The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, August 19, 1880, Image 1

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    1 . V ,1 v r 1 1 I n 'jf 1 1 a t
(tt wrtiimn on year, uO.OU
., i.litf. rolnmn. one tsar. 80.00
. One-fourth column, one year, 15.00
.... in n i :. Tt
JCery Additional Insertion, 60
professional and Ilmines cards of
not more than ! linen, nor year, 5.00
Auditor, Executor, Administrator
and Assignee Notices,
gilitnrial notices per line, t5
All tr.insoienl a.lvprtiitinfr, less than
months t'l earns a this.
AH adve rtisomcnta for a shorter pe
riod than one year are payable at the
fjino they arc ordered, and it not paid
lis person ordering them will oe held;
xsrtonsilile for tlio inonov.
1 (i o 1 1 y i
Only Waiting."
I in willing for Iht morning
Of lbs tilrfwil dy lo driw,
When lbs lorrow and ths selnees
t Of .bia wrary hr art (ens.
I am waiting wars and weary
WUb Ihf hauls sad tbs trite,
Hoping wbt n ths war bee railed
To reotirs a crow a of hfe.
Walling (or ths gnMca oily
Where ths many maneioni b,
Lifiroiog for Iks b pjr cloom
Of my Saviour selling mt.
Laid By.
Lall tif to siy silent ebatnber
I hear then stirring below ;
Voice 1 love sr emm ling dear
And slept I know srs la my sar,
Stilt parsing to aa I fro.
And I aik my heyl, sh tit I neeer more,
0( mine own will, pais through thit Jjor?
I art, Oh ! Ii It forever '
That I bees eeaael to bs
One of ths group around tbe hearth.
Sharing iheir eorrsw sr their mirth
Am I from benoef.irih fres
From all eoooera wilh the thing of life,
liooe willi lie sorrow, and toil, anl-airifa?
Shalt they otrry me forth In silenoe,
With blind aud eetlel up eye t
Shall they throw ths win Ijsj wlJi to the
And gvher memintoee hers an I litrro,
Aithey think, with tetre a t I eigne,
"rhia alia w is fan I of ittii ahe ware.
Hut shs neTcr ibatl need them any mors."
-- i
The Old Crist Mil!.
By Willow brook bene tth the hill,
Bland quaint and gray the oil grist mill,
Fpring raetei on lie steep roof grow
Whet-Sro I Iheir aha Is ths w!1los throw.
The pou I aeir b la oleir and deep ,
And round ill briok ths al Ioim swe.'p
Tbs lil ptde apret I gay and green
Tbe liUes wbiis and gold between.
While grinds ths mill with rumbling sound,
The wind mill turning rou it sul round.
Among the re? It the m n't .r it dirt.
Aul swift "tho awallow homeward flies."
Tbe rohin ell in oed ir ootr
When Willi brook rum s t i ft. ail olmr.
The ohildrvn b,v tho pt ay.
Where sluiuberoua abadnwa a.ifily airuy,
And warm and low the mmmor breeds
h wblapering thro' tbe will w leaves,
While grind, the mill with rumbling sound,
Ths wiui mill turning rouul aul r-oiuJ.
Tbe erowa now wing their eoulhern way,
The rqitirrele io tbs out treea pi ty,
With merry shouts tbs aolio il hoy run,
Tbs mount tin bluh 'oeaih u u a'i sua
Tbir grain tboy bring sdoa the bill,
Tbe farmer's to Ibe oil grit iul!,
And faint from far o'er hill an I dtl
Fall on lbs ear tbe tbreeher'e II ill.
While gnnde ibe mill wilh rumbling noun I,
The wind mill turning round anl round.
Ling yeira bar come and pisie I away,
Tbe milt iih age is gaunt aul gray,
Tbe roof gapa wide to rain aud sun,
Wiib eohweht thiok lb walla are bung.
Tbe pond I overgrown wilh weed.
Tea mtreli wren build am wf rjd,
Tbs night wind thro' ths willo nun,
Tbs aohjul bouie gone, (he children grown.
The farmers ep where wild flowera grow,
Wlio brought Iheir gr ilu 10 long agu,
When ground ths mill with rumbling
And tbs wiud mill turned round and
H elect Tale.
A sober, half discontented faoe at
the wiaJaw t bright faoe ia the
street The wiodaw is thrua open
aua m smile goes from tbe bright
face to the sober one, (riving it a new
and pleuaaut aspect Both faces are
Toang the one at tbe wioJow the
ycoogrsst almost oh 1 Hike. Yet the
window ftoa is tbe faoe of a wife,
and the streot faoe that of a maiden,
"fancy free."
' How strangely I was tlaotivel,
Bella I" said the lady in the street
"DoceivoJ, how Mary f What do
you mean f But come in. You'or
just tho one I wish to see."
"I was sore I saw yon not ten
minotes ago, ridiogont with Harry,"
said tbe young friend, as they met
and embraced at tbe door,
''Ob, dear, no 1 haven't been out
riding with Harry for a ra intb."
"udeed, how's that I can reinorn
her when you rode out together al
most every afternoon.
"Yes, but that was before our
marriage," replied the young wife,
in a voioe that made ber friend look
in to ber faoe narrowly.
"Tbe husband has . less timo for
reoreation than the lover. lie must
give more tbonght for business," re
marked ber friend.
The little wife tossed ber head
and shrogged her shoulders in a
doubt fcl way, ssying as she did so,
''I don't know about ths butine
but lovers and husbands uro a differ
sot species ol tbe genus homo. Tbe
explanation Hes somewhere iu this
direction, 1 presume."
'Ah. lielU, Belial That speech
d 'isn't coma with a tut-ionl aouo I
r n voitr lips, ' Km iuo it ten I
i,.ug, yet serious. v
i -ft
VOL. 18.
"Truth Is not alwayj melodious."
' I low is it as to sweethotrts and
wives t" anked the friond "Do they
belong to trie samo class T '
The questiou np ioaro 1 to reach
young wife's purs -villi siiir joslive
f itce. Hut face was it little cb tned
as she answered t
"I don't know, iYrhaps not."
The friend had bod) scauuing the
young wife for somo moments from
head to foot, in a way that now t-lioi-toil
tho question.
"lo you soo anything pecuiar
bout mn T"
"Yen." was aoswored.
"What t"
'A peculiar untidiness fiat f nev
er observed iu the sweetheart"
Bella glanced down at her soiled dross.
"My ngliuge," she eoid, wilh a
little, short laugh.
"8o should think I Now, shall I
draw your picture V
"Yes, if you have au artist's fuu
"Mere it is. Ilmr lunlroless anl
untidy t skin dull for waut of action
and feeling ; wrapper bettor coiidi
tionod for Ibe waslitub and irouiu
tablo than as a garmuut for tho fair
person of a young wifet no collar
nor om tmont ol a ty km I, an 1 a
oouiiteiianco will, I cun't give that
as 1 saw it a nttie wnne ujo al Hie
window but I am sure it wasn't tint
race to charm a lover. Peril tps it
might suit a li Bitluivj
my doubts."
-.Holla felt the reproof of her friend
as wits evident by the spots that bo
gun to born on her cheeks
"You woul lu't have me dross as
for a party every day " shu said
"Oh, no 1 But I'd have you noit
and sweet its a young wifo should al
ways bo, that is if shs c ired for thu
fond eyas of her hushaud. I verily
believe it was Hurry 1 saw riding out
a. little while ago.''
Hull. i threw a quick startled look
upou her frieud. who already half
regretted her closing sentence.
Why did you say that f What
did yon mean ' hLo nslted.
'I only said it to plague you," an
swered the friend.
"To plague nin !" There was on
ecpreHsiou iu lij'la's Taci tint M try
b id never seen thero before, el
even hud stid leuly grown of ad irker
s'ndo hm I were enger nud question
i ig. JIjv lip lay closer tgcthcr;
t turn were hues ou her forclie.t I.
"Yuii are uot teully iu earnest,
Mary, uboiit suci'g Harry riding out
with a lily, thu uft.inlooti ( " h'iu
slid in a v lion ui.l wit'.i a lo ik thai
ii v -iile I full v her sniIo of min i.
Tlio cohir hud left her fucouud her
he ri shook iu bur voice.
I p.'obibly luiHttkcn, H0M1,
lepiied thu fiietid llinii;;li 1 had not
doubted i f the tact a moment until
I aaw you at thu window n little whilj
'Uid you nolico the ludy particu
larly r
' Xo i but let Iho matter pasR,
dear. Xo doubt I wan mistaken.
li is worry. ng you niuio than I
could huuo iiiiagiuoJ,''
HulU lo ko I ut her fi ion 1 for
some moiucuts. in n strange way ;
then Kiviugalow, suppruosud, wail
ing cry bent forward nud l.ii.' ber
face upou her bosom, sobbing and
shuddei iug in such wild turbulauce 1
01 telling linn uer iiiuna uecame
actuady alarmed.
"You have Irighloned me I" said
the young wife, lif'.iug her bead ut
last, as the esciloroetit died away.
"Ab. Mary, if I should lose my bus
baud's love it would kill me,"
"Then, Holla,'' answered her
friond "soe to it that you uogleot
none of tbe moans required for
keepiug it If you would ooutiuus
to be loved, you must not grow au
lovely. 1 be charms tunt wou your
busband must not be folded up and
kept for holiday occasions and then
put on for other eyus than him.
You must koup them ever displayed
before bim 1 uay, put on new at
tractions. Is not the husband even
dearer than tbe lover, and bis heart
better worth the holding I Ljok
back, my dear frioud. over the
brief moons that have waxod and
waned since you were a bride l'nt
yourself on trial take impartiul
testimony. How has it been T
as your temper been as sweet as
wbeu yon sat luaoiug together iu
tho s immer twilight, talking of tbe
love orowned future f Have you
beoo as studious to please as then f
as careful of bis feelings ' as re
gardful of his tiuetf D you
adorn yonrsolf for bhn now as when
you dressed for bis 00 uing then I
As a wire, are you a lovable as
when you were a maiden 1 Love is
not a ch omoloou to feed on air and
obange io evtry hue of condition 1 t
must have substantial food. De
prived of this aui it liuguisUss and
lios. And now, dear I tiave warned
you. Meet your bustau4 when be
returns borne this evening, lookiug
as lovely as when bo came to you io
your father's house, attracted as tbe
bae is to the Hower. au t Dots the
manner in which his faoe will bright
en up. Ui I ne kiss you wuoa lie
came home yesterday f"
"Husband aosn lose tbelr Incli
nation for kissing.'' she answered.
'f tbe wife remains as attractive
as the maiden, never "
"Ob, you dou't know anything
about it,'' said Holla. "tVait until
yon are married."
Aftar the friends said good after
noon the yonng wife went to ber
room aui cried fjr a good quutK
of an hour. Tlmu she comin jiicj 1
doing 4 the friend ha I saxeHe l
It ifrenho 1 by a hath, sho nttite l I
self in a spotless white wrapr
itb a doIic.iteb:o3 belt binding I
waist., scare
vhiter tlinn hor pure nnok, ed
mil tii with nnrrtiw nz.ire rib
was turned away fiotn bur li
throat an jmt below, at thu aw
of the IiIossjiu, wa an ex
out pin. ll,r hair, a rich go
on browq, had bten tntde kIohv
the wing or n bird, an I wis f.ild
j ist enough nwnv from tll0 tompl
t j show their dolica'e cutting. Tv
open r.wnUn h red an I white
iietllod ah .vo and iu front of ouo
her pearl lint d ours- Siio .li I to i
lov. ly an 1 lovahl ) as her mirror t ol I
II trry was left an hour 1 iter tha i
usual in cimiiig h nu t. It.iil iwis
sitting in tin p u lor wlion lit cam
it), wilting for lis return witlj a ii jw
reeling iu hor lieirt a fo..lin(of
blooding f tar and hope t fo il' let he
was actually bitoMiing etraagod
from h,r and a trembling h.ipo to
wiu him b ink again. His step was
uot very IL'ht. Slie notic id lh,it.
for bur li.i l bceomo nowlv suimi-
tivo. H.j h id citn-'lit a ifliiiiDHo of
her through tho wiudow and know.
in, thoref ire. tint she was in tint
parlor, ct u ; to tao do jr
and stood
'Bless mi 1" ho exclui.ned, arter a
moment 'now charming yon lo ik 1"
And bo cumo forward, with a
pleased smilo on his face, and tiikiiijg
her hand bent down and kisied li. r.
"Uloouiiug as a rose !" ho a Idc.l, I
hoi liug her away from him, nil I gi.- I
itig at In r udmirinulv. How her!
heart did hoat with new d liht I
"I'ressu I lor compmiv V
Thero w is just a bttlo sha lo of
col ln s in Hurry's voice, as ho mig
u'e:te.l thu probiblo reasou for lior
sinful ai ly improvod nppeaiaucu.
"Yes." rep led Uollo,
"Who !"
".ly husband !" There was a ten
der, lieiirt-llotler in her voice.
II my wm a bttlo pu..led, but
greatly pleas d. It wjh tutu that
lie had beeu ri ling out tint lifter
noon with a lady a hands uno, nt
tractive wo n in, who was throwing
mound his MeuU, nliuost b03i-.i1
Hpirit a sy run's f iciniiti n. 8.10 p it
ou cvt'iy charm iu her power to
sniinnou ; wnne tlio loolis!) wire mum
hiding hurs iiw.iv. n i l ( living u 1
paius to h ild doiiiinioii iu tho lies. I
hIio ha I won, mi I was now in ding
er of loNiug. Fivo luirmtes betore
the com)iiuij. .if liis lnl.j iqqieuied
to his fancy ho charming in c i n
p iris-in with hi t wife, Ih it ho le!t no
picamro at Hie th mi 'lit of meeting
iiiii wlio, hiiiim l!i. iir m i i i i i'io. ha I ;
seemo I to grow every d ly less mi l
loss iittraclivH. hut now, liol.a wa-.
iiis queen of hearts ng.iiu 1
"And you routly divasud to receive
me, darling !" hosiid, us he kissed
hor again, aud then diu'.v bis un'i
lovingly uboiit her w list. .
"Yes, for you. Could ntrnovtifo
wish to lo k lovlinr t other eyes
than her hud) in I s 1 1
"1 should think not,'' ho answered.
hSiio iiinl. 11 stood, iu tho words,
more th in ho meant to coovo.y.
There was a rose tint in everything
iu liella's home that evening I'rom
the cold, half indirt'erent husbiud
1 lurry was transformed to thu warm
attentive lover. How many times,
as she turned hor eyes upon him,
did she catch a look of tender admi
ration or loving pri.lo I
"What has made you st chinning
to night t " be said, ai bi kissed bur
once more. "You look ns pure aud
sweet ns a lily.''
"Love for my biiNhnnil," she nu
swered, and then in a tear, iu which
joy's suulight made a raiubow, stole
out from the drooping lashes, aud
lay a crystal drop on ber cheek.
She made no confession of hor
thoughtless neglect or tbe means by
which hearts are held iu thrall to
love, though ber husband half guess
ed at the fact that something bad
awukonu 1 ber to the truth.
Ou the neit afternoon Harry rode
out with a lady again 1 but thu lady
was his wife. He ' was uever after
wards in dyioger or being won aay
by faithful love, for Delia grew iu
his eyes more attractive, more charm
ing, more lovable every day. Aud
she thus saved him, in bis younger
and less stable years, from being
drawn aside from tbe right way,
and both herself and him from years
of wrotcbodness.
Speaking of epitaphs, Harper's
Hfiruzine says a tombstone ia
South Oaroliua boats the following 1
Here lies Ibe body of Robert Gordon,
Moulh alniiglliy, and leelb n'
Siranger, tread lightly over ibi wondt r
If lie upvna bis mouili, you're gouo, by
At Oxford, New Hampshire one
reads as follows s
To tell 1)1 y MenJa I hid adieu.
A mure sudden deob you uever knew.
At I was leadiug lbs old intra lo drink,
She kicked and killed ms qu ioke'a a wink.
A disrespectful son tthktd his fill)
er . "Why ia neighbor Smith's
liquor shop like a counterfeit dollar?''
1 can't tell, my son." "Because
you can't pass it,'' said the boy,
"Now, Ouorge, you must divide
tbe cake honorably with your broth
er U.iarlee. ' "WUat Is Honorable,
mother 1 ' "It moans that you muet
give bim the largest pisce. "Then
mother, I'd rulber Charley would
dividait," .
A Cool Darkey.
mti not Him .ioim. .hero aro e y few boys who euro t..
"Ate y .ii tlu .1 ili.i Willi ims wh 1 ent mom than a quart of llieiu No
wiscnvieteil iif sr. in, in sjuI 1 1 i body duo. however, cm go pant the
the It iln .note Pemteutiary " tl. Id wherotho .chnider is growing
'Xosah." without being nttucked by Aiitir
Tired ol asking friiitle. q ition, cliokra. an I this tends to weaken
tlio ilintict utieruey suddenly put a'tlio partial success lliis hardy beri v
lus.loig eni.
"Hive veil ever been
ia any pun
lio'inary f"
" Ves aah !'
All ryes were now turned upon tW has been glorified by a visit from this
willies. Tho .Ihtriel attorney aiuil-jbng. you lie dowuin the biiurs and
el ciiinpiHC.-ully, mil reNiiuieU.
How iiiitiy times havo you Icon
in the pi'ti'teiitiury ''
"Twice Mill."
Where f"
"I n H ilti noro, sah.''
' ll iw long were foil thoro the fitol
timo T"
"About tv ) Iiours, sah."
' How long ths seen I tl n ?" ask
ed t b-t utiiirney rutb"r CM't-l'sllen.
"An hour, sah. I wmi th ru lo
wl,iie.w.i-li s '1 f .r a U iyor who
had rut.h .1 his client."
The iitto. ney Mt down ami 1 the
Uuglilor ol' Hie Hjieotai.irs.
A Pajo of the Czar's Diary.
Tim following is one tif tho pig
es of tho (V, n's ,li iry. Hi nsn 1 to
have a spleudi I tioio loaning hi 11
seir us a shooting target, but he
became tirod or that kind or f 1 11
mighty so .n. lie h inged about 1
O:) I Nihilists, and shot on nigli of
thorn to make a regiment boforo ho
discovered that ho w is h ivn ' ail
too lun to 11 1 111 sol r. 1 v 11 1 011
disturbs hi ii. and bo fools s I uni
ty Hut hi dio unit ss siiioilung
turn 1 up. This is the lint pigo,
ami it isn t hulf as lively and
isling us some others :
'li t up nt 7 a. in , an 1 nr I re l :
oiv b ith, li-it found four gallons of
vitiiol iu it an 1 did not take it I
W.uit to bre ikf as!, 1111 1 in goin 1
down the stairs found tlio Xiluli'tt '
II I I pi iced two torpedoes io the I
passage. It-it .II I not Haiti.) 011 tUoni. I
I I'll.) C .ll' .l Ulllelt SO htlOOgly ot
prussic .111 I tint I wis nfi ti l to
'Iriiik it I'.miid a Fcorpion in inv
left t-lippcl', lust fill Innately tdiooli i'.
out li lore pitting it ou -lust Im
I'oro stepping into my cmtiigo to
ttko my morning drive it wis hi
int 1 lint air, killing tho co icliin m
iu l tin li ii's 's inst fitly. I l l not
drive. Took a light louc'i ol l,w
uicli ic illy e tie I Atuericiii i'iii 1 I
goo ls. Ihey mu't Tool 1110 thero
round a poisoned .lagg-riii my fa
vorite chair, wiib tho point sticking
out, but did not sit down on it.
Ha l dinner nt (i p. in., and madoi
II iron li uschoiinowinski taste every
dish. He died before thu soup s
cleared away. Consumed some
Hultimoru oysters and London stout
that I llivo had locked up for over
live years. Wont 1 1 thu thuatro and
was shot at three times in the tirst
act. Had the entire audience hang
ed. Weut homo to bed aud slept on
tho raid ull night "
A Boy Again.
Sometimes an old man boomos a
boy again, ttlthoiigli too smut to
drop iuto his second childhood. Au
illustration of this pleasant tenden
cy was given, not many months
since, by uu old man, worth several
He was in tho habit of prowling
around tho ollioo of tho insurance
company in which ho was a direct or
Uue morning as ue was tuns invcs
tigating, be happened to come uoross
thu dinner kettle of the ollice boy.
rlis curiosity led him to take off the
cover, A slice ol borne made bread,
two donghuuts and 11 pitce of apple
pie tempted tbe millionaire's np,.e
lite. lie became a boy ngaiu, mid
tbe dinner pad seemed tho onohe
had curried sixty years ago.
Just then the olUce boy came in
nud surprised the old man eating
his pie be bad finished the bread
and doughnuts.
"That s my dinner yonr eating 1"
exclaimed the boy, indignantly
"Yes, sonny, suspoot it may be s
but it s a first rate one, for all that
I've not eatou so good a one for six
ty years."
"There," be added, as ho fin
ished the pie, "take that and go out
and buy yourself a dinner, but you
wou't got as good a one," and be
handed the boy a five dollar bill.
For days after, the old man kept
reft-mng to tbe first class dinner be
bad euteu from tbe boy's pail.
When a fellow ia sparking bis girl
be smokes ten cent cigars 1 nfter be
becomes engaged be gets down to
t luniun 1 mill ufter marriiiua be
generally contents bimself, with anl
old pipe that two years a jo be1
wonldu t have bad in tbe same block.
Matrimony is rather demoralizing
tor ibe cigar trade, iu tbe long run.
1 ii I
Burdelte 0.1 the Clackberry
The greatest enomy the blackberry
i has is boys. Five boys from town
'can eat more green blackberries in n
duy tlin would ripen in a week. For
many years the great desideratum
bus b. en a hardy berry tl at conl.l
rexist thn prem itoro onslaught ol
boys from towii. It is a groat d.'
si luratnm still. Tho Schneider, n
viti ietv that was iuventod by on
Iowa hoiticiilturit, is the ih uk i
iippl'Oicli to it. It is 4led from n
perfectly glet'll pelHimillot) crowsed
with a dog wood treii, nud slill fur
ther prop.i:;.ted w.ili a hybrid of
worm wood bunli and wild er.ili-itp-llc.
It is uot a perfect defense, bat
, Ii im iieliieved Then tli iro is a bug
I d 1 not know the namo of it
that crawls over thn berries now uo.l," a six inch gutter, mid lien oing
Iheii. When von cat a berry that ; "P a rise of two or Ihreo steps will
I .v..iiiii lull til lain ut,. 1 .' - - ' - ' . - .. 11. in. 1 u 4 inn
pray Heaven to talto homo iu ! "P' If he helps her into a caiiiugo
I just about llirtu seconds. And U wants to lilt her in, mil as sist'
I you live you can wuko up in tlie 'ug her to slight, ho makes ber jump
I night, uloug. in tho mid lie of nott into his arms whoru ho hoi Is her ns
I winter, and shu Idor as you tasto nf 1 long 11s ho .1 ires. liile riding with
i that belly. I her he always has his haul upon
J When your blackberrins grow too "'o H":,t bnhml I nor, iv.t ly to s 1
j thickly, yon will want to thin them 'her waist every ti ro there is a j .It
out. To this end, you must I.1I1 , ''ig imugh to give mi en isn to do
;soino of them. This can lie done " in fact, ho seems to bo c .iiliiiu
1 !v digging a well where tho iil.u.t j allv nclii og lo piw, in 1010 way nr
stands 1 then turn tliifnoi iijui lu
lowii ami let ll .ley out Ihoronglilv :
for a couple of years, tinoi tin 11 it
.iver, upNido down, mid st il t a bi ick 1
yard nil tun biek of it. This will '
kill 11Q' somo of tho plants. There
may I'e h, on 1 hiuit. r and cheaper!
im tlio I nf killing hlaok-h trry vines'
tun this, but I liavo uever heard of
ii mi ! it iu.1'1 ill. 1 ....,.. ;., I
, .... . ..... v .,i.u.j .v V.1UIU in
U y iu want t i devoto about fol ly
ai'i'cs of ground t tho cultiv ition of
lil aekliei lies, plant uliont three
heilthy vines in some comer of tho
ll 'I I, nb mt tho mi I llo ol April
I II. 111 about tho tirst of M ty tlio mm
wli t n.viis tlio farm 011 tho other si do
of loo 101 1 will bring civil action
agauiHt you, an I
will try to collect
d i n iges for destruction nf Ins two
ii I is of ivh -at by a rai I of blickb. r
rv vines
It is not known just nt what sea
s in of tho ye 11- III ick'ieiTios 1 open.
Iho bili'klieiry 1ms never been
kiiiwu to ripen. If thu hucksters
and boys should nil die in June, it
is pr.ibalii.i tli it tho berries w. mid
, , . ,,, time in Julv or Au ut.
l;,.l !,,.v leiv.i lievi.l- I. .. I .. el. :mc..
to sen they COill l dl ut 11 l ip
A Dojut.ful
Trill ito U iVj n. 1.
. hi my I) i i ilif il trin
Wo lew- - ,
I but.-- I . :;t in.
1 1 vm ol tlio
but tlio f illowing
li'iuxt wo hive ever
(,ul :
I ' I'laco hor among tho tl iw.-rs, fos
ter her as a ten lLr plant, uu I folly
j annoyed by a duwdrop, fretted by
' the touch of a botteiily s wing, ready
to faint at tho sound ol a beetlu 01
the lutiluig of a window puno nt
uight, uud nil... is overpowered by the
petfiinio id tin ro.seliu I Hut let
real calamity c mm, ro.iMi her iill'.-e-lions,
uiikiiidle the liis of her heart,
and m uk her Hieii .' How strong
iu her bo. ut ! I'laco her 111 the heat
or bat lie give her u child, a bird or I
ai. tilling to 1 lotcct vind see her, in
,i relatn'o instance, lilting hoi white
.i'ius us u shield, us her owu blood
crimsons ber upturned forehead,
praying for bar life to protect the
helpless. Transplant her iu dark
places of the oirlh, 0 ill forth her en
ergies to action, and her breath bu
0 )iues bulling, her piesencu a blohs
iug She diNpntes inch by inch the
strides of stalking pestilence, when
mau, the strong and bruvw, p ilo aud
afViightid, shrinks away, disfor
tune haunts her uot ; she wears away
a life of silout enduritnue and goes
lorwurd with less timidity than to
her bridal. In prosperity she is a
bud full ol odors, waiting for tbu
wiu. Is or adversity to scatter them
abroad pure gold, valuable, but un
tried in the furiiiico. ia short, wo
man is a miruclo, a mystery, tho cen
tie from which radiates thuuharm or
A well-dressed lady called nt a
carpet warehouse and nuked to look
at somo carpets. The goods were
shown, every pattern iu the i-Uop
being spread out for examination.
After looking at over lb ng about
the place, and driviug some very
close bargains in tie matter of
pr.01. th j lady soleoU I a 0 11 pot. f ir
for each room in ber bouse. 1 tinning
tip a bill which blind the salesman's
heart with joy. When til was coin
pluted'bs asked wheje tbe carpets
were to be sold. Tbe ludy replied,
without besitatiou. that she would
call and let bim know. "You see,"
she added, "my husband lias just
bought a pioca of grouud, and lulks
of soon budding a bouse ou it. If
be does, you know, I shall want
s .me new carpets, aud then I will
call aud order these, aa I know tbe
A 0011 pis at Danbury, Ct., having
oirefally const Jerel the qiestiui
fur twenty five years, have reoeatly
decided to get married-
Hands Off.
S m ram nre never b ippynnless
their lintnls nrp iu niotiuu. They
srn eternally straightening tlio neck
tie id the men with whom I hoy nre
talking, or fumbling nt his watch
chain, nr picking specks of lint or
dnt from bis tva', or picking at s
button, or 1 Hinting out tlio absence
if a button or i! inliuting how the
heard should grow. With ladiis
heno fellow s nre HiHiilToriil lo, 'I h. y
tind a breaitiiii out of plumb, or 11
harpiii slicking a sixtetnlh of an inch
'other out than it should, or a lock
of hnir f ti- v. or a gather of a drcs
lias stinted thn stitching, or the
lower in tho Imt dronpi a little, or
tl).- hIiihiI pin don't hung just so,
and I hey iu-i-t upon lining those
natters mid keep fomliling slid paw
ing and picking a.vay nt it lady until
ttteiiti ia i- Irawn to tho
suce and 1111 niinnviiiico is tlio it'sult.
One of these voilii'' fellows will mil
his luiud under a laily's elbi.v lo
lift her iiv. 1-a sliaw ou tho walk.
itiHixi up in putting ins lian.l upon
ili.l t llt ',(1 I til. 1 ll r I llln I.....
nii nner, every la.iy nit') wiiOHeciin
p my ho is Ihrosii. It. miy 11 t be
iilipr..por between pi-Mpl.. pn tly well
ai'.plaiuted uilli each other, but it
I -tn't lo.ik well, and 1 1 lim, who d m t
like to bo ami yn I, slill f m ho, nud
wish to be let alia 1. ( I ill ft try is
0110 tiling, but mimhy pamby, nn-m-cosMiry iiro nil togelhei'-reiit, uu I s'loul I bo put down
by tho ladu-s wli 1 sudor from them.
They nso guano down in Aliibnm i
jlo cou tho crops along, 11 11 I 11 man
j who sells tho best guano gets tho
I best Ira lo, There is one kind that
is awful soon A farmer put a sum
phi in bis pocket and started lor
. I101111I. Tliertl was il earni.t lji.!. in
il,ii(.,mt p.t0.-t when he put tho
gnaiio in there, and when ho got
home thero was a bur of railroa I iron
ticking out id his, which
nliuost weighed his horso ilo vi).
Hit said he li lt Honu lliing heavy in
the last half nf the journey. IfHomo
paners should tell tiiis story nolle
would belie ve it.
Thn latest dodgo in the thioving
line bus just bet n developed. 'I ho
..perutors prowl about tho buck
viir. Is of boar. ling houses, in tlio
slill hours ol tlio night, imit itmg tho
si. cp-diHtui bing htiuins of a Tlininas
cat harassed by tho deepest 11 go 11 V 1
of uurc.piitted love, and then go oil'
.with thn boots,, anl general
chamber (urintiiro projected nut of
tho windows by the vutaged board- I
ers. j
The butcher who tiusts lotus
lltsh. j
A frog caught iti Delaware couuty
was a foot long. j
Tanner believes that moro graves!
are dug by teeth Hi 111 bauds. j
A vouth of liocliehter was left
$10,0.111 His first m ve wai Ij
spend il,D 'I) ou a uosn,
A Colorado girl lost a leg nnd hnr
gall tut lover ha I a p icketb iok ma Is
of a piece of tauue l skin from thu
amputated part.
A llrooklyn mother fed her year
old biby 011 I cucumbers uu.l
milk and thou wanted tlio prayers of
the church because thu Lud took it
Iiotho duty which lies neirest to
thee, which thou k no .vest to b.iVi
duty 1 thy second duty will ulruaiy
nuvo become clearer.
The object or all ambition should
be to bo happy at h uno. I( wo are
not happy tuero, we u.tuuot bo hip
py else hero.
"Formerly ono sermon con voided
3,000 sinners," said nn Idler Bur
gess, in 11 sormou recently ; ' now it
takes :l,H(J0 sermons to convert one
The moon is just the thing for
coon hunting aud sleigh-ii.liug, but
it isu't worth much for gathering
ohickyis or talking ab mt the green
back movement over the front gate
with another fellow's girl.
A Nevada man died in great dis
tress of mitid the other day, because
he could remember lying to 1,400
ditlureut mou who bad asked bim
for tobucoo. Always baud over your
box if you want to die happy.
Flies teacb a lesson which should
not be unheeded. Tbey uever go to
sleep iu church.
A Philadelphia diotir has bid
farewell lo a sick man, and gone I
the oonutry for tho beouti; of bis
A cripple with a s o"; wife and fiv
children wore tinned out of uri kty
tenement ho ise a few days ngo lu
New Yoik boost se tbey owed $S
net- The tent roent is owns! by
the Swcie y for be rrcveutiou cf
Cruelty to Ami u ais.
rriiia poht.
Puhtiahed every Thursdsv Evening
Terras of Snbscnption,
Ahle ritliin six months, or fiWIifnot
paid within t). your. No pnper ilia
cntiliniied until all arreurnites are
psid unless at the option of the pub
liwhcr. " 8ulwcriitiini outside of Hie cotuitv
Iyl'i i-sons lifiiinr and iikiiib; papers
Addressed .0 oth tk hecnnicanlischliors
snd sre liable forlhe j.riec nf tbe pnper
5l Years B.'foro Hie Tublic.
rronnunoo I l.y a',1 lo l.e the most Plrai
Knl and rfticei.niw fme'l now in uf,
fr Ibe curs of r.vigha, cM, crnup,
h nrrnr., t u k I i it 4 ra-oi.ii of Iho
ihmal, wliimping e '.iH. ii. oir a niilU
inn l.iitllra anl. Miilmi il,(. I nt fr tear.
j It ii' rrlirf wlifrre.T f I. nil I b.ia Hie
.ncr lo iiii.rt I., n tl I lint ciii'.ol h
hsd frmn Hie cnnch 11 im.ih-. now In I".
ld t.Jf a'.l Uni ni .'.j crma er
skli.kiis' pii.i.s s- ,.
hlsMjr r,,0'iii.n.i'ii.f. for cnlnn l.rr
C'.il. 1 1 i lit , rnn-liitli'in, ililirs.l irln,
f.-rr mi l Rii. it'l l aM .,, ,,f Hi
atoinanli nn I li.-r M.i. .y ull tlru-.
gihia al Wcphk err lm.
It. K. HflUra t o., pin t,r li. pa.
I) i.t'i 'TO .
The "willTir stands
acknowledged King
of all Sewing Lla
chines. ImpDriant aui Cautionary Notice to
all intending pnrchnsjrs ot
SiiwiiiE M icUiucs.
tMli-e WIIITK SKA'IV'I M M IIINi: t!,t,
t'l.KVKI.lMII, O, Miif -ii, Hv).
We iriloul irly ill y tor ntle.ill in I., tlie
tict Hint we t tin 1 . a nuni'inr in ;-l tin, tl ( Itiot
IlKiirea on tlie l.t.'U uliiiiila r i.-e nil le r
nmclilne' an I It oi n ro.' ir l ..I t'l.'li itii'ii i,rs.
When I'l, a W it.uu rr k.hi Kivk Vatnsla
Slven tu tbe nir.!htar. Tills wnrmnt l.rara
tlie niima ut tlie i'nl wlio ..i reli a I ibe inn
olilnii Ire in u. an nl 1 ll.s,ltio nl i.tirt'liave n t
nuuirr purr...i.i lln t.. (no ill le niiiiiber
1'l.e wiirranl irnlnno I h- u, bnt the tirfi
1 1 ai. ai: 11 of .ur 0.1 nu ni impel tii in It.
All i.lhr w.trrsnn In -tor n i-mt nr mr lorn,
an. I pitrtina lln.l.iK tlie snt.K m'iiuki mctIi.
ArKu ..11 i.Kf.i. t;i, an. I n.i Wiirrant tu e..rre
.inl wiib ti.e aix.vo le-.,rl.i..ii, nitty kiotr
at once s....n.r or lator tl.n "Woer will le
Inc. .Ive.l In iruiii.lo, win. nj una to lall iuok
Tlie.iK-.risa "Wi.lta" It ti-I.y tlie m nt
l l' 111 icblnn up'.n the unroot, tlx iUop.
1, an. I t'.ia t.rt.l t-i ..ail nr a il. a lirur iium
bar ..I U10 " Willi " b tve lurn ti. i lo an.l lol l
Inre tbny we l i.-.l uji-.a tbe in irkat, tban
ant utl. r m ike In tlio a uue lensta of time
ito"" se-tlQic Al t'-tilne wore Inveut-.l. Tbelr
lln Ut nmi, ki . it, pi a. homily, qnUoo.'U, ila
rablllty, an.l : rl'-e. .'i.ii'iliia t.i the n the
inaleii. tint evory ronllv .Ijtlret 11 on, an.l
tlioriiiiubly faliilicl when once tbey p.nital
the "White
Sny i.l .1 Inn c..iimle, U I). U. HKK.
Iiut.l) Ml.) IV, an I wo a Ivl.e Inlon.l-
Ins .urchnoM to n no othor, anl
thereby not the iteniilna " iVhllo"
Xh.Q G li aiixp i o 111
is the Acknowledged
Superior of all Grain
& Gras3 Cutting
This Machine lias been fully endora
ed by the most ixpert uthori
ity, after Most Thorough
tests, its to itsCupaoity
nnd ICxeeiition, as the mist
Wonderful Machine ever iuvouted.
Kenieraiier, nn ler no elreuuwtineaa nont I
Ton tuy a Keeper or Mower until tu 1 x
aniluea TIIK iinilflui. H In 1 vw y.iu
hoar ol one ol tbete Maoklnea In jour Moltr,
.In nit (all tn eiuulne It tle.riiualily. lie
Mtthtoeia of lliatt, Ila Marfol. ua llotrament,
Ila Siiniilloliy, and In Aut mal e A.tJ.iatment
to avry ol tne nalU, can nut lall to
e.ituinoiid It ver all olhott Kr.u ri will he
uioia iliao erer eaiifltp., whan tbay Inveali.
alalia uianltol I olai ot ol euu rl .rlty. an.l
ie'1 ita nui.iarout a.Uaueina., t .at thai'H t It
I'lilN lacerululy lua .UAOUINK to be re
tarred. "
11 la aattmatel by the moat 'impotent juljet
Ibal orer one h 01 ol the II ty aul ilr tin trop
In the I no ! Ma lot l harveaiail wuh I'll A l
ny MIIWKHS t IlKierUs. I haw sale
brale.1 aiaoblnaa araaolU hjr
l. ll. UAK'.NKK, H..llnaroe.
J.l. UlNJAU AN, Trutalirll.e,
al alto l.y the Trayellos Aaat,
JAMtll KHLEV, LewUburg.
Apr. tv, IMle.
. V ...a.aiaaM Hu'oriuilu.1 H.i.ili. at .it! a utt I
liuoia Aaenta la eerf Uoaatr. Sleetly ue b.
UaJ bttaltari.
1 f TTLi" 111 Y