BUSINESS NOTICES. Geo. Steck ot Co.'s Grand, Square and Upright Pianos. Pianos to rent. • J. B. GOULD, my it w til No. 923 Chestnut street. _—_--_____ Conrad Meyer, Inventor and DIEUVICeie rarer of the celebrated Iron Frame Piano,_ has received *the prize Modal of the World's Great Exhibition, LlOll don, England. The highest prizes awarded when and wherever ex bibitai. IN arorooms;723 arch street. Established 1823. myl a m w tf§ _ _ CITY BULLETIN. State Of Thermometer Tails Day at the Dunetin Office. nA. der. LI deg. 9P. M. 89 deg 'Weather clear. Wind Northwest. LOCAL CriownErt.—Had the preceding day been cooler, the probability is that a multi tude of visitors to the sea-side - Would by this time have been in their Philadelphia homes. As it is, the trains come in lightly laden. That to-morrow they will carry away full freights of recreation-seekers may be set down as highly probable. —The arrivals of fruit in our wets were never greater than during yesterday and to day. The market at Delaware avenue is a literal Malakoff of fruit and vegetable baskets, lip-full of all the products of the season. This so much was the case . this _morn, ing as at times to render the thoroughfare impassable. The peach trade is nearly at its height. The price varies, according to quality, up to 53 00 per basket. The article bringing the latter figure is ex tremely fine. Watermelons sell at from $l4 to $26 a hundred. Canteloupes at from 40 to 800. a basket. The latter is the price of selected fruit. Plums reach us in limited quantities ; the greengage is supplied -only in . diminutive lots, and at fanciful prices. •In the prices of meat and ponitry there - is no change. Until the close of the season at the watering-places no change in them is to be.expected. —At the Commercial Exchange rooms this' morning the attendance was probably the slenderest of the season. As a matter of course its transactions were exceedingly light. A few weeks more and the Members will again re-occupy their splendid building, so unfortu nately eviscerated by fire. Of the officers of the Li x.change many are now enjoying their Summer hohday. --Sheepshead fish, this season, appear"to be extremely scarce. They retail at am. a pound. ' At the corresponding period of 1869 they were, • abundant at Dock street, Wharf at 515 a hun dred weight. By fishing for them With nets the prolific fishing shallows at Long Beach and Tuckerten have been nearly depopulated —The watches that took the prize at the World's Exposition were the production of Humbert Ramuz. They have just been intro duced into this city by Messrs. C. &. A. PenyinotrNo. 608 Chestnut street. That any more elaborate. - piece of mechanism wazi ever contrived may be set down as doubtful. They not only wind and set the hands from the stem, but they strike the hour. Not only this, they strike at the touch the quarter, halt and three-quarter hours, and the number of minutes beyond either point that are indicated by the minute hand. A blind man can tell the exact time by them as well as a man who - can see. The Messrs. Pequinot are ready to re ceive orders for these watches. The price of the sample shown to us is 8500. The Messrs. . Pequinot carry on, at Fifth and Minor streets, upon an extensive scale, the manufacture of wateh-eases of every desirable description. . FIRES DI:RING JELV.—The report of Capt. Terrence INlceilskei ' of the Insurance Patrol, just issued , shows that there were sixty-three fires in the city (luring the month of July. The character of the buildings damaged was as follows: • 20 three-story brick dwellings. .. 8 four-story brick buildings. 6 two-story frame buildings. 3 two-story brick buildings. .4 one-story frame sheds. 16 three-story brick buildings. 2 six story brick buildings. 1 five-story brick buildings. 2 two-story frame dwellings. 1 two-and-a-half-story stone dwelling. These buildings were occupied in the fol lowing manner: Dwellings, 24 ; . glass houses, 9 ; grocery stores, 2 ; shoe Maker, 1 ; flour-mill, 1 ; shoe manufactory, 1 ; woolen-mill, 1 ; tin store, 1 ; brewery, 1 : cigar store, 1 ; bakery, 1 ; straw goods, &c.,•1 ; ; rag store, 1 ; wood turner, 1 ; bottling establishments, 2 liquor stores, 2; sheds, 2; flour and feed store, 1 ; sliug store, 1 ; sugar refinery, 1 ; leather store, 1 ; coal yard, 1 ; carpet store, 1 ; restaurant, 1 : stable, 1; millinery store, 1 ; furniture ware room, 1 ; harness manufactory, 1 ; moulding, frames, &c., 1 ; hotel, 1 : mill, (unoccupied coffee roasting establishment, 1 ; dry goods store, 1. CITY MORTALITY.—The number of inter inents in the city for the week ending at noon to-day was 376, against 327 the same period last year. Of the whole number 128 were adults and 248 children-150 being under one year of age; 199 were males; 177 females; 128 Dow, and 120 girls. The number of deaths in each Ward was: First 14,Sixteenth. 11 &emu 22 Seventeenth 18 Third 14 Eighteenth 12 Fourth 18 Niheteenth 21 Fifth- 8 Twentieth 28 Sixth 6 Twenty-first 4 Seventh 19 T went y -second 11 Eighth 9 Twenty-third .......... ........ .8 Ninth ..... I Twenty-fourth la Tenth 91Twenty-fifth 4 Eleventh 7 Twenty-sixth 16 Twelfth. 91Twenty-seventh 17 Thirteenth 8 Twenty-eighth ti Fourteenth Unknown 14 Fifteenth' 27; The principal causes of death were: apo picky; 4 i congestion of the brain, 7 ; consumption, 42 ; Convulsions, 18 ; diph theria, 2 ; diarrhwa, 3; disease of tin heart, 6 ; debility, 10: scarlet fever ' 5 ; ty pboid fever, 9 ; . inflanimation of the lungs, 2 inflammation of the stomach and bowels, 8 marasmus, 29; old age, 13; cholera infautum 89 ; drowned, 7 ; relapsing fever, 2; iidhunwa tion of the brain, B' . ; palsy, 6 I' I . s .—Th e weekly reports o the Soperintewleuts of the Public Baths, niaTh at the IN ayor's 011 ice to-day, show the follow iug resultb South St. Schuylkill 1() 'Wire Bridge (2 days) 500 INlanaytmk ..... • 81 .Almond Street...... 112 Otis Btreet RE CAP 1 'ft I. AT I ON Men... "NI °into 80y5... The bath-house located at Otis street whit broke from its moorings, yesterday afternue and floated down the river as tar as Poi' Airy, but was towed back to its place. - TI batters were s all enjoying themselves in II house at the time of the trip down stream. Til 1 Elr CAPTI , IIED—PIESENCE OF liiNn 01' A WI 'III A N.—The dwelling of Mr. _Nathaniel Fry,NU. 1012 Fitzwater street, was entered by a tief, who sneaked through a door la ,1 eyening. Mrs. Fry had occasion to go up stairs during the evening. , She heard a noise in the beef-chamber, and took a hasty glance around the room. Lying at the foot of tin bed she espied a pair of boots which did not belong there, and it was evident that a man was concealed under the bed. At this time Mrs. Fry, displayed great' presence of mind. ~..instead of fainting or,making an outcry, she. . .got what he wanttst, and- quietly left the room _Sheproceeded to,t,ittitrontrioor - ,and; called - in Policeman, Lure. Ile captured fbi - owner of the Mysterious boots. 'Phu prisoner • gave his name as John Frolics, In hi s pockets were found seine money and several articles of jewelry, which belonged in the house. There were-also found under the bed a bundle of ClOthini; which had been packed up ready for removal. Frengs will have a hearing at the Central Station this afteindon. MAN,Duowzow.—William F. Keepers, aced. 21 years, a tinsmith, residing on Seventeenth street, below — Master, went to the Falk of Schuylkill on Thursday evening.._ lie had wade _smite sort of _an apparatns to at tritettho attention of fish so that they could be inure readily caught: He. desired to "try this con . tri ranee, and, as he wished to keep the matter private; he- Zeta boat and rowed out' o Ito •. • • • . :' , 'aped ' BECK'S PHILADELPHIA BAND, No. I.—The last grand New York Bay excursion of the series will be given on Thursday next, August 25th. leaving Walnut street wharf at 7.80 A. M. in order to avoid crowding on the train, and to insure the c'mfort of passengers -on-the-boat,-the-tickets-will--be sengers will therefore do well to secure their tickets previous to the morning of the excur sion, as the Committee have made such ar rangements that no persons will be allowed to enter the train without showing a ticket.. Tickets can be procured at the places named in the advertisement in another column. It is the _determination of the . Committee to make this the grandest excursion of the sea son.. • - 31eit. Wunteit. Boys. Gii 7102 12 ;190 817 700 783 iti lot; .27 'rap, be fell overboard and was drowned. The body has not vet been recovered, but is teing grappled for by the Schuylkill Harbor Police. • ANOTHER ATTE:4I*T AT SUICIDE.—This norning, about three o'clock, 111 argarot Rob eson, aged 50 years, attempted to commit -deltic. She jumped into the Delaware at ltainbridge. street wharf. P,,licemen Afellul .,mgh heard the splash, went to the wharf and the woman out of the , water. • FlRE.—This morning, between twelve and one o'clock, two frame dwellings on Front street, below Moore, were badly damaged by fire. The buildings were unoccupied, and the fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. SLIGHT FIRES.-About ten o'cloc._ morning a chair factory, N 0.208 Brown Street, was slightly damaged by . tire. The roof of a dwelling in the rear of N 0.1520 Wheat street took fire about noon to-day, and was slightly damaged. AX ELEGANT AND SUBSTANTIAL IVE 31ENT.-Mr: J. E. Gould, the well-known Pi 'g no Dealer, No. 923 Chestnut. street, has just .om pleted an extensive and elegant addition and improvement to his already ample warerooruS. The rapidly increasing sales of George. Steels Co.'s and Haines Bros. Pianos, and the pop ular Mason & Hamlin (Boston) Cabinet Or gans, have compelled an enlargement of facili ties, which comprises the entire second-story front of the 'building now occupied by him. This_upper ap_artment has been fitted up with exquisite taste ; its walls papered - deep — bit - re, - with parallel gold stripes at intervals of seve ral feet ; while a row of supporting white pil .iius adds a..snl - tantial .etfeet .eiiseps(ile. Customers enter the new wareroom through a wide and newly improvised doorway on the first floor, and passing up a short and conve nient stairway find themselves in the midst of a splendid stock of instruments, whosegene ral style and finish are seen to great advan tage in the brilliant sunlight that streams into thaspacious windows. The acoustic effect of the elegant new apartment has also been well cared for; and, in short, no expense has been spared to make the entire establishment equal. if not superior, to anything of the kind- in this country. An immense stock of person ally selected instruments will be censtantly offered at nearly the same as in old times. NEW 'i - ORIt BAY Ex - cunstos.The grand excursion around New - Yr . ork Bay and down to Long Branch, complimentary to Prof. B. K. McClurg, leader of the Liberty Silver Cornet Band, will be given on Monday next. After teaching Amboy by special train the Qxcur siouisis will embark on-the -splendid steamer- William Cook," commanded by the geillal and accommodating Captain Hornbloweri-and will be taken down the Bay to Sandy- 'Hook and out on the ocean to Long Branch, giving a fine view of this celebrated watering place, the splendid hotels, the President's cottage and other elect elegant residences, returning up the Bay, through' the Narrows, affordifig a tine view .of the fortifications , landing at New York city about one hour, thence up the Hudson river to the Palisades. The ticket .fur this delightful trip are sold at a very moderate rate. Sept:111: SUMMITE euNTECTIONERY.—Tht , watering-places and the great cities North and South; East and West, have secured large Assortments through Stephen F. Whitman Son. S. W. corner of Twelfth and Market streets, of that splendid confectionery for the season, that comprises all the rich, fruity davors, for which it is remarkable,and, which established the manufacturer's name through out the country. PAWN Ell or others will please notify by letter. addressed to "Alpha." Bi - LLETEs 607 Chestnut street, if they have re ceived, on a loan, a light grey sack,a lad's blue jacket, table-cloth, sheet, &c., Sze. The arti cles will be redeemed, and any information concerning the person pawning the said arti cles will receive thanks. RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM.—To accommodate the eleventh annual report of the Board of Missions of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, the Episcopal Register comes out this week in a very handsomely printed double sheet, pre senting a very creditable appearance, and ,peaking well for the enterprise of its pub lishers. TBL I E HEROISII. A Cambria County Ida Lewis. We take the following item from the Johns town Democrat : Instances of genuine heroism often happen that the world knows little or nothing of. Au instance has been brought to our attention which occurred quite recently at Sulphur spring, near the Somerset county line and which is worthy of note. Carrie S., aged seven years, the little daughter of Arr. Joseph Lare, of the Pittsburgh Post, along with her mother had been stopping near that place for several weeks, and one day last week she, in company with a young lady and Miss EniMa, laughter of Joseph Orris,Esq.,of Scald Level, I his county, aged about thirteen years, were rossing a brook at a shallow place to get to the spring, when the child slipped upon the mossy rocks and was rapidly drifted by the current into deep water. The young woman at once plunged into the water to rescue the little girl, but, being unable to swim,they were Loth in imniinent danger of drowning. The girl Emma Orris, a good swimmer, with great coolness and remarkable presence of mind, burried'fiirther down thestream and; ventur , - mg boldly to the rescue, succeeded after they had sank twice in saving both from a watery p. rave. The gratitude of the parents toward:, his heroic and self-sacrificing little girl can readily be imagined, and a few days ago a Leant rought solid silver cup. appropri tely inscribed.irom the parents of Carrie,was presented to Miss Orris as an acknowledg ment of her bravery and successful efforts. We ;,re proud of Miss Orris as a daughter of Cam bria county, CITY NOTICES. A PI.E.V;ANT Tomc FOR CIIII.DE EN may had iu Dr. tiWri Vurntifuge. It it 4 certain and b:tt , it, nctior. , inhp:krting health and vigor to the organ. .lelig,stion, removing all lIVI'VOIIS dytilioptir symp and deo lasing the system of Wornin. Of all ref .Ite4. a bottle of this Inedieine ehontd be kept in ',Loie, ac likely to lo..hlarindad iii very m a ny o f th a . hiltiht,od, and certain to prove a valual , ht ever; 1110 t her in innititainitig the health of the bolt Loll. Prepared only at 242 Chestnut street, and t . yet y where. A QuELI - AND AN ANSWEIL—Whitt is tin .iinerence between the Prince of Wales. the :‘,ll of Esau, an orphan. and a baby? Answer—Une is an itu..ll A PPAltExr,t he next a n AIRY PAItENT, the next has NAB NT, and the littit NAI . Ly AtAtB.4lTAltlttiT. Titer! s i 6 va4t di ffe rence in the quality of Coal that you get. romp of it contains so much slate and dust ni to clog P thelt a W. - - That - Whic — you:ter 9t - 11117MTELL — Zt ' WitoTll, the purillur del?lers at the NOrthwest coiner Of Ninth and Girard av cline. may he implicitly relied upon us bt,ihi tine - beef in the marliet: At this yard you may obtain time old original Beaver. Meadow Lehigh, which lice always been in such high repute with our citizens. THE BEST and cheapest advertising medium the 7'rue Democrat, 18 must popular, awl circulates eettly,llloTe thnu shy two others in York county. Mdress, HIRAM YoUNG, Publisher, York, YOUNG HEADS' ON AGED SHOULDERS.—It is no longer a loathsome task to darken gray hair. l'lthLoN'e VITAMA on SALVATION Fon Tll6 I 1 Ain. the chan t:" , unclean accompaniment. It ix n limpid. dour fluid, and hue a pleasant aroma, nutubt.r of.applictitimni .!letermittes lit tatitth!.. ~• ffillimo no qi , :ktnebs. no darkened ledths I . LalLett-{lprg:4l3-4411,11-:/t/114,41.13.11641V-3/.1, MILADELPHIA EVENING BULLETIN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1870. . • . THE .I,ATRST FASIIIONAIItrI • BEvEIItACIP,.—A furnishing store in this city advertises a new style or cravat as "the latest fsshion for the throat.:' Tiris may be the latest style for the outside of that organ, but fashion for the inside has just come up which is twice as popular. Somebody has found (nit that Schiedam Schnapps improve soda water, and ere/libedy acquiesces in the arrangement. Al though somewhat censer% ntive by nature, we are not opposed to progress, and conceiving it nor solemn duty, rt public journalist, to ascertain whether Schnapps Soda Water was a prow thing to be recommended to our - subscribers: 2 we- tried - 11-.—The • result—may- be stated in a few words: The mixture is good to take, and; if our stomach is like- .stomachs general, it is congenial to that part of the human organization. and to conclude; "it touches the right spot." — Sunday au* - THE DANGER attending the use of coal oil is by most people but imperfectly understood ; those who have never met with an accident give themselves no con cern, heedless that at any moment the most serious con• sequences may befall them. Ordinary refined petroleum may be safe, if -very carefully used, and no account made of possible acciaents ; but if the oil .becomes heated (awl ell lamps become more or less heated while burning), and the lamp is upset and broken, the flame coming in contact with the 'warm oil, it will ignite like the old fashioned burning fluid. In this is one superiority of PRATT'S ASTRA!, OIL ; for, Ha lighted lamp. filled with this oil, is upset and broken, the contents will - not ex• plode nor lake tire. The American A;rierdturist says;,. " One,of our asso ciates had a glass walllamp, filled with this oil, fall from its fastenings last week. It broke, sad the oil, with the burning wick in it, spread over the floor ; but no burn. it gof the oil occurred beyond the wick. He would not use any other oil now if this cost 85a gallon—nor would we. ' Tlie Astral Oil is for sale at wholesale and retail by Z. LocKE S Co., 1010 Market street. Sole agents for Phila. RbACIIES, ANTS, FLIES, MoSQDITOES AND nil insects are quickly destroyed by JACOBT'S..IN:3ECT POWDER. Dt 0. 517 CuEsT NUT street. Ricli PARIS DECORATED KERR'S 011 INA HALT, No. 1215 CHESTNUT STREET NEW' IFTTLES AND ALL 'PRICES. — JUDICIOUS ISLOTIItatS ••Alsi'D - NuTtsgs use Bon't:lt'S INFANT CORDIAL. because It Is 0110 of the most delightful and oftlesCions - rtnnkiles over diacovered f .r mann; the vnrtous ills to which infants and young children are subject. ACOBY'S VICHY LOZENGES. Highly'rocom Mended for ACIDITY OF THE STOMACIL HEARTBURN , FLATULENCY AND FP:DIGESTION: No. 917 OILESTNCT greet. OFF FOR THE SEASfDE.— • But before you go, call upon SLOAN, EMMarket street He has an intinite variety of Bathing Dresses, Oil Caps Straw Hats. Leather Belts, etc., for Ladies, Gentlemen 3166 Vii, Masters and Children. DEEPNESS - , - BLIEDNEBB - -- AND --UATADED treated with the utmost success, by J. IsAjca, M. D.. and Professor of Diseases of tho Eye and Ear (his speci alty in the 31 eidicalCollege of Pennsylvania,l2 years ex perience.lio. SUS Arch street. Testi-Pim:dab can be seen at his Office. The medical faculty are invited. to. ac company their patients, as be has no secretain,hia prac tice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. /to charge for examiriatiora --- LADIES cnu find every description of Corsets at 130 PKINS . lioep Skirt. Corset and Ladles' Under-gar nient Emporium. 1175 Che.tniit street. CORNS, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully tr , ated by Dr. J. Davidson, No.9lsCliestnut strret. Charges moderate. BROWN'S ESSENCE VF JAMAICA GINGER. —This article is now deemed indispensable in hot weather. As a gentle and healthful stimulant ginger has no rival and in the peculiar form in which It is pre pared by Mr. Frederick Brown, at the northeast corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets, it is at once convenient and palatable. Those who design making voyages ny laud or water should not be without the essence. STRAW H essrs. C. Onkford & Sons in the Continental Hotel. :Imo:tine° that ttry have re eeived another lot of those One - Dollar Straw Hats:The zreatest barzaius ever offered in America. T he Co-paknere•hip between GEO. E. SAUER:HANN & F. d. NORTH, Trading as G. ANDRE .t CO.. having expired by limita the malersigued has removed to the attractive au , ] c...nveuient 1020 CHESTNUT STREET. wh•-re he tvlil continue Importing. Publishing awl I ,, •aline in Sheet Jilinsic and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. liar ire had the general supervision and management ~1 the ~ f t he late firm. he hopes, by unremitting attention. to retain a shar.e of the public pa tronage, which he respetttully F. 41...N0R1C11. N. 8.--3.1 r. Andre had no interest fn the late nrin h.-urine his name. ul3 lmrpt; f?: . 1 FOR SALE—W:33 WALLACE ST. Handsome three-story brick Dwelling .23 feet front with sideyard. Has all the modern conveniences:. mitt underground drainage. Will be sold with or withou urniture. Inquire 36 North Fourth street. au4o3t DINNER AND LADIEs going to the country or seaside shorm procure one of those . . El.gaut und - c..ton:Siandowns from- - i'AI(FORD pain nd n 36 Chestnut strei‘t r - Ecnc AL brimmEzits and druggmt SNOWZIEN & BROTHER,' 23•SOTH6 Eight 11);treet COPARTNERSHIP. FOR SALE E E u ?.l . l o SA hrz l i , ivi O ne ß .i T re O et LET-MODERN ,n Et 0 J. B t,. Appl 113 B, , uth Fifth street. ell' FOR SALE—A LIGHT GRAY H 1 ' orne. sound and kind in harness . , fearless of ocurnotives, Also, a Family WIIVOU , and Harness in first-rate order. Sold for want of une. Apply to FREE ,t; 11110., Chancellor street, above Sixteenth, below Walnut. aul9-2trp" uE KEN T—TWO LARG E STORES, 237 and 239 North Water street. running through to Delaware avenue. Alan, large size loft over above stored. Apply to RICHARD C. HARRIS., 515 Mirir,r street, or JOS. S. FISH ElI, au2o It, an 27 s to th It§ 101ConunPrc , street. WANTS. grg WANTED TO RENT—A HOUSE ON ni.l , l.Arch street, between Thirteenth and Eighteenth streets. A mite of rooms may be retaimd..if lebired, by the occupant. Address, Tenant,' No. 1733 Arch street. It' WANTED --A CELLAR L'L•'TWEE Market and Valnut 11111 Water and Sewn strvqte. Apily to COCHRAN. C0.,11 Otteatuut 61.ieetr - atl2Anl WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN, A (situation aa Bookkeeper or (Irk. Hue hae ,er oral y Cara practical experience. Roter onct, givoij rno, •(1 ST .."1111P nflirn if32.l.rn tfs MiSCELLANEOUb. 11:1-)N FIX.CURES ANL) ItOPES FOR bn nine, made of anitable Ktrength r. remove any I. ar of accident to those who are k ep t i„ -trek of TEUMAN ctc SHAW Nu. e:5:, Eight Thirty fivo Market street. beluir Nintft. . HE PATENT cLuTedi ratAcE quires no fitting or . noteldne but int. th me lately Eel justs awl holde I li , lll firmly am' t uty ctml red, Every ruechante eau the -!t•••at eavin of time and labor thus effected. S-1 , 1 ill, the intitd kinds. and a variety 01 bit+ awl ti)(08. T 1 11 AN it SIIAWS, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-five 51arket street,below Ninth. I _ LATED AND BRA•SS CALL BELLS rid 'rca Brits. of a variel y ~ f rid,. for 1,11” by THI! AN l SHAW, No. 83,5 Eight Thirty-five)Mar ket ntreet.below Niuth. IETAI7L lIS ' AT Wl - IESAL prices—Saddlery, Barriers and !brio Gear o! .11 -inds, at IiNEASS', No. 1126 Market 11 trout. Bic .orEn , tite door. _ _ EAI)QUARTERS FOR EXTRACTING Ll TEETH WITH FRESH NI.TRuUS OXIDY GAS. "AISSOLUTHLY NO PAIN," Dr. F. E. TtiolStAii,folMierly operator at the Coitoz .ental Rooms, devotes his entire pract xtraction of teeth. Office, 911 Walnut at mliS,lYrp i AITj INDELIBLE:rITt INE LYI tuLlerltt rtlng,Stantilvto T. A. TORREY. Pine Filbert POLISHING POWDER. THE BEST' I for cleansing Silver and Plated Ware, Jewelry,oto.. ver manufactured. FARE 14 BROTHER, mhl tfrp , 824 Chestnut street, below Fourth' ISAAC NATIIANS, AUCTIONEER AND Money Broker. northeast corner Third and Spruce trePtli.—s264 l ,oo 4 ) to bOll,ll, in largo or small amounts, on Diamonds,Silver-Plate , Watehes„ll.Wei ry Juni all goodt , of value:' Office Hours trout 8 A. N. tel 7 P. 111.-10,111s ,bfklied for the last Forty. Years. A d vaur.34 made in large amounts at the.lowest markeLrate ß , gs'N o . o on . nectiob wittranY 00101'08Mo ILI Able ()its%) . • WARBURTON'S INIPRO \ T ED, VEN , tilatoa and easy-fitting Dross Bats(patented)hz all the approved fashtens of the 8008011. Chestnut streot3 next door to th . Post-O em. • ord-tirn WE DDING AND - EN GAGEMENT Binge of solid 18 karat tine Gold—a specialty; a full assortment of sizes, and no charge for engraving names, &c. FARR it - BROMIC% Makers, nlv24 re 324 Chestnut street. below lemirtb QLI INC ROSIN,-899 HARE MS Strained RUBill landing from sehr. C.-16 Palm', from Wilmington, N. 0. For hide by EDW. a. ROW LEY, 1611. Front po - E. TRAVELERS.— NEAT, - SMALL - . --ALKEDD3 ; will nWIlk(111 at any hour. - XAEIL & BEDTIME, Importers; Y527-tfro 521 Chestnut street.below 4th ----- 101 OSIN OIL.-500 BARRELS IST, 2n, 3n 1..%) and 4th run Itonln -Oil, stdtablot'or Grolkse 111altora Printero' Ink and lain term. rot' nolo by EDW. II ItOW-DE-1:16-South-lryout-etreet,-- ___ _ FIFTH EDITION LATEST FROM WASHINGTON `ROM NEW"YORK A ' FAIRS AT LONG BRANCH WASHINGToN, Ang. 20.—There will be paid from the Interior Department to the Indiana as annuities over a million of dollars. Seizure of Eimuouled GOods. Special Treasury Agent Ayers yesterday seized, at Fortress Monroe, in the Adams Express office, 57,500 worth of cigars and slot of wines and smoking tobacco, supposed to have been landed by the seamen on hoard the U. S. steamer Severn, lately arrived from the West Indies. Treasury Balauees. The following are the Treasury balances at the close of business to-day • Currency TF.S. Strq, _cm ..... • .• Coin certificates . . . . . .• . . [By the Amettcnut Press Aseoeiatiou.) NEW JERSEY. The Ninth New York; Regiment. LONG BRANCH, August 20.—The Ninth Regi ment New York State National Guard, con siSting of six hundred men, forty-two mui3i cians,and twenty drummers, arrived-here to day by the steamer Plymouth Rock, and paraded-down-the_heach_ by the_Contimmtal and Metropolitan Hotels and the Mansion House to camp, and were received by about three thousand people,-and--marched .splen-. 'They dine -at the Continental; and there will be a grand hop this evening in ho nor of the regiment. t Ity the American Press Association.j New York Weekly Bank Statement. .NEW Yonk, Aug. 20.—The bank statement, ending to-day, shows a decrease in the loans of $2,57-1,000; decrease in specie, 53,370,000; decrease in legal-tenders, $1,623,000; decrease iu deposits, $954,300. A Daylight Boblbery. in . New York. Mrs. Ellen Field, while returning from Long Branch, riding through Broadway at 2 I?. M., with a satchel on the seat beside her ontaining $5,000 worth of diamonds, a daring hiel stepped across the street while the car riage was passing, seized the satchel and ran' He was chased by an officer and arrested, -tfter having-dropped _the.satcheLiu_his_flight. Two-thirds of the steerage passengers on the -learner Europa to-day are Germans and Prussians bound for the war. The City .of Brussels also carried a number of Germans. The St. Laurent, bound for Brest, carried k.nly allundred passengers to France; all civil 'ans. The Queen has postponed her departure mail to-morrow. She will take a number of Germans to London. On her last voyage she took two Germans rem Omaha, who had come from Omaha to :oht for Fatherland. 4:30 O'Cloox. BY TEL.t3GRAPI-1.. FROM WASHINGTON. (Ily the American Press Association.] Animation. FROM THE EAST.. FROM NEW YORK. French and Ger FROM NEW ENGLAND. [By the American Brea Afi9OCiStiOnj BASSACHLSETTS. Arrival of the Steamer Bavaria. BObTON, Aug. 20.—The steamship Bavaria, from Liverpool 9th, by way of Queenstown itith, with one hundred and thirtY-seven cabin and four hundred and thirty-one steerage pas sengers, arrived here this forenoon. Fire. Last night a fire was discovered in the base ment of a three-story frame building owned by John Larrabee, at the corner of Main and Foster streets, Melrose. The building was occupied by Mr. Larrabee, Louis Daily and E. H. Downing. The flames quickly communicated to an adjoining two story frame building, giving the occupants but little time to save their efleets. The fire continued its course along Main street. where its progress was finally checked' DRY GOODS. • LINEN STORE, tP. 82S A.rch Street. AND 1128 CHESTNUT STTLEET. Plain Linens for Snits. - Flax Colored Linens, 25 cents. Buff Linens, 25 cents. Fine Gray Linens. Fine Cinnamon Colored Linens. Chocolate Colored Linens. Printed Linen Cambrics. New Printed Linens. Embroidered Initial Handlierchiefs, Beautiful goods at 51 00 each—every letter in th( alphabet. Special Bargains in Litotes' and Gents' ilandkercitiets. MICHAEL W WEAVER. EAVER & CO., UHLER. Rope and Twine Manufacturers anc Dealers In Hemp and Ship Chandlery, H North WATER. 23 North WILABVNF PHILADELPHIA. .00 tf§ EDWIN H. FITLF.P. Sr. CO., cordage Manufacturers' and Dealers I Hemp, 23 N. Water Btreet and 22 N. Delaware Arcirtte PHILADELPHIA. EDWIN H. FITLER• CONRAD P. CLOTHIER rIONDENSED MILK, EAGLE BRAND— Y The very best article for travelere, infante, Neetle's Milk Substitute, Patent Barley, Freeh Oa Meal, Bermuda Arrowroot, ecc. Liquid Rennet an. Flavoring Extreete. Foredo by JAMBS T. BRUIN earner Prond and Spruc) eireeto itIWATCHES THAT HAVE HITH• erto failed to give satisfaction, put in goo( order. Particular attention paid to Fine Watch es, Chronometers, etc., by skilful workmen. Illusical. Boxes repaired. PARE & BROTHER, . Importers of Watches, Musical Litmus, 3.:c., mylo .. J..... . 321_(Thestmit ntt!ent. below. b'otirtb. - ' BUSINESS - ES'rABLTSHEE7 18.40.---BUIIITYLKESr. A.11,111.8T.80NG. Undertakers, 1827 Germantown avenu °and "Fifth et. D. H. Srunvt.v.a ' f nrl4-Ivrui I FL S. A.RTVIT.IIOI , II.. _ ,_ VIRGIN OIL . D'HYERS. TWO FlUX dred eases of thin taming Salad , Oil darts and pints lauding and for.aale by JOSEPH II :BUS;3IER 'k 00.. 111.9 Smith Delaware A LYlitlTti TUItBENTINE.-322 BARRELS Is., Spirits Turpont inn now landing_ from steamer "Plo• neer,l' from Wilmington. N. O.; and for side by COCH 'KAN. RUSSELL &00. in Chestnut street. QPIRITS TURPENTINE, TAR AND ROSIN.-91 barrels Spirits Turpentine, 111 do. Wil mington, Tar, 920 010. Pale - and No. Pioneer.. 353 do. N 0.2 Rosin, landing - from steamship l4B barrels lip. 2 Rosin, landing from steamship Prome theus. For solo by EDW. EL ROWLEY, 18 South Front street. CEAIJK.-FOR SALE, 180 TONS 0 Chalk, Afloat. Apply to WORKMAN A 00., str-wt rvnitlissEitt3.OF COTTAGE " CHAMBER . SUITS And the various styles of Bedstead's, - Bureaus, Wa - sh - stands - , -- Wardrobes&c .1 Finished in imitation of Walnut, Maple or other "hard woods," and now generally known as " Imitation' or " Painted" rurniture, are hereby informed that very article of our manufacture is Stamped with our Initial's and Trade. Mark, And those who wish to obtain goods of our make (there being, at the present time, numerous imitations in the market), should invariably ask the dealer of whom they are purchasing to exhibit our atanip en thligoode, and take no other, no matter what 'representations may be made concerning them. KILBURN & GATES Wholesale Manufacturers of Cottage Furniture, No. 619 MARKET STREETi PHILADELPHIA. e2a m m w Smr H. Y. LAUDERBACH'S ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, 108 Soot), TENTH Street. A Primary, Elementary and Finishing School. Thorough preparation for Business or College. Special attention given to Commercial Arithmetic and all kinds of Business calculations. French and Gelman, Linear and Perspective Drawing, Elocntion, English Comensition.Natural Science. FIELD PRACTICE , in Surveying and Civil Engineer• ing, with the use of all requisite instruments, is given to the higher classes in Mathematics. A tirat-elass Primary Department. The best ventilated, most, lofty :and spacious Clas4- rooms in the city. • Open for the reception of applicants daily from 10 A. Circulars at Air. Warbartou'o, NO. 430 Chestnut Street' Im§ OEM= 1.02,395,935 05 '33,8137500-00 " LINDEN HALL." Moravian Seminary for Young Ladies. E 77th ANNUAL TERM Opens August 2:.5(1,, 1.43773. For Circulars and Catalogues, address • REY. EUGENE -A; ruunioniii LITIZ, LANCA.BTER CDUNTY, PA. auG a in 6t• ROBERT H. LABBERTON'S YOUNG LADIES' ACADEMY, 3.98 and 340 &nth FIFTEENTH Street. Next term commences September 18th. 7013 4m ACADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CLUIRCII, Locust and Juntpor streets. The Session will open on MONDAY. Soptomber oth. Application may be mude during_the preceding week, between 10 and 12 o'clock in the morning'. JAMES W. ROBINS.A. M., null; tu,tb,satocl§ Head Muster. CHEGARAY INSTITUTE, ENGLISH ara' FRENCH, for young Ladies and Misses, board ing and day pupils, NOS. 1527 and 1529 Spruce street, Philadelphia, Pa., will REOPEN ON TUESDAY, September 20. French is the language of the family, and Is constantly spoken in the Institute. jei&-th s to-6m§ HADA ME D'IIERVILLY, Principal. 'N4 ISS - M ARA' E. - AtETSEIv ANTi - 3riss 11 MARY E. STEVENS will reopen their Boarding and Du' School for Young Ladies Segytianber 14th. 1410. No. 26 Tulpehocken lit... Germantown. aul3 sto • DE E LLEVVE INSTITUTE , FOR YOUNG ,LADIES, ATTLBORO,...BUCKS COUNTY, PA. The next school Jetir commences SEPTE.II.I3EIt 5. Catalogues and infOrniation tiny-be had of: Ilittilf , Twelfth and Filbert - streets; 'Gilbert Combs. A. CAA Marshall street. 11. R. Warrinet . Esq., 20 North Seventh street ;J. C. Garrigues, 663 Arch street, and S. A. Potter, of Cowperthwait S Co., No. G2J Chestnut street. au6-a w 12t T SEAL, Principal. HE MISSES WILSON WILL RE- A- opon their Sp 00l for Young Ladies,. No. r. , 001! ttroen street, Germantown; on NV EDNESDAI Septem ber 14.1870nu20-Im` • IZATAHDIN SEMINARY, 1325 NORTH 11 Broad etreet—Boarding and Day School for }oring .;dies Fannie Bean, Principal; Mies A mile Bean, Vice Principal. Fifth Seasion coniinencea 14th. French, Latin, Dancing and Calisthenics a ithont additional charge. aultltocl* Al INS LAIRD'S INSTITUTE FOR young Ladies, with Preparatory Department. No. 'J .Z 3 North Seventh street, still reopen W„ed nerd oY, zi , !D t , inher 7th,1b711. au 19, lm.' riIHE SIXTEENTH ACADEMIC YEAR .1 of SPICING GARDEN ACADEMY, northeast corner Eighth and Buttonwood streets, begins TUESDAY, •eptember 6th. Thorough preparation Tot Business or College. Applications received on and after Moaday, August 224. OHAIILEB A. WALTERS, A. M., Principal. HALLOWELL SELECT HIGH. SCHOOL fur Young Men and BoYe. which HAS BEEN REMOVED From No. 110 North Tenth street, will be opened, on September 12th, in the new and more commodious build- Mgs Nos. 112 and 114 North Ninth street. beither effort our expense has been spared in fitting up the rooms to make this a first class school of the highest grade. A Preparatory Department connected with the school. Parents and Students are invited to call and Cl/11111110 the 1.31115, and consult the Principals, from 0 A. U. to 2 P. M., after August 16th. GEO. E ASUMAN, A. 8., JOHN G. MOORE, M. S., Principals. MISS CARR'S SELECT BOARDING end Dak School for Young Ladies. EILDON SEMINARY, seven tulles from Philadel phia, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, opposite I ork Road Station. The nineteenth session will commence September 14th 'en. Circulars obtainfd at the office of Jay Cooke .1c 0., Bankers, 114 S. Third street, Philadelphia, or by ad ' essing the Principal, Shoemakertown Post-Olfico, Moritgetner3 county, Iva. aulG Zoo§ RITTENHOUSE ACADEM.Y.—N. E. Chestnut and Eighteenth, will begin its seventeenth formation, September 12,1870 . For circulars, 8 iving full in formation, call at Blair, North-west Ch estnut and Eighteenth streets. an 15-2 m LT)CIUti BARROWS, Principals. Iir.BENNEVILLE S.LUDWTO, I FeRIVITURE. &C. EDUCATION. atilB lm: MADAME CLEM ENT'S FRENCH and English School for Young Ladies and Chil dren, Germantown, Pa. The twenty-seventh 13 er•Bion liegiu - Soptember - 14,1870. For circulars address the Principal. ault, IV 6 UAjeilY'g?4fgo4 MEN DBO LOS 4 EDWARD CLARENSE SMITH, A. M., Principal. This Select School will enter upon its sixth year com pletely re-organized. Rooms improved and refitted ith handsome furniture. Pupils prepared for BUSINESS or 111011 STAND ING in COLLEGE. Next session begins September 12. Circulars at LEE &WALKER'S, No. ~2° Chestnut aug3-tf§ fIifESTN UT STREET FEMALE SEMI 'V NARY, Philadelphia—Miss Bonney and Principals.—The twentujirst year of this English and French Boarding and Day School %%111 open WED NESDAY, September 14th, at 1615 CIIEST.NUT street. Particulars from Circulars. aul3 tocl A .NDALUSIA COLLEGE. • /IL BOARDING-SCHOOL for BOYS audYOUNG MEN. LIEN'. DR. WELLS 'S HOME BOARDING•SCHOOL FOR BOYS FROM 6 TO 13 YEARS OF AGE: Boat iniditntionv re-open SEPTEMBER 1th,1870. Ad• rolls the REV. DR. WELLS, Andalusia Pa. aul2 1A JSS ANABLE'S ENGLISH AND 1.T.1 French Boarding and Day School, No. 1350 Pine ,4 reel., will reopen on W EDNESDAY, the 14th of S,pt oext. nul2 t sel7j WEST CHESTER FEMALE SEMI NARY. • \VEST CIIESTER,CIIESTER CO., PA. • . TIIIH Institution, under the care of MISS P. O. EVANS, ItsrilEted by competent teachers, will be open for Hie reception of piipila on THURSDAY, the 16th of t , ptember next. threnlara, containing tonne and other information, can be had on application to the Prim pal. aulo-Im§ AZARETH HALL. Moravian Boarding School for Boys. For cataloguea apply to Mv.ssas. JORDAN .4.: /IRO.. 209 North Third street. Pifiladelph in. or to REv EUGENE LEIDERT, Principal, Nazareth, North. fillipto Clounty, Pa. ml 9 luNi,, 1) IVEVIEW MILITARY ACADEMY, IA; "'- H . POUGKEEPSIE, N. Y: ,111( 14 E, A. M., Principal and Proprietor. torough -going School for boys wish for Buetneaa, for College, or for Wes al Academy:- . .., .- . 3y16 366 OTT- , ' A yid: - Big to be Point, or tlie 1110_181 - 10.P.T.H.0RP.1.1. --A- Church School,- for Young-Ladies year commences September 14, 1870. For Circular and further .ihformation .address. the Principal, MISS F. I. WALSII, jyl4 36t§ Bishopthorpo, Bethlehem, Pa. rptiE LEHIGEI IJNIVERSI`kY, - SOUTH X Bethlehem, Pa. Term opens Sept. 1, Applicants examined - August 29th and 30th R . HENY COPPEE, LE. D., ' President. MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS, WATOLIEB, Al JEWELRY, PLATE, CLOTHING, • JONES &..(30.'S ' OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN MICE, Oornor of Thir w d and Lomb Gaa kill otroeta, 13010. • N. B.— DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. GUNS, &c., roll SALA'. AT BEM A ILK ABL Y LOW PRIOEI3 JEWELERS, No. 902 CHESTEIJT STREET, Hare largely increaeed their stock or DIAMONDS, DIAMOND JEWELRY. EMERALDS, SAPPHIRES, PEARLS, OPALS AND CAMEOS, In .11lountings of Exquisite Style, carefully pre- pared by the most Skillful Workmen. They also call particular attention to NEW STYLES OF JEWELRY In Roman Gold, Gold and Enamel- - - Turquoise, Black Onyx, Byzantine Mosaics, and Elurislan Enamels. N 6. 902 CHESTNUT STREET. mysi tit th . ati/El=/3111M!:1M=MI S. S. FETHERSTON & CO.. 270 South, Second Street, CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE ESTABLISHMENT. DINNER AND TEA. SETS Of every dtsign. TABLE GLASSWARE Of French, English and American Menu- factuiti. DECORATED CHAMBER SETS TOILET ETS, MI of whidi are °Stored at an IMMENSE REDUCTION. Families about going to housekeeping, country dealers and others, will find it to their advantage tocall and examine our - - FINELY ASSORTED STOCK before purchasing elsewhere S. S. FETHERSTON & CO., 270 South Second Street. aull tf riA GAS FIXTURES, &V. GAS FIXTURES AT REDUCED RATES. Persons furnishing houses or stores will find it to their interest to deal with the Manufac turers direct. Our assortment of all kinds of Gas Fixtures cannot be equaled in the city, and we invite all those in want to call on MISKEY, MERRILL & THACKARA, DIAN untcrunEns, Showroons, No. 718 Chestnut Street. aul:33mrp STEINWAY & SONS' Grand Square and Upright Pianos. Special attention is called to their new PATENT UPRIGHT PIANOS, with Double Iron Frame, Patent Resonator, Tubular Metal Frame Action, &c., which are matchluss in Tone and Touch, and unrivaled in durability, 011ikitLES BLA.SIUS, WAREBOODIS, NNo.O 106 CHESTNUT STREET. i tfrp§ G MAcniN THE WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES, The Beet and eOld on the Easiest Terme. PETERSON & CARPENTER, 9t4 CHESTNUT STREET. - - 28 p to tTrhrp 'POLITICAL NOTICES fL7' 1870. 1870. SHERIFF, ILIJA:24I R. LEEDS. ti ocl2rp§ BOARDING. T 3,15 EA SA N'P ROOMS, WITH - BOARD cos bo hall at 1523' Pitio'fit root, nu«o-6L`' PIANOS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers