Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, December 11, 1856, Image 2

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    .. - .4 , 5-. ~..I.a, : ‹oiv- . .r 4e,_.+:u.ardia. .y crl...•:'3l., . nniatumiscer.v..temerree4
- • : ISPeotintiritiCi' etifered - tt o' for titeirarptlsr - i'
of relieving onr ; continet.l'iai intercourise;.-4.lth i
0 1 6 I s t art o i i f I.'i l li a ~:.once orits-Ihirchitand 1
providinfz' for , Ili. , ; iii ire . rspiie t iy settieumft of
'local disputes : , rowilig.,;lll of that intereotirse' ,
have slot vet lie ' le•11 fitt(.tidcd 'with any results,
Soon 'afrer tire, eiintitrineetnent.of • the late
Wlll' iu;-Etirope..this government: . .s:tibmitted .
t, -- ; the co t i i,;iii. Ti r : o ion Of trutritinie nation i iti two
- principles' ! thi.i. si‘eurtty - of nentraP.coin.;
it i te:ee; olio, thitt the tient ral flag. sh ittlil cov_ i i
er enemies", go , ,as, eXoopt. artieleseotitralitlndi
of Y.'-ar ; and I Iti.';: i; hLjr, • th4t. trent:ld prorterty - i
.on board niereirent -ye,.....- - -ek of ii.iligeriults i
- shi - iuld be' 'exet . pt fom
r . Co nd e , tatiotr, with: i
, n ..,
.the exception of contraband a : lutes. • . ' i
- i-- - These Were-rh'ot•iireseitted, as -new- roles. f,41
iiiternatii;mil law; -haying been generally; neat rals, though pot ;thy:Ws .ad
..trtittett by belligerent-._ ()lie of the, pat . .ti e s T O
"war— rtll.;;,;lii----:k well 41,S 1. ,- everal tivilfilll pplAr.
'Os; prt`itontlYneeedeti ti', these propclsi!ioos :-
up& lite' t*Oital - otaprkin:ip:tl belligere:3tt 7 .Gi l e . : e
'Britai? and France,: iniving'eoliscrited in oh-.
serve flier:li for he . ire.: , :A!nti oci!as.l.c - iri,•- : ti:TaN'or 7
:nble. Opp,i!innity ,2.f.,..rneti to be presenittil for
•Obtaining at getiqval l'extotznition.. of t hen) both
in-itrope : land lAtin..rica. ;, • '-'; ; . -
.: But - Great Britain and France, in common
- witbflooSt otiii't states ofurope, .wt•ile fir=
bearing' to Ir.i.iit,i;diii.- hot aiTtrifiatively . net
`drain the 4e'rttf l ivis Of.llie• United Stuti , ... - -
• While - t he:Tpte..; ion was i n thi s posit iOn.lbe
`l'vpresen - tnyes i,t I;ii.§iii,„ Fratte., , , g re:it 11.ri,t.- .
:011,•All:drii1,:Pt'.1:ss1/:, c3:ll.(litiht, at id Itirli . t..) , ,
::is , r , oll),t)lci.3 'a - 2 I:'iiri,:, touk tutu 0 illsid il :TA. ion
..the Einli..i‘:•4l4. • rnarit,initiaiglit , , rind put flail
a d(`t';:;rzlt.iiiit' ('.' l l•Llitlillg Ih" 'lwo i'll'ill(:ifile's
•w.hieff I his.i , ii% cool:it - ft t had submitted, nearly
`two y.e:ii::t.f6efr... to thecOn.fsirlelvtioit cif miir
'itinte, - 1 ,,-,l'ii:s - . netrail,bug thereto "thi_i i'ollow
•irig• preitosiiiori4;:-L" . ' \P - riviiloer;ng is ttiul.ri.,-
`n - laitis•i;b6l7 - ,sheil,' . . and "11!o(•katics, in order.
to oii - i)illltii, , i,t t. ) ;.. ilm e tiv e .. t l izi f 1'- io •,., a • v,
Main:T..l6l;d' by a ':ors.:.;; 5t1,11 .- tit. - :Troall.i: lii "re
i.:6i* at.::.'.i;?-..:5 . to 11 . .10 tE.:' ,, :l.t. If the enemy ;," and Vile i,i't.ti . tlari - itto:f,. •thu , -. composed Of f , ,, - iitr
-. ..poirks,. t.i,v t) O f .111-eli 'll: . id already . I ic a 'i n pro
.:. pos;:e'd by: the. Viiired Statf-s, tit,, :tzovornment,
'hasteen lifyited by' till the powers repres' ented
'ttf Parli-, .exeept great Britain 'and Turkey.
To the'l;i , r of' :11i, tw(i.additionla ,prorosi
:-..Tn114-.5--titat i;l re hiti i - ot lo Idoeltaciest here
'• t...`31'.c0r-ttii:lFy b..C..eti ' 9 l ijoetion, • :It is le ere! v
the ilitiiit,ii,e; • iif, t• Avliat shall . coeStititte the ef
--fi-2etutit invi..sitiren of a - blockaded - pl a ce. a
, definition . for r Whieti this government:has al.
ways eontehtledieliiiitiir indi‘ninity ilir losses;
-where a lira r etical riohgion of the ride- thns
defirit_sci.ll. - eit .116:vitems to olir C. - .111 . 11.(!!' . Ce..
, ~
. Aslo .the remaining article of the declAration
of the ciiinfi . 4 retieLt of - Piiri - st l '-'..'t - that. Briateer.;
in is and t' . e:iiarsiihojislAisi),” I (vrriiii ll iy ean
hot te=cribejtri : tt• fii4,ers r,efirZiizenter in the
i;conferchee (• i .Iq.riii' an , \iiiiiit.lifteral :nail` phi!.
'anthrophic vievi-s ill tit(l ,
arteMpt to eltatlg' e the
-unipzestiontibie ruie" of touratinri linVi','in r , '-;.:.
'ard td,pri.V.atee rtnrt
, . -
Theftr9ittl!',l.lloll Wit..• dtitlbtliSs.` iiie.r,tlC'il.
10:inip137 iii:llito.i - 11
. of the principle - that. pi-L.
vat, e. propiirt tipoti• the ocean, although -it.
'Might belong tO;the citizen; 'of a bellii-crent
'State, :short la be exempted froni cAtp;erti ; and
.had that priT4sitt'On been so farned . .,. as to
zive full; cfl;:et 'to the prineiple y it would have
.receiYed v lily readi assent On : behalf fof the
- United State. .i,ilut the teeri;it•ri Proptis , d is
inaileiitate - : to that purpose. , 14 is trire• that
:if adot - itej, I , liV3Z.e. vroperty ,ii Fon thei oseati
' won Id 'be ;tyitivir:wi i from eniiinoCie ,if 14 ili.
der. but left
eo 4 .'i os e
:, l, me,: tnw lir •
Ii• ' .to 1 1;0 • 1 'r
11 0 1 1. u , niv h 1 1)e ts , eu , will . I.elea , C ,
- die e t i vett ti,4.-t,
• •
The r of rrre: , t
wtaiki t'j. , .•rt•bv 1\1:"Je
1 :T1 - Hough the 'weans of Time
-1-1 I'of eyrw.t•reilee of part's : in:l
-to:1i iu tc:-1:1:- iNVOind
•bc the reihlyii4±itift : ilt of a of little
tic to t•ta,s att-s. 'but . esseitti: '
- ue. I r, tl 312
nor to antieTatt•: - .1 that 11 irieasur
', 1 4,ii:1ti.k. , 1 11;11 % -r. to aecornprlshnitil!(ll
olt;ect, aniii.zo i:equal in its:opQra
tion, ireck;ie the assent-of all inArititu'e
powers. Ptiv:4 , -t property would be still left
to the ..dep,recl4tions - of -the public 'armed
. cruisers.
I have expresed'a reniiines on .the part of
this goverinuera, to accede to all the 'princi
ples contained in the 'declitration Of - the con
ic-I:nee: of Park pi - ovided:That relating to the
nbanclonnt , nt :'of• priv . iiteering can .;'be so
amended n4:to t'sfreet the Otijot for which,'
is presmoa, it 'was intended, the iminunity
'of private property on the ocean from hostile
capture. ' - .
T 6. - effeet this object is is prof , iised 'tt; add
to the declaratital that, " privateering• , is and ! !
re mains a bOLlSlied,", the following ail i end m enf: 1
." And that ::!_tii prr. , ate property of subjects i
and eitizetii:i . of a InAlig , retit in ...:11e high. ons 1,..' e...•,....c'11ipt from seizure by the,pulilie !
.:frtned v ! ..--:::::, , ;!;:: of livi oilier belligerc-fit,:exciept i
it be 'eof.ii.pli::lU.l.7 ; `Tit,aro end inent has been: i
iwt . ..setitt'd 1`:;.:t ~ , n it- f . ( ' ) the powers which have.
af=lfa 0 - urii..s , .ent'to the dech.irtition to 'raniill:sh i
"privateerin' ,, , hut to allother iparitinw. State 4,. '•
fif - - tirt•
Thu: i , ,:.. 111:t btft'll rejected 'by any, arid
:is fa-Yorably entertr.ined by all m fait have i
tniith: ar, : ti. ; ,, iiltallaii.-4ioa in rel:lv. .! ''' - 1
f.:4c,;ver:.1 . 1 bf the .: -, Oi.errancrits regardinf - _t With
favor 'tile 'roi•k)sitiou of the tnitc:l ;Start's. •
ha% e4, , : 2% - yie:l ti...finit.e action upon it, on:y for
fla t : 11.1,71.,,;* of c , ,llsulting with others,Tarties
„tf.), the . can fere, lee .qt - Parts, 1 have t he_ sati§-
...faction of S'.:itifi , .,, however, that the tin per:-
. or of Rtissia has entirely and_ explicitly -ap.:
3 . .iroyed. of that niodification,.and will en-oper
ate ip _entleavoring .10 I,,htain the .9.‘tSt.lit •of
other 'pow.'i,t's; and thatassurancesofl'a siin
ilarv,epott hay f „.• lie•eri received in rAttion to
r.f.hc ill:sposction ofilie Emperor of the French.
' 'The pre•ktut asnect of 'this irnportant. sub
jectl . I
allow s! if 4 i:4) cherish, the hope. that a prin..
t:iple so lit;'=xi ine . in its character, so just bird
.., , fjun i i ll itii i i, , lieratit:in, so essential to the pros
11_, i eri ty ,ol.o4 . ftini:rei4l tia t i on s, and . . so;', COl-ISO
- W'Slill+viltill.lCritt , Of this'• . enlighte, l 7 , 44 pe
1. i o (1. (;fille! tv or td , Will cow in and: the . ap ro h a
tic:n-01.1d! liffari.tlfzie..lyst,vers, and thfiS he-in
- • rated. into th: - ' code'tif international law,:
14y°, vieWs on-the •subieet are more folly
set kirtn hi the . repl4 . • of the Secretary of . the'
State,. it co:,: . of wbicii is hire- - kpinsiiii),ted, to
, tniliprl ieutipP§ on the oubjetft made . to,
t.his-governi i ntA in In
; ecially• to the eetnutd
eatiOn ofTranee. .
- • ..... , .
. - 'lie tr
oYe.rnment of the Ittif* - 11 states"has
fit •. times: regarded. witli . ,,fr.Tendfy interest
tile otger_ Stites ,tlf. A.tneri4,. formerly, like
this couritt;Y European; colonies aid TIOVC in
depentlent'LUteinhe'ri of i,hetreat faini3y lir
ori .
• ti ation s, hi.i t ' the unsettled, - e d iti on : of sonic
of them, distraifteA .'hy , iiitlue rt.--revolutions,
and thein'-int.'apabie •of regmlar . t . _,44i limn inter
. nal itdminiStrati:in, hastendel.fte,efitharrassoc
. c..aliptialli;,af public;ititrco.ur - se . ; byf ieasen
of iii.ongsiwille!t our eitjrzehs starer t their
latais itudl which they are. slow to redress.
I„Tnattlinately 'it, is against :the Itephblio of
' ,lfc'Kft4ti - ,..,y.. 1 441 which it t 4 - .tfor special de'-re to
In i f t, ll l4 : go o ,il fifidiu ., that, such coil-•
plaltits .are.., - rnost,..fiufnerous ; aud arthough
earttestly tirgtid n oon its latent. iettf, t6v have
, ~ - -- . L. : i i " •• . . - , ~ , :. yet• i rece: yeti Lie euipsvcfp , .r..lllol! WICE/
illiiov,e - iliill . t:6t: had . 31:44 tditxptet...t' Whilc
repliratiOfi i . 'ir past injuriOs.luts .,
- -.- -.ttliers: hav el been . i.rJ.W. The Witi4.l eon
i t
.....3 ' ' -
e - ii:/ b ; , a sk ti
rtdOuti.ot 1.... t et.tott...,.ry,,_ 9,.w_ yer, . ~.4. .. e
a.s . t..o .. ..ilittnuid,:forhe4r4pekl vii the-part c of the
. kiniiied -Sfit!es.: i tAiiiiceoniinue my ejrurts . to.
prqcgrel . f4r.l!h . p..!yr.o44k, pu.r ji . .tizert Ithat .re-,
.dri',l....wiiiffkii . ,ii)"cl4 , . t,o,, the' . - Coiltiatied
frrettilli uir:9,4e,ii . itibit cif- Am . :two
..rieputitl.'. -.:
re tnt d of -N.' kart ,
rata in the early Fart o 4 Ole pri....Sol4:_yeilf,
dered .it introit:int th t , this: p)vertnent
,110111,111 ave dirdomatie- relations with, that
State. Through its teriitory i :has Leen (pen,
Of'c,l ottt . the prineiriai 'thoroughfares. across
. the islinnus connecting - North' South
. - A.metica, - onwhich a vast amount otimperty
-was trauvortedi 'and to whiekoni titizenste
sorted in great numbers in ,passing,l)6tween
the:'Atlautic and Pacific coasts-of the United
States, • .: . .
. - .
The protection'of both required that thc.ex . .--
1-:thig imiwer in that State should be regard
ed as a responsible \ governMent ;; intd its min
.isttir ‘S";LS accordingly receiVed. But her re:,
untitled . iwe onlya short time. • -SOrm there,
afterthe political atlitirs of •Nicaragua under
-went: an' uul • avorable : ehange,.itnd I eNmie in.
volved in 'touch uncertainty and confusion.
Diplomatic representatives: from two con-.
icmling parties -have bt..en - recently sent to
this government ; but with time imperfeet in..
•formation r poisesie'di it. - was not pos,ible tO
de2ile which was the government- de tact() ; :
and aVaiting further developments 1 haVe re•
fused tc' receive either. .: • • • : .
(4, 1 - e s ti k ms ,Of . the mOst seriouA nature are,
pending lbet4een the United:States and thei:.
Repbillit., of New Granada: , The government
1 of that. Republic undertook, : . 1-,., Year since, to
iHi rselolffla ' on 7r, ireigq vess'els tiflier - rorts;f
but. A he - purpose war; resistA by this gove n ,-_-
it feaN. .41. ti . 10:11 contrary to existing, t re' a t ‘-
sttilulatjotis ii* the. United :State*, anti CI )
1 rights conferred by charter .upon ttii,. Panatn:i
_._-- .•.
Rail6 , ad Conipriny, And .*;ls aeeordiflgly re,
14prished at= timo, -it being ntimitteti that
cur V5:,;,...01:4 . N 1 ere exempt from
tonnage tllitc iii the free ports Of Panama and
Acq6nw.dl 1 u"l2. ni . vro , e h. been recynt.
ly reviveq. on. the part of New - Granada by
Oar euactment of a subject ve , sds
itint.r, her ports to the balm:A-J. ot- forty .
°ee o 2:; per t sn ;' although the law has not
he eii put iu . lbree, yet the to tilf;,ree it : •
is still :a'serted,',and may,, at any time, he act
ed gat by the Covert:mem of that
:Thk..Cougre - -is of NeW Granada had'also en
acted a law, tturiug .the last rear, wit elt
;vs u gas oftniire than three tlillars on et`e?:‘ ,
p9und of twitter transported across the
Isthmus.: Tiri3 sum tins required to bilpaid
on the mails of the Uni!ad States would be .
nearly two millions Of-dollars annually, hi ad
dition to the I.arfrze sum payable ei int raet
to the Panama 1-lailroad* Company. 'lf the
only Oljection. to' this *exaction were. th-$: ex
hort)l limey of its amount, it not he sub.
milted to bv the 'United' Statc4.
The impi'isltion, however, would obvhiirsly
contravene our treaty with NeW Granada, and
infringe the contract of that republic with the
Panama llailroad,SompanY. iThc law_ pro
viding for this tIN- was, by it, lerlii!=, to take
effect on the first of September last, lint the
local authorities on tb‘i . 4sthrni; have been in.
ditt2iA to sus-Tend its execution; and to wait
further instruction on. the subject
.from the
government of the republic. 'I am nut yet
advised 'of the determination or that gov,krit
inent.- Ira measures so extracirdinary in its
character, and so clearly contrary to treaty
',.lpulation, , , and the contract rights ofthe
Panama Ilairroad Ciimponv,•falinpriseil rifiiist
ly of A:mei:lean citizens, should be peri's-'ted
to, it 'will the duty of the United Siaies;o ,
resist- its• execution.
I rer:Td. - exeeo - .lll9rlv.thitt exist - -; to
invite y.our iittentiot, to it,,-tilje,:tof still
et• import in opr :The
Vii New' - lill the 15tit dar of A tiril
last: 1-iototr, of t4r'cin}r:thitatits
of l'iman,m,
ritt% - telt On the 1-refi--er; of th..
Cotlif - miiy; anti tte . p,r-si.T.!rers-nrA -otllir [Tr.
sons in or he:ir. thdinvi , ly:l!! , the (Ictith
sever :l citizens I , f t!le tilt
tatiny other-.
. . .
A large amount of property kilOnpin7' to t.1 1 i, 4 ,
raili; d al comnanr. J eausod ' , full itivesuija,
lion Of the t evont t 9 I)e.,rintile. and the - rut
!. bows satisfaaorilv thteonn.letiiresFinsibil
ity for what oecurred utifieiu - s• to the . wvo'll--
`ln tin tof N(-tic (4nomd:l. • 1 hare,: i heretbre, je-.
niandcd of that g,,Tverli rant that the perpetra
tors Of the wrongs hi question g.houlithe '4:
ished ; that provision ,biwid he.' made for the,
Families of citizens of-the United 'States who
were.killed,•with - full indemnity for property
pillaged or destroyed: -
Tile; present condition of thelisthnius or Pa-
Mimi', in so filo As.reg;irds the'is: city of per
sons and property passing overt Attires- se
,riOug consideration. - Recent in dients tend
to show that local: authorities eamnit -be relied
on to maintain the public peace . of Panama,
and there is just grOtmd fin! apprehintiieu that
1 1. portion of "the inhabitants :ire "meditating
.further outrages, ithotit.adeqUatg - Init.‘asur*
'fin. - the security •aud protection of erson„ s or
ilro . perty havin; been taketi, - : ei rby the
State ofPanama, or
-by the ocnc. -1 govern
ment:of New Grzlniida.
• ;Uti,ler the 4”araritie= of treat-;,"citizens of
rt - he United State:" hare, ny:the outlay of seli% !
• eral millions Of ea liars: eOustructed a 'railroad
• acros--, the .1 , 411im0 - -rd it ha beeOn (- thi ,
l• '
main rynte between our Atlantic and Nellin ie
pos:iessions, over which Multituiles' of our cit-
izetig and. a va , : t atilOunt, of property are con.
siantly pa , sing-- 7 to - the se.purit . !, :u protec- .:
Lion of all Which, and . the vontinuance of the - '
p . u.liiic advantage , involved; it :is .impossible
for the e - overnment - ofthe United States to 6.t
inchTerent. • . • , - I .
l' have deemed the 11:Inger-of the recurrence
; of ;cenemi of - lawless violence itl this quarter .
.: , .. , o inocinott as' to olake it. my Fluty to station"
a -part of our nar.irl force in
.the . harbors•:of
Tanama•and: A spiu wall. .ih or4er to •proteet
the ruri•ii'lls :tnJ I , n , p6lll el t.lieji•it izen s of L i ll!
-United StltC.s in those., . - )rts, ancl - toinsure to
them safe' passap ra- , 5,5 the 141 - imus._ And
it would,•,in• - mv jud , ,,,,. , ment, he unWise to with.
draw the naval f, wee now in tll,l-e,-,ports, un
til, by the'spoutaecow: itMion „rok n,piiii!k,
-of New Granda, "or otherwke,...4 i Ctite, ilde.q , unie .
atlrangernent shall have been made for the
protection and security of a line , of interoce-
atticcorn m unicat i , 41 so impi' thii e,,
not to the - United States 0n1y,,,b lit t. 6 all other
irMaritisi l le States Loth of Emxiple and Amer.
Meatiwhile,mnt it.tions.have Iheen institut
edM by eans . i..if a spacial cottnnissicin, to hl
,- ,
tain:from New firatiada full ii•ldemnity - for
'injuries sustained by Gtr eitizons on' the 'silt: .
mus ; :LH satisfaelioy security for the general
interests of the• 'United State
''.ln :ICieirS.-.1111;4 to you my 4st _annual mos..'
•:.'ag,e, , ;he - occasion ,so.ems to rnk an appropi:i:.,
at 4 'tae to express my cOnuratniLtions hi view
of the peace, greatne acid ss, fell ity.which the-
Fnited States nf'fw posses's ... ill:l enjoy. To;
point you to the state of the y:rious depart,
meats o f file (rov4Tioncnt, and (If atl the great
brai;che-S of the public service,' tivil- and mili:
<ran% . in order.bpeah-6r their ia diligence and
the ir: tegrity which pervades the' whole . , would
be to indicate '.htit imperfectly the admini4-
t rative ,conditi,m - of the_ country,;' and the ben
cliCial effects of that on the geleral.welfa re.
Nor would it . sutlice to say that the nition.,
i.=, actually at peace at home and abroad ; than
its industrial interests are pro Terous ; that
the .canv / ps or*, tam - liters whi n every sea;
i l it 4: the Jlliiol ! , ,, f it's h ni:11A11 - i 11 i2n is tnarcii ! '
irig; steadily on ward to the 1140 :e::..; c ogi qut .st
of -the colititt t hat citics !Id, popalons
States are tprht ; ,... •i:i..f.g.iii;,llB iiiiyelll:l4lllt I i I eq i
from the bo.sotti or our .westei'n I Okla, atti
.that the courageous - , energy .nr oaryoplkt 6 -
inakink of - these 'United-. Strafes. ' the , great i.e
pallid -cit: t - tiie . world. : '.rlieSe results liate tot.
been atoned lit ithout imeshig ,thrbugh trials
tod.perils, 4, experiencv . or whet," and
: thus
_, . ..
onlvliationk-ean Irtrderi into mat
forefathtiN w ru trained.tothe
hicli c9neeiveAland the courage which
ed independenee;:by• the eirennistatiee
surrounded their, and, they were, thin.
capable of creation . . .of the.- rePubl
devoNtd on the 'next generation to
date . the work of the.revOlution,
country entirely, from - .the itifluenetaTc
Meting trarrsatlantie part iali tiee or anti).
which' attaelied,to our colonial and rerc
ary..liil4ory,.- - airdi 10 organize the praetii
ration of the cotistitutionarand
of the Union.
. ,
- To us, of this . generation', remains ti
less noble task of maintaining and ext
- the'pewer of the', United States W 1
r a; Ivngth, reached that stage,Ot the it
[ career, in which
: the dangers to be en et
ed, and the exertions to be_ made; arc.i
:eidentS ; not of weakness, hut of stroll
In our tbreign Telations•we haite th - att I
our. power to the less harpy condition ,0
republic's . , in Ainario,.rind to place_ourl
in tire calmness and conscious, dignity 0 '
by the side of the gr'eatest- and wealth,
the E:inpires of Europe., • : i . - 1
:; -In our , domestie relations, weilitve.-to ,
r-aaainst the shock Of the discontent-, t
bitious, the Inter ests, and the exuberan.
therefore sometimes'irretlar impul
, T
r , wt.,.
opinion,. or of action, Which: arc the i
. produecof the preSent political.;clevath
self-reliance ; and the restless spirit of
prise of the. people of the 1 lnited State.
I shall prepare to surrender the Ex
trust to my sueeeii.sor,. and retire to I
i ice 'lvith sentiments of profound grat it
the good. providence which, duritr the
of mt. administration, ' has vouchsafed
. . y
r the country thrirmg,tr many .ilitlieulti
niestic and and to enable nte.t
template the spectacle of amicalde a ,
speetful relations hetween:ours and-all
governmen'ts • and. the- os(abli . slnneni, t
stituttopk:Orthiii - and trangniility thrm
, the Union..l; FRA•NKLI N ,PIE R.
NV.v.nth4yr6x, Dee. '2, 1850.
rie ii...."'"`: ' 7
..,= \ ..i.,-..... i t_..1.. ,
.. 1 T .
....„ N....1..0.4, , ,, e ,
o , , vry. rt ~•, ,Nt, _
V: —,..).-..",/ ..f .. . 1 11;i'' , -1 , . i 0.--,.
, . . ,- . 4,,,(4.4.„,.. 4x. .. . ,:i A 4 . ~....,
;,,,' •`4 .4).1 N 1 -1;r71.7.-..1.11( - :1
t•\ , '; - :6 , - - if ~ " .:- f "1-::.: + :f0', V.n \ - s ,
,v,., , : 4 ,,, r 4,1, ,, ~- r ; ?, '1.1c1;.,
,:,, , -... 4. ~..-....,".t...e.: -:`...' 1
.....:,. -V. j: , ::.•:" ... zi . - 2: 4) , .,
:.-7-• - ' . ; ,-;:- :•,. - S .7 - ' 11:-:'".. - ;'; 1 '; - 1.3=i-
r 4
,S; ,-- < ;;.,..) c ' ' . ;Z", .k.., ----- .....'i .‘ '
" :7 P c'".l ,-- --- r.-
•-,:-..-,... -,' ,
/WO 4.• "
in,Aapefic)e,iyi ileprO
Tbursa4y, DerOmber 11., t
. .
The President's -Message:
1 . The• great length of this document ex
our usual variety this week. I.t will ii
! that :1 large -portiirin • of the message is
I up. with a stniiip-speelilit:e. speeiniun o l
vial id:qv - ling in behalf of the Slave P
, - • • • - ' ~ .: .„ •
, Pi., - ,,-, r ioin: to thd eleeti9n.rai able writer,,
i article we copied froiu 'the A'ationat
v• - 4r-ned the people of the North that ti:
tion of'nuelianaii would Lc el:dined 1 as an en4rscoient of slit
i f r i - 01,-:,:overeit doetl'ine lot' " State eqii,
1 the plain meaning- of 'Which doctrine.
the :Constitution , protects the slav
1 er in the enjoyment
. of his . Slave- pry
1 wherever ht choosia.; to:carry it. Th
1 diction is verified. , Presidont pierce,
1 ing, for the Slavehoiders, declarcs;that
lelection of Buchanan the people 'attic 1
i . States; " have asserted. - the : cOnstitt,
1 equality of each and' all ' the : ,StateS
"have maintained the inviolability
constitutional riAt4 of the Idifilfrent 9(
!Of the Union." . Biit the majorit:- of tl
1 pie have made no such decisioli ;* for,.
Ithose who voted for Buchanan inter
[endorse such a doctrine-1s the Soutl i
pret must be rememberedthat I
. • • 1 - 1
L an is a minority. President,a large mitj
1 the popular Vote . having been ..east :.
1 him. With this menstrouS, slavery I t
.iii r :* doctrine that a slavehulder. can e,
• 1 i
! Slavery in any Territory! by - earry
k• - I
i Slaves thither twirl at issne before t.
i pie, we belice thi.l-e wonld be a vas
• •
ity -
against it. But the. ...unthern .
will el ai in that. the d Out rinelia4 beeitka
and will expect their new P i resident a
gtosg to -act accordingly. i . - . . •
I- Thitiinessairit. is ver y bitter mains
public:ills; The President ;ayii thatt wy pre
-1 tend simply to oppoSe the extension of Slave
rv. and :to have ng ppose of .interfering
Iwith it where it p fists, litit that their real
object is to abolish it in the. States vhere it
1 exists, althOugh that cannot be done without
producinr , civil war'and disunion. .The Be
publican platform adopted', at Philadelphia,
says expressly that the parity (Les sot pro.
pose to interfere wituislaviiry in the States
NS, here it -exist, and - So : said and . says the
, whole, party ; but 4President .Pic.r,
UndabOut way, acenSes.tbein 611o' l
•1 io,.Tlie President appears have (been in
in the - same school witn tie "gal
hint Snobble," judging- by the el acres. he
Iprefers of Northern aggression. The North,
'1 according'esOlotighfaces, has been re
peatedly committing aggressions _Ton the
1 South, Which the latter hasSubruitted to-with
- ,
ireniarkable ,formeeliness the sa L I of the,
1 I. 7 nP:m. If, duliin years pftst,,the outli has
1 been deprived of its just and con Rational
I rights by Northern aggression, it may be
expected that tuesp wrongs, now t tat . they
1 are discovered,. will . be, remedied, and' the
, 1
South- 7 -or mordproperly - Speaking lie Slave
1 Power,acquirii t 1 infliiektee in th .i govern
meat which properly belongs to it: And
l if, , w hile • .••de .- of a .- • • •
1 prived put on of i,s rights,
tkt Slave Power has. held ,•absolatil control
ofthe Go vernment, we matt rti - what will
I . , f., eSS . 1
be the::condition of things*hen thitt pincer
i •.. • ' •- I' ::,. • : 1
1 Is HI l'aeaSeu ,.7 i ' : I ,
1 Ica messa.'-'olt 'says With ,
i. . . . . ..r. -. 1 • red '
repeal,Nf the XiissOuri.Compromise.
oft/mr said . lit:4;lre in •the pro.4'slavery
pers. ~Tlie President,tellsjus that`!]
sonian'principle ,r!for6ye,r, lexcludin
froth th6Territorie:s, is unOonstitou,
showhig dint the 4ctrineS i . of the
.., • . - 1 • - _t.
rneerueyjare diametrically Opposed
of the-Olik:He tells us- the't hem' Ui
Ili . li' : ' 6 ' --
vision oestabbs 4A by t e Niss'
, .• - •; 7, • , - 7
. 777
prOtaigP Vt'aS' not eAtended ncros* / our newly
attlnired territory to the Pacific, the Missott.
Conipromisa thereby lost/its binding' , filreo
••• , •
al l etlect repeal / e4 . fluu,,is as . much
a - 4:: to say, if two men made a . tar . 41 •Ster'
I i g .
dav, tin • d . make another •to-day,
••' - •
but fail,Aat Ofmdfis void . s...yeste l rday's bar-
I g in, and ones-i)6t, inay refuse tolltujfdl his
i l 'entract:;.altlfougli he has feceived the con
sideration. The • President says that the
S!aveholders had the rightto take their;Slaves
it to Kansas,as well before as after'.;the repeal
ie not
0 the Miztsouri GAnpromise.. Than is in ao.
. •
k ivel c rdance witki,he new. :doctrine. of. State
itional quqlity, hut it could never fia`ve received
inner-I'o e assent of sneli SOutherners 'as !Wttshitig,-.
I tin, JelTerson: Clay, szt% ••••'
I We ask the sham - Democracy. cif this re
to tak - e 'notice that the President
the"fact Of the Kansas outrages. It is
dwir - -
Lott jtt
er 111?
opt -
I •
le in
est of
t e: he takes paitis to makd the case
appear 'AS bad as peSsilile for the Free State
inen,.and' Plainly Misstates some facts that
, 1
' l 6 at i,..r were provedbefore the Investigating Corn
1, and. i tuittee, but lie dues not pretend to' dent the
'es (4. itruptiOns of the Border .ltuffians, i)r their it
:aural ' ' .
cn, it; l i egal voting, It seems a little strange that,
ne who could liud authority for, the 'Crom-
Welhan feat of dissolving the Free State Leg
1:1;li ve • .
iliattire by flirty of arms, was afraid to fur
r".'2o•(' I , nisli troops to defend the purity i,f• tlie. ab. 1
. , -
ide to:, 1 •
)eriiKl I
lot box, lest he should tie aceuseU ,of mon
o ( .„ 1 ... a - treble:ll tendent..les.! .. • d
)t, do- 1 1 The residue of the resag.relating to th e
) eon- 1 Izeneral atttirs of the comity and ()Ur forei , m
id re - i relations; contains ; nothing eallin2 for: es
other : , • -
t eon. pedal comment,. •
As will.appear by a notice. in riaother part_
• r , •
of our paper, Wm. B. Bradt ury,.th Jelebrat
ed singer and composer, from .*w York.
will hold a convention at this plaCe, to Cyll
10ene.0 On Monday, the:22d inst, frir. aid - O H%
pose of teaching and practicing vocal music.
F i rom the known reputation of the leader, we.
have am doubt that.much-good mai be gaiti
ed by the attendance Upon this convention, «f•
itl those. Who practice orfeel interested in
the art of sitnrimv. For haders and choirs
in churches., and members of Quartette and.
drlee Clubs, an admirable' opptirtnniti will
lk"e 'offered' for practice' and discipline,
a teacher who is conlessetily a. master of his
al - . All such who can leave hoMe,we feel
ntident : will be glad. to mail 616 m s -elves of
the teachings . of 'one- whose lung kp e ri e n ee
• h
uniform success area stillici : ent!. , h nartintee
f their value, and the, tousic-loving people of
placefit and vicinity, are . inyitedlo a treat
the concert to be given on I\rednesdAY
thelast day of the convention. It
ill be ." Christinas Eve," and - people front
ke townships about, who enjoy. art evenktTs
I Je, with die merry, jingling hells, and •tut ;
mr's quiet, innocent pleasure, Cut id scarce
find a- more fitting time or CMPloyment.
1 tx,
e bespeak therefiwe-a full "Jou , t., ; , tor %,
',-,..sday evening, as %;.•Llt as a full -attendance
on the convention.
NT . "
seoi 1 11
fakol . t I
1 6v,-e r .
En7,l ;
, oi•
01.. - U AuNtcytTritAt. DEpAn - rm.ENT. 7 --It Wilt
perceived that. we are devoting ',lt portion
ouT..eolainns tip the publication :of praf:ti
-1 articles on 'subjects portainin:g n the farm
-12: intere-s. . We expect, by ea r eful ..i . z , lee.
OIS froT:l - t:udi agricultural we i rksas are at
i • , 1-
ar c , nunand, to teake this department use
il and interestin ,- * to our farniing frii-ndS;
la it would lie much more so if the I:Intl
.:, ofour county would themselves oeca
onally scud us for publication the results of
l i cit; experience. If any one has improved
Fi)ott the usual mode, of cultii - ation, Jr has
ride any other discovery that lie - considers
LOI: hie, let him 'communicate it for the ben
tof others. We' - 'do. no inju6 - to- our
, . •
Ives, by helping qhers. Let cach,on read.
this, pause and 43Usider whether .ho has
i: . •
ittlt some . fiict worth communicating, and if
so', take the first occasion - of leisure to write
it Out, .and send it on for puhlicatiOn. ' .
S that
1 1old-
1D :.11V
v the'
- •tt
1. • II
itional I tlt
~" and
lof the' e!
c Pe '-
l e \_(•n if'
GonEy's I,Am's BoOK.-4his soems nor
to be acknoWledgd on all,hands as pre-cm
ininaly the Ladies' magazine. Its peculiar
exe l ellenees are too well
,known to our ihir
renders" to' need enumeration -here. It is
cuOn , rh to say that the Book' commences
the year 1857 (the January lumber being
already issued).with more than As' usual at
ritv of
abli , ll
11 ,, his
. • .
The Lady's - Book continues to be publis.hed
i -
1)\", L. A. Godey, No 112 Chestnut St.Phil
adtLlphia, who ofrer'S the f..illowirm ilterms fa:
ensi ' :lino. year : .
4.:7" Two.'' •
tine copy one year, .....
~ topics one
yeiir, *5,• :Tllree copies one year,*t;. Five
copies one year. and an extra eoPy .to the
person - setniing the dub, making :IN,' COpieS, -
€4lO. Eight copies, one year, and an extra
coy tp the person sending'the club, making
nit e copies, *l5. Eleven copies :one year,
ant au extra copy to the person sending the
eitt ~•niaking twelve copies, *2O.
• Godey 's I . .adys Book, and 1 larPer's A - 11 , 7 0 .1
.1 .
=pc, both one year flit. .$4,5Q:
id Con-
the 'Re-
• Goiley's Luly's!!Poolt and ArthUr's Home
Mag.azine; Loth` one year for $3,50.
. • 4 •Ve will also furnish the Lid v'g Brmk to'
get ler With the Itiar,PENDENTEEPOBLICAN f. Jr
*3,50 a year. Now is the time to!lsubscribe,
V.AtrAntr. RtnionicAt. :—We, have
.. ,
ceived the December numbers of the follow
ing monthlies, all of. which are Consider as
an tong the best of their kind :.- !I
1,11 l a
lying !
Putnam's Monthly, Dix, Folwaids & - Co„
321; Broadway . New a year
HoWsehOld Words .3, ".
The Schoolfellow • ".
The Plough, The Loom, and. The Anvil,
J. A; Nash & M. P. Parish, tß4ktnan
New York,. $3 a year. The Pennsylvania.
Fa •m' Journal, Sarriuel - Pralen Co., N.
E.; Coiner 7th aid Market S4s. Philadelphia,
$l. a'vear• -
6 . 4 s3sintici . New York Ledger, gieat
family weekly paper, for which thn most pop.
ular writers in the c4untri *tribute, has
toW at - I : Alined the extraordinary circulation of
0.3 nd Ninety. Thousand .copies,
and substrilitions are L continn'ally Poliring .
St the Ledger's advertiscnfent in ‘ancithet.
bas been
h i ejeflitr-
)01, thus
, to those-
tt,-rit" The 'President Jias at , last rern(}ved)
43.1. W:. Clark, the.nlleged ',Murderer of Bat
be'r„ in Kansas, from the office oil Indian . A ! .
geilt irl.that Territory, and aiipointed
AVinston, Whi t ", of Culpepper; COunty„
i .
his place.
the di-
Musical Ccnverition.
1 -7 '77 ------ , ------ 7 - 7 . 1 - --- 7-- 7 7- i
1 1 " -- ''r The Virginia peet.or:,', oi] -....,
am:Yeasting the vote uli the State it
an, united in reeoruniending ex.
11'loyd fora place i11.,"M. Beclllialf
1 a iiroiethire '. -- vyMelt re 1 -.. -.d 1 '
i ~ cit. , e ; t ie ap
I of Gii - V. ;Wise and dui emideniiiatill
Virginia delez.Atimt in. ICongre'ss.
, : l
ted at Washington as 1 a • fact der
1 undoubted authority that Mr.. 1.3
- • LI(' L
expressed a desire-to have (..3
1 Cabinet, and has ofrerld . him; ai
witkan Ins'gift,but the Governor 11:'
and declared that nothing could t
to leave liis : TU:esent p4ition in ‘d
1 , mocracy of Virginia bqvc-pla&d
ed election case of Mann vs. (7; . •
undergoing investigation in, PI
some remarkable developments it
Ibeen made. It appearslthaf some
! thoeracy,' in s their anxiety- for the
the party, 'voted three tiThes'. mid
names ! Ho* 'Mr. lEingland.
house officer, labored
i n. his tin; testimony of
which• we append as al specimen
deuce adduced, as follOws :
William Adam s : save;
i f 1
815 South Eleventh strvet ; at
printer, I voted at the; 0.1, ,, L!!'
i the Seventh Precinct Of this
I I voted as Thomas .1a41;54.4i, (nazi
the list of voters :) thr*e la sides
ed in . company lor Lewis C. C'd
first I met ;he day Of e;i•tion
named innv, and - *lortl, -
Wm.McMullin; 7\11..1
me to MelMullin, an;.l he :iati•Zii
.lohn Ringland, Ids Ini;tli - •;Hin-lav,
fin told ,us to go to tlid, pull i::Slril
near Seventh, and void—that it. 1% .
right ; no one would iiiterfA i Lre w.l
then went to a tavi:irn, ui Shipper
Seventh, near the.poll.l . and !2 -.01- a
Ilin!danil went away, told, i after
i.sence, came back with la parer„ ha
:noon it ; tije name of I Thoinv:,,
; nit; only ' nal
! . catch was Melly gait c•.
; •
Antlers in company wit •
know ; th6ta :-(
Nvliere D'ivinn:,- it; pow', ;
Mtn since the election es (,•(t
dow - 11
the f:arne:4 given-k - ',.ol,‘ l olit at
think I)ivinny voted . : I (nil
the two i:itlft..s, but tf,ey
(lid I gave th.e-nrane ocnotaaN
heard the name of
the f)tker, they :Irc near
etl h 1 suecession;:dl4..i-v, a v,
hack to the public :tit of u:
house. Ilere - ther . e,,v,:a..4 a ,4 14 , .11t
elothiilg,-aud the. s:1511.. thins w: ,
with two of the voteri:; ot
went clown with
. us and voli.(rt mu'
uatiles: Uot eitarv , e in !y
two Avho voted \ehautz,:•ti
SVCre.unt. lei;nl I •T
L• ' i.11"11"'' • "
1. • ' '
.• ; ,
1 ,
frotil hini, juit did nit
. .
'el - r: trsen'itche4.l
gnt 1:rolt1 Itanwd ;
1i%13 , 44•C•it
'The Crisis.
The late PreF , idetithile:olvass
gonstituteau itn l portant! eri !(
• !
It IS evittently nothing l l lessttuul t
stage—tile opening—ol a et ntest
lie nietiloralde in our iftn
tory of nitul;ind.
.the country!
direction, has at length, fyr the
presentid a direct is:•-ne
extension or non-extt-n,ion---,and
struggle has at last coinmeile;(l„
the ultimate event- caimq hi; d,
conflict may and prohably kill h
vrolent and 'perhaps cOnvOlsive..
q •
try is manifestly in the midstof
portanta vital crisis. Qf Con
duty Of every good citizen 4)1 inq
'Sly and earnestly what is the! na
.crisis and , what, are this,
to the indppendent -voters 01.
with - out distinction,of party, I addl
quirt'. Whigs,, DerriOc4at,
Americans, natives and I .. or'eign
and patriotic Men of all parties
dressthe inquiry, wluit is: tltlita
crisis and what are our 'duties n. rt
It is an (.1d cry, labor ag.iitht
used' to subskve the pUrpOse,; cf '
and vet sotneihnes exprcsive
condition of things. 5.1e.i.e . is ins
essary or natural
on the contrary. a " trio tnal dep
necessity .of interest Labor is
capital, atal (`.zipital is necessary
And yet 016;1 are sornetirne3lout
sition to eao otheroviieu the
means of their wealth seek to .
hunest'and industrious - laboring
is it in this contest With slt he. SI
By a very moderate ilstiMate,
i in slaves in the United States' is
000 ; and again the propet•ty
tures necessary to use-the hla \fes
more,. making the :,enortnouS
three thousand- millions of dollar:
. t
is voter.° Here. then is afoig
formidable rriin, a variety of cry
The magnitude! Thrue thousand
dollars I Compared. with ibis, thr
States Bank 'dwindles: into insi;.
mere Liliputian = a drop in a-t;
The organization—a Ihnn(11111 of
a college of petty tyeant4 With
one purpose, one instittet— , a
tion of slaveholders, : intore ''serf
in one interest, :cemented and
than were ever are sharellolders
ed States Bank, or stil l y otlierjoi
patty.: But the spir4--a fcroe
ism. The -.old Bank' wtis !rep
vast moneyed powcr,iehdatigeri
ties of the ct i mintry--` a mOitstet
,elf in hostile rivalry Ito thit got
. .
And Gen. Jackson said the irate,
gress was not proof against its
Prises; But here..ais:o, p q w6r w
nitude sinks it out tAight, In
it ii4nOt less perlect and :in Spiri t
est Despotism i'upon the thee' of
by its very pature.degrading tt
free and independent labor,anil
ctf the laboring man.
This is the nature .4 the t 4 . 4 -11
opened upon us. It free labo
lubo.r. It, is whethe(clu.Oahori
North shall ,be reduced to the.
Crtkkers an 4 Saridhilier*of the
the " greasy,- tneehTinies ant.
ers," agaiusta vast riagneyvd
I t Ini.NAityr .
) )
)1- .11.4c1,81:-
..;41: z .
lon . 1 01 the
It 10 sta.
ee4 from
amilu has
1 ,4Is(1. - in his
Iv' ,t;ttion
- s
d Clinod
1 - np,t him
o,llw De
sidy • 110 W
. 1 '
a. Ipill :1,
suerc , .ss of
r dlfierent
~1 ~Ihtc)I16
kkf tlac cvi-
, le No.
qi plate
it ,11,
ite :17 , 1 tit
ityst i
; tilt`
Elia 1, an
cc 1 ii;• to
) . pc: .stri24.l
®~i.~ t,.~:~
in ;Mr
sh iri nt)
® ff~i: ~/
la I'd
t . 110 \;,..
vit.t.ll; I
aok i .11 ;
C.' tr.
s tide ~:~cn(
me :"-r iii%
1 xvi ,
i Ingo of
••• d,i11*(.1.(1;I
I hh
v4 - it%2it I
• .1. .
%:f 1.:*6
nut evci%
n' liiti .
n. , =!n!itl
t t,
i tf:4 , tiol:
Olt "tat
ii!, th
r eillni-
cis[ irn-
i: 1i
of Ibis
t. And
this in-
• ,
iu 1 ad-
ofJhi ,
I, 1 o.ten
fro , qles
T 1(, nee
r ev and
,sary to
(1 iti oppo- .
xeiiitliv 1)%
oFilire. the
oorl. li . ow
ye POwer ?
to ritert•
•1 WO 000 . 1
until arid fix;
is ~;: much
gr gote . of
. ‘i'
!ht . );
psid}!rat tons.
milili(ng of
1 . 01
i hlfitaiii:c—a
(Inc Objvo.
ast I .
, opsiolidated,
it' ,
stocK rorn-;
fnisiDe it3t
olni l i t(4l a 4
~ .rtrint4lt."-7-1
Of Con
11' 1 enter-.
foritnag- ,
ratiizativlt .
tile liere•
Hostile to
fry right
• . ,
t-1;11 1 0
I iidlih; it cif tii4 .
SO th, le 15
,11 . 114 ed faritk
in shOrt'it is the people versus the- - Oligarchy 1
and their allie - s,:ihe . doughtheesi N -This 18:the
nature of ..the contest, and. this is the pi Wer
with which it' is to be wagO. .ThisßC'ek
Power-,--so formidable itiieik and which now
aershadows the land ••-its• :seized 'hponi the .'
organization Italled the. Democrittic ; .;Party----,
Corrupted and demoralized itand thcs i as --
the mere instrument of its purposes... It
wields• the rover and the patronap. ce l the
Federal Govermnent 7 it uses the military
ariaf of the Republic to crush out freed'ir of
speech and the right Of suffage' in Kansas:
It has strieken down the sacred guaranty-of
the Habeas . Corpus in\ Penns.vivania, :May irt
.nally legislated :SlaVery Upon i:bur Dsoil. .It
maintains 4 system of terrorism in. the South,
By its intrinsic weight, and by means Of gov
ernment-patronage, it employs. ten.thom‘and
hireling. Orators and venal pens and- stibsidi-;.
zes the . presS upon ;i grand scale,' _Under its
- influence. the integ,rity of meinbers of Congress
N \
and of public, ruei ; 'fliers 'like grass in [he
breath . of a forma.. lly -Means of -all--these
appliances it has ebauehed the . ruhlic sena:
cut of.the entire North to au planning ex
tent--- poisoned the .fountain. Of. thought and
feeling, and. already more Iliandhaif turned
havk Ike-generous enthusiasth 7 4-the heroic
era 4 . 1 '76; 1
Did I 'say too much when I 641 that thb
crisis is most impin taut ? • It's a ilieVolution :
, r it..tiothing-less than that. Froin the
. •
of our national existence to the adininitration•
.9.fqon. Pieree, the policy of our i gorernulut.
wasSluPermrciftriction.' : it is slavbry
i:xten- , i•on,,disguised by .the'
11il5er:11)1e delusion of Squatter Sovereignty,
but yet scarcely the less appitrolt. and .c‘11•-
' laittly" alibtie -the less real. Fund years - ago,
e' thought -the Missouri Corukomise had
more' than the slability and saereduess . 7 and Douglas himself said that " it
wits canonized in the herts of. the' Atia‘rican
peor4. " ' We sfit.itild then airilost as soon
have thott!dit that Our gocerninti.nt wohid be
t;1:-.1nL , •ett hap Aft.narcliv orunitedwith smut
lortn ecelesi'astleisni its that the MissOttri;
ComproMiso'-could be rep:llk...l l L' Pint the
deed is done. And does any ondoubtsvhat
• •
it is &lone ?—Sprcading Shi doubt ;ry—such is
th•2'huillihafing ;aid Disastrous srtetacle.which
Lo-day our goverint:ent present. O. the anx
' jinn= g nze luau(ciiul. The boas4ed model Re-,
We pour contempt uPtui the entwe
i.o r ; L :hir I V(' rririWnt jhrou g hont tho,:w o rld.
Kos,Litit and and: their !compatrhlrts
• . ;
.wevii, and vxulting I.lesl o•s' wtt it
doli , fht t(ialneri • • thel'.ll4ll--•
• - - • .la
of 'Hungary's - wrong,i; And . the Svots
(.2•llAii-4:11:;11v. •
IA I ,
111:1t. must Le Ilre criminality ofthe . vlcit
NVFio rrfaluccd thesuthitigs;„?j 'Fla: crimes
ordinarily uxpatmled tip.f: 4 :1 11,,‘, 1 - s : s co ff)
venial in
1, , ,t it: tcti in tin. 1. - rifk:fi I: 2 .l:tes
, ,
ItVO 1:":t:(1,1)( lR•41 1 .1
COlll+l Fe etAllp:111 NVirrl that of
Pi.orceand S.111)11(I - ,Tht•i r
names irili • s!::11.1 nron
ilitArt:o4l, and
of Firmtiro .!,t - t-1•; and
.(1:1 11i ill and nr,,n, Fhnrl
rnoec.'s. (rum tvf.ri!, l .o
Is thorc, no tzt , cl:. , tlci , ,•.-F , .. no
with !mniort:ll - 11-tath, to 111h, , 1 ttio iKretch
; owes 11:3 lIIS'OOIIIItIN' 7 s ruin?'
1 . nut ()lir . fath:•rs;
• a t • •
: struggle seven.loug years, 10 Oiliv(tr n from
British 'tvranny;' We surely can alll6l,
wage a moral contest fur four year ,- 4• 7 to deliver
us from far Mom'tuttliunant Despotism.
. •
Skrial Dispotele to tlf: Xew Yiirk. 7;1
Debate on the - Presidett's riessarge'.. •
WASHINGTo.N. 8,18.50.
The:message absorbed the attention of both
Houses today. Before entering upon the •
debate in the . Senate, the. Rev. Stephen P. k.
Hill, Baptist minister of this , city, was chosen
.Chtiplain.' Theodore Parker bad one vote. f
The Standing Committees were announced bv-
Alt: Pea ree•of 'Mary land, after broil thorough:,
ly sectionalized by refusimr to put on' to any
(if then') of importance a single man r e ereseut.
ing the .great Northern sentiment, recently
expressed at . the polls by one million ;three
hundred and forty thousand men. . Anly
changes *Since the lust session an; as tillows:.
Pratt on Foreign Relations, vice Clayton, de;
ceased; Bigler on Commack?, Committee; vice
Hamlin. 'late Chairman ; Fos. er on Public
Land,s, vice ClaytOn deceased ;` Bigler on
Post4Alice . s and ,Post4Zends, vice ilkfmlin-;
Din kee on the satne committee, N. ice 'Jones
of - JoWa ; Ccitnerus . 90 Pension -ConlTl)lttC'e,
vice Seward ; Bigler on Engnefsed Bills : vice
Fitzpatrick ; Durkee on Enrolled Bilk, vice.
Saunter. _
- Thereselution to print the President's Mes
sage was called up, and Mr. Bigler tPa.) 01).
rained the fleor and soon succeeded by: read...
log 8, - series •tif - very weak points in clearing"
the galleries of the throng ofpeople.that had
assembled to hear Gen. Wilson, who it was
generally understo()d would address the Sol- .
IIJ said the President. in his Message,
confined his rebuke to partisan leaders, gi l d
deservedly se. The time willemne.lie thinks,
when the purity and patriotism (if the
Gent's motives. will be acknottledged.' tie
gave•notiee with all extraordinary' degree of
self-possession that the recent election icstab
fishes two facts that Buchanan . and .
Breckenridge -are • elected to the:two highest,
offices ..111 the nation ; second that the people.
of the. Territories wil be left free to manage
their ow-n domestie concerns-. —He, repeated
4t.1 charge, that the Republican partY is see
tional., He said it had been
_asserted that
during the recent Presidential campaign in.
Pennsylvania banners and. bil is bore the net,
to, " Buchanan and Breckenridge ..and . Fre,
liqnsas."- lie did not. 'deem_ this , grave
clu•ge, even if it wa:: true. • He could not re
member Iniving . seen any of these ntottoes..--
Ile knew 'of but cite meeting called by
claiming:to rally under that motto, and the
people there were in:tt-6r of Free Kansas ;
but be knew that the...extent to whieh . auv
speaker Went at -that meeting was ihatilie
peepic of-the Territories should have the right_
_to regulate their own affairs.
Mr: Wade of Ohio desired. toll Senator
front Pennsylvania,' who was untlersteed to
knew the-views of Mr; Buchanan, to inform
the- Senate r al the motto 'referred to Was in : ,
eribed upon' banners and- bills' in accordance
with' the Mr:. Buchanan . , and whether
the President elvet faver . elmaking Kaa.
saSa Free State. • .
,< „-'
Bigl6''.(vary (ititelf - .enibarraged)sre-:
plied fruit stiNvosi.d Mr. Buel!attate,l,l_o?(4 .
ware Just those of the.:Patrioeratic
This .W.46' reeeleid with i#ertiniptiCainjnig the
I .-....
TieP .uttliea t . 7. - .... 5. t5, . , ....r.-.
and. - the Dernocrafi werefem„
I fuettttnil annoyed. ' But he supposed if M r ,
Buchanan had his own, way he - would 4 -. 6.
1 fitscir.Of making: Krent4,as:sa Free State, ABj
.1, - zilt 1::i in favor Of leafing the people of th at i
Teirit 61.;ibroti g h. their local fAlissouri.Pijr,
I .der-Rtiffinnl Legislature, - have the power t o
make their own • laws: - Ile said. the - Nir l ,„. ~
1 cratie'ptirty was; the true
.party'nf• Fieedo7l
Llti lli t Freedom t; 'tight for against Gei,, r2 ,
111, It is not. 'in fa - vor of . negro - Slavery,,l
Blushes airri- consternation - covered the fatc, s "
• sof Southern:Senators at . this .anno-uneettient.
Some looked 'daggers,_ while Others left th e
-Senate. .Mr.: Wade continued his. interreg a :
Lions' until the spokesman of Mi. Owl. anan
,',was prompted hOw tOlei4itertd-Mettis,Semh.
ern neighbors.. , ...- ' ... - . 1..... .- ~.
..- • .:' .. , - -
-.- •Mr:.:Butlef Of. South, tiiiidiniAn4rinitiliA
Ithe gentleman,,-and-was treated...courteously,
but :W. Iten * liir.. Bigl er saw - : Mr. •Trnmhull 4
, liiiii(iii, ; .Orning, ..,- at iiit - ii..ife'd'enfed - Pitt tie
; • emiree.o lir hild - gratt tett etheri„ - - .li - d'firii,:itri d
1 c'ending.l& 'manuseript, and sat,down, thank_
I fullthat.tke 'h:td . eseapeds6.'well. - ,,,2 -
.: - - •
I - Mr --- .• - Tetinifitill;.-iti ti i - eryibrief 'and . telling
5t4.411 -refuted "I he chitrO thht..s-Obie..- who
voted' • fot Dunn's - -bill" Voted. - to legalize 81a
,. . provision, - There is. no:such. „in the bill,
I and, said- Mr. Trumbull; 'c if the ,'gentlem an
1 so - asserts, he
t: hai . eithe - r, - nOt'examined:,the . Lill i
orpurposely rnisrepresehtS if." ITO' also u..
1 ft wined the Senator froth'. Pennsykinia.thal
I Ike eharge helfad made'tipon the Republic is
. ,
.of'-sectionalism . calk with 'bad titsfp;
lespecially Frani: a nlatt . 'wo tiadiwittin the
hour votpd for. a resolution
_appointing the
Conituittees . Of th? - Senate' with 'tin 3 - 8111i , le
1., ,
man rffreserittng 't. q e great To
1...0rt4rn semi.
:tient o' the country upon -any tOtittnittee of
any importance.. - •
Air. Nilson who Was -.prepared . co speak,
af= we' wa v to Mr.' Collanier, the floor .
for 'to-morrow.. •
• A di . stingurshed • Democratic Senator ,te.
In p r k„d ill . „ . ooversathin with liis brother bun
oerats, alier adjournment,.-thatDgler went
Ra gi ! od- ..bevond .his depth: 1 :vvi...-ean't
back him:'' This, sentiment 'seemed:,t-opre- .
rail especially among; the petn&..ratti."'
In the
.llouse, the' 111esSage'.,4`a4 . 'reid ; And
sharply pitched into by m i.,;Ca*sell- of phi°,
who' had :almost the - entire Sotth- On their feet
at one thile.cpiestiopiAg 4106 se d"
f thom right and left,..--nntil not
.0 lire one isa;
! left on Tito : tic:ld; His defenge'4 theVePub.-
_i iican party was able; atal•ltis',Eioge or the
r false isctre taken . hy - th,e, Dernperats iti Ohio
was surtay!y•trutilnil,;: An'ntt.eixipt was made;
b y s l ay „ power to:.
_Off 'dtlateoitta
Mr. elin.-nom of North ea - rblina ealled.the .
r.-re'vious . question ;"hut 11nusioivetild not
sustain it, and 'Jr. SherMaii of ~Ohio. 'got the
floor and; made •an 'admirable: speech,
tepziliTi• the inti:adrio - ehArgt's . of.thiPresideiit
upon thfi ilepuhrlcan parts-, kpe
:-..;1,,ir plkfstied• by the etnpertieri'n feet
!dishone.steonr . se proclaim
inn' inn'for Stare kaiy:a4 sgith and Free' Kansas
N l / 4 ; crt h. 1 - 1:5 ;speech, as did ittiit Of.lqt: Carer:-
-143 1 •1 ; elicited tlnreliVie attentiOli.Ofatuli
.was taken on' the tbe.
&hate orlon it witi tin.doubteclly o !eontitine
e days conic,: t —;' • • • 139;sioN.
Eiplo:sion pm .the--Erie Railroad
• iii dL i nt (wen ried tt43;.(.i'illoch!s'ester
da tonrnitigyAlrion . the a\lew -YOrk;:inii ) Erie
t;aiiroad near,,SWer:yx, - atnint, thirfy-tivo miles
froto Jersey wr;i6 tno ttitAi Twit
:t i-ti• lives - Li] ..anothtir
Tice f,143 attactiecito-thiiimilk
train which-left or-es City •at pni : tt 5
h sta: ion at. taferns arid Avas totally- wr,Y,a
a - s elitii(! } 2 l3 cf`li
the trael:, (1 - ,:th.e4 smoke pipe NV:IS tear' f y 6.fet b - •
11,e e:ll:;:ihei.q . i of the
iltro.wn ki,distailee of. 400 ki ruck the cr-rt qtr:(l - .;.- One Or his .1 etti :vrai.turtx
. 11Q14 tie p rice, and - one of the bones
a wooden tie i,f the;roadwidt
it wais ftiond pileezisary to use .
to get . it loose.. Ile di - ddlJarge hours.
Att er th e e . \ was. about 26 years
ttt are, and had a wife, and child living'at th
w_ego;.to trhirli place #sis remititr-were taken.
last night. • •
. John Con-h - , a brakenian.: . tipou frajn;
who: boa rdo.l ;It, No. 40titgetnery.street,
Jersey, City,
,w4s intlantly 4p;p4,..JV was
round in the terribly, cut
; (V: . TllO Ca r S ranch lirn*.sqta, arid
iwu Otr the rails..... a was .ingje•nran
or twenty-five . . years. of age. retnaini .
.were.brondltt 'tu Oity - ..);ert4-dy aher•
noon, and taken to' late - residence. , •
H. ettrey, upon the„ train, was .
badly scalded abotitthe head. caSeandbreast:
Ile %VW , . broughtto the- - N. Ir.-Hosiiital..yes
terday'-afternoon;'.lleWiti probably recoyer..7
Throe'Of the cars were: thrown bfr the tract
aiid goliSide•rahlY
_broken.; :ilk ii, upposed:
th:,t the water. %vie; e.Nhatisted s in. the_ heiler
beforu taking in. a freSh'supply4t.the &trellis
stettion arid ..the cold water:llrs.nuj, into' tba s
heated-bile,r as the, train . :roved caused
the . explosion.—;-N.
A •siniple but eileetive system of registration'
of Calilit mitt letters : ; hits been - sanctioned by •-
1 he' Post.olliee . Departtitent."l consists -mere !
ly in set tling to the-New : - Yoik• Post.Offidit
of pa per Upon uliielth•eOpied the address
iif the letter whieh just 'deposited in
the mail. - The 'clip of paperkshoulLbe cat .
to tit an- -envelope loosely; and nieSt be en- •
elosed, *without :folding, togetherith a three
cent postage stamp,- in altre.paid envelope, ..
and direct - 0/ to the . `.Pacific Iliift'rLi t" ~'ea
Y 4 ;rk Postltflice, The. address lie. 'slip
~f• paper thils rec - eived'arth'e 0% , :Volk Pest;
01liee will tie entered in its . appropriatiplace .
in the.. "Taci tie.Al print•'
etir, , and- being,-.Sent bye. each niail•to edch.and"
every Post-Pince Califorkqs and illererrk
tories Pregon and :Washington, it will point
out t those persibts • w , set letters .BVI3 pub , .
therein. the '•l'.ost-Oiliceg _to hich , the
I etteis....w ere sent:... The letteritsW niuit "W .
(i- - eposite , l• in the mail as usititL • Antkenelosed
,tamp, defrays the cost of publication.:' Vvcr,
on .hundred und twenty.thousandletterSsent
durlitg tht , past yiiap*to, ,- in the -
I ) tteitio,re ait were never per
sons for c v. vittun. they were;iiiteq4 40t , d•ccill
sectueutly lissome. dead fetters, eausiritthere
jxy, doubtless,' per
:4Ths_expei:ting letteri from hizipp“4o : reader-
ing'sli..the care duvoted to 2d.riting lqt,.erS t
and . th e. - 4oilarg'.,4:iii .- frietiy-'
ing postage on the samei.s4-tasetyuseiesi:kx
penciiturtl.. IT this liCAlt 4rianizentenVbei ge!t.
erittly titioptvd, tite•autillier of.deta.letters,it
is supposekli' . :will .be ~c9iisideroly. lessened.
• •
AI,U(11: : 1) N itat 0 PLOT
G gr. AT . l.l\ 17, Ni T. -7--% , :4 1 ,Y1. 1 : 1 1... :
A pkat..ll - 1r the IgrAo,--Art„:
State Las becti nA .
exeitet . ttellt.iit MciittgOzpervi-.Nlinc:yoyilprklitt
vasti.t.(tisctivered. ••
It is alie f .utl tit:it Christ - mai eve liati Doan
fixed iipop la. die ri, § mg,, an c 1 the, roost ex
wrisiv. ai•ratigentelius.' had bi:ennitut9. ti)„4,zar.,
ry it i a t,sliecoslllll. l ,-. -,.,,,, -.; „:.-,
. Oat! ‘viiite att bits lion arre» , 44, tg,,r,:ith
er. w ith a•. great
,tatipy,., 'Ogrws,-_? tieltalit4,*
;I:ail:,- (if gl'(,t - gc 1)Q i';11:3„; C:flptAtid ' iit l hpr
0t1i0.6 . of : iliq ,prcitnisA "w0v94 .1 F 1 4. :§- 74 W i l i4
at-yr tittlai zav , illtitTki:l:illbcoptimilm, ;e .
jA, Iz i li . l4.s:ollvc-ti!»1 of armt.,4111.3,, ti, Rniticirk
a 1,1143 . tk;i:'*-ci,44 1 :I:Pi 3 .-,0 1 #4 :4.11 1 , - _,. 1 7,,,L 1 '
hate It'a4,;,_r'tii Odier)) ll ,l l Pdx. ,- Tia t•LP°kX j ."
pl a milioeatli it, i0.4 ) i....4 . 9 . ,1 Acoxi k liii,
.whenliilgti:iith r0p1v,,...... - ~, :.;-,--,-,
.... ~. . , .