ie-h(ir. fitlttinn, one jroar, '. tVMW mfromMt Vtlttmn,nne war, 1&.00 ii n urc (10 lines) I Inisrudn 75 Kvery niwHlnnal Inmriinn, rafoasiotiatand Ittislnea cards of 0 5.00 not mot than o llns, per year, kttrtltnr. Kxsrnttnr. Adm illustrator and Amunoe Notices, nso jitortai nouctM pit line, 15 All tr.n.rinl adtsriWlrtt IMS than months 10 cnU line. All dfntflcmflnM for a shorter he Ud 1 h on var arts navahln Hi th tins Uy aro ordered, find il not paid he Xfsnri ordering tit-sm will oe held .loinmie Mr me money. Poetry WAIT A WHILE. Wall a will. Ckeeriljr mil, 8oa lbs ttortn wilt Ma iter, Thers't a bit of him I the eky for yon Tbsrs't swwaeet jet in tk oloter. Trust mill wall. Though hurjn grtat. Hard en tb heart are firc.siog Fit a baml of lv Will lha ero remova. Aai le U lit ttcaj a bloniag. 'Neaih lb anow No roaee blow. And tliete oa beet are bumming Tint "hjr gather assets la I Heir ilui k reireme To brickies lb daye tbl art toning. Dark and drear Tk fkie appear , Wheo Hit cloudy lUy'a Jf Unlit, Ilul tne niglil mm', (it 11 ArH cover nil, Kr tk sua reaewe ill tbluing. Wait awhlto. Cheerily atslte, E'ea Ihroiifth ika taai-a nt strrow ; Oner may bate a-vsy O'er jronr life it But joy will return touiorroir. Reel l st For Ihe wvury feel ; And the soul in f liiu repmet, When tho nielli tome ou, Ami I lie uo m ltiy inn Jli gateway of ulii lur clo.aa. Ne'er will mien lie meed of hlies. Or gfiete o'er jnjre aliaiiur, For Iho aitrih must nirn. Thai our heart may learn How little la to'i hy w aiiia . IFor Ihe wrury feet; And tbo aoul in f iliu rrpel, Jit gaiewaj of plii lur r - f A DETECTIVE : S ST ., suwoll ni inuf tcinred that it 1 readily. Tlio ovil at l-mt bo- tl...i i.. ir;t ,l .i.. 1 Sutboritiee reqit'istod a skillful do- ctivo mijjbt bo sunt to f.irrot out m nr.Ht of eoiuors. t w.m llxud DC a to perform the duty I had notuiog to g'lido mi. luo io t. howevur, Hi it Oaimgo was tho ity whurd tho c Jiiaterfuit coin was Inost abundant, I j 1 mo to sinpuol 1'iat the tu inufactory might bo souio kvhuro witlutr its limits. It was, thorufore, to the capital of th j Wot lint 1 brst procouJod. I puut llv IwhiiL-s in that bsiuufal uttt. but bSIUUMI kvith mt gaining tho alightust clue to 1 Ihe couuterfcitora. I bogan to grow discouragod, and , oilly thongat I should bj obliga l i return bo no witiiout having ahioved any result One dtylio., aived a letter from my wifo teiUost-1 t 1 should Mend bor homo monn. An alia was out of funds. ' wont into a bank and nsko 1 for u aft, nt tho same tima h i i ling o I km of uionoy to pay for it, iu which lure wore sovoral und dollars, i no ukpushod three of too half dol- li s back to me. '(.'nimtorfoit,' said ho. "What I" said I, "do you moan to II me those half JjlUrs ate ojiiu tfuit " 1 do." l".re yon certain ?" rPurfoctly cortuii. They ar ra- irk ably well executed, but tboy duhctont in weight, boo for lursolf." Und be plaood ono of thorn in tho kins against a gouniue half dollar the other aula, i uo latter weigh- down the former. "That is the best executed conn- tot coin I over saw iu my lifo 1" bxclaimed, cxaininiug them very Isuly. "la all the counterfeit Iney in circulation here of tho ae character as this 1 j'O.dear, no," replied tho cloik, is not nearly bo woll dona. Theso the work of Nod Wil lot, the fu ns New York couutorfoitor. I w them well, for I have huudlod rent deal of it iu my timo. Hero komeof the money that is in cir ktion bore,' bo added, taking feral half dollars from a drawer ou see the milling is not nearly as rect as Ned Willott's, although it retty woll done, too. compared the two togother, and ud that he was right, I supplied place of tbo three counterfeit f dollars with good coin, and ra ped tho former to uiv uooket ia. fow days after this I recoived irtnation wbioh caused me to take urney to a village situated about y miles from (Jbioago. 1 arnv Here at uight and took nn my rters at the only tavern in the lo. It was a wrutohed dwellioz. kept by an old man aud woman. surliest couple I think it baa ever M my lot to meet. In answer to inquiry as to whethor I ould eloditinir there for the night. Pticed that the host caveaoe- Vr look at bis wife. and. aftor whisDerlnsr. I was informed is most ungracious manner not p that I oould have a bed. jus chamber was small in ud was oertaiuly well veotila 'or I oould sea tha stars dooU' throuah the roof. The bed was lly a bag of straw thrown into corner of tho room, without i or covering of any kind, siood for mors than an hour 4 out. of ths opeuing whioh M I f r a witidow. Before me was 1 i d lojur-uss pra&Lo, the Ilia VOL 17. iteof which I ould not aoo. Thai Utern in which I bad ttknn nn tnv ' anoiio apponrua to oo isolated from . . . . all oilier dwelling, and sura tbo croak of the tieo frog and the hum of tlio locust, nut a noun reached my ear It m a beautiful, moon light night, and si bright tint I could see to read the sinalest print, t last I began to ffrov wearv. and throwing suys'ilf oo my pillot, I was soon pinno 1 into a (loop slum ber. Mjw lon I !nt I know nut i but was awakened by a dull eoivid, wliicb refluwblod a tiun 0119 ti iiatnut ing in tlio dist.inne. I atipinsj it vtun tun iioouintt'ity of tlio soiin 1 tlmt awoke mo, for it vt by uo inwMM loud, but ojtiveyml t. mo tbo idea of h'i uj onu alnkin iron wit'i a ra 1 1 111 id li'iinmor. I tip fro n tny bod and wuitt to tlu win 2ovv j tlio tuooa wai in t!m wjstoi-u uoi' n, by uliioli fact 1 know tlmt it must bo neir moruiu. I put oil my, Hit) only nrti- clo of uttirj I li 1 1 due ir 1j 1, it'i 1 Ci:ltiously opotiiti tlio door of tuy clmmbur, DoihuIossIv tlio I'tckott atiiirciiHu. A lot stop a brought mo nit ) tuo I or npirt muot, wbioli I fouul otitii'ih' d 'sort od I cront ouiotlv to tlm iloir. und unfistcDinj- it witiiout si i.'li tent ujiao, win soju in tbo iT , mo ni!i0'lit. Alt a BOUl W 3 VrtiblO, bit tho 8Jlln. 8ti) cmtiuilj l, au 1 Kio.v tll P1,Wu fr,,"l wli.xioo it piom.-u 1 j I. At lust I f juu I uiVHflf bjforo n I in i. low building, t bruit Hut ci-evio,iH of whioli I could hoi it lurid ! no ia.-eti inrf. I stoopod dwn and puoiol tliroiigh tbo keybolo, an I to tuy ox tromo surprido, I Hiiw Imlf a !. m stionor-looktii iiiQ, witli cjits oir, 1 vutiiity of stiiiuu oi?i!up S) uo WBI' w " li. t tovi, otbura woro 8iiponnt)il,l,iw tlio cuHtii; of iuouI U mm num.) worn cu.l.M 11) tin pro- ct!8s of milling o i-. In i in . u nit 11,9 u"10 " l,tl1 burt upon mo. Jluro WM 0 in? mutiii i.utm I w n HI Hcuol) nf. ui. l t in 1 in. 1!, ml and ul8 w'fJ v' ufl bjlonod to tlio "V"" " tinier I p ir- 'to,i uuiu tiupioo l Hjo man p jnsuing ou soma u i:i a iiiar puwjs. just tui'iiud Troni tlio m, whilu tlio woinou was packing tho fijdbj.l coin iuto rolls. I h id sun enough, and ,th n' tut to rutiii'o to my npii'tiumt a ; tin. wuutt suddenly I felt a ho ivy hand placed ou my alio tldjr, and tni'iiing my head ai'unn.l, to my horror, found mysulf in tho grtspof as ill looking a soouadrel us oor oso.tpud lha gows. are yon a uii uoro, my K00i iww : no o-c u uu I, in u oioo, kiih mo it bh.ij. "ia;iog n e'riii Dy mo ouligiif, 1 i'P"u, tmoouvortug io ui iiui.uu my prusonco oi int.ui. "WVI, purhaps you'll just lako 11 '''" buro, will you ''um in. pusuing opni tho duor aud draiLHiiir me iu niter him. All tho inmates of tho barn im no distuly stopped work, and run hod tow in's us when they sa v mu. "Why, what's this f" thjy all ex claimed. "A loafer I found poepiug out side," said tho man wuo captuTu.l me. "u'a a traveler that cum to the tavern to-night aud uske I f lodg ings t tho last timo saw htm ho was safe in bed," sa d th landlord Tuo men withdrew to a noruor of the upiiiliuont, leaving ouo to keep guard over tua. 1 sjjh saw that thoy woro iu earost c msulutioii, and wore evidently doh'utin important question. Tho m in koup ing guard ovur in-3 said uoihing. b it scowled ttoionly. At last tho discus sion aeomeJ to be settled, for tho blackest and dirtiest of tho whole carao forward, and, without any in- .troduction, oxoluimed I eay, strauger, look boro you most die I " I did not move arai-iclo, nor utter a word. 'You havo found out our secret, and duad rann tell no talus." I was still silent. "Wo give you ton minutes to say your prayers, sod also allow you tho privilege of sayiug whether you will be bunged or shot," Suddenly an idea struck m I remembered something that might save my lifo, 1 burst iuto a violuut fit of laughter, iu fact it was hyster ical, but thoy did not know that. They looked from ouo .to the otb in the greatest a n usmont. "Woll, ho takes it mighty eool, I anyhow," said ono. "I supposo bo don t Ihiuk we are in earnest," said another. "Come, stranger, you had better say your prayers," said the man who had first spoken, "time flies.'' My only reply was a fit of laughter more vlo'ent than the first. "The man's mad ' they exclaim ed. "Or drank," said some. 'Well, boys," I cried, spoaking for the first time, ' this is tho bost joke I ever sued. What, hang a pair "A pal you a pal t" "1 aiot nothing else." was my ele gant reoiudur. "What's your name t" 'Did yon evor hear of Nod Wil lett 1' I asked. "Ton may bs certaiu of that. Ain't bs at the bead of our profession 1" "Well, then. I n Nud WU8l ' "You Nud Willutt o'aitnad, . . 1'' ths U ex- . , .; a--r 9 MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY. "Xott may bot your lila oo that," f rettirnnd. AWfiiritAi-inie nn t. il. coraor where I had eoen the old wo . ' ."Tie e "f in in oouulinjg and packing the couu (c: it halt dollar. Fortune firored mt. None of the I en preaeut had erjr anen Ned Willet although his rop -.I'ion was woll known to them, and my swn ennjr, ina'o'ont innnner bad some wha'iltr'on thorn olf thoir u irJ, yet could plainly boo all thoir donbts wnro not romoto I. "Au I you etll th tilings woll ono, do you 7" aitkod t tkiii up a roll of the iu inoy. "Woll, all Hint 1 cm siy is tlint if you c.tti't do but tor th in this, yo t butter slut up shop, that's all,' "Jiu you sho us anything tot ter T" aikod one of tho tnon. "I raythr think I can. If 1 couldn't I'd if't and linii uty.sulf," "li t's si'o it," tluy nil ci iod. This was toy lust e n, nn 1 ono on whioli I know my lifo dupmidud. "ljokar boio, guntloiuun I ox cl iimod, tn kin 7 ono of tlio o tutor felt liulf doll. trs from my packet whicli ....;.,. ...i ,i... i. ...i. ..i ! ismylHtjob, whatdoyoatiiiukof jl -ko l-orf lironh a IImhikIi sl,af-! it f' It wus D.msod from Ii im.I lJU' oi-, '"! s to HWfur, tl.ut it i.jh.I ........ -,.vi,, it .... .,.,. ivi lis nut uttiut 9 r1 H I'li b n. "II iw will you ptovu it, is ii cjUu-'nM .,..r I Jt. . I i 'By wuigliiog it with ' yUa;U0 ono. i ropltod. This plan was imundiatuly adopt- : , i ...i . o.t, nn t us c.iai'aoiot' iirovo , ... liacaotor i.t-ovod. "I'orlmps bo got this by acfidutit," I heard ouo ol tho umu whipjr to vuothur. try theso," aii l I, tikiag tlio othor two from my pocko . All thoir doitbis now vautshod. ''Uj.t;it fill .' ox.'lamiod h o tu o. "8plrfudi 1 sai 1 oth.ns. Whmi thoy bad oxa.oinol it to thoir salisfaol ion, thoy ail of thoui oord'ally shook mo by tho hand. ov ul'y pai liclu of doulit having vauish! ud from their minds. I pii i-io 1 n it my pu t well. .Sonio quostiiMis wore j!'l!i" bearings ; than u lialo to ocuasiotislly iiskud mo, involving '"' " -nor' oust, and I ikos Iho l't siiuio of tho technicalities of tlm bus-jiHid'i nod lnnitud.t ; then hIiu itioss t these, bowovur, I avoi dud, by i pokes it u littlu her f, b.-u Is it Hi. io, stating that I was ou a j niruey df nud maslios it indisei i uiuaiely . ho l!i'isure. und would i.i.ifh rathur . t!l it it will not look : :(f mi l h 1 ; drink a gltss of whiskey than an- 1 ''K' ociesn hin.!i,s un i swejMjiiestioiH. 'flio whiskey was takes n tetro. -pi ctiia of In r ho t I a id jro lueod. nn 1 wo ii night of it. "I'I'o. laiinng tio i vto. N iw sho and it was uot uutil moriiiiu' had i udj her veil s tho lowur rd-e la.vnol that iu Nfpei'ated. Tho next li 1 fiitiirno I to Cai oao, und bro'ig it djivn tlu necui siry;.', niid fipturud Ihu whole gaug of couuturfeit'-rs in thu vary uot. i his dun was brokon up forovor, and most of thou) worn e iu lonuiud to servo a term iu tho Slate Pi i son. Tin; Usu c? Pain. Ths power whioli rules tho uui- versi, this grout, tun. lur power, uses .. .: : ... .1 i i i . .i JMlll HA II Sl 11.11 Ul illlOI, J .1 11.,' Ill Jl ous. D.'anlihil uataro nov or bin lies n foal blow ; never attacks us behind oiii' barks t never digs pitfalls or litvs iimbatio a los ; uever wears a s.uilu upon her face when thuru is vou'eaiifo iu her heatt. Patiently she teaches us her laws, plainly she writes her waiuin. ten Jorly shu Long befotu graduates their foren. . . , , . 1 . . . 1 the tiotfe, rsd danger aght of pain is' j . , I 1 1.1 . .! 1 it ishud rIui itli.fid with 11R ns tlioinrli lor nor own piiKO,uot out s 10 uo mer ciful to ourselves nod to each othor. .Sho m ikes tho ovorworlcod brain to watidor from tho subject of its labors She torus tho ovriudu' ed body against tho dulights of yutterday. Those aro her caution signals. "Cio slow.'" Sho stands iu tho tilthy courts . 1 . . e . 1 1.1 some!,.,, 1 ti..,.a n,t ! . j m w iia iivi lieckons us ti enter uud real .4 1 with on l- S'J'imds, what we alio v to es ist in tho midst of tho culture of whioli wo brag. And what do we do our- i solves T V Dlv wniu and spur on 1 1 . . 1.. 1 1 : at . : A ... . tuo juouu o.uiu a. luo-u horse-force it back iuto the 'fi LUa,' in goon tai gallop, we .ling i.te . .. .. ... . . rebullious body wilhst-.mnlants. m hide the Bignals and th-nk we uavoi I II... l.. . ...1 .. miu u..uo., ... 7 j festivo bufoto night Wu turn atidu, as tho Piiariseo did of old, and piss ou tho other aido with our haudkor ohiuf to our no so. At last, haviug brokun uature's laws, and disre ffirde.l bor warnings, forth sho oomus drums boatiug, colors tlyiug right iu frout 1 to punish us. Thun wo go down ou our kuoos aud whiinnar about it h iviilg ploatdd Ood Almighty to aund this a.uiution upon us, aud wo pray liitn to work a tuirado iu ordjr to ruverso thj uatu ral onsoii leQOos of our dis- ohudiunoo, or bivo ns from the trouble of doiug our duty, in other words, we put our fingers iu tho fire aud beg that it may not hurt. Teiitplt Oar, . Young man, don't swear. Swoar ing never was good for a soro flugor. It uever cured ths rheumatism nor hoi pod draw a pr ize In a lottery. It isn t rooo-nmenaea iur uver 00m plaiut. It isn't sure against light niug, sowing m iohino agents, nir any of tho ills which bssot psople through life. Thore is no occasion for swearing outside of a newspapsr offlas, where it is useful tu proof reading and indisponsaably necessa ry in gutting forms to press. It has baen known, also to materially assist the editor in looking over tho paper after it is printed . Dat. otherwise. lit is a very foolish and wicked baibt. l WaiMnqtoit RepuMio, .i'rJ How A Woman tjcc to A.Fire I After stanriioK tt the gato end looking for tli I'.ro an J hotting its on Fi'tit lli ire t, or Hip fluur mill, nr Botnewlieio "o now,' she tndJoiilv tirts op at if nn idea had utrnrk lu-r, an I aim siid to lierrolf j "I'm Roinp; to that fivr, ond it's no u of t:ilkiiw. Thro sho b'triiH to got rL-alv. Sim air 1 1.4 b'foro the mirror and tvvistii and turns lur own Inir in all nvmurt of ways 1 1 roi hnw il will uiuki til" mil'. sho ; iIko h spikrs nn ono d iteu "f p iffj, and bitus on ih) ftis fs o tUcy will look "liko a.nvel l' un i a rium, nun vhwhi tint UrT nrms a jnsl t tlrrp itr, she cu ots nu more iipprovin planet at lur liiir, und vt" t ljlit to a""n 'hit it will d.i. Wbtit dies to worn i" tuo ticxi ipinMinn uctoro ui.i mi-o inst lionio To dci In tins iiiqiiiui I tuns q'lfli"!', sin- (Jills to tin ward, r.ipo ; nut u'tf il.itihi I, - win. shu t! hum Ilu-r.', tli . wni ilr.ii)'1 ivn 57 7f T . . . lur.', a it worn, for ii'l h -r ilr'sstho ownnr got too pour to kt-rp tt hid I'ot-n irn sotiii hero li.d'ori- I-'innllr. shu sidivti our. whi.di. wlimi ' biiitono I nn will not iM-riii't li -rto , m "i'lH. ns looso us phi li ." ImiI nt I tho oaiiio limn nliiiits tlmt sluMi ulir. "roM "" 81,0 "'vor but-, , llO'l lior f hops : n fi.ii. nnnnt hut-' ton tlim -plv., thoy nn tint o'l.l hy I p oxy, mid with ti hi't pin, as flip il,;SMo",,r n"1.,"' V,'" "v " '"" 1 ! ii'i'ni'u'i n uiit hi l 1 1 ii liiit'L icr.. i " . r ' '""o'i .u vipiiii iii innt nur toi l ii.ivo mvoll. n hv I iiMoD ol' h iving worn nronti I Hi houso ti hlipiK.o s, nn I "you bottor Imvo two or thrco of tho lot 1 buttons unbuttoned.'' Slid Llioni tit'OBoptls to i t on her ouli r lmi-. uinn's i; l ll.itlois Ik ri U' tlmt tl;i n'ill bi in ' h ill' a jiffy." At 'ist I l.o t luiuix is ii'iitdii"! when ulic goo for Let' now ti"iiii"t. Sou hlo- wors Ron tho liurk of tier Inn I, mill lh.. inks fourleoii ways to are how ! l"e Il .lt . . ft J t'iriis iii.l.vav to Hill t'omo exactly lo Iho th) on I of her !l iho then she p i.v.lo's a lit;!.-, s) tint her face will not 'isiiiuu iikj n bittl '," kiii lot'.i. s d l ll tho c nneiu tf h r in mill, puis on lu r bist smile, and s,i n out to lin I iho l'.,-.,. Lo ! he t-tarl '. t-he moves t nvnd tho dtnr, but returns for her "lives, und jI.jii , at tlio nun or to see t( hev n,"'i . is ul! right Ag.ti i sho hoiols for ?ho front do,ir. leu conies !) ti k for he.1 Imuill.erehi, ;', und u, sho pisse.i tho di is sin ;-eas,', nho ono l;n:,eMiig an I pih.liviU I i.,ui i.. .1- ..i i... ... it ..." . t.f'j" in ;i:n-.i i'y u.-i i-.-iiiu;. lion, Sol ties her collars, p.ili.s down her full's, mi l makts ono limit mi l siKWHsfnl Keoiii) for her truiu u id leaves the housu. .Sho is out, and t iu the tiro. LpI Tnciu Alo'iu Never try to lob nnv ono of his i f i. ;.......': n ;.. .1... if'JOvi 11 iiiii.iii "i mills-,-.- i it in niu . ' . ,. . . ,, , in list crib -1 thing you e in do Mori- w.vr. it is be tto ;nu. ins doing us vou would bo d mo by. Crush a womau s self-eHtopni uud you inako jher cioss-griiined mi l unappish. J)o i ruuiiiiig theso gins. 1 U10 Riimo to a mau, nud you only That would Im lather expensive,1 nia';o him morose. You may tut m. sending notion to sued. !to create a 8o't InuuMo cieutiiro. No 111010 tliau the western fellers) i but vou II never do it. Tho pooplu'imy when they send them cuu who think best of themselves itro apt to bo Ilia best. Women grow pretty in beliuvi thoy urn so. uud lias (pi.ilitiss often crop out after ono has been told ouo has t.iem. It only gratifies a momentary sni'n to force your own uufavorabln opinion of him deop i 1 , y , f di, if -fld, fall of u, into another s any good. Ah ! ....,,.,1. ... 1 li biiia ,.u,iia. u, ,:.,i mu .imu. i.iivi . . . . ... - ', ' ., l, - ,!, . nuw (llrt , . .. . 1. .1..1. . . IU..., nu',.-"..'.!! ,l..uOTii , -boil d have I l'h a groatost of all things tl' it a man can possess, is a sutislactory iduulity. If that h'ch ho c .lis 1 pluusos him, it is well with him' 1 othor wiso, ho is ut terly wrotchod Lot your folio beings nlouo. Hold uo truthful inir rors before their eyes, unluus with a pure intontion to uproot siu. ro may a mirror without a ntw never be prepared for you. In thosu things which we cannot help, may we ever bo blind to our own short - cumiugs. Ws aro neither ugly, not awkward, nor nuintetesling to our solves, if we do not know it. A foul may bate tho wisdom of Solomou iu bis own conceit. Lot him bo, and the path to tho grave will be easier for him to tread you will be no worse, he no butter. Leave man as much sulfesteom as bia conscience will allow bim to abolish. It may be a pleasure to enlighten people as to thoir faults of tniu 1 and person but it is cui taiuly not a duty. A. Keokuk boy bus built a small engine or motor wbiob runs by the power of Lunburger choose, t the stronger tbo ohoeso the stronger tho uugiuo runs, lie thiuks be t has struck a big bonanza, and by adding a fow onious and a small quantity of board' g-uouso butter, enough' strengt . will bo obtained to bold a mule by tho bind logs while the smallest kind oj a bo twisU tbo iUi-lv'a tail. PA., NOVEMBER Siullnrn lndopenJ:n:a. The (Miss.) Demncrnl draws tho following picture t.f the SottMioin fitrnior : Hallo, slumber, you scom to bo going to runikct f doing to send it to PilNbttrj. 'To rittshiirg, iu I't'tinsylvntiia f You'to mighty riht. I am Wlmt bvo Koin! to d j for ? To Ki'l it h:irpruud. All the w ly to riltfiburg ti got it sh ,io:ipd .' V.iit b-t? WVvo Hlivv-d otr bl. if I; s nit'i out. Hi p tllol it;) st tl' tho Othurdty u:i I went to Tl'X is. Woll, tlml's rnthnr a novi l i livi. my ii 'l son. ting n plow x nr to j g-t it Kh ipoiif I. Not s n 'rl ns v.i it ht ard it iv.w. H o do our milling in t I. mis. ' Is Hint sot t on tiro i tlit il is. o nti1 I to Imvo n mill nt Piinkiiivillo ci i-i-k, but tl!'. mid ho wo tin mil to .t ii'it ii in Tin 1 ilotio iu S'. liJiti.s, Mil Hutii i. D yon moan - aay yon aond vour ;;i tut nil tho way to M. Jiouin 1v r til I didn't iy nothing itl ilt tfiW , ., I lla w. n-iiii t got no gi u io y i. i. u wo m;l ultr II JUT llilil tilo;il iroui ni : Limit. I I soo von lrivo n hido in our w ioii. JOII. m. our old t"iw i I I ist wi'rk 'K t u to 1 ? , Mni:!l wiinU blo'.vod llu lif it'll her. S.'ii lilt' tho hid. ) t iiosloil get it t in no. 1. i All thn way to I! j.slou ? Yes, sir. Is tiot t l.nt PMionKivo, in y f:i'iid? ' Tlio fiii";l.t will iu oro tli.i'i out tliu j hi I" up. That's n fn't flu-tour limn tin b'.lW. trd t di I Uni oil ci ll to' s o ir- f tss. I H wliut s tlio uso In ing lax e l to build l iilv rids. Hi t till) good of '('111 ! 'th. il; I t it y u I ' ! ii tanyar I over a' Ijic.; ii;iii.;r, an I a .shoo shop to o. lilt they k.lll nil inue 1. j K"i'll.immuxed what is tho inoin-j ing of th a'. ; j Il hp .ins ;mii.i up a i.p i'il. -sud t vit mi) and you that's mighty tn,;.i tho case with ii. ir Slulo. 1 W ho, ,1 O.l (;.)) '.' t ) g t )Uf I'Mther ? I ' ui : p xp-'ct ! ) got id o i ail --o,i.-et lo. -ret sli ics in ei u-r ul ( noio i .1 iv at. I ! irioii '.r tii 'I'.'ili eat . 1 1 1 to i . i- a iiiisfoit inn to I ooho a ni C nv I i Xot s i ui'i !i of n in -.fortune u- y mi In ir. 1 it was Moii t m'g'.it of shuekiu' an 1 liilliliMM In II fow. an I tti 1 1 !: t ; iii'hl und rioiiii'ig and ottiu' only 'unit timo itiartsu i i.v. What urn v mi gii'og to do lor m il; . ' . Sou I North f..r it. I Send North f ..r mill; Yes. c incoiitraU' I m dl; and tiohh tu butter. On 1 1 feu th'.i p lint. Mighty handy Ihins, theso rail roads ni iko tl.eiii Yahlieo fellers do a'l our jobs fir us tio'.v -.1 i our isiiiithiu' to; 1 giuidiu' mil nnlkiii' uii I t hnriiiu'. Yes, we go our bottom Iiiclu ! 011 cotton. .Sending it opto Ma, ;a ehtiHctts 1 0 get carded, hpuu mid wove. They'll come when we solid it there to be ginned, then wu will be j happy. Monstrous night of trouble 1 Ivist nud got 11 dollar a b ishol and j i pay six bits freight. Besides, us I 1 said, what is the uso of .) iviu ' f ir I tuilron Is 'thought wo us jtii't ro'i I. You booil to uppreciato railroads think wo ougut wu pay enough for 'em. I reckon you fulloti your own poi k. Well, you reckon wrong, nt ranger. I got thoul lliuoy fellers to do taut for inf. h s mighty convenient, too, monstrous sight of, trouble toting n bucket full of corn three tim s a day to hogs iu a pen, especially whuu you hi. in t got nouo to toto lo it. I should think so. There's 0110 thing lacking though to iimko the business cjuipleto. What's tlmt t Thoy ought to Bend them hogs cooked. Cool; in' mil prepariu' wood for cookiu' t ikes up 11 heap of timo that ou ht by right bs employ ed iu tho uottoii pitoii. I wu s-iyiti' to my old woman tohor day, if wo Mississippi folks got our cookiu' uud wnshiu' dotto up Not lb aud sent by express, wo would bo as happy us oUico holders. Your hurao iu tho lea 1 thcro seums to bo luuio. Yes needs shooin'. If ho wasn't tho only horse 1 had, uud could spare bim, i d suud bim up where thoy make shoos und uaili urd net bim shod. Cun t get sneii thiug done in those parts. Perhaps 1 can ut tho depot. liow do you manage to live in your parts, my old frieud f Why, we raisa cottou. My roads turns off bore, stranger. Gjj, back Brandy I am glad 1 seed you, strauger, "There's no place like borne" unless it is some nice young girl's home when tbo old folks areataamall item iu a no-rspaper, for fear class meaUiig and ths mutch box ll jot running his nose in some kind of empty. . ... l patent coogaijjop. 20, 1ST.). NO. 23 An AKoclionatc Letter. Tii-rKtuiiv. Iioland. Spplpmbof Iho ton. .Vy Mr A.iici" .' I Imvo not hoard anything of yon stuis tho last tnuo I wrote yo- I bavo movod fioni tho placo whoro I now livo, or I should Imvo wntti-n to yon lofo e. I did not know whoro n lotlt-r mi 'lit find von liif-t but 1 now lako tnv pou in hand to drop vo i a fuw linos to inform you of Hip I Hi of Vour own living undo, ',t'ikpitrick. llo diod Vory sud Ifir ly iii'ior a lo i f of nix in inlln. t'oor man, ho huITi'I'pJ ii groat doul. llo lav ii lonj timo iu pouvuI-m mm, pp. fi-ftlv M'liot nn 1 spoi'i'hlfps. tin I a'l too t'lii.i lulking iiu'olion'iitly und iOiiiMi)g for Water. 1 tu lU'toli ul n Iocs to'l yon wh it Irs .'(Mlh whs i co 'd liv. bit I ho I tlitl.L it U'-IM fMUI,,d l)V Ills t r. ii kiln s., for ho was tint w li i 1 tys dm in x his f oiil'inomoiit. II : M'o vo ki.i.w jist as woll il s I cai oil vo ; hit iv .is 111 yens oil lavt .'I itch l.if'.iti t'.l'tooii months : mid if ho lil 1 1 v I till this timo, hi! .vmit I do jo-t hi months d.-a I. N. 15. Tukti In. I is. 1 inoloso to you n tin p mil I. wiii.'h yo'tr f ithor sin Is to yo ttnbi known 1 1 mo, Vour inothor ofloti spoaks of yo . sho would li!a to sou l yo tho l:in dh" f ow un I I would incioio hot' t) vo but for tho Iijiih. I woul I Iiol: of vo irit to Iiroak tho h ilo of this lot Iff until to oi luroo il iys iiinr vu ion i it in u.iu vo will bo bettor prfparo 1 for tho , sorrowful tiO'Vs. I'atiiok ( lSrim-n. ToMiohaol No. .I'.io i 1 -troot, t'nitod States of Amdili.v. .Statu of Massachusetts, in PkjmIou ! Ihrc.i d ivs nfli r vu toa 1 it f u- thin .Statu of MasH.iohiis 'tt , in IIomIou The Value ot Dhicat on. ,J .,;0 Wits lieflld til his tli frilling ilml's across tin; 8 III, It f"U ion 'o Hied youth who goes to t-chool ut !"v,',tho Atlanta C -lorcd I'liivefsily : you 'oeS 'Look hyar, bov tor scl !, don l yer : 'Yes nir,' replied tho l y, ( li tis' cd.h k ishuiu, am 't yer Yes. nir,' 'Lirnin' 'itlii.ioti.'k ii ltd lig in, u slate rh Y. s, h:i .' V. II. it don't tuk two w da s t m il;e an hour, d i it V 'Why, n i !' ex ! liui" I tho boy 'You was "'wine lor bring .lo dat hatchet bad; in an hour, wasn't yet.' 'Yes, Ml." 'An' it s I in two th( lo das ii.-t yon bovrowe I it. Now, ihut good's t'.lilykaHliiiu wiiiotodo ymi thick, skulled niggers, when you go to school ii whole yen- tin' lm fan t tell hnw long it takes to fetch back it lmlcl'ot V 'i'l o boy got mil un 1 slung the hatch -t iitvi tho uud half wity thtough un lu h L art ol. If signs don't flit, tho coming winter will be tho coldest I'Xpi-rienc-. ed iu this liititn lu since tho country was iliHcuveii'd bv a man tiauii d Mr Uoliir.ibus, Tho H.ptirrols nre I tying iu their winter coal, tho boavots nrej putting hoators iu tho basouiotit of , their lodges, t'llO bees ll 1V0 killed otl'i all tho drones aud lined their hives j with shct iron, tho tu lskiats ' living south, wil I ducks mo commit ting suici lo, tlm g isoiioiio is b! 1 -k sixteen inohos deep, iVestorn e litors j are h olii-.tiiig woo 1 in exfhaugo for ! snbac "ip'.ious, p ) ir fimilios are buying un extra dog. nnd we have ha 1 a new collar put 011 our overcoat, , Xurri-ititioit rr tt (. ! A Mimll boy with n his hand stoo l before 11 big cent in I grocery for 11 long time bef oro makiii up mind to enter. Wiien usked ho desired, he impiired : "If 11 boy should couio horu get trusted for stick of gn u, iiiueb would it be One runt," was tho reply. "And if a boy shoul I come hero with tho cash, how muoU wo.ll 1 it bo "Just tho sam?," "l'li'ti guess ll got tr lstol," ipiiotly ! :iuiki l tho tiuaiH-ier us ho lipped tho ceut iuto his pocket. A man coming out of u newspa per otll. :o, with his tioso si'ua 1 till over his face, replied to a p iliooiuau who iutei vio ved him, '1 didn't like un article that 'pearod iu too paper last week, aud I went to sej the mnu that writ it, uud he war thur." It was a wean man who slipped his baud butwoeu tho heads of a young man aud young la ly iu the front seat, as tho tiinu outered a tuuuul. lie said afterwards the youug mau s ooai j was very buu but tho pressure ou the otger sid'j of his luiul folt liko tho tips of a fur lie. The mau who oould uot find words euough to express bis gratitude will bo pluased to boar that the now editiou of Wt bster's Dictionary, just published, ooutuius five thousand uuw words. It is getting so nowadays a mau hnrdlv dares to start to read a his U lilt how mils i'oht. Pithllslipd f-rpry Tlitlrsdav Evonlnf EHB!lAlt CltOtJBB, Prop' Terms of Rttbspnritton, TWO DOLLARS TKIt ANSl'M. Ta. able vitliin six months, or 2.50ifnfil paid within Ihe rrnr. So pnper di continued until nil arroiiritpcs are pnid unli-ss at the option of the pub. lishpr. Hulisfriptiiitis ont.'ide of tho countt P.ITAIM.K IN ADVANCE, arl'frstms liftiiie und iisimf nnnpi-a addrpsspil f oih"rs i.ppntiisaidiscriiiore and ro liable fortl p i.rup of tho pnpcr IJEXUY A. WOLl'LEY, Saddler aud Harness Maker CcntrevIIe, Snyder County, Pcnna. K. et on han.1. at't mull to or ter all Idn.'e MllliMie".. i.. ip, Itrl.llr., W'.l., t'.o.if se,S.. All wurii Ki.imnii.l (.nn venr Mr. w..!,ii.y ,.k inn trial tu .r o ll t uu.ertn l in kuKlDOM, .s,i ln. ;. P81CPI8A HILIrWBIGBT Sl'iit r Sfii'i'on. S.i iili r Co., 'it. ( I'.ii niprl) from Lrwl-liwn .Iiiticii.m.) A.k.iI r.r ihe t mm I ..pmrr I Trrn.ilV, i . ii Wit ki smi r M . :i. v . mar i. in, k.l llt.LT, -,u I L.ITII. ki'.. fco. S Mil, unnt I ,r Hi hum 1 : U " an.t t V VI l.l.f, Muiinl nm In-jrin..', an I ' f.r-i .1. i.'..i,i.Atit4 S'Hill 'e an.l rcM len.-e at Mnor ni ono. Hi t. 3 'T-.ll. MCHQLS.SHEPARD & CO., lint t to 'r,'k, Ml. li. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE VIItUATOU 99 THSESHiKG KftCHIXERY. Iiilrtit tirMln.K Tlmr-erlor, I M ' .ii1". I 1 .... "jr- , M j ' I V- j "- '''' j fy?--1 -V I -V' I t ifcT.. i -' V-'. .s' ,7 7 ( i J "(. I.VJ-V L--- , tSM il r-ir ti.-..:..r. , .!.. r.l i 8 ..... r , ....... ,.. . .... .. - .... r . O' ki ll I nrlrnl, I -.1 ion l!o I pclir. ..... f.f i ... i ..... ....... f . ... i rrin IMIHr tlir-l',iiK I .,n-M r.t ofl.n .. . . t. , . t- - , . .... it.. .UtlX I'r'.n Mill n .1 i.l..i.i In'' ' oiw. i (if I'.i.l. Vnoli viocrl'.r r.r V I" ui. en's f l!i"TniirIi V.nrprtnns.Mp. Mr.in1 l liiUh, Li r - .1 p i i. i .. 1 . - -r. t-tc, jr nutt 1 '. !. r i ,i' i . r- tun.-,, " ' j. 2... "' : -a. , . s ... w- ' . ,rf Milt 1 10! s fir Stniil it) nr I'urta. uln - ",r k,. .. ....1 K.a Irfii Hun, .:h I iii 'io. i . ii it i. r'M K Slfri nf Sriirii'or 1 utr, Huniln fri-m 'Ii!.. ll.r., iur, a. it to, Hj ! ul il i I IL r-i p acr to l b. rtlK pirllrnUni. full nn our fl-alm or iiuwi tr it.;rkul,,v, un.i) u.m Um r.:t. Agent. Sny der ''.' , I'a. M .Imui.jii j.), JNI()N 1,ANIN; MILL hKI.INMjKtiVE.SNVliKB id., I'A AM II A M I ACT I' It I H or Honrs, hour Hum's, IiiiIimi s, St ulli-r Uliifbitv Hom's. IIUiiils. S:h. S'Hlr 11 tugs. I ; .1 1 1 1 1 Kitlllnzs, llrai o els. Miiiililln;s, biorlug, srlifl.l. SAWIMI kCAUIVKt Tt UNIX. Shingles, Lath, io., Slc. Driers rulbilrj and tilli-.l nli prnmpt fssmil K'. Hill. l'ii"ie cs!l -iml ei'iiu. n.'.i iri iii h.'i ir.i n 1 rjii.m 11 j; I'lsi-nUur Ihe Pliccnix Pectoral. Pai rr.iret ItM'f t.t S .'ull ir!y n,t,ett) ..I I .or. on. o.'ii-'ru t s '. I eliOlr.f. I. I.rr,k .. It l.''l .1 - '. ll It 'O-N e,. i-.".i.-tl.)tl lt;l.'e tn s I -tl i rHllttl. ft rfiv," -tri'ii -l'i. it i.r 'i .( ro P "is li .-i .ru,.. 11. s.i nnv otli.'f mt . .'I101. r.i.i i -,1 na "I f i-10.sii. il l-.fc.'er.i I iin-ylr , 111,1 luin U't-'l I' ' "''' I' " 1 0 -1 1 i t ' t ll c toll, t an I .'nr.-. i-i-i.-'t. I'M.-, -a s.iU o '' 1, .till I I " II . i'rejiiret l I "vl il'ii'li t tT. M. P. I'l l . I I l.y .1.. .11 . M.'ll, Mi-I ll't.Mirg, an I . sou. It r 'j . ( 'i-n tr j v ill.-, 1 . Aj rll :t 1. 1- I 1- hints iii:mk- I'V. Il.- tiiiKir Kitivi 1 in 1 iv. Kit M.'.lo'iii.. r'ir. . j. ioi iti IM OA IP ll V " l.i'i'u., nn I alUia. i-CWaiao i-sfi. ..r un.' Kii upjoi, liver llli'lJor an I l iiinn-y Or linn.. I'r p-v tlr-t-.'! I .' I' ' I 1 sse "f ill- K1 I.. ".v.. K" -i 1 n o- I i'. nii'ti'ii'-v (iT I ' r 1 11 -. Nnrv us Pis.. t . iu ii w i-iikn.'in. i 1 ;:.?.. t lit: Mi h I l.l.:i:i'l' is .ii'.jui"1 K.l'ill.s,-LV f-r iLi'se ili-en- .'. K r w 111 H.-v K I'ir.i l'.! I'u.o il Ttylur, .' I'i'.rvli. I'l'.M Ii, i;. I., 1) 1 , 1'u-tar .bin s. '"' I e n t. aiiiy lh vi I.. ..I lll'N I"S P.KMKDY iu hi li. y tli.i' i n tr.-.ii aeiual, Imuug tcu iiunv s. iih . el ly 11. um-. E. i T il l.'a. t'llOVIIILKI'i:. It. I An. I '.I, IsTS. W11, E. CL llih.ll to. -1 .Sill : ll iv.o I wmli'ilil e:l'i''. ct II L'N f y REMKIiy Is iov ..u i- i-o.-. n I to a (reit niliubi'r Jt other., i r.- 'nitnen I It tu all a.'lboitij will) kiiuey U. ei.e.ur Uro,j. l'h 03s ajluiel hy Jie.-t liuul I DOCiiro the we iiitiue wh L-U a-ill cure heui 111 llie thorU'.t po.j:b!e liuie, lll'N T KtMEUV will do ihu. U rjitully lollrl. b. it U4W1.SY, 83 Pyer S(. HUNT'S HEMtl. HUNT'S lV 1. iurely Vg el.iile, aoj 1. u- .1 l.y the 0'1'ice of ll,i-lnn ll 11,, iiuo'j iu, ,va BEIrlEDV of lime for 8s year., ana ib ut nioel reliance uiy be p .fsel m 11. UJId TKIAL WILL COSVISOK VOL'. B.'ud rur ...mplilei 10 :.. kl, CLAUK. rroTlJetice, K. I. Sold by alt Di'tigi-st.. Sept. IS, '7'J.ty. 'ii' keen on hiwt all limit of moiuei, Warrant, Zcam, Sulfw Has, die, Ujo. TnF ,B 11- .... ' .".U. kLl fjl S.t Ibri i.r. u I. ... . i . . . f -. . . tut j i "nJ i r , '-,..-' s-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers