riiK («f>e or m i.™™ cbielty at *v , ?•*”'» *•** WIILU,IM - KiiilM-oiutl .mswerea. Tbe following reply to a letter whtcu we coniecl-ftom thO New’ I'oik Timc-s, a few weeks aeo, is from an oiiicei ol tlie United States army, wli.ose statements are worthy of implicit confidence: . . The letter which appeared m the issue of tue New York Timex, of date,, of September 7th, addressed “To auy Commissioned Ollicer of Artny,” under the caption of “ A Bov Ivid happed by United -States,Recruiting .Optsi-s-f His 111-treatment and 'final Death,*’ which let ter purports to have been written by an “ Epis copalian Clergyman, Hector of a church in the suburbs, who vouches for the correctness of the statement contained in it, ’’demands that it shall be answered at once by a full statement Of the facts, and that the Episcopalian clergyman shall be held responsible,and if necessary punished,for the falsehoods he has uttered, by the Bishop of the State in which be . serves, or by other authority for daring to asperse the character of a body of honorable gentlemen without cause. The letter evidently refers to a man by the name of Wm. J. Duthie, whose enlistment pa pers on file at Governor’s Island, show that he voluntarily enlisted at the Rendezvous at No. 9, Rroadway, Brooklyn, E. D„ on the 25tb day of May, 1870, and that he made written attes tation at the .time, of liis enlistment that he was twenty-one years and eight iiioritbs of age, which oath; ah act of Congress makes coitclu- : aive as ttt hiflage, and no authority can'release him from' his contract to servo the United StatesV except the Secretary of War. A short time-after Duthie enlisted his father called upon the Commanding Officer at Gov cmor'S'lsland;andrequestedthe ! discbargeof- liisson, he-was kindly and courteously treated, audinformed; that his son could only be dis-. charged- by order,of the Secretary of War, hut that his son-would not •be sent. away, with- a detachment of recruits until, the result of his application to the Secretary of War should be received. Mr., Duthie left-satisfied with his visit. - ‘ ■ - . , . Upon the receipt ot the application of Du thie’s father by the Secretary of War, the Com mandant at Governor’s Islaud was directed to haveatbordughniedicalexamination made as to Dutbie’S hge and other pbyslcarqualtficaßons as'a 1 soldier,whichexaminatibn.was made by the Chief Miidictd Officer at the Depot, and- the opinion ojf thati officer was,' that Duthie “ was perhaps a few months less than twenty-one years of age, though he swore in his enlistment pajters that he was twenty-one years and eight months, but that.he was competent to perform the duties of a soldier.” An advertisement Inquiring as to Diithie’s whereabouts appeared in the lepers, of which lie .was fully aware, and he declined to respond to it when shown to him. This’advertisement was sent to . the War - Department with 1 the re sult' bf the ;medi«il examination, called. for, with’ thertmark oi the Coihmanddnt: * private ] inline'made no , coin plaint <jr rempngtranes on kisexaniinaiioual the Depot. The ad-, vertisementhereunto annexed, appeared about three weeks, in-the New York papers, and was noticed by several officers.” _ ‘ “I am informed that Duthie was aware of this advertisement, but it seems’he never in forniddhis relatives of’ his whereabouts! until lately’ : ’ - Tending the result of Duthie’s application for discharge, his mother visited Goveniors Island, where she was* treated with courtesy, kindness and gentleness, such as her appear auoe and manners demanded, and she left and expressed herself grateful for the kindness ex tended to her. On the 19th of August, 1870, Duthie was discharged, by order of the Secretary of War. Here his military career ends. At the time of his discharge he was in perfect health. About a week or so after hiAffiscl7arge, irwas under stood that he died. In reply to certain allegations contained in the letter, as to kidnapping, ill-treatment, &c., I would state that , Duthie voluntarily en listed in the service of the -United - States, of his own accord, without solicitation, and with out compulsion; and if he was not 21 years of age, he committed perjury when he swore that he was 21 years and eight months; for which he could have been indicted in a civil court, tried and punished. Duthie told an officer now on duty at Gov ernor's Island, that he enlisted in the army without the consent and knowledge of his pa rents, because he became involved with a wo man and did not wish his , parents to know where he was. The allegation that his money was taken away from him; after enlistment, is entirely false. The citizen clothes of a recruit, after enlistment, are not allowed to be worn, but he is permitted to send them home by express, or to sell them to one of three bidders, for what they bring, The uniform in which a recruit is dressed is hew, clean and comfortable, never worn before. Every facility is offered the recruit to write to his friends, and he is permitted the free use of the Library and Read ing Room, when not on duty. The allegation that the treatment of this man at Governor’s Island, caused his death, “that he was murdered by inches,” &c., is as false as it-is brutal f and the name of-the Epis- . copalian clergyman is demanded from the com munity in which he resides, in order that his true character may be exposed, and 'that he may no'longer dishonor the sanctity of the cloth which lie wears, or impose upon the people with whom he is thrown in contact. The man Duthie was neverV a prisoner at Governor’s Island. His quarters were as clean and comfortable as they can possibly be made, and ho was allowed every liberty consistent with his position as a soldier. No, hardships were required of him. The police duty re quired ofrecruits is very light, and cannot hurt a child. The climate is unusually healthy, and the food is plentiful, wholesome and cleanly. In answer to the third question, why Duthie was not treated as a gentleman’s son, it is re plied that no distinction is permitted by the Rules and Regulations of the Government of the Army of the United States, in their treat ment of enlisted men,on account of their bir th, except S 6 far'as their good conduct may war rant. In the latter case, where a soldier shows himself a good man, intelligent, sober dnd re liable, there is no person more prompt to ap preciate and foster such points of character, and who will more immediately reward them, than the officer who commands him. In regard to new Recruits being left to the tender mercy of Sergeants and Corporals, and no restraint being placed over the vulgar tyranny of men, it is answered that such treat ment has no existence, except in the mind of the Episcopal Clergyman. Recruits are treated kindly, gently; firmly and consistently, and no tyranny nor cruelty is permitted in any case. A Nop-commissioned. Officer who would dare to cruelly treat a recruit, would lose his position at once, And be severely punished. ... It is hoped that the above will increase the “ civic intelligence ” of the writer of the false . letter, so iis to enable him to comprehend that —thith isstfonger than?fiction,'’ and that it may expand his morality so that hereafter he may nottransgress the ninth commandment, which says “ Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” , A Commissioned Officer of the Army. —A singular illustration of hereditary talent for music has just been furnished at the Paris Conservatoire, where the first prize for sing ing, for opera and opera comique has fallen 1o Mile. Blanche Tliibault; her sister, Mile. GabrieTle, being also one of the lour eats. These voung-ladies, who last-year-obtained prizes . for pianoforte playing, and are good practical musicians, are the daughters of the chief of the band of the National Guard; ono of the most popular artists in Paris, ; CITV BDIitEWS. • —The Republican Invincibies inaugurated ' i lie campaign by a large meeting at Concert iiall.last -evening,, Alexander P. Cojesbury i>|esided, with the following Vice Presidents, M eorge Truman, Jr., Lewis Wain inmtb. •itiseph K. McCammon. William ; D.\ Qemmm, Robert L. Codine, Benjainin Huckel,E. l£. U. Kj aley, Charles S. Greene, Charles, C v Lister .»i-d Charles IDarragb. I arkius, Benjamin Taylw, H. M.Jteading^nd _pi,ipps. ITon-A._W.-Henszey_presented , lie resolutions,, which endorse the National and State Administrations,and add:, ~ „ < *• Bdolvei, That ;wet heartily : endorse ■ the. i Gaidar nominees of the Republican party Tor dougressiohal, Legislative, Judicial, city and county offices, and we hereby pledge the en dorsement. of the Republican Invincibies of rliiladelphia to secure'their electwa.”- • ! I Hon. R. Stockett Matthews was then intro duced. He addressed himself to a_ review of the Democratic party, whose audacity is only . xcelled by its vitality. Always persistently wrong, it still has the:liardibood to lift up : tbe eld tattered banner, with the old worn-out cries emblazoned on it. Ten years ago the party was as blind to the great issue before the country as Balaam was when the angel stood ill his-, path. Ignoring ■ the Constitution:, and the Declaration of Independence, Or mis construing them, it became the duty of the Republican party to take the sacred instru ments from the grasp *of the, Democrats and make its immortal declarations a living reality, and all the predictions of ten years ago have been falsified,., by the present, and the ■Olive who was to wear ■ forever the chains now sits in the halls of legislation, while his master >!either an exile unfegretted or living at.liome 'in a retirement'and obscurity,: for-which death 'would he preferable* • [Applause.]He drew a contrast between the period:before the war and tlie present, to '- indicate that.-the war inaugu rated by the South, and encouraged by the Dembcratr and' opposed by: the-Republican party,, accomplished: ,all the great: things which now mark; the progress of the nation. He closed with a promise that the Republican party intended to pay off the National debt and make the land teem with industrial instl-r -tdtions,-an(Lgive-:to.:the„ .entire_. coiiHtry^laws^ wddcbcan be enforced in every section, gnd -will control the commerce of the world. ■ - : —The Board of City Trusts met yesterday afternoon: The different committees-reported that matters are progressing favorably in all of the. departments. The new row of houses at Sixth and Brown streets is beinj rapidly finished, being already under roof. Tlie work of altering the three houses on Chestnut street, bblow Twelfth, into stores, is being pushed forward with alacrity, and they will be ready fOr occupation before the close of the year. The boys at Girard college have resumed their .-indies, aftera two months’ vacation; Military: training lias.been adopted as one, of thp regular exercises of the institution, and the battalion uf cadets is how fully organized and'provided .yitli small, light muskets. A : band has been (irganized among the, pupils which Is already exhibiting signs of .efficiency. The pavipg of Water street with Belgian blocks Is suspended until next spring, owing tb the lateness Of the' Reason. - The Board has authorized a new survey and assessment of, the valuable lands of T ie Girard estate in Schuylkill andColutnbia counties, and also of the lands ih Centre cpttntyj ilequeathed to the city by the late Elias Bou d’.not. : ! -rilenry and .lohn Monaghan were arraigned before • Recorder Given, yesterday afternoon, charged with a conspiracy to kill James Tliackara, and were each held in $1,500 bail to keep the peace until the next term of the: Court, ' The affidavit made by Mr. Thackara Sets forth that on the 23d of December, 1868, l;e-was attacked, while seated hr a car at the i’altunore Depot, by defendants, and James: ilonaghan. The latter shot at him while the! Other two beat him. Again, on the night of tlie 2Sth of August last, James Monaghan sliot him iu the hip, at Bonnell’s saloon, on South Ninth street. Yesterday Jam.es. Monaghan bad a further hearing before Alderman Smith, in ’ connection with the recent occurrence, and was held in $2,000 bail to answer. —Sergeant Charles Douglass,of the Sixteenth Police District, has been presented.by the offi cers of the Sixth District, where he had been acting for some time,with a beautiful pearl han dle, gold-mounted revolver,with silver-mounted barrel, as an evidence of tbeir respect for him as an officer. —The will of James R. Greaves, admitted to probate yesterday, contains the following be quests : To the Pennsylvania Hospital, $1,000; the Friends’ Asylum for the, Insane, at Frank ford, $1,000; the Boarding School at Westtown, Chester county, $1,000., —Agame of baseball between the Athletic Club, of this city, and the Olympic Club, of Washington, played yesterday, resulted in favor of tbe former by a score of 30 to 4.. —A new Masonic lodge—St, Paul’s Lodge, So. 481—w as constituted yesterday. NEW JERSEY MATTEKS. The Temperance Cause; —The cause of temperance—begins- -to~be L Agitated; and its fi iends and advocates say that they are deter mined, to,, work more zealously than ever'to secure the passage of a law by the next Legist lature giving the people the; right to decide by ballot in reference to the: granting of licenses to keep inns and taverns in the townships and wards. Ameeting is to beheld on theevening of the ,20th inst., in the Broadway Methodist (episcopal Church, as a preliminary step,in this movement. , It will be addressed by S’ranklin S. Mills, of Trenton,, and other able advocates of the temperance'cause. ‘ ! A New. Church.—A lot of ground beep lurchased at the corner, of Fifth and, Penn .1 reels, for the purpose of erecting a n 6 w edir ice for the congregation Of the First Presby oi ian Church. The edifice will be consthicted next summer. This measure has been found necessary in consequence of the present inca pacity of the old church to'accommodate the increasing congregation. Committed. —John Searls, was before Mayor I'ox yesterday afternoon, on a charge of beat ing his wife in an atrocious manner. She -bowed decided indications of having been roughly used. Her nose was broken, her eyes i lacked, and her body bruised by blows. John was committed for trial. The Assembly. —The contest for nomina -1 ion for the Assembly in the First District, is i '('coining quite warm among aspirants of both parties. Four or five Democrats are after it, avid about an equal number of Republicans. The conventions, to fix upon a candidate,how ever, will be held in a few weeks. Opening the Campaign. —The Demo crats inaugurate the campaign by holding the first meeting on Saturday evening next, at Mount Ephriam. Hon. John Hood and John H. Jones., Esq., will speak. - 'Another Wife Clarke, residing at Second and'Mickle streets, has been committed iorjbeating his wife.’ He was also required to 'give $5OO bonds 1 to keep tho peace. A* stwsa CoMrm's C r li>o % p«S(co»t\ng sum i _ I ,001/>B*D 050 lbB. ,0f Lead, I 1/‘ t nalnt a* m u C» ft? particulars, polo fl.tu Iti, Jjn PHILADE : ' Asix£R>s bAiiroiivo ao aoiTm ir, I i : S. W. Gor. Twelfth and Chestnut, ; ' “(knirance on Twelfth street.) .... All Iho Now and Fashionable Banco® Taught. Ladles and Gentlemon-rMondfty. Taeeday,-Thursday 1 mid Friday Kvehihgs.'" _ ?i ' * • . I i Mieses and Masters—'Tuesday and Saturday Aftor- I noona. ' “ ’ ’ , I Geiitlemon Only~Baturdny Evening., ... I Private lessons* kingly or in-clofißf at any hour to suit I convenience. *°r‘. {■ ■/- ?-;v .i>\ I—For terma, CirculftMt- applyor, address PROF. A SHER t ftttho Academy. • 8612«3mS /IIHESTETJT STREET THEATRE. ■V ' LOWE GBANrBKOPKNt^ nnBO,:B * r; '' One week only; commencing MONDAY EVENING* Sept. 19. and every evening* and- Saturday Matinee. . • V EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION, : ?;; ‘ WIDL tAMTIUR'AOE £. ■£" And the chtmhing coniiriedlcdne' ATjICR'DUNNING , flineardh Miss 'Dicky»Hnganl,Mr. Goo. 0. Bonl • face, Mr. F. 0. Morrison, Mr. 8.. Duantag, And the entire famona Llngard Comedy Company, sup ported by a suporbOroheatraandauxUiarioß, who will make their only afcptoarance lnthis citwin ft new and de lightfully sKETOHjfs 1110 . And hi. romarkably Vlv Id.picturda of thd-dlatlriguUliod mdu of the ago, in his Unonudled BtiitooBong«. Sale of Reserved Seats will commonco Friday. Poet. 16, nt:W. H. Boner & Co.’fl Music Store, 1102 Ohoatnut .t. Scale of Priced.—Ordbcstra Stalls, 81; Hectfreid Seats in Orchoßtra t’irolc. @1: Admission to Orchestra flircle, 760.; Orchestra Chairs, 91 26; Dross Circle, 60o:s Family, Circle,aid.; Private Boxes, holding 7 persons,9)o. Bolstf YNARL GAERTNER’S NATIONAL,; CON- Aj/ SERVATORY ORCHESTRA will .«lvo, durlng. the sotison or 1870-71, Fotir Grand Concerts at tho Aca demy of Music, There will also be given’Ten'Botries of Classical Chomhet Music in the large n>6m of the National Conservatory of Music. . ~i; . i, . This,Orchestra'ofTers its Borvicos to the ,public for cohcotts,-Operatic and dramatic performances, ■ com monenmontai-&c,»•;&c.;i j nlso, in- private- soirees tor boxob, nonettes', ottettes, eextottoß,qilintettOß, qpartotyOß* tojios al Knßagcmentii received htthe tfllCe, Sontheast corner TENTHund WALNUTstroets. . i. ' . Jnhscription lists, at the tnusio stores. and at the ce v ' . .... .... : ■..it..’,:. .. TSTALiNUT BTIiBET THEATRE.,, • W , this (THVbsday) evening, sept, is, .. Second Weeh omeemh.ehturtU.o. sT _ Shaitspeare’sTragody.hiAApmiOf 0THELt0......................^...^-Mit;EDWINF6BBEBT FRIDAY-MB, FOBBfIsT tie PACK CADE. ; ; MATINEE ON BATUKDAY AFTERNOON, at 2. UNCLE TOM’S CABIN. , • SATUKDAY NIGnT-Complimontarrßonoflt to T ' MU. ALBERT OASSEDY. ' -|\!/rES. JOHN DREW’S ARCH STREET ill THEATRE; ' . . ' Pwlnp «to 8. MONDAY AND EVERY EVENING,. } , ’ FIBST PBODUOTION IN THIS OITY OF ■ The powerful piny , l;j-Yictorien Siirdnu, entitled—— I - ■ “FEBNANDE.” • ’-■■■• ( w ' 1 • By MRBi JOHN-DREW* •!. . '-pu, ;, ,-:;-~u -_jand:thoEull Companyu, i ;iwr-w:^u:r. . SEATS SEOUBED SIX' DAYS IN ADVANCE. ’ Box Office open from 9to 3. - • , • mO U P LA! ril OLD DAN BICE ‘ ' WITH HIS OWN GBEAT CIRCUS. ' Trick Horse AMPLICATION and ASIATIC ANI MAL SPECTACLE will exhibit: _ I Lot EIGHTH Street, between Race and Vino, MONDAY, TUESDAY amt WEDNESDAY, September i . ■ . 12, 13 and 14, ■i ; | , Lot corner BKItKSMdPbUBTH Streets, THU BSD AY. September 15. On the KEYSTONE SKATING PARK, 1 OLD 80UTHWABK. FBIDAY, Septeniber 16: , : ' - Lot corner THIBTY-SDCTH nbd MARKET, i WEST PHILADELPHIA. ! BATURDAY, September IJ. ■ Performance everjr AFTERNOONAud poors open Ut 2.and 7 o’clock; .Admission.,' GO cents; chi I dren underten years, 26c»ntfl. r ->•. 8059t3 XTEWHIhEVEKT H -STrO PEBA.HOUSB,- IN Eleventh Street.abovbOhestnUt.; ' ; ' 1 , OPEN EVERY NIGHT. u; ! THE FAMILY RESORT. . ‘ Established 1862. ' ’ ' CABNCROBSI& DIXEY’S - The Great Star of the World ‘in their Grand ElbiopinnSoirees. .. Box bffleo open from 10 to 1 o clock. m . , B. F. SIMPSON, Treasnreru; CARNCROSS. Manager. , au3l til A ECH STREET OPEBA. 110 OSE, pi Arch StreatvAbovo Tenth. THE PALACE OF MINSTRELSY. SIMMONS & SLOCUM’S iMINSTRELS. : vT-v. THE CHAMPION TROUPE OF AMEBIC A. ■ OPEN FOB-THE SEASON. With the best Minstrel organization in thaworld. * Box Office open from 9A. M to 4 the sale of Reserved , : ■■ se!2-6t FOX’S AMERICAN .THEATRE. r Novelty and Talent Every Night. ; . t - GREAT CONGRESS OF. . , ! THE BEAUTIFUL BLONDES. . Witnessed with raptnroua applause. • • • GREAT ETHIOPIAN COMPANY. , 4 Two Grand Ballets. New Burlesqaes, Now Negro Acts, 807-tf Comic Afterpiece, Ac. SPECIAE NOTICES; IP'S* THE GBEATEST NOVELTY" OF iKiy theOßeiß tho' Hess'.Self-Watkrino Fiowf.r Casket, for holdingHfttnral flowers, now on okJiiol' ti]on at toeJßorticultaral Fair, ‘Manufactured.anfl eola by the inventor, r JOHN M. HESS, ;sel43t* 122 C Colrunbianvemie. GOVERNMENI SALE Revenue cutter at public auc tion. There -will he oftered.for sale at Public Auc tion, at Henderson’s Wharf, Fell’s Point, Bal timore, oh WEDNESDAY, the 12th day, of October, 1870, at 12 o’clock M., the REVE NUE CUTTER THOMPSON, centre-hoard and coppered, about 65 tons O. M. ; is well found in anchors, chains, standing and run ning ringing, one boat, &c. Ah inventory of ail the articles to be sold with the vessel can be seen oh board the vessel, at Henderson’s Wharf, until the day of sale. : Terms Cash. ' , ' By order of the ' Secretarv oi the,Treasury, JOHN L. THOMAS, Jr., sel2-m w f-124 ;, , pollectpr\of,Customs. BUSINESS <?AKPS. TOSEPH rWAXiTONi & CO., , CABINET MAKERS, j HO. 413 WALNOT STREET. . 1 Matinfactnrers of jQiid IntnUflie and of Eiealam priced oTh»A&6 MAP> TO ORDER. 1 Counters, peak-work, Sc., for Banka, Offices an< Stores, made to order,: £, Epft WALI W IJOS. W. LIPPINOOTT, JOSEPH B. 800TT j AMES It WILSON, HOUSE PAINTER, 618 SOXJtIh NINTH STREET, Residence—622 South Ninth street. . ap3oly4pj E. B ' , JominlßSlonerbfDeedsfortlw State of Pennsylvania 1 ■M Madbon afreet- No*!!, OhlcdflQ, Illlnolß. aoUttl ITEHKV I'IUMiIPJ?!, i ; OABPENTEB AND BUILDEB, NO. 1024 SANSOM STREET, PHIBADKBEHIA. JelO-lyrp COTTON SAIL DTTOK OF EVEBTi width, from22lnched to74lnchesw'lde.aUnumber! I'ent andAwnina Book, Sail twine. &o. -j j JOHN W. BVBBMAHi -■ No iOd Ohnroh street Olty Stores. £tBTATE~OF IiLIiKB'ETIT - VANDB, J GBIFT, deceased,—letters of administration upon the Estate of ELIZABETH VANDKGRIFT, do ceased b&ving' beon granted to; the; undersigned* all persona indebted to said estate are requested to make South Fifteenth street. Administrator; Or to his Attor ney, WM'.W. JUVENAL. 426 Library Btroot. aul9-f6t ‘TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE JL City and County of Philadelphia.—Tn tlio Matter of the Partition of the Beal Estate of GEORGE W. VANSTAVROJN, deceased, devised to the heirs of MART ABB HAINES, deceased. To If RE DEItIOK B. HONEY, and all other persons intorosted in said estate. Take notice, that qd the wi of September, a.D. 1870, the roturn.of the Sheriff and the Jury of Inquest hold upon the above estate on tho 2u instant, having been filed in.court, and samo day a petition having been presented, rend und filed.' On motion of A.L,"HISN* NKItBHOTZ, Esq , Solicitor-for the Petitioners, the 1 Court granted a rule on nil the heirß and other persons interested in said estate, citing them and oach of them, to be and appear before tho Judges of tho said Orphans s Court, to he held at Philadelphia, ou SATURDAY, tho 24th day of September, A. D. 1870, at 10 o’clock. A. M , then and there to show cause why i tho aforesaid inquisi tion should not bo confirmed, By the Court : ALrnED j PonTIN Boouty. Clerk 0.0, S&9J2l* Estate ojt rebeooa b. chapman, Deceased.—Bettors of Administration upon the Estate of REBEOOA Bv OHAFMANi deceased, having been granted to the undersigned Executors, all persons being indebted to the same 'will make payment, and ,tbo6o having claims - No. 208 South N 0.725 Walnutstreet, Philadelphia, BCIO B 6t§ Estate of Caroline oeoss, de- I coascd.— Lotters tostatnentary upon the estate of CAROLINE GROSS,deceased, ’having boon granted to the ndtlersignddi ulhpflraonß indebted to said estato are requested to make payment, and those having , claims ■will present thona to. HENRY. MEYER, .Executor; Or his attorney,' JOHN, 'A. BICKEL, 128 Souths Sixth St r00t..-I. -; ! ■ -1 1 : ■. ■, - - ■ - ftu3l-W llt| 1 v xjlCE.—22 CASKS STRICTLY PRIME 111 Charleston Rico landing and for sale byEDW.tt, ROWLEY, 16 Booth Front street. g| WEaTPHILAUELPHIA. fig T fOR .SALE pR TJD'RENT, /: ,-m Handsome Browiistoiae . Man Sari Ifyof! I; ; Kosltiencen, -i.., - 4114 OctobeplOth. • , ' «WSfruoeStrv«-Immedl^P S .lon ißO . . ; , Be6-tu th eimS l£ South Front atrttot;** tfSr“FTJ]ft SAL£J-A ; , Jb'iyKm6H)fiD> OK gjjjll unfurnished hou b o,: in ■ Upper* [ Uo Ijhncy l'lkce, | iuUy popered, painted and furnißhoa. #¥ ’ ’ | • l . -d T G. r Hi Myll£l^ElDy , ' FCl3'4ti* fa.. : ,■ '■ aifSQPtllßlXtUßtrWt^- fsa' FOR SALE—A HANDSOME THREE- EiliLetory brick dwelling, with three-story back build* inis anil lot of ground, on the weßtelde of Twonty-nrst street, between Wfelnnt and Snnsom etroota. Apply to tjelO.Ct’' 1 A. B. CARVER* CO., Southwest correr Ninth and Filbert sts. (gb FOR SAL E—-ELKGANT RBSI- BlIyL donco, No. 14J8 Walnut street. Apply t00.H.& 11JP. MUIIiUEID. No. 205 S. Sixth Btroot. sel2-10t§ |p FOR SALE OR RENT—24O SOUTH SBiiii-Eifihfh four‘story Residence, •with dutible buck buildings ;16 rooms i will bo sold a bar* guj»; South Droadßiroet.tgelS th a tost* 4®h MARBLE TERRACE—FOR SALE. plul.' Houßeand Left, No. 5248 Chestnut strtot. Lot IS by 120 feet. Building 4 storied front and hack, with white marble front and Mansard roof; spacious rooms end stairways;,finished In tho most modern and ap pro.od stylo;'itndoirinVmnd drainagbyheatiug and cook ing arrangements complete; soapstone waali-tubs Jn kitchon, nnd'speaking tubes to all parts of house. 1 . Also for sale, house and lot. No. 3332 Chestnut streot. For particulars apply to RAND, PERKINS & 00., J 24 North Sixth street. ees iff mFOR SALE.—A VERY VALUABLE HOUSE and LOT at tho N.W. corner of Fbrty eetond stroet and Kingsessing avenue. House built of brown stone, throe stories, containing IGroums, and finished in the best and most substantial manner, with all the modem improvements—one of tho niOßt desirable houses In West Philadelphia. Property should bo seen to bo appreciated. Persons, wishing to know the terms’and exanuno thojproperty can do bo by calling on JAMES M. SELLERS, until 3>g P. M. at 144 South Sixth Street, and in the evening at 1500 South Forty-second street.; •., ; , ■an23 if m GERMANTOWN—FOR SALK A 'lyiSt Handsome Modern Residence with extra conveni ences and in excellent ordcr.'sttuato on High stroet, cast of Main street. Has ; stable and carriage-house.hot house, fine eprmg,and.lorge Ipt, 380Je.et,front by 190 feet deep, elegantly, shaded with forest trees and everereotiS choice sbrhbbery, *c. J. M,. GUMMEY & SONS, 733 Walnut street. ... - - - tfP| FOR SALE—EDGE WATER—BEAU- Mitil tifully located oh the Delaware—Modern Country ReßidencotnOw'), and largo lot of ground. Ensy of‘ac cess by river or rail. high ground. House; fin ished in the most complete style, Bath, hot and.cold water, range, heater, &c., Ac. Will besold low. FRED. SYLVESTER, 208 South Fourth street. ' se!2 tf§ -4Sa__FCR,.i..BALE-eG:REEN. STREET— jaUc Tho handsome residence, marble, first story ; £0 (Vet front, with Hide yard, anil lot 157 feet dfeep through to'Prandy wine street. No. 1518. -i * ~No. 1021CEINTON8TREET—Thrco-story‘dwollingr with throe-atory double back buildings. Lot 20x115 feet tO CHESTNDT STREET—Handsome four-story reel denco, with largo threo-story back buildings. Lot2S feet front by 235 feet deep, toßansom street. Situate west of Eighteenth street. •• _ „ _ WEST LOGAN SQUARE.—FOR SALE—The •handsomefour-story brown etobe residence,24 feet front, and baviDg three-siory double back buildings; situate No. 246 West Logan Square. In perfect order. - J. M. GUMMEY At SONS, 733 Walnut Btroet. ®NEWBROWN STONE HOUSES, NOS.- 2008 AND 2010 SPRUCE STREET : VLSO, NO. 2116. WALNUT STREET, FOB 'ALE, FINISHED IN WALNUT IN THE-MOST. SUPERIOR MANNER. AND WITH EVERT MODERN CONVENIENCE. E. 11. WABREN, 2014 SPRUCE STREET. APPLY BETWEEN 2 AND, O’CLOCK P. M. mli2Btf CIOR SALEt-BUILBINGLOTS-A vert 1; desirable Lot of Ground, west side of North hiiromi-streetr6Qx2o(Heet-decp-toGarliate-Btreet—A~iargfr l. l. northeast corner Sixth and Dickerson streets, 128 feet on Sixth street by 90 foet deep. A lot south sido Lo cust stroet. west si&eof Twenty-firstureot,s4xloo foot I <l*>cd. A large lot'on Washington avenue, 415x288 feet - ctp. Apply to COPPUOK A,JORDAN, 433 Walnut | street. eOED -EST ABE ISH ED BOARDING HOUSE FOR RENT, No. 247 South Fourth street, containing about twenty five roonjs: ■ » - lmmcdjate.poßsesßlon- T . . eelO s lu th 4t* JACOB M. ELLIS. a TO RENT—fTHE FOUR-STORY Brick 1 Dwelling, with back buildings, No. 2040 Arch street, with all the modern conveniences, library, l ath ro/tm, water closets, stationery wash stands, hot and cold water, *&c., with numerous fine closets through the bouse; immediate possession given; JOHN B. ( OLAHANv624 Walnut street. selO-s tn th3t» fp TO RENT—FURNISHED HOUSE Hila No* 1807 Walnut street, opposite Rittenbouso “nuaro. Apply to ' J. PARKER NORRIS, pt*l3 Gt* No. 224 South Delaware avenue. eTO RENT—TO A FAMILY WTTH out children, a furnfhhpd house, No. 2034 Ch“stuut street.i Addreßß A. S. ROBERTS, No. 314>£ Walnut street. . BSI2 6t» gs* TO RENT, FURNISHED—A HAND- Country Re»idence>-Manlieim-Btroet, -Gcr-- ‘namtown, with every improvement.. Fine stable and four acres of ground, in excellent order. Also, a desi rable Country Residence. Thorp’B lane,third bouse from 'Duy’slane, Germantown, with 2H acres of ground, stable, Ac. Will be rented reasonable. Apply to COP : FUCK A JORDAN, 433 Walnut street. jm FOE RENT—THE VERY DESIRA HHJ DLE four-fitory brick 'Store. situate No. 322Mar ket'street. J, M. GUMMEY & SONS, No. 733 Walnut SF O R RENT—THREE LARUE wMI-llghtod Rooms. In the npper portion of build ing Bituate 8. W. corner of Chestnut and Eleventh at rente, enitablo for manufacturing! will bo rented sepa rately-!)? together. J. M. GUMMEIfii 80NS,733Walnut street. fin) FOR RENT—LARGE DOTTBLB EM. Store Property, southwest cor. Market and Sixth atreetß, J..M. GUMMEY A SONS, 733 Walnut at. ffj) TO LET —BEOOND-BTORY FRONT El Room, 321 Obpatnut street, about 20 x 28 feet.j o^O Orlight kan BROTHER? TGRENT— THE SECOND-STORY ROOM “if No. 42 South Third street—being pleasant and well-ventilated, with all the conveyances of the water. Inauire of the first floor, or No. 18 North Fourth Btreei." an 27. s tu th tf| /XBEEBE & MoOOLLHM, REAL ESTATE li . ■ AGENTS. Offico, Jackson street, opposite Mansion street, Cap. Island,, N. J. BoaJ Estate bought and sold. Persons lestrous of renting cottageSdnring the season will BPIU rr address aa above, . Bfcspectfnlly ifefet to Ohas.A; Rnbioam, Henry Btisua, 'Francis Mcllvain, Angustu Merino John DavlFsniff W.W Juvenal : ■ . fea-nl FOUITJCAI, NOTICES. GRAND OPENING OF THE CAM PAIGN OF 1870 BY THE REPUBLICAN INVINCIBLES OF PHILA- DELPHIA THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, FIUDAY EVENING, Sept. 16, at 8 o'clock, HON. HENRY WILBON, of Massachusetts, will address the young men of Pinla dulphiu. Parquet and ramuot Circle rcsorved fofUeu tlcmen with Ladles „ . , . ■ . . . By order of tho EXocutlveOomimttpo. EZRA LUICENS, President. 11. O. Hawkins, Secretary. . ■ Tickets of admission can he had free, at COULD a ,923 Chestnut Btreet; Bulletin Oilicc, WORTHING TON'S, opposite tho Post-office, and at the Union League. eel3-tn th f ATTOKiyEY’S-AT^LAW FRED. FAIRTIIOBNE. THEO. D. BAND piAIRTHORNE & RAND, I . LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICE. ! N 6.17 South Third Htreet, Philadelphia. Drafts and notos negotiable collected. ..... , ] 1®- Prompt attention given to claimß of all. kinds in the city of Philadelphia, and throughout the Unitod Slates and Canadas. Affidavits and acknowledgments taken for ail tho States. . ’ . ... sol2lmg_.. (Salesman, wanted in a dry O Goods Commlsion House, who can bring with him consignmeutß of desirable goods. : Hels-3t r Box 2815 rhiladolphla Post Office. aWANTKD TO RENT.—A HOUSE for a term of years, in Chestnut. Walnut, Locust or Hprueo streets, wost of Thirteenth street, from January 7,1871. Rent about ®1,600. Address D.K.Jy., Bulls Tiwoifice. selfi 2t wXNTED TO RENT.—A MODE- Eliirato-Blzed lioubo, in thorough rcpair r with modern conveniences, in a genteel neighborhood, witbin fifteen minutes, by car, of Fourth and Chestnut. Rent not above $BOO. Address “NO CHILDREN,” Bulletin offico. eelO-tbsa tu-3t* YY ANTED TO RENT—EOR A 'DRY ESI}) Qoodß Commission Hohab. oh or before the Ist of January noxt, a commodious store, eithor on Chestnut street,between Becond and Fourth streota,or in Bank atreet. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, 733 Walnut stroet. TbITANTED—A TjELLAB BETWEEN W Market and Walnut and Wator and Bocond Btroets.r Ayyly to COOHBAN, BUBSELL & •Oheßtitut.Btr.cot., ■>.; ; a ™ TX7ANTED— BY A YOUNG MAN, A ‘W situation as Bookkeopor or Clork. Has had Ber^oncoß^von : PIANO-FOKTEB UAKEFULLY and Tuned. Satisfaction gdar. anjood 1 ■ A , B . BEIO iiENPApH. Piano MnVer, ■■ 252 North EldVohtiißtroot, BoS lm§ . WANTSV PIANOS hTS-^SSBIISSJSaSSeIiS- I FOR YOUNG.MEN;A.N». BOYS, v. , ASBEMRLY r BUILDJUfQa, 1(8 ttouth TKNTH Btroet. h- A Primnrj7Kleni«ntaryt(iid Finliihlng School. Thorough prcroratlonfor Business or.Oollegf,. Special attention givou.to Commercial Arithmetic and : slilKinda of Buyinosn'caiceleU6U3,! • 33' /wi french and Gorman, Llnoar and Perspective Drawing, cntion. JCngll.h Composition,Natural Science. IRLD PRACTICE lirSurveylng and Civil Enginoor ing. with tho nee of all rodulaito inatriunonta, is given to tli? higher claeflwHp Slatndinatlce.i ; ;; - ■ A flist-claea Primary Haparonent.* „ i , h ■ ... The best'venHlatcdi nlort lofty! and apaclons Claas „ropme in tho city. . ~ • Open for tho reception of applicants daily rrom 10 A. ~M7tsirPrM. - 3.. . Fall term will hogin September IS. . . , , Qlrcnlars at Mr. warburton’s, No. 420 Chestnut street. ~ qul9lmS - - i RdBERT H. ÜBBERTON’3 j YOUNG ItADIES' ACADEMY, ’ 338 and 340 South FIFTEENTH Street. Next term commences September 19th. jels 4ia * VISITING governess, wtTu: an J\. experience of several yoars in the boat methods of Home Education* has now a few hours disengaged. Ad dress L. A.*ht this office. sol26t* hOTJBTLAIID SAMDEKB COL- ForxSung Men, Tbutharid Sntfiil Boys, soS-lm’i ISS A. L. CLAItK WILL RE-OPEN bor Day Scliool for Children on MONDAY. September 19th, in tho school buiiilirig of tho Church of the Holy Trinity, Nineteenth-and Walnut ate. Bo7lmt BEV. ALBERT HENRY BARNES, A. M., , will reopen his CloßHi6nl And 'Eiigllsli School, No. 923 CHESTNUT stroet, on MONDAY, Sept. 12. sol ini* MISS M. K. ASHBURNER WILL RE open her school, N. W. coruor Fifteenth and Pino streets, Sept. 12th. ART SCHOOL. 7 MOF.F. A. VAN DER WUCLEN’S EUROPEAN SCHOOL OF ART. At 1334 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia.;- This Institution* modeled .upon tho most celebrated Academics of Europe* tvdll 6th* k»u. Its instruction* oro not limited to Artists exclusively, but arc nlsiVcarofnlly. adapted to thexvanta of teachers* and all others who dosiro proficiency; in ;art as an accpm plishment. * . ' ’ '. ' ' Admission may be had at any. timo. Circulars on ap plication. _ eel I« WlBB‘ - SCHOOL : FOR JYI, Young Ladies will reopen op MONDAY* Sentem bor 19* at No. 2023 DeLaucey Place. . ,ses)2t§ MISS- JULIA GO school for little girls* No. 927 Cliuton street, will re»open September 19th. - 865-121 rn.fi E MISSES ROGERS, 1914 PINE BT., X will ireopen their School for Young Ladlosand Children on MONDAY. Sept. Sth. ~ se2l2tS IVVrARY 8. LIPPINCOTT & DAUGHTERS ±TI rtopou thuIrDOABmNG S(;HpOU,-at Mnorra. town, Burlington county, N. JNinth month. Sent. 26, .1870.■ Bwr Oircuiars npplyto B. I£. SHOEMAICKit. 2J5 N. lourth-it.; orto the Prinuipnl.- . sol 17t /Classical, mathematical and. \J English School, 1112 Market street, reopens Sept. 12. Koouis largo. 3Vlt. S. COOLEY. A. M. Tm* T~ HOMAB BALDWIN'S ENGLISH:, 1 - Mathematical and Classical School for Boys, north* east comer of Broad and Arch, will reopen September 12th; au2EHn|* THE ARCH STREET INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, 1315 Arch street, will reopen WEDNESDAY, September 14th. ’ „ , , , iiu29 lni§ L. M. BROWN. Principal. Rittenhouse academy.—n. e. Chestnut and Eighteenth, will begin its seventeenth venrSeptember 12. 1870.. Forcirculars, giving. full in formation, call at Blair* Norih-woat Chestnut and Eighteenth streets. au 15-2 w • LUCIUS BARROW*, - 3 n rinclDa u DeBENNEVILLE K, LUDWIG, ? 1 r* ncl P<“«« VSHESi'NUT STREET FEMALE BEMI NAtfY, Philodoluhia-Miss Bonhcy ind Mias DH laye, l’rincipalß.—Tho tiotnty first year of this English nud French Hoarding aud Day School will open WKD NESDAV, September 14th{at 1615 CHESTNUT street. Particulars from Circular^.. anl3 tbei G* EKMANTOWN SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADrEB, Gr6en street.sduth of Walnnt lane will reopen, Sept, 14th. J Prof. W. 8. FOItTESCUE, r A. M..Priii!!..-- - ..auaUmS . . nffM- FEWSMITH’S classical, and YV Knglieh-School* v - - 1003 Chestnut street. Re*op* ning -MONDAY* l2. Mr. A. B. Taylor's*. IOIS Cb'eatunt Straet. T HE MISSES WILSON WILL RE open their. School for Young Ladies* No. 5090 Green street, Germantown* on \VEDNESDAY* Septera* bdr 14.1870 •_ ' ; an2Q-lm^ MISS GRIFFITT’S WILL REOPEN her-pfirato school. Sepfembcr'-lStb’, in-tho ujipor rooms of tiie School Building of‘tho Church-Of tho Epiphany, Chestnut and Fifteenth 5 stilts. Entrance* upper gate on Chpstnut atreet. -Applioations received at 1126 Girard street. an. 25 to pc. 1. Germantown academy, school Lane and Green street, A thorough English aud Classical school. Besston opens Monday, Seotember sth. A few vaenneiesfor boarders in tho family of the Principal, tiend for circular.- o V MAYS au24-lm. . • [ - Principal.^ YnEOEGE. E, BARKER, A. M~ WIUL Vj re-open tils English and Claw leal School, Price street, Germantown, on MonflayttSopt. 12th. an2i Im Bkainerd institute, CRANBERRY, N. 1. „ „„„ A ‘first-class boarding scliool for bo/n. Reopens HKP TKMBEIU2,IH7O. W. S. Me* AIR, au2G-lm § Prjncipal. CENTRAL INSTITUTE, NORTHWEST cor. of Tenth and Spring Garden Streets,'will re open Sept 5. Boys prepared for Business or College. JOHN P. LAMBERTON,A. M.. Principal. an2Alnio§ TI/rIKS ANABLE’S ENGEISH 1 AND IVI French Boarding and Bay- School, No. 13&0 Pine street, willlrfiopen on WEDNESDAY,the 14th of Sept,, next. ' an 13 t bc!7§ <h-t £A A YEAR BOARD AND TUITION, cpXO Vftt Episcopal Academy, Berlin, N. J. 807-10t* m\VENT Y-SIXTH YEAB.—THE CI/ASSI- X ‘cal and English .School of O.D. Gregory* A. M.» No. 1108 Market street* will reopea Sept. 5, an22.lm , OUNG LADIES’- INSTITUTE, WITH Preparatory Department, 1131 Spruce‘Street, re opens Syjt. 14th. Principals, Mjss A. C. WEBB and Mies L. T. SCOTT. ■ Belo-.17t» rpHJB MISSES MOBDEOAI WILE KE -1 open their Day School for Young Ladies on MON- I*AY, September 19th, at 181 C Delancoy flaco. sel ltn’ e PRING GAUDBN INSTITUTE, o FOB YOUNG LADIES, ■ Nob 608 and 611 MARSHALL Btrcet, To bo reopened BEPTEMBEK 12th. np.H lmr ■ GILBERT -COMBS, A- Ml. Principal ! ATAHDJN-'SKMINARY, 1325 NORTH J\ Broa<l street—Boarding, and Day School for e i>. ;; ladiea. Miss Fannie Bean'. Principal; Miss '.t in.it* Bean, Vice Principal. Fifth. Session commences re nt. 14th; ' French, Latin, Dancing and Calisthenics ■ ■I ■ i ,ll additional charge. ~ 1 : ati!9tocl A t ISS LAIRD’S INSTITUTE .FOB .' 1 young Ladies, with Preparatory Department, No. . ! Vo'rtliSeventh street* will reopen AVedaesdny, bop-. 1 in.her 7th, 1870. aaßUm.’’ riMIE SIXTEENTH ACADEMIC YEAR 1 ..f SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, northeast corner din nth and Buttonwood streets, begins TUESDAY, I pteniher Gill. Thorough preparation for Business or . | • 1-i.u. Applications received on and after Monday, ;. , gu» t 22d. eHARLES A. WALTERS, A. M., .a u is ImS Principal.. Hallo well select high school , . l rmnNo.llO North Tenth street, will bo opened, on' bi pti-mber 12th, in the now and moro commodious build* hi os. Nos. 112 and'lll North Ninth street., Neither effort ni-r expense has been spnrod in fitting up the rooms to uiako this a first-class school pf tl>o highest grado. i a Preparatory Department connected with the school. Pit i cuts and Students are invitod to call and examine the r< oils, and consult the Principals,from 9 A. M. to 2 P. Ausuflt 16th - JOnN G A MOoBE,’m■'fl ; ’ :au!7-tf§ . . : . Principals. ripHß BEST PROVIDED SCHOOL; IN J America; Tho Scientific and Classical Institute, a school for bays and young men; Poplar and bovonteouth streets, roopens on luopday,SeptemperJ2th. Ourscuool room is Wygo and jUry, tho, finest in Philadelphia, ana our means of instruction, philosophical apparatus and cahinets Hißtory, are larger than in any other school in America. : , j JjjNNIS, A. hi t au 23-tf ' . Principal. _ MISS CABR’S SELECT BOAE.DING and Pay School for YoungLadiOß. - HILDON SEMINARY, bovoii miles from Phlladol nliliV, on tho North Ponnßylvaqin Bailroad, opposite Tho n?notoo t nth O BOBBjon will commonco 14th iMn nirrulftrß obtained lit tho OfflCO 01. JAy yOOKO « Third I,‘reofc.Thiladolphiaiorhy.rf (lreHßing tho Prinoinal, Shocmnkortown Post Offlco, Moutgomery county,Ta. i • : ? ul ? r 1 ! 10 A OADBMY OP .THE SACKED HEART, A 1334 WALNUT STIU2ET. This Institutions la mnler tho direction of the Undlea of tho Sacred Heart. Parent'll and gnardlana'aro rpsjioctfully notlllod that the orhnltUtic year i*o-opens on tho FIRST MONDAx OF SEPTBJtIfiEB; For terms* eto., apply ftt the Academy ; ne2lm*; ;• ‘‘• TlirTKB - >FAJ£¥ E. AEBTBEN AND MJBS VI MAKY'E. STEVENS YriU ro-Qpon. thotr Boarding Slid DmSchool for Young l/«dloB September Mg-Wfi N0. ; 2G Tolpo^octc e P At*'IGonnftptown. 1 Gonnftptown. • aol lots •xroUNG' TjADIES’ INSTITUTE, Y WBBT GREEN STREET, CORNER SEVEN TIiKNTH ■ , Tho duties will bo'resumed Sopt. 14. Rev. jvNnnn It. BtIPI’LEE, A.M., I'rlticlpiii. eu3l-Rn§ Northwest institute for young .Radios,formerly, locate.} IMS Thompson, ro eii to M 5 N. Broad street, will reopen WodnSsday, Bopt l4° TbeMlsSdsE°'C).'Snyder,'Hi ;A. Ivons and H. A. Albertson, Principals. au30,1m,, jATCTATtTNE -M. HHIPIiBY’ ■'WIIiII BE i^^a?^) IS;,UthMerrllikl,lC |^^ KIRffiSHO ARDING r AND. yisirmo governess r j * [r W ~ ±\ tiadPes A few more papild for English and Draw' Address A. L, H* t 1719 Pino St* sel3 tu ths-6t» Jiff ISSr-.BUFF/trM',. AND MISS WATSON LYI will reopen their Boarding and Day school for rodng ladies* No. 1409 Loonst atroot* on Wednesday Joptembcrllflt, au27 tu.th.sa.tf^ Academy s of /the protestant EPISCOPAL OUUfiOU, Locust and Juniper will open on MONDAY, Soptombor Bth. Application may bo made during tho preceding woelc bo Ween 10 itogls l-.iL.'. ;■ . MgadMtator. anl6 tu.thi /NHEGARAY INSTITUTE, —ENGLISH V/and FRENCH, for roundLadloaand Mlaaea,board - Inrimid dar pupila, Nos. 1527 and 1529 Bpruoo street, ■Philadelphia, Fa., will p J KF.OPEN ON TUESDAY, September 20. French lithe languAgoof the family, andlsconstantlr apdkou in tho Institute. ' ■ jelQ-th a tu-OmC MADAME D'HERVIDDY, Principal. •jUfISS STOICES WILL REOPEN HER XiJL School, 4707 Oottage Row, Main etreot, German town, Wednesday, September 14. an24-24tS aToADEMY OF NOTRE DAME, JCX. Ninoteepth, below Walqnt stroet.—Terms— Dar Scholprsi 920 to 940 per session; Boarders—Board hnd . y Tuition. 8250 per annum. ’ ~ r •'se2‘s tu thMti “ Mil. CHARLES H, JARVIS HAS RE sumcd instruction sin Pianoand Thorough. Bass. Botldence, 131 N. Nineteenth at., ab. Arob. sels IBt| fTiHE PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL OF _L MUSIC AND ART, 1203 Chestnut street. For pupils in class or private. Ringing—Prof. PAOLO GIOIiZA (from the Conserva tory of Milan). Piano, Organ Harnmny—H. A. OLARKE, Orchestral Department—CAßL PLAIGKMANN. Laiiguagirfl inid Ark Department—Prof. If ABEL tu Sitfnorlna NINA MAStiA. Elocution-Prof and Mm. SHOEMAKER. Arc., Arc. Circulars at Music Stores. soMtSocltli a llt| ■PHILADELPHIA MU3IO AL XCA- X DEMY. Books aro now open for tho reception of Pupils for tho uew quarter, beginning September 6tb. Those do siring to become student* wilk please apply at the Office, ’ '■ •••, ... K0..1228 6rnCCE STREET.. INSTRUCTORS. DEPARTMENT for Studyof tlio PIANO FOBTEt-. v JOHN E. HIMMELBBAOH, BIOIIARD ZECKWER, RDDODPH HENNIG, EMID HASTED) •; : Ensemble Performance. Violins Violoncello. Ac., witu Piano—WEtlZEL “KOPTA ANIh RUDOLPH HRS- - ORGAN, likewise Parlor Organ. Cabinet Organ and MaIodeon—RICHARD.ZECKWER, Violin—WF.N/.EL KOPTA. Violoncello—RUDOLPH lIF,NNIG. Vocal Music—EMlD GASTEDr - -• ■ Theory—JOHN F. HIMMEDBBAOH. .. _ . PRIMARY DEPARTMENT FOB PIANO-FORTE -MISS NEI.ME RV WATER. ... ■> Flute-EDWARDKOCHr— 7 v Cornet—CAßL PDAGEMANN. , , _... Other—Orchestral .Instruments, .Elocution,. French, Italian and Oerman taught by cxperieuced instructors. TERMS: -MalirEepa'rlmehtwSlfrWiier^uarter^payabltranyad^:, vaiite. , Primary Department. 87 50 per quarter, payable tn advance. Circulars at the Music Stores. . Proprietors nnd Directors : seU-tu tii sat JOHN E. IUMMELSBACn, RUDOLPH HENtfIC. CARL GAERTNER’B NATIONAL CON SERVATORY OF MUSIC, southeast corner of Tenth atid Walnut Htieotß, U now open for' tho Fourth fceafcon for the reception of pupil#. Instruction is given by n-sthffnf Ihebest Professors In lll the follow* ink branch*,*f»: Yocnl Mmdc, Piano, Violin, Viola, Vlo* -loßcVllo.Contra Ba«a, Theory of HarmonY, GrandOr ftn (or Church Organ), Cabluet Organ, Mobdeou, lute. Clarionet. Oboe, Bassoon, Horn. Cornet, Trom iMjmi.lJnrp. Guitar. Ac., 4c..and in the Italian,Gorman, French and Spanish Language*. For particularssen circulars, to bo had at the office of the Conservatory and In tho Music S The*'director or tho Conservatory takes this oppor tunity to cr press his alncero gratification aktbasucceM fms attended hla efforts to establish this Instltu tl<>irin'Phlladelpbia oira'pcrmanent "basis and with tho piVjßpect of continued prosperity. He would likewise declare hU gratitude to the many kitui iriemls among tho students and elsewhere, w Lose interest in the causeof thorough instruction in the art and science of music bos assisted, 80 materially infringing the Conservatory to it* present stiteof uw- He can only promise In return that his devotion to the object, of raising the institution, under his <;ftre to a high • phu t? aniongThe great mu sfe'sebeots rtf tntr world spall Le, ab it lioa been, the controlling the Con-; MTvntory. CARD GAEJITNEB. ftel£*lni§ - Director and. Proprietor; QIUNOK ALKREdT>ITaRII.T, PITH)L O of Mr. Carl Wylfsohn, nmiounce# to the public, that Ik will give Lesions on Piano, commencing, Hept. 35th. Apply to bU nffiev, Chestnut; street. ;third floor; from 9 lo'l2 un lock, A. M.. everyiday. Circular-i atal|mu#.irstor«j#* - ' . .' seluetV ; . SIG, P. .UOKDXNELLAj OF 'Slneing. 3*rlvate lessons aud classes. Beaidenco, 608 R. Thirteenth street. . Circulars al au3l,lm* BA L LAD SIHG IMG—ENGLISH, French and Italian. PROF. T. BISHOP, 33 £ouih: Nineteenth strset. au27,ly§ ALFRED KELLEHEK WILL __,,__ «ivfi irisiructlon in SINGING and 11AB* UONY Tfcrm commf ncf‘3 KeptPtriberftth. For particu lars apply at hie addr***, 1325 Vine street, or.at Boner AiOo/s Moalo Store, llWChestn'totatreot: an 23 3jn 1“ t S^]LES. agSIGKEE'S SALE.—JAM ES A. Freeman, Auctioneer. On Wednesday, Septem ber 21, 1870, at 12 o’clock, noon* will be Bold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the.following de scribed real estate : Business location, Four-storr Brick Store and Dwelling. No. 260 North Eleventh street. AH that valuable tonr-fctory brick raossuago and lot of ground, situate on the West aide ef Eleventh street, 65 feet south or Vine street. No. 260 ; containing iii front on ElereDth street 13 feet, amf extending in ddpth 53 feet ton 3-feet'Wide alley leading in Graeff street. The house containing 8 rooms, also bath-room and store-room. „ Tennti—B3.7so may remain on mortgage. Bouts for §720 per annum. Possession In 30 days. sS'2OO to be paid at the time of sale. ' Two-amba-hnlf story Brick Dwelling, No. 1213 Mont eery street. Tenth Ward, south of Vine, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, with a two-story brick dwelling in therearon Strothers street. AU that lot of ground and improvements thereon erected, situate on tile north aide of Monterey street, IOT feet wpst’ or Twelfth street; containingin front on Monterey street 16fe*t,and extending in depth Wfl feet, to a2O feet wide street called Strothers street. The improvements are a brick, dwelling, with 2-story back buildings. No. 1218 Monterey street; containing. 8 rooms ; sps throughout. Also, a 2 story brick dwelling, containing 4 rooms, on the rear of the above lot,boinirNo. 1213 'Struthers street. Possession in 30 days. ■ The two rent for 8650 per annum. Terms—B2,3oo may remain on mortgage. BG?” §2OO to be paid at the time of salo. | By order of Assignee. ' JAMES A. FKEKMAN, Auctioneer, , gel 816 Store 422 Walnut street. m ORPHANS’ COIT ALH—ESTATE of George Perkonplne, deceased.—James A. Free* mßn, Auctioneer.-"Three-Btory- brlck dwelling. N0;823 NT Fourthstreet, with athree-Htory brick cooper shop iq the rear. Under authority of the Orphans* Court for tile city and county of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, September 21, 1370, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the fol lowing described real estate, late tho property of George Perkenpine , deceased. All that certain three story brick messuage with two-story brick back buildings, and three-story brick cooper-shop on the rear, and lot of ground on the cast side of Fourth street, between Brown and Poplar streets, in the Sixteenth’Ward of the city; containingin front on Fourth street 20 feet, : and in depth 70 feet 9 inches; * .• • ‘ ? BlOO to be paid nt the tlmo of salo. i iis s e p«»I b ' JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, Bo]-B !&;• ■ ■ ■ Store. 422 Walnut stTeet/ '% PXT B I»I O BAR E. JAMES A. BHiL. Freeman, Auctioneer. Woll secured Ground Kent \of $3O per annum. On Wednesday; Bcpt;2li 1870, at 12, \)’clockinoon, will bo sold, at pnbhc Hale,at tne - Pjillndeipliia Exchange, tho following described real os- a tate ‘ No; VAU that certain yearly grohnd ront of 836, payable January and. July, issuing out of all that cor tiiiu lot ef ground with the improvements thereon ; erected, situiue on tho north sido of Pembertoa Btroct, , 66 feet west of Twenty-first stroot, ln the Twenty-sixth Ward of the city .containing in front 10 feet and in depth 60 feet to a 4 foet 6 inches wide alloy. . „ •,* N0.2.—A1l that certain yearly ground rent of 830,pfty able January and July.Wiingoutof jot or around wlth'tho improvements thereon erectoa, situate tho nnrth Bide of Pemberton street, 82 foot west, of lSv(nty-first street, containing if front 16 foet and in depth 60 ieot to a 4 feet 6 inches wide alley. ! |loo to bo A.I-KERMAN Auctlonocr, selHlfi ■ Store, 422 Walnut street. "jjea PEREMPTORY BALE.—JAMES A, ■HI Frcmnnn, Auctioneer .-Dwelling No. 2130 Franklin idreet, above Diamond street. Ou Wodneaday,Soptem hnr2l 1870, a"t 12 o’clockmoon, will be.sold otpubllo sale, without reierve, at tho Philadelphia Exchange, tho fol lowing doscribod real estate ; AU that certain lot of errounu with the throo-story brick dwelling thoroon,, situate on the west sido of Franklin street, 216 teot fit inches north of Diamond,etroet, in tho Twentieth Ward of the city; containing in front on Franklin street.l4 feet 2 Inches, niidln depth westward 7Q foot to n4feet t wide alley, with tho privilege thereof; , BSy’TAs nboiwis dwelling with mansard . roof\ having % room a and,bath* room and : kttrhen On 15/ floor, hot anticold ■Wtiltr* 4*c, ‘ ’ . f&r Bhrits for 8300. Salo peremptory. Torma S2OO to be paid at time of sale. r JAB. A. FREEMAN, Auctionoor, - et'Bl6 : Store, 422 Walnut street. • fiPUBLIU SALE.—JAMES A? FREE^ -manrAnctloßeor.-rNoal'll.wolllng, No.fi23Rdnald-. , f , son atroot. On Wodhoaddy. Soptottibor 2li/isipd u. • ofclock, noon, will.be aold ut pul)iio}Bale,. at ,tbo I blla- . , dblplda Exchfingo, tlio following doscribod real oatotq. , iAlbthat neat tbreo-atory bricTc dwelling. onA-lot or . gronrdi ou tlie east aideof Eonaldßonatroqti aa.,lio aam, , ' Vina boon widened 44 feet north 0 1 1 rP u n. r ’ 1 r“P, .; lfourth M'lird'; 12 foot front and 40 boddoop. . Kir House i', wai b uii,, neat st/tall dtoetlinfr wM VrisemeM filcttett\'rani:e l thats heat*rtvowL-wW' JU - ! udrant in cellar, and is in nogdorder. Rentsloapunaual. •. Unant for 81216 a pear: ' ' | »"01onr of incumbrance.' r , ■ . , IEr « 1C0 bO ,niES A IREVsiANiAuctioiioor, : ; m , 816 , . i 422 Walnut atroot. ' 1 -i /»aa ARCH IJEEN a I hi Ml „o«'Iv ilttodnpviBilOW!ol)on for; reception of < MUSICAL. BOARDI^,. FACTS AHD FANCIES. iFtt4 H»rpeiVMagazlne tOl October. J U «• i' .£ ■ TheFaim of PriuriMles. Be does not see tbe Gladiator’s pain, Though hopeless at bis feet for years .That.unappealing agony, has lain; •t ■ He’never lctiow.tho need'of tears— ■ • 'JSor'gricf, nor fear, nor sigh, B or sorrow's shadow, ever came him nigh. ' . ■> He leans against the woody trunk, and seems (If such might be) a grace at rest; One foot on tip-toe poised, as if he deems 'O By tfsttufinglsleps shhuld e'arth he pressed : J flngfflwM. . Folds lightly_rustie_pip_es_of Aready. l Listening he stands, with lips apart, to track A train of echoes tjiat just now / r ; ; * Came swiftly floating from'the woodlands 1 hack, Ashe went fluting, pnd his, brow With happy: wrinkles mars,;, v;. That never knew of Care the deeper sears. He smile?,at his own music, and at m.0,- Who camnot meet his shnny eyes, •: .'- 'l L’ 3S Bo innocent of that whose mystery All our brief gladness underlies; Of problems that perplex', .-,>o i :i s'.. And restless Berneses that.haunt and vex. ’ na^>on|2®t.Wmpre® An eager, thouglit-o’erburdened throng— For time is gold, and wealth is happiness, And life is short, pnd art,is long : - f , Ho does not sod -• • - Blow, on him from:another world than theirs. despots Hse and fall, ‘' Btili weavlng nets’ ipr freemen’s feet; ’ .'Disloyal spirits nobler heafts' enthrall, ' Love dies, Truth hides, and armies meet ; f. ’ And Death’s resistless dread ’ 1 ; Forever threatens some beloved head. ; In his world green leaves quiver, clovered ; ’.banks 3-j- Allure the sunshine and the breeze, And bright-eyed sqnirrels play their joyous . ' pranks ' . Along.the.trunks of mossy trees,. i.. Ana birds trill happy love | In swaying houghs the shade-flecked turf , above. I enter in with him ; there Fancy sings The notes that lull the weary brain ; There, bathed anew in Beauty’s freshening springs'; .. The soul is panoplied from pain ; And-from ths enchanted wave . Comes, like Achilles, arrow-proof and brave. — ’ Kelncitant from that rcalril and him I part; Though still the poet’s sesame To me its gates unlocks, the sculptor’s art *— Has of its portals lost the key: Bo later-bom could seize . The cunning chisel of Praxiteles. But live its record thou: forever fair, The,Celebrated aud the Braised, As when such triumphs Sculpture-still could -—dare; - , When bright upon her altars blazed A fire that has grown cold Since in.the Tripod Street thou stoodst of old. —The last gold brick from Nevada weighs eighty-seven ounces. Such’a brick would not .ilisgraec any hafc —The bridegroom in Cattaraugus. B. Y., who handed the clergyman a bogus check for 537 and received SB2 m good money, deserves the unpleasantest'treatment his wife oan be stow. —Forty thousand thalers down for the inven tion of. ane w. sort of sausage! .This is.thcpre miiim lately paid by the Prussian government to a certain happily-ingenious cook,one Giune hergbyname. —An interesting little boy. the son of Joseph - Goodrich, Kipley county, Ind., amused him self a few days ago by making a bonfire with 52,000 worth of United States bonds, the "pro* petty of his father'. ' —lt is said by the Fon du Lac' Reporter that the lunatic who prophesied a cold summer on account of the spots on the sun, lias gone t o Oshkosh, Wisconsin, to take a first-class cell ip the,new lunatic asylum. —A quantity of tools at a hardware store, in East Saginaw, Mich.,were recently so charged with magnetic properties, during the preva lence of a thunder storm, that they attract nails, tacks and screws. —Ali-the peoplc, Englishmen, correspon dents, and others who have been shot—by telegraph—as spies during the Franco-Prus sian war, are turning up safe and .sound in London. —The imprint of a woman’s face, affixed there hv lightning, is plainly visible on the glass of an attic windowin Lawrence, Mass., and a great sensation is created thereby, ghosts being ninted at. —Omaha, the Indian orator,ltas-just started on a lecturing tour through the United States, having begun at Council Blufls, Id.wa, on the 6th inst. He is said to be quite good-looking, and has a wonderful command of language. —Of all the crowd of servile followers who once fawned around the’French Imperial' household, not one, it is said, accompanied the unfortunate Empress in her enforced flight from the Tuileries. , .—A Long Islander, seeing a Shark swim ming on top of the water, the other day, jumped in, seized it by the tail and held on 1 till some fishermen secured it. At least, we are asked to believe that he did. —A baggage-master at Concord, while work ing at his congenial occupation of smashing trunks, misseohis footing and fell, striking his head on a trunk and killing himself. This is the first case of tbe kind on record, and all travelers hope it may prove a warning.to.bag gage-men ' " • " ' ', . —AFrench court in Algiers has decided in favor of the validity of the marriage of an ex-priest. This is in direct opposition to the time-honored maxim of the Catholic Church, that holy orders once assumed, can never be voluntarily renounced. —The word “ dedtemice,” which came by the ■cable a few days ago, and which means a dis possession or forfeiture, has played sad liavoc with the Western press, who have variously printed it as “De Chance,” “ defence,” “ de fiance,” &c,_ —A merchant at Trcmpelpau, Wis., had a narrow escape from death recently. While sitting at his desk he heard a strange noise, am) jumped up just in time to save himself from being bitten by a rattlesnake four feet seven inches in length. —Charles—“ Tell me, Laura, why that sad ness ? Tell ine why that look of care ? Why has fled that look of gladness that thy face was wont to wear?” Laura—“ Charles, ’tis use less to dissemble; well my face may wear a frown, for I’ve lost my largest hair-pin, and my chignon’s coming down! ” —A Western editor accuses another of hav ing, stolen, ids report of a meeting, which was recognized by certain ear-marks. The retort courteous is that “editor “should tie . his cars over the top ofhis head while writing, , , Upkeep them outof the ink-bottle.” ' - 11 'the graveyard of Chlldwald, England, js tfe? following queer epitaph on an oyster man : “ 3 et p lics the body of John Smith, Buried in. the cloisters; , If he. don’t jump at tlie last trump, 'Call ‘Oysters!’” ; ! _—We are glad to find that some-husbands in Texas set a higher value on their wives than others. Mr. P. Field, of .Menard county, in that State, oners twelve hundred dollars for the return Of his “ bettor ;half,” who was . stoleh Some time since by the Indians, from Piedfas Begras. —A Prince Edward Island paper of the iSth .nit; Says, ; a.card has, b.een picked up o n. Sable ■lsland bearing tho name of Dr. E. Schreper Memphis, Tenn;, and written in a cramped , handnre the words, “ We are gdlng' down ToDoctor Dookor.” The card has been for warded to the Minister of Marino, Ottawa," and is supposed to he from some one on hoard! tho ill-fated City of Boston. ; ! > —A young man in Sioux City, after imbifcaS ing twenty glasses of whisky, two of gin aha; milk, three dozen of lager anil a cocktail pr so. and looking over a bluff thereabouts to see’ if 'there was anything to drink at tho bottohou of it, has not turned lip since, and an inquest 3a now being held on some unrecognizable re ■ mains. • _ . ' n ; LEGAL NOTICES. Jfß tbe district court oiwthe ir O. THfe KA STFJtN DIBTIIICX.OB'J’KNN’A X«n- B*. Pth. No.M. JBSB. \ UHITSDSTATKB v». JOHN HA 00 A BTV, ABTHUB. P. DREW AMD BEBMAHD QUIGLEY. 1 Tbe Ocmxnießfoner eppoloted to distribute tbe fund' jifcoart sriilng" ffowftbo Mirth*}'a Hale# Under the/ f f AH those two contiguous lots or pieces of ground with tho buildings thereon, erected, situate on tho south sido of OedarinowsSouth) street, and west sido of Carbon ,’street, in tbe-yourtb Ward of the city of Philadelphia. Containing in fronton said Cedar (now South) atroot,fi2 ; feot,and in depth southward 120 feet to a2ofcetwide f street*called Bedford street. Being.tbe.4ame ! wbich.ThaiDas BlacTtetbui, Biii-vivjmg OSceeuwf of tbo Estate of dMhar(nQY‘>he,'docedfleil,.bjr.in3ejitttn>dftted,. April recorded lnDeed Book- AfWrMT/Ncr. 7p, TpT 621 rAcTrdtd grant'Biid convey unto Bernard In fee, subject to a yearly ground rent of 866. j • Aleo.ull that certain lotor piece of ground, with the /threo*stoiy;brickme*susgeiti)ereon erected, sitnato On ' tho-nbrthside of ShippOn street add weut side of Carboht in the Fourth Ward of tho city of Philadelphia ; con taining In front on Shtppcn street 16 feet, moro or less, and extending of that width in depth northward 77 foet jtoitftfeetiwiae alleys, BeiDg* tho same premises whidh. tt'JohnvWrlghtitdnstoovby Indenture dated March lOtn, lE66,rocorded in Deed Book H. D. W,, No. 76, pago ldo,' Ac., did convey to Bernard Quigley, in fee. subject tda yearly ground rent of 840 80, 1 » Wiflpieet the parlies interested for.tho purposes of his jabiojhtru'fdrrtiCp tho 17U?jCrX Boptcmbor, , 1870, at 11 o’clock A. M., at liis ofllco, No, 113 South l Fifth street, in the city of Philadelphia; when and where' all parties interested are required to present their claims, or be debarred from ctunipgiti on saidfurld. ' dj : , CBAIG-BIDDLT3. S\ bc6 lots Commissioner* /jrN THiS OOfJ-RX OF-.COhmON-PBEA3 'J- fbr'th'o Cifrand-Coouty of Phiiadolphia. :7 - " ! -Notice is hereby given to all persons fn / terested that tho Honorable the Judges of our ? said CpurL have appointed MONDAY, tho j ijlnptdiyjSb'nOth)dny. of September, A. D. 1870, atiO o’clock A.M.,ldr hearing applications for thefol-. dlowingrCharters of .Incorporation, and unless‘excep tions be fiif-d thereto the same wilbbe allowed, viz.: 1. Home Building Society. ‘ 2. Allemanlft Building Association, 3. The PasphallviHe Bnilding Association, 4.. Saint Vincent’s Beneficial Society ofFrnnkfohi. Northeast Building and Loan Aefloclationof JPlilla- '‘•delbhirf."' ' . ■* ; ? . 1 * • < ' j j 6. Mutual Friends’Building andlboan AsHbciation of phdfidelnhia, > f a; . y' ■7. North Ninth Street Motbodist Episcopal ;Church of J'hTladelphia. . r; , 8, Tbfl[ Hector, Church-Wardons aud'YeStrnneji of Saint • -Faul-6 Church, AramiugoV*v r r -'-i V'r n r 0. Thor Peabody .Beneficial. Society-’of. too, City and ■ County of PhiMelphJa. ; : #■* f 1 -*i X 10. The Eleventh St., (jeorg© Building.Bocle^-of tlio County of Philadelphia. s * ?• t 11. St. Patrick’s Beneficial Society,No.ilj -Uiiifod Order * *of Catholic Brethren ,'Manayunk,tJnlty'. '' " '' ' 12. The Gmnan Reformed-fet;Stephen’s Congregation.. 13. Tbe Fifth Mutual Building Society.- - - r 14. The Penn Township Bulldingand Loan Association ofPhilndelphia. 16. Washington Beneficial Society of Manayunk. 16. GrnhHcßuilding and Boan Association. 17. The Midnight Mission: - - * . 18. The Rector. Church Wardens and W-fitrvmen of St. George Protestant Episcopal Church, Kendortoii, 19. Union Aid Fraternity. Amendments. 20. The Stationary Engineers’ Association of Philadel -21/The North United Presbyterian Church in tiio city of Philadelphia. - 7 • i .. .HICHAIID DOSAGAN. . * —ver-t!dis~ —— —l'rc.tlmnouvrz: TN THE OOUKT OF COMMON PLEAS A for tho City and County of Philadelphia. Notice .is hereby given to all persona iater- J „ , / eeted, that the “ Bethlehem MethodistEpit?- .j, aTO filed an application for change of name to “ Emory Methodist Epis copal Church,” and that the Honorable the Judges of our said Court have appointed MONl>AY,.theNin*:- teenth (19th) day of September, A.D., 1870, atlO o’clock A. M.,for hearing the said application, andunless ex ceptions be tiled thereto the eame will be allowed,, BICIIAIiD DONAGAN. Prothonotary. Btlth3lsJ TN q?HE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE i Cit£ and County Of. Philadelphia. —Estate of WIL XIAm K. SIMPSON. The Auditor-appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust tlio account of UJCI1ABI) SIMPSON, Administrator of WILLIAM K. BLMPSQN, .declined, and t 0..., report distribution oCtho balance in the hands of the a*conntaut,will meet the parties interested, for the purpose of his appoiut- Y-, Sep«ember -21st.- -IS7o,—at—t o’clock P.M\.at office of FiENnY SI. DECHEBT, Eb*i.» 209 South Fifth atreeVin the city of Philadelphia. WASHINGTON L: BLADEN, Auditor. ec-10 13 15 IS !I It? TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE J. City pud County , of PbUadelphiar—Estate of AN DREW O; BARCLAY, deceased.—The Auditor ap pointed by the Court to audit, settle, L and adjust the second -and flnal acottunt-of-JOHN -itf .vK-ENNEBYi GEORGE C. BARCLAY and A. CHARLES BAR CLAY. Executort of the last Will ana Testament of ANDREW C. BARCLAY, deceased, and to repori distribution of the balance in the bands of the ahcdunt nnts.will ineet theparHes interested,'for the purposes of bis appointment, od THURSDAY, the 22d day of September, 1870, at 4 o’clock, P.-M;, at his office, No. SCO Locust street, in the city of Philadelphia. soB-tb,»,tu-Sts JOSEPH A. CLAY, Auditor. IN. THE COUKT OF COMMON AS for the City and County of Philadelphia. BOHN vs. BOHN. term, Md 9. No. 75* in divorce.. To EMMA BOHN, respondent. Thedeposi* tlon§ of witueeseHin the above case on the. part of libellant : -wilt -be -taken before WM- KNIGHT SHBYOCK, £fo., examiner, at bißoffieo, No. 16 North Seventh street, Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY* Sept. 2Jet» 1870,at 3 o'cfock.P. M., when and whenfycu may attend If you think proper. Personal tervico on you having failed on account of your absence. PBED. DITTMANN, "Attorney foc tibeHasTr^ IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS —for-the-Citj-andConnty-of-Philadelphia.——- - HELENA. J.VjrX BEEI> J n ne T enn,,S7o ;:No. 39. WILLIAM.E. Van REEP.< P lvorc !i,, To AVILLIASI K. VAN RE SB; Ilcrpotidenrr ‘ You are hereby notified’ that of wit neftaes npon the part of the libellaut in the above case will be taken before MILTON B. BROWN, Esq., at the office of the undersigned, No. 530 Walnut street. In the city of Philadelphia, on A. D. 1870. at 11 o clock A. M., when afad where youauay at tend if yon see proper. THOMAS J. DIEHL, gc9-15t.. , _ Attorney for Libellant. iiIJMiJEK. r f MAULE, BROTHER & C&g 2500 South Street. IQ7A PATTERN MAKERS. IQ7A lO lU. _ JPATTEBN MAKERS. 1« tU. •-OHOICB SELECTION ' MIOHIOAN°COBK PIBB . % ■- -• ; ! • , • FOB PATTERNS, \ lOTA EIiOEIDA ELOOEING. IQ7A IOiU. FLORIDA FLOORING. IOIU. CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIAJXOpRING. DELAW AREFLOORING- ‘ ' ASH FLOORING. WALNDT FLOORING. 1 Q7A FLORIDA BSEP BOABDS.I Q7A IOiU. FLORIDA STEF-BOARDS. IQIU. BAIL PLANK, BAIL PLANK WAhNOT BOABDB ANDjg^Q 'WALNDT BOARDS AND PLANK. . WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT "BLANK. ASSORTED FOR) CABINET-MAKERS, BUILDERS, 40. 1870. - ' HNDERTAKERS’ LUMBER, RED CEDAR. i WALNUT. AND.PINB. IQ7A BEASONED.. POPLAR. 1 Q7A 101 V. - SEA9QI>[KD OHERUX. lo iU. 4c 11. \ WHITE OAK PLANK AND. BOARDS. ' HICKORY. • IQ7A OABOLITJA NOANCCLINQ.I Q 7 A IOiU. CAROLINA! Hi T.iSILLff. 10 lU. NORWAY SCANTLING. 1 »7A ePaUOE AEE HEMLOCK.! Q'YA 151 U. . apiuoß nm Hemlock. 101 U LABOE STOCK. IQ7A CEDAR SHINGLES. IQ7A LOIV. CEDAR SHINGLES. 10 I U, CYPRESS SHINGLES. . . :■ LARGE r, f i. ! f i i VOBgIALE LOW. ; * : !-1 Q7A - PLASTEKING LATH.; IQ7A 10 I V. PLASTERING LATH. 101 V. ft GOJ ■>' . SCOT SOUTH BTRBRT. Yellow pinei rdm^beb.—obdehb for cargoes of every dbeoriptfob SaWod Lumber exe outod at enort notice-quality subject to Inspection Apply to BDW, H. BOWLFYSouth Wharves, iENTrSTRV QPAIi DENTAX.LINA. A SUPJSRIOB article for cleaning the Teeth,destroy inf animalcule ich Infest them, giving tone to the gnmsjand leaving a feeling: of fragrance and perfect cleauliness in the month, It may be need dally, and will be found tc strengthen weak andbleedlng gums, while the aroma and detersiveness will recommend it to every one.'Bo* Ing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Fbysl* clans and Microscopietvit is confidently offered as a reliable substitute for the uncertain washes formerly Ip vogue Dentists, iWUfciptfd? with • tse -ooflitituenU of theDontaUlna, advocate Us uso; It contains nothing to prevent its unrestrained . Made only by . JAMK» T. SHINtf, Apothecara,,.. Brood and Bpruoe streets, Haseard & Go., ’ ;! ‘ BobertC. Davla, O. B. Keeay, Geo. G. Bower,: ’ . Isaac 11. Kay, " Obas; Shlvore, ' O. H. Heeaiee, B. M. McOolin, ®;J.'Bltubaadr ; B.a.Bnnttng, fjnbKWOGißltb, Chas.'Jß.jSborle, Bdwnd'Parrteb; James If-Marbs. Wm.ajWebb, . H. Brlnghurnt A Go., '•WbfOi.aMWMiD, . - ijjrott* 00.. . >'a' ‘ Wjn '.if mi ’gw I' ffi/° B tySapw. a. BowxEY' id Bonth 'H|LADELeH.I A?EVENiMg BPIJKETIN, I!HUR,SI) AY, BEF,TEMBEB, i5„1870.; 7 i i&«; \NVilliain*iKjrt,wuio)itttrro/pittftoWrTp’waSjlt?ta4 IWB jerl y, comipcttDg ■ it mvfrjy’Wnh the TsulE' BAXC-i WAVfeNla«artt r ,Faljj,BnOalo;2o«hCst<ir,.t7i)y6iiina,< ~O^%OTt cago^'a^y^^0 ’ !;W -W^W , fjW t^ e -8.2S A. Til., Accommodation forDoyleetown,ETtoppinfT: at ell lntormedlato-stations., .Paieoiigera: for„Wul<”» t 4c., by this.train, fako Jtt-Old,. 9.45 A.M., lii'hlghand HasqnchoilliaExpriW.foi'Jlcth- Manc(>; Olionk,:Wfl}laip«Bort, Whiter , navon,Willieabarr(sJ>itt«ton, BcrantonVCarl)pndivle,vla Xohlgh.laria JJawinelianae ' BallroSilv . antf . " Allcb-' /Hackcttetownl obd BfSttW on Now Jersey. Central Jtallrdad and Morris and jMbox Ballroad to Kew York, via Xehich Valley BallroSS.' I . Jl.Ai M., Accommodation for Fort Washington, stop-' .ping! ot intennodiato stations :', . > / » • 1 1,15, 3Aoands.2OP, Mv.'Accommodation to’Abingdon. L,At 1.45 P. M., Lehigh Valley Express lor Bethlehem, 1 Easton. Allentown, Hatch Chunk,* HazletonvMabandy. City, White Haven* Wilkosbarre, Pittstoh, and the Monanoy Wyoming coal rogTons; , '• .At 2.30 P: M„ Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate stations... , , - : I At 3.20 p. M., Bcthiebem Accommodation for hem, Easton, Allentown and Coplay, via Lehigh Valley Ballroad, and Boston, Allentown and Match'Cirank, via Lohich and Bneqnehnnna Bailroad.' " : * At 4.15 P, SI.,‘ Accommodation for Hoylestown* stop* ping at all intermediate stations. ] . At 5 P.M., Accommodation forßotblehem, connecting' with Lohteh Valley Evening Train for Easton, Allot-- own and Hatch Chunk. v . k , 1 At P, M„, Accommodation for Lansdale, stopping, otall Intermediate stations. . •• ■ * '■ ! AtBand 11 AO P. M., Accommodation for FortWaah-' lngton and intermediate stations. v, ; ; _Trains arrive in PhiladelpMafrom Bethlehem at BAS*. 10 AS'A, M.i 2.15*6.05 and 8.25 P. H., making direct con nection with Lehigh Valley or Lehigh and Snsonehanna trains from Easton, Scranton, . Wilkesbarre, Williams port* Mahanoy City, Hazleton, Buffalo, and the West. From Doylestown at 8.25 A, M„ 4.40 and 7.05 P.M. From Lansdaloat 7 AQ A.M. , •From Fort-Washington at9.2},\U.20 A.M.V'and3.lol 9A6 .hi,* From Ablngton At 2ASAAS nnd 0.45 P, M. ON SUNDAYS; Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 30 A.M, do. do. Boyleflfownat2P.H. 7 P M 0 *’" • 49- -Fort Wntnihgton .at BAO-A.-M. and Bethiehem for Philadelphia at 4 P; 51. Hoylestown for; do. ,;;'at 6AO A.M. - pFort Washington do. ’ at9*3o A.-M. and 8,10- . The Fifth and Sixth Street#, and Second and'Third Streets lines of City and Som.tbg Depot. The Union line runs within a short stance of the Depot. ...... .. ’ . ... Tickets for Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Sonthem and v Western New Fork and the West, may be secured /at the office, No. 811 Obestnnt street. Tickets sold and baggage* ehecked-thrdugh to-priDci- - pal points at Mann’s North Pennsylvania Baggage Ex* / press office, No. 105 South Fifth street,. - . - . . ----- --^•■"-/••^v^^ELLia-CiiAßK^.QeporahAgqD^ WEST. CHEBTEE AND THXLADEIi PHIA RAILROAD COMPANY. . On and after MONDAY, April4,lB7o,"trains will leave tbe Depot, THIBTY-FIR6T and CHESTNUT, as fal lows : - * * • •- : FROM PHILADELPHIA. i 5.45 A.M.forß exjunction stops at all stations. ~ ' 7.15 A. M. for West Chester, atops at all stations west of ftledia(except Greenwood;, connecting at B. O. Junc tfan for Oxford,Kennett, Port Deposited allstatldns. onthe P.andB.C.B.B. • • r i 9.40 A. M. for Westchester stoprat all stations. 11 AO A. fil. forß. C. Junction stops at all stations. .' 220 P. M. for West Chester stops atall stations. 4.15 P, 51. forß. C. Junction stops at all stations. 4.45. P. M. for. West Chester stops at ail station* - west | of Medta {except Greenwood h connecting at B. 0-. Junc tlon for Oxford ,Eeiniett,Port Deposit,and all stations on theP.&B.O.B. B. - - 5A0P.51.f0r B. O. Junction. This train commences runningon and after June-lst T -1870, Btopping all stations. r *• ■- •; 626 P. 51. for Wert Chester stops atall stations. Il'AO P7M7forWCTrCliester stow at atiTOtionT; ; FOB PHILADELPHIA. , ; | SJsA.sl.from B. O. Junction stops at all stations, 6,30 A. 51. from West Chester stops at all’stations. 7.40 A. M. from West 1 Chester stops at all stations be tween W. C. and Mediafexcept Greenwood), connect ing at B. C. Junction for Oxford, Kennett, Port Do- Sosit, and all stations on the P. O. B. B. - > A. 51 . from B. C. Junction stops atall stations, 10.00 A. M..from West Chester steps at all stations. I.CeP. M. from B. C. Junction stops at all stations. ' 125 P. M. from West Chester .stops at all stations. 425P.81. from West Chester stops at all stations, con necting at B'.O. Junction for Oxford,- Kennett, Port -Deposit, and all stationaon the P-. &8.0, R.-B. 6.55 P. M* from West Chester stops at all stations, con-' nectingat 8.0. Junction with P.A 8.0. B. B. 9.00 P. 51. from B. exjunction. This train commences running on and after June Ist, 1870, stopping at all * t ° tion -' * ON SUNDAYS. .! 8.05 A. M. for Westchester stops at all stations,connect- Junctlon.with P. & 8.0. 8.8. t 2AOP :M. for West Chester atops at all stations. 7AO A. M. from West CheStoi*"slops at all stations. 4AO P. M.from Westchester stops at ail stations, con necting at B.C. Junction wlthP. & B.C. B. B. i W. C. WHEELER, Superintendent.. ■pHELADELPHIA, GEE MANTOW-N. JT AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD TIME TABLE. On and after HONDAY.JuIy 13, 1870, «™FOB GERMANTOWN. Leave PHILADELPHIA 6,7, 8, 9.05. 10, 11, 12, A. M. 1.00, 2, Z&, 3>£> 3H, 4, 4*4,5,05, 6X, 6,6 X, 7, 8, 9.00, 1025, 11, 12, P. 51. • - Leare GEBIIANTOWN-dr-e-.SO, -7Mr»Tfi.29;-9. 10, 11.00, 12, A. M. 1,2, 3,8*4,4.00, 4&, 5, 6tf, 6, 6>4,7, 8, 9.00,10, 11, P. m; , W*i^ancLs%-Up Trains will not slop on the Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave PHILADELPHIA at9*£, A.M. 2, 4.05 min., A.M. 1,3, 6, and 9JK, p. M. CHESTNUT HILL BAILBOAD. Leave PHILADELPHIA 6,8, 10, and 12, A. M. 2>£, 334* 554,7,9.00, and 11, P. M. - Leave CHESTNUT HILL 7.10,8,9.40, and 11.40, A. M 1.40,3,40,6.40,6.40,8^ and10. fil. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 9#, A.M. 2,and7,P;M. Leave CHESTNUT HILL at72o, A. M. 12.40,5.40, and 9.26, P.M. Passengers taking fAs 625,9 A.M. and 620 P.M. Trains from Germantmen , will make close connections with Trains for New York at Intersection Station. FOB CONBHOHOCKEN AND NOBBIBTOWN Leave PHILADELPHIA 6,754,9, and 11.05, A. M. 154, 8,454,6,854,654.8.05,10,and11K,P.ML Leave NORRISTOWN 554, 6.25,7,7 M, 850, and 11, A. M. 154,3,454,654,8,and954,P.M. ON BUNDATS. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 9, A. M. 254 , 4,' and. 154, F.M LeaveNORRISTOWN,at7,A.SI. 1,5 ,and9,P.M. s FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia : 6,754, 9 and 11,05 A. 31.154,? : 454, 5,8>4 , 654,8D5,10 and 1154 P. M. Leave Manayunk ; 6,6.65,7-Ji, 8.10,9 20and 11>* A. M.; 2,3K,8 r 6X,8tf and 10 P. M. ' ON- SUNDAYS Leave Philadelphia : 9 A. U.,2K,4&nd7>£ P. M. Leave Manayunk :7)6A. 6% and9>£ P, M. PLYMOUTH BAJLLBOAD. Leave Philadelphia: SP. MV Leave Plymouth: A. M. . . The Tt&A. M. Train from Nbrristoum will not slop at l&ota'SsPotts' Landing y Domino or Schur’s Lane. The BP. AT. Train from Philadelphiawitl stop only at School Lan*,Wissahidion,Manayunk, Green 7.rtt and Consho kotkm, • Passengers taking the 7,00, 9.05 A. M. and6J£P.M, Trains from Ninth and Green streets will make close connections with the Trains for Now York at Xntersoc* tionStation. Thedtf A.M.andSP. M. Trains from New York con nect with the 1.00 and 8.00 P:Uf . Trains from German town to Ninth and Green streots. 1870 Philadelphia and Baltimore CENTRAL RAILROAD. __ _ On and after MONDAY, April 4,1870, trains will run as follows LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, from depot of P.W.& B. K. 8., corner Brond street awl Washington avenue, ForPOKT DEPOSIT, at 7 A. BL.and4.3QT. M. For OXFORD, at 7 A-.M., 4.30 P. M.,and TPM. ForCHADD’S FOBD AND CHESTER GREEK R. R., at 7 A.M., 10 A. M.,2.30 P. M.,4,30 P. M., and 7 P.M.: i Train leaving Philadelphia at 7 A. at Port Deposit with train for Baltimore ; _ Trains leaving Philadelphia at 10 A/ M. and 4.30 P. M., leaving Oxford at 6.05 A. 51m and leaving Port Do posit at 9 26 A. M.,connect at Chadd’s Ford Junction with the Wilmington aud ReadingJßtttlroad. TBAINB FOB PHILADELPHIA leave Port Deposit at 9.25 A.M. and 4.25 P.M. on arrival of trains from Baltimore. . OXFOBD at 6.05 A. M 10.35 A. M. and BISO P. M. OH ADD’S FOBD at 7.26 A.M., 12.00 M., 1.30 P.M., 4.45P.M.aiid6.49 P.M. On SUNDAYS ldave Philadelphia fgr Wost Grove and intermediate stations at 8.00 A, M. Boturhing Iqave West Groveat 3,65 P.M* ' . * . , Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel dnlj ns baggage, and the Company will not ho responsible foi an amount exceeding ono hundred dollars,; unless a special contract is rimae for the sumo. " , QENEY WOOD, General Superintendent. T>HHjADEXiPHIA AND EBXB BAIL. iJT'BOAD-SUMMBB, TIME TABLE. On and artor MONDAY,. May 30,3370, the Trains on the Philadelphia and. Erie Railroad wilt run as follows from Pennsylvania West Philadelphia: Mall Train leaves Philadelphia^.., Him,.,,.......10,20 P, M, “ >»; u< ffißitaffitpOrt. 840 A.M. 44 •** arrives Mnfcrie ....i.-7.40 P. M. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. 1030 A. U. u »r .• .jik ~tWilliainflport..™. M 8.15 Pi M. 44 4 ‘ arrives atErt*............. 7.25 A. M. Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia. 7.60 A. M. “ “ 44 Williamsport-, 0.00 P. M. »» ‘‘arrives at Lock Haven.. 7.20 P. M, ;Bald-Eaglo Mail leaves Williamsport ;. w . 1.30 P. SI,, “ .‘vairiveßatlirck Haven ............. 2.45 P. M. Mall Train leaves 8,60 A.M. 41 ■ • u Williamsport. 9.26 P.M, w 4< arrives at Philadelphia. 630 A. M. flrlo Express leaves Erie...... 9.00 P. M. 44 44 ‘7 Williamsport.. 8.15 A.M. 44 , «» arrives at Philadelphia 5.80 P. M, Elmirtf Mail leaves Williamsport 9.45 A. M “ 44 arrives at Philadelphia........ ..9.60 P.M. Btjffolo Expros, learea tu. 44 11 arrives atPhiladelphia......,..- 9.25 A. M. Bald Eagle Hall leaves Look Haven 1135 A. M. u 44 arrives at Wi11iam5p0rt.........12A0 P. M. Bald Eagle Express leaves. Lock Haven......... 9.35 P.M. . ” 4 ... , 11 . arrives at Williamsport. 10.60 P.M. Express, Mail and, Accommodation, east and west, connocts at Oorry and all west bound trains* and MaU and Accommodation east at Jrvinoton with OiL-Groek and Allegheny Biver Bailrood. ■ • .... - - v.. WM. A. BALDWIN, General Superintendent, : fß*>fjg<J33fi» await* * ' W.B. WILSON, Gen era I Super in t-ond o n t, CH ANGK OF' HOOKS travelers? 3fi:'; -li i tlfljl lim)> ■.» t ■WEST BMUBOaD. ' j [lu.nU ifttd. ‘ . Commencln K ,9loiidi>jr, , “W p ' 3*i B,i W«mrplisn4g«OTs. rßolmi'SwßdeB - u Wfoßird all lnMrtJiwmtoTßtiUrcm?. l v : T34OV. SLii-eMeDgejifor 3wMo>boro »na CJ4y,on;ertop- I'm. returning OAne Maf Qt flilO'P.’MT 1 : u : dohihia and all aUtlona. ;,, ft®?. o’clock, ooonr,': for:SwedesboTtt.l Balem and , redeived‘fh piiiiMlelibia'.At Sdcond.poyfired . Wharf below Walnut street. » > Jt .. x Freight delivery at NCT.22B Bonth DblaWßreaTenue. ; :■ , W'M. J. 6EWELL» ‘ SOB new yOBKHijaiB . CAHDfeN r AMBOY' ■andTpHltADm.FpA AND ®NT°N BAIBBOAM OOMPAOT’B lONKB, ‘ Tram ■S^sft-M? 111 h«? ow York,an& vrnr 1 - places; trom Wal- At 6AO A. M. Accommodation and 2 P; M. Expicess, via ahd Amboy,and atB Mail,and Cft P* 51 ., Accommodation • via Camden and Jersey . yfx NEW jebseY southern baieroad. .At 7 A. M. and 3.. : 10P. 81. for Now Y ork, Hong Branch .. . and intermediate placoa. ' ' At* P. M.for Amboy and .lntormedlato atatton, ‘ ?il Jo .4i“ t ., a andSJo ! piMV,forFreehold.-•' • AtaandtOA.M., 12 M.a/jDand 5 dK)P.Ml.,for Trenton At and 10 A.M., it SJW.A, «,Band 11J0P.M., , tor I!orde-ntown,FlorenceJlnrlinc:tondlovorly and D(e .! lanco and Bivertonv ! * ■ * ■: . > : Ataooand 10 A.M;O2M., 3A0,5,f1,8and 11A0P.M. for . Bdgowater, BiTemldo.Bhrorfon, and Palmyra. ~ , AtOMandlOA. M.. 1iiM.,6,8, Sand 11.30 P. M. for '«■ Fisn House. • \ KfTboll,3o P. M> Line; leaves from Market;Street Ferry I Upper side).. : . ,-...3._ 1.,-'... . ?jdm Kensington Depot: x . - *.j 4»y°a A .' M ‘* ajw j 3AO and P. M. for Trenton and ] Bjistol.jAnd at 10.45 A. M<and 6P. M, for Bristol, i At 7AO A. 51., 220, and 6 P. M.for Morrlsville and Tally town, _ . •••••■ • t *At 720 slid 10.45 A. M.» Z2O« S and 6 P.M; for Bchenckfs, I ?, v Eddington, Cornweilsi. Tiorreedale AndHoftnesburg Junction. . ; At 7 AtM; ,12.80,5:15 and 7JO P-&*. for Bustleton^olmes-' ’ burg and Holmesburg Junction. > . j At 7 and;10,45 A. M.,1220, 220, 16.15, 6 and 7AO P. M. for Tacopy,Wisßiuomlng,Bridcaburg and Frankford. From West Philadelphia Depot via Connecting Railway: At7and 9.30 A.M., 12.45, tM % and 12-P»M. New York Express Liueaand at HAOP* H. Emigrant Line, via Jersey City. ~ - At 7.00 and 9AO A.M., 1A.45, 6.45, and UP. M. for. Trenton and Bristol. _Atl2P.M.(Night)forslQrrisvine,Tullytown,Bohenck’a, EdaiDgton,Cornwells,.Torresdale, Holmesburg Junction, Taconr, Wissinoming', Bridesburg and , — --"'- --.. v -\z r Sunday LiheslbaveafOAO'A. Jil,and 6.45 jp, Mr, and’ 12 Night. ... v . : . - ' For Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the oars bn Third or Fifth-streets,at Chestnut, at half an hour be foredeparture.' The Cars of Market Street Railway run direct to West Philadelphia Depot, Chestnut and Walnut within one squared LLI ' . # BKLVIDBBE DELAWARE- RAILBOAD LlNE— from Kensington Depot.... . At 720 a. M.,,for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk, ; Elmira, Ithaca, 1 Rochester, Blnghampton Oswego; Byracuse, Great. Bond, Montrose, Wilkesbarre. Schooley’s Mountain.. Ac;« w , , At 720 A.M. and 3AO P.M. for Scranton, Stroqdß bnrg, Water Gap, Belridere, Easton, Lam .bertville. Tlemington, Ac. Tbe aAO P» M.'Llnecon oectp direct with the train leaving Easton for Maucb Chunk Allentown,Bethlehem, Ac. Ats P. il.forLamoertville and intermediate-stations. OASIDEN AND BUBLINOTON CO.,AND PEfiIBEB TON AND : HIGHTSTOWN BAILBOAD- CO.’S LINES, from Market Street Ferry side.) i a®“The. 7.. A.-M. and 320 P. v M. Lines leave from „ , Walnnt Street Wharf. • • -^At-^ainLS—A-rM7flf-3t15Ji30t5-A>siSo-lTMj^nd-oii-ThiirB* day and Saturday nfgnte at HAO P.M for Merchants- Hartford, Masonvlllo, Hainsport and Mount Holly. It 7 A. M.,2.15&nd'6A0 P.H.for Lumborton and Med ■ ford. • At 7 , and. 9 A fil., 1,,3-30A5P ' M., for Bmitfaville EwBnsvflle,Yfncehtownißirmingham and Pemberton At 7- A. -Mv and 1 and.'32o P.‘ M.v for Lewistown, Wrigbtatown, Cpoksfcown,. New Egypt and Borneo^- It 7>‘A.* M.. 1 and Chream Bidge, toVp.eharomandiHightatown..' < - ; Fifty poundß of Baggage only allowed each Passenger T Faasengera are prohibited from, taking anything as bag gage buttnefrwearingapparelx Allbaggageover fifty pounds to be paid fortextra. Tho Company limit their - ,responsibility .for--baggage to One Dollar per pound, aha .will, not bej[iabte lot any amount beyond 9100, ex cept by special contract. 1_ 1 'i :: n . j i An additional Ticket Cfflce is locatecLat No. 828 Chest nut street, where tickets ; to New York, ahd all impor tant points North and East, may bo procured. Persons purchasing* TicketS at this Office Can have their bag gage checked from residences or:hotel to destinatlonaby phla will leave from foot of Cortland street at 7 A M.,lana 4P. M.,via Jersey City and Cattdenw - At; 820 and 920 A. M., 1220, 5 and7P ( M;, and at 12 Night, via Jersey City and West Philadelphia. , 'From Pier No. 1, N, River, at .6AO A< M. Accommoda tion and 2 P. 51. Express,via Amboy and Camden. Augnstl<-1870( WM. H. GATZMEB, Agent. v T>HTt,AT>F J TVPiTTA, WILMINGTON AM>- IT BALTIMORE RAILROAD—TIME TABLE. Com mencing MONBAY. June 6th, 1870. • Trains will leavs Depot r corner Broaa and Washington avenue* aafol °WAY MAIL TRAIN at 8.80 A. M. ( Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all Regular Stations. Ooh nectnag: with ‘Delaware Railroad Line at Clayton vtttb • Smyrna Branch Bailroad and Maryland and Delaware R.B.,at Harrington with Junction and Breakwater B ;R. , at S&oford 1 with: Dorchester and Delaware Railroad, at Delmar yrlthEaatern Shore Railroad and at Salisbury with Wfcoinica and Pocomoke Railroad, ; • EXPRESS TRAIN at 11.45 M. Y Sundays excepted ' J for Baltnhoreand Washington, stopping at Wilmington, PerryxiUe and Havre de Grape, Connects at Wilming ton-sHth train for Hew Castle. ,„• ! ~ EXPRESS TRAIN at 4.00 P. M. (Sundays exceptbd), for Baltimoreand Washington .stopping at Chester, Thhrlow, Einwood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newport, Stanton. Newark, Elkton, • North : East, Charlestown, Perryville,' Havre 'da'Grace, Perryman’s, Edgewood, Magnolia, Chase’s and Sterdmer’s Bon. I NIGHT ; EXPBESff at 1130 P. M. ( daily i for Baltimore and * W&ahlngtdn, * stopping at Chester, Lin • wood, ClaymontVWiltolngton, Newark, Elk ton. North East, Penyville, Havre de Grace, Perryman’s and Mag adlla. .. . < passengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take the 11.46'A. M.Train. • j WILMTOGTON. TRAlNS.—Stopping at all Station, between Philadelphia and Wilmlbgtoh. _ ■ LeaTo‘ PHILABELPIIIA at 11.00 A. M.,JJ0,5.00 and 7DO P.' M.j The 0.00 P. M. train conneota with Delaware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations. ! Leave WIIiHINGTON6.IS and 8.10 A. M.,2.00, t.OOand 7J6P. SI. -The B.loA.M.traln will, not atop between, Chester. and Philadelphia, The 7.13 p. 51. train from Wilmington rods daily ;allother Accommodation Train, Sundays excepted.' •* * ‘ ■ : /** • i Trains leaving WILMIHSTOH at®4S A. M. and 4.00 Protn-BALTiMOKE to, • PHILADELPHIA.—Leaves Baltiiipte TilS, A. II. .Way Mail. ■ a.OO A. M.,Express. raOM ’kiLpMOBBi-LeiiTee BALTIWbfrB at 7,25 P. M.Stepptneat Magnolia,Per ryman’Bi town,'Nortb-East,ElKton, NewarkJStantonvNewport. Wilmington, Claymont, Einwood and'Ohester. f Through tickets to all points West, flonth, and South west may be procured attho-ticket office,B2B street, under, Continental Hotel,wherealso Btato Booms and BerthAin Sleeping Cars can be secured during the day. Persons purchasing tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their residence by the Union Trans for Company. , ~ B. F.,RBNNKY,flnprt. rar&tesYL vania central bail. IT ROAD.—After „8 P. M., SUNDAY, July 10th 1870. rThetyahisof the .Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the DepotAt and Market streets,which la reached directly by the cars of the Market Street Pas jengor Railway,thelaet car connecting with each trait leaving Front and Market street thirty minutes boforf Hs, departure.' Those of the Chestnut and Walnu* Street-Railway run within one sduare of the Depot! 81eeping Car i Tickets can be had on application afitht Ticket OfflcovNorthwest corner of Ninth and Obesfnuf streets, andattho Depot. : ,i. Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call foi nuTdeliySr Bagmigo at the Dopot. 'Orders lett at No. fIOJ. Ohestnut street, No. 118 Market, street, will roceivjiat entlon, TBAINSLEAVE DEPOT, VIZ.: j Mail Trairu... at 8.00 A. M Pool! Accom..... 10 A.M. and 12.50, and 7.10 P; M. KftfltLin&.!L........u V...- at 1230 P; M. KrioExpreea... .at 11.00 A'. M. Harrisburg Accom —....at 230 F, M. LancasterAccom...;...... ...at4.10 Pi. M Parkaburg Train - .at 630 Pi M OincinnatlExprese .......... at 8.00 Pi M Erie Moil and Pittsburgh Express ...at 10.30 PtM. Way Passenger...... ....at 1130 Pf M Erie Mail leaves daily* except Sunday* running or Saturday night te Williamsport only. On Sunday nlghi passengers will leave Philadelphia at 8 o’olock. | Pittsburgh Express leaving on Saturday night rum leaves daily. All other trjunr daily,except Sunday. _ . -• I .. The Western Ascommodation Train runß doily, except Sunday. For this train 'tickets must bo procurodjanc' baggage delivered by 6.00 P. M., at 116 Market sjroeti Sunday Train No, l leaves Philadelphia 8.40 A,{M.: arrives at Paoll 9.40 A. M. Sunday Train No. 2 lofivo* Philadelphia at 6.40 P; M.: arrives at Paolr 7.40 P. Mt Brinday Train No. 1 leaves Paoli at 6.60 A. M.; arrives at Philadelphia at B.lo* A.- M... -• Sunday-Train N>. 2 leave* Paoll. at 4.50 P. M.; arrives at Philadelphia at 6,10 ,XBAJNB ABBIVB AT DEPOT, VIZ: OlnclnnatiExproaa - ~»t!1.10 A. M, PhUadeJjJhla®rjn-6aa, .•>~&t6i3oA.. Brie 6.30 AVM. Paoll Accommodation ~atB.2Q A. JI. and 3.30,6.40 B.M. ErieExprees...... at 6.40 P.M, Lock Haven and> Elmira Express at 9.40 g. M. Pacific Express..—......, at M3O P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation.. „...at9.40 P. M, JOHBy. VANlWb,°Jb?,ticket Agent, «1 Ohoetnu The PennsylvajowTSSroad Company will not assume value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in valuojwiU be at the rlJ*o¥the owner, nnloaa taken by I^^oob ‘roc*‘ General Superintendent,Altoona,Pa,'. /CAMDEN - AN&—A-Ili AN'J?iO MU, 'g»st£trtoa»Mitapr*;io3 Ollf v.'Jliifocti iH£ ■ - -Freight < wHHnhsMhgeF cat) .;.V..Ui;:.!;..U......:1Z.(1C Noon FaatExprtSßlMondayWiihlyA-...,.'.•.7.80 A. M. i j.. -Mail train for Atlantic !eave9...,«-'-....................8’00 A. M. ! uiil)fYTAgcntr- » a iviosr 4 . oiuoat XVTrnnk Line from Philadelphia; of Pennsylvania, theßchuylkill, BaSqUehanna, Cumber* l£ nd .£ n<l V yomin g^ a l le Uk the. North, Northwest and *s® napadaa; SprmgArrtagemeutofPassenger Trains, May 18, 1870; leaving tbeCompany’s Depot/Thirteenth honra* streets; Philadelphia, atthe following AOOOMMODATXOH.-AtTJO A. M. for Heading and allintennedtato Stations, and Allentown. *• M - “ rri7jDS ,D .MORNING.KXP,REBS,-~At 8. IS A, M. for Beading ■ Lebanon, Harrisburg, EottjTillo, Pine Groye.Tatnaana, Bnnlmry,_WlUiaio»iK)rt, Elmira. Rochester, Niagara Falla, Buffalo, Wilkeabarre, Plttaton, York, Carlisle, ; .Qbaraberabnrg, Hagerstown, Ac. ...... The 7AO A. SI. train connects at Beading with the East Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentown,Ac,,and the 8.15 A. M . train connocts with tho Lebanon Valley train for Harrjsbnrg, Ac,; at Port Clinton with. Oatawissa B. B. trains for WllUamsport,J,ock'Havon. Blinira, Ac.:at Harrisburg with Northern Central, Oninboriand val*. loy.andScnuylklllandßusanohaana trains forNorth nmberland. Willlatnsport. York, Chamb rabnrg,Pine *AFe, Philadelphia at 8 JOP Roadin g, PotlsTille^H^r|Bbn^ f^x M eon “' POfXT§TOWN ACCOMMODATION.—Leaves Potts town at 6.25 A. M ,* stopping at the intermediate stations; . arrives in Philadelphia at 8.40 A, M. Returning leaves , Philadelphia at 4 FM, {arrives in Pott a town at 6.15 P.M, BBAD3NG“ANL f POTTSVILLE AOCOHMODA-, •TIONi-i-Leave Pottsvilleat 6.40 A. M.. and 4.20 P. M.;’‘ iand Beading at 73) A. M, and 6J5 P. M .stopping at all Philadelphia at lQjtfA.M. and Betnrningtleavea Philadelphia at 6.15 P. M»; arrives hr Beading at 7,66 P. M .. and at Pottsville at 9.40 P» M;: : MORNING EXPRESB.—Trains for. Philadelphia Jeafad-Harrisburgjifc 8.10 A. M., and Pottsville at 9.00 A. - M., arriving inThll&delphla at 1.00 P. M. Afternoon Express trains leave Harrisbnrgat 2JO P r M.,and Potts villeat 9JO P. M.; arriving .at Philadelphia at 7.00 -P.M> ~ ~ - v ... : ''i Harrisburg Accommodation leaves. Beading at 7.15 A. -sl.tandHarrisbnrgat4.loP.M. Connecting at. Bead ing with Afternoon Accommodation south at 6.85 P, M„ arriving in Philadelphia at 9.25 P . M. ! u Market train, with aPassenger car attachedileayes Philadelphia at 12 JO noon for . Beading and. all Way Btations;leaves.PottsviUeats.4o A. M., connecting at Beading with accommodation train for Philadelphia and all Way Stations- •-=-'= . , - All tne above trains run dally, Sundays excepted. 1 Snnday trains leave Pottsville at 8.. A. 51., and Phila delphia at 3.15?. M.jleaVe Philadelphia for Beading at B.ooA.Mr.Totnrninirfrcsmßeadinfiat4J6P~Mr _ ThG5« trains connect both ways- with Snnday trains on Per -kiomen and Colebrookdalo Railroad. , , v : "—CHEBTEB~VALLBY "BAlLBOAD;—P,ftßi»tigottrfor~ DowningtOwn and IntermodihEepointstakethe; 7JO A. M., 12J0and 4.00 P. M. trains from Philadelpbia»retnrn- Ingfrom DownlngtownatflJO A. M.rl2As ands.ls P. 51 PEBKIOMEN RAILROAD .-Passengers for Schwenka ville take 7JO A.M:; 12 Jftand 6i15 P.M. trains for Phila delphia* : returning from Bchwenksville at ,6.45 and' J6.A..M f ii2.4sjaoon* 4J5 P. M.. Stage lines for various points in FerKiomen/Vauerjconhocf with trains at UollegevllTp > ' r-, v r ; iiCOLEBBOOKDALE <, RAlLROAD.—Passengers • for Mt. Pleasant and intermediate polntstakc the7JO A. M. and 4.00 P. M. trains from Philadelphia; returning from Mt. Pleasant at 7JO and 1125 A t M.. > NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBUROH AND THE WEST.—Leaves New, Yprk.at 9.00 A. ST, and- 5.00 P, 'M., passing Beading ’.at 1.45 f and 10.05 P. M u and connects at ■' Hamsburg with Pennsylvania and'Northem-Central Bailroad Express Trains for Pitts- - trargh.Chicago, Williamsport,' Elmira, Baltimore, Ac. Returning, Express Tram leaves Harrisburg on arrival afPenDSylvaniaExpreesfrom PittsbarghTac 5J5 A. M. *nd BAO A:M;,passingEeadingat7J3 A» M.and 10.40 A. Jl.iarriving at New York at 12.06 noon,and J. 50 p. M. _ JerßeyCityandPittsburch.withoutchange.- Mail train for New York leaves HarriaburgatS.lO A. . iL-and 2JO P. M. Mail,train for Harrisburg leaves New York at 12' Nobn; j • SCHUYLKILL VALLEY BAXLBOADrvTrains leave Pottsville at6JO and 41 JO A Jd. and 6JO P.M f« returning fromTamaquaatSJS A.M,.and 2.lsandiJOP.M. . ~ BCHtTVLKILL' AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD —Trains-leave Auburn at BJS -Aj M* for Pinegrove and .flarriflburgi 7 and at 12.05 ;noon.,for- Pine-, grove. Tremont and Brooks!de: returning from Har rfflbuTg ax 3.40 P; M: from Broobside at 3.45 P. M. and frotn'TreiDdntfttd M A‘.M.and 6.W P.M. TICKETS.—Through first-class .tickets and emigrant : lck|tetoallthe principal pointsln West Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Beading and fntemrodfatb Stationsi good for.qay only, are; sold by Morning Accommodation, Market Train,Beading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reducearates. Excursion Tickets to Fhiladelphia. good for.day only» aye void at pottsville mid Intermediate Stations byßeid mgand pottsville. and Pottatown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. ' _ . ; -; • . The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office ofß. Fourth-street. Philadelphia, or of G, A. Nicolls, General Suporinten ient,Beadina. l ■. • i. Commutation Tickets ,at 20 per cent, discount, between my pointsdefllred, for familiesand firms. , Mileage Tickets,good for 2 JOO miles, between all points at 947 <w each for families and firms. . ' , ; Seaaon TicketSi for oheitwo»throe«BiXi nine or twelve months, for holders only, to all points, at reduced rates. ' Clergymen residing on the line of the rood will be fnr -aißhedAwith-cardß,-entitling_theinselveß.jmd tickets at half fare - ; Excursion Tickets,from Philadelphia to principal sta tions, good for ’ Satdruay, Sunday and Monday, at-re duced fare/to b’e baff only at the Tickot Office, at Thir toenth'andQailowhill , f • . ; y-. » . FREIGHT.—Goods of all.descrlptioxia forwarded to -All the above points from the Company’s New Freight Depot,Broad and ■■ - ‘ Freight Trains Wave PWl&delphla dally-at 4 J 5 A. M., ,12JO noontfiJfi.and'f.lfi.P.Mjjtor Beading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, r6ttavillo, Port Clinton, and all palnts.be* yond. i'-.:; 1 -m;i ; - Mails on the road and ltsbranchea at B A. Mand for tho prin cipalßUtionaonlynt^UPjM dii> ■ Dnngan’s Express will collect Baggage tor all trains Leaving Philadelphia Depot.' Orders can be left At No. 226S6uthF6urth street»or at the Depot* Thirteenth And Oallowhillstreets; -■ T - : ; fjflLST' FREIGHT LIN®, VTA NORTH •PENN&YtVANTA ■ KAILBOAJ>. toWilkesbarre, fflahanoy City,Mount Carmel, Geotralia, and all points >n Lehigh VaUey; Railroad anaUs branches... arrangements,perfected this dayi this road is. enabled to give thcredsedaespstch to merchandise con* Depot, . S.E.cor.lTrontandNoblsstreets Befose SP. M., will reach ’Vftlkeaborre, Mount Carmel Mahan qyClty, apd the other station. in Mahanoy and Wyomlnt Taflev.be,ore GROCERrEBTtiQDdIISTaSC MACKEREL, SALMON AND JiV: Shad in uperpresfily for families, at OOptiTYi’B East End, Grocery, So. .118 South Second atxe.et>JbeiowChestnnt. ... • ; XTEW, GEBEN iGINGBR, PICKLED JLj Limosr Pickled. Tongues, Spiced Oysters and plains, df OOUSTY’B .jj&TlSnd Grocery, No. 118 Sonth Second street. beloVObeetnut. ‘ SABLE CLARETS; FOR $4 00 PER CASE of one dozed up in store and for bale at OSTY’S-Bast End Grocery,'No. 118 Sonth Second street, below Chestnut. ,■ NEW CANNED GOODS, GREEN PEAS, Aspatagus,TomfttoP9,&c., are arriving. Families wishing same now is the time to buy cheap,at GOUSTY’S Hast Ena Grocery, No. 118 South Second street, below Chestnut. 1 • • • W AA PER DOZEN FOE GENUINE DO.vl/ imported French White Wine Vinegar in <<ftses, very cnoloe quolityy at COUSTY’S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street, below Chestnut. TTFsT RECEIVED AND IN STORE IfiQi •J cases of Ob&mpngne, sparkling Catawba and Oali /'ornia. W ines, Port (Madoira, Sherry, JamaioaandSanti 'lruzßumtfino old Brandies and .Whiskies, wholesale \nd Retail. P. J. lORDAN, 220 Pear street* Below Third and ‘Walnut* streets, and above Docl itreet. de7jtf JORDAN'S CELEBRATED P CRB TONIC *) ‘AleforlnValidflifamily Use, etc, -■' ' * i Tlhe subscriber iSjnpw furnished with h}B foil Wintoi upply of his highly nutritious and well-known beyer ge.. Its wide-spread and increasing nee, bt order o' physicians, for invalids; use of families, £6., coinmend it o tbo attention of all consumers who. want a strlctlj ,nroarticle; prepared from the best. materials* and put tp In the moEf Careful manner for home Use or transpor ation. Orders by mail or othorwise promyttjr Hivppliod , : No, 220 Poar street!, below Third and Walnut streets de7 - _ coAtjCisD~wqoDr7 V NTBRACITE COAIi/PMli TON OF 2,240 £*• lbs., delivered, Liffiikh Broken and Egg, ;®8; Stovo, #8 25 ; Locust Mountain,Broken ail'd Egg,st» 75;' *tovo,s6 75. ShamokinnridLorberry Nhttocartors at 'ow prices. \ *./ EASTWICK & BRO., Office,22B Dock street! itYards, corned Twenty-second <troet audWGHbidgtdriavemio. ‘ ‘ ae3tf§ a MABO'H BINBB. \V I,f • '• iOHN B.blieaft TtBE UNBEftSIGNED INVITEATTEN .L OTION to their stock of ; • Spring Mountain, Lehigh pjm Locust Mountain Coal, vMch, with the preparation given by us, we think can* lot be excelled by any other Coal. J , , )Office, Frankliivlnstitute Building, No. IB B. Seventh . - . r - - > RINKS ABHEAFF* , lalQt •, , : ~ . Arch Btyflftt Wharf- SobuvVfc In . iouTiMm. TPODQRRB’ AND WOSTKNHOLrM'a X/POOKBTKNrVICS, FBABB and 'STAG HAN d£BB ofboantlful finish" BODGHBS’ and .WADE A BTJTOHEB’B, andAba-OELEBBATED EKOOUXiTBK [tAZOR'aOISSOKBIN of the, finest anallty. Bazors.Knivflfl; Scissors and Table Cutlery ground and poll shod. EABINSTBBMENTBof thomoßVaonroved be! w r Ohowtpul, , • _j_ ; mv£tf_ OALLOMS WJNTBKCii'ifiltM: VJf Oil, BSW gallons B. W.Whnlo OII.MO gallonsß. M^oT^Sl^Sd^la^tyTOO&BiN^OSSpE A 00., 11l Ohcstbnt .troot. : ■ ■. I ■ f IBH OH.—CO BARRELSLIGHT-OOD i ored sweat Fish Oil, low-pricod, for sale by BDW BOWUY.I«BonU> Front rtree, _ . SHIPPERS* - GUIDE. FOB TEXAS PORTS. '.•5. ! :;i *..Wv\ .Jf ■ THE STEAMSHIP Sn:SJ £ ’ WILIi SAIL FOE “ NEW ORLEANS Dlftki## 5 , Saturday, Sept. 17th, at 8 o’clock A. M. ■ Thronnh bills of lodine Riven in connection witijMor gan’s lines from NEW OTtT.w »u« tr, M n TfTTiEj 9AL VESTON, INDIANOLA, LAVACOA and BHAZO3 at as low rateij.es by any other route, , Through lulls of lading also given to all points on the Misalßsippiriver between Now. Orleans and St Lonls. k n et Company W h t, '°- S - t ' I ' oala an <* Now Orloans Pac- For further Information, apply.to > WM. L. JAMES, General Agent, So. 130 Sonth Third street. ■ FOR BOSTON* Steamship Line Direot. ROMAN, SAXON, NORMAN, ARIES. Sailing Wednesday and Saturday v FROM EACH POUT. • From Pine St. TVlmrf. pniia., at lo A. n. “ liODRr Wlmrr, Boston. . a*‘. 3P. M. sail punctually.' Fl'M's’Jlf neeietd Freight forwarded td allpoints in Ntm ISniiaHdi ' jlr to freisllt or ® BBBa S B (superior accommodations) ap- Inanranca effected lit If of 1 percent: atlhddffloer/ 1 HESBTmifSOS’dsm MS BOLTH DJBLAWAB?! AVpJttJB. ’PHILADELPHIA ANI) ■ 'SOUTHERN ■The TAZOOL.WIU sallyFBOM NEW’ORLEANS, •via Havana, on Friday, Septembw 9, 7. THEOUGH BELLS OF LADING ft" I ,£iven > MOBILE .GALVESTON, INDIANOLA, LAVACOA and BEAZOS. atnJ-fo all - ,Pointson theMISSISSIPPI.bctweeD'NBW ORLEANS BED RIVER FREIGHTS RE “HIPPED at New-Orleans without charoo of commie- BIOUB. „< ;,■ j, an. TO SAVANNAH, GA: ’ o 35®.,' WYOMING will sail FOE SAVANNAH od Saturday, September 17, at BA.M. : - will sail FROM SAVANNAH on Batnraay,Bept. 17. • . THROUGH BILLS OF LADING jriTsn tonsil tbs principal towns in GEORGIA, ALABAMA, FLORIDA, MISSISSIPPI, LOUISIANA, ARKANSAS and TEN NKBSEE,"ln'CottfieMiofi'with'nhe~oehtfM’ Railroad of “ Georgia,Atlantic and Gulf Railroad and Florida steam* SEMI-MONTHLY WILMINGTONV N. O. _Tbe PIONEER will aail FOB WILMINGTON on Friday, September Id, 6 A. Mreturning,will leave Wilmington, Friday, Septr23d. i Connects with the Gape Fear River Steamboat Com* pany, the Wilmington and Weldon and North Carolina Railroads, nndtho JWUmingtonanA JRanchester-Bail •- - road to all interiornoints. Freights for COLIIMBIAySr G.v and AUGUSTA,Go., taken via WILMINGTON at as low rates as by any otherronto. Insurance effected when requested by Shippers/Bills of Lading signed at Qneen Street Whan on or beforeday OlßOiliDg. _ ' r,! v-j • • i j _ WM, L. JAMESw Generkl Agent, my3l-tf§ No. 13d SouthThlid street. PHJLAPELPH LA ; JtiaHMOJTO- AND - IT .NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. - THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST. INCREASED FACILITIES AND REDUCED HATES • , . »qd 1870 ' r j ’ ■ LEAVE. I ETOKY-7:WEDHBro&y.Land: TURD AY,at 12’o’clk, Noon, from FIRST-\VHABF, bbove.MABKKT Street.", 7 • T RETURNING. LEAVE RIOHMONIi MONDAYS and , THURSDAYS, and NORFOLK TUESDAYS, and , >SATURDAYS. . . w , JKTNo BUls .of Lading signed after li d'clock on Sailing: Day. , > ■ THROUGH BAXES to all . points in.Northa^uipottfb - Carolina via Seaboard Air-Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth, and to-Lynchburg, Va., Tennessee ana the . Bl^ h ffi D if?»g < Sa dtakenat^B charge for commission, dray age, or any expense for sSamshfps Inmo’at logest fates. Freight received DAILY j . - '« . State-room accommodationa forragflengem. • * - • •• ' WILLIAM P, CLYDE 1 A 00. No. It Sonth Wharves and Pier No. 1 North WliArves, W. P.POBTEBjAgentatßlcbirrondandGityPolnt, T. P.ORQWELL & CQ.yAgentgat NbrfoHr FOB 8 NEW lORK YIA DBLAWABB ' AND RARITAN CANAL. - ‘ ; ‘ EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Tbe CHEAPEST and QUIOKBST water Communica tion between Philadelphia and-Now York.' Steamers leave daily from First Wharf below MAR KET street, Philadelphia, and foot of WALL streot, New York. »'*-• -'- n.j THROUGH IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Goods forwarded by all the Lines running oat of New York. North, East or West, free of commission. l J * Freights received Daily ana forwardttLon occominoda ting terms; r * "- v ' r* —*••-"= WM. P. CLYDE A CoTSgenfa, ' <l2 South Delaware Avenue, JAB. OAND, AgeGtvlls Wall Street,New York. ,r XTEWEXPEJESS DINE TO ALEXAH JUI drift, Georgetown and Washington, D. O.vvi&Obes tfpeake and Delaware Canal, with connect]ans<:at Alex andria from the moat direct route for < Lynchburg, t Bris tol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Bouthweet. Bteamera leave regularly, from .thej fimt wharl abov Market street, evdry Saturday at noon. .Freightrecoivedaaily. WM,P.CLYDE AGO., No. 12 <*>-1 North Wharves. . HYDE AiTYLEB, Agents ati Georgetown, r * I M.ELDBIDGE & 00Agents at Alexandria, Ya. FOE MEW YORK, VIA-DELAWARE ' AND RABITAN OANAO; , BWIFTSUBK TBANBFOBTA’riON COMPANY, DISPATCH AND SWIFTBDBE DINES, Leayingdally at 12 ands P. M. ; - The steam propellers of this Gompauy ; wiU oommeno loading on the Btn of March. ...... ... ; . Through in twonty-four hours. ' ■ ■ ' ■ / Goods forwarded to any pointtfro© of commissions. “ Freights taken on accommodating terms, ,n . x %, ? Apply to WM; M. BAIBP & 00. T Agents, mni-tf 132 South Dela^axeayenue. iHELAWARE , AND , CHESAPEAKE U STEAM TOW-BOAT COMPANY .-Bargei towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Hatreds Grace, Del aware City and intermediate points. - ■' > WM. P. CLYDE A CO., Agents; Oapt,. JOHN LAUGHLIN flup’t Office, 12 South Wharved, 1 Phila delphia • apli tfj "VT ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAH4BOAD J3I -—Freight Department.—Notice to / Shl^perb.—By arrangements recently perfected; this' Company is en abled to offer unusual despatch in.th.o.tworoortftMph.pf,,. freight from Philadelphia to all points or the Lehigh, Mananoy, Wyomirigahd Susquehanna Valleys* and on theCatawissa and Brie Hallways. .; ; ' Particular attention is askod to the new line through the Susquehanna Volley, opening up the Northeastern portion of-the State to Philadelphia, embracing the towns of Towanda, Athens,Wavorly, and tha-jcounties of Bradford, Wyomlug and Susquehanna., It .also of- . fersaßhort and speedy route to Buffalo ana-Robhester, interior and Southern Now York, and all-points in the Northwest and Southwest and on the .Great Lakes, Merchandise delivered at the Through-Freight pepot, corner of Front and Noble streets, before 5 P.M., is dis tributed by Fast Freight Le high, Mahanoy, .Wyoming, and Susquehanna Valleys early next day, and delivered at Rochester and Buffalo withinforty-eight hours from date ofßhipment;, 1 [Particularsln regard to Buffalo, Rochester, interior Now York and Western Freight may bO.obtained at the office *No. 811 Chestnut street. L.G. KINBLER, Agent lf P.\v.AE.Dino.l d.B.OBAFXY, - Tbrongh Freight Agent, FrOntandNoblo streets. ■ 1 ELLIS CLARK, roylO ■ .General Agent N.P* Biß.Op_.__ DKFGh. WHITE OABTHiE SOAP—“ CONTI.”— 'SOO boxes now landing fronvbark Lorenna, from Leghorn, l 'and for sale by • „ ' i * ROBERT SHOEMAKER * 00., Importers, N.E. cor. Fonrtb and Race streets. Olive oil.—genuine Tuscan • Olivo Oil in stone jars and flasks, landing from hurt Lorenna, from Leghorn; and forsiuoDy, ■ ROBERT SHOEMAKER & (JO.,*lmporters, N.E.cor. Fourth and Baceßtreete. EHTJBAEB XiOOT, OF 15XTRA jSpPE rior quality, Gentian Boot, Garb* Anpijaqum, just received,per inderatlgabl'e, from London, by -ROBERT SHOEMAKER A 00.; Importers, - . . / N. K. corner Fonrth and Race streets. GITRIC ACID.—2O KEGS OF 1 CITRIC •Acid —“ AllenV” Wine of Oolclilcumji frOni fresh root; also from the seed. Succus Conlum, : “ ; ” r ROBERT SHOEMAKER .& . OOA, Importers, . Ui> N. E. cor. Fourth and-ißace streets //X7JFAMTom7s^ r ALI J EN f S’’ 0-JCN- I-I Oil of Almonds, essehtinl 'aba'sweet.i Also, •-Alion’s” Kxtrnctß of Acoulto,,Bolli»dqna,,aontian, Ilvoßcinml, Tornxlcnm, &e.( just;toeeived la store, per in'fiofntignble^^^e^^d^nl^.^ N,K.ce™erl«M«ts. GXt AD DATED MEASUEEB.f-BJNOBISn Grndunted Measures,'warrantedcorrect.'Genuine “ Wedgwood ” Mortars. Just received- frpm Xiondon perstea^r^Up^^^y^^^// ■; N.Bi cor.Fonrtband'Baoestroetg. ■ ( JL/ ates; Mortar, Pill Tiles, Oombs,Brti9heif MirrorSt Tweezers, Puff. Boxes3orn Scoops* Burgleal loatru menta, Trusses, Hard and Soft Rubber "Goods, VIM Oases, Globb- and Metal Byringos, &0., all at ‘‘Firs* TERSOSXD .rn B ent^rl a tbo D if« BnUding, No. SIS fInH street. Office hours ffi toSF.M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers