viseeil 4 i ) eat s --Beleefloqs. Prohibitory Liquor L'as - Xovemett. . . . The State Central Committee which met . at flarriabnrg on TueSclay, F the 21st inf - st., unititimonsly adopted the following preamble and re!ielntions. It will be seen that the, Chairman of Committee is anthorised• to call a''llfass.Stite Convention at lfarrishurg on Wednesday, the 17th day. of- January next; '• Whprestl, the . interests of the cause of Pro., hibition • require .the utmost: harmony ?Ind' 'unipti in the yiews and plans of its adrocatts at the present Aline; and, as they will ll:thir dly expect, Some expression of opinion from this coMmittee, as to the best course to he pursued in connectipn-with the late' popular vote,- therefore, . ,• Resulecil, That .ptiblieitylo our views, the, members of this . committee alt intention or right. isiT interfere With , the action of thefState Convention 'which will meet in 4anuary, next, while the same time !hey dean it advisable to make Such sugges: tions,-aS wilkaid in producing union and bitr.. mony in thd.measures of that'body. • Resolved; That the popular vote taken. in I October LTA ha4l, in our judgment, establish.: 'ea the fitet thnt we are of right .entitled to the: pasOge of an efficient and prudent prohibito ry liquor laWe for the ,11. , ;toie State by . the next legiljature. 10 support. of this opinion We of ferqbe following reasons: Ist. -The fast leg 1 islature refused the prePasithin os otir State ; Convention of January: to " pas a proper. _prohibit._ry law and , Aihtnit its repeal to ti . popular vote at a special el.2etion: 2nd. - The .ante body provided for the subinistiOn of the queStion, without the law, at the genera! elec. tion, in spite of our Well known oppo,_itiOn !co, and in the face of our -solemn. pr,:t t? ' s t against it.. 3rd. The Prohibitory Convention,-: in June, accepted the issue,thus - foreed- upon them; tinder protest, and upon the d,issinet utd avowed coudition "that the liqUor perty ihould : poll more half of the •whOle vote of the State against the. law, ‘or be coti sidered defeated." 4th. The liquor party did :tot teetire such a vote, nor ellen.a.majority of the voters who attended the polls and Vot• edfot Governor,:by more than forty thousand. A .majority of the votes cast were against the, law. 6.-ause of. the forM or sub mission and the wordifig of :the -tickets.— . Thousands-Supposed the lawn Would require private houses to be - chol, which was nov cr desired ; and Or op•Ponents were enabled 'o deceive voters by spurious tickets,. by :vhich _enough votes Were • thrown .outN t , td hange. the .result. It -s etictreti ire 'cv-iOnt ',hat a large majority of, the legalrofers in he'State-are in. fa-vor- of and ('_lesl re the law. 'dth. A large ; majority of the counties have voted in favor of the law, these same "ounties have elected a tbajority of the.mem !,ers in both houses •Of the legislalurc.- tThe !aw for the'whole State should therefore. be t ! assed; not oi,lr-because, it is right, but be rause it IS in perf,'accordanee With the es: tabliShed principles of repreSet4ation, "that rt legislator is, boutid by the eripreised wishe,:s of his irnmediate constituents • .Resolved,, That ine,ase the next legislature should refuse to - pass a laW:, for ttg whole Stntl' then it is the din v:of that:hotly to pass an .absolute law for a,lettc.counties voting in : tivror t to : which migrit :be ridded a provision that the 'other cotinties Allay accept the same, by a popular vote on the subject. Resoired, "Ant should the abGve laWs . fi)r the counties not be deemned,adviable, then:a general la* should be - passed-, with a provis). to the school law, by which the ..!ounties . May accept or reject the ;ante hy • popular vote. Resolved. That in cases special law for tie prohibitory . counties, ort(general . -law to be accepted or rejected, be passCd_tlien. the Leg ,islature shootd also rasa - absohitelv prohibiting: .the sale :of intoxicating drinks through the State, - upon the Sabbath day. , • Rev:dyed; That ice ; reaffirin the resolution the Convention in jan6arV,last,." That no .;aw. ho - werer ztringent; reeogniics the right - to sell intrAicating drinks,. can .receive t‘ur sanction, as we- believe the time has fully c•orne, when all e . tTctrt _kr re!rniate this traffic should be at once and forever abandonedl": - .Regoli•ed, That If the Legislature will, in ,spite of all (Air etTorts to present it, contin to license, cry portion of our citizens to• sell intoxicating drinits ; then justice absolute ?r requires that:the eater in spiritous, Vin- . - ous or malt liquors shouhl be placed , upon equal grounds, 'and • be' required to obtain . their license in -the same way, as. the intosi: eating principle is the same' in all, and all, are destructive to the health and happineSs crf . society. . Resolved, That Messrs, C4. - iornbe, Graham and Simon of Philadelphia, James Black Of Lancaster, and Martin Bell of Blair county; be comnittee .to prepare- an " address' s' to the next Legislature, setting.forth theli,:tory of and the facts connected with the.late pop nlar rote, together With such- arguments in. thror Of our claims as theyNayA - -cern neees: sary. • Resolved, That the Chairman ett.U.: mitten be authorised to call a Mass State Contention of the friends of prohibitiOn, in HaTrisburg, .on WedneMat, the 19th day' of 4nuary next,. at 10 o'clAci A. M. Resolved, Tliat this Committee tlo . now ad-, . . . .journ to meet in Harrisburg On Tuesday evening; the 19th of •Januari. next, IA 7 1-2 • ... - P. Comm, Chairman. •. .*- J. P. SrstoNs, Secretary. .:: • •. P. S.—Editors throughoUt the State Are requested .to publish the aboti•e. r .' ..- Crushing Out.. According to :the Washington corresp.on dent. of theiPhiliidelPhia Ledger, (Grand,) certain members of iCoagress are about to attempt wirat the Attorney General faihd in so signally, in.liassachusetts. The business of the seasion, (saya -Grund,),will now commence in gciod earnest,l and malty iniportantimeasui;es will undoubt edly be matured before it-expires .- The nat \u'rati*.ation laws, as I . hare 'already-stated, will not be'ehanged during the present Congress; havingthe Union already indicated the pro. -• babli course of the Administration in regard' to this subject. • On the other hand; au or ganized efrort .. will he made by leading Sena-, tors and ineitibers, to preserve the integrity of and to exeommiuSeate i onee - fcr all time„the is ins of the day. A general interl diet is to be piotiounced:agithist intolerane and superstition, as well as 'against . all secrc societies for Political purpose. -. The Deth erotic party in Congress, assisted by. the 4.11( line Whigs, and tiie Ad minist ration Wilt coin r mence the Onslaught immediately after_thit - holidays. The matter is-to be fully discus, . both- HOuses of Cotigre . ss' and the mos,, distinguished inembeis of the .Old line parti are, to take a hail& in it." • . - • "Leading Senators" will find, they hay Imt,vety.little power in-this effort'. The "1., terdict" will be almost as harmless as those -Of the - Pope of . Rome. - Their - "onslaught" wilC be only a slaughter of themsel'res. The people have- made Up their'4ninds to itsvp'soniething nets,—and we.tion 4 t see hoix -itreextlite helped.---1V . Ezinves. , -r. hei .. APPPYRIATE.-In an old bookseller'scat : logue appears the following article: "M • ' mows of Charles 1., with- , ,a 'mezzotint ; r d eiiitiPitateeiteiV \ ' ' I The _ 1. - in Btiffalo,;Letweo,3oo..and 400 pen. in the,iron basineSs hafe been ihrOWn out °fent . . ployment.. In Del Mlehigan,- 'several huttdr©d • - Werkers in iron have, recently been throWn' I na of etnployinent.. • • In derp:ei the snore Stagnation ?is ap parent. • The Gt4ette says ." Alarge propOrtion of the hands at Coop er's. 11i11.nt.ITrentoni were discharged la few days shice; , in;eorisequenee of the pro: prietors .ttirning their attention 'to another branch of the work inan fell:doWn in the :tit . faiutniss :and exliatistm He had )not lasted food , Plainfield, where illindr dollars Wpith of e,l4thin . l there is hnt the 'shoe trade is, also E. , known that :it least !One. . ; ants 01 . anr c ity' anci Ong: tare of ladies' 1=11'60 . . :1111(i 'that. tel) of thousan ds . , jo . dollari - are fluid Oa' thi the course of the year to binders and journeyinea.. Prices are lower; and 'work is teas abundant than it was a few monks F:inee.i':; • The reading Gazkie says:: . . We.Oeatly fear ;that we shall shortly, be compelled to noticti':.the 4iScharge of many,, workmen, Iron our .I'nanuiltetories." •In : Philadelphia greet numbers of workmen klaye been Messrs. Norris alone kli:ehanzect 600.froni their Locomotive Works. The o,:r,iiialltowd . Telegraph, says But it is wit workers in iron who. -uffer; in u4arly all 111 - o,infriiii6eturing branehis nd t not sparing the illerehinit, irk() is a sufrerer, the .•itite condition of things - • The WihninatonTLepubliean, " One hundred Winds have beendischarged . -)y one eetahlishment'in this city, twenty .by nothtr, and 6. few try ;other:. The diffidulty )f procuring tunds.. !O. make payment is .as .'igned as', the Teas* fin. this .curtailment he number'ofworktnen." " In NOrr6town, - on Monday morning last, tessrs.. Thomas, : C,arson & :Wost, reduced wage of th ed ose In theinemploy to:20 per ent: The Swe::!lron Company have also educed' . the wages their hands to a like ,tmonnt. , . . The BOstfut TravtAkr, says : . .- We understand; than Worcester, som f the large Machitt establi,:hinents are rap. dly deereasingithett umber of their bands, and lso the nunil)(k oflonrs . during ..which ,they Vill employ.tlt4!).-4-ho remain." • • '. • - ; , .-:, ' • . • ' - I Truel9itskof the Pressure. Tfit:! . . Newark -1)41,3:- Advertiser siiv s 3 lhe re teVer was a } - 4 - 4-14,the buSiness world' when t was not allt;g4 'without proof, that a toardingHf 'Old and silver•was prevailing, and arravatea- . .tlq calamity. - Tina intelli pnt print thiniis tltht Ameriean•etaraeter is tpposed to liltlingr a talent in a napkin. at easons - 41, the pl,'esent, when it, eanl)e put nit to most eiforbiant usury. We are ex, - forting all we . .recOve from Californiand -nore. This . - 'dx - poi' i t of eoin.• is rendered tte •" flip exiess of our imports 'over .xportslor 11! last.ycar of more than syty -nilnons (if do !ars! Vvt it is gravely pro. used to i-etli.e dui duties with, a view to di. ninish the. national ; tin'ellUe! The eon,:e: nenee of 'vhi; - ..11 inik:.neeek.sarily be :i great y augmented 1 impktiition, and a still:groat ,.t. drain:of 6:ir precioits metals-. LOreni.o DOw is Stikl remendiercd by some )f they "Od :asp Of-the most ceeen rie men' that ever . On one occasion • he took the' liberty, shilc Preaching, to, de qounc(e a. rich n,anrin the coinumnity,.reeent: , ly deceatt - ed, !Die ire4ult was-an arrest., a tri al tur slander, and - 01 imprisonment in, the county . j:ii I. After i3OrZ , n7:o got opt of -limbo," he announced that-in- Spite of his (in hi opin, ion)' unjust punishOeht, he should preaeh, at a given titno ; a serniOn about another rich ni;m:" • :tic poptilaei,3 was greatly excited, and a crowded k eireeted -s itis appearanee. With art.:at solemnit4- he opmed the Bible, and read, " And therp Was- a rich man who died.and i -went to then stopping. short, and..seeming. to be, - siiddenly ithpres's.ed, he &whined; "Brettreo I slutll. not . mention ithe place. this rich,-4in iwnt . .to, for fear he has some relativeS . in; this congregation who me-tor -dOliniation of eharacter."-- Ttie eireet. on they as4mbled multitude was irresistible, and he p 4 the impression per- manent by taking another text and never al luding to the'subjeet, again: • : CI OVthjiEADS . : AT IjAI,ARLAVA, I have al - Ways ined that.4plie skulls and cloven heads .were'tigures Or speech until to4ay, when 1 have, inde e d. ifeen terribly convinced tlrthe reality of sUch "lirirrors.' Koine of ,the had their. heads as completely clo ven as if the , operatiorit was perfialned by a surgeon .with a Stl."%T. ire irly ail 'the 'Russians Were *f o kiliel. . Our had been prin cipally slain :with lane. thrusts; I saw .one I•ofly With thirteen;; stleh :wounds through the elw;st •Mil_stomael , S . • matt !st:c;; all of ;vlileit wetef tiocr'e flesh wounds, and:not dangerous: . The; same man, (in 'the 17th Lan eers,ylextraOrdinarY and incredibleas* it may appear, had two hOrso killed — under himone or two sabre and: woimds in his rap, his Sword bent dinible in its sheath by a Nin nie.builet,• five btilletSlin hisS.*lddle, one in his lance-staff; and -sivfrd huts innumerable. . * . • How (.;I.7'S'S ARE • 4.I , INED.—A-correspotident. of ' the tondOn I erald describes how • the . RussianS 'spike the gUns—" The spikes arc about four incheqmg. and of the dimenAon of a tAthaceo-pipe; the hehd flat ;'. - 11 barb at the pcnnt acts IlSialspripg, which is naturtlly pressed to the shaft upon being forced into the toUch•hole,... iljpon reaching-the chamber it restrrics its pOlsition, 'and it is impossible to WithdraW it.; It *eau only be got out by drilling4=no t.asy. task, as .they are made of the hardest Steel, `and being so loose in- the .totiCh.hOle, there, is much difficulty int - linking a drill bite as efrectually as it should do.— Itaapplication is the. work- of a .moment—a sing} tap on-the flat head with the palm of the hand Sufficing."„ • . - THE PUBLIC I i AITIIOI , CONNECTICUT AT A Dtsccitiar.They do say that Connecticut— tie. land of steady habits—,of Yankee notions and .woOdert:nuttnects, has .broken' her with contractor. and of this there is no doubt. The keept raid the stote's Prisbn complains of his inability : to •siipply the eyntractors fbr. labor in that In4titution, With f number of men bargained , for in their several. contracts. lie added quaintly t "We hare a gtxidrnciany going ontfrointitne to time, and Almost corning in.'; This state of things is due to the prohibitory law. of Connecticut. • It is enforeed with ppribit-vigor, and is sustained by public Sentinient. , As ianother result of this Jaw, the: girt - ford ,Daily Courant, an nouneeS that the. Windhatn jail is to be let as a bottraing-lipui4, its . further tenants 'having 'retired and successors. not 'coming to time. - In the e4;ttegiate days of Royal Tyler, once . i;()varilor - venwint was called uponreeito from ."1.40CC - e on the Under standing," anti havini; failed to eonirnit his recjpition, *as knew not what. Axtunkore,-Whkur .the- -- Prnfessor in 'opted "Butlini - don't find-that, in the . book 17. I know satidl; agree: ~thejtht .1 wo d gice rny (At se:Ail:debts tin i 4 - 7,TausnsT,ts§ .pARD , A. A; E. Baldwin ; • • 1. lA:crFACTIMpIS SAWA:ES, lIARNEM, Trnntio, &c., in the Basement of Smirk's Motel, Montrose, Pa. • C. N. Sunmons,.. 11)00T A,ND SHOF4 MAKER. Shop first door east -Lr, of Odd; Fellows Hall, urnpike st., 3lOlliroBl'.. 8 now be found at hi; new stand on Owego st. CitwO debis west of Serirle's Hotel, where he ef fectually repairs with diiiwiteh, WatcheS, Clocks, Jeweltiy, Guns, and every description of /dachine'ry. Wheel euttitig; Gun: end ,Watch materials supplied to the trade!, . . ; • Dr: H. Smith, , • Li n tRIGgON DENTIST ( Montrose, Pa., at Searle's . Hotel, llOndays and Ti4esdas of each week. -Henry S. A rOSTROSE, PA., with Row, Woodruff cf: Cur 111 trr, Wholesale GroeeFs and Commission Met , .Inuits, No. 373 Washington street, between Court uit, and Dey'streets, Nctr ' Miller . &17owler, - 1 , a • SEYS ANDTCOpNSELI.ORS -AT LAW, ' ~,i cio ,t oi r si ti n Chance d ry. Office N0. , 44 Clarke t - . ' • ,_ I ,/. / . ' .aci ft a Hotel, . - . . . 0 AL E. Fs*lcit s. REE', (near Bioatlway,)• Netc'l kiln l'ork. Salishur A: Co., Proprietors. In the : 'icinity of the principals !innlloat landings. - H Thomas I4:-tram, - -DEALER; IN DRY GOODS, troceries, Chititing, '.- r Crockery,_ Boots and Shoes, .e., Slutyttrhaana ', Pepi)t, Pa.; . • . ----77-- B en tl e y ---- iiitii - r ! i o ~ . - t iTTORNEY§ AT LANVr, ...Iforitrose, Pa. 1 1 ,:,32 A. S. nikstt.r.r. • ! . L. 7. TISCH. L; and. street, i• • - John Groves; VASHIONABLE TAIL, . R.' Shop under Searlee 1. i notel,ll4laine 'zitreiSt, .1 OW rilSe, P a. t - - --- It •, D. Hinds, ! 11 - V-Ptl7 AND EXCHANGE STABLE. Office in i 1i in the rear of Wiltion'4 Store, .119alrose; Pa. J. Colsten, ' . . iIEALEB.. IN . TOVES,i Tin, Copper,.and Sheet , I r on .Ware, Lod:tar/Ile, near Great Bend Depot. D r ecentlier 4. . • .. . . 74. C. Tyler, NTEREVEII with 1. D. HUNT, Importer ofand 1. Dealer in Hardwarc and ,Cutlery, Carriage Springs, 21ti Pearl stivet, reir Ybrk, where his Mer cantile frienils, in this: and Other counties, are • kindly and carneFtly, solicited to call and purchase. . . L. P. Hinds, . kTTORNEY•AT LAW,;"ttsriudiata It a, Pa,. Office : ...:. on Maine , st;:eet one door (..a4 of Lenheim's. .Frazier & Case, - A ITTOR)TYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, OfTiCe on Turnpike street, , one door East of Post's &tire, Montrote, Albert Chimberlin, ITORNEY AT LAW 'and Justice of the Peace; .Z 1 over L. Post &_Gird Store . , Montro,se. Wm...H. Jessup, , • VITOHNEY AT - LAW "AND CONIMISIONERof .11L DEEns, for. the State ; of New Sork, will attend to all blisiness entrusted to him with promptness and fidelity. Ofili..•:! on Public. ;..Squar,i,..coccuided by Hon. Wut. Jessup. . Abel Terrell, nEALEIi 'IN: DRUGS, lIEDICINF..S,'ChemiCaIs, Painti. Oils, Dye-stufrs, Groceries, Drr POOliti t . ITarilware. Stoneware, Glassware, Clicks, Watche-, Jewelry; Silver Spoons, Spectacles, llnsical` Instru ments, Trusses, Surgical Instrument?, Liquors, Per funierr, Brushes, Shoes, Yankee Notions, 1:6.. • B. R. Lyinslic CO., • ' AATIIDLESALE AND !RETAIL: DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Salt,'Flour, - and Hard- Laaeabero, I'a.. i • :•-• F. B. Chandler, VALER PRY Gt)(PS. Reads Made Clothing. Grocetic:4,.l3 , 3oke and-Statique:7, etc., Public. Avenue, ..Ifiazfro:se, Pa. •." ' ' • -Patrick & Dimo .. • Tiiirsinass AM) §tRGEONS. OtEco No. 4 Owegoktreet, -11o,olOte, Pa. . , - . - 1 'l. L.- Post & Co., . . . .. ri R . , D E il l lL L ,ri ES2N l l) , ll lt l e Go t p lo n: , ,.. i. Gree c r o it rri i, •, C n roc iT k t el-y n , pike street And Public Avenue, ..I.(oiltiose, Pa. • .- I S. Lyons & Son., EALEFtS PRY GOODSlZroceries, Hardware; Crocktir . ‘ - 'i Tinware, GroeerieA, Rooks, etc.; also carry on hook Binding business—Public Avenue,l ifoittroler, Pit' ~ .. . ! ..- :• I Bentley 4 1 ,!‘ Read, -, 1 . - [ • riEALEIIS IN DRY GOODS, Diug,i,` , Medicincsj .I.l•Paints ? Oils, Groceries, Hardware, Crocker Iron, Clock; Watch - es, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Peru urriery, L - e.;—foot of PublEc Aveuve, Montrose. %. - 1 1 • .14tyie, -Bentley gc Perkins, . . NrANI . T,-ICTRERS OF AND DEALERS I ti all kinctsi ofi Castings Stoves, Agreuituntl Imply T fnents, eta.. Office at Syre's Store,. Public Avenue Mattufactot7t at the Eagle Foundry, Foot of. Cherry street, Montrose, Pa. - , & William IL Jessup, 4i; TTORSBYr3 AT LAW ' Mo;droze, Pra'cl tice in. Stpmuebanna, Bradford, Wayne, Wyol• ming and 4nzerne counti4 • William W. Smith & Co., CRINET MAKERS. They keep constauar at' band a good assortment of all kinds of Cabine Furniture. Shop and Waro-Romns at th . p foot o mrect. _Montrose, Pg. •. Rockwell, Winton & Co.; 1 .. • li tNEF iCTUREftS ilnd DEALERS ~in Strztr .3,1: Goat, Ilex, Ca..., Fora, Unthrell4s, Pqra' r sax, .Riblx)rts, &e. &c., :O. 20 Courtlindt street, Verb l'ork, (up shinz.) I ---,. i • , R. h. ROCKWELL. J. DOWARD. •w. w l , wirrAN. :~,~° TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAWI,. .fforifro4r, Pa., will'attend Etithfullfto all busi neis entrusted to him in the county of Snsquehann. Conrepmeing and writing of all kinds will be done neatly, and charges moderate. lie will also attend the pto,cention of claims Of soldiers, their widows anu heirs, against the United States Government, •for BOunty Lind, Pensiotig, ' May be fbund at'all bOurs at the Office formerly occupied by J. T. Rich-. ..irds, Esti...north of the'Court House. . . 1410.. • , Time Changed. • • DELAWARE, LACKA*ANNA AND WESTERN R A 11411.1)AD.. Eli ARRANGEMENT ! • 2 9N and after Tharad4tY, Nov. 23 , 1854, the ]tail ' Passenger Train wel depart' from Scranton it 1, M. H - • •. • 1 Due at, Great Bend at g. 30 P. X. • Conneeting with the Daily Espress Trains both east and west on the N. Y. ER. IL, which arrive at New York at 9.30 P. M. Nand at Dunkirk at 11. 1 ReturO *ill leave Great' Bend on the arrival of the Beffhlo Express bound, (.3.20 P. M.,) which de parts froin New York at 71 A. M., and arrives atScran at- 5.50 r. ix. . I : • • The Height Aciommcidation Train with Passenger Car aft:kid:l4.'4 will leave-Scranton 4.1.50 r. arriv ing at Great Baud at 6 r: x., connecting with the Mail Train bound Wfttt, rind the Night Express Trains bdund both East and Weal I Retuinit' )g will leare Great Bend at 6.3 Q A. X. 1/13 arri" cc at Scranton 11 A. x. ' i Stages be in waiting on the aniral of passen l -ger trains; at Scranton, to convey pansengera to. Car bOndale; Pittston, WilkeShame, Philadelphia Via. the Readin4 Railroad. Easton and all other. intermediate places. D. H. DOTTERER, Superintendent. Superintendent's °thee, Scranton, Nov. 23, 1854 _,_ • _ Firesli Arrival ot.liew Goads—Great 1 ; 1 Bargains. _ , 1 Irta, , ',.. py to announce to nay patrons throughoist I tie county that I have just received a new stock' of cxxl.,; which lam selling astonishingly cheap 'f o r . eitsh; • , - i • :S A ;LYONS Laneshoro, August* 14, 1854. SGAR by the ton, barrel, and pound it! for 411. S A L i Lanesboro. August I I 1854. ' 1 C) - CASES of HOOT: SHOPS jilt I at the Laneabore 'Cash Store. SA L' Mats, I LAR : GE :paw-uncut, of silk Lad iimirola Heti AI -x6emr • A 41. ext.. .4ety 104 1)14"14• 0;3 GTheoni June 34,'64 . 1 tr. VOl4l- . leton 20 13;. OS i 'NELL() onlthe achieved a'aignal t un _ o or r: bloodtc:3,e otrilityqust ac with fi . lii r field of , ,i. Pen c e ,. Kil Folultreed " for watichlytu4 arid the tinrc _ your _ - _....,11161, / . ell creation,• ,-.d. _ . • ; - 1 We tielie, though armed to, Me ter Ih, and rout hY.r.ei . .. i'avat4n,- - . A I i 11 . And now - 11ke .Whigs and Democrats, and the Knovi • • Nothing too, . ! , - 1 . 1 . , " • Since we have of the reins of power, well show. Oat • - We can do. - 1 1 We'll purge these - ` 4 Augean stablef' .of the opposition - - lan, .1, -". . '1 I 'f And then with pure material will ,fill them ttp atin, - And thpughihostile politicians direr widelY in their. , lie.w-4 1 ) . - ; . 1 -1 11. •' Of the eOntrksets or measures that each" in turn may , bhoose, , . , 1 1 -.1 1 1i Yet in ifeferOce to- our Policy we, sure slal. noes be • 1 told :; • • - • -' -1 ,„ • That tius.eonS filth and rottenness.lshould belprefered • . , Ito yortT, -. 1 i Nor 'llMt wlidit any 51 - stein has gkown ro' Ulm inithe . bone i: • 'L . i 1 1 ' ',.:• 1 • 1 , ; The pciwers that did the mischief should not be oter . - " ;thrown. , i' 1 I.' This, then Orbut we dO in the empire of the jaia, The , chNty tyiantit we expel, and ahrtigale their lairs. If aunilt valuable remains, that our prcser ing ) : Our• " - " pose•litits, ,-: 'it We cleanse 11and save it, all the •rcst..we , , pull out by lie *ls,. - ~ - I \'ii • • ' ' Then' on. the imins; by our art, we "uickly re a r' Ron Ananeb pfbdiming Gold, with colourtade.S , of porcelain. And now ourlfigure to complete, we only hate Minty, .These Wondiioustransformations all are dont"for Oa.V. 1 C. D. vinpiL, Surgeon Dentist. MontavuoNovember 0, 1854. 1 . 1, - . • 4 --:---.- t ._------- - . NEW STORE! NEW GOODS ! 'il . , . ,i r - - - - '''-:1. IN . NEC MILFOI,D: i . ~. ITlLE'subscriber -haring leased; the Store, o of . .1. Mi2ssrs;',rl'rattii, formerly occupied; bvl. SiPt tle; int*tids,o locate permanently in Nei-Milford: And ri t e Oitld take this method of inforittinW,the inhabit4nts till New. Milford, and apaCent toWittythat Ire has just returned from New Yo li with a large..htid splendid stork of fresh and entirely.nett.GOods;ifon— sisting tif PRY GOODS of every ponqiAra- Lk variety, OROCEIIIES as•ltiwaa the loweSt, Ltercl re,-(i'eo.t..4i.„v, hoot. and Shoed, Hai. and Cgs,., Bonnet's of 'Crery style., &c. &c., -Which .he iitTe.ra4 for i sale-oti4he Most reasonable terms; for cash, .cotintrys 1 product,•or t l / 4 ..liable credit. Ile wOuld also s'ay it this connection, :Oat he has added to !the eamblisluncnt, the manufacturing of. Tin, Sheei t iron, ;ani Ciiiiper ware ifr, allits varieties, in which he is prepared to I executall••kiinds of jr.ttis, by the very liest'worlitnen 1 and ottithe Most reasonable term s ; I, 1 . Dealbrs sitpplied at the lowest prices.;. PartigWars ;in rela6n ti3;stoves &c., at some future time. f!: i , r: • -- 1 • . J. DXC'KERM'tN ' r '• Netrllilfetd, May .. lll, IRS-1. I r ! . I t flit ETTLVABF#O . RTMENT 4f Tin; Sheet. Aron alxl Cup l ictlyare of triv onin mapufactur4 - ! ;and made of, (teavy plate, fur sale 'by ; J. 61CKERM'AN, New! 12, 155:3. V"lTLlU : dassortment of Ilartiwnro, Carpl'...nter!fand • hilrier Toots, Pump'Chain, and fictui-es att s July, 1S5•1.1 .;-)ICK,i:R*AIC6*, ASIITA.VDBI.ISikS :of the 4:4 quality, fort Sale chap 4t P R M A N.'S- 1 ""'' FLOUR AND SA LT,4 the barrel oi : etatise;, - the lowest price- atiDICKERMAN . S... • FARMERS ' - , UN /ON• INSURANCE COMPAIty . . ATUENS. nuani criCNTY, • CAPITAL, $2O 000. - • • Scettreif by . j.Thind and ni iforigage. o'l t RCat Ii ate it . of Mo• ,S.'tf,ekhold;- . Insdies akitiniat loss by Fire, of oases, SoreLl,i and other, buildings, Goods,Ware4 ' anOlerehtindi4; on as fa‘Orablii terms as any sirallar nStitUtion, Llosses promppi• adjusted and paid. I ?' _ Dtr.P k groit.—Hon. Horace illi4ton, Athens; Pran cis Tvlhe.'d(i.; George A. Pel kills do.; J. T 41 1 ): MAyer, do. • N. ,shirmin; do. ;C. F.WOles, Jr.'do.;l.l,- E. Canfield . 'Loa. Joh a Lirporte, i r owanda ' ;_li G -B. Wakennin, X...leer:dile; Geo. M. iloUenback, barre Sliobael Sleyiert, Laporte. !a. • 1! • Ors•lcEa§:,—Hon. Horace Williston, President F. Well .S, jr. , V. Pres. and •Trea.S i . ; .1. E.l Carit)ehl, SecreqtrY: