k . .v. /1 R f , ' ''. ' ' ' ''. ' ' II:IL A 3 ' F IliPti l l 1 " k ‘l ' , ' r ' 1 'T 11 ,i'..- I ‘ . 'if' 'f' 7 I ....... tu / 7 . , . _ . .... 7--. ~ ... ,• , , T -.- V - ..1 .-.- .OOP. ''' it 0 •• 0 .. ..„,,,,tr.,_ :l ,„. :_.,„_. , , ..., ....,::,.,,,,„: . , ,/ .• ...:,..,„.:::r.b. ~..s il ig- - ? , - - 4 - 1 1, 4 -. • --- I . :T.': PIO . ' - . . 11l ' t,...- - .6ow ;',',' ';.• ~4 .:---' - _-=.-_ , - -- :-.E. -- - - -. .. ' ' . • ._. _ _ --,_ . -PP .::,' - - -ia' ..."------ . ~. NCE _ . . ort, ___ VOLUME XXIV.-NO. 92. _IVIEDDING CARDS, INVITATIONS for Parties, tre. New styles, MASON .Sc 00., 907 eetnut etroet. de3ofmw FIXED EARTH CLOSETS ON ANY floor, in or out of doers, and PORTABLE EARTH 001111510.8E5, for use in bed•chambors and elsewhere. Are absolutely free from offence. Earth Closet Com ft2tAYßllaorl?,:ittnittraedet salesroom at WM. O. 11110AaDEP.,tiNio. MARRIED. f 4 TF..WAIIT—DfcCULLOII.—On the nth tnalitut, at Frostburg. Md.. h.,- the Rey: H. IGshop, Col. Andrew Ftevart. Jr., of Uniontown, Pa., to Lelia, eldest daugh• ter of lion. G. W. Alteulloh, of Frostburg, Md. DIED. DREIDENII ART .—On the 26th inst., Ann% M.,lnfaut daughter of Charles If . and Anna Bretdenhart, aged -7 months. The relatives and friends of the famtlyare respectfully. - invited to ettond the funeral from too residence of her giondfather, O.P. Amelia, N 0.209 South Thirty-seventh street West Philadelphia, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to the Woodlands Cemetery. * BUNTING.—On the tath in t., Nathan Myers. son of Samuel and Susan L. Bunting, In the second year of his age. EL L% S.—On Monday, the 25th instant, after' a short ilinese. Margaret, wife of Houry Elias, in the 85th year of her ego: list trietide and those of the family are respectfully in cited to attend the funeral, from tier late residence, Nc. 147 North Fifteenth street, on Thursday afternoon, at 4 clock.o (1111t7E.—Early tbfarturraing, 26th instant, Samuel B. (irks, lu the of his age, Due notice of the funeral will he given. JAGODE.—Suddenly, on the 25th instant, Andrew las odr: in the 60th year of his age; Born,- Featenberg, Prussia. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully incited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his son. No. 423 York at etinis ' on Thnrsday. itith inst., at 9 o'clock A. 21. Interment at Glenwood Cemetery. NEU:BM/11.-1n this city. on the 26th Inst., Clayton Newheld. of Burlingtim county, New Jersey. in the pith year of his age. Funeral from No. 1633 Chestnut street, on Fourth•day, the 27th instant, at.l Interment ta he In Bur lington county, 400 ARCH STREET. _EY E A LANDEL.L,_ DEPART RAT VVEAR. iB7O. CANVAS DRILLS. PADDED DRILLS. SCOTCH CHEVIOTS- CASSIMEHR YOH. SUITS, CORDU ROYS AND TOWELS. . DUKE COI) LIVER OIL, CITRATE 1; g e I .--JOAN O. DARER 6: C0..713 Market at. SPECIAL NOTICES. Full Stock of Boys' Clothing--Finest. JOHN WA NA MAKE It, 818 and 820 Chestnut St. D r. , ,-,rty 6 proximity to the Pennsylva -1,,., Sugar berm...Ty, which was dentroyed by fire last ~.1,111 desire to Oxpreas their thanks to the FIRE DEPARTMENT. I NSU RANGE PATROL and POLICE - r VAIllat.1”111,1 extended in-having - their property 1...ni deetruetiott • - ItODE ET SHOEMAKER A; E. cor. Fourth and /lace sty. /3ENJ . H. SHOEILAJLEAk.--- Nos. 7u, VA and 2U).N. Fourth st. GEL/. W. PLUItILEY. 1::Nos. 211 and 213 N. Fourth at. Z r RoCcA PAVEMENT. TF.le new pavement for Sidewalta,Cou rt-y anis • Damp Cellar:, Floors. for IlTrweries. Malt i1.M141.11. &G.. hAi tier•li - T , l7sucretarfulirt.ested - in - N CU - ork - d is - at being laid on Greewstraet, west of Twenty•third. It is 31 , :tilihtilISN. durable, and cheap. Pryp . , :rty owners are respectfully requested to • tialifie it. _ N. Y. STONE WORE'S, Office No filF, Seventh avenue; je23lrn 1p g PhiltidOpOit Oak - 0,4a I..ibre . ry, iitrej,t 1108PTTAL, 1: 78. mrD" -wad 1574 Lonitusrd street, Dippeneary Departmen t. - , -2tudicatreatuusamt medicinci furnished =atm 0u517 l( be poOr NOTICES PIIILAD,ELPHIA AND READING 1 U . .• ItAILItOaD COMPANY—OFFICE 227 SUCTII T 0 lirall Patti tiff.tent A. June 7.3, 1370. • LiVID 14' N fitlTlOE. The transfer . booL et le Company will be cftst on the 7th efJuly next, and reopened on Jnly N. A los Wend of. 'Five Per Cent. has been declared on the preferred and commtti stock., clear of National and Ftate taxes, payable in 40311 ou and after the 221 of Jul) next,to the holders thereof. as they stead reghe tered on the books of the Company at the close of bust ness on the 7th of July next. All payable at this office. All orders for Dirld,nde must be witnessed and stamped. d. BRADFURU. je2.9.lthrp Treasurer. POLITICAL NOT tCES .[EY' 1870. 1870. SHERIFF, I'VILL4FAM. B. LEEDS. pAr. a oti2ro FOR SALE. 14'011. SALE OR TO. RENT—A ii'd(2- &13 tory property in KonsinTion. with steam eugnio, .? .1 all tho requisites for earrYing on an exteniiro l•uNiness. Will be sold or let. with or without tin MR • ht, lot is tit by 120 rettr. with throe-titot y briek• uit , ting thereon, MLitees "".ACTola at this ' • Jy274u tit ;-Fit' BIISUEL.bAIcgOUtI. rpREGO'S TEABERRY TOOTHWASB.— .1 It is the Most-pleasant. cheapest and but dentifrice Wan anted free from injurious ingrolleuts. It Preserves and Whitens the Teeth! Invigorates and Soothes the Gums I Purifies and Perfumes the Breath I .Prevents Accumulation of Tartar ' ! • A:lean:lea and Purifies Artificial Teeth I . Is a Superior Article for Children l "Sold by all Druggste. A. M. WILSON, Proprietor 'vela Ninth and Filbert streets, Phihkilelr lEA QUA LITER S FOR EXTRAO±iNO TEETH. WITH Ir NITII01:43 OXIDE. GAS. "A..SSOLUTOLY NO PAIN." Dr. F.formerlyoperator R, TIIO3 at the Colton Dental Enents, devotee hia entire practice to the painlees extraction of teeth. 0111 co, 911 Walnut et._ mlis,lyrp§ crijiTtlif.CadlE'Sfi'lAOE TO GET i V. your hair cut he at Wopp'e Saloon, by lirst class hair cutters. Shave and bath 25 cents. Ladle.' lire! Cliildren%e hair cut. 'Kamm eat in order. Open Sunday morning. - No. 125 Exchange Place. IV O. C. KOPP. PILLLADEL.PAIA .L UMBER a. Dealers' Pocket Rulea, of three patterns. Lumber Measurers' Sticks awl Canes, of several styles. A vn rim y of Boxwood nod Ivory Rules,. Measuring Tapes, A une and Yardstickevind Tailors' S.ptares, for sale by TRUMAN & SI! AW ;No. &in (Eight Thirty-five) Market stria, below Ninth. —II%IER pI%IERY AND' SAND PAPER AND 12.4 Emory Cloth ; Emery Tripoli and other Polishinq .i'uxrders. For RAP at the Hardy:aro Store of TRUHAN t till '11" ,No. 83a( Eight Thirty•five)Markotstreot,bulow , TENDERERS, OR ' STEAK vounilers, of several kinds, larding ni , eilles, skeuVrti, but:thlg SpoollB, balia3 'Matti, ol her cooking utensils, for sale by TRUMAN & STIAW,No; 835 ( Eight 'Thirty•tive) Merkel' street,' below Ninth.' DEN NE. LEAVES, . ' . _V To ina/(0 'Mucilaginous driuka for children athlcted 'With aniumer ermp lniut, FRESH EVERY MORNING, at ()RADLER & SMALL'S Drug Store. _ jyl2-in w f 12t rp*' , . .820.1tace greet. ('IONDENSED MiIiK,,EAGI4.III BRAND— A.,1 The very best article the travelers, infants; kc. Nestle's Milk Substitute, — Patent Barley;.'Freih'Orit Neal, Bermuda Arrowroot, &c. Liquid. Rennet and - Flavoring Extracts. For sale by JAIIIES. T. BUMS B NV', corner Broad and Borneo a' roots • . • DOLISBINO POWDER. THE •• BEST 1 for elonnaink Silver and Platod Waro;lowelry,oto.; ver nutnufaetumt. FARE & BROTH - ER, • 824 Chestnut street, below Fourth mla tfrp RETAILING AT , - WHOLESA.I.4E Priow—daddlory, liarnoma. and Flom Gear of at KNEA.BS', No: 1120 market Amt. Big I,orho in the door. -- - _ ni WARBURTON'S' IgPROV ED, V EN -004•-ttilitirtro-Tive-awy-zfitt )In - 111 ri , provod fashions of tho season. I.ll.tostnut atre.fl Wiest door to, t 9 , etS tEr? PHILLIDELPIII/L LOW LIFE. A Might scene in Ht. Diary's and Alaska CM= The.approach to Ala.ska street on one of these warm and steaming evenings is a path of perfumes. Contributions of odor from the teeming grog-shops on Seventh street—taint and sickly vegetable smells from the hand carts of green-stuff at the. corners—the scent (and occasionally the phosphoric glimmer) of sodden and doughy-looking. fish—the salt pungencyof clams and crabs—and above all the flavor of dozens and hundreds of human skins, drying off together into the sultry open air after the labors of the day—these flowers of low life aromatize the way of him who, led by pity or duty, seeks the haunts of poverty in . the by-streets between Lombard and Ship ;. pen. Seventh Street, in this section, is almost a chain of dram-shops, each with its-dark clustering -crowds- of- in mates, .fastened around the slimy orange colored barrels like obscene pismires about a dead Jtin&bug. These groups hunqh (114 into the 'public street, and materially impede the tborougbfare ; but a stationary officer of po• lice, standing ramrod-like and official i.. very centre of each of the principal crowds, generally succeeds in clearing a narrow path way through the press, through which the tired labOrer, loaded With fluidly ptirchaSes, can slouch homeward. The perspective is one of low, blackened brick houses, with now and then an external stairway to,the upper floors, over whose rail hang.:clusky,- v gossiping. figures With platter d basket; like servants lu the background of festival-scenes by Veronese. A particularly musky, quarrelsome, sodden looking tlirong, illuminated partly by the street-lamp and partly by the tallow 41ips of those who sell boiled crabs and wilted vegetables: - marks the entrance to St. Ilar3'm Street. As we push and shoulder through these with ' some difficulty, we ,have the good fortune to I- ta-011liter a friendly face. -It is set on the j broad shoulders of Sergeant Dlifiy, who h is graVitated 6 hither on his nightly round of. in- I .peelion, and who is note collecting informa -1 lion from one of his officers, perhaps the good ! hearted and judicious McCullough. With I !hese two good and true men we venture a 'title way into the filthy side-street. Under I I'n-supervision of the excellent Sergeant,-the l''vwer.cpart of-our city,-soutl of_Cedar and a-st of -Broad street, has attained a certain de gree of quiet and propriety, as,much as can be ! xp-curl censidering_ the characterof many !I the inhabitants and the insufficiency of I diblic' accomModation in — the way' of - V - ork: houses, refuges for casuals, &c. ',Though nothing can or will raisti the inhabitants of these small intersecting streets above the rank f unclean animals, yet it is a greaVdeal to t ave introduced a fair degree of order, to have - , r:, where cicaued.out- T the_ dens_atid_organi -rations of thieves, and to have kept the grog ellers in a perpetual state of uneasinesii and :attention to the letiorLof thelaliii Under which hey operate. .NRrgeant Duffy a hero in his profession. To the body and the lively eye of a prize-lighter he itJas_the .0111 of a Paladin, " His glory is redressing human wrongs." To da..h into a band-to hand fight between a half dozen Moya boys, to grip the strongest pair by their collars, hick down a couple more, and safely land his prize in the custody of justice, warms his blood and gives him an appetite for his next meal lhe other day he personally captured a burly ruffian who was cutting holes, iu Texas fashion, with a long Bowie knife, in his strug gling opponent; pending the tardy settlement of the law, Dully keeps and gloats over the gory blade. In fact, his spirits rise with the strength, wickedness and courage of the man he wishes to arrest. "My Instructions to my Men" says the Sergeant, " are : never let a man on whom you have laid your hand get away from you. Chase hiM into the last ditch and the last hole in the\ purlieus around the city Never let a man strike you without bringing him to justice. If his pars interfere, get assis tance. Never let yourself he beat, and never let go what you have undertaken to hold. In this way," continues the doughty-commander, I have secured discipline, not only among my officers, but among the inhabitants. Not Ofte of these low quarreLorne wretches but will now yield quietly to the touch of a man of (1111112:' As the reward of this excellentsystem, comparative quiet reigns in, the small streets once the refuge and sanctuary of vice. In Bedford street, once a locality where gangs of thieves occupied nearly every other house,there are no organized knots oflaw-breakers; decent Irish working-people come home from the labors of the day, and sleep there in peace. real estate .has risen .so value that a Little property. pointed out as fornieily let at " fdlir dollars a week " now rents for sixteen. In Alaska street, in conjunction with that self sacrificing philanthropist, Rev. Mr. Long, a great - deal of good has been effected. The Board of Health has been induced to enter the street and forcibly close up the nests of pesti lence. These vile houses are now seen barred and deserted, their filthy sins hidden under a kindly mask of whitewash, like a malarial country under snow. The baths are cleaning nearly two hundred living 'bodies daily, and introduCing the ambition of personal nicety. Quarrels are (middy stopped, by the attention of some of the best and most judiciolLs men iu the whole police force of Philadelphia. "If I could only get 0 . 43 Lic66ses Stopped of these ru seiable grog-shops 'in Sixth and Seventh and St. Mary's and Alaska streets!" Lays the anxious Sei•geant: " What a shame it is that any villain can get, by paying a sum of money down, legal authority to destroy the bodies and souls of his fellow beings, most especially - when the locality applied for is such thatthere can be uo doubt of the character of the result!" The sellers of five Cent g;asses of whisky , are the strongest educational influence this . region; we.. must painfully confess that Mr: Long, with all his mission -schools, has not a tithe -of the power. One hoary . ruin-seller was pointed -out, named, Mullen, who , has recently opened a new and rather brilliant shop for the sale :of the fire poison, whose, course for a loug series of.years has been one of profitable infamy,' ever kept 'carefully within the llooncp„ of the law. He has:own - ed tii - nny - houses';ilThis time, and as rented-them , romii :by room •to companies- of robbers and to families of prostitutes; his rents being much higher for such occupation than for honest tenancy. As the friend of thieves, the con verterof stolen propertY, the liusher-up of criminality, he has a reputation worthy of Fagin the Jew. Last Saturday night we saw him receiving his rents ; he owns a dozen houses, from the small wooden shanty of a single room to the decent store and dwelling on Shippen street. His place was filled with miserable women paying twenty-five and thirty cent, .each for a night's rental. He is said to be worth 51,0,000. When questioned be • put on an air of virtue, invited investigation, and said be bad always demeaned hituselei lawfully ElevenVelock striking, the drinking visitors were forcibly shouldered out by the oldman's two brawny sons, and half-a-dozen miserable women, utterly housoless, prepared to spend the night on his pavement and cellar-door " You ought to be made to take 'em in and iniwle'em yourself all night, instead of letting Mein reek their pestilence into the air, which is public property," said the angry but power- A WESIIERN TORNADO. A Singular Electrical Phenomenon ands Novel 'theory. A tornado passed over some parts of Min nesota a few days ago, which was marked by the same characteristics as that which visited some parts of this State and New England about the same time.. It was very severe in some towns, while in the neighboring places it was not telt at all, or at most was scarcely noticed, and it appeared to travel in a narrow .path..'.A. writer. in:the - St.. Paul Press; . 'who v‘iinessed the storm at Owatonna, in the Aouthern part of Minnesota, .gives the follow ing account of its singular appearance there: This morning at about half-past two o'clock :his city was visited by the most terrific .and destructive tornado which it has ever known. flie Round House of the Winona and St. Pe ter- Railroad Company was-unroofed, and. a arge portion of the walls demolished. The engine " Clermont" was nearly buried in the debris, but sustained no serious damage. The night watchman- wasin - the but found safe refuge in the pit underneath the engine tender. -The wheel of the windmill on , Lie urninance west of the city was completely destroyed:- This wheel was nearlyuone bun. - dred feet in diameter. A large - ice-house was blown to atoms. The cheese factory was so badly damaged as to be unfit for further use without repairs, and I am told that the sum wer's accumulation of cheese must be re moved. The-upper - pUrtiontOf tlid fronts of several nnildings_was- blown- all ; - - a W-Liingii- aml - Sig boards were badly damaged ; trees and garden r~•nces suffered severely, and chimneys and 'outbuildings were generally c;apsized. Some .bofs were badly broken, and others damaged eat little. . • „ . . . ” There WaS - n - either - irtin nor ..hair. There seemed to be...one current approaching the eity from the southwest. and another from the outheast, and when r first noticed these cur rents they were quite distant from each other; hut they rapidly approached; converging di rectly upon the city,_ When apparently a mile allay, there appeared midway between the tw o curretits, ant =at a - row elevation, a light, small at first, but gradually increasing, until tt reached the size of an ordinary hogshead. its base was parallel to the surfiice of the earth. The sides seemed to approach each other at an inclination of about thirty degrees. At the top f this cone; and • - apparently juSt- separated from it, appeared a bright blaze, which shot toward the zenith in forked flames, Ipatige from ten to fifteen feet in height. The cone .eneath the blaze seemed to revolve rapidly ground an axis, vertical to the centre of the earth. The brilliancy of this air-fiend tiecame constantly more intense as the currents approached each other, and its revo lutions became proportionately more rapid, until in the shock caused by the collision which occurred on Cedar street, some fifty rods north of the public square—a terrific and deafening sound was heard, followed by a dis persion of seine• fifty fragments of electrical light, in apparently solid form. These were een ricocheting in every direction, approach ng the earth, and withdrawing from it in fan .astic, though appalling gyrations. The scene of this phenomenon was the region of the ereatest disaster. The wind blew sharply i but lid not do the damage. There was a fierce and terrible force in the air, not the air itself, which nothing could withstand. Single dangles were plucked from roofs. One picket was torn from the fence while its fellows were unmoved. A single row of onions in a neigh hoes garden was torn from the ground, and the others left to grow and ripen undisturbed. " The foregoing facts furnish data upon which I base the following theory : The °sees -iye heat of the two preceding days was such is to produce,great disturbance.in the. atm phere, and to give rise to the formation of trong aerial currents. which, after becoming omplicated, rioted awhile in close combat, Ind then separated, perhaps by electrical how, formed again in different quarters—two .-trongchannels of alloy' agair emergiog upou comrnon'eentre. Approaching each other, he space through which the electricity inhe ent in the air was diffused became rapidly , ess, and stall less, at the same time it would lie carried along by its own adhesion to the moving mass of clouds. It thus' became gradu ally condensed, and by its own motion, to eether with the constantly increasing pressure the approaching currents, forming walls ..hrough, Which it could not, break, and the Friction cairsed"by'the Mobility of its own pat- - 'ides upon themselves, intensified the. heat until it became first luminous, then lambent, then concentrated in tangible form,and finally yielding to; the power of its own explosive force, burst asunder, forming numerous balls of concentrated lire, which discolored and spent their fury on surrounding objects. " Traces of this tornado aro visible as far east as Lewiston, unattended, however, by any serious damage." FACTS AN I) FANCIES. —A movement is on foot in Wyoming Ter ritory to elect a female delegate to Congress. —When is money damp? When it is dew in the morning and mist at night. —The Duke of Argyle is spending all his change iu hying machines, and not a fly yet. wedding Monday and divorce Tuesday is the order of the day " out West." —A . California lady has taken to silkworms as pets, and raised a large colony for amuse ment. • —There is a lady in (led* Rapids, lowa, aged 68, whose children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren aggregate 125. "—Nebraska is the only state that 'was born with a complete railroad. In that State the locomotive preceded civilization. • .-The Savannah (Mo.) Tribune of the 16th has, the following comprehensiVenotice; ‘, Eggs; butter, spring chickens 'and green backs taken on subscription at this office.!'. —Hoops for the communion table, made NO as' to make thh dress set gracefully on, the kneeling figure, is the latest development of fashion. —A colored student hag - been admitted to Yale, having passed a very good exa,mination. He is said to be, as "black as ink "—black ink, we suppose they Mean. • —Chief Justice phase arrived at SC'Paul, _Miimesitta, - Lintizeek,An_compa,ny danubter cud ex-Confederate (.4oneral Tohn i C. Breckiuridge. WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1870. 'AIM WAR IN EUROPE Mr. G. W. Smalley's Despa,tohes A. FRENCH GENERAL INTERVIEWED MOVEMENTS OF THE FLEET I Co rre s p onden c rk !Crib une. I Lommx, Tuesday, July 26,1870, Midnight. —The special correspondent of the Trantne, at M etz, semis advices on the 24th inst., that there were then no news from the front. There was no possibility of passing the lines. He had an. intereiewwith the. Seeretary of- Gen. Bazaine. To the repeated requests of the nephew of the latter for a pass, the reply con sisted in showing a letter from Le Boeuf, say ing that by the Emperor's special .desire all corps commanders were to use the greatest vigilance to prevent all persons not belonging to the army from acconapahving it . .to Ger many, and especially jtarriatists. Our corres pondent urged. an exception in favor of Ameri 'can journalist. He replied that permission would be given to Americans if to anybody. The uncle regretted to refuse. He feared the refusal would be misinterpreted in the United States. Our correspondent thinks that this has reference to the General having been ordered out of Mexico rather sharply by American compatriots. The matter was ended by referring the correspondent to Le Boeuf, refusing even to look at passports and letters from the American Legation. On Monday, 25th, the correspondent telegraphs from Metz : , ‘Genefal Bazanae leaves this morning, with fifteen thousand-men.; Ladmliatilt goes also.'! The Einperor is expected to arrive next Thursday, and a battle, it was anticipated, would shortly afterward take place. The army of B frica was rapidly arriving. The Zouaves that left Constantine on the 16th had also come. The special correspondent of the Tribm)e in Paris, under date of 2.5 th inst:, states -that private letters from the headquarters of the army say that no stranger will be respected. Formal orders have been given to shoot every attemptiTig to coideatie or. ors against the press. The Emperor will not leave Paris until all preparations are complete. When he goes be will go quickly. - — From btraOotig; 013 Ole - 22d; - there are • vices of a steady concentration of troops toward Thionville. Nothing . remains at Strasbourg. Apparently tile main attack is to be made along the valley of the Moselle, and the great battle will be in the Rhenish Pro _ vi pees. But the Prussians seem to be falling Ladk behind the Rhine. G. W. S. • - - use Cherbourg - Naval Expedition. LONDON, Tuesday, • July 21, 1870, Midnight. -- Advices from the special correspondent of the Tribune at Cherbourg, state that the -squad ron is completely formed. It is under coni •mand of a ice-Admiral. and. two Rear Adtni-. ials—the chief in command being Vice-Admi ral Count Bonet Willaumez, whose flag-ship is the iron-clad Surveillante, Commandant Gri vel. The first division is under order of Rear- Admiral Pothouan, whose flag-ship is the iron clad frigate La Savoie, Commainiant Perigot: This division-comprises the iron-clad frigate tiviieniae,Ccremandant D_u_Quillo.:_the iron-clad irigatei Ocean, Commandant Descheney ; the iron-clad-guard-ship Rochambeati, Carol:nand ant Boni° ; and the- iron-clad ram 'Taurean, Ciinanatidant DuPerre. The second division is commanded by Rear-Admiral Dieudonue. 1t : comprises_the_ iron-clad frigates - Gaulois, commandant De Jouguteres, and Flander, Commandant Duval ; the iron-clad corvettes Thetis, ComMandant Serris,and Jeanne cl'Arc, Commandant Reboust. The Rochambeau above mentioned is the Dunderberg, bought iu the United States. The thickness of her plates is 5 inches, that of all the other ships 8 inches. The Rochambeau's armament is 15 guns of 9i and 10i inches bore, throwing solid hot weighing X 175 pounds a distance of 13,000 I cet. The fleet is thoroughly equipped in all re spects, but trained seamen are wanting. The liist division was to sail ou Saturday evening, he second probably on Tuesday. I N oTE.—'rhe first division doubtless was the ru e which passed Dover on the 25th,1 The transports would follow last, embark ing the corps of marines now forming at C lierbourg. Gen. De Vassoigue arrived this morning to inspect this corps; Gen. Reboul goes in command of it. The corps numbers OCO, and is intended to laud on the Schleswig coast to join Gen. Bourbaki's 30,000 men. The squadron is to blockade the Prussian oast. The troops arc expected to operate Ii om Denmark. The defences of Cherbourg have been strengthened within a few days ; but had a Prussian fleet attacked the place last, week it might have entered through the Western pa.ss, burned the arsenal and the town, and retreated through the Eastern pass without receiving a shot. Detachments of infantry and marines are continually arriving. The transport fleet is composed of large sailing vessels with auxiliary screws, and will ec c.mtuanded by Vice-Admiral La Rouck.re he Koury:--With the transports there will go a numerous •flptilla with batteries and gun !luats to operate on the coasts and rivers. 'I no expeditionary corps of the Baltic will oninrise two African divisions, including wo 1 egiruents of Zottaves and Spabis,aud two Chasseurs d'Afriouc. G. W. A Letter (rein the French Advance. (Front the hen ork Wor Id, LONDON, July special correspondent :it - 3160:. , iiii - --Sundartii;,lit'sent the following very important letter, containing the first clear statement of the French position and pious: I left Hagenau on the 2hd. taking the train by the line which leads past Bitche and Sarre gueadnes to Metz. Along this line warlike preparations of every kind were to be seen. I passed field-batteries parked con:white at the difkrent shunting places, until I got tired of looking at them. Although the French carry their infantry and artillery a good deal over the railways; they seem inclined to allow the cavalry to 'march _along the roads. We saw more than a single party of horsemen, and in out' case a whole regiment walking along the high way,•which,-jusk before,we-arrive&at the Vo,ges, ran parallel with the rails. 'Rai regiment In question seemed in the highest spirits as they waved their hands and spurred their someivhat jaded steeds into a trot in answer to the salutations , Whioh reached thew from the foot soldiers in our trai n. About 4 o'clock we'reached the Vosges:, This range of hills, which takes rise nearßelfort, runs tolerably parallel with the .Ithine until it slopes down to the, lowlands about, Cciblentz and M ayence, where the .StritSbourg, Bitche, and Met z lines pierce the ninge: As a military obstacle the Vosges has alwaS , s,lien considered the second line of defenewpossessed by France on the East.' Still, the:thuniess of the range, the breadth-- of . y. under twenty miles, ; ; and the large =Tiber of vallOyB *rich' cross it . in. 'a traverse direction, prevent it from :forming . a very considerable military ;obstacle: There is a society ;OtilledPraiics-tiretirS of-the Vosges,' . mliich on a SMitib'scal&'bears some rest: blan Ce - to our . Volunteers, , ' ' self-eir;• gani zed force ‘it seems contrary t& the military genius of •ll ranee. have always been consiciered iwata : amusingAight by the-French journalscwhipliare, :however, now . beginniug to ,exprws thrirastoriishment ,at . linding that the.he'ids ettheTOSges are SOTlOMlV4emand permissiqp 'elcet. a general a fi!t to CO ' '• • After winding for some time through a de file,•and before we had altogether descended the western slopes of •t he Vosges, we arrived at Bitche, a small fortified place with a strong citadel, the strength of which seemed to lie in the high and scarped sides of the-hill upon which it was perched. From Bitcbe to Sarre guetnities we passed camp after camp. True, many of these were small, but everything con nected with them unmistakably revealed that these- were the- outlying parts of -the huge force. From Bitche to Sarreguemines is about twenty mileS, .and throughout this distance and for about twenty miles w • of Sarreguemines, forty miles in all, he_ 'con kantly approaches-within a fe ea ofthe frontier. Between Bitche and Sarreguemines their numbers evidently inspired the French with confidence; but beyond the latter - post it was clear that the line, which, as it leads. from Metz to Bitche, is just nosy Of extraordinary importance, was carefully picketed. Of course, I only. - 4.aw a portion of the prficau tions taken, bat I could observe that, at impor, taut points, such as where roads crossed the line, there were camps, of cavalry and artillery ' combined. evidently placed. to to , support the videttes and pickets which are watching the frontier, and to save the line from being interrupted.. When we got about thirty miles west, and a little south of Sarreguernines, the aspect of affairs became tamer, and we — did• •Ina—see. a camp oftener than one fro ten miles, and only passed at the stations ocbtisional trains laden with military material and ,p , T6imikel; but the line from Strasbourg to some distance beyond Sar reguemines has left stamped , upon my brain' impressions not likely ever to be effaced by stronger ones of the same kind. I fear I cannot reduce these impressions to writing, but some faint idea may be conveyed by imagining a crammed railway line inwhich allthe•trains were - tilled with' soldiers, Uwer ing! and being cheered ; stations lind with sympathizing spectators ; trucks. laden with guns in such numbers that oue ceased to take interest in them • the roads when they could be seen from the trains encumbered with cavalry ; and lastly, for the twenty miles be. tweet' the Bitche and Sarreguemines tents so thick that I could hardly make out whether I was passing through one or several camps. Abundance of good forage and wood was stored alone the lines. This last _puzzled me unn found that this portion of the b rench railways are supplied with coal from Prussian. mines, which, it is feared, they will flood be fore abandoning. But one .feature struck me as conspicuous by its - absene . e. There was but little show of either baggage or baggage.ani tuals. I saw also none of the droves of cattle w Mel might have been expected to be seen with a huge army. ADVICES BY'la AIL The Duke of fissamont's Statement to the French Sensate. ftrcia La Ltherte, l'arie, July 16. J In the French Senate, July 15, the Duke of Grnmont read the following as _thedeciarae tibti of the - • • Gentlemen : The Manner in which the nation has received our declaration-convinces us that we may count upon its supplt. We sought to make known our ltimate grievances: Accordingly we have required nothing from Spain; we have not deemed it necesary to treat .with' the Prince of Ho- Atenzollerm who -is protected by the Ring of Prussia . The' majority of the Powers have hastened to recognize,the_ jitstice of our demands. We addressed ur selves then to the Minister of Foreign Attars at Berlin:who announced that he was entirely unacquainted with this family matter. In view' of this fact, we sought audience with the King himself, and oidered M. Benedetti to go im mediately to Ems. King William pretended that he had taken no pat t in the negotiations undertaken with reference to the candidacy of the Prince of Hohenzollern ; that he had participated in thew at their ter mination to give his onus lit, not as sovereign but as head of the family. It being impos sible that these reasons should appear satisfactory to us, we insisted that the King of irrussia should advise and demand that the Prince of Hohenzollern renounce all claim to the throne of Spain. Meanwhile, there came firm Spain a declaration from M. de Olozaga, announcing that the Prince had renounced the crown. This renunciation, which Prussia persisted in having no part in, could not satiety us, and we demanded of the King, therefore, that he should declare that if the Crown of Spain should ever be offered to the leince ~of Huhenzolli ru, he ithe King no lung, r authorize him to accept it. Our demand was jtli' sad moderate ; we had nu reservations; never theless the Eine of P.onsia rejected our de mand. M. Benedetti telegraphed to us : " :lave again asked of the King . that he should in the future refuse to authorize the Prince of Hohenzollern to accept the throne of Spain." I persisted in my dematel uselessly, the King of Prussia ended by saying " I neither can um will enter into any such engagement." He wishes to await events. In Ta,' , of an " enjesti " refusal we (lid not break oh - negotiations despite y Jur legitimate impatience. We requested a tre,h delay, hut our sorb (-lee wee great whet e e were told that the hit,; of Prussia would 10 longer receive our Ariebte•eariore, and to :Lake his refusal definite. he had given lauqee of such refusal to other,.enwers. Moreover, !she King of Prus s ia bed rig ut-sced M. Wer titer to withdraw. We have neglected nothing to avoid war; we Low prepare cur:ielves to endure what is otbired us. anal to take, such rue asitres as the honer of Irance deinande. Prassinn F.ortigicrit OD& [Frum July MI The Confederation orNorth Germany pos sesses nine strongholds of the first class. They are : On the Rhine, Mayenee, Cobleutz, Co logne; on the Elho, Keenigstein, Afagde hourg; on the Oder, Stettin ; on the Waatha, Posen ; near the _mouth of the Vistula, Dantzielt ; on the Propl, Koenigsberg. All these places are on Prussian ground, ex cept Mayence (Hesse) and Koenigstein (Saxony). There are fourteen strongholds of the second el; ss: On the River Sarre, Saarlouis ; on the Rhine, Wesel ; on the Weser, Minden; on the E Gera, rfurt ;on tie' Elbe, Eorgau ;on the Spree, Spandau ; on the Udet, Cloyan; on the Neisse, Glatz.-Neisse; on the 'Baltic, Sunder bing-D ilppel, Kiel-Friedriehstadt, tit,ralstind, Col berg. Thestrougholds of the third class: On the Elbe, Wittenherg : on the Qtler, Klus orin; on the Vistula, 0 randcnz ; on , the Bat tic, Svidnenninde, Pillion. • Besides these, there are also : the following fortified post,: The earth% orks ahont, Dres den, the bridge at Dusseldorf, the lnislge of Marionbnrg, , the bridge of Mr:Alban, the mouth of the Weser, the fort of .•lel4-101. The' Liberte concludes that, in order to enter Germany, the best way for them was to , pass out between Strasbourg and IS vie; there is no,thrtideatiorrthere ;‘ then tolsileuen the Mr tit:let/0.014 of 11,initadt division, and to march ou Berlin by way ot; Frankfort,,Cassel and Lcipac. The King and 31...124u0d10tti. Froni Gatiqpunt's MetitienNux, July 15.1- We regret to say that the I,4'ianeo.d'rUssian ditlieulty;.whlph• waS believed to . havo - rulduied down in eonssytienco Leopold's rep nunidaticin, tioW' tends - to beetime iuGnttdly morel serious than ever. We' stiid yestetday that'the . grench CI over dinent , accepted that solution; but at the saute time reguiredthattlie withdrawal ultould- he plaeqd, soln6- shr4po athpr, under the guarantoo liaui;•, The r2:111-14111 nionztrch, PRICE PIIREE gN . . „ to think that ernongli has been done for France In his not opposing the ton:lre:Vent of the Prince, and be refuses to engage' ,Init re sponsibility in the manner required' by the ( atilbet of the Tuileries. The following is the telegraphicdespatcb sea round by the Haves Agency to announce' that grave result: "Neve; from Ems states that after the renunciation of Prince Leopold had been officially_ communi ea ted to the French Government by Spain, the ‘ln bassador of France applied to King William to authorize him to telegraph to Perm that his Majesty promised never to gibe hist consent afresh in the event of. Prince • Leo pold becornieg egain candidate_2l'he...lling i efused to receive the — Ambassador, and none municated to him by his Adjutant on service that ho had nothing . . further rto communicate. According to other information from Ems, thq King is reported to have let, Dr. Benedetti know that, he hicdtly approved of the .Prince's withdrawal, and that he considered tiencefor-• ward all, cause of a conflict as disposed of."; This course of. proceeding on the part of the• King certainly does not seem very courteocis t i but ret us hope that it may, be in some manner' explained away. What carinet be questioned'' is that its publication in Paris has protinced' the greatest' possible sensation, and , that. - nothing but war is spoken ofkil all ,classes,,of society. - ' - e ' In reference to the present' difficulty,. we' may state that ithe ,dlplomatists of the swipes Powers have, during the last two days,. ap-, peered in'the Salons of the Prussian Ambas-' . sailor. Baron -de- Werther 'does not ;conceal: from bis visitors that he found his Sovereign; in by no means, a conciliating disposition, as._ the declaration of the French eattitietin the Legislative Body had much irritated. him, as, aggressive against him and hie, kingdom. But after several conversations' with' his A.m bassador he softened down, and " the first' reception _granted 1 -to M. Benedetti was ; , most gracious. From the beginning the - King, declared that he did not wish to mix , tiim-' sell up in the Spanish question. The state of , the atiair is at present this : The Icing, gave Prince Leopold an official authorization to accept a foreign throne ; Francejudged that• this act was a provocation, and she demauds an official retraction of the royal .authoriza, Lion for the present and the future: Baron de - Werther is of opinion that she should be con tent with the young Prussian Colonel'ser uciatien A letter---from-Ems-give:. the following account of anincident on w tch' the above telegram was probably founded : A review took place here to-day on the gi ound mat thE,proinenade: As His Majesty_ was about to move on, M. Benedetti ap-• preached the King,. and seemed on the point of addressing him on the subject apparently, of certain papers which be held in his hand. King 'William, who did not seem in a very amiable mood, replied very briefly, and mak ing a polite movement, as if to excuse himself for Lot hearing_ the _Ambas,aciorat that-mo rnent, went on rapidly, folloWed by his stag:' That scene cast a disagreeable feeligg,..on.the. reirels-of many standing by ;•but, immediately atter, His Majesty's brother, Prince Albrecht,4- separated himself from the group rounch the lc leg, and conversed with M. Benedetti most , - • _ atiably. litE NEW YORK SEVENT}IE A Dinner to ftilajoirJ. F.' Tobias. - .' t From the N. Y..rieratil . . A complimentary dinner was given last' evening, at Delruonico's, corner of Fifth aver' nue and _Fourteenth street, by the officers of. the Seventh Regiment to Major Joseph F. Tobias, of Philadelphia. The dinner was gii-en as a kind of pleasant " send off" to the Major, Who takes his departure for Eurqpp. to-day in the steamer Scotia, to whose efforts, irwilbbe - rertearbereffovas --- dueOn ---- greatlr - ,7 - -: the magnificence of the entertainment and at- , te.ntiongiven the regiment while in the city of Brotherly Love a week or so ago. The banquet was a very select one, and everything that could be done to. render the affair an epicurean feast was. done by the chef de cuisine, who surpassed himself on the occasion. The following named' were the gentlemen who took active part in. making the good things disappear from the. table: Major JosephF. Tobias and MajOY-Gen.. Charles M. Prevost, J. Travis Quiggi. James , H. Orne, of Philadelphia; Colonel .Clark, Lieutenant-Colonel Haws, Major George. Moore Smith, Adjutant Louis Fitzgerald, Quartermaster Weed, Captains. S. D. Ryder,: George W. Ely,William Lt. Kipp, Lieutenants. James C. Abrams, H. J. Hayden, Edward - Earle. Charles F. Robbins, of the Seventh,and , Dr. Moreau bLorris, who hid the Surgiealber-:. vices fur the " boys" during their "foreign' trip. . After the cloth had been removed Colonel 'Clark proposed the health of Major Tobias, The gentleman, he said, was about to leave for Etirope, and every offiesr of the regiment, he knew, NV haled him. "good speed." The dinner appeared to be, in his opinion, in a particular manner tendered to the Malor,.hitt there were present other Philadelphia gen 2 tiemen.who had done equally as muoh as .theo Major for the enjoyment of the Seventh. while, in the " City.of Brotherly' Lever and if 'any One of them would take it into, hiS head to go` abroad he would be certain toget, an ,equally ; warm "send od" by the officer.; of the :Seventh. The Colonel corieduded by stating' that the regiment would never forget the hos pinilif v rendered to theta .by the citizens of Pi,: ladelphia. . 1.1 a j or Tobias responded in a few well chosen remarks. .Ho starer ( that ho was perfectly overwhelmed bythe t . eception tendered him and expressed the htlpo that some day he world have the happiness of meeting'the offi cers andruembers ou some other auspicious ocoasion, w hen he would do theta ; all.the he nors. Major-General , Preveis!. health was :.next .Proposed.. _lle thanked : the gentlemen fon their good wishes and remarked that he was :•orry to ascertain that sonic inVidiods com parisons had been made between tluMiventh and the Fifth Maryland regiments but he :anted that there was a great difference between. tiii.tr of pleasure and a tour of duty. " The Beventh went to Cape May for pleasure ianti the Fifth Maryland on .a tour of duty. ,Lle no doubt if the 6eventli would go out of town to encamp for a week or so it would not have to fear any comparison with any reglinent In the Union in matter of discipline. Speeches were then made by Mr..T. Travis:: Quigg, Mr. Orne and others, when the nont pany.adjourned at a late hour. —There is a lady at the Congress Hall, fiotel; ::%tratoga, who registered a fearful Vow before she Caine never to appear twice during the season in the Name dress,_ or with her- hair iti he :anit3 style, 'Finley the dreadfid responsis inlity she has incurred. She allows herself hitt two tiour,i' nap in, the forenoon, during which time her maids sleep Standing; and then -ho is tip and, at it a,gaiu. The amount of mental concentration, decision anti - ingenuity - which this wotuail - employs in' walking' the piazzas in it trail and playing the role of the Duchess .of Hamilton, and otherwise adver tising :herself .as a belle, would suffice, if well directed, to settlothe woman nneStiorh - • - • . —A young- gentleman from the WM, Newport, observing a lady driving. ; carriage through Thames street, the other day, with a stylishly-dreSsed coldred geutleinan PgTehed: on aiseat behind and above her, With hid arms folded, :1.4 is the custom among " the ?ALT 6 . )l kltil irrritirked that "it must&oat ' that .nigger a good deal of money to hire' that good looking young - lady to drive his carriage forthita.P .. - -Senator Sprague Esays there are twelyei thousand sets of corsets imported to the United • States anhually. vfiese Will ) pay. by a Timeali'enlictulent,.s s ; oo4 •M ot ;7'0'004 tax. ; • : ' ; i '..! __ i l '.'. 'i Fi: J..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers