==il FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE ETi.3ll DE •OF EASTERN . Tlty/ EL. --'l3vzAtcrrltti--Moilday ,Beciung„. May 9, last letter,which arn vv#lL:clcsetl,„, last night,. as talk you. where; anOiftriC t r when wdArnibilled, on N bos.l thlpite that lett4l left itts 49441 . allith, pith affis in 010619 c ') , lnrt, "itiOdiriget4-At4aylight•-his finino-atiiti-elVesi*Sibgjiint th4Rific- al:Ot sail R,lekig'ini:t i .44,l%l l l 6 4 3 fty jinit fhieeltinclied -Fars ago, tliegreat naval battle-was fought between the 'Turkish_ fleet, on the one band, and thecombined fleets of Austria Spain and Italy on the other.,,com-,. mended by the Duke Don John of Austria. This was one of the great decisive battles of history—the battle that el - II:dually. • checked_ the progress' of the 04 foriittit'airriff iii Europe. Our voyage all daibas been anion' the lonian Islands._ There,are seven of. them; .and they are spoken of as " The Seven . Islaads." They lie on - the - western - shores ,- of- Greece, tooking . towards Italy. 7.ante, Cep halonia and Corfu arc the chief' of the seven. They were, all un- - der the government of England for -many years, and: • prospered 'from the eonnection.. But when the present government of Greece was established, under' the direction of the powers of Europe, England resigned her pro tectorate of the island's and bandodthein over , -to-Greecer—We-stopped_tirst:_at.theasla,nil of Zante. The town of the same name, , at the soutbern part of the island, is very , pic 7 , tures quely situated. Its great staple-is 'curl. rants, which are sent all over the world. But • the island abounds in churches as well as Cur rants. There is said to be mare than one for every hundred inhabitants. This is chiefly due to the influence : of the Venetians When in . power here. Then every important family bad -church of-their,own. _.Tirprci. is . one large, churchriear the water, built after the model ofq-.:,t. Mark's in Venice. The.steanaer did not • tarry long enough to allow us to' go ashore, so we could 'only take a general view of the island and town from our position on the. water. _Nothing could more charming - than this sail 'among the : different islands of Greece. have enjoyed it more than I:can express. ThesoftneSS - of the sky, the rudged hills lying ..„In_Sharii;,Clear.ontline against,* arid.the,peen- Ahudy-rioli, , deep hue of: thef..clea4, - sparking water, looking like liquid Indigo' or a medten sky, would be bearitiful enough in - theniselves. But when to' all this is added the deeply inter esting historical and classical associations con nected with almost every spot, it becomes very charming. That line of Tennysou's is in my mind all the time, in which he deTibes these islands so beautifully as : " Summer isles of lying in dark spheres - - - of purple sea." Leaving Zante, we, sailed along the coast of the Island of Cephalonia.' This is the largest of the lonian Islands. It figures .largely, too,• in the classic literature of Greece. Homer speaks of it under the name, of Sa•nos - It was one of the Wands Oyer - Which - the sagacious Ulysses,swayedhis sceptre, and it ,aided hint in furnishing his quota of twelve ships to the Grecian - fleet that sailed - to Troy. Westopped an hour or so at the ebieflOWii Islaiiil; - but did not land. Upper end of Cephalonia we got a distant view of the famout3 Ithaea—Ulysses's own island'. It is a rocky little isle, iiliont - seyenteen miles long and four broad. It has never figured in the scenes of actual history. Its only interest, thotigh this is an undyingrme,is that with which Horner has invested in his charming story of - the sage old king—of his long and weary wee detings—:of the peerliVcs prudenee of his faith ful Penelope, and of his final happy return to her and to his kingdom. The localities of the island are said to answer very accurately to —flideseriptitms-whielt—H oilier-gives-of-them_ It has a present population of 10,000 people, who have a good reputation for industry and intelligence. This afternoon we struck out from the: shores of Cephalonia into the broad space of li water lying -between it and the Island of Corfu. There was a heavy sea on., Our little steamer tossed about at a - tremendous rate. This pro duced the usual distressing effect of such com motion on many of the passengers, and, among the rest, upOn " the present writer " (to use STEAMER BYZANTINE, GULF OF CORINTH, Bishop White's favorite periphrasis for the May B.—We were up before four this morn- personal pronoun I, or me), who was obliged ing; left Athens by five in a carriage; reached to go without his dinner. The rocking still the Pincus, and got on board the steamer be- continues. It is 4 3 riting under difficulties, so fore six—which was the hour for the steamer I will say good-night, and " turn in." to start. This is a Grecian line of boats tiPit . STEAMER PRINCIPE ()DONN°, BETWEEN runs between Athens and the island of Coyl . ll CORFU AND BRINDISI, Tuesday Evening, May It goes through a very interesting part of 10.—Our little Grecian steamer came to anchor Greece, and this was our reason for preferring in the harbor of Corfu about three o'clock thii3 it. Starting from the Pir:eus we had a fine morning. Most of us had been driven out of run of four hours up the Gulf of :I:lgina„to the our beds by finding too many inhabitOnts in Isthmus of Corinth. Our course took us in them. We were therefore quite ready for a full view of the Bay of Salamis, where ehange; and so, without waiting for morning, Xerxes had his plans spoiled by the destruc- we gut a boat and went ashore by starlight. We lion of his fleet;'and also of the Bay of Eleu- found a decent hotel, with comfortable rooms sinia, where the famous mysteries were per- and beds, and were thus enabled to get a good formed. 'We landed on the Isthmus at ten sleep before breakfast,, which made up in part o'clock, and were carried over, with our bag- for the discomforts experienced in the earlier gage, in an omnibus. It is only about four part of the night. The first thing after break miles, and was accomplished inside of an fast we went to secure our passage to Brin hour. Grecian troops are stationed all across disi, in the French steamer in which we are the Isthmus, for the protection of travelers now embarked. I ought to have mentioned from the briganels. On reaching New Corinth, that four of our Scotch friends left us at Ath on the other side of the Isthmus, at the head ens to go directly home, by way of Trieste. of the Gulf of Corinth, we found the steamer Another gentleman, a friend of theirs, joined waiting for us. Old Corinth stood a mije or our party, so that now "we are seven." This two froin the sl ore, at the foot of a lofty hill, latter gentleman, a General Robertson, proves which was ti e ropolis of Corinth, but it to be a brother of the late F. W. Robertson, never rivalled that of Athens. The city had of Brigl tpn. The t.amily ikeriess, is quite 'long been &Li* to decay, when it'Wes finaily strong to that popular divine. He is destroyed -by an earthquake some ten or pleasant, gentlemanly man,- holding the post twelveyears ago. The new city does not amount tion of a general in the corps of Royal Ea u much. It contains only a few houses, and gineers. We have talked together about his these very poorly built. - Unless there should brother, and he was greatly pleased to. hear, be a canal built across the Isthmus, which as lie BM heard before, of the popularity of his has been talked of, there is but little to cause writings in America. ' ' it ever to become a place of much import- After securing our tickets, we got a couple of carriages and rode round to several of the The sail of to-day has been our first expe- most striking points of view about Corfu. rience of Grecian steamers. They are much This is the gem of all the Grecian islands we smaller than the French steamers, on which have seen. The town is delightfully situated. we have sailed several times, and are also in- The harbor in front of it is one of the finest ferior to them in every respect. But they are imaginable. At a projecting point of the better than the Italian boats, in which we island, on which the town lies, are two bold, leave made several small trips in getting down lolty, rocky cliffs', which are fortified to their the western cost of ItalY. The boat on which very summits, making defences of the strong- we are_ now sailing is—a pretty decent est character. The view from the citadel is vessel. We find things on board a good deal magnificent. The-neat, clean city . below, the better than we expected. _._..libleriant gardens on the outskirts, the dark Our sail down the Gulf of Corinth, this mountain ranges in the distance, the lovely afternoon, was a very delightful one. We had islands scattered round about, and the beauti the rugged hills of Sparta and the Pelopon- nil blue water that surrounds them, make up ROSSI% - on one side, and those of Thessaly on altogether a landscape - which, once seen, can, the other, making altogether a landscape of never be forgotten. This is our last .day in the most varied and picturesque beauty., The Greece. It, makes a charming conclusion to lofty summit,. of Parnassils—sadred to the this delightful part ..of our journey, and will abode of the Muses—has been in sight all the leave an indelible impression of the peettliar afternoon. Its top was covered thick ' with loveliness of this interesting 'region. We left snow, which must make it rather cool • for Corfu about five o'clock this afternoon. The those - hunous damsels; unless their Wardrobe sun was going calmly down, as with the bow iconttyins au assortment of external appliances of our noble steamer (the finest we - have sailed mu , pb more' substantial than those in which on in these waters) pointing westward, we they are generally represented as being ar- `threaded our way along the beautiful straits rayed, : But 1 have no doubt that if their that separate this island from the - , lofty Al present abode could be found out, it would be ' haniart hills on the other eide.,,.ltWas'ivinest tme'fbruiShed - with ~all the modern (olive- - - charming evening sash Al4l not ;With a olear i . the distance, .:,„bright,sky.ool:l:,.*o: fjP)l,33.r.AAre. faveiis, Whose ••44wles have. now quietly plowitigour]vvay over the ealtta; spark-1, 2%0. a 1 II Pporterpondence of the Phila. Evenini'itunptin HOTEL D'ANGLE,TP.4tp., Airrimi;',Sattfii,lM, Nan int], Masi 7.—We '4tigA,l,,irritintletl'bur aminati on of--the- oliActs about-. Athens; to flay Wt iwfeut 11 st, tbu morning, to the remains Teinple 1 ,:of Jupiter, Sixteen collipins••pf thiti famous huildiii - g — "fire" still stand ing. They are certainly very tine; but 1 do not think them' equal to those of the Temple of Jupiter at-13aalbok. .1 know this , would be regarded as .):10, an orthodox opinion,hy those , who consider' themselves judges in Matteis of art : Still : this is my. opinion,,most —I shall hold, to it,. „On , thp, colonnade, ,over two 'Of the - columns here, are the remains of ceps inhabited during the middle ages by some of those strange' - beings - known -as -"pillar sairitS," and Who showed their piety by living cin'thp tops of pillars or columns . . The fellows who lived up this cell must have had a lively time of it. They had not more room to Move about in than three or four paces; and their lonely den was liftedup some, sixty or sev erity feet . from 'the earth, with no visible means of communication with it. They cer .;nlr-lived-above-the—world—in_olie_tiens_e,_ whidever their condition in other respects Might hive been. We then rode over the site.Of ancient Athens. The dwellings of the ohicity have all disappeared, and the.modern city occupies an entirely different locality. We..yisited the old Stadium, or. Circus, where the Athenian games were celebrated. It was a past amphitheatre in. side-of a hill, wltich could seat 40,000 people. The celebrated stye of thg. o lllessus,flowing near by,is now a mere threat" of water. A mass ,of rock lies aceross,'lthe river," near the Stadium. From this..rock astreamlet trickles down into a pond at its foot This is the classic spring of "the beautifully flowing." It was once sacred to the nymphs; but the only rep resentatives • of those poetical ladies to be found there; in these matter-of-fact days, are some of thp washerwomen of Athens, pursuing . , their" practical, but V'ery vnpoetical avo;;. --Then--we:-visited <the Teumle Theseus—themost perfect of all the rernaiii-` big monuments of Grecian art in this famous dity. N ot far from this stands the J'nyx—a rocky eminence on which the public assem blies were held. Here is the " orators' stage' —a square elevation, or natural platform of . rock, where the philosophers and rhetoricians deliVered their discourses. On this spot, P,ericles.and.Demosthenes stood, when they electrified the.citizerisof_ Athens with their soul-stirring, matchless eloquence. But the place visited last was the most interesting of all, viz.: the Areopagus, or Mars' Hill._ This was the spot particularly connected with Paul's memorableidsit to Athens. It is a wild . rocky eminence that stands oh the west of the - of-:most -solemn judicature among the Athenians. •,liere e for .. ages, all important questions connected with law and _religion had been decided: And hence, whenit was known that. Paul wished to ditcourse to the people new religion, we read that" they brought him blithe midst of the Areopagus,"to hear what he had to say. A temple of Mars then stood•on one part . of the In a dark ravine beneath it was the temPletiftheFurieS.- And there; in full-view Of ail - 'tale beautiful temples and shilores, - and monuments " graVen by art and man's de vice," which filled the Acropolis'rthe great Apostle stood, with outstretched hands and earnestlook,and delivered that noble testimony to he "truth.as it is in Jesus," that we find written in the-x-vit-of—XAFTZHOW-- - -inSigniii: cant all the warriors, legislators and artiste of Greece appear when thought of in connection with that princely man ! The philosophy of Greece has exploded. Her proudest 11101.111- ments have crumbled to decay. But the truth which Paul preached there remains as full of fe and p)wer, as able to subdue, to sanctify and Save, to-day, as it was when -his burning lips gave utterance to it, in the hearing of the astonished philosophers of Athens, eighteen hundred years ago. • • , been so long silenced. We find this Greek steamer a small one, but more comfortable than we expected.* _ . , PHILADELPHIA EVENING'BULLETIN. SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1970: ling waters of the Adriatic Sea. Like .11 . Incas ' of old, we may say of our coynje;fß Tehdln;" s Latium "—we basteiktolialk, Thierwill die ur y last experience of sailing Viithe kediterraiieari„. - ,41-bad heard - se - mteti;end from 'so - rnatigilf ` . :itilitormy nature, that I greatly dreed the. , Mini; we had to spend upon it*watg Ad ia:;;;Buti ',130w, after having spent some twealtirfwii' - oi; three days in sailing over it, I letAkea*vti,th leelings of devout gratitudeltii4epkeilencii h) connection with it. We ;ably favored in this part - of ourrjjeumiy,:as - V1 the rest of it. We bad xtfenViOtiglitti,te, begin with ; and now` ; we have ful moonlight night, to end With. One difive • days were somewhat rough : but with tlite e,xceptiens - We' have bad pleasant' "weather and delightful sailing all the way through 'f,So #4 we shall have none but tile inost agreeable re collections to carry away with us of this - great inland sea. With the light or to-morrow's sun •we hope, again - To see the shores of Italy., To be continued in the EvthrixolbALETlN Of Aire 291 - [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Melting Bulletin.] , WILMINGTON, June 24.—The Alumnal As sociation of the -Wesleyan Female College cele brated its seventh anniversary' on Wednesda y; evening. The, affair was a very pleasant one, -and-was-entirely-managed-by-the-ladies, Gracey,wife of the Rev. S. L.Gracey,af this city? presiding with easy grace and perfect self-posses sion. The report of the Sec,retary, Miss Annie M. Galliner, of Philadelphia, shows that during the past fifteen years one 'hundred and thirty four ladies have grauuated at the institution, of which number sixty-five have married and fif teen dip& .Three of the graduates have en gaged in missionary work in. China and India, their aggregate work amounting to twenty seven years. • ' Last evening the "commencement" 'exer cises took place. There were, brit three gradu ates this year—Miss Emily D. Bishop. of Stilts burg,,Lancaster county, Pa.; Miss Lizzie G. Long, of Frankfort, Sussex county,- Del.; and Miss Jenme B. Shemwell, of Chaptico; St. Mary's county, Md. Ail of them read es says, that of the last-named . be ing fair, that of 'Miss Long excellent, and that Of Miss Bishop a really - sulierior prodffetion, being an essay on ruther and Loyola Allowed by- the valedictor.y. -The effort was.universally recognized as,one of the best graduating essays read at the college for a long time, and at its close even the preachers on the platform broke through the rules prohibiting applause, and ex pressed their approbation with hands and feet. So your Keystone State carried off the honors. At the meeting of City -Council fast evening the Water Committee was authorized to pur chase two large squares of land iu the south west-ern part of the city for additional`reservoirs and to have plans made for - the necessary woik. That portion Of the city is building up with great rapidity, and the' course of improve ment has been accelerated by the recent de cision , of. the _Wilmin g ton aria Reading Rail road Companyto locate its freight and passen ger depots there: Considerable interest is felt here in the re cent consolidation of the Pacific and Atlantic Telegraph line with others' centering in your city, and an earnest hope is expressed that they will extend their wires in this direction. — At present 'we are entirely dependent on the Western Union. Y - esterclay a batteau on the Delaware river atteMpted to make fast to one of the steam barges plying between here and New York, and in the effortiwas_capsized and a man in the small boat,John Paget, of this city, was drowned, though every effort was made to save him. I have just obtained the official statement of the quantity of strawberries shipped over the Delaware Railroad this year. The amount fell - short of the -general expectation, only- reaching '780,624 quarts. it, would have been double that but for the rainy weather about the time the crop ripened. We are not troubled that way now, as it is very dry and very hot. OUR WILMINGTON. LETTER. 01711 POTTSVII4VE LETTER. [Correspondence of the Phila. Evening -Bulletin.] POTTSVILLE, June 24th, IS7o.—The Clark homicide case was concluded yesterday, the trial having lasted just a week., The prisoners, Cardin, Brown and Thomas, were all found guilty of murder in the second degree. This case took up the time allotted for the Court o Common Pleas, which was accordingly .ad journed until next week. A single week will then be given. to the short cause list, aft6r which the summer vacation will set in, and con tinue during July and August, broken only by a session of the new Criminal Court in July. The legal fraternity will haVe a long holiday, for they make it a rule to transact as little business as possible during the "heated term." - The coal men are getting up as much of an excitement, this morning, as the weather will ' permit, over a secret meeting held yesterday hy . the W. B. A., of Schuyikill county, in general' Congress assembled.. There are plenty of rumors as to what they (lid or did not do, the one which gains most credence being that they resolved to adhere to the basis of 1869, but so well have they kept their own council that it is not even definitely known whether or not, they adjourned last night to meet again to-day. This is doubtless the Convention whose rumored meeting I men tioned in my last, and it now appears, that the recent decline in coal in New York is traceable to that rumor. It is said that the president of the D. L. &-W. Co. wrote just previoue to the Scranton sale to, a'Prominent.offiCial of the Reading Railroad, asking if the Schuylkill men were likely to resume work soon. The reply was that they were expected to go to work on the Ist of July, whereupon coal, which would otherwise have advanced fifty cents at that-sale, was forceddown thirty cents,' in order td dis courage Schuylkill and remove from the operators the temptation to resume work on the - old basis. Some are yielding, howeVer,and enough have started in the neighborhood of Shenandoah and in the - Mahanoy Valley to induce the Superintendent of the M.' and 8.-M. It. I. to start the Mahanoy plane, Which is now making p'artial time. Still, the great ma jority.seem firm as ever, and no man .can tell when the end will come. . Wico. HOTELS. . IRVINE- HOUSE. AFIRST-CLASS HOTEL. EUROPEAN PLAN. Location uneurprvided, being near Union Square, Wallack'd Theatre, and A. T. titewart's now ni t a n W B /131 ". AND TWRLPTII ST., NEW YORK. Q. P. iIAIRLOW, Proprietor. lje4 e V 7 3111§ 11ANTELS, &C. --Of: fhb latest and Most henna ful deeighscanddill other !Mato work on hand or mado to order AIso,,PRACILBOTTOR ROOFING sLATEB. .Fa c tory and Salesroom, SIXTEENTH and °ALLOW RILL:Streets; •:, ' • 'WILSON ,k•MILLNR, DRIGH T -VARNISH . AND VENI PH jTI.TRrE,N,TINW-100 barrcle ilrititxtlrarnlen; 60 --60-:ltentne , 1" - For. Bale by . EDVI. - H - ;-now , Y; 16 Bolan Front street. 4 - kirlYl ' S li E AifY ES & CO.. L i ': .)510 , .... 'Si ONO NMI IdIV HITE STREET. _ ROT EBTIES IN RIBBONS. lc A enaC A i ntialiEr a l s ` , OF FLOWERS , —":, •.". ^ BONN ET AND RAT FILAR l a,ir . 'kr A. aux SMALL PROFIT. aps:owtm ..,c ' Tlia f tglitist and Ne ate,t Finisheit e, :E n d PARK PIEAmToss, "-BAROWCII ES, CLARE NVID COACII EN, PHypylclANS' PIT lONS. And arloie othet tspYlei p. Carringea are now offered a reduced pricoa ny • • J.- GEORGE-•LEFLER; SIXTH AN,, ZATMESIY AVENUE myl7.tu the2ul9.l _Savory.% • Patent _ Combinol • U nibg Water Coolersr and Refrigerator.* It bOng nmulo of Cast Iron, Porce --- • ' laln Lined; in' Walnnt paa.tmi, dOOK 11111 .41 'not impart nriplenton_ttingte or smell . - to,provisinne, y. II- • o. P09,!10 call and !Immune. • 'MOOD F. HAND, Jr., Itetai),Denot;62ollAltgET Street, sny7.B to tli26t . . k Z • • ING ' GOODb. 1 PATENT-SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT M4.NUFACTORY. ' Orders for them' celebrated Shirts supplied vrorriptlY brief notice.. ' • ; , , Gontlemen"S.Furnishing Goods; Ot tato etyles in fnit variety. WINCHESTER & CO. 7.06 CiIESTNUT. tol to th tt . BUILDING; AND HOUSEKEEPING HARDWARE: . . . . ,•; • Machinists, - Carpenters :and other Me ohanics' Tools. "We've. Screws,: Locks', Knives and .7orksi Spoon., Coffee Mills, &o:08toeks andl/lea,Pleg and Taper 'raps, Universal and Scroll Chocks, Planes in great variety. .S.II to be had at the Lowest Possible Prices = At the CHEAP•FOR-CASII Hard • ware Store of J. B. SHANNON, 140. 1009 geritet Street. deg-if SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTEN dents, get Prof. Hart's admirable address, "How to Select a Library," at the Sabbath, School Emporium, 608 Arch street. Philadelphia.. • - • - SUMMER BOOKS. . . • WIDOW -GOLDS.IIIITHIS DAUGHTER An original and racy new novel,bv ?'jr.s J. P. SMITH. ' * "This capital novel is already selling with great ra pidity. Edition after edition is being printed. and it bide fair_to.be one_ofthe.romance..succeseee of the season. •„*A large cloth-bound book. Price, • RAMBLES IN CUBA. • - A - Cliarrning little . volume of life and, incidents in the Island of Cuba, by an American lady. "..'Beautifully printed and bound. Price el W. . _ . ROBERT GREATIIOUSE--A new novel byJOHN FRANKLIN Svtxu, author of "Going to Jericho.' * * *Price, e 2 W. corinay OR NOT GUILTY—A new novel, the story of Manhattan Well. * * *Price, el 75. *.jThese books are Sold everyvvhere.and sent by mail, postage free, on receipt of price, by . CARLETON, Publisher, Illatilown Square, eine.. Fifth Avenue. N. Y. _jels-w e 4t The fir3t volume of ZELL'S ENCYCLO7 PEDIA is now complete and hound s S,tib- scriptions taken either for bound volumes or in numbers. Parties thinking of subscribing had better send in their names at once, as the price of the work will unquestionably be ad- Tomcod to non-subscribers 17 and 19 South Sixth Street, Phila. jet-w I THE " CAPE MAY DAILY WAVE," The publication of the Sixth 'Volume of the "DAILY WAVE" will be commenced on or about July Ist, and will be continued until September Ist. It will present each day accurate and fall reports of the lintel Arrivals and Local Events of this fashionable resort, and• will be a paper not surpassed by any in the State. • Business men will find the "DAILY WAVE" a most advantageous medium for advertising, the rates for e hich are as follows One inch space, 810 for the season. • Each subsequent inch, 5'5 for the season. Ou the first page, 82 per inch in addition to the above rates. Address, C. S. MAGRATII, Editor. 711 A GRATH & Publishers. le2o-tlau3ls THE _NEW YORK STANDARD, PUBLISHED BY JOHN RUSSELL YOUNG, ' NO. 34 PARR ROW, NEW YORK, Containing full and accurate Telegraphic News and Correspondence from all parts of the world. TWO, CENTS per single copy, or Six Dollars per annum. For sale at lieLTRENWITIFS . BAZAAR 614,.Chestnut stieet. CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY, .605 Chest nut street. ASSOCIATED NEWS COMPANY, 16 South Seventh street, CALLENDER, Third and Walnut streets. WINCH, 605 Chestnut street. BOWEN, corner Third and Dock streets. ' And other Philadelphia News Dealers. Advertis' ements received at the office of the MORNING POST: • Iktk‘ll . CARRIAGES. `!R:Eiltiqk - itATORS HARDWARE. iftC. NEW PUBLICATIONS NOTICE. T. ELLWOOD ZELL, Publisher, IMPORTANT TO BUSINESS MEN. For the Summer of 1870. 'PROFESSOR JOHN , BUCHANAN, M. D. J. canto consalted per tonally 'orby letter In all dis eases. Patients can rely Wert a sato, speedy „and and per ailment cure,' as the Professor ,preparos and ' furnishoS new, sciontlflo and. positiVe remedial; specially adapted' tot he Wants al the patient. , Private enlace in Colon xi.o.9yi utrqct, ,091 co hour9fron 9 A. Id. 101 l P. 111. ' 'an3o SllllT$ 117.1tEiZg e rlIT.V.L:;- - 3 .2 .BARRELS 13n1rity Turvq)3lloo 119 W blit4ingfro .1 steamer neo f;tlf roi n sale_ by. 09.011 _ BANattl ESSET4L & CO.: 311'01whOitit'fitroot.; WINES. LIQUORS, &u KEY'S "1" 0 N VA • PURE WHEAT WHISKY Distilled frOm the Graire . - r .... .^:,.,,. -,„4.. t r , , ~.(ily -., ,5 . .., ~; w 'L . 1 , : r.,r, N, , . , • '.," ~.=-, ". 1 11 . 4 '1 A Rfr I N it,; . , C v ..„ if i ..L.L., ~. ` . l q t: r.. , • OON"..:4)ISTILL'euir, , ,-- .;.f.--.- -- _,.. 4 :r.''.„ —,......,..._:• ',' '", `o•4o' ..C . ,e .l' ' "`" 4 " \ ''.: i' NORTUW T EST - VIIINDit if , P ---- -7 '- - _,... ‘,l l —Ncielftli and Washington Streeta. N 0.150 North Front Street, ~.... „...,. ~.,. , ~,TIPPO I PITIRA, Pit— ~„ _ ....,... To whom it marcontmt t "' " ' '' ' All the leading Medical authorities recognize the value otaitTusive Stimulants:\ Nifinermiti eminent Phyelriana , hod surgetinSMight be flamed who hove qdvocated their ; employtnent .in the 'treatmenetr a large class, of Ws-. orders. No Dispensary is considered complete without thug,: , They'ate r preserlbekl In all 'nubile and artiste Hospitals, and adimblistered byall bedside prectlihniet : e. 13ut the difficulty has been to obtain Alcoholic Liquors Pure. , • The pungent aroma of the fusel ell' and biting acids present in all of them con be scented in, the glass is raised to the lips. The nauseous flavor of these active poisons is perceptible to thO patina, and a burning sen sation Ip•tho stonier!, tatesta their existence when 'the noxious draught Imo gone down. Paralysis, !diary, in : city arid death are the pernicious fimits of such pota- Medical seineo asks for a pnre stiirrulant to 11 , 10 as a spbeific, - whicif, while - it diffuses itself through the Sys• tem more ;rapidly than any, other. known ,ngent,,is brOuglit into direct and - active contact with the `seat of disease. It is the property of the stimulant to diffuse anilty the Odd its Peculiar nutritious component parts totnyigorate, regulate, counteract amkrestore, and it is 'by the happy union of the principle of activity with' tho principles of invigoration and restoration that enables . , • PURE WHISKY • To sccomplish,honeficial results. , . . . Having great ex aariencein the distilling of Whiskies, andtbe largest and best equipped estAblinlinient of its kind in the country, supplied with the latest improve ments in apparatus for cleansing 'tVitleicy of insel oil and other impuritie by strict personal supervision the proprietors a Keystime Wheat Whisity Are enabled to offer ti Pure Whisky' - . Distilled from' WUEAT, aud, being made from the grain s possesses all its . • • • •- • - - and can be , relied upon to lie sfiderry - iitrreprettented, having been exiniined 'thoroughly,' by the leading anal,,tical chemists of this city, whose certificates_of its purity . and fitness for medical purposes are appended. We Invite examination. and any who would convince themselves we ask a rigid analysis. T. 'MARTIN Ac Co. N. B:-Notice tbat the Carla and cork are branded with our IlalIIM to prevent counterfelting...: For tale by all reeoectable Druggists. Price per bottle. 81 W. Orders sent. to N 0.150 N. FRONT street will receive prompt attention. - (..:11F.).1:C/ NOCIOB and 11l Arch St. rifILADELPn iA March 19, 1870. Messrs. T. J. Martin k Cu., Philathiphia. Pa. Gentlemen:-1 base made a careful examination of the Keystone Pure - Wheat Whisky, and found letobe a per feet ly pure article. and entirely free from fusel all and other injurious substances. Its purity, and its pleasant end agreeable flavor, render It particularly valuable for medicinal purposee - - Yours truly,- CHEMICAL LABbliA.Teßit, NO.l.34•Walnat Iltreato , . l'lnt,anat,enta, March 17,1b70. Messrs. T.. 1. Mar:iii lr Ca., Philadelphia, Pa. Gentlemen :—The sample of Kostotie Pure Wheat Whisky, snbrnitte4 to me for analysts, 1 anti to be pure. and, as Each, I highly recommend - it.for medicinal pOr policeeee - • W3l. 11. BULTICNER.p , etc., Analyt. and Consult. Chemist. tHENSICAL LABORATORY, No. 417 Walnut street, PHILABELPIUA', Apr 1154870. Messrs. T. .T. Mrirtin tl• Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Gentlemen :-1 have made an analysts of the sample of K eystone Pure WhiskY, sent by you far examination, and find it entirely free front fusel Oil or any other dele terious matters, and I consider It applicable to any uao for which pure. hisky nay be desire. Respectfully AR. 31. CIIES§ON. Sold _WDolesale by FRENCH: RICH ARDS Ar. CO.. N. W. corner TENTH and DIA RIL.ET. fitree Jelß 8 Fit; HEATERS•AND STOVES.- PANCOAST & MAULE TRIED AND PEAR STREETS, Plain and Galvanized WROUGHT AM CAST IRON PIPE For Gas, Steam and Water. FITTINGS, BRASS WORK, TOOLS, BOILER TUBES. Pipe of all Sizes Cut and Fitted'to Order. CARD. Having sold HENRY E. PANOOAST and FRANCIS I. MARLE (gentlemen in our employ for several years past) the Stock,Good Will and Fixtures of our RETAIL . ESTABLISHMENT, located at the corner of TRIM) and PEAR streets, in this city, that branch of our linei neee, together with that of HEATING and VENTILA TING PUBLIC and PRIVATE BUILDINGS, both by .STEAM and ROT WATER, in all its various systems l will be carried on under the firm name of PANOOAST dt ISLAULE, at the old stand, and we re commend them to the trade and business public as being entirely competent to perform all work of that character. ' MORRIS, TASKER & CO. PHILADELTITIA, Jan.= 1870. . mhl2-tf • THOMAS S. DIXON & BONb, 4 - i - t N 0.1824 ag • a liTizotPh ; i adi.irtetr*ll4. Mannfaotdrer of ' OWprk. CHAFEDIeIt,. ovracEL. And Other GRATIIIB, • Ror Autbracite, jlitgakinons and Wood Fir I tWAVIVAIiTiFITAOES "'" W liriilc a F_ Al iTlgti,vafirTo , • • 111.NEY OAP% • 000HIRS.BANOES, Reau‘BOrrelcuS WHOLES • _E - and ILIITAIL • 13 . OD GER S' ~ AND!S , WOSTEN ROLM'S POONET KNIVES -,PEARL, and STAG HAN DLES of boantifnl flnieh'. RODGERS' and WADE & BUTGGER'S,andAhe CELEBRATED' DEOGOLTBE RAZOR SCISBORS L III OASES of thu flacat Auality, Ravere t ' Rnived, SrlOsorn and Table'Cutlery ground and .poLimbed IEA4ItitTEOBLENTS of tho most aj•iproved con AheiSt the hearinl i at P. BIADDI RAI3, Out hnd Surgical InetOtment aker,lls Tenth otree • bel, w,Uhootuut. • • . m• 1 '• NI IBAIMELS HI PIT CH nowlandingfromotoomor"Pioneertyron Wilmingr ton. N. ,and o TR osoEit l, & 0 0.1 1)101totnut ttiTot, F. A. GENTII v7v - ziTE - tt - • ,IFOlt SALOP. Williainspprtegy. 6 TO_ _CL BOnds. '4ID.F TAX. : At, 85 Accrued Interest. • 1 e (4 T 'outrid ssned In Coupon Bonds, nteiestlittynbAel'lStirch let and Sept. bd. - Forfurther information apply to P. S. PETERSON So_ CO., — 39 SOUTH THIRD' STRSET, _icansn • k LEHIGH .CONVERTIBL.E 6 Per. CeoLFirst Mortgage Gold- Loan- Free front All Taxes. - „ . _ ._ • • ,• . _ ‘Wo'olfer for sale 81.750440 of t h e Lehigh Coal and Navigation Conipany's noir First Mortgage Six Per Cent. Gold Bonds, ire(' from all taxes,interest dde lflarch and September, at' NINETY (90) and .interest in cur rency added to date of , purchas% • These bonds are of a mortgage loan of 82,000,000,dated Octobor -1869.. They have twenty-fire (25) years to run and are conVertiole into stock at par until ,1879, Principal and Interest payablo In BOIS. They aro seemed by a first mortgage on GAO acres of coal, lands in the Wyoming Valley, near Witkosbarre, at present producing at the rate of 200,000 tons of coal pea annum,' with, works its progress which contemplate or argtrincretise-at-an-early-periodrand-also-upomvalnabl. Real'Estate in this city. A sinking fund of ten centa per ton upon all cal taken from. these mines for the years, and of .fitteet. tents per ton thereafter; in established; and its' Fidelity', Insur ance, Trust and Safe Deposit Company, the Trustees. I under the mortgage,. collect these sums and invest then In theke Bonds, agreeably to the provisions of: he Trost. .Fer, ftdl,, particulars,- copies. of, the mortgage, apply, to W. • t U. NEWBOLD, SON cfc AERTSEN, tt 11. RORIE, E. W. CLARK & CO., JAY COOKS d CO., IDBEXEL je Int§ JAY ... _COOKE & Philadelphia, New York and Washington, -13A.-NLIZETtS Dealers in Government Securities. Special attention given to the Purchase and Halo of Bonds and Btockwou Commission, at tlea Board of Bro kers in this and other cities. INTEREST A LLO WED ON DEPOSITS COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. OOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD RELIABLE RAILROAD DO;VDS FOR INVEST -14 7.E ramphleta and fall Worm ,tioti given at our office. No. - 114 - 8.- Third Street, PHILADELPHIA: mb29•tf rp D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., BANKERS AM) BROKERS, No. 121 S. THIRD STREET. SUCCESSORS TO SMITH, RANDOLPH St . oo: - Every department, of Ranking business shall receive" prompt ettention t aseretofore. Quotations of Stocks,. Gold and Governments constantly received from our friends, E. D. RANDOLPH 1 CO., New York, br our PRIVATE WIRE. • jably UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD LAND .GRANT CCo TT .1P CP TS - 13 CVINT S $l,OOO EALCIA, INTEREST APRIL AND OCTOBER, For Sale at $790 Each. They pay SEVEN 17) PER CENT. Interest, run for twenty (20) years, are secured by 12,000,000 acres of land, all lying within twenty (20) miles of the railioad. THE UNION. PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. RECEIVE THEIR LAND ;GRANT BONDS FOR THEIR FACE AND ACCRUED INTEREST in payment of any of their lands. From July 28, 1869, to date, the Company have received upwards of Seven Hundred Thousand Dollari in cash and Land Grant Bonds in payment for lands sold by them. Pamphlets giTing full details of the land can, be obtained by application to ~ 40 South Third St.., PHILADELPIIIA. .9tt Per Ceirct. Gold FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, FREE OF U. ,TAX, Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Min nesota R. R. Co. LIMITED QUANTITY FOR SALE AT 90 AND INTEREST. INTEREST PAYABLE.MAY,AND NOVIDIB ER. J. EDGAR THOMSON, t It, FROtq, Trustees_ CHARLES These bonds have 50 years to rim, Are convertible at the option of the holder into the stock of the Company at par, and the payment of the principal is provided for by a sinking .fund., The greater part of the roadie already'comPleted, and showslarge earnings, and the' balance of the work is re pidly progressing. , We Unhesitatingly recominend theseßonds as the and best investment in the market. • ' United I:Slates IriVertwentles, at o present prices, only re turn tiye'per cent. interest,. while these pay eight and One qqarter,perr.onttu Gold; and we mord the Recuriti cormily good, The Company reserve the right without hotice - th ad vance the price. • • ' • ' H TRY OttWS 8c CO„ Bankers ws.x.i6 13,1PRE1 4 N. op . . TOWNSEND WHEEEN & CO., & BOWEN FOX, • iiEHTZ.& HO WAHD, • Reincni BROS. si co., DE HAVEN '& CIHALK.- ,FORALL SE, - 180'1 i 0;NS - 0.F. ebalk,'Afloat. --- Mmlyt6 - WORKINEA* 4 glO., 129 Walnut ottpul,:, OF THE PHILADELPHIA r!..Trrnil”filill'lrlaNNl I't:Lf."ll/ENT GRANT and family will occupy their cuttage at,.J.,ongAranch,pn Jyty - 1 9; 6rAii . tc . las joined j;iglatta :and the expedition to exterminate_the _pirates in •Oceanica. ; ctENFI3AMTM I II,t.AX 'returned IctighKagO, yesfeerdisy;gtgr a tow . 9f inspecOo9„ e?onding as far - an' PenThiria. .13EFonE adjourning, the Spanish Cortes au thorized:o4 ipov'ernmellt do '!fro"claip4 genera! amnesty when'tlidideenaed it expedient:''; Tuk: ?Senate yesterday confirmed William .J. Vollocku , Collector of Luternal.4CYPltte for the Mist Viiniiliania, District. THE Secretary of. the Treasury has directed that the diilY interest - be paid on 'and after Tuesday, the 29th instant, without rebate. RED PLOW) and party arrived at Pine Blutr, Wyoming, yesterday morning, and proceeded tO _Fort Laramie. ' Tau: house of Elijah George, near Clinton, was burned a few nights since, and three of Masons perished In the ilatnesp Arilechestei, New York - yeaterday.inornl' ing, Mary Zugalder was burned to death while lighting a fire with kerosene. Q.NE wan was killed, and another bad his eyes blown out by the promaturel.eXplosion of a bla - st at Unionville, Montana on Thursday a ernoon. THERE are, intimations from. Washington that Mr. Motley, our Minister to England, is to be temove,d,.and that Sepretary Fish is ' be . to Ilis"stitcescit." THE President .haff-sigued the bill creating a Department of Justice, and the joint reso lution relative to trade in British North Ame rica. Tint corner-stone of the Rhode Island - • Soldiers' -and'. Sailors' MonnMent-:Wa.l was, at . Providence with Masonic ceremonies, „yester day. • FIN:TY-TWO veterans of 181:I, chlefly from Kentucky, held a reception In Perryshu r* and Toledo, Ohio, yesterday ; and afterwards went on to Cincinnati. • Asnitpw. STAPP:O/a), mall agent, bet Ween Baltimore' and Philadelphia, has been corn . milted iii default of $lO,OOO bail, at Baltimore, for robbing letters. Ile is said to acknowledge . • .:-; 'Tun 11. S. Grand Jury at Canandaigua yes terday indicted General Starr of: .Loidsville. Col. Thompson of Albany, and Capt. Mannix of Malone, for violation of the neutrality laws. liEsny D. MoonE, collector of the ,port of Philadelphia, recently '-visited St. Petersirg, and was pfesented.to the Etaperor and: other wise favored. AKErrisir• was introduced to the mem bers of the Cabinet- during their meeting yes terday,: but. took no part, in the prOckeding,s. llis commission will not be issued until after Mr. Hoar returns to Washington and disposes of some. unfinished business in the Attorney' General's- Office. . . ^ TUE ''Epiicopal 'OM= .Convention was held - at — Milwaukee - -on Thumday. 'A canon • , was adopted, declaring excommunicated every • 'communicant of the':Church Who . should marry outside of- its communion, or be married by any than a clergyman of the, Episcopal Church. Ottaiva despatch" Says "that Mr. Camp bell, the Dominion delegate to England, is in structed to demand-from the •Home. Gover nment indemnity for the.late Feniati raid, and ample protection against future invasions, and also to urge the importance of a.railioad to the - .Pacific. .. THE Atlantic and Eekford • Base Ball Clubs .playedfit - N. -- ew 1,74, yesterday, _the former winning by a score of 2 to S. The Red Stockings beat the Pastimes at Baltimore, yes terday, by a score of :30 to 8. At Washington, yesterday. the Nationals beat the Olympics by - 2 4 .1 to - 1 - 4: Is the Young Men's Christian Convention, at Indianapolis, yesterday, resolutions were adopted looking to arrangements with the va riousrailroad-, conitianiesi for :the placing of boxes with religious reading matter in the pas senger cars, and declaring that the matter of the control of various associations should be left to themselves.. GENEHAL VLANG ALLY, Russian Minister to China, will proceed to his destination by way of the United States: He has' letters of introduction to prominent persons here from Minister Curtin, and will spend several weeks in this country. It is stated that the Russian government will adopt many mechanical and other coutritinces developed during: our late war, to the advantage of our manufacturers, who are to fill the orders. Tim Texas A.eglitiature haspassed a militia bill. ItS passage in the Senate was delayed by the "bolting" of thirteen conservative Sena tors, but they/ were brought back' by the Sergeant-at-Arms, and eight of them were re leased to iliac a quOrum, thus Securing the adeption 'of the bill, There' is much excite ment in-consequence; and a news_papereorres pondent has been expelled for styling Mrs. Governor Davis and others" female lobbyists." Bills have been introduced resting• all civil ap pointments in the Governor, and organizing a State Police. Piuswei6 advices received at Washington, from Andrew G. Ctirthi, American ;Ministerto the Court of - §t. Petersbarg,- .speak encour agingly of his' expected entire restoration to health, which was so Impaired brhis 'arduous official services during the rebellion. On the Ist of July lie•proposes to leave St. Petersburg for the W r arm Springs of Germany, having re ceived two months' leave of absence from the State Department at Washington,, to enable him to accept the proffered courtesies at the hands,of the. Emperor in an invitation : to companrhitifself and Minister GortschakOff;' which high honor is a mark of the warm feel ing entertained :__for the nation of which Minister Curtin is so able a representative. Forty-first Congiress•—Second.6essfon. In the U. S. Senate, yesterday,. the Cuban resolutions were discussed. The Tax-Tariff' bill was considered and the income tax sec tions were stricken out—yeas, &I; nays, 23. Mr. Harlan introduced a bill to provide addi tional representation in the Forty-second Con gress: , The bill to revise the patent law passed, with amendments. Adjourned.: : . • In the House of 13.epresentatives the Georgia bill was takin'up,•tind , Mr. Dawes's substitute was agreed to. • It declared Georgia entitled to representation; and that nothing in . the act shall be construed to deprive the people of that State .of lbe.right; to elect members •of the'. Legislature as provided by its Constitution. It also repeals the prohibition the organi zation of, the militia n Georgia, Mississippi, Texas mill AConferetic6 Commit tee - waSapPointed 9.1 k the; Currency ,bill. Ad jonrned. , . ..• ) c N IVQB , _rivrt.s. .---ftetiarceu r N ot trii3 Philadelphia Evening Brilletin , .LlVEltP()ol:—Brig- Stadt Walrave—as sackti 11. lutdingtonfialt 950,t0ns C 011111101) gait in: bulls WllUum. JACKSONVILLE, SC.—Schr Elia . Alatthewa, Elwee-150,000 foot yellow pine lumber Penni' Central RR Co. • • CALAIS—Sobr Baltimore. Dix-90,18,0 pickets 292 levee 434.400 laths W A Levering. .. - 81. JOHN, NB.—Schr Limy, lathe 12 000 pickets 26.179 feet spruce boards T P Galvin & Co. BA N OOR—Pchr•Vtcksburg,lligginit-80,961 feet spruce r. himbortllo.l99 latbd TP Gals n St Co. BIOVEMENIS O 1 OCEAN STEAIttERS-: TO ARRIVE _ aItIP6 ' ' _lrnom on. DATI47 t'ainguny ' Neil'Loludofi.:. York.. Juno 4 _'Wisconsin - Liverpool Now-York ' June 10 --- •Coltinilito ' • . '''' Glasgow Now York Juni)ll' City of Cork • Liverpool—Now York.. ' June 13 Poulin 'iont !mouton...Now York lune"; tioniorin Liverpool... New York via IL...Juno 11_ If olcotiu. ..... ..... .I.lvorptiol... New York lune 15 Idaho L ivorpool...Now York limo 15 lirlta nni0...... tilatTow.;..DioW York- JIM 16,-- , ) .4 •, 1 9 z.,1 °Gym( Paiii. t. .:'... kAtlrpool.i.lle • r0r124.. 4.........J0ue 16 IJrctiten '' ' "" ''''.' remen - .::N dirk - ''' -'• Sumf IS Scanoinitylan .....Liverpool,..Q none° .. ......... ........Jun6 16 TO DEPART. Etna , New York...Litorpool via II June 28 Ilatrinionia' New York...llamburg .. JULIO 28 Cuba New Yoricz.lilverpoot - June 29 Mintiesous"... ....New York...l,lverpoo June 29 Sidunlan.;m4 Now York... Glasgow. June 29 Tarita".4.4:4, Now York...Llyorpool • June 29 Cohlinb VI ' —New York.„llai•and JIIIIC 30 Penn ..i..alYorklTlretrilan4.3.l....i.:'4 ... Yung 30 ..4-9Nelv-ti * Ork.Ablyertool ...I 4,.....An1y 2 City of Paris hew York... Liverpool.- I nly 2 Columbia New York... Glasgow ruly 2 Alaska* New York...Aspinwall July 6 Alleznannla"......New York... Hamburg July 6 Russia • • --- -New 4 org.,..biyerpool July 6 IR' The steamers doignated by an asterisk rloarry the United States Malls. . BOARD OF TRADE. THOS. 0 HTo: • • - CHRISTIAN 4. moiaTinor COMMITTRII. THOS. C: HAND. MARINE BULLETIN. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA -JUNK RON 13163C5, 4 351 BUN BETS. 7 201 HIGH WATIIII. 12 00 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. fitealner W.LlTlerrepont; Shroptliffe 7 42l b o nes iftvl New Noriciv(lo4mdse tolV & (JOY. - '' Steamer Sataii - Jones',l4 hottrafrom New York, with radios to W. M Baird & Co. Brig Stadt Basel (NG). Wairave , 55 days from Liver pool. with salt to N4'm BIM= & San. bchr Lucy, Mahlroan. 14 days from St John, NB. with laths to T Galvin A Schr .1 V WellingtOu. Chipman. from Portland, with lathe to .1 W Gaskill & Sens, &dm 11 G Ely, McAllister.6 days from Richmond via Norfolk. with iron to 0 Ilusiam & Co. Schr Baltimoro,Dlx, from Calais, with pickets, Ac. to W A Levering, LI I . CLEARED YESTERDAY. er-V44' • wainis t Tcel Sasan {, at} Philadelphia an, Southern Mail bib Co. Steamer 11 L (Jaw. her. Baltimore. AGroves. Jr. Steamer DI Dltuisey, Smith. New. York W M. Baird &Co. Steamer Monitor , JOlll3B, New York. *DI Baird & (Jo. Brig E P Stewart. Rees, Barbados, Workman & Co., .Brig Ida (11r), /larding, Arecibo. B Crawley & Co. ScarJ Wilson, Somers, Roxbury, Penn Gas Coal Co. HAVRE DE °RAGE. June 24. The following boats left. this morning In tow, laden and consigned as follow.: A E Postiethwait, lumber to D B Taylor & Bon; R Ferman, do to Taylor & Bette; Walter Frick, lath to Nclivain & Bush; Liberty and Grape Shot, wheat aud oats to ini .ll k otltnan &;Een.nedy;,didedtw, ppp,!.; , •00(1.to bi4nay. • - ItIEhIOB,ANDA.• Ship Bazaar, Jcll'•rson, from New Orleans for Liver pool, IVAO spoken 19th inst. Int 35 23. lon 73 49. Ship Derby, Goff, cleared at Ban Francisco 23d instant for New York Steamer Prometheus: Graf: sailed from. Charleston Yesterday tor this port. . Stkoluor Norfolk, Platt. galled front' Richmond 23d itVit. for this port - Steamer IV eybosset.from Port au Prince, at New York yesterday. Her captain ( Parrish, of Providence), died of yellow fever. . • Steamer Sidonian, McKay, from Glasgow fth inst. 'at New York_vesterdaY. Steamer France (Br), (Irogan. from New York 11th inst. at Queenstawn,23d,and proceeded. forlaverpool— titeter. Suffolk IBM .Barrett. ;frOm-lievr, 'York: 'at Kftigstcrn:Jlullth Met; • ' • Bark Mary Bentley, (Bark, at Port au Prince 15th inst. wtg. - Bark Harrisburg. Ryder, sailed from Machias 15th lust. for Montevideo Schr A Al Folsom, Bose, from Boston, at Surinam 9th Schr Abide Dunn. Fountain, cleared at Salem =inst. for this port. - Bohr Alabama, Vangilder, at Salem 2lst instant from Georgetown. DC. Bchr Pant Sr Thompoon.Codfrey,sailsd from Salem 21st test. for this port. Sclir ciarrlOi ' Optten;,. Rising Sun, Haat loge, and - Little itock. Rl:bards, hence at Norfolk 21st Instant, Seta" Arthur Burton. Frohock. from Charleiton, and S B Wheeler. Lord, Rom Richmond, Me. at Baltimore 231 inst. Schn. Diary H Stockharn, Cordery, and Sophia God frey. Godfrey, were loading at Lavacca 15th instant for New York.. Scbr 3filry Tiie, Tice, for Hoboken, at. New Haven 13(.1 - , lichrlfeadingnn No 4i, from South Amboy for Nor wich. at New. London 22,1 inst. Schr Reading RR No 49, sailed from Norwich 22d Inst. for New Yuri.. . . . Sehr Lena Hunter, 1 erry, sailed from Marblehead 21st 10, t. for thin port. . Schr A J Russell. 81111er. hence at • VP 18th inst. Schrs 11 L Lilaight, Willetts; S Godfrey, Array. and W G Bartlett, Bartlett, cleared at Boston =d instant for this port ~ . , , l' , . . -Behr Gen Grtint,Colburn;.hence at - Richmond 2.3 d init. Schr S V W SiItITIIOIIN, Williams, at Wilmington, NC. *4.4 inst. from Alexandria Va. SAFE - DEPOSITS. Security from_Loss by Burglary, Rob bery, Fire or Accidept, -TIM FIDELITY INSURANCEjRIIST AND SAFB DEPOSIT COMPANY, OF TIIILADELPIIIA NEW MARBLE ' --FIRE-PROOF BUILDING, ;,11-331—Cliestuuktitireet. Capital ibcd, 41,000,0001 paid, $.550,000 COUPON BONDS, tiTOCICS,SECURITIST,PAILTILY PLATE. COIN,-DEEDA. and - VALUABLES of every description received for sale-keeping, under guarantee, at very turderate rates. -- - • • The Company also rent SAFES - INSIDE THEIR BURGLAR-PROOF VAULTS. at prices varying from Ri to 515 a year, according to size. An extra size for for orations and Bankers, Roma and deskisadjoining vaults provided for Safe Renters. . DEPOSITS OF MONEY RECEIVED ON INTER EST. at thr'e per cent., payably by. check; without no tice. and at four per cent., payable by check, on ten days' notice. TRAN'ELERS' LETTERS OF CREDIT furnitilied; aYailablr In all parts of Europe. INCOME COLLECTED and remitted for one per Ct The Company act as EXECUTORS. ADMINISTRA TORS and GUARDIANS, and RECEIVE and EXE CUTE TRUSTS of every description, from the Coarse, corporations and individuals. N. B. BROWNE, President. • C. IL CLARK, Vice President. ROBERT PATTERSON. Secretary and Treasart , r DIRECTORS. - Alexander Henry, Stephen A. Caldirell, Oeorge.F. Tyler, Henry 0. Gibson J. Gillingham Fell, McKean. N. B. Browne, • • Clarence H. Clark, John Welsh, Charles Macalestor- r --- Edward W. Clark. • Henry Pia myl4 tu th THE PHILADELPHIA TRUST, SAFE DEPOSIT AND INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE AND BURGLAR-PROOF VAULTS IN THE PHILADELPHIA BANK BUILDING, No. 421 CHESTNUT STREET. CAPITAL, • 8500,000. FPI' SAFE-KEEPING of GOVERNMENT BONDS and other SECURITIES, FAMILY PLATE,JEWELRTAIId other VALE• ARLES, under special guarantee, at the lowest rates. The Company also. Offer for Rent at rates varying from $l5 to $75 per suntan, the router alouo holding the key, SMALL MFRS IN THE BURGLAR-PROOF VAULTS, affording absolute SECURITY against FIRE, TintrTatus• GLARY RID] ACCIDENT. All fldnclary oldigations, such ac TnoSTs, GUARDIAN• SHIPS, EXECIITORS111:8, Ote. Will ,, bo . Undertaken and faithfully disbltarged. Clroulars,givlng full dotalle,forwardod on application, DIRECTORS. Thomas Robins,, Benjamin B. Comegys, Lewis R. Ashhurst, Augustus Heaton, 3. Livingston Erringer. , F. Ratchford Starr, R. P. McCullagh, Daniel Haddock, Jr., Edwin M. Lewis, Edward Y. Townsend James L. Claghorn, John D. Taylor, Hon. Wm. A. Porter. OFFICERS. Presfitent—LEWlS R. ASHHURST Vise President—J. LIVINGSTON ERRINGER. Secretary and Treasurer—R. P. 151c0I1LIAGH. Solicitor—RlCHAßD. L. ASEIHURST. ' DENTISTRY THIRTY YEARS' ACTIVE PRAU ..4„„ TILE.—Dr. FIRE, No. 219 Vine street, below Third, inserts the handsomest Teeth r hi the city,' it prices to. suit all. Teeth Plugged, : Teeth Repaired, Exchanged, or Remodelled to suit. Gas and Ether. No pain in extracting. Office heurs. Bto 5. mh26-s m tuflinj gIPAL DENT.ALLINA. A SUPERIOR artiele for cleaning the Teeth ,destroyingUnimaloula ich infest them, giving tone to thegnms,and leaving a, feeling_ of fragrance and perfectperfecto in the mouth: It May be need daily, land will' be found to nrengthen weak and bleeding gnms, while the aroma •i nd detereivenese will recommend it to every ono. Be. lug composed with the - assistance of the Dentist, - Physi• clans and Microscopist, it is confidently offered as a reliable substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in Ifm ne inent Dentists, acquainted with , the constituents , " of the Dentallina; advocate its use; it , &pntaitts nothing to prevent its unrestrained employment..Jdade only by- JAMES T. BlllNN,'ApothecarY4 Broad and Spruce streets. •ally,and Btackhonne, ' Debort 0. Davis, Geo. C. Bower, OnostiNnyers,', McGolin, tl; Bunting, • OhmH. Dberle, James N. Marks E. Bringhurst ,t l OO., Dyott & ' Bons, • Wyoth & Bto. For sale by Dniggists gene Fred. J3rowne; v Haseard g. R. leaaoß. Kay, - O. H. Needles, T. J. U usband, Ambrose Smith, Edward Parrish,. Wm. B. Webb, James L. Bisphams' Hughes do Combo,' Henry A. Bower., ' OAS - 1 1 3.XT1LTRES. --- CIAS Lf: ÜBE .—AILSKE.Y,-14-ERRILL 'sr THACKABA, No. 718 Chestnut street, manu facturers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &c., &c.,-would-call the attention of the public to their largo and elegant 11.8- acidulent of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Bratkets, &c. They also introduce gas pipes into dwellings and public lutilotngs, and attend to extending, altoritu; and. repair. zts 8 113 pipes, All work whirtmtotl, . , e . • r f. I, .4 : 'PIMA ) ELPHIAEVENING BULLETIN • E 5 ink- SA . URDAY 'JUN 2 -11VM EIGION 1829""TER',I)EneEti1il870 VIMAN - 101.411V FIRE INSITRANOE OOMPANY ;(7/oßopn - fLADr,ppliqu irri 01iF1tE.; 7 135 - and 4374hestpui Si. Assets :on .January 1. 1870. '52,6126,731 61. Capital.. 18400.000 Accrnedi3Orpitts'and Premituna '• s - '14.25,731 • INOOMEyon LOSSES , PAID IN i p :. , '8144,908.42 . NINUJE 1822 owes 05,500000 e. Je•perpettkt atift Ternpotari Policies on Liberal Terms. The Uom.pany_ also tames policies upon the Rents of all kinds of Rnlidirgai_G_ron led Rants' and Mortgages. The " FRANKLIN '2_hae no DISPUTED GLAM. - ___ - DE6EOIOII_O. • Alfre44. Raker, 3 Alfred'lntlei • Samuel anent, ; • . .Thozaas Spar 6, ' - Geo. W. Richariis, Wm. S. Grant Isaac Loa, Thomas S. E ris,. . . George Faiell, '.Gustavni S. Benson. ALFRE G. BA KER, , Prosident. GEORGE' PAI,ES, Vice President. JAS. W. RicALLISTER A Secretary. THEODORE M. REGER, Assistant Secretary. ' Z.., .i, • , A ea '• -'- 4. ' ' ' P ILADELPHM4 , - ~. . . , inanworated ::Iltialesitili, 27, - 1820. Offioe---No.,B4.North','Fifth Sited, 11181TKE BUILDINGS,_ II OtfIiEHOLD FUEINITUBJI AND MERCHAND ISE GENERALLY 'mom LOSS BY MB. - • , fin the city of Philadelphia onl y.) . ~ Asisets Jarria*y '1. 2 .2.€17q. ~ , . i fii¢ 57'2 V. 132 25.. TRusniffi ~ E l wallap t , H. Hamilton, Charles P. Power, John (Jarrow, . Peter. Williamson, ' George I. Yocum_ Jesse Lightfoot,. Joseph B. byndaii, Robert Shoemaker Levi P. Coate, - Peter Armbruster. Samuel Sparhawk, -. -- -'.: M.1 1 : - Dleltition, Joseph . Schell. WM. H. HAMlLTON,_Preaidanti SAMUEL SPAEHAWK, Vice PreilMout• WM. T. BUTLER. Secretary. FIRE .ASSO_OIATIOA___ rtELAW.ABE AttrITAL SAFETY IN81:7. lJ RANoz COMPANY. incorporated by the Leeds. bitnre of Pennsylvania, VS3S. flice,l3. M. corner of - THIRD and WALICIUT streets, • MARINE , IN ÜBANCES On Vessels,Cargo and Freight to all of the world. INLAND INSURANCES 'ln goods by ilver,'canal.lake and land carriag to all pa of the Union. FIREINSURANCES On Merehandise genefally ; Stores, Dwellings, Houses, Ac . • • • ASSETS OF THE COMPANY - Novemoer 1.1869. e 200,000 United States Five Per Cent. Loan, ten-forties,,,,.. '216,00000 • 180,0100 *United States Six Per Cent. Roan (lawful Money)..... 107,760 00 60,000 United' States Six • Per Cent. Loan, 60,000 00 , 200,000 State of Pennsylvania • . si4 7Per, , • Cen L t. ean-- 113.950 09 200,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent Loan (exempt from tax)... zro,r,o Oe 100.000 State of New Jersey Six ;Per Cent..Loan.„-102,000 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad " Find' _ Mortgage Six Per Cent: Bonds_ 19,460 OC • 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad - Second _• • ", Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds::. - 2500 Western - Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds . (Pennsylvania Railroad guar antee) . .088 W -- ve : er - 30400 State of - Tema ' ' • Cent. Loan.—. . . . . 1.1000,04 7,000 State of Tennessee PeiVe3f. Loan .. Railroad' 4ga oe , 12,600 Penneyl;atar . _ - pany, 250 shares /4,000 00 • . 6,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad - - Company,-100 shares stock - 3,900 0 logo Philadelphia and Sonthenr•Mail • St eamship k. ,Company,-80 shared 7,500 01 soc.--.-.. 246,900 Loans on Bond _and Mortgage, n - O first lierM oity . ProPeities * 246400 tit . . 91,231,400 Par Market value, 81,238,270 OD Coat. $1.210.622 27. - Real Estate_ Bills , Receivable for Insurance 823,700 TS - Balances due at Agencies—Pre mimes on Marine Policies Ac crued Interest and other debts due the Company - 86,057 21 cle ions, 84,706. Estimated 2,740 X poritt__ Cash in Bank.... Cash in Drawer. --8168,318 88 ..... 272 28 189,2:n 14 DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Hand, Samuel B. Stokes, John C. Davis, • William G. Bonlton t Edmund E. Solider, Edward Darlington, Theophilns Paulding, H. Jones Brooke, James Tragnair, Edward Lafourcade, Henry Sloan, Jacob Riegel, Henry O. Datlett, Jr.. Jacob P. Jones, James C. Tland, James B. M'Farland, William C. Ludwig, Joshua P. Eyre, Joseph H. Seal, Spencer Ill'llvain. Hugh Craig, H. Frank Robinson, . John D. Taylor, J. D. Semple, Pittsburg, George W. Bernadou, A . B. Berger, " William 0. HaustanT DT. Morgan, " THOMAS 0. HAND . President. JOHN 0. DAVIS, Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. . HENRY BALL. Assistant Secretary. JEFFERBON FIRE INIERTILANOID 0031. PANT of Philadelphia.—Office, No. 2t North Min street, near Market street. Incorporated by the LegisTature of Pennsylvania Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets. $166,000. Abuse Insurance against Loss or damage by Fire on Public or ?rivateßntldinge. Furniture, Stocks, Goods and bier •liarlieei on favorable terms. DIBECT O,4B . Arm. McDaniel, Edward P. Moyer Israel Peterson, \ Frederick Ladner John F. Belsterlin Adam J. Glass, Henry Troeumer, . nenrLDelany, Jacob Schandein, John Elliott, Frederick Doll, ' ' Christian D. Frick, ' Samuel fey, George E. Fort, William D. Gardner. WILLIAM McDANIEI2, President. • ' ISRAEL PETERSON,IVice President. PEILIP E. COLUMAN. Secretary and Treasurer. THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSII RANCE COMPANY. 1 Incorporated 1825—Charter Perpetual— No. MO WALNUT street, opposite Independence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for over forty years, continues to insure against loss or damage by lire on Public or Private Buildings, either ,nermanently or for a limited time. Also on Furnittire, Stocks of Goods and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. The Capital, together with a largo Surplus Fund, be invested in the most carefu • manlier, which enablbs them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of lose. DIRECTORS. Thomas Smith, Henry Lewis, J. Gillingham. Noll,. Daniel Daniel Haddock, Jr., A. Comly. :L. SiIIITH, Jr., President Secretary. 'Daniel Smith, Jr., . Isaac Haziehurst, Thomas Robins, . John Doveroux, Franklin DANTE WILLIAM G. °ROWEL THE COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COM. PANY.—Oftice, No. 110 Routh Fourth street, below Thestnut. "The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Phila. • lelphia, ,, Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva• qfts in 1809, for indemnity against loss or damage by fire, mclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. . . _ This old and reliable institution, with ample capital old contingent fund carefully invested, continues to in. mrobuildings, furniture, merchandise, &c., either per manently or for a limited time, against loss or damage by tire, at the lowest rates, consistent with the absolute gaiety of its customers. , Losses adjusted and o aid with all possible despatch. DIREOTOBB: ("has. J. Butter, Andrew H. Miller, Henry Budd, James N. Stone John Horn, Edwin L . Reakirt, ' Joseph Moore, Robert V. Massey, Jr. George Rocket B J. BUTTER, MarkDevine ' HENRYeGAßLPresident, BUDD, Vice President. BENJAMIN F. HOECHLEY. Secretary and Tremor UNITED FIREMEN'S I . INSURANOR 1 002.1PANY OF PHILADELPHIA. 1 ; This Company takes risks at tbe lowest rates consistent ;with safety, and confines its business exclusively to . luing INtitipAr/ON IN TirE O O E 4 s TY . 0 . 17 Pli ILAD 11. L • PHIA. OFFICE—No. 723 Arch meet. Fourth Nations; Bank .Building. - DIBIT.OT 1, 1 wj T a b irn O; a : s ii; po , ; 1. Qi ing Martin , tl :i ~:. ~ :. . .. , i . ~ , jA H o:7lb e b ur .Lireerel y tou,‘ W ays Brenner, jokidniigg.o :.. John nirst, .. . —. 4 _ . Wm. A. Bonn . , . . ' - : Idenry•Bumm, : .. . ~ ',James Jenner, L. .• , , J. non_ry ANILIIII Alexander T. Dic k son, -- Engkhinlilgan, erta J t aMea .. Trit h in th e Alberl O. Bob 00NRADB.ANDRESS; President • Wm. A. Ilomm..Treas.- liKm, , ll..,F.t.surt.Deo'v l. Fliers_ , triek, . ~ , 114131:TRANUE .oqmpA4pr, No, 809 OFIESTNLIT STREET. , • ' INOO.IIPOILATED 1856. USAII,Triit PEuxiiTUAL. OAPITAL, E 200,000. FIBS IIitiIIEANON Etna ired against Logs or Damage by Eire,' either by Per . • __ _Tomvorari ' • • Drascroas . t • , Ottarles Bicluirdson, Mobort_Pegree, Wm. Ejighown; ' John Kessler, Jr., - William M. Eedfert, Edward B. Orne, John F. _ ()hallos Stoked, • Nathan Hines.t i John W. Everman, (Norge A. Wostj. Mordecai Buzbi ijKABLES lORMIDSON , President, Ndhl. R. BITAWN.Nioo-President... ; 111.ilAtd13 I. SLANOUABD i tfooretars. &DUI The LiveipoO 1 London and Globe Ins. Co.. Assets Gold, 8 i 8,400,000 Daily . Receipts, $20,000 Premiums in 1869, 5, 88 4,000, $ Loises 1869, - 83,219,000 No. 6 Merchants' Exchtznge, Philadel hia. INSURANCE COMPANY ~NORTH, A MERICA. Fire, Marine and Inland Insurance. INCORPORATED 1104. CHARTERPERMaria, CAPITAL, .. •.` $500,000 AISSNIS Jou:miry 1114 - 1870 $2.783,1581 Losses _paid since organizes. Ilan, . . . 923,000,000 Receipts of Premiums, 1669, 41,991,837 45 Interest from Investments, moo, . . . 114,696 74 Lo es paid, 1869, STATEMENT OF THE, ASSETS. ' First Mortgage on - City Property' -" 876600 00 United States Government and other Loan • Bonds. —,-.. . . —.— ... ....-....... 1,L12,848 00 Ballroad,Bank - and Canal 'Blocks.-- ..... ...—.. 55,70 00 Cash'in Bank and office. 247.620 00 --...... ....... Loans on Collateral Security 32,658 00 Notes _ Receivable,. . mostly.- Marche - Pre--- MIUM/11 ..... ....:..- .... ...... ........ ...... ................. 1 amou bo Accrued Interest. ' , 20,357 00 Premiums in course of transmission 85,198 00 Unsettled Marine Premiums. ' 100,900 00 Real Estate, Office of Company, Philadel. 'air DIBEC TO BB : 82,783,581 00 Arthar G. Coffin, Francis B. OoPIL . Samuel W.. Jones, Edward H.' Trotter, . . John A. Brown, -- - - --Edward 8. Clarke; Charles Taylor, T. Charlton Henry. Ambrose White, Alfred D. Jessup, William Welsh, Louie O. Madeira, B. Morris Waln, Chas. W. Cushman, John Mason, • Clement A. Griscom, Geo. L. 'Harrison, William Brockle. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CHARLES PLATT, Vice Prea't. iIIATTWIAS Meats, Secretary. . C. H. B/SEVES. Ass't Secretary. ' Certificates of Marine Insurance issued (when de. sired),. payable at the •Connting House of 'Mews. Brown, Shipley & Co., London.. , MEM RELlit.li (IV AENSTMAITOIO 0033' PANT OF. • Incorporated in 1841. . Charter Perpetual, • Office, N0.:30S . Waintit street. - CAPITAI# 8300,000. - - 1-nsures against 10118 0? damage by TUBE, on Houses Stores and - other Buildings, limited. ox perpetaal, Aram - Furniture, Goode, Wares and Itle..chitndbe in town of , A3emtry. LOSSES PROMPTLY AIIIOSTED i.gsets, December 41 Invested In the folloWing Bectuities,i s ..d - 777 -- irirst Mortgages on 014 Property. well ee cured. .... OE iJnfted Slates Government Loans ' 82,000 IX Philadelphia'City 6 per, Cent. - Loans 70,000 OE ••• . • _ Warrants - 6,036 - 70 Pennsylvania t 33,000,000 6 Per Centloan... . 50,002 • Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, First Mortgage 0,000 Of namden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 par 'Cent. Loan_ - 6,0000, "Huntingdon' and Broad Top 7 Per Cent. Mort- gage Bonds—.---. County Fire Insurance Company's Stock. """ 1, 05 0 01 Mechanics' Bank 5t0ck........_ .... . • 4,000 0( Commercial Batik of Pennsylvania. ........... 10,00011 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock LW Of iteliancehenrance Conipany of Philadelphia Stock 3200 Ot - Gash in Bank and on ...... .... .16.316 75 Worth at Par 23,400 26 Worth at- present market .. ... DIBEOTOBS. Thomas H. Moore, - Bamneleastmer, James T. Young, Isaac F. Baker, Christian J. Huffman, Samuel B . Thorium, ' 1 - 81ter. - MAB 0. JULIA, President, 22, ISM Thomas O. HM, William- Hussar,- Samuel Biapbam, H. L. Carson, Wm. Stevenson, Benj. W. Tinsley, dwtr tir.. TH9 Wm. Otrass, Secretary: , PHILADELPHIA. December .91452,10001 CHARTER PERPETUAL. • ASSETS 8200,000. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF GER 3NIANTOWN, _ OFFICE NO. 4829 .MAIN STREET, Take Risks in Philadelphia, Montgomery and Bucks counties, on the most favorable terms, upon Dwellings, Barns, Merchandise, Furniture and Farming Imple ments, including Hay, Grain. Straw, Sic., &c. • DIRECTORS. Nicholas Rittenhouse, Nathan L. Jones, Janice F. Laugstroth, Chas. Weiss, Joseph Boucher, Chas, Millman, Stokes. R ROBERTS. President. *elan, and Treasurer. H. LEHMAN; Assistant Secretary. Spencer Roberts, John Stallman, Albert Ashmead, Joseph Randsberry_ Wm. A shmend, M. D., Abram Rex, SPENCE CHAS. H. STOKES, Seer my2B s to th Sm§ AMERICAN FIRE .INSURANCE 00M• PANY, incoorated 1810.—Charter perpetual. No. 310 WALNUT street, above Third, Philadelphia Having a large paii-np Capital Stock and Surplus in ‘ested in sound' and available SeOuritles, cOntinue tt .nsnre on dwellings, attires, furniture, Merchandise vessels in port, and their cargoes, and other personal property. All losses liberallv t• and promptly adjusted. Drazolßs. Yhomas B. Maris, Edmund O. Dutilh, lohn Welsh, Charles W. Ponlhiey, Patrick Brady, Israel Morris, Cohn T. Lewis, John P. Wetherlll, William. Paul. _ C THOMAS B. JIIABIEI. President. PasguWlJ.aurroun. Secretary. A NTHR AC IT E INSURANCE COM. till PANY.—OHAETEII PERPETUAL. 'Mice, No. Sll W.A.[ UT Street, above Third, Philada. Will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on Run& toga, either perpetually or for a limited times Hoi4ehold rurniture and Merchandisegenprally, . • Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels, Clargoes and rreighta. Inland Insurance to all parte! orAlte.Unien. William 'Esher, ILLIMOTORS: Leads Andenried, • • Wm. M. Baird; John Ketcham, John. It. Blackiston, J .1D .BEtunl, • • 'WiWata F. Dean, JohnD, Karl, Peter 'Samuel H. Rothennel. WILLIAM SREBPresidont. DEAL ViceProWdenti Wit. M. Eintrrnaeoretary. ' '1622 tuthe tt GROCERIES. LIMITORISoIkfC. "CHERRY WINE.—A VERY SUPERIOR kJ and pure Spanish Sherry Wino at only 85 00 per igallon, et COUNTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South ;Second street, below Chestnut. S.—EXTRA QUALITY TABLE importation—ln and $7 per case of dozen recentLot aß at 'S East End r Groc o e n r7, n N B O. ° 7lB a go d ull 'r ge a o le on a c t l C PI t r Al S T Y street, below Chestnut. LIFORNI A"SALINION.FRESET IV Salmon from California; a very choice article ; for sale at COUSTY'S East' End Grocery, -No; 118 South Second street, below Chestnut. Q.EA MOSS FAR NE. , -=A NEW ARTICLE AJ for food, very choice . and delicious, at COUSTY'S {East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second etroot, below AIUtTON HAMS.--A, VERY CHOICE 1111 article of Dried Mutton, equal to the best dried ibeef, for bale at COGISTY'S East End _Grocery, No.llB (South Second street, below Chestnut. - 1 TEST RECEIVED AND IN, STORE 1000, ,ei edges of Champagne, Sparkling Catawba and Omit. 'fornia }Vines, Port,Stadoira,SheSherry Jamaica and Santa Orns Rum, fine old Brandies and r Whiskies, Wholesale and Retail. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Poar street, Below Third and Walnut streets, and above Dock street. de7 tf T . _ ORDANI3 CELEBRATED P URE TONIC v Ale for Inyalids, family use, etc. , The aubscriber is nos furnished with his full .Wintor supply of his highly. nutritious and well-known, ,hever-, lake. Its wide-sproad and ,increasing use,,by order of families &0., commend it gig 0 1 c a l tg e s ilt f l o o r n in o y , use o I all ' consu f ni f e a g a i l yho want a strictly Pure article ;.prepared from the hest materials,. and put .up in the meat Careful manner for home use or tramper. ,tation. OrlersbymailOr otherwise pror It% applied. ' No. 220 Pear stre'et, below Third and Walnut atreets. I RirGitst frIRUGGISTS WILL FIND A LARGE ~ .L stock of Allon's Medicinal Extracts and 011 Almonds, Iliad. RM. Opt., Citric Acid, , Ooze's Spirting Gelatin, genuine Wedgwood'Merttirs. &c: net latt ed_ from bark Tioffnung, from London. ROBERT SHO MAKER & CO., Wholesale Druggists, N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. pweRITGOISTRI';' ' 13MTD,RIXEL 4 --, GBADV- _ etas, Morter i _Phltilos, Combs dlruahem filirroret arers, Puff Rozel,Rorn Bauer!, Burgles' rustrit itlents,-Trassee, -Herd mid- Soft Rubber Goode, - Vial USlSest 'caws!, , sulk NOW Byrltilfeej &o.f all , at ffitto Hand.' igloo. BROwDRN & BROTRAIS, L attiS•ti. - i . - 23 South Eighth street. ' CASTILE SOAP—GENII AND VERY on pori or-200 boxes just land od from bark Idoa, nod or sab3.by.ROBEIVI' S OEI C AKEli.6c CO., Importing UrniNtsta.N .N. corner Fourth - end Una otreeta ihrsrint4. 2,100,534 19 1,035,383 84 -.......... ...... ....-.5401,872 41 6409,61$ 5 th e if Ohas. H '. 4 : , - ,, :::: . -.iltik4i.rig88uicA3uisi , - - -'-': , '': Eplivl.t. IPFX I I4-4 Cordage . Manufacturers. and' Dealers is 23 N. Ifrat.r Oreet cald:22. N. DflcFpre Atrue - EDWTNIG YOLETii7 CON4D.VVEGIMPIII:I Arg . " ORO. 15. .; 'SAVER & 00;, - Rope and., 9'whte • Manufacturers and Dealers Menipntad Slut" Chandlery, aNorth WATER. _ North WHARVES. PRIDADELFITIA. H. P. - At' C. B, TAI(COR,' Perfumery and Toilet Soaps. 644,a,qd,643, North ; Ninth street , . Est,abliished 1821. - - WM. G. FLANAGAN dc SON, UOll7i4E AND suu. PLUMBERS, No. 129 Walnut Street JOSEPH WALTON Ets CO., • CABINET . MAKERS NO. US WALNUT STREET. ' Manufacturers of line furniture and of medium priced furniture_ofenperiorunality -.- GOODS ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER. Counters, Desk-work, &c.„for Banks, Offices and Stores, Mae to order. JOSE Pli WALTON, JOS. W. LIPPINCOTT. - • JOSEPH SCOTT. JAMES L. WILSON, • HQUSE rAINTER. 518 SOUTH NII7TH STREET, Residence-522 South Ninth etroet. sp3o 1 HENRY PIfILLIPPI., OMIPENTER AND BUILDER, NO. 1024 SANSOM STREET, jelo-Iyrp E. B. WIGHT - onei.ot ta t T e ll' e n, l 7l(7AT-LAW L v as mmusi madison atree pp t, No, Ng: l l3 , cm° of . refintrylvanis lcago, I lllnofs. WWI LITTON SAIL DUOS OF EVIEBY NJ width", from Yd Inches to 76 inches wide L ail numbers Tent and Awning Duck, Paper-maker e , -Lifelting, SsiJ Twine, &c, . J OHN W. EVERMAN. ia26 No. 103 Church street . City Stores. 30,000.00 _tr ACHINeRY, IRON, ilkt. IVrERBICIC - &tON4, - All • SOUTHWARK Fl)II/SiDillf 430 WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia, _ NAMUR/WT(94E • STEAM ENGINES—Hig.h and Low Pressure, aortae'. tal, vertical, Beam, Oscillating, Blast and ComillaPnmyying. BOIL Itt , --Cylinder, Fine, Tubular, &h. STEAM HA.3lMEBS—kiasray - th and Davy styles, and t , all sizes. - • CASTINGS—Loam, Dry and Green Sand, Brass, &o. ROOFS—Iron Frames, for Covering with Slate or Ina TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought [ron,for refineries, wate, oil, lto: GAS MACHINERY—Buch as Retorts , Bench Outings Holders and 'Frank's; Puritlerts, Coke-and -Oharcos Barrows, Valves,Governors, &c. SUGAR MACHINERY—Such as''VaCatun- Pans syi Pumps, Defecators, Bone Black Filters, Burner,' Washers and Elevators. Hag Filters, Sugar and Hoe Black:Ca r ßole mandacturere of the fallowlutepecialtiea: In Philadelphia and vicinity ;of William . Wright's Patel , Variable Cut-off Steam Engine.' • • In the United-States, of Weston's- Patent lielf-centar inland Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugar-draining Ili Glass & B ne:- arton's insprovement on Aspinwall & Woollier Centrifugal. , • - Bartol's Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Lim Strabinis DriltHrinding:Reet. -, • - Contractors for the design, erection and fitting trp of B. thieriesfor working Sugar or Molasses. CUPPER AND YELLOW M. VIVO Sheathing, Brazier's Conner Nally, Bolts and Ingo Copper, constantly_ on' hand and for sale by IFIGNIV WINSOIt & GO. No.. 332.80utb Wharyop . "DILES,CAN BE CURED.---Dll. GALLA ‘GHEIt'::S. CELEBRAT,Rb VEGETABLE PILL CURE la aquick , ,Pafe.illiti effectual remedy for BL D ING, BLIN D'OR ITCHING PILES, CONSTIPATION 01 THE HOWELS:Ac. , Tie application and use of thls remedy, - Mt well a - tilt 4 effects, are unite different from all others heretofore pre• scribed for the abovematned diseases. Its.principal ir thee are derived from Ito internal nee. regulating fhe Liver and Kidneys, and imparting health and vigor to the whole alimentary canal. If Is specific in its action, completely controlling the, circulation of the blood iu the bennthorhiiidal veseela. . - It has the double advantage of being harmless and pleasant to the taste, while its operations are reliable and satisfactory. The afflicted can rely with _the utmost confidence in this medicine, because the great succees , t hat it has met with sinceits-introduction is a sure indication of i s real value. For inward and outward , applications, if used as di rected, it cannot fail to give the fullest satiefActlon. PRICE OF SINGLE BOTTLE, el. SIX BOTTLES, ALL RESPECTABLE DEALERS AND DRUGGISTS SELL IT. " PREPARED ONLY HY B. F. GALLAGHER, je2l N 0.308 N Third street, Philadelphia AUCTION SALES. BUNTING, DURBOROW & CO., AUCTIONEERS, Noe. 232 and 234 Market street, corner of Bank. LARGE SALE OF FREN DRY CH G -AND ODS OTHER EUJ PHAN O, ON MONDAY MORNING. June 27, at 10 o'clock.on four niontke' credit, including— DRESS GOODS. Pieces London black and colored pure Idohairs and Alpacas. do Paris Plain and Fancy Popelincs, Grenadines and Lenos. do Plain and .Printed Lawns, Percales, Jaconota, Piques. . • 40 PIECES LYONS SILKS. PleceiLyons black Drup do France,-Gros du Rhin, Faille. do Lyons Cachemero de Sole, colored and Fancy Silks. SHAWLS, CLOAKS, &c. Paris Broche Border Stella, Mozumbiaue and Thibet Shawls. Paris Fancy Summer Shawls. Cloaks Scarfs, &c. VERY ATTRACTIVE OFFERING or LACE GOODS. Rich and high cost real Llama Lace Shawn], Jackotd, Fungoid, &c; Also , real Thread Laces, Pointed and Coiffures, new designs, just imported. Aldo SPECIAL AND CLOSING SALE OF RIBBONS AND MILLINERY GOODS, FOR SPRING or. - by order of • .Messrs- KIITTER, LUCKEMEYER &-CO - the importation of Messrs SOLELIAO FRERES, and two other loading importing houses. consisting of Full line No. 154 to 00 plain and assorted colors round edge TAFFETA RIBBONS. A line of No: 4 to 100 all boiled black TAFFETA RIBBONS. S F brand. A lino of fancy broche and rich plaid Ribbons; for city trade. . SASH RIBBONS. The best line offered this season, in plain Mord. Nos, 100 to WO Taffeta and Gros Grain Ribbons. Alsq A line of No. 000 extra nuality, black Gros Grain. Rib bons. 50 PIECES LYONS SATINS, 22 inch, colored and black. of extra quality, being the entire balance of a Well known impartation • 'l5O PIECES PARIS GRENADINES, of the most elegant brocho embroidered &gigue, heavy iron frame silk goods, fur beat city trade. Also, A Iluoof colored and black English Cropoa. Also; Black and colored Crapes, Tarlatans, Maltnes,Vhito Goode. Trimmings. Embroideries. llandaerchiers. T.Jm• brellas, Parasols, Ties, Fans, &c. • CLOSING SPRING SAL I; OF 2000 CASES BOOTS, SBOEtt,' TS,CA PS, TRAV El LING BAGS, Jct., .• ' • 'ON TUESDAY DIORNINtt. - • Juno 28, at 10 o'clock, on four mouths' credit, includ— ing- Cases' Men's, buiii'and 'youthn' calf, kip and Miff leather Boots' tine Grain Lung Leg Dress. Boots; Con gress' Boets, 'Balmorals; kip, hug and .polieh grain 13roganev.witnen's, misses' and - children's calf, kid, goat, morocco ant enamelled Balm - intim; Congress Gai• tore: Lace Boots; Ankle Tics: Lasting Gaiters, Slip pers; Dimling Bags; Metallic Overshoes, dm. Also Largo lot of Solo Loather Cuttings; "die'd” out of heal • stock; cutting blocks: &c. CLOSING SALE, OF BRITISH, FRENCH., GERMAN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, (01 THURSDAY MORNING, June SO', at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. WHOM AS HI ROH - Ss' S( A, AtrOTIOR7 1 BEMS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110,0IIE8TNIIT street, Rear'entranco ; No. 1107 Sansom street. household Furniture of every description received on Consignment.. Sales of Furniture at Dwellings attonded to on the 'ttiodt .odeonabto terms. Sale at No. Chestnut street. PIIIVATECOLLECTION OP% OIL - PAINTINGS AND ERAIITED ENGRAVINGS, ' ••• ON TUESDAY' HORNING.- June 23, at 10 o'clock. at, tbe S u ction store, No. 1110 Chestnut street, w ill ;be sold, the collektion of it gentle). nuairentoving from .the.fßy, comprising about 100 Oil Paintings of various subjeets, hy Amman, English, Yletaish„ Itaßm a d , Prepoll,artiwis • P - RAMEMENGRAVINGS. Aisq,a,boutPOFT:liiord,Zll,oraNingti and Photographs. They will be open for estmiltiation on Monday, with catalogues.. haw', ~..1 t • • • " • PRIVATE unnArr or MISCELLANEOUS —BOOKS. i r • • vt , Fin N icSDA,Y, nno 20, at 3.o'clock P. M., at the auction, skint, No.. 110 ut - tare°, , Awry, will be sold," large collection gf Miscollanoous Books, Novels, Pstupnlets,, &o Catalogues will be ready on Monday.. 81;713ARR117t CO O U SE, CTON EBBW, AJABAortoiH DIARIEILT etroot: corner of Hank etreet, SEEM MEDICAL AUVAILON 64,1e.* M THOMAS: & SONI:3, AITOTIO ; IirI. BALZB OF STOOKS AND HEAL ESTATE. IV' Public !alai at thollaladalialikt4 TTABDAY,at Lt o'clock. Farnituro aslan t at Alm Avict/ott iikira WSW THITBSDAY. Kir Balm at Butdoncee twelve elmotai_attstatkat STOCKS, LOANS &c. . • •ON TUESDAY, At 12 o'clock noon. at the Phi ladelphiaExchante. vagi inrindo Peremptory Sale to close a Partnership Account. 2100 shares Clarion and AlleghenY , River Oil Co. Sl5OO let mortgage coupon bonds Juniata Zion Minn. lecturing Co. Nor Other Accounhs-...- • 292 shares Central National Bank. 10 shares KonsingtOnNatiOnal Bank. 100 shares Buck "Mountain CORI Co: 100 shares. Enterprise. Insurance Cu. . CO shares Chester Valley Railroad Co. $lOOO Ist mortgagaTvor•cont. Tremont Coal Co., Jun* and December, • - ' $3OOO consolidated mortgage Huntingdon and Broad - - • - Top Railroad. a e : 9 shaies Provident Life and Trust. C 0 ... 900 shares New Creek Co:' ID Allures National Banloof the Repulte.- 100 shares Commonwealth-National 8a0,U. , -, - REAL ESTATE SALE, JUNE 28 orphans' Court Salo—Katate of Ann Kelly and Mitt Tim on ey, dee'd-- TWO-STORY. BRICK DWELLINO, No. 619 Baker et: - • VERY- DESIRABLE COTTAGE, Lafayette' greet. Cape Island, N. J. House contains 11 rooms. Lot 66 by 201 , feet: • . MODERN - THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 818 North Sixteenth street, .;, LOT, Sixteenth street, north of liege. , 10T, Sepviva stn et 8. W. of Lehigh avenue. _,MODERN THREE STORY, BRICK DWELL3f3I, Nineteenth street, between Sotith and - Shippen. TB DEN , STOWY — BRICK DwE LLINI4, ; N0,71:2:44 South Twelfth Street, below Carpenter. MODERN THREE-STORY,BRICK DWELLING,No-: 2122 West Delancey Place. Peremptory Sale—To Close a Partnership Account—r TRACT OF' LAND, 100 acres Woodward Township,, Clearfield count', Pa- _2_ • Same Account—TßACT OF. LAND, 427 acres, .33 perches; adjoining the above. • . VALUABLE. SAW b 1 ILL. Hillsdale street, between Third and Fourth and Cherry and Race. TWO-STORY R C M/ LI-CAST, road. Roxborough. MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK ngsrnaglim with aideyard, NO9. 1621 and 1625 North Fifth.atreet, above Oxford, with 'a Two story Britk Buitdiog 41'00- rour-4b feet fitint. - - ' THREE-STORY .111110 K STONE and DWELL ING. No MN South Eighth street below, Carpenter.. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, ' No. 513 Powell street, between Fifth and Sixth; and tiprixo stel Pine eta 4 VALUABLE LOTS, Delaware street, south el.:the , . Camden and - A Mho,. Company's !suds. Camden. N.. 1, VALUABLE BUSINESS - STAND—FOIJR•STORY BRICK BUILDING, known as the Treaty. Rotel. No. 11 ough Reach street, between Shackantaxon , and Marl- • bor. MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. r 42 South Tenth street, below Lombard.. Peasessinu Ist Jnly. , . • VALUABLE COAL YAIID, N. E. corner of Ninth and blaster etc. Sale by Order of .Heirs—.FOUR•STORY BRICK... DWELLING;IIe,.I32O : Weed stroet-w ith- 2 .-Three-storY,- Brick Dwelling,* the rear on Pearl at. ' . TIIREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING,. N 0,,. 252 ' North Fifteenth street., abol'e Race, , -- LARGE and VALUABBE LOT, 7',4 acres, Getman- • town avenue, Twelfth ,street, Thirteenth street, Park avenue andAllegiu4ny avenue, Rising Sun, having ox tonsiVe fronts on five streets. TE.RICE-STORY BRICK. STORE and DWELLING, No. 3:,02 Market street, with 2 Three-story . Brick Dwell- legs in the rear en.Lndloiv et. BUSINESS LOOATION-254STORY BRION - STORE and DWELLING, N. W. corner or Second and Prime streets, with three brick and I ram° dwellings on Prime . street. Second Ward. 2 THESE BRICK ,DWELLINGS, - Nos. 806 and Catharine St. WELL-SECURED.GROUND-RENT, $49.1$ Wile No 1400 Chestnut atroet • • , FIXTURES OF AN ICE CREAM. SALOON • AND . CARE, BARERY. PLATE GLASS' SHOWCASE, MARBLE Tor COUNTER AND.,TABLES, SHEL VING, ICE CREAM CANS .AND - MOULDS, BAKE PANS, COPPER KETTLES. &c. _ . ON MONDAY MORNING, ' .• June - 27..at 10 o'clock; the ifixturelb'comprislngT:Plato Glass Showcase, marble - top Counter,Shelving, marble top Tables, 4 largo quantity. of Glita — Jata Ice 'Cream Plates. stone china Cake Stands, Copper, 16.ettlys, Bake Pans, Pound Cake Pans, Ice Cream Cans and Moulds,' Tubs. superior Mortar and Poetic, Brass Scales °ad. eightliivery largo and superior Stove. 'Bread Trough . „ . . . SURPLUS HOUSEROLD FURNITURE. . ' Also, Abe enrplue Furniture, comprieing—Walnut Parlor Furniture, rosewood Plano Forte, made by Foam! Sylvania Mantitacturing Co.;. Mahogany Chamber Fur- - nit ure. Stoves. Ingrain Carpets, hand some Gas (Maude hare and - Itrackete; . &c, 'May he examined , at 8 o'clock on the morning °reale. . Ter ma-Cash.. Particulars in Catalogues. • - - • _ Sale No l 2 ra 02Chenut street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENOH PLATE FIER , lIIPRORS, PIANO FORTE. FINE VELAT_ET AND OTIIER CARPETS. &c. - - ON VEDNESDAY- MORNING, one -.29.-at-10. catalegue.-the-entire Finn! , tore, comprieing Walnutand Mahogany Dining Bosun Furniture, superior Mahogany and Walnut ;Extension Dining Tables, very large and • elegant Walnut Buffet, tine Italian marble top and French plate mirror back; Clam' and Glassware. Walnut Parlor Furniture,,suee rior Walnut Escretoire, 2 large and Handsome Walnut Bookcases, title-toned 74-octavo Piano .6 , ..rttionade.by Ernest Gabler, Tu rosewood .case; French Plate Pier 31 irrors, 8 suits fine Lace Ciirtains, 3 suits handsome NV stout Chamber Furniture, elegant Walnut Wardrobe,. floe-Bair andapring Matresses, tine Feather Beds, out side Showcase, large lot Bonnet Stands, superior Re trigerator, Gas•consuraing and other Stoves; Cooking Utensils, &c. Also, superior Walnut Secretary and Bookcase and suit Cottage Chamber Furniture. MARTIN BROTHERS, AIICITIONEBBA 1i0.704 CHESTNUT otreet. above Seventh. Salo No. 1399 Olive street , • • SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, OIL PAINTINGS, CARPETS. &c. ON TUESDAY MORNING, A t 10 o'clock. at No. 1309 Olive street, above Coatet, the entire Household Furniture,Carpets, Oil Puintiuge, Redding, China and Glass, &c., &c. May be seen early on the morning of sale. / JOSEPH. PENNEY, AUCTIONEER, • - ! N 0.1307 OHESENUT The entire stock of FURNITURE in J. Penney's Warehouse will be sold at public auction, at his store. No. 1307 011EhTNUT btreet, at a tremendous sacrifice. Sale commences on June 24. at 10 o'clock, and will ba continued daily at the same. hour. JQSEPR PENNEY, Auctioneer. rf L. Atilikl.RIDGXI & OU., AIIOT/0 1. EVILS. No. am mesKrratreet.above LARGE SALE OF. BOOTS, slm, &O. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Juno 20, at 10 o'clock, we will sell by catalogue, about 1000 packages of Boots and Shoes.`embracing a - large iiesortment Of iirst.class city and Eastern mado goods, to which the attention of city and country buyers ie called. Open early on the morning of sale for examination DAVIS & HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS, - (Formerly with Ili: Thomas & Sans./ " • Store Nos. 48 and ISO Nqrth Sixth street. • " ' IlEir Sales at Residencetrecolve particular attention. Per Sales at the Store every Tuesday 'Sale N 0.39 North Ninth street. SIiPERUOR REFRAGERATOES. , ON MONDAY. )HORNING. • ' ' June 27, at 10 o'clock, at N 0.39 North Ninth street; Ott. entire stock of 110 superior - Upright and - Chest Refritta ,- ; ---- rotors. large and small sizes, manufactured by P. P..; Kearns for his regular wareroont sales, to be closed out to the highest binder. ' Salo at tho Auction' Rooms. SUPERIOR IV ALNUT PARLOR, CHAMBER AND DINIL.G ROOM FURNITURE, ELEGANT MAN TEL MIRROR, PIER .TAFESTRY CARPETS. FIREPROOF SAFE. Ac. ON TUESDAY - MORNINCL • • At 10 o'clock, at the auction rooms, a very large assort ment of superior Furniture; direct from manufacturerit-. nod housekeepers, including superior Green-Reps Suila, klUVOrld Hair Cloth Suits; eidentiiitChautber Furniture; in suite and separate. pieces; Bookcases, Sideboards. Extension Tables, Lounges.. Chairs, Matressos, Wilco Desks and Tables, three superior Fireproofs, by Mar vin, Al Riser 'mid Lillie; a large quantity Secondhand Furniture, fine Tapestry Carpets. dm. Ready for examination on Monday,,with catalogues. try El IL' PRIIWIPAL IA UNE Y E STABLIS MEET,' S. E. corner:of SIXTH and RADE streets. mey adv [tumid on Mmobanclisu generally—Watches Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and al; Silver Plate, and on articles of value, for any length of time agreed on. we'reinze AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE. _ _ „ . . • - Flue Gold Hunting Cast,, Double Bottom and Open Face 'English; American and Swiss Patent Lover • Watches; Fine Gold,Hunting Case and Open Face Le 4 pine Watches; Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches; -FintoSilver Hunting Case and Open Face English;Ame rican and Swiss Patent Lever and Lupine Watches ; Double Case English (Warder and other I,lratchas. La- • dies' Fancy 'Watche], Diamond Breastpins, Finger Sings, Ear Rings, Stnds, ,Cc. ; Flue Gold Chains,ritodal- lions, Bracelets, Scarf Pius, Breastpins, Finger,Bings, Pencil Cases, and Jewelry generally, FOR SALE—A largo and valuabte Fire•proof Chest, suitable for a Jeweller ;, cost $650. Also, several Lots in outh Camden,p Fifth and Chest nit street*, 'II A. . oULELLA ND, A UIiTIONEE4 1219 CHESTNUT Street. • Sir Personal attention given to Sales of nou3oholel , V urnlturr. at Dwellings. • • iltir Public Sales of Furniture at the Auction 1219 Chestnut street, every Monday and Tuursday. WO" For particulars see Public Lodger. ~.1 ibr N. 11.—A superior class of .6' urulturo at Private Sale.. . . 1100E110UB FURNITURE AT PUBLIC BALE., Fine Centre and Bouquet Tables. Lounges, Elegant Parlorßookcases. Sidol/081118, Chamber Furniture, Fancy Chairs, Mar; thok pub, Straw Matresses, Carpets, China, Fine Plated NVard, Se, ON' MONDAY MORNING;' Juno 27. by catalogue, at the Copeertqfall Adction , Booms, No. 1210 Chestnut street, will bneolJ.gsplgnelht aesertment of New and ttecondhand''Fitrulttirei of Veri• superior workmanship. XECtrTOB'S SALE—WILL BE SOLD, JJ on the prentisett, No. 66 Haines street', GertnatitoWn: on MONDAY. J 1111132704 187(1, lit 4 o'cloek P.M. at thAt certain two-story Stone Dwelling Mini° and for of Ground, situate N 0.66 IlatniteiktreetcCierMautown. 111-*' house bas nine reonis, with gas. and is inutiesii4toir an• posito the Baines Street illethodietohurch. ' Thu lutist.: f. 52 feet froot.entoo, hy 12.3 feet (Jeep, Rod is well laid out with fruit: time in time order. Sold me' the property of J etteeO t Achull, deceased. " ONOININ LAYER. The premistia..cari Di! ViOtVea,4t aol time kfOreltla `, • sale: - Conditions made known at time of solo.' fmind- dig to posseeNloll. DEWEES, Auctioneer. _lt2l . 3t JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUOTIO.NEEIL, . N 0,4 Walnut • :1 ivy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers