rh e Post. Hon. It. (I. Viwliwr hriN been li-cti'd to minnsjo tlie nfTiirs of the Kcpuhliran Congressional Cam m it Middlebure, July 10, 1879, J. CROUSE, Edtor 4 Proprctor. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Vioi In. notary, Jr;nrMiAn n:wsB, fr Mi(Mtruiir(. Ilfllhdrr ti Itocoid-r, J.IMLS M. VAXZiNltr, of Mi.llfrl.ur(. iNalrkl Attorney, lltNllV II (illl MM, f I'rcliurg. Jury Couimispiiint'r, A IAIN A. I' Mil, of Wr.l Reaver. Republican State Convention. ASSIGNEE NOTiCE. A l.Tj persons intorenttid sre here- , . , . ...... m iur mm i.awo ft"Tr ni rnntlin loo for mo camnnirns of the tinmen t iToi.,ioii. nnvter c.. ma.io unm.n 1fnr Mr Fiolinr la amnnn at,. ,f all hi. rfTerta, rail end parannat ( ti.e an JPfir. .nr. Iisiior I1 mOH(j IIIO .trr.iirne.ll.ir Ihe time nt oi ha ere-iiinra. All voniineni ii mo itcpiiiuienns ID uon-1 1"""""" n"T", "" fTi,,i topreaent ........... 1 . ! . . ,i ! i I '"em lo the nodrir.lirned, end penione Indebted Kress, nnd a distinction of tins kind m i.i.. ro...i,uu,r,ii,ir p.tm.nt. in no moan rompliinuot, ns Mm posi tion in one of urent responsibility. We heliovo tint tie is prpnl to tlie position. lliil!njtlin 'Jlottc, Nineteen su'ntners tiro nil llml hive pnaso! over tlio hci'l cf an Allen lown fti'l who titti iwico b.'cin dlrorc-ed. A 1 1 it lonnl Jjonnl:. Adjourned Arnniunl Court on tho 1 .tli. JOIlit B, ICAVKIl, JulytyTS. AMiKiia. In Hi' IHtlri i Court of the Vnitnl Stutct. for Hi HVjhVni WirW of l'cnnnjlvania. I-.TKH flARTMA?! nf Harder ennntf a Haukrntl under the Act of t'oncrre. of March yi. iwit. flaring applied f.ir a dlarharxe lr"m nil hi d.oit., and other ctetma p.ovaide tinier tlm Hid Art, !y ordi-r of the llonrt ! mice la hereto; ivnn In nil ('minora who have p-ovod their d tit., end other per.nna In ti rm-d, to appear on tin 17lh. da? of .Inly IK? I, at I" o'clock, a. in , before W. (!. Ilet we. lar r;o., Hrklrter In Hankruptry. at the omen nl A. O. lin.ann In Nurtliuiutierland Prnnnyi. vanla, lo rhnw rttiie If any IVev have, why fi I'l.cherire .hould hot l.e a-ranlcd to the raid lunkriil. M. C.ilitAMH.K.it, .lulf ,'.. Uork. 'I'l'iiipt'i iiiMc Vic. Me. TlirfJ. T, I, nf Ail.iiinlr.irij, will hold :Ki.t:i(l I'io Nifl in Mar'klry' Rrovc.l ft I in t IihITh inilo went nf the town, on ! Sutiinl.iy, .uly l:ilh. Iviiinont fprnk ort will he prcsFtiil. A (?(.'! limn h nn-1 ti'iintcil, Hint ft rur.lial inl:ttioii j rxlon toil to nil tho cilifni of Hnyilcr ooiinly. It U h'iifil thoro will ho ') il iiUcikI.iiicp. The honntermi lion pilulity of a gniioro'W roinmimily will ho freely rxlemhl to nil whoeoinn. AtulitoxH Notice. Till! "PiMt;''0 I) i)" H t.lllip Will 1m the next iininviiti.iii in our piUl rvD- in. A rnciml net of Cmurcn lii'ikes ittheihily of posl tu.ml.r5 to nllix to nil until nutter that hu reiteheil its .'il Mil Ki'iilr rtf I'rti r Jlarlnniti. I 'l Hi'! Cmirl nf flint. iti-r Oiunt;. fV K nnderRinoil Imvini? heen np I poln'.e l Aiiillior -t tlm t'nuit ol Cmnm n Tho HepiiMieiiim of rinnnylvunin. ni1 nil olliuiH in fuvor of mi Anio.t runenev nn 1 tho fnithful diseluirge nf N.itiomtl O'uli.'Uioin, nn I oppon. tl lo !oiiiuinniHiii unl tho HoHt'oin. tion to I'otvur in tho N'utionil (J jv t riilDOlit of tho iiilliionren whieli ro rureil tlio rob llimi of Iv'd, mo ro cjiicnf ol to dctxl (leloateM, njipor tmiioil ncRordinly to their reproM-n-tittion in tho J'ihliiture, to n Con vention to meet nt liininhni'. t 12 Jf., on tho Zl lny of July next, I, iu ihmiiiii.hu it raiiainiiio lor olnlo Tro;iHiiicr nml tr inn ct nueli other liiiMiniiNM us tuny bo brought before t hem, M. S. tJl AT, (Minirnian Sblo Ooiuiuiltoo. (II fl V . . i i.ii.i. .nine mr.l. Imiioiiiit lms been liu.rke.l upon ll,e Tho (Southern cities uro ttirt,,.y let,rr or pn.:kn;,-e wilh ulem il or pen. beyiui i ig lo ilron.l a return of tho j resuliilion will o into oiro:t on 'ulluw fovor, nn 1 to t.tko iikmbuiua 1 ""1 "'"t of Joly next. Tho denoini to protect tholiiHelveH n.iiiinl. it. Mini ion of these xlntnp nro one, two (illlHfMIKfMMtWM It.. I 'I.' . I" . "ii"' ii 'i' i iivu I'uui.t. i urv are uinitn.ir i i i tr Thoro nro at tho rhn,,!.;!,.!,!, n,l 1 n,lir.r, ro.Mi.1, l.r.,v eo'or. TZV'Z jtiintlili; lulling Ilium .' 'II lOIIH )l Great Reduction in (V'.-'r I wou Kl lalto Ibis opporlunit of an nonocing to tbe public, tbnt I e till continue in (he Fnrnitare IhiHiness nnd Hint my utock in full mul com-F plclo, and that 1 1 Itirouti KuttM . .Caw k. L i - - J tolling all my gooJ nl IboVEnYLOW. E3T I'RICKS, in fact ohenpor than the name grade of goods enn be pnr elmsed noywhere in SnydorCo Heo the following pliers t !if timl T.Tpwiifil. t:ii ntil Uwnrl. LfctA. '-ti 1 l .v . ! Cull and compnre mt cronds with llione of other dnnlors before rtnr ehnoing. liook for tho Iiij Sign, opposite Codling's School Uuilding. llcopt elf nil v. Lli'VI Jti:iTllIJ , July 10,79.tf. Helinprfrovo, Vn, I'lrn. nf NnV'lor c .tmif tn itl.irlii'itt (hr fun N in tlm l.nn.lfi n( l(etih--n F..rAir, Ari4nK nt I'r'cr 1 1 net in. n. titn'l l a inet t'io cntl l1 tn ttir rm . hrfuti? alT-ii nitli' thit h. will desliiiiilioii without full tirenKVinent of i"""1 f-ritio iir(.. ..r hi i..iminirni m hi, 1 i.iUriiln I k C.nirt llntl'K, nt MIMInliirn; on po.lito nn niiioiint of clmnp rqiwl In Hiiiiav. Ai'.th. it-o. t v ovi.wk a. m. '. , it r i I bon nnl wlioi tiiia llitortnol mi) tiad tin; iiiini.iLru iiuu. j it.'11'ioioiu ine 1 ii iiiff iiuiiK iirouvr .lulj in, 1T9. ti. N. MYKRft, Au'iitor. ASbKJNKK SALE Ol" HKAL ESTATE ! -o- liihiMlicil riiilrond luiU, t ueh II I feet loiiff, nnd wt ihin 10 p.mu U to tho Jurd, llWllilill Khipiilelit to Hmil. of Tho indie.it inn Tun l,v of unlit leivc tleeiih Ni:v-TrKi:-i. Tl.o il 1 1 1 ii t if .1 .-)' 1 1 ptr.iIvH lnivo,r;l.vl" n.I..r. I.w o nw.r .Ii. ,i;,,.i,..l in ,,,,,,1 (lif Ii llinlim iTrfrrM.nl llml ltl ltiito In ..... i-..,,. ................... , i,infk-n(i tn w ii ii lo. iinir KrUer.lllo. ol Voluotury Rn't(tilnMit I ir tlm Lrnnnt of crn. nitor.. win oxp. 190 i'iiuil: llle, uu Hit iretn. Imd, un Sittnrd iy, Atignst 2nd. 187'.), Soyilar iinMi:iJ'.M, or Hie iu!i!ir.irn j uiily, !. uiu.tlnlnc become bo upptiii.iit iu ('nl. ThouriM "'-i.v eoulinuo losen l it ti'itil puyiuent l:)0 Aercf, A. Scott, nuw tl'iivelili iu Iv.ir.ipe, tbnt tho probabilities tuo thiit lie cm never u0';iifi falli.l the iiiip irtant du lies of i'reaiilont of tlio PouiiHylv.i liiu I'uilroiid. n.orr f.r Inn. wild tli" up I'irf'n tni' : 11 ini l r-l N "1(1 TV I'riitiit f 'rtirk, Simtli b Inml of ,f iii. ii K titia no I iiiti -r., V. nt li v litn.l ol .lohn I l.'. l .Mr.- . 1 V II U' .uuir n I U'.l l.P lu.,.1 post-oHii'O or lint. Also, nclloil for ol Jlnrnt. irt Kllnn, wlioro in urn ureotej frui id enn he iiHtituteJ ncaiunt nny lliiek House, Hank lliirn, pernuii, whether he U reponsilii in n i nml otiirr r.i'rr ouit.nii iin a nevnr .. . . , . , j liil.ln,i wu l oi titcjili'nt w.t.cr nt Dm dour. A iiii,iii iiii ,11.11 i,r noi, lino ii'in.i's in pay siilmeriplioiis due fur n piihliealion. Some forget llin, nml think hv mernlv is iiiiiile, nml eollecl the whole nuiviiit whether the pajicr h htkeii from the flood Orch.ird, of rli lrr fruit n r In n tlirlvlnic p'inilltlnn. Tills Ir.w' o' t-in'l ti In til 'M r'ii nt oiiltlv. Tlio Hoveiitylivo hour pedcKtiiau content between O Leuiy tiud Ci'.ik.s. lull 1 W.1M finiHlicI nt uli.vi.n nVl, i...- .... i.,.l,., :.. m ,..rS.n i.i l,li.il,n ,.,,r r....... il...' "' ' """ roil. p.inviii.iniii initk- .... ......... j in.ii, in nn:iii, in,." -i j . .. , . ,, ..in ,. ,1, , 1 1 . riiur.ilin', lin ill In lin.li.iy Inrimy. nn,i un (intrrnri-iii : rununiinitv. Sn. 1. 1 ri i Jul, nt 1 i o l'.'k A. M ofFil.l In v whin il ir iiMnilinc will t.o Kivorintil ttrin, i-l Mlc lliil'lr k'.-iwn hv tn.i.u l k. HKNK;:n, July iv;o. Akvud . O'bnnry m ido 'J.'Kl in ilea mid 3 lnp and C'roNshiud 22 i nnd II hip.s. post-nHl.-e net lie the luillter. Tho friends ofexdiv. yu ti.inft nro preming up m tito lVcsidoiit tho lropriely ol in tUiiig Imu .Secrel.uy if Uiir, to miricuod Mr. MeCieniy ivlll.ll III.! Il.ll 111" K.IIWAlI llt. ..fit.. . ' ww ...hv. I.I..UH .UU UIIIITU lll'.ll , . ., ... . , . .il i, , ,. , ,, . i llio (niniiilrt nit of llit'ir woinlnrfulir c'l-ip liill. Jtmnotgeiiornllyknoiviitli.it . ... ,. , , i!aii.i,. ii ,.i7.. I. .. . .1 . , mul iioo.fiil Aom piliiion cf I. iiAtnmt. "V1UIUUI mil lllkUllj Will UU Ullltllil ' , ..f M, 1 !...,.... ii. .. ;(.vei.oiKiiiA or rxni.inii l""" A Literary Avalnnclio. An ctivinblo fu:ue ntinmit pr"ile who ire iii 1 liookH In l.c!ii neliic.-1 by ilii- AiiKiui' in JlooK KxrliASim, A5 IliitUiiinn otrcfl. New York. Siritiitl rtv an nly twit Ii tion. William Arumlrou, who was 101 ibry nnnoiinrtj Ilie 71 M V f f THi-ii A VI All, orf. 1 i mUl li I I-IUV. iVo rt-V Wn. fc A J J V turn il l on will nn mun. IMiiit nun. ni.iro tiiun 11... on. .not rt lU'.l rIkiva No r-nP ran tilt to m-ike i..i :.ry i,rt. Any one flu ilii llm wnrlt V"iiro uliikn I . , m .11 n. I.ITtlUTrii. -' "n 1 V ''"'""'in yonr rrunliiK. nn. piliill.i ll ion ol mg I try ii, hn.inr . M .i h ln I ki It I r iiiorir v nllmr .Inll.l.rl on.l ..nt ,r h.v.V. -II ' '"'V k,V" !' ""'r '"''" l'IM4l. t i i , niMi -t i-'t'y ii'iii'iriiiiTA. un iiir. li "H int chnicp cliliont, At prion lirrrtnrure un WEST JERSEY MARL AND TRANSPORTATION niPOItTATvT I'O I'AJJMICHN... are nnw priril to ilrlltrr 1 1. 1 ully rrtrlii-mr.l Mrl t pulnln ulnni tl M. I.. II. U . nt n) p, tun. An Bimly.fp of lu iohd.Ir nftliln .Murl Inkpn trntn nnOnrin rlirr rut trnm ih rtof In tnk, dntil If Uourm II. Uvok, Ktat Uoioul ol Now Jr.. ihuwi lolliiwn i I'tinnfitrmir Ann, riii.ii'iir Aeiu, I "TAH, I.lMr. M AHMitl A, JklnllKl. 4jj.hi .,. a T I" lha. 1 t 10 Mil. t J-1U loa. At.t'MISI. rHiiTuxirik or I iion WTka. Total OltllKI. i; iu ii.. II I 111 Ait. Th Want .tumiy Mrl Pomtuny hf v tlilr Mnrl ml (fnm llin lop tn Ihn litnm of tli Wrl, una thorough iy lulxil , Dil liny j'lcilgo thtiuxlrei to 'upuly Marl equal lo tli inpl anal yrr.l. I lilK Marl In ailnplml In all elnmaa nf anil anil rmpa, anil Dumarooa tantlmonUlican ba ahowo from laiuiari anil truram.n ol In ramarkbiilo worth at a PERMANENT FERTILISER. It. c -pl II nnnla ol rhn.phnrlc Arid and t'ola.h alrr.f nioks It at onra tlm rhcapaat and boat 0 nmpiir, r, nnd nt ariu.l vnluo to tha tarmrra of over prr tua'.cl ur tit per tun. Kurlbar InlorumtloD. fee , wlil kr dlvuo ny j. cnorsK. A., Mid.iiebuig, Sed. 12, '78. MO.-SKS SP.'X'IIT, Ant., lleavertown. J'uucltt C Co' .i'rirli.iriiKnt.f. y.urVr JJIN CUR COLONY ! Mnpa and inniilitet i Ireo. J, K. ,M A.N II A, tJlarflliiouiit. Va. 41 rpfl fnfll I .'"I'lrtniialy l .rr.tod In IU iJ.TJIIJ I W all !t . Iy tlm toiindii. linn tor auhH'iiiit al Inrinnra every week, and .iy. an I n.iirti.n imroeni i-o oi erorii, hy the New t .'iipltnliniiliin dtirm nf nie--ntlnir In Mi rUa. I- nil ev1 1. nation on Hiilliiltlin til A HAMS. 1IKIIWN KiM , ltjutiou, 'iillrond M.. N. i. ONE bALESivi'f, li.P nrli MialtM Miil.tfV trnm in tm r r.lnnti and exi.riii"i.,. l:r. ire.ni, a r-ipilred. I, A m.i.i.i: ii t.vrr.uui KlNd to.ua l l irli r.:r. at, I lilonit i. I IINAAiCES of Muldlcburij Borough i- audlti d April T, Wit. (li t till t .tiwini'.i. lomw iill ..l.i.lll 1. rr Ihr i.ulillo am I Anrlcllt will .rn.l y ni full & Studentfs ! JlUJ m.i I. !?l"o or eJOtl I KII VdM II iliiiln; v.VOA I I 'N. For roll pitil.-il ir. ml. Ire. a J. tl. MeCl'HWY at fu , l'hlli..'el hi i, I'll. CAPCWE P0IiCU3 rLASTE! I IIIIS , A M K AM li:.l il C Uatnnra due 1; Tnnuli nn dupllcito nf lb;t) ar p- r aetileoieut June Hli. IS, a. J. M.e ht, t'ol. Amount i diill.i.tt (or IHT9 Nathan hcuatiibauti, Col, cn. Ilyreet'jita Hti'7 a jn r r.'in o'lllnctlnn am IM. Nrhiubuili a. rvlcel In oo I'. Kralu ' lo i.o TjtaT amount due I'oor l und ItiiDit'lh A'f fill. Ilalnnee due II. mutih on duplirntr nf ln,j, u. Vi. iiruuello t .rniur Ol.1. D iw lu haada o! .1. I. suu.li Vtt. Ity atl iwnnro inn, In to .1. p. huiUli by lluiuuaU Vua. ell til CO IlaUnradU'. Ilnronh llatnni-e dun Itortmii un tiiiHtA of IkTI, II. W. l Ir ,i I t f ir.n tr Uul. II I. llV ll'.il I. I'. .Mllllll Amixiiit li Ii .rmiaii I'upitcuie lr in 9, .1. f. Siuitn. i. nl. Ift paying i.u. lue.a Iro la v i .ir a Idri'-M iimI . e pirll. ulrra nnd ptlv .to 1 I V I' t JTI.l . M'l.li I'.v Al.f. IHII'd. Tears of nL'e. of iMoi-lnuiiiwIitn. r I ln'tir.l of. Tln'V aro ' llollin'i Cumberlnnd county, a few miU MU.nry.- 1,i:.J v.ry Inrpo ,l,,t.e n.,l,.,U , f,t;:i,::!.",;n".n",;,? rind tn'r";,:.",! !;!,V. m..'n,!","V - """f. ""I''-. U nliovo HarriHblirL. wns hiii in,! I .ut nriBu. lane Ivna. m ifoln elmli. S2.-ir, I .""re mill .i.t t 1 1 w I N a t'i .1 veek, with tho honoi'H of war, in thai j lit nlivrp, $a.75 ; Joafrluia" ',Mi..tri(. Loroil'h. llo preNel'Vud faculties ll'mln." l.tiii r;rpn, iinifnrni wlili It., llin" I T y a'nniint ol order par tvr.t eol;ecilia I'U. 1 IT S' J U7 nnd powers until wi'hin u hluu t time of his death, llo was thu oldoat luan iu l'eunHylvania. Tho olli Jors of tlio I'ei'inaiieiit Rj. Iiibition and tho Stato Agricultural Society havo conferred with reference to tho approaching fair. It ivas do cidud to opou tho fair on tho Hth and cIohu it on tlio 20tu of cptom lor, to iucroaso tlio premium lint to fc520,0(Ji), and not lo receive any but Aiu eric u n working umchiDcs. a-aaawaawawaaaa a a aaaiaaiaj A Wttshiugtoti dinpitcli to the Cincinnati Commercial cava : We nre informod that Kepnblicuiis from MisBiNsipiii say thoro is no (mention but JellciHou i'avis will bo lelurnediby '1"' uhi'iuiloiis rep irler of "Tlie to tho United Slates unato if he Tout." Tlio iloareniiijr hnnm of l.'nj lives and his disnbililies aro removed, i piece nf ID.I lb., rilled Krupp eiinnon, All ludipitions point very Blrongl; ! which Hhouk tho cirti. for mile,, like iu that direct ion, and in my Demo- i ., cratsfrom tho same State .1., i.tn? , . Knmn " deny that Davis will bo a candid ite."f M l,CMluM riiiiiB n h i open. They say it nil rests with him, IUU) ; Pd upon tl.U fair portion of the eoutj. that if ho is a Candid itn tho .Misnis- l,p,u f'"r n,"l' tl,,in n Pentury. In nijipi beginl,ituro cuunot rofujo to l'10 r'ir'y niorniujr tho lufautiles vont cut ailll I irtfor lypc, prloo, cluli, S'J.oo nlippi, i "Aralitn Nilila," luro type, clolb 5" ocnt ; noiiy tu'o Pilgrim ' PrnisrcM," Tcry I'trpo lypo, rlnlli, U colli' "lloliiiiaun ('riicne," I h r ft r type, clicti, r..1 eciil j ami "llfiron Munrli.iuscn," rxlri larpo lyp", clulli, fio eculn. A ilio uinl of la porornt, when or lore I in clu'ii of live or more nf ciiU'-r hook, or to tSe amount of $1 o,04 or mors aelcclpil from the lint, at one I i mo. OirguWrH gir itip; full partipitlam, aproiraen of ly e,,o , wilt he aent fret on repnst. S il I only lo lily era direct, not llirotijh ilotlcm or ngpita. rWersBannaiarswweijaPYarianj Tho -llh, ill Miihllehiiir', ns olmerved elect bim. ed Iheir youthful patriotism by ty'ui' lirecrakers lo tho tail of smntl doj;. At tho hiMinoH phuVMj.tkn nnd Waldo aaa"aanawaBBaBBioaaaaoa A perfect piuioou of bhckin" Clime seem to be now sweeping over incusiire.l cali.-o nml weiIiod out tuu iiiiui. x loin .onu, i'. iwi, Collin anu est cotuo daily account ' eerie, nnd (. Alfred, flint hnvlnir rut 'fhi toe nail anil waslie.l ono foot. murder, outraire. suieidn. nnd the lil.-o. nn.1 if ..(.,. ....... i.. :.. t ... r.. .1 would bo iiupassiblo to avdd tho conolusiou that tho bottomless pit p.tekrd bnltor Hijh Constahlo Jim of the braves responding, ho retired lo hi bath-room, n holcdniii Iho ground Lad cast out Into tho earth its ":,or flho cellar nn d lillod with water. agents of tvil, who aro now working uoslrnetion on huinauitv. Tho loading organ of tho South Carolina bulldozers declares that it d )oa not know a liiogh instance where the p osouoo of troops at tbo polls h i prevented nny Oomuerat uonest, ana takes thu win 1 out of i . ... it 1...1 . i .... e fc JruiuoetHlIU UUOOJ0. JI tllO organ bad gono a httlo further with its frankness and tol 1 im how ni inv nogrocs tho ro J shirtcd rillo-clubs at tho polls bad kept from voting, its contribution of valuable informa tion would havo boou rouudod and complete. Cocsrois auioiirned hiha ,1U nn tbolstiust, 'Jhe 1'rcsiduut sent a pocnu wobsjgo to both brauchoe urging tho necessity of an appropn ' at ion lo pay for thu service of the ILtrtUilii- This thy iuf isoJ l a. ' The issua is nov shorply deflaod ; The Democrats of both houses sim- jly rsfose to ?ote for the appropiia . -ue ftsury for tho foforcoiuetit ' I TIO tbe United Ktutos .t puoishmeulof ciimibals. ' I czn ere perfootly will. ' i 1 1 " Y remtry oo tbe U I n.'ar, Jerry nml sovcr.il others were inJiistnamltj lounging around tho 'Wnf. Ilediouo' to j;ct a mell of thono 'splen did uiilllo and other good things' for w hich Mr. Smith hits more than nStato wide reputation Tho sun's approach to tlio meridian drove all to tho simile nnd for a lime sileneo, deep, grave like silenro hung liko a funeral pull over this ancient villago.- Thct unwearied inn sunk beneath tho western horizon and tho shades ol eveninsr invited tho Rood folk from tlicir hiding places who nnpenrod upon tho sired winking and squinkiiiK like so many toads in an ash henp. They had ull taken a patrotio snoozo and fotn;htovor tho battles of thu Hovohi tion enpturod King (Score the III. nnd put the host of raj -coals to llirht; hut, nonseiiso, they had In truth only been fighting a few unruly Hies and they wore wont to call (his fnm hero uintrue bravery and claimed to bo put upon the re fiVd lint with the pay of Lieiitenunt-Uonornls during their nat ural lives. pXEOUrOIVS NOTICE.-. Letters J-J teeWuieater na the aaLata arraihsrine Ml'Ulaaiier lataertVe.t Bratar tea.. ai,i.r Co . fa. Seed, kavekaea araatad to Ika ...i.. aUiaeiiill toaa kaewfan t 1 i ,. mi( i i , Ir i .In ne I ml. 'if ly. y VII) WILLIAMS, iniifnptiirraor & Wholesale Dealer In .ll(, MalioL-ai.j, Valm;t nml Kiihrivcml LOOKING GLASS riot u ro Si Photograph lo Frames No.s. 2:10 ami 'IM Ari li Street, PliilMlftpliln I'll. Frump Tl .'piiired in llip liel nmnner M..n, l!"i'il lin? In all ila 1 rfii.cl.f t. 71 (7 f f f A MONTH Kunrn-iliied, H VV rY I nfl D M du at hnmo tii'ide hy Hie 1 H, 11 L J I in.lutrl. u. r.pliul not ra. J U f J (iilr. d 1 wa will atari yon. iilan. wotne'i. hoya and K'rla tonke iiiimry f a.tor at work for 11a thnn nt envttilnir nlin. Tiie work la Unlit and pUM.int. atid anriiaa anyone can ko rlulii at. rim... wini are aire who me Ilii. noilre will -ond na thrtr addre.'ea ut om-e aii-l re - lor lhaniarlrei. t'lutlv Ounlt "lid lenua fre... Now I- the (line 'I none alro:idy at work ara ta villi, up lu.'iro anm. of ninney, Aildrcaa 1 11 u t. a i.u., AUHuata, iiiaiue. I una IJ.'TO ly. Irtp.rt rn'nrna In l,li)nn mi pu-rmud. K-Xf ' is 11 .1 tl p .r: n l he 1 o, . 1 n . o. I.uv , t. tn. aui' Mr nn .mpk rpnona ol tin 'o a.n. .t.i.ii,..., r, i-n-r :: wui iiu tuo., n.nil.ern, .lit 1..II si s. V. I A OR?! AT i1WV.n o n - (i r;; I M M 1 1 1 ; l' SOS t' J . i..i ir,.. r,,. .r, ". o..i na bp. 1 aarr .mrl, Nl;.t I . A Mis nml (11,(1 A N at i:. I K 1 lit i. a ( y l.iV irpra lor cni-h. 1 . t iln, u-- M .. 11 . .1 Ht'tlAl'K WA I IMts, ABt., 41 fcttrt 1 lib M.. N. . V. U. 11 x. 3). AI.l-NTS1V tNTl-.il Vor the lint and Put. r.t .plllnn I'lnl.irlal llonka nnd iltnlin. IM rt rrdurr.i -a.,,, r,, N.,Tit,,,AL f t'liLiBiiiMj t o., 1'blldilelphla, l a. s old tm mmm. ? fDa. KANroiiD'a Livtn iNvi'ionATonl r:..ui...l...l r ;i . 5 .iio f. 1 . 11111. ir.i 1 .I'liu v ic in n . ... 1 " ' V " P jilmciiB h of the Li vcr, Stomach !yr find Bowels. It is Purely 7tlRr,1 ;0,.hiliU,a-Itis tt tjj fCtiiarticaad ft f; i d-r i .ftl a0viiC.j8.r.i 1 j p a t m m- ' a.' w a w v, eS'3 liioro t'.mn 85 yearn, 'ith 'niprcwdoiitml rtsults.ij 8IND FOR CIRCULAR.! 'S. T. W, SANFOr.O, M.O., Mw"?SiK.Vi j DKI CUIT will tan, von naairimion. 5 otmrnyiAimwHiti'iMwiuw WKEK la Tear own towa and noeapliel rlaked. voa u viva Ihe bu.lnraa a trial without ea pau'a, Tba lieat npuortanUy ev er " iik-eq ior tanaa wlllla to ,ou "Id try iioihlna elae nalll o are for your.eif what fo aaa do i t ua ba-lu.a we oftae. Na riH.m t eaviala bare. Yoa aaa davola all your tla) oioaly year r I a to Ua bJ -aaa, a! p- a 1 f 4 ' -rt, r-p . -1 .t' . ' 1 .t $66 ii NATIONAL LIFE l Ihe title nl a new I'anii.h'rt i.f 77 raiia. It rnmalne II, a Idourniihy ol all lha I'lr-ldnii. ol Ihe I'nllPd Siatra Irmu A ...li 1 111:1.11, t llnyia with their purtr ilurl In nil) ernirav ed rxpreraty f .r thla work. alo VI imrtralta nl Cnmullm notahilltle.. The National l.lie win ua aeni tn any ad lreaa by m ill, on r. ppIi t Addirat H. 1(. STkVCNa, lloa 01 Hoi. atnnip ton, Mima. W A TIT VT A Y,"'' maw who f liill I , pan pnnlrnl the Hoot and Mine llu.llirra la 11,1a I ounty. Addreaa with relereneea. .1. II. V A IM i'ASSK.N. aoo Loeuat Street, fblladelphla. 1'a. SliFOICII9$ JAMAICA GINGER; Trlaree due II roih ,'Ul.iH e dnu ll ir.l , h 01 .tu,.',..in ol 17 ii. l-or rc'l. oiilr it A.irll V I" T S ,ii u i ll itie., 1 nl. lt.Vinii'o .hie 1 orouiri a. .,rr ...ittfl. inrnt A j.r 1 1 1 1, H, j, iloj. .ll jila Inimrr licuajror Tnt il immntdiie llnrnuli M 31 V.-4 IS I 6 711 l.".C 20 '4 CO Si il IS 6S 1:4 :7 I.11 li.'j ..! 06 4' :i V'iII (1 SS I) e Si'luvil i'.vi'l Ait.lilnt .ne Jlnl lire duo . n died'citu of 17 ;, Kiuutlili,! 1 'moll Inrinert ol, tiuw lu U 11 1- of I. P. bin tli I'll. Hy rePrlpta from Ti-rarurer Hy etr.ir l:y allnwdiiccl VaUtiPe duo Ualnnce due 01. iluplaie nf mrs a- -er reltleineul .I'lne 4. lafl I) linuoh Do', u w lu htio ll id I'. W. .specbt I'M. Hy rre Iptf 117 nj Uy e n-r rent colli etloD Is Ralaiieo dua Ualnnre due nn dup'lcat nl I 75 a prr ri'tllrm- nt June 4. 1-.7S, N. i. Hire, L'ol. CK. Ity receipt s t CO DuUno" dua Am unt nl duplicate for 1 178, ttntbuel tichuoli 'Jul. CK. l'y collection J on" Hy 5 ier em on 1ST 4 liy coliecliuo 1.S7D. 140 at T kf SI Oil Halanoe due 119 30 4! Sll i04 40?.: snoo "I; at in. t CO Ta7e7 810 6".' I8'JP8 111 61 rntarKirl ?fa- l.l. into, lrna Tnnnvrrr't Account. Dalitica due at per futtlomrnt .Iune4 n. Kwauuel Kehnek 1'rraaurer aah of j. Hi Smith Mate npproprlitloa l'ah N I'. Hare ( arli l, W, r-'pi-eht A mil rio'd on duplicate, K7S CB. uiK'tianareU, The oi.1t cnnii Inatloo of lha true Janarla I Olriier with cholrr aroinailua aid Inurb briimly. tor col recti na lulitni erale h.bK. r. 1 vnlHtlnn the aioiiiach and bowela hreiklnir up Hy nrdera paid 8?.14'J cold', oil Ilia, and lavera, la Kaiiohii'h .1 a mm. Hy 1 perot.coui. for '77 on 101 00 1170 ( aOiniimi. Kup rollevlnat amily and rhiu- Hy 1 " " S'6 is 4 70 niallo 1 ulna, prveutl.. umlatlal leyera au t Hy " " 'Ii ' lei 01 our promolirta aleuu It la truly wonderful. Aak l,.r lirl " 11 Ua II aaa J. Weaver f' Co a. AdeerH(menta. n;;sioAs: Balaaca dus Total amount due School fund Una an 00 lea na i Ml 91 ! lhl SI MY. stis 4 67 SIS S4 WE tha underlined Auditor! havlnn exam. Ined the fniaaolnar aoonuuta fou id main true mil nnrrni'l .I.,.. .iui..l . . i. , .. Hikl.lli.ra wA..n.l..l 1 , .. . I , . . , . v nml uwaa l our ....... .....,.,.-., u. ii'ju n iioinin Ruvatru,, tan ue, ici p naiont umlor Ihe new law to dale in. in .11. rhame Addra.a at nine, with lamp, for blanka and new auldler't eneuiara. w. v. ui'itiNouii ro. I Iti.uuiu, Pa. Oldest Claim Agent in tho State. S2 June 11, lefv. JOHN IinrtX. ti. n. .iHO((, KOiltUf SUAiirlACH, Auditor! HK1AYEAU for honest, inlelli. Kent bualneaa man or avenia. New boa.' In., a, Huh I work. A d ilra.a To.i ir liVH AiikNur, iH.idl.on, lad, June Sn,7J.4ui 1 PRIVATESALE ! 4 Farm located In Icrry township, X Snyder eouniy 1'nnn'a , tounded aa fnllowa to wtl I On the Norlh hy land or Harld (toy AMI. ItornUiKer and r'rancla Markli j, on tbeW'e-ll y landof tllnhael Arhoaaat aud lohu nelnet. on Ilia Nuuth by land ol Itllrv Weaver, ou tha Kaat by land ol Abuar Uora. berger. Conlulnlus loO ACHES. ami anma Ferohea. A NKwrHOIlsr 91 aaa REAPERS I()WEIlil .' Soli at Greatly EcJcccd Prices ! WE soli the f Miamplon I'espers &, HoweranllFAPUl than any company nnw entailed In the manufacture of nuchlnea in tbe United IStatea DA N N:M r irinera eo lauil your paraonal Intereata, S. WEIS, SelinsgrovG, I8T; UMM1E 1870. lake pleasure in announcing to tbe public generally that I ant now fnlly prepared for tho SUMMER TRADE. I koop constantly on band the largest assortment of Notions and Fancy Goods in the county and cipa. pecially thia aeason I have a larger stock than eer before. Ladies Linen Suits. Ladies Linen Suits. in lnrjttjo variety. PARASOLS and SUN UMBRELLAS. SUMMER SHAWLS. SUMMER SHAWIS. Summer Skirts- Fans Fans. Fans Summer Skirt3, Fans, Fans. Fans Corsets & Kid Gloves, Corsets & Kid Gloves, a specialty. Having the Agency for one of the largest New York Corsot nouses, i wou la call particular attention to ray DRY eOOB department which is full and coinploto, CALICOS & MUSLINS iu largor varieties limn other honso in tho county. A foil lino of l!.i:ss GI.OOD liAWIWS, PICQUES, etc. (.'rent Harcnine in CA.lt OI CLOTH t illVJ J liti. Cull and see whnt v.-e have to offer, whether von nnrnlman nv nn n. f'oods and our prices will suit you. Rospoclfully, Oct.lC, '73. H. WI5IH. MACHINE IN THE MARKET nn " tt .1 r r. Ntn; 5k n r n s ii r-?v trarimi rrM ir m r V.,A L l LMa-.H tValfa. 1 I f" I S Ueo cflG78 over Salc3 of 1870, 228,599 Ma-chines- A Three-fold Increase! WASTE KO MOSEY ON INF E1U0U COL'STKKFCITS. 1TUCE3 OF THE QENVIXM QRBATtT BBDUCK9. Ail Former Years Outdone. 306,432 Ggiiiu Sier Sswiiig Mm Sold in 1878, BEING 735G20 MOSB THAN IH ANY PEEVIOUS YEAE. SP12CIAL NOTICE. Manyabnsea have grown np under the old system of soiling sewing machines thronx.lt "Middlemen,' whose cupidity bun often lud to misrepresentation and fraud. For tho protection of the public and ourselves we hae- abantlmed thii whole prmcioit niHtfin. W e have abolished the "middleman" and sell directly through our own salaried agent, whom we are able to control. We can thus give to every purchaser of a Genuine Binger Sewing Ma chine the gnuianfy of a company of 25 yeara atanding, that any macbint sold by a "Siugur'' agent is exactly what it is represented. The diflorepco between such a guaranty, ond the guarrsnty of an irre. rponsible, hungry canvasser, whom tho purchaser baa never Been befort nilil mnv lifivor fiiiii nrrnin I m I rr rr n i t s l AinivA t a sr nr ; ww-ei J We WW w HWIUf S0 W MiltlaaVM aVV SVVjUltV VUUi lUVUSt We Wnrrnnt Every Machine Sold by us The Sinrr Cornpsny have estsblished an offioe in TJLSIT'S DRUO STORE, bKLINSUUOVE, i'a, Machinea will be sold on the installment plan nt reduced nricea. T. M. KESSLER,! . ' . W. J, WAONER,) March 27, '79 3m. SELINSGR0VE, PA. ... ,. J8 THCBCST Hi I l f2 .tOtlMM r. vonTS fl I w laU VI sLVi .Weflra rv,V..e5V. KL. IaI7 ....... aa I v --a iill- ...itmmm ...w NVHBIK fl 51 laaana Ol GO 0.0 ( -a- roa pAarieuuRe ADOMItf 'A WhiteSewino Machihe Co. Clcvcland, ohio. your eouveideneoa and your pur.i a, and alum loa mi. MmnI. In. I...I...A .. .......... .... new lloa Peu.l lorn Hour and Ubiokea II ouae.' lamina ur Uacliluaa lur y..ui.l ve.'-don't W.ah Hnuae and Smnlii llmiia. Hurm. I. let ln(araa(el .I..,. i. ... .... allli aood water, aiao Kod mnnlna; water la Semnlaa ou-a and praliln( thalr iws, from ") Two O akard. ou the larra , puroUtal aa Ika beat at the er luaui i.u.. Willi all kind, of kowI Annlaa. Paali. rear, a Aouul 1.-0 Airoa oleer aud la a hooJ tat. oi cultivation and all uo4e aooil leoae. Ualanc. la good xiimn, A atu.it ro. v M I akard. ou the larni , mroUal a ika beat at lb v.ry loweal Saure WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION la all ateae. roll aaa.rlm.al of Machine, a ad s.ualra eooataailr aa aaod. fat lurtSar par-' tfanlara apuly to . r. blkif I, al IMI" el. Hack ta Ckr.la.1, White Oak aai rati,.. Hre. c a raa -a r:in.e, aaeiliov I il CMAT V vFBOIfIO MaDIOINat TRADE MARK, ke orcailafSak TRAOI MARK, BaaaaSn Am W aaauiuiaaara ear ' v i . . aaaa, aiianaalaei ' I aa rkae, laieaaaMy, V JjS J aat as Slaaaaa. j I Hotel, Miwnebafa, ar Ue k.ratoae at a. arvea. X tauaiUawa ra ti w aw." kerareTaktat. Aeaaal aataaaaf AIM. ,uaa. iwir, Satveiaa laaSlaaa, FaMa, aaaSaaS. BaaaMaael Vaaaa, StaaieMaa CM Aaa, aaa aaaay aaW Mi n al Sea)' lawtaalMMiwevOeeaa. j i ii.a,.. a. I ai ,,. - ADMINISTRATOR S N0TICB--ltUr. of admin l.tra tloaea the MUM" Win. Ueker, late of Wee Beaver twu. Scj o.onty, I'a, dae'd bav. aaaa aranied to ea aniiaraiaoej. All peraoa. haowlas theme.!'" ladobtail la .aid e.tata will pleats Bake mxllata payaaeul while Ik aaa kavlaa aatalnit (aid aalal will pfaawal Uses lor wUV aaaat Is USOBOB Sf.trOK"' July is, 1. pi, Aiml""- atat t'i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers