The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, September 12, 1878, Image 1

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    "" ' - - ; ' . , ....... - , '-.. V . " r
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V , .oUrth column, r. yi-r,
(,. square (10 lin)l 1. tcrtion
Me T BOHiuonai inwmon,
frofc -,imlI)ulneiMr(lof
r aLan 8 lines, per year,
An . Lxcciitof, Administrator
j Aaaignre Notices, ' -CL.oHaI
notices tier tine.
All advertisements for a shorter pe-
r -itnau one year ere payable attli
I aa they are ordered, and II not paid
I person oruonng mem wtu ue held
lpontima lor tne money.
Finding Fault
la epvaitss, of a ptrtoa'i faullt,
' Frt Soa't forgot your owa I
Btaiointtor laote wild homes of fit It
j flkeatd seMoat laraw a tlohe.
ff aeialai tin to do
Tka talk or Iho.e who (in
Tie hmt We eoramoaoe at komo,
Aad ikl poiat bogia.
We kaTt rljbl io Judco a maa
Oatll ka'o ftirl trlod,
Ikoutd aol ttko ki watit;,
Wo kaow Ibo world It !
Soma at karo foulia, and who bat let t
i Tk ld to w.U at yoaae. -ftrhtpt
wo may, for all wo kaow (' ,
i Have fifty to tboir ooo,
' ...
I'll latl yoa or a brtlor plan,
' Aid Cod U work tall wtll, i.
( try your owa doftolo to uro,
Kro olbor'o fault! you loll,
Aad kok I toaoiinoo kopo to be
No wono Ibaa lorn I know,
kly owa ikort oomiago bid at lot
Xbe feullt of otktre go.
So Jot ao all wkta wo btgla
To alaadtr frltad or fat,
Tkiok of tbt krm one word may do
ffo tkosowo liitlt kaow,
KMa)ker ountt, ohiokta likt.
Sonet I mt to roott eomt koint t
,J)a't tpoak ol olhtrt fullt until
" . Tm bM eooo of your owo.
H e 1 e o t T n 1 e .
"And jroa really fanoy yoaraelf ia
lore with this fair-bairei little ahop
girl' Mr. MorediUi, a tall, noblo fuatnr
ed man of fifty, looked ratlior sadly
at his eothusiastio younj nephew.
"Fancy, nnole f That is hardly an
appropriate word to uso. 1 am quite
ertoia of the fact.'
-1 oonaider you will considor mo
VtOty bad judge of the hntuan char
acter U I tell yoa that I like her lit
ue aoaoip's demare foes beet Be
tieTa me, Harry, tbore is more real
stamina in Rath Dnrr than in her
pretty c6nein BaoheL' -
'There, sir,', answered 27arry, res
olately, ' i where I must beg leave
v tt differ with you.'
Well, my boy, yoa mast choose
for yourself.. Kemetnbor, it is ao
question of a portnor for a waltz, or
pair of bright eyes whose glitter ie
to amuse you for one or two even
ings. . The woman whom yoa select
or your wire muet nuconnunly exert
more or less poteut influence over
your whole life,'
MI know it, sir,' and Harry's mirth
ful face became for the moment al
most crave.
That she earns her own living
behind the counter of a fancy store
that they bulu do, is no drawback in
my eyes., ndepeadenooand self-reliance
are to me cardinal virtues,
and even though your wife will be
raised into an atraosphore of com par
ative wealth, a few lessons takeu be
fore baud in the impartial school of
worldly experience will be of inoal
eulable use to her.'
Harry Morodith sat long, that
night, before the snug bright fire in
lus snug little bachelor apartment
musing over bis unole s words.
. . He bad met the two cousins, Ra
shel and Bath Dorr at a auiet little
birthday gathering at the Louse of a
friend, and bad iustantaueonsly felt
drawn toward toe elder by eighteen
months. . Bbe was a beautiful blonde
while the other was . rather of the
lunette type. " "
Daring the' three months which
na4 fallowed upo his first introdue
tiesv Harry Hetedlth had contrive
ed aep the pouaine several times a
wLu&ftt&aaqQtxiilr -fell deeper
inHotft wCh the ; gold-hatred lassie
wve'wbliw' be was quite conscious of
Be' i'a; dor claamterand atronger
II ' 1 . . ; , a t t
L tiiJSS b waa aimoss cempiea
ia waver ia hie allegiance toward
the elder, and then betook himsolf
with very nnnnnesstry sternneas to
Ml&torght, however, he passed the
whole of the lost few weeks in re
view before his memory, and decid
ed that inaction was ' the very worst
policy in the world.
"This suspenoe must be put an
&& lo, jsjaoulatbd our hero half a
bud and then he smiled misohiev
elwlv to himself, as ao idea oame in
Ao hie head.
Tni'doit,' be thought biting bis
JS.' "Qi oourae it's merely for the
i j 6f the ' 'thing; I have not the
X Jfw ol s) doubt that she is all she
He was silent for a few minutes,
and then Arose to prepare for slum
ber. -"They are, polite enough to me as
the favored eoild of luxury. . Mow I
irtU fckke measuree to learn whether
jt eourtesy m gwunoiy ororn we
rrt, or merely born of empty form
-' adnoation to wealth. -.
': i oar hero, lavis his head on
f j piUw, of priynU' masquerads
. - niLt loo. ,
' Dorr and her oouain Ruth
r i thfjrta in Bavery h 8t.
Y':2tfci7 "tore.
, v "r s!'hed Baobel, one
1 jn i' itobkol her bonnet
! ) I .) r:-!r7-rosa at tU
t r' 1 r'-'r trt
m ten' (a jar tv :
VOL. 16.
llant hopes of matrimony to light np
the monotony of my daily toil.
Rachel shrugged her shoulders.
a aon t see now you Dear it so
patiently. I should die with vexa
tion and ennui if I did not hope for
omeuiing oeiter.
Uueh f said Butb. "there is Mrs.
Wickea, the forewoman calling us,'
uUow I hate the old vixen I' Ra
ohel ejaculated, slowly following
uum into ine store.
Sft S t . t . "
"iteaiiy, uiss itaeoei uarr. von
must be a little more punctocj,' said
jirs. nioxee, Darsins: ud ner moutb
primly. You are full fire minutes
behind time, and it was Just so yes-
ltaobel pouted, and went to work
abeung a box or newly-arrived rib
bons. She and Mrs. Wickea had
never agreed very harmoniously, nor
did she affiliate vuth the shop girls.
'A stuck ud. imnertinent thins.'
they called her while she, from tbo
serene heights of possibility of
her one day becoming Mrs. liarry
Meredith, treated them with disdain,
which was anything in the world but
In vain were Kutb remonstan
oee. Kacnacl bad always boon wil
ful and iuclinod to superciliousness,
ner would she listen to her cousin's
mildly proffered advice now.
"It s all very well lor you, Kutb,
you've got to spend all your days,
nt she said curling her pretty lips,
but I shall soon bo lifted out of
this groveling atmosphere.'
"It is by no means a cortaiuty,
"Yes, itis,' lauRhiaely answered.
Racbol, blushing like a damank roeo.
And Kuth would sigh sofily. and
think how brightly the future was
unrolling its vast map before her
pretty little cousin.
Kacuel Durr waited rather lan
guidly upon one or two custsmers
tnat morning. Evidently her heart
was not in ber work, and Mrs.
Wickes, from her lurking nlace be
hind the cash box, cast several on-
veneraed glanoes toward her pre
monitory of a coming storm.
JrroBoutly a new customer hobbled
in bont and crooked, and made his
way direotly to the counter where
Uachel aud Hutu were standini. A
huge cotton umbrella protruded in
war like manoor from beneuth his
arm, aud mouded cotton gloves cov
ered his bauds, while a rusty red wis
was bull biddon by bis bout and batM
tered hut
"My goodness I Bath, what a fig
ure 1' ejaculated Rachel, ia a very
audible voice. "What can that old
bundle ef second-hand clothes want
"Hush I" said Ruth, almost stern
ly, 'he ill bear you.'
"And what if he doos 1 What do I
"Ho is old and infirm, Racbol, and
his age should render him saored in
your eyes.
Wacuol tossed ber bead sneering-
"Ruth yoa are too absurd for
anything. I won t wait on him.
But the old man steered rosolute-
ly for Bacbel herself:
I want to bay some doves.
Miss, he said, in a feeble, croaking
"You'd better go somewhere else.'
said the young lady,', superciliouslv.
'our store dosn't keep cheap goods.'
"rieaae let me see tbe articles.
Rachel tossed a box down on the
counter the old man bent bis speota-
ciea eyes down 10 survey ine goods
wow muon are tnese I . '
"A dollar a pair.' - .
"But I am a poor man. Miss i
have yoa nothing cheaper T'
Kor snapped Bacbel, 'X told
yoa to go elsewhere. I ye no pati
ence with paupers,
"I beg yonr pardon, Mise, said tbe
old man i "1 am not a pauper. - '
Well,' observed the girl,, scorn
fully, you look like one 1'
"Appearances are often deceitful.
Did yoa tell me yoa had oheaperl
gloves t .
"1 didn t toll yoa any such thing!
Bacbel I Rachel L' remonstrated
her cousin. 'Let ma show yoa what
yoa want siraba said softly, turn-
lug to tue oiu -uBH)iuar. if e uave
some very nioe gloves at aeventy-five
cents.' - j,
"Sevoty"five cents is a great deal
of money to pay for a pair of gloves,
said the old man looking sorrowfully
down on the mended fiugera of those
be r? bat tbe weatber la getting
fror and Z am not as young asjl
1 1 should think thai was quite
evLut' wid Rachel, with a heartless
Rtlh bsnt toward the old man,
trog in low aweet voice.
v lake the warm worsted gloves,
tZi. The prioe is seventy five cents,
tt yoa shall bave them for fifty. ' I
yself will make np tbe difference
mj the store. You are an old gentle-
r n, and I tm . young and able, to
"'nt I am nothing to yoa, Mlsa.1
) 'Ji folded the gloves neatly in a
-f paper, and banded them to
"I ' the sake of the dear father
wto c
. a .
year ago, old ae oao
,Tg to me, air. TSeeae
l indeed Z Lrvs
vav-r t
bave (given him anything f Why
uwsu istgo io me poor nouse r
Ibe days crept on and one day
Mr. Harry Meredith astonished little
Kuth Dnrr very much by asking bar
m v. uis wue -
It was as if the gates of Paridtse
had been snddonly oponod to ber
ths modest little girl, secretly wor
ship Harry Meredith in her heart of
Dearts bad never dreamed of th
possibility of such good luck being
in store for ber.
That evening she told her cousin.
Bacbel listened in silenoe. Tbe prise
bad befit! very hear ber grasp onoe,
but it had slipped away.
"I think von are mistaken. Tlnlh .'
she said acrimoniously. 'I think Mr.
oiereuiin never would
She checked hersolf, for at that
instant the door openenj and Harry
Meredith was announced. -
"Well Bachol,' he said, pleasantly,
are yoa ready to congratulate mo
upon the sweet little wife I bave
won I
Rachel muttered one or two for
mal Sentences, but she was verv
polo. Meredith observed her with a
"Ruth,' be said, turnintf with a
smile. 'I have something to show
Ue put a tiny parcel in hor band.
She opened it aud out fell a pair of
worsted glovos.
bbe looked wistfully into bis face
then the whole tide of memory oame
dock, upon nor ueart.
"Harry ! were yoa the old man t
"I was the old man, my dearest t'
And then Rachel know wbv it was
that the shin froichtod with nil lir
hopes had drifted away, when it was
so near tbe bavon.
The Champion Love Letter.
ITorruburi) Ttlfjraph.
lbere are champions and cbamni-
ons, but the following can fly higher,
get over more ground, aud do it
qnioker than any love letter ever
pnbliebod. It is a whole dictionary
of loving terms and enderments
boiled down, and what is more it is
a true bill. It was picked ud ntonc
the rivor road between Uarriebun?
and Fort Hunter, and our only ob
ject in publishing it is to add one
moro to the valuable contribution in
the' Complete Letter Writer." The
average young man should cut this
oat and paste it in his hat s
Fort IIontsb Anl 29 78
Mr Dabuso it almost broke my
herat when you did not meet me
when yoa said you were going to
meet me darling I know it ia not
yonr hearts wish that I cant oomo to
see yoa for my boart lougs to bo
with you for moro than ten thousand
thoughts came in my mind in one
day about yon if you will please on
ly pleaso darling answer me that
question that I attkod'you so often 1
will be more sntisnod fur my heart is
troubled night and day about you
my dailinir and I will alwavs bo
kind to you for yoa know that I
have always treated yoa kindly and
loveingly yoa kaow darling you have
my heart fairest sweetest dearest
darling and tell me that your heart
shall be mine and lot your answer be
a kiss and seal it with tbe same.
From your ever true and lovinir
Round is the ring that baa no end
ao ia my love to you dear friend, of
all tbe treasures this world contains
I would give my life and all for you
if i cannot git you i am a ruined man
forever for if i can not get yoa no
one in tbia world shal win my heart
agin for yoa darling I would not
give your little finger for all the girls
A f . . i w a a a B
in inis wiae worm inai ever i saw or
talked with - please meet me at the
post offloe this evening for my heart
wisbea to meet yoa on love yoa
know yoa have my heart and if yon
will only please answer that question
that X ak yoQ I will be more satisfi
ed ia my daily thought for my
nicrbtlv dreams and daily thoughts
are all about you I will oloae tbia by
Bonding yoa 10,000 kisses all aweet
ones darling I will meet yoa with A
"Your ever true friend bamueu
I will write you more next time
It is to be hoped that all-import
ant 'question' has been answered by
this time and sealed with a kiss i
and that his 'heart,' which the same
was 'troubled night and day is now
at ease. The 'ruined man,' if he pro
secuted bis suit as vigorously when
in his 'darling's' company aa he did
by letter, may even now be enjoying
that aweet matrimonial . bliss that is
only marred by flat irons and broom
sticks and rolling pina and cold din
nan and visits from the mother-in
law. eta As for those '10.000 kiss
es, all aweet ones,' we hope he let up
before be got half through and gave
ua girl chance to eatoh ber breaw.
Ton can alwaya tell whether a
ban saw ia going or not by aimply
feeling of it but it generally takes
about aa long to find the enebef
yonr flejers as it would to have gone
and asked the foreman of the . fhOp
if the thing was in motion. :
Jakle on Watermelon Picket.
Old lady Jonos borrowed Mrs
Brown'a receipt for making water,
melon piokel the other dav. and be
ing bard of hearing,and as she could.
n t see to read well, she got her grand
boy. Jakie took the paper like a du
tiful child, and. holding it nrmUa
j : . " -
Take a green watermelon"
Wbv. Jakie. ain't von mlatnUnm
I thought the melon must be ripe.'1
"U, watsthe matter id you jo
v.Vft m m WIIMUIUUIUU tun. WUZU fc
"Cut the walormolon into four
''Rut there aint only two halves
to anything 1 1 don't believe VdU
are reading that right Jakie."
"Well, I don t halve to. Rut an.
how that's wat the resoet says. Then
soaa ine watermelon in a pint cup
"O, dear mo I bow iu the world
can yoa put a watermelon in a piut
cup I
"Well. I ain't bore ia (nil Mm
wboreae and howforos. I'm iimt
renuiu tue lacis, and yoa lean put in
the philosophy to suit ycr tasto.
Alter soaking tho melon, out it iu
a skillet and fry it for four days."
"I wonder if Mrs Krown sont me
such a resoet aa that"said the old
lady but Jakio koeps on.
"1 ben put the watermelon in a
quart bowl and pourover it a gallon
of vinegar, taking care ttot to spill
tbe vinegar"
"I'd just like to know how you
can pour a gullou into a quart wi th
outspilliog any of it," but Jakie
"Thou sift a pook of rod popper
thro' a milk-strainer over the melon i
and to one cup of batter add the
wites and the yolks and the sbolls of
three eggs, and throw in the old
ben that laid 'em, and (our sticks of
cinnamon drops, and a bottle of
Dootor Mary Walker's Vinegar Bit
ters, and two tablospoonaful of sas
safras, and ten craina of auinine.
and run it through acoffoo mill, and
lot it stand till it fermouts, aud then
put it in a tin can, and tio the can
to a dog s tail this will stir it up to
the right consistency and thoa you
can turn it off iuto crocks snd have
it ready for uso. Serve it uncold and
spread it on mince pie, aud it makes
a oapitid dessert" and Jakie slid out
of the door and left tho lady look
ing like a wrinkle on a monument.
."I golly r soul Jakio,"bot yet
sweet life she won't ask mo to road
any more rosoolal"
JirwhaUmI "What a Cat I A
few evenings ago Alvy Moody was
paying a vimt to his dalciuea. She
had siuugglod him iuto the parlor,
and tho tUrknoss only servod to cou
ceal her bluxhos whilo Alvy told tho
story of his love.
The muttered words rcochod tho
parent's ear, and coming snddeuly
into tho room he demanded to know
of Mary who it was she had with
"It's tho cat sir,' was the mum
bhng reply. i
"Drive it out ol hero thunder
pater famihas. I
"Scat I" screeched Mary and
men, sotto voice t
"Alvy, inowo a little."
Alvy sot up a woeful yoll.
Confound it I bring a liaht aud
scare the thing out.
'Xbia waa too mucb. and poor AI-
vey made a leap for tbe window,
carrying glass and frame with him.
'Jerusalem 1 what a oat t" exclaim
ed the parent, contemplating the ru
in after the light waa brought. "I
bave never aeon anything like it.
And, confound it I it'a toil ia made
af broadcloth I" s ho vioweda flut
tering remnant' baDging from the
window. "
It will be manv vears before the
telephone and phonograph suooeed
tbe red-boired woman with a sun
bonnot who lives io the center of
tbe village and . f lo inqires doily
over hor back yatJfance what the
newa is. v ,
Two gentlemen woro arguing in
a pasture fiold with only a goat for an
audience. In reply to a statement of
one tbe other said:"! know. But
The coat took bim at his word, and
tbe argument was continued pu tbe
other side of the fence. '
A young msU who appeared at
Dead wood last- week . in a pair of
white panls was promptly tseorttd aut
of Iowa. "WeeaniUodablltdtbirt,
you know," a miner explained, Eut
wbts it oooies to wsario' biled draw
art, we jut mak them git up and
' V") speared to" be almost goao.
Bo. lie eyes JewarUs tbe psrtner
of hL "a, hi gasped: "Rary me
bensa tbe Jspiog willows, and
Elaete ''-'' -bite rose above my
adl'' . it'a ao nasi" she snap
ped ou .-ar noes would scorch tbe
roots." I ot
'v of Early, Oa.,
.7 water for fun
rBy rjub-
tr ;a
PA., SEPT. 12,
Story of A Musket.
Mark Twain tells the following
story, rolated by a follow passenger,
wuo, bantered about bis titnity, said
he bad never boon scared sinco he
had loadod an old Queen Anne's
musket for bis fathor ouco, where
upon ho gives the following i
Xou see, tbe old man was trying
to got me to shoot blaokbirds and
beasta that tore up the young corn
and auch things, so I could be of
aomo use about tho form, for 1 wasn t
big enough to do much. My gun
was a siuglo barreled shot-gun, and
tbe old man carried a Quoen Annie
musket that weighed about a ton,
made a report like a thoundor clnn.
aud kicked liko a mulo. The old
man wanted mo to shoot the old
rauhkot sometimos, but I was afraid
One day, however, I got hor dowu
and took her to tho hired man. and
told him to load her, bocanno it was
out in the field. Hi nun snid t
"Do you see tboso marks on the
stock, au X and a V, on each sido of
tho Queon's crowu t Well, that
moans ten bnlls and fivo slugs
that s her load.
"But how much powder 1"
"Oh,'" ho savs, it don't matter
"put in thrco or four handful."
So I loadod hor ni thitt wav. and
it was an awful chargo I had hoiiro
enough to soo that and started out.
I levulod hor on a good many black
birds, but every tiuio I wont to null
tho trigor I shut uiv ovos nud
winkod. I was afraid of hor kick.
Toward sundown 1 fetched up at the
houso, and thoro wua tho old mau
wailiug ou the porob.
juoun out bunting, bavo yo 7
"Yer, sir," says I,
"What did you kill I"
"Didn't kill anvthimr. sir. didn't
shoot her off was afraid she'd kick
I know blamed well she would."
"Gimme that can 1" tho old man
said, as mad as sin.
And ho took aim at a eaplincr on
tho other sido of tho road, and I be
gan to drop back out of dungor, and
tno nose moment l board tho ourlh
quako, and saw the Quoeu Anne
whirling end over ond iu the air,
and tho old man spinning round oa
ouo heel, with oue log tip and both
hands on bis juw, and the bark lin
ing from that old sapling, like thoro
was a hail storm. Tho old man's
shoulder was set back threo iuchco,
his jitw turned black and blue, aud
he hud to lny up for a wook, Chol
ora or nothing oIho can scaro mo the
way I was scared tlmt day.
Some old Amorican Laws.
There is a long list of tboso quaint
t t - fl i.: . i. a
uiwB, a luvr oi wuiuu win auuiue vo
exhibit tbo condition of tho society
iu which thoy oxiutod "No (junker
or DisKeutor from tho cstabliuhod
worship of tho Domiuion shall be
allowed to give a voto for tho eloo
tiou of magistrate or any othur of
ficer,' "No food or lodging shull be
offered to a Quaker or a Horilio,' 'No
Priost shall abide iu the Dominion.
He shall be baniHhed, and suffer
on his return.' "l'riests may bo soiz
ed by any one without a warrsut'
"No one shall run on the Sabbath
or work in bis garden or elsewhere,
except reverently to and form meet
ing.' No one shall travel, cook vie
tuals, make bodn, sweep houses, cut
bnir or shave on tbe oabbatn day.
'No woman shall kiss ber children
on the Sabbath day, nor on a fast
ing duy.' "No minister shall keep a
school.' 'No one shall road Common
Prayer Books, keep Christmas or set
days, eat mince pies, dance, play
cards, or play on any instrument of
mnsio exoept the drum, trumpet and
jew's harp.' "To pick an ear of corn
from a neighbor a garden shall bo
doomed theft' - "The Selectmen, on
on finding children ignorant niay
tako them away from their parents
and put them in better hands at (he
expense of their parents.' 'A man
that strikes bis wife shall be fined
ten pounds.' 'Adultrv shall be vuu-
ished with death.' Married 'persons
shall live together or be imprisoned,
A drugkard shall bavo a roaster ap
pointed by the Selectmen, wbo are
to debar bim from the liborty of
buying nd soiling r" and "Whoever
shall publish a lio to tbe prejudice
of bis noighbor . sueii be set m me
stocks, or be whipped ten stripes.'
mi i
"Fellow-citizens," said a stump
orator, "we bave tbe beat oouaSUfau
tbe world, and tbe best GtomnmeuET
No person on the fane ' of ibo globe
enjoy more prmieg"- a we do.
Here we bave tbo IKwJ of speech
and liberty of press, witboot oner
oua despotism. What feWw citb
sens, ia more desirable than this f
Do yoa want anything more, my
ooontrymen I" "Yes, sir-ee, said
one ol nie bearers, "I want a suck
oat of that flask sticking out of yonr
ooat-pocket behind."
A widower bad five grown daugh
ters who wouldn't let bim take a
second wife. He gave np the wife,
but bought a aavage dog, and now
won't allow a man to tsnoee hia door
ait If he can't marry,' the girls
shan't, ha says. But the girls will
five to by-cid'by. They el atand
1878. NO, 15.
The Census of tlifl Earth.
The issue is nnnouuood of the fifth
publication of Rohm and Wogner'e
ueToiaernna aor fcruoy whiob
may be styled the census of Urn
oaun. oineo tbe last col eet oh nt
statistics t lie earth shows an increane
population is now set down thus :
i 1- ? -vwini toortieran.i tr.nt enn.Unt
Europe, aia,3U8,480, Asia, Austra
lie and Polynesia, 44t,831,000i Af
nco, ua,aiB600 America, 186,
1 lCOOOj amounting in all to 1.439,
1 45,n00, It will be seen that Asia
looms with more than one half of all
uio people on tbe face of the globe.
Ibe population of some of tho
principal countries ia aa fulln.
Germany, 4J.727.360 i Annlrn 37,
358,000 1 Russia in Euro no, 72,3'ji-.
o, i ranco, 3G.Dor.788 1 Ori.l
nruain 4,aiU.C4. Itnlv. 27.7fi'i .
475 i Turkey in Kuropo (before par
tition). 0.573,000 1 Kiu,Hift in Aaia,
4.oU5,7h j 'lurkey in Apia. 17.8H0,
vwj tuma proper, 405,000.000; Chi-
peso bouior lunIn, Htl.oSO.OOO i Dril
inn India, 188.4ai.2Ulj Japan, 33,
023,373 1 Egypt 17.000.000 E.,a.
torial Afrira, 44.000.000i II ..
lOS.'iao. Thcjiopulation of iho Uni-
' i (,'iven as at mo last con
sun, H,o5f,371, although it has of
course incroasod soverul millions in
tho eight years that have elnpsod
hi'oco that enumeration was takon.
uouiu ana Wagner's tables do not
protond to exactness in ull casoB, ch
pocially an rogards suvngo landHi but
when there nro no olllcial data, as
oiohb a oompuiaiion as is possible in
iuad,and tho liguros are accoptod as
moBtreliablo that are accessible.
Tho publication is looked upon as a
standard, and it shows that, despite
wars, famines and poatilonoo tho
numbor of pcoplo in tho world stead
ily increases.
Josh Billing's Sayings.
The following, with tha nnnllino
oorrcted, are onlled from a couplo
of coltimna of b is sayings:
Angor always burls 03 more than
the ono we got mad at.
Mako yourself necessary, vonnc
man, and your sucoohs is certain.
hat a mau irots for nothing 1a
is apt to value at just about what it
Rills will sinetimoa rofuso to not
on the liver but sawing wood nover
When a man aiu't good for nnv
ti.: ... J
uuiu;( VIOU, uuu jUH 1'lgUt to Bit OU
a jury.
About as low down us a man can
got and not quite "spile" is to live
on bis wife's ropututiou.
I don't bet on precocious children;
tbe huckleberry that rinmin tln
soonest is ulwuys first to decay.
Everybody seems to considor
himself a sort of moral half bushel to
measure the world's frailties in.
He whu has nothing to do in this
world but to amuso himself bat got
tho huidont job oo band I know of.
I have always said, and I believe
it still, that the time to be cartfulest
is wben you bars a band full of
When you strike otl, stop boring.
Msoy a man has bored elvao
through aud lot tbo oil run out at the
If yoa want to And out just how
moau and dishonest you have always
oettD, goi nuuiioaioj oua run far ao
Next io point of moaooafts to doing
a inao so injury is to do bim a tavor,
ana every now aud tueo remind bim
of it,
Woman has always boeo more than
a match fur man. Adam held tbe best
cards, hot didn't know how to play
thnui well.
The man who it honest from policy
needs as mucb wutcbmg a a hive of
beet j oat getting ready totwarm-
It bis income is small no- man it
better prepared to meet hard timet
or to practice ecoooiny than ie las far
mer, and whoo Irovidenoo rewards
him with bountiful crept bo can feel
Ibti tbe blestini's which euriob h m
bave muds oo ooe else poorer r OA'o
Tho President of a railroad recent
ly telegraphed to tbe Superintendent
of tho but), avklnor him if he did not
as business waa so dull, think the
boys would stand another five or ton
cent, uk 'J'be laker answered:
'When you made the last cut I dis
charged most of tW sioulo rneu, aud
Mje niarrie'Vvi T oonrjea to
aVow" Jh-ii J51d you moko
anw- f Jou't Ttiiow what in
the d TTV vonld do.' '
Thb D irriBEMCB. The foolish man
saith unto tbe world and the people
thereof, "Lo, I am a candidate,' but
tbe sharp politician desaembleth
within himself and declareth unto
the folk, "La, now, I ain in the
hands of my friends."
Alwaya blame yonr vife and chil
dren for neglecting to do things
yon forgot to tell tbero about This
is the rarest priviloga of a natural
born fooL
' A thorn in tha bash is worth a
dosen in tt tiad. .
f ubHslicd" every JThumdav. Evenirsf '
JBirBMiAH, dnpuao, Prop
Tnrma of Snbsoripbon, '
ahle vitliiu tix mouth or H6uifn-i -paid
Within the yeiif. ' Ifo paper JLm
continued until all arrcarnra erw
f'ftld unlet at tike option of the Dafea
inher. . '
SubkcrtriMntit nutwido of tbe ODOKbW 1
Mtaiilb inadvanc.
WPersons liain and osing papArt
adlnMni ' others bocomemiUcrlbr
and are liable fortho urice of tho papa
JEVl RELLKR, . ' t
Haanfaotortrof aad dealer la
Wontfl renrfBtfutlv Ifiform tfiA 1tt.fij J-' ,
on SCX
Furniture of overw naaoriDtioti
at (ho very lowoxt prloo. Ho retceotfulli
iBTitoe aa exanloatlda of
tiOt.V(M, SfANOS.OItAIBS, h4.
tt9A tprrlat lnllatioa It oUalJ IB
wly married rofkt to oall aad let mi tlaeft
oro furobunlng oltewbcro.
SellotKrovt, April 0,H70-tf
Trtlat Ittro LtalDtown Janetloa at roUawi
1 nel.iht
W I'ataouMvr
m a. m.
10 it a. a,
4 v p. a
i p, a
11 Ma. m.
lo oo a. n,
( 40 p. m,
t t Line
Pbl'.1elrM r.pre.
All untie Eipren
Tht Fan t.lnn, Wy I'aiiiwnadr an! Iht Puclf.
p. m
" run unnw
" . -. . w m (MV oaatta aatiauMW
T trm, loarniloni la MlUlla ouootf
ai lullu
- , . V
wcHtwaan, mitwuii,
a. m, p, ri. a. m. p. m
IOM 4DT III M i ri
l AT 4 10 10 t tr
II "I 4 10 10 40
UM tar io ;m -n
111 4 IT 10M 6 01
H 441 lolt 4 41
II 40 4 33 ioiO 4 4T
l.ontf lullotf
N, lliimllton
pr m ewt at n it p. m.
SOEllE M Fur All.
DAlttFX P, tlEnnsTnESRtt tMtm lo tc
okanrolosll r.trnatd. Tbl alna lb dm
inn, .ir ini-tirm or Honittrmar fe (Mrlnh ou
HI April, h jrnrniif In hlanmr IlntlA
Iu 8rlliia(niT,on Watar Straal. tlwTa f lua.
ppoalla J
8. HauDlui't akin, a
leather Store and Fin;
lshing Shop,
whara will h rbnnd al alt llnaa tt aiaortmtnl
ainiia or nuiaiiai niocl, aonaiaiiitt wr liar'
aaa. Nolo, rriiar. Kin and Oalr Sklua. Mn,i
o'a. Llnlaua. Tol'Dlraa Aa.. of dlffnrntfinBM,latf '
aod prloaa, Tha alMullsu of Shoaiuakara. rami,
ara.and allotbara It lnvllad, aofora Btrokaalatl
Tnlrl7.A?raara t practical Tanner flnallCo
liu lo mlaa tha oual Itloa af Mtaok. llidaa lakaat
u aioUauxa for lo.atbar.
li. ci. NKRnnTncqarn
Jnnt T-'TSJ BallDKroa,8or'lr Co., Pa
.rohoaob'a Anortjrnt l.lnlmtnt will poiltlTal
rireranl thlt larrllilt dUaaaa, anil will pualtlTtM
f eait Blno ea lo Ho. In form at Ian that
will aat aoaiir lite aant rrn bf nail. Doa't
dalaa a mamant. Prnraotlna la hattar thaw
aro. I.B.JUllMtt4M4CU., Bangor. MatMt
XV Lattar, of admlnlitntlau oa lha aatate
tfMlehaal Moyar. ilao'il, lata of A.lvoa l,a
kin, Bofdaraonnty. Fa., barlcn baas arranud
ta tlia tadaraUaail, all parn.oa knowm tl.ato
aalfaa Indahtad lo auld enata ara riual V
maka lianixtlata payiaant, wkllt thoaaaTta
alalraa will proaaal Ikam duljr aatkaatloatod
iwr aa,uaBDl w
M ay, is, mi
obtalnad for roaokanlcal dovloaa. madlral aV
oth oompOnnda, ornaiiautal dealtna, Ira. I a.
niarka aud labala. Oava'aa, Aaaiaunianta, law
ti'rlrrrncaa. Infrlni;aniiitis aud all Lialtart iu
latl ii t to Patcota, promptlr atlandad In. Wo
maka prallmlaarr axnniliiatlima aatf foralalt w ..."
opialouaaa ao palantablllia,. frat if aatabar ttwawiJ
and all wSo ara lnlrnaJ In new TnatiiMia"'"
aod Fataula an lulird I.) aaml for a Off cl onr
"Uolda for "burning Palnula," which ta ant
fraa lo anf addraaa, and .utalna nonplMa ln
atrnaUona how In obtain I'.lanta, and olkrrraU
uabla aaitar. lann tha paat tf a aaara wa
ha olitalnad uaarly ll'raa Ihuaaaod Patauta tot
Aaaarloaa aad Forniifi, nvnulra, and oao tla
aatlafaatnrjr cafaraucaa ta aluoal atary auunijr tm
AddraM I I.oria WAOOatlt aV CO., Hollta
Ibiraol Fa'anla aud Attnrual at Law, Lm Droit
Uulldlaif, Waahlt ta, U. V. HJt,,;t
a rtaaural aanplv tt
Q4 Itadltg aaa Baaitlfal ntvsttt
win, no r.
ai lhHT ps.pwt, fjrtlh m full )
m, Niti nlj 91.M Mr fmm
(w je,y ttwv bnd ! ib kmvmi,
fripKU, Md hi MMT pnmM fwf
thw tnoua. U a afulapptjaMiii ta IlfAoi,
kflrskt tvil llM lta). ted. beMtda Biaah
oibt mod ravtiB. if noBnWv hm
tnre tr iov mcsiwhi eriyMiti w -UeU4
Horiu. Kvif Btrloaif aUo
ratMtvna m t''? if Ilk bwniitlfsjl wnirra.
Mitt Ttw rosw tan rtasjsT Mm'
rrtkHil.H UmM lurbM. tl m ofj
MAU. M !. aKr mi (m aa to
ptF I)I1B Of IMaafa lltf tUtd IBjftlllAfl D-
reiaan. irOtir ltiiaMaM
AaTfaStaV ftlarnya lb uua llUtlstl (b
67ul, art ncnt prttUf ihrm arwetr. Wi
want yimtf cluw najaitt in tb fumWj
MwiaiaiBrctM BPNb tt Kerrtre MiMMlts
moth. To tar Mtxe. 4mmt ti n U tft mm
a luti, will .twal a mmtif veniy at
th (briar autt a caiiraaMi' a rrlatl fat
imm iar mmj iiMr
rreaiiB t whnm e ha Irvatlf satit
lha rvotare., Tha rwr tkVtf iaxkr
faaat'a rrWwsei, mi fit mm aaa
hava la tu wttjad aaaibaf aiaallaal
jrot4. ol um mum, wUumky v aM
aaTttraul lot tba aara.
9mTJkp WUti pM, flaw VUm.
BM6 Wmimm$ BUf OmnvlnnmUt A
1 will nail friwai tha Maioa fnf a lldnlai
VioiTABLa Haiti, thai will ruurt Tab,
Ptaraaaa, PiafLaa aad Blotobm, laariaaj
thtaVI toft, alaar aad haaaUful I alao ln
WiraotToat tor prodatlaa a laaarlaal arowth
naair aa a aio a aaa ar taioou maw., aau
draaa. loaloalaa I at, ttaolp, aatf. V AM O BJUT
JO,U AuatH, M.T.
can make money taater lor ns thari
at aarlbllur alia. Oaoltal at awaalrad 1 at
will alaat tea. SIS oaf Bar at aaaa aoada
tha luooMrioaa. ataa, woataa, aoft aan f lria
re aSd tna
aa. now lo
t troth ai.
waaaaa awBrfwaars io wo a aor
tha I , Coatlr eatstaad tarau
dnat tmo fc Utv, Aagtala. Maaat,
AN fxl waa ordered Is bf
. . rr-
lit t j f revtr.
' l 'I '
Thara'a lw y
Via tar
o3 ti tow
; tt tftUL-
"RUlTF'fltfJ, ttt: .t 4. 1