BUSINESS NOTICES. lbmend Meyer• Inventdr and Eiantsfac taxer of the celebratehron Frame Piano, bee received the prlae Medal of the World'e Great Exhibition. Lon don, England. The highest prizes awarded when and wherever exhibited. Wareroomsan Arch street. Established 18Ei. myl am wit% See. Steele a 4:10. 9 e Grand, Square and Upright-Plums.— rianosTorbot. _ . zny23 s,w ti§ No. 92.1.. Chestnut street. Blaney Leaped on We Insurance Polit ies; also on Diamonds, Fine Jewelry and Beal Estate at the Insurance Agoncy, 259 South Ninth et. jot Uri§ CITY BULLETIN. State or Thermometer This Day at the Bulletin Office. 10 A. M.—. 89 dee. HM. 91 deg. 2P. id 94 des Weather clear. Wind Northwest. A FIREWORK NS ER O ESTUTABLLSIIKENT BER. A Fireman Killed and Several Injured. This morning about live (*lock a fire broke out on the ilia floor of - a three-storied brick building, NO. 107 South Water street, occu pied by J. B. Bussier & Co., for the storage of fireworks. The flames spread rapidly, and the entire building. was completely gutted. There was a pretty heavy stock of fire wores on hand at the time. This was all destroyed. The loss of Bussier & Co. is estimated at $lO,OOO. Upon this there is an insurance of $5,000 in the .Americau Fire Insurance Com pany. The building is owned by Moro :Phillips. _lt was damaged to the exteut of `about $4,000. Insurance $3,000 in the Atiaeri can Fire Insurance Company: No. 109 South Water street is occupied by PhiMns& Bro., dealers in foreigu fruits, &c. Their - valuable stook was considerably dam aged by water. It is insured for $21,090, which will more than cover the loss. The insurance is in the following companies: Pennsylvania. $6,000 ; Delaware Mutual, $6,000 ; North American, $6,000 ; and Home, of Hartford, Conn., $6,000. The building belongs to the estate of Robert Burton. It was only slightly damaged and the loss is insured. No. 103,„ Water street is occupied on the firstfioor by Wrn. G. Porter & Son, com mission merchants. The stock was mostly re moved by the Insurance Patrol. Loss by water about $l,OOO. Insured. The second and third stories of this building are occupied by H. C Kellogg & Co. wholesale grocers; stock in extent of _about, 15,00 : ensured in the Royal . • No. 110 Delaware avenue is immediately in the rear of the structure burned. -The shut ters, .doorways, &c., of the building were greatly damaged. Loabout $l,OOO. Insured ) for $6,000 in the State f Pennsylvania. The building is owned d occupied by Moro Phillips. The stock was slightly damaged by water. No.loB Delaware avenue is owned by Moro Phillips, and occupied , by J. B. Bussier & Co. The building was somewhat damaged in the rear. It 1S insured for $2,900, which will more • than cover the loss. The stock of Messrs. Bussier & Co. escaped injury by water or tire, but suffered some by thieves,who,it is said,en tered the building - by - the - trap - door. The drawers in the desks in the counting-room were also brokun open, and some small change and a lot of postage and revenue stamps were carried off. The origin of the fire is not known, but it is supposed that some of the bad boys who in fest that locality threw some matchminte the store, and thus•set it on fire. . - About ten minutes after the discovery of tli, , fire there was a tremendous ex plosion of fire-works. The concussion shattered—all __the_glass_iti several ot the buildings on the opposite side of Water street, and was distinctly felt in Camden, au l -in this city as fat south as the Navy Yard. Charles Rhoades, a member of the Hop Hose_Company,_was standing in the doerwii., of the building at the time of the explosion. He had a branch pipe in his hand. He was struck on the side of the head by a rocket, and also received several scratches from smaller explosive articles. Re was removed to the Pennsylvania, Hospital; and died in a short time after his admission. He was a sing'. tan, e h -042G Years of age, and resided at - No SO4 Union street. James Walton, a boy, aged 12 years, Wa, badly injured about the head. He was throw 0 across the street by the force of the explosion. He was removed to the Pennsylvania Hospi tal. The following members of the Hibernia Fire Engine Company, No. 1, were also in. jured and are at the Pennsylvania Hospital John Ward, face, forehead and breast badly cut. Daniel Foley, badly hurt about the arms an I breast. . Michael Buckley, breast injured. LOCAL CIIOWDER.—The mercury today again reaches the nineties. This temperature is extremely enervating. In such weather the only kind of reading that seems endurable is that which tells of icebergs and the Arctic Sea. Soda fountains and dray horses are alike suffering from overwork. To keep in working order the fountain at Wyeth's this morning ,it was necessary every hour to rub it down with camphorated sponge. People were in standing line at Bowers this morning, waiting their turn with all the patience Of as many. persons Waiting in a barber's shop to be shorn or shaved. The public drinkipg-fouktains well patronized. To dumb animals they are a perpetual blessing.. —Mr. George W. Custis, so long the ener getic Superinterkdent (tithe Camden and At lantic Railroad, retires to accept a correspond lug position on the Mobile Railroad, dye bun dredwiles long. This position is as import ant as/its duties are arduous. Mr. Custis ha greatly endeared himself to• his associates ill the Camden and Atlantic. That lie will no. leave behind him the qualities of head an heart thai led to his advancement may be s. t down as certain. As a testimonial of regal and esteem for him he has been presented h his fellow-attaehi's of the Camden and A lantic Railroad . Company with a beautinc solid silver pitcher, salver and gable' • They are now displayed in the wind.) ,v of the maker, No. 714 Arch stree• The goblets are in the form of locomotive fu., nets. On the top of the handle, serving a , thumb piece, is a miniature locomotive, ]pals in the highest perfection of the att. It is in itself a gem of considerable value. The wid. is one of that class of gifts that descend as hei r looms. —Japan produces natural crystal of a kin, never previously seen here. It is without flip or speck. Specimens are shown at Caldwell', turned by native artisans in spheres of nine inches in diameter. The crystal is worked int.) articles ofjewelry. —ln Bedford street, where every fourth house is a ginnery, even children suffer for want of water, and dogs and eats parch wi ii thirst. That the denizens of these dens rose , ' so generally to ruin, that they are filthy and depraved, when we remember that there isn't a'public fountain within reach of them,isu't ra be wondered at. —The gentleman who yesterday rescued ill , family of - Robert Stewart, at the tire on Peril; street, was Mr. George lJ Taylor, lint George W. —The closing concert by the young lathe:- of the schools of the holy Child desus,Thirty ninth and Chestnut streets, was given yester day afternoon. The audience was made up of the relatives and friends of the pupils. That the study of music is here pursued with signal stiecess was very gratifyingly evinced. In the performance of the younger children we wore especially interested. The manner in which a knowledge of music was displayed by little "girls from five to, twelve, years. old was an interesting illustration of ;thorough • ness of tuition. To us the most interesting item in the programme Was : " Frublings Einzug" !Oesteid —Trio, The citing artists were : Misses Kaereress and Rucker, piano priino; Misses Reddy, Oarroll and Whiteside, piano second°, M isses Bennie Nathans and Pauline Blake, harmonica ; Alibi.' Marie Steward, bells; Misses Nellie and Florence Smith, triangles. This was encored. Rev. Father Carter,Chancellor of-the-Dioeese, VW , present. At the close Of the exercises he complimented the pupils in general. but these 1-lll:ifUi - r;OtleS he applauded in particular.' In o-t heir undertaki ug the Sisters .". reailti for congratulation. ; They Ai it :it V. retil e for a period of badly-ueeded their country Sharon. m - - - C novisiON AnICIDTB.-tr poOrt e can pis • now get, the requisite variety for the table, it isn't because of any churlishness on the part of Nature. Fifth street market never looked better than it did early this morning. Its of ferings were never more fresh. It VVEV4 so early stripped in consequence of the large e antig of butcher's meat sent from it to The prices of beef aro stiff — A - roast of-sir;•- - - loin or rib costs 35c. a pound, while for the rump nothing less than 3,0 c. is taken. Corned' ; beef brings 25c. a pound. Cow beef, of course, is sold , for less than that of first-class steers. Our reporter's figures apply only to the best offerings on the stalls. For yowl, thirty cents is the average price. So long as farmers kill new-born calves with a View to agreater profit on the milk the price, of veal will continue high. The demand for it is limited. 'We never, see it upon the bills of fare either at hotel or restaurant. Working people prefer something more substantial. The only use to which a hotel steward ap plies it is as "stock" for the basis of his souns. Mutton is low. It brought this morning from 10a12o. per pound, and lamb 18c. For the latter this 18 a decline that to mint sauce and green peas must be especially encourag ing. Spring chickens are abominably dear. - They bring to-day from 45a50c. a pound. The birds average about a pound and a half each. 'Adult chickens sell for 25c., Squabs bring $3 50 a dozen. Besides these feathered people there are none other in market. Game birds just now are engaged in perpetuating their species. • Until atter September they will have no time to visit the markets. Salmon is loiver this week than last. For the middle of the fish you are asked 60c. per pound ; the head and tail- come to Sou-for-40c. Lobsters are higher. The catch this season , isn't a large one. At the fisheries they are sold to canners at 4c. 'each. Last year they were sold for 2. The fish-huckstera say to-day that at :less than 12c. a pound their pro fit - would be ' literally " nichts." Green Thrtle is furnished to order at 28c. a pound, in chiding his shell. We saw a gentleman order ing one this morning,for a Fourth of July dinner in Germantow, whtise weight it was stipulated should be not less than 00 lbs. Hard crabs are plentiful at 50c. a dezen. Soft crabs this morning took a notion to advance. They bring $2 50 per dozen. For other fish the figures are just as When we last overhauled the prices. Butter is selling at from 30e.a45c., and eggs at 28c.—buyer's risk as to the contents of the Thafit-0 many contain chickens instead of yolk and albumen, the dealers will tell•you is'to_be, visited upon,;-providence,not upon them. Vegetables in the season are about as cheap as they will be. Asparagus in a state ofsplen dor is bought) for 30 cents a bunch. Jersey peas and string beans retail alike at a .quarter dollar for half a peck. Cauliflowers are very scarce. The hotelkeepers pounce on them— if they have not already pre-engaged- them-- the instant of their arrival. i New potatoes sell from 25 all the \\ray to 50 cents a half peek. " You pays your money and you has your choice." eticumbers bring from 3 to 8 cents each. The salads, etc., are once again at peace prices. The strawberry crop has gone with the late rains_ _A few cherries showed themselves to day,_but n" - - "th Igoe— Itas-phy .lay, but none wort, mentioning. its ries brought 15 to 35 cents a ,yint. That they come to us in small.packages 18 because of.the difficulty in preventiug them from crushing. Currants bring 1,5i18 cents a 'quart. Green apples in any quantity bring cholera morbus, and gooseberries 18 cents a quart. For getting up a griping in the diaphragni they are emi nently calculated. Another week, and the rush of provisions from the city will probably be the double of the rush to-day. . .BROAD iiii.bjat - of the my. movement of Broad street seems tb be one of the most absorbing topics, of a local charact«r, of the day.. AB feel the urgent_necessity that exists_for the paving of the entire thorough fare of that street, and nothing Short of im mediate preparation_ for the work will satisfy the people. It is needed now, and will be needed even more a few years hence, wlwn the Centennial of American Independence shall be celebrated. Of course, long before that event, the street will be improved, and that-- grand occasion- will---:recetve--fresh eclat and renewed lustre from the aid that Broad street will furnish for the proper commemoration of the episode in our history that made us a nation. The effort, however, that is now being made to im prove the street has not the observance of the great centennial only to foster and encourage it. There are hundreds of other reasons, equally as valid, why an .avenue, acknowl edged on all sides to be the grandest in the world, should be kept no longer in a disgrace fully deplorable condition. The people are out of patience *ith the miserable policy that has made many portions of it an eyesore, at their meeting on Thursday evening next, at the Acagemy of Music, such a.cry.should go up for a thorough refqrm in the matter as will make the improvement of the street a ques tion of the shortest possible time. OBITUARY.—CoIoneI John Bingham, who has filled the important position of Superin tendent of the Adams Express Company for many years, died at_his residence, in, yesterday. He was born in Annville,Lebanon county, Pa., in the year 1804, and was, accord ingly, in the 66th year of his age. He came to Philadelphia in 1836, and was one of the six brothers composing the old Transportation and Forwarding Railroad line of Bingham & Dock, so extensively known in business circles. He continued in the forwarding busi ness until 1853, from which year unti i rthe period of his decease he was one of the Direc tors and General Superintendent of Adams Express Company, with his headquarters in Philadelphia. In all of his business transac tions be was upright and scrupulously honest. As a citizen lie was exceedingly liberal and enterprising in his ,views. Everybody Avlio enjoyed his acquaintance entertained for him the highest personal regard. TIIE MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL.—The follow ing is the report of the Municipal Hospital f;ii the present week : Offiee of the Board- of Healtlt; Philadelphh Solvrclay, Juilf 25, 1870.—Municipal Hospita J. Howard Taylor, M. D. Patients remaining, Saturday, June 18 Received since, relapsing fever " other diseases, Total Discharged, *lapsing fever Died, relapsing fever " other diseases Remaining this date.... Published by order Of the Board of Heall Jourf 1. ADDICKS, Health Officer. ASSAUL'iEII IN A RAILWAY CAn. ;John Dunn and George W. Johnson were berm.. Alderman Cahill yesterday upon the charge assault and battery on John Hasson. A few nights ago, at Seventh and Walnut streets. Hasson got into a Union ~Passenger Railway car, of which Johnson was conductor. Dunn, who was a friend of the conductor, wits. the only person in the car. Hasson and the con ductor had some difficulty about the fan.. Dunn, it is alleged,got up and struck Hassoh. Johnson also pitched in, and Hasson was pretty roughly handled. Dunn was held in $l,OOO bail and Johnson in $BOO bail to an swer at Court. LOOK OUT Fon Htm.—Yesterday afternoon a man called at the house of Adam Kaber; No. 1218 Cherry stroct,_and offered to clean carpets for 75 cents. He was allowed. to re move a lot of carpet. The owner of the carpet has heard nothing of it or the man since. St'sMcioN or LiticcErnEmanuel LTine Was arrested yesterday ,at Second and Christian streets, on suspicion of the larceny oy, two watches. One of UP! time-keepers has liemi recovered by Detective Levy. Lane will have a hearing at the Central Station. . EIB;07.11E BY TIIE IiEAT.-A Welslnhan named John Jones was overcome by the heat at New Market and CalloWhill streets, thii morning. He was talcen to tho Pennsylvania Hospital. . _ FAcTORY - SACCIDEI , :T.—AIcorge Herrick, rei•iding at No. 1412 .Ndrth Twenty-scoot - id street, bad a leg broken by -a casting falling on him at the Industrial Works, at Twent and Callow bill streets, about nine o'clock this morning. ruthA.-pw#LA. ; ::..piymti,.. - BtILLATW.s'ArT4RO,4Y,.4:U,Nig-:5:6,18.7.9 ter has been received at this Mika : Mr. aiditor 1 - At a meeting of th 6 friends "( Ge,n.Wm. B.• Thomas, held at Green Hill Hall: on the•evening of the 24th inst.; my name was used as one of the vice presidents. This was wholly unauthorized. Whilst I. have the highest personal regard for Gen. Thomas, I do not prop_ose trffollow him into the Deniocratic - party;butshall'support =Juilge — Ii elley with such ability as I possess. Yours, respectfully, • 'THOMAS H. KPAIRLE, . N 0.1718 Wylie street, Fifteenth Ward. Philadelphia, June 25,1870. STEALING FIREWORES.—Thomas Neill weld to the fro this morning. He thought that ho saw a good opportunity to lay in a small stock of firelyorks with which to celebrate the Fourth of July. He pocketed a lot of small articles and also some pencils and pens. He was arrested and will have a hearing at the Central. Station this afternoon. MORE SWIMMERS A RRESTED.—TweIve juve niles who were indulging in a swim in the Schuylkill yesWday were arrested: by the Harbor Police. They , were lined by Alder- Man - Allison. • CIONTECiIONS FOICTITE LADTEi. —lnfinite in variety—among which are choco late nougat, cream chocolate, cliocolatena, chocolate pralines, jelly' chocolate,: superfine almonds, white nougat, Marseilles nougat, cream cocoanut, creauk walnuts, etp., and the exceedingly choice mixed confections which the ladies throughout the country, as well as in our immediate vicinity, so highly-appre date for their intrinsic excellence, are only to be procured in their highest perfectiOn of Stephen F. Whitman St ; Son, corner. of Twelfth and Market streets. ATLANTIC CITY. -- The can't-get-away.s should not forget that the Sunday train is now running to Atlantic City. This train affords an excellent opportunity for a .brief visit to the seashore without interfering with busi ness. The last boat leaves Vine street wharf at 8 o'clock A M.; returning, train leaves At lantic City at 4 P. M. SUNDAY. TRArN.—The-Surtday mail train for Cape. May is now running, and leaves Phila delphia at 7.15 A. M.; returning, leaves Cape May at 5.10 P. M. This affords • excellent ac commoda ions to visit this favorite watering place. Excursion fare, $3. is_ : that you say_?" "1 say that are:nof tinder one•luilltlia-iectiense of son.e of the clothing houses, and their clothing is so mu"h supeilor, so much better in style; and 20 per cent. lower. These are four good reasons why I and thou'. sands of othors glYe them our patronage." " Aye, you are right, Jonathan : I'll go to Rockbill & Wilson's Great Brown-stone Hall also." " Yes, try them, Job, at .. ......... CptsChestnut street." • . P. S.—l believe there iii . where they F;(41 fin; naguUi cent all-wool Spring Suits. OFF FOR TIIE SEASIDE,- Bnt before you go, call upon Si.o.oift, 80d Market e• reel' Be hoe en infinite - variety of. Bathing Dreesec-Oil Cap., Straw Bate, Leather Belle, etc., for Ladles, Gentlenii,, Miseep,Mastere and Children. • BEHIND THE TIMES. 1 he Man who was opposed tiptewspapers — pnid - almi• ,, dyed dollars, last week, for It -galvanized watch. la going from Philadelphia to New York, he always take? the Delaware and Raritan canal, not being aware that there fenny railroad (MOW route. He purehased of 130111 Pat er•Funk ,{{the other day arta high prico,a compound of slate,dust, de., for prime anthracite, not knowing VIA MITCHELL t AVZOTH are selling a. splendid article of wnito ash. large nut coal, at fIS 75. Had he purclin. , I of them, hi- would -have _got a .pnre article, carefu screened and picked. Hundteds.of our citizens, we ro pleased to learn, are availing themselves of the adva It• tages of dealing with thin enterprising firm. Hy ,o thing they get a really superior article, and _that. b k. , eta lower rote than at any other place -we knot's of. Their Coal Depot and Office is, as every ode knows, the northeast corner of Ninth and GirartLavenue._... VENTILATED REFRIGERATORS, Water• 'oolera and Housekeeping Articles cheap, at FARSON C I L CO 'tit 220 Dock street below Walnut DELIcTous black and- white hot-lin , - grapes, luscious peaches and choice French enure.- tionery, aids own rnanufaktnre. at A. L. VA NAA N r • . corner of Ninth and Chestnut. FRENCH JELLY GLASSES. Tuner, .812Es'. 'STAND flit WATER AT KEnn's Cnixa_HALL,_ Btrr your Watches at T. W. Baily's,l32l.! Market street, and got a bargain. BUY your Diamonds at T. W. Baily's, 62! Marker street. He is selling cheap. BUY your Gold Chains at T. W. Bally's, 62'! Marke‘ street, as they aro warranted as represented. BUY your Silverware at T. W...Saily's, Market street. He warrants his wares. BUY your Jewelry at T. W. Bally's, 622 Mar ket street. as he keeps fine goods and warrants them 36 represented. BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. Fonlflies who are about leaving the city for their sum mer vacation should not full to supply t 1 1 ,11180 1 ,10. wirh the above invaluable remedy. Its merits aro - so w,ll known that it does not require a detail of its efficien-y as a tonic. Alr. Frederick Brown, corner of Fifth an I Chestnut streets, is the sole proprietor. QUILLAYA OR SOAP TREE BARK FOIL WAKIIING WOOLEN AND SILK >Mips, AND DELICIor , SODA WATER AT BARES', 1100 AKCII STREET,, • FALSE COLORS ON THE FORE-TOP!—WhOever saw the natural tinge renewed in gray hair by a hair dyM No one. Who can distinguish the browns and blacks brought out by PIIALON'S VITALIA, OR SALVATION FON THE Hata, from Nature's 1' No one. And mark. it leaves no stain on the 'tin, and is clear and transparent. and has no sediment. Sold by all druggists and fancy goods dealers. LADIES OF FINE TASTE get their French, flowers at Thos. Kennedy & Bros., 729 Chesnut street. JACO,BY'S VICIIY LOZENGES.—FOi Adidity of the Stomach, Hearthurn, Flatulency and Indigestion. 917 Chestnut street.: _ MOTTIS.—Furs; Blankets,' wearing appaii , l, Carpets, Icc.,effectually protected from these pests, icy JACOBY'S /INSECT POWDER, 917 Chestnut street. CHILDREN'S SUNDOWNS, In largo variety, Of very finest an tlity, at OAKFORD'S, Continental Hotel BARGAINS IN TRIMMED HATEI.--Thos. Ken only & pros. are offoring great induceinnits to close out hr 1(111 ea of their fins millinery .729 Cliaottiut street LADIES can find everydescription of Corset- BOPICIIIS' Hoop SOO, Ooinet and Ladles' Under-gar. mont.Emporimn, 1115 Chestnut 'fitreet. - • . JUDICIOUS MOTHERS AND NURSES U.4* BOWERS 'INFANT CORDIAL, bocauso . it Is one of th - most dellAtful and efficacious remedies over discoyereA for curing The various ills to which infants and youtrg children are subjciti. LADIES' EATS - MARKED DOWN.-01,11' entire wholesale stock nt retail VERY cliEne. Thou. Koun , ' , lN & Bros., 729 pliestuut stmt. - Trios. KITNNEDY Sr., BROS., 729 CRESTNt , r STREET, the largest importers of f ine Irench nowees are offering groat Inducements to close their spring inn portatlons. CORNS, Bunions, Inverted Nails, Skilll\ol3 treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No.9llSohostnut street Charges moderato. • -- Lnnns3 going to the country or seaside Should procure ono of those Elegant and cheap Sundowne from PAKFOIIti 34 and 836 Ohoetnut utro,t* DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATAIMAII treated with tho utmost success, by J. IsAAcs, M. D., and Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear (his speci alty) in the Medical College of Pennsylvania,l2 years ex perience, No. 805 Arch street. Testimonials can be soon at his office. The medical faculty aro Invited to ac company their patients, as ho has no secrets in his prao tice, Artificial eyes inserted without pain.. No oharge for examination. , _ . _....._. . SUIkIICAV 1148TRUME NTS and dilliglSlS sundries._ ~, W & , „,... DM/ORN BROTHER, . 9, 2.9 South Eighth streot. S. MASON SINES. ' JOHN P. SHEAVF. MEE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTEN TION to their stock of Spring Mountain, Lehigh and Locust Mountain Coal. which, with the preparation given by us, we think can , -not be excelled by any ahoy Coal.. S. Office, Franklin institute Building, NU. 15 S. Seventh street.._DlNES & SIMA.FJP, . ' —jalOif' , -' " : , 'Arch Street-Wharf Se dittYlklll— I~IVItI WE; • SA.RD [NE.opENERs, N,) 91inioragne-nippers, I.rmoti-squoozora, loe-planoo oml Cruckpr-crithlierp, &0., itt TRUMAN & SHAW'S. No. dm ( Fight Thirty-five) Market street, bohow Ninth. CITY 'NOTICES. 1218 ESTE UT STK EET ALL THE LATEST STYLES COATINGS, PANTALOON STUFFS, AND VESTINLIS For Spring Wear, NOW ARRANGED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION, AT CIIARLEB STOKES'S, No. 824 CHESTNUT STREET COAL AND WOOD. - , -11311MAtER% KESORTS. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA R. R. NEVI Allll ATTRACTIVE ROUTE F9O, SUMMER TOURISTS Northern Pennsylvania, Interior New York, Buffalo, Roehe'ster, Niagara falli. The Great Lakes and the West. ALSO TO Williamsport, Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Schooley's Mountain, Allentown, , Mauch Chunk, AND'ALL POINTS IN TILL; Lehigh, Wyoming' and SuSquehanna , Valleys.... \ • I ' • • Novelty; qmitfort, - Speed- and Fine Scenery- Are the attractions of this route. Tile attention of , Summer Tourists Is asked to this new and attractivo route, passing ithrough the varied Scenery of the LEHIGH, , WYOMING and SUSQUE HANNA VALLEYS, offering Comfortable Cars, EZool lent Hotels and Rapid Transit to the numerous points of interestnamedstbove, . . . FIVEVAILY THROUGH TRAINS At 7.35 A. M., 9.95• A. M.. 1.45 P. M., 3.20 P. M. and — 5.00 P. M. (S tindays - eXceDted I, FROM PRILADELPEIIA PASSENGER STATION, Corner of forks and American Sts. Aar Tickets for BUFFALO, ROCHESTER, NIAGA.p.A FALLS and the WEST may be obtained at Office, SO CHESTNUT Street. ELLIS CLARK General Agent. Tickets sold and Baggage checked through to princi• pal points at MANN '8 NORTH . PENNSYLVANIA BAGGAGE EXPRESS OFFICE,-No. 106 South FIFTH Street, je2.4 SUMMER RESORTS ON THE LINE OF • . • PhiladelPhia- and Reading Railroad And Branches. • MAY 20,1870 • MANSION \ HOUSE. MT. CARBON, Mrs. Caroline Wunder, Pottsville P. 0, Schuylkill co TUPWARORA HOTEL. . Miller ;TUtia'fifoLik . E.. - 0.; - 6ChilYlkili bounty . . MANSION HOUSE. W. F. Smith, Mahanoy City P. o., Schuylkill county. MOUNT CARMEL OUSE, Charlts Culp, Mount Carmel P. 0.. Northumberland co. -WHITE MOUSE. F. Mayer, Reading P. o.;Berks connty. A N DALUSI A HALL, Henry Weaver, Reading P. 0., Barks county. CEN CSBL AVENUE - HALL. . G. D. Davis, Reading P. 0, Berko county. SPRING MILL HEIGHTS. Jacob H. - Breisch, ConshohockewP.O., Montgomery co BOVERTOWN. SEMI N.A RWy L. M.. Koons, Boyertown P. 0.; Berks county. • LITIZ SPRINGS. Geo. F. Greider, Litiz .P. 9., Lancaster county. LIVING - SPRINGS HOVEL, • • Dr. A. Smith, Wernersvillo P. 0., Berke county. COLD. SPRINGS HOTEL. , LEBANON COUNTY., Wm. Lerch, Sr„ Pine Grove P. 0., Schuylkill county. 0 _ EPHRATA\ SPRINGS, John Frederick, Ephrata 0., Lancaster cOnnty. PERKIOMEN BRIDGE HOTEL. Davis Longaker, Collegeville P. 0., Montgomery co. PROSPECT TERRACE.? Dr. James Palmer, Collegeville P. 0., Montgomery co. nourr mraus}:l; - • - ',- Gao. S Burr;Shamokin, Northumberland county. Excursion Tickets will be sold at Philadelphia to and from above points at reduced rates, good for same do} isstied,and on Saturdays good until following Monday. iny7.9 2m§ RENOVO, PENNSYLVANIA - , On rbiladeil►hia and Erie Railroad. W. H MAY. Proiirietor Thin capacious, airy and well-appointed Hotel • open for the reception of guests. To invalids, and all who want rest and restored hoa this sweetest and best of al,l locations In Penneylva is commended. Situated on the west branch of the Susquehanna river (with good trout fishing near). and surrounded with splendid scenery it offers good choir and health to all. CHARGES MODERATE. j2O-]m Cape May—Change of Proprietors. NATIONAL S HALL, Formerly kept by AARON GARRETSON. is now to he opened under new auspices, undertho supervision of W. B. MILLER (formerly Proprietor of Congress Hall) Aul Superintended by WILLIAM. WHITNEY. Ihe House commands a fine view of the Ocean. out will be opened on the TWENTIETH DAY OF JUNE' NEXT, as a First-Class Family Boarding Mouse. No Bar Attached to the House. • The table will be well supplied we all the SUBSTAN• TtALS arid DILLICACIEB OF THE S ASO3, without the -Entrees." Stage always in readiness to convey Guests to and from the Depot and Bathing Grounds, free of charge. Er The Subscriber would respectfully solicit your patronage and promises to spare no Pains or expellee to make the NATIONAL a desirable home for those who wish comfort and the benefit of Sea Air and Sea Bathing without the expenses of a fashionable hotel. Terms---$I S.OO per week or 0300 per day. Liberal arrangements will be made to large faiiiiiies remaining from four to six weeks. F Roems, address - wiriALTAXI WHITNEY, jell) ti NATIONAL HALL, CAPE JNIAY, N. J. STOCKTON HOTEL, cArE MAY, N. J. Open forthe Reception orDuests, June 25 -under the . direction 'of Prof.—Charles It • Dodworth.' Terme, 04 50 per day, or 428 per week CHARLES DUFFY, Proprietor. Formerly of the Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. je2o.6t§ PROSPECT TERRACE, Freeland, Montgomery County, Pa. This delightful BUMMER RESIDENCE will be ops for the reception of guests on and after Juno 1.• For Circulars, Terme, &c., apply to JAMESTUDME & 00.0139 MARKET Street, Phila., or to the propriato Janice Palmer, Collegeville P. 0. Pa. ruylo to th e 21n - THE bOLUMBIA HOUSE , . AT CAPE MAY, • WILL BE' OPENED POE GUESTS JUNE 23d.. It is intended that the ,VOLUISBIA shall sustain its high character for quietness and good . order, and con- Guile to be so conducted pa to retain its large first-claw. family patronage. ' Arrangements may be made for families by calling Upon the undersigned at the Girard House, Philada. GEO. J. BOLTON, Proprietor.. myl9 th s w tjy3§ VPEERATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. This delightful summer resort will be open for the re caption of guests on 15th June, uhder the superintend (nee of Wm. Whitehouse (late of Atlantic City). For particulars, address J. W. FREDERICK, - ray2s 2m§ . "%Proprietor. NI'MAKIN''S ATLANTIC HOTEL, CAPE MAY. Rebuilt Hine° the late flee, and ready for Guests. Open during the year. Is (Meetly on the Sea-tihore, with the beat Bathing •jleach of the Cape. Terme for the Bununer: $3 60 per day,' and $2l 00 per week. . ()each from the Depot; Free. No Bar. JOHN - BIobiAKIN, - Iny24-tia th a3m§ • • Proprietor. BROAD 'TOP: MOUNTAIN-HOUSE, .. 'BROAD' TOP; ITUNTINGDON COUNTY, PA. Will op - en for the reception of guests on MONDAY ;lune VO. W. T..PHARSON, Propriotu. .REDV:O.',DTT - PAT0V4,5'1:VQ.4 . :.: , P,4',. - 990j).: . : c. i .'.0:':.Q..T i f . ,4::,.: :: :*.:..,;: , .,....,c. 9:-.7x:i:4:-.:.R.:..1):,.i. WHITE "PIQUES 2fc. White - Pissties, a fresh calla. Fine Dress Piquesof every style • White Dress Mantles. • Prices all at thelovrest COOPER & CONARD, • S. E. Corner Ninth and Market. WM. M. CHRISTY, BLANK BOOK , MANUFACTURER, STATIONER AND.. PRINTER Blank 3300 ks Ruled and Printed to Order. A large assortment of first-class BLANK BOOKS On , hand. Lithographic Cheeks printed to order, with Or without stamps. Cards, Circulars, Bill Beads, &c., printed to, order. A' great variety of ENVELOPES, at low prices. jol6 fit§ SUMMER RESORTS UNITED STATES HOTEL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., W ill or n for the reception of Guests on SATURDA June 2 5 , wilh a • - 114,ductIon of Twenty Per • Cent. in th Price of Meek under the direction of Professor 31. F. A kdo. Terms, $2O per week. Persons (leaping to engage rooms will address WOELPPEB. Proprietors, ATLANTIC CITY, Or No. 827 BICH3IONO Street, Philadelphia. jel M 2rn§ Congreigs CAPE MAY, N. J., Owens, June Ist. Closes, October ist. TERMS—S3'I per day June and September. 84 00 per Pay July and August. The now wing is now completed. Mark and Sknon Rassler's full Military Band and Or chestra of 20 pieces. Applications for Rooms, address J. F. CARE, Proprietor. apl6 19 22 26 29 do cod taul6§ MOUNTAIN HOUSE,- CRESSON SPRINGS, PA. This favorite resort has been enlarged and improved since last season. Will be open for Guests June 15,1570. EXCURSION TICKETS sold by the Pennsylvania Railroad at New York, Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh. All trains stop at Cresson. Booms may be secured in suites or single. FEHLING'B CELEBRATED ORCHESTRA HAS BEEN ENGAGED FOR THE SEASON. • . For further information, address .0. W. MULLIN, Proprietor.' ONE FURNISHED COTTAGE TO RENT. je9 U.§ Chittenango, WHITE SIJLPHIIII !SPRINGS. • • , . . Madisodi coun t y. New York. 'Motel and every requisde, now open. Drawing•room and Sleeping Cars from Hudson River Railroad depot, Now York, ni 6 A. 31. and 6 P. M., vvitly ut change to Ohitteuango Station,l2 miles east of Syr: cueo. For Illustrated ()iron lare, address as above, or C. H. OLIVI6It, 7 Bookman my2B-Ini3l. A TLAN TIC CITY. .LA. The urf thew Is now open as a tirst-class.farnib bong,. Its location and grounds are unsurpassed am accommodations excellent. A r..l.lroad has been laid t. the bathing houses. No liar will be kept. JACOB FBEAB, jp2r,afV th 301. • L f Proprietor. A FAMILY OF THREE OR FOUR CAN be ni conmiod al ed with Board for the Summer; at wont Norm-bonse, within live minutes' walk .of ruilr el ation, one hour's ride from the city Address • W. P. LIVBZBY, • Plymouth Meeting P. 0, jo2r pate Montgomery county, Pa .• LL} DG E I 3 IL L, MERCHANTVILLE, 12.4 N. J.—Oponfor Bummer Boarders from : July Ist to Sept. 18th, 1670. wall or address Rev. T. NV OATTELL, Merchantwillo, • 1820 t* At Or, . G. QATTy,LL, & CO., 26 N. Wharves AtTORNEY'S.AT-LAW. JAMES M. SCOVEL, LAWYER, 113 PLUM STREET,„.. AMDLN, NEW JERldzir. 2 o m ock P. ce hourk,ti II Sepb mber let,ll"n t M'e!23-18trmi WANTS. 1A.43.141214A)=EY' A.. - YOUNG -MAN— A Vl' situation as Bookkeeper or Clerk. Has several years practical experionv. Beferanceo given. Address C. H.." this office. Je2l,rp tf§: . MONEY TO ANY' AMOUNT II- LOANED UPON DIAMONDS, WA.TCHE JEWELRY, JO PLATNES E, CLOTH ING, dm.,.at & CO.'S OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, Corner of Third and (Makin etroota, • ' Below Lombard. N. B.— DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. GUNS, &e., Pun SaliEC AT - BEDIAER - AELY LOW.PRlCESta.vatfro AltitliltTONl3_lM PROVED, VEN• allo. Mated and allay-fitting Drum n atis (patented) in all the approved fashion(' of ttio 8031 CM. 91.133tnut strooti heat door to th, ropt-0 ip,. , 31 oORGANDIEe REDUCED FRO 500 250. for Fine Reif French Lawns. 12!ic. LaWue rednced from 20c. ll ER,N . AN IS ;-25c. Black Engßah Grenadine. was 31c 31c. t'gnare•moeh Hernant, wee 33c. 3.0 c. Good finnarelaeah Hainaut. Bina Hematites, ell reduced in price. It N P ?% 1 E 8: Black Grounds Bilk Figured.' At the Pricos Away Down. Large Stock. Low to Finest Grades LADIES' 5111T.5.,, 46 iiiLlneri Sults e bast bargainrot • Sittle tor tho Street or Trolollog. Linen Paroplui, 'toady-made. ' White Vietorls'Lowo Lattice' Suits rdad.., to Order. CUlldrou'eßeadyquade Snits.. Clonye,Shavile . , '4'swirroroof's. K. Lliimu.t . stcepCloqing Chomp!, ROBES Improved Flannel Robes for Ladies. Imaroved Rerge Robes for Ladles: ImptOred Raihing 11;bes for Gentleman a. Bathing Cape. Robesraado to order. W.M. M. CHRISTY, 127 South Third Street, below Chestnut, OPPOSITE GIRARD BANK. INSURANCE. - THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST CO. PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE—No. 111 South FOURTH St. Organized to provide Lite Insurance among members of the SOCIETY OF ,FEIENDS. Good risks of any de• nomination solicited. Policies already issued exceeding TEN MILLIONS. OF DOLLARS. This is a PHILADELPHIA COMPANY, and entitled to the special confidence of the community . . Perfect Security. • Low Rates. Small Expenses. Purely Mutual. Low Rate of Mortality. • These conditions enable a company to give advantage which cannot be surpassed. Policies issued on the Non-Forfolture Plan. Statistics show that the average mortality of Friends is nearly 25 per cent, less than that of the general popu lation. A LOW RATS OF MORTALITY ' CHEAP INSURANCE IN A MUTUAL COMPANY 10122k:1 a 26trp6 STATIONERY NEW FIRMS FOR JULY, 1870. Send your orders in time for • BLANK BOOKS, PRINTING nd STATIONERY. A full assortment of BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY s , ALWAYS ON HAND. WM. F. MURPHY'S SONS N 0.339 Chestnut Street, and No. 55 South Fourth Street. to tL rp9t§ rrstiYi - Tw'rx - irtsizo - bq THE' WHEELER WILSON • • SEWING MACHINES, The Beet and sold on the Easiest ierms. PETERSON & .CARPENTERi 914 CHESTAIT STREET.. - 28 B tn tb 1 r P • IL ELP MIA. STJELGEONW BANDAGE INSTITUTE 14 North Ninth weed above Market. B. O. EVERETT'S Tit NS Positively cures Ruptures. •Hard Rubber Trusses, Elastleßelts. Stockings _Supporters, Shoulder Braces. Ladies attended to by Mrs. J9lly.ry ,„ BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 4a; 1830.—SelnYLEB & ARMSTRONG, Undertakers, 1827 Gortnantown avenue and Fifth at. .1D B. Seuuvrom. anlA-Ivrr.6 A. B. ATNoTRON2 CONDENSED MILK; EAGLE BRAND— 'The very befit; wrttelo for travelers, infanta, &o. Neale's Milk Bubatitnte, Patent Barley, Froah Oat ' Men!, - Bermuda A'rro%sroot, &c.' Liquid Rennet awl • "Flavoring KxtractHi , For sale by JAMES T. RUNK • . 1 x corner Broad and Borne.e streeta - ----- IUrAR - ITING WITH INDELIBLE INS /IA Embroidering, Braiding, sitam ko. / L . TOBANIC, MOO Ifllboat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers