Th o Post. Midfileburi," Ju:i 12, 1873. J. CRDUSE, Eiitor & Proprclor. Tho Demo:ratio Caucus. The promptness: with which Pres ident lluyes vetoes tho revolutionary iiio.itiiiri'M of tho Confcderalo Con prone, ivt'S Unit ludy any amor.iil of tronbl. They havo f,"no n in their wild threats tj bistiMV thu pi'voriiuifiit by refuting lo voto sup plion, mill h.ivu boon sj promptly met by a loyal I'xecntivo, tint it in lurd t lucldiwn, hut it nmt couio- Tho two a Kisury commit tue.4 of tho llotiHo mi'l Sen ito 1)iiii. ocintic caucuses hold a joint niui-t in of fivo hours on 1 iy. Tho ciurn.u full lefiiriHti a in uow iloneby tho Confederal ruu cim of by Coll!,' rein) doeide I to recommend tho iiulecditto p issnu of ii bill'iij'ikiii;; tho usual nppropri nt ion for tho support of thu snnv throughout the iiott fur il vi ar, but containing a proviso that uo portion oi money iiior:n r.ppropi latuii Nliiill : ii.-u in tlio waters ot tho Mato, and bo omoiI for tho pny, tiainp.ii t.itioii. i to omploy tho tirfcsH ir' labor, tin Mpiipmcnt, or Kulmi.tonco of any torinl nnd itnplf iiioiiIh thorrfir, mi. I troops iihciI for olico j arposoH to j to pny tho nfro.R iry and r!'ioraMo k'op tho pouro at tho polls. It was fxpcimis f.f piid linhory coinrnirthi. in fill thtr dt-ci. I. I t t riromtucnd tho ihh, and tho hahincs of tho fish war jniHsn;,'o of tho b'yisliilivr ovj'itiio' dona tuid wale r b.iiliX tlicj inny ap mid judiriul ftpptopii itioii bill in p nut i provided thnt tlio said rotn HuliHtiintially tho Niimo ttrms as hint tnihHioncrs shall lilo nnnimlly with jour's bill, and for tho raino niuoniils tho An.litor (iofiumI an a.ruiint of ircpt that they h'i ill bu moro mill- all motioys oxpimd.' I and Horvicos nti.'lv Hpcrilii.'d. and, uIno. that, nmduri'd and pro 1'iood and filo the il hfmll not mako any j'Kivisi ui for piopr vourhur for tho sirao. tho pay of Mipn-"isois or uty . .SKrnos 2. Tho Mat ) Fishery luaitihals of ih rtiouH. Tho bill v. ill, Comiiiisvionors nro hi'ithy author liowi vi-r ront lin a rhitMo p.rovi lin? -izod and riMj-iircJ t) niuno t bo that no olli.ior hhall bo nppointn l oi coiiHtruft.i by ontrart with the obligation iii'Mii rod for any olj,-rt i l.nvust a'id host lHdi-r of bil h rs, forwhirh a fprrilio iiipropiiation aft:r duo pulilic nolici;. npprovcil tha!I nut Imvo bwu inn do by Coil"! fishwavN for anadrorjoiiH Mjh in tho yn-NH. J ho rrrsi.b id i,iay as til pro - riaio niiothi r V"to iiicsi.-c, Whilo it i i truo thnt th bill. monti I'ucj tho faino Ihin and afo as olji:rlioriab!o net in Ihoir roults as tho firf.l, they aro lono wor lo l ili!ion;iitlv, and auolhur Vttt or t.vo. or oven thn-o, if in'i-osmarv. will probably toarh tho revolution ists tho rrror of their nays mid thov will llii'ii p:i'.s tho.Tj 'proprinlion bills l iliu an I Minpir. l.s. Tho bill provi biiij for tNo crralioii .1 t nrer I bv th crnor. flto, 1 di.'i il ilihtriet ( Ouuphin and l.cban- a State boir.l tocuva.a tlio ro; thu J n:ii it i river its con la- MMWau. ja..e t. -:v. S tttno" U rr H I l' 1? f1 I I i!jlr)i i Hi h I urns of tim rh rtiMjt of Statu In as- nro with tho S.isquohanin riror, I' p AAA month :....., !si $ a3 6i' JiflfM !J v,T'in rer or AiMitor i.-ner,l, wi.- n tlio w uni t and coiiMrncbi-i in a nub- I I J I :;:,, V;". : 5 A i 1$ h L i rj .i'isl.ilufu is lot in session, hsf. ,st.ii)tial luaniK-r in the most approv-.W 9J SJ Tjir i nM .i.rt .. i 5i00lidl''ll liH VtIrviKuratorJ T1? TTTe'T'frTT A T ......A.ll... .1. Il.......n.. II. ........ .. I I.IAl . . I Ia . I. ..I .1 .1.. ... .' " I .'VI I .Il m - , J. ,. .' . . . I MJ W Mr i""l 'mi il iiiies nil. I iiven i itmii t- i iu.;iiiu.i l'j uoui:i, Ol lUC rusHIILTO ' mi.i m I i' .-'itsZ il I. i -v J HUH Hi I n ni.!; tho t! ovcrnor. Tho law mvs tliat : of lih. an I so a to do no uunoees-1 !'lr.,,.,','ln ""!lhln "e- i -le'w . e i ium i ji 5:Vi h ?! j, in n:v iir.irti. 1 i o boar I shall otisist, of tho (iov- sary injury tosii l dams for tho pur-ii- i i. r i."w"r?0Vi!li.V.o.'o j IM W Rv ' I-7 tlio ubiic,$ r,7 r.y remedy known. H Is ir. I'rcsi.leM ;-. M.i. ol tl.o tn-:pho nr winch tliey aro now uol i .ri..,.,i,., .wi, ' ".tni .'it t'.n .' 'fill'. V f"r m"I" t:,n!J 5 ycr.w,; : , " i'yiciau tho Spc ik'.r of tho llntise, tho provi lo l. th it tho t'oluiuhia ilam, ns "'""'" l -' ahoi i'y i w" - '.Ve' ! jJJ JJ ' ncj n-ievh uted r.suiie.J i ' 'residont.luL'oof tho Twelfth Jil- well ns tho reiuodelitiL' of tiii old i" Ai-r. f: ;1' -"'!'. 3r?ID FO!t CIRCULAR.. n:in:MA TISM. on, four number of tho rnato ancj ;c nupir-toil ilurinf; tho year 171 and h nieuiliois of tho HoitKO of H'pro-' tho others in secession in their or pi ntatives. Tho monibors of tho 1 dor iiamu 1, tho I'lurk's ferry and board from tho Senato and II )uo j and ono in tho Jnoi it, to will bo elected this we-k, nn I po'.iti-' bt corihtrnctod during tlio yoar 1SS ) rally, will bo equally dividod. Uyjif tho Fii-hery CorntnissioD shall first tho of this nt tho nrrossity j tilo with tlio Auditor (b.nei;il a cor for an extra kesiion next winter is i tifioato that in tlioir opinion the Fai l obviated. Tho I.epuliii;nus of 0'iii mot in Stato Conveution at Ciuuinaali last Weduosdiy. U wns tlie hr,'-st n 1 moMt cnthneiislic convention Hint tver a-si in .Stff r A riuin? pi .it form wis i looted and tlio loilortin' iionun'itioDS wt-ro made : I 'or (i)vi'nrir. Hon. Charles Foster i Lieutenant fiovertior, It W. Hiehe'ii lAp -r ; Jud'o of tho Court, V. John on ; Attorney CJenor'il. fi 'ir'e K. ih ; A g istor of .St ito. .I.l.n 1'. ,-Icve; Sta'c Tr'isnrer. .T imcs Tiii aey ; Comtnis. of Public U'ork Jatuos Kul linj'tou. Tirriblo -tonne of wind an 1 nin iito. p 'iliotis of Nc'.iM.'ki. K nnd Misjiui on t'.io -: ' ' t li nit , d-uNc imin. 1 initio to property an 1 cmsincf sjrioui loss of l;fo TLo town of Irving, in ao-ithern Nebras l.a. wis altiio-t eMirely dornoli!ie.. lo of it? it.liabila'jts were k;ll'.-l and ;!) or 1 iiijtjre l Near M-mba'tan. Kan . a w.-i'.Tin and hf-r eUii 1 wore killed. Near s Sum Mi it, Mis souri, several dwollins wr.: dom-V.-il. ed and a man i.imr 1 ll irri. his wfo nnd one rhil 1, wcre kil!e 1. Neir Ic!f.hrs. Kar;.--is, 15 deal Lol its Lave been fon'id. The Ti'i:ii! r of d.-Ttel e-tiAq jr Cal.f' ri.i i ; very l.ii'e. H i'iiilton. tl. fit I.:. 1 ."V) pc- ple. I.'ls now one bun If. 1 ; TreVilUe Hill 0,01 i. LOW , .1 ) : Sbernrif.tov. n 'i '!'). von or. ; f-Ni:!y. A II iLco wero ir."orrort-! c l ntirti, f-.v'.r, .coun'-i! f:r- d' r irtiutr.ts ar. I l.i'v reAwnn; r-rn Tiith ir.f.'iMi y.hle . !-. -hrr' .' " and !!,:., I'timb'ii..' d -nj. tx."' CIS f.i iv : .ri-S ai. 1 h-.'l fOi'ne, I tl.o I ' Vi,-: rvi,;... ucir Cv- s.J h ! 'i'.' 1 ijieut, wi'.U'.ut a tm,"ij'.if.'if.t. !'; ...r. A li.'H of l.'t'ry tirr.'F ir-. tl.fl jfl.ct Jff- I r.-.., .. if.C a f Ua ly t:pw.rd tf b r.ry. No f'Ll' s'ort, l.'.t a er Iv n", f v.t ten as 1 woolen pv.-U are r'.r.i:tir.t:v. at-'l i r.-.av fo- ii r a rs.-o if. t;.s h :.. tr t le Jl uiil f t 'xi d p!or.. 1 t.l.';U.fh, by fier.ei- I ': yr.iiy.i-., i t it f.j'.'iiis j!.?.ty I f it f.J'.'iliS J W'rl 1 1 .tu.r ? s for the in A 'l'...3 f i . i V 9 Mi'l ei' iir III ; . in I rr. fl, VVI.rl.V.-i I r,.nr.l. 1 a- ; Lsrt. ff o7rrvl to e-'ttVt v..ia tbe ant'.orit: f-ir which i tbty itf iv. J, an 1 i l!wl of ArU tmtyyrs sril t'.) rnai Frow tiis th4 yvronrb apj-r-alftd, sd Uat ws:Si tl oart avrtr Ivl L:u tlWi ilt-v. A n on an Liar.anJIs arid Terre HmU Jfailroad tram tf ; I to j O"!, h'tM ift fiat tl.rooj'h tivlv, ar.d Hesar'y ne4 Uf re ti. 4Md woanao m rtumtA. U .l.t- Tt totatl a.lrwr Pr.blej ieered fcj tl4 iUleVr ,nlt'jni4.jw wi locrwJ in ixj Ktf airf -m w i?A'.!Ci 'u '' coaa.i.eiof4. THE NEW FISH LAW. Full Text of the Recent Act of Assembly. Tho fullowin,' is tho bill passed ly tha LogiHliiluro, a'iJ will no lio Binned by tho Governor i An .iff mi iJiii' for the frnl'''Ji' linn and f.riiHtH'in nf tiih it ml f'jr'jriiiti;t momy t tici'i fir, Hr.rivH I- lio it onietul, etc, Tlint tho 8'nn of twenty thotiKanJ dollar;, tr Hi miieh thi'ro if as wir ho iioccksary, is hr.rihy appropriated for expenditure d iri:i: tho preeent find coming two fncal yuiirs of Any uioni-ys in Stato Tiointry not ntljor wixo appropriated to bo pii I by the Statu Treasurer on tho warrant, oi warrant, of the nai l Cotuiiiiior.. tm, or a Majority of them, for tho ptir poto of hatching nnd propagating useful tribiM nf foo l finhes nil. I to Htork nu I supply r.l! tlio stream. Inlc and fro.h waters of tho Com niiiinvi'.'iltii with tho same, by dia tnoulin' t'.io iinpit'KUiitoil spawn or fry of tho i- iid tf-il of tho Staff, under proper rcirul.ilion ; ant for i tho dirinoniiiiation of nny v n r i t i ' 8 of puiiiii: t renins of do hl.i(o ns fol- 'lows additi N"T bio an inn. ronslrnoto by Ollltll i rt t lark s l errv ; ono in tho JSIiatuo km dam. and ono in tho first d un in ono if denned adviiiablo, shall be I fishwaya in tho Columbia dim have been Micctssful for tho imsn"o of' - . n I migratory auil anadromons CmIius. Sk' tio.v 3. It shall not bo lawful for any porson or persons to fish with any kind of nets, or seines, or any other method of cutrappifij hsh, cxevpt w itu ro I. hoolc or line, with in one fourth of a mila of tho Col , ntnl.ia dim. or any pirt of tho a lid dams in which the si 1 fn'jwayu nro onstructe I in any manner, or by any device, hinder, or obstruct, the iteo approach to. an I pisio'0 through, m l over the sai l t'uhways, of any puch flh. And any person,! jiirv..i., tj vufu'iiiiij riiiin uc ; i.ieeiuei p'nitv of n m:s kmeanor. I Atv f r niicin fin t i . I . wM i .','ii uiiiL' it n iiti ut '?' - 'ntcnc;'' to Plv !10 n ' cs'-o 1 hv hundred dol.ats. one-Lalf l tUo iiifomur and the other half for tLo USD of tho county, wherein sneh Couvi.-tion is Lad, nnd umlero nn; imp. is ofiruetit for a term of noi less than six rnor.ths cr moro than two yenrs, or both, or tither, at tha d.s cr. ti :n of the couib Stc:-io.vj 4 It (.hall mt ba la-.vful lor ..ny pomoii, or coiporatiou ii.ii.r s.i l 'lam. to obstruct tho siid wi'.hout tho consent of tho Pish Cummis.iioners cither for the pnrjiosu of r ii-:in tho w iter in tho jw-ris of tho sii 1 d mis, or auy other purpose, aij I and my such ohstrjc-1 lions "bill bo deeruo 1 nuisances, an 1 J miy Uitbated by any eiti.ju or fish; wir l'.r., or w(f r biih.T of thi Coru-j iii'T.vv.a'i'.h, and any such person, or coi poration, sii ili be guilty of a mis-! I'.u.f -itior : an. I on conviction tljtro-j of -thall bo k.uUr.r'-,l to pay a fine of. 0 A bt.-' fl Vj huodre I dllurs. one C'.i.. ' r.i... t,-.' . to the ir.fvrmcr and tho .r !. .f i jt tho ns.i of tho ejiintv! rcifi h ich co'ivi' tion is hid, ar. 1 '..;.:Hli NriSomi-nt for a term of ... i . . . . i i;oi j"s Vin sit mof.'t.s. or more .than three je:s, or both, at tho d.s 'eri.'.: .oi of the e jiirt r.r. lor th rir e;ri.tii.ees tf th'j case, and when ti.e fi' sh ill be in OJtir'.enee fit , t.e tiiijo ef the conviction on 1 md . it shs.'l bo lasful for thu conrt t d reel either tho dffeodant, any . f.sij war Jen, or the shethT of the prorn-r coti.-ity at tLc t.T.'.r.".o of lh- j I'-'t'. Is'.t tir hbito tl.O t-f.i.H. ' i.1 i fit 1. lor tho pjiposool;; ii,Ut effect th'i .f,v.-.,,:,i of tiiie w:l thi sum of thirty thiu-ufil i '!.L or i rjii'rh tl: r'y.f as fiy b fi' - - ' ry is r.'-r li'-re-lryapf f, rut': I o il J7 '''Ijeys 10 ti.e ."tale 7 n ai'iri I'.rvr.H'j ( f'.i!! appropriaU 1, and noi itey b; 1.41 OUt Of thr 1 reae iry o Kr the oroiisiorjii f this ey t, fcr'.tt.t o.v.r. a MarrM.tol tho Ao.!itr 'i-:t.eri n,n a ceyti Cct or eert.iie-U of tl'.o i J r.eii try Cofiiiiie'.ioiier, or a majority IU reof from tuo'i t tim, thit the ;f ii;r. Ltv bir;o r;Mlirt-A or work il-rr.O in weor J-trj':o ith tbiej act ; jroi 11. t' M tot fior than Cf'.r;;f. thonan J shall 1st umyl in tha con at'ietr.n fi 1 tttu'j Wui, of fiehwayt in Hjk Oomba dim. Htm n. 1 Ut tU Jivar 1 of i'l'sb : n 1:1 llto L'.-lilmln i I:im ir, 1 ; " " v""' ' v.W ,J V.A1 tf ll ; , loue up tbe rjetetn wliich on to the ono themio ore-c.tod bv v i... t. ...... ,o,. 5 .n.to0' e..-jVy ftxA I . i ., . ,, I """lenvi o lino i. -II , 1 5 1 i, i A" tV M Hi I I . I T thousand ...!,t and vjr.vrevJ . ! u v'l oc? ntJMiuwu o uubtm nlv t'nvn, and if doomod ni.',,,,:,f..,,"'',l":'",, lr j. il Fi Vi S-W. 1 'fO1- "3vi M d advisablo bv cai I board, n! ,.,a 1 J'T t to-" SI - hll.Mlion of tho oi i.o,,.,! y,... .oi.y Acrcn. S tU V a V)'lay i WW I.N Hl.lH L'JSn. Colonel J.nuos Wnrrall. FihIiI hjuho. r-w.I btablo, 5 0 VVVv''1 i-aioncr : one in (.rceu's dim ,.V:.UV:r .... . 2vo .V VV. ri V0....? r.' era h'-roby added to tho board to ba npdntod in a manner now prorid rd by law for tho appointment of tho proseDt board. Wnnl Wl Wool Wanted. wi.13 a -orrnsriEnMER ty th lilghrel Mnikot Trice for wnnl in fX cliirg tut Clolhin?,, (lil Clolb. lin; Sc., &o ke., ,Vc., Hrinj Woul and iia aa tiny as mmr goolj l si low prioes jr:t oin for Unilel Suit) g il l We bare Ihe P.ssl, Chetpeel, taU'Krst Slock of 9 10'ts w tr offire & ill pcople-'-Bow is l Ire lime iKe RCccpU rd l!me m tio rttUy it.m'l hv cmghl slrppiiif or ysti will I.n bsrito nlilcli will re nice you iinliipp fit' r i I'e lir nn.l jou wilt die poor. If you don't lik herd I lie n fo naked. Sheriff's Sale ! virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. issiii. I out nl the l'.iirt of Ommon Plnm nf snylrr ciunlr. o I tn m 1irelo I will lx . .rl t.i n He nt tb l ojrt Uju e, lo all.) llrhurx 'in Saturday, Juno 2tb, I.8T8, 10 VI'iti A. ftt. the foil' win .lotcrll.el 0.l K-tt t- wli : A neftin Trm't nf . l Hun'e lo Mr trwn'lili., Snr.ler eoiimy , l 'Hin.l l Nirlh l.y lim.l nr WI IO'V K.v!l. I.eiit i, ! rf .l.iim Alitrer. S.mth lr ln l "I .Inn V niter, Watt by Nu 1 ol J .to Swouifla, t'Oblalfilnic no Hundred Acres, more or le. whereoa are e'eete.l e-ood Two- Houe, good Hank Ham, an.t Aii,f r "uo.nll Itnir". S-Ir.l t.krn in rjti-nl.n anl to be M.I ai tlie .M)perty el Kamu.-I r. ficln, i, inM.r.M'KH. Nhorlir. June u.'Ty ly. ,INA!.CES of Mid.Jicburn Borouuh JL' an i:t .1 r, w,t. J a Jiklmco flue U r .dub n r a. r .ttikiuuiii .laae tilt. 1-;.. a. J. ; lo, i . Am .uni .i. .1 i.ii.i'n ( t lull N'taa 81 Kl 3 S fn CR. if r'i fii 110 -T t U 10 wi le .-0 1 ' l,! .UHrin S. l.illi4Ull-Lli a.-r.l,1. k f.ilu las-ii Total amount ilue i'oor t and iniujh .bcoif, I'alatfe Suo II rmni'i oa du I rat nf iv. iiranl.j I rmor u.l. B. lu bauU wi i. I. Hiaiiu I'K. ryall nanga tn le u J. J". Smith by iijrue e.j on n CO llalanee lui U .ronh llalana .lae I'.imukU .n .luiillcata f -I. M". u .i I .r.nor ii. e.i In h. .1 l .1 f. Minim Ani ent ui u t .UK !o lleato fur ik , J. if. .sunn. eul. ca. Hy auioaal of r.r.ler lir 0 H .4 il 5 j H cent eul.euilra - IlHIaVntlal illel Ilnrr.nirl ri. t. e lue II .ro i-h 'in tar:iata oi i-i i aa per im-nnnl Ai.r II v. ITT- a,ini I i mag c.,l. JJa ance tue liur .urfi a rciil. m-nt K nl n, i-re, iioj. AI j.ti I ruicr lreuure; ToUI """'" ifoana v J iJ '. J-u,, I Awlilni June Z, 1-7 J. lUl.n.'e .lue ..n .lii.'oaie nf l-rr, 1.11..01101 u'.. fi.f'lter enl. Lj 10 t.I la of i. V. Olfl'lU C'K. Hy reclpti from Tnaeurer tt ' ll erf.r a l:y alloiiaaeej e i llalar.i-e .lue lialante 'lue no .1 jr ll'a-e of ure & .r tiinT,r t I i ,.rj I haoi. i' ii. n .j lo uaO'Ij of If. w. .srcLt k. fly ree. Ipta Hy t er cent eoll.etloa la 1 1 30 4! H 71 01 Ilalar ee Sue Iijlan" il.te nn ui, kt e of i .;j I r.tti.r, r.i Jute . i-;e, N f. Hare, Col. CH. Hy re'eipte I IjJi; no l 01 in 7 nauaer Sue 4m .nB, 0, , ,,, Kmtneal e!:..ct, ';.,. 1 0 S3 1 f.H. Ky eollartfrin t ,ff n ei Hy 1 br - ret oa l: 4 ? if 11 c.jl.t'.tl'.a ti i; 1 . Ul it iialaae tjoe Trrnnitfr t A"rntntt fialvire -tee a yr iif.l not I'ir.e4 I-.. LxaiiU-.l ot,.;ti T f. aiii-..r ( am nf l Ki Hmlta i'e j e"i V I; Hare '..Oi I' W. ffrrt Ait r e d .u iiu;,lt?au, lrrs iii 1 in 4 V VI I 1-1 51 MM r;i:. fr 'f !f';!l ses 11 hi '. iirit for 'ft on r4 ' u T'j I'y '- " ' II .1 tl' Hr " 'f i-i i r Hy i " i.-j 41 ii Rtlaste 'He T-.ul aotoeat l-. ttth'M Ken1 4 1; tie u V,' t: ir,. i, ta.ii.ii A'j'll'y.rf having tin lr.a.1 the f.i .la a-.i'.ttT.. f?'i-l la.i ime ti lu , ,ui4 li tbe ben ef le-ue ul ueiuf Joll l.'K V. ft at. t'MKi ), J'.Oil MT SllAMIM)'ll. Aa !itr .r.e 11, lf?. S1500 TO A Y KA H. ere', tr. 4" a 4a? It, ,gr I. ':!. ).. 1 1. a w. fna a wall aiirao. Maay ataae lo'rra ibaa lb arb'.iifit lUtl l a rift S'. ,r.e ae fall le w.aae l.l Any boe -.b S . tte '.r Vboaee vae fr'n 4u ef i. . an f.r i f Stil'.a- year exaleea aa l I are Hue U O.a I. 'ex It KMalr. i, try n.e ii'im.1. W iwat ' ee It r.r ir...eay arar S4 bf"a rla.laa.a .laaar.t ab'l tlrV'-l' b'.er.rabte. fiaaSar, Il t'.e wai.4 f.. kbnw all e"l a- b4 aayio bibae be '..fa tii i'4'iile aa1 yeir aMra.aa.iS e will aael y, I. II y.riiirre eel M frees eaatblee in 4 el, o i..e .a lae avake er rw ai4 '! nia.n s .e It Jk'i f. ( i JO .l'i.'O'.kS He., .'ewiVfr.l. r"""""n"' mi.iii'r1,,.i0,is,-;l.. j-- v- r. vym rj . i IUck, :hft. and I?Y virluo of a writ of Von. Kr fa. ! S vXft t".;o P.O V-VL- S 'ifumvUoti Ml . 1 ' .nr.l ;l i!.e -,.nrt ol '..nvnm m PI... v ,A n t V- S I tircimn ntlivli" 1 II r. .1 .i, cr cum, nn 1 1., mi .ur rte.! will i.e il' j r.0. iFalA iiiiifonlini m".licino lo - - 0 -- -J IHif. e-- aiiM t --.- w..n ell . lw Ail. I in- I r...rrt- ..I .!.. i lrr'i.trt ; 1 e3i0 ' ,Va ' ( l f ; .1 l A . ie 10 .uiiiHicofe . I.. '.pi a t ai5 . v ,. ('.i:5:( 1.'..' n. i-.i.i.i:.v i, ij.ts .c.vr.vv; 'i 'i i iv n M t l 21 l ciiAiiirio" REAPERS A XII MOWEieS!! Sola at Greatly RUM Prices ! WFi soil tho f'bamp'on Renpera A Mor rugAPKU (lio any ronriny line entraf'S In th inouferture of Inicblnea In the United Nletei ! I M SKI,',. Fimom roiraii p r'.nnl In'rre', Tour cuiivet.en ir on I your ur. a, and m. Ine our .Tnflhln' p'irc:tti an ntiiof raamlneour llachlne f if y ueolr- d io'i !rt Inierntel m-t" iiii. ye. by n Irmnlne o i-n an I fril-l .a ilulr own, fr r Iurchal0i( the i.e.t ( t:ier ry l.iwno A tare W GUARANTEE SATiSFACTI DM Hi ell tvn, Fall en irtinent of M tn'iinet n I iir.o.rr .'n'tnnilr on b nl. Kir fiirtbif nr. tlr.ilori !.ly lo .1. '. IM- lll. e' t'letentril II .tel. .li.llietr, or Ik) i;.jat 01 at Solln. nro re. Kl till, UHOS. June 1J, l7 It II. J. SMITH, Physician & Sarfjonn, Fi tm ml, .S' o I f Ontnlj, iffrrj h' prf.falonl lerTleua to tbe rni-tle. ofll.e os Ma4n ttreet. June U, 'u, ; OLD m RELIABLE, s JTht HAFono'a Lrvrn IffrtiKmAToiiJ Vowtnlilo. Tt nnrsr De-bilitntoa It is f v vi em-, ti i l" AV.J (.J, I il, g..l, V l. i.l. U. SSVrYO.KC.Vi i .ie rat tt,i.r nn t rr.ti. in us ain ruiui. .W1lV)Ml.iiinM.1v,VHiv A .'JICTO.TOJ-U MflTIOr I i yii.i n i i i in i .i i n vi i t v. I. i.e l t i.m nl a-l p I ri jt ri. I In n (n II.. r.,l..i. ul nil. I i rli'f I' lii .'I vtun tio-Mi. Miy ler ..unw .li". Latin U rn v"m el t O.o, all inim lini.wl-. ILatrulvi. Ir.Sol t I tj rat. I conl nr. r..t. 01 lo ujtititf t ti ri i'o w'.illv II... to Laili.e r.i-.i!li rree:il t'ie.u ilniy auLeull O'itii I r.i r citluinLint to I.I.MA S n.'X'K, lay vm, ': i. Ad.iiliiimrot. r C f iVJ'wuS 'r? vYt vt I .',1 i''r'V uitr o.Tn t-"Tn. nn-l I V.I ik trUI wiii. .ut n. ihrti.e.t .-.i-rnnty .-T. er rtert i nr in..o nil m.r to i glim-ow'sof tlio f.iv.-r, Stoimioh Hfiil 11 . ry .1 wr SCuthartioaud "7lA V , t it -is re rr r i' l -. .i tAW . O MiO . V- VU UihMeP,pts. (CS.v'.jt ..flV MrJ'-V Itrrr frr.i.ior.i'.jf I.i il i r iiis-.v r.irn. i.iu rlinnii tr n.itlilni: j rlre nt.tll yu irn r.r fmr... w ,t y in .I.i nl il.e hi.1o w .r. Ni r.ii'i to i'X,ililu jl'lire. Y on m -lex. in it y.iur 1 1 tit or.nly i ytir rrirn ttir.e ti Urn", un I mike I iirrat .y ..r e.if) li. tir IU..I y i urk. ' vo-i n i.iikv ui u.u si ti. tni.ii. Kcu I fir 4t.- rMI i-rlnie Ii r"i. vol n-i-ti.'-jl in. whtnii vio iiihII (l itli. Ireo. Il .u'l fni.!.in nf t.r.l it., e wit ey u lt . e su.U a ch ia AI-ilrn- II. II I I. Kit & l.'i ., l' I, Mains. Jut.e CRAY'S TRADI MtRK. SPECIFIC MCDICINtf , Th nrr-tlnfc TRADE MARK, or 'ail tr COfw f fb.', Imj-Jta-HCf , r. !) tjifwfv f aattM-a trff He If IlffortTtkinkT. Abw; is. ot An-r1klnf. HwMrt. t'ittl t.Mltui, Tala in Uw Twk. Mnaw.n Vuin, rrwiun CKJ ml ninr f.-icr Vi! Ua tevl 1ciiH of IV .nrti b. atid PrurmiBfc Orti". CTFuil rtkylr la nnr jtmpMK, tica 4elntt a-1 turn hf nll U twrj ita. t7Tbl H t& HeikdDt 11 hf ad Jintiw i f 1 k Pc. or lit aiKke:' h m tl M l frtej (. BedU. Ul rM4lpl Of tt DeUJI t4 the coat ncDime co., tiriunc i Dwca, Denrvt, Mice. -s.,n in MldJlbur all .IromliO'. aoJ ev.rywni. o l.y .Tune 5,'7'J ly PUBUC SALE ! fPill' Heirs of Jeor?o Arboffaht , -a. oer-n tiiep.iau lo I'm iio Hale, oa the 1 .reuiueti ca I Sutur.lay, Jinn 21st. 1879. the f'.ll '.win .l.'rlil Heal K'lvte ltat In v-i ISmvrr l.iwnini.J tulii VI .-.t ol A.lainn. I orir, in', ler rnun'i, i'a b.jua.lel aJ iioamo- e I aa Ml'ix, t i wll : I .t au 1 . ,y I m l m I rl.n Ar.. nt-i. Nonu i,r liol -I Wu. II . I Irl k uA .10 lU'i Weal by Ian I of Altlu L l.ii. oi.otlaio loo . a: mnre or la. a, alcut ao Arrea cler, ur. ler trior) i.n'-a an'i in a i. uti . laio nr cuitlwtli.t, ill-l- rer-raea n'n iiirnunii tt.e Ium .areilaut waiarato.e II. una ar 1 litrn Hie kalann. vi Srraa w Ii rat witn tlmtiar : wbnra'.n are erect, el a i n r -ti;f Mr le i il welling i in if si:, ha. k a. inx, an. nmer nano.'try ..ul hull 1101 ill the tin. ,r.,7nm.n'a are In i ooereulent to Market wil ecli i. ill. A Co.. I OiiCJUJil) of rhoi-e fruit lo Learlnif aa 1 la a tlirlrloir COl . I. I'.U. Hi tn eornme nre at 1 oVIore p tn. of (al l 'lay tekei. lerua will b tua.Je lie "0 by i.lfc II I.IIIH of (L u. Arua.t. May. , la;. PRIVATESALE ! Ferm looalr I la I'crrj lownalilp, Hnyd-r e.iiniy I'ann , l.rnn.led aa t'.llowi 1 1 wit ' On l ie MnrOi by Ian I of l.arl.l 'i'.yA.'l ll,ri.','..r a. S I Ilarkl r, e ti.e U e-t by Ian I I m al Ari.nya.t a..j I .no oaln.t. '.a ti.e H-.i.tu iy l.ib'l of lllliiy Waaner, ' ii tl a Kail by lauu ol Abocr Mftfiir. I.'ibtnlblbif r,o aci:i:s. Bh lima l eril.aa. a Sr W ll'i' sr 21 l. new II i'au Corn ll ..ia an.t I .'al'.kau II . u... w.', II hm aoS biii'ibe ll'i.iaa, Mnew ll'iua. it" r"l water, alu, a""l r i. ili. wat.r In ti.e lure y.ri. 'it. inebecK Ike farm auk ail aiB'ia or yi,it A. llaa, fa, b. a fhi lata ..I i.iililralura au.l ell a a la aj'ro. l feuoe. iiamaoe la GOOD TIMBER, nvn ea,i. Wnlie o.k ao l yellow lli.e, 4 be Mia r ,.) iiimi te II us; laaulna from MKe , r.lla bo llbf,a.. ami eofc yaulaol i . I I... b, Hub'nl aS Mark.l. ir-oiMS l.a.V-l.r brilulara eall oe or eSSr-aa Ibe,a. I tt, w III eiai.abae JrKll A iUbl..ii fan at " 4 1'Iimi i MOWAkliO II. Mll.f.l.n, Ai.iaa. I', ti aailM ilt. 'a "3 II. T. IIELIiIBOLD'S COJIIMHIAJ) Fluid Exlracl I'll A RM ACE L'TIC A L A SPECIFIC RCKCDY TOR ALL Diseases OP TUB Bladder & Kidneys. TYr PeWlily, Loaa of Memory, po- llii.n lo nr Hoinre. Hlioriiiese of I'.renih, TronMe I viili Ihniijr'iu ef irare. iiinne t Vtion. I'n'n In Hie Itend, of II I ooil In Coumcunticf, and l'ry are allowed to po on, pi 10 I ila an. I ton 'iiru Ihe cniiaiiiiiii in (iiim I ho nld of tin alrcngllicn Aud i rccrilu' I I'sicum CI uvci li KH M l"KRllt:A, m:i KA l.l.I . M-:rvuisM:s.i, DVSi'i:istA. lMiii'.:sTt"N', (.(i.s.--iir.TiuN'. AC UtM AMI PA IX., . i;EN'.:t!Vf, PKi;tLi i v, I hll'NKY M.-K K.!'S, LIVKK ( 'i I l i'li MNT, :l!o. pkbihit, 1IKAO I'Kl'fnLCfl, i'a k alvsi.s, i; ili-uealtii, jl'INAfi MSKAjtUJ, M I AMI A. liKAKNKrf!, 1'Kl'l.lNE. Ll'MllAO ), (.ATAUI'ir. Nl.!'.VH:.5 ruMIT.MNT.. r LM.ll.K ff)MI L I., A.C. ilrndndie. I'Mri in tlte Slioul 1. r, Coupli Mllli.'n.. .llr Siniii'vcli. Eria.iiin. I'm. I ! I'anit' in ho M. iilli. l'ul niiui i..n of t lie- I I'm-I, 1 i : u in li... r.'iii'.ii .. Hio lvi.liiy. nu 1 ik I o Ji: - in I oilier ..iiurtil eyuiitouie, oro the o!r.r.r:iijj i l'; sj otu. RelmbOId's Bnclin I8VIQCEATES THE STOMACH. An 1 aliniulelce llio Torjild tiver, llowliia. ami Kidnoya to lit ill hy iiciioa, in cle.iii ainif. Ihe liluod of oil iuinit;iic, uu.l im. inning now life aud vigor to I bu whole nyalura. A airiglu trial will be quite pitfKcipot In Ooneirure ilie ei'jat lieailotiug of il s eiilua tie remedial 'j niliiicu. PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE CR SIX DOTTLES FOR $5. Ilellvcre 1 to any addree fret from ct- eertoiloa. "I'atienle" roar connull liy leller, re eelving ilie eame aiteniinn nt l.y cslllng, ij aoaweriDg lue lonuwin queatione; I. Give your name and iotolTiice ad iirena, cuuuijr nnd ottite, and your uvureal t.tjjreia olliue ? 2. Your ax and ae.X t rl. Occu ntlon f 4, Married or einle 5. flclglit, weight, now and In health ' a, Uow long lioee you been sick 7. Tour cootlileXiou, color of bair and eyee t H. Hieing you a etoo ing or erect gall t 'J. H'l'ilo wiiliout reeratloa all you know about your cie. fcncloae one dol, lar aa eouauliaiion . Your lntlnr will ihen rccelre our aliviiiion, and e will Kive you il.e nature of ymir .1 i mu u aud bur cadii iii.lulou O'liioaruing a cure. 'omiieient 1'hyeleUne ailrnd lo corree- bondeiite. Alt hi I or a eliould be addreee- rd lo timiianaalory, I lil 7 filbert rUretl, t'liilaleltibla, J'a. H T HELMCOLD, Irugglat and dieinlet, 1', J'a. HOLD KV.UVVllLi;Ie. Melt. 6,'rjjf, S. WEIS, . -- v.-& .. .-. J la!;o plcaanro in nouoir.icinjf to tha public generally that I atn Dow fUj;, ficpaied for Iho PxL'MMEK THAPK. I korp constantly on bind tie, largest aesoi tment of Notions and Fancy Goods in tho county, qiu pecinlly this aoason I bavo a lnrger stock than evor boforo. Ladies Linen Suits, ladies Linen Suits, in hn-j;e vtu h'ly. PARASOLS iind SUN UMBRELLAS. SUE1MER SHAWLS. SUMBIER SHAWLS. r . . tfl J 4M Mt auramer asms- ians. fans, Fans Summer Skirts, Fans, Fans. Fans Corsets & Kid Gloves, Corsets & Kid Gloves, a spocialty. Ilavinjj tho Afjenry for ono of tho largest New York Corsci licu- es. I would cull particular attention to my DRY CtOBS derni tment wlu'eh is full nnd can pie to.' .CALICOS & MUSMNS in lnrger vxtiotica than other bonso in tlio county. A full lino ot i.b:ss (.Ei-turns, la was, iicqui:s, etc. flrent IhiifriinH in CJA.18 I'JC'I', Ollj CInOTI 1 X MVr'J'llNCi. Call aud oeo what wn Imvo (o olfer, whether you ptivdmso or not. (Jut ;;ood.i nnd our inieiH y, ill unit you. Oct. If!. 7.1. MAOHilE II o Lis wm 1 IIIJ Sales of 1S70 over Salca of 1G70, 223,599 chines. A Three-fold Increase! WASTE SO Mi'StV ON I N 1' U 11 1 0 H ( :J L' N T E It I' E IT 3 . v ea MUCUS Of Till! OKSl'IS'B OUUATLT UBIH'ED. All Former Years Ouldone. t "i !lil i i . nod 7 lS BE O IN ANY PREVIOUS YEAR. HPKCI Ala 1VOTIOK. Manynhnfloa have prown np niiiler tho old bVHtoni 'f aellin Howinj luachinoa thtouli ".Middlemou," Mh'it.0 cnjii.lity haa often lo l to niiarvpreuoutntioa und fraud. For tho jToti ction f tho piiMicnnd oursulvos ve Imvo ahamhned this xrmlr. )n rniciuit y.ii . Wo have nholiahod tho "luiddlvmun" and soil dii'irtji tlirumjh our i"ii tuiliirial ir;i iit.t, whom wo are ublo to control. Wo can tbtm givo to ffi'ivy purruiner of u (ionuino Singor Sowing Mn chino tho nuniiity of n comji'iny of 2.1 yours standing, that any machine sold hy n 'Singer'' neut in exactly what it ia reproaontod. Tho ditferenco hctwcuii mich n (,'iiiirntity. and tho miarranty of an irre. Hpoiifihlo, hiiory ennvHseoi', whom tho purchaser lias never soeu before uud niiiy never buo ii;;niii, ia too r.uukod to loijuiio oouitncut. W'v Wi.rrftiii lVi'-'y irlacliluc Sold by us. Tho fiinpor Cotnpuny Lavo catnllinhcd An oflico in ULSH'3 DHUO STOUK, hKr.INStJUOVK, 1'u, Machiuoa will bo sold on tuoinstallmanl plan nt rcdueod prices. T. il. KF.SS I.F.I.,) March 27, 'VJ Cm. WEST JERSEY MARL AND TRANSPORTATION IMPOUTANT '.I'O KAIIMKllN..Wi art anw ira.ararl to ilellerr llila urtly i alal.rata.1 Marl at I'ulnta aliin ti.e H. k I.. $1. pe Inn. Ao anal). la nf loo i, ul llila iilarl Inane Irmu a uuilurm alloa aut I mm Ilia laeawf tb I.11 1. K, in. 1 1 1 Ueurae 11. Cuok.riiale lleulbgial ul Maw Jeraey, eliuwe aa Islluwe I rii'iai'itiiNiu AilH a lu Ilia. 4ti t HI ll.a, . T In Ilia, a 4 I'l ll.a, kllUlua, nii.ii l i in A no, I iiTAalt, l.lMr, HUnaaalAi Ti.e Weat .leraey MerirnnitKiar have Ihelr Marl eul lr..Bl the tn le the knttnat er Ike kerli aini ikeruualiia u.laa'1, abil lliea iaii(e lliaiutelvee t eu'ily Mall lo Ilia aniile aeeli fW.. llila Marl la eila.ita.l to a II eleatea nf anil end eniia, ana nliloerem teatliaualaleeaa k. tkewl ffvi la.iuera aail Iruuabiau ul II leuiaiklilila wuriU kla PERMANENT FERTILIZER. , llaa.itiiilliiatiia ul I'liiiai.tmrle Aalfl anil I'nia.b alnli make llatenae the rkeaput Ikd keel Hit nun a, an. I nf ai'lual value Mi Ilie larmere ol tuftker luluriwelluM, a will be la kf Hupt. U, '78. Selinsgrove, aii--.c--rVJj Koipcclfnlly. MB eejS THE MARKET Ma. M 'M fMN BCLINSOROVE, FA. -a AI.HWINI. l'ainiilD0 H0 Wiii, I in Itw. If IB Il.e, I I lo Ike. Tutal IW lire, utel .1 iwr kaeiiel el ,U ier luk. . . ......a 3. CUOVHK, Apt., Mlildlutttftf, . MOKMNI'KCUT, Ayt.1 Krt.WH.;
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