ME CHARLES F. READ 8,111. H: FRAZIER EDITORS.; • e~~cf ~oefhj.. _ _ . The Horseman and the Bodensee.• TRINN-L4.TMO FROM INS !AMMAN. DV <WOTAN SCHWAB. The horseman rides through the valley bright, - 'lb the snow field shimmers _ the clear sunlight. Throug h4he chilly snow in haste rides he, Tit to-day:must he *Ch . the Bodensee; - . • To -day; with his horse, in a boat, pais o'er, - And land, ere night, On the other shore: On his toilsome way, ;over thorn and stone, On his stalwart,steed liejourneya.aloite. ; Front the Motintahront In the level land, . The snow he seeth spread out like sand. . • • Behind him far sink village and town, The way is level and smooth like down. Neither hilli nor house in the plain of white— Thh trees and the rocks they fade. from sight. ' kmile, and twain, thtis he speeded" .by- 7 - Ile,hears itt the air the snow-swan'a• - cry; , • • _ Vp flutters the water-hen in fear— • • -.. No other sound breaki on his ear; _ - I No Wanderer can he descry, -- 1. , To point hiin the way ibis path may lie.. . 1 As o'er. velvet; the path o'er the yielding snow= - ; When shtfil!rush the water , —the broad lake gloiv ? • • Now eloseth around the early night; . lathe distance twinkles many a light. The trees from the mist rise one: y one, . A A -- . And hills bound the wide-spre , lain . of dun. ). Be sees on the ground the thorn and stone, . Ahd spurs his steed o'er the pathway on. The dogs' they bark al his horse's girth-- In;the village heekonS the blazing hearth. ' . . "To the window weleome, sweet maid, and 'say, To the mere, to mere, hole far is the way?" - -- ej ; • - The maiden,- a. , d, the, rider eyes— " Theineie. with the boat behind thee lies; . • • "And entered the ice not its waters frore,. I had said the. wave thou hadst ferried o'er." _ The stranger shuddered with breathing low, ' "Yon plain behindl have crossed but now."' . .. The maid she raises her arms in fear,— . . . • " G teat Grill.. o'er thelake thou hest ridden hero. "'The hhys. , , the dark and fathOmle.srdeep, . Thy steeds mad hoofhath awakened from sl cep,; ' " And,:retind thee did not the waters dash? . And wider thee did not the thkkiee crash? . , . . " Of the silent tribt. thou west not food? - ..'"Of the hungry pike, n the told, cold flood?" S'he calls the -Sills - the tale to hear— The boys around her are gathered near;' Old dames and sines her story heed ;• .'!Yes. stranger, nod- bless thou- thyself indeed! ? •. •_ . Crimedu to the hearibto the board—at wish, Hicaitwith us of bread, and eat of the fish." 136t.ilhi• ne'er ou his steed htth 'stirred, His ear hath heard but the first dread word. . His heart it falters, and stiffens his hair, Behind yawns the, awful danger yet there. His .eve sees only. tile dread.abyss,— sinks in the black gulf fathondess. Rehears of the ice,•.the crashing roar,. Cold swo.t, like the wave, bath covered hiin o'er. He sighs and sinks, from his. horse on - the strand. =lfs loali found argrave:on . sbe firm dry land ! • This ballad is founded on fact. The Bodensee "is the German name for the Lake of Constance. aqo NEWS FROM 'ALTON, .TAOK DOWNING Private Despatches to Gineral Pierce Not Its (art L - F'TO CONGRESS IF TREY CALL . FOR IT. • Aio.san THE Fuxin - snit &nom= Two Piiturs, off the Hole .in en the Wall," near the middle_ of March; .1 forget the day of the month, ] 655. Dear i nert are: skuddin round - hera 414 r-Nddin: on to the slack, may fir more V(1 . 11 to come up, and you may depend. - -.on't Cuba's got. to take it. We:dont never give up the ship. ' A. fast little clipper jest come along, gitin to Baltimore, and the - skip. per said he'd take 'my, despatches to you in three days. And Au can send to me by the • skipper your notions 'about things; fur he's only goin to stop long enough to wood tip, and then he's coming right strait back .to line us. He made nit- .promise to hold on and . not take' Cuba till. he come, for be was_ very anxious tb be in at the.death. *. • That Cuba's. a fine country. 'We've been having a glimpse at 'it once in a white-with our 11iy •glses. through the " hole. in the • Wall' sand round the corners, and it's rnly a• fine country ; -twould do'your heart: good to look- ' And - you shall have a chance be fore long,ifor it's gut to ctime down ; it's got to nueklc, itnd no mistake.. goviny -mission to go ahead from Mr. Buell - Mum and Mr. Mason and Mr. .Souley. ,. And. the nub of the - whole thing is we've gi;t, to take Cuba "ifp;ye have, the power," and I know we have, ag ally Giles-Said_ to her sweetheart. 'Says Sally, says she, 'you shant kist4 me unleis you tire Stronger than iiin,.andi know you. be.' Jest before we ibme out I so.e by the pa pers that Louis Napoleon was a potion to g. 4 to the Crimea-to see Sebastopol .fall ; .r atid so ,thought may be yOu mightlike to .come nut ,here and see us - take Cuba. Now if . you.dn, jestsay the i'iird,qind tell me it, your letter 'what day you will be down .on the. pint of and Fit bear .up with the Two Pol . lies and-take you off. You must n't.. feel hurt because I did n't . Washington to see you before start- . fai t if Spain, deaf to the voice of her Own ini , on this cruise; but the fact was I had ret inte r ests, and actuated by stubborn prideUnd• time. Our country was in So .in uch danger a faiSe sense, of honor, should. refuse - to '; sel l . that it worild'rut do to Wait. • -Our Congress in Cuba to the ;United St a tes;" what then? . i: Ostend went over the whole ground and, sex . ' Selfjpreservation is the first lair of, nature '.. amine& it c arefully; and come to the -conch', with StateSirs:Avell'as with individuals.' ; . sion that it. was neck or nothing with us.--- • N .. stters. and things being thus and so, `Alien „W e must have Cuba or Our whole country by ' :very . 19w, human and divine, We shall. be would go to reek- and ruin, and 'the Union ,Justified iniwrestingCubir from Spain, If we can never enjoy, :repose • nor possess reliable .1)O114 , the. power. . i _ i • security as long as Cuba is not embria.A. I. There, says 1, there's you chart; as plain as ~• , • within its boundaries.' the ':rilan's ince • r and all we've got . to doE. IS to I -sent you a cle , ;patch last. tall about the go ahead. ISo we all put our heads together. duins of our Congress at Ostend, where we . to drawhii a plan of caMpaign,, and coin•lud •.took up the affairs of England . Mid Fr f atice and ed I.t1 .th at. Sanders shOuld go' and ;Stir up ; the Spain ; tut flintily concluded r.. we eould oft: &ahem division, headquarter , : New Orlettris; • • make anything out of that business yet. and Sickles shOuld take'eharge of the centre ,:•irig, .• shonld have_ to • wait a little longer. - 'Well,, ht•irdquarters at Washington, and' . brai;icli ut then them thr ee S.'s_Soilley, Sickles; arid - NeW-York',• and I. should go as fast as 'pOssi- Sitialers—said• th e re. , a;as one - thing we could' blii'`down!East,'"lteadquarters.DOwningvill :f du : we could take hold atil t !. Cuba bubini.•ss 1 and fit tan! a naval force that %mild inif,Cilha ' . and finish -it up brown:: And, .fOr fear - that through.*' 'And.hers I am, Gineral, - and 4.ini Louis Napoletin might :haVespies around usl may depend on't the work's got •to - be; done. _ -there-thereat Ostend, we conchided. it . washest .4; , 1 _But now 1 roust ask Von, 'Gineral, wild in hitch a little further - off. So we went Over to . thunder Mr. Marcy . means by baeking . ina, . Ax-le-Shuppe! and finished up the business. fillin' so.- 1 hmie jest got Sortie of th e !latest The u pshot -Wits'_, - we ixinchnitql we i t v.ould New-Tisch papsN by un onter•hound: o',k , el,' ' have Cuba by hook or by crook : and that al arid - tale tifille first things 1 see is .MrL'i l ittir- Mr. So tiley should go right back to OldSpaift. lii': - Mr..SOuley, dated 13th NtOVein l • abd . . tell 'the - Queen so. If - She!d'alntirid_ t.i . ' ber i 'andlt's so full of niiik.and water it' nukes giveit - up quietly and make no rts u' about re I' Me 'Oil rl v iiek. 1 Was always afraid' iMarey he might promise to giye ha'som r eihing -- preo ::riis An 'Old fo gy , butt think he,.firid iilit.,:: ty handsome in time it'll of money • We'didhit i 110 more hack-b Ono than'he shims in .t .iltielii: i: • , , . . • , • ) • I . . . , .•' . . . . . . . . - - • 1-..., . ~ 1 . . . . . i I 1 . ... ~ • • . , • 1 .., - - . ota . _ „ . , , ~..L. - • • • "' .I ' . --•• . , i.•• ' ~ • • ; ~,,i ~,_, _,,. , •,...,„,_ ,' ~.......,...- -,... , _fie - •• ` -- " r" ..• •••" - ""` - '1"" .- - " . " .. " -.'"sl, ' l ' ,. ' ' ''''. '`'.-.-'- ..."'.....''' -."...-'-'" - 7 ------ ‘ -, r , ''..--"'l-m,,,,-i-..?„7-...,,,,t,...^,,,..r.,Po.1. 41 ~ „wrif: ,,-, , , r! :-.Lr.0.,,,;‘.-,-...,;-...,,,,.v. ? i ;• ,' . .... - ' r i '.! '- • __ . . . . . , , : - 14 . . - . • . . . . __ —... 7 -_-- , - • • . , ' . , . . . . • t tX , . . . . . . • ,•,, :. .. • • • • . „ • . . . ~ . . . L. . • ;a • L „- . _ . . . ' . r . • - ' i I . . . . i - ,i - •-•'" :, " • • I. . , - „ , r. • - , _. ~ • ~,....,,,, ~ . -.-- ~ : . . ,n • '','...' 1: .". ! 1 :1 ,,, -,,: ... ~ . . • -- ''.. . i.n i • n ,. ..i i ~ ,-L• • t : ~:e . . - :: : : I',: ..'::: : . ..: :: : ' ' '' t . : :-.._, ::..:;::::"' , .. :'1 H. 7:: -.. ,• ." 4 .. ' , . .., . ~ . \' l l' . —.• .. i • L., . . . . . . . . . _ 1 •••1 . . , . , • , . . - •• . k •)) . . . ~ . ,1 • I: . . • . • • ) . , . - - , • )1 . , , . . • . , . : .• • , . :. • * ' 1 '. . L.% • 4 i • ..- „i) . • • • 1 . .1 ..; • ; , . . , , ••••,. . ) ,; 1 - . -, , - . . 11 . t. '.. . - - . -..- . -) •'. ) . . . . . , . • . . . . , . . - • . . . , . ere nothinabout that, as we've got plenty of , money to hohte.:• If . shel refused and-told-Mr.," Souley to Mind.- his own business--and we shOuld, Jilt hate Cuba no how, then We cola . tith him he:stift be mealy-mouthed, nor mince' matters, imt .i iiick.a quarrel the best way he could and clear out.% \ Well,-Mii Souley went back to!,-Madrid -with a stiff!Opper lip, and .begin to try to dicker with lire queen's spokesman fora bar gam something in this way :- , . • L ,Sotd4. Oh, now I think of it, there's that. I, little Island 4ifCuba over there near our coast; • we'd like tt,i' r i have that, little Island . if it's all the same tr.i4ri. - .1 Spose•yu've no objection-, it is'nt the least use in the world to- you, and' it might bel i Soniir little acWitint to us.:So, if . you wry so,lwe'll jest: murk - Cuba on.the map of-the United States. • - Spokenntm. Not by a jug fall,.Mr. Smiley. Cuba is the! most valuable patch of. ground*, we've guts- 1 Cantspare it rib how. Souley. , O h,. nonsense ; it's no income at all to you,, and nothing hut a hilt of expense. ICS so iterir to us we might look - after and •maybe. iMik,esomething out of it; it's no more tfse to you than the filth' heel of -a Coach: 1 1-. , gues.s.welliconsider it our C... , Si? - okesmitir. I guess you wont. I tell 'you weeaait spare Cuba no' hoW. It's, the , pride of the SpatiiSh kingdom and the gem of the Queen's cr'c t iwti. • - ,*fuley. ! !W ell, but my gar sir, we-.would : .n't mind irktying you, quite a, handsome Sum' fiir it ; a hundred millions, if you say so.— We wont Scrimp about the; price. 'Spokeprion. There is mi;priee to it. Carry. your hundred. imillions to some other market. 'if you wain to buy honor With it.- 1 tell you \ the. honor Of old Spain has l ,no .priee: Souley. Putony dear . sir, you don't . . consid er what a w onderful. deal *of help a nfllion would be to you. ' You must remember you •ire getting a good, deal behindhand. 1 1 ',11 ve no -income:s hardly.; and .yriii are a good deal in, debt- Only look at it; a hundred millions will' enable you tai pay off your debts, and Make itittirnal improvements, and build rail road anditch_Traplis all over. tour country; so that yiiti can Spruce up and live comfort. ,able and l.'get alidad in the world. Say, the word and;lthe hundred million is yours. • , SpOkisinau: OTer your hundred mil' 'to some beggar wants it, ; The *aril and proud kiligoiim of Spain is ito beggar ' I'll thank' vou sir. not- to insuit me. , ~ t„. 1. ~ . 1 Sou 101 l I dal pot• intend 'any insult. l . bUt.,l'll be frank I and plain* with You. fact' is w k i must have the Island, 11.-is 1 ' !truly neeeSsary ! for the safety and welfi -the United. Sta es. Our country can along wilbotit it. . - • Spokeknian. hat's - your look out an. mine. &ni/e:v. Weli now, . Mr. Spokesman; you • know y o ur people out there in Cuba have fur a long firm , been insulting our folis - searching their . .-e4:els, and firing into their steamer, : and . i n :tunes ketehing our people and shout Mg e , r:Wgtutt big em- , in duegeons. There a bin . rieccrunt Of these things that you , must settle r ight up,'-pint blahk, or suffer the eon- . segue - ices. There's three hundred thousand' dollars iou've'got Air pay for stopping the: : meanie' Shirk Warrior and a great - man y . other things as, ad as that. These matters: have pit to be :.tiled right up, or Cuba's got to staudan thegap. . . ', • SPokOsmarL ant help-that. , -If you've got any at.-cOnnts to settle we'll leave it out to a third party to! say hoW we s hall settle. We - dont-oWe :Oh cen t for:the Mick Warrior She brake our aws and we fined her six thou i sand dUllars ; id then gave yoti baCk the fine' after all, when we might have kept the vesseL . And ytiu are ! ungratefu is-not to thank us, forit. ; . - 1 . Sou/o; I . W. nt stand th foofery no longer!- . Leave it out'. Nu, we -know how to settle our own' hest.- . Now, sir, you've got tp settle, all our accounts right- up; and fix thing abont Cuba.sol we chant never have any more trohirle, or else give us *up that Wand to mart: ageipilour own •ay. Now;. ll'm agoin AO gi.vo ypu jest two weeks to think of this blisk riesii arid give rue youranswer ;and if it isn' t settledby chit' • time I shall clear out and gp horrie..'and .thel i you'll hf . ar thu nder. U:4 by4:sir. • - VIA Soule 'sill smart feller, Gineral.--'+ Witaiked riiiit up to era, andiwan'tafeared. W'ellJ!he waited till the two 4'(•els Was out.; mid it :insurer didn't- c ome ;and then lie slaul 'rorindiand picked up bis clotheS, , and locked, briihrs trunks, and-. cleared olit: Then-- be come Over where we had been Waiting for aiha and Old us 'hiiw the business stood.* lie said olif Si'tain refused togire up Cuba and refused. toistl.l, and 'he. had gut the - qinirrel in such a Shape now;' that we - could carry it on ahy way to -suit Ourselves. • 'And now, .said .111 r. S(eley, v hat's to be done neXt ? . Wil, says I, Mr. SOuley, you've only just: g(4 tailook at the instructions,,dtawn up iby, our C;itigrest.tat Ax-la-ShaPple, and signediby pie ind Mr.i Buchanan - and Mr. Mason, and ydu'it see the, course is marked out as plititi as a b it. Jest open the dockyment nu& i ei*r.d ' 'enbais as necessary to. the:North Arkeri;- e-., can *Repel , ' as any, of its present inembers.i - `the Utfion- c a n never enjoy repose Or posses reliable - security as long as Cuba is not erribraMd:within its boundaries ' • L: ":FEELE,DOn.,..aI\Dr3 ter.' ' t : i He's no Christian, and he's lAc . Scapter, fol he has put his; hand to and looked !listek. He seems now', smoothing'. over' matters ; thinks M • country cfAld get along without Ci knovi - but What old Spain; means; thing that'S about - right sifter all ;.i er a'little Ihnger,with her in tt - frie away ; beter no, 'do anything ma keep, quiet. till Spain gets in the ri and then, ifshe wont sell tis.Cuba,t willi'setth 'had pay up. '- 1 . 1 Np*, Fit tell you what 'tis, Eli Eurtip Cabinet wont swallow sue water stuff as that. What's gqt. Matey 'I Last year he told- - Mr.! deMand thtee h undred thoukandl th - e : 4llack Warrior right doirn mit novstop to. parley-about it. .But tic ets4ind shakes. one way and 'tothe in the wind: I'm afraid Mr . Ma Jing. , old. , And there's prior old . rn poSttnastet of'Downingrille,l find 4 I old'' and ttmersOme. When. I:f i i pOwningtille and told the family going to fit, out the Two Polliesait. neSt, day fto take Cuba, Uncle Lb st rhek all 1-ef a heap. I . ' Says he.' Major, .1 'beg of cob into any . ' . o f that fillibustering bit. next thing to piracy ; and thereV its;. laws . ,dead agin_ you too.' . 1 Qh nut,'. says I Uncle Jo.hua, ing to under take any your low fi t I'M only jest going out to take) faShion, because our country can, Without it, and self.pres.ercation Y the first law of nater, andd - becauSe keeps inkulting of us and won't . p, , But don't you see, Major, - ! JOshui 'lf you go to take Cuba, war upon Spain ; and you cant 4.14 0 ding to. itle Constitution. Nu ' cOuntry has any_poweroo make, gos4.' ;. • 1 . 1 But you are !mistaken Uncle I,!' did'ut Mr. Polk make war u • No, by no means,' said uncle You will look back and read Ike ,Of theta idays, you will find it re as war c;risis between this emint iii.'. .Ybu see the war come itse, lons .letit sir ; The tbst•. re of get ME MONT OSE, THURSDA.v nave nc . i. right to make war u!, Oahu unless you get your au Cougre . 4.' inielej hare fv.t my at satyr. I, wlutt mure . d 011,,im,7 says he, G aigres, War, hei•au , re it w”niul Lr iii 1' should 4 seen -a: Ilut; 1 dont. Mean ‘-our laz Cougres to .Wa-bingti , il; Katy our Eui.up Congress: Aud'then look the dockym pocket and showed it to him,si and Mr...Mat , ,on and 11;4 he - was thunder-strueki iay wit)ting. Then he fell Lac stituti(4l ugh; just as he alwa tki•nid hd didn't bcf it-re ' m Euritp was constitutional. - then heyeach• cd up in the shelf and took - dowitt the old Oiu stitutiiin, covered with morcileather; that . , GtnerO• Jackson sent him !nor than" twilitty wears ago, and he put on, his spectacl'es7an'd looked; it all over from beginning to end, ;and said ha couldn't' find nothing about'any Pow gress lb sEurup. . you call your meeting over there in E-tritrp a . Congress; says he `l.sliuutdlike to krtim where you, find your authority ) , iii .the Constitution to make a war tirott Spain 0 to r go fillihusterin in culla.' l , • Uncle Joshtia,' . s..ais ‘' we findjt :that clause wh ere it says 'I take the 'retori 4tibility.'' - 'There!' said Con , in Sargent Joel, *ll4 had been listening all the time without sayipg word ; i there uncle,' says he,', •' I knew lyou • ,would find the authority 'in the 1 1ConStitirtion.1 somiwherc. That's one 'of the , antetitivi.•l to that Constitution that was added by;Gmeral Jacktion, you • know; therefore it rnui( ' 1)4 t • • , , Then Sargent Joel turned to. me ; arid saga he Major, I've been round and itotifieit thei whole company of the Downittgviile lit litit and they . are all read v. armed and e yri.pped as the law,directs, an . d will all be alloar4,ti-S i morrow at ten o'clock. They are all . 011 . 4kl grit,land ready to swallow Cuba alive.' liain't got near through my. story, Oirter:tc al, lin. I. wanted to tell you inure ab4ititfight , ing Out' the Two Follies, and about the i7resi, * and he st 'Ors, and .the in:trines, and t.,liehOsi; 4 .. marines, and the vige, but I shan't hiivelOOM in this despatch, and the little clipper;-sihatlo waitin for finish this writin, t;~ot smart wind and wants to be 'off: - 1 don't see you standing On . thi pint -Floi,iday as we go by, I -hall take it ;fiirgnint' ea- that you have concluded not - too s'ee us take Cuba; but. if I . see a 101040* - ing there and swinging his hat, 1 strati :1 it's:you, at d hear right up with tlit'T.wo Ponies- and take you off: I 7 1 4 rremain yonr old. friend. ;Ministo4i'Qinerat at large, and Rear conunixhire of the ter t lleet.' ' • -MaJoir 3'.acis DgNot*o.- 3 ~ • - ENATOIi. WILSON'S FIRSTIWORD4IS Wilii t . ~. nurros: = Some fifteen years ago, iii f i l ii6 . o. ter„ settled in a town at do grent clio44e from this city,' was spending - a,, lei," .44.* wit,.hin g ts,D - . Walking f . nit . onernonitnglhe took his way . by the barraeoinis viheke Men and women were kept ,fOrj sale. As' lie ap proached he heard loud vaams in, iingi : . y dls. cuSsion, and taw a crowd collected. .440(4 . 4 - _man was it(die centre of this cr0Wd,4:4440 in [yeoman garb, with an hinest pion:ion i';'4e,. With indignant voice and esture the ,r4idc i. I prOelaim them a disgrace to the'', cniintrl" -..g.e careful, young man,"(said hia , oooqnt, slinkin r ,ff his fist in his fac i e, "we iciOt4 .Wte such talk here.' "1 ant in the . Cap,lo...iof irny ct)untry," 'retorted the young man; "O'shall say what ,I choose. Yoiir slave, 46 . 44 ' ;- . il shame and, a curse L i • 1- • i • .0: . • t The - young man wn Ilenry Wilrn, lio i ttni those. were his first words in Wa,hingtol4 , -- Ororcester (Mass.) ,Sfig. - I . i; . Q . . . .::...- • : Y .t.AmrawANNA it#ftito)iii.—ThearMiiiii 'elec.' tion fur ofFicer:; of this road, (110 w iifiTtiOss cif construction,) was held at ,f,fie:,'LiOtell of Wm. .Vil . :Bronson in .this city imilTuetiday i s lust, when the followi n g . named, geptl . Men . Were chosen. for the ensuing ieay..!:•l, .. tinie . iV iI I lain J essup, PreAdent ; Miciiitiii hi e . lent treasurer; Vt" il 1 ingtoti f s j. Ty let,.P . .kreyiry ; sioliti .Torreyi Wiliington .. B. Tiler? - ip,tiirw.,. ili H: Power, Benjainin T Reed,l timo 1 Plunkett; Yirin; H.,J*sifp,Benjant ti 8,1 Ben: rn ttey,Saifel 1. Mereilith,..Tameii 4. w")fr e l I iirid - Michael' lifeylert..,. .llirectoi..+Ocitto* - 4 . ik Traiiitii,t, Mirikit' 1 • il, • - •'ii! ..-- 1 ~ • • - N•• "110rWir M-OndrAglr i t n,W R D 1 113KETCIL OYTHE LTFE 7 ei? TEE GEAR. I The., ' I ! II New York Courier, whicledoub the irepert of the death of the Eniperor, gi es an , interesting sketch of his iite, from whi. we quote: , , - 'The youth of Nicholas was what n y be, said to be moral. hi r the gallatittou ofhis brchher, the Emperor, Alexandhe it rs to lave kept himself marvelousl free from inttigues, and to have concentrated II his pleasures on military exereisealand tinause taunts.: In 1814 Nicholas left the=Ctiurt of his, brother fur a tour abroad. 'He isited France, e I Germany,England. and yariou other eteuttries. and returned home early in 1817. i '. On the 13th of July, 1 1817 bein -then harttly twenty-one years of aent,,he n arried Marta Charlotte, ehtest dat!ghter of t 1 te late King of Prussia. The braeas . w ale, I t two y ears younger than the bridegroom. The merriage was solemnized at ; St..Petekburg, and the bride, in accordance witiiilusetan lair, although she came of a Protestant &may, l adit•l th • Greek r;ligion an ' w ith it • th . p) Lt L 4 , w • t , Christian names of Alexandra Lsei °role no,. I F ' The: marriage is said to have I n o n e o f l ove on both sides. although tbere wie,, do ibt . less, pilitiral expediency mingled %Ph it. There wa.4 a great similarity between them rut only in the majesty of figure, but al.b of n r iel and ell:erecter. , 1 ;c At the time of this marriage, hold the military rank of le...ititi inspect, gini.ers in the service of his btsjther, peror, but he was net admitted to thi tables when political and di plonnit lc c were a- , ..' i-eu-scd, and his sphere of I Wag confined t(s lucre garrison race Nicholas felt his subordinate( posiion, and livisi with hie e ife retired froth , he .elurt, a d o t , gestic man, deriving his hatipines in per forming the part of a husband! and ether in tilith a manner that-the . examille o himself and wit e has been cited lieta Model o f domes tie bliss. His eldest son, Mexan er nee laiwiteh, was born one, year aftir his arriage. lit 1819 followed the birth of his se , and child, the Grand Duchess Maria ; iii 18 ~., that of the Grand Duchetes Olga. .4 - I ' : ' Alexander died Decembe l t 1, IW. The I pees arrived at the winter ix' ace, Where the i imperial family were • ssemb ed itt he chapel to render thanks for the,e th previous day anneuncing the cenvatescence o the Czar. It was. Nicholas who receivei the fl t 'W al news,, 1 , he only of the three brothersahen i -ing res ident in St. Petersburg. It •as sill posed by the Russian people that the Irund Duke Gm-• hlantine. the next brother in age to Alexan der, (the latter having died without any direct heir,) would succeed et, the three, -1 Rut. con- I, .tontine had some years prei-ionsly resigned ,liis claim to Nicholas, the ifitet being oely I known to the Empreeemothr. : I' ' Before the news 14 . A lexa tiler's ! death was hruited in the streets of St., j ; Poeirsburgh— Nicholas oblained a brief interview with the Empres.s-mother. 'What pissen h i t the inter ' view is ntelatown. I Inntitately afterwards Nieholas repairen toteteei..... iie rlttaev tv. met the oath of allegiance to his !broth t lr Constan- i tine. The State Council retilied h • appealing jo sealed packkts derseitefl by lAlixansier { With the Senate to be opent.4l after his death. ! The packet was foun d t o tie the re-ienation -e Of Constantine addressed toi Alexander, a let 'ter of Alexander assenting theret4, and a de. eree which gave the throne k, o Ni holes, ' Nicholas we's then invited to seat in the ;Senate Council, but he ansvered he bad no ~right to sit there, as he wa4 not a member of the Council, but he was ready to eceive any . c ommunication: which theftmig •have to make at his winter palac4 To the palace the council aceordingly repaired, and were about to take the -oath of hllegiance to him, when he refused to receive' it until his elder brother had signified total') his determinaoon, to resign. 1 -' ' After a lapse of fourteen aye, during Which all the official - acts n i f the Ivernment *ere performed in the , tuar9e.of t e Emperor Constantine, Nicholas recnsvedhe news ee l E t, his brother's refusal of theihron , and on the , :i 14th day of December, 18g5, he formally ac-1 eeptecethe Government. • ille fixed, however, i December Ist, the 4m oril• which Alexander died. as the commeneement of hie reign. A!. , ' eenspiracy was the fir-4 gieetingi which Nich-1 obis received at the very 'lenient he tended:l v himself on the throne a d the I peneptness,' ! f dar i ng,and energy with wh i ch he inet and quell. ed it, shadowed forth the ,deter fined eharact ' I ter which he has since exbibitLs We need ' not repeat the details—a portio of the arm . ); revolted, tend refused allj ► egianc„.... Nicholas used mild measures at fir i st ; bit when theyl t' were found to be of no eyed, a l few -hots o ft cannon did the r e :-t; and, thoiwing down their g arms the rebellious whO ,sury ved the fire, a' begged for mercy. S ine o the leivietis i S were hung. same sent tri gibeifia,, • while the k punishments of a few wdre of <a :lighter char- ' ll - .., to aster, 1 4 • 1 , ' From that day for rd, Nicholas, ( ` ,late of Ruesia, has been firmly seaten his thronel t' l l Howl i he has governed, 144 he lias improved ', ei on the absolute sovereigtdy of hts predeme tri I soNointil now, more than eveall its fieartie but one mighty pied f hd , man machine , moved mid controlled by his will :dole, e need not here relate„; i 'ln personal appearance, Nicholas is said to have been the handsoinest Man in Eurorie; tall, commanding, withla perfect outlitielef form—physically a fitting mon ament to mark the history ofthe present age. A broad chttst, a face in which severityl and mecionsnaes, of majesty were the predothinant haracteristlee, a mouth reg,ularly chiseled, so netimes beam- I . ing mildly, but neverjamiln g, eyes, which glnred terribly in angq. but ore calm and mild when the Foal wtotintru ed ; such was the physical man NieNlltts o , - Russia. ißc. sides his eldest eon Alexander, and the two dunghtert; we have rnetitinnett he leaves! an other son, the Grand, hike constantine,! hi% probable successor, as, ' is eldest son, Alex ander was born before le aseetirled the throne.* A NOVEL NV AT OF o I SYLCT4I34 A goodetory, net relayed : :in ebb - e's 'Notes on Duelling,' I. told elf Inelcidon, the ballad , singer, who was apt,lt seni le t casionip. to. glee Tome' by hi. bit que and Itlmost,'Tulle, l e deportment. , Being )led ma by apersen for, satisfaction for.anatfrobt---pla * unintend. ed by Inch:don—he tiund ii in 4 hreattfast, r "Having heard his 'leinests, • iteledon : Utak a 1 -I posture and lee.tited ' Bier*, eyed Sustin' in his unequalled style. I t 'There ' 'said be to , hie andittir, who „stood hi'eathleSs ith surprise and adiningion 'if aka doe S 'ln sati4 you, 9 . .. , • . i , , you are the must ninleasone ic nnoW f ever met with, fur it hailiven late Fatisfa . • ! tion to several tlioaa" di. ' I I fated the e o be fat ybe'ottl ba ; dorit, o•do - * tter.dieli dly kW: front hei;;. ' , aps a4e !leral, oar' milk and ' into gr. - . Inley - in • ollar:i for: nail, and; `w he quiv like a leaf:, ey is le Joshaa; , le's get tine .; t homeltd . , that '1 I he 611'001 oAllua not to • I - fines ft he neutialt, 1 aint kft. • • uhn get 3tl4mit )13 know old Spsth .y up. s..ys I you Ili*. I I than aeptir. way in 444 ar but Cin• J(Fsh,' r )11 .leiletil IJoAtia:! (wicyn - ient,s (Is Wlie;*- y and Mo*. It: But . I m Spaiu4ir ority th9ri ty atom • y flu t •a.itt • Old . y i k . fit out if illy . rued bri Ir. S()le.*. I au& 11* COI- Is (foci ',OKI en ME P APRIL 1855. P0Z1214 YET IN iiii WORtlij. • TramilatedYroin the French „Paper? for the Flame • . - i. (* .- Journal.; -ri • -. •I •• .• , . . .. The:windinkup of a romance in real _life . , . 1: has recently taken place in the-quasi , safficial :world Offaris. • Thus:runs the story, At a ' ur!, , ball, some twenty . years since, li lur a y oung fficer of the, F:rencb •cayalry. Met., :and wits . : med . by a beautiful English 'girl. He obtaino an introduction, and lanced ~with her as:often as, without lehallenging the remark:of 4514 Grace, the yeting.lady"B papa. i •Gur : hero.was haedsvAne, imiable,vilt ty, and in !eiery. way, a persunito- win the good Will. of the - fair sex. I. He Was of toed liunily, and * hid the suistoc.ratic de affixed 'to h6.m t u t ti, although he would b*tiaSt . no Patti- l' nriunial. +state: . ;,. . 1 . ' I •: of • They oung laoy,wits o! 'England's iiriv'll.... '•" 11 ` • eg'ed elms i' noble and wealthy: . Allis; bre huwe;ifer o our loyer dui not kno • W . -when first the he - 1)1441 before the Chartnsof her beauty;- 61 Love, beets,loYe, and ',Women ire grateful ; :19 1 , land the Yale girl, returned th e young soldier's ra nt develion. 1 lheY met often—/tom,, or ',lecher+ eonwhi we'ciiiinot i say ; but Paris is large, anil .sa gliskietil.itoms are r conyerfrent for young Peu- ir_l pie. This was all , charmingly agreeable, but t i . fla unsatisfactory ; fur theirs was' a' • flitiation 'a t With! a scrious intention affixed toI it-4-tilar- n 'l l ' no nage . 1 ~ . j 4. w" •• • . • . :*t. lt,ngth Oar htif , iine discloses ' her wish es te. her parents. They are hOrrified:;-4eir 1 iro daughter . I marry a Frenchman, Inere P r lY a I Lieatetiatit, a nian without estate ! .It is'not las to he thoiightol. Shil'liatens - to link decis-. , i ion in tears,. - A first Weakness'passed, look- ' r 'ever, .She feels Nuture'S diei \M tate d. the t( ' strength Which love giVes. She'nexibeildly e j ' and, Lirinly declares to her parentsOlniti, she' ' loves the youtig officer with her- A.hole heart' , and hika 'alone , will she-marry. That'Of -they Will nit permit her to julge of. her 01i.,-Uhap- Pitiess, she can wait until she is of sigh; when the clergyitimi may marry them without par: , 1 cilia' leueve. My Lard and my Lady . aro made ; .crat-- `, c . seieusl th it their lair and gentle daughter has "' 1 a Will of her own, and also a patient deter- Titillation. to gratify that Will. They . foome to m , parlei, and enter into negotiations With the t " :yOuti people. ' . ' • . • :The lovers' are to 'be separated ;for two ur years7it s a, not be' arirerigage ' ' '' ti• H considered be th incnttimd the yo ung lady shall recive the ~ .. .sh addresses Of .other suitors. ' 011 j -the other hand,' the* lovers.are to be. to .permr.ted to'correspatti; and if they remain ' lovers at: the, end Of two years, they shall. st . n Marry with full alma:tit and. approbation . . ',; The young lady; consoles her inxinuSlover a ' • '. - W . ith u-stiratiCes•tilat-iter love is Int&inging, aid that the twoi years absence Will only sere./ to proye their affection' for - each other, - and.lndear them to one another still More.. They part. The : English parti return honie. During :ti, inimth they exchange let ters.' daily ----. 'and ; , letters L. Of 'what a length, and how full of , endearment ! ci HOw [four lainmate..seibtied to..thent! .• 1 • But, one tiny, our - lair neroine - lertenea in vain ,feir the; accustomed postman's Itneek, QO ive:iiktiownto every Londoner. , He : ! came liot.: Th e ne x t dny passed, and the itext—, -. •_ . and no. tidings ; and thus many days Passed, and brought disappointment only.'.. Weeks ieti*liened into Months, and no letter Cheered the tack' heart of the poor girl. The third Moutli,,catne round, and her hop became fain; then:" My Lady" consoled; with her ,'daughter, upbraided the young soldier, and urged the acceptance of Lord —•-4.--; a suit :or tor her hand... "It was thus that ,' a true ( :English heart should - resent an insult.", Three ••mouths inure pass. :Meanwhile, the :, unhap • p,y- tlamsel• writ. letters, and sends theta, in I . every possible *ay, in the hope oil obtaining an. (explanation pt'' this long •ailente.": None coMes; doubt beconies conviction+—Sbe is de ' ser ed. She stifles:the love in her . heart,and Pri e,contes to aid her self-rpeei„ ;Having no, onger a desire of her own,She yields to tI4 of her mother. ' "My, Lay, : * 1 will mar: . ryLordr--!-- n ' ; but sincelhaye so' decided, • married quicklY." -• _ I : . ;. - , .It was- dune. Fifteen years pa s s by i .+ 01 rheronte is a widow !" - Five years more, an ,“ My Lady " lies ill unto dead;.; , be calls her daughter to her_WedSide,.and emlfesses tics: sAe had detained the letters of Ifni young officer—that he had, bOa . : faithful. ri w propis, of it were by the hundred in such a desk. ; '`• My..Lady' dies. Our. . heroine seeks these letters of the lover of her yeuth.. fel days,.atid finds , heapii of hiS, and alto those she . had written,' in the vainheipe of gib , • of , i , . • ta'tiing,e?cpianstion his sileneeV J .:) • 'Twenty years of disappointinent rwere for ,;riten.,in reading the ardent eXPressions'ilf ittection and dee'otion whiitti they, breathedi 3he was young .again,: 'and her - heart lifid mown no care; it was agaiii,thespring-tiine it h6i life: She took these letters'..with h4r, 1.% tii i i t tl is n:matio .. ll fror ' nt' i he ' .lNtiniser i i d s,ati se ier - ales i i t lbu t I, Of hint who - was Lieutenant in the 111 P . 1834: The a uthoritias replied jat the Lieutenant of that time, r was nt!w i mionniding-General, and that he ! , was SO; ti?ineti in"one of the Southern pe l iartinelipi. he widowwrote to the General that ihe t4its• it, Paris;. and - desired to see him. He obtained'. leaVe of absence, andl hastened to ' ' the • I. • '41"; heC lady. :All is exp aim , and our ero ate married. TO be .uric, the gr,+r... t ::n4::lon g er Y.'iling ; but his Manners have gie's.sme charm, add his elegant. 4.: and style Ilessen his apparent age: - "Thei.linly carries her inadmissible fiirtr,yettrs•as4fi , ,they cum rett but thirty: . : The fatter t,Weety years . A 'their lives, are likely to be,,lhappier than either of the first.. , 1 • , Anit'so . ends a real.lifez4manee, that . la . ~. • • , • I 'cry like one in a story-tyok. 1 ..,,,_. 1 'Ticholas n• of en he Em couticil IJEC=I ar"The Lowell (Mass.) Co4irier thus an nounces the'New-Harnris hire: . • The 'Election. of 18515: 1 1 44 T11E NEBRASKA SERPENT ' S 1 - Issu BRUISED Elr TILE HEEL OF SITE "GIBRALTAR in, OF DEMOCRACY !t' "Salail'B.lsnydoni ' s 7'untblecl Dolan . !" Thu returns of the eleetieit Of yeSterduy are pio omfuse4 that we cannot give them in detail; enough is known to tiiow that the niis called Demoemey have Ictst 7 --- The, Governor, • Thu Connell, Thu Senate, - Te Ilouso, The 3 ,Quigressmeu i , ' The 2 . 1.1. S. Setuitoti 4414,everyttiing , , • There - is a firm doing bnsiness fit' S. LOuis under the name of Griah and Airre—V ROMO. ZIER & PUMAS I. 1' 0.14. FR or? ilqiiitoqd • . SPEECH' O F ' EON 11:13ROORPAD: . ' of Periiisylvani4. . . " In the Senate, February 8, 1855,! ini reply to -Mr. • Jones,. of Tennesse.- en - the. subject of Duties on Railroad Iron and Tailift Policy. ~ • • • • . • Sir, this 13 . a proposition_ fin', class legisia.; tion to built' up the railroad , interest at the expense of one of the great Manufacturing interestO of this country, which, it seems to. me, is.ot sustainable on any ground of -jus tice or. Hey. It is-a violation of one - great I x) ineiple Of taxation-to impose the burdens ' the!. Government on all alike: Why mildon make the. pooi - man . who wears oath) nth or woolen gooda; • Pay duty, on . Ise a titiles,•and not tax the gentleman who les et railroads ?' This proposition - is un it to those who hiive heretofore constructed s ; because*, will enable these who• istri et them now to derive adVaittages , lich two not been extended to others.— at c: n now be 'Obtained for a. less price in f rrn e rly. The duty has not heretofine tied the price, it has been supply and de „,r md. From - 1832 to 1842, when there was duty; the iron was higher, than it isinnow - ,th a duty of, thirty per centurn. _Railroad - in was never so cheap as' .under the thirty r'ckitittint act 0f 1 ,1846, and - never se . high whbri it canto iii ; free of duty. -• - 1 . - • MWheeler. ':I wish, to - . ask .My friend fi r iim- eniisylvimia a question. lie !seems. I ha e. devoted a good deal of time to the -lam nation Of this sinbject, - and -he leis no daub acquired. , all the intbrniation. !that is neces a..• ry. to- put the Senate id possession of. f the as: Now, I desire , to know from hint 1, how 'luny manufacturers there are in the Unitc, States of railroadiron, and how many 1 • 1 , persons are emplosislin. its manuraptUre ? My ! bject is to get. at the number f per ons interested in keeping up-the - resent igh ditty upon railroad Iron.• '1 i t 1 r. lifrodheadrl I will endeaior tdaceorn , nod to my friend from California. - ..1ii.1854 ner Were sixteen rail-making manufactories iid - . hey- made:that year. hundred ndjsixty thouand tons; according .to the est information ;that I have obtained from hos engagedin !that trade. . But my friend ho ld reinembi.4 that rail manufitetering es- MI shments ccmailine large quantities'of pig, - •oti and the•nnutuflictorers i of pig iron con um large quantities of coal. So that this in . are wilt effectinjuriously the whole iron and-coal trade... :iThe reciprwity treaty fakes the duty off 'of U all foreign coat. whieh•ean come in competition with our own, - and yet that measure isltiot half so injuri,us to the owl ers of.coal.n i iines and those engaged; in thei coal trade, ftS thi4. . Iron - manufacturing est:. blishments are the great consumers of con in - Pefinsvl'Vania. - • • • - •- ' .., ~1 Mr. Clay. i+ wish to ask . the :Senator whence he deriv'es the information which he has just stated to the-St,nutel . .. . Mr, Brodhead. I 'obtained it from a dews paper pubtleatt6ll, Wllll,ll alif..,-.% - iv -.ln-. tra licted,_str fan as I know. ” - ~-..• 3gr. Clay. It is an auonyrnotis ol* -- .I haite seen it myself. . 111 r. -Brodhead. I could, read over-the. names of the- Mills which it states, and show, , if it were neceSStiry, that they are in blast;or have been in blifst; that they were built fur •the purposeohOt they are struggling, along,• ant that, whenlirou strike down these e3tab lis, ments, you] have to depend entirely iin the Ei lish maritef, which, when pressed upon, beeumes very h igh.- It appears, from oirte. ial tables as I' ;hall presently show , that we I. ' ~--. 't ' . d paid more for ~ dread iron - when- a was -a - mitted,duty ft. ; e than we do now. - This is i a theeffect of de ending on. England . for our sue ply. • In '1546 the manufacture of railroad in was commenced in this country. It is a - ew branch . tf industry in the United States l i requiring Ova capital, .much .skilled labor, aid great energy. . Wily - should it be-strick e . down by riiilroad jobbersil . I „Say -this is t i pressed by i i *railroad jobbers.' , They are t e .leaders , i the' movement. - However much railroadS may be - desired. by -honest people, they ate frequently pushed•forward by jobbers. ..1-7ou cannot properly construct nlore than twO thousand five hundred miles ayear.., : W•hen• you pi bey .tal this., you pi. es 3 upon the Einglishmarket, and of course. t e price of ito, a becomes high. -- • ' - '-'l - Mr: _Weiler.- I asked what was the num tier of pesonSlemployed in this'country in the tnanufiteture4Of 'railroad iron 1 . - 1- Mr. Brodhead. ,1 do not know-how may I ersons the ~! mills einfiloy, but the, number - Lust be v c o, large; and besides the nuns - her of these. directly employed, you should iake into et - Maidemtion- the persons who raise breadstuff S fer them, and those who produce the coal, lion ore, lime stone,' and- . pigirial iteee.ssarily ilonsuineci. in production of sron for rails. I' have befbre 'remarked that ;the price Of, railroad 'iron has beenhighest !when it has pme in ditty free. Here -is an, official table lowing the price of railway iron from 18.321 1840 when no duty was, nu posed. ort it i ' ' r ' 1832 .........„1... .£6 11s 6d.-434 . 13 . 1833 ' ' 7 0.-.0" - "35 00 . 1834 • ` , - '. ,8 5' 0 ' 41 25 1835. 1 ..: . L :- it 0 0 55. 40 1886 1' , - 12 10 0 .' 61 50 1837 `,! • .10 7 0 51 15 1838 i. ; ' 7 IL-2 0 155 50 1839 '. I . . 11 2 0. - 45 50 840 - : 1 : - c„.st. t- the P, nt time the best . rails can 'be' bought .for , fteeu or twenty -dollars -, per ton„ less than a . _this. time last,year. - .ls ~-not;this a large dee ine in one year 'l . not,ilil, -reduction' . streigh heavily up on our meniffinet turers, withettt.tidop.ting a -measure like 'this die effec.tiof wig& will be ruinous, to . themt 1.1 have ~iitimated.that:the.,.: mattufacture , _ of railroads_ . n in , this country. is not. only a great enterpriSe..and,„„if not broken - down by adverse iggadation, *mild Ihecome a. 'great branch of industry alike benefieial to the pro. ducer and , cOnsunier.' On the :first day--of January; 1855, there were twentpone thilus and thrcelmodred ued. tea.utilci of railroa4 actually 4:iOristrueted,and open 'for, 'public. use . in th 4 Jiiited States.',- . Upoii roust of the. roads,'Etiglish rail O -of im inferior quality bait , • been used. f- - - The - number-Of • miles -.opened 'hr. ptiblieese during , the .last four y'ears,-, is as ftillowli.•:',lo 185 5 1,_0ae thonoiM4 tWoitiou! dred: and - seVeittyeight Witte oPeOO i , in 1852, tsii;liiltous'aiid two hundred -- and Oghty,.. two; in' 18* three thoti. and nine'. banditti and .aixty'rfour 'and in 185-‘f th r ee - :- tliuusutia' 'five huedrutl i a ' ml nineWittei lt.takettahoitt j one.,hatrA9impf, 'ION . , 11 . ,0tt to make a tUile'of ra4riitid. - About 'one thool and tiolet+ H -. • - , 1. EXTRACTS - IMO* A %, I . I ~- - , of old road per annum, will liave tO . be re laid,,and the wants .of . the coantry will re- quire about two thousand five hundred -,or three thousand Miles of new road, - - so ;that the demand for railroad iron will be aliout three: hundred and. fifty thonsand tons per' annum. 'Great as is the Koduotiva'power ; of England,; is it wise . fur us to depend upon that maiket when= we have the raw Material in such abundaice I I put the quAtibti ttiose who wish now to discriminate a.. gainst manufacturers of:railroad and othei I iron: . „ This bill, , in my judgment, is violative of the plighted faith of the Government By, the pledgq given when the 'tariff act of IW* was adopted, tbe manufaetbrera of Tailmia iron were eneuitwed to go into the businis • I'l2 they are now engaged ,4 after the expendi ture of a very large sum ofinoney ; and, this bill, will be deatntetiye to theni. . • The. Hon. Senator - front Tennestiee,- 'as a • reason tbr the the passageof the bill, Raid,- . . • that we have now a redundant 'Treasury. I . ; ' • admit we have 'a full Treasury; but we shall .; ' not long remain in that rcondition. I thm'k _ ' - the probahilty. is, that much of it' wilt be - girt. . rid of by legislation; and besides, there is a • - ;. , great falling off in the revenue.- .1 have bis - --•- bles from the Tre.asurytleparunexii,i4)owing - . • • a very large decrease of revenue wittiln tbs. s- . ' last few. months: It isnot wonderful:Abet it / - ' should be so. The railroad.corporations have tronght a crisis oh the country.. They - have run up a fearful amount of foreign -in debtedness, against us. One gold and silver ;• ' -- ' are sent abroad to pay this indebtedness.— i . This Withdraws from the country part of the - capital necessary necessary for its business, and acts in- -. -' juritaisly; on all branches of industry:. • - I do not intend f - as I have already Suggest- ed, to go into a disenssion of the tariffpOliey '•;.• or the itenntry ; but I will Make - this general •.. ,' .. renuirk :I I hold it to-hest sound rule that no -. •,-. • - other or higher duties should be laid - than are , ~',. ,_' Moth necessary and proper fur the purposes - of revenue. . In the imposition of such duties-- it is wise so to select the objects that, while - - the original intent is;secured,. the, interest of ~.. the manufiicturer , may be regarded as an in- --.- eh : dental! consideration. Te attempt more is to go out On the wide ocean of uncertainty, • , guided by_ fidse lights,- emanating from the -: - - selfi.shness'alime of those who tender them, ' • - and which never can be relied upon for puts , , poses of wise legislation. -'I reject alike the free trade and the protective theory.: Net- ••' er 'can be carried into successful effect. I do. not believe•buffet!' wisdom can make a tariff law which will stand, against the designs -:of . - - Providence, and overrule the natural laws of ..„.; trade and commerce. When the act of 1846 was adtipted, it was supposed to he a rash measure; but that act was aided in fraft-',. ,_. . Per which was not expected by - those who de-,.... - . signed it: In 1847 there was famine in :Ett- ,- , e rope, and we received $200,000 from abroad - - •fbr.our breadstuff's. ;In 1846, gold. was dis- '1 " - covered in California. Both these chrism i - i staneei, operated in fiivorof theact of 1846,1 ' - and centributed to swell the revenue under! - it. The great reason urged now for a reduei -: ' • mon •s.rt - ....;{ti._ t:lviit ix-.. r......ived1.00 much i revenge. I think that is a year or eignteinirt - months from this time, we shall not complaint - of a redundant •Treasury. But - admit, the' force of this argiuntint ; admit that it is prop- 1 : er to reduce the,dintes f o r the purpose oflesi sening the revenue; I say it should lie dons •- generally' and impartially. You ought ..n4 ." to take off the duty i nn *road iron, and Ns - • - tan! it on woollen and sugar goods. ,Yo.. .. ought not to sustain:the railroad • making -int , terest,at the expense of another great brat:4 of American industry. . Are not those eni - - gaged`in the manufacture of iron as good atl enterprising "citizens as those who. wish to. purchase and use rails, or those who producti • "- sugar .l_ - •/' * - i - • Mr.-President, I, do not, fear the passage or ~ this bill, but I do fear the result of' an- effort, which I expect wilt be made to amend the . civil and diplomatic, or some other appropri ation bill,' by inserting e.prorsisition to takd ' • t off the duty on railroad iron, Or, refund $l4- 000.000 or 81,006,006, paid heretofore by - • railroad compaqieti. Lam aware of the fact • that gentlemen plead instructions to justify _ themselves in voting' for such a •proweition.- - - - • The lion, Senator from Virginia, [Mr. Hunt- , . . '. er,] when it was offered two years ago, as a n amendment to the civiland-diplomatie appio- priation bill, alleged. that hi Was instucted by his Legislsture to support. it. My friends from Alabama tell me that they are instruct- el to vote to take off the duty which, is noni •-,- - imposed on railroad irop. Well, sir, suppose the Senators from Michigan, and from Penn- _ - sylvania, had. yielded to such instructions in regard to the_ Wilmot Proyiso, and the 'His- 1 souri Compromise'where would have been' the adjustment measures of . 16.50, and the . Nehrfiska,Kansas act of' last year I I resist- .., ed the Wilmot provise, notwithstanding -the instructions of lily State. ~...1 do nod think ' gentlemen here shouttlnow yield to instruc- Onto tor a measure like this, which are got .., up bribe-agency of those who have _a- deep. interest in the- question.: 'For 'my , own , part -1 I resignize instructions, coming; rom iny own. party—eut - always these from.theopposition 7. 1 hope, 'sir, this Measure will not 'be Preis- - ed - •upen ti... Its friends have no assurance - that, even if it be.stusteisful here, it will 1% _taken up in the House of Representatives.--= --* They have declintsl to isonside.r a bill propos- • - .itits a general ,retitiitai of the tariff policy' of the country; and surely 'Ouch -al !erasure as thilt should ins considered only as part of _ A . general, propoo* *Alia to reduce This io,Partiareitioilislation, for the benitfit ofi particular set et steliVittuato. in this respect, _ it comes in a most ebjeetienable form: . If this hill - be pissed, it should be ILO rompanhal by a pibposition to refund thSse . duties to those companies who have hereto. ~ - fore paid them,- and to give to, those who haVe used American iron a suni,synal to that,- ' / which they would- have paid as duties, if they //-= hail aged the foreign article. - In; every pciinr --• lirVieW in- which I l ook at this bill; itstri)ats /- - . . • i tr me as exceptionable, •••••2 , :- • ' / , / p Mr. President;:otd Pennsylvania -has-b‘rat ' afitithful member Of '.this..cautfet ) yucy; and why, therefore; should therepresentatives of ' . other States attempt - to legislate against. two of her great-interest:ll , Why, not, place thew - interests itpott -the t‘inep)tinwith . the in ' ' 'ofthether•Stat 4 1 / V ii} , i mp o se . terests, o • /e- ,- a. - iintfon tetton'goodis'ano' - not'oll !run 4koi - Where do southern ofen look for and get • ta "A•es-t;irßaibitrliftpeir c on s titutiona l righ / 1 0• 440 ,t iNg,itillt 0-'O4lll'E, And I beg tO • , N inina i 13 1 COI e0i,... - its A Ilene:Oral from the eliatetit. iineftiettring States t 'that' the fate of Penn liaelee interests tisday vaeihe tbairi • , 2/ NEM 11 I 1 s
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers