sttit mir;m!p, merI'ICES.-1 Geo. Steck it Co.'s Grand. Square an trerlirbt Piano*. :Pianos to rent. .1 .10. 0013 . 0 , • tniZi• tO • No. 923 Chestnut street. Conrad Moyer. , Isaventapr Blaitufne fiber cg the celebrated Iron Fratne Piano; .hae received, ' the prize Nodal of the World 'e Great Exhibition, Lon den, Engliutd. The hl heft Priam+ awarded when ' and -whet liver exhibited.areroome,722.Arch street. Established 1823 r Money Lipaned on Life•lnsnrance POW les; also on Diamonds, Fine JeWolt-y and Real Estate , at the Insurance Agency. 239 South Ninth et. Jai ILO `CITY BULLETIN. state ,of Thermometer This Day at the Dallona Office. Of ♦. des. 1.111........85 deg. 2P. M. 87 dog. Weather clear. WWI Southeast. LocAL CnOwiinn.—Blue sky is the order of today. For "growing weather," let us be duly thankful. We can'thelp feeling that this is a' reat country. It gets up a Weather" of every grade. The same man whose ::house is i ; undermined by a freshet., can in four hours be icarried , by. railroad to a district parched per b- y vl - i - i — . - v. - z - zike'9lreright country in which one man ban be frozen, dead, and another killed hy Sunstroke,' under the shadow of the samoflag, is something to cause the Aniertcsm eaglellrgivo.additional spread to the feathers in his tea --The jungles of Borneo' and Java are sitiiplY:jungles of foliage-plants intermingled . with gorgeous flowers. The rarest exotics in our green-houses are tbe weeds among which the . tockateo flutters and the dor makes its The orchids bought in. Belgium at the 454:15t Of 'A guinea a leaf, wore produced from parasites 'upon the branches of the forest -.trees' around whose trunk the anaconda: • IWinesbinsself and the solitary • lion stretches - to take - repose. , Of the floral grandeur of those tropical "countries we _only get an occasional glimpse: We, this morning, had one in - our sanction in the shape of a spike orbloona from the' conservatory of Stephen Prib - e;EsiWof Green - L - aneThe - plant • fibula :named botanically as 'the Medinella Magnifica. Its peculiarity is that the under sides of the petals, the foot stalks and the sup- - porting stem are alike in color, what is known to the dyers' as China pink. The pistils and stamina are yellow. Like most tropical flowers; it is devoid of perfume, and its petals aid foliage are alike indicative of the- lash. growth of a region -where the operations of vegetation are checked neither by frosts nor by protracted rain storms. Of floral curiosi ties like these Philadelphia has more than any other city in the United States. The place where the botanist can fairly revel is a conser vatory such , as that of Mr. Price. —Opposite to the Walnut Street Theatre stood a magnificent horse-chestnut tree. It was among the largest we have ever seen. magnificently rounded head wee dressed in a quatrefoil whose beauty must have been ad - inired-by every-by-passer. ,Its trunk was_ ap parently as round to the very core as the mo rality of an archbishop. The deceptive char -acter-of appearances-waslast nightillustratect by this lordly tree. It suddenly tumbled over into the street with a crash that brought a rush of people from the theatre to the-sidewalk- Their idea was that in a row over the delegate elections_ a" mob of people was embroiled. The outside of the lower trunk of this splen did tree was scarcely two inches thick. Speaking of horse-chestnut trees, we may add that a superb and perfectly healthy one, in Walnut street, below Sixteenth; was ruth lessly cut down this-mbruing r because it stood in front of a house that is to have a new front ut in it. THE DELEGATE ELECTIONS LAST NIGHT.— The first'votes polled in -- Philadelphia -by-:col cred men since the adoption, in-1838 , of the present State Constitution, were polled last night. The newly enfranchised Africans last night voted at the delegate elections in the va rious voting places throughout the city. The occasion' marks• a period in the.-annals of Philadelphia. Our colored people were never more jubilant than on last night. The abo lition of an invidious distinction that denied to a black man, even though a scholar and mil lionaire, the right of_ voting, was something that to the mental stature of every thinking colored man seems to have added a full cubit. The -edit of the anniversaries of British emancipation was as nothing in coraparison to the eclat of the occasion of last night. The aristocracy of the colored population of Phila .delphia hold forth in a district of which Rod man street is the principal thoroughfare With the setting of yesterday's sun the ja lousfes of this locality were thrown open, and the female inhabitants displayed themselves at window and door-step, its - if in 'every' habita tien a festival was in progress. The ladies were clad in delicate tissues; some even were gloved and garlanded. Among the lower classes whisky asserted its sway. The craf tier of the politicians circulated among them. putting afresh the bottle to their lips to steal away their brains. Some openly oftered them selves and their votes for an equivalent in money. At the tavern of a man in Dickerson street; twenty-six colored men openly sold their votes in the interest of one of the cliques. They will all vote in that precinct. They sold themselves as a unit. What is certainly the case is that no respectable colored man voted last night with money. That those who did so will rise any higher in the estima tion of their people, by the sale of themselves for whisky last night, our reporter has reason to deem doubtful. SAD ACCIDENT ON THE SCHUYLKILL— THREE PERSONS DROWNED.—Last evening Albert It. Baker, residing' at 'No. 1021 Wister street, and WM. C. De A.raiond, residing at No. 242 South Twenty-firstt street, accompa nied by Maggie . Cade, residing at NO. - 1010 Brown street, and another young lady named Sarah Brearley, went up the Schuylkill in a small boat. They proceeded as far as the Falls. About 11 o'clock they started to return. The boat had gone out but a short distance when it struck upon a rock. A hole was stove in the front, and water began to pour in. De Armond went forward to endeavor to stop the leak. His feet got entangled in a rope and he was pitched overboard. The sudden movement caused.the boat to make a lurch and the three ether occupants were thrown out at the stern. The young men were good swimmers. De Armond, however, could not get disentangled from the rope. Baker seized one of the ladies around the Waist and the other by the dress. De Armond toll him to hold on,that he would be there in a few seconds. The whole party .drifted down the river. When near the - FallS Bridge, Baker and the two ladies soddenly sank, and were seen no more. The current swept the boat against one of the piers of the bridge. Then the rope which had held De Armond fast broke and he crawled up on the stones; from which he was afterwards rescued in au almost exhausted state. The Schuylkill Harbor Police, under Lieut. Jacoby, grappled for the bodies all night, and continued their efforts this morning, but lost their grappling irons. AN ORGAN Critll9ll 4 lt , FINED.-VCSCOD Lane posted au organ at Sixth and Market streets yesterday, and • commenced playing This annoyed some of the business men in That Jocality,•and they requested Lane to re. move. Be refused. Then a policeman was called, and the obstinate organ grinder was arrested. He was taken before Ald. Quirk and was lined. SUPPOSED HORSE - TIIIEF.—GPorge , -Myer was arrested, at Thirteenth , and Callowlall streets, to-day, on suspicion of horse-stealing. A few days ago he sold a horse at a livery stable on Vine street; above 'Twelfth. After-: wards the. horse was (Aldine& by, a party who' proed property. Myers was taken before Ald.. Massey, and was committed fur a further Atearing - .. " . _ DRESS P Ait A IM—Th I, Cadets from the Pen ve ..s'ylvania. :Military Academy, ae!COMPanied: by 'Ott Liberty Bilver Comet Band, made la - parade throcr;b some Of the stmets of - the city this morning. The , marching was excel - the corps made a very tine appear ranee., In front of Independence Hall the cow patirbad:'a dress parade, in which of Abe movehiblits 'were executed with great accu . • . 1)1s ro Ist. En.—Policeutaii City s Prendrir vine, of like Fourth District. w:;' distni l sed, tr,day, by Ptl ayoi t Vox: . ol i Monday 4.velling, be seized awl greatly mal treat el a V(..111:11.) 011 Uressou htreet, attar . _ . • . - • ,L t. , , •11'• ow.''. 013 -iffil - ri•A•4l . l - Yi -PIMA .EDnigEs __.„ ran Rp4ppnx.'—Fratiele Logue 'as arrested,...this:Anoraing,• lirciad ;luttonwoodstreets, ou suspicion of robbery: rhe arrest WS Made in. eorisecinence of a des-; patch received frnm,Frrinkford. Logue visited; he house of JamesGreenbalgh, No. 4505 ; eiper street.- After he b r ad left,, a pocket ., book and SlOO were missed. It was supposed , hat he had stolen‘the wallet and money, Aud i hence the despatch for When enp 2 l timed the stolen pocket-book is said to luivel been found on lus person. The accused will have a bearing at the Central Station this afternoon. • • • TER MILITARY VISITORA.—TheI M or tg - oiner. Light Guards of Boston, accompanied by an, escort 'committee of the FLre Zonaves, this; morning visited. Independence -Hall, Public. Ledger Building, United States Mint, 'Union ! League House, and other prominent places ofl interest about the city. The drill for the, chaMpionship will come off this evening. • , SusrAcrox OF LARCENY .— John liunter„ colored, was committed this morning; •on Sr! Mary street below Seventh, on' suspicion, of having stolen two shawls, a child's , wrapper,; a gum blanket, and some other articles which : were found in his possession. He was nom-, mitted for a further hearing by Aid, Kerr. FATAL_RAILROA.u—eaLIID aged 23 years, attempted to get on a eoal:tratir on the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Long lane' and Mifflin street, this morning, at 10 ofeleek,l when be fell and was run over. He was in stantly , A DESERTED CHILD.—A male: imant, „ mom' two weeks old, was found this morning in the; yard of the Foster Home,. at ,Twenty-fourth and Poplar streets. -- The little fellow was properly eared for. Aeon:Pr:rm.—Patrick Foster, aged 30 years residing at Twenty-ninth street and Hart's lane, fell from his wagon and broke his leg this morning. He was taken to Pennsylvania Bor D.nowlcsn.—A boy named. Wm. Barr,! aged ten years, was drowned in the canal, at. Manayunk,• this morning\ His body, was re covered. '.IJ.IVIaIiQII.ENT TM EM.—The second return of; delinquent taxes under the new tax law wasi made to - the City Treasurer this "morning,l amounting to $43,872 31: 1 Excurtstorr.—lt has been the practice of; Mrs A. B. Boardman to give excursions,during, _lbe_surnme,r, season, to Atlantic City. The uguratwillbe giVen thiS SeiLSon - o'n Saturday;i' 25th of June. The,se exoursions have always! afforded great pleasure to the participants,and; we are glad to see the spirit manifested by Mr.; Boardruan in getting up these delightful trips., They offer a good chance for those, who wish, to stay over btmday, to see the "City by the, Sea." The boat leaves Vine street at 3.30 P. M., and returning, the train leaves Atlantic' l City on Monday morning at 7 o'clock. A RARE SALE OF ELEGANT' FURNITURE.— On next Monday morning, by Messrs:Thomas & Sons, at their rooms in - Fourth-street,comes! off a special sale. It is something out of thei usual run. it will include a variety of elabo-, rate fiiiiiturizilor parlor; library - and — dining - - 7 room. The furniture is not only superbly) made. but exquisitely finished. It is now open:. .uyers t'or examination spect it. P.6arrommtisTs.—Tbe celebrated — -panto-, mimists Matfitt and Bartholomew, appear on, Monday at the Arch Street Theatre. They are in combination with Ilart's combination troupe. This troupe Can do everything, and loore besides. In the way of rapid move-I nients these pantomimists are said to have no, goal. The agent of the troupe is Mr. Joseph: i _Donnelly._ , CONGRESSIONAL SERENADE.-it ,„ oe, ..een by our advertising columns that the many friends of the worthy Representative of the Third District - , lion. LeOnard Myers, pro- , pose him the compliment of a hand-' .ome serenade, at his residence, No. 1502 North: Sixth street, this evening, at hi o'clock, in. honor of his re-nomination. wzsT POINT, The Graduation* Bill. WEST POINT, N. Y., June I.4.—The gradua ting hop this evening presents one of the most brilliant scenes that has ever occurred at the Point. The evergreen festbons, bunting,' volors, arms and emblematical decorations in ihe mess-nail were arranged exquisitely, and reflect great credit upon the cadet de corators. Theidisplay of beauty and fashion is unusually fine. Among the _ distin guished persons present, besides the mom tiers of the Board of Visitors, are Mrs. Grant, Maj.J Gen. McDowell, Brig.-Gen, Vogdes and wife, and Vol. Nankin and wife, of Fort Hamilton ;, Major Leland, Mr. and Mrs. Gunther, Mr. ingston, of New York, and Lieut. Wheeler, of Fort Schuyler. About twopundred couples oc- 1 copy the floor, and the entrances are thronged with spectators. The West Point Orches tral Band furnish the music. General Grant, who was expected on a late train, has not ar rived. The second class of cadets who tender this festival to the graduates;are prominent in numbers in the audience:' Nearly all the "fficers of the post are present, and the bril liant uniforms, costly dress and rare jewelry,' make a dazzling display. The night without is cool, and the moonlight very brilliant, and altogether the occasion is a most complete and gratifying success: CITY °TICE& No OLD STOCK.—We have from sixty-flvf) seventy hands daily in our cutting departments. and from fifteen hundred to two thousand hands making up the clothing in our substantial and beautiful styles. I matters not if we manufacture ono hundred thousan delitirs worth tills week, they are all sold, an the same quantity takes their place the next. W$ receive hundreds of orders daily for our Ten Dollar all wool cashmere suits, and other suits, from all the surf r(muding States, even TCom Dayton, Columbus and Chit imati , Ohio; Indianapolis and Richmond, Indiana and from all the nearer States. Many suits have beet? .rdared from NeW York' city 01 They say there never wi4 any Clothing got up in that city to approach them, either 1; style or quality, for the money. ROCKPILL trl Great Brown Stone Mill, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street. _... _ LADIES DESIRE WHAT. MEN ,ADMIRE.I And this little thing is Beauty. What do wo say 1 likautiful ? A transparent complexion and a luxuriant teed of hair. What will produce these? Ilagan's Magnolia Balm will make any lady of thirty appear but twenty ; and Lyon's Kathairon will keep every littit jolts place. and make it grow like the April grass. It prevents the hair from turning gray, eradicates Ihtn il ruff, and is the 'finest Hair Dressing In the world, and at I I only half ordinary cost. If you want to get rid of Scl. lowness, Pimples, Bing-markit, Matti-patches, etc, ton't forget the Magnolia Baliii,ladies. Loon . AT THE'RIiI2IB! Ayo, look at the ruins of what once were inaguillecut is of teeth, to Le seen everywhere in society. Look I'l hem, and ask yourself if it is not marvellous that sue i estructionis permitted; when, by simply using Soz - :ONT, ANY .TENTII, HOWEVER FRAGILE, may, be vr. - •erved from decay or blemish as long as life lusts? . j I----.- SPALDING'S GLUE," useful in every !miss. ' I A BitLLLIANT DISCOVERY.—" Mercy lEir •,ys SlinloPpeare " like the gantle dew from henven.!'' I.ft A LON'S ITALIA, ON SALVATION FOR TILE HAIN, is ifs viola' and transparent. Gray hair Call be graduated to Tiny natural Aliniie with title fluid. or all the toilet of chemistry, nibble the most important. No Nelliineut. Sold by all druggiets. , _ THE REASON flotinf LiFICES IT Snooki' wife loves to make bread, because it cleans her hands beautifully. To make good bread a good fire is twee's sary; and in order to have a good tire, good coal is hulls- Pensable. To procure the best coal iu the market visit the great Northern Depot of. Afeesrs. blxrcuELL Witenn, at tbe Northeast corner of Ninth anti : Girard aitentte;_aou_theragetitha_Beaver..,Zeadow_Lehigh. Lotter coal than which cannot bo found: ...Irouetakoopor I MONO u vote of it! BAT iini(l , ROBES, bath, Oil-caps anti thatbdr belt,, , for Ladiea, Gentlection, Mane. Misters oild Claildreo, in great variety; tit la loun'a",Bo6 Market El t rert LADIES OF, NINE TAwrit: get their Prone Bowen at Thus. 1K onnedy & Bros., 729 Chesnut street, LADIES can find every description or Corsets at 11 onions' Hoop Skirt, Corset and Ladles' Under•goi nivnl Empoiium,lll6 Chestnut Arcot. I . A Vmv - TINE , CREAM CHOCOLATE, Cocoa Out flavor, manufacturrd I.V Stephen - F. Whlltnaltd: Foil corner.ot Twelfth and Market stre,ds „ A VEIII7 CDOICH---.IIOAWITD — Ab - MOND. erj,l) and extremely pleneant to the teste, manufacturet by Siephen.le,•W liftman dc Son, corner of Twelfth awl Mar etreets. Mllls==tlt ••••• • • • , LAD TEST Ari. tif ARKHD DOWlT.—Our'Eftttirai; viboloitikle . et "k at retititirtirccuicsf;:, _ Thus - lieuiv~lr 8r : 13.5w:112 9 pipettpl k t tiSteet: ' ' ItAROMM3 -17142,C1RD, HATEI,..-7,ThOS, K-, en nedy Bros. are atfering-grqiit inducements tO eine° wit! the balance of their Oa millinery:7l9 Oheatnnt street, CRILDBEN'f,i BtiffrittWlo,. • , in large variety,' , (.)fxery aneat nu iliV;:at • OAKYOUD'a „:" - 72ci'ljitititstrr; Ernsr.ri the, largest linporters .of fine _French , Flowers; ore offering groat Inducements to close their spring fm-, SURGICAL iNsTRErIIENVEI , and , : .drugguits . oundriee. . . SNOWDEN & BROTHER, r I ' 23 13o0tlatighttistreet. Coltxs, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfulli treated' by' Dr.. J. Davidson,' No. 91f1 Chestnut .stroet. Charges moderate. • Amy, THE LATEST STELES' COATING , I3,./qqt , L1A5,1:11 . 7 111 / 8. , AND lirrEartgas For Spring Wears: NOW ARRANGRO FOR PpliiclrisrEcTloN, AT cIiAE.LEE STORES'S; N0.82S 011E13TNITT STREET Should procure one of,thoao • • Elegant and chimp Sundowna front • • , Pait vont .834 and 838 Oheetnut atreet DEAtTrEgs, - 131,iirDziz8at 'Atm OnTnII.RB treated with the utmost - success, by J. ISAACS, IC D.. and Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Nazi his spool ally) in the Medical College of Pennsylvanian Years ex perience. No. We Arch street. Testimonials can be aeon at his 411100. The medical 'faculty are Invited to ac company their patients; as ho has no secrets in his prac tice— Artificial eyes inserted without pain. -No charge for examination .1.N.P,1 1 3.' 1 7 .4.. ..1...U.1N5,_ • • ' Hoi3OriOct tor thO rationotpata Evening [Bulletin. • ST, ;JOHN. NB.—ltrig ,Goorgo harrio-979,000 la;hs D: Trump' Son & Co., • • - ST: JOHN. NR.—Schr Louisa .A.Johnoon-71.000 434-ft, %-inch pickets 90,000 broom handles 640, 000 tattle J W Hoskin & Sono. ,- ._ ._ .._. . .IEIAIti)NIK PORT OF PHILADELPHIA-JuNE 16. Sir Su Marine Bung lin on Inside Page. ARRIVED THIS DAY. • . . • Steamer Fanita, Freeman, 24 hours from New r.rlc., with miss to John F Ohl. . • • - Steamer Ann :Eliza. Richards 1,4 hours from New. York.with Indse to W bo . teamerli L Guw, Iler, 13 hours from Baltimore,with . aides to A Gretefi _ Schr Alex Milliken. Griffin, from Bangor, with laths to D Trump, Son A: _ • Schr Lizzie Maul, WheetOr; from Boston, with Ice to Carpenter Ice Co. • ~ ge.: - Fly.bertjfint Itallowell, Mo. with. ice.o R rackerhocker Lilo.. Schr 'Morning Light, barltill.R.,tto,77,. Carp°. Georgetown.. SOir'Sexal Winthington,Mkite Somernet. Behr Anna Virginia. Lewis, Wi'comico. Schr Wm,t3 'Xhompson, Schr Annie u 'Magee, Young, Bangor. Behr Olio le, 'el Baker, Boston. Behr IL' Itwip,Jobtison, Banton. Schr D Brittain, Carroll New York. lug „Oheeapeake, Ilterribew, from Havre do Grace, with a tow.ot 'harges Co, =Tug ralry Queen, Wilaoro, - frout-Havro de Orace, with a tow,pf barges to W P Clyde &Co. Tugllndson, Nicholson.** Baltimore, with a tow of Largos to W P Clyde A Co. - - • - CLIMBED THIS DAV. • Steamer jameo S Green. race, Richmond. ittid Norfolk W 1' Clyde & Co - _ Steamer Iseverly. Pierce. Nets York. W P Clyde '& Co. Stesmer-Anthrsteite. Green rd-&-Co Steamer Frank. Pleree, - New York, W Baird & Co. Schr Granite State, Burgesa. Boston, Weld. Nagle & Co. Tug '1 boa Jefferson, Allen, Baltimore, with a tow ol — harass, W P Clyde & ' • Tug G Blintehins, 11 Dnvis, 8178 de Grace, :with a tow of barges, W P Clyde & Co. , • Ships Toni:twat:lda, Turley, and Titciiidia,ll.o - Wliiiid from Mobile. arrived at Liverpool yesterday. Ship Glory of the Seas, McK.ay; from New York 13th Fob. at San Francisco yesterday. Ship Avon (Lir ), Macbeth, from.Foocium 16th Feb at New York ycstertlay, with tea - - • Steamer City of Washington -(Br), Jones, from Liver pool 2d, via Queenstown 4th inst. at N York yesterday. Steamer Dorian (Br). Young, from 'Glasgow June 1, via Londonderry, with .360 passengers... at New,York yesterday. . „ . - dßeanter.l3leti . ville * , Baker. Cligiedat NeW Oidemiti 10th: im t. for New York via Havana. Steamer Ell Cid, Nickerson, at New York yesterday from Wilmington. NO. Steamers Java (Br), Cook. and City of Antwerp (Br),. Leitch, cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. • Bark Griffin" (Br), Armstrong, hence via Gibraltar at Trieste 28th nit Bark N Churchill. Hitfleld. hence at Havre 31st tilt - , - Bark Geo Canning, Bradford, hence at London 31st nit. Bark Andaman. Otis, cleared at New Orleans 10th inst. for Havre.with.4l bales cotton and 47,760 staves. Barkentine Faithlee, Stephens, hence, off-Queenstown Ist inst. - • • - .Bchrs .1 P Cake, Endicott; J 11 Bartlett, Harris, and -,Goddess,lielley.,henceatTroYiagliminhipa — timlAttPr for Pawtucket. Schr Richard Law, York, hence for Providence, at Sion ingtonnth inst. Schrs T T Tooker, Allena'and O NeWkirk, Huntley, at Providence 13th inst, from Georgetown; DC. - - Scars Georgie Deering. Willard, and Helen J - Solway, Th.,mpson, cleared at Portland 11th inst. for this port. Sohn. Harriet S Brooks; Love. hence for Weymouth; Archer A Beeves, Ireland, and Four Sisters, Shearer, do for Boston, at Holmes' Hole 11th inst. and sailed again PM next day. le 3, EMOVILL.—MRS. E. HENRY, ataxy: feetnrer of Ladies' Cloaks and Mar,tiila, finding r late location, No. 16 N. Eighth streets, inadequate for liar. .largelp_incretteed business; bas removed to the ELEGANT AND SPACIOUS wAßEftoou, at the B. E. corner of NINTH and ARCH Streets, where ebe now offers In addition to her stock of Cloaks and Mantillas. a.choice invoice of {Paisley Shawls, .Lace Points and Segues inh23-3tarD3 MISCELLANEOUS. TREGO'S TEABERRY TOOTH WASH..— It is the most pleasant. cheapest and best dentifrice extant. Warranted free from injurious ingredients. It Preserves and Whitens the Teeth! Invigorates and Soothes the Gums I Purifies and Perfumes the Breath I Prevents Accumulation of Tartar I Cleanses and Purifies Artificial Teeth I Is 'a Superior Article for Children I Sold by, all Brugge& A. , M. WILSON, Proprietor, aihl ly rp§ \ Math and Filbert streets, Philadelphia. HEADQEART - E,RI3 FOR EXTRACTING TEETH. - WITR 'FRESH NITROUS OXIDE GAS. "ABSOLUTELY NO PAIN." Dr. P. R. THOMAS, formerly operator nt the Colton Dental Rooms, devotee hte entire practice to the painlees extraction of teeth. Office, 911 Walnut et. mh9,lyrp§ pint THE "BARTLEY " KID GLOVE.= L No riek. Every pair warranted. If they rip or oar another pair gieensPEß h P a A ge R . . GENTS', 82 00. A. & J. B. BARTHOLOMEW. Importers and Sole %gents, 23 N. EIGHTH street. ap3o tt rp§ WARBURTON'S IMPROVED, VEN• Jab tilatod and eaeyftting Drees Bats ((patented) in all the approved fashions of the season. uhostntit street next door to th Post-0 co. oc6-tfrp RETAILING AT WHOLESALE prices—Saddlery, Harness and Horse Gear of au tide at KNEASS', No. 1126 Market street. Bie horse in the door. TSAAO NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AND 1_ Money Broker, northeast corner Third and. Spruct.. ,irects.,-821.ii1,000 to Loan. in largo or small amounts, ou Diamonds., Silver-Plate ' Watches, Jewelry,and all goods of value. Office Flourslrom 8 A. M. to 7P. t.lilMied for the last Forty Years. Adwmeee made in large amounts at the lowest market rates. lar'No Con nection with any other Office% this City. • PHILADELPHIA SURGEONS' u/i ) ,- BANDAGE INSTITUTE, 14 North Ninth 74 - > • etreet above Market. B. O. EVERETT'S Tic ISS positively cured - Ruptures. Hard Rubber Trusses, Elastic Belts, Stockings . Supporters, Shouldel* Braced. Ladled attended to by Mrs. E lyl lyre WEDD .1.. N G AND EN&AGEFifiNI Rings of solid 18kartit fine Gold—a specialty; s toll assortment of sizes and no charge for engravingunmes &c. FARR ,h BROTUER, Makers, ntv24 rn tf R 2. 4 elingtmlt street. h,low Tratitth rpHE ,! BARTLEY'? KID GLOVE IS THE L 'BEST, A. .dc J. B. BARTHOLOMEW, analtfrp4 Solo Agents 23 N. Eighth street WATCHES THAT HAVE erto foiled to give satisfaction, put in good order. Particular attention paid to h'ine Watch. es, Chronometers, oto., by skilful workmen. Musical Boxes repaired. • _ FARR Sc nuofuEn, Importentof•Watches, Musical Boxes, &c., otylo . , 1124 Chestnut street, below Fourth., ca l „MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT - LOANED UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, • • JEWELRY, PLATE, CLOTHING, &e.,,f1 • ' -JONES & CO.'S OLP-ESTABLISHED' LOAN OFFICE, t Corner of Third anti Gaskill streets, • • Below Lombard. N. B. —'DIABIONDS, WA.TCHES, JEWELRY. GUNS, Sc., - FOR SALE AT rtir.MAIIKABLY , LOW PRLCES— "r-A-1.342.4 71— -,Asll37coiTtiM3: - HOOKS, attached to neat walnut fiatnes; so that thoycan be removedn it few momonts out closet,wardrobe,, or entry, and again without trouble. Several styles fey sale by TRUMAN' & SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-live) Market steed: Wow Ninth. VOIFIRESTIWIW. 6 7 . R STRAWBE .L ItLES or other. Fruits. wo have ball-metal, brass'. and enamel Preserving Kettles, of FRI ions sizes' TRUMAN & SHAW, No. BM (Eight Thirty-IWO Market . street. below Ninth. . ••• - • - - rL ITTING 'MACHINES' ITALIAN i• IRONS, °muttering Soluscrs, with t:To•O• or three -.prongs ;•Ittifilo, Cap, Flounce, Mies gook's, the Troy and other patterns of Polishing Irons ,• Goose, find Smooth Sad Irons, for sale by TRUMAN & SHAW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-fiva)MarltOt street, belonr•Nintlf.7. rpHE " BART.LEY "III) GLOVE IS THE BEST A. dr. J.ll. lINUTTIOLOWIEW. rp§ Bole A goutis,23 N. El outa dtroot Y E HA VE REDUCED PRICES IN ALL THEIR DEPARTMENTS. eli a m St GAS FIXTURES, &C. 'ENAMEL AND GILT - "HANI)F 4 IIF4tS, ENTIEELY NEW DESIGNS. CORNELIUS Sz SONS, Mmilfacturers. WHOLESALE RETAIL SA LESRO OMS _ 821 CHERRY STREET, PJHLADELI'SIA. We have no Store or Mq.esroom on Chestnut Street._ . CORNELIUS & SONS. m‘.7-2m5 GAS-FIXTURES MISKEY, MERRILL & THACKARA, MANUFACTURERS, Store : No. 718 Chestnut Street, . . _ Would call. attention to their elegant assortment of all I kihde of i GAS'FIXTIIRES, INCLIII)I.NO Gold Gilt, Plain Gilt, Bronze. and Bronze relieved with Gilt. An of which they,sre selling at_pricea to snit the times m - 21 lm • Tea Rose Poplins, double width, 28 cents; and an immense 1316 CHESTNUT -STREET. 1316 ' Variety - of- other - desirable- styles equally cheap, JOHRALGARDNER I FURNITURE, &U. Offers an Entire sPLENDin BART - T T vDENITUREIND - UPHOLSTERY FINE CUSTOM-MADE NEM IN DESIGNS, RICH IN QUALITY, . . - FINE IN-FINISH't BOOTS AND - SHOES; AND,LOW IN PRICE. The above points being well appreciated, induce me to keep these facts before the people that I may continue MADE ON OUR IMPROVED LASTS, to receive their patronage. - promising prompt attention to all orders entrusted to me. ,e5-w fmrp tl rahl Insuring Comfort, Beauty and Durability. 1\ • 33 South Sixth Street, • • .ABOVE CHESTNUT. del3-m w f lyre REFRIGERATORS, &C SELF-VENTILATING REFRIGERATORS. E. S. FARSON & .00'. 9 S Are the Chaaimiit and Most Reliable in the market, and will keep Meats, Vegetables, Fruits, Jlilk and,Butter Longer, Drier and Colder, WITH LESS ICE, than' any other Refrigerator in use. Wholesale and retail, ut the Old Stand, No. 220 DOCK *MEET, Below Walnut. jol4-6t rtt§ 1101.1SE;FU11NEgffiNG -0:150DS;-&C; Fifteen hundred sold and the demand increasing. ,„ Fifteen hundred sold and the demand increasing. Fifteen hundred Bold' and the demand increasing. THE GRE'AT KING WASH - EAR. Fifteen hundred sold within four months. THE BEST, CHEAPEST, MOST DURABLE AND ECONOMICAL WASHING MACHINE: : - GENERAL AGENTS, , •J. H. ,COYLE & CO. Wooden-Ware Dealers, • 516 Market Street. mys3mreg • • AVEVION SALES. JAMES•A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, No. 422 WALNUT street. REAL ESTATE SALE, , JUNE 22, 1870. This Sale, on next WEDNESDAY, at 12 o'clock noon. at the Exchange. will include— ' 405 CHESTNUT ST—Very valuable blisiness pro• perty, above 4th at., thremstoty brick drinking saloon and dwelling, lot 10% feet by 68 feet. es 9,000 may re. main. - 19 ACRES AND IMPROVEDIENTBGreorwich Island road, Ist Ward. Orphans' Court Sale. Estate of Jacob Sink deed.' ACRES FIVE MEADOW LAND, near Point Breeze, 26th Ward. Bale Absolute. HANCOCK and YORK STS—Valuable Curry.Gomb Manufactory, witli engine, machinery, stock, &c. Lot 72 by 109 feet, Orphans' Court Sale. Estate of William Reach; dee'd. SECOND and DICKINSON STS—Feed Store and Dwelling, S.'9l'. cm., Lot 16 by 17 lee: Orphans'. Court Sale. Estate of Laval Thompson, dec'd. , • DICKINSON,ST=.ISuiIdIug Lot. went of 2d st., ,16 by 67 feet. Orphans' Coon Sole. Saint Eante. No.. 1412 • ELLSWORTH ST—Genteel 3mtory brick theeliinF with back buildings. Lot P e r k i n-b feet. Or. phans't purl Sale. Estate of John L., deed ;34 and . 636 N. THIRD ST—Very valuable 3.story browiestorio profit rty, knewn as the' ecbaniesh Hall Lot 37, by ' 108. foot. Hale by order of the Mechanics' Beneficial Society No. 1. No 1947 WINTON ST—Two-gory brick house and lot, II by 60 feet. lot Ward. Orphans' Court Sale. Estate aft Ghirking Pool,d:e'd .' • S,IITGIZOTTEI.r DENT—WeII-secured - and-livable in: . silver.: 'Orphans' Court Sale, Estate of Thomas N. Pew.' rose, (he'd. • , • No. 1816'VOATES ST—Three story brick Confer. llonery•liti;irn, and dwelling, and brick stable. on 6t,. lot 17 by 100 16et.', 4 , 3011 may remain. 12 'AClRLSVriltiablelot' of ground , Paksyunk 'toad, ' west of Blond:' let Ward, 'intersected by 20th; 21st; 'nyder, 1003.enn mid Jackson ate. • • • •• 17A.pwitl.Apgx: and ' OXFORD ✓EMS—Tavern stand Lind 41 -8 AL.' 71-feet on Cadwalader at. 70 feet on Oxford at. S ,rlds a good rental. TunNrilicE—Ndeoirabltralto; over , 4 Beres' 1 mile from Ponllrn Sratioil,N.• - ', 114 , •• Vital. PAll9 1(11T.1,a IN CATALOGUES . LUTING MACHINES All aNea at rodu - c6(l pvicea. * ~ ''~t~ t k ___, ~= 400 ARM" 'AFTER.--4-1: . " N., 110 MER, COLLADAY & CO. GRIFFITH & PAGE, Mit Arch ncroot .. _ .- ~ ~ r .:+:+i.'s2. w. c& ~'o':''.., t.. -~ Ks: ==^" - a .ee:w-:y.ud,W..~+. LAN DE L h, MAIM HAVE MARKED DOWN THE PRICES - Ittrge -line-or-handsome • fabrics -suitable for Walking Suits, etc., and are now Of a- ONE-HALF THE PRICE OR. LESS Than previously sold at this season, CLOSE Yards 1,600 75 cents to 25 cents. 1,000 Yards Gay Plaids for < ehildren at 22 cents, BOOTS AND SHOBb. CARRIAGES. MANUFACTORY OF SUPERIOR CARRIAGES Of all kinds, suitable for PRIVATE' FAMILY USE. Landaus, Landaolets, Clarene,es, Coupes, Park Phaetons, Barouches,&c. JOSEPH BECKHAUS, 1204 FRANRFORD AVENUE. rny2B-Im CARRIAGES. W-M:. D. ROGERS Y. CARRIAGE BIIILIMR, ORIGINAL . AND ONLY MANUFACTURER OF THE CELEBRATED 1 t i tltt zP ali Asf rV ROGERS' CARRIAGES' ' 1000 lOll CHESTNUT STREET,' • PHILADELPHIA.. • • find: elegtifit , styleir of Carriages : constantly prOdpepd4 ' • grrEp P. M . LANE, s' CARRIAGE BUILDER 3432 3434 Anil. 8433 karket Bt. WEBT iHTLaiDELPIIIA: kin:ro assortment of .oarriagos of every descriptiou ,constantly .on hand. Especial attention Pala repairing.' - • ial4 sroros BIIBII{P.SW'tSTABLISHED isso.—BOHUYIER & ARMSTRONG, Undertultero, 1827 Germantown avonuo and Fifth et. L. Sc tt Y Llr.R, ttPI4•AY rPi I B. ti. MOUT RUNG • • 6 •t'l ; ,; offering them at OUT THE STOCK. French Chene Mohairs, Beautiful WILMINGTON AND =BEADING - 11,A-ILAIELCOA..I3 SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, Free of Taxes We are offering f 5200.000 of the Second Mortgage Bonds of this Company AT 82 1-2 AND ACCRUED INTEREST. For the convenience of investors, these Bowls sr* issued in denominations of I,OOON, 500's and 100's. The money is required for the purchase of addition Rolling Stock and the full equivalent of the Road. The receipts of the Company on the one-half of the Road now being operated from Coatesville to Wilmington are about TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS per month, which will be more than DOUBLED with the opening of the other half, over which the large Coal Trade of the Road must come. . . Only BLX MILES are now required to complete the Road to Birdsboro, which will be finished by the middle of the month. WM. PA INTER & CO. BANKERS, No. 36 South Third. Street, PRILADELMIL. DREXEL •St CO., No. 34 South Third Street, American and Foreign Bankers: Issue Drafts and' Circular Letters of Credit,. ty.olable, son ',prep efttstio,n in any , p*t of Eurepe,, . TintelenfOotitamake all their fluanolal ita% rOtigemettsto', t4r9pg.h usr, 9441 we, : will : collect their interest and dividends without oharge. DREXEL, WINTHROP & CO:, , NeW York, 'DREitL, • NICENTIMIVIODE. FOR . THE BED-ROOM TLE LATE S T ,frioTATP4 4 . GILBERT'S PATENT COMMODE, . PORTABLE WATER •CLOSET. .TlO Commode •occupies. about the same apnoeas au ordinary Ottoman. It, le han..isomely upholstered and nestly'maile oiled walnut and other hard woods being used an its construction. , Jt la a most useful and orna mental article of furniture; and no honsehOldiurepleto without one. For invalids they are particularly debir• . • able., They are sold by LIEN 1111 t v. isrosio.,t'eo., , 213. 50UT11 FIFTH. STREET. tay23-3mrp REALESTATTE - A . GEXTS FRED: SYLVESTER, REAL ESTATE BROKER,,, 2.0 S SMITS FOURTIS STREET, dolB.lyra CIONDENSED MILK, EAGLE,ORAND V../ Thu very best article for travelers, infants, he. "Nestle's-Milk Substititle,.. Patent_ Barley, Fresh Wit Meal, Bermuda Arrowroot," /Cid. tfouiti Iteuttet'and'• Flavoring Extracts. For sale by . J.AMES SaINN, ki:W corner Broad nod Spruce streets . . reduce,d
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