. ,k .',- ' '-• - erilt - 11 OLLE TAM, Btstb 10011iernionietel , nds Da/ -6 % to " Bulletin Oldee. 10A. dmr. At. S9dcg. Weather clear. Wind West. PlttLAnsr.rnin..3bf EDICAL AND .SURGICAL Stmora..S.,- , We present, to-day, a full' list at the schools and institutions in the city of Phil adelphia where medicine and. surgery, or any of their branches, are taught,showiug the great facilities open to all who desire to Study in that line: _Philadelphia has been justly cele brated as the medical and scientific city of America, and the list shows the great and varied opportunities that are offered to the student. The lininerely of Pennsylvania was chartered and is situated on Ninth street, above Chestnut street. The medical department is under control of the medical faculty. The ses sion for the regular lectures begins the first - week in October, and ends early in March ensuing—Tbat—for—the_ausiliary_or_summer_ course begins the first week in April and ends the last Saturday in June. , l'he Jefferson Medical (Allege was chartered 1838, and is situated in Tenth street, between Chestnut and Walnut streets. The regular session commences the second Monday in Oc tober,dndends the beginning of March follow ing. There is also a summer session attached to this school, beginning in April and ending in June. - - The Philadelphia University of Medicine and surgery was chartered 1864, and is located on Ninth street, below Locust. There are _two regular sessions in each year. The first coin ' mences on the first Monday in October, land ends in December; the second begins in Jan , nary and ends in March. The Woman's Medical College, established and chartered Berne 18 or 20 years ago, is located on 'North College avenue, west of Nineteenth street. .In it a regular course of medicine is taught to females by a full corps of competent professors. It is well attended, having some 'fifty to sixty'matriculants' yearly. The De gree of Doctor of Medicine is_conferred on all the graduates by the Board of Trustees. Con nected with this institution is the Women's Hospital. The. Philadelphia Ilomccopathic - also named the. Hahnemann Medical College, is on Filbert street, above Eleventh street. This school is of long standing and excellent reputation. It is very largely attended by students from all parts of the country., . . thorough course— of medicine, , under the system of HOniceopathy, is taught. The stu dents-bave the advantage of visiting alrthe public hospitals and clinics in the city.. The Philadelphia School of Anatomy is located in Chant street,, Tenth above Chestnut. Lec tures irr Descriptive and Surgical'Anatomy are delivered. Microscopical Anatomy taught, and courses in Operative Surgery, Bandaging, Fracture Dressings, &c., are given. • The Philadelphia Summer School of Medicine, 920 Chestnut street. The Jayne 'Street Medieal institute, Jayne street, Ninth above Chestnut. In -these' institutions lectures on special branches of medicine, surgery and obstetrics, _are delivered_daily during April,_May, June and September. - At the Philadelphia Hospital (Almshouse), Illockley, West Philadelphia; the Pennsyl vania Hospital , Eighth and Spruce streets; the 'Howard Hospital, No. 1428 Lombard street, clinics and clinical lectures are held-uppn all the- general branches- of -medicine and sur• gery. _ Clinical lectures, illustrated by patients,ana tornical and microsdopical preparations,tiraw ings,&c.,with courses on practical ophthalmo scopy, otoscopy and - surgical operations are given at the Wills Hospital for the Blind and Lame, Race street, above Eighteenth street, the Philadelphia Eye and Ear Infirmary, Eleventh and Buttonwood streets and Ridge avenue. _ . - - • Clinics for the treatment of club-foot, cur ature of the spine, Contractions and deformi ties, with lectures, are held at the Philadel phia Orthopedic Hospital, 15 South Ninth treet For the study of obstetrics and diseases of children, the clinics of the City Lying-in Hos pital, Almshouse - West - Philadelphia , and the Children's Hospital, Twenty-second, above Spruce street, offer every opportunity to —students. - - ' • - There are also accessible to the students the Episcopal Hospital, North Fro_nt.... and Lehigh avenue ; St. Joseph's Hos pital, Sixteenth and Girard avenue ; St. Mary's Hospital, Frankford avenue and Palmer streets; German Hospital, Twentieth and Norris streets; Jewish Hospital, West Philadelphia; Philadelphia Dispensary, Fifth street, above Walnut; - Northern Dispensary; 605 Spring Garden street ; Southern Dispen sary, Chnstian street, below Eighth, and the Moyamensing Dispensary. It will be well seen by this that Philadel phia holds its old reputation, particularly in the ample means of illustrating and teaching clinical Medicine and Surgery. Of the kindred institutions we have: The Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, Tenth street, below Race, where lectures on Materia Medica, Chemistry, Theory and Piractice 01 Pharmacy, and other branches of science are delivered. A committee on examinations, in conjunction with the professors, make the examinations of candidates who attend the school, and confer the degree of Graduate, in Pharmacy. The Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, S. E. corner Tenth and Archstreets, organized 1856. Its sessions begin the first Monday in November and end the first of March. The Philadelphia .Dental College, chartered 186. The sessions begin the first of Novem ber and end - in February. Each candidate for graduation at either of the above schools must prepare a thesis upon some subject connected with the theory or practice of dentistry; lie must make an•arti licial of teeth, and must undergo an ex amination by the Faculty, when, if found qualified, he will receive the degree of Doctoi of Dental Surgery: For students in Chemistry there are the School of Analytical and Applied Chemistry, in the Polytechnic College, Market street, west of Seventeenth street; the laboratories of Booth & Garret, Chant street, Tenth, above Chestnut; Dr. Briickner, Walnut, below Se , cond ; Dr. Moss, FOurth, below Walnut—in eacloriU which , facilities 'aro afforded for ac `quiring a thorough knowledge of Qualitative and' Quantitive Analysis, Determinative 31ineralogy, Assaying, Metallurgy, examina tion of healthy , and morbid animal fluids, &ci , LOCAL CitownEn.—The shower that for an hour last night descended copiously upon the thirsty soil was as valuable to the agricul turists of OAS vicinity as if each distinctive drop had been a five-cent piece. -As the drop , fell and dashed out their silver brain against the sidewalk the heated pavement sent them upward in the shape of vapor. It fell alike for the benefit of the just and unjust—"beaus; ful rain !" --The present is a _solemn time. Into tie rank: , of the friends around us remorseless death is putting his• inexorable sickle. Mr Edwin Booz and General Leech are among his more recent victims. Let every ono be merciful, not only to others, but to hithself. —ln the opinion of the ' Itancocas creek truck-growers the melon crop this year be ruinousiylarge. By this they mean thfat after the earliestproduct has been disposed of the price realized for the rest will be inade quate to ,nay the cost of cultivation. The , price realized by the grower of the smaller fruits, as compared with that extorted from us.by the middlemen, is simply ridiculous. FOr raspberries that brought i l last week twenty-four cents a quart in t e markets, the .grower . realized . but ten. The. Faille s tate of `things .holds good in the caseof almost every;' 'thing that comes to our . tables. How just is the complaint of :producers in the direction cat.be'ascertained - hy any one who chooses to '-interrogate :them. ThAess they personally "Wing their fruit, etc., to market, they are at the mercy of the middle men. Our reporter, the other day, saw a thousand quarts of rasp berries shipped-to Bridgeton, .1., to be con verted into vinegar. The grower got for them 'hut 0 cents a quart. • .A.V.C.MPTED SLYMinE.—A wOtnau named Ann Spear jumped into the Delaware at Walnut Street wharf this morning,about 2 o'clock. She was fished out by Officers Vanderslice Arid rbilhPSi ig the Delawarefitarbor Police, • efturtc INJunap,,German, named Wm. itUti ee, nged' .. .io Yearn,' , reiiiihng in the Maga:, borhood of New Market and. Green streets. placed a percussioncap on a stone and struck it .. .Ttb a harnmery yesterday afternoon. The cap exploded, and a piece of it lodged in the neck,pf a child five years of age. - The wound it consideivd'dangerous. ' Fisher was arrested: He was taken before Ald. Cahill,and was com mitted to await the result of the injuries of the child. TEE FIEST CAVALEY.—This regiment is compoSed piincipally of Germans, and Colonel William Frisbmuth, its commanding officer, has Tailed . upon the members to unite with their German fellow-citizens in raising a fund for the sufferers by the war between France and Prussia. The, olii cers of the regiment will hold a special meeting at their headquarters, No. 1533 Chestnut street, on Monday evening P,ICKPOCHET.—T. H. Vance, who got out of a car on the Philadelphia, Germantown and Norristown Railroad, at Columbia avenue sta tion, yesterday afternoon,_ was arrested after a short chase. He was charged with having -picked-the-pocket-of-a-woman-while-in-the car, and during . hi 3 flight he dropped the pocket-book alleged to have , been stolen. Vance had a hearing before Ald. Allison, and was held in $l,OOO bail for trial. THE HEAT.--ThOrnaS Brown WWI overcome by, the heat, at Eleventh and Lombard streets, about half past nine'o'clock last evening. He was removed to his home, Igo. 315 South Juni per. street. .FoulvrAni DrJunkp.—The handsome pub lic drinking fountain, at Passyunk road and Shippen street, was badly ; damaged by an ice cart being'driven , agaihst it last evening. DEAD INFANT F,OUND.—The body of an in fant was found on the wreck of a canal boat, near Market street bridge, 'yesterday after noon, by the Schuylkill Harbor Police.. Sunomq DaArm—Ellen Sa.tterly, aged 66 years, residing in the rear 'of No, 1414 Philip street, died suddenly this morning. TEE BEDFORD STREET MISSION FREE BATHS are doing a great deal of good during this heated term. They are particularly ap predated by the women and children. 'Yes terday 117 women, and 130 female children a~ ailed _. themselves_ of the_refreshment. To day, being set apart for men, the number will probably be less, as the male residents have other opportunities forablution. The premi ses are kept as clean as could be expected,with daily floor-scrubbing and frequent white wash ing.; bat the water is only changed four times . a day., instead of - perpetually, as should be done. Mr. Long, having rented the premises east of the Baths, is soliciting money to put up additional tanks for a better class of customers, to be used at a nominal charge. This would allow the exercise - of some discrimination, and the exercise of more cleanliness. Even in theb. present imperfect state the Baths are a woifderfal element orreform. BASE BALL.-LTo-morrow (Friday) afternoon a match game of base ball will be played at Seventeenth street and Columbia avenue be tween the champion Athletics and the Mary land, of Baltimore. The Athletics will ap pear.in their new uniform.- -On Saturday they start on their Western tour. CITY NOTICES. JUDICIOUS MOTH.ERs AND NURSES use BOWER'S INFANT CORDIAL, because it is OLIO Of the most delightful and efficacious remedies ever discovered for curing the various ills to which infants and young children are subject. DELICIOUS COLD SODA WATER AT BAKES', 11® ARCH BT. JACOBY'S VICHY LOZENGBS.—FOI" Acidity of the Stomach, Heartburn, Flatulency and Indigestion. 917 Chestnut street. Morns.—Furs, Blankets, wearing apparel, Carpets, &c., effectually protected from these pests, by Jecoss s L'isscr POWDER, 917 Chestnut stmt. BAKES' - MEDICINE_ CASES FOR SUMMER TOURISTS CONTAINING THE MOST APPROVED REMEDIES.' PRICE ONE DOLLLAR. 1100 ARCH STREET. LADIES can find every description of Corsets • crrirms'lio - o - p - Bslrtv(ter - s - et - Licthes' ljuthrf=gar ruent Emporium, 1115 Oheqtnut street. OFF FOR THE - - - - Bnt before you go, call upon St:o.sy, 806 Market street, He has an infinite variety of Bathing Dresses, Oil Caps, Straw Hats, Loather Belts, etc., for Ladies, Gentlemen, Mieseu,Masters und Children. . CORNS, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 915 Oltestuut street. Charges moderate. BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. —This article is now deemed indispensable in hot weather. As a gentle and healthful stimulant ginger has no rival ; and in the peculiar form in which it is pre• pared by Mr. Frederick Brown;at the northeast corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets t Is at once convenient and palatable. Those who design making voyages uy land or water should not ho without the essence. STRAW HATS.—Messrs. C. Oakford 8z Sons in the Continental Hotel, announce that they have re ceir ed another lot of those One Dollar. Straw Hats. The greatest bargains over offered in America. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH treated with the utmost. success by J. Isaacs, D. and Professor of Diseases of the'Eye and Ear (his speci• alty) in the Medical College of Peunsylvania,l2 years ex• .perience. No. 805 Arch street. Testimonials can be seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited to at.• company their patients, as he had no secrets in his prac tice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for examination. LADIES going to the country or seaside, Should procure ono of those 'Elegant and cheap Sundowns from AK 1 , ORD 834 and 836 Chestnut street SITRGICAL INSTRUMENTS and draggists sundries. IMPOIi,TA.TIONS Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. TOCOLITTA —Brig Bunter, Wilson-175 cedar loge W Cunningham A . , Sun. ' MARINE BiILLETIA. POUT or PHILADELPHIA-JuLy2l .Si. Marino Bulletin on inside Page AnytivED Tms DAY . _ Steamer Fanita. Fremnan,24 boura from Now Y rk, with nide° to John F Ohl. Steamer W Whilido'', Biggins, 13 hours from Ba more, with mdse to A Groves. Jr.. Steamer Chester, Jones. 21 hours from Now York, with mdse to W P Glade & Co, • • . - Brig 'Bunter (Br),Vlleon,3o days from Tocoluta,with cedar logs to Cunningham A: Son. Behr Dl E Staples, Dinsmore, 10 days from Windsor, NS. with plaster.to 0 C Van Horn. • • Sett Diary A Harmon. Paiker,li diiyitrom St John ND. with laths to J W Gankill X. Sons. _ . grid. Win h Garrison. Morris. 6 days from Hallowell with lee to linlckorboelcer Ice Co. lichr Richard Vatix. Whittaker, from Richmond, rde with ice to Knickerbocker Ice Co. _ . . &lir Hazleton, Cummings, from . Tronton, with rodeo ,-. • to captain. &lir Clots Cooper. Nickeruon, from Harwich, with tondo to Crowell & Nickoleon. Schr S C Fitlihm, Tuft.l day from Port Depoelt, with grain to Bewley & Co. Schr 3ue W Tice, Somers, from Norfolk. Sam Mary & Emma, 'Venable, from Delanco. Tug Thoe Jeflerson,Allen from, Baltimore, with a too of bargee to NV P Clyde & Co. Tug Clyde. Duacau, from Baltimore With a tow of barge's to NV P Clyde & Co. Tug G B Hutchings. Davis, from Havre do Grace,witli a tow of bargee to W P Clyde & Co. ()LIMBED THIS DAY. Steamer Briatol: Wallace. New York. W 1' Clyde & Cc Brig John Chryatal, Barnes, Mayaguez, .1 & Co ichr John S Detweiler. Reed, Boston, Sinnickeun & Co :wily Ella F Crowell, Boner, Provincetown, do TuglTheaupealce Merrihew, Havre de Grace, with a too of barges, NV Velyde & Co. Tug Hnelson, Nieholeon, Baltimore. with a tow of bargee,'W P Clyde &Co bIEhIORANDII. Ship Abyssinia. Christian, at Liverpool 15th instant (tom St ,eons, N B. Ship British America, Lockhart. hence at Antwerp sth Steamer Volunteer. Jo r nos, home at New 'Rork re,t terdar. Steamer Mutter. nettling, hence at Providence ]9th instant. .. - Steamer Grango, Houston, from Glasgow 21st ult. at Now Orloans 16t1h inst. Steamer Fairbanke.llowe,eleared at New York rester. day for Wilmington. NU. ' Bark Chief, Harding, hence nt Stettin 7th i net . I Bark Roonolte. WM113,114100 at Both idvardlinisirund !VIM loading Oth to return - . . . Barlellairdon, Olsen, sailed from Cuxhaven Btll inst. for this port Brig 'Dios Walter. Robinson. hence at St Johns, Ant, 4tli inst. and sailed 7th tor Dominica, in ballast. Brig J B-Kirby. Barnard, he/meat Kingston, Ja. 7th instuat.` • • Frig S Welsh, for Boston, cleared at Ponce, PR. 2d instant . Schr Zfitapsi. Tbompaon, cloarod at St John, NB. 16th inst. for this port Salm Margie ' Mciraddeu, nud Ruth. Shaw, Shaw, heace at Boston 19th Seim Bea Queen, Bosobrook,cloarod at Ca'ais 16th tug. for OARort Ear Plight, rowell, cleat ad t Portlarit 18th instant for It& port Schrb Ocean Belle, Coffin; Irchard 11.111, Smith; J B Myers. Ellwood; filar i , nl Gage, Heathers; A E 8 , iterd, Powell, and C li Wood, Smith, honce at i'rovidoncu 19th instant, Ochre June C ratteron, h'cull, for Now York, ugid PHILADELPHIA EVENING BULLETIN, TuußsDAy, JULY ,21.1.870. B2POIVnEN & BROTHER, 23 South Eighth street MM==l E Bockhill, Rockhill, for. Georgetown. DQ.aalled.from vldencenthinat, Kchrs Ephraim & Anna; Green; Wm W Marar;.Gliarr plan; L & A Babcock, Smith; Thos Clyde, Oalu; A it Edwards, Bartlett. from Boston; Nellie, French, trout Bangor; Katie P. Lunt, Lunt; 'from Windsor, N.. an John Somas, Beath. from tinincy, - all' for this port., at Bounce' Role lath inst.. The alms Clyde sailed again came day; the °there, excepting the L A Babcock and John Somas, sailed next day. Bohr Francis E Bullock, Balloon, from . Kennebec River for this port, passed Holmes' Role 18th inst. bout Thomas Borden, Wright Ington, from Fall River for this port, at Newport 18th inst. PROPOSALS. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGH WAYS.-OFFICE,NO.IOI S. FIFTH ST. PHILADELPHIA, July 21, 1870. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of the Chief Commissioner of High ways until 11 o'clock, A.M.,on MONDAY„2Sth inst., for the construction of a Sewer on the line of Amberatreet, from the southwest curb line of Setterly street, to connect with the sewer in Sergeant street. And on the nottb west side of Girard avenue, from Vienna street, to the southwest curb-line of Mont gomery avenue, Said Sewers-to-be. constructed with brick ; circular in shape, with a clear inside diameter of three feet. such man holes as may be directed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor. The un derstanding to be that the Sewers herein ad vertised are to be completed on or before the 30th day of September,lB7o. And the Contractor shall take bills prepared against the property fronting on said Sewer to the amount of one dollar and fifty cents for each lineal foot of front on each side of the street as so • much cash paid ; the balance, as limited by Ordi nance, to be paid by the city; and the Contrac tor will be required to keep the street and sewer in good order for three years after the sewer is finished. - when the street is occupied by a City Pas senger Railroad track, the Sewer shall be con structed along side of said track in such man ner as not to .obstruct or interfere with the safe passage of thd cars thereon ; and no claim for remuneration shall be paid the Contractor by the Company using said track as specified in Act of Assembly approved. May 8, 1866. Each proposal will be accompanied by a cer tificate that a bond has been filed in the, Law Department, as directed by Ordinance'of May 2Ath, 1860. If the lowest bidder shall , not exe cute a contract within five days after the_work is awarded, he will be deemed as declining,and will be held liable on his bond for the differ ence between his bid and the next lowest bid der. Specifications may be had at .the De partment of -Surveys,-which will be' stribtly adhered-to. 'The Department of HightWaysi re ser3TB the right to reject all bids not deemed satisfactory. • All Bidders may be present at the time and place of opening the said Proposals. No al lowande will be made for rock excavations except by special contract. MALLLON H. DICKINSON, - . _ jy2l 3t4 Cbief Commissioner of Higways PROPOSALS FOR NAVAL MATE RLALS. NAVY DEPARTMENT, - BUREAU OF EQUIPMENT AND Bncnirrrrsto, July 11,1870. Sealed Proposals to -furnish materials or the Navy for the fiscal year ending,June 30, 1871, will lie received at this Bureau until 10 o'clock A. M. of the sth of August next, at which time the proposals will -be opened— . The proposals must be addressed to the "Chief of the Bureau of Equipment and It uniting, Navy Department; Washington," and must be endorsed "Proposals for Mat erials for the Navy," that they may be distin guished from other business letters. Printed_ schedules for any . class, together with instructions to bidders, giving the forms of proposal, of. guarantee, and of certllicate:i -of guarantors, will be furnished to such-per sons as desire to bid on application to the com mandants of the respective navy-yards, and those of all the yards on application to the Bureau. The Commandant of each navy-yard and the purchasing Paymaster of each station will •aNeac_opyof the schedules of the other yards, for examination only, in order that persons who intend to bid may.iudge whether it is desirable-. to make_ application for any-of the classes of those yards. The proposals must be for the whole of a clas.s,_and allapplications forinformation_o_r_ for the examination of samples must be made to the Commandants of the respective yards. The proposal must be accompanied by a cer tificate from the Collector of Internal Revenue for the district in which the bidder resides that be has .a license to deal in the articles for which he proposes, and he must further show that he is a manufacturer of. or a regular dealer in the articles which he oilers to supply. The guarantors must be certified by the Asses sor of Internal Revenue for the district in which they reside. The contract will be awarded to the person who makes the lowest bid and gives the guar antee required by law, the Navy Department, howeyer, reserving the right to reject the lowest bid, or any which it may deem exorbi tant. Sureties in the full amount will he required to sign the contract, and their responsibility must be certified to the satisfaction of the Navy Department. As additional security, twenty per centum will be withheld from the amount of the bills until the contract shall have been completed, and eighty per centum of the amount of each bill, approved in tripli cate by the Commandant of the respective yards, will be paid by the Paymaster of the station designated in the contract in funds or certificates, at the option of the Government, within ten days after the warrant for the same shall have been passed by the Secretary of the Treasury.... • The classes of this Bureau are numbered and designated as follows : No. 1. Flax Ca.nvas,&c No. 2. Cotton 'Chnvas, o. 3. Cotton Ham rnoblc Bag 8z Cot stuff lA o. 4. Iron and Steel. No. 5. Galley Iron. No. 7: Chain. Iron. No. 8. Hardware. NO. 9. Cooking I7tens's No. 11. Tin and Zinc. No. 12. Leather. CHARLESTOW Classes Nos; 2, - 8, 4, 8 18, 20. BROOKLYN. Classes Nos. 1, 2. 3, 8 19, 20, 21 PHILADELPHIA. Classes Nos. 2,8, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. WASHINGTON. Classes Nos. 2,4, 5,6, 7,8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20 . NORFOLK. Classes Nos. 2,3, 8,9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17,18, 19, 2O PORTSMOUTH, N. H. Classes Nos. 2,8, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 jyl2 twit§ REAL ESTATE SALES. ORI ORPHANS' COURT SALE—ESTATE Nag of Collins 'Ogg, deceased. Thomas h bons, Auct tioneers. Modern Three-story Brick Residence, Dye House, Stable, and large lot N. W. corner of Emerald and York streets, Nineteenth Ward, within two squares of Pldlndelplita and Frank ford Passenger Railway, Pursuant to an alias order of the Orphans' Court for thd City and County of Philadelphia, will be sold at publio side, on Tuesday. July 26th, 1870. at 12 o'clock, noon. at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described property, late of Collins 'Ogg. deceased, viz.: All that lot or piece of ground with the hi irk dwelling house and brick factory thereon erected, situate at the north west corner of 1 ork and Emerald streets ; containing in front on York street 126 feet, and extending in depth BO feet 3 Inches to Taylor street. Being the same lot of ground which Charles D. Maclean, by indenture dated September 18,.18.15, recorded in Deed .Book R. D. W., No, 39, page 208. 3:c ,granted and conveyed unto Jolut Dawson and (MMus Itigg, in fee. -Subject to . a ; yearly ground rent of $lB9. which, -by endorsed deed, recorded in Peed Book R. D. W.. No - . 142, page 324 Sc., was alter• wards extinguished ; and by divers convoyance4 be' tWeCn .the-said John - Dawson and Collins Riga. recorded in Deed Books It. D. \l'.. No. 142, page 327, It. D. 142, page 383, R. I). W., No. 18!, page 433, e. and A. D. 8., - No.-71e .page-410, the whole of said premise vested in the said Collins Itigg, in fee. The improvements aro a modern three-story brick ro sidence, with two-story back building—hits Parlor, dining-room and 2 kitchens on first floor—gas, bath, hot and cold water, 2 cooking-ranges, wash-pave, tkc. Brick dye-house, tart 1. 2 and 23.1-stories high. One frame office, sulphur houses, two story brick sta ble, sheds A:c. 2 boilers, largo lot of steam pipe, dye and (teeming tubs, large PA of wronclting sticks and yarn poles. Terms—Half cash. By the Court, JOSEPH MEGARY Clerk 0, C. JOHN DAW 40Ni Wlll. DAWSON, ' Executors, • Al, THOMAS it SW, nctlonoere, jys 16 2$ • . p(11g, p, rpulth tits 994 IZZ=E=2Z2M No. 13. Soap and Tat low. No. 14. Oxhides for- rope. No. 15. Brushes. No. 16. Ship Chandlery No, 17. Tar & Tar Oil- No. 18. Stationery. No. 19. Dry Goods. • I No. 20. Firewood and coal. No. 21. Sand. NAVY- YARD. 9, 12,:13, 1 , 1, 15,16, NEW YORK. , 0, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, .WirfES, LIQUORS, act:. EYI3TONE PURE WHEAT •WHISKY Distilled frota the Grain T. J. MARTIN:BI:O'W., KEYSTONE DISTILLERY, NORTHWEST CORNER OF Twelfth and Waahingion Streeta. STORE, ` No. 150 North Front Street, ' PHILADELPHIA, PA. Totchom tt may concern: All the leading medical authorities recognize the value , of diffusive stimulants. Numerous eminent phyeiciane had surgeons might be named who hare advocated their emp oymen T - two - triTati - netit ofa — large class of dis orders. No Dispensary is considered complete without them. They are prescribed in all public. and private Hospitals, and administered by all bedside practitioners. But the difficulty has been to obtain Alcoholic Liquors Pure. -" The pungent aroma of the fusel oil.and biting acids present in all of them can be scented as the glass is raised to the lips. The nauseous flavor. of .these active poisons is , perceptible to the palate, and a burning sen sation in the stomach attests their existence when the noxious draught has gone down. Paralysis, idiocy, in sanity and death are the pernicious fruits 'of such'pots (lons. ' lliedical science asks fora pure' stimulant to use as a specific, which, while it diffuses itself through the sys• tern more raphilY . than any other known agent, is brought into direct and attire contact with the seat of disease. It is the property of the stimulantta diffuse and by the aid of its peculiar nutritious componentparts to invigorate, regulate, counteract and restore, anti it is by the happy union of the principle of , activity with the principles of invigoration'anti restoration that enables a PURE WHISKY To accomplish beneficial results: Having great experience in the distilling of Witiskic4, and the largest and best equipped establishment of its kind in the country, supplied with the West improve ments in apparatus for cleansing Whisky_oflusel oil and other impuritie , strict personal supervision the proprietors of . Keystone Wheat Whisky A re enabled to offer a r.1,1„r43 - IVhiSkYl-, Distilled ,from WHEILTJ, aid, 'tieing Made from the grain, possesses all its Nutritious Qualities, and can be relied upon to be strictly as represented, having been examined thoroughly by the leading analitical chemists of this city, whose certificates of its' purity and fitness for medical purposes are appended. We invite examination. and any who would convince thepiselves_we_aak. a rigid analysis. T. .1. MARTIN & CO. N.B.—Notice that the caps and cork aro branded with our name. to prevent counterfeiting, For sale by all respectable Druggists. Price per lsottle, $1 50. Orders sent to N 0.150 N. FRONT street Will receive prompt attention. UIIEMICAL LABORATORY, No 108 and 112 Arch id. riuLADELPitiA,March 19, 1t70.1,1 esms. T. .T. Martin & Co., Phtladelphia. Pa. Gentlemen:-1 have made a careful examination of the Keystone Pure Wheat Whisky, and found ft to - be a per feel IY pure article, and entirely free from fusel oil ttud other injurious substances. Its purity, and its pleasant and agreeable flavor, render it particularly valuable for medicinal purposes. Yours truly, F. A. GENTLE. CREMICAL LABORATORY, No. 13S Walnut street. - PIIILADEL£IIIA, March 17, ltriO. Messrs. T. J. Martin 4r Cs., Philadelphia, Pa. Gentlemen :—The sample of Keystone Pure Wheat Whisky, submitted to me for analysis, I find to be pure, and, as such, I highly rpcouunend Miler medjoinal pur poses. Respectfully, etc., - WM, A. BRUCKNER, AIWA. and Consult. Ghatnlst. - tFIEMICAL LABORATORY, No. 417 Walnut street, PRILADELPRIA, April 5,18711.' Mevsrs. T. .T. Martin 4- Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Gentlemen_:- 1 hate made an analysts of the sample of Keystone Pure Whisky,sent by you for examination, and Sod it entirelyfree from fusel oil or any other dele terious Matters, and 1 consider it applicable to any use for which pure whisky may be desired. • Respectfully, CHAS: 51. CRESSON. Sold -- Wholesale — by — ElLENCM7 -- , RILCIL ARDS & CO.. N. W. corner TENTH and MARKET streets. - ielB Sr St • INSURANCE. - INSURANCE - GO WA-NY NORTH AMERICA. Fire, Marine and Inland Insurance. Ineorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual. Capital - - $500,000 Assets,Jul* Ist, 1870, $2,917,906 07 Losses Paid Since Organi , zation, - - '324,000,000 Receipts of Premkuns, , 69, $1,991,837 45 Interest from Investments, 1809, - • - 114,090 74 Losses paid, 1869, STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS. First Mortgage on City Property.. $770,450 00 United States Government and other Loans. Bonds and 5t0ck5.1,306,052 50 Cash in Bank and in hands of Bankers 187,367 Loans on Collateral Security....... 60,733 74 Notes Receivable, mostly Marine Premiums • 298,406 43 Premiums- in course of tranumis- Bien and in hands of Agents.... 122,138 8!: Accrued Interest, Re-insurance,&e 39,255 31 Unsettled Marine Premiums . ... 103,501 37 Real Estate, Office of Company.... 30,000 00 Total Assets July 1,1870, - $2,917,906 07 DIUMJTOBS. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, FRANCIS R. COPE. SAMUEL W. JONES, EDW. 11. TROTTER, JOHN A. BROWN, EDW. S. CLARKE, S: FAS. TAYLOR. T. CHARLTON HENRY AMBROSE WHITE ALFRED D. JESSUP, WM, WELSH, LOUIS 0. MADEIRA, S. MORRIS WALL CHAS. W. CUSHMAN, JOHN MASON, 4, CLEMENT A. GRISOOM GEO. L HARRISON, WM. BROCKIE. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, CHARLES PLATT, VICE4PRESIDENT. MATTHIAS. MARTS, Secretary. C. H. REEVES, Assistant Secretary. Ceitificates of Marine Insurance issued (when desired), payable at the Counting Rouse of Messrs. Brown, Shipley & Co., London.— fol 6 Inm ly '"" BRIG HT VARNISH AND VE NICE TURPENTINE.-100 barrels Brledirarniqh; 30 do. Venice Turpentine, For 6010 1)) , ' EDW. U, Row• truth ifrgut ONO' B A.R1 1 " • • FINE CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOE& MADE ON OUR IMPROVED LASTS, Insuring OomfOrt, Beauty and Durability. 88 South Sixth Street, ABOVE osißarisvr. del3-m w fl 400 ARCH STREET, 400 EYRE AND LANDELL Are Now Closing Summer Stock. sl-TAWLS, GRENADINES, LIGHT • SILKS, ORGANDIES, Irma OS LACE SACQUES, . . , 5,, V 1) , 1 K . .4. • , .), . . • LINEN STORE, SOS Arch Street.; AND . , 1128 CHESTNUT STREET. Plain Linens for Snits. Flax Colored Linens, 25 cents. Buff Idoens,_2s Ceuta. Fine Gray Lineas. Fine Cinnamon Colored Linens. Chocolate Colored Linens. Printed Linen Cambrlcs. New Printed Linens. - ' . . Embroidered Initia l Handkerchiefs, Beautiful goods•at 51 00 each—every letter in efet, alphabet. Special Bargains In Battles' and Gents' Handhercldefs. CORNELIUS & SONS' 821 CHERRY STREET, CHANDELIERS, -BRAGKETS, &c., OF - SUPERIOR STYLES AND FINISH We have no Store or Salesroom on Chestnut Street. CORNELIUS & SONS. DTI w f m2mrpg 1816 CHESTNUT STREET. 1816 JOHN M. GARDNER Offers an Entire New Stock of SPLENDID FURNITURE AN aIIPHOLSTERY NEW IN DESIGNS, RICH IN QUALITY, FINE IN FINISII, AND LOW IN PRICE. The above points being well appreciated, induce me to keep these facts before the people that I may continue to receive their patronage, promising prompt attention to all orders entrusted to me. !e9-w fmrp tl mhl $2,106,581 19 $1,085,386 84 PURCHASERS OF COTTAGE CHAMBER SUITS And the various styles of Bedsteads, Bureaus, • Washstands, Wardrobes, &C. ) Finished in imitation of Walnut, Maple or other "hard woods," and now generally known as " Imitation " or " Painted " Furnituie, are hereby informed that every article of our manufacture is Stamped with oar Initials and Trade. 'Mark, And those who wish to obtain goods - of our m 04.0 (there being, at the present time, numerous imitations in the market), should invariably ask the dealer of whom they aro purchasing to exhibit our stamp on the goods, and take no other, no matter what representations may be made concerning them. KILBURN & GATES, Wholesale Manufacturers of Cottage Furniture, No. 619 MARKET STREET, PHIMADELPIIIA. 025 s m w 6mrp J. W. GILBOUGH 4r, CO., PJFIEWIDENT. Negotiate Loans, Buy and Sel Government and other re liable Securities. ia3lmw - flys Lorlea BAILRELS LIGHSOOL ed sweet FM 011, low-priced, (or pale by EDW W/Mien NNW WPM otreqt, ',600419' 01) `lgtomi; GAS-FIXTL'IL~.S, C.__- RETAIL SALESROOMS, PHELADELPIIMA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FURNITURE, &C. BANKERS, 42, SOUTH THIRD STREET, .SUMMER , REBORTS: 'SUMMER , RESORTS 4 : t ottalin LINE QF Philadelphia and Reading Railrend And BratleheS. , MAT 20, 1870. _ MANSION HOUSE, MT. UAIIBOyi 11. n. Caroline Wunder, Pottsville P. o.i Schuylkill TJUSCA BORA T FEOTEL.,,„I Mrs. M. L. Miller, Tuscarora P. 0., fichtlYllidll must INANSION UOIDSE. W.T. Smith, lYfahttnoy City P. 0., SchuYlitill county 11IO1ONT CAIRUEL 11101 USE. Charles Only, Motmt Carmel P. 01. Northumberland a • WRITE HOUSE, F. Mayer, Reading P. 0., ;Jerks county. ANDALUSIA MALL, Henry Weaver, Reading P. 0., Beritecounri. CEN COAL Al EXCE UALL, G. D. Davis, Beading P. 0., Berke county. SPRING MILL lIEIGIITS, Jacob H. Broisch, Conshohocken P. 0., Montgoniary co. — soyzwroww - SEWINARY. V. M. Koons, Boyertown P. 0., Berks county. • L,ITIZ SPRINGS, Goo. T. Greider. Litiz P. 0., Lancaster county..____ LIVING SPRINGS HOTEL, Dr. A. Smith, Werneravillo P.O., Berka county. COLD SPRINGS /1011'EIs. 151111,4111031 COIIN'DY. Wra. Loroh, Sr,, Pine Grove P. 0., Schuylkill ccuutl. EPEIRATA SPRINGS,. John Frederick, Ephrata P. 0., Lancaster county. PERILIOPIEN MUDGE JIOTEE.. Davis Longakor, Collegeville P. 0., Montgomery co. PROSPECT TERRACE. Dr. James Palmer, Collegeville P. 0,, Montgomery co. DOILITY ROUSE. Geo.E. Burr. Shamokin, Northumberland county. Excursion Tickets will be sold at Philadelphia to and from above points at reduced rates, good for same day homed, and on Saturdays good until following Monday. ury2l.l2m§ • • Calie Nay... Change Of Prnprletois. NATIONAL EIA IA L., Formerly kept by AARON GADRETBON, hi now to be ciregattar ( new o 1111. tprietor ollecnot:Terescloalganailli tippet-Intended by Vli.lLLl ' Ard WHITNEI7. The Donee commando a fine view. of the Ocean, and will be opened OD the TWENTIETH DAY OB NEXT. an a -First-Class Familyßo tirdlnx-ifousek No ITn~ - Attached to thi !Pise. Tito table will be well euppllod with all the Bunman tat4 and Ilatanantee OF 'FAIR Smoot'', witbuut .the ,Entreee.". Matte always In readiness to nearer. Guests to and from the Depot and Battling Gronndo, free of charge. .11af"flie r lintsisrlber_w_ould._respoctfully :solicit your . Patronage and Drowses to spare tio pains of :expense to make the IiIATION AL a desirable home for those who wish cinnfort and tbeborent of &W ill,' and tina Hathitio without the expenses of a fashionable lintel. Terme-8104.00 per week or 00 per day. Liberal arrangements will be made to large famine/ remaining from four to-Rix weeks k'or Roma;Ac.,address jelibtfl WILLIAM WITITNIRIG NATIONAL MALL, CAPE MAY, N. J Congress Hall" CAPE MAY, N. J., Opens, June Ist. Closes, October-list. TEII.IIB-83 it pry-day June and September. IMO -per 'day July and August. The new wing is now completed. Mark a nd Simon liassler's full Military fiend and Or cheet ra of M pieces, Applications tor Rooms, address J. P. CAKE, Proprietor. apl6 1922 26 29-8 e9+l t. 111.5. 1 _ _ _ Ch itte n axn at), - . WHIT E - Madison county, New York: Firet-claete :and everrreeniette, now .Drawins-room and Sleeping C •re inutiludsooltiv-r Railroad Depot, New: York, at M. aid P. M., without chanee to Chittenartgo Station, 1: runes east of Syracuse. For illustrated Cir culars. addreed as above, or C. H. VER, 7 Deeknum etre-t-ti ti. Y.: • "IlePthai_ Ocean House, Cape May, N. J. The best table ou Capt., 10%0,, numerous home•llke comforts, ouithui.mithmittyarilzi,:...the taFit-buthitis. on thelteach, are ittP ptfuctpal titlititttageft putacitned by this tirst•clues faultily hotel. Ico bar on the premises. LYCETTE & SAWYER, Proprietors. U-NITED STA TES-HOTE-Ir ATLANTIC CITY. N.. J.. _ . Will open for the reception of Guests on SATURDA June 25, witila Reduction of Twenty Per Cent. to tit Price of Hoard. Mnsic under the direction of Professor M. F. Aleio. Terms, 820 per week. Persons desiring to engage rooms will address BROWS & WOELPPEit. Proprietors, ATLANTIC CITY, Or No. S RICHMOND Street, Philadelphia. jel s m 2m§ LORETTO SPRINGS. Loretto Springs, Cambria County, Pa., Will he opened on the FIFTH of JULY. For Circulars and other information, address P. O. se above. FRANCIS A. GIBBONS, Proprietor. jyl tf SCHAUFLEI3,I3 HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The best location on the island With an A No. I table, and the best attention paid to its guests. Eighty tine sl!,epingc U hatnbets, with beds, etc., unsurpassed. ie27-2rn§ ALO/8 8011AFLICII, Pmprietor. EPRICAi LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. This delightful stammer resort will be open for the re ception of guests on 15th Jlll3O, under the superintend once of Wm. Whitehouse( late of Atlantic City): - For particulars, address J. W. FREDERICK., my:s 2m§ - - Proprietor. QIIMMER BOARDING AT " BISHOP: kJ thorpe." A few choice rooms can be had during the month of August. One of the most pleasant and health ful localities in the State. 'Apply to DI_RS. ANABLE; "Bishopthorpe," Bethlehem, Pa. U NITED STATES HOTEL, FORMERLY Sherman Howie, Cape Island. The undersigned respectfully informs the public that he has taken the above hotel. and will keep a plain, comfortable house, a good table. and the best wines and liquors that he can procure.. Price of board, .117./50 per week. Will open July let. JEUE McKIBBIN, je29 lm§ Agent. )I cMAKIN'S ATLANTIC 1 - IQTEL, GAPE' MAY, N. J. - - The new Atlantic ie now open. my 2 w (man§ JOHN .McM KIN. Proprietor BROAD -TOP MOUNTAIN HO US .Er— Broad-Top, Huntingdon county, Pa. Now open jyll lm* W. T. PE A ItSON, Proprietor._ M . 'MAKI N' .e. ATLANTIU HOTEL_ , MAY. Rebuilt elnee the late tire, and ready for Guests. Open during the year. L 4 directly on the Sea• Shore, with the beet Bathing Beach of tho Cape._ Terme for the Summer: 83 50 per day, and 421 00 per week. Coach from the Depot, Freo. No Bar. JOHN MunAKIN, Propriotor. my24-tu th earn§ TH'E PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST CO. PHILADELPLIIA'T, OFFICE--No, 111 South FOURTH St. Organized to promote Life Insurance among mombors of tho SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. Good !deka of any de nomination eolleited. Policies already leaned exceeding TEN MILLIONS OF DoLiurts. Thle ie a PHILADELPHIA COMPANT, and entitled to the special confidence of the community. Perfect Security. Low Rates. Sinai! Expenses. Purely ,Mutual. Low Rate of Mortality. These conditions enable a company to give advantag which cannot be enrpassed. Policies-issued on-t4e-blon , Forfeittire_Plan Statistics sliovr that the average mortality of Friends is nearly 2aper cant , lees than that.of the general pope.. lotion. • LOW BATE OF MORTALITY MAKES • OHEAL , itiBURANOE A MUTUAL Qlndshapri teas 2ititi Otrpq
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers