X filddletafg, hf 17, 1870. Adjourned Court, Tuesday and Wed1- hesday df till week. Ifenry jink. was called away' rfn Tuesday last to rtltend ths funeral of a relative; .tmi Uncut f obt. r C.trts fit UriUr county an held on lbs tnSrth Monday) f rVru.rr, Mn tfeBttnlbtf, ..AStoOtid VawUy of DMisbr. . t. E. Bower. V.'n., on Monday lull left for Bristol, I ml Inn, to attend the funeral of the wlfo of C. C. Rower. B. T. rnrkd, Ksrt.. rmld oitr Mnclitrtt visit on Titesdsy last. Mr. Purk is n energetic worker in the Temper Call ngrtln. Alt communications, tnlslness let ten Ac, for thin office, to secure ance rttine ... fliin.ii.iti -l.ritil.1 tin add r AS1 1 as follow: TUB Post, MiddleliUrp;, A. W. Bowersox and J. r. Rmith Snyder Ownly, IV Advertisements, have received tlifl contract for building onniunicmioiiB o. ui" "i " ' a new school In by Monday noon, to occur imtr lion in next issue hnnse in Franklin twp.. where Hid old building now elands, - known m Gift s School House-. The work ff surveying (be mil- Everybody says, "its hot." AW right, road from Haw Uloonirleld, ferry The wheat crop U nearly all garnor- ed. The camp-meeting season Is rloar at band. lot degrees in the shade, on Tues day lust. oonotf, to Dancoaon, has comrnenc- ed. Twenty thousand dollars have already beoo subscribed toward the project trtftVal iTl.a lUrM Inlands 4- l.l' . Vfk.-ll-.4t rt...j,l.M noiuma; nnuiuirr rciu'wi uii iiiuivunj, Friday and SatuftUy evening, Jul 81, A iir., 1 rind 5, In tire Court Ifotrse. A programme Hill be gMterl Op with a view to entertaining the public in a olcrissnl manner. Lot tolfr fistive pride stunttlitte you to one more gonor Oils effort (d place our Band on an equal footing with other Hands In this and neighboring edit n ties, and we hope (o rcclnrnrate by establishing a rcpu tatlon fi(f pfofieioncy at home and abroad. EtrotrrtoN or 1878. WhdtrUrf thro' the tinned Slatto ttotlda of (kit truly wonderful fiiblbttnn, Dyptrotnanltnlod and over-dUpltyed as lb Mont of II It t etrrlt upon an elegs.nl gtsS dslt, whop tn odes' Wat the tiiort ctlneplttiout from its neighbors' finery, turfnonnltd by the tooHo Dionts PsosCtiA and displaying tn neat packages, tho msdiofcl preparo- tloni of the Bom of Dr. J. C. Aria A Cd howell. Mas. I t aware of lbs world-wlJt teputo tallon of llili eminent firm, for the ohtr nettr and nnatlty of their good, ami remember well their Stents la London, Messrs. tltwnsaiv, In Bit Paul's Cburob ysrd. slaving a Ulnars hour, I deter mintil la tiamlne the contents of tbli oet , aiyielr, and t surprised lo set the dellcalt perfretlon to which I hey batt brought their bnuielioM reme t'el. I w ebirintd at the reDecllori libal. while t btTtat home the mont skilful and pre-tmlntnllr, tbt beet pbyelolant la the world. Ihtt Yankee doatort distance up to fur In Hit lint of popular nie ltcinei for famitjr una. They hurt I lit thtrpnett to tdkt f dvantigt of the high toitntiflo din. oovtriet among nt' and mtkt pills and pollont as pnlaUMeat they srt ealutary. I ws laid by a tending drugg'nl In Phil adelphia. Ibsl lr. Aria's tnmufftatory u tht Urgent In Auierlo, giving tm plaroent to bundrtdt. I must ti to Lo. well tod tee It, on my way home. Cor -rpondenoo of tbt London (Eog.)Tle grspk. - o An EtovrtoriDiA or UsivsntAL Ksnwi. tnna in volumes, 18.10" poset, all for $10, a nd tnl la tit important rpeelt lo auy Ojrolopedit bert'ofore told for lri than $100, Is announced fr putiliaation lr tht Amssicas Dhok Kiciusna, A.'i VAiitnxa Of the low prico of coal and neck and held him to tho Ground un- M'hnian sirtfi. New York. They bvt lays in hi. winter supply. m aid came and he unhitched. ' .,1,7 uZV! "T. . ... lUe UlllllnilOl Wera 1 Pht Idbimr nil ill ! I. r... ...!... i.il nlnlk .nn. nnintilllill Ihlll Will lA I .. 1- - I All. Imttor is awav down in price, milk anil the man Who goes fishing and sits in a cramp-inviting posture on a nurrow nliltilr fVirii Anvtti ..i -.. - nil .. " and Call it fun. la the same chap that never goes to church because the pews Issue. The music of the "Katy Did" will ro comfortable, soon, bo heard. The fire-fry's lantern now adds to the beauties of the night. During tho hot season rare should be exercised in drinking Ice water. Woodcock shooting lawfully com menced on tho 4th inst. Blackberries and Huckleberries are in market, in abundance The law prohibits fishing with nets from now until September, A few lemoneand lots of aqneeslng can generally be found nt the picnic parties. The thunder-shower of Friday after noon was accompautod by bio blowing. We aroalwav pleased to receive re Am. Affirmko. In all the cases be fore the lest lerrrt of tho Supremo Court from Snyder and Union coun ties the decisions of bis Honor, Judge liuchcr, were affirmed, vis .' Kreger el. el. vs Pa.Canal Co. Snyder ii . ijcsrrr vs ivramer, on Bankey vs WaUon, I'iiIoiI Mull s Appeal, do Albright vs Sunk oy. do Overseers Lewinlnirg vs. Over seers of Milton, do H. T. HELLTBOLD'S toll ro if i) Fluid Extract ritARMACEUTICAL A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOft ALL Diseases or Tim Bladder & Kidneys. iPORTAfff TO ALL WE SELL THE MOST GOODS 1 Vm HAVE the FINEST STOCK I We make the Lowest Prices. G RtmwAY.-Mockey, Singer S. Sf agent, of Iewisburg, on Friday evening last was driving into Franklin and whon near Bower's cnvixing an ap considera pronching train frightened his horso so that ho ran away and was captured by John A. Forster after breaking tho top Airii.-i i , . .. . . liable communications on either leca! "" ",u w nu ..o.ng ou.cr sngm uiiMiiij;i-B ki mo ng nun sewing ma chine. The horse full and Forster who And now tho prudent man takes ad- was clinging to the rein straddled his ice cream keep at the old figures. A spokesman for a baud of tramps near HarrUburg recently said it was tho intention of a nvtiority of the tramps to settle down in shanties and steal thoir living and vote. Ed. was fined for loing his Baud book, lie was teaching his little sweot heart music. If he persists in cor-net. ting he may get into a matrinioiiial-uet time I have lieen hero, will state brief' next things ho knows. ''. that .Viclngaii is the Ji t state v-st - : ; ' " . 'r )lii . In tho north the Lumber rar-maii 01 wmw nowm .''- U,1, ...ining districts give en.plovmenl chines, ,'s) in number, w-ero ww'";L U nil wlw want wnrk. In the east the on NiiliiMay, ny j. .-ueooui. mv liulit running White snems to have Letter from Michigan. TllUKR RlTKKs, Sr. JoK Co. ) July loth., 1.S7U. f M. Kniroii. As a crest many have pitched their tents for short or long periods in this beautiful Luke State, I liavo taken up the task of writ ing to your paper. Ami for the short bound for $2 IM. Thsir ostslngut of erst hundred sttndsrd pnhli!ilons. l very low prices, will bt eetil frtt on re. )UtSl. Smith's TIisi.i Pictihnaiiv. snd an un abriitired Put Dim's CuScnsiMScs. esch tt of lit told for fl IH), art recent snnoiinrt- your reders have either been here or 1 meme of the Amkricis Hons Excuaxus. have friends and ni-unaintances wi10 ;6 Mkman tirett, Sew York. New editions of Roi.ns't Ascikst His Trt and iht "Coui'LKra M'miK's or Jo- Ki'iii:." bolb iirinled In tri(e, beviiiful lyp. sud slro'i(ly and aestly bound, lititejusl been i-iird nt sbniit oue-tbild ilie furmer prices, rir. ; H oil in. fl i: j Jonephus, oo. Asksicxs II ms Y.x ciiasiik. publiehers, 66 lireknibn ilrici Ntw York. JuvasiLi rLAinns. DsAUtiful Isrpe tjrpt elrgsnlly bound tdltlons t Aiaiiias Nuinrt sud ltiim.-i Csrs'.ia, lor 03 emu 'tsali, sn I nf Ut'RVAs's I'vi.osim's I'li.tn- the '4 -4 For teHJHy. t.nss of Memory, Indipo stllnn lo K.xerlion or Uusincss. Phorinese of llrealh, Troubled with Thonghis of lllspsses. Itmn? ct Vlnlrn, J'n'n in the Hack, Chest, snd llesd, Itunh uf lllood lo ihe lltsd, l'sle Countenance, aud Pry Skin. If these symptoms srs allowed In ft on. Very frequently Kelleplio Fits and Onn sumption follow, (t hen the constitution become! Affected It rsquirtt tbt aid of so invigorating mediolat lo ilrtogtuen and lont up tbt sytttm which "HelmMtfs Bncha" DOKS IN KVKRY CASK. The Uvcnt tK'stlon Willi Ilie Vcoie i ynmm they can huy ciiKAFEisUji mitt wo would nay llint HiIm can io ilomi nf CUE At CLOTHING lUZAAlt, KKLliS(iUOVK, PA. Wo would call ho atlofilion nf tlio elti.eria of Sr.Vder and ndjoininp routitica, lo tlm fact llml wo liavo timt on band tho I. VIM. lKT, JI I IIAI'KST mul I l CN'I' nloslc H.'I A TI I I IS' 4 ever before offered tln in, and w Would auk oil who tk'siio to iLako baryunis to fcivo ns cull and see aud buy out goods, which CoheiKti of Tijm& MS 11 BOYS' CRQTHIlVCr of all Mylc. qualitv. color, ulindca nn1 price, to H the nmcllust l-"y up la Ihe Cu.lifl" (liunt. We aro rnnkini? it Hpecinlty of Gents' Fiincv 'iiHfi!ncte Suits, for sprint; ami SniniiK.r wi.ur, juHt tho iiobbit st thing out. Our slock of if tit m Iui'iiiiliintr co1m is full utid complete, i-vervihintf in the line, which o are BbWing at Bottom l'ritfee Cull and sou our txtetwive Hock of Jl.V'J'S, 1, J.ur tnul Hfi'iiw iu all colors, btyltB aud prices. UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS, VALISES, in largo Mock, and exceedingly low juices. Kins 1 r-sH, 1 Ni-il inul IntK'.V CtiUvtl HhirlH, ch.nptr than i vcr, (Julie, CoIIiii k, .''ti'S I Iniilli-'liilKi, in large variety, in ehort, everythiiiL' tiHimlly kept iu n lirKt cIiihh Clothing Stole can bo purchased eheup of us. l or tho past four years wo liavo licin engaged m tno t loiiitn oumiilkh in nuiiiih;roo. nuu uur i"'i" bear witnese to our uniform fair dealing, wo nmlio Do inisrcpHetitatioiiH, eell Roods nt tho very JoUest ti(- 'HELMBOLD'S BOGHO IS UNEQUALED y will urea, and in all transactions endeavored to tfivo perfect uatibfactiou. wo most respect full v ubk a cotitiuitaliuu of tbo saiuo. April '.Mth. H7'.tf. With njney tbuuks for former pationaga irv;.v ,v oppr.xirrJMEu. JUSTDCE TO ALL! thrown ehndo. all other machines in the tlweco-H'iman Wrestling iV.it eh. Fianna challenired .ohn to wrestle no rub's catch as you can a close contest Fiann's stokings near the reilins John loses a buneh nf hair Fiwma'w.ts t o fat and John had been training John holds the belt. . In a like maimor with our exchanges we must chide some persons, who tho't- lesslv tie their horses to shade trees along the thoroughfares and avenues of town. Many of theso are choice young trees and to receive such treat is all nan t sure to kill them. rail-rnnds and shipping linos of lalses keep linsinivs lively, the same nat and Travels nr U.iaus Mi-scimcsks' just beeu ruMUIie.l liy r lie A.msuicis IIi.r Kicin.iys.6j Uitk nniu aireel, Now Yuik. Sweet-william, botanieal!y, tho D'mn thin bnrtxUtu, a species of pink of many varieties, but that ei'nt the poeie they were hunting in the grass patch Satur day night of course thero was a sweet- william in the matter but a ilillor wet. In the southern nail nf the stuln 1 for oil oenlt e ich ni iv be found the most beautiful farms a id rcxidunco in the west. As there, is but two real elements of wealth in this land of ours land and liihnr ono can plainly see that this Slate is second to none in wealth. Kan sas has nuiri- and may bo fiWr land for tho sanio money, lint I claim mil the amount and kind of labor to nuke it safe for the poor man. In almost ev ery town, largo or small in this slate you will find business enterprise of some kind, (leuerallv manufacturim: Machinery for Homo consumption, such ns, Threshing machines, Wagons, Cultivators, etc., iu fact every thing. In education Mich., is in tho foremost rank. Tho Common sense system is carried out in full from tho lowest to the highest tirades. (!oxl water can bo had any whero iu a few hours and nt about ono fourth I sl. a . t l t i . i entkind of a root or vegetable from "i-" ." """" " the one referred to above. means of the dri ving wells. The com crop win negooti oy an appearances: Tho Temperance l'io Nio, Adamss Qrass and wheat aro not full crops, on account of continued dry April. weather in W. J. 8. burg, Saturday 19th., Speakers -Hon Chos. Wolfe. Major E. T. Scott. Win. VanHo.nr ft'.r, J.MI S lifer .It It. T Parks, and other. All Ministers of the Good Booki for tho People. Ooapel, in the county.nre especially eel Peoplt who delight la good beoks art liected to be present. Lowest-rate ex- "J0'01"! ' I00 vork being don. by cursion TickeU Bold at all stations on A-ssioab Dook Excbabob, 65 Dttk the road. 8:.10 evoninir train both wavs. mB ''. R- By Introduoluf lbs Several fands will be present. Every- Pl" 01 P""f aa telling books di body is invited. " " P""", intwaa or giving tot uieouuai. usu.uy nnowta la Utaitrt and agtalt to stll for them by working orator and his pupil at this station on tbt bttti of tbs rrtstol soil of rank- were somewhat stunned by lightning lag books, whioh Is about oot-bnlf what during the storm of Friday. The third U was a few years ago, by printing very pole from the station received the elee into odttltas, which alto grtatly rtdutts trio current which passed off at the tht cost at oom pared with tmall sdltloat, pole near the Station fortunately, Itbty art sbls lo turnlth books at prloet they had cutoff communication in due I whloh, lo mott ptoplt, tttoi truly astoa aeoson, otherwise we woulJ now be re- itbloi, but which ibey to art only rta- rsa:i PecrTdl will cue yon conn. I'ajtim I'hUjUI c.tes llotiseuiss QjicklT laofmt rr.cijril Kfes tj.n am litiiitt rest I'd; ton rcctonl coasts i5 ceo:s, i boit'es ?l At J. A. Mosiit'e I'rug lort, .Midtllvbnrg. Glycerols Couch flyrnp, a very pleis nt remedy lo t ike, hss been ued "i'b Ureal piiuccs in coughs, hasr.-cness. croup, whooping cougli, brouchitit and inlt.tnimaiton of the lime". t.'oinpoun lul only by E. K. Thompson, wholeealt driifgisl Tiiuiville, l'a. Por sle by dvslcrt iu oiedioiuet. Fur ta'.t by John A. Moan, Middlcburg, Pa. to;53r cures Hestoclw 4 Heinltia. Campnor Niir. cues Eheimitism aai la a: DacK Oinriior ink cures ti tntiscs ir.l bnrns &ipti?r lilt it ic3de salr ti L. (Mt.la. I. D. bold by J no. A. Moslx, Middleburg l'a. THE WORLD'S BALM Dr. tt. P. WiTBi-as't AutkatitStsi P. tS.A remedy nerd TH1UTY-FIVK YKAliS Iu irlvnU prollco, eatl ntvor f-lllnf to recti cell cur. it 1 1 hz 1 73 1 vrri h r, propur. Erylolai, aomrnle, S--rtD1rr Srphl lit. Ilr.orl. iilu.,'. (ml ll ill- in which liieblcxxlle liuUcAint, it now orRrfd la tbo UllllllO. old hr .11 It-lAil Prnirlti, and (wfcntwAte nnlilh THt WKYIIURN MtDll l.NK CO. f. O. Uoi Ml, U Uo.ur, N. Y, J.n. so.'tJ.em. To Consuiiiiitlvcs. The adTertllor, havlnf bee...rm.oenlly ttir. ed of ttt dread d !-., 1'ooeiiiiipiiaii, hjr . elm Rim rtuMaj, uikii vi m.i. .now. o me 'ItiiwuOrrer tb mt. of cur. To .11 who d.lm II, b will eeud copy of the prtet'rldlni d, (fTi-e of cltArRe.) with Ibe dtrwt'lloiie for r.prlll- end neluj Ihe Male, wklru llifjr will nit MvH.l'rH.for llna.i rriii..:ATBHA. U.uMrniTia, tu; r.rtlM ibih Ihe Hreu rlp llou. will plrt .ddriHa, K. i. WILSON. lu Peun bit, WlllUnuburth, N. Y jMt.ao.'TO.tni. sny remedy knewn. It rrpcvilu-J by ihe inoi emiiuoi I'liyniuUu nil over ihe world. In RllKl'MATISM. 8l'r.HMAT'iltF0EA, Sent.tMIIA, MMlVtirsSKtW, IjYSI'KI'SIA. IMi.-;STIii.N. CNf 1 ll'ATIMN. Al'IIKS A.NIi PAINS, fif.NllltU. I'lMllLlTY. KII'NKY HKASKM. Ll Kit I'nMi'LilST. SKUYUl'M I'KIHI.ITV, 1. I I v. lli:.Mi n.iirn.i::', r.ut i.vsis, Ot;.M.It.lL ILL IIKAi.TII. SPIN A I. PISEASIirt, MlATIi't. PKAKNKSS, li;t'I.INK. LUMII lj ). CAIAHHII. NLIIVdl'S CUMI'l. IT.. I KMALti'DMI'l. I.". c. ItesdAche, Tsin in the Shoulder, I'ou-b liitiiie. Sour Sioinnch, Knipiii u-i, II 1 1 Tseto in Ihe Muih. l'lpiinliin of the llesrl, t'nin in Ibo region ni Ihe kidney, and ihoiiisn I oiher psiufol syuiplouis, art the oirspringo uf Pyepvpti. WiWKE FOR THE MILLIONS ! $t.ii..i.ei' Caii.paig.ui Waximg Mot tfine SHOE FUAM MOLDS TIIH FORT AT SKIdNSGltOVE, rENxN'A, t-tuck the If i 'ZirV i.untv. et.il.iici!..' I J rrr4 I would umst u h. ctf illv nM.oiiiii'0 t- tho I'o'.i'.ic that I l ive now in r.- ,- . . 1 :ll)l ,.v,-f I. ire.l I ) III" CIU'IIM 'l .-"ll.'KT I'l.lll. Vl.ll'i:i-UK r-K r. . ... . , , : ..." v.. . . 1 I. . " ... 1 It I... ... 1 ! I I rl! of eve! V Kind. Mle tlll't i riee. lor ill IKS .ll.-e.i i"n irain- ui. 1.miu; ..id i.i I... I.. ....... I. I l.ll t 1CII1 lO III -1.0 LIIlK hl lO' l- II IS "l ""III. l "l l ircmwiui ,i, ...... . k. rt.in..' on bund Hie I., id tuiiu.l t (.'cms in iuo innrKei-.. in. i in u e Mitt. in the rtacli 1. 1 uil. A coidial ( I. . ,1 1 ..... one inul mi. lue r.i aim s e uij ! UMIllS i t tll ,.f (lie 'nil he tiv ki i t. II I w j v t. 1 I 1 1 ' I . j l.i in il. e t lie i'oo.I . , ... . .. .. ... I 1 1 .1.. ,1 ktoi'k .AllV HAIO Ol MlUt? Iioi Hi Mi' re. "l.i i.i.' i.'nn.i.-n rii.ii.ru;. " u- u ikthi. htitno time to sell at fucLi invitation is ixtiuded k cording the departure, to another cli mate, of two operators. Bapi.y Hut. On Saturday evening lost Moses Fry, of Franklin twp., was re-arronglngthejoloeof the mow above the threshing floor In his barn when he stopped upon one of the joice which being short slipped oh aud he full to the floor below, the Joioe tumbling af ter striking him Morose the stomach causing, with the fall, very severe ex ternal and internal injuries his In juries are serious and may result fatally. Inflammation Is feared. . Cas't uk Equaled, Mrs. Jacob Jtolchley, of Centre township, who Is 83 years of age "made a full hand In binding wheat after the oradle during the whole of the past grain harvest on the farm of Henry K. Handera. It ia said she binds as rapidly and ae well with as ruuob ease as the best mala ''hands. We would like to know It, if there is any ono far or ar who can . heal this eihtbltlon of , endiiranoe and . physical gUn;;li and vigor ol equal '.-'.' ..," , ... too .bit. Tbty publlth as follows Cbsabtrt'S Cyetoptdla ot Baglltk Lit eral urt. 0 vols. 18mo. Frloo, oompltlt, pa- par, 93.00 I oloih, $Voo , half morooot, $4.76 half Bioroooo, boaad la 4 volt. S.76. ftolba's Aaol.at Rltlory, 1,10 dtublt- tolasia eagts, largo lypa 8 io V. '6 library shotp, Vi la. Jottphat' Works, Iranilalsd by wbltloa t.ttl doublt toluma pages, vtry larg lypo, Bvo. oloih, Sl oo; library shstp, $'i.6o. Arablsa Wghls, largo lypt, lliao. oloih ugeoBlt. Baayaa's Pllgrtoi's Pregrwt, very largo lypo, U. oloik, 6o too la. Rtblntoa Cruitt, largo typo, 12(o. sloth, tV5 otala. Uaros Maaahastee, vtry largt lypo, t3ws, sloth, Is seals. from Ihs above rsarkbly lew erloos a disoousl ef Is Mr stal. Is allowed whta srdtrod la tlubs sf Ivs or siore otpltt of slihtr booh, er Is the etsoeet ef I0.00 orders toltoltd froti tbs list.- Figot lvlsspos4BisBSsriyBe-4 full etrUs lots art seat (r se sa ttni, , rmiLi:s. 1 will m.ll IFre) lb. reolu. for a elnntt Vskstaui.. It a Lit, Ih.l will rmOT. Tan. fHIU,rirUt IU IlLOTeilKA. leATlos Ib.ekla tri, ele.r .nil be.atirul 1 lo In iruellw.e lor pto.iool.ic . Im.rl.at arawih of k Air on. b.ld kMd or tmoolh I.e.. Ad. .lrMA.lnol.xl.it tot. ilAaii, BEN. V ANIiKl.k' . uu-wsiiei. li. T. J... H . ERRORS OP YOUTH. A nKNTLEMAN wb.eaSetvd for r.rtrroi. XNerroM l"bililj. fraiu.l.r IWi;, ud .It the hSi of foulhful l.dlH'reilow, will f h e.of.aBerlut buioAoll, ee.d It la .11 who 4 11. Hi kkIm Md dlrtollon fr msklnt Ike Impla reuelj bt wblrh b. w rnred. 8u(rr n wleiilnf lo prnAI by lb. ..Ivnie'e eipert- r.M m. no o or eineewiina in wiki roan. d.e. JOHN B. UUPKIf, VmT HtrmM New York. imm. SO, TS.Oui, ft OVERNMENT STOCKS. &C - VJt lot frlntof l H av.s a Tewse.i Haiilk Tbtrd rMreel rblUd.l-bl.. rVaeke I nd w'l.l .liber aw Het tt m t.rgl. lit. ASK HI. U.sj.s. lesj .. ,....irv iota, ' IJnrreuor, I'lt.,,,, .in t'e iwi, .ew.., ......... ......1 riill.deliikia .ud Heedlat beiimn taii7 it.w 'Mjle..iam. It liikie ... VaIIo M I...IM.AVW ll.T. M.... liulted DotSIWIIM Of W. J. ........ I.'A MorlbMO U.alr.1 K. sU Co. I) Uold Its .. si2 .A." ......... 1st iKAAi tt Stlf II iMviiitiiai. May 2ft, J.tsb More and Mlea Lydl. 110 nit pp 10, ooia 01 wtt.ipgio. iwp, JuaaS. C. A. OtahtrllnB Sad Hits Mary 0. Mllltr, both ef Bili.egT- 1111219. la MaatMi Tw deas SI. eUrbora A Wtlesf vbaWeiUr, agsdtly. lai.gi. Willi many I'aauU fut past f.nois aud a tenant for uur furthet I'titrymi-e, 1 Lavo the iiuor to retuaja yours, Vtry IU?: cctfu1.;;.', S. P. BURNS, Agent- My 1 HelmbOIffs Bucta UTIGORATES THE STOMACH. And sllranlttes the Torpid Ltvrr, r.n1en. and Kiduevs to hviillby triion, iu I'l.viti ting Ihe blood o( nil iinpnriliet, snd iin- p.rntg new mo ana vigor to toe uoli' nyiiem A single trlsl will be .inilt tumclent lo eoavinc. ihe moel lieeiuiiug of in lu b'e remedial iju.litiet. PRICE 01 PER BOTTLE OR SIX BOTTLES FOR $5. Dtlivercd lo any addrett fret from cb- terv.tlon. "Psltenls" msy eonetill by letter, re ceiving tht stmt slimline, hy calling. by anewering tht following queuone; I. Gift your ntrat and pott-effiiro ad. droea, county aad ttiatt, and your neartei tXprctt orbeo t 3. Tour agr aad ttX f 8. Ocenpaiioa t 4. Married or tinglt t 5. Height, wtigbt, now aad la health t 0. How long have yon been tick 7. Ttsr ootsploXloa, telor tf hair aad eyes 1 a. Having you a stooping or tree! g.lt t ft. Tttlalo wliboul rcrvalioa all know about year cut. motto is One Price and No Misrepresentations SPECIAL PRICES TO PARTIES FROM A DISTANCE. For vour Cheap BOOTS AXl SIIOKS, go to BUUIs' MARKET STREET, SELINSGROVE, PA., iu 1 ! rsrtli l Ul'h!- 1 Sttn c M.iv 2-.-7d. eu Karloet ono lor Mtonsuliatloa frtt. Your teller will ibea rtetivo ear aiienilon, aad we will give vow tbo a.turo of your distort sud our oaadid oplaloa concerning s curt, Ceatptttal rbytislant allend Id eorret oaadeait. All Itlttrt thould bt addrttt- ed 10 IMieeat.lary, lit? filbert wtrotl. rklUdtlybla, l'a. H T. HELMBOLO, Brtggiti sad Chetsiti, rhil.dtJpkia, Ta HOLD KVERIW1URH Txiktntrom OjHriol R i" -' .-"":'.' '..' i'..."i. Ml, f. !f hij. tv.. n,...iim wl.ieli Mower or Kcsn.-r is ti c llgliltsl 1 i.v r..lil.le antli.intv v c cive U-!ow the .ir.i:i ot t! I a cr S'. or'.r p in im :pr.! in 1. tt to (.,: ,.. spi'.'e t-.e rn.uiff fisnntte !nr e.TffViv f'",i !l.e rciMrt of ihe iuil;e i-i '- 1 1.1. t- 1 f ' rii.'.jfllpSiA finrf.-e tV. .11- nlvi. A ineriesii nilil live 'ureitn I ot Hie i;r .i in-n 1 .'i' -1 -- ---- 1 -- - tine .Aincriiiiii mm ",l 1 . ... ,, ,i, ,.,..1 . . , -,. t, i,iv ( i', . m t. ..i.v u-.i-l ! it iyn.intoreir. of leO l eiiicniiuii ti.M..i,.". ... ... - - - . , . ... , ...... ..... .,,lir.,I,r. he. I no ins. mi. i - ; 1 1 1 1. '..... - ...... ..j .t , and in j.iaiil'.iy uil,i- nt t- n.i 1 - ititta 1 rt .110 iiiitlioriiv c s141 ih.u.i , . niul live I'ureitni of the gn-si Kc.i tr snd !. t f:..i t luces . l. .........I nf tin. MI:ltltlU('tllll IS diuft utilV ol'tui-h niiu'biiii-s .lie ui.uleli. KXIItniTOK- Wsder, Milfbell A l"o. . XV. Iti Msvmaker Adrianee, Plsti. A t. l Attltmsn A l o. Aultman. Miller Co. .lolnisltii A t'o. iViUirtie A lb. iVlKirne A l. iVIiorne A a. MoCormwh Walter A. WihI Pisiniu e K.m IV. t. l. V l..i JiO llM ! ! llVI 10 lk' llAl It. iliili if Width el nit. nit Inches. H H If Kvt. Inch :t VS li 1 !! s :) l; 0 : 1 ft 4 r.''..il Si.i.Ate K.x t l:..ll . .tr;.-.:t ' t T OF M WUl S F. .-.im.U IM!t. IU if C' .IflflOI. n N. i'ria-iir.Krt, 1" Ho. lee. 17 , i . . irkr'xe. 171 4.7 I:. Vew. ,i 4-4 il..t: tn. J. ,.-4 W lirr'rr or Kt-fh '.V ' Y hrrhr or Keiv-ir in -171 i Wl .Vr.' Kerly 1 t J .4--: i.'iiirn-.4.. -.VX' -M- Vwvsl. ilni ihotKruc iuiitii ia ,.:. lbs) A Jr.Aiics- I7v aud Kk.i 1.; . - 1.1 T" 7 i.MVil.i !..! iho iiain:i.Ni trst was ..... "" ...T 1.1 .ui . IWkov .4.7 : Jv.hnst.Mi .44 ; MiviM iwk ei , t t4inio tjiiiwiiivy, -i.ii.ii 1 v - - --- ' .irniii. . f .. i KovnoUa. Chieso HI- : JsmesS. iJrinnrll. lirenC.et. M vu. ; .l im.M liru.e I'iwis, 4wmi FJ? urfn,.:. il'lMl rKvnuin lUwi.Ux Spain , IVdro K I. I , Hr-r,, Kke-U Kvaix K OI- dvodortr. John luadliml, es.isne.1 from lfiP l , and iv K v .nne. Jr.. i i..onP . tscWi e wi'frl irt.iwioc s-!." fVstxl at lio ,lilKr ajprva wiibf Ihej" ... 1 .1... :.l.. .-J 1)1.1 r.vu.i-.t!Vt drstt .v' Via navr rnnii.ii- i. ..:V : ' . ' , .-t" .k-.v." . will -A.-v .,..i !. 1 . '.I .. id. ..1 hi u.l raiiM isirteV.1 mint rriiriet 1 n ,sii j""av- " - -w U.nienn,.,i,a, ;.-" V"' " "f - :i K.wH.Hilmr- ami Wtas. and ti.-.d ilr wr-. .-res with N w.rn. Me w V,r hue, r-J t!W rv, ar iwiwe e.ti.7a."dT.lumur N'ca ih uwl VK OianipKHmachiireJacr.t IWmr .4 it vkt()74 i ntit vf a iw? Jttotr tutU Atjsrir tSoiAi tttv or aUri IkJ iktt e 19, ISrt.la-. Celrs4 rlWL li-flABtx Mntsw rtdtai. Woms f " ' " " 1 1 1 -i w-,.r Q .-i-iin .wu- esea es. eseeeemi .hmra t - . . ;'. Iid W.....2 fciwf U UUtiU t e Jored woinaa hsna laago ll0,h foleoe tvs ewespaeroee it t nariT mannar. aaa e". 1 M- .'.-.--- - - for sale. Nioe ebees for a.- yoaotr k. ,av,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers