The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, October 03, 1871, Page 7, Image 7

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    l)c tmc3, Ncru JMoomftciti, Pa:
Bloomfiold Academy !
An English and Classical School
. Fon . .
Ydung Men Prepared For College.
A Normal Srhool ' ami a Schoul of Art)
On MonJuy, the 2Sth 0 August, 187 1
AB the above srhool has recently been re-organ-Ized.
students caitentcr any time.
1'rof. WM. II. DILI., a graduate of KutRcr's Col-'
lege, N. J., Principal.
Miss ANN A K. AI'OSrUROEIt, a graduate of
Ksther Institute, Columbus, Ohio, teacher o( JIu
ln, I'nlntlne, DrawluK. French and (ierinan.
Every laetllty for the training of the youth of both
sexes In nil that constitutes a liberal and thorough
The Collegiate Department ,
embraces all the higher branches, Including the
Latin and (ireek Lnniiuagcs, KnglneerliiK, l'ractl
cal Hurveylnir, Literature, Natural Science and ad
vanced AlathuinatlcH. ...
Vacations: July and August, undone week at
Terms; For Boarding, Furnished Kooin. Wash
Ing, Tuition in Latin, Greek, Knglish Branches and
Mathematics, for the scholastic year, 8180.
In vacations. f.un.
The Hoarding Department Is at the Institution,
tinder the supervision of Wlliam Grier, Esq., by
whom gool and substantial board will be fur
nished: and the pupils will bo under the strict care
of the Principal. Address ,
w. 11. I'li.i,, A. M. principal,
4 It
Mew liloo'nlleld, Terry county, Ia.
riiotographs !
Photographs !
Photographic Artist,
' Newport, penn'a. ,
T TIE subscriber would respectfully can the at
tention of the citizens of tills county to the
fact that he Is prepared to take PHOTOGRAPHS
In the best style of the art. His long experience
enables him to produce ' ,
pictcres wnrrrr canxot .be ex
celled. All persons are requested to call at his rooms and
examine specimens.
Particular attention given to copying likenesses
of deceased persons, and great care will be taken
,1 1 1, to furnish ...
Good Pictures of Children,
Framing material and a good assortment of frames
always on hand, and for sale at low prices. - '
' ' Nowport, Terry Co., Pa
Hair Restorative I
Contains NO LAf! fUTI.rilTjn JJo 8U(iAIt OF
Hll.VKK. and Is entirely free from the Poisonous
and Health-destroying Drugs used In other Hair
Transparent and clear as crystal, It will not soil
P.fl.$'e"t fabric perfectly 8AFK, CLKAN, and
fcp Ht'lKNT desideratum 1.0NU BOUGHT
It restores and prevents the Hair from becom.
Ing Gray. Inirts a soft, glossy apiiearance, re
moves Dandruff, is cool and refreshing to the
head, checks the Hair from falling off, audrestoiBS
It to a great extent when prematurely lost, pre
vents Headaches, cures all Humors, Cutaneous
hruptlons, and unnatural Heat. AS A DUKHS-
iSteVaTk11: 18IUE BKST 7UiUt
I)r. O. Smith, Patentee, Groton Junction, Mass.
Prepared ouly by l'roeter Hrothers, (ilouceiter,
Mass. The Genuine Is put up In a panel bottle,
made expressly for It, with the name of the article
blown In the glass. Ask yo ur Druggist lor Na
ture's Hair Restorative, and take no oilier.
Bond a three cent stamp to Proctor Bros, for a
Treatise on the Human llalr. The Information it
contains Is worth tuou ou to any person,
TH E subscriber having opened a new Btore, one
door Kast of Hweger's Hotel, solicits a share
of the public patronage. He has lust received a
full supply of
TV o w O o o 1 hi ,
and will constantly keep on hand, a complete as
sortment ot
And Everything clue usually kept In Stores.
Call and see my stock. ' '
.,.,-.)' ' '
,1 ..;( ' KOB'T. N. WILMS,
2 ' 11 ' 1 New Bloomlleld. Ta.
Suited to the Season, ,
Are Now Offered for Sale by
' . T, MOBTIMEB,' & CO. :
V Neatly executed at the I)lHiifleld Times
Steam Job omr.. , . I
Hundreds of Thousands S
b w xicor lenimony to ineir wouaer- fi p i
O a fill (Jurntlva KtTi.pta ' 0 GT i
Midoor Poor Horn, Whlster, Proof 8iilrltn
nud UoI'ubo Uq u ore doctored, Bptccd andBwcct
ened to plonsetho tutn, celled "Tonics," "Appctli
tre," ' I'.cotorcrs," e., that lend tho tippler on to
drunkenness and 'ruin, a trno Biediclnc, mcc!o
froci tUo NatLvo IiooUsnd Herbs of California, free
from nil Alcolivlla thnnlaitta. Tlicyoio ilia
GIVINU 1'IU N 01 PLE a perfect Honovator nsd
Invlgorntor of tlioBybtLm,canylng off nlt-potaonouu
matter and rcBtorlng tho blood to a healthy condition.
Ko person can take theso UUtcrs accordli; to direc
tion and remain long unircU.
8100 wlllbo given l'orca ln(xrablocao,prnv:ued
tho bones ro not dc&troyed by mineral pcfoc.i or
other means, and tho vital organs 7Ufitod buyoi.d ll.o
point of repair. , .
Fiir Inflninamtory nud Chronic Itliconm
tlsm nod Gont. Dysuepsln, or Indigestion,
UilioiiH, ttcnttcont and Inlcrinliicnt Pcrcro
Dlscnsvsoi' ibe Blood, l.tvorf Kldnerw, oud
lilndatrr, theso IHltcra I'.avo been most success
fnl. HucU Biscawe r.ra enceed by Tlitntcd
Dlood, whlou Is generally produced by daranjjomen;
of tha DiLHwelve rfaiMH
DYSPEPSIA Cvl 1SD10BJTI0X, .' ilcnd
cho, I'atn la tho stioaU.ers, Conghj,T!Kitnc4iscf tho
Cboct, DlzatnoM, Boar KrsetaUons of the btomadi,
liad taota In tlis Jttomil,' Uilloua AstieLa, I'slpltntiua
cf tho Heart,, laaaiorcntloa of the Lmigs, 1'dIu In tho
regions of thg Kidneys, and a hundred other iwilU
symptoms, aro tho otTsprlngs of Dyipepria.
They Invlgotuto tke Btomuch aid stlianlata tn tor
pid liver and bowels, whloh rentier them ofcnctiuallcd
clDcncy in eUaaslitR tk blood of all imparities, and
Imparting new life aal Tior to tha vrholo system. ., ,
I'OIl B1U if 11SZ3, Eruptions, Tcttor, Salt
Phcnm, notches, epot, rtmiiles, I uctuler, Dolls, Ccr
banclos, Itlns-T7orms, Bcnld-llcad, Boro Eyes, Erysip
elas, Itck, BeBrfB, DkiMtoratlono of tho Bkln, Ilumors
and Diseases of tho bkla, of vhatovar nomo or natnro. .
ra literally t ig up and carried out of tho system In a
short tlmt kf She use of these Hitters. Cno bottlo In
such casee irtU caitiiaea tho m out luareduious bt tlictr
curattvs oefcot, . : i i , . ' ; i , s - .
ClcuDBa. th ViUclcd Dlood whenever you find its
JmpurltleB borstlnB tliroosh tho skin In rimplca, Emo
tions or Sore; clecnsu H when yoa find It obstraetcd
and tlagafc la tho veins i clcsxoa It when It Is font,
and yonr feellnii will tjll yon when. Kosp tho blood
pnro and the health of Uio Bysteui wIllTolloir.
PIS, 'XAPttuaa otker WOllSIS.jhu-klngln tho
system of so many tkuusaaf-j, uro cfTcctnally destroy
ed and removed. Vor full Clrontloiui, ruad caivfully
tho ctrcalor arud oolt kotrro, prh.tcd In roar Ian
gaoges BuglliAi,Uortua, Fvunokaiid tpuuioU. ,
J. WALKER, rroprlctor. li. 11. Ncl)0AL3 i CO.,
Dragglst and Ocn. Agctits, Gaa Froaclrco, Cal
aad 83 and fti Commurca Street , iow YorU.
1780 : TAKE NOTICE. 1871
Are You Afflicted or Sick ?
I? A. -N A. O 1'j A. ! ,
AN Alterative nnd Cathartic, or Tonic anil
Ptirjro, for diBeaaoearlslne; from bad blood.
This preparation was established la 1870, and
has been prepared In liquid form for more tlmn
18 years. In January or February, 1870, anoth
er party commenced to prepare a similar article
which Is Inferior to the genuine, and which
should not be mistaken for ours. Ask for "Dit.
Fihiinbt's Blood Clbanseh oh Panacea,"
and nccept no others.
The Trade Mark of the oldest and genuine,
! printed In green on a yellow wrapper, hav
ing also the slgnuture of P. Fahrney, M. 1).,
Chicago. -
" Dr. P. Fahrney'$ Health ITatenger", gives
the history and uses of the Blood Cleanser,
testimonials, and other information, Bent free
charge. , Address
Dhj P. Fahrney'b Brothers A Co.,
: Waynesboro, Frnnkllu County, Pn.
Ask for Dr. Fahrncy'a Blood Cleanser and
t-J Sold everywhere and In New Bloomfiold
by F. Mobtimkh & Co., only. 518
ONE of the most useful articles ever Invented,
IS Kh'iKi-:iA,,a
Xovelty Flexible
With this little Tress every man can do his own
printing at a trilling exiiense, as the price of a
niu'hlne Is no Krenler tliau the cost of printing a
lot of Cards or KnvelopeH. Kvery one who sees It
says it is y
TiiHt tlo Tiling-,
and should be owned by every business man.'
These presses are for sale hy the subscriber who
is uuw cuiivHssiug nits vicinity Willi spcclineus.
soliciting orders.
, New (lloomtli'lil, Ta,
A Perfectly Non - Explosive Lamp I
X the only Ijimp that (Iiveh I'KitrKirr bArirrr
witu Ai.i. kiniis or oil. They are niude ol brass,
and will lust a lifetime, muklng llieiu the . .
The undersigned are Agents for Perry County
and will supply Merchants at the Manufacturers'
price. Persons wiintlug a good artlele are re
quested to exuuilue this lump.
, , , F, MOKTIMEK CO.,
JS'ew Illooinlleid, Ta, ;
J Agents wanted to canvass the County. '
Why Keep That Cough P
When a bottle ftf Kohree'e T.nnie tl.l.nn,
cure It. It is pleasant to take, and more elfee
live man any ovuer cougn nieaicinc. Try It
For sale by F. Mortimer & Co,, New ' Bloom
field, and most other stores In the county.
fl l i$Yi'A ' I S
Ssm xflmsm lit
rr " V lie
' If!
?s -1 ,; -o
ll f ANCY DRINK. Ill
By 3. H. SCTtEltOT, M. D.
Many a hnmsn bptnjr has passed away for whose
death then waa noothnr reason tlian thenpRlect of
known and Itullaputably provpn means of cure.
Thowe near and dear to family and friends are
sleeping the dreamless slumber into which, bad
tlmy calmlv adopted
lu.avsii:rii n. uriirufK'H impi,b
i. TKKAT.TlKN'r,
and nvntled thPnoicives or his wunderrtilly efllca-
clous mellclncs. they would not have fallen.
. Dr. Nohenclc has lit his own caao proved that
wherever sudlelent vitality remains, that vitality,
. by his medicines and his directions for their use, Is
quickened Into healthHil vlKor.
In this ntatement there Is tmthrn peeanmpttmns.
To the fmlth of the In valid is made no representation
that Is nota thousand time nuhatatitlated hy living
and vWble works. The theory of tile euro liy Dr.
. Brhenrk's medlcinea la as nimple as It is unfailing.
Its plillosru)hy requires no arijumcuu It to self-os-surlng,
- The Mea-weed 'I onic and Mandrake Pills are the
' first two weaiwns with whlrh tlm citadel of ths
malady Is availed. Two-thirds or the cases of con
sumption originate In dyspepsia and a functionally
disordered liver. With this condition the bronchial
' tubes " sympathise" with the stomach. They ro-
spend to the tiHirblflcnclion ofthe liver. Here then
' conies the culminating result, and the setting In,
With all Its distressing symptoms of
. . 1'llMHl.f. ' : 2
The Mandrake Pills are composed of one of Nn
. turn's noblest glfts-tho I'odoplilllmn I'eltatiuu.
They prmawss all Iho blood-scarchlng, olteratlvo
properties of calimrl, but. unlike calomel, they
The work ofcure is now bi glnniiiK. The vitiated
and mucous deposits In the IhiwcIs and In the ali
mentary canal are ejected. The liver, like a clock,
' w wound up. It arouses from Its torpiijlly. Tim
stomach acts resnonslvely. and the patient begins
to feel thnt he Is KcttiUflr, at last,
A sirri.i of uon moon.
The Hca-weeil Tonic. In ciinjunclloii with the Pills,
permeates and oaelniilittcs with the fooil. Chylltl
. cation Is now progressing without Its previous tor
tures. Ditimtlmi buronies painless, anil the cure is
seen to he at hand. There Cs no more flatulence, no
exacerbation of the stomach. An nppetlte sets In.
Now comss ths greatest Mined further ever yet
given by an indulgent fnther In sullerlng man.
Hehenck s l'lilinonlu Nyrnp comes In to permrm Its
functions and. to hasten and complete tho cure. It
enters at ones upon its work. Nature can not be
cheated. It collects and ripens the Impaired and
diseased portions of tha lungs. In the form of
gntheringa, It prepares them lor expectoration, and
hi I In a very short tints the Is vanquished,
the rottsn throne that It occupied Is renovated and
ninds new. and lbs patient, In all the dignity of re
named vigor, tej forili to enjoy the manhood or
womauhood that wa
item rr A l,MT.
Ths sscnnd thing Is, the piitiwits must stay In a
warm room until they get well; It Is almost Impos
sible to prevent taking cold when ths lungs ore dls
e.'ised. but It must lm prevented or a cure can not be
ellected. Presh air and rldlngniit. eapeclnllv In this
section of the country, In tint nll and winter sea
son, r all wrong. Physicians who recommend
Ibut conrss loe their txvtlents, If their lungs aro
badly (linaMed i and yet. braus they are fii ths
house they nnl not sit down ipilet; they must walk
, about the room as much and an fast as the strength
will bear, to r t up a ood circulation or blood. The
- patients must keep In ood spirits be determined
to et well. This has a great deal to do wllu tha
appetite, sn4 Is the great point to gain. ,
J. ,?,','"!1ir nf r"r" Me' such evidence of Its pos
slbilltv lirthe worst cawst, and moral wrtiiluty In
all othern. Is sltifol. Dr. Hchenik s is rsounl tnte
meiit to the raculiy of his owu cure was In those
modest words :
"Many years ago I wns In the lost stages of con
sumption i confined to my bed, and at one time my
I'hrslcIonstliotigliitiiBt I could not llveatreek; then,
like a drowning man catching at straws, I heard of
and obtained the preparation wliich I now oiler to
ths public, and they made a perfect cure of me. It
seemed to me that I oonld reel them penetrate my
fever, imlns. und nlL'bt.Nweuoi nil h..uU'tr. innuu ...J
and niv apnetlle became so grunt tlmt It was with
i diniculty thutl could keep from rating too much.
. I soon (ruined my strength, and have grown in tlesu
ever since.
,,. " I was weighed shortly after my rerovnrv," added
. the IJoctor, " then looking like a mere skeleton ; my
weight was only nluety-even pounds my preseiii
welklit Is two hundred and twenty-five (225) ihiuikU,
and for years I have enjoyed uninterrupted health.'1
I)r. Hehenck has diRcontlnued his professional
vIbIU toew York and Huston, He or bis son, Ir.
r,' Jf chenck.Jr;, still oonllnue to see patients at '
thelrOtllce, No. 15 North Klxth Street, Philadelphia,
every butnrday from a.m. to 1 p.m. Those who
wish a thorough examination with tho Iteiplro-.
nieterwlllliechrged.v ThsKssptromsterdeolBres '
the eia't condlllon of the lungs, and patients can
rendllv learn whether they are curable or not.
'1 he directions for taking Uis medicines are odspt
ed to the Intelligence even of a child. Follow thees 1
directions, and kind Nature will do the rsst, escopt.
lug tlist In some cases ths M andrake Pills ara to b 1
taken in Increased doaen, the three medicine need
no other accompaniments than ths ample Instruc
tions that accompany them i First create appetite.
Of returning health, hunger Is the most welcome
symptom, when It conius, as It will come, let ths
despair ng at once be of good cheer. Good blood at
once follows, tha cough loosens, the night-sweat Is
abated. In a short time both of these morbid syniD
toms are gone forever. r
Dr. wchenck's medicines are constantly kept In
tens of thousands of families. As a laxative or pur
gative, the Mandrake Pills are a staudard prepara. .
tlon; while the Pulmonic Hyrup, as a cursor coughs
and colds, may be regarded as a proubylocterlo
against consumption In any of Its fbrinsT
Price of the Pulmonic Myrup and Hea-weed Tonic.
lLTUa bottle, or ;.so a half diaeu. Mandrake Pills!
a cents a box. For sale, by all druggists and dealers!
Street, I'hlludelphla, Wholesale Agents.
602 Arch
Life Insurance Company,
op new Yornr, ,
AhsoIh, si- ,ro,o J
I&srKS all the new forms of Policies! and pre.
scuts as favorable tonus asany company in the
United States. . .....
The (,'ompaiiy will make temporary loans on Its
Policies. ,
Thirty days' grace allowed nn eaeh payment, and
tlie isilfcy held (food durliiKtlml tliuo. . ,
i'oilcles Issued by this Company uie non-forfeiture.
No extra charges are madefor traveling permits.
Pulley-holders share In the annual profit ul the
Company, and have a voice In tlie elections and
liiaiiugi'incut of the Company.
. No policy or medical feecliarged.
lUSTl'S l-AWHKNUK, i'les't,
. M. It. WyNKooc, Vice 1'res'l.' v '' "
J. P.BOOBHS, Bec'J". '! ' "i ."' '
- 1 , ,, ,..'.4. k. baton.
.No. fl North Third Street, "f'H -'"
4.1i0 ylj College Block, Harrlsburg, Pa.
The above amount will be refounded to all sol
diers who were di lifted while in the service, and
who paid toOucomiiiiitutlnti money; and also to all
persons who paid oomiuututlon money who were
liot legally lluble to draft. Claims mint lie tilled
before the lntof March, 1871. Cull on, or address.
LEWIS POT'IElf. Attorney for Claimants.
New Bloouiueld, l'a.
VTOTIC'K. Notice l hereby given that all
is iiersons are forbidden to enter the Vine
yard of tlie subscriber without his permission.
All persons found therein without his license are
subject to a tine for tresiiasHlng. No visitors are
allowed In the Vineyard upon the Nnbbath day.
All visitors are heartily welcome upou any other
day of the week. ,
Klllottsburg, Pa a , 33teow
English Roofing Felt
Is found to Btnnd well lit alt climates, being ex
tensively need for Koeling Houses, Out-Uttlld-Inps
and Sheds) for Laying Flat Roofs, Gutters,
Lining Granaries, Storehouses, or Walls,
(either outsido or Inside), and for placing un
der Slates or Tiles. It Is also n cheap and
effective Colling on the underneath side of rnf
tors of a Slntcd or Tiled Roof, nnd as a Ceiling
to Iron Roofs, counteracting Ilcat, Froet, and
Condensation of Moisture. , : , ; 1 i
The English Felt Is put up In rolls of 25
yards In length, by 83 Inches in width, and
containing a surface of 200 square feet.
In Rolls, 20 Inches wide, by 60 feet In length)
each roll will cover a surface 10 feet square, or
100 Bqutire feet.
It Is to be laid across the roof, shlnglo fash
Ion, with a lnp of two Inches, and secured by
nailing the edges with 8d nulls nud tin caps.
When laid, the Felt Is to be painted with
Mastic Roof Coating, nnd Sanded. Tho Mas
tic Roof Coating Is mixed, ready for use, and
is applied with a brush.
Used extensively for Sheathing Houses, and for
Tnr and Gravel Rooting, nlso for placing under
Slate, Tin nnd Shlnglo Ronllng.
It Is used In packing Woolens and Fnrfl to
protect them from moths.
Put up in rolls weighing 45 pounds each.
18 pounds Felt will cover a Burfuce of 100
square feet.
For Sheathing Houses, Roofing Temporary
Buildings, making Wnter,Tight Floors, nud for
placing uudcr Slate and Shingles.
In rolls, 28 Im liCB wide by 50 feet In length.
Each roll will cover a surface of 10 feet square
or 100 square feet.
For Sheathing it can be nailed npon the stud
ding, making a pcrcctly hlr. tight .sheathing,
nnd Btiro protection from dampness. Kuts,
mice, or vermin will not go uear It,, .' .
In rolls containing 250 square feet. Is to be
laid ncrosB tlie roof, nnd lapped shingle fttBh
lon with a.lup of two Inches, and secured by
nulling tho edges with 20 oz. tacks.
This is tho only Composition Roofing that
does not require a finishing coat of paint or
cement. , , , ...
.'. . t ". I1'- l'.t' i
For Carpet Lining, Deadening Floors , and for
putting under Slate, Tin and Shlnglo Roofing.
Put up In rolls weighing 100 pouuds.
10 pouuds Felt will cover a surfitoo 10 feet
equarc, or 100 equure feet. , ,, , . , ..
, 105 South 2ud Street, ' i
5 23 2rtt imiArEiriiiA; iv.
rpnE subscribers have on hand nt all times,
f L as complete an assortment of Hardware
as can be found In tho county. t
nails,: . ';; '
: . . locks, -
...WW. V. GLASS, rt -
and a' lino assortment of all styles of
; Builders Hardware,
' Also, - , ,. , , . . ,
" ;' ;;; ;,: spoons,
', ,. ' ; hoes,'
id ' ' ill- . I :..
, ',',!, and a full stock of .
: Hardware of. Every Description,
All of which will be sold at tho lowest market
prices. Persons wanting any article In this
lino are requested to pall and examine our stock.
. Naw Bloompiei.d, Px.
The Colby Wringer
Moulton's Patent Rolls,
The Most Perfect!
' The Cheapest 1
. , Ami JSvtt Wriwjer in the World
Rolls are pure" white Rubber. Frame can
never rot, rust or wear out. It takes less
room than nny other, Is lighter, fastens Itself
to tlie tub, runs easier, and Is TOE FAMILY
FAVORITE wherever used,
t It is WARRANTED In every case. We want
good active . -
to canvass In every town, to whom good wages
are insured. Full Instructions and particulars
given npon application to Colbt Bbo b A Co.,
508 Broadway, N. Y. P 82 a 13.
emU.,. ' '
Pensions, Bounties, &o.
,Hli . . , r - ' ,
WIDOWS, Minor Ch
Xlk.. of Noliltnrii
' I. Mothnrs. Fnthra
tc, of Holdiers j were killed or died of
disease contracted In the Service of the I lilted
btutes, can now make application for Pension.
, Also Ntildlcrs who contracted disease or were
wounded, ruptured, or In any way disabled In the
war of Win. '
When widows die or re-marry, the child or
children under sixteen years of age are entitled to
a Pension.
The time for nllng claims fur additional bounty
has been extended six mouths, , . 1
i Particular attention riven to old suspended case
In the ditteienl depurtinents at Wasliliigton, 1. C
If you have, or think von huvn a rlulm m, ,i,,ki n,
overnment, eall on or address the UiidersiKued,
' LEWIS roTTEH, ' ; 'V '
. 1 Attorney for Claimant!,
A Harber-shop Tarn. f
A brnggnrt of a joker, in a letter to
the (S'un,Rays:
I entered a barber's ehop, and I asked
the boss, "could bo shave a note for me?"
He said, " No." So I got shaved. He
used ice cream for. lather; it's an im
provement on the old style, because when
you get a dab in your mouth it , tastes
much better than soap.' ,The fellow had
a rnzor thnt he'd been cutting oil-clotk
with, and I thought of I scream, all the
while I sat there. ,
I saw a queer sight out his back win
dow. It was a follow bobbing up and
down. Tho barber said it was a man
who three months ago jumped off a six
story building. He hnd on thick soled
India rubbor shoes. ; He struck on tho
pavement, and had been bounding up
and down ever since. , Each time ho
went up ho wont, a quarter of an inch
less in height, nnd. they calculated that
by tho 14th of November he would bo
restored to the bosom of his family.
He told me that they fed him by filling
rubber balls with hash, and he catches
thorn on the bound. I told him that was
a good quality of rubber, and I asked
him how many storios his building had ;
he said, "Five." " Well," said I, "you
had better add tho one you have told me, '
and you will have six."
US? " Theso Indies are like birds thnt
are on the wiug," said a humorous clerk
to his employer, as a bevy of shop dam
sels left tho store- ',' Why so V" asked
the proprietor. takes them
a long time to settle upon their pur
chase;" (perches,) replied tho clerk. Tho
proprietor saw the " point," and was so
gratified at his acutcuess that ho n't cnCe
,i..j u- . '.
iiiisi-u mo uiero. a wages.
Two Irishmen were going to fire
off a oauuou, just for fun ; but being of
an economical mind, they did not wish to
lose the ball, so one of them took an iron. .
kettle in his hand to catch it in, and sta- i
tionin" himself in front of the .loaded ,
piece, ho exclaimed , to. the other, , who .
stood behind, holding a lighted torch,
" Touch it off, aisy.", (. . t .'
ISiy A littlo girl came into my house
one day, and some apple parings lay on
a plate on the tables After sitting awhile
she said: "I smell apples." ."Yes,"
replied, " I gusss you smell those parings '
on the plate." No, no," said sho; " ft "
ain't them I smell; I smell whole ttpJ
pies." . .., , ' . , . ,! .;
,' A Liverpool pilot adrift in the
Irish Sea, during a dense fog, and unable ;
to find the entrance into the river Mer
sey, is said to have fervently uttered two.
lines from'a well-known hymn : . '
" That Mersey I to other's showed , :'"
' That Mersey show to mo."
Hay In . Howard county, Ind., the''
churches are in an uproar becauao a min- '' '
ister complains that he has been compell-
cu lu iiiK.iiiii will iiiiiv iwn nnniB nn no,
pocket. Well, how much money 'does a i
minister want to lug around with him, ,
any way. .'-.'
'.'i.-.'i : ' - - ,a, ' 1 ' ' ' " 1 i
. t&m' A servant girl who was employed "
to pickle her master's cabbage, took the '
opportunity to cabbage the master's pick- r
" " -MM ,1 UIIIUU tt 1 1 u was
happy and careless when she was young; '
aiid .cappy and hairless . hen she was old. '.
-r ':,-:,
Sr ",Vio is that foreign lady with v
the extremely low-cut dress '("'; asked
gentleman ot a bystander at a party the
other day. "That is Miss Chomisoff, a
Uussian lady," was the reply. Who can '
ion nnn m inn cnnin . wnman ... i , a Mnn
improve on mat name f '
M&" A Warsaw man saw a war among
the wives and widows of Warsaw, and
remarks that " of all the wars we ever
Saw. WO never saw a war lil-n thn urnr ma
saw among tho wives aud widows of
t&" " Mother,' what ara blood rcla- ,
tions?" ' " Why, thcy'are near, relatives, '.
my son." " Thcu, mother' repliod the
boy, after musing awhile, "you must be " :
the bloodiest relation I've got." . ,, . i. :
SS? A correspondent says he has a
friend who is growing weaker and weak- ,
er every day, and that he has already ar- ,
rived at that point whero it is, with,, the, , .
greutest difiicultv that ho can ruiso five- ,,
... tar "Vht, Where's yer brother?" '
" Och, thin, me darlint, he's dead, sir."
Hut how did ho die?" ' " Well sir
you see, he fell off the scaffold one day
whon the priest was talkin' tn him."-'
ar i he nay crop must ue a failure in ,
Laconia, N. H., for the local journal says
" that grasshoppers have got lame tryin" ' '
to hop from one blade of grass to an
other." - .
'fJrAyoung man who was sent to ;
Maine to examine tho condition of a mill
after a late freshet, reported by due course
of mail as follows i " I find a dam by
(ha miJl-sito, but no mil by a dam-site' ' 1
' -L-: - ' ' -
' JVsh- 'lliugs. says'! "Never do ' 1
any work before breakfast. ; If it jg neci';
essary to work before breakfast have your ' '
breakfust first." J