-:~r XELESBAPHIC StHBAKT. Alt Govcrrimoqt tontrac a for building tur • ret ships hare beisn suspended in England.: - A CAXAauLCT; which dwarfs Niagara is alleged to have been discovered in British Guiana. ■ ' . . The Empress Eugenie and the Prince Im perial make oonsthnt excursions around Hast ings. The Paris fashion journals have suspended publication. Mourning is generally worn in Paris and Berlin. • - Bv a' boiler explosion in Leith; England, yesterday, fifty persons were badly injured. Pour have since died. The caisson for the Brooklyn tower of the East river bridge has been sunk twenty-eight feet six inches below low water. The Lehigh Crane Iron Company’s foun dry at Catasauqua was" destroyed by Are yes terday morning. The loss is stated to be heavy. Richmond; Virginia, complains■> of the drought, having had no rain for seventy-two days. The Mutual Base Ball Club defeated the Athletic ntNew York, yesterday, by a score of 11 to 10. The Republicans of the Fifth New Jersey District have nominated A. Halsey, of New ark, for Congress. Duking July of this year the revenue from spirits, and fermented liquors was $1,287,285 greater than during July, 1869. Ann Hackett has been arrested at Chicago for attempting to poison four of her children by putting verdigris in their coffee. The children were living with their father, from whom she had for some time been, divorced. . At Winona, Minnesota, on Wednesday, the boiler of Laird, Norton & Go. ? s steam saw-mill exploded, killing Michael -Burns,- the fireman,- and seriously injuring three other men. The loss of property is $15,000. ■ Two men-were arrested at : Cincinnati; on Wednesday night, and taken to Chicago, on the charge Of having obtained from'Bow en & Co., of the latter city, $1,500 in gold on a de posit of galvanized lead. - In Richmond, Va., 15*021,000 pounds of chewing, tobacco was manufactured during 1869, being double the; amount manufactured in~1868.~- Of smoking was manufactured, being more than four times the quantity in IS6S. In Georgia the Chairman of the Republican State Committee recommends the passage of a law changing the time for election to the week before Christmas. By the present law the election occurs in November. Judge Bedfokd, of New York, sentenced Pat. Egan, for, complicity in the robbery of the broker, Jackson, to eighteen arid a half years in the State Prison, remarking that an effort would be made at the next session of the Leg islature to have the penalty increased to life imprisonment. At Nashville one hundred and one barrels of whisky, valued at $9,000, the property of ex- RevenueDetectiveJ.E; Stacey,have been seized -forviolation T of-the-revenue.—lt is alleged that - Stacey obtained .the whisky while a revenue officer. CITY BULLETIN. —City Councils held a regular meeting yes terday afternoon. Select Branch referred to the Police Committee the message of the Mayor recommending an increase of the Police - force. An ordinance was adopted placing the floating baths under the control of the Com missioner of City Property. The place of voting in the Third division of the Thirteenth Ward, ’was- changed by resolution to 713 Spring- Garden - street. An ordinance was adopted authorizing farmers to sell produce, wholesale, on Shackamaxon street, from Dela ware avenue to Allen street. Resolutions were adopted ebariging the places of voting in the Third and Fourth divisions of the Twenty seventh Ward. Mr. Shoemaker made a report from the joint Committee on Law and Fi nance in regard to the payment,of certain city interest in coin. The committee hold that un dertlie decisionin Hepbum ct al. vs. Griswold, the city can be held liable to pay in coin the interest due July 1, 1870, on loans issued prior to February 25, 1862, and for the prin cipal of all loans maturing July 1, 1870. The Committee reported an ordinance that all interest falling due July Ist, A. D. 1870, on loans of. the said city, created prior to Feb. 25th, A. D. 1802, and the principal of all such loans maturing on said Ist day of July, 1870, shall be paid in gold, or in currency equal to the value bf gold on said Ist day of July, A. D. 1870; and that the Committee on Finance is hereby instructed to report to the next meet ing of Councils an ordinance making an ap propriation therefor. The resolution was adopted. The ordinance from Common Coun cil, providing for the erection of additional gas lamps, was concurred in; also, the resolution of instruction to the Committee on Finance, in regard to a revision of the United States cen sus. The ordinance from Common Council, making an appropriation of $450,000 for the erection of a House of Correction, was taken up. Mr. Fareira moved to refer to the Com mittee on Finance.' Agreed to— 15, nays .. Adjourned ... ... Common Branch received the resignation of Mr. LeightoD, member of the chamber for the Fourteenth Ward, to take effect on the 10th of October. A petition was received from William H. Cramer, setting forth that he proposed to erect the House of Correction in accordance with the plans adopted,by the House of Cor rection Committee, for the sum of sS99,329,ex clusive of the heating and ventilating, for which he submitted a separate oiler of $109,- 052 . SO, to be done as set forth in Messrs. Wis tar & Bolton’s offer duly submitted to them ; that notwithstanding he was the lowest bid-, der.yet he has been informed that the contract (as he thinks wrongfully,) has been awarded to Bichard J. Dobbins, whose oiler for the .erec tion of the building was VJ'JO,OOO, showin" a difference in favor of petitioner of $071; that the proposal of Mr. Dobbins did not include the heating and ventilating, aud respectfully sug gesting that the contract should have bee~n awarded to the lowest bidder without regard to the offer for heating and ventilating, th<°bid for which by Mr. Dobbins was soo,ooo,making his total bid $009,000, requests that the award of tl)e contract be revoked. Referred to Com mittee on House of Correction. Mr. Bards ley presented a resolution instructing the Fi nance Committee to inquire whether the United States census is being properly taken in this city, and if in their judgment it is not, to prepare an ordinance to remedy the defect. Agreed to. Mr. Allison presented an ordinance appropriating $450,000 for the erection oi the House of Coll ection, “to be taken out oi a loan to be hereafter created.” Agreed to. Mr. Hanna presented a communi cation from Chief Engineer Downey, stating V‘ a V b , <i , b ? d suspended the Good Will and . 1 hiladelphia Engine Companies for rioting in June last,, dleierred to the Committee on Irusls and Fire. Mr. Hanna presented an or dinance providing for the issuing of licenses to - boys pnder 14 ryears of age to 'sell hdvvspi"perB or engage in the.occupaUon of boot-blaekina, the said license to be issued without charge each boy so licensed to wear a badge with the let ters N. B. 8., (Newsboys’ Brigade), or B B 8., (Bootbladk Brigade); these badges not to be issued to boys who have no ktiown place of residence, or who have been convicted of any felonious'offence; that the boys so licensed shall not sell papers nor black boots on tlie Sabbath ; that a recerd shall be kept of the boys’ license by the Mayor, and that ho badge nor license shall be transferable, and if either shall be lost or stolen, a duplicate shall be Issued by the Mayor"opon due proof to him of the fact; that a sale or transfer or a/license or badge shall vitiate it, and finally imposing the duty upon the police officers of arresting all boys who shall -Violate'-this or who shall bo found pitching pennies, &c., and that such boy, if licensed, shall, if upon,, a hearing the charge be sustained, forfeit his license and be rendered incapable of again.being licensed, the ordinance to -take effect January 1,1871. Referredi tp, the;Folice.Committee, Alsp, au Ordinance foran jricreaseof tlie police tottwelye hundred; exclusive of the Lieutenants and Sergeants. Referred to same Committee.. Mr., lluhn presented an ordinance appropriating $3,112 50 for the erection of seventy-five new -gas lamps.during 1870. Agreed to. The ordi nance* s3oo to carry out the Act; of Assembly relative to the Public Buildings, (luring the consideration of which the Chamber gdjourned, in July last, was then agreed to. The following bills from Select Council were considered:An ordinance approvirig a con tract for the erection of a school-house in the Twenty-fifth Ward. Agreed to. An ordinance appropriating $75,000 for the laying of a water hiain from the Mt. Airy reservoir to Cayuga istreet. Referred. A resolution for the laying bf water pipe on Edgemont and other streets. Agreed to after being amended by adding two bther streets. A resolntion approving the con tract for the erection of a school-house at Frankford road and Ellen street. Agreed to. An ordinance appropriating $12,000 to pay for (he removal of the railroad tracks from South Broad street. Agreed to. Mr. Allison, Chair man of the Committee On House of Correc tion, presented an ordinance- approving: the - contract with Richard J. Dobbins for the erec tion bf the House bf Correction. The report (annexed) sets'forth that it is to the intetest pf .the city to. award : the whole 1 contract for the erection ■of ; the ... buildings and the heating and ventilating thereof to one bidder, and that Mr. Dobbins was the lowest bidder for all that" ' wort. ' The ordinance was agreed to. -Mr;;Nlckels. presented a resolution changing the placeof voting ,in the, third fii-, vision of the Third.: Ward, to No. 783 South Third street. Agreed to.> Mr. Hanna pre sented an ordinance .supplementary to: an or dinance, in relation to the appointirient of joint committees of Councils, abolishing the Com mittee on Girard Estates, and changing the title, ofthe Committee, op/Fire arid Trusts to that of the Fire, Department. Agreed to,. The fol-’ lbwirig biUs aria resolutions from:Select Coun-: cil were considered: A resolution changing the places of voting in the fourth division off the "Twenty-seventh Ward, the first and third divisions of the Thirteenth Ward. Agreed to. A resolution for the laying of water pipes on Rockland and other streets. Agreed to. An ordinance al lowing farmers to sell produce on Shakamaxon Street. Mr. Hetzell moved to amend by adding Third street and Germantown road,from Girard avenue to Master street. Agreed to,, as amended, : -An ordinance placing the bath houses under the control of the Commisioners" of Markets, and City : Froperty . Agreed to. A ;resolution-relative to the- payment iu coin- of the interest and principal of' all loans created prior to 1862 falling due and maturing 1 on the -Ist of June.. Agreed to. A(jj6urned. _ —The delegates to the Railway Master Me chanics’ Convention were taken to Fairmount Dark, yesterday afternoon, leaving the Conti iierital Hotel at four o’clock, in carriages pro vided by the Committee of Arrangements. They were first driven to George’s Hill, from -Which they-obtained a splendid view of -the city. Then the party proceeded .to : Belmont Cottage, where a very fine banquet was servgd up by Mr,. Proskauer Restaurateur, in a large tent. An interesting feature of the entertainment was the presence (if many ladies at the tables. Hon. Morton McMichael presided, and after the gopd things had been disposed of, speeches were made by Mr. McMichael, H. M. Button, Esq., President ofthe Convention, Hon. Wm. D. Kelley and others. The Junger Miinuerchor was pre sented and during the evening delighted the with several fine songs. What-ie the German Fatherland ?” was sung by special request. .-The-partv returned to the city about ten o’clock. —The Internatianal Union of Locomotive Firemen commenced their fifth annual Con vention yesterday at the hall, Broad and Arch streets.. There were present, delegates from all parts of the Union as well as Canada. N. 11. Hoffman, Grand Master, presided, andß. F. Shaffer acted, as Secretary. The proceedings were opened with an address, giving the views of the President on the objects of the Conven tion. The body will he in session about ten days. —The corner-stone of the chapel in course of erection on Foulkrod street, Frankford, was laid yesterday afternoon. The services took place at the Paul Street M. E. Church, after which the entire assemblage proceeded to the chapel. It is situated on Foulkrod, near Main street, and is being built of gray stone. Its di mensions are 38 feet wide by 68 feet deep, and will costslo,ooo. This sum is being raised by the Paul Street M. E, Church, of which the chapel is an adjunct. —The BuildiDg Commission held a meeting yesterday afternoon. A resolution was adopted requesting -Councils to pass an- ordinance mak ing an appropriation of $lO,OOO for (he current expenses of the year; also requesting them to ( i eate an ordinance appropriating $400,000 for ihe expenses of 1871. A resolution was also adopted selecting John McArthur, Esq., as the rehitect fdr the erection of the buildings. >fy;—The first of a series of weekly open-air meetings in favor of General William B. Thomas as .member of Congress from the Fourth District was held last night at the southwest corner of Broad and Coates street, tinder the auspices of the Fifteenth’ Ward Democratic Campaign Club. Col. Edmund 1! andall presided. Speeches were maide by (.eu. Thomas, Col. Randall and others.’ —A lad entered the jewehy store of Mr. F. W. Parrot, Eighth street, near Market, last evening, and while pretending to select a ring, ran oil'with the tray. He was at 6nce pursued, and although be dropped the rings in Market -Meet, below Eighth, he ran to Fifth and N orth before being captured. He gave the name ol'.Nathan Wood. —A game of base ball was played yesterday between the Olympic Club, of Washington, D. C., and West Philadelphia, of this city, outbe .roqpds at Twenty-fifth and Jefferson streets. ; n resulted in favor of the Olympics, by a score "f 20 runs to 17. —A boy named Francis McGittigan, aged right years, was drowned while bathing in the i .vlaware river at Williams’s wharf, Richmond, 'i sterday afternoon. ’ He resided at No. 1138 William street. —John Perry, better known as “Oyster Jack,” died at bis residence, in West Philadel phia, yesterday. The deceased was well known in sporting chcles. His death was. caused by congestion of the brain. --Samuel Spence, arrested on suspicion of arson, in firing the dwelling of John M. Banas, N0._2332 Vine, street, onjNavembet.last, was discharged yesterdqyb'yAhi. Kerr. ' . - V . —At a meeting of the Amerlcus Club, held last night, $2O, was donated for the relief of the families of the’firemen killed at the sugar refinery conflagration. ‘ ■/' • NEW JERSEY MATTERS. ' Riviiir Thieves. Some time during Wednesday night a river thief broke into the cabin of a boat lying at Cooper’s Point, be longing to Capt. Benjamin Rosser, and robbed it of a ,silver watch valued at' $3O, and $4 'in money, with which ho escaped. POMTjtCAi.'.-lSome unquiet spirits in the Congressional District of New Jersey, aided prohably by thri distracting interference Of Democracy, are trying to create dissension - n , j , he 3 Rcpublican ranks relative to the nomi nal ® Jbhn W.' Hazleton for Congress. Bills, it is said, have already been put up in Atlantic, Gape May and Salem: counties, calling for another Republican Convention, to nomi nate a second candidate. If this occurs there will he three candidates .in the field, and it is believed by the Democrats that 'the fight will result favorably to their side. Hence their encouragement of the movement... j The Special Coubt.—The business of the present term Of the Special Court is very heavy. Thirty-eight - convictions have already been had, the largest number at any one term since the Court was instituted. i Qbgan Concert.-. On the evening of the 22(1 inst. a grand organ concert will be given in the Third Street M. E. Church, under the direction of eminent-musicians, the proceeds of which will be for the benefit ofthe Church. IMPORTATIONS-' ’ Becorted for the Fhlladelnhla Erenlhs Bulletin. ST. JOHN.NB.—Sohr A PHlmpnon, 8e11—90,000 41. and 6 foot inch pickets J W GaßkiU & Sops. ~ j MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMEKS. ! TO ABBIVE : . ; SHIPS FROM FOR DAT*. Merrimack Bio Janoiro..,New 28 Australia. Glasgow... New York —.............Ana 27 Erin Havre...Now York. low Om. Glaagow...New York Aug, 81 Parana London... New York Aug. 31 lemalia ....Marseilles...New Y0rk........ 1 ; Columbia. Glasgow... New York Sept. "3 Woybosset .. Sisal... New York- ....Sept, 4 0. of Dublin,:....Liverpool...Now Y0rk:,..............5ept, jf H Obauncoy. Aspinwall...New York.. ...’..Sent, 6 Palmyra - Liverpool... New Y0rk........... ;BeSt.- 6 Idaho Llverjpool...New 7 : TO DEPART. v Wyoming Philadelphia... Savannah Sept. 17 Hercules Philadelphia.,.NewOrleans..;........Sept. 17 O of Pt au Princo..;N; York.;.Port au Prince....... Soot. 17 0 W Lord* T New York.VHavana..... ..........Sept. 17 Pennsylvania..Now-York,„Liven>ool 17 Italy New York./.Liverpool.-. Bept. 17 Lafayette....;...wNew York...Havre...,. ..... M ,Sopt. 17^ Hof Brooklyn*..Nbw York...Livorj»ool.;.; ~..,;.,;Bont. 17 oluffibia .Now York... Glasgow. Aleppo’ ......New York...LiverpooL .80pt. 37 Australia .New York... Glasgow l7 Etna .;.New York.i.Livoruoob via IL./.r.SSpf.^Q Cuba New or*...Liverpool.,,.; Sept. =2l - Now Y0rk.,.Liv0rpd6;i...,.;,.......;,8ept. 21' Tripoli V* New York...Livorpopl.«.* „....Bept. 22, I SST The steamers deeignated by an' asteriak f") carry the United BtateaMails. :t . i 1 . b l. D °F .trade. Christian j. hofpman, > Monthly oommittb*. THOB.CrHANDr \ - :r ' MARINE BULLETIN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA—September 18. Bpn Rißgß,SsHBcw Sbtb, 6 9{Hioh Wat*r, 3. W 1 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. ; Steamer J 8 Shriver, Webb. 23 hours from Baltimore, with mdße and passengers to A Groves. Jr, Brig Ban Oarjos, .Parker, from Portsmouth, NH. in ballast to Warren <Sr Gregg. I tichr JosN Bitting, Henry,3 days fromNewtown.Md. With lumber to Oolnns A <Jo. ; Schr Clayton & Lcwber, Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with grain to Jaa L Rowley & Co. ; Schr Tycoon, Cooper, I day from Smyrna,'Del. with grain" to das LBewley A Co. < i Proteus, at this port on Wednesday, from Giouceater, Eug. is consigned, vessel and. cargo, 1 to Workman Co. ... i- GLEABED YESTERDAY. Steamer Pioneer, W r akeley, Wilmington, NO; Philadel* phia and Southern Mai! oS Co, ' • •- • J : - St earner'YoKimeer, ’Jones, New York, Johh'YOlil. Steamer H L Gaw, Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr, . -Bark Black Brothers, Perry', Aut\verp I B Bark Vasa (NorJ, Eriksen,- Cork for orders,:L Wester* ! gaard A Co. ’ > Brig John Welsh, Jr,-YanseloWt-Sagna, 8-A W Welsh.- Schr Oriole, Baker, Boston, Jlppplier, Gordon A Co. Schr J B Austir, Daviß. Georgetown' do Sehr Lucy Holmes, Eldridge, Kingston, do 3chr H Prescott, Merry.man, Glouceater,Knight & Bou3. ! . HAVRE DB GRACE, Sept. 15. • The following- boats- left this morning,'dirtowrond ’ jonsigned ag foltowe: - ? Robert Furst and Mary & Willie, lnmber to Patterson A LippincottrCol Elliuger.-do-to -DrßvTaylor&'Son? Gen do to R Woolverton; Carrie A Elmer, coal to Salem, NJ; John lluldeman, lime to Chesapeake City. MEMORANDA Bhip Chandes, Emory, from New York 17th April, at San Francisco 14th inst. Steamer Anes, Wiley, cleared at Boston 14th Instant for this port. • ' . Steamer lowa, Ovenstone, from Glasgow’for N Ydirk, sailo.d from Lough Foyle 3d-inst. i i Steamer Annie, Hansoh, at Inagua 17th ult. from New York, via Nassau for Magdalena River, SA, and pro*' ceeded after coaling. . Steamer Siberia (BrJ, Harrißon, cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. •Steamer South America; Tlnklepaugh, at St Thomas 30th ult. from N York, and sailed same day for Rio Ja neiro, Ac. Bark J XI Pearson, Taylor, hence at Memol 23th nit. vtmsretTTtn - — ~ Bark Village Belle, Little, honce for Londonderry,was passed Ist inst. lat-49 57, lon 27 19. TRark Peter 0 Warwick, Kline. 40 days from Rio'Ja 7 neiro, at New York yesterday, with coffee. Brig Francis Lewey, LeWey,* cleared'at Penßacola 7th lust, tor this port, with 22,000.f5et lumber. Brig Sea Breeze, Moffatt, from Liverpool 23th Juue m Waterfofd 9th July, for this port, was spoken 3d ult. lat 83 30i lon 4022; 1 Brig Nuovo Provldenza (Ital), Manzanars, sailed from Girgenti prior to 20th ult. for this port. Brig M L B(Br), Estes; hence at Barbados 15th ult. Brig Roanoke, Wilkie, honce for Laguayra, was spoken 3d inst. lat 23, lon *9. Had bepu dismasted in a gale 20th Aug. and waß under short sail, making for St. Thomas. Brig Hanson, Gilkey, 45 days from Montevideo, with hides, Ac. at New York yesterday. tichr tiedona, Holbrook, cleared at Portland 13th inst. for this port. Schrs Alexander Young, Young: Adeline Townsend, Rifilev; C E Smith, Hanson; M A Franklin, Purvere; E A titevone, Montgomery, and Orescent Lodge, Hatch, hence at Boston 14th inst. tichr Restless, Baxter, cleared at Boston 14th instant fur this port. tichr Hiawatha, Newman, sailed from Newburyport 13th inst. for this port. tiebrs 8 A Travers, Meekings; H G Ely, McAllister; J B .lohdson. Smith, and SJ Vaughn, Vaughn, hence at Richmond 14th inst. tichr G Lawrence! Robinson, cleared at Pensacola 7tli ihht. for this port, with 225,000-feet lumber. NOTICE tS"mARINERB. Captain Kelley, of schr Oliver'Chase, at New’ Bedford from Providence, reports the cun buoy showing the marks of the Lombard ,Rock, near Gooseberry Neck Point, has moved in a northeast direction some 500 yards in shore of said rock. ■ [BY TELEGRAPH.] " LEWEBvDEL.vBeptv-16 i - i Tbefcug-America reports -the. hart Frank Lovett, from Now Bedford, in ballast, pussed in this morning. .' In harbonjbark Addio McAdams, in ballast, for New York; brig Ellen Bernard, from Turks Island fordo; 2 brigs, 25 senrs. arid steamer Colt, from New York. 4 PM—The pilot boat Howard reports the ship Ex pounder, from Liverpool,pussing in. Also, going iu, a brie reported aa the Emma G, Boating out, 2 brigs and 5 schooners. WindSE Thermometer 82. SPECIAL NOTICES. OFFICE OF-THE DELAWARE ANDBAIUTANCANAL AND CAMDEN AND AMBOY It. R, & TR. CO. S AND THE BKLVIDERE DELAW ABE It. R. CO. Philadelphia, September 14, 1870. The U. 8. Tax of per cont;, retained by the above named companies on payment-of.their Coupons- of Au gust and September, 1870,wi1l be refunded on application to E. 8. TROWBRIDGE, Cashier, folfi-3fc , No 205 S. Delaware avenuo. ftTS* THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF 11-ejy thoogo.is the Hess Self-Watering Flowfr Casket, for holding natural flowers, now on exhibi tion at the Horticultural Fair; Manufactured and sold by the inventor, JOHN M. HESS, ; sol43t* 1226 Columbia avenue. I ARCH STREET HAVING BEEN nowly fitted up; land w open for. rocoptton of families or single gentlemen ; also tablo board. aulfitfS “ATTORNEY’S^AT-LAW FKISD.FAIETHOBNB. -TUKO. D. UiND pAIItTHOBNE & BAND, LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE, No. 17 South Third street, Philadelphia, DraftH and uotes negotiable collected. Prompt attention Riven to claims of all kinds in tho c-ity of Philadelphia, and throughout the Unitod States and Canadas. Affidavits and acknowledgments taken for all the States. ' . scl2lmS B /COAL AND WOOD. A NTHftACITjS, COAL,PEE TDK OF 2^40 lba., delivered. Lohlgh Broken and ICgg, §B* Stovo, $8 2 fl ; Locust Mountain, Broken and Egg,#*} 75 •" Stove,s6.7o. Skamokln and Jiorborry Nut to carters at low prices. EABTWICK & Bfto., Office, 22B Dock etreot. Yards, corner Twenty-second Blreotaud Washington avenue. Rn g tf§ 6. MABbN BINES. . • • JOHN F. HlTRapf TflE’. TTNDERSIGNEI*J3mTE ATTfiN. ’ TI(Xt( to their Btock of Spring Mountain, Lehigh and Locust Mountain Goal Which, with the preparation given by üb, wo think can* not bo oxcollod by any othor Goal. Office, Franklin Institute Building. No. 16 S. Seventh Btroei. ' . „ BINKB & SHEAFF, joint ; Arcb_Btreot_Wharf Hchuvikrfl CUTLER*. SODGEKB’ AND WOSTENuOLAra POCKET KNIVES, PEABB nnd STAG HAN IB of beautiful finish: EODGEBB’ and WAD* * BUTOHEB’Bi and tho OELEBBATKD EEOOOLTB* BAZOB _BOISBOEB IN OABEB-.of the flnost oualßy Bazors, Knives, Bolflsora and Table Outlory around and polished. EABINBTBDMENTS of the most aiwovod construction to assist tbo hearlnß, at I>. MADEIBA.’B Cutler and Huralcal Instrument Makor, Hi Tenth street bel w Chestnut. 1 inyltf A SIIER’SDA WCIM Ct■ ACJIDENV; ' - S. W. eor.TwGlfthandChestmit, ' • ■ : ’ 1 * .’Ladies and Thursday and Friday Evenings.., , , ; , r k , ~ . ,‘Mi6seß.‘.and .MdMora—Tuesday and .Saturday Aftor* noons.'\‘-v. ' . : Gentlemen Only—Saturday EveUlng,. . yy ,/ , Prlvdtdlosso’UiiialUglyoi* m class, at auyhdnr to suit convenience.. ’ . / For terms; Circulars, etc , apply or addross PROP. ASHER,atthoAfcademy.s6l2-Sm§' eARIi GAEUTNEK’S NATIONAJL OON* BEHVATORY OBOHEBTBA will give, during the eoaeon of 1870*71, your Grand Concerts at tho Aca demy ofTheft'will also bo-given Toii-Boirfces ol Classical Chamber Music in the large room of tho Nntional Conservatory of Muiic. I Tills Orchestra offers,its services to the public for concerts, operatic and- dramatic-performances,; com* luencementei&c., Ac.; also, in private soirees for solos, , nonettei, ottettes, sextettes,quintettes, quartettes, trios and duos. - m SS^ft emo J n^r^°» c SlT, o *? at the office, southeastcorner TENTH and WALNUT streets. • Subscription lists at the music stores and at tho office, , aol2-lm§ American aoademy of MtrsTcT"” COMMENCING MONDAY, SEPT, 19, 1870. ; • ■ ' FOB-SIX NIGHTS ONLY, * •, Tho Eminent and. Hißtrionic ’Congress* which' has created a wholesomo/urors in dramatic circles during its recent,engagement at NIBLO’S GABDEN, Now York greatly nuemented for this occasion. ' CONGRESS OFMAMATIU STABS. America'agroat Tragedian, mt MR. E/X. DAVENPORT. The very popular Comedian, ; MR. MARK. SMITH, a His first appearance.eince hla trinmphant Eurepoan _ ' success. The eminent Dramatic Artist, MR. F. C. BANGS, The celebrated Stare - • - - . MR. FRANK; MAYO. The eminently popular Comedian, 1 mb.w, B. jfLyi'Dr The very popular Actor. MR. Ai H. DAVENPORT, The popular lendingertiet, - MR. JOHN B. STUPLEY; The celebrated Aitiatv r.- . - MB. CHARLES P. HORTON, • and • v; The Renowned Tragedienne* > r MADAMKPONIBI. Tho Popular - - - • w MISS JOSEPHINE ORTON, Her first appc&ranoo in twryears Tlie favorite voting Artifttell'. . . . . MIBBJENNIEPABKEIt, , . Her first appearance in sovorftl seasons, sustained by powerful artists Of groatieputeand-excellence, ; WILLTBESBNT A SfiitlES OF • GBEAT PLAYS, CASTS OF PABAMOGNT EXCELLENCE. MONDAY EVENING, Bopt. FV „ Shakespeare’s Great-Tragedy, ■ , _ JULTcrsToisBAJi. MR.E.L. DAVENPORT .Brutus ' "Believed his greatest interpretation. MR, FRANK „ In which lie haß achieved great renown. MR, F. 0.. BANGS 08.^.....^. ..Marc Antony . •• A model of Roman eloduepcc. MR. MARK SMITH ..Casca MR. CHARLES P. MORTON as Julius Oamr MB. A. H. DAVENPORT as Octavius Ocesar and MADAME PONISIos, ...... Portia MISS JOSEPHINE OBTON as ...Caliphurala The remaining parts of this great cast most ably sus tained. . - THE GREAT TRAGEDY, JULIUB CJEBAB, during ila n cent_rpyiyol.nt.Niblo’Bi has received unwonted at tention; mainly from the-oxtremo brUliancy of tho cost, and also from the marked similarity In the fate of tho Great Bonaparte Dynasty, which has no evidenced by studied parallel to resemble the career of the great Bo man, AUT CiESAB ! AUT NIHIL ! TUESDAY EVENING, Sent. 20, I*7o. Bouicault’s and Brougham’* Comedy , - „ ' LONDON ASSURANCE, .MR. CHARLES P. MORTON as Mark Meddle MR. MARK. SMITH as. Sir Harcourt rtr ErLT DAVENFORTas:;.;;.;..;.. ...:...;.....Dazzle MR FRANK MA YO as. .. Charles Courtlcy -jilt. -W_R. nO-YBaa .■,,,„.,„ r ,.^ y D011y-Bpankor- MR.A. H. DAVENPORT ns !...0001 MISB JOSEPHINE OUTON a5........Lady Gay Spanker MtSS JENNIE PARKER aa.«... i .^-^..Grftce-Harkaway- The remaining characters sustained in a manner be-' • omlng tho great cast. ADMISSION. FIFTY CENTS. SECURED SEATS, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS EX ;TRA. • The ealo of reserved seats will commence on Friday MomingySeptember 17th, at the Box Office,-at W. H; BUNEB’S Music store, 1102 Chestnut street, and nl W. V H. COVERT’S T boatro Ticket ofllce, Continental WEDNESDAY EVENING, Sep». 21, jfo), First and Only Night of HAMLET, With all the Great Cast.. . ‘ ae!6 tf§ • /IHESTNUT STREET THEATRE. \J' LOWELL A RIMMONDS, Managers. GRAND REOPENING;, One week only; commencing'MONDAY-EVENING, .. Sept. 19, and every.ovenlngt and Saturday Matinee; EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION. WILLIAM HORACE LINGARD,. And the charming commedienne ALICE DUNNING (LiugardJ. .LingardVMr. Geo, 0. Boui face, Mr. F. 0. Morrison, Mr. B. Dunning, And the entire famous Lingard Comedy Company, snp- P‘<rted by a superb Orchestra au*l auxiliaries, who will, make their only appearance in this city in a new and de lightfully originalprogrnmme, introducing the - GREAT LINGABD SKETCHES And his remarkably vivid pictures of tho distinguished men of the age, in his nneuualed Statue Songs. SnleofßeserredSeatswillcomnience Friday TSeptrlGr at W.H. Boner & Co.’s Music Store; 1102 Chestnut bt. : Scale of Prices.—Orchestra Stalls, 91; Secured Seats in Orchestra Circle. 01: Admission to Orchestra Circle, 75c;; Orchestra Chairs, 91 25; Dress Circle, 50c.; Family Circle,2sc.; Private Boxes, bolding7 persona,QiO. selstf \TtTAIiNOT STREET THEATRE, V» THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, Sept. 10, Second-week of the eminent artiste, MB. EDWIN FORREST. The late Robert T. Conrad’s celebrated Tragedy, in 5 acts, of JACK CADE. JACK CADE ..MB. EDWIN FORREST MARIANNE MISS BILLIE LORD CLIFFORD ...MR. WILLIAM HARRIS MATINEE ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 2. UNCLE TOM’S CABIN. SATURDAY NlGHT—Complimentary Benefit to MR. ALBERT CASSEDY. Mrs. JOHN DREW’S ARCH STREET t THEATRE. Begins hi toB. MONDAY AND EVERY EVENING, FIRST PRODUCTION IN THIS CITY OF The powerful play, ijy Victoricn Sardou, entitled "FERNANDE.” By MRS. JOHN DREW, And the Full Company. SEATS SECURED SIX DAYS IN ADVANCE. Box Office open from 9to 3. ' Hod eda! OLD DAN RICE WITH HIS. OWN GREAT CIRCUS. Trick .Horse AMPLICATION and ASIATIC ANI MAL SPECTACLE will exhibit; ■Lot EIGHTH.Street, between Race and Vine, MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, September ~ Lot corner BERKS and FOURTH Streets, KENSINGTON, , THURSDAY. September.l3. On the,KEYSTONE SKATING PARK, OLD SOUTHWARK. FRIDAY, September 16. . , . Lot comer THIRTY-SIXTH and MARKET, ■WEST PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY, September 17. Performance every AFTERNOON and EVENING. Doors open at 2.and 7 o’clock. Admission, 60 cents; children under ten years, 26 cents, seS'9t§ NJSW ELEVENTH ST. OPERA HOUSE] Eleventh Streot, abovo Chestnut] OPEN KVEBY NIGHT. , THE FAMILY RHBOBT. Established 1862. CAEHCBOBB & MXEY’S „ MINSTRELS, • The Great-Btar Troupe of the World in their Grand Ethiopian Soirees,. • • , Box office open from 10 to 1 o’clock. B.F. SIMPSON, Treasurer. J 7 h .. OABNOBOSS, Manager. ~ . , au3ltf§ Arch street orera house, ‘ Arch Stroot; above Tenth. THE PALACE OF MINSTBBLBY. SIMMOJNS & SLOCUMS r MTNBTBELB. THE CHAMPION TROUPE OF AMERICA. OPEN FOB THE SEASON. > With the best Minstrel organization in-tho world. Box Offico open from 9A. M to 4 P. M. for the sale of Reserved Seats. . ( . .. sel2-6t FOX’S AMERICAN THEATRE. Novolty ftnd Talent Every Night. GREAT CONGRESS OF STABS. THE BEAUTIFUL BLONDES. Witnessed with rapturous applause. GREAT ETHIOPIAN COMPANY.; Two Grandßallot*. 3taw Burlesques, NowN6gro Acts, se7-tf 1 Comic i Afterpiece, Ac.; , / 'OICSAXE7 ££] IFOR SALE.—A VERY VALUABLE BffluL HOUSE ami LOT at the N. W. cornor of Forty second street and ICingsessing avonuo. House built of brown stone, throe stories, containing 10 rooms, and finished in the boat and moßt substantial manner,' with all the modern improvements—one of the most desirable houses in West Philadelphia. Property should be seen to bo. appreciated; Persons wishing to know tlio terms end examine the property can do so by oalling on JAMES M. SELLERS, until 3X P. M. at 144 South Sixth street, and in the evening at 600 South Forty-sepondstroot., . . f : ,au23 tf fpl GERMANTOWN—FOR SALE. A pllliL Handsome Modern Residence with extra conveni ences and in .excellent order, situate ori High street, bastpf:MaU?. o troet. .Has stable and -carriage-house, hot house, fine spring and largo Jot , 380 feet front by 100 feet deep,elogamly shaded with forest trees and ovorgreens choice slirubbory,&c. J, M. GUMMEY & SONS, 733 Waluut street. . - jea FOR SALE—GREEN BTREET- Mail The handsome residence, marble, first story; 20 fact front, with side yard, and lot 197 feet dfeep through tO NofIOM tlLINTOl) dwellinei,- with three-ptary dxmbia backbiilldiugs. "Lot 20x115 feet. t,0 OHEBTNUT STREET—Handaomo four-Btory real donee, with largo.throo-etory book buildings. Lot2B feot iront by,235 feet deep,,toSansom street. Situate t KBT® I ®LOGAN BtrP SQUARK.-FOR BALE—Tho iiandßomo four-story brown stone roaljienoG.W foot front, and having throe-story double backfbuilaingsj situate J-OKSAI.B. - ro *’ l<! » <> ; WIA WMMtaW. V 1 : . r EDWINiBAFSNYDEB.' FOB SAWS-A FUBNiaHKD. OB WiiL unfurnlalied liouao, In Ifppor Do Lanoy Placo, iowly papered, painted and furnished. Apnlp to ’ 4 BQI3-4t* m BoutUSlxthWeot. «1 FOB SAnK-AUEtANDBOMEKCHREE ■iaIetory brick dwelling, with throo-atory back build ipga and lot of ground, on the woat aide of Twenty-first frtroi't. bctiveen Walnut and Sauaom atreota. , A. B. CARVKK & 00., Sputhwfißt corner yinib.and Filbert sts.3 {aeiq 61* ffjfjj - "'FO'JJ- S A‘L E-ISLKGANT ItESI- Jk-J Walnut etreOt.M Apply to 0. H.& P» MUIIiHEID. Nov2Qp»B. bixthelroot. flol2-10t§ fl§ FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE F©R JBuiLOity Property, a very desirable medium-sized Rest* (ioncoj with n large mid improved lot: twenty minutes from, the Olty on OiotQormantown B» It. • p■ J.M. OUMMBY& SONS, atiB-m w f26t§ 733 Walnut struct. flg FOB SALE.—THE FOUR-STORY iji Locust street, 22 foot front, dbublo back building; was built by tho owner and hna no fctiperior ofitActaea. r- -.■■■■.■> . vThe back b^t|l i iJng pyorlook8 ; the. garden of Notre Dome Seminary And Bittonhouso Souaro. [Apply on the premises. *- ; Possession Immcdiutely. sell w,f,m 12t* 4m MARBLFTpIAOI^ FOB ~SALEI JUaL Houso and Lot, Chestnut street. Lot IS by 120 feet. Building ‘4 stories front and back, with whltomarblo front und Hansard; roof;. Spacious rooms andfitairways; finished In the- most modern and ap proved stylo; uuderrround drainage, heating and cook; ing arrangements completo; soopatono wash-tubs in kitchen, and speaking tubes to all parts of house. ! Also for sale, house and lot. No. 3332 Chestnut street. For partlcularßapply to BAND, PEUKINH A CO., 124 North Sixth street. ,5 , destfs SALE-EDGE WATER—BEAU tIfuiIy located on tho Delaware—Modern Country tfesidenctttnpwj, and large Jot. of. ground. Easy, ofac cess by river or rail. Very high ground. Houso fin ishod iu tho most complete style. Kath, hot and cold avT e W2B®4* h ££t°.r*«?., &o. Will besold low. FEED. SYLVEBTEB, 208 Bouth Fourth street. sel2tf§ gHJS|iW B EOWN STONE, HOUSEB, Tri^ OS «« 2)o£ ?010„8PBt;OE STHEETj i^ir 8 8* ,j.WADNBT ' ■ jSTBEET,' Forf HALE, FINISHED TN WALNDT IN THE MOST WITH EVEUr fgfgF 11 gfe wMay IfrOß LOTS—A VERY X deHlrnblc Lot of Ground, west side of North Broad street, 50x200 foot do«p to Carlisle street. A large lot, northeast cornei* Sixth and Dickerson BtreeU,l23 feet on Sixth street by 90 foul deep. A lot south aide Lo* chst street, west aide of Twenty-first street, 54x100 feet deop.- Arlarge lot on Woshington ftVonuo,4lsx2SB feet t Apply to.COPPDCK & JOB DAN, 433 Walnut torent: So. Brood Si reel, 25x143. Marblo Front Residence and large lot.' 13 largo rooms, liiKU .ceilings, 2 bath-rooms. stationary waalutaads, walnut finish wide entries. In thorough repair. Nich olson payment. Only $2,000. FEED SYLVESTER, Be9 : f m w6t§ 208 South Fourth Btreet. STO BENT, FOR ONE FEAR,' ONE of f the finest famished four-story brown-stone es in the city.situated near Ritieuhouse Souare. Rent, QSOO por 'tnonth. Address H, tb, office of tho Pnss. ■ BelJ m tv l-3f mTO RENT—FURNISHED HOUSE Nt>, 1807 Walnut street. opposite Itittenhouso Sl|U, .‘K:.' A l l l’*; to .. .1. PARKERNOKUIS, ; Bel3Ctf ~ . No, 224 South Delaware avonue. fp TO RENT—TO A FAMILY WITH BHout children,* furnished house, N 0.2031 Chestnut B'roet,. Address A. S', ROBERTS. No. 3U>4 Walnut #§ TO RENT, FURNISHED—A HANDI Binit some Country Rn»fdcnce.-Manheim 'at root, Ger mantown, with every'improvement. Fine stable and four acres of ground, (n excellent order. Also,'a desi rable Country Residence, Thorp's lane .third house from Duy B lane, Germantown.- with : 2>iracrßß of- uroiind. stable, A r . \t mbe rented reasonable. Apply to COP-‘ I’tCK .1 .tORIJAN,433 Walnut street. A. fj@| FOR RENT—THE VERY DESIRA- Biiii, BLE four-story brick Store, sltn»to No. 323 Mar ket atreet. J.M. ODimEY J 2 50N8,N0.733 Walnut afreet. •. . ...... B FO R -R E N T-THREE LAKHS well ljghtfKl Booms.in the upper portion of build* lug-aittmto S:'W.'corner of Chestnut and Eleventh «i roots, suitable for manulactHring:will bo rented bop** rately or together. J, M. GUMMEX& SONS J33Waluut street,'' r ' fSS FOR RENT—LARGE DOUBLE Ecu. Store Property, southwest- cor. Market and Sixth atreota. J. H. GUMMEY & SONS, 733 Walnut st. AS TO RET SECONb-STOSt ‘FRONT EH:Boom,S24 Ohestnnt afreet, about 20 X 23 feot.. Suitable for an office or light business. jaU tf r» FA HR & BBOTHEBJ REESE&McCOLLUM, BEAT, ESTATE V , t AGENTS. . Office, Jackson afreet, opposite Mansion street, Caps Island, N. J. Beal Estate boaght and sold. Persons desirous of reiltSngcottagesduriugthe season will apply or address as above. Beepectfullf refer to Ohae. A. Bcblcam, Henry Bamzaj FrancisiMcmain, Aoguetn Merino John Davie end W.tfr JnVenai faß-tfl Hrateksand stoves: The AMERICAN STOVE AND HOC I.OW-WARE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, ! IRON FOUNDERS, (Successors to North, Chase & North, Bharpo 4 Tbom ; son, and Edgar L. Thomson.) Ijlanufacturors of STOVES, HEATERS, THOMSON’S LONDON KITCHENER,. TINNED, ENAMELED And TON HOLLOW WARE: j FOUNDRY, Second and Mifflin streota. - OFFICE, 209 North Second Street. ; FRANKLIN LAWRENOB, - Superintendent. EDMUND B. SMITH, Treoeuror. JNO. EDGAR THOMSON, President. JAMES HOEY, General Manager Uffe THOM AB B. DIXON & BONb, No. 1324 CHESTNUT Street, PMlada., ■38.1 l Opposite United States Mint, > Manufacturers of CHAMBER OFFICE, , And other GRATES, . For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Fir wabm-aibl^urnaoes, For Warming Publlo and Frlvatoßnlldlng* : BEGISTEBHi VENTILATORS, ohimnky'oaps, , COOKING-RANGE!, BATH-BOKIBB. ■ WHOLEBALB aiut RETAIL. ■ instructions. £j\_* RIDING. • SCHOOL.- MR! E. DE AS?? KIEFFEB will open -bis Biding School, 308 uml sufpuEan-Btieetj below Spruce, a.. September 13, IH7O, with a good etock l of welMrainod horses. Horses trained to the saddle, Tbqso koeping dheir. horses at thiß stahlo can, have the privilege ,ofr using tho, rldlng room. Baddjo-horses ana carriages for parties, 50.,.t0 hi re,- ;■: > :■■ - .. sol 3 26t§ , s\__ PHILADELPHIA; RIDING School and Livery Stable, No. 3338 MARKET Btreefc Will ’rompin' open ! nil 1 Summer, ■-■ Handso-ns Clarpnoe Oatylagep,' Horses ami Vehicles and Saddle trafnid for the Saddle, -Horses taken to Ltvory' forage forWbgbnebnd^ ;oßAiaEii>^ri()tor: a,j3Ba^^Svo&fEl^THtn?Si?iMW ' WU.BON * HUiIiEB. n V HARJQW. BUILDING ARD HOUSEKEEPiNG HARDWARE. MaohlnlBt9, CapbertterB andloOier Me* ' ohahicft’ 1 Tools; ' * ‘ i*°° k « 1 £* Iv °a Forks, Spoons, Ooffeo mills, Ae., Stocks and Dies. Plug and Taper Tops* Onijorsaland Scroll Ohacks, pfandsiu ffreatYarietT. All to bo had at tho Lowest Possible Prices 1 At the CHEAP-FOR-CASn Bard- Ko. 100» 7 Market Streot.' financial,. JAY COOKE & CO.. Philadelphia, New York and Washington, BANKERS, Dealers in Government Securities. Bpcclsl attention glvon to ttaa Purchase and Bale o Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at the Board of Bro kers In tbis snd other cities., •• j ■ INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS: . COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALEPOINTS. . BOLD AND SILVER EOVQIf T AND SOLD RELIABLE fOR INVEST- Pamphlets and foil information given at onr once. Wo. 114 S. Third Streets PUIUDFXPHU. J. W. GILBOTGD A C©„ BANKERS. 42 SOUTH THIRO STREET, Negotiate Loans, Buy and Sel Government and. other liable Securities. laaimw f ItB BOUGHT, SOLD AN# EXCHANGED MOST LIBERAL TJKRMS. go l r> Bought and Sold at Market Rates. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS BOt OMr AND SOLD. ~ STOCKS Bought and Sold on Commission Only Accounts received emd Interest allowed on Daily Balances, subject to check at sight. 40 South Third. St., pim^ptKT.ppnA. ) ap9tf NOTICE JO TRUSTEES AND EXECUTORS, . The cheapest investment , authorized hy aw acß tha . General Mortgage Honda of the Pennsylvania R. R. Co. APPLY to D. 0. WHARTON SMITH & CO.. BANKERS AND BRbKKBS, ’ ! No. 121 S. THIRD STREET. ly ■ - ■ . . LTJMBEK. MAULE, BROTHER & CO., \ .- 2500 South Street. , IQTA PATTERN MAKERS. VQTA IOiU. PATTERN. MAKERS’. 18iU. , CHOICE SELECTION ; . 7 * MICHIGAN 0 CORK PINE ' FOB PATTERNS. IQ7A FLORIDA FLOORING. 107 A IOIV. FLORIDA FLOORING. AO IV.' CAROLINA FLOORING, i ’ VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING* . : ASH! FLOORING." WALNUT/ FLOORING, , ; 1 Q7H FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. IQIYA iolU. FLORIDA-STEP-BOABDSI ' 1011/. RAIL PLANK. , RAIL PLANK. 1870 * AL ” OT pMJ£ Kn “ a«b 1870 WALNUT PLANK. - - ■ , ASSORTED , CABINET MAKEBB, BUILDERS,4O. mo. i8to: BNDERTAKERB’LUMBEE. iU ' v BEDOEDAB. “ , . WALNUT AND PINE. 18T0 1: SEASONED ; POPLAR; iQ<y/v 10l U. BEABONBD CHERRY. IOiU. WHITE OAK BOAlU)8.. IQ7A CAROLINA 80ANTLING.1 OTA iQI v. Sauolina h; t. loi U, l. .. NORWAY SCANTLINQi •j oWJy BPEDOB AND HEMLOOK.I QTA 101 V. SPRUCE AND HBMEOOKi 101 V. LARGE STOCK.- ;;■ : . ■«.» - j ■ CEDAR SHINGLES. , 1 OTA CEDAR SHINGLES. AOIV. CYPRESS SHINGLES. LARGE ASSORTMENT. 1 v FOB BALE LOW.. ■ 1870. Q7A FLABTERING. LATH. lOTA. .O |V. PLASTERING LATH.,, | 101 If. DUIUE BROTHEB A'CO.. v • ■ / ' " MOOBODTHBTBEET. VELLOW PINE LUMBER.-4JKDBRO ’ ’ jL for cargoes of every desorlritlon'Sawed Lhnibereke- : cuted, at short noilo^^nallty,Babjeot,to’lnspeotloß Apply to H. ROWLEY. 16 South Wharves ’£S SECURITIES CH KSS OOIiUMN CHESS IN THE SOUTH. ■dim. mm. • %_ ♦_ ;i*p“«®PK*M«©k m ?<*% f fHIunpPUTA ETTKiriNG BtltEns, •,•; Betw«gn f ■ .1 ..«i®. m .i * «1 'V; ,' tr& TfrgQTW 1 . : -.] %»<lfo|iJasiu&ra.J 2. PtoKB4 PxP ( a K Kt to B 3 PtoKKt4 j rwmviifeOGiii®/* t 6. K to B sq P to 861 7. PtoK Kt 3 - Qto R 6 (oh) 8. E to B 2 K Kt to B 3 (Could play Q to Kt 7 (ch) at onoo.) ‘ : ll.KtxBP Qto Kt 7 (ch) „ 10. P to Q 4 11. B to £ 3 (ch) 12. K to Q 3 P x P (ch) f > la Kto 8.3 : , BtoKt 2 14. Kt to B 7 Kt to Q 4 (ch) Iff. 'K to'KtrS 1 ~ Kt to Kt 3' ' Atii Kt,to;B3 ; Kt to B 3 17. Kt x P Kt to R 4 (ch) > , 18. KtoKt 4 ,■ f QKt x B • 10. K Ktto Kte Pto K 4 (ch) ; ' tK.tp.«t3-i n r T Pto B 5 (ch) 1 ■ 21. *K- toTlt'4 ■■ 1 ■ *■ Pto R 6 (The, pofjitipn is of a most interesting charac tef j-anu snsceptlble of many beautiful varia Cons.) • . 22, QtoKsq * ■ i. ; Rto R 5 («h) 23. K to B 5 ~ Kt to Q 2 (cli) -24. KtoQ r, ( •* KKtto Kt 3 (ch) 25. ,Kto ICO v , Kt to Bsq mate. CHESS IN .BROOKLYN. 7; Clainc No. 2547. i Messrs. Mackenzie, Perrin, Gilberg and Da/ vis consult against Messrs. Brenzinger, Ware/ Munoz and do Con. For this game we are in 4 debted to tlic Tvrfj Field and Farm. -\ {Frans Oambit.) . ! W.(MACKENZm&CO.)B.(BKEN-ZIKOKIt & Co.) 1. Pto IC4 P to K 4 i 2. K Kt to B 3 . Q Kt to B 3 ! 3. B to B 4 B to B 4 4. P to Q Kt 4 BxKtP :. .G,.P to B 3 . 7 : Bto B 4 ' i 7 6. Cdstles ’ Pto Q 3 | 7. PtoQ 4 PxP 8. P x P B to Kt 3 i». Kt to B 3 Kt to R 4 10. Bto 3 • Kt toK 2 , 11. Pto Q 5 Castles \ 12. BtoKt 2 Kt to Kt 3 13. Kt to K 2 P to Q B 4 'l4, Q to Q 2 P to K B 3 15. K,to It sq B to W 2 ' 10; Qlt to B sq P to Q R 3 17. Kt to Kt 3 B to B 2 18. Kt to B 5 B x Kt ' 19. Px B Kt to K 4 30. Kt x Kt B I* x Kt (M r. Mackeuzi.o recommends Q p x.lCtas a lesser evil.) 21., P to K B 4 P to Q Kt 3 22. BtoK4!- Q R to B sq 23. P to K Kt 4 P to Q Kt 4 - 24. PxP PxP 2fl. R x P Kt to B 5 28, R x Kt! (This is far preferable to giving up the im portant Queen’s Bishop.) Alii, communications for this column must lie Editorof Evening Bul lhtin,” office; at latest, on Thurfjdttjrin&rtilng. All Problems must be accompanied by the solution and name ot the comnoser. The terms of the Friday’s edition containing the Chess Column aro $1 CO per year. CHESS DIRECTORY. Press Club— 6o7 Walnut street. Open daily Athknzeum— Sixthand Adelphi' sts. Open daily. ft Mercantile Library— Tenth street, near Market. Open daily.'" 1 German Club —Fourth and Cherry streets Closed till October. : - . - Schutzen-Halle— 3o6 New street. Opei* daily. ... - v ; •.;. Commercial Booms—Third and Walnut. Open daily. 'v URioN League—Open daily." Answers to Correspondents. / , • “J. L., Phila.”—Your problem "is' ‘ under consideration. ,vl . i i i / “ J. A. G.”—Have replied by mail. Baden-Baden Congress.— The detailed ac. count of the Bcore stands thus: Anderssen won two oLMinckwitz, Paulsen, SteinitS; and Stern, and one -of Blackburns, Rosenthal, de Vero and Winawere. • Blackhurne won two of Minckwitz, Stern and de Yere, and one of,Paulson, Steinitz and Winawere. ''' Minckwitz won two of Rosenthal and Stern; and one of Steinitz and de-Vere, ■ 1 i r :, Nenmann. .won two._oC Anderssen, M luck-, witz, Stern and Winawere) "arid one of Black burnc, Paulsen and *de Vere.- ' Paulsen won two of Stern, and one of Black burne, Minckwitz, Neumann, Bosenthal, do Vere and Winawere. Bosenthal won two of Stern, and one of An derssen and Neumann. Steinitz won two of Neumann,; Paulsen, Stern, de Vere and Winawere, and one of Ro senthal. de Vere won two of Bosenthal and Stern, and one of Minckwitz, Neumann, Paulsen and Winawere. Winawere won two of Minckwitz and Stern, andjOne of Andcres'eh, Bosenthal and de Vere. There were two drawn games between Black-' burne and Bosenthal, and one draw between Anderssen vs. Blackhurne, Anderssen vs. de Vere, Blackhurne vs. Neumann, Blackhurne vs.Steihitz, Blackhurne vs. Winawere, Minck witz vs. Paulsen, Minckwitz vs. Steinitz, Neu man vs. RoHonthal, Paulsen vs. Winawere, Ro senthal vs. Steinitz, Bosenthal vs. Winawere, and Paulsen vs. Bosenthal. It is proper to mention that Mr. Stern played with but two adversaries, Messrs. Steinitz and MinekiYitz, and he was then obliged to forfeit his Other games, as he fwsS> called to join the Bavarian resorve aruif: rMr.Sterii could have won a game frbrn'hSih his aritagonista, but he generously resigned them, as ho did not wish prejudice,thejfgeology. , - According to our method of analyzing Tour ney performances, we arrive at the result given below. r , First we find that the playCrs dire repre sented by the following numbers : - Anderssen ...... 13 805entha1........ -7 < Blackbnrne....... 12 Stefnitz..>'.'i%r:‘i : fr-l2i . Minckwitz ..,. 7 _ Stern 0 Neumann........ 12 de Yere,.... ~8i Paulsen.. 9i Winawere;..,... .81 •On analyzing Mr. Anderssen’s score, we find that he won as follows : Won 1 game of Blackhurne, 2 " v iMlhckwftz . “ 2 “ Paulsen..,. “ 1 “ Bosenthal... “ -2r 11 Steinitz “2 — " Sterii....;.. “ 1 •' de Vere..., “ 1 “ Winawere. “ j •' Blackhurne, “ i " de Vere which, multiplied Ity A ntlersSen’s average, gives 1,355.250. All the scores under the same proeess, are : Anderssen 1,355.250 Bteinitz.......'.; j,212.500 Neumann...... 1,158.000 JJlackburne 1,008.000 Paulsen 620.375 de Vere 488.750 Winawere. 482.375 Rosenthal 407.750 Minckwitz.. 822.000 Stern ;..; .... 0.000 It will be seen that though Messrs. Neumann and Blackburne mode the same Score, that the former’s performance was the more credita ble, and that he should have secured the third prize. / / Problem No. 760; BY MB. JACOB ELB6N. BLACK. / WHITE, White to play and mate in four moves, Solritldhto So. 750. , WHITE. ' ~. BLACK. 1. Et to B 5 (ch) E to E 5 (oh) 2i Kt to B 5 (ch) E to B 5 3.1? xX* mate. . . . CHESS IH PHILADELPHIA, dame No. 2543. ■ BetweenMessra. Elaon and ‘Whiteman. {Gambit du Nord.) Wh. (Mb. E£,son.) 81, (Mb. Whiteman.) 1. PtolC 4 - Pto K 4 2. P to Q 4 P x P 3. P to Q B 8 P x P *■ BtoQßt PxP ? B ( ’ IC Kt to B 3 g'g.toKS Kt to Kt sq b £ to B 3 Kt to EB 3 8. Castles • - Bto IC 2 9. P to K 6 tJastlfis :: 10. Vx lgbmf: m B q 11-K tO Ksq ICt x P 12. Bx Kt Rxß R to B sq 14., Q to It 0 QtoKso 10. Q to R 6 ml . (A pretty coup. P x Q results in mate in tvro moves.pv. ■■.vv:. 10.8t083 Hi. Q toji 2 B x Kt -• 17. B x F\ Q to B 2 18; KtoK Kt 5 RtoKt sq • -19.Kt.t083, Kt to B 3 20. R.to K sq P to Q 3 21. K;toIC3 1 KttoK4 22. Bix Kt 1 Px B . . • 23. K B x K P B to KtO 24. B to K 7 Q to B 3 - 20. P toB3 QRtoQsq (?) (This move waa evidently made on the spur of the moment.) ' 26i : Q jfc R • lifSagg: 29. P x B, and wins. |SS , ,pSs!rSSi^Ssfgf«B^isfS BsQ. . Qtpß.aq Ji x It 26. P x.P, 27. P to Kt r, B to B r, 28. <2 t«Kt 2 Q to Q 3,. 2b. Bto B li : - ■ Pdo Kt 3 20. P to K B 1 . It to 152 31. tYtoR ;j;, 15 to Kto (Apprehending B to 153.1. ' . 32. Pto B 5 (We much prefer 12. B x K-P 33. Q to Q 7 (chf, &c.,'winning.) . . 32. RtoKßsq 33. If to Kt 2 P'to B 6 34. Px P (ch) P x P ..86. BxP(ch)! Kxß ■ 3C. Qto B 5 (cli) Ktols 2 ,37, P toKt 6(cb) If to K so . 38. Qx It (chi QtoQ sq , . ■ 39. Q to If 6 (ch) (P to B 7 (ch) affords a beautiful variation: - 39. Pto B 7 (eh) KtoK 2 ! 40. P Queens (ch) B x Q _ 41. Bto B 7 (ch)! Kxß ~ 42. Q to K 6 (Ch) If to B sq 43. Q x E mate.) , 39, B to K 2 40. P to Kt 7, and wins. CHESS IN BADEN-BADEN. Game So. 2548. ' In the Tourney, between Messrs. Steinitz and Blackbnrne. £ {Evans Gambit.) W. (Mr. Blackhurne.) B. (Mb. Steinitz.) 1. P to K 4 P to If 4 2. K Kt to B 3 Q Kt to B 3 -3.-B-to.-3 4 B to B .4 4. P to Q Kt 4 BxKtP 5. Pto B 3 . Bto B 4 6. Castles P to Q 3 7. P to Q 4 P j P 8. PxP Bto Ift 3 9. Btc>Kt2' , Ktto K 4 10. P to Q 5 Ktto K 2 11. B to Q 3 Castles 12. Ktto B 8 P to Q B 3 13. QtoQ2 Kt to Kt 3, 14. Iftto,K2 ~ . 15 to KtC ' / - 15. Kt to Ift 8 B to B sq 16. Q It to B sq It to K sq 17. If to R sq PxP 18. PxP B x Ift 19. P x B B x B 20. Bx R 7 Kt to K 4 21. Bto Kt 5 R to K B sq 22. B to K Kt sq . P to K B 3 (Suppose— 22. Kt x 15 P 23. Kt to B 5 Kt x Q or (A) Mate in two moves. , lA)' ; 23. Kt x R 24. Q to B 6, &c.) 23. Kt to B 5 • P to Kt 3 24. Q to B 6 It to B 2 25. B x Ift B P x P 26. It x P (ch) (First B to Q 3 should have been played.) -- 20. P x R 27. Q x P (ch) K to B sq 28. Kt to It 6 B to Kt 2 29. Q to B 5 (ch) K to K 2 Abandoned as drawn. • Game Ko,' 2340. A trifle between two Amateurs. (GaiAbil Philadcltihienne.) 1. P.toKßi PtoKßl 2. Pto K 4 : PxP: 3. (} to R s(ch)' - PtoKt S ■ 4. B to K 2 P x Q 0. B x P mate. Ctkinc No. 3550. From Greco. (FivnchcUo di Doima.) 1.. P to K 4„ - , , Pto Q lCt 3 2. Ptp Q 4 ’ i B to Kt 2 3. Bto Q 3 ; ! PtoK B 4 4. P x P B x Kt P C. Q to R 5 (ch) P to Kt 3 6. PxP K Kt to B 3 7. P x P (eli) Kt x Q 8. B mates. DRUGS TTTTHITJH! iCABTILE BOAP—“ CONTI.”— YY 200 boxes now landing from bark Lorenna, from Leghorn, and forsalo by BOBJSBT SHOEMAKER & CO,, Importers, H. E.cor. Fourth and Race streets. OLIVE O I L.—GENUINE TUSCAN Olivo Oil in stone jara and flaaks. landing from bark Lorenna, from Leghorn, and for sale by BOBEBT SHOEMAKER* *oo.,lmporters. N. E. cor.. Fourth and Baco stroots. T> HUB ARB ROOT, OF EXTRA SUPE XVi rior quality. Gentian Boot, Garb. Ammonia, just received, per Indefatigable, from London, and for sale by BOBEBT SHOEMAKER & GO., Importers, N.E. corner Fourth and Race streets. Citric acid.— 2o kegs of, citric Acid.— j“ Allen’s ” Wine of Colohlcum, from fresh root; also from the seed. Succas Conium, 14 Allen’s. ” For salo by ROBERT SHOEMAKER ' Importers, i ; , ■ ; -N. E. cor. Fourth and Raco streets OIL OF ALMONDS.- 1 -“ ALLEYS ” GEN- ofrAliQondsressential- and ;S\roet; -Also,- ?* Alldn>* -Extracts of- Aconite,.BeUodonaf 'Gentian, Hyoßclami, Taraxicum, &0., just roceivod in store, per Indefatigable,from London, andfoi* sale by, - ? i ROBERT. §HOEMAKEK & 00., :,' . L J N.E.>fcornor Fourthana'BhceS&eets, /^KAD-gATED; ISH VA Grtwloated' MMianres, warranted correfct. Gonulno ».-5r* wool l. ~M ortorB' Ja9t received from London jor Btoamer BeHoimiand forialo-bv " ’ ‘ EOBBBT BHOHlttAKllla'* 00;r vi. E. cor. Fourth and Baco Htroeta. - ■ iu-g mtrguiiaiflpipa yvx . OBOT BAJIiROADi ; A.x rr-s®B »6ort inld<Ue r<rat6 totbs Irthlgti and Wjj .^g*t^A«j^modatlrii^ 'tfiVext Waihlngtonintllnj M,, yait Lino for Bethlehem and principal, slationaon trialnlineotNortlr PonnajlViillaßailroadf ,Jcaeneotlnssat Retnjehemvwith tha Lo&eh ValfeS Ball’ Great We t OBB0 ’ Ban tod all pointa in the Yorfciofwi tl>ofo,1 ® b ‘ Ao '’ bythia tr “ln I fakes totja atOld E&llroad and; Morria anU. Eaaoi- Railroad to New York, via Lohleh Va)ly, Railroad. n A. M., Accommodation for Port Washington, Btop-: ping at Intermediate stations l! 6 : “i* 1 B : 20 ,?• Accommodation to Abington’ • At JASP.M..Lehigh Valley. lor Rothlohomi Easton. Allentown. Slailch Chunk, Hazleton, Mahanoj? " S!*l’ Whlte-iHitvcn,- Wllkcsliarre; Pftteton, 1 and tha AXahanoy Wyoming coal roglone. . ” At 2AO P.M.,,Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate stations. -r.vf. v At 8,20 Ftß„ Bethlehem Accommodation for Bethlo-l 0 hem, Easton .Allentown and T Coplay, via Lohlgh Valloy Railroad, and Eaeton, Allentown and Mauch Chnnk, via Lehigh and. Stttodchahna Rallroad, ' . * own ana Mauch Chnnk. * At P. 51.» Accommodation for Lansdale, at a!l Intermediate etatlons. ‘ • • • • ; Atfi andlll AO P. M.i Accommodation for Jfort .Wash-: lngtonand . . - 'Ljarriv© tn plrlafrom Bethlehem at,SAS, A. M., 2.16, 6.06 and 8.25 making ‘direct con-’ pectlon wittr Lehigh Valley or I/eW«h and trains from Baaton* Bcrauton t ;WilkeebaJTo. Williama port, Mabanoy City,Hazleton.Bnffalo.andthe Weat. , 9rom.Doy)eetow'n.at 8.25 A; M.,'4.40 and Tjos P;M. s ..•••. - 1 Prmn-Fort 'Wrahiugton at 11.20 A. M.,and3.10 From Abfngten at and 6.45 P. M, olTbundayb. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 930 A. M. - . . . do. do^.,l)oyleHtown.at2 < P.ja;. . .. jjo. do,-Fort Washington at A. Mi and Bethlehem for Philadelphia at IV. M. Boyleetownfor ' do. at 6AO A. M. , Fort Washington : do. atF3O A. M. and 840 P,. M. „,Tbe Fifth* Streetß, anid Second and Third Streets lines of City Passenger Cars ran directlyto and firdm the Depots The onibA line rasa within a short oistance pf th« Depot. -J Tickets Jor Buffalo*, I?Jttgar#''FallB, Southern and Western Now-York ana;.tha..WeBt, may be socured at thao£Bce, No.BllChe9tent street. —- Tickets soldi and baggage <checked through to prinsl* pal pomts, at Mann's Borth Pennsylvania Baggage Ex-, press office,' No. 106SonthFifth8treer. ‘ • . - . : ' •• ; ELLJLS CLABK,General Agent.' ? WEST CHESTER AND PEUX/ADEL PHIA BAILBOAB OOBIPANY. On and after MONDAY, Aprils, 1870/tralnß'will leave the Depot, THIBTY-FIBBT and CHESTNUT, as fol-. lows: ! * .* , £ B , 0M PHILADELPHIA. j . 6.46 A. M. for B- 0. Junction stops at all stations. 7.16 A. M. for Vi est Chester, stops at all Btations west of- Media(excopt Greenwoods connecting at B. 0. Junc tianfor Oxford, Kermett, Port all stations ontheP.andß.C.B.li. , ; 9.40 A. for,West Chester stops at all stations. ; UJSO for B. C« Junction stops at all stations. 2.30 P. M. for Wert Ch ester stops at all stations. 4.16 P» M. for B. 0. Junction.stops at all stations. . { 4.46 P. M. for West Cheater stops at all station? west. of ; Media (except'Greenwood connectuig at B. 0. Junc*[ tion for Oxlord,Kemiett,Port Deposit,and all stations on the P. &8.C.8. B. . . , ! dAOP.M.for B. 0. Junction. This train''commencest running on and after Jane lfit, 1870, stopping at all ! stations. - r _ ltorrp7lMTfoT _ West"Cheßter-stopratrall*Bitttibhsr : r. T UAO P. M. -•( A. M. from B: O. Juuction rtOp/ratftUatatfOnsr " i 6AO A. M. from .West Chester stops at all stations.;’ 7.40 A.M. from West Chester etops at all stations be tween W.C. and Media(except Greenwood), connect* 1 ing at B,C. Junction for Oxford,-Kennett, Port De- 1 Sosit, and all stations bn the P. & B. O. B. B. • A. M. from B. C. Junction stops at allstations. 10.00 A. M. from West Chester stops at allstatlons. 1:05 P. M. from B. C. J miction stops at all stations. 1.65 P.M. from West Cheater stops at all stations. 4AsPrMvfromWestCherterstops atvau nectingat B. C.*Junction for Oxford, Kenhett, Port; Deposit,and all stations on the P. &B. O. B. B. I 6A6 P. M.fromWest Chester stops at all stations, con-i _necting at 8.0. Junction with P. &B. C. 8.8. \ 9SJOV. Mi.from B. C. Junction. This train commences• running on and after June Ist, JB7O, stopping at all! stations. . . - - ON SUNDAYS. 8.06 A. M. for Westchester stops at all statfonstconnoct ing at 8.0. junction with P, & B. 0. 8.8. 2.30 P. M . for West Chester stops at all rtationsr " r ' JJO A. M. from West Chester stops at all stations. 4JO P. M. from Westchester stops at all-stations, con necting at B. C. Junction with P. ABvO. ft. ft. W. C. WHEELER, Superintendent. ■PHILADELPHIA, GEB M A NTO WN JL AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD TIME TABLE. On and after MONDAY, July 18, 1870, , ,eob oebmanto\vn. PHILADELPHIA 6,7, 8,90 S, 10, 11, 12, Lekve GERMANTOWN 8, 6JSS, 7)4, 8, 8.20, 9, 10, “ro'io’lf. p‘m’ *’ S’* s4 ’*- 00 ' *k, 6,AH, 6. *4,V, 8, The 3.20 Down Drain, and 2)4, 3)1 and 6% up Trains will not stop on the Germantown Branch, ON SUNDAYS. Leave PHILADELPHIA at9)4, A.M. 2, 4.05 min., 7, and 101*, P. M. Leave GEBMANTOWN at BX, A. M. 1,3, 6, and OK, P. M. CHESTNUT HILL BAILBOAD. Leave PHILADELPHIA6,B,IO, and 12, A. M. 2>s, 314,6&,7,9.00,and 11, P.M. Leave uHESTNUT HILL 7.10,8.9.40, and 11.40, A. M 1.40,3^,6.40,6.40, andlo.W^P.M. Leave 1 PHILADELPHIA at A.M. 2,and7,P. M. Leave CHESTNUT HILL at A. M. 12.40,6.40, and 9^6,P.M. ' taking the 6A5& A.M. and 6.30 P.M, Wains from Germantown , will make dose connections with Trains for New York at Intersection Station. FOB CONBHOHOCKEN AND NOBBISTOWN Leave PHILADELPHIA6,7I4,9, and 11.05, A. M. 114. 3,434,6,8)4, 8.05,10, and 1114, P.M. Leave NOBBISTOWN 514^6^5,7,7Xi 8 AO, and 11,A, M. 114,3,414,634,8, and 9K, P.M. ON SU^TDAYS. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 9, A.M. 2)4, f,' and,7>4, LeaveNOBBISTOWN;at 7, A. M. 1,5 , and 9, P. M. FOB JffANAYnNK. Leave Philadelphia : 6,7 M, 9 and 11.05 A. M.US.3 1 : Da', 6,6 X, 6«,8.05,10 and UK P. M. Leave Manayniih : 6,6^5,7J4,8,10,0 20and 11}$ A. M.; 2, 3 X, 6, 6 X, ax And 10 P: M\ ON BraDAYB Leave PblladelpMa * P. M. LeaveManaA. and 9>£ P, M, Leave Philadelphia? Leave Plvmoutn; A. M. TheT}i A. M. Trains from Norristoton ioillnot stop at Mogee , s%Potts i Landing , Domino or Schttr 1 * Lane. The BP. M._TrainJrom Philadelphia will stop only at School Lanit WissahickonyManayunk , Green Tree and Consho hodten. . ...... .1 . Passengers taking the 7.00, 9.05 A* M. andOfiP.M, Trains from Ninth and Green streets will make close connections with the Trains for New York at Intersec tion Station. The 9k A.M.and 5 P. M. Trains from New I *York con nect witb the 1.00 and 8.00 P. M. Trains from German town to Ninth and Green streets/ , W.S. WIDSON, _ , General Snperintendent. Philadelphia and Baltimore OENTBALIUILBOAD CHANGE OF HOUBS. On and after MONDAY, April 4,1870, trains will ran aaJollqwß: _ i ' ' ! LEAVE’PHILADELPHIA, from depot of P. W. A B. R. 8,, corner Broad street and Washington avenue, ForPORT DEPOSIT, at 7 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. For OXFORD,at7 A. M.,430 P. 31., and 7 P M, ForOHADP’S FORD AND CHESTER CREEK R. 7 A.M., 10 A. M.,230 P.M.,430 P.M., ttcd7 Train leaving Philadelphia at 7 A. M, connects at Port Deposit with train for Baltimore ; 1 Trains leaving Philadelphia at 10 A. M. and 4.30 P. M., leaving Oxford at 6.0 s A. 31;, dnd leaving Port De posit at 9.26 A. M., connect at Ohadd’sForu Junction with tho Wilmington and Bonding Railroad. TRAINB FOR PHILADELPHIA leave Port Deposit at 9.26 A.M. and 4.26 P, 31. on arrival of trains from • Baltimore. . OXFORD at 6.05 A. M:, 1035 A. M.and 5.30 P. M. OHADD’S FORD at 7.26 A.H., 12.00 M., U 0 P.M., 4.45 P. M. And 6.49 P. SI-;.-' ' On SUNDAYS leave Philadelphia for West Grove and intermediate stations at 8.00 A. M. Returning leave. West Grov<satB.6s PiM 1 . , ■ Passengers uro allowed to take wearing apparel onlj as baggage, and the Company will not bo responsible* for an amount exceeding one hundred dollars, unless a special contract is made for the same. * * HENRY WOOD; General Superintendent. ROAD-SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after May 36,1870, the Trains od tho Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Will run as follows : from Philadelphia :■ *■ ■* arriveß at Erie......... 7.40 P;M. Brio Express leaves Philadelphia. 10.60 A. 51, : “ «• K .v**V .WllllaimspOrt....... .Vi...,., 1 .. 8.16 P. M.i Blmlra Mall leaves Philadelphia 7.60 A.M,! “ “ “ Williamsport....... 6.00 P. M, •* “ arrives at Lock Haven .. 7.20 P. M, ’ Bold Baglo Moll leaves Williamsport 1.80 P. M. I “ arrives at Irek Huven 2.16 P. M. Mali Train leaves Erie..................8J0 A. M. 1 “ “ " Williamsport 9.25 P.M, “ arrives at Philadelphia; 8110 A.M. 1 Erie Expressleaveß Brie.... 9.00 P. M.i .. __ Williamsport.... 8.15 A.M.; “ . l „'®nlTeß ttt Philadelphia..... B.SO P. M. Elmira Maiileaves Williamsport. 9.15 A.M 1 “ “ arrives at Philadelphia......;.., 9.60 P. M.; Buffalo Express leaves Williamsport. 12.25 A.M.! ' 9^a.‘m! i Bald Eagle Mail leaved Look Haven.'..'. ..>.1135 A. M.: 44 _ •***. arrives at Williamsport 1230P.M.! Bald Eagle Express leaves Lock Haven...* 935 P. M. ‘ 44 arrives at Williamsport,lo.6o P.M. Express, Mail and .Accommodation, east and west, connects at Copy and *U west bound trains, and Mail and Accommodation east at Irvfiietott with Oil Creek andAlleghenvßiverlßailroad.O : j WM. A. BALDWIN* Generalftaperintendent« ' TRAVELERS* GUIDE, WEST JERSEY RAILROAp. Otnnmencfiic Sondsy, FOTyJat foot of Market Street fUpjwr SDO'A'. Mi Mail torßridgetoniSiilein, yihelanai Mlil-i 000 A- M Mvf/ Swodeßboroiondlutermcdlate Stations) *•*? ?.*¥s > emu m £°ro and all intermediate Statlone. ■ M fketEzprtoa.fprCapeMoySatnrrlayh only. lamenger for and <nayton;etopi Sn .j— ..Pj? statldmionnignal. retnrtl/»^ Ull ain 'favea Phil&ioiphiaat 7.15 A. M.' returliing ieave Cano May at 6.10 P. M; between Phlla niWvlfiffata leavesOamdeh dally, at9JO A.M.,Rtop- Si 1 botween Glasstroro and Oapo May: Bridgeton. noon ’ Bwedpeborp, .Salem (tod Wh^h^nTli V ? ,r ,n Philadelphia, at Second Covered, Wharf below Walnut street. • v i ;*; Freight dclivery at,No. 228 South Delaware avenue. ;-; WM. J: SEWELL,.Superintendent. r r B K OKMDEN AND AMBOY AND ladeiphia and Trbnton Railroad Jo.’sLince, GW or,£ places, from Waluut street Acc , om - nndZP. M. Express, via' Gamrlen m r ? b °y»ttiHl atd-A.M. IJxproßß Mail, and at 3.30 1 ' -vrA^vVi?ViiJ%/^ m don anil Jersey City. > ! A*7 V A A M EW , J J G o It^ Ry SOUTHERN: BAILttOAD. tnrt A fme™edi 3^ stoS4! 0r . 1 ? #, f *™*-*™>* A ton. n<l 10 A ‘ “•* 12 M -> 2 ’ '*!»>and SP. 31. for Tren- Ai 6ip,B and 1° A. M., 12 M., 2,3,30,6,6, 7 and 11 AO P s?*?J°r "Ordentown, Florence, Burlington, Beverly Delanco and ttiverton. M.,12M.;3-30,fiid,7 and 11.80 P. 31 - *Pl r oA-^gewater* Bivoraidc, Klverton and. Palmyra, ... At^’,? nd >0 A. 31.. 12 M. , 5,6,7 and 11.30 P. M. fo Fish Ilou«e. . D®“ Tho 11-30 P. M. Line leaves from Market Btroct (upper side). , • . . .. west pht&Adelphia depot, iAt7 ando.3o. A. M., 12.45, 0.46 tad, 12 P, M. New York Lines, and at 11.30 P. M. Emigrant Lino, via At 7 Wp 30^'MiVi2^'»6.toand'i2'- ; P; M. for Trenton Bristo] - - -•- ‘a t. 12 '?• (NightJ, for Morrlavillo, Tnlljftown, Schi-nckß, Eddington, OornwolU, Torrisdale.llolmos- I'rauiford 1101 '' ucony j'Y i3( M non lin«,,Brldeafmrg U* Sunday Linesloavo at 9.30 A. Mi, G.iS P.- M. and 12 • Bight. from KENSINCTOM'DKPOT. 'At 730 A. M.,2.30,3 AO and 6P. M; for Trenton and Brl’s ”, and 6 P. M. for Bristol. ■ At 7.30 A. 31., 2.30 and 5 P. M. for ilorrisvilloandTuUy* town. - # 1 ai and 6 P. JI. for Schencks, Eddington, Cornwells, Torrlsdalo andHolmesburg ,At7A 51., 12.30. 5.15 and 7.30 P. M. for Bnstleton, . Holmesbargand Holmesburg Junction. -At7-»nd and 730 Prfilrfdr' c T o . uy A^, l^ inomIl i?»' Kr^lc,Kbur g a *id Frankrord. BEbVIDEBE DELAWARE RAILROAD. •At;73o'A.'il; for NiacafA Falls, Bnffalo, Dnnkirk, Elmira, Rochester, Syracuse, Great Bond, Wilkes , barre, ftchooley’sMouDtaiu, Ac, A. M. ana 330 P. M. for Scranton, Stroudsbnrg, water Gap, Belrfdere, Easton, Louibcrtyllle,Flem- Ington.Ac. At fi P. 31, for LambertviJle and intermediate stations. FROM 3f ARKET STREET FERRY, (UPPER SIDE.) \IA CAMDEN A BURLINGTON COUNTY R. R. The 7 \ 31. and 3.30 P.M. Lines leave from Walnut Street Wharf. At 7 and 9A. 31 ~1,2.15,3,30, 5■ and‘'6;3o P.‘ sf.\’and on' Thursday and Saturday nights at 11.30 P. M„ for Mer* cbantsviJle, Moorestown, Hartford, Masonville, .Hainaport and Jlount Holly. M.,2,15 and 6.30 P. M., forLumberton and Med- At 7 and 9 A. 3P, 1,3.30 and 5*P. 31., for Smithville, . EwansTille. Vinceotowu, Birmingham and Pember ton. At7'A.M.,l and 3;30 P. 31., for Lewfctown, Wrights* ■ town, Cookstown, Now Egypt and Homerstown. i- At 7 A. M., 1 and 3.30 p. 31,i for Cream*Ridge, Imlays* . town, Sharon aiid fligbtstown. '■ I ScnL-16, \m. WM :H. GATZ3IER, Agent. riAMDEN AND ATLANTIC BAIL ’XLS9£D:rSALJ& ARRANGEMENT. On and after THURSDAY, September 15, 1870, trains will leave Yine Hlreet Ferry as follows :• < Mai1.....,....™.,. r 8.00 A. M. Kreiebt (with naseenger car)........... 9.45 A. 31 FMtErpreegfSatnrdHy*- 0n1y).....; .. 3,30 p. ji. Atlantic Accommodation „ 3.45 p- M .‘l- BETUBNING, LBIVE ATLANTIC Wail- ,- - —.-.. 4.00 P. 31. Freight (with passenger par)._ : 12.06 Noon F»s t .Es:presfllMonUay’epulyJ. i . rt 7.30. A. 3L., Atlantic Accommodation.. 7 00 A. SI . ... LOCAL TRAINS LEAVE - - ' ■For HaddonAdld, 10.15,A. 31., 2.00,5.45 P. SI. For HatnniOnlon and intermediuto stations; 5.45 P, 31. , ' ON SUNDAYS Mail train for Atlantic leaves.. A 00 A. M. Leaves Atlantic... 4,00 P.M. __ D. H..MUNDY, Agent, RE AD ING IBATTIBPAD. GKEAI JL\Trcnk ;plno-front. Philadelphia totthe interior o! Pemnylvania, the Schuylkill, Susquehanna, Cumber* iand andWyoniiug Valleys, the North, Northwest and the Lapadas, Spring Arrangementof Passenger Trains, Company's DepotTThirtoenth honrs*' ; ° W ee M»Thiladelkhla, a* the following MOBNLNQ ACCOMMODATION.—At 7.30 A. M foi Beading and all intermediate Stations, and Allentown P?llSefihf^a?9jsp e M' ,) * StBJSP - M " arri " DK 10 r MOBNING EXPBEBb.—AtB.ISA. M. for Beading Lebanon,Harrisburg, Pottsville, Pine Grove,Tamaana SimhUiTr "WlRiahiaport",“Elmira;'Rocheater. Niagara' Falls, Buffalo, Wilkesbarro, Pittston, York. Carlisle OhmnoersbiirgjHagerstown, &o. M The 7AO A. SL, train-connects at Beading with the East Pennsylvaniaßallrdad trains for AllentowovAcJand the 8.15 A. In .train connhctawith the Valley train, for BatriabiiiwA Ac.; at Port Clinton'with B. trainafor Williamsport, Lock Haven,Elmira, &c.:at HarrißbtLrg with. Northern Central, Cumberland val ley, arid Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains for North umberland , t wilUamsport. York, Ohamb rsburg,Pina- EXPRESS.—Leaves Philadelphia at BJO Pi IT. for Beading, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Ao., con wlthßeading and Columbia Railroad trains for t POTTSTOWN ACCOMMODATION.—Leaves Potts tovrn at 0225 A. M.;stopping at the intermediate stations; orriww in Philadelphia at 8,40 A.M. Betnrning leaves in Pottstown at Ala P.M, BEADING . AND I>OTTBVILLE ACCOMMODA TION.—Leave Pottsville at 6.45 A. ft., and 1.20 P. M., and Beading at 7.30 A. M. and 6.35 P. 31 , stopping at all wav stationa;arriva In Philadelphia at IOioA.M. and 9.25 p, M.' ", Eoilirding'i leaves Philadelphia at 0.13 P.M.; arrives InßeeditiKat 7ASP. M., and at PottsviUe at 9.40 P.M. -MDBN4NG-EXPRESS.—Trains for Philadelphia leavp Hhrrisbnrgat BJOA. Ml, and PottsviUe at 9.00 A.' Mi, -atriving in at 1.00 P.M. -Afternoon Express trains leave Harnsbnrg at 2.f0 l\M.,and Potts vilfoat ,AO P. M,; arriving at Philadelphia at 7.00 P. M-, Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Beading at 7.15 a M. l andH£urnbbnrgat4.lQP.M. Connecting at Bead ing with Afternoon Accommodation south at 035 P, M. arriving In Philadelphia at 935 P. M. * Market train, with a Passenger oar attached, leaves Philadelphia at 1230 noon for Beading and all Way Stations;loaves Pottsville at 5.40 A; M., connecting at Beading With accommodation tram for Philadelphia and all Wag. Stations • —.. All tne above trains run dally, Sundays excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 6 A. M., and Phila delphiaat3.l6P. M.jleavePiOladelphiafor Boading at 830 A. M.. returning from Beadkurat4.2sP. M. These trains connect both ways with Sunday trains on Per kiomen and Oolebrookdalo Railroad. CHESTER VALLEY RAlLROAD.—Passengers for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 730 A M.,\L23oand 4.00 P. M. trains from PhUadelphlajreturn fills take 7JO A.M., 12 JO and 5.15 P.M. trains for Phila delphia, returning from SchwenksvUle at 6.45 and 8.05*A. M., U. 45 n«.n, 4.15 P. M. Stage linos for varied F ! o oMne P^&nL% U i!re. oOnn8 °* " iH » M COLEBROOKDALE . RAILROAD .-Passengers foi Mt. Pleasant and intermediate points take the73o A. M and 4.00 M. trains from Philadelphia; returning from Mt, Pleasant ot7.OOandHJ26A.M. YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST.—Leaves New York at 9.00 A. M. 1 and 6.00 P. M;, r passing Shading at 1.45 and 103 i P. M., and connects at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania; and Northern Contralßailroad Exproso Trains for Pitts-' burgh, Chicago, Williamsport, Elmira, Baltimore, Ac. Returning, ExpresaTram leaves Harrisburg on arrival! of Ponusylvania Expreas from Pittsburgh, at 635 A. M and 830 A. M.,passingßoadingat7.23 A. 31. and 10.4 U A. M., arriving at New York at 12.05n00u and 3.60 P. M. . Sleeping Cars accompany these trams through between Jersey City,and Pittsburgh, without change. Mail train for New York leavOß Harrisburg at 8.10 A M. and23oP. M, Moll train for Harrisburg loaves Nev York at 13 Noon; SCHUYLKILL VALLEY BAILUOAD-Trainsleav* Pottsville at63Q and 1130 A.M. and 0.60 P.M.. returning from Tomaunaat 835 A. 81., and 2.15 and43oP. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD -Iranis leavo Anbnrn at 836 A. M. for Pinogrovt and Harrisburg, and. at 12.05 noon for Pine grove, Tremont and Brooksi.do: returning from Har rloburg at" 9.40 PM: from Brdokside at 3.45 P, M. ano fronitremontrtt63s A Jfl.and 635P.M. TICKETS.—Through first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all tjie principal points in tboNorth and Wos and Canada. _ Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Beading am intermediate Stations, good for day only, are sold In Morning Accommodation, Market Train,Reading oik Pottstown Accommodation Trains at redneed rates. Excursion TiokCts to Philadelphia, good for. day only aro sold at Pottsvilleund Intorm(Miiaio Stations by Rood ng and .Pottsville and Pottstown Acoommodatior Trains et roduced rates. The followjngitickflts are obtainable only at the Ofilet of 8. BradfordrTreaaurer, No. 227 South Fourth street Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nlcolls, Genoral Snperinten dent, Beading. ' : . Commutation Tlckets,at 25 per cent, diaoounti between: any points desired, for families and firms. Mileage Tickets, good for 2,000 miles,between all points at OO each for famiyos and firms. j Season Tickets,(for onQ,two,threo, six, nine or twolvo ; months, for noldera only, to all points, at reduced rates, i .Clorgyinonyesiding onthe lino of tho road will befur* : nished cards, entitling; themselves and wives to tickets at half faro >' Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal sta tions, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at re duced fare* to be had only at the Ticket Office, at Thir-: teenth and Oallowhill streets. FREIGHT.—Goods of all descriptions forwarded te al 1 thoabove points from the New Freight.: -Depots Broad and'Willow'stroets; * - : a Freight Trains leave Philadelphia dally at 438 A.M., 1230 n00n,6.00 and 7J5 P.M,,for Roading,Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and au points be yond. 1 ■ _ - MailscloseatthoPbilftdolphlaPost-offlcoforsllrlaces on the road and ltsbranches ot 5 A. M.,and for tbo orin clpal Stations only nta.ls- P.M. Dong M’s Expresg collect Baggage for all trains leaving PhiladUnhM Depot. Orders can bo left at No. 925 Booth FonrtKstreet. or at the Depot. Thirteenth and Oallowhill streets. , ;? v. j TKAV£Z.BIU3«etJja>£K moncing •Dspoti comer Bread andiW&Mrtngtcnavenne, «a fel necting witbDclawarapßallMad Lino BtOlaytonwitb . Bmyraaßraiiph-RaJlraadand.Maryland and Delaware HR.,at II arcing tmiwlfb Junction dndßredfe water R. R.. : at Seaford > With DorcheStcr'and Delaware Railroad, at Delmnr with Eastern Shore Railroad land) at’ Salisbury , ). ,l H l '.P nd .^ o< W o ko_Railroad. ; , , , liWSdndaMaicepledi.fot • Baltimore and Waßhineton,stopplng mt Wilmington, ißerrytHW add H&vrd do etace.i Gonnectaat Wilmlng train for New Oaetle.-' ~ ••, , ; *. , EXPRESS IRAIHata.OO V: M,(Bniidaya exoeptedl, for Baltimore and - -W aflhlngton .Stopping* at Chester, Thnrlow, Linwood, Olaymont,: Wilmington,! Newport, Stanton, NewarkyElltton, North Rami Charlestown, Perryvnio, 'Havre de" GracO,. Aberdeen,’ Perryman's, ' Edgewood .Magnolia, Chase’ll and Stammer’sßun. . WIGHT,EXPRESS at UAOP, M. id«IU) for Baltimore . >j|g | ff^^^^^tewE»<mri | >«iaaa.iirorfi>ni;'wAttaka ‘ WILMINGTON TRAlNS.—Stopping at all Stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington* , Reavo PBUCLABERPHiA at U.OOA. M..1A0,8t» and 7.00 P. M'. TheolOOP.M. train Connects with Delaware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations. Leave WUiMINGTON 8i45 and 8.10 A. M., 2.00, 4.00 and 7.15 P.M. Tho 8.10 Ai Ms train will not stop between Chester and Philadelphia. Tho 7.15 P.M. train from Wilmington runs daily;allotherAccommodation Trains Bundaysjextfopted. Trains/oaf Jpg WILMINGTON at 6.45 A. M, and 4.00 Pi H.will connect atLahiokmJaiicUon with tho 7.00 A.M.and 4.80 P. M. trains for Baltimore Central R. B. From BALTIMORE to < PHILADELPHIA,—Leaves BalUmor© A.M. L Way Maifl, 9.00 A. M,, Express. 2ASP. M*iE?i3r<»B.' 7.lffi , F < M‘. l JJxpre&B. ' SUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORELeaves BALTIMORE at 7.25 P. M.,'Btoppi2i£at Magnolia,Per mian’a,. Aberfoen Joavt:e^o : Grace .Poriy viJ&,Charleg* tpvmvNprth'East, filkton, Newark, Stanton;Newport. Wilmington, Olaymont, Linwood and Chester, Through, tlcketa to nil points West, Sooth* and South* west ma-y.be procured at the ticket office, 628 .Chestnut street, tinder Continental Hotel ;wbetonißO State Rooms andßertlifflfl Sleeping Oars cttn be secured duringthe day. Persons purchasing tickets atAhis ;offiCe can have baggage checked at their residence WtheJJnlon Trans* fer , B.F. KENNEY. Sup’t. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL JBAXL BOAD .-After 8 P.. M„ SUNDAY, July 10th, ThotralnaoftheJPonnßylTOntaCentre!.Bailrohd loave tho Denot.at,Thirty-£lrstandMarkot streets,which ;t» reached directly by the care of, the Jlarkot Street Pas senger Bail way , the loot car Connecting with each train leaving Front and Market etreet thirty minutes before iita'departtirei- jThosesof. the' 'Chestnut 'aM Walnut Strecta Bailway raowi thin onesauore of the-Depot. " Bleeping Car Tickets can he had on .application at the Ticket yfflco, Northwest comer 6f Ninth fcnd Chestnut streets,undat iko Depot.. i , i , : • Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders left at No. 901 Chestnut street. No. 118 Market street, will receive at* tention tbaINS LEAVE DEPOT, VIZ Hail Train.*.. Pool! Accom. i-..i0 A.M.and 12.50, and7.lo P. M, Fa5tLine......—................ .at 1230 p, M, —;:.-::.r.~.ani.oo~A. m, Harrisburg Accom*. ..........at 230 P, Mi ;lAncasteyAccpm.*.,;-;.*-...».„,„.,at4;10P;M. Parksburg Train.,., ;at-530 P. M > Cincinnati Express. at 8.00 P, M* Erie Mail and JPUtaburgh^Exprcss—...at 10.30 P. M. Way PasßOTiger;.;...... M .......;;,:..:.......„ ;.....atll3o P M. Erie Mail leaves daily,, except Sunday .-running on Saturday night to Williamsport only; On Sunday night passengers will leave Philadelphia at 8 o’clock. Pittsburgh Express leaving on Saturday night run* only to Harrisburg. •, . ; . ■ Cincinnati Express leaves dally. All other trains daily >excopt Sunday. - < The Western Accommodation Train runsdaily,except Sunday. Par this train tickets■ must /be f procured and baggage delivered by 5.00 P. M.»at jl6 Market street. > Sunday Train No. 1 leaved Philadelphia'B.4o A. M..J arrives at Paoli 9.40 A. Mi. ‘Sunday Train' 110. 2 leaves Philadelphia at 6.40 P. M.; arrives at Paoji7.4oP. M. Sunday Train No. 1 leaves P.aoli at(5.60 A. 31.;arrives at Philadelphia at 8.10 A. M; Sunday'Train No. 2 leaves Paoli at 4.50 P. M.; arrives at Philadelphia at 6.10 ' M- . TEAINB ABEIVK AT DEPOT, VW : Cincinnati Express..^. ...* ....................j&tS.lO A. M,i Philadelphia Express..--..... 830 A, M. -ErioMafl« f .w. M * ™-„,.r W .„, J at63OA.' S -M- Paoli Accommodation ..at 830 A; M. and 330,6.40 P. M ■ Parksburg Train. ....................at9.00 A. M. Buffalo Express— .....ata3s A. 31. Fast Line..-.*..;. -....,at935 A* M j Lancaster Train..,.— ...at,1135 A.M, EricErpresa...— — ...........at fi.4n‘ P.M. Lock Haven and Elmira Expre55.......... P.M. Pacific Express.—.at 1230 P. M,- Harrisburg Accommodation.— —....at 9.40 P. M. For further information,'apply to - • >"•••_- JOHN f 7 VANLEEB* Je. , Ticket Agent; SOrOhostnu ; TickdtAgent.ll6 MarketetreorJ-: SAMUEL H. WALLACE; Ticket Agent at the Depot. The FbnDsyjvanta'BaflroadGompanywillnat assume xny riflk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their, Responsibility to One. Hundred Dollars In value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the rttk or the owher, unless taken by special con tract*. _ •• • ■ :: - A*, J. OAoqATT, General Superintendent, Altoona, pa. f?AST FREIGHT LINE- VIA KOBTH! r PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD, to Wilkeßbarro.; Mahanoy 01ty t Monnt Oormol,OentraUa.and all points: on l/ehigh ValloyßMlroad obd Its branches. B r new arrangements, perfected • this day, this road it enabled to givo increased despatch to merchandise oon* signed to the above-named points. 1 Goods delivered at the Through Freight Depot* . « «« -i,. 8. B. cor. Front and Noble streets , Before Q P. M., will reach Wilkesborre. Mount Garmel Mahanoy uity, and the other stafcions.ln Mahanoy and, Wyoming vallev Bbefore AiM.,tbe succeeding day. ; fIIiARK. Agent. tEGAt NOTICES. TN THE ORPHANS 5 COURT FG II THE JL city and county of Philadelphia.—Estate of WIL LIAM JACOBS, (leceased.—Tho, appointed by the Court to nudity settle arid adjust the first and final account of HENRY 0. HARRISON and DANIEL WEOKJERLY, Executors of WILLIAM JACOBS, de-; ceaßed,andtoreportdiftrlbutionof the balance,in the hands of the accountants* will meet the partiealn lute-; rest for the purpose of his appoin Iment on?THDRSD A Y September 29th, 1870, at H o'clock. A; M., at hit* office, No,. SCO Lpcust street, in the city of Philadelphia, ; "selfi-fm wst§ JOSEPH A. OLAY, Auditor. Estate of Elizabeth vande GRIFT, deceased.—Letters of administration upon the Estate of ELIZABETH VANDEQKIFT, do censed bavins been granted to the undersigned, all pqrsopa indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against the same, to, present them to HERBERT VANDEGRIFT, No. 1216 South Fifteenth street. Administrator: Or to his Attor uey, WM. \W JUVENAL, 4g6 Library street, aultMtit IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOB THE City and County'of Philadelphia.—ln the Matter ot _tj s , l I'wrtiijoTi ot the Beal Batata of GEORGE W. VANSTAYRON, deceased, devised to tho 'heirs of MARY ANN HAINES, deceased. To FREDERICK B. HONEY, and: all other' persona interested .hr.said estate,, Take notice, that on tho &th of September, A. D. 1870, the return of the Sheriff and the'Jury of Inouest held upon the above CBtatu bn'tlie 2d instant, lmvinff been filed in court, and same day a petition having been K£S?HU!ik.E.< !u i and filed., On motion of A.L.HENj NERSHOTZ, Esq-, Solicitor for the Petitioners, the, Court granted a rure on all the heirs and other persons interested in safd'estnte, citing then! and each of.them, to be and nppear before th|o Judges of , the said Orphans’ Court, to be held at Philadelphia, on SATURDAY, the 21th day of September, A: D. 1870, at M,6’clock, A. M then and there to Bhow cause why the aforesaid lnnuisi tion should not bo confirmed. . f By, the Court so 9 f2t* IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT EOR THE .City and Oounty of Philadelphia.—Estate of ANN IktCJUPHY, deceased.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to uudit, settle and adjust thenccountof KD* ..WARD WAI/LACE, Executor of tho Estate of ANN BHJBPHY,,deceased',- am! to report .distribution of the’ balance in the hands of the accountant* wilt moot i lie parties interested foi the purposo of bis appointment on MONDAY, the 19th day of September, 1870, at cloven o’clock A. M.,at bis office, No. <519 V/nlnut street, in the city of Philadelphia se9-fm w-fit* JN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS JL for tho City and County of Philadelphia. BOHN vb. BOHN. September term*. ISoTK No. 75, in livorco. To EMILIA. BOTIN, roaponduut. Thu deposi tions of witnesses in the above caso ou the part of libellant -will bo .taken before WM. KNIGHT SHBYOCK* Esq., examiner, at hia office. No. 16 North Seventh street, Philadelphia, dn WEDNESDAY, Sept. 21st, 1870, at 3 o’clock P. Mi, when and where you may attend if you.think proper. Personal Borvico on you having failed on.account of your absence.. FRED,. DITTMANN, Attorney for Libellant. TN THE OOTJItT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 fur the City nnd County of PhHadolphlii; HELENA J.,AN NEED ) Juoo Torm , 1870 . No- WILLIAM E. VAN REED.< .Divorce. To >VILLIAM E. VAN KEEL. EOapondont: You are hereby notified that tho clopoaitfouofwit iidsbcb upon the part of the libellant in tho abovociißO will be taken before MILTON H. BROWN, Eaq., at tho oflico of tho updersignedtNo. fI3Q Walnut Btroet, in tho city of Philadelphia* on TUESDAY. Sept. 27, A. D. 1870, at 11 o'clock A. M,, when and where you may at tend If you see proper OENTISTKY . JBB& THIRTY SHEARS’ ACTIVE PRA(i T Dr. FINE; r No. 219 Vino street, bolo* •, Twrd,luaerts the handsomest Tooth in the city. 4t prices to unit all. Teeth Plugged, Teeth Kopairod. KxchaDgod, or Remodelled to suit. Gas aha Ether. No pain in extracting. Offlco Hours. Bto 0. mh2ff-b,m,tu9ml n PAIj DENTAXiLXNA. A BUFBRIOB Y, ortlGlefor cleaning the Tooth,destroying animalculi which infest thorn, givmgtonoto the gums, and leaving, k fooling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in th< nouth. It mav be used daily, and will be found U «rengthon woakand.bloading.gums, while: the arorar *nd detoraiVeness wilLpocominend it to every one: Be Ingcomposed Wfth the aMfstance of the Eentfst, Pli'ysK c iah»/.and'.Micx () BCopißt l it.iB confidently offered as t reliable Substitute for the nucertaiu washes formerly It. T Eminent Dentists, ncqaalntod^with. the constituent* of the Dontalltua. aayocftte itß uso; it contains nothin* to prevent its unreatrainod employment. Made only by JAMES T; SHINN, Apothecary, ■ ■ Broad and Spruco streets, '»S^ KIrtBBTO “D. ,y i: a §.-kbo n , ei ™”"t HaßßardAOo,, Iloburt 0. Dftvia, O. R. Ko/m y, ‘ Um. C. Bower, Isaac 11, Kay, obas. Shivers, U.H. Needles, 8. M. MoOolln, T. J.Hnsband, 8.0. Banting, Ambrose Smith, Ohas.H. Eberie, • ■ ■ j Edward Parrish. James N. Marks, . Wmrß. Wdbb, B. BringhUrst A Oo.y ""j James L.Biapham, Byott &(Jo, Hnghes * Combe. H.O. Blair’e Sons, Henry A. Bower. WyetbAßro. at 8.00 A. Mi ALFEED J. FOETIN, Deputy Clerk O.C. B. SHABKSY, Auditor THOMAS J. DIEHL, Attorney fur Libollant, SHIPPERS* GUIDE for TEXAS PORTS. THE STEAMSHIP ' HERCULES WILL BAIL FOB " NEW ORLEANS EtfRECT, .s■*ss■» Sept. at It r! 'Throngli bllla of lading given In connection wltlilUor ‘ S'"’l 1 i” eB from.NEW ORLEANS VEBTON, INDIANOI/A, LAVACCA Wd 'BRAZOS at 4a low rates as by any other routo,' 'i ■ > ‘ .J h r d f b , iUs of >4dlngalao glvbn to all points bn'the JaiflsißHipplrivor between Now Orleans mid at' Tannin tet C Oompy. WltU ,h 9 For farther infonnatioii, to . • ~ WM. L. JAMES, General Agent, - ft'o. ISO Month Tlitrd Htreet. ' 'V ■ Steamship Line Dlfeot. : .. ROMAN, SAXON, NORMAN, | ARIES. Sailing Wednesday andVSafurday ■ _ FROM EACH PORT. ; ■ From Vine St. Wharf, Pblla., at JOA. M. “ J-ongr Wharf, Boston. . at, BJE*. «. Thf«o Steamships sail punctually. Freight received everyday, i\•; j w , *.,j Ftolght forwarded to allpaittti in Nett) Fnetand, ■ply to • —* ot 1 superior acaiifimodalions): ap- Inauranco effected at>£ of 1 porcentJaf tlieoffrce. ■ HKMtI IV ISSOIt A «Ou ■ 33-1 SOUTH DELAWARE 4VENTJE. 'ffiMp'W' ■^™ ! KK direet, on Saturday,Sept 17itttaA':-M».“ ■-,u “"7*?: ’ :-^TtafjABOO > win. ®^ 1 tfßOij NEW,ORLEANS* Vift Ilavnna, on Friday- September 91" * * ® L A DIF 0- atas low' ratee 08 ' f£?w y , S.JJ?? r , ro, } t ? to ■: MOBIIiEjOAUVUaiON, I ?, D f A^9J' A .vJ ,A y ACOA “id BRAZOB,,and ttfoll • to !i Dl lm n the MISSiSSIPPI. between NEW ORMANS mip?tTwv l>, 'n", BEl) RIVER FBEfOBTSTTHI- \ *at New Orleans without charge' bf coznmis- Iv*’ ™ sAVannah.ga. Bawrd £°? BAVW . H on . SaU, , r°d^S^ V U NI)ATiU Sail MOH SAVANNAH on" THROUGH BILLB OF LADING etvetf to 'tail th« -P.rlnclpnl towns in GF.OBGIA, AIABAMAyFIiOBIDA, Mississippi, and ten- NKSSEE v in connection with the Central, Railroad of / GeorgittiAtlaritic and Gftlf Railroad’arid Florida fiteani iera, at aslowratOas by competing linear ■ MNE.TO WILMINGTONv H. O. _The PIONEEB will gall FOB WIIiMINGTON on Frldov,: Soplomboi- IBi 6 A.. M.-retnriiing, will leave Wilmington, Friday, Sopt. 23d.' ■ , r . Connects with theCap© Fear River StoamboatCom panr, the VV ilmingtou and Weldon and' North .Carolina Railroads', and the Wilmington and l Manchester Bail - i road toallinteriorjpointßn • - .. Freights for COLtl3nnA v S; C;, and AITGI7STA,aa.V talcen viti W ILMINGTON at as low rates' aa by any other route. ; ? : .• r -f ; i •; Insurance effected when requested by Qbippon'. Bills of-Xadjng signed at Queen Street Wharf onor. before day of sailing. ' ' ’ " ! ’ - WM. L. JAMBS, General Agents py3l-tf§ : N 0.130 South Third street. ¥ HILAitELPHIA, kiohmo.ni> and _ NORFOLK STEAMSHIPiLINU, i_p s I'UUOUOH .lO TUB BOOTH INCREASED TAOtLIirES AND iSKBOOEP BATES AmHIS LEAVE' EVHEy O ' WEDNESDAY ’and le -4VE 'RICHMOND MONDAfYSand : 'samlhaTS.’ ; aD<l . POBFOLK ;; TOESDA% ? nd • iiidlflg ifgned after U tfcldcY in oailwg Pay,.. , ■ ~ , , . i j ■, a J* fcojptalnNorthanaSonth Jardltnavln SfabbardWfr-LlDS'Raflrßaa.doUueiflrifr'at PoHamouth, and toEyndhtotirg, Vd./Tenneaudd dSTtfae W ost ViAVirginld and; Tennexsop: Atr-Ltaai aiMiUßeb- _ -‘’“SjSlHt §A.¥Dt:^JOT(sNoEind'tiianatidfeifß^ SATES THAN AN Y OTHER LINE. ' W”* ttonßfo aree f ° r COElmlsaion ’ dtaya « <,,or » a x exsonaeSor Stontrishipsimrard ttt'lbwbstrites. V- Freightrecdived-BAIliY.' ’ ■ . * '■ , State-room accommod^tijnafj)n^(i^£rt*,v,j...... ■ No. 12Sonth Whatyeaand PlorNd; ’l Wi Pi PORTER, Jigent tttßlohtnoddiaad OltyiPolrit. T-P,OBQWELli&OC>.;AgeDtaatNprfolß - - Fob njew yobk via Delaware AND RARITAN CANAL. EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. =. The CHEAPESTand QUICKEST water commnnica tion between'Philadelphia and New York, • > ' leave daily from FlrstWharf below MAR KET street, Philadelphia, and foot of WALL street, New York., , “through in twenty-four houbs. Goods forwarded by all the Lines running ont.Of New YorkyNorthyEast or-Weat, free-of-commission*”— Freights received Daily and forwarded on accommoda ting terms. ‘ ' ■ • WM. P. CLYDE * 00 M Agents* i , 12 South Delaware 'Avenue. Agent, 119 Wall Street.NewYbrk.' f JAB. OAI XT JEW EXPRESS LINK TO ALBFaf. anihrla from the most direct route for Bris tol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton Mid the Southwest, . ; Steamers leave regularly ttom the .first wharf raDov , Market street, every Saturdayat noon.' ' Freight received dally. WH, D.OLYDB 'ACO., ' i ■ No/ If South Wharves and Pier I North Wharves. HYDE & TYLEB, Agenta at Georgetown.. . M.ELDBIDGE A 00., Agents at Alexandria, Y, >PUE NEW YORK, VIA DELAWARE i AND BABITAN GAi}aL. BWIFTSUEE TBANSPOBTATION COMPANY, , DISPATCH AND SWIFTSUBE' LINKS, Leavjngduilyat 12and5P;Mt ? i The Bteam propellers of this Company will commeno loading on the Bth of March. ' Through ip twenty-four hours. Goods forwarded to -any point freq of commissions. taken on accommodating terma. , -Apply to WM. M. BAIRD & CO., Agents, mM-tf 132 South Delaware avenue; TVER AW ARE AKD “ CHESAPEAKE U BTEAM .TOW-BOAT COMPAN Y.-Bnrges towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre do Groce;Del aware City and intermediate points. , > WM. P. CLYDE & 00., Agents; Oapt, JOHN LATJGHLIN Bup’t Office, 12 South Wharves,’Phila delphla ) apll-tfj “VT ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAHiBOAD Xl —Freight Department .—Notice to' Bhlppera.—By arrangements-recently- tbis€ompaiiy : Jsr ett- ; apled to offer un usual despatch in thetransruartatjon -of freight from Philadelphia to all points' of the Lehigh, Mahunoy, Wyoming and Susquehanna Valleyft,and-on the Oatawlssa and Erie Hallways. - - ■ , ; Particular attention is ashed to the new line through the Susquehanna Taller, oppriing up the Northeastern portion of the State ; to Philadelphia, embracing the towns of Towanda, Athens, Waverly, and the ico unties of Bradford, >Vyqmiug and Susquehanna., • It ,alao (of fers a short and.speedy route to Buffalo and- Rochester* interior pud Soiitnern New York, and ell ; points iiir the Northwest and Southwest ahd.on tho GreafJUakeflJ 1 Merchandise delivered at the .Through Freight Depot, Qoruer of Front and. Noble streets, before 5 fcrJMT.VISais-* tribnted by Fafet Freight Trains'thtoiifthout‘the lLe high,l Mebanoy, Wyoming And. Susquehanna Talleys early next day, and delivered at Rochester. and Buffalo tvithiu from date of shipment. - f Particulars in regard to Buffalo, 1 interior Now York and-Westem Freight may be Obtained at the offlfle, Noi 811 Chestnut street. L.O.KINSLER,Agent ofP. Wi & E.Llne.l ■ . . _V~ ' d.s. grAfly, Through Freight Agent, Front and Noble streets. ELLIS CLARK, General Agent N. P. B B. Qo . GROCERIES, LIQUORS. Jilt. XTEW MACKEREL, SALMON AND Xl Sbad In kitta. put up expressly for familiep, at East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street, below Chestnut, '•••••• ■' ‘ New green ginger, pickled Limes, Pickled Lambs’ Tongues, Spiced ‘Oysters and Clams, at COUSTY’S Bast End Grocery, No. 118 Booth Bocond street, below Ohestnnt. * fTIABLE CLARETS FOK SI 00 PER CASE _I of one dozen bottles, .up in ntoro■ mid for sole at OOUBTY’B East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street, below Chestnut. ■ "VrEW CANNED GOODS, GREEN PEAS, XV Asparngus, Tomatoes, Ac,, are arriving. Families wishiug same now is the time to buy cheap,at COUS CY 8 East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street; boltfw Ohestnnt. 1 > • <t>o An PEE DOZEN FOR GENUINE tOO.UU Imported French White* Wlri<v Vinegar Jn cnßeav very choice quality, at OOVSTVv’aaKapt,, End Grocery, No. 118 South riecond.street,bqlQW.Ohestnnt, JUST KKOEIVED AND IN. STORE 1,000 u eases of Champagne, sparkling Catawba and Cali fornia Winpa, Port .Madeira, BherryYJgmqica and Santa Crnz Bum, flue'-'old Brandies tint! whiskies,'Wholesale and Retail.P. J. J OIS1) AN, Pear street. ; Below Third and Walnut streets, and above Book street. . - ’• djjtf T ORDAK'S OEI4GBR ATEB ? CH-tB 0 Alo lor InyaUd3,}amily nae,etc., . -The subscriber is.now furnished with' bia full-winter supply of his. highly nritrltlons and weil-known bever* age. Its wldo-sproad ond'loeroafllng use, by order of physicians, for InvaUdsvUße.of families, &c., commend it to the attontion of all consumer* who want a strictly pure article; prepared from the best materials, and pat up m tho most careful manner for home use or transpor tation r Orders by mail or otherwise promptly, eanplied^ * ’ • No*. 920PMrstr«wtf . below Third and ,Walnut street# _ PERSONAL. PROEEBSOR JOHN BUCHANAN, M.D. can be consulted personally or by letter in au dlj* eases., Patients can rely.npon a safe, Bpoeay* and pe3r manent cure* aa the Profosaor prepare®. and furaianas new, eclenttfio and positive to the vanta of the patient. offloea in Ooueffe Building, So, CM PISS street. Office hours *«»•*» n. top fin «*-*»
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers