-1' • i I %Oh " 7 - - , -- • - . The -"Sit II dred - COlinq Story. . , ' Pratislatid for. 'Pie • 0 e -from "iLeL.Chmale a2 t r u Senor Celia has ddrehted us t letter, which we publish •befow in referenee to a contract ihi and Colonel Fremont, in • ISO. In s thit ~mmtinie,ation Seim' Celia proptises: to destrOy certain ealuninious im putations.vihiCh the spirit of party has circu lated-against Mr. i.Frettkont, and,'to viridieiste; at the same tinae, the right of his claini against. the Govemmeht of the United States,,for sac rifices required of hint by the nnder officer in California.; Alth oug h .we are foreign to -. i .• .questionss of the the potitieso. ,i this coup try,- we ful4li the request of pur friend by publishing hisfletter, wishing tolgratity friend ly feelings and teLlubserVe his interest: . • . . • gAN rRANOII3;I4I, •I l tly 2, 1 . 856.„ • . MY-Estahitho FRIEND :.-,- I .a ve seen pub lished in the newiptipers• of thitleity. since my return to . Califoritia, several •statenients rela ting to a subject which particnlarly - concerns lnyhelf; aid, iv - wishing to aid insetting public opinion . right onithe' matters which Lam go ' ing to speak of- !wit/tall .pos s ible brevity,' I f 'has to request chat you wily publish •these lines in your 'journal. ' . -I - - . ' Fin• about, eight . years articles; have aP -peaml WirthmoM or less , frequency-in some rie*Aitipers in the Union; in Which a contract for'a-number ofd r onto& has been, spoken of, made in 1847, in the City of fps Angelus, be tween Col !'reinont and my self. The - evi dent want or truth in the pub lished' versions 'of that blisin'ess land simple ofilure or the con tract made in this countryLunder the eirci* n . stances then ex"Lting, seemed p me sutliAnt reasons for not taking ,the trouble to refute unrounded calu lidos: Ido mat now propose to give an. exte sive statement of events, or to make' known, the Want - of,,riseurces under which California was conquefed; because fill. those things are perfectly wet' .known. • The chiefs - had no choice but te'reettr to their oWn, personal credit to feed' Ileirl soldiers. The , cattle. which . col: Fremonti contracted' for were - for • lhat i object.. It. whs ,necessary to • transport them from San Liiit• Obispo, and for.thatpurPose Ikiii A. Pies i was appointed ; but when he atirived 'with •the cdtt le Col.'Fre - mont had., lbstl his eetiiinandr As a sum of 'money aeconnianitxi the contract, beside the •-• heaVy, expenses paid on th& o way, I was no t . able to receive the:, cattle a,t Los ' Angeles, '' where 1 had no pasture.land, and ,therefore. -- Mr. Fremont.; who.was bound by the wntraet --aa thenew (lids, rehised to reccivethe cat =tle--found 'bitnseif'Obliged t 4 deliver them in ;deposit to 24, A. Stearns of Los Angeles;--who sent thee . ' to hi s rancho of Stn Rafael. .., . - , , i ,..,, , • It is-not tree, as has been!. said, that pitl. Fremont gave a- receipt befetre receiving( the 3d o f !Tr contract w.is signed or'lhe • • of March, , 847, . and the !receipt or docu ment which p 'oves that I petforinetl tny'part is dated Apra 2(i, the same ' t year , when the' • total.deliver Thad been mad e. - , -.'' • • • ' We see, l therefore, that. ithose who have •inade this calumnious weapon against. Col. Fremont are :fiery far from [the truth. ' And it ought tope, keptin mindi as a certain and • indubitable ect, that Col: Fremont, in '.ma-, i king provitio for the luturg, rendered area` service-to the 'United States ; . while . [ suffered . . , the , a -severe -injury ; as,; to present day, • not. a --dollar has; been -paid bl e th e irTovern Government. of the United S tates otr,' t'of the 'cattle, nor for the - Cipenseis and ,dainages, or for the Money delivered J 847. [ The public treat, nry, hi-x(41004s ; come off the • ,gainer ; for the, impett,,dntles on the- . ofittle were collected in theeuithrn4iouseofSan Diego ; wheM - thei , were teanaported from the .tilley of Sah Ila fail . to the tetL i ritorY, Of Los Atigeles, whence 'they had been brought. • ;, r.. - " .•;,-, -, - , - this-is the true history of that transaction ; and the de ctunents which pr,ove it will be pub lished in duel time ,' if necess ary for the object of my chum! , , .Yery trnly,lyonr friend and bumble servant, ' • E. Da Cams. The above letter relates to the "six hun-.: dred cows," out Of which Col. -Fremont has , been acetied, in sdnie of the, baser Buchaneer' journals, Of swindling, or ;trying to Swindle, - the Govertutent,ty buying . them on its et:ed it 'and convening them to his own use! We have already stated the feet that the Govern ment never paid one eent !for them, but •we ' did not then know' tbat it hadactually made money on them, 'by subjecting them to duty at San Diego. M, de Celis's statement is evidently truthful. , and he ',speaks of what he knows. —IN. ;Y. Tribune. UR Cent Us: the 220 of January, IMO, Mr. Buchan :an addreksed! an argument o the U. S. Senate, -.of which be was a member, in which among other thingsl be said • 1 • "In derinany, where currency is purely ‘e-taric, the cost of everything is REDUCED 10, A HARD MONET 'STANDARD, a :piece of ',broadcloth can-be manufactured for doyari, the manufacture of which in our countrY, from the eipatision of paper -currency,' Would, cost' one handred ` ll ` * I would to heaven that I tou/d arouse the attention of every , manufacturer of the tialion to this subject. • 1 F • * . • * * ' " WhA is, the reason that with all those ad. vantagei and with the:protective duties which our laws afford'to the domestic manufacture: at the nominal prices of our own inflated cur. - repay, and ere compelled to sell at the real prim a other nations 1 REDUCE OUR • NOMINAL TO THE REAL STANDARD -OF " PRICES I THROUGHOUT THE ,WORLD,I, AND YOU COVER OUR ,-,COUNTRY WITH BLESSINGS. AND T:BENEFITS: • * • • \ "The t?omparatirve LOW PRICES of Frane3 'and Germany hive offered such a stimulous to their ratumfactures that they are now rap idly estending .. thetrkselVes, and 'would obtain , possession,l in no smalVdegree, even of tne EngliskhUme market, if it were not tor their proteeting 'duties." , • • - •L a b r o. shz: i4pief cieitscut of tit In man - iiacturing s ll fromithe ma)* of watclisPrings rup tea: . cetive. The price of raw materi .is . all,eomparative consequenee. r The neit day: Mr.lierrjek of Mariland, f nade,a seitrain,g - exhibit bf the ruinous influ ewe upon the :workingmen of the United Shttes of !the adoption of the Policy which ► Mr. Buchnian had so. Strongly urged. In • . the &uirs4of his speech Mr. .Merrick said : "Mr. President, as it has been argued in • ` . Asupport otthis bill that one of the good ef -feets will o - TO REDUCE THE WAGES OF tatOß IN 00UNTRY--me- thanieskrnanntaaturing, agricultural, and oth ' ere of coarse=-I,have considered • it material and important ta inquire to 'what extent this, reduction waS to take place., These wages, we ere .10,tuust come dowtfto the specie sten. dar , , (the= referred to Gertnatyi and other European countries, a3e 44* hard money_ et:l:ramie", and the &I'm , ningeFects of such -currencies upon a. * a a • ‘ 1 in Pence, yearly yogis for an able-bodied " man ra from 48 to 250 shillings, and day hake* get in. that ootmtry from 41.2 to 15 pence ;;peer ` dith and whenever they get as much as 15ptuos, they have to find theme seivea4 *:Gertiaany wages are and range , by Ake yes: betweauft2 pdi 100 Idglihrtgei sW day Women reed*. from 414 • tort' pea* per 614, .ad - tied thetrillelies 'info:mak HAW, farm luAdo get by • -thi;YeirfroM 200 to 250 swings, and day. 'ltatetain'ilkont 3 to 4 pence per day, and are found And ea on air: Whoever - wit take the trouble to examine ? will. BO .at, in all these countries., which are heldottp-te us,ai such bright examples of hard rite ltet4 co, untriet France, Germany, Netherlands„ jtaiji—wi= gekby the year tor a ble-boilied,Sound,healthy men, nowhere exceed 260 shillings; land. the : daily wages ratigefront 3to 9 sand 2 petits . —rising. in' one , p'a'ce, only to 20 pence arid the laborer fititing himself! ( What a - ccimtnentary upon the hard money Policy ! What hope is there for a man bothe son ; 1 of poor parents ever to `better his' nilition ? What ray, of hopeis there to stimu, ate him to exertion t None, none! He who is botit a peasant dies a peasant Those b4n at the plow die at the plow's tail,. and al that the longest life of laborious toil can pr cure for thern.i4 coarse and,scanty Means of actbsig tenee." ~ Henry Clay took part in the debate,lind denounced the scheme which Ur- 13iiehanan adYocated as '" AN AVOWED POLICY TO REDUCE THE WAGR3 OF LA BOR." Ile *as succeeded by " hot John Davis," of Mamtchusetbt, whe, cited a mass or statistics, to show that tho averatte of "the feat prices of labor throughout t b world," which Mr Buchanan - wanted the w rth of A merican industry reduced to, 'Was less than TEN CENTS A DAY!. ' ' And the ntteltsnirs. his tokn State of Pennsylvania, as a token of their rqientinfnt, forthwith fastened upon Mr. Jamesillochanaik the stigma and nickname of Tsi: CENT Jinni. . • THE MAINP. QtrEsrtox SETTiEH..—Mtiric ha.,s, spoken. 'Prom her prosverpn§.initgricw iirg eities-L-front her Well-tille4 and thrifty farms-Arotri the depths . of her tirk, green seitti forests,. Comes to us the deep,'i',earnest wilt or then' who have been educated not on ly in the light, but in the laws l .lf the Repub lie.. The hard hand atta the sineWy-arny, ivl,ieh never yet paid oute ton thaster; and which haVe won content an tompeteney by an compromising, struggle with the sterile soil; the brave yeonien of Maine, who have turned it :from. a. wiMerness into st gariien ; the crea - - tors Of their- own ae.stitiy, the architects of their own fortu►tes; have . spoked to us Free Speech and tbr ..Fret Labor. They beard the cry ortheir fellow-Ittiorers in Kan sa,s ; they heard the wrongs which, have been heaped upon those unhappy einigrants; r.O A .thtfy vowed, in, : the quiet seclusion of dioi New. , England homes, that the, privileges and iinniunities which :W•iire making their daily . livei,blessed should be extended to those who . had gone. out,. rkking all thiogsrfor" the skke of freedom. . . - i : . 71 . 'hi-y hate spoken.' They have uttered the weld which frees New England' from Nebras kaism f ,rever. .The` old sentiment,..kniti to-. Other by-so many ties, memories and asso ciations, finds itself Ftuliketeo443 n 5 rupture i in . the present struggle.. We Stand - shoulder i ti; shoulder. With united .raiiiii we advance against the venal.ranks of the Administration. , Maine, New Hampshire ! Vermont, Massa.. cliusett,T, Rhode Island, dmee,ticut ! we xvill stand together, as.of old,, leagued in the holy Muse :of liberty. Let_ :not the fraternity . be dissolved ! Let dear, old New; Fardand keep to her 'plighted. faith! \ H t It is difficult hi moments of victory, to keep our'exultation Within the liMits of beeomin;* modesty. Butrno man can 4crest invite la moral effect of the Mainw triumph. It gill cheer our friends in Pefinsylvaiiia. It:will strengthen the armof the gallant is now leading our squitdronS !in Illinois.: It . will.strengthen.our friends into a - majority of fifteen - !buts:yid in .Indiana.. :;Eillgaves us - free fur the battle-ground of RennsYlvania ; and flail., shall be carried, if hearts and strong handl can carry Many persons - express astonishment at the iresult in Maine. But theyjorget the. great. omoral, conviction of the popUlar heart, which 'rises superior to the Wiles o( politics ;' which arrives with unfailing accuracy at political right; and which is not to be miiiled by, the ..specions pretensions of fictionist -1; Those who have not, during the last week, Witnessed the deep devotion to principle in Maine - , can -have no idea of the fervor andsincerity which has determined the eleeilon. t , ,M,ett went from 'their knees, and froth wriStiing ,with their *_God, 'to the ballot-hox. It' was his cause He fiad it under Ills own Right Arm, .and ,they did not tear . defeat. The - mild-blooded 'gentlemen who Writefor the Couriermay call this enthusiasm; they may - , eall - it fanaticism ; they may call. it what theY, please ; -- ,fitit in their political caleulatioris - farthe future, they will be obliged to estimatait and respect it. And now, Republicans of-the Union; New England scads yotigreetingli .An infatnous Coalition has, been - trodden. into the du st= Overthrown in Maine; it bee o4.ithrown - in Mairotchusetts„. We afiall present, in No vember next, an unbroken front. We shall - give the gallant Rathfinder and the patriotic Daytoc 100,000 votes! we do our duty - *we dl ufion: you. to do yours. We shall:be in the thick of the - battle • let us, breth ren; find you there! - -Fur Free dom, for Lib erty of Speech, Press, and Person, let us strike! Close up' the column,and forward! SHORT PARAGRAPHS—for all kinds of read- The great principle is; and, ever will re.; main in force, that men ars/4 nature free. ContinentorCongress, No man can lay his head in safety upon his pillow in the midst of slavery.-- Thomas -Jefferson.' We should transinitiAi posterity our ab horrence of Slavers.---Putreek Henry.: You cannot lay your finger upon that part of the Constitution whiat conveys the right or the power to carry slaves from one of the States of the Union to any territory of the Uriited States.--/renry . Clay. - I am inflexibly opposed to the extension of slavery on this continent beyond its present 'limits.—John C. Frentapt. The election of Frunont `would be the end of the Union, and ought. to be.--senator One hundred and sixty sores to every prci.. slavery settler; to every free &Act; six feet by two.—Pavid R. Atchison. The South now maintains that - Slavery is ri9ke, natural aid netzgsory, and does not de. Pend 'upon difference .pf complexion. The laws of the Slave States ;justify the , holding of WIIITE MEN in bondage.-4tichmond En. - • par The American i Advocate; published in a Bueluman printing 4 office, in Scranton, but advocating ' "The excESSITY of tech . ..en Organ for the Quise- in this County, need not tie argued and we trust our friends will take an interest in Its circulation, as well as to milt. in de frpsiv the expense." Charles E.bathrop r,4l(l.his paper fur mon 'ey to the Bucluintin men, deceiving and be= fraying hiiiriends; who had looked to hire fir years as an opponet4ofslavery extension. Now he has the face to ask for more money . to pay his Buchanan:friends to print a cam ledge paper. Why didinot be think of this 11XCESIMI detach an'aytebeleriphesold himielf.. 13oes he Want to tiqueitioney out of heth sides? Is itoriouey arid ;nothing else moving tkisnAn Wit great coetestl • lies he indeed fallen Ao WitkeitHwii - Bee. Ord. ggr , Gov. fitaLoor flan signed 'the death warrant °flak* Mishastkers, *he in nos; Wiped in Sullivan Couloir isil for the mur der Of Veitangreber.. 'lie is to - be essaitill on Polay, the 14th - day; orNotereher to* ' Generitl"lohn A. Dix, forn erly a reee-SOiler,ls now one of the active sepport . ers of Mr. Buchanan. • His sp_eitekesl in. the pending earvia s si, however, do not seam to be' veryiileitiant to'_ the pro slavery :leit i klets of the party., lii his recent speech at WTstches 7 terN.l7i t lipitc he a_ sald ~ N 0 rw 4 . hatiii4 ` - ' wn...i in Boston•-.- iMniedititulkafter the EmigrAitt Aid oCiety eft ( was formed,attd;is it was very :inu talked about there ,he berme noirainted ith its. plans. - These were to buy lands in nitsivi; . erect hotels 'for' the , temporary . accxn mod:t? tion of emigrants, until they could e9nstruct habitations for themselves.. The Mtissachu, setts Society, was nevertheless a peaceful or gatiltation, conte.mplating . l legitiniate aid to . •etrtigration,' and , obtaixious to no severer cen- • sure than that_ of lndiscretiton. nd he i thought it Was - very indiscreet,: thong t it af forded. no justitcation.of the armed interven tion in • the aftair4 of ,Kansas by porno s going there from other,Statestotontrol. e. Ow; tions;and - through them, the oigailic I ws and ultimate destiny - of the territory.", - • , To - this the Now . York Journal , Com. rnerce takes exception in a long' leading edi torial,. arguing that the MassitchuSetts and other. 'Northern emigrants, who settled in ltiansas, had no right' there—that. thiAr emi gration was not legitimate,' and lluitlthe out rages upon thetri of the. Mader 'Rufli:..ttis were only natural. 'Such is: the generall.tone of , Democratic newspapers and orator at: the . I North. • Mr. Dix and l'ifr. John Vti Buren are mere 'isolated exceptions, and the party' leaders .Mdy toletate them in the} hope of their, being able to secure. the Democratic Freesoilers fur Buchanan. It is, h4wever, a fbrlorit hope, and Mr. Dix must Lai heartily .a,hamed of the disgraceful pa rt he i'll attenipt- i I 11 6. V 4) play. . In- Potter county, .Pit. one of t.l; - .Freesod hotbeds of our State, some poll. ticians of the same kidney; are advocating . Buchanan and Free Kansas..—Arori/t. Ameri , can. Mr. BuchatiatliS in . titvor of : (Jul. "'Fremont, The . trains& sari: . . "-It is evident that Mr. 13ueh:Man, labitred under the smile Misappreht to the- conquest oi California which throughout the count ry." This k Making' Mr. 'Buchanan.a fi head,- Gtr -he was Secretary. of State Fremont his instructions, su4 the execution of them, and . could 'been : the, victim lai'appechens , matter without' proving post--much more for a higher on The Unifin perceive the force orit is?—N. V. TAM. • TIP NV ARD..AND ONWARD. ' . • 1. GO IT .600 TS, .1 ,• • The ilordek Ruffians on Mai n st, - Defeateii. [ A: ND the endeavor to palm off that Estensi,e - Stock of superior quality" of Goof' s lately re ceived from an old broken down Estaslishinent In •Bin;hamton ' has proved an entire &pure to our friends down torn. "Seeing is Belissi g." We ac knowledge the fact. And . should judge hat ' seeing' (without wearing) would be ell that was necessary to 1 .4.conviate the public that SIMMONS ERRIMAN, ,1 at l&ir store on Public Avenue; first d r above the Post Office, .nave the largest and mist desirable stock of BOOTS AND SHOES ever intipduced into this market ; which for price (we offer nQ competition with second rate goods) durability and style we chal lenge competition. We are receiving, eckly . Trom the Beg. lionises in New York the lateg,t styles and best qualities of Goods, which keeps our assortment complete. :. k . .. . , . July 28, l 8 G, Just received a large addition tooter former stock, consisting of Gents Piitent Leathe, Boots, Patent Leather short Boots, FrenCh Calf Boots Gaiter. Shoes and slips all styles. ' Ladi Gaiters Res.!. kins Slippers - and Boots best qualitie.; also. Boys' YoUths'and Childrens Boots, Gaiters and Shoes, the. be2t In market. In.fact every thing belonging to the , . trade. ALL kinds of Leather, and Findings,-ice.. AU kinds of work 'made to order and repairing' done neatly. • • SIMMONS 6.-391111.1 MAN. • Montrose July 28. 185 EL. ' ' • Important-Discov - ei . DR. HAISET'S FOREST AND I 6 V 111-COATED FORESTPILLS. 29,000 CURES IN ONE YEAR. n RAtAL:SEY; of New York; has invented a pro cess by wliie.h a rich luxuriant WINE is produc ed front certain plants of great medicinal virtnefi,— This delightful Wine combines all the high medicinal properties of the Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Yellow 'Dock, Wild Cherry, and certain other }plants, whose itirtlia are the times more efeetire as niedical agents. So pure and concentrated are the medicinal properties of this Wine, that it has been found the most effet ive'meiliclive rasa_ in use. Frequent 4 less than - x' single bottle rest ores the lingering Patient from de bility and sickness to'strong an ' vigonints health.— Every dose shows its; e ff on the constitution; and improves the general healt • and I with Dr. Hal t sey's celebrated GUM-COATE ' FOREST' PILLS as an a4jnnct, all the following disorders are premanent- 1 V chrzii- . 1 I DstirErsta AND INDIGICSTION.-A,bof of the Forest I Pills, and a .boktle of the Wine, will cure, the most distressing fon&of this complaint... 1 ' Ades AND Fsvaa.—One or two doses of the Pillsc` and a bottle 'of the Wing will higeak ihe ague and:" cure the Patient in all 'eases, when the directions on the bottle are adhered to. -I ' DEoPsICAL COMPLAINTL—From one; to two tunes of the. Pills, and three bottles of the Wine, cure this obstinate disorder. Drsoanza or rim ittirsErs.—The Forest Wine and Pills have proved' highly efficacious in this'disoider- One to. ton boxes of the Pills, and th4e or Tone bot . ties of the Wine, are sufficient to accdmplish a cure in the worst cases. . I Dmitri-IN Nome' Svrxava, Emaeilitkrn and Weak 1y State of the Conatifulion.—The Ftest Wine Is a popular remedy for all these comphurts. One to three bottles cure the worst cases without the use of 16 Pills; bitt when the complaint is accompanied with some other disorder the Pills will be required. RIiiCIIIATISN.—The efficacy of the FOrest Remedies in Rheumatism is very singular. Some of the most , distressing cases I ever saw have been cured by them in ten or tarilve days' time. I BILDUS DISORDECS AND FOCI STOMACFL—Oni purgative dose of the Forest Pills wicure ammo bil i ions disorder, or any complaint aria ng from' Foul Stomach and morbid cOndition of the weld. 'Frszas:—One or two purgative doles will cure fe vers, • ' ' t Couents, Cotn6 ttc.—One box of the Pills, and a cle bottle of the Wine, will break up an • cure the most severe colds, coughs, and pain in Me east U Lents, Bon ' s BurrunEs, Scabb liefid, Ring worm, Erysipelas, Sall Rhstun,, Sots !Wrist, and eve ry kind of linmor.---These complaints all arise from one common cause—inip!re' blood. Oenerally noth ing but the Pills are required for the ure of most - of these disorders ;,but if both remedie are used, two boxes of the Pills, and two or three !bottles of the Wine, will cure the very worst cases, landfrequently by' less than half the quantity. • . . Jautintcr..—lwo boxes of The Pills, and Its, many bottles of. he Wine, cure the Worst cas e t of Jaundice.. YENIALE OBSTECCTIONS, produced iota bad 'colds or weakly constitudonii. A few &ice of the - Forest !Wane cures the most illstresiing forms of thftie com plaints; and if the Wine be followed la few weeks, these derangments will not occur apt' The Wine exactly_ snits the female constitution, and -gives strength, vigor, and blooming,. health, Over a mill of boxes andAtottleil lave been sold iwithin the last twe.years,ln/he "Spited States and Catania. 'Letters an d .certificates to the amount of teeny thousand, have been received, testifying to the cures and good ..effects of these remedies. Forest Wine is tri Luge square 'bottles, one dollar per • bottle, or six *Ales for five dollars. - Forest Pills, twenirlive cents per box. 'General depot, 64 Walker Street, New York; and kept by one or more respeetable dr uggist , in almost - every 'pity and village .in ,the Union and British Colonies. , 1 'fleneral Depot, 64 Walker St. New ?York. Agents, in Montrose, Abel Terrell, in Great Bead, L. Scott, and all drnigisti.' : - • '- - ' July - 16, - 1866. *tiara FIRE! El ripHE undersigned Is agent for ti seranle Companies, the repute for solvency and hfinorable dealing, known tote public • The Lywadog Clspital The Farmers' Union Intrutintm, t Cigebal 0100,000, seemed by bonds 'State Untied at fiarrfsbureSou tl tosi Oen: Ospital t sBsoo:9o. orApplicathi ,can Naive ally of sbe above companies. BILLINGS Nordics., y 11, 1/356, Agrietiltural Implements ok DIMocK, BuSQ., in E\lRfl ITHICATIAL7I4 aßnedtailiDiget:rt WS Rail Road Horse Powers, Threshers and Sep arators, Threshers and ,Winnowers combined. Reapers and mowers, combined. - Mowing and Reaifing ,Machines, of six or seven different Patent among which are McCormick's; Burrail'i,, Man ny's, Wright., and th'e celebrated Ketchums Machine, which is warranted to work to the satisfaction Pfthe purchaser. The little Giant. Corn and Co? Miff, the Nimble Giant, Feed. Mills, with iron platel French Burr-stone Mills, for farm or mill use. Portable Cir cular Saw Mill with '2'.l inch saw, for wood cutting. &c., extra table and saw fir slitting boards and fen cing stuff and general shoruse. Cross cut saw ar rangements, greatly improved attach to POwer for Cutting Wood in the log, (it will cut off-an AS inch log in one minute.) Emery's pOrtable Cider Mill and -Prey, the 'best in use, Fanning Mills fitted fur Pow ers. Power corn shellerS, Power - Feed, cutter, Im proved . dog PoWers, , elover Hullers, Wind Mill, or various sizes,. Stump Machines, flay rri*ses;' , ,,Field Ihtill Sower,-Lime spreadei 'ielyd~lollcr Foci twins of various patterns, Improved Hydraulic ' Ram, Agri cultural furnaces, Patent self-acting Cheese firesses,• Onirns of- various kind., CultWators and Pions of every description, Leather amid Rubber: Belting, and various Other implements. In fact, alno.tt any imple ment a farmer may wish, Or any one else may desire except g imlet handles anti' scandal, which no doubt can be oht.,,ina , at the great manufacturing. establish ment, (as is represented Or Misrepresented) in Brad.' Co. They manufacture, an excelsior Fanning Mill, (they call it) which may be very raluable if it is Capable Of blowing nr clearing the chaff from the prtiprietor. Ab! what would be left? I would say to thcise 'who may have been hum ligcd, that ,Emery's or -Wheeler's. Railroad Horse Powers, Threshers lee, are not -made or -allowed to be made this side of 'Albany; also to thOse wishing to parelnise either Emery's or' Wheeler's Machines, that Emery or Wheeler has not authorized. nor de sire Mr. H. L. Blowers ; o sail : their machines, • ostimony shin! . jlon I, in 18 5 2 7. erasion a. previttled blOek who gave Tintendeti not-have im in the )lit tut. o Dues own log- , Descriptive; cataligtie" To ice List and eireitlars ,of nearly all machines sold by me, sent gratis and post age prepaid, to ail applicants. Send your name and address. • - - Now fanners is the time to mlike from 12 to 25 or 30 per cent. on your investments. Remember I get my maehines, direct from the manufacturers. " I've no middle man with whom to divide my 'commission, as is the ca'se with some others. -All machines sold by me are warranted to give satisfaction or may be returned if not as recommended' See large hand bills, circulars, &c. - • BA al LYONS & Cel t LAN ESBORO. Dec-1855., F IVE pounds Young Ilyson Tea for one dollar at B. R. LYONS & Co's. - Twelve pounds good Sugar for one dbliar,'at B. R LYONS &. Co's. Three gallons Molasses for one dollar, at B. R. LYONS & Co's. • ••••• Six pounds Candles for one' dollar, at B. R. LYONS /X' CO's. Fourteen yards good Sheeting for one dollar, at Lvoss & Co's. - Twenty yartls Prints-for One iollar, at B. R. I:ross & Co's. Twenty pounds Nails for 'pne dollar, at R. &LYONS Sc Co's. Thirteen bars Soap for one dollar, at :13" R. LioNs Co's. • , . _Eight pounds Coffee - for one dollar, at, B. It. LY ONS & Co's. SeventCen pounds Rice, for one dollar, at X- It. LYONS & Co's. Fifteen cents 'per pound for Candles by the box, at B. R. LYONS & CO'S. • • • • Twelve cents' per pound for tip-top Mess Pork at B. It. L . ro'ss . Sz Co's. • La ti csboro, D I sS. • I lim SHAWLS. LARGE lot of Shawls, -.at 'cost mid scimpthing at. - B. K. LYONS k CO.& f ITROGRAPIIS ; ,Artist's Paiiits in tubes, 4 I and Artist's Brushes; The,Daltn or a Thousand Flowers, for beautifying the coMplexion ; Gouraud's Powdres Subtiles, for removing superfluous hair,— Aso, his Italian Medicated Soap for removing Tan, Freckles PiMples and Sallow Complexion ; Batche lor's 'Liquid Hair Dye, also his 'Moldavia Cream for the hair; Halloway's Pills and Ointment; and-nearly. all the Pills, Ointments, and Patent Medicines in cre ationl at TCRRELL'S. • —Montrose, June 18, 1856. • 3 1 1 Ikt LIGHT • LIGHT. 4 - Eve*, EMT Brings Something New. vnir .itivo BB COATirINCEI). , CoItTTOX BAILrs SELF-REGULATING , VAMPS, giving the .clearest and ,most •Ilfalight of ry thing yet discovered, and une fikißo by OL's'ithit' 1g else in economy; as.the Lamps ,10:coettfie!fhat you get a splendid Gas light pOPMOn burning fluid and three times the *V0t.4,144 from a less (rantity of .fluid.—For WC 4 Oij'abntrose Post-office-Ay littioscOuhe 18th 1858. A 4 N. BULLARD. - N 4. The usual. Glass Fluid Lamps changed to a Gl,Rimp.'• • • - • Iteigns in Europe, and Ws salld the Voting Prince's Cradle cost SROO,OOO • BUT whit of all 'that--,as long fts:4 the Montroso Book Store; ,in.the Post Office, you can buy Books and Stationery upon the principle that:the nim, rble sixpence is better, than the slow shilling. Call and be convinced. • - • . New Books just.in aml inoretxtieeted this week Salad for:the Social. Ditto. for the Solitary. A Defence of-the AmericsurPolicy, by. the Ilon..Thom as R. Whitney of N. Y. llardscmbble or the Fall of Chicago. Forbes Volunteer manual, two volUTilles.—• City Architect, No. 2, ,tc. itc. Further mtrticulars nexsyeek.: • A. N. DULLARD. Montrose May 28th. 1856. • WATCH AND .CLOCI. MAKING • BUSINESS. , IDENTLEY READ with pleasure ' info rm their 1.3 Nem* and the public, that they have again com menced the repairing of . Watchs, Clocks, tnd Jew elry, by • 1 . . Mit. IT IGGI NBOTII AM, of New York, and late of Syracuse ; so highly has he been ree,otmnerded by some of t e first hous es there as a steady and dfr# rale workman, that we have 'given him a personal . interest in the business, so that oar friend may have every confidence in hav ing their work done with case and devalch. - In addition to his general knowledge of the vari ous kinds of English and foreign watches, he also un• derstands the Clock-business, from the largest Turret to the smallest Mantel . Clocks, whether foreign 'or home-taadc. Montrose. Januarr 8, 1856. NEW MILFORD STOVE EMPORIUM - In "Full Blast. Two Hundred and Seventy-Kve Stoves for sale, by Dickerman &-Gariatt. We:Ti e r i o n trrred ip i t n ot Nth l rn e lle t n a rp; l iZa B , to co ve : sllng of . Cooking, Parlor and Sisllitto, both lbr wr,kod and coal; also, i, full Lusx'Olent e shell foe-Ilion:sand Churches. , . • Would call particular 11AteAtion to the Jetremehle Elevated Oven, the most pertiTt and heaviest plate stove in market: Among eur.ssiorttnent of large oven, would mention the Empire State improved, as being very heavy plates, perfect Shish, and a superi or baker. Ferment of Susquehanna county, jou have been in the habit of purchasing light stoves and light trimming, and paying. as much to you ought to for heavy plates' and heavy trimming.- • • We manufacture our furniture; and Will sell at man ufacturer's prices. Let those who paya maker profit compete ajrk nr if th e y can... jobbing connected with the tin trade, done u usual an short notice. DICKERM/q1 & GARRATT. .New Milford, Sept: .18; ' • : - • EM fanning In of width, ve been long 00,000. - Athens, Pa.;— . d mortgage *Leek , and am • Watches, Clocks, Gates,. - . 4, new wwertnient : jest-received *Om England, ihrinterland, Chantey, which will be told - below the tiew . York prime tie 4 , 54V0L VONA& Nontroer, Oct: IS; 1854. • • - . . in either Of ; 4I , Agent. 1= PEACE, PEACE Great pargains . IN • WINTER GOODaI • •-• ; AT'. j • A' LATHROP & . WE are now offering the.balatice . .of k' of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, SATINEZTS, Ais'''D READY MADE ING at greatly rednced .prices, in otkler room for our Spring purchatie.- Now' is t ha , cheap, as we are determined to sell off Fifteen' and twenty per cent may he saved on us immediately. Fine; Rick French • Jfcrinoes,. 'worth 1 nt $l - per yard. • 1 . Beaufiftil Striped and Plaid.Liciaities for 2s. and 2s 61. for 18t and 20 cents. ...Parasnettale, Alpaca's, Coburn'', Flan s Lirateffli at Prices that 'will "BEAT TIM 4}: :..oSatinetta fruip:aft: 6d. per yartl.to $1 per per cent. less,than the market price. • We also keeplon. hand a fine asscortnient .BROADCLO.TIL., all grades and colors in price frotn 6-2 to '• eiI'SSIMERES , illaek and colored .Does Skins, Fancy ditto qrey, .kenetirky Jeans ' Cordarinm. Iteady-Made 7 Cl9thin Overcoats from $4 to $10: Pants for . Vi.Sts Over-hails - , Flannel -Jacket=, a ver' ck to lock in--call mid try one on'. , flats dnd Caps, Boots and Shoes ; Hardware, and Grocer-lei A lot more. of: those fine Tea.i, • Try, mare than a drawing, a d ; you ; will be • ' again. • . 37.1 A7C/fIE VO 770.2V,`.4, Beside many other, things, that we shall' l' she w all who favor us with a call. We can. ' goods aA cheap a,‘ tilty can 1,0 von g ht at this countrv,•llifighation noi - exeopted. :ell a dollar's' worth of goods on 9,,year's a"bill of fifty Tor ca ' h. Iluy the ai gang the pay, and you need not spend y iiig to "York State," ict We give you ti sour money here at hot*, IMES Remember all we li#e Faj4l any one gill call .at NO. 3, PU10.117 AN Hill prove all'tve have ti!l id their entire Mr" All kind?. of ,Produce, BUTTE' A D EC; OS, taken •in ciente Ze ATIOE RATES. , Montrose, February 12, -1856, ; • , Wargith Great Rita r I IIE Central 'American question•is no 1. but G CITENB,EIW - ; ROSEN.II . .. are finally settled in their near store in he East en of the New thick - Bloek,-where soldier • who infenti to enlist for the, war can . ' be suppiliitl wfth 1--gitnenti las and fill sorts of Clothing, and those who desire lia take their. wives Willi them, can also be .fupplied with the be-4`olmaterials far latlies'wear, from a ;kik-king, up to a Bonnet, either in soldier or tilliten style. . Knowing the eitizens..tit Susiiiielianna county to b 3 bran and patriotic, we, are sure they intend . to ft: . prepa r ed fur the chilling strukgle,• and therilbre,su - rise them to call on us , and examine , mr extensive stuck, which we are asittired we cansell - as low • s any' other firm this si.fe of New York rite." Our "stock, -which we, have very latOy. port:humid and with great care selected, cOmpriset a' fnll assort meat of . . ~ : •. i , LA iIiES'.IIYA R' Fitch as Shawls, from fil . up to ~ , to; dress Goo ['tom a4O cent. Calico ' 'Dress to n ; Ladies' Cloaks, Embroideries .of all de:Kriptirs ; and tho4e Who happen to live in a very cold donate we can supply with.a good snit of Furs to. keep them WaT. G.EATTLEMEN'S To gentlemen iilis fiti not want to be.troubled [Yip getting up neW suits of clothes, we wOithl say that wc have a very full assortment of Ready-nade Clothit g of all desbriptiou9 rind prices, and in base we .Inza l lt not have the article they want, we will take their or ders and siipply thtim fiery short nhtice. - .13 0 Y et, OTHINO. .1- . We have-also a very good assor.tmei Clothing, frOm an inflmt. up toa yoM cannot - be, Surpassed (Ur LastcrulneSS, quality And cheapn'ess. . . We-have. also a regular assortment of Gentlemets Furni,hing Goods, such tei Fine tibia :i„ Collars, Ti it. der Garments; Silk Neck at Pooket Handkerchiefs, Stocks, and a gre4t many carei 4 artic es too Mtuir ous to mention. . I d i In addition to all thrse ' we keep a till stcc 'of Staple and Domestic Goods, such as Sheeting; of all * flualiiic3 . and prices, Flannels, Ticktngs, Ginghams and a.great variety of other, articles - Lich are ustial ly needed in families:',, - ( . Wo• arc very ...tore that those who are in;tiant a any,of the articles miontioned, would do Well to Call f:i ram: and price .. our goods, and satisfy t 'clves' b l ow much they can save 4 buying of es. . Thankful for past favors while at : our old stand, yr . ( invite - oar friends and-the public generally to call of us at our new and mote commodious establishment where we are always ready , to wait On them with al possible'.attention. i . • - I .. GUTTENB,ERG, IfOSE.NpAtII 1 CO. L. OUTTENur.4O. ...I • , Li NOSE.ND.Irr.I C. M wilrE3nsau. t J. WIrtENT*3I.4 ' 1 New Er 4 iu montrogel THE . WAR 1N KANSIS . CoNTINUESI • • - DM"those who attempted to g cy up -a figlii in itontmse, against, "second rate, goods and prices;" with the fag-ends of three or four old at ks have fizzled; and . I Keeler and Siodd i hrtit • whose BOOT AND SIIOE STORE 1 , 4 located on ain street, South of Searles hotel ; —with. the largest land . best assortment of GOods ever brought into this mar-. ket, bought at the .;!. LOWEST .FIGURE, , ' • • and whieh they will sell a abkive cost, are de termined to give' " the old codger" ahe d one, We do not. intend to: 'be undersold _by any other establishment in Town. We have only to say, Come and See, for "seeing is believing. We.do . not de sire to pull' our goois, 'preferring to "let our works praise use" but we maybe permittnil to say, co u r the itiformation of pnrclui..:ers that we hive just received AN EXTENSIVESTOCK of -Superior quality and• style; toniprisine,''allikintis Of - Gentlemen's, Ladies', and Children's wear l• Also a general assortment of Findings, and Leather n! all kinds. Work made to order, and repairig done neatly. KEELER & STODDARb. 1856.. Montroia, Jeine I • , - .. • ; NOT ICE.; 1. ÜBUC notice is l .herehy given that S. A. W 6911, RUFF is receing a nev- llt of Stove and t Wares of all kinds usually Mit in the Stove d an, Tinware Doe of.busi ess l among which May befound a better ~ ,meortinct4, of Stoves, hc4vier, larger Land more - durable than - Ivor before Offtd in this co ntyl : , All the proof You aged Will be just tii calk and eizant ine for yourselves. 1 All stoves 'warranted in . every respect. .• 1 • ' Kept constantly in hand, an eitcrisive it_4ortment , of. PIN WARE, rude out of the best matl rialS, , which,,is olTered • fot sale as Cheap las can be b tight in any market. Alto on hand, Led Pipit of a l siz es, Chain' and Gearing • .for Chain Pumps, all 1 sizes 1 Brass and Porcelaid Kettics o and 11 kinds Jappaned Ware. -.. Jcbbing done onfrhort notice m , A ortli' All goods inthe lide will be•sold ! (approved) Credit. ' l . ~ ' • S. ,k Montrose,_Mareli 19, 1856. Valuable Lands 114ir Sat ZiOR SALE IX ONE BODY, about 5500 Land on Waters - of Spri n Brook, of the Lackawaunairiier, in Luxe e Count) about midway. beta een the thrivi g towns , .311.11. ton and Pittston. • These lands'a covered with vale table timber, and being stibnite in the most extensive mineral region itqennsylvania known to contain iron oTe—and believed to abound ins(coal, and being also in the immefliate vicinity f several railroads made aid now In progress— offe r o the capitalist an. opportunity for the Investment of money thatthimu occurs. Foifurthir information apply to N. . 80. sack; Esq., No. 111 Wall street New Yeirk, or to the subscriber, at Mon . jrosc, Sosquehunna county,Pa., the attorney In fact I the owners. 1 • - - Aprll6, 1864. , : BEiiitY DEM. XFR. 1 A _FRESH OT OF CI 1 - 1. c ERIE : jug received a' tip4op,Tea, for o l fi fty cents ;Pi as can be expect d t Cheese, dh such as hardy gro ws ii Suique Salt constantly o had at,the lov Aug. 5, 1856. ' F. • FACTS FOIL TIII , TE subscribes ; is carrying on ING B a SIXESS in ail i and the Chair W Shop . in Ila found, a !Fester variety of Wij Chairs than at other eats4s ' also Flag and e Seats, Boma ./ a, Settees, Tab Stands, ke. , be sold at the 1 est prices at with: short n • ) All work and of goad rha. • Short, • ~ will be my motto. For demon.; facts, pleas e adVat my shoji tii 1: Ilarford 'October 120854, 1 AYER " 121 I ge stock I.OTES, pi.orti. to make i s time to ur stock, 1 y calling ire caring tkciiick to an extent nevi): lieforelinowa of any.Meachte, ; • INVALIDS, READ AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. ICUS HAIIEL, Ese, t h . well known pethuner, of •Vhestant Street, Philadelphia, wham chains panducto are found at almost every toilet, sayer I em happy to. ay of your CAM/Mlle Path, that I have found them a better tingly medicine, for common use, than say other within. my knowledge. Many of my (fiends biro realized muted beneath from them, and Co. incide with me in believing that they possess extraordinary virtues for driving out diseases and curing the sick. They are not only effectual, but safe and pleasant to be taken— qualities which must make them valued by the public,. when they, are knave."? The venerable Marcella WAEDLAW writes Ilan Bat. ' . timors, 15th APri1,.1854: Da. J. C. Arca , — Sir: I have taken your Pills with great benefit, fat the lialesurem, languor, Wei of appetite, and Bilious headache, which has of late yeas overtaken me In the spring. A lbw doses of your Pills cured me.' t here used your Cheery Pectoral many years In my family • for coughs ansi'colds with unfailing success. You make medicines which ears ; and I feet it a fileasure to commend you for the owl you have dons and are doing." JOHN P. BEATTy Esq. - I. Sec. albs Penn. Railroad Co., says t I I - • "=Pe. IL Ji. Oda, Phileskl)kitt, Deci 13', 1853. " Sir : I take pleasure. in adding my testimony'to the effcacy- of your medicines, having darted very material benefit from the user of both your Pectond and Cathartic Pills. lam never without them in my family, nor shall I ever Consent to be, while my means will procure . theen." The widely renowned S. 3.I3TEVIISS, H. p., df Went. worth, N. H., writes: 9 Having used. your Cazaasenc Pius in my practice, I certify from experience that they are an invaluable purge tive. la 'cases of disordered functions albs liver, causing headache, Indigestion, costiveness, and the great variety ?of diseases that follow, they are a turer remedy than an other. In all cases'where a puriskive l o medy is I con fi dently recommend there ills 'Abe pubic, as • superior to any other I have ever ,fonn They are sure in their operation, and perfic e :Se.--rputlities Which make them en invaluable ankle public use. I have for many year. known your . Primal .211 be best Cough medicine in the world ; eurthear,Pilis are in no ?wile inferior. to that admirable preparation for' the Mat, theta of diseases." • "sides, Me., ;Noe. 25, 1853. J. C. Aria—tear Sir: I have bien aliened ftom my birth with scrofula in its worst form, and now, eta twenty years' trial, and an untold of tenount of suffering, ' have been completely cured in a few weeks by your Pills. With what feelings of rejoicing I write can only be imagined when you realize what I have saffered, and bow and 12 ually sold telt,' 'and , 8 11 yard, and EMI Slge!ep'7 ly $2,150; nice arti rockery, lit' nothing. liro to try p? happy th' And *ill Frll tvwlierc iti We cannot rcdit as We ,mouitt and 'ur time go o; NT'orth o [mid it :thy EN E, I sat et SOCKS, Caft nt. the l )P & CO. long. . • " Neitier until row have I been free from this loathsome disease in some shape. At times it attacked my eyes; and gnade me ajnioat blind, besides the unendurable pain; at . others it settled in the scalp of my head, and destroyed my ' hair, and has kept me partly bald all my days; sometimes it came out in my face, and kept it for months a raw sore. • "About nine weeks ago ' , commenced taking your Ca , . Hurtle Pills, and now am entirely free from the complaint. My eyes are well, my skin is fair, and my hair has em inence(' a healthy growth; all of which makes me feel already a new person. : 4 ' Hoping this statement may be the means of cororsiing Ina:in:Hokin that shall do good to others, I am, with every .. sentiment of gratitude,- . .Yours, ace.; ... . . . , • ); • MARIA RICKEIL" her"l,have known the abpve pained Maria Ricker froth t Childhood, and Her statement is strictlY true. ANDREW J. MESERVE, • Overseer of the Portsmouth Manufacturing qu." . Carr. JOEL PRATT, of the ship Marion, writes froth . . Boston, 20th .April, 1864 ; • ".Your Pills have cured me from a bilious. attack which anise from derangement of the Liver, which had beccane . very serious. I had. failed of any relief by my Physician; and - from-every remedy I could try; but a few dores of your Pills have completely restored me to health. r have .' given them to my children for worms, with the beet ef . kohl. They were promptly cured. I recommended them to a friend fur eostivenos, which had troubled hint for nionthi ; he, told me in a few days they - had tured him. - You make the best medicine' in the world ; and I arn fres to say so." - .. . - ... oidgs from tbe diMinguished Solicitor Of the Supreme whose brilliant ,abilities have made him well , ~' known, not only in this but the neighboring States. '- . . 1 • - "New Oikiniss, Si!' ..eirit, rem: . . " Sir: I have great satisfaction in assuring you that '., - myself .and family have been very mtieb benefited by your 1 medicines. My wife was cured, two years since, of a se- ' vere and dangerous cough ; by your CHRRIIT : PicioaaL, • and sirice then has enjoyed perfect health. My children . have several times been cured from. attacks of the Influ enza and Croup. bt . ft. It is an invaluable remedy for 1 - -thews Frmopfaintar Your CATHARTIC PILLS have entirely c .ctirent me from a dyspepsia and costiveness, which has • grown - upon ma for some years,— indeed, this cure is :1 • much more important, from the fact that I had failed to - get relief from the best Physicians which this section of ' Ow-country affords, and from any of the numerous remit. dies I bad tel "You seem to us, Doctor, like a providential blessing to our fantilyond you may well suppose we are not tin s mindful of it. Edna reapectfully;' 't LEAVITT TII.AXTER." " Senate Ciaisber, Otiie, Jprit 51.1, HMI, 41 De J. C. Area Honored Sir: I have =deli thoi , curb trial of the CATHARTIC Tiu.s, left me by your agent, and" have been cured Ay, them of the dreadful. Rheumatism . under which he found Me suffering. The first dam re lieved me, and a '.taw subsequent doses have entirely templed the disease. I feel in better health now than kit some years bef i I attribute entirelY to the effects of your Ca:Haw - he Mae. Yount with great respect, . LUCIUS It. bIETCALF." . .. . The above are all from persons who are publicly knOwn where they reside, and who would pot make these state. relents without a thorough conviction that they were trite. il- MI ..1 UM d• CO, it of elirl.lre'l 1g niaa, whiel as well as foi Prepared by DR. 3. C. AYER & CO.; Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lovtel4 Yaia EV - A BEL TVRRELL and 4'. Ettaintn(iE, Moriticise, and by Druggists generally. • -' 9 _) PATENT JIEDICIN - 4615. MONO the great variety - of Medicines at Turrell's /IL Store, may be - found - all of •Dr. Jayne'sjtvtlY 'celebrated Family Medicines Clierry,Pecto -al and Cathartic Pills ; Halsey's Forest Wine and Forest Pills ; Hocitland's cclehrated German Bitters ; Louden's series of Faintly Medicines; Merchant's Garglingpil,•the greatest remedy for sprains in man, or beast - ever known ; Mathewson's .Reme dy, and Morse Remedy; Orick's,Verinifu„ae, and a variety of other kinds ; Trask's Magnetic Ointment, the great remedy for burns, rheumatism, and all in flammatory complaintsl Pond's Extract, a first rate thing for similar purposes as above Ointment; An-. drew? Pain Destroying Agent,a good article ; Wood sock's Balsam and Bone Liniment; Atwood's Jaun dice Bitters, Canker Drops, Liniment, and Dysentery Drops; Ilaket'z Compound for Dysentery; Hough ton's Pepsin, for Dyspepsia; Helmbold's•Ektract a Buchu and Ext6ct of Sarsaparilla; . a vatiety o Salves, the beSt in market, Pills, &c., 'and an almost" endless variety of Patent Medicines, altogethe , too numerous to enumerate—but suffice` it to say, that the public will find nearly every thing in this line, at the Drug and Fancy Store of ABEL TURRELL, Montrose, July, 1855 i• Look Here. ' TURRELL Has just received from New York, lira and desi rable stock of • Comprising a first. rate assortment of Drugs, Med icines, Chemicals, Medieal - Instruments, Paints, Oils, Dye.stsfrs, China, Glass, and Earthen Ware, (s good variety of Crockery,)Brittannia Ware, Japanned and Planishcd Tin Ware, Silver and all other kinds of Spoons, Silver Yaks, Butter Knives, &c.. All starts of Lamps, A good variety of Wood and Gilt Frame Mirrors, Wall and Window raper, Stationery, Stone Ware, Woodan Ware, Brushes, rooms, Family Gni ccries, Lamp Oils, eomphene, Burning Fluid, Tellow Stearin and. Spermaceti Candles, Bide and other Whips, Varnishes, Window Glass,- &e. A first rate variety of Jewelry, Perfumery, and Fancy Goods, Gold and Silver Spectacles, Gold. Pens, Vi4ins, Flutes, Fifes, Accordeans, Violin and .Violin Strings, &c. The largest assortment of - Pocket Knives in Susquehanna County, and the, best quality in market. Shot Guns, Pistols, (Single and Double Barrel,) Revolvers, &c.- z.• • In short, the Physician, the Invalid, the House Keeper, the' Fanner, the Mechanic, the Manufacturer, the Professional Man, the Gentleman, the Lady, 'the Young and the Old, the Itichand the Poor, the Beau iful and the Ugly, the Gay and the Fashionable, and all the rest of the people, will fin&something to sup ply their every day wants at Turret's. , • Store in the New Brick Block—Prices Low--Qtud- d. in got !cheap for W001.)7 les 'Good—Call and see. ABEL TURRE I LLi Montrose, March §, 1556. FrThey tiro all going to Tartelre..lo • FIRE! 7/XCEI - T . :MOVING COUNTY UAL INSURANCE 1* COMPANY, Capital42,2oo,ooo, and increasing. It Is one of the best Companies, its the State. All its losses by fire promptly adjusted. It has paid over half a rafilion of dollars braes by fire since it went into operation. Applications received at the store of B. R. Lyons d Co., Lanesboro, and at the store of Ly ons k Co., Jessup, Luzerne county, and at. Mont rose. • • B. R. LYONS., Agent Montrose, - Dec.. 1855. . . POST IROTHIRS A. RE now receiving a large and well selected stock .t 1 of ,fresh Goods—desirable and cheap as the cheapest. Large stock of Dress Goods„ Lawns, Organdies, Jaconets; White Goods, Dress Silks, Brilliantes, Pop. lins, Parasols, 'Bonnets, Ribbons, Rot& Brilliantes, MOreens, Fancy Soaps, and the best_ assortment of Lubins' Extract and German,Cologne—SUMMEß SraFFS—lsrge stock of Clothing at the lowest rates for good a rticle:—Boots and Shoes a large stock—LHrocerles in every variety=—lrOn; Nailr Steel, Wooden Ware, Looking Glasses, ha and Brooms, Hemp Carpet, Oil Htu:pct—large stock of ffardW 4 4" 3 " — Having Tools, &c. fie. We bare never had , better and eheaPor stocks to every - department than nor ,' to which we invite the attention of otirold Mends, - • 01014 GAO. 1 , nd for attie-elteap ; and Sugar,as - low ' et from Neal York !hanna Flour and rest prices. . • B. CEIAND ER. , ' pEoPL che - ellAifildr retrials' bran en at ord, whore inarbe dear and li t ooking ment in the , untyl i t, gedeteads, , 'will tail. (or whOlOssio, - ted w 'made to .profits tion of tb !bovo erfcird • . 546 in REMOVETY , ; TNT() BRICK BLOCK, hoot way ova thelitore of 6;1 Wilson Soh C. D. VIRGITI Nada; New Good s , . • . .FORDILLIt 4- Cabinet Makers; ' AKE • pleasure in offering to their ettstomprs in addition to their usual large stock olf : the largest and best assortment of DANE, FLA e , AND _WOOD SEATCHAIRB ever offer. ed for..le in Susquehanna county, all of *hid were manuGle • ured expressly to their enter, and they esa warrant •emto be a superior. article. Call at their Ware-room foot of Maine street, and examine for yourselves; - • Ig W. mptit; • , c. ronlic Montrose. Fe .. 2'l. 56.1 - i SIM at. - OW SWOP. NEW VITABLI ► SHMIT.. A p l( ub D lle L drh i L w are " reiPectfil iafoisa the Celebrated Plows. They also :.keep Coasts* hand; Hide Hill, Wayne County, and Ben news; Cedrirarai .4 4- Do - g Churns, Sleigh and Meter Mimi; Pim Points of inurious patterns, too numerous to mention.- We ,hope, by, strict attention to tulidness t to receive our share of public patropage.. lifamidae : „ tory, D. Post's old 'stand.. - Foundry, L Zan; hear Searle's-1M ° , • r t a'Repairin g done on short notice, - MERIUT MOTT, ELIJAH NOM .Feb. 6. STEAM GRIST AID SAW MILL. 130S'T BUOTMEMS 'haring' purchased the abore mtabliqhment,lrM keep constantly on bled Su perfine and line nour, Corn Miatof Asper:in. gnat ity, also Chop Vi and Bran at the lowest cash prices.— Custom work *ill be done with despatch,, and in all canes warrant d. l3BlO Montrose, July. 1853. , _ LIME AND PILASTER. 11111 E subscribers are now burning and wfll keep IL constantly on hand, Lime of. a very gamier quality at. Montrose Depot, and will Sell it in any quantities at a fair price. Persons wishing *large quantity. can be supplied ion a reasonable notice. , . Superior ground Plaster:will be kept constantly on hand hereafter. I. POST, _H. D=l W. L. SEAILLE. Montrose Depot; April 'Toga.. Point Agricultpral . WOrits; A. M. WELLIEIii ATHENS, PA. . , • carers and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Manufac. ..,••• • ando. • Emery's. Wheeler's llallroaa —Horse-Power.., IHRESHERS and S j epdt alers and Threshers aai : Winnftera hiiiirinned, Clover Hurlers,trio and Cross-cut Saw Mills, Emery's Cider Mills,Teed Cutters, Corn Shellers, Corn and Seg Planters, Sey mour's Grain Drills and Broad-Cast Sowers, Dog Pow ers, Revoking Horse Rakes, Olow's Grain Cradles,‘ Cultivators, Ketchum's celebrated Reapers and Mow ers, Magic Corn and Cob' Mills, Excelsior Tanning Mills; Leather' and India-rubber - Beltirrgs, Me l t Crit ters, Apple rarers, Refrigerators; PrOvisioir Saks, Churns, ice. Extras furnished for repairing both Emery's and Wheeler's gaehinee. . We invittpartic uLar attention to our Excelsior Fanning Mills, They are A No. 1. Descriptive Catalogues, Price Lists, and circulars of all Machines &c". sold by us, .sent gratis lad post age prepaid, to all applicants. .Send us yoir name and address, and of your friends also. Agent, H. L. BLOWERS, Frturklm, Pa. I (P. 0. address, Montrose.) It M. WELLES It CO - .. • Athens; Pa., June 20, 1856. 44m5 EmerT .Brothers' . • from this shaftto the other, giving motion or a light, quick motion, adapting it the many us e s for which it may be.reqeired The subscriber having Made arrangem. Emery Brothers for the sale of their mat furnish those wishing to purchase on as terms and with as goo 4 gltdruntfas can be any miebinerr bf the kind now in use.. A G. T • , Forest Lake, \ ..its quehaiHna County, Pa REMOVAL. Filson has imnoeed his Stock of G bis new Store (in the Tick filtiek) at the Be Avenue where (lie Mereantile,busineta tinned under the Firm of N. S. Itriipon ' diticms to theii - present Stock Rill be made and particular attention‘giveri to k • general assort ment—wpecially '4l : the line. SOAP MANEFACTORT. TE subscriber keeps constantly.on hand for sale at his establishment in Montrose, the . qua. ty of SOFT SOAP, manufactured from t. lye of ood ashes - and grease, in the okifashioued -*ay, and not by any Patent process. For.thasa that furnish the grease, he mamPtures the soap for 81,50 a barret. Warraed in ill ones to be a good article, or the' Soap may be retutnedind -the money refunded. • Pen barrel, ," 4 3 0 Half Barrel, a 50 Gallon, • • . 26 Wholesale dealers will be furnished-4i delivered' at the Asher)! in Montrose—at the rate of ten barreh l . - for. $45, or at Scranton, at ten barrels for $5O. • - JOIDT HENRY WOO. Montrose, March 17, 1856. • 1071 BED' GOOBS 11T 811111/11115_ THE' 'subscribers, having entered into:cope- , nership , uneer the firm of Surpass it Torso. take pleasure in announcing to their.fricnds and.the public genemlly that they are receiving as complete and ZS Carefully selected stock of goods as has ever beeu offered 'to the goods-buying communlq i in this section of country. Their stock is comparatively new • goods—Os the old stock of J. H. Sutphin was reduc— ed to an unusually mall amount—and emltraces all the varieties usually kept in'a country Mort; They are now receiving and opening a large stoik tlf Spring and Summer Goods, to which they Inv, ite public attention,' believing that an examination of the quality and price wfil,prove satisfactory to purchasers generally. ' They-timid ly invite the Indies' attention to their assotaitent of fashionable and , durable Dress Goods, orevevilvariety ° and style,.consisting in part of Spring Dekko, aid. Barages, _Darage Delalns, Lawns, PoPlis, sad Ginghams. A and assortment of Springs* Sum ' mer Shawls, and a splendid lot of Parasols. "Also, a complete tttscirtsnent of Rootlets and Tri••••••....:utp: Genti% we haveaot forgotten you• Pieloctir°P and see us• we can fit you from Hat to Boots. in Styte and q ' usdity, as well as price. . Clotbr .Cask 'wens, Tweeds, eashnieretsSatinetts and Kentucky Jeans; Satin, Silk and kfaSsides Veitings in 41 their variety, with a large and complete assottment of Rea dyMade'Clothing. ' - L: - • • sawn YolJxo. SurnraerA, April 22,1858. _ N. B. The highest price paldlor allltindir of Pre ece. • ScriinV & LARGE ossortment pfltoots %ea Shoes fir i • ' SUTPHIN 4.I"OVNG /It ROCERIBA--A. good amporonent of Solliora, Teas,. VA Coffee- and molassea, with a prime lot of Mack erel, in Kits, Quartels, Halves and Whole Bantle; also t De and and Pleklid Cod thr ode by - - avtratS I,YOVNG. _LARGE of ecy, Mak *we, lin. • Cedar Ware for valet by Kam** Totnic 113ERSOfiS desirous of *Pig ' bmy T heir of any deseri P timl t call 411 V ° eerN° M. naymente with Post, Cooper& , sot a to my cit 44, whor r9cel P, ; r :"L. Waktitp' f r om their date. - April 18, 1855.. > . - PARIIIiOUM7 ar.=... fsb , rE IIE subscribers hating entered into are prepared to receiver wool t0P111,... sham or by un Yard• - • Maas W O4.v.TI T . - !Moth pressing ht drir aeatan, : 161110014. JOHN BtAMSTi a s Great tend, March 5 1 1858, , II t vea' any 0 A rich rY, v 0 Tumble sea fat •_3i into of PUb• be COO' Ad. up: • wit@ PUICES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers