Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, January 11, 1855, Image 4

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    e . 74tily - . - ,4.od:jite. :Eit'a
ZITILICT I - EONC. P. nom:oat :1 s ADC` E:FP AT TUE
. .
. . .
. -
As showing the intere•it Englif:h lad 4.. take
*agriculture, I cannot I.u.;t relate, a eiS al in
terviewl chanced to li:ie, with `an ,Eugl . ll la.:
•dy, in going up .in .thwexpreis. train from
Loudon to York. _ - llekhusbnuti. had b night
a book, at the stand: .ss i e were about !ta 'ling,
and remarked to her that ' It . wa.s one or r her
favorite .Ameriean ai;thOrs—f--ITAwritonivE2—
I . easually. observeAl " 1; -- Al%-6 . Pleased t , see:
young Amerieanautlicirs found admire . with
E ng li s h-ho es ,' when the convyrsation i riled
on books and authors. i But I said t 9 n yself
pretty soon, ' this is a literary lady—proba
bly her husband is an editor or reviewer, and
-she uses, thi ' sciii . ...s.or's' fOr bitn—at all events
. I must retreat front thiSAiscussion aboi t -au
thors,: modern pouts, and poet ry. -• What
should a farmer k now critiealWf such 1 pings 1
It:1 were , only. in ithose tiel ds-,it the conver
sation could be made tie turn *Upon cro
cattle—then I should hum
finally pointed out a field, of wheat,* au
marked that it Was very fine. ;The Inds
- serving it, said, 'Sir," think too tO,
common' filth this season, as the seeditil
late: those drills,' she added, Miting:
husband fur confirmation, ' cannot be
. than ten inches apart,tufd you see, sh
round is nut comple f tely eove,redt
/aid even fifteen now mien%
width of' dribs,: and twdbuSliels Of seed
acre will.then entirely cOver the-grout
. - good land, so you can hardly distint..rui
If the :goddess Ceres had appeared NS 4 i
•sheaf,or her cornucopia, I could* noti
- been taketi nitire by sus uise. A hid
.Scantint** on theAricige, * wlicat drills . . ci
quantity' of seed!. , •
q Will try her ag:iin,' .s. I, ' thism i t
a chance,shot ;' and remarked in,refero
a field Of plowed groUnd we : were 1.4
that it broke up in _great lumps,, and
\hardly lbe put 'in. goOd tilth, *We
much clay like this,' she replied, 'and f
'ly it was difficult to cultivate. it in a
crop ;'bnt since the introduction of Crso
Clod Crusher they will make the mos
tiful filth on these *lands, and which ar
reerdekl as among the best wheat lane
The oinversation turned on cattle.
spoke of the best brce4 of cowsfor the •
Ayrshires and PevonSAtold. me 'wile
best cheese wits mad4—Cheshire; th
butter Ireland ; Nvhci-e the best milk
were to be found—.W lc.;;.
'Ohl' said f, 'I was mi,:taken ; thiS y
ing ; intelligent woman, acting - So natur
Imaffted, dressed so neat and so very
• must be a farinees „wife ;* and what :
. *mate he has - in licrl yes; a shoe IL \
.clasps a fair, 'founded arm—that all'''
The train stopped at -York.- No -sooner
had My 'travelling cOMpanions steppe i !Tort
.•:the platform, than I waticed they WeLl sin-.
:rounded by halfa dtizen.• servants , m ti and ,
csvomen—Ahe men in full livery. . It• urned '
.out to be-Sir Join , : and Lady. it TI: s - gen. ) ,
Ileman,'Llearned, *as One of the largo. t land
,Berkshire; and his fat y the
.daughter of a nobleman, a peeress in her own
atilt; but/her title : added nothing, to -her—
she was a noble woman without its - •
It is a part.or our task fo"ex62l h
turc, in whieli.fennile ttst and skill n . ?l
MS. We must
. e.6bellidi our bom
.rust make them si . .eet and pleasant
'The brave old oaks"must be there, tl
, i , eiousiawn with its green sward, and t
orchard, and the i ltrtibberv, and th
:and the, vines festobned antitraindd al
:balconies. Even the birds wil! think
sweet hoine, and - 1 . 011 cone and.sing zr
melody, as thou ~ 111t11!-, y would toncll
Ito imitative man.' !
51.1L4.1 a home wiillKf entailed to o
ciren, and: to their
,j thildren—not by,
Jaws of entail;buil 1)y a higher law-, tk
nature--;-thrtngh the force of sympat!
associations* of chi •
The brehaid, the meadow, the deep tangled
And every loved spot which ()eV-infancy kue
732ese will hold thin to it—these eai
,onim—m:hieh we' should take care t•
with a Nn ling arid ludissokuble tie.
tone" Wa, id, 1 .111)oli vd • t,, - , furt la. r . opi): -
The:ntoment he w as in the :•ad,ile, he
1 ,
he nuble horse, ; wbieli . bounded
1 tiii-
it tv// !;:/. ' His family held thou .
' iN\itd 4fi , F.1'0,, xi , ecti;g
. he - w - ould i .
iridle atithe ' notch,' wlaTcy the melln-
, ;;•Ins to .s-ceral 11. u -aptly. But the chit-
Eng, iff hoof“rotii the r,:cky- pas.sts showed
ti;" - tlia,t the .i . e' artid race was coutin::::3.-
6wei t by the returning Inesengcr like On ,
,w;:.11,1' re.:U:hed Uliarlo...tcYille in a time !
o'wer.::iikli . ground, would Ilil Ve, :appalled • '
bold ~•=t V, itinf , 11 , ,rselniin in Virginia.
licalitlf,il ". day - in : I tle.: `latter pr:y•,(of !
v (thciopenin , tl , ftllel - irginli:: : .pring) ;
:e author rode„, Man tie -". ic, fi: ix-
cron'e nu fild marnimitted ,la v e, who
iri\ -Ave. v f lars Wonge, o Mr. Jef-1
"Wurittley 'had,adoor-yard
servant.' and s;i:Msoluentil y : i ...gardener. ' Ile'
bac:l'd:lg' the gtare of his • m-tcr. and other , of i
-.his hou,-: hOld;..and 1:01-' W s the ohle4 hiving
chrOnicilir of the earl: hi, 'ory- of - A!.)ntlecilo...
'Like untt o f I l l s 0:,1c, r, 11:,_.ilyad a .11: ot:g 'at : !
tavit:ukni. 'Air h+, set • "AOr a tawinmates
inquii-l. his,... , iciturnitytve way 10 ifpna- !,
~ • . 4 !! don (init . : , 'll:Yorite tliente, 11c t:ould.d::1 . net-
Nilch Cows, , !
• " ! h- rentil... ierland describC tl:e;piirits," lieight. i
The editor of the 1 NeW Englar il farmer ! eu i or e m . k . , t . ,1, 1 -,,,, r &e.. ~1. , ,,-•,:ty. h ors:e as tar !
, 1 , -1 I ,• ,
justly remark: 'lf you -desire cows to '. bilek4sAreinz.?ii.,, V, 11l eh 31 '....,1 t:iil;:r6<,l] brought
. yield, liberally to ;lc, pail, ybti mu, feed them l i t t i le t , i : o . iii v l , - 4 ,.1, - 1 .... t ,, n. 1
...-1 cira" f,f seri ..n
" with 'something better suited to the secretion 4 /e jtitting 1 4 0. the /jar , (hs : . r ,i :id I, iliit h i 2 h
of rich milk than di provender. Chopped,! on the; sides ..if . a sltqr ,raYine ias ge lectedi - iy
. roots, or' -meal ,lops, of 'smite ki id; ' ll °o l -- .. the'.fie'r"j - : str:Mger horse al a shying butt. as
be . given „them twice a day., at P,xt,t /say if eoir4clOni that it was ua igertins i .. ,r his rider
morning and evening. They'should ‘ - ' l'sti 66 !to ad thinistet;: correction 0.,1 spill-a spot. Mr.
provided: with littered beds,. drfl: .lod_gin , r , s je - ffer t;, iii ttArat.ea . this 0rt,.e.0. tote, but (..n
—4rjer3te/Y warm?—ber i
eg ul 9 l V vtiv z.l7 u I - its t. ; iiiti;; rep.dated, punished the raring Sind
.• thrice- each day, just before! belt r , fed,!--11
.1 'plu i n4il;inninial with - tt, vliip ano spar until he
curried or - combed once aday, and seilt,.With . i . m .. tt
~.,,,,i„d iii put his forefeet n .the rOck.:M3
' • oocasiouaiy a
_little ashes or :finebone dust I. stand ,i . . 41."!
,i higher up, '<l - 0 •rultly, pointed
•0 . mixed, two or three times a week. Th-ey. 1 out the. PatiiTor rather the ro gh !untrodilen
also like _a variety of food. - Rocits,-,cut or ! court's' e. on the side Of Carter's . one] i ain, where
1 ' ‘ tri - v 'lf l i r 3.; 1 ..
rasped,: and mixed . with cut aa or s . % :.1 .a...r...., t:l 4 ..tii,. AKA; :lAV ay whe: a :Ottylituent
then stirred and left fur Int Burr, :or tA I- 07 'I o f tirlix)n% A
~,rag,oons were s• nt !.o capture
make a mess which they will eat lieu greedi- I . hitin f :" but ut n - tl the rod-cur s climbing the
. ly'. AYe think that
. hardly 'attention enough 1 inOtniti4tw.T - An inspection' :f the de,erted.
is given - to the liedding . of . cows, as the more '. and dila.pitlitied - stables, called furth other' in
=quiet and'comfortid.)le they are, tl e less food I
we rett;lra
s i as to pa=s
" • will be required to sustain the ytem,and MOore'S eA.Ckat 'the ford, ir 11 re - o M I.effer
• . may therfore go to' produce flesh ,ir milk.!--- .
his i
son .- Nva 111,46H3 ot t er
A gentleman who has !employed everal P a ' r I the t-trzini in/3 almitly Melt iolled. AVk.',lr
.. 'of working oxen for. many years statesl. that ding tO,:Wt rial . ev's - reeolleetio is hi : was ~saved
oxen. will travel fifteen miles , a 4-a.Y, tieing ` l , by hi linf*;' t'5,..,,h c_xtrieatin , its, if from' the
. .
well 'littered downli' at,. night, 4 . 0 easY,','" i', intrd,purfa. , [l.Y .or by aceith_;itt, appi-oached so
twelve miles, and lay upon the hare. !lode.— , L.
Ilea r" 2;0 his ' l'i i tstvr • that lioi:',i scized i the reins.
*: If- this - statement be correct-andi it ~..ettias to : , [, ii• • ' ,: . I 1 ' '
i auu was ( rtaiyn to the shore, , !
- us consistent—kis a pretty ithriortant mat- . il ; ! , L ~ -,i I
- ter that all oar cattle are well i. -
in this respect.'—Pena. Pailn Jul
Talk not, tl,ed, - o'you fathers and
to your Sons of forensic • farne---of S
balls--of the dislinctioti . of profeSsio:
- or the gains and emolumentsof 1
con inere,:".
. Jt is, not- for our Class, - surely, to furnish
more recruits to -this;hazaitions s' rtieu in
. which so many of the country hav already
been lost—lost to any useful purpo • ‘ of liv-:
• ing-;- - themielves miserable from hope . 4efer-
Ted '[that makes the heart sick—or. d sappbint;
° ed: of the 'objects orlife, have. become over
whelmed by bankruptcy and ruin. Give tO
~ your tons the pursuit of WASiIIN rug, who
• gloried in being a Ein4A. The field -and
theeottifeil chamber lie sought frill r duty ;-,-
bd his farm at 'Mount Vernon,: `'where he
.' . wisely directed the plow, from •choice and
. pleasure.- ,
`Wide, wide ro.tty•the world feel th epow - eli of ehe plow,
And yield to the sickle a:fullness delighting;.. • .
-Mai this be our conquest 4, the earth to wibdue,
Tak all join the song of the harvest. iuviti.ig. - . •
. - ' • The sword and the. spear
Are only . known here
As, we plow, or we prune; or we toil-void of fear;
And the fruit aad the 4.)iver all smile in their birth ;
MI greeting ihi.. I FARMES4 TUE PRINCE 0.11 - n E. 1111112
' .
4 . 4- ilanes out its bonnet'''. with 'the:
-Win Forrest as Native- America,
for.the next Presidency.. - One o
it gives is, that he is'', big enough
enough to bear their banner into
Welwill..suggest-a 6intlidate-Cw.
• Zent_toAlia on the ar.iie titket -
Joini V.:Forney . is the loan 11
to Roberts,.of the Voston•Tinies t ,
tor drink, order * that his
ores might be.ii*d;in.eyidenee:i!
.a.iiirorge4lage. '7.-
1 -.
--;:-.-- 1 , . Br DENRY E. RANDALL, LL. DI ,
I. - Notwithetanding Mr. Je ! flrscin w4I no tnrf ii S
ART- ,:
lman' i lie evertreiained'the partiality ;of a Vird
. , - L . nem
. I giniau for- thie sport; and rarely lo t' ,a con.: ; •--•.--, --:-.,-- -,
' senient ofpoilttfility eVen wheniPre Went, . oil - \A. &E. Baldwin, •, - 1
wiln ess i ng a jlptonnsing race. ! I - its marked: ATANTFACTPREIO; OF SADDLES, BARNES: 7 4,
111' Trunks, .Whip, ie., in the Basement ofSe axle's
fouditelss fol.: DiOrse.43. Co mmenend ant feuded !
only With lus,?: life. llis prefiiremee' wai tor 3 l. l ,ktql , 31 9ntr° ; se , Fa• I- '
- 1 ,
dui' Vii t einitt 610e-IRD4 Z he!dittnot ide,atud!! . .i, : -C. Nesimmori s , -:
, 1 - • .., •
‘yas ;scarcely :villing,to drive, Any other- '1 -DOOT AND SHOE MAKEIL .hop' first tlbor" east
Two or tbrempitges Of his firm boot are de. .i.)! of Odd Fellows Hall, Turnpike st., Monitrose. .
.— . i .i
Yoted w th•e r rthg,rees of those he p rehased:j - t. -
; ; 1 • ; - 1 W.l Singleton 1
Air Seleclfted f no hist „breeding stock, • fur mils;,; fm ! AN - !i l ow_t.,, found ittilis new etatid-on Cltre , ;ot.
uwaliSr. ll:ensually kept several tit ',.:, brood: ; !! 1.:,:' , , two doors west of' Soarte's Hotel, where- he 'rt . -
' Mates 1 and Weishall mind Cornwall s„ in his= jy'retvciny repairs with dilTateli WatcYes, Clods,
prcdntnry I; c4enrsione in Vir:rinia carryinrr ; ewetry, Huns,,and eliery description ofliaehinery.-
' • :.' ! . lii cuttin ,, - Guteind Watch materialS4upplied
away the` .. mipaide - Ones, an d eu ting,
M th r ej , 1 i :(1. - , - ; tmde. v.' . 1. • : •
• \ '.
throats!, of thetoll:ers‘ tnul alt the coils ! ;
Dr. 0.. Smith,
JrilersOn %Va,trivOrrparticular in the care .of I •i : I • • .
his li or i os, ; al ,o R y h t - 11 ~ voting, war . w iak,,,4 i•i i , ITRGEON DI:NTIS,T, Montrose, Pa:, at
11otet -3londay-s attd.Tue:=daysof each w 3
in the 'list docrteti in - xerrard to their a p ,ea Pardee.:! i Y
. , , . ~-, ~• • i- - •
W hen ,lIIA raling. horse was led. out, i f hi 's pol- I ! i Henir S. Snapp, . :
isheii ( 1 -oat slai4not aifaultles..7 , 3lv.As4 mirror; j A ,fONTROSE, P'A.,- with .Thitr, Woodmrl
he Tub 4 , (1, it Isiith• a j ‘vhite pocket bandker:" .11 . fer,.Wholesale Orneers and t.totinnissi(
chief, rim if, t tie: was- Soiled, .thr,,
wasji chart, No. ria Wa,,;ll.lllgton mice!, betweeti
nai, 116- streets, sty le .Y0r1.:.._
condetime'd a sd:Adinoitished to be More; pars i a
tieularlin futtied ! ,. Asia Saddleltorse,-he pre=' ' 1 • ' .1.1111 (.1:z Fowler,' ,
leirell fle e t, Highmettled animals, however t TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS Al
tutr. , ll.44:qiiii thnitier: Col. ' Thomas Jetfer.: ; .IN.J and Solicitors in Chancery . . Office \o. 4 ',
still '1;:nikoli•li, in :tidier to its, says : "A j F:trYlt , ellif'azlt'o, pal 1 - -
bold'' NO fe:ie.4 - .4- rider, you sjaw :ti a glance' -• ' • . 1 . ____ 7 _ ,
. Pa4fic Hotel, -
from hie ca3ivt and cOtitident•seat that he';" 4 I!tijREENWICII STRI-1.7, (near Ilioadwa,
master of hislPOrse, whielt; was, usually - dui ; tOr„ y i ,',.4,-, , s i ti,,b,,,i, y S. c o ., w opr ip t , ws , !
fine blood liol i ,Se; of V irginilt. ".'rhe only int.j 3 t vitsinity of the principal steamboat landings.
patience! of teinper - he -.ever • exhibited, was •';' - 3!! ---- -' - - -
~, •3:,, . , , ; ; • • ; Thomas Ingstrura.
with histnorq 'N\ - nlcii he subdued to his will , i• •- . - . , .
old Grocerms t
by A 3 fe.iriess'lapPlication of the whip on the! l 1!)
:c .
. 1 : . roCkerv, Boots find • Slipo, Sc., Sn ' tr
ti,.! igiltt: St lipaniro.tat:9:l: of resqveness. IL re l . t i Di pot , A T ...* 1 • - :.
Wined to the 1a.4 hi fondness for riding,. otj i ~ ,----r-7---- ---- -- 1 - I -- - j ----
, ~ Bentley. st Y
,uorsediaek : lie yode l Within three weeks of his l . , - 1
death, when trODA.diOase, debility mid ati.,4 I D. g. Ia:TLKY.
116 Motuded Wit,!l - Wit- , It ' •! II ' rude.with ' . '
c fid- :3 ~
ence:ainunever prewitted 'a• servant t 4 . John Gro
a 'con wally harm "; lie_ M•tts foild ciCsulitar,Vll4(•l
saige'at4l said Ill:It:tile presence ola servant, tote], Maine street, ..Vor
Annoyed jlaint? 4 ; ' i , . . D. DAT
This 4ersichl,to thii!cointii•On Virginia cut TRY AND EXtiIIANO
tOrnpf 14' . .ng.114.1w 14 by a servant . , Was ver2,} 1 tlic rear of Wilson's
strinig., ;Ins right wrist yeas. dislocated in
___ _:___ _ _____L. ._ ..
France, and hisl•deft
. j oue„ many years after; .T.lCoh
. ;
wards,hy a tall on his terrace, a ALER 1\ STOVES
find they nay STOP "£3 ,
rNi N:
et' so farlrecuVOed as! to be stro3tg and •tiricq cutt..i)erV wt..,
4. . LudtTerill, j
As lie .pcirsist(ct in riding. highmettled luvrsesl 1 M." C. r .
his daughter Mrs. Elandolph, often besought :RESTED AI I ti , i i L'l
him to allow A !serv:int to accompany' Min i in Ilardward ani
but Ivithent dnil. .On one occasion', in all - ).-05 Pearl strtiet,
telf - ipting•to erUSs ?Moires creek, near its conj f: lends, in titi: kold
fluenee;:with.tll4l-ZaV:inna, hy a ford not use(.4 , and eninestl, Solic
his horse desceOdino; tho.steep bank siddenlY. • '- .1..1'.
stuck fist ln a funviv formed bar of Mud, an ORNEY AT I. , ,
Mr. 'jdrerfAill Ni'aS tla'',OWll . oVer.lllS . 1 Maine street, bpi
the :-.4 ream.; ..With hie (Tippled anus, he foafi!d; • . . : .Fra..., , ie .
it; dilliclt 3 to save. hinnielf fromdrow ning.4 OTININs' ANT? ,
.I\irs.r, liandolpitinow added tears to entreat iesi. tiler on -Turiqtil,
lint the reply. WaS "that he would !rive up 14' it0r, , ,,,,v,-,,,froset
wide, - ,, altogether if it was necessar•y. for hey
, , , , , 4 1,
tottifort;„!bM'-ae:w0u....., Joh Oe /I.woWcid by. it, (iIININ •AT LI%
•Servant."." Ile ! ; :lispoiOnd With this rule only cr I. L. Post ,i•
con distant ji - hmiet-s. . • ' , • 1
i -
Until aftir niitidife he rar'elv• drew rain foF ; Wm;
laroken ..T;rountii,,and• when in haste, wilieotiy
:iii , Si for. the :Iz
tinglY4slied through the Thlyanna; even IVI:4
sines; trartisti
the usually ciuiset stront ) Was swat:en into . it ,Offie;:! on Pi
wile; ru,l re,pi , j, rivet l'i . y,rainS. .12Statle.3 of -,:v.ip. • •:••
Itis- rcarks;o;‘,6eitian , :liip, and aneepres -cif
I • ; Al
his sUperbi horsi , s—"The 'Cliateral "; “ Carra 1- ',1;,(; IN DR
ticuS ' -" ' 'arqUin : " 1" I)ioined " .." .Areturii4 . int.:, 0:1 , , D
"JaCchbia ' •LiCeler " "Eagle" etc.-are o, sionn.war
yet rif.y hi fan - 14y tradition hod recolleetion•. Silver Slit)
, ;37:(a 4 , liel - V Ea , -le was h rtIA gur,
is last er„:i.
and was. r 0.(1:1 - kliv . iklia t:Ilo-t. daily ulna
witlUti'il ree•,,ll-c,Z•lcs;of de
hisdeath ', thotmli lie ,
%firms St:
--- --- -- - -
au-7i ivy.' red (i-,si-,tance to t ilomit him from ; 3.
0:1,..-rac, .e3riv on a- level with-tlici horse's ' 1)L1,:r."....1.•E
Lack, - ' ' et this animal spiritt-d that' ry C10c,1,,,,
a . V . 0111 1 4 4, 1.: 11SM:in uf 11,r. 3 etll.l-un's ~,h6 rcsle
with a eo, ip"any to meet 1. Fayette at :his ; ,J
last vi-it 0 Mcnit h. cllo, funi:d it'noces , ary to tr. is II
quit the (4vale:idV- the . 1i , :1..Lt b.:T:14 . /12 .:uun- ' ~ni. I
'.3b-s,::fm. ,
go,vernilh4 exiite.Cl hy the nol,se 'and ua,svd. ! ; t o ,
On (Ant ea3..a.-. ion. .55' him Mr.' .1 viler: Oa W.tS old
di•!• ' . leasrrci:,...--...attcr the I:ie.:titlA tt'i.l.N
to his 1
•go sire
wrists--,-11 me... 5 .,a,. , .•r arrivi,sl to inforio him, ...
that l a grandson! lradmet with a disaster., riul " 1
lay-, ;:i. Tionsly `'ill,-at. ; CLarlottesviile, .1.i.-Ie ,
,wasj dnrk ruedl6werimr, iii lit was •:.
settiii.- ; j iii,.r.ll(l;lle; waoj Wore than a, nally f 34.- ' .l "_.
ble.;; W•difeCted Iligit to be IJ - rum:lit to the)
dour pis faMily entreated him not to set.'
;chit-at ui-h 4 time ; Init!his;ordes was'
. re
• oh=
1) her
..;1 for
to the,
h the
13 , de
id the
ly be
tee to
•e the
tl nud
plain ;
ltcl p
ac It
Ilan'ware. CarOehter„,an(
1(11:thi, and.tix - tpri-,0,:e
31, DICK 7, , s.
1 t•the 1)c -t• ( tit vi I - Qal.
.1 ' BB?' 1t31..1 ° N .. 5 ' L
1-11ITr. m ..--- • ts • latratjor To:
, •
t a WriEl3l . AN': 4 .
. :• i •-
. •
. ..
1! 4
:..1 1, il i. - tr.% Ei• ' .
1 , :E.."810N Vit , ;ll 7 R-I. • Cit: efErIit,9LIVIC,
1 . !: t.k.itc...:. ATlll.:N' , '.. 'y
It cocisil / . 1'..1..
: r . • , 'i'', CAPIT . $200 . .000i !`. i
/ A f,
,!•:, e rn. , ..!•Zl La, E ,„;td a , t.l . foliorfole o . 'il 17(.. .1:(.1 .F.A.:',lit,-
I . : - 1* t.'! . , - • ' • 0 . " . .'h. •;1 0 kli;elt r.v..... : -. !.
i' - Einr, , F• a! , . , .17. , bias b • 1 4 pe, of I.L.VISVF. .4 - ,.r.c.- ,- , r. la
r other; Irillilin- , Gt , t44, 1 - Tiri ,, , , , and •'.l.T , lt'llaodise,
,; ;3 1. f , ,1 1, 1 1p tr iy .,1 , , 1 1 ,: ii t , er is,t n e t , s 1 tt :l s n :t i n 11:1 -
i s t rlar In_ sti t u tiolal Los : et ,
'' 1)002 ors.-llon. Bora+ Wil:i,toil, _ktlictis; Ft:ln
r:cis T* 0-. (36.; t;«-o-g.- A.-. P •:.I:ids do.:J.: T; I. Mt•ver,
r d'O .[,,,; N. Slailonan, do. ; 4.. F. Wellff.., ,Tri do, : .J. E.
...,4_„. -_... .:'. an r fladd - do. ; Hon. ifolm L r portv. Ttivamd# t Gan. B.
;',..- - Vaqirtian.,v,ville.: B , •-• M. • PO 1011 ). 3 01 W 1.11, ••••'t ..- I
- •I. Li Post &c. Co.,
I,l,:, r ,„;.,:cli c h ae l 31 , •ykrt. 1411,1 rte, P.
• i 1, • ,
i - A'F:ST:t.:RS F... DRY GOODS, Greectie.- - , qrocke
-. 0ia1C1".4.--iton. Hort,,M Willistoli, Prosi'ont ; C.
1.1,., Itaillw,ue. L , ,Atlo.r, Floar, etc., cerrierlpf urn- I:.
pilw:'stret.4 aild Plaid AVINIUts., ..31..,):"ru5 ,- , 1";,7 . ' ft ., 1T • P l i- '''J r., 1 • Pr.--- an:. Treas. •; ...- •L' } . l - I(.. "litle!d,
. ~ S i•crtat- , y, - • : : ii !; I
• • • i i . . _Ptetit, 0. S. BriTT.. •Mol.troFt;••Pa. .' ' Er" - ) -
• 1 - , , 4.1-1/ao
.. t
•t -. '
t ):..
lee._ --- .-_-:...-i ---1- - -
. for . - ' ;' ' - Benily
1 .
thOir• , Ty..u.,Ens rs -pity
-would A.); 1 , ,,L,t,., oil s , G'... - •
biot i n _ Iron, ('locks, Watt
t the e l ,tt- : .: I•Y ' ii. c.--
...,..3 si.:,,,re' d i ! IS.
o:alb:LA. A lAN •
.eti;f•cr like tin
n - ` - le - V . :
.lo in a time
ha vt..t, •appallo.l•
in Virgni:!.
.1):! . .lattO pa,,
neVirgiiiii: ;:i i .i;r*
?to Mon iii` - " i
InAutnitted 4.1'
I.A.4ungo t
.d been
, t 1 4is. • • 2-
EOl ` r.
.:ar!.. •
'zt aid
• ,
lc fruit
(pt tl-ti"
t h e a.{
e; law
d, .pc,i
v, i:r,_-
;tl .s
e n•Ln.3-;
il:r ri
I hal fitr.ll
. . i , , 1 .
.111 4:1;:td lALt)iitipn . qi'pec l t,. Luny Stoue
, :tiii • ' •ri • - ii: . I ' '
I • .im, . . ' ::, • -
ostou :Mail" '
, IL liht I .14.1 i . so • -well, the r m_
urine of Eil-=` ears (;)f trie44let, us kitik fcir ti ,
c.iindicinfe I soths!of .iviAn .- en . : , ' 1
the .reasbus I- And. ir1014,..: Lucy doekii ,
alTil stroiig 1 .thl . : l xi.t yt - e, Al 4)1,v04(fr,
the -breeze:, r .
Tice Presi:
th FOrreit
:.411 edit,
-):§ y : ~. , , 110_11_ ,i...1._ . • s. - 4,tnt i
•etwlio wrote i st;r i algltt in 4) the grectiontt i of a -country gi. ,i 4. ; . , t
13 get an ae - 1 viieFesii; irith - tlittiN it requireill* of i ir . Am ' 110 w ree F el yl L g L a f , ,g,?,:? ) . t) - G. l li ctr ' i j i„
lin ,- discios : i fatierro .„, aetri'eoros . ffiuseutzro cmicertA, i f a n g ra d e ; which will be liqlAl-at thet,plis4
sitt - list .p. lira- 1 bigiO v pit . Oic uppcmigtt-44e4, ana l .4i)Tt qt r 1 I#o,priceeL call Anksce. -
' - ' . di e ; ,- to ' d e thoion l ie Di ? ' i rt iii t , - - . .`,... '1 ! Spmtnerville„,. ift.,54. -"' ", 1. '0: ,
1 . • 1 - I.:, - -
s c ttvri iti 'the
pa in tho bos.'
- •
Nr i OTICE is here +s given tfiui "the talk mf
101 . 1.11ter & Co. is flits dap dissolved by;lni4uil
• •. 1 comelit. .TLC uote t s tul,l aceottuts tire. In Ithei
• —"
roil rif I . 0!--,(1. D. .Lathrop Sot- vtT:ctivn, Pa:'up,_nal friend sayp-titat Duo: '
t euttir,l
Joint Gro*.9
! 't_tsmoNAßLE TAILOR.
' mt. IP Qtre Vontr ,
. ,
• • _ D. D. - Hiri4s,
i 14 1
in ti rear ;of Wilson's Sm.
- .
J.i Colstenl
Ware, Locirts[ille,
I. •
December -1. '
. i
M. C. Tyler,
pealer in Ilardward and Cuthl•rv,!
ke.,...Nn.-:11:1 Pearl str(iet, Nr•k? fork, where
eantile 1: lends, - in thi: hnd o: erleountie,:, art
invited, and cat'ne...ti) solicited to call and pul
• L. 1).
011NEY I.*. Su:tr
Maine street, pr.e door
• . Fran er 8z
I IC _tree
Albert Cbauiberlin,
t tTOTINEY•AT LAW and Justit.e th,
ovcr I. L. l'oA ..Ifontrose,
1!". for. the Stat 4 of New York, wilt attend
to all bniine.g.: e%trustddito hint with promptiltsF , ati , l
'fidelity. • ,Offiel: , on PINIC S•luaro, - occupied by Hon
.Tes.,,up. • •,* • ,
-- 1 -
• ,
DROG:7 I , Cheniicalp,
.L.,1) Paints, 0:1 , , Pyi'-i• l itutis, -Dry
Stonn.warc,! cliassAva- e. Clocks, cyatchos,
Silver Slioo:ts,',•,...s,
funicxv, Mirrc.•rs, Shocs,l Y:;:ilice•
• •NO;s...**.F.,
.31:1..,, yons & Co.; •• . 1 :.
lIiQ LE:zALE A:NJ) I :ET .
AIL '1 )1: A Li:Po; . IN
. rtry Coc,ls„ . Gi.oc,.: it ,, S z :,:t.,
-.1.,; Flour . , niid 11;inl
ii-;.ii;:...,, (Ntesi.:l,), ..1',.;. i ; i "-..
F. .C x I
liandi, ; • .
.N.-.:.•.kLi'.11 IN i nrl sotir4, 1,.-niylaflc;Collii:lg f.: ,
il l ai):::: ly (110: Bo; :::.. ..IT,
-11.ifo. 11 , - ! ::tivlr, ri7.
Tatri6l: & Dimock,
.ANI) Oilic i i,?. No, 4
Owigo p.,
; -
; - J. Lyons- & Son.,
- 1 - VEALER.S; IN DRY COODS, (1 : -oe;
it ercif3t..Ty, Thlw:ire,
C.1:1" Oil 111,•zt,:::-1: ;:o
Pll. 1 •
. Read, •
;oofts, DrugK,
diz, Sibrer Spo'ons, Paz
. of I
:e, Bentley & Perkins, -
of 'C'az , titi;.7.l,StoteF, Ar,rivoltaral
etc. 'Office Savre's Store, Pul)lie ATelit/C
Aitlfactosy at the Eagle -FtAtn•lry,f'oot of. Cherry
,crept, .IToictrotte,.Pa-. i
Wiliam &Vila= Jessup,
:ITTOILNEYti ATi LAW,. .31(,),fr0;c.. . Praz
.." -ticc ill 4.-2tFiveb\4.ana. Trnylie, Wyo
liiia.v and Litzelue
. . ..
CBINET MAKETI.S." They keep constantly 'on
band t.. , 'goad ass i oriment i;f -01-hinds of C a bi ne t
Furniture. , shop an 4 Ware. Rooms at the foot of
Maine - street:,-.3.(01dr0' ,, , Pa .
. I,
1 - IY.I, 7 r'ACTUR RS and, DEALERS in Straw.
(4,offe, ..11afr. para,„
6i., 20 ciStrrlinat street, IVelt.
Op stir; s.) '
tt. DocxwELL
Fr: • • Fraser.
Mont rot.e, Pa 4 will 'attend .faithfully tcrall'husi-: entrusted to bins in the county of Stislueltanna....
Conveyancing and Writing of kinds will be done
neitly,'and charges thoderate. Ile will also[ attend tol
thq vro:lecution of chilies of soldiers, their widows and!
heirs; against the. [ 'United Si:oes Got-eminent, .for
13oUnty .Land, Pensions, &c. . May be foubd at all!
bottr.s at the cffice fdrinerly occupied by J T. Rich
ar its north of the Court Rouse. 1489.;
1, I, Tillie Changed. 1-
; ./ •
. .
, . - - l•
fly and after Thlirsday, Nov. 23, 1851; the Mail
1.2./ Passengei Tram will &part \ ft•-ont Scranton a ;
.! 12 M. ; . . -- ,
.. i
1. Due at Grca. Ben , •at 2.30 P. at.' •
' •
' ;Connecting with tit l e Daily Express Trains ) l both east'
and west on ti.e -N. Y. ER. It.,which arrive at
!I Ntitc - York atii.:in .r. N. and at Dunkirk at 11. '
Ileturn will leave Great Rein! on the arrival of tliq
Bnffalo Expre..isbourid West, ( 3:20 P. 31.,)whicli tlei.
1 , .Parts front New 70r1.:' at 7 A. M., anal arrive at Scrttni.
lat 5.50 r. N. i• • - 1 - • 1 ; (
The F-eight .!..eCohamodation Train with Passengek
, .
Cir. attached will leave Scranton at 1.50 PJ N... arrivi
ing at Great Bend it, G P. L. connecting with.thti
Mail Train bouei West, and ti;e, Night Expr,eas Train
I bon !tut
nd both East dlWest. i .
Returning, , .. .
will letive Great Bend at. 6.36 A. it: anti
aitive at Serantjti 11 A. N. .I t .
I ' t
- Stages will be in waiting on the. arrival Of j. - ....- est . -
i ger frains at Sc antic, to convey paAsenginato Cati 7
I,ondale; Pittstcia,liiikesbarre, Philadelphia via. AA'
Ititading Railri ad. tagton turd ,rll other .interniediati:
, places. . I/. H.iDOTTERER, Superintendent: .l.
I ; : ISuparintend :at's pffiee, Sera. uton, Nov. :23, 1,854.',
I '
Caleb Week&
Amer.lop at his dwellibg
enry . tinker's. "
~tros;, Pa
Shop under
I+v, Pa.
Copper; an
Great ilen
tell an it!?
mt o 1 Lent
one, dopr
Win. IL Jessup,
Aok , , vtc. ; al ,-),
.--I'ul,lic A v cqi ue,
CTilliam W. Smith & Co.,
1, Wb;Lton, & Co.,
1Z54. ,S. A. W
FELLOW. 6irrn-ui.lis
V, •
OL T . 1i Wye achievedjtta4 4sigitta 1 irinnipiti On :the
: bloOdiess. field of Peate, with le,rettiom:for
}roaritrtiiehword and the " terror ofitingat • for your
hat:tie-ate; yen have wrought a rerointion i.lvitich in
the Qld',World would have..zdutken off the:teiown, if
riot thclrcti of every despot, Mid burled hint beneath
the shatterixd ruins of his. t own throne • And . now
maid `tear high rejoicings and the juhllant ishouts of
vietory.lln . every hand, l Iteset..iih you forget,net those
hutuble tinnpanions who chit* to yotir standards in
the dayAcf yout adversity and defeat; aitillWlio are
with AAA, Snow in prospetiti findsuceess,.especially,
tour patriotic ft iend, nut Dluirrtstr; I
Who oniihe sunny heights Of 'far finned lilohtavue;
ilas met our deadliest enemy itd won the victory too.
T.Utrenelted within his gateSmfAmen his coon
, .
j i
trones, .
Re we,ial' a. crown of achininerres„nud Sp4s
i/tut groans, :
i llollojea beauty's round' ; cheek,-clouds the. sweet
,t taniden's stnile , •. •
,Filielljis empire with tortures 'no ponder rah beg
trrotelihe bright brow of childhood _ttte-rt
• •r. 'nf,e blocmt. , •
*broods the risa,..„-e Of • manhtiod Witii •sepul
!•.: rill gloom. -•
- fo t e to rest, and healthi and bloom, ivorst in
Ni-',:eseizsi,though armed to !the teeth, .and Omit'
. ,
.triiratiatr. • , • t • ;
And tie* llkelrhigts :and Democrats; and t Know
;S. thin; t" ( 3) - • f
ttlinee • wit hare rmt the reins Of power, Well althw What
Mc,critu • t
We'll Pti'Zo . -titte.e. ‘..vxzear.:.,Llbles" t he
.ind the with pure thilferia4 will. /if/ thenittlyagain,
And thifugli ho file 60tidefluig differ Witklylin their
thecktntre. sets of tneasutesi'lhat each t trn may
le j imose, •
Vet int. t cferenee to our policy we sure shalk, rot be
'That nlntseons filth mid retthnness' should be prefercd
\ to gold,
'or- 111 A -when, - any system; has groWd rotten in the
,:ti'ootg • ;I . • •
Thepewers that did the mt i •ichlef should:not i)e evert
tt. •
,tithrown. t• • - •
pis; then is what we 'do inithe c - mt,ire of tini,froes,
The el; l ity tyrants we expel end abrogatetheir laws.
If aught 'valuable remainS, I,that • our pre:set:ring put
!We cliihnse- and save it. all the rest We,
t,,; out Lu
• tthe roots. I
Then Orr the ruins, by oar art, we quickly, rear again
An a rtikof burning Gold, with colonnades ofrtireerain.
nitir our figure to ecimitlete, we Only hnre to say,
These twondrous transformations all are (fwie for pay.
D.- Surgeon Dentist.
i3fotitartie, November 6, Sd. , i _
" i—;-- iriveSi O r 11 E
" • .
I. l ;IN NEW MILF0121). ts
. ply, isnitseribrr haring Ilea.4eil the. Stiirix of the
- :Meissrs. Pratt_, formeriF 14' S.
I 1(•, initials to locate perinatiently iii Net!),- :Milford.
of and wituld take this !method of infiirming the
• l ice.:prings; inhabitants of New 31il1'ord,1 anti ailjarent.4cins, that
j returned from .N'ew.York with A hiriite and
• •
.kittiliy 'splendid stock. of fresh and entirely new ,f.lodils, eon
febase.. i'd trig of DRY l',7t)t).lls er Opceiva-.
;. . itttnt.EltiErs is low us - the'lo4sto Hard
' rroe!:•er , t, Pert. anti Shoes, 'Eats
tr. °dire of evet:r style - iket'& - C which 'hi; dlTers for
, -sale ou the most reasonable,, terms, Mr castjeountry
or relial tie - credit. lie woultt alsiV. , tiatv in this
•. • I kionntikion, that he has' diled to the eStablishment,
LAW, I..the Mitiotfietinitt;* •of Tin Shea-iron, i-t]olwr
..! 11
rare vulietieg; in ' which ,ho is. prepared, to
Xecutt. all kinds of jol - 0,:ly the very hest -1,-orkunitt
d Car
d• ear
n Mtr-
4 Cimite
,1 Sol
lii the
utlian pig
Rice is
• trail tip ]]lc-mo=t rearonit:ble terms. . I
:, I)etilers•sappiied ,at tije.limrest prices, P4rticulars
Peace; - ptiiiviiiatm to rtove4 t.- ' .tt some lltturelitiet
• , -•,1 • . 7
- • 1 J. DICKERMAN, jr.
• A .
• - ..NeC,3liifo:,l, Mar I tt-1 1 it•,:i I.
• . * , - • • 14 ,
, .
A EtrLL ASSORTMENT of Tit); S:liket Iron
hind Copper Ware of ow oun manuqadtnre and
fmatleior Leavy plait: - for sah i b• '•
• J. DlCkEttitAS, jr.
. ;
-2 ,. Neni.:3lilroyil, July - I 2
AFFT.L.-a=4)rti;• , •l
iNinerN' Ton% Pt.
NOOLilfoyd. .191 y, 1S
.LiNt) Ll\ La
.t.rl • Okap at
ti 1348,KT1, Cour,
tlia lutt
a':;',lNTF.D=hartellatelyi a good active tri•Vlt—one
,•:I‘lto has 11'1•t . exporience, writes.* fairitand,
to take charge of a set cif
must; andwilliag to devote, hisitinie and
attention to the interest cf his enTloyer:A. •To One
V that , din :m.zwt - r.- to the alq)i-e 'a littet'al.3.Bl,fuly {Clli be
givdtt, .IConq eis need applv Good rkennunentl
} atiolis.iaquired. '43. P. s: R. H. P.:A.To.N.
. ,
May,lS.s4. 1 • I 1
: BITRIIITT, would invite the atto4tion'of his
tad the pdblic to his newi aid
tlid...4tielt (if fire4. 7 e., Ca4lancres .llking
47dFit Sr nth, font iV.I 4 , to Le&ie;i Dr, ss
I (i 06114, includia3plaia and; fanev Delanesi Ik-13ages,
Itariiniett4, Fr et eh 3ferin§es;:Eiti:. Po~tliii;, Gino
filtat . i3ii &e.. Se., id; Lilit4ns and
of nett.
a 1 1,4 th large as,..4ollinent. of
staiileand ranee Dry Cr' , J4l,l, Grweries
j Hats. an d I'aiiitod r if:iinlog..-
s:,4 , # i • 11'412 Ityper, Oils. and I'a; »tit; - will be
spht. on-the mos favorable. terrn . 3 and rethreed priers
fiir each. .
produdy or approved credit. • '•
;Salt lv.the barrel or load. '
IN!eiV, t r' 4 .,T Leather! 32,
0! SOine tlitar.o.4 can be. domi as ;well
„ .
H• . (,!. 1 . ~ as olliers. 11 :
P:ritE Sabscrii2r hlring!, purchased tlie:Citair mart
. 1.1... 't•Sacio-v [Ol A. W. Oreenwood, i in .;'lDtrford ' is
, ) . ,
prepaTod to matifactureali kinds of Chairip at reduced
Tride,j,, of good iliteiials, rind in a •i.upertori': f tyle 'of
tro:_kitianFlip. liiiitnig, tlie. ciiircreVt kitt4s I • will i
theti r on !' 4. - ; '... l'
!-B;dtioit - Rockt.y, (ing3rol'ed style "all 'dads I .
,). ,
'• .
q,. .filii-yi zzad Tlrlicto
. r chairs, Tlo .
1 ' ote, Scttees, (LT., (Ix: I I, •
r i o-Au o a t 4-ranttd• to give satipf4cdon,
tiro Oars. , 1
. . ,
.2. 4',.,,!'Zilereliani.le Pi 0.1116 taken in ce.'..iatig.e Tor i
work; but NO tiEDIT: -• JAS. JOHNSTON. ,
liarford, Ali:. 5. "• P' - " •l'— • I
. --- -
l i lkoST BROTtI:RS halving purchased.' th e above I
•• !'.e...labli"..lirnert ivill k(iii et - neztrintly.- on lined Su- i
itei'llite a-4 Fi i .our, aixrre Neal vf 011:te?. Far ylpil- t
ifyi ii/ito Clu - ,p an Bran•*t the lowest•eakiiitirices.— ;
cuitprii v..ork wit e done with .desp*li, iind in all'
t's...4n4trarrourcti. - 1
A• • 1 t; .1361tf
. . • I.
..; ,114introk , . Jul. .1553. 1 • • ' ,z. ii
• !- S'
Tr, IttiMMTll
114 of Stove's]
ini . pri)yed kinds o f
Oved Cooking
'tS)Ov i e:R. for wood' orl
W4icti'lle viii .s
a . ted'aven stoves -c
boiFoiild at s2o'to
/I,l*(i i i. stove pipe,
NOW Milford; Se
ik 1). SAY
1,7 1 ; • for an exterb
toty . Etre prepared t
le4slrtates - than the ,
AL CS article whi,
ht •
TS.—i near
1 for Bummer r
. 4 the Read
haulm Co,
1 1 1.1 F. underaipt.•
der By =tit
thieiousitry on the
all tirticrs sslli mret
ain't by return mail.
. noise
LAIGE wel9rsOrt cit.Si!C tadity# P :ila
eitrowly 10w44.3408. i." • •
(; Jn iP 21 'p4l . & tvr,
• ; ' ; •
vesll Stoves: ; •
s now keceiving a new arasortment
including. the 3UOA popular and.
rcrniknn, and 'Eleratcd
with Parlor, Pfkedipd Shop
poftl, in superior varietTland
k the 'post reduced
if new and approved 114tertis will
and i otber kinds . lg proportion.
c, and Ateet kn*e l ; tubes &c.
‘2.2;:'54.[ 11:111:ThRITT.
iadOw Sash., • I
Laying been apolinidin agent
-e sn.+ti blind and i dtiorna.nufae 7
furnieb any articles this line at
~iacc . usually been;N;lc
yiickt Cream..
.evry Mau .khoulti to. fol. €&h
.1' Reif. f4k, D. S.
t of S.toruner Hatt and Cloths
itizst ivecired and fortmle chap
• D. R. S.: CO.
gi P i pblic oftesqiie
-0 and Vic) ity.
hi ) - 1:)w prepiicri to trend to or
. nst, paid," any bdott pit t bkistied in
ceipt of tbe,pricC i.f! e . sarne---
ithiproutpt attenti4n;Fginti books
.A.Nress V131.,11. ',EACH,.
Bolton Mao. ‘:, J.lokseller., -
. ,
U.. • •f ' 1 •• I
-`•—••—•timom—.4 - •
• , .
1 . IP . . • ''
"4--. ''' ,. .':i .. 4 "'-`..1 . ' ;
~ 4 ,,,.....:s- i ,
.....•: , -1 , i. , , t „I .
,) , ..... , ... , : , 1 4.:„.,..t K I ..
...::::...... -.
,-,. , ~..-,-;•,. ,-.<..,- , . ~ ,
.r.t.„.....„„ , ~, _. 0.f . 1., ..- • --•
' -'•-- . , '-' - ...- , qr.
c... -. .
• -'b li_;, - ,,.,, -
~, '' 1 ' •_:_ .!•
. t
2, •
• V;: - 4 k .tt
• . 4 .1!
i-.-. _ . •
- • 1 : : • •
1, - 1
. 1 I • PILIA.
2.- •_; \ ; - I
. -
- ''
I . . „
rrtil tr.E as long:extsted-a. public demand for an ef-
L feetiv purgatlye.pill vi,hieh.could bd vdied on as
sure and perfect. in Its operation, - 'This t he been
prepared 14 meet the dimancl i. and an dktensivc, :tab
al of its virtues hai.conclusvely shown wirh•what auc
cesis it aect,unpli:slle's the-lot rposes de:Al:lt/ed.
m -a .It h 4 ea
sy to ak peysieat pili b. Put not witty to inalte the
I l i,
best of all ills—tine Woke ; should have- none of ';the
. t . but all 'of the.a4antages it every other:— f ,
This een attempted hire, and with what EIIeCOSII
we wotild Irespectfitlly submit tothe, public deciSion.
It has Weft Vofortainate fur; the' patient hitherto ;that
'almost en t ry purgative medicine is aernranions and
irritating to .the bewcts.. This is not. Many of them
produce sli much griping pain find revulsion- in , the
system as ,o mord than coi‘uterbalance tl e gond to be
derived frOnt thdpil . Thesdpi/ls produce np irritation
or pain, wiles it4Lie fro:llia-previously existing orb
struction 4).r.tleratienlettt in: the bowels. Being pure : ..
lyi vegetal/le, no harm.can .44 ise front their usi) in atilt •
Aluantity ;'hut it hi batter that ,any medicine ' tibtoultl
be taken jkuliciottAly. 3litette directions fort their use
in, the seil , ral disirases to which they are applicable'l
ade-gliert it the 451. .A:liolg • - the complarats which
.liarebeetX speedily cured by. them, we
_may - urentitin
Liver Co:4plaint,!•itt its varibus forms of Jaranlicc, In
digestion Languor and Ite4s ofAppetite, Listlesites!,
•Irritabilit, Batons; Headache, • Ililious Fetter,-FeVer
and Agu4 l l l'ain hi- the Side: antliLoins ; for, in tv0t11,..1
all these n(re but the conscipience of diseaseil actit4i
in the li vit.. Af•-', an aperient, they anent promptand i:
sure relit:kin Coiiiivettess, Piles, Cholic, liysentery, ;1
'llranors,.lerofulanna Svuriy, Colds with soreness of'{
the body, 1; leers, tied impurity of the blood; In short, 1 :
any and e, -cry easie•Nvher. 4al purgative is re t inieed.
Titer) bare. preduced some singularly sitecessfuV
cares in Itraumatism, Gout,lDropsy, - Cravel,'•ErYsipe
las, alpi '• tion ofthe Heart{ Pains in thelbaCk,, Siont-!
t l
a4)1; P
and. ,itle. They ltould be freely-Ankara in the
spring of ',he. yeat'i . to purify the blood aral priliare,
the•systra s for the change of seasons.. -...kifiaraagdonal
dose FtinitlateF - the stomach [and bowels into. hetrittly
action, atrestdres the appetite and vigor. They pu
rify r
the b cod, and, by their, stimulant action, on' the;
dirculator - sistera, renovate the strength of the Golly;
~.. -
re. ;tlie , Wasted or diseased energies o
; Hence an occasional advan
riiin•thoilgh on serious derangement exists;
ovary dosing Si slinnid . never be carried too
t;‘ 4 purgiitive niedleine reduces{ strength
to excess. Thy; antl cases in which
and resin
u bole or.
but UMW
far as CCit
Wbca t
required cannot be enumerated here,- but
to•the reason or e,very body,
kttinfidtrutly believ'fd this pill will answei
triose than anythinf; wide!' has, hitherto
i been
mankind. 'When. their virtues, are,once
p u blio will no loilger doubt what reitiedy
in -- fe ,
a ph•de
and it i
irtter ptt
al a HA&
known, t t
to ernplo , l
Ong pure
jute cbriiel
by JA7
llorib,t. I
u•se in an
For mi
v tical
yer l 4
/::,). flu r 4l
,piii Cur.
P 1
rencll t;,y, 117:,,(
_'. (:.,;;s7rif pt 1, 2 71,, ..' . ,
ThU riglilr.d,y trs w":: ft.l:liiselesuell notoriety from
its C1.1..•,:s if -cri variety of pulmonary disptse, that,
it is entirlfly unnecessary to! recount the evidences of
itti any community where it has: been !tin
play-td; ".t0t.,0 - wide h'-its field of usefulness and • . 5) nu-
I me (111 S 1 e case of it+ curts-, that almo s t every i-ec
:on of 041 comttry abounds in- persons publielyd;nown
who hißi!hten t'estored froin alarming.aMl!expli des
l'ivratti di eases eases cif the lungS by Lt-i pose. 11Then'iince
i tried it ,, i4eriority over every pther nii , ,dieine of its
I kind is qt.) r.prtit writ to encapeobservtitirth, ii.tid- where
1. .
its virtals are known the public 'no loti" - tt+ hesitate
1 what autplote i to;.-mploy fur ! the dhdrest-slag' and than ;
tterorts affections of- the pulmonary or , .•at)s which are
iduchlent lo:our climate. .A.M.L not only ifi formidable
'l attacks ipoti . tho lun" but!forthe Milde v6rictie6.• of
0,, , ,1,c; (.1 -~,,ph.,-, i,lofi
1.-- r.: , ,1r xx,!(f-c.-; - and fo eh ;thy,/ if
is the -Ott-t- , ant- , 4 -d - , :aft.:,t l rirtdie— , tit- t cj- be oh
i • i
Mined. it. i :
i is it .la..tti longbt.,-en-iticon,tiinttliso thr ittgbout this
section. ce neeq.'not do more thall a.. , , , 1ii e the peoplei tivi
Its ali;;Y is latrit up to the best, that it e - er liit.4l;:en,
!Ind tli,or i ' lb. ! : , ..lotill, :trzie* is sold by , Simi. Tye.;
11 . 1:i.i., Mt,l
at: o , e 7: 'B. F. A: jB. IL. EATON, ; Ilitiford ;
: ri!r 1:: . :1 11: Pli:N .. !:Er, DIIIIILISI, and i , :r . ::.11 &TILTS . is
. medicinekevery when 0. .
. -r r •
'Er .E7,.=; E . K 1.1 4 E E
JOIIkSTON` l 3C0., arc no—
New 'York a ge‘aeral as . .sortment of :Spring
itr g r :es't, and ire! cordially. invite all. that
l ‘y goods cheap to ! a call, as , our-stock
lumhve are willing Io sell fry small pri)fits.—
find bete alniest eery article wafited, anti
ii]iu td coalpa:e gem . d's and. prices with any
, he contity—we'haie taken special pains td
_routs to please the
.I.adieit, 1.1 1 . M-k, 5
Ind Fancy SlikF, Silk Tissues, ..13el'agel 'and
elane.2,. Plain and .rancyq.awns,
estic Ging.hams, / . 1 47 .'rmred mid Plain .I‘,laslin.: , ,
red Cull:tin:l and Papel:,do., COlLrts,
taker:chiefs:and Sleeves, - Mantillas, Paiasdls
e?, StinW 'a n 1 Fancy, Bonnets, 'taint- 1,
znatelt.t A large Atock of Goods. for Men
also Pan, ::eel, Nails, Horse Shoes, :01(4
Is. P-1611 . 7114, halt Fidi,. Crockery, Grind
ul Stoni4ttre, Store pipe, Tin, Glass - , ,S.:1411
Jlik,ts - j • Shoes ke. - Please give its a
f sliowing', you our stock Lefore lon hay.
ar truly;'lo 1 .SC
.SprilB, 183-1. ' ' . •
• 4 4 )11
Anil Su f!
like to it
Fe , large
Yor, can
-•nrc is
1 i
lig Irtd
rage !-
and Dm
a Id Glct
tint' L;•,'
I I or,e
• Leathers
Buffalo Robes. -
ICE lot jilt rcc:it ed, and ofTorerl low: ,)y•
i SCOTT, .101INSTON & CO. ii
S:s!,ilWl4: Shaivtvi:
ICE list of Wool Long Shams very then- 1
.A( .CO.
jib, Er : e ceniier t 3; : .
A c
.L. 3,, lig
M al
• tendon .
;fur Go t
at re rid
lent ef
NEW GOODS. • • ' . .
KILLEN & PARK return'their grateful
knowledge:lnuits to the publie; and invite at
,o the
vet. large , 1, gan ~.
ds they are now receiving and oiler for sale '
per. prides. In addition to their usual asz-ort- •
t.tiple Dry Goods, Groceries, Il.u'dware', Crock-'
I tts and Oill, &c. 1t1c.., they are prepared to.:,
I large its ,, ottalleat cfladies' Dresp..Good,s;
clescriptinn—Figured, Plaid and Plain Silks,
Slutwl, Ilibbons;:Gloves, llosir'y--tatlics.'
es Shoes of all kirpis—also a large stock oft.
2,1 ti.h,'
,c./.. OTLlLVG,'Cioths,Casitlicrett, ;.
dearetilSunnuer Cloths., l'estings, llatteaps, 7,
d:Shotls, &c: . : • . - I •*1
espectfully , solicit ;an early call 'front,: those y
i to purchase gout goods at low pritya.i
vine, Roy 3, '. - .14'. 1 31c31ILLEN & 1'.3.1tK . .• -'..
emr,l.lize of ':,Tlail Slakfeti, j . 1
- .1 V
nJI tat ltOOD TO .111 - 011 . . TROS.E. 1
TA9 7.S.willilenveKirkwood, pasting through Cor-1A
bet . vilk., Liberty, .1.:.c. every morning after thei r
iral a the 3lairfrainil'of,cars, lipth Eastit,ntllYest„
: ' .t : 43 : : : 1 1(illtl E idlr I. IL: ' N t. V(1631 : ( : ° 1( 11 : Yit; t 1i. : S:t e sui( s ui; t 1 West, I tt : L e 4:s ii i r ea g rkl :: (l l ; . i 'sl e tPili t e : e i rtre l )I:i Tt .:2(c a ra n r; d i'' :31..L n g'° : ; i r.t. s i t :34 : e t. : . 1 : : :; f i I I
si It il'it't ! - : to mach the YeW Yozli f and Erie Rallroad4l
i )
Thiqlple intorsects . ..triL , wCekly., line fur -Dittiock,
S hingOl'e, Tuuklintmockl, Wyotning, acid Wilkes ;i
h ' e; ,llticli I..itves Ifontrose:at 7 A.. 31. every Mon, : ';
d y, W dnestlty - and Friday. Also, a line toFriends-t I
v lle„Iit ray:sville, :Sze. '. e ; ;-:, •;:'1
d O GI t , t- th xn e ns pr 'p o t p td rie 'c t o o rt rs tfer v i a tt l bce pti c ii tt e r:r i i i ir o g . c p .s a a it re tst p o ro a v e i
c nital ate tliti - .pulilic. ''W. K. HATCH. 6, 18:34. : • 31011 GAN ct, IV.R.T.
, . •
•boro Sa*ltt, Mutt, aud• Ociorci
•i Factory • • •
subscriber will famish at the Shop of
rotlief.s,.Voors, Sash, and ,Turning
and furnished - to order. jLumher kihiAriedi
men imaurpaßEed by \ any in the country. 77
ddres4ed tome-will receive prompt attentions`
ue LeMber'and country rrodnee taken in e 4
for the above. Tiirms, ready pay.
oro, Feb. - 0. „ I S.:l. LYONS.
r,l l llt
on han
and wo
Good P
'II7LIJA..ItifeMII,..LAN . i
Nt.; furchased the establishment of Isaac 14.
ost E: Co.. at the 'Montrose Depot, would ret
. oily inform hid friends that lie will keep colt
ii 'hand; 'at thelowes.t prices, a well selected
) goolt. '-• - , 1 -," t
~Salt, kind Plaster 'elm - be had cheap, its `well
( cries, Dry Goods, llartiv;rei Crockery,llooti,
'ails,ke. in -exchange ffit-Grain and alflibid4 -
nec...,,iktiic best prices.
,11.000,ecorda 'Hera
vantel. :-- .
..1 - ` - - ' 'I, 1 - i,
rtitie Dicilot,'Vel); 2, , 18.5:4. '-.. ' f , . -,;
_ - 1 ,
, , • ...... ... ,
• _ i • Melodeons • -, -, , ~
STAIriIIY ON 11..A.N0 or faritistied• to Order
shortfootlie; - - '' ' ' ',TX.' LYOSS'E: SON. 'i
st rati).
stock o:
as Oro( '
bf rkl
a common BU Y W.:4G 04'
trued SPyst. le 34.1 ..4 . IPA 1,1) TVIV.
1201)Dili AT
I. L,-POT cx).
WE now offer to‘the public the meat choice and
the twrner of Medi! -to be bad any
where In the country, and - for 'ffie very leiiitest prices,-
without variation: r
• ' READY - W.:J./IE, 0.407111:NC1,
C.LIIMER STYLES. lA...Fest- it - Co. ‘. 4 ust .
0 made ilargefadditien to-tOir stock or clothing,
cOnsisting now of everything desirable foe the buyer
at such prices as are sure to Suit. The . goodtr.arc
niade first rate, and we .warrast the Work to he 'tmu#l
i(not anper or\ to aoy ever before offered iri this -mar- . .
lqt. Our stock comprises Coats; flue black Trencic
Sacks, Frocks, andlirniines:s. ; .Tweed,_ Cas'imere and
Jvin SaCkfc rind Frocks, also brown and' white Suitt-,
. incr plain and twilled„„.: : :VE:srs-;-White and- colored
•Marsailles, yalenti4, Lasting,.t4tured Ilarathea,ligur.
oil silk and Satin; mid every variety, good and cheap.
Fears—Fine black Cas.simere., idoe:skin, col. tweed,
Sumtner . stuff; lhq•ti. -drill,- eettonade, 'stripe, plain,
check and plaids, so -cheap us to •be sure of isale= - to_
all who desire to buy.
.. • .
f LovEs .4.ArD HOSIER 'l 7 '4—Ladies and Gents
;VT white anitep:ora Kid GlOyes of tidy best quali-.
warranted. A large assortmentof all kinds blue,,
•brOwn and slate hdse, - and l'hOF,e gents atid ladies;
- Ootton i Lisle thread: Berlin , and 'silk Ginves,
, and colors;. large rssortnieutoe, auk silk and' lace.
i.*itts, long and short: ~ POST 5; C,,WS .
IDOOTS-AND SHOES—New foie- .13ciots, Charso
Bouts, Ladies flue Bootees and Bos.kini',..
R .assOrtnteot of Cheap Children:* and Miss-
Shoes :ul4l Bootep, Ladies , flpe silkAineu Slippers*o
- -• .
• I. L. P. Sz Co's,
VATIIITD Gt)ODS--All styles unli.pialiiics, bleach
ed Shirtingtz, (...ottoa r an 4. and Carahrie.'
lituslins, Swiss and Book Ifuslitis, Barred Ittildirni;
Bishops and Victoria Lawns, &c., tigitred , and dott.
Swi'43.Muslitis at • • . - P. &Co'.
'kJ , POST & CO'S: .
ROCERIES—of the best'ancl cltOpest A",
1 - t oiling - ars sarprisinniv cheap 'at 1. L.!'PO:
& Co •
1 - 101):17S.q . - A ..VD
quAlity :a the low
April 5, 1.5.,5 1.
:•,i, OLKLE.t.TI - lER, very Otcap, a,
11 , ...) . . :. i POST &Co's . .
CROCKERY - ....1.-V.D GL.-LS'S_ I r... 1 le E—fl►.. eitoic6
; • ,lot at low prices. • - ~ I'OST. Si,' CO.
' ()LC, Carpet, Room PaPc • r • unti,Wintiow .litlilC.ST I
• -• • 1 ' POS T :C CO 1
:\--'.. . ..
_. ` ._. L.._ -.......J_Lf....1 . L '-. ' CO.
ILK: IL•17'8, spline sty,lc+bcst qualify
, ver
'r..J cheap. - 4 PO,-;1_ Sz. (_.O.
"17 O_V-VETS • an , I Itonitt P.ifslit . 4s . i.if nil kinds, Par
-1) asot4, larg , 3 and s.:oall at very low rolveF: ~ •
i • : POST & CO.
TARESS :. .77:1_11...311XLIS—f.!yery -tole desirable
Utuf yery cheap.POST &
. ,
(71 R.Ah.V. '7S—of ay.! 1. - A:st
. , rosT .CO.
‘4 LZ Utau and
• POST Co's. '
COL I Q 't of 1.11;
J Ant , tht :olio.; Book Brul) Lyme.rie, Lace,
: , I,lectin lioniton imitations . I. b. P: . 4 ; CO..
NiIIhOIDERED La:e 1.7a , 1,:q.:4,-ere, all
1. ,
. . . ,
nil+ ;ityks ; also, vvoilf;tl and Edgincsj
and Inscriings and Ili - Mach:M . . • -.
. I • --..-: •
'.."-. 4 -, • ' ._... .
r - ...t CE Eil , 4ings and linsialing. f imitations . of every.
il:-/ hiaf,l l , illinos.t as rood as
.g . .!;:nikie and v•ery cheat
, ',.a.1.-F.•-‘1 pare L i line.ii-wriluglif Lace.!_l. L. 1'...& CO..
; _x.,___-__•..._:_------,---7--,-.---41-;-------FL.------
11N(.:RA1NED and. ILeinp C94iet fog sale tit
! I. L. rosT .& CO's. -
• . .
..•.. IL" r.1111147.1i IIATS--l'arenini" fine and coarse trim. :
.L 2 tiled iiind lan37: liound. :I'retlal tnd Paltnleaf,-, for
hely : : alldinon, sold vezy Leheap. • r I. li.l'. & CO;
.:DIES' end. Child - ler:A liats, a grnpl i•arioty, al
-1,.0 a Litew let ,of the lawst'st:,i)....4 or lio?nnt,-. at the
store. of - I. L. r. ‘ l .: CO. ,
rillOlCE•and fancy article? of S.nip and Hair . Oil;
•‘...) a156,1 - Sonie of the finist-l'erfmne.ry at. the store
of . H L. L.L. POST & Co.- -
t--- ---
i - AltD hodT_ILLOW ; alin, FarnieTS fotds ia g 4 --
1...1 oral al . L • ' !' I. L. ri)sT ..,,,i, CO'...
• `t
, , • -Is-,
1 - 1 RI I . 4` D;11:11 . A ppl-2.4,
1,1, r 10w. 1 citi , r,.l3 t: c.sway, wool socki--, Ef , g
for xo..iatrzo goo& tit, e=h prices.
L, I. L:POST 4: Co.
MBE subscriber wiAtes to. call the ttqcntiatt of. his
friends and the public 'to his very large fk.,,-vlt
:flout of STOVES at his neW,Store Teo . om in locicrs
rille' 'ilext to L. S. Lenbeint':i store, and near • the GL
Bend Dept: 11e has . , - in,addition to his former large
variety, of Cooking and Parlor Stows, many ircti. , pat
terns, some of which are-- ,' -
• st... i rd) o t ag , Pi- f rch .Th*liiii, Fire: Clipper,
Jradtra.7!roy,: irokauk, ~ JZfataliqe, ..
(,);•;ent.;l lila& Irai•rior, Oak, - Egg Stone.
Which„toether With his lbttaer stock, will licel;aps
belbc mor. extensive and varied r.ssortment of well
..,I(lete.,l s.ut-eS in The county: .
t'iinton.Since.z, well fcrnished,at low prices....-
. 4 4- 74 — ,,111;atticles in his lice] kcpt on hand and matte
tofm)er a'S usu a l, and or.lersireceived at lath old stand
.in Great, Bend. : • 1 1 JOHN.COLSTEN.
11..ndt,TOille. odd Great .Bc i' NON- 141 •
. ,
• 1. •: ! Notice to ilte . •Priblliii.. '
TTAVING just returned 11 . -Z - an New York-I. Wish to
I'4. ealLthe :attentionquay old eustouters . , and o
th public iii general,' to ttlyl l . - . •• . -
' .
:i - NEW STOCK OF GOODS, • . -
whia being, bqught 'with cash,' at: thillowest prices,
huil wishing to Sell ptineipaq for tho., same, I will pc.
fell them ut -greatly redneed Prices. • .
pocheeo Priuts„, Warranted fast color', fur only $
cettts a yard. Good Brown Sugar, IS 'pounds forpne :
dollar. I3oonton Nalhz, acknowledged by all to lie
ths best Nail in u.4e, 5t5_,6• . ) O F y e ... I . r ati, „, r „i Caps,
Wets andShoes„-Buffali) Roties:or.all prices, all w0..01'
Dc.i, Lain is;••Caslancres, ParaMettas, Dress Silk, Silk
Velvet, - - c. Moulin De Eailies, 1 shilling per yard;
atin 13,nnets and • Moleskin *Hats, Broehe ShaWle,
Duble long shawls:, Thibet 410., selling at incotteeiv
ably low prices. ' I can - safely warrant perfect sails
faetion 't or who ,ill give ut3.;:a calL ' ' .
Lanes •oro, ._pt. _....).. •
. k • 5,1 q' 1 5; A. LYONS.
f:1.1,0(..K5 7 --gpod -chile keepers,
_only one dollar.- .
1 .---; * - • ' **: • • 1 ' r' - -•S. A. LYONS.
.toro i - Apr, 5. - •-! •
................... th 6 highest
rice will be paid. A. LYONS.
oro, Apr. 5.
pItOD.7CE taken in elehange fu
sd,z, at Ary -• -S. LYONS,
)oi o, • A p 4-5.
1)r• Alt ANG E 31E34 T: 18541 y
S & Rail I:owl E•cill - A, •
I tuo 11(.ttren.' and
• • Nem! rork ce , rn tray,
day'excriated. . •
ILTINDS SzlrelllLL:S . , having n.Ole airangeinenta
folF fprriat ding
. freight; to New-yorlc. in the care
of Capt.!' It, CAIT ELL, of:Orange - Conn ty,. will
be in andance at the Montrpso dy of
the w ee-; to:talte.c . !b:ute.ofsuch
,and produce
as may etniusteti to them. Returnti for . the ksine
will be lalciat the Store; of
&c., coi'
Prices, i
ries. in generul,..FlOur, Porn, ,Fish, Salt ; k.e.;
stantiy on 1144; for s_ale at the :owst . Cash
or in excbangc for Country Ooduce. • .
fliNns. i• . • ,WIL/;1;k11 MCM4LLE,IO.
Is .47)4.
• . Facts' foi* itte People; -
NTOTIWIIIISTINDINGIite predietions of the New
4.lbany thi*Vrnlc Pierce will be.eleet
ed Pre . dent. tbacanse_ the il'-r-oPliet TAalatr sayi that
" the I gclgivkqh.tioirtm Let the faint," it is, universal
ly achnitted.that the Subeeritiet l ean filanrill sell; -
OLE:WEIL than any tothq...thop in tbitii, hot even .ex
cepting the gnnyine tioot 1i.:.. . and shp4store• down town.
t N. - 13 1 .--11 y, terms- are cttaoc-pay dowii;- anti I
woulft therc,fore inform thosq ,wbw.areAndelit..o co
31erriraaa. Potricki- kbattky must call . anti p m 1)
' ' unff ced. • .1, ;
:Ifor4riastr Apri'• - ;.-.- it .RoGE,US,„
i A. good spiii maple wood, in exchange
AI/ ,•fortifoolett - - 47:1*Y0N5.4,
Ntlnttori'Octobar I Or'
• Iteiii:Yor , City .
liTiiSfltAtiCE OITIPAItiI". --- -
. . , -OF:il 9 Wit , STItEE-7, . • .., -1 :
CArfrAL; IN; '`.., Sli ;A,lsi"o . iPPIIOYED SECURI--
-- . • • JIBS ; .$5 ;oaf,. -. ~- ..,
\ .
wiiii , ii
.L.,56.. 6 - Dano c qe. o u lire
I I . •
, 1 • - . —.. , -- • :.•
• •. , i • DiRECTO g'.-. .. . • - • • -'•
•: i .
. Q. Stebbirist,' 113 Bram! treet; Peter C. Baker, •
1 SpFuce Strcek; Girard B ewer, :118! lirrradwav ;-
"Thorn2s , rAntlqNs, - 130 , celar , street ; : :Fain4cl kl.;—
1. Sontlimayd, 31, , I ;West sltpet ;, ; Albert L. Conklin 814
; ;Greenwich stet ; James .A. ( rosby, 113; Broadwar ;,
coon"- I Chu':. Lent, King, , zbridgt, N.,' Y.; Lambert C.
; 11ill, ..
1 Chicago, Ill.; I Smith - Hob*, Roche4ter, N. Y.;
3 7; fi, . i William W. Leland New; York ' -,l'etr R. Roach, 133-
.43 11 . ! Bank street p Sraates S. Bell, k•ornerWest and Laight
gable t v.treets ; John:, L.. been, 78Water stolet.; D. Van
. . 1 Wart, US - Broadway . ; nor, N. Gallup, corner
- . I West and Barrow 'streets; I f eter H. .Foster, corner •
• ;tlan<zeroort and West ; Reuben Ross Jr.; 4S, Eighth
; AYenue; Stephen CroruWell, IC:linden ; N. Y. ithi a •
i` Wadleigh • Pliih , nielphia • De tar B.:I - hitt:tin, 49 We
. . . •
:o' , 1 ter s t reet; • Satiniel,Sinctair ; lune:Buildings; Sam
-•---;•- uel B. Shaw, (lleyeland, Ohio .' • '
'•e:ms; I •1 • • Rosa; .CI
CuAnLis C.CLinKE,'Sterel
17„,,-/A 1 CIIARLIIS L. 11119WN,!
Bed i •
. , . _
,tore.; c t AtRE, BENTLEY &PE *: XS having purchu.
__.: /..._, , - e'd of IV:.son - ST. Co. the : 'agle-.Foundn-, are now
-- -I prepared to fill orders from - . i•-trade,'-and do work Iti '
.If--1(." - K . - EREL of tire best I their line with -skill . and des itch... They. will keep
esu.ossiblstrates. 1 , Lconstantly on :hand :Plows, (best kinds,) Stores, (all
I. L. I'OST 3,;: Co. v kinds,) ilaltiratortt; Straw /calls:is, torn Sheller:,
i ofto. ct...r. kr. :ft • , .. 1. - •..
.. • ...
I i We invite: prtieul L. vttentlon to the Plows which
!'. we mayn't:l.l9re: 11 - elizanufticiure and keep. for aale
Tied fl'elebral.fd .111 itchie s t, Flew: •
I' We have purOtased the exci tsive right to manufae
tare ei:d sell , in this county *Wayne, Wyoming and
.Bradford.-"Ricit's Patent Iron Beam Plow. - The
i Plow is triadt.4 . esti/ire/f of iron:, exec Ling the handles.
It is celeltiated,for its . easy draught, , being, one-third
easier than any Low in use, it ile its, strength and du-.
I ral.illity are greater. ,
. • -- • • .
' : , - .:11.AC - DIN kY ..-
;• . : ~.
of all hinds tn:until/dun:A ar t repaired by experienc
eel inachittes.!-
-SI- . a rr. .1 . ..: - mtini , Gearing I P ;'ills, Sltiriple -ifa \ :-
I' . ildnes Q't' • the. 1 . -
i Annmg the , Stoves'ivhich we vivanufacture, i jare the
i Keydour CO:ph:int! Store, it'origh and Ready c p.,-For
, (.4 Owen d4.,ll'reinitini- tio,:, ' , laud other kind..4,-. all ar
-1 rartg,ed for burning vvood .or coal Also, Sett-Rey-a
-: i labor, .Parlor ~51e);.,., Cottage Parlor do:; Stanley's, ,
! two' izes,. rio.,l:and a varietyf other .ParlorlStoves,
hothorood and: coil burners.. We keep also'm hand
! Grindstone triiinnings, -Dog ,(*.hurrt trill:min s, -Cm
' Lrella and Slitivel - and Tongs Stands,&c. &c. IVork
i done to order 'on shot t notice and at the lowe s t rates. -.,
1 Z....• - Order-AI ftw Stoves, Acilcultural Implements,
1 &c., are solicited from thos6-i .1 the trade, an will be
i filled at reas'etiable_ wholesale - pliers, i , i f
1 I
.: •• i I - - S: .11. SATRE, - '..
:•! . -
1 i
.• • B. S. BEN'IILEY. . %1
Mcr vro• • } ll.treli 4. ' - S.. PERKINS. .
I- Azisiralitt., CAliforltil.a,
. •i ' I :-
.r r.' 7
0 r (r. ol if , if. , Ce on , 4a e -u-1 1 ,oe. canflot ».e,sen
. 47rt•ater inditaenients• ihaiz f - • .
. ,
REELER & S'l'o HARD'S , 1 .. '
. .
T - 1007 AND salt E STORE:
1 1"' - lilClll i , 4- now - -filled witl a new and extensive
i 1--• 1 .:. .
i . asst.:rtment ofartich” i i their Itne,,embracing
! p. general vlat 14 iy .of r.evr anti c cgant styles, of ladies
• and. ttentlemerfs Wear ' atrang Willa ape'. Ladies
./ .
French,: S'it.r. L ,ustrog.antl Prciille Gaiters, 'Kid.. and
' Enameled Polkas, Kid, Pt.tetit
,Lcather,:and. Bronzed
derns Lands, Buskins - anti Tief ; 'Gentlemen's Fr4mh .
and l'111,1:11101:hia,_ oak tanned tfalf skirt and kip Boots,
31 , w:it:co, Calf and CoWhide 'lll 4 ogaris. , &c.. Boys- kip,
.:calf and cowhide Boots and-prog4ns ; ill kin& 'of .
Misses - and Children' wear. - leo, rp general assort,
went (d Fiadings which consi , s
in pa'rt of lasts; pegs,
sp,ti-ahles, Hungarian rtails; . .tac - s, thread, was,- Britt-.
tles,sho4 hit:ding. awls, raps, s ndstOnes shoe knives;
&e. Also orli. anti hemlock, t raved ilcuif upper and
sojeleathor, Moroi-et) skins ant IMMO, . -
Work Made, to order :and re airing neatly dona: •
- Montrose, April 6, 1554.
' vALuAifiLip nuA
9 A VILLAGE LOTS, sltuat
....e V part of 'the village Of Sn
Houses and lots in the .most.
iiforesailvilla,ge.. Also,cr Fain,zl
with a small Improvement, Ili
.tinthered, :it.- - artie two Milc.sti - o 1
Sustpadnumaiiti tilezvea.t C
Y. 4: E. Rail rin'td,.• sit - tit/to at th
grade on the.itrad; sear the gr
• Coriewacta, and the ,Gascade,
tare the best Im'afering place on
ealit V- of exteirdv • 31-cldra4h
Sinslittehanna; althoi"rdi iiumhe
1 - I •
aims, and lint four . vears.of 0
I`4lliN alongside:of themost do
towns on thellue•ofiltis great
..L. l'. 111
I . (Mice ,one doo
Silsqacharnia Depot, Nov. 16
' ..;'0_10;9°0 or . NE GmObs s - . '
... -:, . ORIA—r, A7E4E:MON !-' :-
.Griat Rush' fbr (10, - .A r 15,roca fat - Eaton's
ONtl ) l.2lOE', ToitE t - , •=,
T4E rar g ei4t '4l , Ki 4beapOt, • ii. of Fancy, bogies.'
and StaPlel4,locids 'eve 'brought, into &toque
hantlu county. - On :hundred' ' es Dr.); Goods; com•
prising in part`ttfollotrs; ' I - . ,- % •-•-• :
Rich ChungenbleSillis, Essltionable•Silk and Sat.
" Stripe '.. .., .5",{ .„. i. • . Bonnets,., pl a id , : ,, :l , French Plumes, ......
" . thick j• 1 "1 • 2: O -piccea Bonrici:Aily-
Ghion Bonnet ; .!"! - ' " . -' - [bone, -
Bonnet f!intins,. i 1 • •.1 ?() pcs.Tancy Dress de;
i li
1 All wool DeLabies ; 11, Vf.ivet. rims cuttott4,
Parisian .- i
. 1, ; i . . - ,Filerd. liccoled. V,elvere,
1 Plaid de COFsa i r' i 1 EiftYllay State Shawls,
Clooded do Berge! :I, . .' Caidonere ; - .do
1 EnglishSterim:lT3,l 1 ' . Brocha -- . do
1 kammetto'k i ,
11. .- Sdk - • '.. ' :-do ~
1 Lyonese Cloths,! I. i-. - G,loccs, hosiery, etc.
1 Coburys , . I 1 l l • .., - Cloths, Catisoneres,.
1 French chan'ide, de iteiiii,_ Ijiestings, ' -
Embroidered Ehlici ) • Vann_cls, ' -
Ginghtens and ?tints, ' 1 QOl DranY(l4, ,-- , •
i Scotch Phtide , .. J . I ' .nirlgs,
'White Goods, r'i•,. •- ' "ckings, . • ,
! Wrought Cldmizette* • ' tunask - Spreaks,
" • collarle,),_ - - . . i men. -- do - I --
do IftsliiitdO*;; '% ' I - ..411' Linens, - ..
,do ..Cantbrick:4l6 . .. ' 4 lack- Mt.lito,
~ ' '
I. do Linen di), • -- :. lc. etc.
t Harfbrd, Oct: p. - . . 1.1.5.T0N 1: C 0..,
:Irtszfre4 , ,
tiable - Laads For Sale.
Ve,gz. SALE IN. ONE . BODY; about ' ,s`o - 0 `acres of
' Land on-the waters of, Sp n 4- Brook, a -branch
of tb Lackatianna t river, in Lu erne potinty,.Pv 4 ii!a.,
about midway! between the tl ; totras of &ran
tOn.4ll,l Pittston. These lands t e cotere& with gal
titnl r, and being ;Situate n the most extenisive
Mineral region in Petnn'qjrani. l ,4ltoWn to contain
iron ,ore 7 —and' belitivectto aboti in `. coal, and. being
also !in the intmediate vicinit •,.! of several. railroids ;
made and now in progress,--off' `At)* the :capitalistiat
oppOrtnnits - fOr the investment .Cinoney that Seldom
occurs. !fe'r fMtherinforntatio apply to N. E
sack, E ry., No. 11, Wall street ,New tokk, - ,or to! ilia
snbscribei,. at Montrose, Sttagdettanna county - ,Pa.; the
attorney! .in fact of the owners
• April. b.,
PLOVV-gi OP. - --H.- -
• -•-- : NEW ESTABLIS ..3CENT. -- . ~'
1f i,-I,ND E: :MOTT
Sppe . tf u; Iy4nfo r 1 n the -
IT 1 • public thatthey ate nut ulactutingElatehley'd
Celebrated Plc4S..• Titeiy also •keep eonstautly : oti
ltaird,- Side Rai, 11 7 4yriii-.Cottl p, awl' Men Ploles,,• •
ceeltienepia, Dog Clv : inl4 - filf..i ‘ , e:eiral . .oltifr Shois,. ,
Plow Points of various patter ts, tokitumerous to -
mention: -We hope, byT3triet tteutiou to V ,
to reeei+e our spare of public atronage.. 3hinufae-, •
tore, D. Posts old - stand. •Fo ' tlry, M. Mott; dear'_
Searle's Mill:, - • : I . - .. .}.
".11epaitittg done of t short
I . -
.-. Fttb:.4,,. , i -..., : - - i
THE,'sttb.ioriber itz.age . titTor t Instirarice*:.
C9mPalikis" - doi4g . lowest - safe ,
Stiitc Alittigal at Ifa . i..i:istu) . •• -.-
7.. - 011)i till 4 413500)00 ; •
'Cash lfutital .1-larri•stllo7: - . • -
. • • .
aome: iiiance - , To X,. City:. •
! • • . ei
*lLOvt..e Apia R;..'Eti
~.... ... , _ . ,
• , 1 . LURE Affil):Pg.ttS.TCll. -• [
:Irlll. subt4eilbers' rim aow t ' ruing and will lietp
. ofiashir;tly, - ow luiud, - : Lim of "a ve.ry: auPekiar.
mialitt at. Al'pOti•use D(:pot, alit `will . *sett- irin any
e t
quahtities - tit a fair- pihS..,; : Pci.,opa . yishiag - . a • i:ge
quantity eau..l.)'t supplied a ii p6aieaonable notic e. -
Sup eliar gr(und. s inaaft.i. *ill be.kept:con - atantly on
hand hereafter,:. : ' - ,-1 1 -'.' : - i.-.- - " -12 4. L. POST,,,
l• -[:- : 11:•DRDIKER,
L. t3EARr,k,.
.1- .
Montrose Nirit?t;:tpni.:3
ASIDE/MIX, President.
Moittlist., Pa
41 - '9n the, pleasantest•
•quehtiond ; . also, three
,business part of the
colttainipg 133 acres,
e remainder heaCill
I said •rilLi~;e.
lotra) Depot of the
foot of the heavies
: , at works - of Stat:ue
.nd possessing by ni
the route with the lo tT
ps, Foundry h.c.; Sus
,ing bet 2000
'e, is destined , isoOn to
risbing and populous
, ioroughlare.
,DS, Agelit. ,
east ofleaeixt'e.