N id HEM ' . WIARLES F. READ , & FRAZIER 'EDITORS.. 1- ]; toeiV eolsvis, , IF Puttacrin's Monthly. i . T ilsgcmG soiic! Doi in the acme . groy,river, The-eurrent,is sweeping strong; Over the vide:gray river, . ' 'Floats the fisherman's ' - • = ' . ,i the oar-stroke times The singing, 'The song falls. with the oar, ; * 'And an echo in both is tinging, I . thought to hear no more. , Out of a:deeper current The song brings back to me, ' 1. cry from mortal silence, , Of mortal agony. • Life that was spent and vanishes, Love that, had died of wrotig, • llgarti4at are dead in living, , CCr rte taik 'in 'the fisherman's song,. I see the maples leafing, Just as they leafed before— The 'green grass comes no greener Down to the Tery shore--- With the rude strain swelling, sinking, :In the cadence of days cone hv ' A'g the oar from the.water drinking ; rgPPles the'mirrored eky, , 1 1 Yet the soil bath life 'iliviner, • - . '' ‘ lts past returns no more, . I , . 'feet in echoes, that anwirer'the minor 1, Of the boat-song,,from the shOre. _ And the ways'Of God are darkness, His judgment whiteth tong, i • • Ile - breaks the heart of a woman, With a hkhefurian'* . eireless song r- iljiee,ll4i)ect!s. FORTUNE TELLINQ• i was sp tm endi a few days with my friends. • I tAteletm4iiees x in . the eoutitry: las.; summer, ck l i eu . " . arming, in the muisz of ft terrific, thimdertortn, the door 'Slid denly opened, and a - gentlinau entered, aniiapologized for his utt 'lntrusion bysay in that his horse ceremonious t .„,.; to g ...- j 133 become terrified at the I . l ,,,, htning.and not ~3e.rice, when we came - 'across an. encatnpmero.. ~ . , , e. I,liiicl ciftetkinet thera •in different . 1., t" f•lii'lltet,/ . .' . .vith y!'iir nW 1 experni'llen 01 tile i "Or else . :gas mistaken. then. Ise.- .1 ,...:1.-. ;ty z0':....p.t , _•41 12..itlian - .; ,qr,i , q-g. , , in, front 0 Mt • 7, - I.`eing - able.to prts.ced he.had-trikr•n the Jili.ar s ... -I,°l*l-111-'7-17•T: o t-ol v 4, .q....„ 1 A- - it. and li - ain ) , ...-:-IPn- , • from it 19 guide • you 1 but the one dear lin e - travel...in , th e • f 0 01. r , , ,-• st.-.....e. 41...1 •-•. , ..•-•;'-irl,t.nted I, :iti , iina the d o or a n 'd, i 51 4,1 "." 'No reply Wll•el made. ; //e' exAnured 1 -- ,; e it r. it • i b . I::: e o n tli .a i . n ta g i -. l. be lln in: p a o rt ts r .e e l e , d ful 'o .b n lot t t h ,t: o .tr • a tir ng ho e l r e ,, tj of o f him wider the..shed, - wink lie ' r ials oi : .. 3 * -A3 ' l 'P e. 31313 , 1 1 ' P I S ' . e( ''''• i . ' ";,.. i ',. •I,', . ' . ~.,A I .1 Z-7 .-, I . i .' • `Tell . 14 / i ocitoting a ,criltit, tutd.peacefui,. and jrair'l'..ril . . , , • c" , ; ; ;„ . 1, ; : , ..1 ,_ ;111:'. 1 ; .,.., -. l l . . tri tli v e s , e W l ' i l . .l l ,t ; •.. a :• - - .. ' ,,,‘,:i‘ 1 ,, ..1 .1 1 , 1 1 1:: i‘ 1 . 1 . 14 .. 1 , 1 1 1:1 ;1 'L1! .1 :2 e : ' I, . 11 ri g e i : i ' i n t : rough , : t r : 3 ' e e ' re " , .. p ; : ,: e 1,7 : 14 ,, 1 1 " ••:, ,' ! , j 1, ... ~ 1 ,....m0ant..0th.1,1 lic‘.er l„ ' . l . ';' . l ''' l'ittr:e• lis. eN Pc'rl pct conics 'as''''. l'" I:is o la i s i, l:? ,. l l o.. - 1 '; assemblage badesfair to b e 1C up in: e•otifus • itot•li4ht refuge; - re:id, its it afteri-luds turned ' :the re. ilit '... "-, l*.e I..erY .. .. , Ell' re_ , e ,- th to tro-I " lift • -" ,; , not • e.n .,, , ,. imint . 5 . , ... , .L,, tet,, , , ja the h01n , ,e. . , lie I, trien therr • s trill in sort ono-telling, •-because, .1 . -!%:er,-"" r• •'.•,•-! . , . i • is , .„ • • :',,..5t rid v spoken 4 lowtor Morris s_l_ , "-Lint ttiont!,' 110,1 or," ' ,•, .• . • • - I, who bad.tost :iiteritt.l Texas ll‘otri the ttalcs, Its • ' , is.rilht - l-i ; •ta' l3 i l'a:•‘`ri, 'apparently •a},otit f otly , like -_-(a.r,,Sir, 1 loolt . o upon it with ineret -, , , . , . ~ . , , _a• d , srtid 'Nina. With 1i,.. main("). there 'fon:- ..r.,t*.ye i v int.„:„ I. t1,.-,-,, e, : , ..pt '. arc sold'." ' its a i r ! ,•', Mr. Cunnings. • •,, .ir.tl ;et I tout!. confess !, sad smile. ', . . •-' . ..'1 ~,Ilt ~ilil won't: th i :•.l';%ll t. , ,, : ; , , ,.',1 , ,h•t"., r o ;•1. r ea y. ', •.. 11 . 1 . bo ; ''' , ,ti? .. .**- - ; iii:'-'n•tel : f• btf'••• , - '-on '-'ile. CT '('; 1 ,,cf. , . - tr. f.),l: : •tirf.l iyl4;flildrectsed 'the :multitude, !Orly -five, : 'With thin dirk ft:tiros:re] : quire I -LA.l ' , ‘'" iiieni P i • - I- " t now , ‘.rhen ;I • Pr(' .ts , ~, , :',Tai' w -h iskers. . and a very.. . ket.n dark eye, 1, belonging - to the tribe r.t.proaelicti•us and of '' ',"° '''`ve tlTeall'Y -`"ii'n-'" ', 1"e• . • " Perhaps •;, i , in-i." dear girl. though tites.; : -eilw.:-I11.•;11.,-..0,-, - ti 0,,.,,. • 7;1 . 4 ,..,-, ii ,, tattt ,. 4 r.h et . c , f .•, the . st•are, 'af , .;_i r..)llir , g. in a.toily,• sen_up. such ;v I an; a -strairger, , hitt arn also a rilazi, and ~ I • ',, .fered to tel I . Our fort.ti,oes, f''r as. I unhesitat.'i f " i t‘ - e n' tight dr/ 1.11,.' ....; •urie thing, Sir, !wan, ! arc never s, ditary ;vl l O . w a lk i iire• O nlik "inv w '-S t i i !,' foond it )(d: 5(. liit.2 li" , :-s". vrlio i• , ,".i.1 C1. , ... ; ,':.'”,"^..,.111, 1 • 1 0 4 t r i i i . :1::: ;_e ii1 ; 1 i e i i i i t i , `, t l i o l t!;, , a ,e s h i : ( : t ) , ` l "_ i i t e ,..e it i i .t.\ l !.. r iic y .r a t l i k i g ,ed e • i ii .. : , i , i l . : l2. l . ' i n i : 1, 1 1 , ' e o s % : :: ,, e a n n t - y l f , t i l f. l e, t( r ‘ u v l o , rn b: n dL , , to ltta rri lt y h m tm o d th .ha er p t p_ r i-" : v hieh i - et teamed with a rein:irk:ll4e I:iii'Ll-, - li ol•-• e V , n4 -I• L j m y 1 1 ,- ri d l., v .. - : tie 1, airs: 1)1g M. the trevs. of evt...o the walis i their OWn hearts. Trust in c t . t d a ir.l alway s T the cit:i - f• , r proif.e.'. ion. '‘. nurithey. of ,tless - asle took the seat offered - hira• 1 , -v or.e a.: ; • •'• • . ...t .t . . .., . tike, ,eiea er _re-, : . • - 1 -. : ii,„ „. i . i .,, ...I„h. nt i v ft., i . c „,l a - 1„,i r ,...-1 1 , v,',.• b, ) , t ,,,.. I shame, and the driver hurried . into, his box,. i and if I turn a deaf ear to the prayers of,tiu -• .. •.,. • , . , fused to look at it till I had . ' crossed • her pi .. 4 -l 'illi‘ ' ' -1- '''': i r i • - •• 4 !-''"' - ';' s r. 1 ).‘• lllse . i'l' i,l,t"l i ,inat - k: it'lL - fosi `I" rIgh!•" . tne 3:'',.:74 : ladles. • -: ~. . at' • s•,' f have, -4 .h . 1 . ts intr , thintx . d Ille - . 5ir.. , :, „ (..r: - . r ,. ., v• - ith ; silver', --vitt : , h er half a .crown, with • ';,-.1;•vIll- , Ilie_liev. - . .. , me, it is ait . fo.ly. con ...Ave i " ....I.g•-ii. iny. fttlier . if I have i t et ( I, :t j v , ,"3k.".•••• dr .„/ .;,i„ , ..1„,„3 11 1 1 e ' 1 3* % .,.:,' ' 1,„... ~r i t it. lV . ,,t ! :ln:Li drove off in lot.ste todrov6l the noise 01 ; innocent Wornan,:aski-no ray aid- Ili a . ine now intro i„ ce t h e ramil ,... It . t ,t: .2 ,.",..:... , . j. 11'..,:- '....'..1r:`.11.1itic . 1n Thal. it should pay f..r.hoth of P'' hi '''''-'"' t"" in 10:11 int. rest...l in the matter. l• '2‘Er. f.'untings [Mt. ?. his 1111;i1 .:1':01111,1 . 1 1 ;..,r.. in..-.-,..,1,-..., ~..,,,.,..,. , ,tit d': ~,..;..„.:1.::-, loft • 01eir i •'l l i s 4,y. . , . i villiaii, may! both my _mother and ;lily': Ged ~ , ~ - . . •: us. I • 1•01.1 ~ ' ll niv !raid aelin rtia . after /1. 7 . Lfi'lle Fues!: ll the baud- l'lr , all accidental. lt ' and dr ,- !..v . her to hiS si•le and. kissed her . r''. , 000dsI atio store , l- , f; to tie• illt.rev ~ •*.the '; The pas-:en,% - crs were all deeply moved by ' curse met.- If You *stay 'behrtid, Vei Toi iinb • •, , •- .- •. ' . ... • - 1. 'I" i Al • ••• •• • ' . • '''. ••' - - the di,,tress.of the boy:, and. tried in v,:trioug . 1 to•fight Pe.d_ra, , a.... litid.his atm . ed.._ rartiatiera. of , •I'''4lll.r., einoiogc and his vtiferoid two lovely' . . - at •,._ s . ; ,1„, ' t : i 1 ' t ' - '' • ',- ' },' 1.. '''•• •:! !Its in ,'sir ilices - and . csj.t•ci.lll,.% - :in oar hearts : !. . .nen .. ':' nt , aen.g t.e i t -.von i "Then inv• catitZ".n - .en..-ntrototro ill it :: .' ontollls - , s v c:t /rt- was T. 01 } ,1.e f .1 and burnt - - ?latighterre-the <Ades: A,.l:triol •ireti, •rldf : ) -„-•_•y. , i i i "i" ,r '- - I, i .•,' ... , ~. •. , : r n •••• e -,- ~..,- a c t i o ci %rutin ] t r .-, .... it ti ,., l ets ; hat toe,pa-J 1,1:1,-,e , ..• 1...,W I.' oupo , t imirressions.' i asked thelsoetor. , , . . -.0 dr+ gro•-•••i1,..-•,, ,, ..t1.4r wita t wo smaller , wzry,f t.. sonth his wounded find crushed, spirit. I vour wiv•es arid - dauffhtersi t ;"` : ' ~. • . , 2 - •-•-• .ral '' .(1.11 " (1(• • 1Cr ' t-4in g l; I ‘ . :'‘ :- ''` .ll '` il '''': H 1 :.'''•' `' . :•" i ''''t : •• • "''' ' le ' r '-' i''''' %.' ..!, -, -,i- * '"..' ''' '.• --:- ;'-' i ',..1„,,r f,' 111 , •re Iva- , a strange' .-,:tdtless in the Doc• i - There was a niost strange\ col:wider:et: in , baibilro,ts... , Nne , i --,' -1\ ,illiaM Phillips: - -My hu.t; his ngohy Vyas beyond the - .resch of their i.- 1...1'1%.:: ,;w -.S i'v'ts- 1 7 eceiveti, W•ith•thi•ee t ' 're: . ..years; - evidet.tly moulded, in s or'.l p, •,' c o n- ' ' C ' s ,.";, i '''', "'l - ',." - .'''.' '','''" "'''''''"''.'Y 51 ' ' ' ?i` •-' - - • t i,..• •I , -•,, 1 'II"' 1 • ~ , lent, .1 !„,.., •. c. ,,, :1t „ .n ~....1 f. t.... L ,..„,.., :n .,,,, in ni. ,..,,_. ... I to : , so.. rrs, lie 5........ t I. I hit spoke. Vrtlumes.; ..., i - t , , ~, 4, It o l , , . ;on At ~, •, IT the ,i'aSc..`. F‘in , tWO , years Nina I.:•..1 „been re- ', of-- •t ••••)•••'-• • -1 , ••••. - ,••••• 4 -•-• .•:'ll, l l Phtul - P: 4 , ...-- ii .... raii "- r • '' ' , •• • „ -.. i 17:."eadous clicerS, and a general , sheut, that : :_:- • • stiturioit ac in 11 , :r nsii.d.. are;..." -- tt; e 's---• - '7 . ".r.: L H, '•._ff' ' •,' " ' ' . ••• i , I , . - - -f,. •,-,4,1 ,0,-.1...-r;o2. but hi- fn....0 ~ .,-.1, cairn and a'Anost ', ee l ‘ -i ng ti le a ~,,, . 1 ,„,.., „ a .1 „,„ . , o ~,, iii t ,,, .... , . 13,.3.1 3.313 - M, hen his acionv nad . - • ' •„„ .r.... ..,.... ) W1...1n ~ t. Mi . 1 • ~ ~ . ~ t, ~... tt •t:-- • f • -.-- -I - -• •' ' v . 's , : ' , II • ' •-• l•h , t • •I• •s 1 ' , it -•. d I ' - so:ncwhat aliatr-:":. :le i cet!=?•ed to sbalte the solid - etirttr,:- tittered the ' ;er ather. The ',,.....,,1 , e . f- ~;,- its•-,• i 3 ,'„ ,'-,-, . ;.• ' l'""t 11-e• •Nl'It •I " ' ' - " - t-':' '''''':: i ••':,"; - c! 1 :""wn 0 ..••• 'l.: i ~. - _ . . . _ ..,- - , „-- irr, , . t , ..k t ., .• ..,r, -,.::.........,-„,!..1,,,..1 ... ......; -- -. u t5,,.,:...g. '.!,..1 a silence 0 :voire than a minute .! opinton of her parents, was no w a r s uit e .; to 1 trYinl - r all t :at ; ~.-.,„,.... ~.-,,,, 0 .e.±„,.,...„ „;•,..„.....;.,, . v. . ) .. • s 'l ...... se, ,_ .._ ,n, . 1 , •• .. _ -... ... , ...• ~ MN i,..., ~- - , ~ , , rto defend' ti1...1!!•.. 7 ."(-7 , dud- house a: :, '''.'•"'llle:l. , • Oh,. it, th,ey li .. ad taiLy let ... toe 1 ...41 I, ,•.1 4 . - 4 1 1 - cel Of-the• - revolutic.al.; . .-• . , ...-• ~...--.--,--, -....-....•...---...,.. .--,.... 0 _. • ~•. ,: , a ... „ , ;r... •,,,_ ; ,..., 0. „ t ~„ .;.., , .. .... • ~. .....,, •- •••"i,„,...,...1.1 '3'. 3 . 3;e11 1.3•3! ... '.7.3 1 0 .t. 13y saying, ;•! ,-. 0 1 . 4,- -,* • -...i t • ..• •. - ; -..- .- !, ti.V inothey.'.,;••,..,d-b-v. ,••Tt...-; "11:1•.-?. lied - to ";:n.• 11. - Nt. - , '''''':.:' 6 of . 1 - D . : - ' ', lier Iv: I:.•ducati..n..or stnti.....n. o r habits o f life: ',- gansit th .in. 0. . ev, 1 ~. .. ~ ~.. - it t re . rob ~1.1. 1 ,,v ii.iv 1 ..,.. ,,d . 4 , .. 1 ,.. ie 1 I , f tio. . . 1 ~ , ,I .., t, 06 i ‘ ~,. 1 ,.. ;;...,.., ~.,_,, , .., f . .., „ i r .... . e.ath t te lie. flit ' giau tft- s a hti nts il l! i - 3e.. woult.l Janis:- ..',... 4.1 : - .',.,..., -,..n: - ' , .io i'•., blsi., 'l2 ^ ej ilie . 1. ,!:''' .-- " •.' • ' I ' 4 ' -At sr; it ' ' • -1 -""Ii 4 ' l - ,.4. - -•• r • , . : i•' '..., - rl, • • ‘.'11.(1 VOU-- , '151•,..e`,"-• • 1- 14'1 i ' i I' •4t- • . ame 1 ... r 0 il r 5h,..„ ,..„ ; .... , ,.,..... ; „ ‘ ..., „ ,; _• l , , . _ , •:. , . ;„ th. s „i n ••, s pl,-,,r 0 .1 t ri t e . .:',,i• v ; • r i en d c,i1„,,. 0 .-3 ; i irf i :v. isf-- • :\ s,-Mas t ~.. 0t....{.. .....) .1,. •,.. .., ~ 1 i..,,..4 . IN -.lt) 4",, , i111.1. .71.1..,..-5.10. 2. • ,01,..N., amt. as the ~ hed .1 i tire.. 1)1 , 1 1 ...,....v. a . , :i:.... 1 tr z t u s t . ,l al ,, , ,:! ,i, a c l „ r' r - . , '••1j . -.... ;: t . . , r. 1 r, r1. - i . le - 5 . , ... ,... ..t_ . i ;r l i , ~,. 1 ~,:' , i.; i. ... ,,id • ~ ;111d t i c . ,,t1 . 1.4 ii, , - i ?. id i.. n, : . , _ II : , oll i c a t. • ~.c u- ,.;; ; ...l . _:e fir ..t ietr or r .e..as, awl lily li,•)::::11 i VOIIIPT loVV„ forrni.or , iti their own Inind..: . . , 4 ............p5,...e5s 0c...t0 . , , . s , , ..,, ~,,,.., .. d 1 ...' ...; 1 ~ •- k . „_, -. .-,!,r''....0 seer 1 stnulgely ;:: . - ,,ete.l 1 .,y i on! that ~: N. ~..,,: e1. .. an.i , -, ,, • , - 7 . :in , iv, wa,rful_ , at.o.. a. ..... ; t !.,,... t. .! mi.... 5..1.1.a it a tisiot. .. - 1 ' ' .. ' , :i._, , ':• •' -f.: 1 1 .- - t 4 .... %,." .k . • . . . • .. ,- ..„ i ,,;,,,„.. ~:.41_1. %, . 1141 1. In(' J(<l4;. at your hand.' - • l ',„•ind tve Test tile Ort_ce.ralrersritt at..e.:e ‘....,........- ~„',..1 . '•,...- . ~ ' '' t . ' ' , ', ' . - . i bold ideal, and elottitig it with Mir / tiro' s pIC n - ' terfe - ed. fliiiiiiiir.; it hest itc.t. to barn them - . ,g'."'d - n.Y , l''-i . P. : gollct - ‘?arn"tl _,1 1 ,1 . i 1 ,-... , '!•14, t•lgril . And -,..t,ter. I „I` the far,t,:tline, : waa„ht•gr4,3l,in luildness of d,•isp-I,ltie elv e, and her fair stvi.ti . ..... -_. - '...tir" ea to - be ;s, 4 fit''.;,l-t ot:frr:' -.1t;th' , 1171:1;. lier . leand lav ex- I .fid, drapery that farte , v c r e ates,. a n d ih in a t. ; but ..., keep then for. qua'rt..,-rs to st•-,••..e.7.4.-.11.-.1 trilublio hat" 1 7 ; 4 ~ ,,t,,.. ; •-•,;:ti;:- - - .- . 4.;•. , ,‘e ,•:•:-• :, llielar.or.f the wr.4 ther-arne tiers .. ..- i ,acrd un..5ume.V,.."':).r , :1... - .7 ,- ..:•• :•'''..ll''.:.s.si,,re 1..av!„ 1 eot ne an eeho to the.pulsation cif allhefutg--- ! Inn; light 1-.. iolt l i • , ,,t . . . 1 1 - _ -3e:l'c:es: , ' • , . . 1-1.,..1 , t. 3 3 / 3 11),, it "4th i.s01:10,C11S-'' • ,/, 13 - . i. ilt tie • , ,_. It. l onic it'e palm with ilie...ollit'"r.. -I:1db! the'face 1 '...-nol•e i too.rght t.-. 1 it. t'ite incii-ei l l''' . ' l ' l .4 '„ 1 :', 11.- '''''''- - ' i '' t. '. l "•'''' I - -1i 2 i, ".." 1t !' l 1 'r: I 3 r." 1 : •tn. - 11111,r, -, all„tbes, - ... charms if; some . hitlividital ', the:if' stoles! good - in, , . . ..•••. a:yr.:cell:v . ..l t i f, 1, 0 lon;ly Ing 11,1 , ,..iL1y , !, w;thout st„1 1 I 1 Ing " IA) inquire into his- re ; . . -. f-, sot 3U33.3 . .14...5t /3/i . .It . ;... ); ' " near to .. 1 . , ~ . . ....... .. . . . . renal } 113rel' ot inv . f ienci t.• .s•-• ,_) • ..1 •.r '-. -. I it: , t1i...3 livit stand •' witch di awin. , near to a I the (lam Thomas '.I . Rtisk. - • .• ; '. - ;• .14;ll t e 'elder could` be seen a Stren.th of .ntind ' i ni•i".'euri""'iY-71 - ran (111/ it l'Y ho "the:l . niThei l li'' ' ''''' '-' ,' • . ~ •,,, . _,, „.Nvorth.- - lt 11 tho strisfortunc.,l early youth, . - .• . '.;' ! awl i'i dizis;fisi 3 Of -character whiel is rirel • ', - •' ; '''' s afen ' ed t'' '}con :t' acid t ' e In " rt. ' ' 4 thel3 r'nj ..."' :1 '-'1."11'"' ' ' l 1. ' ! den... while the)" weFe ' lll ' their v• - •flY : - ..0 ' this : oxe s ,ty •thiel, v!ood, the troy bctame trapqn.l. i T,he , next day he. led, hts raw . recruits -to I th'e attack. 'of Nacogdoehes,:' and'storincd ev.' . , 41 . • i oundt-ctall,ined With -- "I ruuel.nobl.e and tineen.."! ' i''''''"e%rii-ii-r science: 1 '; : ylu,...il.ed. the meat Ai-cY. 101',,1 " I vo'f:'id tell ••li - Lees .1. , : 1:::".. ‘',-...•.''. j'A„,:„,•,.., , iaay, t, rod not ra , rt•iy tile. folly of minaret ‘.... - -ars.-- i t )la r s. fine was killed. the <frther 'tin) 'lt - a , l- 1 1 Wt 1;11 • 111 '-• MI we had, cut-bred th--c 1 r0t)( 1. a few StAsp•,--let lite !To the 1-t . :l and de cided mine! •of Nina the Ilv i nunded. but managed to- fret in. • 1- , „ e 1 . r..C . • , , -Lie thrted fry . in the toli,of the stage and 1 cry ,position against irnmesise odds, after. an • . .1 the 'en - eanipments andiyteetnpt,•ti to gain sc;rne,111):::, ..":...i kiit!‘‘ . plat al e ady. t0.,0, ,,, . „ ,,,.. tm . ira t i_int.... trte --Too: i-,, as a„.... as a deer,- no ! assault of four honis i the.ciarnaftebelit,iireit •,. y- I,te-auty as li'ers wai..l. - ,i' - i t ''' ti . I . ' 1 1 •• ' '. " - I- - o'l‘. •• •• ' 1 • f.r reisiir (t he n 'th o• • • - lit.r" tri.-ide (JO! '".."‘ -- ;. ; .'•'-' 11 :•.7 2 ' - 'l, i. ; -,. .. - tlrat itwas . for hk '., fat on both 'sides% . : Fortunately among 'the' Yon ire set Sir," - said Mr. Coatings,' as i al ' 3 '' '' • u 1 " - -" e ' lllll d ' s t'' • i opposition of her ,parents. made no difference. 1 'r 1 0 11 (ls' Alissica , about ta,ri - L'ut ,slie,lll :1 ms 1 .1•3:e sne .....zsr.a ,•.•,... r.rat'a slight shade 'he lig:ked at the garments cd• the tint t,-- . , 4.!'',€ l -'ing ilito t Pa"t• • find futnri---. . - I •She ttl'i.:lttlit she was consultity , her own f l ap.. I here.; was broker up..by tile I:flirt:ins, the no• ! n" e•oh•h.t. "villt"tl,le :cooff!, i Only a -trifle. . Sir: It was itnlr in front . -•- 1 7i.uld i tell inc. nothiro„,:, :3 t d c . 7,-t•ii the 0 - aisitlii -. "I toil".; T i ',r ''-l'i'rele` - i!'`'' r. ri . • .y- Pati,m'd lbS thi; 'Doc- •! . 'pmess. while they were s e ltisl;',.ind:ernel i n 1 of Lain, people grossly maltreated. a n d ,fe. 1-lile.'• . .- 1- .' : ...e. , ,d,,,ri.v....-•,r_in, - -talitil droppi."-- 1 . his t_eins i • isla_itt,;7 -: .q. • s -- -tire.ricad hotly of lifeatrocions Pcd• . and pi,,r,,Lled t.1.P... i.,..if • -Proving nTsei , no 1 ra:.l., - , , . • .. .. ; ,- . ,‘ •- - • 1 „.,.. t t crible antount of gold tliat I ollered, tiroligli - 1 lo !"'- . : m imi ' r :. ''''''' le 1- ‘ .(r• her-tace- ', st;indin•t.l,,,ctween her and her love for , him. Ima es rtistilted. Nothing as .sacred Walt Bor. of t''''"?-7. -, ;'' - that I *as forced to alight," gas , , the reply. ; , ' ..1 it evicieutiv tempted her.eve could nrke nr'i , . . . , -111..teli he: re' urne ex -'ai ni 1. , -P ',et- ,•-", • ' 4 4-"••• ,1 '• -• - 1 d . 1 nit nett' not ft:or. 1. qtr tell you no- i 'l' h ey' •lia r 'd alWays. however, t rea t e d liin i w i t h-t der lint - flank. I learned tostlay. that . two 1 , 7 p,....,, ,s• , s ( 1 .,. • 1,, , l . 1 e , -••----, i; ~ 't'4 all l• re. t„hpt of Rusk in - Te.uts, ana ~ I bay... dime what 1 coold, to catch him. ' iq• am G l a d O ja i . e „ u ; di . . 4 „,., ilne is I irapression upon her will. , She 4 - as obstinat I,' l hi r4 I•rfe e lh W" . • :litninesis and `respee, illoutth til l er tr i ade 'no 1 * Stitt' tfltil were drarlTed out of the stattettid. - I,!forn - . thit dity - ..liis popularity .bas gone.na • . Ile, , nr . nunted his 141.3.' and drove on a,,mi1...- • I steadily : ine,rca.., , Ath,, ,, ,;witli n ont e . yett ni - .Cransito`" - . ,- - ,e. -,..3 'V. ' ".. .., 1"1.: ' • , , . . , '7''' " N...i' an . y oiler . 4;' .. , •!• f • '., .-, , tee*.5...:-..ei.... th , ...i. opposrtion , to his, suit. --i lly la band of tillians.' . _ . „rrv , .ler-cd.witile on their wav, to Kansas (itv,. I - e.SS of t'aq . terror of sirch a' sio'f'in 1 ., 1 i 1..." t:oni- 2 ' ""- i --c " - rn r t '•' - • • • . 1.-, :. , . . ~, Ai, out / - ,...-;00 ,it u f. I or. so wit,en lu:reined illi kis horses to a,liftuse, , its eclipse, cr ef;co to rctrichaa•a all toi.nri 'partyof otl-rerS."" -' - - ..' I tu.ast i!....alfeSs to :igood dem.lNy,c• , sollrri , e'''•• • ' "t:ci - tr:r l, y hot- • .. . - But. - 411c• oven'ing I;efore: tfle DOctor's first I, to the' kcejg-r, asked," Where are 1 ils splendor. In vain_for• three year"; .(;en. ..sL•do t4...,' 1: ',.6'i - . ,;- :, :- , -i, I ; „ ..,, :,..-.--..-., 11e.,-..:.:1--.i: some appro:.cir t.., I,eli e f iii. the;' Ile !•- , o , scu it!ti ..'.:l 1 -.0- -:,...; .;-to ner 1f. , ,•0 , VI,ZIt an altercation tax - A:.' between MAI i bail" c ; - , • r."l‘.er horn El , * .I)sswattoinie, t: ;alit! nitd. 2 , ll ill . rt.l . lett home this'.- Cos dt;niartderd---his'-arresir 1 1.1exico hid nOt , ... - .fi. --, -" - sa Y ' 'V A ' , t'z' ‘. 1 . 1 .'" 11 -• i •-:•,;.. ::_. -`,; 1 ...• i.,. , . i . • , ; t -' I' 2 . 11811(1. 1,i,l A..0.;„ -• .3,... o r e,•,- 1. , - : ‘,..•• • •;••••Is . -nes.„•;::ith,r. '• ,.4.7 ,,i m r. . c uti ,,,in ge , in w hi e b i i ,. use d i nsu l t „•_:1 - 110 sever! ...at:, r - phi ec ,,,,- a nd murder i ng a n d 1 .y4rph::,-,f).,..h5,r: Ni re }led ti e.`,.' ' terror isnot tT:e re•qint which thinking men ~i ii' "'''' • i n `''' n i '' -3 ''''''''" r ' -" T ' - ' hill- ` " L 'll''''' i moriung • with the 411,1.:,.34, 10 litint a negro, 'and 1 soldiere,eirougli to:take him, - .and in:'184.5.--C; el p to i t. . ,.: , e , ~t . so o t t i mea - • . il ut pit ave 1 ,•„ 7 „. 0t. , i r . ..oyst:lf ovt - -r ,, an.i . ;:ver , agai i, n, da z y.' ....;I T er . (la .: , ", ' l - 11 .- 1 ,, ll i ' 1 •"!!':7_ i lli i : - .; fon:hend foal , direetiv he took I : in , * words and teas f.'a1 . 1 1 .1. - len 'the hours'e, an d rohbitig the cif zens. roadebeil against this .- o ur ' wouid out be borini - bt.fOre night.- Tire driver', lie. • assistlA to chase the last.of these., out of Ilia:lift! look ..I in- I i -. • • •d • -* 'fl• t on to Fi itro d ocem.rae lf . , , ~,,fy it .^.:S is 4 0; „, ; ..:: t:::: ~ f :t.,-,vas a...seetyyntan Tuut t nen I WOW, •:: '- " . . 1 1 ' 'ewls'll bl"li of l„. , ... L l,, d elta , t. , . sal , ir , „ - 1 &ire, With the mention of sackino - it. ' 1 • . ~ , • ,o„ , ~ ~ , , , . , , s lA, „ ~ , srdd to num_tuat :air. ',..--,--- mut sent WS 1)0y. ' i the et:unary.. , _micrWaros Jie_ h iuna,s4pd a, fccr ris -" . f ':•,..--_ •Tilett the oft.t::',l expe•rience of others -• lot , r• r ire 1 -4" ' - ~,- -:-• .r.; • • „ •_;....t0 lier i tace with the. T:inde-t- saddest Interest i -: Irt a few days V•Our tatois ~- ,-',- . .,:r., will nu m. 1 „i r e. c0„,,5,,,u ii.io),..:it 400 MCP:, 14.00 Ilittlit- i ~', - - . . ' a l: .". 1 - es - er s' .-•- ,on the Eta 2,,,., that morning to l);:- ! tune ♦at:the Texan Bar,, and • viii ithoien one . - . tne fit 41 that niv - riend bad atirtor“vicd•ted '''' - li yaw m the face of. r.,:in. .. , es_.- . I ell :2800! 1 . gi cs- - the areltives and treaSury •/"lin t'.,Pt/efor llorris 1" -: ,-- . . ;•••,•'r' - - '. '• • • I• 1 4. ell at the pen, and that he had juipped. front ,of the frat sensitors-'of tise''...e.w.st..ateannesed. •'' "Lie same; Sir ' . -'''" • . , 'V. rcrriarl:aole. agreement ih7 - li. :-...-..:. .` , ... , a.. , .: .- - 0 -, "!..; "" ) "..'t"r l'' c-x4 - '•:ill it - - 1 ' , ie . .. 'i--ter-sp - '; 1 :„I'yllig ! - 1 - 11‘.:. t',;_t n . nro.inb - tr. ,ettcr v.... ih-,,ectl in • ar.c safe. --1 each armed •,v-ith a Sharpe's. ; - t . z I h t . s .:,-, b,-„ . .,..-1 „f i.:':•. ‘ i• lr. !, tb , ' ',..-: •''s'•':' , .• ?•::iiii•i• I;et.•,:r =f fic Palath I Iv, confised with th''l '' to their ...if - le " you 1.... - - --,, • snore in ;t ti al': •; ,--',--• - • -• • • • --- ' ~, . .... - , .• ! p „, • •.. , . • .- • ;".-• s • „, • 1 . i ..\ .1... ~ hand li., a thess ii , ir ft on,. the 111. , }rifle, It was he first time that I eyer took• i h the top of the,sttg.e anti tallen to the- woods ' t . ci.te.., t..or ; : at/ , ~,--" -:,.,-• --, . , •,' ,• • 1111 • .. -.5 ~ . i •t von will eieUse me as not infer - Minn tollatter - ci"t;:• - ••('•••••,. 1 e•'•-la : : suite-. east it `..1,;, .. 3 ''''-' r''''-' t : - . 0.11 , g . ti.e. , 1!;---- , ..our - -.•:I: ' - „ lage, t)..e content - s• of which ;she did r,_ ••;_ collo !u r arnis to She ot human ‘ beings. ......vV.e knew i Ili feitlY -,.' x _ 3 ~..I_, - - .-1 i tl: • • •ver. , v ne " t o ." 4 -•.-..,te-...-alinc,...t i.;,t0.,-1, _; r . - t;i, ....till.„_ •,. ~ ... , 1 ,,,,,,,,m..„ ~ tdi , nnii,:ite. I.ltzt all (I,:v. ton g them ~,,,.., ~, i,41 . 10/011r Ca.ll:4C ',IIS jll'lt. and ‘l,"' new , inorrOw.:' ..ilie drtter said he u-ished only v! , art•••, l ..' -.l .Ve . 'vvill hunt 11•11 u for..you . I you, it 1 : Say I .bale I)cen anal[) to make' '! "- • ' • - '•• -'" '''' ': ' - -..-- '' ' . - ~, - •"' i. as dz r ,,, t . 1 . 1 , f: ..,,i' ~...l .• ,. .i nirtatrig 1 yaw the -e, my cliiid. Will - you : look of unaccustomed. indecision mita cr..: e : in i''' . f i •"1. ,- ‘, i 4-1 i ,At. f.. ~,. I til sell our live as dearly :is- pos'sible. l'he.,i to )int,,i6,.. 111,1 ° h s SAnr, t• tn'- 4 -.‘ 41 •• - •; e ve n v friend r - ni ' - i's f-triril - - - your--acqqaintance. ' I have •heard mireh of ; in - • , ' _...!'" . ..,*•-•.-, ,- •.,..:. , :, '. "•, " ' 3 f, • '' s , t , •••,, , ,,. a k- ~ ,, e - lorci '. - - .-! you for the yew-Ait 1 have beer. livin,.% here . • 1 I was tit:ter-pito. tr- r.ll,, -...5 . .-7.,.e. ore suojec,t. I s , „-- ~ •• ,-••' • •; - ' ; her countenance. She ino'..ed alrott t t h e i alvance guard of the eriemv came within f_4oo 'i - 11 " w-e'dr°%:e 11 ". iltlade the l' ll l4lrY ,. “' rlow • ''. 1 ,11" "1 and nt':l. tall •t- "'' / vitr.is If ' : • - . . dre. In, . . , ,A...rd i . .• us aat h.tl.ed. Thu cowardly d 0 ,,, 4 , 1 brog have.you driv•en a st ate us: this road ?,' !! but vcu live at such a divaii-ce 1 twit ne i„. e ; :, far as I could. Mit ow:: 5a....1'.11d I pri a .. e .:•.." : , ~=1 , „ N i l , : 0nc.,,-,---n.f....t. a • v.... .. .. 1 .,. . ..,. 1 h ons ,„ a ,-,.. , in a •'I ; • DOefur" - 1 1 ' I e r • "e -- " been ' able to meet yoo." ••- - - . 1 •,- Th e -e o mp;trison of tov - fri,rt,, s h a y . :-.l• ai i :. h, 1-2. tact! I :a- - --t• thcr•-•- - ;'. is . on!y "Ile ; evenmg did she trtanar.to to thrOw it off and ''. sfe . !lig that we were prepared, ,f,...i. , t h er n, f e '' --- li. • I , ..,••,•,- ~ ....i.e i ., -' _, 1 , , ,- L 1 w...rd,of Counsel.'" ~ - , :I . epli .d . About fifteen years.. ... Do • • vo-fertr acrself again. But a sail suspicion or ifitek about fiv f. bills and enedarned for the You Er - cello:m.ly- take net , roes down to the ' 1..... • • i !'-' I ihaiiit. you, Sr i. lain not what.men e..-1 1 I s rry.,...rn 1-I, : a. i •tat. prop...t.t„ . ..., ~.. . .1.4_ . . 1 ~ :I, : i•••%' ..--‘ - • • th° - 3 PA. -**/ Occurred tr i . - ..- ~. 1,1,0-1,.n.V.1 or-no _ i w i ll not •I N .re ,t„-, - • .. • ' - 1 - Cil% o ppreSgt-il the heart of het- parents.whiOr 1 night- In . the in.erin time we Sent .0 Lceolnp. slave-Pen T,' “Yes,rte.rilaently.,. " What ii - ill Rocisble, - niairarely.seek the siicietv of oilers. I t°l- ii-g iveli '''')'" g i -•- %C I •' - - ' t ' - • ' , l / • ~ i.. •) --, t•-•-- - . • • . . vooog lady ; • and he - stewed itself most clearly when the I)t.etor ; qui, i l , . ...",.._ . e!... Troops. They arrived here 1 betfolire of this he., John'!" lie-...replietl 1 "Ile will skulk about, the we until : ire, is 1 pursuelny profef.sion herein the .. .country in 1' a 111 - t,.. leading idea, but l• found it. like t 4.; :hulk t --, tr:°"siet , t. ~. , . . 1:, . -11: . 1 ,3 • - •.n tier face itli the same serious gaze, . MilS"Lalki'lg' Witi,l• her .ilone.• - 'W holier his' - .411-,;:t , tly.t,,h• the nett. ntorhing. -On the a very quiet way-, 'and bait a better and wid. l i . sit'-'3 . .i••of the hierOgivphies on the ',...1d Y--ata eotrortroleatireli ltad an •v cffet•t in lb:ter:minim , . I *site mo.nirro ab.mt 9 o'clock 'the, 'Ruffians i ne4rl2 , / starved, told will saint: Night mak e :. jih..... er repututi-.-_ii 1 ielieVe.. kor prirfessional skill - i, n.. - eptS of , the 'East. 1. bad not_lsio,Pi to be. 4 ' "i i ilvi "1-wr eye was ti- 4 -ti °" his.: • - - • , ... f...0.er ft.:L . :re 7.• - .41 , 1act 1 . 7 •;.:_t -, •-•',' tell ' I;• - f di: • hovr. in si t yj \ t . , It gr l in, hitt ~ • -...eit•g= . the troops, I, • ' way up to his :Afaster s house,, anci f ia,-ito.,:at thei rut- sri-'.- '•• '• - " ''.- 1 I ' 1 - I with.'and nothing, it ., 'compare. I then ti e n l .l • • '''. j;" ! l avf ''' u . det - id• 4l r t. ' ~ t , , -.... ~_-. ...0 - ers, ...: .11 • entity _t_ ie.sco 1:.•, r . , d , _ r . • it . . I -. t,i e'-... ; fu . d ,... ; ,„r i , ,.. ,.,-.. 3 l'Vf. i .„4 . !A! -ii, us rrstirsiirw 4 rom ; !hey th0ut;‘,;,..2.. h' es t t ,, , '1 . ,-,.* : ....• , :e: . . , 1 two weeks I shali bring hint. ehr,..-,4. re,•',risi to 10 _ ...le.v.. of intelligent 'men, and arn bf.l. - p.• that m ; a.l my net. .:, a. 111.. I.yti I. one, „, ,p,. ‘ . ),::` , u . n . " . 8 ...v.t.eii . i . i .", 1 . n f- ',...' 1 . :' . ' . ' n , ( :• ". e , ~ • . - 11 l '''' .- ..."' li* 'T . :; ; ; t.. 1. '''. '''t . ' ,sh'' ' 6 ''' t . 1C iverl at Fort - the.slave-pelt in hand-etifTs." After' :t pi t n.se accident has thro'wri tne in here fli:'i...flit.”- . 1 sarrie.girl4 . and added their fortunes to .tool?. , ; - 4 , 1 ... 2.....,,u , 1 , 0 ccr,. st) ~.'.......-... in . , rat,%..',-,efir .the v. ..a..,"4„....• -,,. t1..,1 . 1 . 2 , ,,,, , , _ 4 ,• ••• . .:,,,,,* ,) , :-.1;" : .t 3 1, I Ilt . p,p'", •.),1,1,„ r , reary.) art. . . 1 „.„ _ . ._. __ _ _ . ~,,, ~ r.;- s• - • •- - • l in ts° t....,„,k a cenrati., e.a.......S ot, the p a lms o f t ii,,,,, ; .Mati•to , „ tf•-• and I 4... ht.....,3. 3 . 3 i.... he., •- , s.,iii,_ prrs,.. as .. . . • •-•;-•-,..1 -vie' - ''-'llt. "• ' ' •1/ w - t , lb wing then% atal. 15au5...! Leave:ll - worth ab•rnt th e 3,1 (if thi s , month: I- , even this, driver, Luang his tie i .sradation - iti ‘' J ‘ 9. • " Will ylou not!• tar ,With ns tai 11 - Ibl-fling., 1 ,r, . { being the intrintient of suvh Misery , broke 1 .-• 13iDetor Morris'!" asked 1511 -• Dltnink. - . ' ' - ' x ' • wit( le' Si•i rejecting . el.-..:,•ry one which It ',. ed flit the cor.sent o '',Al.r...s.Cui'r.iii 7 gs. ...dere- :', in't, 11,,t C-7,i‘!"•:11/ . .. It. 4";1!-• Nina . 'S spit't)r,., ~ .1 ii.lire ••... - -ith his trosi . as far as .1-econlpton and '' • 'I •tst de Fe tiVilyif::le .•':,11 foll; o,i - de , us, lttir 1" . .". 4 fr. , 41Psrsee'e:in - ie to 1.,fa.-..crovortli. , The (3,, ver n., out in the C•xelaination: "This is' a cur ' The Doctor 141 , :ed ail:iiS ix •!- It It was i the •t_.• ; ft, Cr.or an. ;rant of o.n•re.por',.. „ i ''" - a , ' lin exl;ression olileer. r'n:.iery itt tier fact i , ..• , _ la rt , she gfiv.• it. . 1, 1 , - e had al. tin to the -crud f fi'ettnistf=s in0.:,....-1. . . . • • 1:or is takine• s ich t . ...0.-t' ,, ,irres as 'are in bus pow- l i inisitles' ,. l -hut In this cl l,o thisi;ltt"t the -":"r't . past eleven, and ti.s...r; e.iii . eirred no , nit •*-ation'l -enve • • °e . ca' sl "P." A ' 1.111c) i -s to thc' . lit:'''' - e' wilie • ,f - ~ -- ... e , ~ • . ir • - •. - ic. ; ~..a ., 41 , ,.. pcsril i a d.„ : „l to ~ ,,e , t h,_. I „,,d er i ti ,. tr il i - - ,,, : an.i ilerc.z.u.r.: - .N._r.:•. Ct..f.;:frg..:, l•-•-_-:... - rce d , : ,- ...p- I '' :1 - ture in it - Tite net'i it•ho'sold liiire...• Irs •• 1 l'aiiie.l-21:ie to tilttni tny bride.l. was f en t;') rint .l l.o.!- d'-•. 41 tirl al,eres. bot• I think he i Ii• .. • • • . - •, • •-. in the !Aorta. :- . , _ - •- . : 3 • ‘:''''' “It i t , w in ba - ma i u , aoaveti i' eme, \i- -• i -Ind ihrs... i arlded to my list. The . scrvants, ; 1 :• - ' 1 ". 1- "-?;ted in . °:''' '''':111" ' 1 Ilit , " ri•pi,e, .- •• " i I ".iv id have h.h.rd forte ot. it.., - I think !that! -{ anti fatli("rl ' . . . .14 adaio. - i • • - - - i s a,- • SiSir '' I : - ",,0, 1 .‘, . , .., -, t (for - .., ,t . - ,i . „ll „., „..,. I. v.... th.s .._,. 1,1 stk. 1,0 m). 'I 1 , "Not the litst. in thew-orld, Inv dear _try„ I too, were ti . t - it left. Ont of the. ettperinient, "44 ! " - ‘1 .. . 1- ... , `;:- 1 , -e .:Joet...- :girt to .r.:••- nor..e of us i " I tilt . 11(4. 'Set • her, , . '..i . rten 'f.7.lll , ..Arsi:SS.---Chief J ir-riLe latarslndl „ tee conntry . doctors are skecustomea t .. ,..., 1, .4 2 . ,,,.,,, t , ne ., of ear l, ~,,,7e ~_„r .e. ( . 2 , , retnily written ;Luc, a tti.... ti.ne, hlt Nina '!::111 cs twe 'days •• " c 7. 1 1.. "..: 1 v voliri-- 1 ,1-• Sir' - • N• 11•1 i•ill ;• , :',ii -'t•c-i.. - ...t (",;) --a • ',H a ll ' bv st-!•;1 ,,, here •ts t 1... t . - I • - `-'• c '' 1 - - „ .- --, • •' ' ' - •‘-' .- ~....1 . „,;' , r .. - , - ~ r.. _ " ..1 ''.. I .' r - -' ' '- 1 11";1,4 in the hatrit'of iOin‘ , to .market hiniself is , ~ out and ~ 'nurnb t? . crzliTe. , 4l:m4 -with c.ih ~ 411 e. W'ti a ". It • 4 " ;4 ti:IS : I Pcjlll'• nith me 1 , oot...ans .nave , o estroveo al , „to,' -, ro .y er to, .. . - .. .1 1 - , . . : I and earrylng Int - me bi,s purchases . Trecinent.. : making oul'ieivt' s at' home eery where '' '' i ' I. 'r.:ist Ilnit 1 took, ut d tit s this ••••rty-I rt a..iiiv tl,l_, -,. --, llewnre . how 4.0 u ta!- - ...: ti:c step yo,. are ! • .•-• Viil s i n I", ex ,,,lairr a ed_Mr - Curn l ngs., i with the- eXception. of about, _"'.4300, which 11 . - •' 4 Let us hope vow - Will do so her '''' '' li he would be seen returnir, ,, at rainrise; ryii It •Mr. earnings. - t eet ... ~.o t e .:•.•;-- -me. r••• Twit:cc-Ed ortu . , •• -.. , .;„, ..• „.- ~,,,• ........ ...our fl_Wil 1 " Nay, fattier," said Nina. ' I happened to litive iii my poel,et, . • .., , , ~, . , ,- . -.,, - .... .: , ~.7 ' poultry .r:one Itand, And Vegetanti!s in l i te t,i ei l or b e n ity - ,. e wp c at1 'i . ... , ,..,,r z i do- clot.' 11 and .:. . I .•ery , respee_tabl'e, tal.iine, • ,•...,1 hun in , firiT ness of charaet r.att,.1,:• ,, q4 . :es...Ante ..'. - i/l, ! " 'W e il. tl ze ri tr i y dangl,fter," he said, flrop- "- l hole rld Pennsylvania. It ~,, i ;„.... , ie., , c re- „ ion c t f- • e I ."' • . • - detiends u - • o ‘O.IISaS 1 ; li.) 2,! parsec 1-o,rigiit and re s l,,et, ine wrong. 1 ~, !. 1 • ••• 1 •i• d been;. •s'in ,, o tits mint. 'lle - reedorri .f I p ~..... ; pin c rt..r, ta.t.l w inn, rare_ . ~ .n. .. • ~.. I able young man from thanorth; who, feid.re : ,-‘''lle - D'o'aoTt...'s :, , tai•si. • ••;.", - a.s sta'oled, arid, after i harid'i- and (:{no 1 ' 1 ' ...e- 7ii--.1(1 1' - ' . , . ~ -I- 1 ,,, " ft da , •• p•-• i•• ',-- --. , t ' -- -7, . Ave • :he little buitenf re' biii.-ai'n K.'-i- iis . - - :-.notOrt, i • i'Yoli. -..lllfl , r_Arte'rve, that 1 tilld t t -,it, e ar I t o ‘, 1- ;-• carrY - olt 1 - r , " Li , " •:-.'l . It' , •ktl..". t iat- i ar.,a , ,.2,,e„.1,..tr i „. tnie,ter, A side, ~• decide for,: on .his eleeti in:. . . arc .. all ion.): remont , 1 MoVed to Ilichrnond, is - as swearie ,, vitilentiv t,it e ..i i ,, s it ii , e - s, 4 , e , s it, il o w e 24 i t i t L a d I ; ecti i IFNI/ire iilto the trutli or falsitY of the, pr t .l.e...- ~ t . s4'''.-- 4 'rt..; -0 "! 1( .4 4 Y"ll. : Be- . ..,:ri''' t?'::, -. 0/irAelf.- I . y...11,!-reic. . !,.'eap ~r Ju s ii-i :Ind conie,trt ir.t . hext.i. tell!-Ni rt Single exrf:ption - ,, b,•tt t . ltedif-•t I • -1, ... oni „. the beginning n f t b e ,... evening. and we ,, i tions... , __ii, I •..anted was to ascent ; t i - ~ r.n(' w ii",.1.7,• , . :rat it is. • our 1.1-,.. - t. I.t•art, will k l 'pia • .r.. 14 .1 1 . ,,,me -..ijili us, or p:3vertv and- auti .fieulty is:. wi are not allowed •to vole , Re _ heeause he could not- get. any one, to carry , .. .. . otin charmed-4 ought-to Gay -entranced-by , was at;:y mrre!..pontience between ..e : te11 i .7., - ou if .1 - - am rid ht." , „ , - , accusing c.:lll,Cierlie :with hin - : .. Mlle!::. viell, l l "-err' itr -r" tiff. i . ' ' , , , „,, [home his turkey. . . • :_he Nvot4erfel intelliger.en_•Of our guest and 1. which ifirce alyse in all ,oasts, and ! nere was so: - ....e.,111o;: - . '.,... .tfr:':. trillided look _f Nina, before you speak: Will•you.g.':"-vit i alf * , , ~., .. 'l'} tin(, • • •6, IV•,-.. -., .. ' ' - - 1 ' Man-hall stepped up, and hAiiitt'-whcie fit! lietl.- asti: . ~. To h'i lirotlier-in-law: Dr.M., of Iliester l''a I •• . • • • , • •'- - • die brilliancy. of his conve.rsation. t eonntded •r:!:th.the'm itt the laist.-4r , ; and flash:in. -, eve , ;• , f the-nil-I as" she tut ;me -..•-• • . ! '1 ~- '', 4,, ~_ -4,- •••• ''' 1 Ohl •,•. i :•:„ , ' . ' -i • 'l' That Pi Cl', ,tyty way, i Wlll tlk.tit.fili:Soli . " " I t esee ;wit nesse d s e,a l. a torms :as "' t h is i the gutsy. gni, arid thus! reduce th. : tt-•-,•qv ~,oil tne •.,,,tetor towa:d us, ;;,..a: ia the 1- • • -//' Wioi Lae_ ... tam, - •••••Det ..te i',i.i . ,..11141,..1.1..-1 . . . •----":"-- . - 7 - 4 • . 1 '-'•ix7t • L..' . ' ~.,‘ Ttell tile% UMW' to his. house, . the y.runit :an •iotis care tr'int 4 1 .f:.=':._0 it-elf in thelaee of :, - .4- • , ,_ •' - 'Ai -- t ..,. among the mointakisof Sisitzerland,", he said„ l L e4n ; !!:,..!..,. :4! ' W • ii.l4- 4:1114 , 7: i " . I:t.ni'lli_t a oii c.rtit trot -nartate." -t, . i t tr--Er., , ,•,,r,EII-.CLOTIIIZOT 1:13,3, NVINTER.--'i.... - .c, „• . .,t ri ~ iv„ hat 41 ,,,,,i1 i• pay ~ Ili I li . , . . after a p a i ls; pro ji tice ij b y 2 su dd en atvint „ vs ...; i hands.. ,. ,..erio.onr.: . went o res . a. ; ! . t i_ tier .1.: '4t•• . r, I C )11 4( .1 be 11011 WA 11 Slam: , or merlin, - (1i woOl) 'sirts ', '''''''' 4 ''.- . 1 ". . I t ut ,. ino t_t v _..-.. as ~f,L. -. 4 - 2 1,,,.„ t . 0... ...,.-_ ; ,,, renee „ :- . " 15." .. - 6-1 do not, Henry. If _ ._, .., _ ... • ..‘,„,_ _ 1 ,,,,._ . , ~,, f , . . It. 11 11.,/l. t• I t.. .. . . 1 , V. n-.,:tin4 sitto tne I,..nter austusc it . t i etplosion of • thunder: , . -- ; _ , sorrowing this 111. e . - .0-.:... :, rni - -r.t t, -7a . ;, tl -41 t made-it:esti" , :sect there Wag s'ome•thin in , '• oraldr Won. I ' would be Yours • gladly. 13i4 , "vil..ti iliaii - e.stic of tlic s i -anie. material., Al4lllrd ; -, , r ". . .yti : '''. •' g ' • ' - I was on mv. wal Rad rti troutte.. - - , . I . i • -,... - • 6 ' ' ••• /mt-hare been abiciad; Sir." -, -- '1 the ihirig. iittich *opld re - in!re't I . , . . , . hinn . r, 1 ' : • ' . • " I Vela testa in travel,' and in that I ter Y thit• eras ---t"1-..a . ,..n....t it.. ; ' unilet-,,,tand, and utniit -it bleb b e ,',; ., tie l ity.'f e it - ", go with - 101 C , • ~ . . s . - ~ • .f 1 jerkin ,- q - : s.i, .Iri.er. - -at withaleeves, to tic -.-: '• ' l7 ' il' ''''' ' ' 'r °f .2-'' fIS that "id ii '' t kil()11 ' °l.' 1 thi '" --41° ' never- r' Fare've"; - Father ' lei- tf ' - '''' w ''''''' - ` ed '' °.kin g g ' • ` 7 ` tb • fi cban ' f ' is ' let ` ilit ' t i • " Wh - ols that .Pl:llite 'old :gentleman , who eight • ' - t ,t -tintehad visited every coulttrvisherc any tits l it a difficult and• perplei,ing .l tasit • t. DO EV.I2 .5":;!:"...t z.l': .42. • z !le I:toet or resumed bi,, I N•;.lt, - 1: w-cril is.' - a': - . f- aid :0 tile:: ..s.a l ..keilliorr,n. 1 over - the fla i mel. int he: colelet -weather, or In , " nl • i hmuolit home riiktiirki•y,for met' intpurt....l ieeuof;the United States ei•ereffeeted an en. i I h tl4 t'itutlif 4 out 111 -"itP tiblls in:::' seat. and i'mt . rtediatel:, - ,turtud ttlecor.veration ; arid tilt Lyy- Inornin'.= ••.• . . ; 11.•;- voting man ..S•r, bystander, --..• • . 'into a 13.117e:eat. thannel, arr..l Ii;t• the time; at ..• =. no trace or emotion 4 1 111..1: v. •ind - . rl,lt.‘ - ;•, , , '"•. \ '. • "..? -1 , "."That,". "replied 'fie-,,.,'.i1.4 - John .Marshall, try- - - 1 have no''.dispositkfn to be a Pioneer i Thebesl gild could I rizst dit • I.i . ~ t least, ire 5ec:111.241 to forget -.chat had taken - • ; . ~ -, i l t i - l. e . f 7 r e et b i t . : l•:: , .::::: 2, i lft li i ea be r r i. face, , w , hatever, minilt 1 us run IA ittst, -Ts:re - ...aim/2 orneopt of-1 tl. , .. the Kittle materials. tls-.ept• that in the article. ~ .4., - . . • i . .ne(Jti s stieis i..f tilt.c•tirited St;;S'es:".. • r -rili. , .<lla :ft. bring Innoe„nly turkey?" -ilti ► "Mel plctred - regi'ons., '' bUt myfancy fur; the i here? .... .. -•.- . • :. i Otudy to sa es hutnan•tharacterc joined to - 1 ,' 4 I frity,-.d similaritieg--•-u- .fit ! place. •in the M•trniti., - s.a i •.ter I)-frts.'t he 'eft t. •'' Whiif...iict .votr - think, not. - I' .11r: 'Cu ~ of.drawerl'% they iffav rs- - eferentially use .. lin- 1 . ~,,r J-: - • ••-- , • • 1 .,. • A . , • - o (rive vou a severe .rei.rtinanr. gild this to , , ••s,P -w1• 1 ,. - . , 0 ~ -- r . ~ ..L. i foodiztaa t o k. e . ne i r . l aces : an d new c ane* ' ttie:;; , t;sti the tiritteti aecoants ;of ', us. . - , itios tur. e. . A • . etc _ kh l . ~. e. ,-, • .ll d , p • • teat.. -',q , u to aiten to your ()wit.' bitiiliessi" - 4 - •nerT a • -4 related •i e •i• •-• I ' - i; ' • esintei, flannel, 'and these 1. . ••• r - ' - • .t. , , •,- •- . i I •:- " '.y_'• !. ''• : ' ~ •, r c• • 1- 0 . 1 ' 1 ..,4-d ti,,,,, '..- • .... .. • - , ...*.- led me, Urban ti, ; ‘,., ? rn . 1 g ma p, t o b e a *vat „f ee ,,• 1 s :striair.g - differences- and 1 flit : 1 ....:.) d,..... ,ail 5 .„.,„ d ~_ . x iti ,, . I, • h x .t 0r ,,, , , z ., . .. , , ~ ..,_,., ..,... ~. . , 5h...14. Era . . ~,i Ft •....„,..t -t. , , the ankh;: -;' NP i:L - , _ -.,-- i i , ~ 3, 1 ,..t. !... AP ere .r our ,tie:. •.. was (Tie reply , ... _. • • - `,_,.. .1 ! ..:. tr. - • • 1 resemblances ' stiid disa&eetnents . • 1,. i their ed 'by' another 1 isit fro:it the,q)octor.. Ile I "Lihinit tnefe :tic - a th? . .,t,i.tiand •coincol .-,- 1 111901•3! ;; , funnel stee.vcs Pr tlse cold - air. i I Prue n'ftit:l4.3!.4s never feels above ; unang .. .,_. . . YOU' areved Old - nceir . ."- .- . . -, 7 , t an d ti 2 , n d a ft er 3 f ote r en d te di,,, n .,,- 0 ,p a . { ages on his:way . ;,...vtn to see the santle pati e nt i ( * 6 iii our flail; lists ' , striking' ' 1 just la ~ •' i 'i . ....- '.- -- • " • -'- --- -••• • anythit* b r ill is : Usefiltl hut espeCiatly,-the - .1! 1.- ' 1 1 er - t shoill-I true -1, 'Ka •in Veers, S'itr 4 , - bui it e.i , ' • neriejlee -and 1 tient itivtigation, in 'which I bi,•.earriein :ense. i whotn he had vi4ited tile evenit.g . he 4rad 1 .,- as „ l, could . o.nly ' see their con was his l trlis.under-::ri.tiei..,.;:s..•. , s ;.,•..: ~., ....,. . I I y great man Will never feel above, fielPs• tetrer - Riiwe'Wi t b rile - it :i t/ a t • tftql .f.;4. ge c :,'i. ,,,the - m ,1 4 1 1. j u t e . I o f t e d , , j 'th oug ht 1 33 * 0 f . ',1, e eti b' to - ng i_ sett -.l' •Ith u: .It - ..-asllst rt,rter I,.Feak-fast ‘.--Iten.:; suer : `.'-,1 do tr.t - helle t re ant,triore in y 1 he made. to rover the •-iho.relde,r:... and eonar 1. ..... ...,,..- ....... -• , ; ... ....: ~ , .. to an se 00, of the ex)nr ,. , „ eio : . -_,,, n j .„ . ;,; li ef ihe ta il e d ,. an d . a we : a ll• Li:c ; se _ 10 ,•,.. e i,, e hi m ; art 'than I did 'before, hut I have. derived r l- r m ► bones . elo , if - aroutal the 'threia l „,..'-' 4 , 1, .. : " -"!g hil44-ii. . " I *' Cl - w Pr 11/ q/l esititnee • 61 'C liar. ' !tuts tAdeithab e n e id 55 i...,,.. , ,,, - ....ti ts acter depends on his J - t eing,ehlatti help hint . ' t . I ‘,- 11 1 2 . 1 7 I alk Yoe; tkx4or ,Morris, 4 " said ,I.sli.i tion'ofEaridi* . nning, to loOk. tO" . in "',-; like i lat: said . . 1. ~ I this an atldititinst t.zution..a.lainst using i " rneans von wilt tic,- - 11mtented frotri -I.ltrov.thlg ft •.- -`• • - • I • • , - 't - • • ...seff.: I)r Franklin when he first 'established 1 '; ' '. i; A' .1 I ~..: been reiatm. .5.:.•;7••. - r siMple facts •m t additional weight upon' the .shorilderS, iit.1k!...,-, .. , . ',. . *. ~-,,•., -;„ ~, . • ~, fed 7 1 1 k. 1 ,r,, - darlatl'erldatittlltett; 4 ` if your later; i t se nian j .'' ; it:digit:et faces, the eil. ress On of - .._iiiiii_seif in ,ousintgei :in .1711111tUet13 , 11/ 1 1 - I "ce . . ?cake arith , :men hi el ;e l , l' ‘ ;,‘ ...`,6 o ' to iiid l : - ,e nil •i% kith I fancied I could read.' . Gradual thet ' le Crrl ' m ' s.cur file " In ' mit ' this story. Shall I rualtqt it, a .- rvErtsnec ' , 87 1 t.".liiiixt; orextra, sliat.i, , 4a and eloaka, and thf;;t; 1,. - , ' , • 1- - .-. , isitori •13ut I con? !tot pass - lictne. ilig:•p4pox pluch• 4p 1 4 0 Purefuiell fat' tees'. ehtractera it!' theii.fis 1 We.. b wer '' bet!ame More distinct and plain as 1 ' i!...--- - - telling tile sequel ?.. The D0t. , 31- did rip- I diminist the labor Of.hretithing.. Also cov-.? • •• - ( I . - ' • PIS pgl 111 trig„l...,laty. alUil.a. Wheelt.l.3lll. , W '`AiLl7 ?ping t for.l.feft no ittle,auli. b . • aeir . , sl .- , ' ha das In . " now] with er the; top Of the tica(l-.! • ' Bent re '. of, (...atarili !, . ..- ' , *whole Feet of our - ccuveraatiott the I im in ; " s • n ors oWn V.C.r.Lat...... -....... .....• t‘ria t.---- - ifedif'at Spe:•iaibr:::. • I it , , . • - : when_ i yoti*i.teln, and - !as sitirrat in rot "Da Dot t4 . I79SUM.*Dods opie , 101 4 Mite said.,•Catelap." • " Sotat tither:- •- only that the obserfatias mould . .enat4 him to 4fifsirm DOacetlie -_, , .--- . . . . ... t • • ; . . _, . ' ji... • ~ . . , - . . ... • - . • . . •. '.... • . ..- - 7---1---7--:-.. ------------ !- -- - ---- - ----- 7 - 7 --- 7,7 . .. . ,-:, •.- - • - . , t , - . . . 11. .. .• . . • . . _ --. -i t . 1 .-.• . . . .. _ . • . . • • q,. -. i . . • • . , .. . •. . l i t • tit ~ ,••• • . , . . . . . ... . . . . . .. . . _ • ..: ... .. HiI UE H .- . t i , . . . . .• . . 4 ... ... .. ~..... 4 , • i I .. . %. 7 . . .-. . . . • . . . . . : • . - - . . - , . . I . . ' - - could as soon betievein paltnfSfry as in phys• iognomy:l ~..,.._ ...., „ • •• .- • " And WhY not.:-•ift Loth, mY , dear youn g lady 1". ' , i 0 • We were all surprised 'at such a que4tion, and askedin so se - riffling a way by a m4n we were beginning 'to itl4 upon as a sort of hit, • -man wonder, and M. eunint , i'drew himself up as if to make hattleirrainst such a pre.pus; Gerona idea. But•the D octor enntinned. • .--- Mark me—l.do,ne!Ony I believe in for tune4l;,lling, thoUghl d - o to a very groat ex teat in the other. But as an art the fOrmer, I 11110:1'1S far the easiest to prnetise.". i " Do you think so, Doctor?" asked . Mrs.. , 1 • 1 - - ?I - 1 cil niiiigS. ' - • "CertainlY, Madani. In the latter, rim i . . trough all this strange. i nrrative we . list leave i' ave to lake .', the evei•changing and varying en with the i most intense in erest to the Doc expression 0r - I t. human faee. under!all cm- I . tor 'almost eOmpelled, by tis perfeet air of cumsitmees, mfd-lcUtrlbine it with theLi4uite :t*.l trn•ltfulness and veracity-, to believe, even fur hYPoe:lticailL.—peraos ti n . "termis too stronm, the• than l. 4emed fain it i • - nod 1 iiinght to sar - drtiileial- - --mnduct:of thel i '',Tell mine;Doetor,” said Nina, approach indiVidnf, imd• arrit', - , Ly droundabont road at 1 intChim With her baud estaided. . ~ . • your co`Aclusions.. -It . r . ticiiiires trent skill, tl can read it, Mademoirelle,•but not teii:4 and i long-tiolitinuecl and 'C'oastant 'sttnlv fof faces I it: .: ', I I . :and actin'tis. - Men hide their tnotk4s in their.l __'..Olt l . the're is Do i . sattAiii . hearts, attA 'iWthis false a g e of the *:orld they 1,; •j* have alays•usyd. my 1 are ennstantlY. Wiring to r mould their . ..aces i ell.:j dear young holy," th to cover up their.ithoughts'. 'Von must.....ta'ae i ' i • tOr a s•eifi-i . ..i end—simply , them nt unguardeo • M,'.l-ne-aLs.,',' ! tiff own fitn , 3.. ,I. do in " And in fortune-t4 . _‘llin'7, t' ::ina inquired, i ir e . scienee, 8 .!I i!s 'tPl-"'. i rc . "You have Only 'the uneli.inging lines of , 11 , " corres""idct/cies , """ 1 the hand, i . , ~ , 1 ‘vuteu-4re not tinder. the ' eont r t il o f , it. it tar. t he enterlaintnei • , the will, and the boOk is opn before v0n ., ,, ' th . ',i it is tl4n;.•-r Of tlwir Lei . "You (I 2 not 'mean tow vo7'nr.e a believ;i• ii ifrigllit'llo into C'red" ll7 Y Cr in palmistry 1"' Mr. Comings itsl:c-c:I. : it. :prising eoiticulenoes it 1 • ." By no means. But you *ill not . unz'.:•;-- i I .': 1-911 d() fi nd- (:".I.e'Tkl stand'rne unless I relate' Iv .1 'wait cc.f:l‘,..ls - '?%.- . t\ ' 61 ' Whr't ytfu see 711V1 0! perience. May ido so i. ' .. , - ,letor!" said Mrs. Con n • "Do, Doetor,' iaid Nina: - . ,'.•., In my own ea , e. - cur , ~.„ ire the , , "Certait4," said Mr. Comings, 81-1., to tne nistory of all -. And the Doetorproe4eded : , . l'''l a''l"'''"'" w " , t: c', tit " I had ju-t finished tn v travels in l. • : ~,;`ng,„•,nd , i ...-•,• ',tit yon can not nave - o - 0 and Wales, eller my return front the'Conti- 1 (10‘ - ' 4 "' o f •he I" 1 "t fl . ' ''' nett, sma • w as, opeavaing A it'W Ixeciis with a : * r"l• P . friend in .the North, to recruit ii - iltilej lwri.lre ,'""- f. l'reciset:V tt n -, " I n fl ' '. I sailed for home. :We were one day walk==: ".14-1-"'°141.11".."- really (i. ing in one of the shady ,hine's near 1115 rv ...1, ..it tmiy- i. - !;:sii:i lead . ).4,tir --, t. : ; l' ft fur ire ones. - No,-no, !' c :••-' 1 i i se4 i; tine: stuiy,till I 'eoidd see _ r-- with the utmost clearness. 1 1j, "Mind, I do 'not say thatl had demninstrat ed the truth of fintime-tellint. 'I sr . great spay off from that ' I - only say th 4 fr y= the tines traveral% th e pilau of th e l a ' onuki tell the asniebileste vents in •thi life of Any in- ,i 'F'kE .D OO , . . divi k, nal, that n a y ot the "gipsy tribe could tell. Of itire event s I had yet an dinky more of l i d e,-- stud:. to do beibre 4 could a rive at any de gree 'of 'skill, thOitgli I had ,he Fame lOok ope bet re tide, and 1.4 per - everance I suc ceed " here dso. I pat. i t ft') the test, and did; of Nil. - My 'friends '‘.(.l. all astonished ; as Y ' l they might bas I ,t? r was myself. It wa:.:,iFystetn regulated by fix6d rules. Lines whi 'h were 0 6 same in the lands of any two per. ohs i;lctio ed the .53111 C. I} iitg,.. Eaeh line had 'its peculiar meaning, as' kv'ell as the rela t.iy- position :64 .the cro, , i , M9:s aml curves of the 'incs, a!itli by the aid of :!. good.themory I sO4 .1 became as expert as ia. gripsies.them. s "If 1 jud au unireitottle • . - - you without ato 1- 44 ety about, the e.' other night." ." You *re m you, Doc or,' Cumingt, igoopd sa.t iota skill in p . . . . . _ . • X23° A, ED noa.mv -aatuKolr.' eLAVgif - - a . QS - E-, .TIIVR§DAY, i - OVEII.I3F,JR q, I ONT ... . ; .. - . ........:____„...._•_.— to deternim'e whether there 'n : early any truth Frain tki: - 2.V. Y. .. - in it." : - . • -. LETTER: FROM, All , , . "Nou .know 1 niake nO,pretenee to the lat ter, Sir. But you on not be more solicitous ) [The following:letter Oak a' rn I to learn all that can bo known I . lien of Kansas, an este abont it. 'But what is yOur test? " 'I." 1 SoCiety •of Friends late' . - "Nina bas , dold us this nn'lr ' - t. l • - enworth, and wall tin . mug .11. corn- • mutAtion you tnade to her, - Will yoU look 1 in 'l 3 .ennsyli•af.ia, wlto again in her hand and tell me if there is real. iit for 'OUT 'dolu'n'trfl. ,I ly Any thing There to warrant such a caution own ,'territio• experl9 -as you gave her.?" , ' .. . ''' ee,c,•• lave m - itnessed, w .. ,I. eiWe all gathered - around •,him as he took lest intnd 'ef 4:;. 1 ' , •ea1ft..; Nina's hand, which be looked at but an iii -.1 onl,,ageli 'that lia.V".r.•. : 15 I stant before ho said, as if to hirL•ell, I . ,,r , zinld tet.'r President I - "Could I bare teen so much inislAe'n..— rfor these thi'f•l'4 ll 1 I must have been or there .is softie t!,•'lnte'ciot)n it, , L.kwnscE, IC able chine here. "NM :yeti altoW inc., 'Miss .. : T../....iitt gaoTrigft ..,-- 1 Nina, to say this film-fling what i saw in your . , latter came to hand al hand at that o.tnc`?" . - . Was written, L'wrote 1 'r" les." _ • but did mit 'send it, (.) " lleitinl)er, 1 twiie•,,:. ricitilili,,-‘,.Ol . liinst. tlei`.•, - , rii', - 1 ih.eiie4irg th Wlpliere unthing. You will obse' rve these lines l it deslinaiii*. ' 1 kr.( itl this (' 31% t . of the hand : . • The night bet Ore , get through or not, as 1-o.t uteri! 4 - ::.1:t i . ..;ieat <riresi!+ii iFt these lines; 1 Oa\ IS if;:iiled Ilere . CV which S ' :l4(Vtli'f' illert;t.'4; l. id terinitnii,ed in thiS i ern States. . • . • itiOttin that, Sir."' •1 point. :In the. tair,...,u:!:::e or trio fri.psy ;this 1 •Perhapi t .hoc las Il I nnWiedge in tlii!f, -; would deti: 4 lC er(zihlp t pld ' , .:•dre .',•iiich I`.•id been 1 excitenient in our to • Doctor replied; 1 gathering alitit ~'.-0. i .; :or bOlne time, ritid Ira' ( 1)"1-Y, horning of I'oll he gratilal•ation 0f,4 n o w een fere:. i'a ticill-es'•-irit. fl. little farther i - murdering Free Stat believe in it as a [ O 6 t he y a p rea ' re d again, s e *pNr a t e d iota' two, 1 :Ruffians, ; They hav t truths being on- , o ne following a ;•••I'Porin .ctiUrs . c. till it . gratl'a. 1 ri River tO prevent .1 7 i ierefore I t. in not I ally v•akiislied,l ,- ; (A'ae - lr, .iViding lb*,:;; sevend, 1 C . nining - he. that- rot t of.' others, while j 41iiehagaiti became A ,confilsed and c'Otitorted, 1 The Freti:State settli .g deecivid 'by it, 1 and 104. These were i;•. the fuVre and de. i pint* . n: 'whole sumn to the strange and t noted t iro pnii: 4 , .013ti " ,,e;13111: '1 . :1 ' : til::0411 SIM- ) of Fioloic , ..: bv -the • shin e and•pteei•, :int: the Other tiri.nigli troll. , liffillan liarty, On bee and sorrow, and licriiaps thi'otigh . s in and ;,things b6.ran to a:ssui shame." •1 • and viin'•.. character -4, .1 . • 1, ' "And mliith was hey path, aoct:!t• 7 . ' ' as:.- het 1, 1 1 fitietie.d Me • .iinly, Ualain, as.;(4l lwr m o tliet;._ i ceeded fp v.-ork. It • hose p:ist . lives II " It..t'ould dep - cd :upon her o';;;;•• c'•ii; , ..(..c.- - i lOW' bc!f ‘ .l'l4 tiling',3 bii t 4:•0111(1 . mot; tell. If ut I have the ,Itin6;4t 'con- tbrclienling ••:tp_ect.: lidence in 'a resolute will . to dinos . :::, its tt sn ; trziver:,ll.l. trY , Streq' • ',1•• • - 4,7,....4t . j c;oki'ks , l 4 •ri e- ‘, path, anti I had seen in her 1: - ,ec and a•, : t.lon. i-, - -.- f•- : . ' .."• all the firinne:ss ra••ess.;try to decide (V , ri!sr. ! t l le . ..T:ortue: - ..e, - .- 1 1 gen", and therefory: I gave ,her the . t . l'''':;' I ;(1.-'':'-'l'"g it said t..) c ' did!' - ,: It'.'.lger,ll . .el..,sed and aftr•r I i•losed; I e.' , .i . . t . . • ti - m_`ll( itlencie,l. then; lie- otTpers9ns,:. IEM lie same t)biection the IliWrr," said .)..or if 11.!ell you carted, VII the pa , t. : , - ~ s 4 f.ll.olleVe I -.• zia '. `°And ,•ilti'ssv thc re is a Chattg;l: Si:i.:! . i Vptalglady. lii.”4 ! 0101 ?" ' 1 ' dest* but could he look don noir, a .E. r I aiid'neura r I En only one year has pag t tel, isto her htar, he Et heartily t7eleZsmi , ,tahvire I would see there his irnmeTn dines of the 0..,1 BEATS I S 7/ alWarll'beS blest and purest love, She.almost -wars ipsl has 200,04 kanti especially nose, as 1 nave j and., with the eonseut and 'hearty jo off eity—yet nity .t 0 test the accuracy- . of the k iti eis in ma - hftrt there, Otl Irn:etry 3 or . radter t i perhapil, irr. York == waccylA 6E5 EMI 'need member •tif the V a Inerebant at teav- 1 in Virginia, 1;v tclii. to his brother 1 took peg and, 'of *hat his the- foiloing .thrilling„ inctideht ( the Roman history oft..uet i etialtint, thieldai .. phid , . Suirting in the stage-towit-soon 1 ,Brutus. I:4fitlie 'Only - in eter liiiitik fast; the inert - ling 'l;el'l4* a 'de Belt-1 • Juan COsta *as a 'et ion Of ' iniltienee' and .May, I•took. tity seat . ( - in the bok'b\i tile sl'de -the di.sleasure 'a Santa Anna, and big , nun; titht4lllso..lllClDEXTe.t .--- - . ,-.- • I. ; Tile - tra g edy of. Naeogdeetea ariir.l . tie -. rt - ... • . AfEssas. - F.T.: trronss ... , --W Elite (raveling not mantle incidents which Jed Iti'thil'frati..t44- . . i awns writteii by atit= 1 1 long ago in One of, theF i l . onth.westerti Counties of• independence,.tina their Was kii;dly I'Lli•tt'.hed i s i& l 't, e 'i', l ‘6 l ks 'of ills MI one ; in the fetter. pert (.4f the tri('-4:at i-o f r ;rat ery in the wild forest, but be feltnnder - I• - '' beltirid..ni . e.'o . t t ri7, r i.o . k - ),. was i ion;Peciri.s, the'comunandant, of,liaeostlochs . rill_ satisfy every lion-, - of file qriver,.anq t'd the 'n-t'e;', T t Stpalling „ seated it,li c rlght i . Antelligept-laultin InUltu to i es; fuss sent:. to' arrest him. ~,Fie iirreated the .- .10.;/ 1 boy, apparentlY ik 1$ or 19 rears. of. age.--- , - I father"ai `tilel,lp,p'er table, attended ..by . till l?ieree's re xsisitAlit V .. : reported. • - Who 4(,.. Aeter,being on ,tht. road it - feiv minutes, I only dinighter,,,a 'young., girl. Of-- surprising • si i turned a'hout and asked hien ''', - .Fie s re he :vas ' beauty and intelligenea.,.. He • leadad lure . punt • fie replied, he wa:(gOing a fetv Miles 'wlth chains, and cast- le t' 4,, • ..t.3• t „ .. 4, • i 4 live with . 'Master—, who kept the stsge withstanding her tears and *entreaties: '.4-.l'l:' 1 1 4 ( - 4itse at the west stand ;- .that Ile hail . ii . vil natty he proposed to free - 'the father if the . with him the last 'summer, mid that his 1: 1 1 :1`'• I daughter would consent to sacriflee':her in ter lied sent him dott'itate live 'with lihn the l'noe'ertee and honor. , She rejected - the .Infa;. conliiig ;casein. : •,-. -.. lln ous -proposal withs blow - in 'Ale ill,, e.. Tutrn ii ig froir; the boy, the. drive: remarked, i The ~yrfk•ed Itffiall'._.ary . ore- a - horrible - oath - i6 to me in an uniTer-fdint," The,boy is dee'eivi'd'; ekeentelii*ill,on theta both- • ' • •;;: - •. - ~ I .ato fahing him down tollielSlave.rem a few .1 ' . With dark eyes, tearless . ~.-fixed:. as - those . of ' 1 miles on, where slat-es are kept preptiratilry : ,l.a . corpse, Yet ,flashitlgti double portion of -14. • . , ard b e r cire this, of the I to being, sent lt) I,onisiitnaohiii dueeption is I fulnoos fire, she Mounted , •ii, .horse and: bur- ' • . 1,1.1...ti . 5ed to . get him from his home and troth- i ried away ' wildly around the botintry.... - f . a .rit4 - 4rr--the. 'war,. rOb- I, .. . ... . . without- creatinc . a disturbance on • the I She halted at .every liouse,, .no -ntat'ter t.s, and drit : inli*itit iind 4 er,. , 1 -. Se.ttlers 'fy tt;.*.;:lo'.-ile'r- Pll.V-T-! ° , - . -.-:., i whether, Atexiean or AtuaricanAnd rehearsed . ; • ..,, 1,1„ekli;•i ( .1 O m ; 1 . 1 4:•.--.4 ) 11: I , ''' , .! : h. ,, ,. 11 , - a,t. er e as Wedrew'zet.r to 11 , ,! . I,llitee o r tit tones of thrilling h6rror,hertther's.nfrongs . I .... c lime the boy suppose.] he v.as '..,. st t - ip, he tie - 1 stmt her own. '; • cc: Mate eirti; , raoti: - ; froin 4, ((all to'cittlier up, - -. -0 -. :.- .& - "...,, :. ,•::, tike - to , to the territory.— 1 ----••• Pr'•l '-frl ' ,Ira: -lb I - All timid modesty, all. Weakness had , viln- - i . stage. the few arlich - ..s.he hid btotight --a Ways i.ished from her tongue, utterly conSurneil,kr le rs r 1 • 1 7.:',.: n 1"1 1 , r e c t ,. •:(3 ,..,:,.. 1 : t i ' L. . 4 (3 4, 1v t ' i t e 1 ." 1 : - from Ilia home,. -The drivel. ..3:IM. to hits in n I the kore`hing thirst for Verigettnee. - .She.t4int- . •" V 4.4 1 .1 :ire. 11;lt, iii . get 1 t., - .:1,- in' p'ssston's . .fiery-lariguage..lanatl4 with a"k. , • 1 pro-slaver' v.o . s , 11 . •;rile - r.. 1 tived(- I !'d.ti . , c ;iie or void . e. , k i,„ : 3 . 1; . „„ d ~,,,:;,-,. 1 ... (At -Ow d•id•stk! hvi('-"- . rin:. :td'r- . ., ii.l n'Autpsh-.1 fut - minuteness, the faet'Of the damning deed; b iea ,: ei .,. i t t,„.„i e ' ; ',l n i mm e, refliied; ." Ye !,• . t is i r. * : g .i.,, kttyr ti.4r-', Site bared her virgin bosom;. the.. : .1 l'se going, to. live .iti'4- re .1111,i : I f livid marks of the ravisher's funtet*iantioo,3 sure as Usual, and pro. - I . '"nuner:' , 1 1 .'llAis ti,.,-, sit , hml re'''' . l''e (l- t !1 - " i . tli' az.mr" . roin -,• 1 • Ont• the 'euilhcoa•••of snots;. tr : e S t e l . ; P u t : " ::. l l : l 1 , ..14 1 (t1 " : 1 1' t e: r a -"-- 11(1 1 1 / 4 1 : ,(Iirter .4-4-- ttiattri l 4! 4 liis-. ; itt....pear- i v now :4 r,') polluted and .soiled,, but . bafOre atit •.- On 2d Ida •Nrt-is not; too ec.:ln to 1i....v.. ,. ,v.ivi , ve a :,: cry . ai;ee, 0 ~ iltirffortbis ;i:asthe;ritt.tric ii:',Tie,tiny,;) I Pr145(!..0 gi.e4gltiii?-- . of IF l: 4 li a e t a ll'AFf-g , • J '-•4. 4 -:-":'''''' - * n t . •; - ,,,, ed litillds of. R ti v i hill I dettverel his letter. arid,..Appeill;-41.. to , Meister A n d i h- l y.l- ;. •.-ioi n -i - qt,- 61 .7!th-e.. utit0 t . .p. 44. 0 . and . . orvier6,l ,i 1 .free- 1 --.--- .t'a be ,relie't•ed.froto the cominand.ofthe C immediatelY or sU wandered; a deafening yell ofiwrath. aria yell ti.er I driver. Tile '4.'laster roatle no.• reply, 'is this genance• rose up against the . tyrinits... The . . , '•'.-• - t . VII d . Not ..... ....Li. ..tt, .1 e a.l randezYous_. for t-r an(- t 0.44111 4 ,. ti tt .te arms; appointing a gener I. hind of deceint4T W" 16 time' thingto , him. people of both races and all. Classes "Hew to'. ;(.1:; • . 1 ,, t......., t i . . ; was_about putt in, it in . his porker, when it 1 the 14th of June, at the residence of the a:li re...re( to „. , ...iii, le 1.,- 4 lIII' . 111 1:16.3 sto;-e. any I Afro. r'4-1"-.:: the ie ' 1 11 '''' 'P' i - sent and 'now imprisoned Juan Costa. ~•:" than tiventv I sold, and •tt lei h.:itif id for the slave-pen,' -fie 1 It was there debated .by.,,the Isei;ifi,le. the arOi.-.il bap w a of ta..111 - ... ONlqail) - 14'•1 in N.LI,AIIy, •• Tell toe :%I:t . steriik InS ,, ! triode of attack, and.-Who..AOtilcl be tlteir.lead •„;:„„tos., flashed tin the Mold of the . hoy, that lie was I , . . . Independent. ANSAB. QUAKER wept: 13, 1656. • Thy very acceptable ,• out ten da:vs after it an , Aver soot:, after, I .lng 19 the 'excitement, .t it would not, reach w not wilethar this will ,*tne' ietler in ten l er reaches the PLagramnres.=--Philedelphia e less population than New York here Were 6,060 more v otes polled 14th, I ban were ever polled in- 10.AZIEit . eic 1;70.. 43.. . From the jyeT . • York /vcrepezatut.. - . How THE SYSTEM WORKS. ---- tlf i t,- 1 gwiterna;4o44;4l Irty 04( 4; armed Souther ciirii - 0114iare'atiti - 0. • 4gini I we.t"Or Ilan Attionio, Tex." I:0 .4,.1...1r,0gi1l !Oa Tbunday the 10*Trt i*Pits . "Yerkso,*oll4 , moriths old', which.attenda hi 4 flo.d: of i•hee,e '! ; t i`earOriesaut,ltinded tit:* - 4*ltarittanw lin the same mariner as a attepitert i a_dig, g; .. , ny of Mittaissippt hoyaita Ibilatylifthemsi , ini i ou t with them hi' the raornhi an d niturtt. i '.ol.vas i 4ximmazded by Oriktit.. -frik with them athijytt: •:, - ' ": -- , ~.. , op ee ed hi ur i e diatat r loAr s. :* w., ::;4.:, , 4 EIM + ' ItsionrANT Dlscoirr.n.Y-4nit DITECTIO;f • op „munniln.--A series of experiments wive. rec•citttr been titade, says die ChicalioDepp , cratic Prew4 by Pr., Vollotk, i►ccutis:. vr Chicago; to test. the tro t h of artielc pith- Fished some tintesince by a celebrated. phys- ic . ian in Englatl, uhivti alleged that the last_ scene lewed l)y - a dying man WoUld'rentaitv . inipressed upan the retina as does the'fropres:' :non upon - a diftuerreotype plate. . nOtte; eiperifeept that Dr. P. has • made, he _has; _ found that an examination of the stain& °fan . eye w,ith microscope xeyeals wonderful , beautiful siztir, - and that . ..in . .alninst: ev,t.ry instance there_ was a clear, distinct, and'' . maritell'irnpreksiOn. %.e pO t .them up : on record, in-the Itope of awakenings:tinter, est, in the subject, that others may be induced to enter upon Jih'ee lqteresting _experiments, and the caftse of:science advanced. -r , Tire re•.etit eatititte.tion of the eye 'of S. ti; Beardsley, who was utordefeil to Auburn, comfOcted 1.)". Dr. Sandford ; corresponds with tlnheimude eLlev• here. The following is the publii.t•ed account of the csarninattorr:, " first we suggested -the. fAkoratfah .the eye in'a weak solutiein evidently produced:, an, enlarged. state of the pupil.. On, obseri,ing (his, ,we touched the end the optic, it e irve with the 'eXtraet, Ibheri - tile, eye iiislantly - !melte pftithbeiant,;' We nnt7lopried aliuw,verful lets, mod discovered the-pupil the rode, worn-:nay- figure of ei titan i with a light coat, - beside sates ate round 1•19,n, standing, of I.4ifspendi3 i;.•!.-4 1 -Ifi • ,iwith a small handle stucli,,,as' it were in tifeiea a rt h. The' rentainder,ins..debvili >eci7 tie4ly 10.. from the destr,e,"4'kuu of tl"..e"Gpti ,4 -2' .and, separation fro th Atte mother :hi-aim-IL fls 11 we perfortned_this operation filtio the was entire in: the socket, with 811 - iO - Pelfri erfnl connection= with' the_brail4 ilioreAs .twig but that we sbocklit.ba let4d lioe 4q11 4 t idt?,4 1. 4, illiPriF4slo44lll44o4 oft the: mind and eye the 'unfertnaate inan, The thir:g Would evidently lAt entiti:i- poi petthaps,ve Iktibo4 NM. 6 14'0 1 0 - tenteWa oe Ifeftter . .till, 11 4 44 *i fig O 44 " 114 : 1 i , I Prilefor• The lii3t alatOPP more terrible on - the. Tinian_ trnqi-,feae than gi any nilw imuto2t r ; art a- o reit 'th e e pupil mitre diatineticiaidefitikilittribitetei the largene4tiof the ; tiie nerve and its ftee ecinitnufnektinn will/Abe inr The, letliakiusV De/soma - says that I . 4ltiyitttsts„ildii* GOV. Gvaryli plivalsatatiolt that hc would kepi" intruder!! out. of Kattim. 151 EMI MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers