jjldtbnrg, to 8, 1879 ""Til .vtiniiittlliOAtiOll. business let a t.,r thi ntnpM. til arnrp tUwnrt (i'rtent'ort should bo A-loVwtsnil r .n.,wa Tint Pin Itiilitlnlniro- anvder Oiflnty, Advertisement. wi...nirilon Ac. Tru-fl lie handed Jlibv Monday M,,nn' l wcntlwjer- -inn in -era LSWIOTOWIf DIVISION. ilia Leave a.." - TATIUVS. ".'II. F1'.. ii Han 1 Hi.ia. Mis.d Ma'l 11 1 . U. e"" " .. '''.'.'IT J I tt I HI lo or Hi ta lit t it Its 10 in ! n III T 111 T 14 . IM SI I M r IM trr tV (01 It I I M 4 I 4 4 H .4 4 M IM 111 III 44a 4N It 4 It 4N 151 41 I 44 I IT III I ft I IS .lefr I Uetfe r.Mnw r.isy feiTert-'a F,.nr. 1 1 MaUiae-wee " fc I... 1 eabsry I w I oa on t in R R. TAYLOnSaprlatdst. IN I U id Voi up tttA mercury. Jock Frnst on a'raiitpsifa. Unod 3 for 5 ct., cigars it G. C. liulelu' lease Jfcaver has opened A store at olJ itat in franklin. Mymyer A Sun of Lowiitown are reported to have failed. The ice home In thie plan are all fllltd with a auperior quality of ice. The M. E. Cbnrcli ef Selinerove will ha dedicated to the wortliip of Ood ou Sunday the 10th tint. "Ii:!tkiw," eintnttieation from Tioielvill ia refused becanso ' not arrniipaiued fey tho uano of ilia tvrU K-r. Will our West Denver Corro'itind eut furnish iu the name of the 'Belle' he o . flateM our "devil ' wanti to know. ' ' The A'litnr of llii paper, A. M. rfKh;r, and Blieritr U ilendor vis I'ed Philadelphia last woe and report a jood time. Kt-ShrntTEinciiliarlaiid family start ed on Wednesday niorniiig; for their ne home at Hiiamokiu. May iitices.s attend III".. Aim net Howeii line teased Dnlender's tv-sl ym nt, this pUo and trill here after dispnnse the lilac'.: diaium Ji, -cheap fur cU. ' ynfoailjr r mror.l M ho !. botil (itilo of Dr. U' Kprctorn'. llort i( ofin uir!)iim ia Ii at ni(1ii. od If joa b Ii hnl. vnn hoot Hi Hioana la ebrk an.l enra. wbl prlbly. old br a di:taritti ciM. On the night of Hie JMtli, of Dec. tlie laro bank bam on the farm of Valentine Walter, ner Onlieville, wa b irned together will) its contcnla. inmired fitr H.O. 7'A Mijlinburtf Tr-jrph atari the New Yar auspionsly. The first nnm ber for the year omes to u with a handsome new beading ami enlarged to 32 columns. This !iiby of enter ) rii-e ni-riis increased patronage and should also increase the amount of nth in the editors pocket. My sue smi attend you M other 5choch. A .he old mail with hi glass and icythe continues-bis crmrsi,. erecting new monument of hi flight,, so every class and all paoule write in the book of memory of hope departed, dslre Unsatisfied, faiths destroyed, friondt lost, associate gone, intimate relation broken up. The your just added to the long list of t predecessor lias been Unusually full of tr.e ringing changos of time ; and the new ii inaugurated with a change, that to us 1 a painful one. We refer to the retirement from office of the gentlemen who on Mon day doflfud the robe of oiuVe and re turned to the had os of private life. For three year we have beon on the most Intimato terms personally and vifHulally u4 the interruption of that intercourse we can not but regret. In the retiring County Commissioner tha county losescompetent) honest and faithful ofTloera, and w lose geni al and pleasant companion. This loss iseoflotied by the hepe that their mo eessori may be equally agreeable gen tlemen. In the outgoing County Treasurer the people, lose one of the tnost capable orllceri they have' ever had. Not a cent jinglos4u hi pocket but that which cam there a legitia- mat fee, and hi account are perfoct evidence of the care with which tho public money wa expended and watched. From the very Intimate relation Which must, by the nature of theoAVe, exlt;t butween the Slier I (T and Prothon otnry, there are none, porhaps, batter alia to teatify to the eteiling worth and correct busbies habits of the outgoing NiorlCTlhan we, end era deni ' It but Junto lay, thai although tMljUuaHy opposed to JLfr. fcrenhuit, we nlway found him to be houcit, ilralglitf.ir ward, prompt and careful In tint Iran ftetlon of biieine and a a private elilwn without any luporlor. We " an epivflkliiR of old friend, and hope e , . lava that th uw ol3oeiM, who ' tLrdi:! . : Tit: on Cumin? Utt, ' t euslly good "i, a'li al Port TrtvtrUft Items. . font TitsvitiiToS, Deo., 8, 78. From the activity displayed by n.e I of the citixom of tlii place eevcTal dayi prior ta Christm-, it wai evident that hfy tnteiidod to mnke (ood one of the hne In order tu derive ail the benefit, that day afford. A there would be uv publio demonitrnlian here of any kind, many were Retting reatly to goelnewbero to upend the day. At an early hour partlot were fciAnto and fro and continued until late. . . la the , forenoon Iter. Mri Young held ;fo.ot tonal exerclaee in tho fcnii gelival church and preached A evrtnon apptopiiale to the occasion. DurlnK the afttjrnooa our young friend Mr. Lmher gave Instruction In vocal iiinsiu at the Zion's Churuh. We learn that be hat quiet a Wge clat of focal isti and ia doing ftett. Tlje pastime Indulged in by young and old were various, not least among them was skaV.ng the tee being very excellent Just now, and those .who Hve near know how to appreciate its use fulness at al! limes. Of all the pleas ure attempted, tliit of aleighing predominated. In the evening teveral parlies started ta the Botschafl church to attond the entJrUiunient and view the view, the Christina tree. The Church was prnfusulv decorated with ever-green, winch with the brilliant light on tUo tree and elsewhere mode a grand ai(icarartce. .fidrnssea were made ly Revs. Dinnit an 4 Drown and some excellent piece rendered by the Church Choir ; but what took best was the distribution of gifu. We noticed several of some valuo on llio tree ; among other, a beautiful silver cup. The church wa entirely, filled with people "hut good order prevailed throughout, A wne oYivirtas that all were greatly deliditnd with the trip. Donbtlesa the exhilarating iolluunco of a polar atmosphero aided in producing such hilarity. It was the writers good fortune to be with the pirty having the crack team, which iindnr the ctli ciunl nianagomeiit of 'edilgngue Tool made a clear track of all team within sight. Ueporia of all ti e foments granted are not yet handed in. Wc suppose the recipient! are so highly el.Ued that they forgot to mako it known. Kospcctfully. Hans D. lluxumi- MctSlure Remek- A letting was held by the School Director of West Heaver tvrp., to lunld a new school Ifouseat McClure. iJiineiiKiont 23 x 113. Mr. Jacob II. Howell Uing t!e lowest bidder, so the conliact wus given to him, for the small sum of $olO.V). Toe school house is to bo of (nick, provided the 1-iiir.en deliver the brick free, if not, it a ill bo a fiumc. The expert young painter Mr. K. S Dubb Iihs tskeu tiie conliact tu psiul two mere honsra in the vicinity of Jc Cliuo-.. The prevent cold aveellier fcr- bids him to do any nuiside wuik ami ho is slaying with Mr. Issnc -l.'iJJU-s-wai th who be intends pmutiiig for, we know tl at he is woll cared for and grow fat on the sausage which le-anc has just made. Jlirco 'young girls paradod Main S'.rect, at McClure, one eveiiing last week, dressed in men's clothing. They let on to lie tramps and entered some house asking for bread bulls they could not kuep from laughing, it was soon discovered who they were and they made their escape. M. Temperance Meeting's. Mnj. L T. Scott, already well known lo our people fur his succcHsful labors ui this Couniy in behalf of Temperanco, gave the first of a sorie of lectures on Temperance in the Sabbath School Room of tho Lutheran and German Re- funnel Church of this place on Monday evening. Last ninhi ruesJjy eve the lecond meoting of the torioi wa hold tn the Court- o ne. where a largo aud appreciative audience grootod Mr. Scott. For over one hour and a half tho'winged words' and impassioned de livery of tha speaker held his audience spell-bound. Hi success on the plat form leem due largely to a natural geniu fur oratory and a complete mas tery of hi subject, but more than all to love for hi great work and sympa thy for fallen men. The meeting will continue during the present week at least. May continued success attend iheHorl of ibis worker in the Ulster's VineyarJ. uraninE Tbls Is tie sooil Vsesnily itUesvsrsd. snJ psrhsps lbs mttil risrktilo. of all lhseallr oraaltiaa group of sulorln bslseoes, biiw so tX'oesivalr essil tar ihs silornratiit of .lUo tatit fshrLs. Ursalns Is onlj. by elismlsis, l b lbs lousl highly lunrs-osul body known u sslshoo, lis ealorloi p iwor slonl-h lug stngl grslu will Imparts niarksJ oior l asarly Ive bubilrsj gsllses of waisr. A sinsl Inlsrsallng eXpsrliaial. whlob saybojy rasy try, aaosisis ia sprlnklieg a fw sum or Urania upos ihs idrfsor of wslsr In a glass luuihlrr. Esoh atom im nisdiaisly isoJidiWo ihrougb lbs walsr wbai appssn le bs 4 hrlghi gr in rom Iti i and lb niuilil r snoo luoks as If li wire erswdsd full of bssuilful plssis. Tbe rssiUliasw bvgia looalarg, sprrsJ ml eouibias, uaill bit sits ef tofi (rfu oulurv l liquid. , W sri ludrbisit fee ssnptss ef ibs ootor la ifal silliars f tho KoloSilna Asitr- Issii.'Wba sr loading out sBtulmaai, afr or ihsrss, to all Ihsls rlr. TU subserlpilus l lb pspsr ll $t.2(t tot a yssr, erg-1. AO half vssr t aal a bviloe lafsiniBi tt Us sioaiy SeaU ksrdl; l sansil f - Adifriiburo ItfT.l.. William Marktey 81a.:j;hlerd two Hogs mat wrr 4 mnniii old. The one weigheil 7i aud ilia utlior SI 1J. On the iilsht f iu fl, rf Deo,, one ofOnt-w J'cs t -.4 in I' a r- '' -1 " If'lio shot the greates number of rab- Vita this Beaton t ' A snfia of rAvlvftl iMisnliiis AtA nnS In progress In the V, D. Church in this ptac ifennr W. tliimnglon had one rf W flngftrs vrusbed at Dunniover's" 5a w Mill tn Centre twp., on the fill Inst, tJVU'iis A Oppenheimer of Selius- grove wii' (lisnlve partnership In a very ahorWlime and therefore oH'er ex (rsordinsry ind.icoiiienll. They are ssllmi oir thoir slock of ctothln an4 furnishinj goixU at and below tost, call and see. lx Cinn'y Cmniniisioner Uow has retired from the office of Commissioner with ttoefitll approbation of the ciilmms of the comity, after a service of live years. - 7ewa the icninr member of tho Board and brought rare good judgment and correct bilstnosi Jiablts Into their deliberatio'is. greatly to the benefll of the people-truly can U be said, well done thou good and faithful servant. A good hotel Is more oftei spoken of than rgally foJod. The word is sug gestive of pleasant roonii, goo.l beds, a table, oflering a judicious combination of rospcct.rble Quantities with luperior quality, getiiid clerks, accommodating porters, civil and activo si-rvurtu nnd substantial 0 nit fort, ltaroly Jd wo find the bill lllled.bui Mr Fcaur the propri etor of the f U Klmo Hotel, on rcli Sirect between 3rd, and 4ih, riiiladcl- phia, ho happily succeeded in at toast approximating our idnal of a goo I ho- tot. a we can testify from purion.il ex perience. Our readers visiting Phil'a. will find few if any better place lo sojourn than at the St. Elmo. A Complete Newspaper-. Tbs sntsrpriss Ibst bs iats tfls WKKKLV TIM li3 not only lbs best jaur. nsl of its elsss In I'biU.ltlpku, but, by gcnirsl seknowlsilgKmsiu. Ihs bst j iur esl fur lb fsmily sirols Uwiisl from any pre. Is sorupubiunty miiulilnsl. lis coniriliulors frm la k ar soiong ib femMt mn of ibi asMon, ind as doptrlnioot of ii or tilsrstur lligbtJia sny inrhr on ny )ri.i. It I lilap'td a wrll to w.nnvn as tu oi-o hooef, allbougb ns pi.liiloil Intfliijtoc 11 full sud seeitrst an t ii poliiiotl, J. ilorliilo lr suj fcrlf. litorsl pavUiuu is tnsJc far religio is, liitisry, drsmiia nd Biu.ial mai'.srt, wll sad humor trav els and (lrlur. flciioii. einrv. f.h. ion sod lb cbroniols ef current ar.uiul vruls. la all Ibiss dnrta,at.i ih pvns of lbs bs-t wriurs sra ngi(rj wbll -nlroll oos ftntti ollitr joM'S'tis ar rasds niih ear, issil sod fiilliica ibi ro snsnrpvrwd. Th tciil oorrrspun- Jnl of THE tttiCKbr TIMES srf found t evsrj ps conir. nibrc'.n ll Amria and Eumpaa cspiials, sud ibry srs ehsi(d 10 spsrs aa labor ar .- pciio lo giv i ris'ltrs lb ImH and srlil soenuuis af usiisrs of eurrm interest in ry dnptriinsnl ol lb World it nm. In aiditis la lb rcnUr ur- rpoodDe ibus prividcJ, ibis iaurasl is choion by eisoy af lbs moil sminsni nn ef Iho day ss a tisdluro af eumu niesiloo witli ih pnblii 1h "aouals ol lb War," tTBhrssinff ebscirri of uu- wriiun binory oooinbuisd b proninsni ors in lbs wor of lbs rbllion, sr vslusbls fvstur of lb ppr, sod bsve b-coios a rtoof nltt'l depositor of mch mstirs, whether front Nunbrra or South era uure. This drpannieul, so w.l! ss ill olbitl. will t woll antUined daring lbs aoiuing Tr. HeUellou of sons of Iho ait vtloshl wsf sniols that have sppesred s'rosJ bsvs been mads, to answer l!i genrra.1 domaoj far ibeir piibllestion ia book fria. Th vol urn Ibus eompilsd, eorcluf about Hon r-g"(pric 84), bsodsainely illuetrstad sud slogan.'; bound, is c.ffrd ss a (rein luia for subaeribers. Aeopynfib "An nsla'' will bs given at a premiuia 10 any ooo sending gli for a club of ton, or $.'6 for iliih of twenty, Club terms of TIIE Wr.tKLI llMbS-Ona eopv, oao veur. $i ; fiv eepies. on year. A 5 ie0 cop is, ou ysr. ilft-iniy crie. nn jrear, AJdre.a T1IU TIWK3, blla- dclphla, rs. K. F. Kunkel's liitter Wine of Iron. Ilss nsvr beta known lo fall In lbs ours ef wkn. ailanded wub aymp luma, indiapoaitlnn t eierilan, luaa nt nieainry. -ntiiouliy sr hreaibing. renersl weakneas. bnrmr of diaesa, eak, nr tone ireiuhling. Urd'ul horror of deaili, oigbl sweats, sold feel, weekneas, dim neaa of vision, lannuor. univsresl Ina-i. ludsoflbs niuaoular eyilio. enormoua apieiile, with dypniio syeltm. hoi hands. Duelling of lbs body, dryness of iso esia, paiue eaunisnsnas and eiup. lioa an Ibe lace, purifying iho blood, pain la Ih hack, hiavlnesa of lb eyelids, (re. quanl black spots fltlnc befois lbs tits. lib temporary tuflueiun snd lima of iH Ut. want sr attention, tie. Tboeseynt- pioms an-arm trom a laknea. and tu remedy thai, u-a E. K. Kiiuke!' Uiner wiBtoflruB. It never fails. Tbouasnil- srt bow niorins brslih bo bsv u-d II. Uet lb seiiulnt. IcM only la ft bol- Uea, Take only u. v. Kuiikel's. -Ak for Hunel s llnler Wins sf Iroa Tbls truly vlluslils louie baa born so looraeshly toned by all olasaes ot ibe oinuiuuiiy ibl il Is sow Jmed India- peueajils SS a Toulo niedisiue. ll o.ala but lltitt, purities lbs blood aud glvts loos o Ibe eionmob, reuoaia the eytitia and proioiifs int. I uow only ak atrial of llil valushls tonli l'noe$l ptr boiile. K. r. Rl'HKkL, Huts I'ropiUior Ns. V49 North Muib eft!, Iielow Via, I'btlndelpbla' I'a Aek for Kunkel'i tliiter Mm of Iron. and take at other. A pbsiasisuh ef lb pteprlator be taek wrapper, all olbtra ar eouatirfalU Uwr or ovustrrfelis. Dn not let your drugs-let ssll you sny but Kuakel'i wbiob il put Bp ofcly aa abuet lepreaeaied. Von tan gel US boll tee l.,r tv dollar. All I ait ll oat simpit trial. Tap Worm Removed Alive. Ilssd anil alt tnuiplti In - tws boor. tu l till htsd psa 81, Da sad itioaiseh Worms reaiovtd by Dr. Kwektl, intt Neeib Mimh 8'rH- Adlc fret. Ns Pre suit bed and allpstaai Is tu. sad sH- I basket Is it esly sns e' '- ' . Is lht sstuirr lor lbs . ssdbU Worst tfrup " t r ft frbi'.3rt etfvwa 3l,rt r I f n 1 V 1 ( .1 fwj es-s f onneb blr cold Is warrant 'n t rnred j Ur. Han1 ExpetrereaU If pro frr 1 J od. ''Owf AVw and F.ifrLiimn IVrnm' ta the bwi and cbpupcst pel fume' ever of fered to the Wlblic for norftttlikiir weaK ing npparpi, teller paper, etc.. elc. II Is ewliwme, and gives to linen, hitler paper, ami wnatever oIkh ymt msv wiah, a moil TffitiTKi and pleassnttvlrr. tf tilaced In a drawer. 110 maimr ivlmt be the contemi, t will become rrtlol nt In hM than 2i minutes. Mailed, piwlsge frm, tit anv address on rcrpipl if Ibe price, J t eiil, Addrcs tl. ii Ulclilield, I.itclifii.UI, Jllimiis, a 11 il pleni-e state what turner vonsnW tliia nuitce In. .1 ', . I', , . MTriianr JoobankW T(a,.l t;iii Navy Tolisecu. Dee. 5. '78 It. A prominent elilsea sirs 1 I bsvs besn t eiiffeier tn secounl of liver and miliary iifllatiliiee, bating pain ia iht bsok. with a stupor, as ambition. droi faallni uosble toatlsndtt bualntts wlifc any dt rtt ef esliefacllno. Dut Bow, I am happy ' say, by taking B. K. Thompson's Us Sams, am shsaged mm. I'liiiilin, r.. May R, S77. fat sstt bv John A. Itaei. MlilUhnra rs. ' " W'riqhl' llnmt. Sculp rttnf Pmulrvtl OiiapouniV' foi era heavy Moatacho m irtaii) on lbs omooilien tar In from 10 lo VJdstl. ll beeet fails. No poaalblt In- jonry lo Ibt ekin. taslly tpplied tn.1 esrtsin In effeol. Il will alao remove llan-lruff and rrtvtnt l)sldne. I Im ib lol Igenl for I tils compound. IVt paokans. pool p i l. J 5 oenle. Two park jes 40 eenis. Addrees 0. V. Lliobfleld. Lilobald llliooi. I'leaee aula in abai paper you saw Ibis sdf crlissisinl la. Oepl. iZU. '78. ly. Contumptisn Cured. An old lihvsiciiin. rt-liri.il Irnni nrao. live, liBviin: bud nlaoc.! In bis lunula by an Kant India missionary the for mula of a aimplo vcgrlablo remedy, for llio speedy and pcriiiiiiiiMit cure for ronHuinpiion, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all I brunt and lunar alloc- limiB.elmi positive iMid radical cure tor nevvnus Oiiiilitv and all iicrvous complaints, alter having tested iis .underfill curalivo iiowvr in thou sands nf ca.-es, has felt it bis duty to i. - . i ? . ..... . ., ' 1I11IKD ll Kliuwil lo lll.a SUIItTMIg IL'IIOIVS. Acliialcil iiy this moiivv. anil a desire lo relieve biiniuii snll'eiing, I will semi. free irchnrg,toall ho iloue Jt.tbl re- cipe, wltli lull tliiecttoiis for preparing and linintr. in (ierumil. Fieiicb. ur Knglish. fent by mail by i,lcc"-inij ivith stamp, naming thi paper. V. W. Sheiar. 1 !". Tower's Uiock. Ruches- lur, rew 1 ork. 4 w. Livo Agcntt Wanled. To sell Dr. Chaae'd Rccipci J or In formation for everybody, in every county in the United Slates and Cana las. Enlarged by I lift publisher to 019 pages. I contains over - Kn) house hold recipes and is suited lo all chir nd conditions of society. A wonder ful book Jind ft household iieeeHMiy. It si-lls nt siirlit. tJieatest iiidui'ouieiiis ever iitleicil lo lumk suents. hamuli- ropies sent by mail. ""i aid. for $i.is). I'xclusive tjrii ilnrv ueo. Ai'cnia more limn double tl.cii' nionev. A.I- Ires Dr. t'lmae's Me.un 1'riuUnv' 11 nine, Ann Aibor, Miclngan. Oct. 17th. ,i. .If), w. QtLlNHOROVK fllO rnoutci. ma UK i! i tHtal per bntkal Kyo dt W.i 5' e-i ei ITS 1 - ors do Dsis at Cloeertted per bsehtl rimnlbvrted dt Huckwbeal (It Plsiseed dt Onions dt i'ninict do lluiitr per pound Fete per duiea 1 lb 07 TsiUw ptr pouad Lsrd . 'borriet deeded Cberriot Dlsok berries lls'herries Pried Applet soap la? Oi - 0i ', M llara Sboulder ida Iliicon, Slilaa 'bealuai ptr bnsbsl .' rbt'lbsrka do Piisd Ttsobss partd I'es Coal 1 o to 2 tl" I b(J 10 II lie Cbrtinul coal GOVERNMENT STOCKS. Ins 1'rieee ur lis Havana 1' 4C Clos- Tuvtaii, 411 houlh Tb.nl sirari I'liilu'lulplua i.i.-n liuoelii snd ltber tur caab or on maislu Oct. 01U. ASKFII. I'T'a I"!'. 101., lui IB 'i r 1W ii'.'a v. h't't U.S.4. 1M1 l.-J. J.. " ll'if 11 10 40'a. ....or IU' loa-i ll.... l-'I , ms 1 --si thirraner, I'a IkSl, new, nnaTlvaiiia K. H luta.lali.hl. ami lleedtus It. U. Irflilali Valley H. K LrtiMtt Coal fc Ni. tin. iilinl l;ostitaiitf.a or e.J...... ISO I'lll'S.lellihla k Krla K H Nnrtheru Deiilral It. II. t!u ... 1.4 .... u, . , ...loo . 1 1 miii MARIMKI). Jan. -Jn I. b list r M Hlatll luaj Mny e ol tdame twp., aad 11 lea Aiaella aioas i rlr twp. tin IHt tvin IUH., ", n, ... i.,, Heiirs J I. -ply sad Miti L.uoy K. f 0Jk, bolu ... ... a. . . 1. . l. u.m ta. a. tal...i Dt Hearer twp He. Klb. by Ver. P. L. Ua'nee, Ii Via H. I'ooatfni, ot M bldlebura, aid MlM Sat II la U tbriillna, ol Ni w I ttlin. Heliiee. (Itorae Iir.oU tloilf klreluser, botb of With- Intii t p. Deo. II. Jeba II. Mru ant Sir. V ueB N- le, boib ot I'resburg lie. S&lk. by He. W. A. Haas. William A Wrote and Mlaa Msla B. UuibrinJ. balk ol rtnn twp. I mo. ilih, at Iht ret.lane4 of iho bri.1,'1 pit. ante, by Ke. I. Irnae, J.iria Mil err, 01 Ailainai are; ana Ulea at. All niuaisr UTrliwa. Ixo tail, by Re. t I rein. Nor A reel aad Ilia Cell A. Martla, both of Hvriow. Ilea t Ih. at IbetailOeoeaof Mr. K. Ptaber. at Heateitown, by M-v. I. Irvine, jar-en w Hen'er aad Mtea llairlel a. v Slier, wi Huydar rooaiy. Deo. Vt ll. by Kv I. trvin. iteonro r. hauh-esaan Vroei.it', and Mia Usta It iufflton. ofMiiiditi ara. Oar beet wl.bees wltb Ik y'in aotpl so wo kop Ibolf aialrlwt.llal ess way aaaer grew troond. ' ' " jii:i. Jaastk, la tble pU lar.nt d ik ot of N. p. as J Hare, - about I BtSb Ihm. ih. lo rrsnkllB w., rv, hNat Sa.eblar f leaa akd Olll, S ' aaOH'ka Sd II d- f a. . J. a I. IB rraailla tt , Ckat Itti lt Ibaaehol. a 4 I ytaea. I a -alba saw I Ssyl IB aellseaMta, tHo IVS tHrrkt, SaSfkMI al P. at. Mibr,ld I atsBU. t.B.4ti,laellnurv, Karaaret, wr;ef Nurtoa Uiteee, aftd 4T M. I ewat a Sad, U loesioel this s yst tkf krdt or al sbtts SaltaS kS ea BttaSjtlaMll seaita, t taasutk at ileus iduhid Diih pale btt tbrutUa e f k ,lt A f4 'is, en " -v ev--Mi Sclinsjrrove, 1111,. will Oisslvc lartiiorsliipy lnn. If Their Largo Stock MUST and WILL BE BE DUCED, if tho goods must bo sold at a GREAT SACRIFICE The Large and Completo Stock now on hand wuiumo1ji -vrr youu own iXtic:. nd cousial of a FULL LINK of READY-MADE CLOTHING, orMliN, UOYHmil YOUTUN, PANTS, VESTS. an J COATS in cndkny variety iu all OVERCOATS AT COST and nnrJ A full and complete lino UNDUinVIJAll, HafNo X Ilottsti lJtunk otM, rjVr iitllcH, 'VulUiiiM, ITmln'cllitw and GENTS FURNISHING GOODS IH GENERAL. Wo bnvo tverthiriji Lrpt iu a fiiht every article, without rescrvo Vrl CJhiMipOf tliun can bo bought ltomeuiber wo are selling all our ooits at 1Iiic4mI X'l'icuas, ia order to closo out the old firm, t'oiuo at once for D.VKOAINS. ItcuJtmbor that wo menu jntt rvliut no bhj. Resreclftillj, Wei3 & Oiipsnheimer, Oct. 24, 1R7f. S. linsRiove. Pa H A RNE S S. 'PIIF, nnilt rii;ii''l. has on hnul anil I mika to nr lr all Ic n 1 or H iraj i irii"'i- Ins v la at Cln: I'll 11-1:4 I'e l'"h. rn ol.eaiei flii-a lolmv In Ilia rnuntf. i''nsean I e iny et.n-s bnl.ite oreii.i.ii4 ai.e alirr an I b pcnvln'-e I in it I .tu 0 it 1 1 i.a mi loi'-ol t la Ilia tin ol liar .. 4,.,ilo, Oillira. '.V Ii 1 1. . Xi., a-. W ork tarrantel in itlvo 41u.'Iiju. All wors prouilly al'u l-J to. COACH AMD SLEIGH TRIMMING la all lie brasoliaa dee ootltr snd clieip st lala a 'p. 2. srEIMSOrR, All.lilllur Pi. 1 a low doe" ..I lung- Nor. 11, :o. ebepea Market St. bloro. Assignee's Sale ! rpiie nii'lt'iiiieil. Assi.'neo of Win. 1 Kieoe, ll by flrine nf an all or.ler trejH'1 nut ot IL truurt ol l.'nin i.on l' n l iu'ir e.iimtv. I"r Hi benerit i t cri.lu .r-, a. , iKt-m to ru'illo Sale, on ibe praui.eei, lu M'eat llaafer lnualili, no J'Uurtii, Jiiiimiri U!'i, 1ST'.. The I.. I onlne, '.ltcrit.l Heal Laiate, to alt : Ad tbat eerialn Tract of Land timet In Writ I. ver towniini Sur ler To., I a , . uncial i.y luntu of ,rinl no liro-i, Ail draw VnU auJ Uao al llinoar, oiuImuiu 112 Acres, more leaa. In a blab .late of rulMaailnn, and la a iimraiil .rnirly Kuribar Inl thii- II n ran l Ha l by eibirailna lua un lernlauo I. aie tM euoiitieii. ai lo n't wk A .M ol t-l . On attoiaaea will ltu and toruil at tale made aonwo by l'r:vfit M i:li KU, i. J. .MA I I 1 UN, Do. l, 1171. Aisuee. FUMITDlTFUllfUl ! Lower Than Ever t tj. W ' itV ila 1 UaCiXl ill il PI O m min iwaoor a T Fui'ititiii'o Ntore, MAIN ft' (oppnail Ib I'RIKI MUltb.) MUJleburs. i-'a. TEFl'S ennalsnily on hand srull upply JV of laieal aijled Kin nilnre. Ineliiilin II A M Hbn KUII. WIMIKtlll ami t.1M.- .IUTKI) OIHIHS. LOUNGhS. SUFAS. .to , snd makes Is order sojlbioj deaired n ihs fiirniiurs lWe UNl131lTAItll epecialliy. Ab aeaorlbjenl ul 1'iirnna al- save in atis, also seat, plsla sad fs y nasekreuds. . C. KATIltK.M.tn. May lt),'7. AStunta NOtllM AI.Ii rleraont IntArtoUtl ArA nerA - tat WlSod Ibal W. O. !.", ,lMeeeld.MST4t0;eMMaaaaMaaatBl fell bbietib,! Bad prl a" lietaehbw(tai tl kneewdltsr. All mm l-l led'W at rejwtb I pewaawl . aaaa. a l,r-' I. Sees wraSI Iw-WMtA JaV-e' .rJl isbW, Tfw r-'nr av r;i 1 ITS AT ttUes, color aud I'rice. cf HA'PH & OVIH. - cluss Clctliif M-'ie, ntul will ail! IslASyl' Ji) put' C'ciit. iu this section of tie tuto. , ia, i:arii , PRIVCT1GAL MILL-WillGHT, ikittr MitHon, tsn;(r C'., V. Ase-it for aa I ale-t ImprnetJ Tr Vl'a T..H iVhkki, r ilinntii., IlaLTiao, Ax aa luitT.ii i.urii. , . a. I.4i. .nan 1 1 r Ibe V 'i 'I T. US an nd I V ii.l otl.er t I I.I.I', M mil .1 IH luiur.BO. tir-l la-a I l.iini'anlaa avsrl'IBi.- a u.l lail.lrno at U.l'ar Slallcu. I let. 3 ".a it. A GENTS teD (; im: at woiik MlW IN I'llKSS. Till: INDtTrSTI? IATj HISTORY OF THE HMTL1) STAiE?. Iioinic ae .inr'ete i.iatory or ail iti iinnur- tun! tLiluttlea nt 4inarlt-a. Ifii-ltl -lri( Aarliil. iur.1. Al-ctianl tal. Manme'iO'lUii. iiii'n I i.inioerrlal and utlir nirurl-ee. A'-mi 1'VJ lara .i-lvo posas and rfM no eor ivlna. NO wultK I.IKK II' KViCll I't iLlSlltD. t or ternit JOd nrrlior)' a p'y at once t rir nt iti 1 1 nt iiaiiiug C o . or U Ii. ('mill. la f h lrffri t fft TOT. All VIAei-Kl.V l ift H irtutaMi In U ruuulrt. tt U f. ir i'im rt i I. if cf ihm fkrot bv. I I tiit.a ii..it f i-l 1 tl ti m.ij ci Ut r, r-'ii t M tt err inl J.ir.i.- lit at f limf 1 ti-n .it f fri, ki.pl ft( ut,HM.B( tibf ii yh-t wiiti f t i je i . t u.r f a IU tr Lmi f V"u4"' (b 1" ' h tf i-tij-a-r trot 1 1 r ti tit t , t usvl ftnaes ii t ft . ! . r t" i"'1 v aVvf mn fimtU J t 1 ' K . ' " Th hrssl ! In fi -i 1 1- 111:' ' f 1 fiVraftll I'm Tivg Iti f i HPS fti il I.Oi.r), liiWlw iii ! MS rt-fcJt ! I-.I ("tin f. f r -1 ' li .(tn til bin v iitatrivf pnu c ; u4 il 4t l-ll- OJIItMkl-MI il" fl lutlire, w,i in iiil'iMi I ri i f -t"f r c!w. It t m mj menm MHtlul fr csi- taTfaVCltlSl "I la ll)) I I 1 ,-taa ll-4( l i Clit rPaVal 4(1 111 Mini tsjafti )! Mill 17 I'm ii'ive - fiaimlraAs) l !-, tvn4 fi-Pi.i Clf. rnn i lvujpa lie i Mi ftrp Ihiili.ii?; tu la)m. fl SM 1 a-s li Ptlf4 r. Mrrvrli iu MrUi-( ia?Hiru rWtMliIci aoJ .i It e. -SU Uu (Clt tu I i ,." tit I pnU Ol allrew Jrt.i I lif '.. M. ! ttwHItlUH'Ibllll lkH4.tAl, l.t.blV ' I. .hi til lll"t ll1llS MtcVt flail fVl I Iu 'n.- ft I'ltUT't LAM N ft t 4 i I'tK, ut.i4at i . t.i .1. ) a . m k Wl'di l t?lat.)tlBrlltsr fte)l tll,l l- 1 InftT Ik wsvsr, ft. d ltfti l.i on - mo i t.la ua til Iti-.' hti laHbk iWaflt, I v lir i isrotvprlT Kt toaffv . ho.., trr, fllf i miM tW nr- 1 ffeMlc WOt lt ston Vt eluA ftrLlt, su. 1 i aa J ttovia lib i At it, hi; I Kp - ) ip) -ip i rm IIa4 of wrrmlaMi Is ; tlMrrm t sivmIsV ... ) a .! ba A t(. MaieW a A;S1 ' TbllAl f I w CkaaV jlla at fjrvtakl W I U 1 1 If I 1 1 If rilf, srtcuits nuti utt ti aeeiiCATits. THE rJTAS. SSOWAkKCTbT, riNt'lkkATLSV EMPIRE" T miESiiEK AND SEPARATOR AND LVTtST lMrRoVEVl Triple O tv r "Daw." i "HoMtst" fiarsc-rowcrs, Pjrtabh 3 cim Irgices, B a rwr Tkrwliee tSd Cparatr milFi KMrtHK lh most rierfeel I drals 1 (Irala Tt rather, Ultaaat Ib tk I .mp ll MPIItrt W ted roe IU TtlajfTleltT; aa.allie Itatwaelt e Tkrwatilae Nwte. ,,) flktelaa la.aaa x all !, t - , im, ral laf.ir-"eal, tea-e nm ; Ilaa-w.it, .tblwsM ltlt, b,. I ttmt Ma-wtra, arl KlMltwt I'laleei. I b-al latlber teni-aiaoa oalt na t tAutajts irX,I.4 te,r.::i, et -,rv .a- ffiWaai aTy faTrSTfciTi BTaMaasliBVslaaTIS i1.KtJ $i3 in nn 1. .-.. M 'rit Hiiini ( I'.rtasaa v. erjr moniti. Iiaok Vtt )rt -.lni; ry hlntf. S.Ifa-, HU(:Kllkl,. sisslell, I rtlll., Naa Vrk. S! it K lllrt.il a. i!aniel laetni. art-S lt tiyinrrt.a Kaaa-ialea tar(l piant, nn'T S Wle.t ai -m'ftru'e t aiinn iis tians.p el Tsy. taietieeMra DiiU'Miih Vises ami. f tealiri)aia1.vtia. It l',l lolaraal n C.s. IIVN.i lit. alaalat.ra Mt llics-.aer M , ? Toa, 1"t T,tr7iTrcTaXff5T ai ri'owo lyflr.iu Ct LttlUAlEU THfl UiUV 1VK Ttk asoflwlurev Brh ItranW tb bieheat are imlf enxial to lal Uf tt 1 t'thaeaats II. lot.teaaul aa iNuki&a aiwlltli.il. mar pnar M . oMtiua roreo l lse-trt, tftilutnt. IbSSi 4J rut el eleeirlntl at i lianxe. . It is tit Vnii haoaia reoieW mr l.ame liM Wa iinrW, Mi. inallam. femil WVto clall e, Un e", Idxales Kl.ln?, B;l i ai C. ii.iila'eia and all Hie i..tiirU h1t ta.L.i.ra A .k nnr tlnaahtrl Sni Waai n Uaprlno P.acare snd em luat 701, tat t.eitiina am tH-i.J i-r ail utsvaiai l iliei'iria W-lt.l itl Tarelpt nlN"t w.Bri a jiiiouh,ii rw.i euari aw in a . .a.aajwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassaasataasaaaiaai v; SSI Vli- A R'oil nan lr ry Mat an. I 1 eirllw'l lo Hi I nun I a lair eaiarv niil. t'so nr aililma La Kali Slaaltf. . . L . A.. I'.,...... (.v., b CillLDEEN'S SHOES ! ' Wear flee luiif, with titbit ib SILVER -Or A. 6. T. Ct." B Ii A C K T ITON Tiiuy. "Agents, fetsad This. Mr mil pay Asenta a Salary sf IM I'.MI anil p.aa,r. or alluff a lara oooiniio lni tu tajour new anO .ijilrlai lavomlyaa. it hienn t,at mi. a mr-pe "Ubi'ttl .lalaf . iHbxi.Vki:u.. surakaii, Mi.a. ilR fAM't tltlllli llltn.iue. u2t)ri'll. i: alfi-a Asia 10s, Maid OsiSl K. I.I. k IV, H '...u N. Y. ; DIPHTHERIA!! . u.i.. .i .. , -. i i alf r-rrie-il Itila a.ri .ll.e e. anil ill lvalue!. IT ruil) nl ra.'l In ten. Itil rmnllan IbaA I I ne many lite- -ent Ira oy leatl. I' kA .'elny a in eol. Preeenll '0 la t'lr la.d , are I. ft.. Kill -(l t.'it , llanaor. Male. WA.TKIl nii .vitt.N r id Cinraot MUIe-ir, atdllea.lj Irlns town I f It Mat aellln b'lUMlolileri clei In Hie irl I. I'm tip pret til-. Nriio al on e I . N V. Maaolaldrlo wo . liiuluu llaia, N' Vvrli. A GREAT OFFER FOR HOLIDAYS ! ! t Wa Will ilurln. th HIlLI MAYS ill-puea -il 10 I'laMM X lll.il AN. l: I'M AlltlhIN AH I.HW .rir liirrob. KMilNMD OHilANi ..I. .-i. i.l r,r.l, t". I f tl I'.'i ib Han and .hi Irr -i', i.au . I .-t el ', I at l.'j. t I la tar alt miamiii'it i ivNut iu. t ii io VI ii iauie-l br ir A(II.NIi M'A.MKIi. Iliu.lraled la'aNs"' Milled. m.ifh hall p t . ll'itlAt b: ATVKia snvs. Mauatauioreri a Tetteri, J B. Ilia H.N. Y. Sul tleti ill-cliarel I r Won Ii; Kuitore or ntucr injory (no n.ta.ei an re-ire l.ilt IIuiiuit; i ioaa woo re tul lad lor tiir.e yean U- teo .1 n I 'Ot, and At.ril 1,11-4. ba.lns iteemuely Mrvel u n. n .niln or in -r. ar ebllMJ to litt i oumy or o wurb Iher. ot n- iiiuliie Uni al I linn MUo en'.Hiel lefni y . l-ei. Iir Ihrea keuia. ab l w-re innrttred t-elors Aog. , loi, era .iiilrd n luo I. utiti. teaar ile.i or uu rerte I i ail eull .i men la ' 'r three years leiore .iu!y 1-, l-' abi I ut t.'.aj laiunly bal wai. .al. entiilei lo adill' H'Ha' tioatuy uiiar .s. I.lirr A.-i ol .lolv ,i. 1;4. II not air. any laid. II rolillari Ola.l In aerklc. ken at nililed in the i-viimy No lee until claim Is i.a il. fur lull lulorui. tl'ii allrtri, wltb eat vlbied i an u. MM ll.l. U.fci-H. M aabluslvo, l. (J. A SEW EXOUIN-J boon Hrletlmjc wits Ihs Wll. AliVfar'.lltS tt STANLEY in AFKICAi Tli Dly auiliepii? an.l eontriiiiitel chejp l. uun. tit the Brilliant or -riiviTe au-.n-ir. uea. II II. I . loll nUl irr ul nil woii- Itrinl i1l.rite-l' In Alrl.-a nl 1 marveled i umey li n il.e t ot.K'1. Ill last aailbs a i.iiiaiice, I'miurely IMU'lrale.t, ant luaiiiy n.loii I t ibe e'er.y and p-e-. Aaeatiaro elln ii I ' lu ?.aday Ntar'r 1 .u- 0 aoi'l More U' 1 11 1' P n I or t'arii. olira an I ttflMrjU. l.rinas.M-e- Ht'U- la. .li liliii- , 1'ailijbeii, rnilaJi,.b.S. l a. l-alun I' I'ui. i.Ha I II,, nut, Na Kiel Itli.d. and will run fdi :y chanee II tdoeil In ttie entlie aa-etu In tl rre tant-bi. Any trou wiio will take I giiilca-h nbt rro.nl In 12 ra mat le r...t .e I lol iund beail.. ii ui-h a-Llns I'O p.-aitJe f-eni Iiy tea l kf I loner atu.a I S. JHli'sl-( Co., Ban nor. af -i:ra il n I I .yesi drvi rrrVn a. . I.J Wlj MSi ?Ml ii t -, : , I ! tftl Ul;, ft. O F. W APTLF. OfTjeTftl ra.uuii PAPER HAKGIKG, J. W. M. Chamberlairii l.tttr, til. miiImi to the eliUesi rt'i' Ser A lolrlri oilr.. tie n a lar.rll al paoer. bai.yer anJ ran do Im work, a w.il aad elirap ri -n lie .ion enewbere. II ta b aeen or a.! J Uii al StLINSCO.ESNYDER CO , FA SwrOrderi nool y alleo Jed lo-taA r.iti . l.a.ir i )pr bed UUeJf He han early rail. kepi I', tl. Man;ood : How Lost. Hew Kiitcled. Juel utilUbed, B tew eJillck c f lin. (uiinaiu'i laiassatiB haatltii Ibt radioal cure (w,tb o.H ii.eiliciin ol 5permiorrl or or Feol nil ll'eaknrra, lnaoliiMar? Seminal Ine. t. lmpoirar-r, Xlceinl and rhtaical lu. eapacii.v, liiii bJimrni lo Msnla-re. to . ala.i. Cunaiiii'pni'ii. Kpl'.rp't abd I 'Its, ta-Jui-ed hj erll-iu Ju'ainc or teXual tilr vacaooe. So. Bt-ajTlVle, is a ilsltd tiielepi, sal i cent Tlie relrlraled antbor, la ibi F.us', learljr tleiotbi,iiia, fretj a tkiny year' surcreelul praftUe, tbtl Ibt alaransaj ooaarijneBte el telf-abuet sst Via radi. rail; enreS ilk oat lbs etabtiroos ass ef w-arBsl Ibeaielnt ol ibe aM lieaiioa sf mini i nr.? I ta i hiiiit. i i m ti j.-.i ill ll i ii i-i Al ft f i 'in j- lPlfl, v AV 1 ll';.il Awf Is' f Ae fpp t' U . -I iv - " .. Ii-ll It. ter iaiA.it. Ai.tr l .np .M t'-vJ .'I. IHei i"i Ili'M'l ..,. , ,, , ... . br ' l t. JCk,.A 1 to.. Mf., ik tMr, -,ni,Hr out a anode ef (ur al sea .-.-a, seri.t. .-,4 efexiaal be meats pi t-aieb eej siifertr, HW wbat bis Bd'tibA Siatlt.a-.ay a.rA bl-eH cfceipl) arlvsttlv, ltd rudutUf. ' VebTTbl Uoiaa abould l-s ta the bkBit f ler A s4 evttt aaSA I tbS Mud. , v ; Ami Bsitt eal, la a pSIS telA. adrtaav Ml fm,i, ea tef-ptwf l . ' l P0WHW"'WP 1. 1 Addi-et IbS PuMteaie--. ' TUKCCiVClvTttt MJDTCAl, tftt . 41 Ab rs, P Tr VTVMSCS tz$ X t-.M .it?., .- T I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers