jus? THE "EeWSvilY; 99 THE LAUREL WREATH" - . . i .1 ' - . - J. 12...... Prioe No. f, otcplsiif kit",. linClit. ...,.... i ...... .".. . ....Frice 4-B0 N o aj1 an.io.iaiir.LA. . ' ; Price 16 90 Vo. 13 ? ' '....; .Pricels :c Mo. 14, ; .Prio, ls.oo Ma. it. witty Low iiewa Corner Hoi Water Reesrtoir Tries 22.12 This Stove has n direct kirnd with check flue J 7 I 1 r i .1 m ...... f?m&mzz vbc53S'0 i. V " v ft : r i -,,,sjrrc?Wav1t Jr$n . IT.;.vr.'V'.' -v-.s;'it.v ..... .. - - """r"-""".i'''v; v'ri'---- ? Tbis KaDge bat a shaking and tlutuj'ir.g grato to the firo-lox, wbicL is open in froot, for Ho pnrpoRo of cleaning out cliulon, &o. It is constructed with a hboot fine, and is so arranged as to apply tlio boat to ALL the boilers at the snroe time, by the cso of a singl damper, which answers also for sending the draft around the oven or direct. There is a shelf supported by a crano, at one end of the top, which can be dropped down out of the way when not in uso. lias a broiling door in front of Cro-box. The stove- is mounted in first class style with Nickel Knobs, Tin Lined oven doors, &.c: The "Lsmorel Wreaftlfo. DOUIJLE IIlJArj:!!. TOIt WARMING TWO Oil MOKE KOOMS. 5J No. 13 ?18 2( No. li SOU'! This is c ib a 1 to any HDou Mc fileai er Parlor ltove in Hie Mai' ket9 is a tcbj hand some tove a n d fin ished with W i c k c IPla t ed M.nohs JL1 fw9w?tt and crEa i Si e c 1 strip nbove the fi r o chnmbe r, t h li s ans wering the purpose of return flue. They havo a Check D a in p c r. And a dou ble Cover. tffil-P' shakes and jm. dumps, nod ifillw issoarranj cd that JmimMM . ; clinkerscan A-r&&::xt8k we raked ofl mitm ill : from the Afe.5gpJ - grate, innk. llffPPIffl ' ,tant, c,,nkcr- fefeEf The Ash. feu . I a Kv mr tf. m iVlaazinc. Drawer. y mm 99 No. ft. Ovc-n ISxlSxU inches. Warming closot 20x2x7 ....Trice $1820 No. i). Ovon '.0 "xl'J " y'rics2:i So. I), with Low Down Coppor HotVttter ltoHcrvoir ... ...Vice 271:, L5;-o. ruj '-j- ?- PSSatl fWfs.v. s.v'..-----?.--5-" "7j f?i ri ess r'it'zj'' tvee from asordn aenl ha a. 1 w a y g cnstoniea p e a f o c atfifae don N. S. VKJ. . TRCi'.N. X Prices of Hollow Ware, &cj BULGED DINNER PQTS. No. 8, ' ' " 63 cents No. 9. M .i 71 STKAIGUT KETTLES, . , No. 8, " " 44 43 " No 9. " " bf The above Kettles and Pots have wood bundles, an emptying handle, and arc around out tmoolh on the Inside. . 'J'KA KETTLES, Wood Handle, Siting Coven. No. 8, Ti cent. No. 9, 79 cents (MULLETS. ; No 7. 2.1 cU. No 8, 2B cts. No. 9, 3i cts LONG FANS, or CaU QridJiei. No. b, 4Sents -No. 9 v With Uailp. round bottom, with feet Prices of Pipes, &c. A joint of Pipe will measare 211 incbot when put together. PIPE FOR COOK STOVES. Hade of lett Nj. 20 Iron '( in Dinra. for joint of of 21 inches, . 24 clsj I ncu uiuows. Vi ots PIPES FOB PARLOlt STOVE 3. i la No 20 American Iron per joint, 20 cts. .-, .. .i , . Elbow, ' 16 " 5 " ltussla Iron, per loin t 48 ' " fi5cnU5M - Elbow 40 15 Corrtiffated or Ronnd Elbow, ' 64 Heater pip per. iomtk ;r ". ' " This TTaDffo has a sifting Grate above the Ash drawer, which damns, and a Shnkinr? and Dnmninir Grsta to the flr4.hnx. mV.r!k hpen in front for tho purpose of cleaning out clinkers, io. I be uanpe is onntruct) with a sbeet fine, and so arranged as to apply the heat to all the boiler at the same time, by the use iioffle damper, which answers also for sendiojr the draft aroun 1 the oven, or diroct. There is a shelf, supported by a crane, at one end of the top, which can be dropped down oat of the way when not in use. hi ., W furnish water Fronts when desired. Mounted ia first clnss strlo. with Nickle Knobs. Tin Lined oven Doors, &c ' t . ' ' '. Tlie above nro NET CA.HII PRICES, Mon. ey mimt accompany orders. uVJOIlEH.S , in all cases Walts & Sclirraer MannfactM Co , M of Stores fioi i Floor to Bottom or Smoke Hi3. J Ho. 8, Economy;. . . . .',1 ........... i : . . .2s i.4"inh No.9. ....-. i 9ai.tiiw.wP So. 8, Zenith ......I...'. ....i. ,,.,. .80 8-4ocbr' tl No. 9, t " ,..., .. 82 1t8 inch? ,t tio. 12, Laurel WroatU, base buiuer,... ;..........,. .82 inches. Na 13.. " No. 14, No. 18, i " 0. 14, - " ' 41 Ccble Heater, ? - i .oj incuest ...,t j itc;:t. t a , No. 28 Amerioan., ' 31 IZZT IRON BCiADPlNH. Doqtlt CVJ Cr'-'T r for . -.' i ..:l . ' ' . LLf 'sklrta ti low as 75 etc -' '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers