.. - .4 , 5-. ~..I.a, : ‹oiv- . .r 4e,_.+:u.ardia. .y crl...•:'3l., . nniatumiscer.v..temerree4 - • : ISPeotintiritiCi' etifered - tt o' for titeirarptlsr - i' of relieving onr ; continet.l'iai intercourise;.-4.lth i 0 1 6 I s t art o i i f I.'i l li a ~:.once orits-Ihirchitand 1 providinfz' for , Ili. , ; iii ire . rspiie t iy settieumft of 'local disputes : , rowilig.,;lll of that intereotirse' , have slot vet lie ' le•11 fitt(.tidcd 'with any results, Soon 'afrer tire, eiintitrineetnent.of • the late Wlll' iu;-Etirope..this government: . .s:tibmitted . t, -- ; the co t i i,;iii. Ti r : o ion Of trutritinie nation i iti two - principles' !fi.ir thi.i. si‘eurtty - of nentraP.coin.; it i te:ee; olio, thitt the tient ral flag. sh ittlil cov_ i i er enemies", go , ,as, eXoopt. artieleseotitralitlndi of Y.'-ar ; and I Iti.';: i; hLjr, • th4t. trent:ld prorterty - i . .on board niereirent -ye,.....- - -ek of ii.iligeriults i - shi - iuld be' 'exet . pt fom r . Co nd e , tatiotr, with: i , n .., .the exception of contraband a : lutes. • . ' i - i-- - These Were-rh'ot•iireseitted, as -new- roles. f,41 iiiternatii;mil law; -haying been generally elainted..bv; neat rals, though pot ;thy:Ws .ad ..trtittett by belligerent-._ ()lie of the, pat . .ti e s T O "war— rtll.;;,;lii----:k well 41,S 1. ,- everal tivilfilll pplAr. 'Os; prt`itontlYneeedeti ti', these propclsi!ioos :- up& lite' t*Oital - otaprkin:ip:tl belligere:3tt 7 .Gi l e . : e 'Britai? and France,: iniving'eoliscrited in oh-. serve flier:li for he . ire.: , :A!nti oci!as.l.c - iri,•- : ti:TaN'or 7 :nble. Opp,i!innity ,2.f.,..rneti to be presenittil for •Obtaining at getiqval l'extotznition.. of t hen) both in-itrope : land lAtin..rica. ;, • '-'; ; . - R - .: But - Great Britain and France, in common - witbflooSt otiii't states ofurope, .wt•ile fir= bearing' to Ir.i.iit,i;diii.- hot aiTtrifiatively . net `drain the 4e'rttf l ivis Of.llie• United Stuti , ... - - • While - t he:Tpte..; ion was i n thi s posit iOn.lbe `l'vpresen - tnyes i,t I;ii.§iii,„ Fratte., , , g re:it 11.ri,t.- . :011,•All:drii1,:Pt'.1:ss1/:, c3:ll.(litiht, at id Itirli . t..) , , ::is , r , oll),t)lci.3 'a - 2 I:'iiri,:, touk tutu 0 illsid il :TA. ion ..the Einli..i‘:•4l4. • rnarit,initiaiglit , , rind put flail a d(`t';:;rzlt.iiiit' ('.' l l•Llitlillg Ih" 'lwo i'll'ill(:ifile's •w.hieff I his.i , ii% cool:it - ft t had submitted, nearly `two y.e:ii::t.f6efr... to thecOn.fsirlelvtioit cif miir 'itinte, - 1 ,,-,l'ii:s - . netrail,bug thereto "thi_i i'ollow •irig• preitosiiiori4;:-L" . ' \P - riviiloer;ng is ttiul.ri.,- `n - laitis•i;b6l7 - ,sheil,' . . and "11!o(•katics, in order. to oii - i)illltii, , i,t t. ) ;.. ilm e tiv e .. t l izi f 1'- io •,., a • v, .., ,!;. Main:T..l6l;d' by a ':ors.:.;; 5t1,11 .- tit. - :Troall.i: lii "re i.:6i* at.::.'.i;?-..:5 . to 11 . .10 tE.:' ,, :l.t. If the enemy ;," and ..to Vile i,i't.ti . tlari - itto:f,. •thu , -. composed Of f , ,, - iitr -. ..poirks,. t.i,v t) O f .111-eli 'll: . id already . I ic a 'i n pro .:. pos;:e'd by: the. Viiired Statf-s, tit,, :tzovornment, 'hasteen lifyited by' till the powers repres' ented 'ttf Parli-, .exeept great Britain 'and Turkey. To the'l;i , r of' :11i, tw(i.additionla ,prorosi :-..Tn114-.5--titat i;l re hiti i - ot lo Idoeltaciest here '• t...`31'.c0r-ttii:lFy b..C..eti ' 9 l ijoetion, • :It is le ere! v the ilitiiit,ii,e; • iif, t• Avliat shall . coeStititte the ef --fi-2etutit invi..sitiren of a - blockaded - pl a ce. a , definition . for r Whieti this government:has al. ways eontehtledieliiiitiir indi‘ninity ilir losses; -where a lira r etical riohgion of the ride- thns defirit_sci.ll. - eit bet.in .116:vitems to olir C. - .111 . 11.(!!' . Ce.. , ~ . Aslo .the remaining article of the declAration of the ciiinfi . 4 retieLt of - Piiri - st l '-'..'t - that. Briateer.; in is and t' . e:iiarsiihojislAisi),” I (vrriiii ll iy ean hot te=cribejtri : tt• fii4,ers r,efirZiizenter in the i;conferchee (• i .Iq.riii' an , \iiiiiit.lifteral :nail` phi!. 'anthrophic vievi-s ill tit(l , arteMpt to eltatlg' e the -unipzestiontibie ruie" of touratinri linVi','in r , '-;.:. 'ard td,pri.V.atee rtnrt , . - Theftr9ittl!',l.lloll Wit..• dtitlbtliSs.` iiie.r,tlC'il. 10:inip137 iii:llito.i - 11 . of the principle - that. pi-L. vat, e. propiirt tipoti• the ocean, although -it. 'Might belong tO;the citizen; 'of a bellii-crent 'State, :short la be exempted froni cAtp;erti ; and .had that priT4sitt'On been so farned . .,. as to zive full; cfl;:et 'to the prineiple y it would have .receiYed v lily readi assent On : behalf fof the - United State. .i,ilut the teeri;it•ri Proptis , d is inaileiitate - : to that purpose. , 14 is trire• that :if adot - itej, I , liV3Z.e. vroperty ,ii Fon thei oseati ' won Id 'be ;tyitivir:wi i from eniiinoCie ,if 14 ili. der. but left eo 4 .'i os e :, l, me,: tnw lir • Ii• ' .to 1 1;0 • 1 'r 11 0 1 1. u , niv h 1 1)e ts , eu , will . I.elea , C , - die e t i vett ti,4.-t, • • The r of rrre: , t wtaiki t'j. , .•rt•bv 1\1:"Je olliers•would 1 :T1 - Hough the 'weans of Time -1-1 I'of eyrw.t•reilee of part's : in:l -to:1i iu tc:-1:1:- iNVOind •bc the reihlyii4±itift : ilt of a of little tic to t•ta,s att-s. 'but . esseitti: ' . - ue. I r, tl 312 nor to antieTatt•: - .1 that 11 irieasur ', 1 4,ii:1ti.k. , 1 11;11 % -r. to aecornprlshnitil!(ll olt;ect, aniii.zo i:equal in its:opQra tion, ireck;ie the assent-of all inArititu'e powers. Ptiv:4 , -t property would be still left to the ..dep,recl4tions - of -the public 'armed • . cruisers. I have expresed'a reniiines on .the part of this goverinuera, to accede to all the 'princi ples contained in the 'declitration Of - the con ic-I:nee: of Park pi - ovided:That relating to the nbanclonnt , nt :'of• priv . iiteering can .;'be so amended n4:to t'sfreet the Otijot for which,' is presmoa, it 'was intended, the iminunity 'of private property on the ocean from hostile capture. ' - . . T 6. - effeet this object is is prof , iised 'tt; add to the declaratital that, " privateering• , is and ! ! re mains a bOLlSlied,", the following ail i end m enf: 1 ." And that ::!_tii prr. , ate property of subjects i and eitizetii:i . of a InAlig , retit in ...:11e high. ons 1 shall.li,..' e...•,....c'11ipt from seizure by the,pulilie ! .:frtned v ! ..--:::::, , ;!;:: of livi oilier belligerc-fit,:exciept i it be 'eof.ii.pli::lU.l.7 ; `Tit,aro end inent has been: i iwt . ..setitt'd 1`:;.:t ~ , n it- f . ( ' ) the powers which have. af=lfa 0 - urii..s , .ent'to the dech.irtition to 'raniill:sh i , "privateerin' ,, , hut to allother iparitinw. State 4,. '• .• fif - - tirt• Thu: i , ,:.. 111:t btft'll rejected 'by any, arid :is fa-Yorably entertr.ined by all m fait have i tniith: ar, : ti. ; ,, iiltallaii.-4ioa in rel:lv. .! ''' - 1 f.:4c,;ver:.1 . 1 bf the .: -, Oi.errancrits regardinf - _t With favor 'tile 'roi•k)sitiou of the tnitc:l ;Start's. • ha% e4, , : 2% - yie:l ti...finit.e action upon it, on:y for fla t : 11.1,71.,,;* of c , ,llsulting with others,Tarties „tf.), the . can fere, lee .qt - Parts, 1 have t he_ sati§- ...faction of S'.:itifi , .,, however, that the tin per:- . or of Rtissia has entirely and_ explicitly -ap.: 3 . .iroyed. of that niodification,.and will en-oper ate ip _entleavoring .10 I,,htain the .9.‘tSt.lit •of other 'pow.'i,t's; and thatassurancesofl'a siin ilarv,epott hay f „.• lie•eri received in rAttion to r.f.hc ill:sposction ofilie Emperor of the French. ' 'The pre•ktut asnect of 'this irnportant. sub jectl . I allow s! if 4 i:4) cherish, the hope. that a prin.. t:iple so lit;'=xi ine . in its character, so just bird .., , fjun i i ll itii i i, , lieratit:in, so essential to the pros 11_, i eri ty ,ol.o4 . ftini:rei4l tia t i on s, and . . so;', COl-ISO - W'Slill+viltill.lCritt , Of this'• . enlighte, l 7 , 44 pe 1. i o (1. (;fille! tv or td , Will cow in and: the . ap ro h a tic:n-01.1d! liffari.tlfzie..lyst,vers, and thfiS he-in ft., - • rated. into th: - ' code'tif international law,: 14y°, vieWs on-the •subieet are more folly . set kirtn hi the . repl4 . • of the Secretary of . the' State,. it co:,: . of wbicii is hire- - kpinsiiii),ted, to , tniliprl ieutipP§ on the oubjetft made . to, t.his-governi i ntA in In ; ecially• to the eetnutd eatiOn ofTranee. . - • ..... , . ; . - 'lie tr oYe.rnment of the Ittif* - 11 states"has fit •. times: regarded. witli . ,,fr.Tendfy interest tile otger_ Stites ,tlf. A.tneri4,. formerly, like this couritt;Y European; colonies aid TIOVC in depentlent'LUteinhe'ri of i,hetreat faini3y lir ori . • ti ation s, hi.i t ' the unsettled, - e d iti on : of sonic of them, distraifteA .'hy , iiitlue rt.--revolutions, and thein'-int.'apabie •of regmlar . t . _,44i limn inter . nal itdminiStrati:in, hastendel.fte,efitharrassoc . c..aliptialli;,af public;ititrco.ur - se . ; byf ieasen of iii.ongsiwille!t our eitjrzehs starer t their latais itudl which they are. slow to redress. I„Tnattlinately 'it, is against :the Itephblio of ' ,lfc'Kft4ti - ,..,y.. 1 441 which it t 4 - .tfor special de'-re to In i f t, ll l4 : go o ,il fifidiu . standi.ng, that, such coil-• plaltits .are.., - rnost,..fiufnerous ; aud arthough earttestly tirgtid n oon its latent. iettf, t6v have , ~ - -- . L. : i i " •• . . - , ~ , nel:.as. :. yet• i rece: yeti Lie euipsvcfp , .r..lllol! WICE/ illiiov,e - iliill . t:6t: had . 31:44 tditxptet...t' Whilc repliratiOfi i . 'ir past injuriOs.luts . beehw.4hll.la., - -.- -.ttliers: hav el been . i.rJ.W. The Witi4.l eon i t .....3 ' ' - e - ii:/ b ; , a sk ti rtdOuti.ot 1.... t et.tott...,.ry,,_ 9,.w_ yer, . ~.4. .. e . a.s . t..o .. ..ilittnuid,:forhe4r4pekl vii the-part c of the . kiniiied -Sfit!es.: i tAiiiiceoniinue my ejrurts . to. prqcgrel . f4r.l!h . p..!yr.o44k,.4.pf pu.r ji . .tizert Ithat .re-, .dri',l....wiiiffkii . ,ii)"cl4 , ..kn.sibiei . t,o,, the' . - Coiltiatied frrettilli uir:9,4e,ii . itibit cif- Am . :two ..rieputitl.'. -.: re tnt d of -N.' kart , rata in the early Fart o 4 Ole pri....Sol4:_yeilf, dered .it introit:int th t , this: p)vertnent . ,110111,111 ave dirdomatie- relations with, that State. Through its teriitory i :has Leen (pen, Of'c,l ottt . the prineiriai 'thoroughfares. across . the islinnus connecting - North' South . - A.metica, - onwhich a vast amount otimperty -was trauvortedi 'and to whiekoni titizenste sorted in great numbers in ,passing,l)6tween the:'Atlautic and Pacific coasts-of the United States, • .: . . . - . The protection'of both required that thc.ex . .-- 1-:thig imiwer in that State should be regard ed as a responsible \ governMent ;; intd its min .isttir ‘S";LS accordingly receiVed. But her re:, untitled . iwe onlya short time. • -SOrm there, afterthe political atlitirs of •Nicaragua under -went: an' uul • avorable : ehange,.itnd I eNmie in. volved in 'touch uncertainty and confusion. Diplomatic representatives: from two con-. icmling parties -have bt..en - recently sent to this government ; but with time imperfeet in.. •formation r poisesie'di it. - was not pos,ible tO de2ile which was the government- de tact() ; : and aVaiting further developments 1 haVe re• fused tc' receive either. .: • • • : . (4, 1 - e s ti k ms ,Of . the mOst seriouA nature are, pending lbet4een the United:States and thei:. Repbillit., of New Granada: , The government 1 of that. Republic undertook, : . 1-,., Year since, to iHi rselolffla ' f.re on 7r, ireigq vess'els tiflier - rorts;f but. A he - purpose war; resistA by this gove n ,-_- it feaN. .41. ti . 10:11 contrary to existing, t re' a t ‘- sttilulatjotis ii*i.th the. United :State*, anti CI ) 1 rights conferred by charter .upon ttii,. Panatn:i _._-- .•. Rail6 , ad Conipriny, And .*;ls aeeordiflgly re, 14prished at= timo, -it being ntimitteti that cur V5:,;,...01:4 . N 1 ere exempt from tonnage tllitc iii the free ports Of Panama and Acq6nw.dl 1 u"l2. ni . vro , e h. been recynt. ly reviveq. on. the part of New - Granada by Oar euactment of a law.to subject ve , sds itint.r, her ports to the balm:A-J. ot- forty . °ee o 2:; per t sn ;' although the law has not he eii put iu . lbree, yet the rip.ht to tilf;,ree it : • is still :a'serted,',and may,, at any time, he act ed gat by the Covert:mem of that :Thk..Cougre - -is of NeW Granada had'also en acted a law, tturiug .the last rear, wit elt ;vs u gas oftniire than three tlillars on et`e?:‘ , p9und of twitter transported across the Isthmus.: Tiri3 sum tins required to bilpaid on the mails of the Uni!ad States would be . nearly two millions Of-dollars annually, hi ad dition to the I.arfrze sum payable ei int raet to the Panama 1-lailroad* Company. 'lf the only Oljection. to' this *exaction were. th-$: ex hort)l limey of its amount, it not he sub. milted to bv the 'United' Statc4. The impi'isltion, however, would obvhiirsly contravene our treaty with NeW Granada, and infringe the contract of that republic with the Panama llailroad,SompanY. iThc law_ pro viding for this tIN- was, by it, lerlii!=, to take effect on the first of September last, lint the local authorities on tb‘i . 4sthrni; have been in. ditt2iA to sus-Tend its execution; and to wait further instruction on. the subject .from the government of the republic. 'I am nut yet advised 'of the determination or that gov,krit inent.- Ira measures so extracirdinary in its character, and so clearly contrary to treaty ',.lpulation, , , and the contract rights ofthe Panama Ilairroad Ciimponv,•falinpriseil rifiiist ly of A:mei:lean citizens, should be peri's-'ted to, it 'will the duty of the United Siaies;o , resist- its• execution. I rer:Td. - exeeo - .lll9rlv.thitt exist - -; to • invite y.our iittentiot, to it,,-tilje,:tof still et• import in opr :The Vii New' - lill the 15tit dar of A tiril last: 1-iototr, of t4r'cin}r:thitatits of l'iman,m, ritt% - telt On the 1-refi--er; of th.. Cotlif - miiy; anti tte . p,r-si.T.!rers-nrA -otllir [Tr. sons in or he:ir. thdinvi , ly:l!! , the (Ictith sever :l citizens I , f t!le tilt tatiny other-. . . . A large amount of property kilOnpin7' to t.1 1 i, 4 , raili; d al comnanr. J eausod ' , full itivesuija, lion Of the t evont t 9 I)e.,rintile. and the - rut !. bows satisfaaorilv thteonn.letiiresFinsibil ity for what oecurred utifieiu - s• to the . wvo'll-- `ln tin tof N(-tic (4nomd:l. • 1 hare,: i heretbre, je-. niandcd of that g,,Tverli rant that the perpetra tors Of the wrongs hi question g.houlithe '4: ished ; that provision ,biwid he.' made for the, Families of citizens of-the United 'States who were.killed,•with - full indemnity for property pillaged or destroyed: - . Tile; present condition of thelisthnius or Pa- Mimi', in so filo As.reg;irds the'is: city of per sons and property passing overt Attires- se ,riOug consideration. - Recent in dients tend ettoi to show that local: authorities eamnit -be relied on to maintain the public peace . of Panama, and there is just grOtmd fin! apprehintiieu that 1 1. portion of "the inhabitants :ire "meditating .further outrages, ithotit.adeqUatg - Init.‘asur* 'fin. - the security •aud protection of erson„ s or ilro . perty havin; been taketi, - : ei rby the State ofPanama, or -by the ocnc. -1 govern ment:of New Grzlniida. • ;Uti,ler the 4”araritie= of treat-;,"citizens of rt - he United State:" hare, ny:the outlay of seli% ! • eral millions Of ea liars: eOustructed a 'railroad • acros--, the .1 , 411im0 - -rd it ha beeOn (- thi , l• ' main rynte between our Atlantic and Nellin ie pos:iessions, over which Multituiles' of our cit- izetig and. a va , : t atilOunt, of property are con. siantly pa , sing-- 7 to - the se.purit . !, :u protec- .: Lion of all Which, and . the vontinuance of the - ' p . u.liiic advantage , involved; it :is .impossible for the e - overnment - ofthe United States to 6.t inchTerent. • . • , - I . l' have deemed the 11:Inger-of the recurrence ; of ;cenemi of - lawless violence itl this quarter . .: , .. , o inocinott as' to olake it. my Fluty to station" a -part of our nar.irl force in .the . harbors•:of Tanama•and: A spiu wall. .ih or4er to •proteet the ruri•ii'lls :tnJ I , n , p6lll el t.lieji•it izen s of L i ll! -United StltC.s in those., . - )rts, ancl - toinsure to / them safe' passap ra- , 5,5 the 141 - imus._ And it would,•,in• - mv jud , ,,,,. , ment, he unWise to with. draw the naval f, wee now in tll,l-e,-,ports, un til, by the'spoutaecow: itMion „rok n,piiii!k, -of New Granda, "or otherwke,...4 i Ctite, ilde.q , unie . . atlrangernent shall have been made for the protection and security of a line , of interoce- atticcorn m unicat i , 41 so impi'lrtai:i.at thii e,, tim not to the - United States 0n1y,,,b lit t. 6 all other irMaritisi l le States Loth of Emxiple and Amer. Meatiwhile,mnt it.tions.have Iheen institut edM by eans . i..if a spacial cottnnissicin, to hl ,- , tain:from New firatiada full ii•ldemnity - for 'injuries sustained by Gtr eitizons on' the 'silt: . mus ; :LH satisfaelioy security for the general interests of the• 'United State ''.ln :ICieirS.-.1111;4 to you my 4st _annual mos..' •:.'ag,e, , ;he - occasion ,so.ems to rnk an appropi:i:., at 4 'tae to express my cOnuratniLtions hi view of the peace, greatne acid ss, fell ity.which the- Fnited States nf'fw posses's ... ill:l enjoy. To; 1 point you to the state of the y:rious depart, c meats o f file (rov4Tioncnt, and (If atl the great brai;che-S of the public service,' tivil- and mili: