CITY BULLETIN: State of Thermometer This Day at the Bulletin Ofties. 10 A.1+1.......81 du. >s 1t1........63deg , P. 11.: . ^1 des. Weather clear. Wind Southwest. ATTintrrEp—Peter Alexander, who says that he resides at No. 2122 Summer street. - went to the Bull's Head-Hotel, Market street, near Tbirt,y-seventh. He had a big valise. He said that he wanted : a room for the day, as he expected his wife to. arrive from Lancaster. He spent the afternoon in the room, and . then went over to tho' depot. Du ring his absence a daughter of the proprietor of the house went into the room, and saw some' articles belonging to her father in the valise. Policeman Kelley was notified, and when Alexander- returned he was arrested. His. valise was searched, and a number of articles, supposed to have been stolen from different hotels, were found. The prisoner was held for a further hearing, by Alderman Randall. Films Duniwc; JUNfi.—The report of Cap tain Terrence McCusker, of the Insurance Patrol, shows that during the month of June there were 51 fires and 3 false alarms in the cily. The buildings daniaged were occupied as follows : 12 dwellings, 3 cooper-shops, 2 __cotton inills,'2 distillt ries 1 barrel warehouse, 1 paints, oil, glass, &c., 1 liquor store, ri*Veel xvright pimp, 1 brick yard shed, 1 carpenter shop, 1 variety store, 1 flour mill, 1 photograph gallery, 1 wood-shed, 1 saw-mill ,, 1 iron foundry, 3 woolen mills, 3 stables, 2 jewelry stores, 1 brewery, 1 pyrotechnic establish ment, 1 grain warehouse, 1 clothing__ store, 1 .shoddy mill, 1 dress trimmings manufactory, 1 bat store, store, 1 soap manufactory, 1 privy, 1 ruins, 1 beer saloon, 3 churches. A NEW CorturtEGATioN.—The difficulty in St. Paul's.. Evangelical Lutheran .Clurcli, at St. John - and Brown street.s,.about the pastor. it will bell remembered, was 'settled by the Court.bY overruling the 'claims of the Rev. Mi.Rieche. Last evening the members of the church _who had' sided with the deposed clergyman held a meeting at the church on Coates street, above Third, and agreed to form a new congregation, which shall act independ ent of any S:yriod. The rotwas- signed by 181 persons, and a cellectiou which was taken up amounted to $1,201. A WIFE TELItOIVN — DDWN Sr ants:--Oscar Hoenes resides at Front and Brown streets. Recently.he has shewn symptoms of insanity. Last• night he got possessma.of a- revolver, .and fired two shots at - bis .forttiriately, neither shot took effect. Then he seized his Wife by the neck and threw her down stairs. Officer Clawson, of .the Harbor Police, who was attracted to the house by the shots, ar rested Hoens. When the case was heard by Ald. Becker it was deemed best to send Wm to the Insane Asylum, and accordingly he was sent to that institution. RE-ARRESTED.—JOe and Pete Burns, two old thieves, were arrested some time ago for breaking into and robbing Fried nburg's store at Seventh and Poplar streets. They entered bail, but when they were wanted for trial they could not be found. A bench-warrant for their airestwasissued - bythe - eourL -- This - morning ,Detective David Gordon and, Special Officer Geo. R. Maguire arrested Joe Burns. The prisoner was locked up.- . BITTE2i" BY a Doc.—Yesterday afternoon,iii the Twenty-fifth Ward, a dog supposed to be mad jumped into a house and attacked a man name'd - Hugh McCaffry. The latter had hi, face badly bitten. The dog was shot and killed by Policeman McDermott. During the afternoon two other rabid curs were killed in the sameiWard. OTltElt ILWAY ACCIDENT. - This morning, about eleVen o'clock, a boy named Bryson, -aged six years, was run over and 'tilled by a car of the Citizens' Passenger Rail. way Co.. at Eleventh and Carpenter streets The child resided on Eleventh street, above Carpentei. . _ STOLE A Firm Hens.-Pat. Magee sneaked into the house of the Robert Morris Hose, on Lombard street above Eighth, last evening, and helped himself to a fire horn. He was followed by one of the Members and arrested. Alderman Morrow held Magee in $5OO bail to answer at Court. AN UNSUCCESSFUL UrsuerroN.—Sometime• during-last-night -one-of-the windows of the grocery store of John Quinn, at the northwest corner of Nineteenth and Hamilton streets. was broken open. The .thieves were fright. ened oft . before they had time to obtain any plunder. DELINQUENT Tax ks.—The fourth return of delinquent taxes was made to the Treasurer this morning by John L. Hill, Collector. It amounted to seventy-seven thousand four hundred and six dollars and sixty-nine cents, and is the collection of the last two weeks. Acc MEET.—Michael O'Neill, aged :is years, employed at the William Penn stables, fell into the dock at Spruce street wharf this morning, and had his bead severely cut. He was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. ACClDENT.—Cornelius A. Holmes, colored, aged 2 years, residing at Sixth and Lombllrd streets, fell down stairs this morning and broke'his leg. He was taken to the Pennsyl vania Hospital. FAST Dinv nitt.—Henry Ogle. George Rainer, Joseph Jordan and Hardy SLusuiit•h have been fined by Alderman Thomas for fast driving along the Wissahickon turnpike. Fime..—This morning, between five and si o'clock, a fire occurred at Burkhardt's harness manufactory, No. 628 North Third street. The loss is estimated at 5200. CoNrnAcr AwAnntio.—The Emmaus Iron Company, of which S. Gross Fry, Esq., of this city is President, yesterday - awarded the con tract for building a large iron furnace , o❑ their property, located on the East Pennsyl vania Railroad, near the borough Emmaus. The contractors are Messrs. Jas. Wren, and :Noble & Rhodes, of Pottsville. The contract price is Slrio,ooo for the works, including the railroad connections. The location of this fur nace is in the heart of the iron region. ATLANTIC CITY. - The can't-get-aways should not forget that the Sunday train is now running to Atlantic City. This train affords an excellent dpriorttfuity for a brief visit to the seashore without interfering with busi ness. The last boat leaves Vine street wharf at 8 o'clock A M. ; returning, train leaves At lantic City at 4 I'. M. SUNDAY MA IN.—The Sunday mail train for Cape Nay is now running, and leaves Phila delphia at 7.15 A. M.; returning, leaves Capp• May at 5.10 P. M. This affords excellent ae corumoda'ious to visit this favorite watering place.' Excursion tare, 53. TANDALIKAL The London correspondent of the New Yo Mho mtvs : American tourists i❑ England sometime. succeeddt attracting some slight notice. F 0 example, the Literory World says : . . " A trilling incident, yet one Illustrating in a characterising manner the way in which our Transatlantic cousins worship genius, came under our notice last week. A party ot Americans were standing around the grave id Charles Dickens, in Westminster Abbey—a grave yet decorated with dowers. They bpgati poking at them through the "hills Nvith.their umbrellas, and managed to secure a fragile and fading memorial, which will doubtless be treasured across the Atlantic." ; That, I think, is'ratbet nide; and I do not see how such a piece of impertine,ut Vandal ' htm could have been more delicately alluded -to. -The same paper-say Kit Ls-reported-that-a wealthy American has otbired one hundred thousand - dollaiS for.l4r. Diekens's late resi dence at Gad's Bill. It may be hoped that. some one.will buy the house and all it contains, and keep them as a memorial. A man who has money and wants distinction could not more readily purchase it. Some friends of mine have devoutly--made' the two pil grimages® tb Cad's Hill Place and the new grave in Westminster Abbey ; and if the home of the, great author, with the pretty Swiss chalet presented to hi in by. Mr. Pechter, to which he wrote in summer, and in which he spent the last days of his life over " Edwin Drood," could he kept intact with all its memorials, and people ,admitted to see ,t one day in the week, as the houses and galleriesiYf noblemen are _silo wn there would ins a gre . af maltitude -pilgrids from many 'ands to visit it. But'unless something is done in a few days ' all will he scattered. This is, however . in accordance with the direCtibus given in the, will, in which all his family are carefully provided for. THE WAYI IN EUROPE. What , the Secretary of State thinks.. . The Washington correspondent of the -Netv York Tribune says: Secretary Fish bad several . long Consultti- - lions with the President to-day in reference to diplomatic) changes and the threatened war in Europe. Of the former little.6ould be learned. Itireferenee to the 'latter, Sticretary - Fish is now of the opinion that war is inevitable, . He says • that there is no question in his mind but that 'France • means war under any circumstances, but telegrams are all manipulated by French agents;, and as proof of this he states that the • foreign Ministers here are unable to obtain any despatches, and those they have been receiving hare' been very much confused. He does not gii e. much, ere deuce to the statements in London telegrams that France will send a fleet to capture . Cuba. be remark that this Government might have "something to say" is regarded as sig nificant, coming as it does from the Secretary of State. He fears that ageneral European war 'mar be in full headway. before the summer is. over. 'lle - bannot - setrtiow -- how -- it - can ,--- be avoided. He has not received any despatches of importance on . the subject from our tars at Paris, London or Madrid, but has•sent them all telegraphic instructions . to observe strict neutrality, eta. He expects important advices _from Minister Sickles to-morrow. 'the War Beginning. The World bas the following: The sky darkens hourly in Europe. It is true that the council he'd, yesterday at the Tuileries, which was expected to result in a formal declaraticiii'ef war - by France. against Prussia, rose late 'in the evening without reaeling that formal and formidable conclu sion. - Open the.' Strength of "this fact" also we haVe fresh rumors .from Paris of such concessions made •by the Prussiae govern ment as would avert the War by conceding to France its chief avowed object. These ru mors are reinforced by, if indeed they did not • originate in, the iMportant statement yester day made,in,the House.,of C.ollllllOns, by Mr. Gladstoffe that the Britigh government . had supported the - demand made by the Duke of Gramont that Prussia should recognize tho right of France to forbid any German prince fronraseending thethrone.of Spain.;Thisstate7 theritAites ranee:theymoril:aili'thaeofGresit efG Britain; and were there any good reason to believe that the Prussian government will be content to sacrifice the pride and the con sistency of the Prussian crown to the interests of Europe, we might hope for her surrender to such an alliance of the pretensions which she has so haughtily maintained in. the face of the armed remonstrances of France. But we have, unfortunately, norgood reasons for such a belief or hope. And the news that the fleets of France have sailed to blockade the:Prussian sea -coast, which comes to us to-day from Washington, makes it practically certain that Prussia has --determined-to_abandon, , no_inch_of_hthp_o tion save to the sword. ITY NOTICE'S. GRAND OPENING! • ST. NICIIGLAs, 1314 ARCH STREET, SAII:Ii.DAY EVENING, JUL? la, /070 COLLATION V110;O 8 TO 11. Messrs. Van Arsdale - dr, Warwick will open their bean tiful Sample Room, as above. on Saturday evening,JulY 16. They have a large supply of the choicest brdnds of Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, and tloir patrons Will always receive the Most courteons_attention. Attached to the main saloon is a drawing-room fitted up with an eye to elegance and comfort. To those desiring retire ment, as well as luxury, we say, call on Messrs. V, & W . The habitues of the Arch Street Theatre will gladly welcome the advent of such nu establishment. How •ro LooK YorTNo—SixTEKN,—Don't paint or -use' vile Hair Restorers, but simply apply agan's Magnolia Balm upon your face, neck and hands, and use Lyon's Rathairon upon your hair. The Balm makes your complexion pearly, soft and natural, and you can't tell what did it. It removes freckles, tan sallowness, ring , marks, moth-patches, etc. ; and in place ~f a red. rustic face. y.dt have the marble purity of an exquisite belle. It gives to middle .age the bloom of perpetual Youth. Add these effects to a splendid head of hair pnaluced by the Rathairon, and a lady has• done her best in the way of adornment. Brothers will nave no spinster sisters When these articles are around. VAST QUANTITIES OF IVORY DESTROYED.— Thou ands of teeth that might hare lasted a lifetime Pre lost* exery year simply because the parties con cerned either forget or do not appreciate the fact that Si):1411,0 NT. duly applied, renders the dental substance proof AI goonbt decay. Accident e will occur even in the beet revtilated faint ire, and SPALDIN.S GLI'F . ebeuld be kept handy. TEE enterprislng house of Albertson & Co., No. 1425 Chestnut street, will prove to cveryhody that they can sell the cheapeet bedding, curtains and shades in the city. LADIES can find every description of Corsets at II o MINS . Hoop Start, Corset and Ladles' Under-gar went Emporium, 1115 Chestnut street. OFF FOIL THE SEASIDE.- But before you go, call upon SLOAN, 808 Market sere.•t He has on infinite variety of Bathing Dresses, Oil Caps Straw Hats, Leather Belts, etc., for Ladies, Gentlemen Misses, Masters and Children. CORNS, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 016 Chestnut street Charges moderate. BROWN'S ESsENCY, OF JAMAICA GI-NIER. —This article is now deemed indispensable in hot weather, AFI a gentle and healthful stltnulant ginger leis no rival ; and in the peculiar form in which. It to pre pared by Mr. Frederick 'Brown, at the northeast corner of Fiftb and Chestnut streets, it-is at once convenient awl palatabl,. Tho, d , who vsigh making voyages uy laud or seater ~hould not be without the essence. STAAW HATS.—Messrs. C. OftkrOrCi Sons in the Continental Hotel, announce that they have re ,•eived another lot of those One Dollar 7 4 traw Hate. That. greateet bargains ever offered iu America. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH treated with the ntinest success, by J. TitsAcs, Al. D.. and Professor of .Ifieeases of the Eye and Ear ( his speci ilty) in the Medical College of Pennitylvania,l2 years es• perience, No. SO5 Arch street. Testimonials can be seen it his office. The medical faculty are invited to ac. •ompany their patients, as he has no secrets in hie prac tice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charee for examination. LADIEs going to the country or seaside Should procure one of those . Elegant and cheap Snndowne frOm PA /MOIL , tii4 and 6(i6olieetinit street SURGICAL" LtiSTRIThIENTH and druggists quadrics. MARINE BULLETIP4. PORT OF PRILADELPHIA-JuLyls. Su Marini Bulletin on Inside rase. ARRIVED THIS DAY. Steamer Chester, 24 hour,' from New York. with rho to W P Clyde & Schr K Vaughn, Risley, from Quincy Point, with Schr James Ponder, Hudson, from Kennebec, with PeLI7I ice Co, Sehr W from Hallowell, Me, with ice to Knickerbocker Ice Co. Sat. Sarah Mills, Baker,s days from Boston, in ballast io K !light & Sons. Schr sharp, Sharp. from Petersburg, with lumber to I 1 Croskey & Co. Schr Julia E Pratt, Nickerson, 5 days from Boston, wgee t., captain. Schr Ann Elly.ithetli, Kelly, from HUM ich, with unbie Crowell & Nieholion e Schr S A E Corson, Brower,. Boston. Schr lda L. Hearse, Bosfrur Schr Sat/111 S. \Volker. Elk River. Schr II Ihl, idoon. Welltleet. Tug Hudson. Nichul, , on. from Baltimore, with a tow cif barges to IA P Clyde & Co. Tug Chesapeake, Merrihew, from Havre de Grace, with a tow of barges to W P Clyde & Co. CI, FARED VHS DAY. Steamer Bristol. Wallace. New York. W P (Hyde & Ca. `Fehr John Stroup, Bronlord, Lynn, Sinnickson & Cu. stichr Lynn,, do Schr :Marion Gage, Heather, Providence, Sclir.Sarah Clark, Gritlin, Fall River. • do - • Tug Fairy Queen, Wilson, Havre de Grace, with 'a tow -- of barges ,W P - Clyde &- Co. Tug Thos Jefferson, Allen, Baltimore, with a tow of barges, \V P Clyde & Co. . 111E111011ANDA Ship Magnet, Orosby,, cleared itt — New York yesterday for Bac Francisco. • Steamer Batavia(Br), Le 111estturier, cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. Stec nor Amite, Hannon, cleared at New Yell: yester day for Santa Martl , a, ;U. Stottittur Saxon. Sears, sailed front Boston 13th Inst. tot thh. port. Stettrour Cuba, Blikehart, at New Orleans 10th instant from Baltimore via Key West., Steamer BreiniMlNG4Leist, "for Bremen, cleared at New York viiiitordaY; Mirk Fi nude It Fay • Rollins, at Valparaiso 101 h lilt from Punta Soend,tor Ph(enix Island and Philadelphia.. Brie N tier Mtb, Trask. cleared at Littngor 12th instant fur this pert, ILADELPI4IA EVENING DULLETIN, FRIDAY, JULY .1.5; 1870-, Brigs °anima. Coombe, and .Jas Davis, Stowers, hence at Boston yesterday: • - • Stift OlVde, - Gage, hence at Bangor . l2th bahr,Toud kiefiniatioaile , dfroisi Nar,Bedford 13th inqt. , I3oheComAte Dow. for this norf,•-deaied at deals 6th - instant. Behr F H Bucklin, Bucklln, cleared at Boston 13th inst. for this port. ScbrOhao E' Jackson, Cullen oleared'at Boston . instaor.Keritteliec River, to load for this" ort. ' Schr E S Twisden. Clime, cleared at Boston 13th inst. for Cape Town, CGH Bohr A Vernon, Bartlett. hence at Boston 13th inst. SchrltolA.P.4llllori Clark, for this ptirt, Arent. to .ra from chtirlestOn 12th hist. - • : :pen from A Barton. Frink. hence at ProthionCe 13th inst. Behr, Aid, Smith; J B Van Dusan, Young; Hannah DittleLlttle; Wave Ct es•t - Davis, and - Diary - 0 Elliott, Bird, Balled from Providence 1301 inst. for this port. Sthetaronin - ItePplier, Weeks; at, charlaston 13th lust. _ from Baltimpre. Schrlt;LiN,fEldred;bence at Stottingion 12th inst. Scht Breeze Bartlett, from Providence •for Trenton. at Newport 1.111 • , • Sam lmvolta, Whittemore, and F Carver, Norwood, hence for Salem; Cerro . Gordo. do for Haverill; Ceres. Trefethen,do for Dover. NE; Snow, Thorudike, and • Rena. Fisher. do for nirtland; Four Sisters, Shearer, from Windsor, NS. for this port, .and J B Allen, Case, • from Nantucket for do, at Bulmes' liole,l2th Inst. &hr.) T Albureer, Corson, Irina Georgetown, DC. at • New York yesterday. • Schrs' B lll , y ors, Elwood, hence for Providence; Gale. Shropshire. and Vapor. Johnson, Trenton for Hartford, passed Dell Gate yesterday. ' &las F Sinnicksot.;. 13 Satterthwalte. Remmy, ERR ' No 47, Day is,from Norwich for this port; lilargt Powell. Fenton New• Haven for Trenton, and Wind. Warwick, Hartfor'd for do, passed Bell Gate yesterday. Philadelphia and Reading Railroad And Branches. MAY 20,1870. MANSION HOUSE, MT. CARBON ? Mrs. Caroline Wunder, Pottsville P. 0., Schuylkill co TUSCARORA HOTEL, Mrs. M . L. Miller, Tuscarora P. 0., Schuylkill county. W. 1 7 . Smithtlitilinuoi City. P.,0,, Schttylkill_countY MOUNT CARMEL MOUSE, ,Charles Culp, Mount Carmel I'. 0.. NOrthumberland c F. Mayer, Rending P. O. Berke county. ANDALUSIA Henryi Weaver, Reading P. 0., Berke county. OEN nom AVENUE HALL, G. D. Davis, Rending P. 0., Berke county. SPRING MILL HEIGHTS, Jacob H. Brefacb, Conshohocken P. 0., Montgomery co. BOYERTOWN. SEMINAR , L. M. 'Koons, Boyer town P. forks county. , LTI z Geo. F. Greider, Litiz P. 0.,. Lancaster county. LIVING SPRINGS HOrEL, Dr.. A. Smith, Wernersville P. o.; . Berkti county. COLD srrciwas •• HOTEL. '" • - COAIN'rY. - - - Win. Lerch, Sr„ Pine Grove P. 0., Schuylkill county. EPHRATA SPRINGS,- John Frederick, Ephrata P. 0., Lancaster county PERILIOB EN BRIDGE /MOTEL. Davis Longaker, Collegeville P. 0., Montgomery co. PROSPECT TERRACE, Dr. James Palmer, Collegeville P. 0., Montgomery co DOEPT HOUSE,' - Geo. S Eurr, Shamokin, Northumberland county. Excursion Tickets will be sold at Philadelphia to and 'from above j.,ointe at reduced rates, good for same da) issued .and on Saturdays good until following Monday. my 23 Zit§ Caiie.May ..Chan; NATIONAL HALL Formerly kept by AARON now to hi opened under new auspices, under the supervision of W I LLED (formerly Proprietor of_Congressilarn und Superintended by WILLIAM. WHITNEY; • the House comman& a fine view of -the Ocean, ana will be opened on the TWENTIETH DAY OF JUNE NEXT, as a First-Claw; Family Boarillior. - House. No Bar Attached the IfelfSe. . . The table will I.e well supplied with all the SITB.TAN TIAi.F and DhI.ICACIEB OF Tlik: SEA.SON, without au -Entrei" Stage e lawns in readiness to convey Guests to and 'from the Depot and Batning - Grounds, free of charge. far The Subscriber would respectfully solicit you. patronage and promises pains or expense ti make the NATIONAL a desirable home for those win wish comfort and the ber etit of-Sea Air and Sea Bathing without the expenses of a fashionable hotel. , Terms-418.00 per week or' 83 00 per day • Liberal arrangementswill be made .to. Large.familiet remaining trem lour to six weeks. Fur Boone, dic., address WILLIAM WHITNEY, jelo-tg NATIONAL HALL, CAPE MAY, N: SNOIVDEN & BROTHER, 23 Sonth Eighth street . _ SUMPIER-RESORTS SUMMER RESORTS ON. TEE LINE OF stl ANSION DOUSE, rtEN CoVC) n_p us E. RENOVO, PENNSYLVANIA, • On Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. W. H. MAY. Proprietor. This capacious, airy and well•appointed Hotel open for the reception of guests. To invalids, and all who want rest and restored hea this sweetest and best of all locations in Ponnsylva is commended. Situated on the west 'branch of the Susquehanna river ( with good trout fishing near). and surrounded with splendid scenery, it offers good cheer and health to all. CHARGES MODERATE. Chittena,ngo, WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. Madison county, New York. First-class Hotel and every requisite, now open. Drawing-room and Sleeping C .ra from Hudson River Railroad Depot, New York, at 8 A. M. and G P. M., without chance to Cliittenango Station, L miles east of Syracuse. For Illustrated Cir culars. address ae above, or O. EL OLIVER, 7 Beekman street, N.Y. je29.lm§ Ocean House, Cape May, N. J. The best table on Cape Island. numerous h , me-like comforts. location Nrltilltl 14 yards of the best bathing on the beach. are the principal advantages p...,essed by this first-class family hotel. No bar on the pr meson. LYCETTE & SAWYER, Proprietors. _ UNITED STATES HOTEL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Will open for the reception of Guests on SAT I' RDA June 22. kith it Reduction of Twenty Per Cent. in th Price of Board. Music under the direction of Professor M. F. Redo. Terms, ;5;20 per week. Perseus desiring to engage rooms will addre,+ ' BROWN & WOELPPER, Proprietors, ATLANTIC CITY, Or No. 527 JIICIIMOND Street, Phila&lphia. jel w s m 2m:i LORETTO SPRINGS. . Loretto Springs, Cambria County, Pa Will be opened on theh7FTli of JULY. For Circulare and otter addre,,s P. 0. a al , oN e. FRANCIS A. GIBBONS, Pr , prietor jyl ti. • SCHAUFLER'S HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The beet location on the island, with an A No. I table and the beet attention paid to its gueribi. Eighty fin' sleeping chambers, with beds, etc. noon je:27-2m§ ALOIS SCHALFLER, Proprietor. ETHEATA ISIOEN - T - SP - . - S . PAINCYA, LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. . This delightful summer resort will be open for the re copilot) of guests on 15th June, under the superintend.. dnce of 'Wm. Whitehonse (late of Atlantic City ). For particulars, address .. J. W. FREDERICE o , my 2.5 2m§ Prprietor. .s. LNITED STATES HOTEL, FORNIERLY Sherman House, Cape Island. The undersigned respectfully informs the public that lie has taken the above hotel, and will keep a plain, comfortable house, is good tablmAind the hest wines and' liquors that he can procure. Price of board, $l7 50 per week. Will open July let. , JERE WEI 1113IN t je29 DO - Agent._ 11/1 C3.I.AKIN'S ATLANTIC HOTEL, /IL , CAPE MAY, N. J. ' . • The new Atlantic is now open. - . - ' , _. my2s wrion4. - 7 .- , - j MIN. 11.101 A TUN. Proprietor. BROAD -TOP • 310UNTAI.N -AI O U-SE--- Broild-Top., Huntingdon county, Pa. Now open. jyli '--- W. T. PNIARSON, Proprietor. 'M A lc. N' S ATLANTIC HOTEL, , J3l CARR NAY. Rebuilt since the late tire; and ready for Guests. Open during the - year. Indirectly on the Sea-Shore, with the boot Bathing Beach of the Cope: Terms for the Summer: $3 50 per day, and $2l 00 per week. Coach from the Depot, Free. No Bar. JOHN 111cDIAKItit ni y24-tu th Om§ roprie or. CiONDENSED — MII - 41cEAGLE - BR V The very beet article for travolers, infants, Sm. Nestle's Milk. Substitute, Patent - Barley, Fresh Oat Meal, Bermuda Nrrowroot, Ac.. Liquid Rennet and Flavoring Extracts. Fervid° by JAMES T. SINN b.W. corner Broad and Spritoe a' ()eta, e of Pro rieters.. , FIFTH EDITION BY TEL impolv.T, T ANl° -- ,,c4BLE. WAR DECLARED NATIONAL CAPITAL. MESSAGE FROM TIIE PRESIDENT Georgia Bill Approved by the President FROM EUROPE. . [ the AtheriemPreto Aespeiation_.l FRANCE. Formal •Derlaratlan of War. PARIS, July 15, 2P. M.—War with Prussia has been declared. Financial. . PARTS, July 15.—Ilentes (sf. 50c FROM WASHINGTON. alessage.ef the President. (Special Despatch - to Dili' Phtla..Eienhair Bulletin.] WASIIIN(i7 . OIti July 15.—The House has:re ferred the President's message to the Conk mittee on Ways and MeanS, with. instruetions to consider it forthwith, and to report on the same at the earliest practicable moment. (By the American Press Association.] The Georgia Bill.: - AV.Asa exoTorr, -July 15.--The President -has approved the Georgia bill. ,_ The Indian BIM The Senate in open session. has concurred in the last Conference report on. the Indian The: OppreprlatiOnteinsisted on by the Senate, With a qualifying elauke, as 'a Cone - . 4 sion to•the House that the money so appropri ated shall not be construed •to be applied in pursuance of any so-called treaty stipulation. Nomination. ' The President to-day nominated Arthur McArthur to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, - 13: C., in lilacs -- of John - Isf, Oliver, withdrawn. McArthur is a resident of WaukeSha, Wis., and was a Democrat prior to the war, when he' became an enthusiastic advocate of the war, was elected Lieutenant-Governor of Wiscon sin, and has subsequently -been-several times -electdd-Circuit_Judge_of_that State He was born in Boston,- but.' has been a resident of . 'Wisconsin for twenty years. The President's Message on the Indian 7 Appropriation.lllll...She A message was received froni the Presideut at one o'clock and forty-five , minutes, inform ing them that they Must agree on -the --Indian Appranriation bill; in order to avert a geiferaT anu disastrous Indian war. The message ended with a declaration that some legislation was necessitated by the war between France and North Germany, in-order to enlarge our Commercial Marine. The postal arrangementstwith - the - Inman Line are tem porary, and ahould. the Bremen and North German Lines be blockaded, - the greatest in convenience to our - Eifronean postal servide . might ensue. - • - . - - The. message concludes by suggestiag • a postponement7of the time of adjournment an d) provision has been made against the con• tingencies indicated. Salaries of Naval Officer". ittantineed from Second Edition .l Naval Constructors,firat five years from date of commission, on shore ditty, $3,200 ; on leave or awaiting orders, 12,200; second five years after such slate, $3,400 and $2,400 ' • third five years after such date, $3,900 and $2,700; fourth five years after such date, 5,1,0041 and $3,000: after twenty years from such date, $4,200 and $3,200. Assistant Nasal Constructors,first four years after appointment, $2,000 and $1,500: second four years after such date, $2,200 and $1,700; after eight years from such date, $2,000 and sl 7 9(k. Chaplains, first live years after date of commission, $2,500, $2,000 and $1,000; after five years from such date, $2,800, $2,300 and $1,900. Professors of Mathematics and eivilEngineers first five years after date of appointment, $2,400, $2,400 and $1,500; second five years after such date, $2,700, $2,700 and SI,SOO ; third five years after such date, $3,000, 53,000 and $2,100; after fifteen years from such date, $3,500. $3,500 and $.2,000. Boatswains, Gunners and Carpenters. and Sailmakers, first three years after date 01 appointment, $1,,200, $9OO and $700; second, three years after such date, '51,360, $l,OOO and 5800 ; third, three years after such date, $1,400, $l,lOO and $900; fourth, three years after such date, $1,4;00, $1,300 and $1,000; after twelve years from such da.te, $l,BOO, $l.OOO and $1,200. The pay of Clerk's, Captains and Commanders was slightly increased, as also' was the pay of the Secretary of the Naval Academy. The pay of other elerka remains as originally adopted by the Senate. Confirmations. The following nominations were confirmed to-day: Arthur McArthur,. Virisconsin, to .be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia; George D. Allen, Mar. shat Southern District of Florida; Daniel Wann, Surveyor of Customs at Galena, Illi nois: R. W. Jewell, Mississippi, Consul at. Pernambuto ; J. It. Lallery, Receiver of Pub lic Moneys at Clarksville, Arkansas ; Leo Kirchner, Surveyor of Customs; 'Troy, New York. Pombilosters—M. S. Brady, Millersville, Pa.; W. A. Burdick, Cresco, Iowa; E. Ripley, Act ley, Iowa; D. P. Phillips, Mahanoy, Pa.; Mary Lawrence, Minersville, Pa.; J. H. Prescott, Newark, N.. 7. • A. Millspaugh, Washington Parish, La.; ' Mary J. Edwards, Portland; COnn.; R . , - Clark-... Milford, Conn... A. M, Campbell, Salina, leansas ; G. B. Winslow. Governeur, N. Y.; Belle Parshall, Lebanon, Ohio; D. P. Benton, Oxford, Ohio; J. Mil ler, Mobina, 111. ; .T. S. T. Taylor, colored, UM. versity, Va.; H. V. Harris, Belvidere N. J.; J G. Orr, Lansing, lowa. Wales Hubbard, Re• gister of the Land Office at Lewiston, Idaho A. M: Barney, Collector of Customs, District of Brazos de Santiago. The vote on the confirmation of Freling huysen was 40 yeas to 3.naya. The Senators who voted against Frelinghuysen were Boss, Robertson and Sprague. Sumner de clined to vote. Later—Mr. FrelinghttysenlsNoininatioi , Confirmed. The nomination of Mr. Frelingbuysen a , Minister to England has been confirmed by the Senate in Executive session. I By tile American Press Association.] FORTY-FIRS f CONGRESS. Second Session. ilousE-Contlnued front the Fourth Edition. • The. House was called to order at quarter to one o'clock, when the Secretary of the Senate appeared and announced that the Senate hail agreed to the report of the Committee of Con ference on the Indian Appropriation bill: . Mr. Dawes announced that it would take the clerks until five o'clock to enroll the bindle therefore submitted a concurrent resolution extending the time of the session until five &clock, which was agreed to. - .___Mr. Dawes_said that.bythis report the Holl9e gainednothing. It left the question open until nett session. 'The Clommittee- did--not feel willing to assume the responsibilitY, and he submitted the matter to the House without debate. . Mr. Sargent, amid the greatest confusion, de clared the report to , be a surrender' by the House of everything in principle and in fact. The President's message was referred to the Ways and Means Committee. r. Butler -introduced.a_bilLautliorizing_the Secretary. of the Treasury to give American registers to foreidn-built vessels, Many other propositions of alike "character Were at Attlee offered, O'Clook; -. , 1:a0 Perrin g notion -the ,House , took a recess - at 2."15 P. M. for one hour. The report 'of:ldle Conference' Committee was then adopted, OD grclde!,st"ttnpult prevail- Mr. Dawes then TCDOWNI hitt )resolution ex tetiding the time of the eesslonr•to 7' r 5 P. M; which Was .adopted' ; ,) Mr. 'Wilkinson moved to suspend the rules to pass the resedution reciting the , ,probahility of European Air4r, that the-Spanish'.Govetn ment had ter a long period failed' to put down the insurrection. ' FROM - THE - PACT [By the'Anioiicau Press Assodlitto'n.l: . - VAILIYOUNIA. CMiteilie Miners' Toz. • • . SAN I"ILANCiiieO,4Uly I.s.—The tolleCtion of the special tax iMposed uptin the: Chliiese miners htel'heeti diacontinued for 06, pritient. Sblitnciot of Cdolles. A. large tintaberYbrought to - this port by the stainer China, from Yokobama, have been shipped to the East, by railroad: , Arrival of IlilOtinsuished4Ooonose; Seven Japaiu*e Princes of the royal blood have arrived, for the purpose of receiving col legiate etiucation at a schoolln this city. Enterprise:in New o—Efforto of the ftmori• can PIMP'S Assoclatioo—The DeOpOtobies ISou'Frantiocip. The despatches of the American Press As sociation to the California Press Association -over the lines of. the Atlantic and Pacific Tele 'grapivCoinPany -are -continually--in--advance of the news ; furnished by' the old Associated Press in matters of:importance. On Wednesday., Simonton 's paper, The Morning Call, published nothing, of the riot rn .New York v or. - the withdrawal of Prince Leopold from the 'candidature of the Spanish CroWn. Yesterday the (Amur* was the only paper here to announce the vote on the Dogma of Infallibility, and last evening Our cable des patches were the only full items received. The warlike tone of these despatches has caused a -great excitement, being given the public from the bulletin boards. The marked difference in theluality of the despatches Is attracting, marked attention. ISignedi Citititi.ES DP:l'o uir Doll y.(Throniefe. FROM , NEW YORK. [By the American Press Assootationj The Bremen hteimshilp I,tate and —the lillit4ll Staters Mall. NEW YORK, Jnly 15th, Wall Street, 2 P. M. —The agents of the Bremen line of steamers here telegraphed to Washington to know if the : ,tinited, States povernment will yroteet them j •in eons ell ttelie.e'OrtheiVc'elitryi tig 7 tTie United States Mail. -No answer has yet been received, and unless one comes, the Bremen steamer will leave tomorrow as advertised. Excitement in the Gold Room There is great excitement in the Gold Roon and Stock Exchange. Gold is up to 11.14a1151 The stock Marketshows somerecovery fron the current prices of to-day. FINANCIAL. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. LAND GRANT BONE'S Are obligations of the Union Pacific Rail. road Company, secured by all the lands b la - they received from tae Government, amonntinglo about 12,000,000 acres. The total amount of the Land Grant Mortgage is $10,400,000. Between July 28, MON and July 1,:::1870, the Union Pacific Railroad Co. sold 181,462 32.100 acres for $834,091 03, being average prick of $4 00 per acre. - • - The Company have received $521,000 Land Grant Bonds in, payment for land •;old,and they haul destroyed the $521,000 Bonds and have reamed the amount of the 3onds to that extent. The Union Pacific Railroad hold obligations, of settlers Amounting to $243,745 08, secured by the land purchased by them, which is also pledged to the redemption of the Land grant Bonds. Should the sales of land continue as above the whole issue of Laud Grant B rods will be re ired and cancelled within ten (10) years. The Union Pacific Railroad Laad Grant Bonds pay seven per cent. interest, April and October. Run for twenty 20) years. For sale at $785 each. ti , IIP Mr , 40 South Third St. av9ti J. W. GILBOIIGU* CO., BANKERS. 42 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Negotiate Loans, Buy and Sel Government and other re liable Securities. Ja3lmw fly§ JAY COOKE & CO., Philadelphia, New York and Washington, BANT~E~.~3, Dealers hi Government Securities. Special attention given to the Purchase and Sale of Bondsnnd Stocks on Commission, at the Board of Bro kers in this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD NEL.TABLE RAILROAD M BONDS FOR INVEST. NE. Pamphlets and full information given It.our office. No. 114 S. Third.. Street,' PHILADELPHIA. / mla29-tt rp NOTICE TO TRUSTEES AND EXECUTORS. Tho cheapest investment authorized by law are the General Mortgage Bonds of the Pennsylvania U. it. Co. APPLY TO D. C. witAAToN SMITH & co„ BANKERS A.ND BROKERS, No, 121 S. THIRD. STREET. PTItITErITTICPENfiIIstET — TAIi — AgTh ROBIN. 91 barrels Spirits Turpentine, 111 do. Wil mington, N. 0., Tar, 920 do.' Pale and No. 1 Rosin, 954 do. No. 2 Rosin, landing from steamship Pionoor. 146 barrels Nu. 2 ,Rosin, landing from .steamship Promo thous . For -sale- by_RDW. 11._ ROWLEY. 16_13outh Front street. • • COTTON. -50 BALES COTTON NO W landing and for solo by CIOCIMAII,'Ittjogia„ 61 CO., /IA Cheotaut PTIBETROUJ, S. TAXES L, . • Eight ppr eeni...per 01111(lIII in Gold. a A perficplt' l Skfe b.avesl4Etent. FIRST MORTGAGE BOIPW 10fithe Issue of $1,500,000, ST. JOSEPH AND DENVER CITY RAILROAD COMPANY, Issued in denominations;-of 81,000, and 6504 J, Coupop or RegbiteredtPaYable to 30 years. Stith Interest payable 15th Autrust and 15th February, in New "Fork, I.Ondon or Frankfort, free. of tax. "SeCitred ..14y a mortgage old* on a COM pleted and highly prosperous road, at the rate 01,813;503 79 per mile. Eoriiiilips in exeCils,"of Itn tut. Thls One being 111 ix. Middle Rotate, IN prOnounced the StiolitTkir -anditlOST NATE:IIAL ONEFOR FM El WIT ANT) PASSEAGER TRAFFIC ACROSS E CONTINENT. ST. to and TORT 16-,ARNET SPANNED _BY A RAILWAY, AND, CONNECTING WiTll THE' IUNION re.oric AT FORT EXARNET. capital stock of the Co.. 810000,000 Land Grant. pronounced value - of - ' 8,000,000 First Mortgage Bonds, 1,500,000 The remaining_ portion _of_ this_ Loan now for sale at 911.2 and accrued Interest In enrrenei. Can he h.ti at the Com. pang's Agencies in New York. Tanner Idc Co.. listultem..lll.o._49 Mmes. or W. P. Converse et. Cc` t.,•Ain.,54 Pine fotreet..- raanpblete►, Mans and all infortnallon can be obtained at either of the above named agencies. The attention - of Captal has and laves. to is particularly invited 10 these fleet,- rifles: We are-satistled-they-are-all-that could be desired, and unhesitatingly re. commend them. TANNER & CO., Fiscal Aiient24. 49 Wall Street, New York. & 00., Commercial Agents. 54 'Mite Street, New. York. -- DREXEL & co, N 0.34 South Third Street. American and Foreign Bankers. Issue Draft and Oirrniar I.etters of Urodit, available on presentation. in any part of Europe. Travelers can make all their financial az• rangements through us, and we will collect! their interest and dividends without charge. DREXEL, WINTHROP & CO., New York. DREXEL, -HA &TES & - FOR SALE Williamsport City 6 Per Ct. Bonds. FREE OF TAX. At 85 and Accrued Interest. This Loan Is issued in Coupon Bonds, interest payable March lst and Sept. let For further information and!, to P. S. PETERSON & CO., 39 SOUTH THIRD. STREET. je24- 1m . pTETIEST ALLOWED-ON DEPOSITS.— THE UNION BAZiKINO COMPANY, CAPITAL PAID IN eM.400, WILL ALLOW 4 ( YOUR PER CENT. INTEREST ON OEPONITS.PAy_ArIitERBIaniII BpYrL9fiflkEiliK JAB. A. Ii ILL, CAsbler P3B-6mrp§ JAMES S. NEW BOLD Br, SON, BILL BROKERS AND GENERAL FINANCIAL AGENTS. mylB.2mrpt 126 SUUTII SECOND STREET GENTS' FURNISRING GOODS. PATENT SHOULDER , SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. Orders for these celebrated Shirts supplied proinptly brf notice. Gentlemen's. Furnishing Goods, Of late styles in full variety. WINCHESTER & CO. ' 700 0 I.IEBTNUT. fel.tu tb s tt ILTEADQUARTERS FOR EXTRACTING lA. TEETH WITH FRESH NITROUS (AIDE GAB. "AABOLDT.FILF NO PAIL" Dr. F. IL THOMAS, formerly operator at tho Colton Dental Rooms, deVotee his entire practice to the painless extraction of teeth. Office, 911 Walnut et. mhn,lxrp§ UOR TRAVELERS. NEAT, SMAL ALARMS ; wFilAl a R w R a k d e ßß OTHER . Importers, 874 Oliestnift street, below 4th. ie27•tfrD WATCHES THAT HAVE HITAT /4k erto failed to give satisfaction, put in good 11W order. Particular attention paid to Fine Watch ea, •Chronometers, etc., by skilful workmen. Musical Boxes repaired. FABII & BROTHER. Importers of Watches, Musical Boxes.&c., mylo , . 324 Chestnut street, below Fourth. BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 1830.—SOHUYLER dc ARMSTRONG, Undertakers, 1827 Germantown avenue and Fifth et. P . SCITITYLER. I anl4-1 yr IA 1 S. S. Antearnorict RETAILING AT WHOLESALE prices—Saddlery, Harness and Horse Gear of at KNE4813', 4 No. 1126 illarket street. 'Big Immoin the door. EDDING AND ENGAGEMENT Rings of solid Bharat fine Gold—a specialty; a full assortment of sizes, and no charge for engraving names, &c. FARB & BROTHER, Makers, tuy24 ro tf 52.4 Chestnut street. below Fourth POLISHING POWDER. THE BEST for cleansing Silver and Plated Ware, Jewelry t etc., ver manufactured. ' FARR & BROTITERI 824_0heetnut street. below Fourth. r rnhl tfry TSAAC NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AND - 1 Money Droker,Mortheaet corner Third and 24 kuao streets.--e 250,000 to Loan: in large or 'small amounts, on Diamonde, Silver-Plato, Watchee, Jewelry,and all goods of value. 011 ice Hairs trom 8 A. .111. to 7P. At. .'W" tablhbed for the laid Forty Yeare. Advances made in large amounts at the lowest market rates. MirMo Con nection with any other Office in this City, a WARBURTON'S IMPROVED, VEN OM. Mated and easy-fitting Dress Hats {patented) in all the approved fashibris of the; season. tßiestnut streets next door to th . vio co. ocs.trrp riIIEGARAN'LNSTITITTE, NOS.-1527 AND 11129 tipruco street, Philadelphia, will reopen on TUESDAY, EinpternberlOth. French in the, language of the tinnily, end is vonetantly spoken in the Institute. IIIikPAiIIifi.WEIRIIIVELLIC, Principal. $19,500,000
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers