifty-one mid= and one hundred and thirty fe males. Pennell/rants Prtsons.—We hate before ns a pamphlet entitled "Some Notice of the County Prisons and ALms.houses of Pennsylvania. Respect fully Addressed to ilia Excellency A. G. Curtin, Governor of the Counnonateulth, by the Philadel phia Society for Allevistbrie the Miseries of Public - Prisot , s. Philadelphia, 1844." This Society has been in existence for nearly seventy years, and It is hebered that it has been successful to a considerable e xtent in ameliorating the condition of the inmates el prisons, bulb at some and abroad, and also in lumbar public atteritton to the subject of pri,noll or a means nt amending the life and im• pm, 04: the character of those Who hate incurred the penalties of the law for ethnics or vlees. sepa l , ate cottiee mutt is 011 101 , 'd as one of the means for 11 , ming the minibus!, as contrasted with the old method of confining many, of rations grades of clot, together, and Its adoption in the County Jails recommend-d. Murk interesting Information has 6,11 gathered concerning the Pcnitereini v r, County truth., 1100 Alimi-honNeak throughout the State, and Liars for their reformation to certain particulars are given. To 111 foot To UV:or-The following , from an exchange, i 4 the mast logeolows newspaper dun that has ever Intim to our minket 'Twas on a cold autumns% night , A dismal one to view; Dark clouds obscured fair Velma' fight, And not a cloud appoint in eight, As the thick lomat through 11111=1ns-or blue.' , Beat hum-ward, "tacking" left and right; Wham all at once he " brought up" right Against an old dead yew; • At which he rounded to," • And "squaring off," as if to fight, bald, with an oath I shatetindite, ' " -.lnfernal scoundrel you, ' , - _ Light-an' lick you, black or white!" .lust then about him flew An owL which on a brahcbslld A few feet o'er the boozy Wight, goad thee commenced "'Yu whim , - • - In whoo-Itt whoo Itt-whool" QtiotA hinggius-" Dan't you Wok to fright A fellow of my weight and height With your Ter wimo, ter who°, You cursed bugaboo ' An' it you're Ilixlzebob, it's quite Oniteeessary you should . Fare ituggluS ithet your F oney matters are all rlight _ The Printer's paid up-honor bright . Thereat the owl withdrew ; Aod Sitiztius mizzleditoo. But Wrens: %NI etiAPs,4llo/ult=bL taught Out late some dismal Who haven't paid what's dtiel ' "••• They 1 1 7101 P-40 li1tp.•10 001 ,arissup pi . , tc!stsr.—amtritutkWsihr,bie qr Abrunry: • Sheldon Meacham,. Jermieh Meacham, rietifge antes; MIL Orlando rlt ,, nti. :- • Iniarn Wb/tnei,•••-• From Mite Society (two wettings) Other sources • $ 0.03. 2,00. 1,00. 1.00. 35.80. /Va. E 01,63. Cash receipts tor the month of F•brnary, 13{_tty one donare and atzty4hree cent& t Mss-WM.Vi'itsmons, .Ticaeurir. pI.II.OGITE &rimy—Whom there I Fulunns—Frienda with coniforti for the Soldiers. Saarnr—Let one; friend advance and give the pountertlgn. (nue Priced ode:feces and replies)—Jescip 801- dims did! fiaNTur-I'ass On4alleeCati to", Our cause. The next meeting At Jessup -SON Society will be held at the house Of hies Ilen C. Bertholf, on Friday erening, March 10th, Itt The older, as well as the younger blends of the, Society, are res peetfullyltivlted to attend. F. W. D. SIM ere .ofd.—Since January 13th, 1881, the lAwsville Centre Al 4 Society, had forwarded to the W. P. Branch of the U. 8. Sanitary Commission at Indindelohla_ the following articles: Nibs quilts, eight napkins, fourfolther pillows , tix pillow eases, four shirts, twenty six handkerchiefs. two hop pH lowa. four pair of socks, two patrol slippers, three towel, Seven &sealer gowns, nine pair of drawers, two rolls of ( lirftn cloth, two quarts of dried cur rant% four quarts of dried elderberries, fire quarts or drkd rprberries, twenty-six quarts of dried blarkbtrrlek two quart- of &hat sweet corn, three and one-half pound. of apple leather, forty pounds of dried apples, seven pounds of butter, fire calms of honey, two cans of straw - bunk*, one can of raspber- Hea r two cans of pickles, two cans of pickled trait, six quarts of blackberry cordial, four quarts of blackberry wine, one firkin of niekles, and one firk in of souer kraut. Total $135,W. The Society gratefully acknowledge the receipt of 811,01 fr , m Alias darah M. Walker, a faithful al moner of the Giver prat gtfta. E. M. Cowtsx, Fernrtary, pro tern Treasurer's Report eonuneneing January 13th, '1864, and radiny February 1 701, 1665 : Monk* received, Expenses, sloil2. :11;11. Balance on hand, E. AL COWLEY, Trrasuer. N'terspaper Laws.—As there are certain defin ite laws in relition to' the rights, of publishers of newspapers which do not seem to be understood, we will now endeavutto make a plain synop:is of them, and solicit attention tirreto: 1., .1 Poetmastcr is reivired to give notice tly ict. 'ter, (returning the paper does not answer the law) when a salwenber does not take his paper out bt the office, and state the reaton for not bring taketi: and a neglect to do so makes the postmaster respohsible to the publisher for the pay. '2. Any person who takes a paper from that post °Mee, whether directed to hist:maw or another, or whether he has subseritxst or not, Is responsible for the pay, S. If any persOn orders his paper discontinued, he must pay all arreanums or the publisher may - con t ill Ile to send it until payment is made, and caret the whole amount, wpether It be taken from the office or not. There ma be no kgal discominhance nett! the payment Is made. 4. If the subsmilar orders his paper to be stopped at a certain time and the publisher combines to send, the subscriber is Round for it if he takes it out of the post office. I below proceeds on the ground that a man must pay for what he noes. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take .newspapen3 and other• periodicals from the post oilier, or itITIOViIIC and-leaving them uncalled for, Is pima facia evidence of i etebtional trend. "Garrett roar I,Srars."—Soin. one who Is doubtless ambitious to invent a new language, has concocted the following curious paragraph, Which we tied copied Into many of our exchanges: " C, , nr.scT rout Ennona,—People say thdy shell peas, when they nnshell them ; that they basic corn, a hen they unhusk It ; that they dust the furniture when they °midst it, or take the dust tram it; that they skin a calf when they unskin It ; and that they scale fishes when they unseale them. I have Imir-ri many men say that they were going to weed their gardens, when I thought their gardens were weedy enough already." It is generally admitted that Noah Webster was tole/ably conversant with the English language; and if the reader wilt take the pains to compare MS definitions with the above, he will discover bow well the two Instructors agree. Webster says;— " &Was—To strip orbreak off the shell; or to take out of the stulti ; as, to shell nuts or almonds."— " Iluss.—To strip off the external int , gutuent or covering of the fruits or seeds of plants; as. tu husk maize' " Drsr.—To free from dust ; is brush, wipe, or sw..ep away dust; as, to dust a table or floor.'" " Sass —To strip off the skin or bide ; to tiny; to peel." " tic.t.t.g —To strip or eltao oft 6 C- 81,5 11 - 4. . to scale a tish " "WEED.—To free front noxious plaits; as, to weed cora or onions; to sod gtailvn.•' It thus appears that, If Webster Is right, this would-he instructor is, in every instance, w tong. .7sarmed A'arrurs.—For those who are interested in literary matters, we have compiled the following list of lending vrriters, with their assumed signa tures. It would be to preserve It for future reference. 'rho assumed signatures arc given in quotation marks, the reel name being placed oppos i:e: "Gail Hamilton," "Florence Pcroey," " Timothy Titcondi" " W. Savage North.,` : Orpheus C. Kerr,' " Mrs. Partingtou," " Artemns Ward," " Doesticks, P. 11," " K. N. Pepper," '• B. Dadd," " Mace Eloper, "Josh Billings,' " The Dialiand,d Volunteer," P,pes." "Scd Buntline," '' Daisy Howard," " Cousin May Carlton," " Klmund Kiree," "Country Parson," '• Mary Clarers," Currer Bell," " Cißag Schoolmaster," "Owen Meredith„" " Barry Cornwall, , ' Author of "John Halifax. Gentleman," Dr. J. G. DoMina. • WO2 B. Newell Robert D Newell. P. B. A. II K. Boyd_ Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. Cnarluttu Brmde. Charlca M. Divklni.on_ lialwer. Wm. ProMor. Miss Blalock. " The Marvel," Donald G. Mitchell. " Jennie Jl:lne," Mr.. Jennie Croly. " Fanny Fern," Tiro of James Parton, (the ITlAtorlan,) and 6 / a ter of N. P. Willie, " Petroleum V. Nabby," : D. E. Lnelle. "llowurd Glyndon," Illea Laura C. fteddan. - Montrose Solettere ..litt.—Trazaurer'a Report for Fettruanf, lE45: Balance on bend, rebnlarj' From eale or art lete..=, Captain Day, of Busqueltauna,.:,. Judge Tykr, Mrs. Horace Brewster, Miss Elle% Joianson, from her iellool at Great Bend tillage, Total, 2i Exponaes of n. , month, 8 304 Balanee on hand, 9'30.77.—51Rt,79. _ 3ita. IL J. #Eno, Treasuter. .. . .. . _ _ . Sri-ref:of. Report for FitrrirorY :—Vorweriled to the Sanitary Commission. numbers 69 ar.d 90—the latter a cask of wine containing ten gallons rhubarb wine. The former, a barrel of clothing containine 17 towels, Ttuuidkerchiels; 13 pair of woolen draw ers, 15 Ilannel shirts, 1 canton flannel shirt, 4 pair of mitten., 5 pair el elippers, 5 pair or socks, 3 pada, 30 pounds of dried berries, 2 book., old mnslins,and reading matter. The Aid Rodeo , now occupy the room of " Rough - & Ready Engine Company," where they meet ' Tlaprsday afternoon, and where they will: bead id - welcome all toutribn dons and recruits: Even the young Misses cap do a great deal. Now proof of this was given lase week by Miss Handal/ Drinker who broughtpatch work bed-quilt, artitta tell of. scripture written in the centre of each block the work of her owe hands. Who tan tell :how Much warmth it may bring to the shivering form or chilled heart of some poor sick soldier. • • We are also In receipt of a letter from Mimi Ellen Mitchell, In :,whith she eayst "The Sanitary have adopted a neW,plan of distributing their stores in the hospltalstround Washingten. And with what they are dptng for us at present. and the manner of doing It, I atneatlificd : entirely." • M. s. H. C. T'run, &erdary. State Ariyiti . sal Sehtiol.—Oar worthy County Su perlidendent Of &bean sends ns the following: IL IL Aniier, ay. t—rmelosed is a communica tion from a teacher of our county in relation to the Normal. Scheel for our- District. Those who had the opportunity of listening to ,ProtAllen at the last meeting of our - Ttsichers Assodation;will ty believe that all this and math more Ulm.— Doubtless [ the friends of Mimi Shove, as well as all interested in school instruction; - will he gratified to are its pubileation in the ft