Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, January 04, 1855, Image 4

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    viseeil 4 i ) eat s --Beleefloqs.
Prohibitory Liquor L'as - Xovemett.
. . .
The State Central Committee which met
. at flarriabnrg on TueSclay, F the 21st inf - st.,
unititimonsly adopted the following preamble
and re!ielntions. It will be seen that the,
Chairman of Committee is anthorised• to
call a''llfass.Stite Convention at lfarrishurg
on Wednesday, the 17th day. of- January
next; '•
Whprestl, the . interests of the cause of Pro.,
hibition • require .the utmost: harmony ?Ind'
'unipti in the yiews and plans of its adrocatts
at the present Aline; and, as they will ll:thir
dly expect, Some expression of opinion from
this coMmittee, as to the best course to he
pursued in connectipn-with the late' popular
vote,- therefore, . ,•
Resulecil, That .ptiblieitylo our
views, the, members of this . committee
alt intention or right. isiT interfere With ,
the action of thefState Convention 'which will
meet in 4anuary, next, while the same time
!hey dean it advisable to make Such sugges:
tions,-aS wilkaid in producing union and bitr..
mony in thd.measures of that'body. •
Resolved; That the popular vote taken. in I
October LTA ha4l, in our judgment, establish.:
'ea the fitet thnt we are of right
.entitled to the:
pasOge of an efficient and prudent prohibito
ry liquor laWe for the
,11. , ;toie State by . the next
legiljature. 10 support. of this opinion We of
ferqbe following reasons: Ist. -The fast leg 1
islature refused the prePasithin os otir State ;
Convention of January: to " pas a proper.
_prohibit._ry law and , Aihtnit its repeal to ti
. popular vote at a special el.2etion: 2nd. - The
.ante body provided for the subinistiOn of the
queStion, without the law, at the genera! elec.
tion, in spite of our Well known oppo,_itiOn
!co, and in the face of our -solemn. pr,:t t? ' s t
against it.. 3rd. The Prohibitory Convention,-:
in June, accepted the issue,thus - foreed- upon
them; tinder protest, and upon the d,issinet
utd avowed coudition "that the liqUor perty
ihould : poll more half of the •whOle
vote of the State against the. law, ‘or be coti
sidered defeated." 4th. The liquor party did
:tot teetire such a vote, nor ellen.a.majority
of the voters who attended the polls and Vot•
edfot Governor,:by more than forty thousand.
A .majority of the votes cast were
against the, law. 6.-ause of. the forM or sub
mission and the wordifig of :the -tickets.—
. Thousands-Supposed the lawn Would require
private houses to be - chol, which was nov
cr desired ; and Or op•Ponents were enabled
'o deceive voters by spurious tickets,. by
:vhich _enough votes Were • thrown
.outN t , td
hange. the
.result. It -s etictreti ire 'cv-iOnt
',hat a large majority of, the legalrofers in
he'State-are in. fa-vor- of and ('_lesl re the law.
'dth. A large ; majority of the counties have
voted in favor of the law, these same
"ounties have elected a tbajority of the.mem
!,ers in both houses •Of the legislalurc.- tThe
!aw for the'whole State should therefore. be
t ! assed; not oi,lr-because, it is right, but be
rause it IS in perf,'accordanee With the es:
tabliShed principles of repreSet4ation, "that
rt legislator is, boutid by the eripreised wishe,:s
of his irnmediate constituents •
.Resolved,, That ine,ase the next legislature
should refuse to - pass a laW:, for ttg whole
Stntl' then it is the din v:of that:hotly to pass
an .absolute law for a,lettc.counties voting in :
tivror t to : which migrit :be ridded a provision
that the 'other cotinties Allay accept the same,
by a popular vote on the subject.
Resoired, "Ant should the abGve laWs . fi)r
the counties not be deemned,adviable, then:a
general la* should be - passed-, with a provis).
to the school law, by which the
..!ounties . May accept or reject the ;ante hy
popular vote.
Resolved. That in cases special law for tie
prohibitory . counties, ort(general . -law to be
accepted or rejected, be passCd_tlien. the Leg
,islature shootd also rasa - absohitelv
prohibiting: .the sale :of intoxicating drinks
through the State, - upon the Sabbath day.
, • Rev:dyed; That ice ; reaffirin the resolution
the Convention in jan6arV,last,." That no
.;aw. ho - werer ztringent; reeogniics the
right - to sell intrAicating drinks,. can .receive
t‘ur sanction, as we- believe the time has fully
c•orne, when all e . tTctrt _kr re!rniate this traffic
should be at once and forever abandonedl":
- .Regoli•ed, That If the Legislature will, in
,spite of all (Air etTorts to present it, contin
to license, cry portion of our citizens to•
sell intoxicating drinits ; then justice absolute
?r requires that:the eater in spiritous, Vin- . -
ous or malt liquors shouhl be placed , upon
equal grounds, 'and • be' required to obtain
. their license in -the same way, as. the intosi:
eating principle is the same' in all, and all,
are destructive to the health and happineSs crf
. society. .
Resolved, That Messrs, C4. - iornbe, Graham
and Simon of Philadelphia, James Black Of
Lancaster, and Martin Bell of Blair county;
be comnittee .to prepare- an " address' s' to
the next Legislature, setting.forth theli,:tory
of and the facts connected with the.late pop
nlar rote, together With such- arguments in.
thror Of our claims as theyNayA - -cern neees:
sary. •
Resolved, That the Chairman ett.U.:
mitten be authorised to call a Mass State
Contention of the friends of prohibitiOn, in
HaTrisburg, .on WedneMat, the 19th day' of
4nuary next,. at 10 o'clAci A. M.
Resolved, Tliat this Committee tlo . now ad-,
. . .
.journ to meet in Harrisburg On Tuesday
evening; the 19th of •Januari. next, IA 7 1-2
• ...
- P. Comm, Chairman. •.
.*- J. P. SrstoNs, Secretary. .:: •
P. S.—Editors throughoUt the State Are
requested .to publish the aboti•e. r .'
Crushing Out..
According to :the Washington corresp.on
dent. of theiPhiliidelPhia Ledger, (Grand,)
certain members of iCoagress are about to
attempt wirat the Attorney General faihd in
so signally, in.liassachusetts.
The business of the seasion, (saya
-Grund,),will now commence in gciod earnest,l
and malty iniportantimeasui;es will undoubt
edly be matured before it-expires .- The nat
\u'rati*.ation laws, as I . hare 'already-stated, will
not be'ehanged during the present Congress;
havingthe Union already indicated the pro.
babli course of the Administration in regard'
to this subject. • On the other hand; au or
ganized efrort .. will he made by leading Sena-,
tors and ineitibers, to preserve the integrity
of and to exeommiuSeate i onee - fcr all
time„the is ins of the day. A general interl
diet is to be piotiounced:agithist intolerane
and superstition, as well as 'against . all secrc
societies for Political purpose. -. The Deth
erotic party in Congress, assisted by. the 4.11(
line Whigs, and tiie Ad minist ration Wilt coin r
mence the Onslaught immediately after_thit
- holidays. The matter is-to be fully discus,
. both- HOuses of Cotigre . ss' and the mos,,
distinguished inembeis of the
.Old line parti
are, to take a hail& in it." • . - •
"Leading Senators" will find, they hay
Imt,vety.little power in-this effort'. The "1.,
terdict" will be almost as harmless as those
-Of the - Pope of . Rome. - Their - "onslaught"
wilC be only a slaughter of themsel'res.
The people have- made Up their'4ninds to
itsvp'soniething nets,—and we.tion 4 t see hoix
-itreextlite helped.---1V . Ezinves.
, -r.
.. APPPYRIATE.-In an old bookseller'scat
: logue appears the following article: "M •
' mows of Charles 1., with- , ,a 'mezzotint ; r d
eiiitiPitateeiteiV \ ' '
I The
1. - in Btiffalo,;Letweo,3oo..and 400 pen. in
the,iron basineSs hafe been ihrOWn out °fent
. .
In Del Mlehigan,- 'several huttdr©d
• - Werkers in iron have, recently been throWn'
I na of etnployinent.. •
• In derp:ei the snore Stagnation ?is ap
parent. • The Gt4ette says
." Alarge propOrtion of the hands at Coop
er's. 11i11.nt.ITrentoni were discharged
la few days shice; , in;eorisequenee of the pro:
prietors .ttirning their attention 'to another
branch of the work
inan fell:doWn in the :tit
faiutniss :and exliatistm
He had )not lasted food ,
Plainfield, where illindr
dollars Wpith of e,l4thin . l
there is hnt
the 'shoe trade is, also E. ,
known that :it least !One.
. ;
ants 01 . anr c ity' anci Ong:
tare of ladies' 1=11'60 . . :1111(i 'that. tel) of thousan ds
. ,
jo . dollari - are fluid Oa'
thi the course of the
year to binders and journeyinea.. Prices are
lower; and 'work is teas abundant than it was
a few monks F:inee.i':;
The reading Gazkie says::
. We.Oeatly fear ;that we shall shortly, be
compelled to noticti':.the 4iScharge of many,,
workmen, Iron our .I'nanuiltetories."
•In : Philadelphia greet numbers of workmen
klaye been Messrs. Norris alone
kli:ehanzect 600.froni their Locomotive Works.
The o,:r,iiialltowd . Telegraph, says
But it is wit workers in iron who.
-uffer; in u4arly all 111 - o,infriiii6eturing branehis
nd t not sparing the illerehinit, irk() is a
sufrerer, the .•itite condition of things
- •
The WihninatonTLepubliean,
" One hundred Winds have beendischarged .
-)y one eetahlishment'in this city, twenty .by
nothtr, and 6. few try ;other:. The diffidulty
)f procuring tunds.. !O. make payment is .as
.'igned as', the Teas* fin. this .curtailment
he number'ofworktnen."
" In NOrr6town, - on Monday morning last,
tessrs.. Thomas, : C,arson & :Wost, reduced
wage of th ed ose In theinemploy to:20 per
ent: The Swe::!lron Company have also
educed' . the wages their hands to a like
, . .
The BOstfut TravtAkr, says : .
We understand; than Worcester, som
f the large Machitt establi,:hinents are rap.
dly deereasingithett umber of their bands, and
lso the nunil)(k oflonrs . during ..which
employ.tlt4!).-4-ho remain." • • '.
• - ; , .-:, ' • . • ' - I
Truel9itskof the Pressure.
Tfit:! . . Newark -1)41,3:- Advertiser siiv s 3 lhe re
teVer was a } - 4 - 4-14,the buSiness world' when
t was not allt;g4 'without proof, that a
toardingHf 'Old and silver•was prevailing,
and arravatea- . .tlq calamity. - Tina intelli
pnt print thiniis tltht Ameriean•etaraeter is
tpposed to liltlingr a talent in a napkin. at
easons - 41, the pl,'esent, when it, eanl)e put
nit to most eiforbiant usury. We are ex,
- forting all we
. .recOve from Californiand
-nore. This . - 'dx - poi' i t of eoin.• is rendered tte
•" flip exiess of our imports 'over
.xportslor 11! last.ycar of more than syty
-nilnons (if do !ars! Vvt it is gravely pro.
used to i-etli.e dui duties with, a view to di.
ninish the. national ; tin'ellUe! The eon,:e:
nenee of 'vhi; - ..11 inik:.neeek.sarily be :i great
y augmented 1 impktiition, and a still:groat
,.t. drain:of 6:ir precioits metals-.
LOreni.o DOw is Stikl remendiercd by some
)f they "Od :asp Of-the most ceeen
rie men' that ever . On one occasion •
he took the' liberty, shilc Preaching, to, de
qounc(e a. rich n,anrin the coinumnity,.reeent: ,
ly deceatt - ed, !Die ire4ult was-an arrest., a tri
al tur slander, and - 01 imprisonment in, the
county . j:ii I. After i3OrZ , n7:o got opt of -limbo,"
he announced that-in- Spite of his (in hi opin,
ion)' unjust punishOeht, he should preaeh, at
a given titno ; a serniOn about another rich
ni;m:" • :tic poptilaei,3 was greatly excited,
and a crowded k eireeted -s itis appearanee.
With art.:at solemnit4- he opmed the Bible,
and read, " And therp Was- a rich man who
died.and i -went to then stopping. short,
and..seeming. to be, - siiddenly ithpres's.ed, he
&whined; "Brettreo I slutll. not . mention
ithe place. this rich,-4in iwnt . .to, for fear he
has some relativeS . in; this congregation who
me-tor -dOliniation of eharacter."--
Ttie eireet. on they as4mbled multitude was
irresistible, and he p 4 the impression per-
manent by taking another text and never al
luding to the'subjeet, again: • :
CI OVthjiEADS . : AT IjAI,ARLAVA, I have al
Ways ined that.4plie skulls and cloven
heads .were'tigures Or speech until to4ay,
when 1 have, inde e d. ifeen terribly convinced
tlrthe reality of sUch "lirirrors.' Koine of ,the had their. heads as completely clo
ven as if the , operatiorit was perfialned by a
surgeon .with a Stl."%T. ire irly ail 'the 'Russians
Were *f o kiliel. . Our had been prin
cipally slain :with lane. thrusts; I saw
I•ofly With thirteen;; stleh :wounds through the
elw;st •Mil_stomael , S . • matt !st:c;;
all of ;vlileit wetef tiocr'e flesh wounds, and:not
dangerous: . The; same man, (in 'the 17th Lan
eers,ylextraOrdinarY and incredibleas* it may
appear, had two hOrso killed — under himone
or two sabre and: woimds in his rap,
his Sword bent dinible in its sheath by a Nin
nie.builet,• five btilletSlin hisS.*lddle, one in his
lance-staff; and -sivfrd huts innumerable.
. * . •
How (.;I.7'S'S ARE • 4.I , INED.—A-correspotident.
of ' the tondOn I erald describes how • the
. RussianS 'spike the gUns—" The spikes arc
about four incheqmg. and of the dimenAon
of a tAthaceo-pipe; the hehd flat ;'. - 11 barb at
the pcnnt acts IlSialspripg, which is naturtlly
pressed to the shaft upon being forced into
the toUch•hole,... iljpon reaching-the chamber
it restrrics its pOlsition, 'and it is impossible to
WithdraW it.; It *eau only be got out by
drilling4=no t.asy. task, as
.they are made of
the hardest Steel, `and being so loose in- the
.totiCh.hOle, there, is much difficulty int - linking
a drill bite as efrectually as it should do.—
Itaapplication is the. work- of a .moment—a
sing} tap on-the flat head with the palm of
the hand Sufficing."„ •
. -
Dtsccitiar.They do say that Connecticut—
land of steady habits—,of Yankee notions
.woOdert:nuttnects, has .broken' her
with contractor. and of this there is no doubt.
The keept raid the stote's Prisbn complains of
his inability : to •siipply the eyntractors fbr.
labor in that In4titution, With f number of
men bargained , for in their several. contracts.
lie added quaintly t "We hare a gtxidrnciany
going ontfrointitne to time, and Almost
corning in.'; This state of things is due
to the prohibitory law. of Connecticut. • It is
enforeed with ppribit-vigor, and is sustained
by public Sentinient. , As ianother result of
this Jaw, the: girt - ford ,Daily Courant, an
nouneeS that the. Windhatn jail is to be let as
a bottraing-lipui4, its . further tenants 'having
'retired and successors. not 'coming to time.
- In the e4;ttegiate days of Royal Tyler,
once . i;()varilor - venwint was called
uponreeito from ."1.40CC - e on the Under
standing," anti havini; failed to eonirnit his
recjpition, *as knew not what.
Axtunkore,-Whkur .the- -- Prnfessor in 'opted
"Butlini - don't find-that, in the . book 17.
I know satidl; agree:
~thejtht .1 wo d gice
rny (At se:Ail:debts tin i 4
- 7,TausnsT,ts§ .pARD
A. A; E. Baldwin ; • •
Trnntio, &c., in the Basement of Smirk's
Motel, Montrose, Pa.
C. N. Sunmons,..
11)00T A,ND SHOF4 MAKER. Shop first door east
-Lr, of Odd; Fellows Hall, urnpike st., 3lOlliroBl'..
now be found at hi; new stand on Owego st.
CitwO debis west of Serirle's Hotel, where he ef
fectually repairs with diiiwiteh, WatcheS, Clocks,
Jeweltiy, Guns, and every description of /dachine'ry.
Wheel euttitig; Gun: end ,Watch materials supplied
to the trade!, . .
; • Dr: H. Smith, , •
Li n tRIGgON DENTIST ( Montrose, Pa., at Searle's .
Hotel, llOndays and Ti4esdas of each week.
-Henry S.
A rOSTROSE, PA., with Row, Woodruff cf: Cur
111 trr, Wholesale GroeeFs and Commission Met ,
.Inuits, No. 373 Washington street, between Court
uit, and Dey'streets, Nctr
' Miller . &17owler, - 1 ,
' ~,i cio ,t oi r si ti n Chance d ry. Office N0. , 44 Clarke
t -
. ' • ,_ I
,/. / .
' .aci ft a Hotel, . - . . .
0 AL E. Fs*lcit s. REE', (near Bioatlway,)• Netc'l
kiln l'ork. Salishur A: Co., Proprietors. In the :
'icinity of the principals !innlloat landings.
- H Thomas I4:-tram, -
-DEALER; IN DRY GOODS, troceries, Chititing, '.-
r Crockery,_ Boots and Shoes, .e., Slutyttrhaana ',
Pepi)t, Pa.; . •
. ----77-- B en tl e y ---- iiitii -
! i o ~ . -
t iTTORNEY§ AT LANVr, ...Iforitrose, Pa. 1 1
,:,32 A. S. nikstt.r.r. • ! . L. 7. TISCH.
L; and.
i• • - John Groves;
VASHIONABLE TAIL, . R.' Shop under Searlee
1. i notel,ll4laine 'zitreiSt, .1 OW rilSe, P a.
t - - ---
•, D. Hinds, !
11 - V-Ptl7 AND EXCHANGE STABLE. Office in i
1i in the rear of Wiltion'4 Store, .119alrose; Pa.
J. Colsten, ' . .
iIEALEB.. IN . TOVES,i Tin, Copper,.and Sheet
, I r on .Ware, Lod:tar/Ile, near Great Bend Depot.
D r ecentlier 4. . • .. .
74. C. Tyler,
NTEREVEII with 1. D. HUNT, Importer ofand
1. Dealer in Hardwarc and
,Cutlery, Carriage Springs,
21ti Pearl stivet, reir Ybrk, where his Mer
cantile frienils, in this: and Other counties, are • kindly
and carneFtly, solicited to call and purchase.
. .
L. P. Hinds, .
kTTORNEY•AT LAW,;"ttsriudiata It a, Pa,. Office
...:. on Maine ,
st;:eet one door (..a4 of Lenheim's.
.Frazier & Case, -
OfTiCe on Turnpike street, , one door East of
Post's &tire, Montrote,
Albert Chimberlin,
ITORNEY AT LAW 'and Justice of the Peace;
.Z 1 over L. Post &_Gird Store . , Montro,se.
Wm...H. Jessup, , •
.11L DEEns, for. the State ; of New Sork, will attend
to all blisiness entrusted to him with promptness and
fidelity. Ofili..•:! on Public. ;..Squar,i,..coccuided by Hon.
Wut. Jessup. .
Abel Terrell,
Painti. Oils, Dye-stufrs, Groceries, Drr POOliti t .
ITarilware. Stoneware, Glassware, Clicks, Watche-,
Jewelry; Silver Spoons, Spectacles, llnsical` Instru
ments, Trusses, Surgical Instrument?, Liquors, Per
funierr, Brushes, Shoes, Yankee
Notions, 1:6.. •
B. R. Lyinslic CO., • '
Dry Goods, Groceries, Salt,'Flour, - and Hard-
Laaeabero, I'a.. i
• :•-• F. B. Chandler,
VALER PRY Gt)(PS. Reads Made Clothing.
Grocetic:4,.l3 , 3oke and-Statique:7, etc., Public.
Avenue, ..Ifiazfro:se, Pa. •."
' ' • -Patrick & Dimo .. •
Tiiirsinass AM) §tRGEONS. OtEco No. 4
Owegoktreet, -11o,olOte, Pa.
. , -
. - 1 'l. L.- Post & Co., . . . ..
ri R
. ,
D E il l lL L ,ri ES2N l l) , ll lt l e Go t p lo n: , ,.. i. Gree c r o it rri i, •, C
n roc iT k t el-y n ,
pike street And Public Avenue, ..I.(oiltiose, Pa. • .- I
S. Lyons & Son.,
EALEFtS PRY GOODSlZroceries, Hardware;
Crocktir . ‘ - 'i Tinware, GroeerieA, Rooks, etc.; also
carry on hook Binding business—Public Avenue,l
ifoittroler, Pit'
~ .. .
! ..- :• I Bentley 4 1 ,!‘ Read, -, 1 . - [
riEALEIIS IN DRY GOODS, Diug,i,` , Medicincsj
.I.l•Paints ? Oils, Groceries, Hardware, Crocker
Iron, Clock; Watch - es, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Peru
urriery, L - e.;—foot of PublEc Aveuve, Montrose. %. -
1 •
.14tyie, -Bentley gc Perkins, . .
kinctsi ofi Castings Stoves, Agreuituntl Imply T
fnents, eta.. Office at Syre's Store,. Public Avenue
Mattufactot7t at the Eagle Foundry, Foot of. Cherry
street, Montrose, Pa.
- ,
& William IL Jessup,
4i; TTORSBYr3 AT LAW ' Mo;droze, Pra'cl
tice in. Stpmuebanna, Bradford, Wayne, Wyol•
ming and 4nzerne counti4 •
William W. Smith & Co.,
CRINET MAKERS. They keep constauar at'
band a good assortment of all kinds of Cabine
Furniture. Shop and Waro-Romns at th . p foot o
mrect. _Montrose, Pg.
•. Rockwell, Winton & Co.; 1 .. •
li tNEF iCTUREftS ilnd DEALERS ~in Strztr
.3,1: Goat, Ilex, Ca..., Fora, Unthrell4s, Pqra' r
sax, .Riblx)rts, &e. &c., :O. 20 Courtlindt street, Verb
l'ork, (up shinz.) I ---,. i • ,
R. h. ROCKWELL. J. DOWARD. •w. w l , wirrAN.
.fforifro4r, Pa., will'attend Etithfullfto all busi
neis entrusted to him in the county of Snsquehann.
Conrepmeing and writing of all kinds will be done
neatly, and charges moderate. lie will also attend
the pto,cention of claims Of soldiers, their widows anu
heirs, against the United States Government, •for
BOunty Lind, Pensiotig, ' May be fbund at'all
bOurs at the Office formerly occupied by J. T. Rich-.
..irds, Esti...north of the'Court House. . . 1410..
• , Time Changed. • •
R A 11411.1)AD..
2 9N and after Tharad4tY, Nov. 23 , 1854, the ]tail
' Passenger Train wel depart' from Scranton it
1, M. H - • •. • 1
Due at, Great Bend at g. 30 P. X. •
Conneeting with the Daily Espress Trains both east
and west on the N. Y. ER. IL, which arrive at
New York at 9.30 P. M. Nand at Dunkirk at 11. 1
ReturO *ill leave Great' Bend on the arrival of the
Beffhlo Express bound, (.3.20 P. M.,) which de
parts froin New York at 71 A. M., and arrives atScran
at- 5.50 r. ix. . I : • •
The Height Aciommcidation Train with Passenger
Car aft:kid:l4.'4 will leave-Scranton 4.1.50 r. arriv
ing at Great Baud at 6 r: x., connecting with the
Mail Train bound Wfttt, rind the Night Express Trains
bdund both East and Weal
I Retuinit' )g will leare Great Bend at 6.3 Q A. X. 1/13
arri" cc at Scranton 11 A. x. '
i Stages be in waiting on the aniral of passen l
-ger trains; at Scranton, to convey pansengera to. Car
bOndale; Pittston, WilkeShame, Philadelphia Via. the
Readin4 Railroad. Easton and all other. intermediate
places. D. H. DOTTERER, Superintendent.
Superintendent's °thee, Scranton, Nov. 23, 1854
_,_ • _
Firesli Arrival ot.liew Goads—Great
1 ; 1 Bargains. _ , 1
Irta, , ',..
py to announce to nay patrons throughoist
I tie county that I have just received a new stock'
of cxxl.,; which lam selling astonishingly cheap 'f o r
eitsh; • , - i • :S A ;LYONS
Laneshoro, August* 14, 1854.
SGAR by the ton, barrel, and pound it!
for 411. S A L
i Lanesboro. August I I 1854. '
1 C) - CASES of HOOT: SHOPS jilt
I at the Laneabore 'Cash Store. SA L'
Mats, I
LAR : GE :paw-uncut, of silk Lad iimirola Heti AI
-x6emr •
41. ext.. .4ety 104
GTheoni June 34,'64 . 1 tr. VOl4l- .
20 13;.
'NELL() onlthe
achieved a'aignal t un
_ o or
bloodtc:3,e otrilityqust ac with fi . lii r
field of
, ,i. Pen c e ,. Kil
Folultreed " for
watichlytu4 arid the tinrc _
your _
/ .
ell creation,• ,-.d.
_ . • ; - 1
We tielie, though armed to, Me ter Ih, and rout hY.r.ei
. .. i'avat4n,- - . A I i 11 .
And now - 11ke .Whigs and Democrats, and the Knovi
• Nothing too, . ! , - 1 . 1 . , " •
Since we have of the reins of power, well show. Oat
• - We can do. - 1 1
We'll purge these - ` 4 Augean stablef' .of the opposition
- - lan, .1, -". . '1 I 'f
And then with pure material will
,fill them ttp atin, -
And thpughihostile politicians direr widelY in their.
, lie.w-4 1 ) . - ; . 1 -1 11. •'
Of the eOntrksets or measures that each" in turn may
bhoose, , . , 1 1 -.1 1 1i
Yet in ifeferOce to- our Policy we, sure slal. noes be
• 1
told :; • • - • -' -1
,„ •
That tius.eonS filth and rottenness.lshould belprefered
. , Ito yortT, -. 1 i
Nor 'llMt wlidit any 51 - stein has gkown ro' Ulm inithe
. bone i: • 'L . i 1 1 ' ',.:• 1
• 1 , ;
The pciwers that did the mischief should not be oter
- " ;thrown. , i' 1 I.'
This, then Orbut we dO in the empire of the jaia,
The , chNty tyiantit we expel, and ahrtigale their lairs.
If aunilt valuable remains, that our prcser ing ) : Our•
- " pose•litits, ,-: 'it
We cleanse 11and save it, all the •rcst..we , , pull out by
lie *ls,. - ~ - I \'ii
• • ' '
Then' on. the imins; by our art, we "uickly re a r' Ron
Ananeb pfbdiming Gold, with colourtade.S , of porcelain.
And now ourlfigure to complete, we only hate Minty,
.These Wondiioustransformations all are dont"for Oa.V.
1 C. D. vinpiL, Surgeon Dentist.
MontavuoNovember 0, 1854. 1 . 1, - . • 4
--:---.- t ._------- - .
, . ,i
r - - - - '''-:1. IN . NEC MILFOI,D: i .
ITlLE'subscriber -haring leased; the Store, o of
. .1. Mi2ssrs;',rl'rattii, formerly occupied; bvl. SiPt
tle; int*tids,o locate permanently in Nei-Milford:
And ri t e Oitld take this method of inforittinW,the
inhabit4nts till New. Milford, and apaCent toWittythat
Ire has just returned from New Yo li with a large..htid
splendid stork of fresh and entirely.nett.GOods;ifon—
sisting tif PRY GOODS of every ponqiAra-
Lk variety, OROCEIIIES as•ltiwaa the loweSt, Ltercl
re,-(i'eo.t..4i.„v, hoot. and Shoed, Hai. and Cgs,.,
Bonnet's of 'Crery style., &c. &c., -Which
.he iitTe.ra4 for
i sale-oti4he Most reasonable terms; for cash, .cotintrys
1 product,•or t l / 4 ..liable credit. Ile wOuld also s'ay it this
connection, :Oat he has added to !the eamblisluncnt,
the manufacturing of. Tin, Sheei t iron, ;ani Ciiiiper
ware ifr, allits varieties, in which he is prepared to
I executall••kiinds of jr.ttis, by the very liest'worlitnen
1 and ottithe Most reasonable term s ; I,
1 . Dealbrs sitpplied at the lowest prices.;. PartigWars
;in rela6n ti3;stoves &c., at some future time. f!:
i , r: • -- 1 • . J. DXC'KERM'tN '
Netrllilfetd, May .. lll, IRS-1. I r ! . I t flit
ETTLVABF#O . RTMENT 4f Tin; Sheet. Aron
alxl Cup l ictlyare of triv onin mapufactur4 - ! ;and
made of, (teavy plate, fur sale 'by
; J. 61CKERM'AN,
New! 12, 155:3.
V"lTLlU : dassortment of Ilartiwnro, Carpl'...nter!fand
• hilrier Toots, Pump'Chain, and fictui-es att s
July, 1S5•1.1 .;-)ICK,i:R*AIC6*,
ASIITA.VDBI.ISikS :of the 4:4 quality, fort Sale
chap 4t P R M A N.'S-
1 ""'' FLOUR AND SA LT,4 the barrel oi
: etatise;, - the lowest price- atiDICKERMAN . S...
• FARMERS ' - ,
. ATUENS. nuani criCNTY,
• CAPITAL, $2O 000. -
• •
Scettreif by . j.Thind and ni
iforigage. o'l t RCat Ii ate
it . of Mo• ,S.'tf,ekhold;-
Insdies akitiniat loss by Fire, of oases, SoreLl,i and
other, buildings, Goods,Ware4 ' anOlerehtindi4; on
as fa‘Orablii terms as any sirallar nStitUtion, Llosses
promppi• adjusted and paid. I ?' _
Dtr.P k groit.—Hon. Horace illi4ton, Athens; Pran
cis Tvlhe.'d(i.; George A. Pel kills do.; J. T 41 1 ): MAyer,
do. • N. ,shirmin; do. ;C. F.WOles, Jr.'do.;l.l,- E.
Canfield .
'Loa. Joh a Lirporte, i r owanda ' ;_li G -B.
Wakennin, X...leer:dile; Geo. M. iloUenback,
barre Sliobael Sleyiert, Laporte. !a. • 1!
• Ors•lcEa§:,—Hon. Horace Williston, President
F. Well .S, jr. , V. Pres. and •Trea.S i . ; .1. E.l Carit)ehl,
SecreqtrY: <d••. • ; •
• 14
Agent, A. Gav,ortn, Wyalus rig, Pi. [ . ls* m 3
N'TFD immediately a good active Clerk—:'Orte
Rho. has had experience, rrites a,fair hitnd,
and Is.'pempetent to take charge of a set of';Boidts—
mast he teityperate and willing to devote hi 4 tirnpand
attention to the interest of his eitploYer:sj TO)ne
-that vitt tuitiwer to the above, a liheralsala'ry wIll be,
given.? i None others need apply I Good reconuPOnd
atiolut ,required. 13. F. & It H. EATCW.
Ilarford, May, 1854. . I . ! •
Hf 111.11R1TT would incite the attention QC his
friiitids and the public to bis new and splen-
did stock cif Troche ' Troo/, and Cashmere Long, :and '
Square iSkairls, from $2 to sl6—Ladies' Press'.
Goods' in cl u di ng plain and f4tey belanes, De-Rages,• l l
Parametta4 Freuelt MerinOes,
hams, i the; Ice., -rich Ribtons Bonnets, or "new _ !
stvi,' : whipii In concoction with a large, aasortniria of
staple i 4tl4l;:fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, Oros:A:cry;
Ilardatore.:L'lron, Stores, Miffed(); Robes, earprrim
Boots :nnsiSlioes, Ilats and Capd{,.Paintril riitdetc
'l,shadris, ,111111 Paper, Oils and Ifainta )1,C.,. ibe
sold cholie most favorable terms and ;educed prices
for ea.4h: iiiiidnee, or approved er4dit. -
I . ,$.ll by the barrel or loiatl.
Aeii *qford, September 22, 1804.
66 Se r i* .'
things can• be,datie as viten
' ' ! I.'' - as others.'? - • 1 I 1
Til" Subscriber baring purchOed the Chaitlislan•
tifsciolj• of A. W. !Greenwood; in liirford, Is
iwepaled tii nianufakturealt kinds pf,Chair' sat ttithiced
pricesi:efAhod materials,!and in a superior , stOe of
w-orkmanskip. Among the dift(*ent kinds 3i wilt
tu enti§ri : r I , ,
. ,
. _ ,
;-, .: • , .
Itos4o)i:Lßockers, (int) . o6red I
rtyle,) t:;( - 1
'off .
sno/ .and - Windsor -,hairs, Flask:
.• .} ••• ...:i ~..e7 .' ais, Settees, (k 4 4:c!. : 4
t +
• '1
tarAitWork warranted to lire satisfa.ctida for
five ve.ant.' , .
'"Alerehantahle Produc taken in e.schange for
work,ihnt'go .CREDIT! . JtS' JOHNSTO. _
. Hakord,i April 5.• . c ~?
. i 1 t , •
.i --L.••-••-' -4-t-----•'
P°87 1.:
;BROTIIERS having pOrchased i the Shore'' ,
eltablishment, will keep conitantlfon ha 4l Ste- ;
perfin t r 'Ol4 Fine Roam, Corn Meal of supitieo gual-
ity, atio;Piop and Bran. at the lOwest, cash prices.— i
CostotO: Work will be done _ with desp atch; Anil In all 1
cases tooiriligred... . ! - ' iipsitf
Nontitise, Jul% 1853.. ,1
Stoves! Stereo!
now receivhig, a new assortment
citfltaires, including the most populid and
imprtiied,lcinds of' Prenduin, Air-Tight, and Efeyated
Oven`:COking Stoves, with Parlor, Office; and ,Shop
Stovda'f l oi l wood or coal, in superior:variety and style.
which d will sell •at the snout reduced prices`; Ele
vate&Oven stoves of new and apProved patterns will
be sold at 120 to $25, and other &bids in proPcltion:
Also, istciNlC pipe, zinc, and sheet, iron, stove tubes &e. ,
Neir'ifilkorl, Sept. 2,'54.[ ili. BrRIUTT.
. - :Witulow Sash. ' I
Q b 4. *1). SA YIU: having, been appointet4Ageut
/CY • pi in extensive sash blind and doOr mai.tifitc
tory 10* prepared to furnish any articles itt thii line at
less Wes ithin they have usually:been sold
.! ,
July. 24. - ; •S. k &
1 • Shaving Creami I •
4 IT irticle which every oiau.:sboukl try or We
by, .S. kb' 8
-}l4.llll 'l i--A new lot of Stamm! Hats pud 3 Cloths
t summer wear just received and foe Bali heap
by \L.; • •".. ' D.ll. L. al CO. •
To, theilteadlist nubile of Punine.;
nanna County and netultr f .
rrilLuilderaigned is now prepared to , semlit° or
-1 d o t s mail Om paid," ar,ty book published hi
this thiani4 on the receipt of the pdceof the Wirae..-
orderaiwill met with prompt attention, ited,kmita
sent Itlj , ;rittnni mail. - ,addreas WM. j LEACH, t
.vrioref* Depot, Houton.
aid Ttinothyli43l4 . ..
itatizon rt+ar.
T - I .
n.w . Lhas 164 existed a public demand for a u el
fectivepurgative pill' which could be !relied tin as
sure and perfeein • its operation ... This has been
prepared to,metit i ; that demand,' and an eitensiVe tri
al of its. virtues li .coriclusively shown with what suc•
cess It accbmplithes the purpose de..simed: It la eit
sy to make a physical pill, but not easy tonake the
best of all pillapho, ne which should have inone of the
objections, but si lk the advantages, of evidry other,-! —; This has been attijnipt4d here, and with ghat success
we would respektfully submit to the public deeisiOn.
It has heen unfOrtunate for the patient biterto that
almost every pnrgative medicine is acrimonious land
irritating to theowel.S. This is not. Many of them
.• kduce, so much griping pain and
_mint:don in the
sys • ni as to' ntor-, than counterbalance the good to be
ki el i t • , , f to r 4 th4tu. • - These pills pr'oducel no imitation
or . pain, - unleis it arise from
,a previously - existing' ob
:struction .
.dertingementin the bowels. 1 Being pure
ly vegetable nt , . harm can arise from their use in
quantity ; but ' is better. that any medicine should
he taken judicio : ly. Minute directions for their.utle"
in the several illsict - es,to which they are applicable
are' given on thcliox. ;,Among the ctim q Plaints-Which
have been ,spee dily cur Iby • them, we. may: trsention
I Liver Complaint, in its; v., 'oils' forms ofaundice, In.
1 digestion, Languor and Los Of Appetite Listleirieisi
Itritability,•liiiinSis Headache, Bilious Fever, Fever
i and Ague, I'aitt i n Side and .oins ; for, in . truth ,
1 all these n t h e- 1 areLbut the consequence diseased action
kin!the liver.; As f,an ttPei lent, they a ord prompt and
Anse relief in CduzitiVeness,• Pilo, Cho ! Dysentery,
Ilitmois, Screfula and *urvy, Colds with reness of i;
the hoil, I.7herp, and litipinitylof the blood , 'it short, I',
. I i''F' se where a purgative i ireipti ii - '
a".7•aro. ..,‘ , 1... ~ .
. . They liaVe Itoduced. - some singularly succ sful
cures in Rheumatism, tont, Dropsy, Gth?vel,Erysi -
las,. Palpitation !of the Heart, Pains in Mel Back; Store- t
aele and Side: i They shoUld he freely taken in the
spring of the y 4., to ,purify the - blood. and prdpare
the system for dhe change of seasons. An occasional
dose stimulatesithe stomach and bowels:into healthy
action, and restpes the appetite and vigor. They pu
rify t h e blodd, a rid, by: their stimulant action, on the
. circulatory Sysefir, renovate the.strerigtkof the body,
and. restore! tau wasted or' diseased energies of the
.whole organisnt. Hence an occasional dose is advan
tageous,. even thOtigh no serious derangement exists ;
but unnecessary closings should never be carried too ;as every• : putgative 1 medicine reducesthe strength
When takento. ex coliS.: The thousand c a ses in which
I 'a physic is required cannot be enumera d here, but
they suggest theitselves to th e reason o eVery body,
...and it is confide Illy believed this pill will answer a
better purpose :than anything which has hitherto been
availableto 'mankind. '• When their iirtOes are'once
known, the 'pultlte will no longer doubt What remedy
employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. , De
ing.sugar-wrappyid theyine pleasant to take, and be
ing purely vegetlable, no harm. tan arish from their
use in any quadt ty. i • : I•' 1: . 1 ) •
For minute directions see wrapper
.1. on ;the . Box.
' Prepared ,by 1.1 kMES C. Ayga, Practice 1 and Au
-1 .
alytical Chemist, Lowe), Mass:
Price 25 Cytts per Box. Five BoXes for $l.
, ,
.1-'''ur the roPict', e
'l.lroitehiti're, 11'
' ' This renielylh
its cures of - ever.
it , is entirelyntin
itS virtue's in a'n. l
ployed. So wide
nierous the tatscs .
tion of the cl'isintr;
who have hoed, ta
Aerate diseaies (-
tried its t‘ttperitit
I kiiid it too appith
its virtues Are
what antidote to
r.ti,srotis affoetioils
incident to Our, c
attacks upon th t.
f id., (.7"r4, , Th5,1 j
is the pleasdntes
tallied. I. 1
As it has tong'
section, we firkA
its quality is !kepi
and that the ge
14:tt, 3fontroSe
Citcncit -4; riliNT
nice.icine •..vcr,i v
THE!, Nrl i itill Ask A DILL UNSETTLED.
‘,,IOTT, JOHNSTON ..t. Co., are DOW receiving
I ' from N . .+,-'llork a general nFsortment;.of Spring,.,
arid Summer i gtiods, and we cordially - in%ite all that
like to buy clip - di; cheap togive - us a call, sr oustock
is large, and we lire willing to sell for small profits.—.l,
Yotican find', lie c ie almost every. article wanted, and
we are willing t coMpat:e goods and prices with any ;,1
store in . the coin ty—we :have taken special pains tol
fuul nice good 4 to please the Ladies,: suci .as Black.l
Figured and yiin r y Sliks, Silk ,Tissues, Eerages and 'i•
Berage Delaney. Plain and Fancy Lawns, Silk,. French ii
and Domestic Giughams,:Figured and yhiin MUslins, I;
Embroidered Cutains and Paper do., Ladies Collars, ;1
UnderhandkerCl ie6 attSleevea, Hantillig, Parasols
and Gloves, 1 :it w !and Fancy Bunt i also trim- i
mings to match. ..k - • stock of a for Meoll
and Boys,. ali4t I on; Steel, Nails, Horse shoes,• andll
horse Nails', lEi ugh:B, Salt, • Fish, Crockery, Grind j 1
stones, and on ware, Stove pipe, Tin, Plass', aiilt, ° .
Leather,- Boots, Shaer &c., ,k.e. Please give us a 1
chance of slinivi g you our stock heft - Jr. .1
.. • . Yount t ly.. ' SCOTT, JOH: :CO; 1 -1
Springvillittril, 18, 1854, 1
1 ,
- Springlill •
, Fl ;
21 & 1 1 A.RIC, return eir g l ratefuli
igetuents to the public, and invite at- ;
ery large , stock of Spriti l q auct-Surn-i
are now receiving and rtTer for sale
, s. 'ln addition to their , usual lissom-; y Goods, Groceries, Hard `a re, Prock-)
Oils, Sc. &c., they are repared to
ssortment of Ladies' ess Hoods
tion—Figured, Plaid and Plain! Silks.
, ;gibbons, Gloves, Ilosi ry—lAdieti!
s of all kinds—also a l ge stock of
1E- CLOTIILVG, Cloths, ,Cassimeres, l
t 3ununer Cloths, Vestings t lllat Cups,'
i l•
F,ully solicit an , early call fromi I thus(
'chase vood good' at low iiriceai
- y 3,'54. McMILLEN i d: PARK,
, .
. .
tention to tFq s'
"user Goods they
at re rtt /ow filbie
went of staiqp
Cr; Paints and
exhibit n lar#
-of every deseri
Bonnets, Sha\kl,
and /Misses S4ot
Tweeds, Jeank
Boots and Slioe,
They respeF
whO wish to itui
Springvillei M
► bettsvi
arrival of t
big Kirk
both Easi
sable rout
This lii
brim, wi
day, Wel
Ville, Ler
ded, and
on hand i
and work
Good The
change for t'
t il l
I/ :
ie a
s. •
+- - • I- '
4 i
11 1LL144.1! NeMILLA • 1'
Purehased the establis eat of Isaac 1 0 .1'
I'*i at 'the Mon Depot, would re-'.
h win his friends the wil keep coa-,
, It o the low prices", a ell selected
4 „,. - l':
d rlitster .can be had cheap, as iv**
t rY ("Al I, Hardware, Crockery, as
i f
,J , c.; iri exchange for Grain and all klut 5 4
, 1 du i . ties prices. i 1000 -nil' Hard
.: 1. • •
•* . - ":' il ;
St, Feb. 2, 1814.. * -, 11,1
11 • I' Vl os N t
respectfully it
Shindy on hat
stock of good,
!Arne, Salt,
as Gooceriesi
Shoes, Nadi
of . produee.ll
Wood nant4
• _
CTs'r OK BAND _at furntsbOd to or&tt.
h tiotice. jr, SON ) r. •
Cherry Vector - 41. ~ i
illy 4 Coughs, Colds I, ‘ l.l4a'rs;.ness,
hooiing-Cugh,. Croup',4slhnia,and i
. . 1
won for itself such notoriety ,from
: variety of pulmonary ,disease; that . :
2cesnry, to recount theOvidenecs of
y.courniunity where it his been , em- 1
- is it's field of,usefulnes4 and
~so nu
,•l:if its cures, that almost ever sec
-y abounds in persons publicly known
.estored from alarming and even des- 1
if the lungs by its use. lWhen !once
rity, over every other metliene of- its •
, ent Co escape observation, and where
Own 'the public no longer be'. itateemploy for the distressihg and dam...
t '
'Of the pulmonary ormaus which are
innate. And not only in formidable
lungs, but for - the milde• varieties of
(oa.r.le-nr*s. 6.:e;. t, and fo Children it
'and safest_ mediche tha can be ots
been in constant use thrntighout this
;Lot do more than assure the people
A ,t t ri to the best that it ex 4 er has'bcen,
intine article -is sold by4,-Ans.L. 'fru
- B. F. d: R. ii: EATO*, Raiford;
nr:Y ; ; Dendaff,. and by all dealeri in
1 . • .
)%•heri-. . L -:'
t just received,' and of
awh! Slanivls: ' I ----
of Wool Long Shawlsverylcheai
ember 8. --'
,ine of 'Mail Stages, I
now 1 1 I
Kirkwood, passing trough Cori
-,. kc., every morning after the
ins of ears, both Ras!, and West{
I '!... lu. - Returtaingj !eavO
lys excepted) at 2. Y. x.,J reach
to take the Mairtrldns of ears!,
being the nearest and Most feaL
le New-York and Kiie Railroad,'
• a tri-weekly line for toknock;
1f,4 ock, - Wyoming, tttil Wilke4-
ntrose at 7 .t. m. !every Mon
, ridgy. Also, a linc toFriends
I .
,mfortable earriage4 are pros*
tors Rill spare no Pains to ach'
ic. . W. K. HATCH,
i 1
ash, - Blind, glad Door
Factory. • • ' e i ..
11 furnish at the S hop
of New 1
ire, Sash; and Thin dM. Turnink
ied to order, _Lumber kiln-driek
trpassed by- any in the countrr.+:
Jme.ecill twelve Promattentirei.: ,
tber and Country - Produce aken hie*-
above. Terms, ready pay, ' , .
'cab, 6. S.. A.I MT
.11% common BUGG!"
1C 1,114.1 4t: PA!
: ,sviammtiouooitivrAir
• I. L. POSTIS.;!
IVVE new offer to the public , the moat . choice and
V the raerear trrYLP3 of ciouev to 'be had
. any
kluirein the country, and fur th e 'Cry to pncea,
wit'"out variation.
QtIMMER STYLES., -, L - .• Post* Ea: - have just
5..7, made a large addition to theirAtock of clothng,
:pctiSistitig now of everything desirable for the buyer
At such prices, as.are sure. to suit The goods are
:mule first rate, and we warrant the work : to be equal
Ot superior to.any ever before offered hi this mar
het« Our stock comprises Pouts, fine black' French
,Sacks, Frocks anti Business; Tweeti,-equirnere aud,
:Jean Sacks and FrockS, also broWn and white Sum
'mer plain 'and twnled. I YEers—White and colOred
;Marseilles, Valciatia, Listing, figured
!led Silk and Satin, and Avery, variety, good and cheap.
Pasts--Fine black Cratsimere, doeskin,: col. tweed,
!Summer, Stuff, lineq .drill, cottoninle,_ stripe, plain,
;cheek and plaids, so cheap as .to.he sure of sale to'
tall Who desire to buy. 1 • .
I i'ES AND HONER Y---Ladics and Gents
I k.. 11 white and colored Kid-Gloves of the best quali
ty tirarranted. . A large assortment of all kinds ofblue,',
brcl,tan and'ate hose, and hoie (gents and ladies,
icotton, Lisle thread, Berlin and milk cloves, Black
jam% colors; a large rasortment - of black silk and lace
long and short: POST •th:CO'S. •
111)00TS AND SITOES---New fine'.‘BootS, Coarse
_LT Boots, Ladies fine Gaiters, Bootees and Buskins,
i ra fall assortment of Cheap Sho Chid • and 31*
~ renslSA-
I es Shoes and Bootees, Ladies fine silk-linen Slippers,
,f WRITE GOODS--All styles and qtudities, bleach-
I VT •ed Shirtings,
Pillow Cotton; Jac. and Cambric
:thislins, Swiss and Book Muslins; Barred Marlins,
Bitdmpa and Victoria Lawns, tic., !gored and dott.
Swiss Mullins at • P. & Co's.
I_ l. 'L. POST & CO'S.
(tROCERIEg---of the beet And diettpt kind. A
t of Sugars surprisingly - elieap: at I . L. POST
Cr •
DeLanes, Deßa-
Igliatns;lLawns &e., of every desirable
• POST it Co's.
.„ A. _ LAR
.. , .
STAPLE Go at the rowest price:
. ' ' • i c EL. POST &co.
fitLOTIIS C'assinie ~ TweedS, 'Kentucky' Jeans
k,./. add Satinetts, very eaP•at I. L.-4 ) . & Co's. '.
vET OOD EA" WARE - - atent!Pails, Cedar Pails
V, V and Wash Tubs, Coco ' - Nut Dippers; .Butter
Ladles,. POnts, Willow Baskets, Tcope Halters, Bed
COrds, Manilla -Ropes, - Brivmq,! a g d hit at the store
o(:' . i , -1 I. .L. on & -co.
MA CA'7:l:'/ZEL .
rest possible rrilvs., ,
ii • . IJ.
,L. - POST • t...„ ‘
-rin7 cheap,! at
• - I POST .t•Co's.
OL-45.9 (VA RE—a choice `
I \___ ____ I POST & CO: - I
i.l paper and - Window Shades. •.
.. 1. -I .. I ' POST •& CO. . .1,
?COD -FISH: Al .A 7
'I quality at the to
'April 5, 1854.
lot at low prices.
014 Carpet, Roonal
L' 4 ILK HATS, sprineTrtyleL—best quality very
kJ cheap. • I POST A CO.
OSHE.7'S and Bontiet 'RM.)tions of all kinds, Par=
asols,.large and small at . i.cry~low prices.
i POST :& CO.
TAkESS TRIMMING'SL-le very style .esirible
and very cheap. • • I POST aL Co.
f . N RALVI3.A(J,S—?f the b4t quality,• •
, • ' ! POST E: CO.
C 2 4L7', Lime and P
". 'POST Co's.
iDIES' COLLARS—A .very choice lot of the
AI- latest styles; Book Embroidered Lyinerie; Lace,
3feclin and Iloniton imitations ; I.L. P. & CO.
3IBROEDERED and Lace tfideitzleeves, all
'rable styles ; •also, worked and embrid. Edging
and Insertings and Flouncing..
F . ACE Edgings and Inscrtingc ;• iMitations of every
U 4 kind, almost a.sgriod as genuine and very cheap,
tnlS6 pure linen-wrctight Lace, ! I. L. P. "A. CO.
A I NGRAINT.I) and-lump Carpet for sale at.
I. L. POST &
HATS—Panama,l fine land coarse trim -
47.1 med and fanny bound, pedal and Palmlea, for
h;4ys and men, sold veil; cheap. I. L. P. & CO.
J:!.DIES' and Children's Flits, a good variety, al
-4 so a new lot of the latest 'styles of Boennts at the
store of • - - * I. L. P. & CO.
-A-- A
-and fancy articlesjof Soap and'llair Oil;
V.) also, some of Biel finest PerftiMery at the store
of - I. L POST & CO, •
ARD and TALLOW ; also, Farmers tools in gen
eral a 4. ; I. L POST it CO's.
__ _.
~,• . WANTE ► 1 !
C'T R.:l/...V of all kintlS—Deans, Dried Apples, Tal 7
lOw, Butter, Bees,lwax, all wool socks, Eggs, ke.,,
Or which we will excli nge gOods at cash prices.
; Apnl, 5. • 1, ' L.L. POST Si Co;
A DMOV I AL.I ; 41 k' . -.
„, • ,
PIIE subscriber , wislik' es to call the attention of his
A. friends and theublic tO his , very large assort
ment of STOVES at is newiStore Room in Lfxlers
tille, nest to L. S: Le heim's Store, and near the Gt.
Bend Depot. He has, in addition to his former large
variety of Cooking an . Parlor! Stoves, many new pat.
tuna, some of which a . ! , . •
~'lSt, Nicholas, Pea h Bra ch, Fire Clipper, '
f -e
Madero Troy, Alio awk, -;:f Medallion,
Orient, Black ll'ariicir,; Oak, Egg-Stone.
Which,' together, with his former Stock, will perhaps
be the most extensive and varied assortment of well
selected stores in the County,. I . -,,........_,_ -
Clinton Stores, wellifurnished, , at low prices.
j inrAll-articles in his line. kvt:zon hand and made
to .order as usual, and orders received at his old stand
in Great Bend. I ' - 1 JOHN. COLSTEN:
Lodcrssillel and Great,Bencl, Nov., 1854.
'O. 1
'Notice to tht Public.
11 - AVING just returned fro New York.' wish to
• call the attention of my old; customers, and. of
,the public ip general, to my
,which being bought with bail' at. the loivest prices,
and wishing_ to sell yrincipally for the same; 'I will of.
fer them at,greatlf,- . reduced prica — r•
Cocheco Prints, warranted fitst colors, for only if
',cents a yard.. Good Brown Sugar, 18 pounds for one
:dollar. Boonton Nails; acknowledged by all he
,the best Nail, in itse , 85,50 per keg. Hats and Caps,
.Boots and shoes, Buffalo Robes of all price. all wool
De Laines, Cashmeres, Parametta, Dress ilk, Silk
:Velvet, &c. Mouslin De Laines,ll shilling per yard,
I,Satin Bonnets and Moleskin - at?, Broche Sfiawls,
Double LOng shawl Thibet Thibet do; selling at inconceiv
ably low 'prices. lean safely warrant, perfect satis
faction to all who 14 - give me a'eall. •
Lanesbom, Apr. 5, 1854. . 5: A:LYONS.
'iLOCKS-good time keepers, only one dollar..
Lanoboro, Apr. 5
- - TA p N ri 'T ee tD 4Tii Z p O ti t ides, wZch A. tte ri l : M . est
i.anesboro, Apr. 5.7 -
OU TRY PIiGDyCE taken in 'exchange for
kJ Goods, at my store. - S. A. LYONS.
Lanesboro, April 3. '
HINDS k Me.MILLEN'S li'ail Road FreigA.
Line betteeip; I .4lforatroiS Depot and
New I:brk, every ditv, Sun
ereepfe.. ,
T.I[INDS. &McMIL4N, havin , g %add arrangements
11 .for forwarding freight to bew-York in
of Capt. IL R. C.ADNirELL, 01'1 Orange, County, will
be in attendance at the MontrOSe Deco` ere.y day of
the'ireek, to take charge ofimeh freight ann produce
as may he entrusted tel them. Retnrns for the same
will be paid at the tort of William McMillen.
Groceries' ingerrard,•• Ylour, pork., Fish, Salt, &e.,
&c., constant4".on for si* at the aoweat Cash
Prices, or 'in { exchange foe country 'produce:
L. -• W,lxt.tAit McMluars. .
1 1854': "
• Facts to thiii people.
IVOTWITIISTANDINGthe predictions of the New
.1. 1 4 Albany LesWr that-Frank Tuft° - will' be elect
ed President because the Prophet filadah says Oat
" the Lord tivetli Power to time faint," it is universal
ly admitted that the ouhseriber can and-will sell
Booirtp 4ND. sniffles
CHEAPER tbanany ; other,slOp:ktorn, not even es
i: V . 1 11 . 0 r i t=
i boi 4ta n . d lit i store
r ta w :
a: t town.
would refere infbrin
.ilioae s lwhe - are ‘
licrOuPui* ra;r 1 rA ,Aat tliey 4 atm teratia psi up
• :•11o,:i ' e - . Aiiirr, .. - IP .ROGERK.
111(1, ADSIxxl split mauls wood, to exobaogol
I. W. orAigiolen *oh. 17," . • LYONS : k 6491 1 . " , '
liant S. Git.tober 1$: . '',:. ' -A •
.W 410 61
.the most desirable stock in the coon
.ry low prices. *I, L. P. CO.
and splendid stock of Spring.Trints.
I. L. P. •t. Co.
1 1110,8110 or :Birsvicireib"-i:. -- ~..
divert Rush for thee'
-New New Groods'at .baton's . ~
- • ONE . PRICE-STO,ItEt : - .
T HE. largest and cheapest ,tocko r FiinCy,DC4ilim- .
- tic and Staple Goods ever brought law Susqa*-.. -
banns county. One hundred . cases Dry POOder ectl.' •
prising iirpiut as follows: • • . • •
Rick Changeable Silks, • !FwAhkonable Silk end SM., :
.", Strip° -_ -- "• • •• : ' Monne%
" n o w ;- ' • " . French Plumes,
" Black ," - ' .200 pieecs Bonnet Thir-
Musa Bonnet. - " .- ' - : 'l.botlev '
BOlinet gatins, - ' MO pist.Fancy-Ilioss do. -
Al! wool .I :reLairies,' I *Velvet Dress Cuttima,
Parisiiur do. • ' Figird. • Alfigetl: Velvets,
Plaid de CoslW, ' . Fifty Bay*Strite Shawls,.
Clouded de Berge • • Castmere .••- do •
I •.
1 English Merinoes, ltrociut • • do •• r
lParametto's - . • Silk" 1.*:• do . • ,
Lyones6'CkAlms, " . Gloves, Hosiery, etc.
Coburys ' , _ Cloths, (ea mere,, • ;
1 French chan'ble. de helve,. Vestlnp;s, . - : - •
, .
Embroidered Robes, . . • Flannels, -
Ginghams and Prints _ Wool Otarikets, ...,-
Scotch'Plaids, •
_Linings,' • .
White Goods, . • 'Pi_ ckingv - •
W_ toughs Chita:se' itcs DamaSklSpreaks;
Collsirs, - ' Linen 1 •do -
do Muslin Edgings„ Irish Linens • . * '
do Cambriek do •-, : Black wiling, - - -
do Linen do - . . Etc. e_ - • • - '
• Marford, Oct. 6:. . : EA TO N k CO.. ..-
t t i
New York .Cit • - - :
.. , . OFFICE 9 WALL 8T .5 EL .
TIES, • 000,000. , •
'lnsures against Loss or .Da ' ' age Lii Firs.-
- .
• tnascroat. 1
A. Q. Stebbins, 118 Broad street; Peter C. Baker;•
1 gpruce;:ftreet ; Girard Banolter4lB griradway; -
Thomas Andrews, ar a 138 Ced t; Bab iuel G.
go-,-;!l,!uard, 377 West street ;' -Aloe -t.. Conklin sin
GreenwiCh steet ; James A. Crosby ,' 114 Broad**Tl
Cha's. Lent, Xing.bridge, N. Y.; m::,,rt C. 11.11,
2 1
Chicago, III.; I Smith Robbie, B hester, N. 74-
William W. Leland - New York ; Per: R.: Roach, IdB t s.
Bank street; Staates S. Bell,,corner .est and Laight
streets ; John L. Been, 78- Water ; street; D. Van -
*art, 'llB Broadway; Iforaticit NI Gallup, .corner
West and Barrow streets; PeteirH Foster, corner
Gansefoort and West ; IReubtn E Jr.. 48 Eighth
AYenue; Stephen Cromwell, Camde ", N. Y.; Albin
Wadkigh, Philadelphia • Dextar B.' rittain, 49 Wit: , •
ter street ; Samuel Sinclair, Tribune uildings ;il3arn
net B. Shaw, ClEkreland, Ohio.l . -- - ' •
intione •
RoT A L,Ga is, President._ .... C. Cs.....aas, Secret.iry. I
1 CHARLES L.: BROWN, .agen t 31ontwitat pa.
EAGLE - ArtouNntrhy:",-•
Q AYRE, BENTLEY & PERKIN having parch's. s'
0 ed. of Wilson & Co. the Eagle ,outidr3i . ; are now '
! prepared"to fill orders from the tradroind do work in
.. .best i their line with skill and ;despatch. Theywilf 'pep
constantly on hand Picitri;(best kinds,) storv,
kinds,) Cultivators, .Btrato•Cuttei*, Cons sellers,
tte:.d.v. dm. H
W- ' Pln—
c invite particular attention to ithe Plows which
we Inanuthetare. We manufactureand keep for.skle•
- The Celebrated Blatehle*-Plata.
.:xclusive right to .mannfse-:
)untr, - Wayne;' Wyoming and
dent Iron Peam- Plow: The
iron,excepting the handles. •
draught, being ape-third •
while its strength and du-.
I. • -
for Milli, Shingl;
vkc. •ike. [ '
Among the Stores whickwe manufacture , aiv. the
keystone Cooking Store, ROlrgh and' Ready do . , For
Queen. do., Premium do.; and other kinds;ri ll .ar- -
ranged'for burning wood or coal. 'Also, Self-Regis-.
I-later, Parrot Store, Cottage Parlor do., Stenaltia,
two sizes , . do:,, and a yariety of other Parlor Stoves,.
-bOtli wood and coal burners. We kep also op hand'
Grindstone trimmings, Dag Chmn"b imtnings, - Um
brella and Shovel and Twigs Stands' kc. dc. Work
done to order onr short notice and attthe low6t rates,
Vir Orders for Stoles, Agricultural Implemmits,,,
"cc. are solicited from thoSe in the trade, and will be
filled -at rea so nable wholeside.prices) , .
• - SAFRE,
1148. BENTLEY.. -
Motirsse,, March 4
. ,
Austraiiini Catiforuia, '
Or any" place ,ow the Globe cannot pre - sent
1' • pvater . inducemenis Oak .
Ha_icolirtli nos filled
of . fl art uedw
articles in their th aw
and line embracing
a general variety of neirand elegant styles of ladies .
and gentlemen I
.wear, rimeng". Which, are Ladles
French, Silk Lasting arid Prenille igaiterr, lid apt
Enameled Polkas, Kid, PatentjLeather . and Bronzed
deny Linda, Buskins. and Ties; Gentlemen's French
and Philadelphia; crik tanned calf skin arid kip Boots,
Morocco, Calf mid Cowhide Brogans te. , lkiya kip, -
calf and cowhide BoOls and Brogans; all kinds of .
Misses and Children's Weer. ,Also,l.a general inmost
ment of Findings which consist in part of lasts, pegs,
sparables, Hungarian trails, tacks, thread, wax, Bris
tle:3olloe binding, .awla4 rasps, sandetodft, shoeknives,
&c. Also oak and heMlock„ tanned caN tipper and
enkileather, Mort:fee° skins and linings. •
Work made to order and repairing, neatly done.
. ,
-Montrose.„ - April 6, 5.5.1.
FOA sAi.E.
20 44 A VILLAGE LO3S, situated in the - pleasantest
. part of the village of - Susqu'ehanna; also; three'
Houses and lots in the most !madness part of the
afore Sail Also; a ,Farm containing 183 acres,
with a small improvement, the 'remainder kearily
timbered, situate two miles from said village. •
Susquehanna is the great 'Central Depot of theli:
Y. k E. Railioa6, situate at the reot of ale heaviest
grade-on the road, near the greatiworks'of Stamm.
,Cionewaeta, and' the Cascade, , and possessing by nay
ture the best watering place on, route with the
entity of extensive Machine Shops, Foundrr&c., Sus-
Susquehanna, although nuinbering bet 2000.-inhibit
arms, and but four years of age, 18 destined soon to
'range alongside of tile most flourishing .and populous'
towns on the line of this great tqoroughlf,re. • ,
L. P. HINDS, Agent.
Office one door dist of Lenheisei.
Susquehanna Depot, NOY. 16. " • • -
' .
Valuable Latads ['or
- COIL SALE IN ONE BODY, about 5500 acres of
L itand on the waters of Spring Brook, a. branch
of the Lackawanna river, in Luzern° County, Penn's., -
about midway between the thriving towns. of Scran
ton and Pittston. - These landi are covered with val
uable-timber, and being situate b the most extension ,
mineral' region 'in Pennsylvanial-known to contain
iron ore-.and believed to aboun4 in coal, and being
also in the immediate vicinity ;of several •ratlrodida
made and now in progress—offer to , The 'capitartat an •
opportunity for the investment.of moriey.that aeldota
occurs. For fuither information apply to N. P. 'Ho
sack, Esq., No. 11„Wall street New York, 'oc to dot;
lubscriber, at Montrose, Susquelnuma county,Pi., tba •
attorney in fact of the owners?. 1
April 6, 1854, ' V HENRY DRINKER.
N ' - PLOW SWOP:, ' *-
1 - AND E. MOTT _would mipectfully infer:3llh*
public that they are insumfacturing libitchley's
Celebrated Plows. They alio keep constantly on
band, Side 11ayne Conn* and ?den Plows,'
Cultivator*, Dog phurn*, , Skigk and Cutter Shoe*,
'Plow Points of "various
,patlernb, too- numerous- to
- mention. We jhOpe, by striq attention to business,
to receive our share of public patnmage. Manufse.;
tory, D. Poit's old stand. Vouildry, M. MO% fiat
Searle's - MM. • -
'Repairing done on shOrt. notice. ' -
s ; FIRE '
lIE a übieriber is agent for-tike ,folloning Insurance
Companhis, doing business at the lowest. safe
rates... • •
state Mutual at HarriOura..
1 • • v+iral $ 350,000.-
Cash. Mataql at Harris&a7.
- I lapitai $2OOOOO.
Home tasyrance, Xelo Vity.
• , •L Ca l p4 4500,0001
Montrose April 8, 'Si.
nrHE aubacriberer are now bUnling and iyl3-10ep
carultantly_ on hand, tin* of a very. aupetter_
fluslitY St Montrose. Depot. and wilt selß issja
quantithis at a fair price. l'eSsons. wis h ing . thugs
quantity can be supplied upon a, reisnisable
Superior ground.Plaster(M. Op kept eonittatitip . s.
hand ttenntlier. • ' F :I. li. POST,
• i - H.,_I4IIAXXIk.,-•
Depoc,April 3. - SEAttlir-' I
HlNGLEL—Sibaxed Ph waste l by
►1 [Oct , %sr e+.l ITONS itION
acid zepifeci by uperiena.