v.. -a-.,. . "t..- - ri v. V V :t hi . r. !' . '-Hi ! V M V THE POST,, IBDI.'CTjTJRO. ........AFEIt. A, TI - I L - - - - - BraMraaala FxrltlOR of Xuaalt - , Xjajctrjee, v, f I tiller Myself tjftttjtqrti to hie thif aboat arerel aoc)rlt. fre nsrl ' pasOatrfor iWt . lorryJtfcinst te r'aifiea I W!M oM trta-if to Vl! Hew. 1 haft ieout4arnna'l pretty cterrve ly (t o, iho difforen) ortfAniantiin.'' ' beeaatv Otnoi(&ii end a Fenian, mi OjoJT'"p,r, aul a Cuniir felt',' ami alio H n of Mslta.' I Late bclonz'l te ths Sam of Teinpcr ' on. J the ' Oil Petlo!. dtJ the , Raol of Hupo, and a bind of robber a l'ra boon Into everything, anl 1 .' tnooeM I bner eTcryiMtir almost but 1 didn't. Three montlimo 1 to catn'o Infatuated with masonry, and lace I joioed tit nt organisation I're discovered lint tliere are several tliiogt connected tlicrewilb that out' ailsn aWf Know just a pretty good deal alxmt. Now Mr. Kdltor, 1 pro pose ranking ilieso secrets public, not out of compassion for my fellow pion, nli j tiny be tending toward Maaitiry, aud art ai a winning and so on, be cnse I haven't ar t a apivk of human klndnoa In my brcnat, aad would rattier see every motber'a aoo pot to the torture tlmn not, but because 1 bare a spito against tho follow who Initiated me, wl o mado.tlio irons too Lot. ami the gout too frit-ky, and treat ed mo wilh roughness, gpoorally, that tho oc-rnslon did not warrant. Itvforo fulminaling my narrative, I will Mate, fr the IfteSl of those who " don't know, that Masonry la about ail Luodrod thousand years old. It was old when tho fntornity pot into trrmlle n aa old when Adrun first put on Ilia SpruO an ( I aud MuftttT of K'let I.otfJe. Asa mure eon viiicin truth of its antiquily, I would just mention that a rarty if niinore. the other d.ty. in on of their excavation, entno upon tho pi'triGed rt'innins of a Maoic I.odo. with tho memlicrg intlicir place nnd all complete ; and eminent pOuo? lata nhobaveci&winrd th fo-sils are cf the opinion that thexc bodies have been imbede'd iu tho rook for more than fifteen thounnd years. Oo the evening I was U he iniiint- . td I mndc my will nnd took a most af fect'n havo of roy Inmily. Thun prepmd. I starve 1 tor the lod;e, nc coinp.inied hy Jlmthcr .John Smith, S. K. S. I'. T , wiio was to " see m throufch." Wo l.ud uo difficulty m-t-tinj; jiifet llio-fiv.- t cDirjnco ; hut when v knocked it the ron, a flat link' follrw. hokfJ out through a rmnd lio'e In tho door, and put this start ling inttiiatory to Uroib r ?mitli : Chctnxohrouhibeot knlorum? to which . llrotfur Smith replied thccrrully: Nix-niy-dolly-whnck-doo. Tho littlo follow tlcn said : rindzeMcompbriii dy turn tutu; an J my ra conductor gave aatinfactory answor, we woro per mitted to enter, litffore I had time to look around om, a long legged K'l low knocked rue over with a club ; he then stood me oa my feet, and ano'her roarandcr mado a rath at me and brought mo down again. After I had DDdergono Ibis calibrating exorcise for about five minute, they stretched me out on a beneh and examined my teeth pinched my muscles, and stuck pin into me all over, and shurcd cayenne pepper p my aose, and pored moulteo lead ia uly trousers' pockots, and pull ee hairs out of the baclc of my neck with A red Lot piooers, with a view, I oppose, to make me feel aoembaraas- d and at liosaa. e Vi'bea I eswe to my senses I waa alone la tho ante-room of the lodgo -It was a lively and cheerful apartmant. A coujo of emeodiles were amusing thamselvee io a corner, and a few full grown rattleanakea ware praetislngthe flying trapeae ou a it)ve-pipo. Th , furniture roosUtioff of a half doien mauiuiiea, the ekelitona of Captain - Kidd, Lnorelin Borgia, Guy Fuwkea. , Jack the Ghrnt liiiier, Olkor Crru- wad, tU Vanderlng Jew, William the Couqueror, Chriatophor Clurubua aad Di k Turpio ; a Hying maehina, . tbaeehai rala of gun powder, and are inai'kably b tall by and wellxlevo loped avlld cat., Jusl then a ball a dosen pirates, elud ia aprona and sashea, rush- , ed into the room with a whoop. Que of tbem, the ligot and aiilioat who ' ' appoarad to be the chief, ordered the attendants, io ?jioe of thunder, to 1 oat tbe animal.' The attendants Jus- appeared, but immediately reappeared leading an Iroo-oiad goat, a regular double deoktr, with sixteen home, a I air of wings, and saieo' or eight tailr tnok all ovtr hlia. My ejea were bandaged, and I was told to moont. ' I eaidz .. Gentlemen, if you'll exeuae ve, 1 woald rather not. I'm not acoustorosd . to golr) up ia a balloon ; aod, besi-tes . I ve got an cojuitruaot , down town. . .Jly wifa ants to see us pastioularly ; . I'll be buck io a few iuluu(es. I rather think ruv bouse (a oa Ira, but i'U-be batk lo a few' miantea yea, , geetle- , eo, la a few a4eura I could finish my acnlence, i I was saiked from behind and flaotad Vmiy tiirUsibeloferaaljKoat. Soma- '-. : " . ... ' ; bodT4nea !!, i La. tfO'aysl awn ha-eveat. Sy brea through - a jrrrat ftoaay peirtloaa aeeaaa l'rs taiea fart (n aa eleelioB fljiht t I re beea, dowa is) a railroad, colliaion, aa np Ida staamboat eiplostoa ; l fallen 4owd tlTVee flit-Ms of at sirs, fend, wa.ked oit of it fourth atorv window, but this goatexcarsion was a Hi lie aiiend m them all. W hen I come to rvflrct im tha" matter Io c)laVMmd, I wrode ilint I over ( amo'ptit nlivo. The fur' oai hra t k:tkd aod - kcreamad. aod tilled orr. and turlod b.ick''onier iu!t Snd Iront aoutersaalU; ned drove nio ngnlast the ceiling and iiiidero-nih rke c hairs, till the biio lae f ll from my )-es sod I had to let go. The tout vaoished aplhe chimney in A blue d une, and I foiud niyclf in the ceo trJ ol the lojya Mom, with aUiut fifty Masons in aprons, aad dothiog als, daociag a war dance a-ound me. The rest of tbe menilei s wore standing o tholr biads In tbe difforcot corners, all but tho eadaveroua bueeancer, who seemed lo bo the head of the depart ment. Soon they left oft" dancing and marched round the roJ:u chaotinK an inspiring diro. I was then hauled up in front of tho Cliiofs desk, who tLits addressed me i llrolhor Kobb, you are now ooc of us. You are a member of an In. stitutioo that has laxtod over thro'e million years. You are impsrvlius to mundane influoncca. Yon are ws-ler-prool'nnd firs'proot. you are over proof. You can walk through the ri ver or sit on a red but stove wilh im punity. Mortal man cannot hnrm vou, aod the devil himself must curl up his tail nnd walk off at your ep pronch. lie virtuous, Mr. Kobb, and you will be happy." . I then OMamcd a saMi and apron. Konn. Jr A VOID QPACKS. A vlrtlm nl asrls Initl.vrstlnn, rnuflnc nartons ila I lllly. prematura rieray, an-., harlna: trlerf la rain eiarjr a.ifrllfl rain.'y, liar a tlmiile tiiaanf m iir.aura. wlili'h ha il paint tree tn Lis l-ll.iw fullrran. Aililratu J, II. Ti ll LK, 71 Naiiiau flraat. Nan Vol k.' J S. BL KKIIAKT, Rel'nyroee, Snyd'-r Co., Pcna Keeps eonslaoiljr on hand a large and well snide assortment, of Tin, ISbevl-iron ware, (Moses, e., Ae. He Is Agent, for lb following named articles. "THE MORNING GLORY." lit lit field's Patent Improred Dasa CCAL STOVE. lit tis patteruof T:ia MusxiKn Gi.out. snv.tal nut? nnd imp ,rtnl fuaiures hare heun emtio. lie. I, which ran on'j he sien lo be admired. This new aiore ia made en lirclv ol esl iruu.so lined as to be airtipUi. but csn lie made wilh slicel'irnn tipper section wnen prcicrrcu ry nu purchaser. lit ornameniai nmsn la drapery, niakinc I a handnoui piece of furniture, fur inceso iksD any rlose hereiufure nmJe lie in teroal construction, tliouh rcscnililiiiK some of the former paticrus of The Morning tilory is tiite dillrreni, ninking it more durahla. and fur leas Uithcult to bs repaired. The caslinassre of lbs biglieal tinier, fully aqualing the fiueil cnsitoga uiada lu ikie eouutrr. Aniotiir lbs many AiiVAKTAnas la the use of lb Murniug Ulory are luc following: I, LonuiiuHua nurning. guniiiy of I be Heat. U. Veniiiaiicn through tba alota i, Auti-Dual Sinte. 6, Nu taeupo of Oat , Ecouuuiy uf fuel. 1'TUE BARLEY SHEAF." AnU-Dunl Jir-Ti'ifif Cuoling Siont, . uith Eftrmlmd Firt-llor, for llDorf or Coal. Talented May Mib, !8(,5. We lake l tesmn e in offcrinhf our custo mers and Iba Siofe Trade, a New flrsl-Clase Flat-lop, aod would QU particular attrntwn lo ill many ttlruetiu and taluoble improve mrntt. Tbla Slot baa been carefully tested foi several montlia, and the results base prosed so highly satlsfsolory, ibal several of our oldest and most siperiencsd alova dealer nrediot for II a aala far beyond eur ability lo supply this aaason, . Sliding front fitt'iitori, living full us ot lb hearlb. tdiUlionml ilia in (As oven, ao arranged aa to giv mora room in iba upper part of tba oven; a groat convenience mucb neeuail. Tfii esea I ttearly as wiis af (As I up nr attb bearih lina.wbtob not onlv increases iba alia, but will be reoogniisd aa rsat oisaa.fi in iakinf DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHER. Tb bssl, bsspest, and moat -papular Washing Machine aver Invented. Ti is easy l.ioperaia. Billing or standing takes but Hill room t injures no garmrnte flnisbea Ila work from in two lo four Mio ulesi Is durable and ocnvealsnti nud III nlv Wasblug Maobiuu known ibal ia liked Ota ltiur the longer It ia used. THE UKITKRSAL CLOTHES WUIMOER. Tht"U Kit AT FAMILY KCOSONIZER Th torus of our Patent call our Maobine a Wringer." Yeara-of aipeiiauot prove il wise io.be a host sxoai.i,aai Wasiiss. Wbm w raduo every Invention for wash ing elolbe to a priaolpl tbay all aomunl iu that of pressing and aqueesiog, and forcing lb water iliroug Ibaui, Ibua re wovlnglba dirt. Mosl.Wssbiug M.iebiDes do it ty rubbing. Tb Universal Wrluger si it by praiug. 0 UR FATHER S HOUSE, arn " TH UWWBliTBM WORD. iu ninu Sim. D. !.. author of th aopn lr "NImmi Hvaosa." Tbla maatsr la tbuuKht and lanKS"i( snows s outolU rlohas anil tau iam i. it. ttiaat Hqiih. with Hs IttuoBilna: Uow. are. Kloalng bin)., WaHu palnia, Uollloi aluads, Uaautllul bow, baoxsd niouuUlus, lw n-hiiiil nvara. alliibtr eoaans. Tanndailna vut- J liYiln fcaaram and vaat aulaara with ooontlsra Miinga in niuiunaui nuiuii..imui to w lu aaoaln Uawrlltca Word. Hon Holts! painr, uriia4 aoaravlng and suparb blii'll'ii. "Una ana vartaa ia luouaai." "ihm mv ati araualul Mi alvle." -Lurroot, put alaratliiH in it. tnJaaav." Uaautllul and auo.1." "A In Its Untlaaay boarsaitld irauar " Couiiuaotuaioos Ilk the above Horn tltillsa PraalUeni and frolaaaors, tlBlaaars af U dsuuailiiatluusi andilhs ralliiloua and aaoular prsee all ovar Ui souotry lis freao aaas, partir of Imimt, wlik sUar opaa ty, Sua aiaal aturravmiia, aubaiautlal Jiloulng, abU low MlaaaiakaUtkaWMaklvrlhsauutaa. Aastlll ai Mlllu (runt 60a t mi weak Jw lor aUuJv?fuU aaerlpUwa sag larasa. - as afoaroe it. Ohl ass .v su at. Lmu ttllt CilttJ' CAI's T . iltl lAH MURK Mat Pa.iaaM earalnee. rteS at aas. A iMimn rm tf aittnesu TmlMil 4 W As ll Cur-' of siiall w , m siwrir. tW. Inilars-I r,f Krirahai, lar'ai,trj MilaMnna, liarMnry, WprroM tmi, nl liriMl,ninil MArrl.tfi ftftflr-VBllv i Itantnfitlfc Ofi t il'r', '1 Flint .Wflll t)'l Phrflfsl l,fr. It,, lit NoMri 4.jaiTrwn, A Vk wurM riM,n. 'ithur;TB IMS at"ilrl.l ltih, 1rlr prom frMm binuwn r Uisl ! OiliiH'nrM r "(If Ami a onr b sWMlnikUf r)ard wlthtnt tncllclna sna InnlruMMit, rit. or ennlUla. polnmr nS a ,7 iit h sverv iirfnrr; nu uiattftr whftt bS loa mT b, wnynr hlir.filf f h-l.rlnll ml.ll.Kvlll . Xlils l.uai tflll ynra a b-j0 tj, UVnUMndl Aliil tb.lUMIIllt. - . ' HSi.t nn'lr il, to ny ,11rf, ( plain fMla.1 rnrelnp. on lbs relt M sit i. mt '.MiirflBi(Juid .' , pflwt 34 0t. A1lrs lbs milliners i.iuM.i', i i.-r. i.w 1'JI tfi.wtr J Terka -Voti uffloa tua I.MS. u MOS l'LASlNO MILL! StLINSdROVE, BNTUKB CO., PA. Kcely ;Jb Blilllcr. Lumber Dealers akb tiaarvAcvraaa or Doors, Door Boxes. Wlndews, Shatters, window Boxes, Blinds, hk, Blair Fixings, Band Ballings, Brack ets. Mouldings, Flooring, , SCROLL SAW1NO A CABINET TVRJUNO 8hlngtea, Lath, &o., &o. Oritfrs sotlrlisd and ftlleil wilb prompt nsss anil drspaiili. I'lsasa vsll snj aaam ina o-ir aloek belors purchasing alsrwhrre. t-mt rOI.'RT PROCLAMATION. Whereas Ih Hon. P. 8. Woods l'rt dent Judge of iba Judicial Dislrl-' composeil nf Hie eounliea of Snyder, Union and Mifflin and J. 0. L. Hblndel and (Jeorge C. Mover, Esqa Assoeiai Judges Id and for tnvdr eoumy have leaned their precelpt hearing, data lha lha I6tb day of liecemher. H7i). lo ma directed for tbe holding of an Orphans court, a reurl of Common Ties, court of Oyer and Ter miner and Oeneral court of Cuarter Ses sions of the reace at Middleburg, for tbe county of rinyder, on the 4tb Monday, (be ing the -Till tiny or February, 1H7I.J aud continue ou week .Nolle is therefore berehy given lo ll.e Coroner, Juttice of lha Peace and Cent's dies in nn for I lie coutilv uf rtn vdor. In ap pear in their proper person ariib Ibrir rolls reordn, lniui"itions, etniultiailnns and o'her rememlirsnces lo do Iboeo things which of their olhcvs and in llieir lu'lmll tierlain In he ilnnn and wifneMiieit nnd tier- eona tiroseeuiing in brhalf of the Common - xenlth agmnst nny per-un or prions nre tciuiredto he then and there attending nil. uui uu".,iny ., ii.iuiii it-itTv ... gin,-.. peril. Justices are requested lo he punct ual in their attendance al tba appointed time nr.repaldy lo not lea. jien under my band and seal at tba Sheriff's ottice in Middleburg. the lOlb day of December, A. 1)., one thousaud sight hundred and seventy. JUM.N 8. WOLF, Sheriff. J 0. EUY A CO., WHOLESALE OROCEliS AM) CO VMISSIOX ME It CI1A X TS, 522 MARKET ST., lletween fifth and Pixik, 7,1 ly l'HILAPCU'HIA. V atlKLI.IM. J S OBAT11ILL, itIIIS USSHASU. J. F. ZOELMN & CO., (Successors lo Seiberling & Zoellin,) tt'AOLCSALE DKAI.F.Rfi A IMTUKTERS DlaU(3S tTiMKniCINES. IIo 261 Ncrth Third 8t. O.tl TUILADEIiPiiIA. QKOSS & UROT11ERS, Muhufsclurers of and dealers In all Line of BILL TIMBER. LUMBER, 1'ALINO, SHINGLES. LATH, FLOOK1NO, eln., Ht-amoain lsm. Pn.vdir County, l'a. All orders promptly filled. MVtif, Chirry, Voylar,and I.inn l.umltr cess's a i t it tt'iJ. 7--Oy EW DL'ILDlNtiS. AND NEW PRICES WAOENSELLER k SOX. hcrchy respectfully inform Ihcir friends and the puhlio grneriilly that ibey have opsusd a 8TU11E iu their NEW OUIL.DINO ' on the epos so long occupied by Dr. Jacoh Wagenseller on Ihelsle of Que where they now bava and will alwaya keep a large aud wall selected assortment of SEASONABLE: GOODS. , In tba l adies' Department will be found a full line of SILKS, I'OPLINS, BRILLIANTS, VICTORIA LAWNS, FIGURED ALPACAS, SYISS MULL, CAMBRICS, - nil NTS. JACONETS, PEL-AXES, Striped and Checked Nimtuckn, Ac ' ATM t A Great Variety of Ladiea' Dresa Trimininjta, LhichI Htyte Hoop Skirts, French Cocm, TM style Ba'mnralh, Ladies' UmbreU ' . fas, I'arasols aud Sun Shades, .Bonnet Ribbons, Luces, llut flina Embroiders, Lloto and' Paper Collars, , - A-c, &c.,io,. ajsjas-saasasa) A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of ' f liUOiS&SHOKS Far Ladies, Misaisa and Children,. In end less variety, of all sis, styles and nrioes, seleated fur th fall and Winter trad. 'A full and complete stock of 0LOTH8 PLAJX AND PAXf!Y CASSIME ES.COTTOXADES, ... -JEANS, &c, &o. COAL OF ALL KINDS ! (Iroearlea. Queenaware, Hardware, Willow ware, Cedar, are, GUaewar. An, ' All of which bavlug ben bought very Inie .or CASH will b aold at very aiaall profits, Our motto Is Vc suis sss tmull projil: 1 1 i Ws alao pay tb bigbast market prloes for all kiada of grain. . -, 1 WHEAT, RVE, CORN,' ' - OATS and SEED. W are prepsrad also lo store goods, t a small ebarga aad U do a geosralCjiuailssiou aid forwa.rdiBg busiaess.' Wsiop ibat lb publio generally .will lv,a ,ua a eall aa w belie, U la te ttair tnisrasi le de so before ausceaa'af else arhar. - Vive aa a trial r W. f. WAQ.NBV.uLER. jjiaWIHllTJIalCJ v. 7O01aE5FACT0IlY. . tie aotai-ta, Ikaakfal tat Mm tlbeeat aStronafie baesreT m Ills astfaMI-fcsjfftt f Lsurrlics. brs fens 1i) Ini'cna Uis frietiti snj lh p 1MI0 leuflrall. ih t bs has hid Ills tnill al i,UtiitPf lns up lis the best poialbls manScr, with iba , j mads In ilsa ssiarf. an i l ib s1sn lain tt !iesm Cower, wnleli tan ts rllii it ai all limes. Us fsfls s' In savin thai his rstlihinfni U Dot anrpAsaad lj any in Iba :is- . - Hasina snml astt of oJ Wekiasn ha Is onw pr-prJ for tnaanfaetarisig all slnds rr . VVOOLEN. GOODS ; even as . 1 i CLOTHS, CASSIMFRE. BATINKTTa. TWFF.I'H, JKANA. ri.ANNEUS,; ULANKKTH.CAUI'ETS, V.lKNi, Ac. WA lest mmmmtr aastslt rtiuttd pritrt. ' An aaesllrnt assorlmsal af Oiods at all limssoa hand, for sttla or eaehanfs for Wool. KULli CAHDl.NU done on abort nolle. T-TERM9 CAStt.-t&si . MAKK HALFPESNT. Lawlsburg. Colon Co., fa., Deo. 4.64 s CUOCI1 Si BROTHER Would respectfully annonn: in ma peoplt of Bnjilrr County and ths puhlio. cencrallr. ibat lbs base J "Si secured, and will constantly kfopon band and for sale, a very exiansiv assortment of. In their Commodious New Room npposila lha Uank, Belinsgn.ve ra. THEY WILL SELL AT HE-. DIX'EI) 1'UICESI Their extensive slock eoniais of a well eelecle-t asKorlmetit of FAT.I. ti WINTKR Ifioniiet. Tley hve CL(TI!8. CAPSI j MKItS. plain and fanoy, rtnlinetls. Jeans. Twreds, Mualins, Drilliisgs, Flannels. Checks, Ac. Also an elegant assortment LADIES' PRirs GOODS ! . i Silks. l?onilminc. Alpacas. RInck nml InilPV I M'lflins. I.awna, If Iniflinins, rpp ynrifty of fine White Goods, LAMES PASAIONARLE fOATS, Hoiip, fkirts Shawls. &c, &c. READY MADEV"LOTHIXO.Coats, vcHts. Pants. Shirts tc. A variety ot NOTIONS & IIOSIKKY. Collars Linen and Pnpe.DreNrs Tritu minjis. Buttons Corals. Zm'ihyra common nnd split. Moravian and Shctlaud Wool Ac. Ac. FISH,SALT AND IRON, STEEL. HTOVF.tf, . FORKS. 8HOVi:L8, PI'AllKS, " " RAKES. (JLASS, KAILS. 1'AISTS. Hardware l)uttnKwaro, Gin ware. Cdarware, Willuw-ware Crockery, PLASTER, White Blue. Also, a largeqiiiinlity of dilferent kindsot HATS A t A IS, I.C01SA SHOES of every alyle, variety and qiulii;. Also, all kinds vf . CARPETS, &a ftr-orr-l lpM nf all kinds, freeh from the I'hiladelrhi and New York Markets. They keep cunaiantly on band a large supply oi WHITE LEAD AFD PAINTS, ev etT ,nstity i r.d price, received ilireet from the nmn.ifneturea and consequently enn sell at ihovery lowest prices. Also all kinds of OILS, WHALE, DROWN LUBRICATING, SUBSTITUTE . end LINSEED OIL. for rainllng. To the lalier ihey eall pnr tirculiir alientton as it is equal lo Linseed oil for colored painting, and costs but one half the price. Hifrhesf prices paid for Country V'dui'c and All Kinds of Crnin. lfGive them a trial liefure ing elsewhere. . SCHOCH A BROTH EB. Tbey are also Iba sgenla fnrGElSER'6 PATENT FLV IIEOCLATINO GRAIN EI'AHATUII CLEANER AM) OAUGER. Tba latest Improved aud most celebrated in (lie world. Jusi ibe Machine Fa.-mer have been seeking after ler ytara. It will Ibrasb from -Q lo 40 . hour, eleanrd rea for market. Tbey will aa tbeae m! bines upon ibsil Bisrits Warraued ua represented. - April 18. .'CI ly T. IIINIIKL, M. D, rtiitir awiaaroan . EAD THIS. tali I side . AND Sivlnclois). ' DnVOOISTS AND ClIEMIHTS, i OtTer for sale . . Wroi.csai.h ami HavAti DUrGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS and C1IENUCALB. Embraoiog PURE ZINC PAINT Green, Hlue, Yellow. Red and Black I Paiuta ground iu Llnsaad Oil, Dei tar Varnish. ' Bpirita Turpentine, C'otial. Coach aui) While DRYING JArAK." KNOTTING. window ('last. Putty , Pine Olliluhol. Staucu, laiuoo, VsumLLiog, VAi'mand VAIIK18U BB08UE8, Malt mid t'tmalt Trmitt and Snjiportti jStJtutfs ' j ..Concentrated Lye, ' ' .fin Bponges, SPICES, CORN STARCH .1)1 RD PEED . liower and we e beta. Te which tbe niiautionaf dvalnra Is called, as w will sell at lb very, loa cil Cash Prices in qiutliiS 1 aifltijaurohji sersi ' ' " 1 I . . , ,Viii ki on etid aad oner for ale Wholeaul and -Retail, ell lbs lead ing Patent Medininsa. Also. KOtlONa, CO.NfKCJ'IONt.RIESi tub Alii u ei'.UAna, i. SJt. t H.' AtTER;V . la-'-'. -" ; - " ' ' ' ' . -v- latPOftTBH.A!r DlUtlt It. . ClIJNAJ GLm AN f)QVSUN3 .VA RM, . I I .1 - mi i. ad tf.v,,bixMi iim I Tin lam riiiiADiariii.v I UUli ililV.U. OF. new; goods J; W DRKESE'S i. W.Vorner Mark.l 'qii na. Middl.-V ii Th atock emhri' fart , Dress Goods, I Hack Silks, . ' ' , Ail-w.-d Da Lain". f o'lMfft, . Morinos, . l'nplint. Rep, Ac, A Muslins, DtiuMfwidih Slic-t'" Drillilm". Table I)iitir, 0nt'Hf . Extra Tit-klns. Check. S.iin- " ings, Ginlinin, Jaconet, u ' ' foil nseoriinent tf Cslida, FlanncK Ilea twilled. Shirting, Blankets, Balmoruls, ILwIery Glcivcs Ac, Ac. CLOTHS AND CASSI MERES Inirrain anil Linou Carpets Woolen, LiiH'n A cotton Cnrpet Chiiu READT MADE CLOTIHXG. Floor, Tablo'and Stair Oil Cloth. Huts and Caps, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hardware, Qticenwwnre. China ware, Glassware, Wood end" Willow want. Cutlory, -Oil Window Shades, Looking Gfosnea Ac. Ac. Ac. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. SALT &. FI3H The biglieal market price paid for all kinds of country produco and dried frtil'a. Cotifident of rendering perfect Sailafae lion both tn regard lo prioes slid quality of goo Is. I respeuifu lly Invito all to giv ma a call before purchasing elrtvhrra. J. W. MIEESE Iddleburg, January 7, 18ti0y r st oarmar. o r Bsasrarria UNION HOUSE. GARM AN fc KARSTi;TTER. Proprietor. MlDDLEBURG.Snyder Co.". Pa. 71ie prnp-lelors respectfully antiouore to their friends and the puhlio generally that Ihey have rented the Fryer lavern stand, which Ins been refined and replen ished in style, and Is a desirable plaot for strangers aud others to slop. Their table is at all timea spread wilb (he luxuries an l auhHanlitils of tho senson. Their chambers are Pirge In promote Ibe comfun of i lie r g U'Sts. Their tor is supplied wilb cat to liquors, no pains sparci fy Ibe proprietor to render entire aAtlsfnc tion to all who favor ibcui with their palronnfo. i-i'ltf TTEST10N ; i 'Hurrah forth new goods just I eeivsd by fuliii Huff mnii Al Htiinmels old Sinud. (iwo miles nii fcelinsgro'e) which wns svleeled wit great cni c. and will be suld al low priuei It includes, NOTIONS. BUY COOBH . OROCERIEH, ilAHUWARF. Ot'EENSW ARE HOODnnd Hll.ion aaAni.. riali, riasK-r, Oils, Coal, Nails, I respectfully Invite lbs publie lo come and eaitmine my gooda before, buying elsewhere, believing it lo be lo 3 our In leresi. I also nay the highest prices for al) kinds of GRAIiV SEED, and all kinds of Country Troduee. I am alao well provide! wilb stabling for learns supp r Breakfast and Lodg ing, for people who come from a dia lenca. I alwaya aooomliindnio my ens t. itncrs .0 lb best of my nliility. JOHN IKFFMAN Ocloher 10th 07lt QHARLKS B. MILLER, ARCHITECT COSTgACTOB A BUIDKR 'Walnut, Street, "gelinsjfrov'e, Pa. Is at all limes rrenared to furnish Drafts, I'lnns and rprcincaiions rcr all Klnus or Buildings, at the lowral poesmia rates ana on short notice. Ha is also rrenared to contract for putting up buildinss liber by furnishing all the material or otnerwise. May 1. ly JJHAVERTOWN STOVE STORb ... , and : Tinware Mnnajfiactory, . J.P. SHIRK Would rasroeifully inform theeaUonsof Snyder county that be keeps constantly on baud a large assortment of uriicn. PARLOR, and ' COOKING STOVE) Of ibe latest alylea and most improved interns, among wnien ar tn eeisnrsieii Empir Gad Burner, lb Busqueknnna Cook, etc,, whioh.be is aeiiiug at prions thai defy eempetiUnn. lie also anurae lurea and keepa en band a general aasort ment of Store Tritnaiings, Tinware ftc. Bpeolal alienllon paid la Spouting and KooBng, Uiva me a eniL f. P. 8II11K. BeavrUwn, Oct. 21, 1809, - -1 ' Walter aVIInrtnian DKALr.a-t IN ' !, BKYOOOBS, ' GROCERIES. ' ' atlAROWARE,- ...... . ; '. ? QuEENSWA.il ,n J . r ' ;:, , JUEDAfiWAj'llK v ie.. ', ' Aa. :tt (Ae.;' , d-ei . ' Ae TV Tbe r!Wt warkeV r""l pUforVlr' efCkrjt,: tko Great MrdkAl Dltttrery I ft WAXJtanca OAtrromnxa. VIHEGAU D1TTERS, ii Tfandreftef TitiiaH fj- ." tmtHmmi tn nviv wwees Sea SU. f I t.oria Klii-ta. JjSj WHAT ARF THEYTgrS .2' a . TtSKT ARB WOt A VlLl ANCY DRINK of Pms Raw. Whiak, rr olrlla aad BUfaaa Mwa)raaMaee,a4ea4 a eweeMne lo eleaaa th taat, called " Ton- tea," ApIUera,H Reatorara," e, that leag ta tippler oa lo Sraakeanesaana rala,walapa a una siedlela. Aa from the Native Room aad Herb of Csllforaia, fro frsaj all Alewball Mlaaalasjls, Tber are the fill EAT BI.OOD ri wiriEMoaa ruiraOivi-su rRin- C t r a perfect Reaoratoe aad lavlgerator of tka Sjntra, earrylag of all aokwaooa mat tar an rsalortag tb blood to a keeltliy eondltloa. Ma ffo eaa Uka ttiea Rlttars aeeordlof s dine Uea aad rsaaela Ing awel. TrrIaBefaaaHirg aad Chreale Hkea. aiHIIaaa and Ileal, Drseepala we ladU geatlM. Dlllaaa, Raalill aad later aallleat Fever, lllaew of Ih Ulead, Liver, Kldaava. aad rlladaar, Ihaaa Bit. lera It beaa mot eaerasarol. Barb Dla Maa are aaased hf Vitiated fllaad, whlra la gaaerally prodaeed br deraagamaal of lb Dhrcwlv Orcwa. DVMPBPtaiA OR IWDIORSITION. Headache, Pal a la the ahoaldara, Coaba, Tight Beta ot tba Cheat, Dlialaaaa, Sottt Eroetatloaa of the atoaiAeb, Bad laata la Ihs Moaih, Bllloas At. aeks, Palpltatloa of the Heart, InAaoimatloa of lha Langs, rain la the region of Ih Ktdaejra, aad abandred other palatal symptoms, are lbs of sprier of nrapepals. '. . (Tli-v tnrlf WM lha Stomach and atlmulais lha torpid liver and boweta, which readr them or aa equalled sOcacy la eleeaelaf (b blood of all Impnrttlea. aad lopsrUog asw Ufs vigor to the wbol eritam. FOR OKI'S DIBKABRB, Eraptlona.Talter, Sail Rheam.Bletebaa, a note, rtmplaa, Faatalaa, Bolla, fsrbanelea, Ring-Worms, Scald-Heart, tors Rvea, Erylp:las, Itcla. Senrft, niaeoloratlor.a uf tb Skin, Butters aad VlaeASea of th akin, of whatever nans ernatars, are ItteroUr dng ep and eealert ont f the ajratera la a abrt time hj lb aae of tbeac Bitter, oa bottl la . caass wM oeavlae lbs atml looredulo-jt of then carallv effect. . Clesna the Vitiated Blood whenever roa nd Its tmporltle bumlog Ihroagb Ibt akla laPlo pies, Eraptlons or eoree cleanee II wbea roa and It ohatnicted and elnti'."h la th vatmi cl-ans It when It la foal, anJ roar feellaa will Seir r when. Keep Hi blood par aad tk bealth nf th aritem win follow. n. TA I'E and other WOR MB, larking la tli eratem ot so many thonaaada, are egoctuellr daaieored and rrniovad. For full Clretlana,ad airrallr the circular around aaob oaltl. . J. WAl.kKn, ProBTletor. R. It. MoDO!AIJ) CO., PruKetits and Oea. Ajrtm. am Frauclaao, Cal aad K aad SI Coauaarea Blreet, Sew 1 ora. SOLD DT ALL DRC0O1STS A50 DEALKUS, COAtlLfij A. D VNA. SiLlor. A Noweoupcr! lUoPrcccai Tleiea. IntcudoU for People how mm Earth. im-liKTg Farm-, Mocha ilea, tlarrbaata, Pro featioaal Ilea, tVjikers, Thlakera, and all alaa her of Honest Folka, aud ah Wlvai, Seas, aad Daaulitor, of alltaoa. ONLT ONE DOLLAR A YEAR I OXZ Ill XDUUO COPIES FOR B30, Or lew than (n Com sCjjt. Let tbn be a 30Ciu!iaiev:rT I'oat ooc. i;r.ti.'.vzr..ii,Y eCN, fta a tear, tnu a ina t.10 sil grrernl etiaractor as TIR K CEKI.r, hut wuli a greater variety of ailscet aaeoaa icsilinz, and furnuhlog lha nwe toilaaaeacrlbaiswitb ai alter Ireahaees, btcsaa II SAiuies I wire a weak laatead of unc only. the izr.r si x, ao a year. A 4 Jmlnaitlr rea l .hi new, paper, wlia lha lim.4 eircuiaila in Uia wiio. I'rea, lau -0'Nl.iHt, ai d fearls s la ooutlca. A-l th new f.'o'n i v..rrwhHru. Tw, eanta a eopt hr saaU, it) ciMta a laooU), or Ed) a roar. TERMS TO CLUBa TUE DOLLAR WEEHLT BFN. .' ve eopiea, on rev, seuarawlrsedeaiaM. . Fear Dollar. Tea rnptw, on veer, anarallr at'lreaaed lai aa eaira oe lo ihanetier as of club). ' 7 Klahs Dollar, 'wantr enniea, owe yenr. Sepiraiete addres.au (a .4 aa uui Oipy to lu ..euer u p of c ib. Flfteea Dallam. Or eet-e. eaa vear te oea aldreae lead Us aeuu weakioa jrerl-i tier no ofcloal. Tblrtr-ibre Dollar, "ifrv eopiea, cne Tear, -aparaieiv aidreweA .( fiuil w'aelkl 4MiyHr -n ratter u a, lnM, - rhirtv-av Ovllars. ne haedeM en tea, ere vear to rne adtrc ( m l ilia lialir luc vim ysr lojhogeiuir n .o !i. Illly Dollar, ne hedred ee'ea. mi, yar. a-paratclr a1 dpee.' ion I the itallji ktn.i rear tn 1 eter ai.4-elabt, ( ttlaiv Dollar. 1 TUB HEWf.WbBKruT BCX. riv eoploa. one ysar, seuaratelv addi eoe Etgbs Daliarr, ' ea enrlee, on veer enaraielv aonreaaed tau.i aa cilracoiji to (euer ap of !.. 1, , Maicn Dallar. ' 02XD.tfCa UOXBT v.,., i.e, nr-lert.e'ika, oe diet V Few' t.-t. wliereeer eKBvaulent If t. ineareaUi' r I sriuu.4alulii(.,rfiwjr. A Uroa. . . . I. Tr cwti.x', ph iiO"-. S 144. i lBoa, aw Tf ork CUr. JOMETUIS WAY K . GREAT BARGAINS IN NEW GOOJ 15 AT THE CHEAP STORE OF tf . F. I KtlERT, SELlNSUROVIi la.- Would respeetfolly announce to Iba people of 6nyder Counl that be has Just received from iba eastern market and ha r-jraale a large and well seleoteifatoek t Nw f)oUs, wbroh he offers al astonlek ipgly low prlja. .'Hi aiaek embraeaa lb very best J .'. 1 ... 1 I FALL aod WINTER GOODS He Ina . Clotba Cassiuara, , , . Is Skfaa Jeana .Sallnet 1 ' , ' Alpao,. Lustres Bvlnins '. , .-rosrlnr Print, ' Mualina . ' . Dri lined rihawl '-Owoibrlae - Cnlwotia. Frrnck Mtrihoeii, Englitik'Merfmeo ot ail kind. ,; ., .. . ... HARBWaIE, - . t QVEFNSWARE. . HATS and CAPS, . ; BOOTS k HI10ES. OKOCERIKS ... CAKPETlSd,' . HALL PAPER,' SHK IKi,ia08f (live aie a vail. Ne ebarae tn.id' for inspecting uooa. uountry product la- a in exonangeior gooua, 1 May 21,1800 ly ' 3BEBOH8 OA YOtTTfi, 'A OENTLEMAJf who suffered for year froat 'rvoua BebiHly. rreniaiira Beeay, and all tbe eMeots ofyouibf)tl Indiaarailoa win, fur ta ssa or suaerinf aumanity, mbot free lo all who need ii. tbe reeeioi aad) idireoiiona far .mo king' Ike simple nmiv.ty oy wwiww mm wum omrm . ..Aiiacr are wisatag 1 srs: -7 111 ' ': ear's apariaHO, eaa . ay ' erfaaa--' la tt M X III i m. ii i .a 1WW t irv -..r i tt i y pi Aytf- Ccrrr Pcrtcr, fat tXaaaasa at dim Tlrrwal a 2 OroKh. tm lanmaa - aaua S3 aaaan n i -oSnsey ) aa awe ra s avis af sjie.il -we, hi- n hin swweeaaatsaiaarjia, mn me inaiiitwe if wiot"t, .i ihn x. ler-iffl rums'lv rH itinerary r.,ii,."ilj.' 'I liioubalnug aerie . nfytra and .tmoii '.f I. iwof ajmnttat,'rl.en hlt"i and hiiorm ilie.re.tmv tiuil, a It b.'s lie n-ii bt-ii-rkn .wn IU ninl.ina flif;t''t'' aod t'O'i. ! t;iife.iiie rrm,a,ifl.inint fif thvhiii .i kI tn mil, have .mutfir 1' n mV lialile nteu.r saiunt tl-em. " "uo Siiaiilcd io HMliier lormn oi ui-cwr a"'i ... j- e i, v at lha inehim ISomoit cV I mlit noij ii,! to fivso fu.- lu.ai iret enw.umptlmt, aod an aa. ' CTnim atK Hon rf tli ehior.1 aui litaga. ' Am a Br. ! vlelrm again! anUik-a atlm t at C'rvMf,, n ehuaM be kept oa ha. id la e-eijf roaiily, nut Indevrj aaejl am aninetlme mihjert L cukia and onuakia, g hntil l lie provkltd with Oils ai.tl.iMe or tbern.. AltliotiKn aelllcil C'mfaii Is Omortrta. eui jiilo, etill grent nunihera nf i-ae wrwrw lha rl a seentnl pellleil, he a beuit ooinnhjliilj- enre-l, and th pit. en t re.tnwl to mmnd henlUi I t ttai t hrrrH I'rrlnml. So ernnpri-t la Hs suaarcr urar Mi Hlmrrlvr of Ih long aad Thioi.l, U. i lit el.e could re.irli tliom. nndr ah t'Aarv J th .nlu.la aim! ,linliliae. i anoa li'lliuiteor ukiio yieiu ni. mn ami,. iMavre -ind fuoilo Bptmturo- Cud greal At pea. , A I9(ieis nwni m. . AHi to alwaya relieved and eftea wholly cnrsil be It. llmHrkllU le aaaaeiwtlr eaie.l by lalraig Ol (H.rr v 'oral la a-nlt A ..I r.iant Ueeea. HO gear vdly are Ila vMusm I iiona rhal wa aJ not MuW.h Hi rartin-af i of IhemSieTei, or ilo-aiar thin aur lb puhlio HUM it qualities are fatiy naaauuisd. Ayer's Ague Cure, Tor jrTDf and Atti, TntermtHent Fori in C'hlU faeer. Remittent alu Fevor. Wenilttent um nb Aiua. Parlod'eal or Billoiia Wmr. fto and indeexl all she ffeouona Whloh stria rroto malaajoua, Baana asr Biiaamah aoiaona. A Hs asm Imidlr, It do Owr, aad dne aaS fall. Containing. neither Araensr.QiilaUM.inaiouih, 7.ine, nor any other mineral or poiaonoiia entwtanr whntevar, II la nAwlM Inlnree any pallrnt Th ., rtnmlMir and Imnortamre of Ba eweee lej the aane dl. . trfc'ta, are llierallv hevoml eecotint, and we lellev without a parallel In the hlatnrv of Artie medirlne. . Our pride ia gratiSed bv th arkanwieitrmente w , receive of the ra.llral rare en"ie. In ohetlnai eaea, and where other remedlee b4 wtmlly fnUed. I'aaerMmaled noraone, efllier rFAldetil In, -ar travelling ihiongh miametle loreliI!;wii b pro teeted br taking th AUVR VVHK dallv. For Urr i omnlml-f. arlein from liniwtltf of the Liver, It la an excellent reinmly, atlinuluung the Liver Into healthy activity. . .... For llllinua Dhonlere nnd l.lver Complalnla, It I an STi'elloiil remetlv, irlii"ln mawv inily ra marknlil run:, where otner wedd'hiee hsd fnlled. Prera'cil br D'l. ' t;. Arm t o, Pwllcal and Ansltl,-al ClieinlaU, Lowell, Mass., awl aoM U tound Uie world. rntcic. $t.oo re noTTtz. QLL AT ; ' '. . Fockler's' Saloon, .Opposite 8b. ndel W igameilor's drug store ) IN SKLLNSuR' Vhi. If von w in a goid glass of iiEAito ai.e: f.lt A riatc of Ice Cream: (fl'STEItS, prepared la any way that can ba daiirad, OK A Plate of FrcsliTrfpe, Oil . ARB1NES 1 KcH?.'ElT?ER, LIMaCBQtR OR CUKES"., OR AMY l iliNO I'PUALLY KEPT If A. FIRST CLASS F.E.iTAl'H ANT. -SaarOiber SaIuuiis supplied wilb Ala 111 Oysters al Wholesale prioes. tHS ' " 1 " 1 " ' - i""e A T BISKC. W n BALLIBT." t $ STOVOWrOa JISLL, BALLIET & STOCailTO, - ' eKSERALC8MMIS.SI0HllEICHA.nl, 1 m aud DkAtaaa ia Country Prutuco nn4 Domedio ' Fruit. SfS'U, &j Xo. 22 South Watie BTBiit, inrXADELPglA. Rarcnricaa-Jaodh R. Rlagel tt C., 833 Market sireel ; Ltppaneott k Trotter, 21 N. tVair lrl 1 Hood. Uoobrigbt Co. . 629 Market Street Ex.Oov.Joiaea Pollock, 80 aenlb All sirei-H John fl'eial 80S rTalwat street) Morris A Grabam, 827 Areb atraet. feh4'btttf JAVID WILLIAMS, Maunlaeiurea of i Wbulreale Dealerla Cllt, Mshojrany, Walnut and Roaewoa4 L-OOKirxtQ GLAS9 ' Fictur tt Photoapapbio VramM Ho. SM a ltd IM Arch Blreet, 1'biUdalpbla Pa. Frames Repaired in iba best manner Also, Regilding in all it branohes. 17,2 W.M. HARIUNG, Ksq., JC8T1CB OF TIIK PEACE ft OONVEYANCIR, ' Fit-nrnnt, Sn)tler Conntr, Penn. , Collections of all kinds madeal Jba aborteat notieo and on tba most reasonable term. Conveyieooing in all ila braaebea aspe dltioualy eieouted. Baana, MoRToaass, Notes, and blanka of all kinds constantly on band. Persons at- a dietanoe basing claims for oolleotlon wilbln bia Jurisdiction need only addresa him by mail to iasura . prompt aoilen. Terms reaonabla. May '08 JKYSTONK HOTEL. Selingrove, Snyder Comfy, Pa. THE nnderslgned bega leave le Inform tba puhlio Ibal bo baa purebaaed and will ' keep, in good style, iba above well;kaowa aud popular bouee. tkir Having large, airy and well rurnlsh - ed rooms, good servant, with tba untiring : effort a of 1 le propriel or lo plaasa b ia guest, h hops 10 meet wilb a large share of pub lie pnirnnafr. . J. F. WALTER. Insgrove, Sept. 1, J87U - ' - --vBa 6a- i Job Prlntiiigr Office. ; ' mibbCeuuiio. SNYBER CO.jPA, AIL KISD8 OF JOB TRINTISO . KEATLY, CnEAriT, . .TI JPEBITIOUSLV EXECCTK1 .... ATTflta OFPICB. - . pENNSYLYAiNIA UOUSli. . . J. D. HOFFM AK, PropFUy't CORKER OF SECOND ANP LOClUX V( ' " nARRl6llTJR0,,J,KS.N' " :- . J , . ' af sril art Befaeaje o laiar th eoal- ortLfgueeUalllbamad. Tb koae hae Weaa aawly rantud.. , (eay,lllotf " WhAYBlLL Co., ' ,;,va x ' WnataaALa BsALss ia - WOOD AND BILLOW WABX - 'Oil Cloths, Window 'hades, Brootaa, Mais, llruohws Cbtioa Lat a. Oraia Bega. Flj ., Kets, Buckeia, Twines, rt'ioka, 4e. . yolS Norib Third Slrc.d, I'bRadelpala. VY, . Tl J. COOKaJ wnoiMAt. . S C ii .M . . j 4 rbllasfj-j'bla. tffr?, :-;& CL-OCtl j INwlhedOlrMtj, Vr I- .ettHslsj Jtt rosaa at aaitflMia, Mt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers