rrKEJ POST fliddtoburg, Aig. 3, 1882, All Communication, business let fr An., for thia ollire, to secure j.rnmnl attontinn should lo nMrea.cd follows: Tim Tour. Middlehurn: -nyder Giunty, Pa. Advcrtiaoment. nuimnnifiationa Ac. must be. handed in by Monday noon, to tecnre inaer ti.in in next issue Santas I'newrr Coos rs nosrts of if f lsstr srs sll foarlh MetVtar 4 f hTrr, Mf , aa4 8aiiair, aotl SaftOBil l nii of OmnUr. TIII8 PAPER tl at OKU, I HOWF.ti.At'OM 4pTrant rt i ti I, htn idnr- riHKEWYOHS. 4tHt Wmj max local Nowm, Ace. Snake storiea are now In order. Farmers are tinny harveitlii(C tbelr out. A, 8. Klliifi reports a corn stalk 11 ft..". A Rood, soaking rio would f tctitiy benefit tba corn crop. Repair at the Courthouse, are ureirreaalug. , The bum of tho thrashing tiiaeliiue is beard ia the country. Daylight la now (trowing shorter mil J leaa at both etui. Boasting ear will soon hn pnttlng bi their appearance. Tbo oora crop l dtiinfv Cncly anil tho yield promise to be a liberal ono. The abade tree alou;r our street present a kool ami Inviting appeur anee. Fml II. Shrader, Heaver, report a corn stalk 11 ft. Bin. and deetrea to know who can boat It. Quite a number of our nltlxen at- tfiidnd the Hitrvoat Hoiqm Plrnli; nt Itaavertowu ou HatnrJuy. i4ll the pper oor tba BtAlo apoak oftbepreannt wheat crop Lei 1115 thr UrgoMt for many yean. Don't let tbo CanivU tlilstlr ro to ei'il. Cut them down. Tln-ro In ii lino of $5 la tbo law for a f.uluro Ij cut theiu. One farioer near Clydo, N. Y., li.i CO acres oTpoUloca Rrowini;. Ho put ou paria green Kith a U:m Tiro en gine. Cyrua Marks' llttlo diitfhter, nff-vl aliout lOyeara, fell from ach"rry tree and broke her left arm hhIiiipK; friv: tiirc T. . Forrcy.of rreohuri;. will teacli tbo firat gnulcJ acbool al MuMkljnn; durinc the coining winUr, at a sulnrv of MO per tuonth. Mr, ft. Marx Ik offorlnptho Brnt"at ImluoeiUDiit to purcliaKiT of Hoots nml Slioes by another reilnotiou in prir.'s Call ami Hoe. The U. H. Hunday School v. Ill 11c Nion Ifcjwer's Ird:uil on Hutur.lity afternoon tieit. Ht'tli-r' CorU'! Hand will furnlhli iuuii. Ueury Reurick. of Traulilin reporta any number of coru ntulkH 11 ft. 5 in. some 3 wi'll di'Vi-lop l eara Henry ahoad aa farad hmiril from. Uld. Corudllu", of fiw Berlin, 111 we ipto preaa, liroaUt to tbi.i olll a cjrimtalk iii.)iiniriii 11 ft. 8 in. tj ft. to the eur. How lit that for lilnli. Haiuuel Werner la at thu head of a movement with a view to the orii'il tatlouof a PuHt of tli- (Irani Army of tUa Kopuljlid, at A 1 nu-ib ir, Ati;UHt 12. Tlie encampninnt of tho Btati Mili tia, at LowLlown, it is expectod will attract great rrowiU to that placo. TI10 Ciicainpnicnt will ho worth viit ing. If you want to cconomizo (also Jxh IWIiug' advice. Ho says: "Uivo 1110 good salt tuackorcl for bra il fant and I'll make tho other two uie.iU oil' of water." We auw a practlcid furujor don't kuow whether he Ih a grantrer or not mowhirf grawt with a pair of ttlieep hears for mrtieulars uddroas "Local." The piniiliut, oake walk und fontlvnlH of Saturday butt, at MoClurd, Kuuver town, Coutrevllle and Fremont are reported as luooeiuiea In every purtio ular. Sii children, of Ooorge and Carolina Ooodllng, of Chapman townahip, died of diphtheria withiu two weeks. Fun eral sermon were proaohed by Itov. 0. W. errold. ar.-r. Two oows owned by James Rartow, of llealo towuship, Juniata county, ate wild cherry leave hurt week and died from tho oOoot of the polaou oonUliml lu them. If you put ono half the attention to your barnyard, which you innt put to your Aold arops, to make liviiiK, you will make 0 time mora profit than be fore. Hue llinter Pairy iiook. To bo had at Hiutontou Harbor A (y The oorutlk oonnulttee of Mlddlu burif reports Rav, Hhludel far ahead 1 Hs has half au aere, on I.ouk Alley, 'u this bQroiigh, In whleh thare ar Miauy stalk lueakuriutf IS, and M lu hi. with an 1 a ears to the stulk, The four Sunday Bohouls of Troxel vllla will hold a union I'lmilolnl. N. Trutal's Oroya 0 n Hatmday Ann - Is. INslthttf time nor trouble will he parad to wake this I'ieuto a eheer ull oua-AH re Invited. Pa not forget that riiues ryinp - Tar, Wild Cberry and ( oai Inmai it Ilia most lilaasant la lake f any enugh rmaly ait4 Ilia largest hot lit fur thu luousy, uaitU at all drug slorea. VorMlo by Joint John A, oU, Middlebtiig fa. PtnSONiL. t r ttr.. i ...i .. ! ... iA t. ...... t' , , 1 trlrl Mla Clua Horn ol Klkhnrt, Indian.-, Ik home ot a visit. Mr. Kidlio C H iiupaul, rpe nt lu'.t week ut t'entrvvllle. Jamea Miller, the. (fcntlefimnly Beo retary and Treasurer of the Lykena Valley Mut. Fire In. Co. nt I'llzalifth vllle, l'n., dropped In to nee ua, Mon day hint. CnlvlnSwenk. ( Union Co., In visit liiit MKbllrburir frletiil. Cal. la u aoolal yoiinx man, ninl a frmid (el Krnli ojn'rntor. Ho will lenvo for lllinoi thi week wlnre he b:ia a po-ii tion. Madam M"rtetH, jflneljnl untmr Ladies ll 'partui.nf, Wa'i v'ii iker" (Iran I l"ot, IMiilail., M!ansa I.uey FIoaJ, M iry K. Croime nn I Fannio Walllallofthclty-o.' brMh ily love, are vla'tbi Mirs Kesnlo Cru, : ut Mid illrbar,. Imprnveinei.t -Doctor f-)il:i-l. ! I laying a rew pavement - IVvVr.l. W. Uri'.l'n y laid, Ourd.'Ul n U If I) ' tor have Mineh labor und d.i"i!lln I.AVIN'I pav-llllit i - n.'k tb 'iil. We uuderxtanl, our iielgMier, N. P. Ilare la a eaiiillilat'' for tb" btnorrnt le iioiiiliiutlou fur Jury ('oiniul--.loner. Mr. Hare would crit.iiiily makeu (fool and rfflcieut oflleer. . A Camp Meeting tin ler IM aii'pbiet oftlieU.B. Church, will ho helt in 4Hel ifirrnld'a Rrov., near PaJln, eotnmenrlns; Tuady, A'i. 15th, li'2, and continuo at leant one wack. KuMKit, July 37. :m Mlt PoST :-Cha. M-'ler, eon of Kenjauiln Meb'i r, wna aliuoit ilrown ed in Krntner'a dam. William Hoi linger rexciied libn Jn"t In time. W. II. HOI.LINUnU. Lookout for the fellow who la triiup iu over th oouutry a"lllu a powder which be alienee wae 11111 le t,y l'..ni for the pnrpoe of Itinri-eH'iiL; the iHu iLilnot inir power of co.-tl oil to llmf of eleetrif! Ihtbt. lie ft.-'li per box f,,r it. It 1. a fraud of the f-tt wat"r. The Old Felloes of Reading nro ndiii5 out tnvitti(n to All tho O.ld Fellow lodeo In thia Stalo and to nil the miiformed ranks hi tho Untied Sutea to parlieipato io tho pnroto in that city on iSoptetrdwr 34. They ex pert aotne uniform?) b-ethroo from the "aeifie rt. A Iuiasfer pr!ntr wen! T.nlt. llle ('Mill,) liieetll) Hlid lot seven lol Iiiim. The wonder la not f'iat ho lost It but what In the wnrld a printer with Miteh a fortune la travelln-j e.bout ci.iup iiiieiinM for v.i:'i nil bi.i i-tTert in bin p x-.ket 1. It nerve hint rlirit if he will die poor. J Ulle HtlTl'lijt VI, le1,.;ii:,. J )u n-r. ryiiu? b:iek n.t Wi? tetiviyor'a builditiir, wiw aseo'idiU;? the hhITiM whii-'i, when he had nri1ve,l at lle top oftlw eeeond atory, j;ave wuy enuaiii; Uiui to l,xelii:i biil.'iueeund fall to tfce (loot Ix'low where he w:ui eaniit by ymin Ftrntik, ll"fiinl !!,'!it hij.iil 's, but for N' ruiik titf-.'ht h ive)e,u killed Auilrew Mark.' little mu wh WI .t; t by 11 lior.. The liori-e'a h.of hirue.k the Ixiy'a Jaw and tiie boy nnd the Jaw Ian le I about a rod away ! fh feneoeomer-the eom, r wanu't hurt ! the boy wont 5o .ny Jaw::i,: for soiniio time, but wl'd iiui.aly t.ik- some H.pild uouri.'hinent until further orders. Vennor nay if this month : ' I e.m uot but tliink tbat Aiij:ti-t will lie another month of ftor;n and uuiisul rainfall, with one or two remarkably Iiiweurves of teiuperuture. I expeut I stlowfull-i v.l'l h'l ree orde I hi extienie weht.'ru and northwerteni mctioiis, mid eold rc.bi e.t more ;inuther!y st 1 tion ahoitly after th.i lald-llo of the mouth." PKlNNKTl.V.IJit A FtltSIMKN. -The Pennsylvania ilrem.Mi's eouveiitiou, whlfh will be held lit liradlor l e.i Tuesday, August Slh, will mTer union,; other prli 'aoue of f l.SiM) In a free for nil line:! raee, f'(HJ to i;o to f;ri t, ..00 toseeon.l, f ."iK) to third and $10') to the fourth. Thi race will he open to all eouipatdea in the eonniry and a Kroat time ia anticipated. In the State race a prlxo of t'.'OO ill be ulTor e.l, iliX) to Urst, $00 to aoooud, and 10 to thlrvl. Tlmt Lawlwtowu wasseleettal aa the site of the Military encampment wlileh takts pliuie AiiKiiat Stli next la largely due to the H.rsoiinl lulliieuee andellortsof W. M. l'lillbps. Fs., impel iulcliiliint of the ttiiubtiry Lewlstown llailrvtad. The Indioalloii. are that the preaout will lu every re apeot eoliine all previous encamp iiieuts, and prouilsea a tKiiiutlfiil bar test to that aneloiit bi.rouli the profits of whleli will be allured by all her eltUena. Superintendent Phillips la rightly tMteeiuiHl and appreeiuttxt by the olt- Uiuis td Lewlstown ; and not only by thinti, but by all the elllieiia ajon the Hue of the road. Thu now station at t)'llurtrovo Is a model of aruhltoetur al beauty, eeouoiuy aul skill. Notwlthstautliut; the lare amount of heavy frtilh-htrtfOHiid the nuiuher of trains aiu over this slulii-traelt l-.iad, llis rotvl butl liridnea, eulverts, sidings, and luahi traek are lu ui h vXtHillunt ootid it ion as to uttraet the nolle j of tho uommnnest observer. Mr, Plilllipsla adapted t his hljl, and respoimliilo posit leu by the po auliar tjili id nature, by education and training possessed of a laro aumiiut ofttali and energy a (alt umaatire (if oaiitioiisuoss u'vea it eiuipotsa iirogresaive, e u 0 t 1 1 1 CMipabla, he la tba vifclit iuiu In the rlnlit plaau, " ' Cura worn peraoiis. atudmi s. waak and ovar-ivoiVud moihets villi (lud iu, Hroivu's ism llntera ivotildfle luda, 1. ivii ifiva. aiuiiciu ativi tvny l.i .1. ... I . ... .ll.l . - ' ll.l l t ll Ip'uHl. A pool medicinal tonic, with real mlrif, I Hr.wn's Imn Hitter, tn nil , 1 iUiT'-iMtn ay I - ' Tim anrvivinu; member of the -ltOih ami lli'th A'rKt., IV, Vein., will Ih.M : rounioii in Tyrono 0.1 tho Mill of .Sep - tembor. Tiio mernbeia of tho 8 lib roKimont nnd 21, fill, and PJih cavalry have been invited to meet with them. If poasihlo nrrinpeinenta will bn made firchcfip excursion ratea over the va rious railroad. Phot Hi (luASiirnf 11. Irwin Frank, an omploya at t'v Newport Fiiriiai-o, .Von day last was arrcsird for etntilyint tho content nf a nil it h in underneath Ida grandfather .lir'.l. 'lank' poat-tail. The old pri.ti. in vi live in II owo tonnahip and ii.i l a lit tie ilifrtenlly with hi ami, liOtol.! yont.jr, rviu to alioot him. - i r-j (huniy l'ritmnn. The Y'lii'ylvai.ia (y-impinv I t""v biiililitK all of it pii'inifr foiehc" one font ntivroTiT thnri 'lie onti-nry pattern, redili ititf tho v.ldtli by iiiKr-. ('e uinle r.,rroer. The object I t make tho car lii.li'er, and to ln. on the rri'i'itaneo. The pattern ad. pled re dui'a tin weight !i per cent, and th" reitaneo fully li) pr rent., yet tlie eoaeh I jnt a pomf irtb an I ride-' Jin-t aa ecy sa tho ordinary wi.b coai li , Circtilara are beiiu? "'I'l b aoUier i'l tlitl'erenl aeetiona of io country by wcHtcrn jiartiea, etnlitttc that for the Hum of $p) one hundred and sixty aern or gne.l lanM txi aeenrert underiuc -,,niid the nirt and bi- without the formality of ifottp)lr. it f,,r it e..M l e nt pp. I l en-l t the for four yuar-lcs tVn ti ne of aor- two I. il', into e. nt t.-t. l ulus train vlo in lbs army, a pr ivided by 1 a.jwl, r,t ,u .,, .J,,, (.,,.,.,.,.,. Tho Ual e.) nmi-Hi vierat. '.V tnlii ni;t 0:1 , ,.ri j,,. Vn ,, 1.llk received a state that the !aiv re'iiaini! aiiehii-iKed1.ui (,,, eheik, A.id llint Pi-! rire ilart ar'j f ir tlie tmr- pon of decepMon. .Soldiers will. therefore, lake warning. l;i Tt'tnsTi.Mi To Akui.k-ii. of l it. thereha! 11 eon I "rabl i'ien.oti ' slui'K to l.i p il ml w.i- prtvy 1 - . . , I ! ifiioti tin. dlsulple of the e-,t 1 11k, I vetely ii.j'ii.d, lmvi;.s a f".v br.Uei, . tl 1 I . . X I . 1 1 1 , eou.-ri,lii.;tbe ..vl-.,.,,,-. of or.M bi'r.'a. con- tie pa 1 ::;:T I' -' ''''! jJi 'i!3t il.iekbMi. A w ;i knon centleiiiitn eonne-r,.i'a on the tinilii bi.e. It ) ' ' T allU. t. of Nv'ilkebnrre say. Tlmt If any inotln-r driuonstralioii that two traiii ptliiitirtft ftlO lf ' worm exist in fish, tl.ey re alwa-;ea,.:,ot rJ- .: orb. r on a ii !e ; 1 " ! il 3 U 11 to b f ititkl nlonir hu feilrw it the ' trik. -i.t.re a I, : .-. .,'uy . ,. If- fin iC t,.t"kl)one,lin-ued!ate!y beneath the - " ll',U,l'U ,l4,, ..1-1.. Tf ...... 1.1. . .t. k. ...... A..1...-I r....A t.:Jn.A I aklu. If, t hen, any black ban fllier 1 d;,i Iroue of lin liiiK out ulethir i.r not wjrm do exist In tlmt llsli, i eatj doao by earefullv skliiiiltii tin in. and r! ly e-ran'jnle.c; the linek.l al 0114 the e.ourM' o! the 1 plnul cilia. 11. Tim; II.vv !'.IUilli M"-n.-t. Kh vetl of t!io T'.!r . .ii eri'i for t - new r.illrnii l hri l .-e over the river at tbiii tilaee hav ,,..n sunk, an ! th work I ir.rr-.ir)n.-; rupMly. TL- two hot pi. r.' cu the -.vv.'.'rii side will 1k no lut feel I ei.'.T thfi til - oth- if n. ll... ...'I ,11.1 I. n.v.il -,. - .....f. ..i . .... .11 ... ..... line ll-.rtlr.Mtrd, from tie.t point The ma inry on tho tlr-t live pl r I now several feet above wr.t-r. Tin atoif Itae I avern .la'eiir one nnd a ,. , , ... rr, Uilll IUIIN IU ttlMML. 1 lie -I r.i" I II I wbiehlaiif : ton 1 and Ir n. I to flnlih '1 by tb-- l.,t if 1 ..1.1'. t. j;.d ,. , w 11 o.t tli . i.ie.r .... l.'i .i'Ii.Ii 1.1.1 . - la-t TJ .nd iy nl-.-'st tho 1 store of Mr. '. r i- b, la t ! plane, wn broke n In' mid ri.i.iad.f W 1 !?1 w rt h .of ' Th" fr "'t loor wan op- neil by a "Jl-,:ri ' r ..f.w ?s.rt of 11 pry In thi w-y j.r. id Iiiir lh iIo.t so I hat the Im-k. ;ru:i, - loose. T'le thieve- to I 11 ll'i'n . of 1JIIJ r-'V .IVer, po. l -r Knives, w. rmiill flo. k. and about Jl.' Vn I'mn.-y. Su!ii.) of th a finest cutler .:.d -iiv r ware wa iyinrf In t'io a with tite article en, I., it It seeu- l t l. tb.o obj-'.-t of the thi s t t. J'.e ti 1 V ia,' of la. it kin 1 w:. h t In- a. ; i 'l.ui r.'at upon it purfv f trai 01-. who wero niil'tii.r il 'l'.iory lnoniriea )n the st jr.. th .lay p.revi. avt-i i. a nil inbi-r of tbin.rs, and Ki-ttlii:r at It i - mat.'ly up-in a p-ipr of tuck m their en: ire leir.-h asa. They were al-o se. ti s'ib..i-,nntly erosin ; t'm river on .t'l oar stem, luivin:; v. ith tie :U a fu'i; ' ' of bun. !li. The same lii,;bt that the! robbery oeiurre 1, Mr. Ji . M. H."is- el'ii ilie:.t of toi la was br.k.'1ii o;ii n, j and a hammer and col l ebVcl tak. ui .mi 1 to.,.. .,t . ,1; v . . " . , " "! . " doubt IhiMe UK, a were u anted for the oeeaalon. I.icwisiti'tid I'UUeS tui.lt. The Encampment. Tho circuit r of orders recently I.- smxl by .Vaj.ir Uoueral Ilartrauft will give our roadora an idea of tho work to be performed at the I.ewwtown ism p. Tho drills will be aa follows : ' Kirat llri-Ue .Sat-urJvy, duut 5 from 4, to 4 p. in., battalion drill. Monday, .taj;u-l 7, from t l ti p. in., brittado dull. .11 6 i. 111.. rotloiv bv tho major K0ner.1l. Wednesday .4iitr. y. trom tnniii, 10., iMttaaon than. Sevond itriijad j Mcnd.iy, dujjuat 7, from '.I to 11 a. m., battalion drill. Tuestlay, -lu,;. S, iVoiu 4 to ll p. in., hrittade drill. At tl p. m.. ruviovv by Ihe major general. Thursday, Au Iti, trom V lo 11 a. m., falUlloii drill. Third riiiitado 1'uesd.iy, .luUnt S, fi om i.1 te 11 a. m , battalion drill. It'ediiesday, Ju. i), from t to tl p. in , ti.lHvlj dull. Al i p. in. tovluw by, U10 major KOiifiul. lhuisda.v, A'iciiol 111. I'tidil t to O p. m: battalion drill. Th artillery ill drill every Jay from a ij t P- u., aud ou iudiy, tbo 11 Hi, from lo 11 a. in , aid ivclod t the artillery ba'.tilioa eouiai audor. Other dulls may tj ordred by me briijadd ooiiuiiaiidovs and t'io atlieory baualiuu e- nim.ui.ler al ueh times and (ilaiHts as will not inlv-'lero ait.i lhi order. Thero will boi no thills 014 Hnudav. Ttia reu'sr Sunday morn iiiki liispooti.ui mil be held m all tin eimimaad., bniiiaini al V. a. m. I'ltmuing intituvi will bo del.t.led luuu 0 . .1, ... i..; . ..i ... 1.. . a. , .... ..... . 1 lu iu'ui I luuiM. uto.. 14 ik .1 uu wilt Ciiirvhu r,'il fr l' CrtlUu l vtlititliem fs-'kod jatuiii. Si (.if. tiers, puddleia or hawkoM wi I b al lowed eiilrant'O or Ji r a.itt.s) l 1 ply thoir vocation tr lliin tba I11.it . i f tSo eampeioept I in liuiei .1 ilCa- and uewst.u.o. eairW an.. Imva l. ..1 t.u,ttk an I miiii.d! .i.nn .. ,1 i,v bit,,! h: 1 10 1 .i' i. a l.i-i .r.e.'a .r .he it 1 1 -a 1,1 t. lo t-4 -H u. I I A.,,.,. ivt-r lfer.ls tm n--ndi-ed a rem h en.npnny London with a capital of C iM.o), iii CI d:itr.. Extra lrairi Ounr.1 F-.tmpirtcn.. li tvl lili an lo the it iMiiir !i tini on . U-iyi.-tuwu Divi.Mi.n, tl.o f.i'ioio,; c:;- (rat ruin w ill tu run daily from A'l :UHtotb to Anv;utlJth Incliir-ivo : rfNinrt.Y ami i.rwtTows mti.kovrt. !'! wrri Ai'e.inimeil iiieii lr iT t.eiMt,iwii Junction nt T:'"1 . n ; M:iin "treel, " u:!; LewixlOA'U, 7.l': M .til Mint. 7 ; 'iiinler, 7 'M ; Sliiieile, !! ; ':tti r. 7 H ; Medu:,., h..t.;; .ViUe lull .;, '.M ij ; :s !i!w,;r., i.riit n it elto Vi1 J'll r'li'ii itt p. -M ii.d !-toeiiui ni 1.1 I Ml r I A ', VHKU'I'I.. I 1 , I ' IX - Sir l.orv a: (', '.M. m. m.. Si- . ''?., M:rM:i l''ir'. '.!, .'f. t;i.,r . 7 It. 1 1" i ; n t , 7.: , ,-i i, , ... 1 .1, '.i.i.t. r. II. Mi.is: .i-l. s.i;. .i m! ti-v n, M.t . 11 !IM '., .1 - t . ' 1 . 1 , ., 'L . tn. I i,i- ti.iiri 1 1 -!('. ;'!!! 1 f ir .'. (r.i e', ie.'.viiH; S.ihi-iiry on i!n rin. in"( ,nt 'e ii;i t, ,'r-l "l.i-'i 1 i : 1 , ' 1 1 Ji'lieliiH) iu-:e i I .,f .111 I ! .... (1 i.e. Tisi'i" r.i:mr I nt I i : I S 1 1 rv .' l;i 'III- .! N rl'e Ml t'.-ill ll, ' '!:.), I I '.i nnd .Vie, 111,4 S-ml 11 ry, ' n. .1 !! ai. 1 U'iii;e.-l'irro 1 tin !. A mv t!ti.:iiie, i' t r-.ni, un.t tin ti'tl ' 1. I 'd f,.r 1 Tl'-l.i To I I y.-.r.Uvafi-r.i...n1:h Sip. 1 1..!:; and Mr. Oarvr f Jailer., n ,., . peelal eir, nbi'.-':i I'Hinn ttilo . i'i'-i .-t ni.ti tho firmer tini 1 at tne a 1 n i.'. beymd Haier, feaullin;; in 'tie iiii. abMng of both engine aula deVn tiotl of nearly tivi lio'ira. Tb" I aatru". tioltg wero to J am c'ai.h (ithcr at thi point and the until trrln duly airivi.d mil stopped, when tho" "peeial ea .no Auo'hrr t a rut ,.n ii, . :,n.. .,,.- I i 1 ,u-. and other paMMieer . s'nak-n ui..HlIf3 M.i-ter .Vnehii.i-.l so, who w.n aelinir ni enpine r of t ie ncv er.eii.o. fenous Ac.iderit On )nt T'.ior .1 y oik,-!.t r- l.e.-i!T .J'ie U. K'e'ly, while r t'it:-.:t. ; I. utile In bi. i!ky froni a tr,i t the n.wur end of tfie e.'U"'x , :i; t bi'Ji.u ;hi4:ii"..'; : ! about a .v.il fioi.i ti.ar;-, wt.. ii - ' '. 1- '''' V '-! .;.U it j fat..;. t.d ..lw!'e ! lil.fl., i.o l.i.'.y an I do. I 'e ! ill feel during thu tth. la ba'a'.eu . t - ' bi life- Hia l.nre waa ,1.1 doi;. 1 the l.iil bny.v.d A. J. il'-it', ulna..-' ; I, hindered and f-il iiir ,tie the .s't.er.:'. l,,tit upon iV- r. au o-i l.i i.tl and; ' 1 1 . . ... r . . . .1 . : '.j' .-; o ' , ill 1 011; ,i 1 1 : t A ..:f tirc.-. .it e ?i.' 1. y - 11. Mn r -, al th..' e-'iill 1 e.l.i'i v. 'a ' a'n . I j. ,. , , iii.i..ui.:i.iiiLiu1. n ... IV:-1 ,t j .1. 0 , in !K ! tc- , . 'J bii-u..: . ..1..1 to . h . :;d .11 : an I a..- I lu.. .1 IT. r . and S 1 te-rd .'. a i nt; 1 .l . t t ail v 1 to :ii .IV , ''' "" a ; ti-.m I ave 1. a-d ! 0 in it c : :: 1 raii. 1. .. in . -v ; h", di .1 . tv.ll -. .. va :...,." I 11. 1. a .i'C.;: t. . - e i.:f. r th 1: '. . .' ati! 1 b . '.;. - i.o r :u. m!-. : . v !i r civad o'l 'r; J!.: ay he : .t at IK cc :'orAt tin ..; 1. 11 1, be . f 1:1 in u n;.; h w, in vi ,: t'r. tl t h.. o.t '.. --c'l.-he . r. a:. i. '.-. : b-.t limine i: .v ' .. :.. !, ic. ! until t r... I ly .V . 1 foilMii't leu1 bee:, irv I .i t! l! - U-r 1!'.-.' i'.- r-e iv 1 tor: t scan 'r tplietly i" ti c reed e'e -1 to i'ler:;'.' V. vVth nr.irk- upon '..i- "fct; , -f tc.e !".'; arid tho s 1 '.y ii to r 1 ! wi''i t' ha.'u broken. U n fo.-tutiato la u tiio aofiJo'it hv t.'rmina'v' 1 so w !! 1-"'ii. recurs in .;.-..v,n; i.Mt ni i- ' donut vehiole, tli siilkv, .ust of u-e. u ,lv ,llH hu,0 - vjin I ,1,1 l,,!. I . William H. K pka. Miliw rUb, i;.!, M. '.!, I. ready to .! nil kiu.'.t e work tn !.i hue of bu-lne.- at -b uotioe, aiui kj turaiitef 8 tii-j work. lu It St kl ll.llpiitlt.l.k In.l.lliunl.l Ho aw vi'viivfivv itii t-iniiiii., 1 ... UiVQO(tr m m . t A UCIiyMiU! ftOUlty.J ... j. . ..at a I HOtfH prcfiT P ioroton Cologne V'Hn' ory mm 1:111 ihj-. vumutiii- tioa of oxuiiti'iTl'iau-ai a tinli-li;- i tul novelty, auyut. It will pay every body to examine tho itutiieuiio Stock of I'Viryiture for -a'e by tho Popular Karmtmo ui.tu W. 11. KfcXIX l.ovtUlowu C HoriOM I'KH.'KM.-h. (.i.peiih. im er, ef Se!inst;roVo, ha rvtluced Sutu- a-.lviuilao oi the reduction mid ii oui'o summer wear at va'sl and ear rUsio. M.Uio uo delay. A General Stampede. Never vtia such a rush m.do for any liuri Su.ro as isu atJohu .t. Moata'i'rf' i laj-i-H'mvt vi inoc a;.po.t- 'or a Trial boltla 0 Dr. Kinx'a New 1'inoovery for Ce-iiiiaiijation, Coiij-bs anUS.Ua. A'l ,vrs..a .mifle.1 aith Aithiua. Uiouulil. 1.1. 1 l,)arora.4. uvra CoiiHba, of any a. IV lion of tha 'throat n... 1j . , u u v. , ,k vi and l-ai.x. t'.klk (iel a trial Uotl'd i f lo I'rug ytoro. .Va!yailt AJJ t oa -.'ii.i.t.isiii it i.t t uiHiiiei.d to tho se.ilp i , , I .l.'.it .,-...,1.1 l,..,.., 1... " '. ' " "1 ' ""r k"vl '"""i 10 fy or t. Kd b.ilr. ia why -'k- ' Hair U.il- ..M..,.. M....n a 1. - .). t .o,. .'ux Jisjjij REDUCED in orclrr to jmliui room I'ov !ism than vvvv hs'b; , (;....,,, -' VI. VUti S ..il.l 'no doubt a?oi3t it. to IniVa i)o:i't (!t 9 m l;iv, Suit call at once. r.(!(s hc !n'.v orl'i7aI com:. t or nh un " a- yny, anl we j.re S. Opponfejirnor, L'iiiJ.J.tUi'Vi . . S2tJ:.!!i'If!!r-r 31sV3-!f.! Him;:!'' : 1n 1. m- ' S 1 I I Cmii't 1 'tit'lnt:!;; iu;i, yill'!:''AS tbo " -1. .'..e.,h 1' .'1 4 ! . . .i:t -i. ' 4 N . . . a : " ' - ; j 1 .I- 1 .'.I a ".. . ,l ' P 1 . 1 i 1 . II ' n a 1 ' I I '-Nil'. -11 , 1 . 1 1 l .KUI:; 1 . I 1 . . a . 'j v 1 . 1 a - II a .1 1' . 1, , . 1 1.. 1 .? i.) :. : "ill" l' r, i (i . li 'w .ll, CUUft "ll t 1 : .! ..or .i I .-t u ,p j i i ,.a-c -r i t I' , 1 ' 1. 1 -. 1 l. . .j .V .' ..-'..I.. .1 1 i 1'. 1 1 . t, 0 v m t i. l. -w 1 '..1' f-f ' r-t if ..rv 4 7 jg r. i njr. , t 1 'j, ,i; . i.i t i t M tiff U-I I 'f 0. 1L. 9 U r, t.." r , i'.if In t t a f i i r V rvti. .(;t Wuir -- i ii'w. i, Iriiu tUtlUaV Thui:iktlUa r. tllllaU raitU .U I. B taf Uii4a ,t) Oo t J t iaf tifHctf tl-J "H tfl-tf IK i . . ... . At, f U.r tjIi t tm Inns ia.ii. I m itnaasoS sxn.r nmw- lonbi ItMNu'l lu 9jtli li (Hat I .UfJWU- J ! itl jf -o)raiU4 r rvl llraKl I j tai uiouiUftiuirryfii. JuUv4 r rv- i vi'Jarttfrl 1.' bu puiiviua! a .i htjlr U(l.iov k ' :('"' -t it uMrt ly m-m; . ; in. ,n.-j m U I.I rkl. Ih lift 4a JtAt 11!. i, vi4-n ! tu t ll! UlJ , C . of In- Hi. . t.ci4'..ti4 lu14 Juicltiatw A'JOilO.TS N)r;c: In the estate of A i-wai Waruitvii. doo'd. . a. w. , i. ' u w i -.rur in .niriiai. ma tii'iliii tii. .1 Vu. UrOl- h, AJ iilul-fTi.r ol ttnl l,.t. . w:lt IU" ' !. tlu Intur-Jt! iti,,.u Ka.il i".-- rV.ti ' xl tu tiaaiiitl mm vuii u..it 1.1 u..un w ...rii.o IKf alU .(ImikkI tra 4 t.iiut.u ) y -'liU t .li luu.l. W. U Ul'OiX, .kJ.lwl'. Au,. 1, iii. A Good Salary ! am) kr-ltn4 son di..( la kli,.rf m siaw Itll riluMllal nl roai.u M tlvf t.Mf . .lilt 1.. 1 7.. I . "i. Z. . TJ 17 1 .'. , """ ' Ai.jim.taui tyiuv-tt, aw.'a y iia r.)u:.illt, . ..T," Z. " "''' ' ' a t,.-,r, V. .U. ssU" iami..a aw...- o. 1 . r. snuii i- o. it iajaja .ya ijj;i .4 . 4- l 'i.1! I .V'V,,',,.i i ;-i-'r1 i ' ' ii"i , l r '. ". 'P. I, tin l.r"i -nf I An l.lor !o.int". . -. . -. i-.-Ji - i.l b Ihc I'r.tl.:..' iVun S.y.l.., t,..,l f ;V . s ,4V ;, l-.-. . Vt-V V v' i ' ' .-. ' .'. ' tai.l.!b,i, gl h.H. ,( 1,.,, f L -'-!, A? ".'IV,'.V 4 J........... ..r. . ..V ''"'' '- a I "'-a. 1 i, iu.-lr. ;.v , V ; I.. vlK-''".'l' i ;.', ,., :. i '. .... . a ma to... H-.i. aiu.....-'i. j.-a. i i e I l W. iV-rv X"w " "V 1 : .: 'r . .. t- r .1: V.irt-UM Jl 01. . ',..4UU....I .1 H... '' IV" . ''1''"- -.VlV ft 4 o.r. ..., ,.,.r-.i..r.. . V '. 1 1!. II. e.n ... llllei, W .. I... , L,.U- l- H jlwl Ul1 VI t s.l.,l '.Mf ,v. v .. A'l.u j,i.,im.i.M a. u . u i r-'v Hlw 7 '-j '' ir.r ;,;,i.'tM.e.. Jut w.t-st A-mur. : rt;TTTtV.i;i."?.'! ! .'t.'-.- . 7 jury ?r i r.7) o 1 : U,1 v: m w ike 1 ' .r - . t rv--v p.n it. t-14 i. . .1 (-r 1 1, !'v I f : It" ' iff ' - t l '11. 1 . . a ( '. I.- hi . 1 1 "1 1 1 'P'.M ''fiTllil-'l-Mt'i. ... I 1 IjC I' t ! l"OV Il .. 1,l I r 11 -. is,; i J 4 i 1 , l. Hi U j i. fni ,rj k .t . 1 '. , .ml . m . .. C Th3 Pc r.n ii uw.KD TO a tp:. :k - v; . 11lUK.)W JT'"i'.V mi rar.u i -.t - .Tt.'- t m; m-...i u. u 4i Tiio Pcr.rr Hunv r-t"'j'-r to not.r. r- u v ..... v. mj;.i ""4 tv if 1 . A st'fl ' V'ViV" ' M'"-''? ' 41 sr.- . ... .1 f"- Jliv wymk j--Ca A ' V. Tiho Fcnn Harrow - ' f t 1 'Vf1 'J I "I - - v . . I v" .a - . IV "f .'tW VS.-t r. ,'i - -. . l! . a . L . f i ,... j.aJ. . j 4m .1 . - prM Vr',W I M'' " 1 (',T D'!' n- 4 ; JLl til'1 W aV i-i - V i aj i Zi i W- - ! ) t i - u a a. a &. BH7YTHS BUST. at tit.ja tm vwai rna-a.-a 1 n 'SU iV.lir -u u. iia.1 wo f U.ta tnuAtf iv. a. I U I1 .I1V '. VMM l),j ! PXZtmt?; fcl VtJ. 4.r'.... Xat.Mi Okw XTJw. Muvi 1 KM ituvwii. PT W f('191y 't I WV. VU Vtl..' .1.1. 1 " t ....-.i..-. , -t iiv, - ' " - --.-. AX-'L.'CAMSM fJil A?0:t " AJOf (. i. is hi.riil' ft-i'iin 'ha, i. r ...a rt .a o.. :. .iw, .ft-w ' .w..i.t. tivh.-vl.it i..-;.... I 1. 4 ;. .1, I.- 1. nt ... . , j ... . ... i .. 1. ... ....., ..i.U,.. . ! w irf ' utliUSl 1. ! ..-4. l.l.U 4 S ; -1. I " r f - V41 5 f-.;i 1 1 y ji X-ilHri , .. . v- - r - .J J ...-.-.I'lH. X ry . frtfr ! ' .'itli Vt M .-'.i V r-ir i'.V ' 't l.V. ...-. .1, ll.':' .thow.iioti -. w !'..' tttt r, t o'! I-..".. . I .:. : M -;.t'v!Qt' ' .y; ...., t.i i, cm o,b;eion. -. i V - i .jr.:-; .:. :.':.n, . T.. 7 ! 1 ';! : : , I i. hiii.: I 1 . t 1 r - 1 -1 1 - . ii.. n -i 1 r 1 ,.1 - 1 r , - 1 " - ,t 11 X . i ' 'I u 7 l- '-'wr'lf . i p. : . t- o , ri.rt. n . i i. ., ; rt , ,) . ((, , t, (, a ' IUU M'M..-.5f ( -sUfi V, t .' ; . K'sl i iii t.iti fi.fitt"t. ,, . umt nn ' t u u ' m ..f r'- , '.:i,u tin unta, r "u. i iti ,tDad I C 'll.. t ta:, tasi i i, ia,'i i ni, . ( , ilk Ut n 't til liinrt .'lis a laatt.t I of ft- a d Limn, i.n luiuit.ui h .. ! U ti1 ut ll- n'ti -it.. ,i-i . (' at I 1 1 fid at li'U. i.-t.v i '.. .i . r, ?.ri r ; 1 fj..ri, mi n:. '.HfufN uavLO jt icui. r, AtitUttM-'ij Noti'A. r3 U-J OU '.jrts;no Audit.. j- .ioe.i. ' '- in. - ' . i...e, 11.. . M ti,tr....,i u... lu..... iu 11 . 7 T " '":'-' '" .... ' . .. ....... . .... . . ,. . , i-i .HMh..I w III! .U.J ll. i . ..tuul)., ..J .1 .. t. .b .... Mm. I wu. .V.I w.t...... ... , ., j ;.-!., I,. ...a lb vl..u..'.. ! W- v. -I .... J ll.l ' '' li .. .;,t. ".. . , ---- si, :,. VvS v ' '-'v . vi I '?- '.. "'.-' t ' . ' ..'. V ..". I ... e, v ..... ' . .v- ' . . ; -i.irtSV ti : b; !!,; 'tM iw. -.i fm. :4. S ."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers