CITY BeLLETIN. State of .Thernionteter This Day at the Bulletin office. 10 A.M....5S deg. 12 M..._..,89 deg. 2P. AI. ql dog Waathor clear. Wind Sonthweat. LOCAL. CHOWDEIL—Though the mercury at noon to-day marked 88, the temperature was palliated by ri - . pleasant -Its cooling breath was suggestive of the period of two months. hence, when Fall overcoats will be the order of the day. —That any crowding occurred at yesterday's starting on the excursion of Beck's Band was another illustration that " procrastination ' is the thief of time." With the opportunity to secure tickets at several points in the city, a large majority of the excursionists postponed their purchase until the moment of depart ure. In our item of yesterday we were moral izing upon the lack of management in the getting up of excursions. Of what we didn't for a moment think was that . the crush at 'Walnut street wharf was in any respect the fault of the management of the Camden and Amboy Road. From the point in ,quastion, each morning start four heavily-laden trains. If excursiontsts fail to secure tickets in ad vance of the moment of departure - the conse quences of their folly must rest with them selves. These trains all start within the limit of a single hour. The management of this matter by the general ticket agent, Mr. J. Warren 6'ore,is,lieyond all praise. —Among the Most remarkable pieces of pen and ink work is a specimen now displayed in the windows of No. 1125 Chestnut street. It is enclosed in a handsome gilt frame. -Its di mensions aro 40 by 35 inches. It is the work of a prodigy in the art of copying. The name of the gentleman is J. W. Russel. The work was executed with Gillott's steel pens and David's ink. It represents a•portion of the - ,title page of the Eviiiiixo BULLETIN, and of nine other papers published in this city: Its centre is a view of the Ledtier building, and a fac simile group of signatures of eminent men—from the First Napoleon down to Secretary Spinner. The fac simile of the BULLETIN is literally per fect. That the work is a work of-high art will be questioned by _no one_who sees, it. Thejex tent of the patience and the toil required to ex ecute such a work, and to do it Without spot or blemish, is probably best the ar tist who produced it. The consecutive time expended upon it was about three weeks. The curiosity will be deposited iu the Girard House. Piiiich asks Why it is"tliat the moment a •Mati tumbles from prosperity to adversity, his feet take to growing so ' Punch is certainly right.- When. Mr. Sparkle enjoyed a fat, in come and a diet of woodcock his boots were made by Bartlett. He then wore natant leathers, No. 7s. We yesterday met Sparkle, in South street, engaged in purchasing a pair of stogeys that measured No. 11. That - -the- -covering of- the . feet _should_ fit_ less accurately than the covering of the head, in the opinion of Bartlett,is simply bosh. While Bartlett is ruining the business of our friends, the corn-doctors, he is at the same time re ducing the amount of profanity in the market at the rate of ten.per. cent, a month. Bartlett employs educated eordwainers—a set of peo ple who build a boot upon anatomical prin ciples, and insist on giving you a hundred cents for every dollar's worth of your invest ment. —We aro glad to see that Philadelphians at. Cape May are not forgetting Mr. .Jerry KC: 7 -I.(ibbertami-the. , United-States . Hotel, With • _everybody who knows him Mr. McKibben is favorite. Instead of a purchased welcome he receives you with a cordiality found oftener in hearts than in paving-stones. What his hotel lacks in pretentiousness it makes up in square-toed comfort and a table spread with something more --- than a feast of dishes. That -Mr. , Mokibben, at the United States 11 (del, at Cape May, is the right man in the right place. will be the verdict of every visitor to his cosy establish ment. FIRE AT GERMANTONN s.—Smoke was seen issuing from the cellar under the stable in the rear of the mansion of - Hobert W. Sykes, on Cliquey street, near - Wissahickon avenue, yesterday morning,about half-past ten o'clock It was Toned that a lot of straw stored there was on lire. The servants and others got eut the garden hose and suppressed the flames. It was discovered, however, that the tire had worked into a large pile of kindling-wood. Ily this time the I ermantown tire companies Inul arrived. Streams were put on, and It was sup posed that the flames were extinguished. Fire Dlarshal Billeichlllll arrived on the about one o'clock, and found there Assistant Engineer Fox. of the Fire Ibtpartment. At this time there were no signs of tire, hut in a few moments a big vol ume of 5100 1(0 issued trom the wood under the stable. The gar den hose was again brought into relturi tion, and through the greatest exertions on the part of Engineer Fox the tine was k e pt pretty well down until the arrival of two steam engines from t; ermant \VII. Th4t fire men worked atoll two hours Irvture lip , tire was entirely subdued. The horses and car riages were all gut out Safely. The builthng, however, Wits badly dainagt . d. The loss is es tiniated at 31,11111. The stable is insured in tin Green Tree Insurance Company. The “rigii (,t the first tire Is a mystery, and will I," thoroughly investigated by Fire .M;irslia LA it A , ti i NI. A. lady 11;k1 !hen, by her children, t4'l Vairmoillit ye,dciday, and while th went down to the water's edge allow the little one. 10 see souk, cligagt.d in ()Ile Of ht• Inv). switienly lnllled lip lin. 111 n., and the I .-turb: in lilt` fat - 21; of C:111)1 , 1)1.11, I). the right eye. Sergeant l'ffinitkitt.... .tt P;11 (i11:111i, kWh. ...Si 1 ., ( . :1111111,.•li tl. thi• ,font 1. of a ph rd) 1.-11 I s cd iron) 11,1 la I ,1 \ • .1' 1111 .!" , 11T - 1, - 111 - -.1 1%. I.' " 1 , 1 'l.- ;i1 111. II }:. .\\ 1111 , 11.111 , PI CI 11,1111 =MEI \till. • ii i 1. ;0112,gis v.I ,t I 1 , 111 li1 • 11 \\ LI I , I\l 4 4 . 4 4 - In ,t I. I ' „ 1 I 1 Lk 1 v. . t i ;1. I 1 I a I :1.7? I 1 1 i( ,•r ! :11 A MIXED-UP CASE.—Sixteen personst some months' ago, undertook to build a schooner. Of the Sixteen . , one gentleman, with the rest, Paid his assessment of $350. The others fol lowed suit. The remaining assessment of $500 . . due upon this particular sixteenth \V as not paid. The $350 in question was handed to Captain Townsend to pay over to the ship builder. The money was duly paid. The ves sel was completed at the yard of Mr. Maddox. •The:gentlenian—before—referred to was unable to pay up the $5OO still due upon his share of the vessel, it is allege. The builder, in conse quence, declined to deliver the vessel. Without this delivery the vessel could not be enrolled at the custom-house. The Captain, in order to make matters right, produced check book: He squared matters with the builder by giving him his individual check for - At the suit of the alleged delinquent part owner, the captain was arrested. The charge was that he was guilty of the larceny of the $350 which the gentleman had paid to the builder. By Counsellor Henry Flanders Mr. D. S. Stetson, shipping merchant, this morning had an interview with Alderman Smith, before whom a hearing was to have been held. For the prosecution neither witnesses nor counsel appeared. The Alderman notwithstanding held Captain Townsend in $l,OOO bail, to appear before him to-morrow. At this Counsellor Flanders took on a moderate degree of classical wrath. The Alderman persisted in his decision. Other bail was entered for the defendant, and the case went over in accordance - with the decision Of the Alderman. THE ACTION OF THE BOARD OF PORT WAR DENS.-Of this body, the late Samuel V. Mer rick was the efficient and honored Presi dent. To take action relative to his removal from among them, the Board, this morning, assembled at their rooms, No. 119 Walnut -street. -.The attendance.was full. It included large number of Shipmasters and ship pers, by whom the loss of Mr. Merrick will:. tdng continue to be acutely felt. M r., E. Harper.Jefiries, ex-President of the Commercial Exchange, was called to the Mr. G. B. Miller did duty as Secretary. After a few remarks, alike touching and timely, the following preamble and resolutions were —Offered - Whereas, It has pleased the Sovereign Ruler of the universe to take from Samuel V. Merrick, our late President; and, W hereas, In all the relations of the deceased with his fellow-members of this Board; he uniformly , exhibited not only the utmost courtesy,. but.thatjearked and friendly inte rests in the individual 'Welfare 'or each - that' was so.fuljy in keeping with his character. as a Christian and a man ; therefore, Resolved, That we tender to the family and friends of our deceased President our heart felt sympathy in this the hour of their great Mille- 11 1.1ih.1 ...I :! lIJ ~~ I ! MEE 1 I I N.; 'I, )1i 1 is NolPi lIIIN Li on. Res°, , , That as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, we will attend his i funeral n a body: The resolutions were unanimously adopted, and the meeting adjourned. Smtious AuemENT.—Eaton Howard, aged 35 years, residing at No. 317 Bainbridge street, was badly. in.ittrOd about the back by a bar of iron falling on hiM at •WaShington street wharf this morning. He was removed to the Second District Police Station and properly cared for. ImenovEmitivrs.—About thirty dwe in are being erected at and near WissahichO station on the line of the P. G. & N. R. R. ATLANTIC City.—For the information of those who wish to visit the seashore, we will inform them that. the Camden and Atlantic Railroad are now running live, trains daily to the City by the Sea, one at 8.00 and at 0.15 A. M., and at 4.1 5 P. M. In addition to these, the fast train . (through in one hour and three quarters) is now running. leaving Vine street \ ha r f at 2.01 , and :1.15 P. M., and on Saturdays only an additional fast express train leaves at 2 o'clock P. M. The Sunday train will be run :is usual, leaving Vine street wharf at 8 A. M Returning, leaves Atlantic at 4 P. M. CAPE TA Ay.—The season at this favorite watering place is now about at its height, and presents Many attractions. Thu hot eLs are well tilled arid nromise,not withstanding their ,XtellSiVf , enlargements and additions, to find visitors for every available mpace. The fast ex press train, by the \Vest Jersey Railroad. leaving Philadelphia at -I o'clock P. \I., this afternoon, makes no steps for passengers he t wenn Philadelphia and Cape Slay. The mail rain leaves on Sunday at. 7.1. - ; A. 11., re turning at 5.10 I'. M. Fair fur round trip only Moo - si.hJyr EN , •t•nsioN: Mundy's thir teenth annual moonlight excursion to Atlati, to City is announced for -aturdav evening. August '2oth, the last boat leaving Vine street \\bad' at s o'clock. Everybody who has visi• Ted Atlantic City knows Mundy, and been his excursis have -always been very popular. For those who cannot spare a mo ment front hosiness, this excursion comes in ery well. a...the train reaches the city on tin return at si:lo A. on the following 'Monda:, SENNATION I N I'lT'7'Hli['lilili A l'roatitavent Ittisinvoi Man Allet;cal to nave Embezzled Oi t'littrelk to the &motto( of 513,000. Th.. Pittslairgh (;;,.,tt, Nays: lo•r.• was a startling rumor in Ow .•ity eviliing, 11, the elh , t that a business mao ..; • his IL\ had .1111 , ../ tht tool; of a to tLr :tllll , lllll fittt'f•ll th. , 11 , ;11111 .1.;- lan, :Nothing \'.•r‘ dolinito ; uI iogard to th. 1...;ti , r ran ;o.\ .1 IN; :;-...mainod, 11 Al' p. ars, 11.. n. all th.• information that oan that 11.. mat. 1,.. t. , chargi-d \col 1..- ; or! , nrt \\ 1 , 1111,•11.\ 1 , -a , ,11111111 111 tli (.m . r...1 part (...1 ?..1 :I, 11 :11 , \\ 15n ttt It .C't I tt tillti Ha t 'ltt•rt \\J. It tlitL. .1 .. 1 , ;11 - 1•1' \I, H.14 , 1711;11)1.11 \Sit. , It ;1.1 , 1.t•1 ,, r , l'.1:1.. V, :1114 NV.11.7. I' , 1;111 ' I.tllii. ;1 I.\ ~ 1 lii4• .1 ~ .1. ..111.• 1,1, N. , . 1 . .. 11' 1 , 1.,1 \`."111 A :t1 STLICIOI SSI 11.111 F. An it 111,1111 M II 171 i II In :II 1111114 . M411/1 , 91 . 1...01•N 11 iv 04,4•111 II or It Burin! mitt t 1 1 .15 ( . 0111(1111. Itil4•ide---111141 • Itre‘4 4• 1 1 1,4•1104. I TII , I .‘ , l , .1 ‘ , l ti . I id i'• , rl2. ! , 10 ,1 1 , 1:til :itrt ntt 1 .1 11: . 1 1i 1 1 H 1,:11 11-1 'IL-I:Ind:IL: 1 li• 11 ,, . , ;?,.2 . nil lilt 1 , • t• 1. .111 PIP - 11 , • I :1111 MCI I V, 111 I , HT , , 11, 1., 11 c 11l .:II :1 , 1 I\\ an , .I Liu , ~, I• gl I- 1111 . n I-I ,n,, HIV It •'I ht• 10.11g111 nl v\'l/AI \ 1./1 111 , 11hP .1 1111'1I ;111 . 0 . 1.1 1,2 I -1. I , • h. 1,111 it•II pa 1 1 ..filurl•1 11, \\ a •I' t .h. 11, 111;11 ISI;LCIt 1,1 V:lti l';1 1 • 11 h i , I \VP-11 to 1)1 hi, in I )ial hi' In iln tv '('l r= 111.0 !Ml\ [Li-night will ma nil, I ..t ',11! li.lll, la takv cluirgi• of lily . II 'i•2.,01.10 cl.111:1)11,,y PHILADELPHIA EVENING BULLETIN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1870. _ prom issory notes,- which Ilvish eared for. The coroner held his inquest, and the facts are substantially as stated. The body has been removed to Minneapolis.' The corpse bears ,the impress of a (pilot and an apparently easy death. It was neatly dressed,and4t Vi'lLs gen erally remarked by those who semi it that it, was the finest looking corpse that they had ever seen. We are informed by a gentleman th this City who knew the deceased in 186(ii but'who has known nothing of-him. since,, a was highly educated and a gentleman -in every respect. But the later events ,of his lite, the causes teat led to this rash act and the circum stances hinted at in the letter areas yet a mys tery. . . The Richmond State Journal says Governor Walker recently received from Wales, from the agent of a number of Welch men, a letter making inquiries as - to the qual ity of land in Virginia, its price, and the pros pects for success of a colony of' his country men should they immigrate hither % as they proposed to do. To the State Agent of the oard of Immigration, General William B. Richardson, will doubtless be assigned the duty of Answering properly the inquiries made in the letter. General 'hichman, European Agent of the Virginia State Board of Immigration, has succeeded in in ducing a considerable-immigration both from the Continent and ,England. Ilis Gorman colony, settled on the Southside Rail road, is getting along very finely. Neither the General nor - his associates on the Board, though acting by legislative authority, have had much encouragement in the way of' funds to work with, though they have been all the time hard at work. Tho list report of the Board, a most interesting doonment,deserving an extensive circulation, was banded - into the House.of Delegates a few Months since and was laid on the table, and not even printed. The Board has been working for nearly four 'years Without means. If Virginia ever-expects to be anything she must have double her pre sent population to develop her immense re sources. _ THE BANK . Silo LE. ING AT''-CtLUBON The SeraWon Republican of ttiO 18th The following account about the shooting of the burglar at Carbondale, Penn, on Wed nesday night, while in the act of breaking into the - First - National Batiltof :that, city , f‘ The Police," says the Republican, " had their eye on him throughout the evening; and at about 21 o'clock this A. M. they followed him down town tilt lie approached the - then lost - sight of him.. -While there they heard noise at the rear door and windows of the bank, and quickly going around they saw a mani who had dropped down near the stone steps of the door._had pulled his coat over his head andfeigned drunlithiess. In the act of talOig him into custody Policeman Lunney, knowing they had a desperate char acter to deal with, shot him, the ball lodging in the back of the brain. The physicians say he cannot live. This fellow is the same one who some time ago snapped his Pistol at Mar shal Voyle, which, luckily for Mr. Voylo, wa not loaded. In his pockets were found a loaded revolver, two or three watches, skele ton keys, and sonic burglars' instrtltnents Policeman Lumley is Assistant • Chief of Po lice lie did not shoot the burglar until after he had drawn a revolver upon him. Grow excitement prevails hero over the Matter; and crowds after crowds of curious people have \ isited the bank during the day. Mr. H. S Pierce, President of the bank, arrived here froth Scranton this afternoon. The wounded burglar was takento Wilkes barre ,lai I this tifternooti, and died between: and Ii o'clock, IN Approaching; Overthrow. The 'Wilmington Cotilincreiat says the Re publicans are uniting for the overthrow of the Democratic party in DelaNN are : The new vote gives the party an onpor lordly for :•itc , ess, and w ith a common earnest effort on all hands, success can tool will be achieved. It calinc,t, he reached without a united front and full cote; it cannot be reached without the aid, support and hard work itt the Conservative Republicans. But they will give their aid. We look eontidently to the 111, in this hour of vital political importanc , to the 'present and future of Delaware, to torward to the work w ith the old \\ ar spirit in their heat ts, and help to organize a crushing blow upon our disorganized awl alarmed oppo nents. Surely the earnest tongue of Nathaniel 11. Struthers cannot be silent in a contest where t here is a sure opportunity of overturning the Saulsbury dynasty and substituting a man like Thorne, IS. Coursey, than whom, to quote \I r. Smithers' own generous words, there 1- no man front Brandywine to Baltimore in whom I have more confidence, if elected Gov• ernor of I ielaware.' Fur a personal friend, a steadfast Republican, an honest and God- Tearing man and a pubis -spirited citizen, Mr. Smit hers would surely go into the contest with heart and soul, and when it is for victory. and irtmry over the iron hand of the present State control. We 'MOW he Callllot fullllll slow or tai iH• .I' , - =MEM ;I- ti !I .111.1 V, i..,' EMIGRATION 10 VIROINIA. Lott©r 10 Goversor yirtaker. Death or the Burglar. THE DELAWARE DEMOCRACY. CITY NOTICES THE Pia 11 WI/MAN IN N. VI, ‘,.•11-litn•iiii in 1. , /r hl,hlOrlift 1 - ' , ..1.tY for I, I J, opioeill uIL I. rII-I. 1,1—: rll.. 1.0,11 , •,1 - 11 Iv' ',lii nrtn 1 , , „or oral, v.,1. 101, , I I. o'll j ,, 11114f•r 111k1111 t 11 , 11^1 , 1r , I • , nntl, ~.• liirl.inft - ..• ,1 it -I. 11 , - , I.g Th• i f :1111i r'e ..•.11,1 il• .-15 I : A \I . . - 'll It . • : r.. , • ; uit• '1 I . 1 111. :"" , I 1,11,1 -t. i.. 11 tt- 1..,,11 Ii I , I I. tit tit I,i, tt.l. J)l+:\ NIrSH, ,IN V-0.1 .1 . .1, Aj t ko II• 111 1111, , H . J .11‘,1,11 VI. It..r . t .1: tr.• rrl l'r r,r, rrlt'r 'llr. 41 t,•k, 1.1. 1111 il,l H. , .1 Intl 1.1.•,.‘, 11 4. I r. A !!11, 1.61 11,,rtrrri ir trrl't•l1111111111i14111. .111 II p :117 , ~ i .1 I ;II 1111111. ILIA 11. •u,::r 1t111114,i,, 10. , [15. , 1 .;f ...r• I•y r•ra I \ \V \ I I •' siit 11.1 l .1 , 1 Ili ...• -" ,t:. I /Li ;_,ll. `.• I • I•••I \11,• • ",ling. 1. 1 lie ry tdd tir,• I h.... .Itl p lit ,11 r. E. .1 E NTs mot drugglsts L'/t..\% E nj rilrr Ili•I urruur rlr•r•rrir•ri•tr,rulrirr in but Ar , crrntl , . ruirri Irr•ruithtrul Htirrrillrulut 10.134.'r rr I r,,,,r ir, tin. vurr . rrirrur in l which it IA pl - r• ,1,411,) . 151r.F1 ,4 1i 1 I. k llitqLtit cilrrier of Vat 11 Cht , t1:111,4,-, it Ir. rut , 10 , ,u11V4 , 111. , 111- uud pitltLit,lo.•. sk rlr•Nigh rrouluing vuuyttup.ul by laud yr ater cheuhl uel Ite e itltvttl the eliguiiv, JAY COOKE & CO., Philadelphia, New York and Washington, 13A1•11KIMEtS, Dealers in Governmell !heels! attention given to the Pnrehase end 'Baia o Bonds and Stooks on Commission, at the Board of Tiro kora in this and othor cities.' INTEREST ALL WED ON DEPOSITS. COLLECTIO S PI ADS ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AN SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD BELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS .FOR INVEST- N 2 • Pamphlots and lull information given at our office. No. 114 S. Third Street, irth29-tf Tv NOTICE TO TRUSTEES AND EXECUTORS., The cheapest investment authorized by avr are iles General Mortgage Rondo of the reDDS) . llVanin. lt. R. Co. APPLY TO IL O. WHARTON SMITH & CO., DANDJEUN AND 131tOKEDS, - N 0.12113. THIRD STREET. iy J. W. GILBOUGH & CO.. BANKERS. 42 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Negotiate Loans, Buy and Sel Government and other re liable Securities. m w fir§ UNITED STATES SECURITI& BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS Bought and Sold on Commission On its recr ired and InterPst o'n ~ 1 11 ; joi•( t, 04e./[ aC siyht. D E . yEN B o ;__ _ A Choice and Undoubted Security 7 Per Cent. Gold FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, Coupon or Itegisteredognd Free of lU.S.Tox Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Min d lium,tlt) ~till ,11.1,1f , r t=ale at 00 AND ACCRUED INTEREST INTEICE:3T PA YA BLE MAY AND NoYEAlpgft. frr,at. r part e..,1 t rntri Iw n!r , ndy crrra pletri, 4,17 I 1111,.• t; ,. 1/ a! , t tr r , pr,rt.r.r . pr•P - rrr , l 'lr. rrd • "1 irnla r.rl srrr.r in Pr n+ ['Hi! In. , 1 , ' r • ' I; .r. , f pm. I r •r). • 0,.! • ! ti . 1 t 1• . Itt. 111 .1. It.. i • la. ,r•.. I. a ) li., rr • r IP larV ‘,l 1 . " • 11 , ,r. , • 1 11::1! :dr , qllll. , 11 , 11, I'l I t 1 tr 1. • 23 you LB Eigl,l h•ntrt,ot JAMAICA G IN(utit P/lIILADELPHIA. MOST LIBERAL TERMS SOLD Bought and Sold at Market Rates. COUPONS CASHED. BOVGIET AND MOLD STOCKS 40 South Third St., PHILADELPiIIik. IPrUEI) BY THE nesota R. R. Co. J EI U Tll') VF nti. 1 Trupti'v, CUM:LE:3 L. Ylif),l, 1,.. It; 1,../..1.1:, Irr r , • •• I Ih , . I, f , t , if 1 , 1• rrr..) Ir, f lIN yr jl rjrnl irrror Ids+) lii Lt' tl !•• ,r•rr r irr,ry. r)% _rr• r ro nl tr r r r-r r.r,r rtrr rrrr /I tror Irr•' ,1,.:.r• t• r •Irrorir t ) r T 3,11 irr Ir rr 11, r,r• r..• Ir. I I•trlrt- p 1 ,. Is,- lII t rri I) , •14 . W , / bfro.rity (..,,,,11) 1,1. HENRY CLEWS & CO., I'2 Wall Street, Nett York TOWNSEND WII LEEN & CO., !IA Rh ER B1t0;1. & t 0., Cf. 11:11117 be iIOWA H 11, 41 ISOWEN & FOX, 4.4 DE: 11 A VEIN & BRO., 16 It 'AO TI I i! 0 Spirit' 'Jul holding It Ht P n.,•,r,1r9111 %V N to! rioln l (,)( Lib.l\ 1 ltli*,ELL 4 vt)..111 viv.mtutkt ttrvut' Secaritles • CT - Gentlemen visiting the City are invited to can and leave their measures fox fixture orders. f 111 w tf t;ENTS' FUUNISHING C4ool.rti. Notice to (A-entlemen. JNO. C. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 3 North Sixth St., Would particularly invlto ottoutlon to 1.4,4 Improved Pattern Shoulder-Sum SHIRT. MADE ritoll TOE BEAT MATERIAL. WORK-DONE BY HAND, 71.1 F• CUT AND FINISH OF 11 7 111GH CANNOT ii72(cleLL ED. Warranted to FM And wave Nallitfortlon. AlHoi to n-larke - and well-ntiloct..d Bt4ectc . •••• SUMMER UNDFIRCLOTtI I NG CRMISTI N 0 OW Ganze•Merino„ Silk, Cottog. Undershirts and Drawers, aEsteEs • 110SIERV. GLOVES, Etc. noltf m w lyre FINE DRESS SHIRTS. J. W. SCOTT & CO., No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET GENTLEMEN'S FANCY GOODS sail a f m ttrDt H. Y. LAUDERBACH'S ACADEMY • FOR VIII/N I; B 1 EN ANN 'BOYS, ASSEM PLY ML I LIA NGS, 16 . 1 South TENTH Strert A Primary, F..limmtaury and 111,11thlmr School. T hormigli preparation Mt Minim:rt. or 0011 , 4. • illivnt lon ON vo to * umumrelo.l A ritluimt Intl all kliala Fr.awlt and (Cuomo, !Anent and Porp.m•ctivo Dta, 11114 Llumitibli..):./.lllllPllloft. N4r9ral 14.1,mcr. YIEIdr•PItA4JTICY ri.glri-oyitin'iMa el iil Fmgitirr'r the um! u(sill r , ,•1111014•M^11 - um , '1 11, 1 1 " 441 1 ' 110 I h.. rlaiowit i i fit PI imary I ,, paituomt. 'I M. I t t lum 111... A. loft) and ntorelmng 10.'1), 111 tho t tI S . (11,111 itll Ow P ., Cit. Mars at Dir. Warbirr 'it, No. 434Chmanut et root 11.14.1 t• IT;4. YOUNG L , %1 IR4' ACA 1.q7.31Y, R:Pt anti 340 South F I FT E If tit reet. Nex I ',tn. 10th 1,11 On HE:%I IN Alt V, 13 . 2.:t N(ncrii I andff • •..1111/4 ladivn 1111., Fittxtsi.• P.$ l, CiP ll • M 1 '••• 11;1.1. 11,1, Vi• Pt 11 • 11,:ki I'olh h Iret 1.1 14th h I>' 1144 ,1 11( 1 o(1.1111,.tial l• 111 it 1' NI I:SS . I I ) 1.3111, , Ith I'r..p.itat”ry N N-rth 'l . l , nth .trt v., tt9l.t•ti t.or Ili; 1170. Itil titF: SIX'ff•:ENTII AI:A I) I.:Nil': 1" FM ‘; A ItI)EN A(' 1. liEMY. si,rth( , ;(((t Istuf 13 titt«nv”....l Tl' k,..,11J A 1, •p0•H.1,. r GI h . Titnrouv I. IJ , . ph/ rrr AI, iCatiol, ..n ittvi attur. 11 , , ,•I•y 1(1, tint 2241 (411A1:I.EM A It A I.TF.ft.!•', A. M . I'r' n , .;.t1 A lA.( )W SELF Cl' 1111;11 S('H()()I, 1 ) nufiff ;tin; 1,;• TiA BEEN IEF:A1()% ED nin N 11q N.ith Tlqtih Htrt..l. 11.-1 r I ith. in ?if , 1„11 , .1.f..1 „hlllOOl 11 1. , ubl I LI) \.,-.112:,1,. 111 N.Prth N Intl, ntr. , , , t. DI -Ith., , tt , ,rt 11:1- lo.•en hp:wt.-1 11, 111.111,K ,tp thn fOnfuff f.. oh. 1h1..11 Illy) L, n. Illfflweff pl . /0 , - A I', p.trut,,ry , tth ).411.1effiff It/. 11111,.,1 ,11 hr k ,l exiff;lll... . .1.01 I,rnil lin . PI liv .In, 1,111 9A. 51. I' 2l' tcr A ugutit Nal IEI , L A STIII . IIN, A Ii j()LIN 1!)10 , 1 11J: S 1,1117 tII Prii., Ihs cA It It's SELE(:'I' lit/A 1:1)IN(; o I , 1 1,,r k,11,1 , 11N ~ , E ;h,lltinft,r, 11 . I. f 11.. N...f I ; 5 -11 , . ,‘,l 'IL ,, 1;11, 111 ; 5 , .f.t..1” 1 1 170 ('iii. ni lh.. - 110 - hlt.l I P 1111 4 .1. Ipt,ln, aLy.n , l n,r If ;II ...f. .011. ; I )11 - 11 . ..11 ( )Fhl , A ( '.l I l'‘l Y.- iti Eli,' 111 II Hl.lllll , 111 , .• 12 'O , , LI ' II I 111 at •A. P III) , I I 0:1E:- nAlll[ l O. l E BENN E :. 11.1. E lAPP ,. . 11. I \1 A I ),\ :111f. Li. \I 1'.N . 1";-, I , j; F';;I . 1i I 'I .th / h I . I / ,Id II I I, Ir. At'A I .1. 1 )1: 1*() NI, >i E.N 1 ,NE :P't - 1 - It1;1.1 I ' I: , -: 511111, A rfl " II 0.11 -1 I I—'l \1 I T I I I:I11 I.' ."sI A I II / ^ I ./‘ I I t I t ( )1. 1. I'. ( 1! 1 1 . . IT I 'l'l'; 1 1 1 I 1,-19 .gy e• 11.1,1 • yppitoiila.f-t, r—rr.irrlr r A '1 Ili r I .111 A ~ .I, l {lr t.“ If•rrrl r ••r'.• • r•-r • I 1 , • Ir 1.1,,t141,1 A ',11;1.1'.: ~~~ i.~'4 ~;ti I.• I\ll-1 , - 1"111 1 ,1 N 1 111111 l'1,1111,11•11 , 11,1. • I t•• 111 Fi I, I,IIIIIEIt.T. l't q'rp , I \V 'AI FLITA AU:A 11,4,; - 11 I‘, Evr , iv - q A. in. ird •,tt I inc t.. 11 , 11 , 1 I, f . r„i t o, i••• A , 11.1 , ' 111F1IIIP1HIll!l' E. t) A 1 - 11,11 S. h q.l, Irl V, lily. I •`' o•iit I,MM, 11. J 1/1,11 WO/ !Ili l 11 , I hi, dr,II lii. FINE BOOTS, GAITERS AND SHOES, rOlt GENTLEMEN. MAPE ()N IMPROVIiiII isAISTS.'INSURING 13eauty, Coinfort i and 'Durability BART),,KTT, NO. 33 SOUTH SIXTH STREET (Toil• doors above Chestnut Street,) EDUCATION t . 1411111 Ut :1pp11&:alth dully tram 10 A ROBERT H. LABBERTON'S at LEE I.l.Lit 111=11111 . !, '%l ' ./, 11 ( 1(1.1,1'.4 , .1 1 ,1•,,, ; r IA: } I 1. I . It , IN 6 lf) %P.- Kl'l NI I' P. It P.P.% I , lt %\1.1.1 11i,N1.-'IA 1111. .1 11, ('ll 1 , 1,1-'l' Ell 1'1:1\1 1,1 \ Iv 1.., H,t , lt. • 11 'llll l'• i.,:" 11 , 11' It xt • tit•tittit'tz 1,.1 t tt "11.:1Itt I . .111 II jt Ili'-1, 1 ,1 1: 11,1, 11, LEI- 114 0 1 UNI I I ili11,1111,111); il,l 1I - l• Ai I,i~ ante I - N.lllllin , I A ti1,1,1 , 111t 111 . N1tV rIPI'ICI.: 1.1, 11., Xr 011. TWO lII' II I- tau 1',a1..' II •lui Ali drlF Pint k 1.11 , 1111 V :Old 11,1 ,tie• J(N-:1:121.1. 1.h,1 y uvAlLAut CORNELIUS & SONS' 821 CHERRY STREET, CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, &a., SUPERIOR STYLES AND FINISD We have no Store or Salesroom on Chestnut Street. iylo w frn2mrpi GAS FIXTURES AT REDUCED RATES. Persons furnishing houses or stores frill Iltml to their Interest to , deal with tho. autifaf? hirers direct, Our assortment of all kinds of t; tri tures cannot be equaled In the city, anti We invite all those in Want to call on MISKEY, MERRILL & THACKARA, A 14i 111FACTIF REIM , SlrOWl'oollBl No. 71s Chestnut Street. „ryawr 5 7 11 - i '• 5-7-771 . STE INW AY & SONS' Grand. Square and Upright Pianos. tip.lca attontlon Is c411•...1 to th , ll PATENT UPRIGHTT - PIANOSP It h 14.111,10 tom Vrfintr; Totmllss M,•1.1 ► rain" , Wl.l , it eut nt..4lr r lit Tufo and T.,u , I. 1110 Onrlrnl , tl to dui .tbil It y IV A fft EIROONIS, N. 1(N)1: C I EST N ;1' R PIET J5l S. S. FETHERSTON & CO. CHINA,GLASS AND QUEENSWARE DINNER AND TEA SETS r , t i, I i 1 . , Of French, English and American Manu. DECORATED CHAMBER SETS .Itc 1„ 4 :L al I , 1.41 , I 4 ., 1 .14 1::~t;l.l-J S. S. FETHERSTON CO., EI: P 270 South Second Street. ; tt ner,hip I,c:t weeli L I Et). E. $A 1 . EIIIII.AIS N IE. :A. l) RTII, ; l•y• • 1•. , 111•1• 1••••L'ilod t i•11‘•,,,11•• u.k.1.1 ,, ft, i • •.10 I'lll,o i. \ I shirt )11SIN 1)1 I 5011 11,1 I lil'L;z., t ma ith I' It, it 4,111 I lii. I. 111t1\1•11 , 1,0 1.1 Mii, 11,1,.,na Ink 1110 P111111.•1% ..1 \‘ I,IOIILLY, II t!culll It out Elre(-1., PHILADELPHIA GAS FIXTURES, 401%, RETAIL SALESROOMS, P W anlLPftA, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CORNELIUS & BONS. PIANOS. CIIARI•E'4 BLASI:VS, till NA %Ni) (;I.A~sWAKI 270 South Second •Street, ESTAB LISHMENT. or every design. TABLE GLASSWA RE fa oturo 'l' 1 1 'l' SETS, IMMENSE REDUCTION. ratilJl , :. d.•alct, 1.1. 1 .iU.1 ,- 1 , , fa:, and P),..1111.1i,,,.,tir FINELY ASSORTED STOCK I'OP ItTN ERSIII P 1, F,s•l',N Imp , Inn, I , IIIC 11114 i 10 I b. 1111114 Of Ittlyltad lii 0.r.• l Trot !0‘.,[1,,,!( .IT:11,1he II I%inr 11:10 n•,inl F. A. NOlltl'lll - .1 1,. lu. , 11,111 !r 111 , 1,1111" will Itirl 111,1011:1r
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