Transplanting Tobacco. Ia New KnglnnJ to'nco plan's rarely transplanted befors iL first of Juns, anl froru this time un til ths 15th of J uue is ooiimJ red ' (Id season" fir planting thorn in the ficll. At tho South tru(iplnr.tini bogfns in May aoJ comini.a nil through 111 J tuooth. A wet tLy in cooxiJeroJ the host tiino 1) Irat.e plsnt, whether the plant belou to the tobaeco or caSbsiro family. If a wet day Is clio'oa tl.o hills will doI roqaire watering either btfro or af ttr traolnnini?, as will i ncecmr j when circtim-tanct a are exactly the rcTorgf. Thu trat'Hpliin'cr takes th" I plant(us soin as it is droppnj on tho hill) in ono haul, an l with tv fn Rora of liia riht han J inukci a LjIo la thO 111 II to tin) depth ol shout two, or tWO nnd ft Lalf io.rlws, ilortin ' n , the plaut atid get' prcnsitijj tho earth around it. It will bo well , in view of tho ravage of tho cutworm, to "act'' two pi to tit io ovcry filth or eilth hill, or pl;int t0 eodlii)j;s lo cver hill of tho 8?veutli tjw. J'or Lps the former luodo ia prcfcrahlo. If tbo ccuhiu ii very dry duiin tho period of transplanting, the ace llina amy requiro wntorio onco or twico ftftcr they hnv been luti'.eJ. ?omc of the New KnLinJ growora cover with raoi "ouko'l in water and re now ia a dy or tw. Thin is a good way whi'n tho plania ure trans planted in a very warm day. A la Toruble tmio for ttatiiplauliug i art Lour or two bo Tore Minset. l'jntrr ia ofton used niter tr.iii'p'untintr, us n email quanti'y foiittorc 1 uronnd tho roota of tho plant retains tho nioia tore nnd in also some protection Ogaiost the attack of the cut-worm, tilt h io no way a "."pceilic." Two Danica are used by tobacco growers to dosigmito jjood and poor plant. InNowKnglanl gool plants that liavo broad h'aves uml lunp; roots nrc called atonky plantii, whilo Ion?, vol low and po'ir rjotcd socjiujrs nro called K)inJling plants, and with Sootlicro pluatura aro known ns Ioni ehauk plants. A loliacco plant nny liavo BiimH top leave, but il it han good roots it will thrive, if ether cir cnnirttanccs nro fuvoruhlc In New Englund, whoro Connrctiotit seed Jcnr is planted; fi OJO plants t th'e aoro will be f.niu-J enough whci plant ed in rows throe and a half I'- ot apart nnd twontyfour inches in tho row. avana seed tobacco is plantol niii-KBr, ana irrijucntiy , ,uu'i, in Borne ioHtances 7,50 , aro "set" to the ncro. Tho Cmt variety ia ordinny eeasons will yielJ from 1,800 to 2,000 pounds to tho acre, and (ho lullei sort from 1,200 to l,5o pouu la. It Is nbaola'cly necessary to got "a good Bland,'' as tho Southern planters say. If tho scod is to do well and grow at onoo, Late Bolting makos poor leaves, and much nmro rink attend, its growth whoa tho plautiug is de lay od. Speakimj ol uiakia applo trees loar fruit on altrruato years or every year, the Rimtl Xct Yorker ro latea thi : Many years ago a friend Of tllina linl a tn-nn nnnhi ,1,.,, U1IU0 u,u OOftU OppIO tlOCS that were oonring heavy crops or apples evory other year. Ho wished fruit every year, so ho took a lonij pulo the trocs woro lareo and gavo thoiu a heavy beating on oao ni lo, or bat f ofthetreo, just os tho fruit was about the aizn of hickory nuts, knock ing off oil tho fruit on tho south Hide CI iho trocs. Tho result was as eaw for sovaral years, that theso trees Lore hoavy crops on ono bido one year, and next year a heavy crop on the othor i-idc. so that Tor niauy years be had plenty of apples for homo use cvory year. His troos stood in a rieh Boil that was anoaully cultivated- no grass Bud ovur tho roots. A Qcntkmun of Evorctt, Mass, has putsuol successfully tho follow iog maanor of raising spuaahes : Ilo f.rat dug a etnall holo fur each bill, ioto which ba puts a liberal duantity of maouro and covers it lo the dapih of an ioch or tw with soil. The wholo is thou covored with coal u.-h es, with which tho holo is fitlud, and the Boil on tlio manure is covorod. The seed is planted, or pluuts sot, ia tbo ashos diroo'ly ovi r thi manure. At each booing a fioh supply ol ashes Is scattered around tl.o plout, which aro Hiuh kept entirely from grubs, whilo lu his experioncu every bill planted without as Los will bo de stroyed. Ue of Suit on tho Part i. The use of salt in tho caro of farm nnl Tools Hem lo aid an economical di geslion, and a-sists a-siiuilatl'm of the requisito normal amonnt of food ; wniio it la alao believed thut it mokor be flesh harder aai gives tbo animal 'inctioDB more regular nnd health; tlon. In England the average 41 allowance of salt is for calves O. ounoe per day, year-old - animals ' thru ounces, fattening oxco six ttDoessnd milch cows four ouooea. EtiDsp.'ft is said, will never stray fro cs oeloaorea where salt is kept fur taslr oooaUot ose, providod, of course, raontag watat Ualso found ia the rtart.-. j PAPER HANGING. mm J..W, M. Chamberlain, tutor. M aervlrna lo (hi eliitena of s h'i..r h .Irion ountloi. He In Pari. II al I'ttar-hana-ar and can tila wnk h w-II and a. aho i a. in t. i ni anywhere. II on bs aoeo ur add..' I at SELINSGOVE. SNY0E3 CO., PA. T-Order. p rnmptly attended to-aa having; hnuae. to paper lit 'I Letter li roane.r.yi,. M t ayy. The Great Causo of Human Misery. ,W I'ubli.ffl in a Sniliil Kureliyw. Pi i ti' 11 nl A t rrtnra An the Vnfitr Tptmnnl and tin heal cire of Ko.ninnl WeuWs, ;rSP-rn.M,rrh..erln Inee.) hy M(.V,- I nuntii nl nt'tf l-.miMwl 1 11 Irtmuli Iwv i'. ' mim lfi-luliiy, I Impr 'limviiiH loMnroj Irllf' nn,-r,'n, v.,, .,,.n i:rPeP.y. I Sit --HT ll'JlltKr J. Clul KLL, M. nulbor nf lh "(Ircvn ILiok,'' Ao. Th orl l-ri'nnwnp.l nulligr, In thin ml. mirnlilo l.pcturc, o'curljr prntp from hip own f xporionri. ihit the nwful cti iUf nom of (rlf.liui imy he c If oel u nl !y rrmoTPil willioiil mi' Iicin, nn I wlHimit ImgiT'in Mirgicril rrMi.)li, hniinie, Innrumnil", rirf'i, or cirJiul" ; foimiup wt a moil? of cure at once erriain nii'l effectual, hy which rcry mifTerrr, no mat Iit what hi c ti't:i lii miy I'C nny cure bimelf clieaP1y, .riuli'ly in.l re licilly. HiDimmriii nml l!iintiil.i u I I i .!. .1 1 hi u ii i r si.hi, in.. ( urn,.i, ceni or No poinre piiinpa. Ai!'lr- I li 1'ulili-lirrn. TI1K ri'I,VKHWKI.l, MPMOAl. r.). t Ai.n Hi.. Si Y .rk ; To! uanjo Ii.,a 4jC Scjit. ?, 1 'I, ly. QHOSS lUIOTHEHS, Manufacttircre of an.l Jenlersin all kin Jw cl ,mu. TiMnr.n, lumiuiu, l'ALINU, SIUNULKrf, hATII, I FMioMND, rig., shamokln Daw, .''ny Ur 'ouiily, I'a. AH or.lcr Priuifilv lillil. H'alnit, Chrrry, l'oj lar, an.' Linn f.umtif t 1S53. 71. 1873. lliirlnv a.lfipt" I the motto of the "Nuiiii r Sixi-km :t," the i l.i. Til. ur w I rail tim nl. ..I i ho i.u He l i tlia l.ict thut La bn a... ic l ILo CASH SYSTEM, ar t li.roatler. wl'l .ell iron.l. entlrolvt. rl'ASII or ruulil cl; r ut.llcl that II lUo tittc syiriu nl -l .itiu i.ii-iiii;-., ; Ha i-.iuf lnnp In Liinn till lian.l a mil. r.itl . n.l : wall ralwieil .luek ol I DRY COUDH, CItOCKKRY, GROCERIKS, li(J0Td & SllUIiS, HARDWARE, CAIITETS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL IAt'Elt, siion FisDisas, FISH. l'A 1 NTS, LEATHER, OILS, fii'., AC, dC. wMrti ho otlrr. to tha puhlte at very ureatly re ilucadc.tali 1'KltJl.s. With thank, to my ol.l ru.t.imar. for ihrlr rnnnua itir munv J ear. nl llio pnt, 1 w.illl.l .nllolt lliolr ril'lmn l ir tlio liiluro. hop 'in,,, ihoy will bo bonelUto.1 Ly tlia cbuni;o, i: wolla. Yoorhumll" -orvant, W. y. KCKIiRKT. S.llnvrave, Nept.:.1.;t. "EMPmF AND SEPA11ATOK. A Sl LM'KST IMI'KOVEl) Triplti ii. o 1 M'f & ,!Wni!!!'ief Horse-Powers. T 1 1 . a a ' ronaDie uteam Lngme3, Steam l'otver Thresher nn4 Peparutor. rilllE EMPIRIC is tho most nrrf,.nt 1 Oraln Tliresh. r. Haver an.l Uloauur in the w i.r 1,1 . Tha FMI'inK 1. n ilcl lor In Slmtlrty, IniraOI'liy, tur Tliraiilr.o Sm.itji. Ii.x, un.l (.leaiiiiiK o. ,iln n: all Klnd, i iumii. ii, I'nt. nti' l Iiui.rnv i. ion is, j:.y Paeillnir an l MamiK moot. I.ll,tu...j nf Dr ill, CUoai,. '--- ' 'i i r.i-K mi r 1'ur furilirr liil rmitl.,n rail m or aiMrea. LEr;JA,'ilN ULRICH, Agent Juno 13, 1H It. Kidiungrovo, l'u SEL1HSGH0VE MAEB1EW0EE. Th noilorlirnel havlnir pnroha.. these. In.Kr.ivu Mariiie W ork., ha I. now lully pra I'Aiu'i w uiauuik.'iyiB. MfluuiKculs A n j Hcadstcues. thin luinmor at nrlnoi moeh li.war linn, f.iro, and luwer than ka. ever b.en done In the c.'uui y. Ila-lnitiunreealveilalara lot or Ile.lnn., o all tha liit.'t .tylo. of .Mnnuiurnt. l.rvl at. r.., I am al.le tu ulva .nil.iacilon In .tylu. and prlro., (n all ti.t lli tu ilaunrala the irravna of a di.partcd friend with a neat, ckc.ii MolillMii-iil, 'I'uiiili nr lleNil-liiui-. I have a '.. inmla arralnxotnantii, an a. to l.e ahlu to un .hurt, Narl.lo, Sund- ainna, or anv other aiii'i ol Hour and Window Slll. at url.'e. lo ault It., I'ero.n. In naad ol any ol th. ah..v artlol.. will v. money l.y ralllnit al the Mellnauruve Marl.lo Work, bafire purolmlnit I nl .i ksop Uauk'a I'aient (lalvaulied Orav iiiaru. lor aaia, Ira itinerant atvltii. lloiur and aea. tcir.Mr. J. II, Lonfr, of Adam.bur, I agent for the uuilorslgaetl where all or era, will reoeiv prompt altenllon. Uai, T-tr. V. L EANTNElt QE0RC1E 0, DENFCIt. County Surveyor. Kratzerville, Snyder County Penn'a. Burveylng and Convayanolug promplly anil akillfulljr aiteoded to. A akare .of ib publlo'a.patronage salioitad. Juf Uik, '78, pd. JlUorncjs-Ai-Tsiw. T, N. MYERS, A ttorncyAt'Lmr, Ml.ldleritirjr, Penn'a. All profmulnnal n'rutl ta hl Care will receive pr.iinpt at'.rntion. U .oauilatl aa lu i. tuliili acd O.L I'VTt. JACOB OILP.EKT, Attorney-A l-L,av, Mll'lil.l'.llfUfi, l'A. A11'.ul.c-a en'ruatal lo til. care wilt receive prompt it)iitl jn. Julyjj, T-. l. lowei;, AnonNEY-AT-LAVV, MUblhhurfl. Pa (U.TJee In ofllee of J. P. Crunialtler, tan, ) rolla.'Coaa 'made. Consultatlona In Knstllnh and Oerni.ti. .luno I I, 'Ts.if. M. h. SCIIOCU, ATTOSUEY-AT-LAW, AVw J.riVil, Vnion Co. "x. rr. f.'KI inal hn'inni iilnilel to hn eiro will rb.'. l irom.t aid-Titi Junv j,;!". Attorney & Councilor-At-LiT, Ulee In Arp'. IHIMtng nn .1 or North ut tli liytn.. Hotoi, Srlltinrnt r, I'oiict'il. rollrtl .n" n ail "thr imf Mlnital Ml pen I. miirlip.) an.l r!ll rev ive ramtnl ti 1 lr.iu'il Apr.ll.' t rcuoxMTr7f.rTir ATl'UHNF.V AT T.AW, Middlclmrjr, Tn., 0(Tcr lil r ro(pslonftt prvfe to the pii'.- lic. Coileelit.ns an t all other rnf"inTinl Tniinrn fi'inmiel to liia cure will rrreue '"t,rmrt aiuniion (J an M'.Tlf ni J. SMITH. ATT'iHNKY AT I. AW. MUiM.HH lid, SN V K I II :., l'A a. OUrr. hi. tl SttIo.. to lti ( abll OiMUlutlnn la l.nitll.h an.l Uorman. P. J. R. 7A-.LLTA1 .i TToi:xr:r.. t-la rr Jfi'fjf.'iitiufif. I'ih'oii Count i, Pa. All t.'l-ln. s r.trll-tr.l t'i hi I'lre will hpII an.l lulihliillv titH'Ti tnl I... Will pmrtlo .1 t;ic no. uml c.mrN il .ml nili'imln.' mi. t Cm !.-c.iiiHuhr.l In I )r Koull-h ..r ilcmiaii Imik'iK" Oct.rii. 'T;uf flllAULKS IKlWKi:. J ATTOHNTY AT LAW. Si'liiK'iMve, Pa. "Tors Iih prof.'.lnnnl m Icei to I he fai lle. Cnlli'i'tinns nn. I nil oilier frnf.'oainnal ti'jin' enlriisicl lo liix eure will re eeiw ironi'l attention. Office two.lior anrtli of the Keysloiie Hotel. I Jan 5, 'liT T m. mn n". " A II. dTi.l ( to J. y.H .?. M, I. Inn,) AI'liiUNKVH AT LAV,, l.ew inlinr, I'll OVer their f rofeioniil eorriees lo the pnlilic. t'lillecliiinn nml nil oilier fr- ie-ionnl luninesj otilrniio.l to ihelr enre til ffinniil vnnrnTii ill i.IIai,I inti f Inn ft 'I'Tlf W. .4 N. I POTTER, ATI OH Y'VS AT L w. Kolin.sijrovo. Fa , OfiT their pi'.if. . 'ional eervin-a to lh pulilio. All le,iil liiiinerntriiic.' toll eir ear will receive fr. tnpl at'enlmn. Olli one iloor ahov i!ie New I.nlheran Church. July. Aih "il. ! - A M !' Kt. AI-IKMAK nilUAIK AI.LtMAH T ATT TJTVT M TT ; S01T. A T TOIi N 1 4 IS A T LA II'. Ki.'liiifiyro vi-, All frofeioioiinl bnionen nnl colleoiinp eiilrnste.l lo their jure will he pruiitpilv atlene lto. I'nn lu eoiiMilte l in Knli.-i or Oeriiinn. Otlice, M.irke S.ii.ire. It. If. tirimtn. Wm. II. Mill. G1UMM tSf.Dir.U Attorneys & Counselors A T-LA li', Oflleo Near tlio Port Ofiioo. Ii'liiirc, l't'iiii'a. Ciin.ultntion in bulb Lugli-!i ni l imtmi'ii. Linsunues. Dec, I '"Jlf. ii vitr.v.s o coiiM'.r.irs. J ' Vt trm.v-vVt-l .n-w, .Wm liirlin, 1'iiinn Count;, Pit run he eoniulir.l la KnKlltk or Herman. Way IM, JOHN II. ARNOLD, S- DISTRICT . ITTOLWh' I, MIDDLEHCBO, l'A t'rnfuasinnnl luislne. cniriislcil to hi. care wil! ho prompt Iv attended to. Kcb T THOM1VON lUKKR " . Vttl'lliIV-lT -TjIVW, twlsliurg, Uniuu Co., Ta J.rCan bo oonaulleil in trie UngliBli nn Gorman lunnnnp...."i(a OKKIt'll Mnrkot Street, oproalte Wnllj Sut i t b oil Oo'a flora 8 4'.ly M. I'FAHLKR, ' ATroilSEV.At-LAW, Mihlkhurg, Pa. Ofllco in tho Court House AM loiiil liiMintira and tho CdleiMiun ol cl.iliua uttondo.l tu. May, J 7,', If. WM. VAN OEZF.if, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LowiMburj Pa., OlTert tits frnfnaslonal acrvieo to be pnH lie. Colleelioiis ami nil oilier 1'iofc.niou al huxiness entruNieil to bia caro will re eeivn prompt attention. . PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. MELINSOIIOVE, SNYDEH COUNTY, I a 8ept.l6, 'OTtf A C. SIMPSON, - ATTORNEY AT LAW, Noithutuborhmd, Pn. JTois bl f rofesalonal aorvicea to tba f ub In. All busiiion enirumed to hi) oare will bo prunipily atleuded lo. IJan. 17, 'C7tl MUEL H. ORWIO, ATTORXEYATLAW, .11 1 nil a burg-, In I on Co., l'n: Olftc net door to Telegraph Prlntlnii o.Uc., Physicians, ftc. DR. J. Y. SI1INDEL, SUHQEON AND PHYSICIAN, Middleburp, Pa, Oder hi. professional lorvloca to tba all. taeas ef Middleburc and vleinity.- Mara ii,'07 Thy si dan v. ftc. JHS RANAWEL A SAMPSKL, PHYSICIANS AND SUAGEONS, Ontrnllle, nydr to,, l'n Oflnra hit frofoMlonal rerTioea In (lie nublio. 0 38tf J J. KCXKKRT, SU.1CE0N DENTIST, K( Kll..UrV5 liT.OUK, S'tiingrmv, 1'rnn'a. I'rot.nlonal lailne'. ii'rompVlf attn.!l lo, May -.-i. '79. JO-SWELI. KOTIIIIOCK, PHYSICIAN & SURGCON. Middluburg, l'a OfTerp h' frol.'nlonit 'ttrUn to tlio U."nt I Mi l U)i 1 vl iluliy. A.r. 3, H i. fj. I. GUIEIt UAU15EII, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. having t icaleJ at M I LiPLEB I' R't. PA., ol'io a fo il.mrs Wsul of I lie CourlhuiMe. in UfaviT'a llrick I iiilJin, cllcr hie fro-f-nelmirit nerTie-a 11 Hie public. lie I eln l'.ngli.b anJ Ocrnun ' O et.l'.'TS. I )i:kcival nr.nM.vNN, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Knil-.irvilli', Smjtltr Co., Pit. iirf hl i-if,il iitl i.-iM. t th'lllii i.l Kra'lrtlll) in I t Irln 1 1 y. m 2',V yyn. .v. m. smith, P11YS1C1AX AXD SUROEOX, Offers Ms fr.ife. clonal .ervlees tft the eltl iii of Ahinishiir; nn'l nieinily. Heft, Vl F. VAN UirSKlUK, SLilOICAL St Mmi MCAI. rEXTIST SeJIiftrrnve, Ponn'n. .luetic s of ihc l'eacc. JIIXH SMITH, jEsticc cftlis te&teyanccr, JU'ivrr $rhif?st Snytfrr Co., ri. AH olIa1 liMlnrn 1 kl"K Vp f tlonn fct, rnintiy n'tor Icit in. ootl', ui .1 tTiit- tim ronipM) inti-le. Mity li.V t. yiLLlAM II. SNVDEIU Justlrr f tlio IVnrp. Salom. Snyder County Pcnn'a. All Coll.Ttions promptly nmdo. nud rcmilances Nov. ai.'r tr. saac i;i:avi:r, : J U ft 21 01 Ol Til Is ' R JO i i Hit 'I Oilloclor . Mil l'eli'irp, fn I r t'liiiity. Pa Pp. r'al allot. ti.n pai l to eoll" f ill kin -. Item tlano". will ho uiii lo r ti..i.t!v for all o.i'!Mli iti. in i le. Mar. '.'l.i InT-s if. V II. W.(!Ni:i:, E-iq., I . Jl-srilT ok rnt: rtfr:. .!aeko:i Town-hip, SnyderCo. Pit., rt ill alien I i all Vri.inei i n'rii',.l lo '.in ca-.'i' ati'l on the nio-.l ri'a"ti''nV lr'iit, Maroh p.', V.sif T II. li A it T.MAN, a ji Ti:t: or ti: i'i:a i:. 4? ('iiv',an,tr, t'ENTKI'.YII.Li:, HnyJer (.'onnty, Vn ivtlortli'ti- nnd nil htKlnr, pnttalnlnv lo Iho vll' o. i. Ju-ttro ol tho I'euca will be itt-n!i a to at -h .rt n.'tlea A. r W7n CEI il MITCHELL, .luslien of tlio Ponpo tc Conveyr.nrer, ,lt.'koii T .'i'ii-h!Ji, -tuvit.-r C."it:ly, I'.. I.K- t' ui-, l'"iir'. iiu'tin;, nut tit, oili.-r tin-lp.-. p,.rlu. It... tu III. will r"i-l i" utt, nti. ti. i uti,dl o.adr.'i: .Nj It .rim, I'.ii u count, '. Aiu. 1'., lo77. j oiiN i v fn i o 1 1 iVs, i:-a-7 ' JJL'STICEOFTHEVEACE, Penn Twp., Snyder Co. Pa JAMES MIDDLES WARTH, . Justice of tho Peace & Conveyancer, Troxloville, Snydor Co., Pa. Will attain! promptly to all manner of boat nr.. partnlninu to t!iotn,o. t:ul!eL-tlun. m'i le, Ankle an., written. (duly 2J,'J6-lf. yM. H. HARDING, JI'STH.'K Ol-" Till". I'E.KT. FUEE.Mil.NT. t;nyJcrcotmly, Ta. Toll. dl. in. an. 1.11 I..i4itmii. nnrtnlnlnc to tVe nltl.-r.if .Iu.11,-0 uf the Peaua will be U. .:!. I lu at .hurt nutlca. Air. 377d. A. WETZEL, Justico of tho Peace, lieai'ertoten, Suydrr Co., Pa. All kln ls nf eollectiona made nn liberal terms. Promptly attend to' nil himinea. intruded lo bis eare. (June -li, '7dlf lastice of tuc Fcace anfl Conveyancer Sin Hli Qi ot ', Miydor C o. I n. C'.illaetlnn ai d all Uuaino.. pprLlnluK lo tlia 11. a i f ,liiHli,.t.. Iho Pea.'e will bo tli n.1i..l lo hurl nollca. May.ll.'fa' JEU li. MIDDLESWARTH, Jl'STICEOFTIiE TKACE AM) CONVEYANCEU, MoCturo City, Snyder Co., Pa. Oollaatlnn and all bu.lne.i partalnlna to tb utAn ol Ju.Ho of tb ieau will I alien. lad to at .outi none. July ii.'.'.tl. A O llOUNDEltQEU, A.. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Parry Town.blp.SnydarOounty.Pa. Collection., OonvayanolDK, and all other boal na.i. par'.atniuic to tn otuc will i promptly M..v. .... ...uuvBHi . ruu.uiu. vino JEVI KEPLER, Notary Pnlilic Saricyor, Conveyancer Ral Estate ajfljusnrance Azeit. reed.. Kond and Monicas prpardand al biDd. of eonvyanolng atludml to prouiptliy with o.atn... and aoourraoy. t.elal Klvn to buylnf and lllnc Heal t.tata. O.'II.'O In a'reamunt. Hnvilaplln. fa., P. . Adilrea., Alt. Plu.aat Ml I la, Mayday w., raag a. a.tiK. . 1 .1 1 - J Wi' keen on hand all kiiuh of " Blank tuch J Notei, Sum monies. Warrant, Jatu, Suljxm na$, da, lc . - - ..,., hotels. Oil'. Walmer, . It. Apcck. CENr (IAL HOTEL, B. KC'nr. rtvhih anil nn-nb.rlanil Bl., pp.M.lte ili Uun-t H inn..,) Ioliixtioti. foiin"n SThia tt.iM I" ei-nl'.Hjr n1 fonrrlnll. loi-ftieii, CnniiiiMinnf an I iiI.-mmm Itom. mar b .flimi'il In .dr.n. I.r r. r..nni.a K'.ti' lli I., into to mnln U im e iiafortaM. 'eb. I'.' JOHN FIELDS, Proprietor. (HBAMSa T1T10.) Mr. Plelil I a fopulnr larltor.l. anil Mil .pare nn ti tnahe hi. khm e.nnf.irt!i. Me. Ilia laiili- ami lur lll ! .nn lint with li.a eliolea.t I lie market allor.l. ,n. hi- lrai. ai r rta.iinaiil. Air 4 '7. GMD CENTRAL HOTEL. J. J. MITCHELL, Proprietor, CentrevUh, Snlr County, Pa. H.r. Tahle anl t.hle no iiinmo'l illon. ample. N. .tn- .nr.l l.i miiia ta I- pttrnn. ciinfirt b:t l .fm. rfiu'l.ral'i, . ,u . '. .i. rpiin rn.lnrl(jne l woiiM rr.f eelfiilly In I form i he Ira.ellin ptihlie. huilnrx. m..n. Minen. ami l.i a't.'n Inn.' al nar '..uri. Ilil hf h. tna.l'i ..nol iri.pir..i'iu. f .r Ui.'i r ..(. mi ,i'i ,i hi mil w II riil...r torn, rrttlo hla pi'rma l i n,i. 'v, at Inn nml rai .nilil. n'o, II ur II n It .una a fe door. Wi.laitlin OjuiI lijll-A. uAiitiitL nr: writ. Apr. 81 : I j. Proprl. I .r. Mil11olnrtr, ln. JOHN LI M I? i: It T, Proprietor. Thealxivd popular llotnl ha la roflttod an.l rnrirnl!!-.! in tho lt .tvla. ltontal loeatlon niik" It eonvonleiit fir buln mn ! in ait. ti -a al (I.i.irl nn I all oilior. wlm arai ill.! l i M i Mle'.tirir Tlia I . i.l. ! alwny. ...lli-.l wIHi ilia ii.t In the m ir k.t Iho II r with k.miI II i ... an l tl.a -tai ls attK i Ir I l.y e,riull himtivr.. Tariu. in .Joraio. April 4, 1S, C i:Ti: K VI I.T.E HOTEL, (Lata Mr. WeaTrr'..) ( onisr.lle Snyiler Co., Pa. TETKK HAKT.M AN, I'roprloto . This IneiD . . ,1 .lt I. . a. ... 1 "y1" ,,.pen r i-yn"i fy un.iorriKnei!, I licit, a .barn ol the l.ul.lir fblkK 11 A H I MAN April, , 1.71. I7AIHM0UNT JKtrSK, - NK Alt TIIK DEPOT, jr i in i.!: 11 1! n;, m., UII.I.Ii IIO I III It.Ml:!.. Tro r This liomn. i in clone proximity to the Jepot ami lia a In'ely retiiiilt nil. I re fitie.l. Itoi-m eommoilinu the tnhle well anpl'lie.l wild the v.ofi the market aOor.l? a.tJ terms ia ..loriuo. nprltf '"8. J1E tot lTI.M,r., Simr llriiailivay, New Yorlv. , IIOTflllilNS t I'liMi, 1'roprlolora. o Tin: i:; at.;i:,- 'I'lia r.iliturmt. af. od Innrh tti-mh i I, are op iirii.iii.. eliripii.a, nnd ei t. Iimia. .. .rr, Ira. Koo'iih ...l at 4. ,i Tit.nrit.y, r'i'JT. ' -T. wi'ea. iinvriiiant .i nit ti-rrir, and ntj mllr .i.l'. N r. V l l'UVirt'KK. .1.V .HA.-SAIIbMlrl.tlT. Jan. II), '7K. rpME NATIONAL HOTEL. JO'IN IJ. FOf'KI.KK. Piopr. SoIiiiHijrrovo, Thl lt..t.d I. 1 Imranry Inrnl1.1t In lh ".nonrr. I i.n-l I. . vri-y ,1 p-l rrt I,:.. pl.,.r t..r trnv I.r. Ii.t. int. iii,HT 11 arf. .11.111" nil .1.-ut I.HIV rat. h. l1, I n.ii.a 1.1. p In a l.i...- v ill l,t. mire , C4U aalli. 1' L..1.1 in 111 l'ir t.a, Sif-A ItmteU.a lti.;.t:itlraltt in conr.r,...n w'll. tl.a 11 .lei. Afr.p'.ve. -a iT.rr-ra-ir.i.jar v.,fvrv I? . a -1 i:t ..v. -n: NORTH TIIIRH UTREKT. I'lIlL'A PA Tonns L..riO pp tlaj. HENItV Sl'AHN, I'n.pV C. W.MI'tltN, I'li rk Apr.I,',!. White BSorse BEoJeE N. VT. Corner Third & Wood Sts. rniLADELrniA. J. Ka TRAUCK, Ooon STAnLtNA. Proprietor. Wines, Liquors and fUgars of the Choice. 1 nmro-7 Pit Hat I ' tit ia. Cards. J.tS. FARNS WOHTH. WITU JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ot Hoincry.Ncticns, White Goods, EnM Series Gcuts FGriiisliiiigi Gostls &c, Ho. CM Markot Ptroet,, 11IILADELPIIIA. T. n. Ton, A II. Il iar. (Mar. 13 74. W. II. Shallday. T. II. ll.lcUtel. BC. SnAFER. WITH JOEL J. BAILY & CO. HOSIERY, SMALL WARES, White Oowh, Embroideries &e i2M TV. Mil St.. IIif JOKI.J. BAILY El.TOV KM, I.lFoU v HU.NKVJ. DAVIS, KAM'I. W. VanCl'LIL G KAYBILL & Co., Wmii.r.Aia Deai.cs is WOOD AND WILLOW WARE Oil ClolliH, Window Shade, tlrooina, Mot u. illon Lap, tirain Hag, Fly Nets, lluukels. Twine, Wick. &e. No. 40 .Varkol Street, Philadelphia. J ACORR. RIEOEL ti CO., WIIOI.KH AI.E DKAI.KftS IK FOREIGN & DOMESTIU DKY GOOB. Nn. 333 IVIarlcot St. tliiliilolplilu, ln. WM. MANN. Blank Book Maker Sta tioner. and Steam Tower PRINTER, Whoeisalo Sc lie tail No 629 market Street. PHILADELPHIA. lYomylnes. One Price Selling Price Harked On AH Good Jn Fi gurte. Apr. 18-72. - QAVID WILLIAM 8, ' Manttfaetnre.of k Whole.aleDraler In Gilt, Matioran;, Walnut and Rcsrwonrt LOOKING GLASS Pioturo & rhotgraphio Tramea 9(. 230 and 2?,2 .trrh Street, Philadelphia Pa. , Frame Refalreil In th best manner Mso, r.'irildina In all lis branches. .71 TJ NION P..ANINU mTliT BKLINSfl llOVE, SNYDER CO., PA Kcely & Wn gnor Lumber Eleaiers asd HAKtrrAnTi's or Doom, Door linxra. Windows, Fti niter window Onxrs, Blind., Bash, Stnlr Fixings, Hand Kalllntn, Trark eta. Mnulillnirs, Flnorlit?, Sl-nci.l. MAU INtl k (;AUlNh r Tt.RNlNfl Khinglos, Latli, &o., tbo. Order solicited and filled with prompt s 11I despanh. I'iea.s call and eism neone at , iit b tfora f ar.jln.inj el.owher O-i nod nftrr Ni. 10'h. Irnlm on Hit, road will run a, r .li.. ? I.UVVK M K ru W A II D. I.asvo : N inVrn Klitr.ra Fl :,,. Una. f'W Vork s.ttpm 4 .'5 a m . a in I'MU. ll.Mpm 7.Siam 1141 am Wa.hlnplnn 7.17 n n lunaia lUnttni.r Slop in II Ml am II .rrl.liitrit S a-. in lo w in at . Iu Hairpeiuan I w a in m ,, m Srit, l.ltim n?oPni H ini.ury e.aoam n f ito Slop m N .rili.imbrrl.nd S.4 iiu I'J J p m 0. si p m Arriva al : Wim.niapurl is am sonpm T.20pm r.'mlra IK It p m t it p m p in "falo .' 81.01 a to KrU 1.4.1 p m ..FAVK BOI TIIWAnil. Lav lriho Hay 11.ll Sonlhrrn ... , K'P. l:p. Kip. 4 00 a m l.pni l"iiMo Sl'.tatn Vt earn Wiitkin ....). in II m a.sspni 1 rla l'.2oa to ........ I.iu k Haven . Ii. m w.l&fi Win.t i. T.s j m ia. p ut lo . pia li.aiani Norlli'.l li as a n -j t n. l i i'. . in Mitiiuiry w.40 a m t no p m VI at) . m 2 Oo a ut S liiitfriiv-ft an a tu ' i.u p in I ii a in Hrrndun lo ' H t in r.'. 'ii . to VIA. u ((.'"ii;. I.i'u 10..U a iu a Li ii iu 1.4.10 A rrlvr at : Itarrl-lmrif II M 4 m 4.0p m Sllarn 1'hlU, 3 41 p ta 7 .JO p tu T,oi til I HI 1 m Vrw York r.t.i pm pi.ot p .1 f am In a in INItiiiior e 1 1 p tu 7..11 p in 7 4. am T4iam Wahini(.ino pm Bo? p m o.oiam S.ui a 10 Thou, marlii' 1 'f at.,ti nptv whan Sarfurd. A. J. CASHATT, ln. Manaffr J OIIN LA U DENSLA U ER, 15UGGY MAKER KKMNstiRovr. snyih:h oo., pa. Ilnvitu ptirelniae.l the Well known aland in JJolina.'rove, formerly owned hv Philip Hlecker. I tun frepni-rd lo aeeouimodaia nil who may di.aiie any'hiiiff in my line, nn ! warrant "iitiafiDti iii In all cane. Ikcm eonrliinlly on hand. nr. I nm preparod lo nianitiaviure ui uie c'lort.-a: nonce, X UI tilJIIvS, ttg'rr SIH.K1KS. Leinc ejperieneed In the bn.incir, I flat. ier myaelf that I inn fully prfpnruil to meet the wnnta of my ciKtoitierji. The ainpluyed nre ninon;; the best iiirehnnie in ihc county, and ihoir work will nut f.iil 0 irive unirci -..,! p ile. fiiel Ion, Sixfr Special at lout ion paid to repairine ill nil its hraiielie.-'(a Shop on Mnrket slreet. a few door until f lU Ut rmnn Itef.iriiie.l Chin-ch. JOHN LAl'DKNSI.AOCR. Peliti.prova, April 7. '7U-lf J H. SEI.MEI.MEK DKALKII IN Iron, Hails, Cteel, Leather, Paints, Oils, Coach & Saddler Ware AND M AMU PACTUM r.H OF Cloves & Tisn.n.'e, Al A R K I T 8TP.EKT, Lowisiovin, Nevemlier 2, 1871-tf THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE TUB DS8T OX' AUU. Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity, Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in tho Broad Claim o.c.NatN r very di!st opkratinq qi'ickest bi:i.i.imo, UANDSOyilvBT, AMD "Ilort Perfect Sewing UaoUne IN THI WORLD. . Th grtal peputarlly ol the Whit I th meat eft. sncinn IrSiut to II aacvllanc and auparionty Jvorolher m.chln.,. and In aubmitilna II I Iha rid w aul It upon It merit,, and In ao la'l di falor 9t lU'' r68,,"",,,,",'l Th demand forth. Whit ha Increases' to aoeh aa a butt thai w ara saw sonnallad to turn out A. Corjaplavt, ,rT'vilTlw - arary thJtaxj xxtXx.xia la . t& day to a.pjly Cvary atachlea I worr.nted tor S war. anS aeldlor arh al Hbtral Siuovnta.or upon . pajaunta, ta suit tha onnlnc ol cuiloawt. "AQnm WAims ia roeocprm xxesmtr. WHITE SEWINQUACHINE CO., . M ISS Eucha h CIrsUiuj. 0Wi HARRESS. rpiTE nndorsiprnnd, las oo hand and A make, to order all kind, or Her. lurnl.h lair iio.nla t PA N in ph m i. . i..i. ... ehaHtplae to buy la tha oounty. Uomaand a.e my atnok bafor pureha.lna- iawliara an.l I. convinced that 1 ant sol ta b undcr.old lo tb line of llri, rl.dilla, Oollara, Whips, ko . 4w. Work warranted lo lv .aiL)failon. All work promptly altaad.S to. COACH AND SLEIGH TRIMMINd a ail u.branob daa aaatly aat skaap at tbla auoD. ,. r M. 1. STBIDINOSS, r in.. . .atx""""n' """. it" :i -a'dTa Viri'l W r - saarajr -- -w, tV, . ... k-f', ' lwiB..awAmiarwjaa-avjpiMwMwjwBawwi Phllaflelphla and Reading Rati 0 Arrangoment of PapjsnnirTrjlni. -)t a. a iTtii 1 m rii . Tralm kovts Hcrnrfnn nn L fain (Smulftit Krrrptnl) For Shamokio, ln,i(, 1 1 . a nr and 8.2 1 p m- For Ml Carmel, Aehlan !. Tm,-., rnilavllle, R,adnj. and , I liiladelLhla, 11.13 am. .- T Tnin$or tl'rndnn. Iruvt nollnl s. (Sioitfio friifnej.) " , Leave Phamokin.B.OO an l.Sil'and .45 pm, i Leave Phltadelf lila 0.45 am. Rearilnf 1 1. ft am. 1'oltavllle. p n. Tamaatia 1.3'J e m A. bland J 8 p m - r alt. Carmel 3.-0 p m. Train iefir krrihirri n fnVn, . 1 10 and 7 65 p. m. For Philadelphia 6.15, 8 10a. m. 2.0Q and 1.00 f m. f'ii'iys For 7ftv York b 15 a nr For Philadelphia 1. 4 p.m. Train for Hurrijihurif bur nnotlotn Leave New York. S.4S an' inn ft an and 7 4T p m. Lett Pbiladelfhla, 0.4 a m. 4 0') and 7 'io p. m. Sun'Titta ' Leers New York 5.flo pin, Leava Philadelphia 7.20 p m! Via Morrl A K.e)t K, R, J. E. VOOTTEN, Oen'l Miiim.rr. C. 0. IIANCOCK, tffiri litkot Ast. Fsb S ifl. vll n 4'. JEVI KELLER, Miintifaelurcrof and dealer In FUIlNITUltE, WotiM re.pecifiil! Inform the elllrens of Pelinajrrove nn l vioiiiily, that ho manufac tures lo nrler nnd keep. eonlnntly on band CHAIIIS OP Al l. KTMiS, AN'I JAmiituro of cvory Description at the very lowest price. II respectfully invites nn examination of BK!)STtAI.S,MnLAfS,TAI!LES,SOFA Mll'NO !.., .STANDS, CHAIKS, ho. C,3r"A speoinl inviiniion is extended lo e-ly marri"d folk, to call and ec my Mock ore I ui-cliii.-iiig elsenhere. LEVI HELLER Selin.ffrove, AprllH,l7li-if NOW l. DA MKT. r, n:i!OST':rsrn d-.lrrlon. oiinii. rt.i.tll l.ttrrr.t. il. Tli.ll aln-r Ilia ill.. ..loii,.ii .r tlti- Kiriu f n,.r f,ti,.,, r it I'lrt. lt i n 'lie ll of Atirll, h Im. i. I hi. ,. iinlld. Imi In S. dina Or.ivt,,iti Wnti rStiin.aoove Pine, tppoaltf .1. 8. lii'itutnv'. aturc, a Leather Store and Fin ishhig Shop, ,'",r' wl" h f""1"1 ' " tltn.B.n aa.orlinenl a All ktn.U ,.f,i i Slnrl, r..iiMlMlii( ,ir har lieaa. rt.ilr. l' Prr, Kip and Oalf SVItia, Mnrrna f, I IiiIpc., T.. pli... li.-., nf dlfirr. iititiialiiiaa in I .r.ii.,. Tli.- a' n ol SI,.- matera. f.r.n. rr., Ami ail nlinirA ! lutiied. befurt tiurcbaalmi l.., r " l'ltriy.iWa.Trtra at a praetlral T.tinrr analiBa till., to ,i1ye ihi.qip.Mtlrnif st.i. t. Uldmiakan in r l.n fur I.i alh. r D. C. IIKROKTnUSSf:!!, Itll.c t-'rtj 6alln.rnvp,Kiiderrn.,Pa . LEW15I.TJRO, PA. ALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE M02TT7IIEITT3, TotnlistoncB, Stntucs, Urns, Vases ' LAMIW.forriiil.lrt'ii'sClrsvHa, Pen., J.intih, Titlililif s, MarLk and All tln who dea Ire tot.-ir,. naa I Aa anytblns abo mat ufo. lured at the al.ova teen- ' ' Hinruia wuriia, .until, i euntiill the uuiler- alauifl K0iit, balorn t urcl ..Inn alaawher. . . SAMl'KI. POWK.N, July li ' fitlddlolmrif. Snyder Co.Pa YOTiWrBTSOM f yon that ol lPtrnn with a n ew on nil do u..l Ur.t canfutly t tamln th , . Buckeye Force Purnp.; Tlio Bueleye I. tha vary U.teat Improvrmanl In Pump, It la i-oiMlrncled Willi air-. htinhor whioii makr vi tv rn.y (n apirato. II..... ran lie atlaeliJ tn th. Ilu.'liovii I'nniii. i..l w..t. ...... - lithri.ii uimti any l.ullitluu in earn of nre. Von iin wiirr y nir tUrdi a and J aid, Wb 1 .. ii.un ,, mmu uuiw, ,UI UaV. HKS ENGINE rverrady on your own prrml. at no aaor eoal than au ordinary pump. It Cannot Freeze In eold wa.thrr. Durable bernnd a dnutd, Th vrry pnmn fur dnap w.dl. Tne worliliia pans ar li inhr .uotlon. and valv.i within a pom, lain lined ohauiber. Nutulns to duouy abuul II. llio Iron Turbine Wind Engine I. alaoa srrat linprovemanl In Wind Engine, Call ami aea fn.... puiup. In opur.Uiiii, or foe partloulara ad.lrraa W. C, BHATTOrf, liwUlowp, a aouuly, Pa. Oct.Sl,'7l.f JOHN F.ZKOll. MAN, - UNDERTAKER, Troreloille, Snjikr county, Pa. I'ntertaklnat In all It. bpanaimt uamii. -a. landed to. AlorjU la.' la. . Dr. Oberholtzer't Liniment CAMPHOR MILK, ; I now hlkhlr and aitsnalvwlr naad for, Fr ..t. d Pt, Ash., Paine, ttofwa. Mtlnif. elwalllna Sunk, a- l. ' I. ol tb. grat-.t value la .arlus vlat. UaU. ' ' ttpralii and aw.lllnt, labor..." ' Itaet. aulakl and aural r. It al naM aaa.kaa ... aad rllr. lb Sim Joint., Ik I.aj Waalaa ad lb Aohlas Narv. Tk mooay wi, ua bjb uauyoea . M ik ts s.-. t. rnatMa. a". raw": ' , . " UaVsSkni -tJp--'-'F,' -TiPiyti M Tow 01 15'&u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers