e . 74tily - . - ,4.od:jite. :Eit'a IN LADLES MID 'AGRICULTURE. ZITILICT I - EONC. P. nom:oat :1 s ADC` E:FP AT TUE LAP STATE r_t In, . . . . . . - As showing the intere•it Englif:h lad 4.. take *agriculture, I cannot I.u.;t relate, a eiS al in terviewl chanced to li:ie, with `an ,Eugl . ll la.: •dy, in going up .in .thwexpreis. train from Loudon to York. _ - llekhusbnuti. had b night a book, at the stand: .ss i e were about !ta 'ling, and remarked to her that ' It . wa.s one or r her favorite .Ameriean ai;thOrs—f--ITAwritonivE2— I . easually. observeAl " 1; -- Al%-6 . Pleased t , see: young Amerieanautlicirs found admire . with E ng li s h-ho es ,' when the convyrsation i riled on books and authors. i But I said t 9 n yself pretty soon, ' this is a literary lady—proba bly her husband is an editor or reviewer, and -she uses, thi ' sciii . ...s.or's' fOr bitn—at all events . I must retreat front thiSAiscussion aboi t -au thors,: modern pouts, and poet ry. -• What should a farmer k now critiealWf such 1 pings 1 It:1 were , only. in ithose tiel ds-,it the conver sation could be made tie turn *Upon cro cattle—then I should feel-quite.at hum finally pointed out a field, of wheat,* au marked that it Was very fine. ;The Inds - serving it, said, 'Sir," think it.is too tO, common' filth this season, as the seeditil late: those drills,' she added, Miting: husband fur confirmation, ' cannot be . than ten inches apart,tufd you see, sh round is nut comple f tely eove,redt /aid even fifteen inehes.ls now mien% width of' dribs,: and twdbuSliels Of seed acre will.then entirely cOver the-grout . - good land, so you can hardly distint..rui drills.' If the :goddess Ceres had appeared NS 4 i •sheaf,or her cornucopia, I could* noti - been taketi nitire by sus uise. A hid .Scantint** on theAricige, * wlicat drills . . ci ~, quantity' of seed!. , • q Will try her ag:iin,' .s. I, ' thism i t a chance,shot ;' and remarked in,refero a field Of plowed groUnd we : were 1.4 that it broke up in _great lumps,, and \hardly lbe put 'in. goOd tilth, *We much clay like this,' she replied, 'and f 'ly it was difficult to cultivate. it in a crop ;'bnt since the introduction of Crso Clod Crusher they will make the mos tiful filth on these *lands, and which ar reerdekl as among the best wheat lane The oinversation turned on cattle. spoke of the best brce4 of cowsfor the • Ayrshires and PevonSAtold. me 'wile best cheese wits mad4—Cheshire; th butter Ireland ; Nvhci-e the best milk were to be found—.W lc.;;. 'Ohl' said f, 'I was mi,:taken ; thiS y ing ; intelligent woman, acting - So natur Imaffted, dressed so neat and so very • must be a farinees „wife ;* and what : . *mate he has - in licrl yes; a shoe IL \ .clasps a fair, 'founded arm—that all''' The train stopped at -York.- No -sooner had My 'travelling cOMpanions steppe i !Tort .•:the platform, than I waticed they WeLl sin-. :rounded by halfa dtizen.• servants , m ti and , csvomen—Ahe men in full livery. . It• urned ' .out to be-Sir Join , : and Lady. it TI: s - gen. ) , Ileman,'Llearned, *as One of the largo. t land proprietors in ,Berkshire; and his fat y the II .daughter of a nobleman, a peeress in her own atilt; but/her title : added nothing, to -her— she was a noble woman without its - • It is a part.or our task fo"ex62l h turc, in whieli.fennile ttst and skill n . ?l MS. We must . e.6bellidi our bom .rust make them si . .eet and pleasant 'The brave old oaks"must be there, tl , i , eiousiawn with its green sward, and t orchard, and the i ltrtibberv, and th :and the, vines festobned antitraindd al :balconies. Even the birds wil! think sweet hoine, and - 1 . 011 cone and.sing zr melody, as thou ~ 111t11!-, y would toncll Ito imitative man.' ! 51.1L4.1 a home wiillKf entailed to o ciren, and: to their ,j thildren—not by, Jaws of entail;buil 1)y a higher law-, tk nature--;-thrtngh the force of sympat! associations* of chi • The brehaid, the meadow, the deep tangled And every loved spot which ()eV-infancy kue 732ese will hold thin to it—these eai ,onim—m:hieh we' should take care t• with a Nn ling arid ludissokuble tie. tone" Wa, id, 1 .111)oli vd • t,, - , furt la. r . opi): - The:ntoment he w as in the :•ad,ile, he 1 , he nuble horse, ; wbieli . bounded 1 tiii- 1 it tv// !;:/. ' His family held thou . ' iN\itd 4fi , F.1'0,, xi , ecti;g . he - w - ould i . iridle atithe ' notch,' wlaTcy the melln- , ;;•Ins to .s-ceral 11. u -aptly. But the chit- Eng, iff hoof“rotii the r,:cky- pas.sts showed ti;" - tlia,t the .i . e' artid race was coutin::::3.- 6wei t by the returning Inesengcr like On , -, ,w;:.11,1' re.:U:hed Uliarlo...tcYille in a time ! o'wer.::iikli . ground, would Ilil Ve, :appalled • ' bold ~•=t V, itinf , 11 , ,rselniin in Virginia. licalitlf,il ". day - in : I tle.: `latter pr:y•,(of ! v (thciopenin , tl , ftllel - irginli:: : .pring) ; :e author rode„,tip.to Man tie -". ic, fi: ix- cron'e nu fild marnimitted ,la v e, who iri\ -Ave. v f lars Wonge, o Mr. Jef-1 "Wurittley 'had becir.st,adoor-yard servant.' and s;i:Msoluentil y : i ...gardener. ' Ile' bac:l'd:lg' the gtare of his • m-tcr. and other , of i -.his hou,-: hOld;..and 1:01-' W s the ohle4 hiving r chrOnicilir of the earl: hi, 'ory- of - A!.)ntlecilo... 'Like untt o f I l l s 0:,1c, r, 11:,_.ilyad a .11: ot:g 'at : ! tavit:ukni. 'Air h+, set • "AOr a tawinmates inquii-l. his,... , iciturnitytve way 10 ifpna- !, ~ • . 4 !! don (init . : , 'll:Yorite tliente, 11c t:ould.d::1 . net- Nilch Cows, , ! • " ! h- rentil... ierland describC tl:e;piirits," lieight. i The editor of the 1 NeW Englar il farmer ! eu i or e m . k . , t . ,1, 1 -,,,, r &e.. ~1. , ,,-•,:ty. h ors:e as tar ! , 1 , -1 I ,• , justly remark: 'lf you -desire y:.in cows to '. bilek4sAreinz.?ii.,, V, 11l eh 31 '....,1 t:iil;:r6<,l] brought . yield, liberally to ;lc, pail, ybti mu, feed them l i t t i le t , i : o . iii v l , - 4 ,.1, - 1 .... t ,, n. 1 ...-1 cira" f,f seri ..n " with 'something better suited to the secretion 4 /e jtitting 1 4 0. the /jar , (hs : . r ,i :id I, iliit h i 2 h of rich milk than di provender. Chopped,! on the; sides ..if . a sltqr ,raYine ias ge lectedi - iy . roots, or' -meal ,lops, of 'smite ki id; ' ll °o l -- .. the'.fie'r"j - : str:Mger horse al a shying butt. as be . given „them twice a day., at P,xt,t /say if eoir4clOni that it was ua igertins i .. ,r his rider morning and evening. They'should ‘ - ' l'sti 66 !to ad thinistet;: correction 0.,1 spill-a spot. Mr. provided: with littered beds,. drfl: .lod_gin , r , s je - ffer t;, iii ttArat.ea . this 0rt,.e.0. tote, but (..n —4rjer3te/Y warm?—ber i eg ul 9 l V vtiv z.l7 u I - its t. ; iiiti;; rep.dated, punished the raring Sind .• thrice- each day, just before! belt r , fed,!--11 .1 'plu i n4il;inninial with - tt, vliip ano spar until he curried or - combed once aday, and seilt,.With . i . m .. tt ~.,,,,i„d iii put his forefeet n .the rOck.:M3 ' • oocasiouaiy a _little ashes or :finebone dust I. stand ,i . . 41."! ,i higher up, '